Africa and the First World War PROGRAMME


Africa and the First World War PROGRAMME
1st Annual Meeting
International Network for the Study of Africa and the Great War
Africa and the First World War
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, I&D Building,
Room, Multipurpose 2 [Multiusos 2]
11-12 July 2013
Day 1st Thursday, 11th of July 2013
Panel I - Africa and the First World War
Chair: Ana Paula Pires
1. Anne Samson (Great War in East Africa Association), World War 1 in Africa: South Africa
and its neighbours
2. Brian Digre (Elon University), The Scramble renewed: Allied war aims toward Africa (19141918)
3. Cláudio Forjaz (Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil), O combate não
convencional na África durante a I Guerra Mundial
4. Donald Omagu (City University of New York – CUNY), “Globalization of conflicts”: a
discourse of the dispute of empires in Africa and the Great War of 1914-1918
16,30 Break
Panel II - Portugal, war and dispute
Chair: Aniceto Afonso
1. Jakob Zollmann (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin), Unlikely disputes of empires, Portugal,
Germany and Ovamboland’s World War I
2. Marisa Fernandes (ISCSP-UTL), A chegada tardia da Alemanha a África nos finais do
século XIX: da hesitação de Bismark à Weltpolitik de Guilherme II e ao interesse do
espaço colonial português
3. António Paulo Duarte (IDN e IHC-FCSH-UNL), A outra Flandres: a Grande Guerra em
Moçambique (1916-1917)
Panel III - War Memories
Chair: Maria Fernanda Rollo
1. João Moreira Tavares (Arquivo Histórico Militar e IHC), Memórias de Guerra no Arquivo
Histórico Militar: África (1914-1919)
2. Alun Edwards (University of Oxford), Europeana 1914-1918 & Crowdsourcing collections –
for teaching & research
Day 2nd Friday, July 12th 2013
Panel IV Cameroon and the First World War
Chair: Anne Samson
1. Saliou Abba (Ministry on Scientific Research and Innovation), From the battlefield to
cemeteries and reinstatement: a trajectory of soldiers during the First World War in
2. Mark Bolak Funteh (University of Maroua, Cameroon), Magic and war in Cameroon: a
preparatory and sustaining ingredient at the battle front during the first World War
1 3. George Njung (University of Michigan), Soldiers of their own: the Costal Duala and the
Bamenda Grassland soldiers in the Great War in Cameroon, 1914-1914
11,30 Break
Cameroon and the First World War (cont.)
1. Jacqueline de Vries (Leiden University), The internment and repatriation of GermanCameroonian soldiers in Fernando Po, 1916-1919
2. David Aworawo (University of Lagos), The indispensable third party: Spanish Guinea and
Anglo-German campaigns in the Cameroons during the First World War
3. Walter Gam Nkwi (University of Buea-Cameroon), The First World War soldiers as agents
of social change in Africa: the case of Bamenda Grassfields of Northwest Cameroon
Panel V - West Africa and the First World War
Chair: Santanu Das
1. O.A. Akineyeye (University of Lagos), West Africa and the First World War
2. Joe Lunn (University of Michigan – Dearborn), Survival of the fittest during the First World
War: Herbert Spencer, the French Army, and the Development of La force noire, 18901920
3. Ruth Ginio (Ben Gurion University of Negev), African participation in world war I and the
emergence of a military colonial policy in french West Africa
4. Mahon Murphy (London School of Economics), Mutilation for a bounty ? Britain and
German West Africa in the First World War
5. Joe Lunn (University of Michigan – Dearborn), Marching to a distant drummer: the
enduring legacy of Senegalese military service during the First World War
17,00 Break
Panel VI - Home and abroad
Chair: Pedro Oliveira
1. Javier Lion Bustillo (University of Seville) and Julio Pérez Serrano (University of Cadis),
Banwagoning for nothing ? Spain, Morocco and the Great War
2. Bjarne S. Bendtsen (Aarhus University), “Verdammte Tropennacht ohne Sterne” –
navigating nationality aboard the blockade runner Marie
3. Fewzi Borsali (University of Adrar, Algeria), WW1 and its impact on the Gold Coast
4. Oluranti Afowowe (Osun State University, Nigeria), Crystalizing the Socio-Military
Consequences of the Nigerian Regiment’s involvement in German East Africa Battles
(1914-1918): issues and challenges for the Nigerian developmental initiatives in the 21st
5. Donald O. Omagu (City University of New York – CUNY), Fighting at home and abroad:
reflections on the Great War and African Americans’ struggle for liberation in the Twentieth
Organising Committee:
Maria Fernanda Rollo (IHC and FCSH-UNL)
Ana Paula Pires (IHC-FCSH-UNL)
Scientific Committee:
Ana Paula Pires (IHC-FCSH-UNL)
2 Anne Samson (Great War in East Africa Association)
Maria Fernanda Rollo (IHC and FCSH-UNL)
Melvin E. Page (East Tennessee University)
Michael Neiberg (US Army War College)
Michelle Moyd (Indiana University Bloomington)
Pierre Purseigle (Yale University)
Remy Porte (Service Historique de la Défense)
Richard Fogarty (University at Albany – SUNY)
Santanu Das (King’s College – University of London)

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