centro de cie ncias e tecnologias nucleares - C2TN
centro de cie ncias e tecnologias nucleares - C2TN
CENTRO DE CIE NCIAS E TECNOLOGIAS NUCLEARES Annual Report 2014 Instituto Superior Técnico Table of Contents Contents FOREWORD.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 C2TN ORGANIZATION and COORDINATION ............................................................................................... 5 C2TN TRACK RECORD ............................................................................................................................................. 6 THEMATIC STRANDS SCIENTIFIC REPORT................................................................................................ 8 Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics (RSHP) ............................................................. 9 Earth Systems, Radioactivity and Cultural Heritage (ESRCH)......................................................... 11 Advanced Materials (AM) ............................................................................................................... 13 RESEARCH GROUPS SCIENTIFIC REPORT ............................................................................................... 15 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group ............................................................................................ 16 Radiological Protection and Safety Group ....................................................................................... 23 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group......................................................................................... 31 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group.................................................................................... 39 f-Element Chemistry Group ............................................................................................................. 47 Solid State Group ............................................................................................................................. 53 SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT ............................................................................................................................... 59 Book and Book Chapters .................................................................................................................. 61 International Journals ...................................................................................................................... 62 International Conference Proceedings ............................................................................................ 80 Theses - concluded ........................................................................................................................... 86 PhD................................................................................................................................................................................. 86 MSc ................................................................................................................................................................................. 87 Graduation .................................................................................................................................................................. 88 Habilitation................................................................................................................................................................. 88 Patents and performing patents ...................................................................................................... 88 Pending ........................................................................................................................................................................ 88 New Materials, devices, products and processes, software, computer codes and algorithms....... 89 Research Contracts .......................................................................................................................... 89 1 – European Research Contracts ..................................................................................................................... 89 2 - Industrial Research Contracts ...................................................................................................................... 91 3 – FCT Projects ........................................................................................................................................................ 91 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |1 4 - Bilateral Research Projects ........................................................................................................................... 93 5 - Research Contracts with IAEA ..................................................................................................................... 93 6 – Other Research Projects ................................................................................................................................ 94 7 - FCT - research grants ....................................................................................................................................... 94 Invited Talks in Conferences ............................................................................................................ 94 Contributed Talks in Conferences .................................................................................................... 96 Seminars Given............................................................................................................................... 105 Seminars and Workshops at C2TN .................................................................................................. 107 Education........................................................................................................................................ 108 1 - Courses given in Universities and Polytechnical Schools ............................................................... 108 2 - Short Courses given in International Organizations......................................................................... 111 3 - Short Courses given in National Institutions ....................................................................................... 111 Scientific Committees..................................................................................................................... 112 Organization of Conferences and Workshop ................................................................................. 115 Technical Reports ........................................................................................................................... 115 Coordination and/or participation in Infrastructures Networks ......................................................... 116 Participation in International platforms and networks ....................................................................... 116 European platforms ....................................................................................................................... 116 International networks................................................................................................................... 117 COST Actions .................................................................................................................................. 117 Awards ................................................................................................................................................. 118 Members ........................................................................................................................................ 118 Students ......................................................................................................................................... 118 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |2 FOREWORD C2TN is a new multidisciplinary research unit within IST, devoted to Nuclear Sciences and Technologies. Immediately after being created, its first President was elected, in September 2013, and the Vice-President and Vogal approved by C2TN Scientific Council. Since then, a new reorganization of the C2TN members was a priority, together with the preparation of the C2TN Strategic Research Program for 2015-2020, to be submitted to 2013 FCT Evaluation of R&D Units. C2TN is unique in Portugal and brings together IST members with proven expertise in: i) Nuclear Physics & Engineering, ii) Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, iii) Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, iv) Chemistry & Radiochemistry of d- and f- Elements, v) Materials Science, vi) Nuclear and Related Techniques for Characterization of Materials, Environment & Cultural Heritage. As a mission, C2TN must build-up scientific and technological skills contributing to the development of welfare of society by providing high quality Research, Development, Innovation and Teaching activities in Nuclear Sciences and Technologies. The Unit is open to the Research Community, University and Industry, by setting up definite goals both in fundamental and applied research. Its role in providing state-of-the-art advanced training is regarded as an essential goal, in an environment where innovation and entrepreneurship are increasingly important objectives. This document, the first annual report of C2TN, highlights the: i) C2TN organization; ii) main achievements of the three thematic strands; iii) composition, mission, objectives and achievements of the six research groups. It must be emphasized that the excellent 2014 achievements of C2TN members were obtained in a particularly difficult year in terms of basic funding and access to students. In fact, during this period C2TN was no more a state laboratory but not yet a funded FCT research Unit, due in part to the long, stressing, controversial and not yet finished FCT Units evaluation process. So, C2TN funding was based on a IST “survival” funding. Moreover, most of the advanced training, previously in place, has decreased significantly during 2014, due to the absence within IST of C2TN specific cycles of study and also due to the FCT postgraduation grants policy. The evaluation by FCT was concluded with a final grade awarded to C2TN of 23, where 25 was the maximum, leading to an overall classification of Excellent, and an annual funding of €513.144. The final comments by the international panel were encouraging: “This is a very good Unit doing very fine work. It should perhaps be a little bolder in trying to publish in top journals, given the equipment base, but it has good staff, students, and equipment and is fully supported by the host institution. The position of C 2TN in the Portuguese palette of research endeavors should definitely be maintained”, C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |3 The Executive Commission is certain that C2TN members will overcome any drawbacks soon, by being bolder in trying to publish in top journals, by implementing new cycles of study and by profiting from the HORIZON 2020 opportunities. The Executive Commission would like to finish with a special thanks to all C 2TN members by their efforts and contributions to the Strategic Program. In this long process, the Thematic Strand and Research Group Leaders have had a remarkable role allowing the establishment of a real bottom-up Strategic Program, with recognized scientific quality and specificity unique in Portugal. C2TN Executive Commission Isabel Rego Santos – President Nuno Barradas – Vice – President João Paulo Leal (Vogal) C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |4 C2TN ORGANIZATION and COORDINATION Considering the complementary know – how, common interests and facilities, the C2TN members are organized in six Research Groups: Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (RS), Radiological Protection and Safety (PSR), Radiation, Elements and Isotopes (REI), Nuclear Engineering and Techniques (NET), f-Element Chemistry (QEf) and Solid State (ES). For the period 2015-2020, the 6 groups of scientists will converge and collaborate on 3 main Thematic Strands (TS): i) ii) iii) Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics (RSHP) with applications in the Biomedical Sciences and Medicine; Earth Systems, Radioactivity and Cultural Heritage (ESRCH), with applications in Environmental Sciences; Advanced Materials (AM), with applications in Engineering and Material Science. Scheme 1 shows the C2TN research groups and their contribution to the three Thematic Strands. Within these TS the role of the groups is well established and the overall research objectives are in line and nicely intersect with the EU Horizon 2020 initiative. Research Groups Thematic Strands The Research Group Coordinators are: RS - Isabel Rego Santos until October and António Rocha Paulo since November; RPS – Pedro Vaz; REI – Maria de Fátima Araújo; NET – Nuno Pessoa Barradas; QEf – Joaquim Marçalo; ES – Manuel Leite de Almeida. The Thematic Strands Coordinators are: RSHP - Isabel Rego Santos; ESRCH - Maria Isabel Prudêncio; AM - Manuel Leite de Almeida. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |5 C2TN TRACK RECORD The number of C2TN researchers, peer – reviewed publications, impact factor, and PhD and MSc theses completed are given for 2014 and compared with the corresponding values in previous years. Researchers Integrated PhD students # researchers 80 60 40 20 0 2012 2013 Year 2014 200 Publications 150 100 50 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year Cumulative Impact factor 500 400 300 200 100 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |6 Average Impact factor 3 2 1 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year 10 PhD completed 8 6 4 2 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year 25 MSc completed 20 15 10 5 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year 1 The red line is the average between 2008 - 2012. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |7 THEMATIC STRANDS SCIENTIFIC REPORT C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |8 Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics (RSHP) During 2014, the C2TN members integrating this TS performed their research activities on: i) validation and functional characterization of disease and radiation exposure biomarkers; ii) design, synthesis and pre-clinical evaluation of novel radioactive tools for molecular imaging and theranostic applications; iii) biological effects of IR and mechanisms of action and iv) IR dosimetry in medical applications for novel and emerging diagnostic and therapy techniques. During 2014, the scientific output of the RSHP team was: 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals; 2 book chapters; 37 proceedings; xxx Invited lectures; yyy participation in conferences; 4 Phd; 6 MSc and 4 graduation completed theses. The team research has been supported by European (12), FCT (12) and bilateral projects (2). The team has participated and/or organized conferences (4), workshops (1), international training courses (2) and lectured at the University of Lisbon (Faculty of Sciences and Instituto Superior Técnico, Faculty of Pharmacy) and at the Polytechnical Institute. During 2014 the team has also prepared and submitted several common projects under the calls: FCT, CERN-FCT, and Horizon 2020. Some examples of the scientific research performed, related with the design of nuclear tools, biological effect of ionizing radiation and dosimetry, are given below: Nanoconstructs Targeted Delivery of Radionuclides Nanoconstructs for targeted delivery of radionuclides have been designed, synthesized and evaluated in vitro and in vivo. From these nanoplatforms, decorated with different metal building blocks and targeting agents, gold nanoparticles (AuNps) functionalized with DOTA and a BBN derivative must be referred. These compounds have shown promising results: high in vitro/in vivo stability, high cellular internalization in GRPr-positive PC3 cells, and significant tumor uptake.1 Their interest for the design of multimodal tools for cancer theranostics is being explored. 1 . F. Silva et al. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 3281-3284. Biological Effects of IR: An in situ protocol, using CHO-K1 cell line for chromosomal aberration and cytokinesis blocked micronucleus assays, was established. With this protocol metaphases and binucleated cells can be simultaneously observed and it is also possible to distinguish between 1 st and 2nd division metaphases. This biological assay allows the assessment of the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation and was developed within the BioQuaRT Project.2 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 Page |9 st nd (M1 – 1 division metaphase; M2 – 2 division metaphase; BN – binucleated cell; BN+1MN – binucleated cells with one micronucleus) 2 C. Patrono, O. Monteiro Gil, et al. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, submitted Molecular Carriers for Theranostics: Several molecular compounds bearing 99mTc, 67/68Ga, 64Cu, 111In or 125I have been designed and evaluated for targeting important disease biomarkers. Moreover, heterobimetallic complexes combining a cytotoxic unit (Ru(II)) and a radionuclide (153Sm(III)) have also been prepared and evaluated in vivo . Their favorable biodistribution makes this family of compounds interesting to explore the synergism between chemo and radiotherapy.3 3 M. P. Campello et al., Chem Med Chem, 2014, 9, 1567-1573 IR DOSIMETRY: Micro and nanodosimetry and dosimetry in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy have been performed. The impact of treating left breast cancer using 4 different radiation therapy (RT) photon techniques and their effects on wholebreast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues was studied using by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation techniques. The overall results confirm the outstanding predictive power in the calculation of dose distributions using MC simulation techniques in RT treatment planning system.4 4 C. Borges et al., Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, 2014,30, 160-170. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 10 Earth Systems, Radioactivity and Cultural Heritage (ESRCH) During 2014, the C2TN members integrating this TS performed their research activities on: i) Environmental radioactivity & radioecology; ii) Geoprocesses, strategic geological resources and global change; iii) Environment and new energy sources - anthropogenic impact, evaluation, treatment and recycling, and iv) Cultural heritage – materials and contexts - enhancement and preservation. During 2014, the scientific output of the ESRCH team was: 46 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 4 book chapters, 33 proceedings, 3 Invited lectures, 49 contributed talks in conferences, 3 Phd´s, 4 MSc´s and 4 graduated completed theses. The team research has been supported by European (3), FCT (17), IAEA (5), industrial research contracts (4) and research contracts/services (3). The team has participated and/or organized conferences (1), workshops and national (2) or international (2) training courses and lectured at Universities and Polytechnical Schools, and scientific committees (13). During 2014 the team has also prepared and submitted several common projects under the calls: FCT in all scientific domains, ERA-MIN Joint Call and Horizon 2020. Examples of the scientific research performed: Assessment of radioactivity in Tejo River sediments and Robotics solutions in support of environmental activities Log of mean activity (Bq kg-1) 3,5 3 A CTIVITY DISTRIBUTION OF NATURAL AND 2,5 ANTHROPOGENIC RADIONUCLIDES IN SEDIMENTS OF THE 2 T EJO R IVER . A N INCREASE OF R A , R A , CS AND 40 A DECREASE OF K OF THE ACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS 228 226 137 WITH THE DECREASING SEDIMENT PARTICLES SIZE WERE 1,5 FOUND 1 1 . 0,5 0 VVR V -0,5 U NMANNED TERRESTRIAL VEHICLE DESIGNED FOR NAVIGATION , MONITORING AND SAMPLING ON ESTUARINE MUDFLATS ( BY INTROSYS). T HE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING FOR RADIOLOGICAL AND HEAVY METAL MONITORING ARE DEFINED BY THE END USER 1 IST. Madruga et al., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2014, 132, 65-72 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 11 Environmental isotopes as tracers of groundwater salinization origin Stable isotopes provided an effective label in the identification groundwater salinization and mixing processes, to enable tracing of sea water actual intrusion (Algarve – south Portugal). In the Portimão–Estombar zone, the isotopic (δ18O and δ2H), physical (electrical conductivity), and chemical parameters (e.g. Cl−), clearly evince a seawater–fresh water mixing trend. In the Faro–Tavira zone dissolution from salt diapirs appears as the prevailing mechanism of groundwater salinization. Anthropogenic causes such as overexploitation, or salinization by evaporation of irrigation water, appear to be important secondary processes2. Sampling site (Algarve); relation between isotopic composition and salinization. 2 Carreira, et al., Applied Geochemistry, 2014, 41, 163-175 Nuclear techniques applied to ventilation, indoor aerosol and identification of Factor 1 Wood burning pollution sources of schools 220 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 200 -3 PM2.5 Mass Concentration (g.m ) Gravimetry 180 + secondary aerosols 160 140 Higher contribution at night: bakery A new methodology based on passive deposition to assess indoor particulate matter in schools was Factor 2 developed. Pollution sources of indoorMixture PM2.5 of classrooms were identified using techniques of of sources Soil + wood burning + chalk source apportionment in order to propose mitigation measures to improve Indoor Air Quality in Indoor activities at the classroom classrooms. A specific PM 2.5 indoor source characterized by a complex mixture of sources was Factor 3 Soil 3 found . Indoor: Re-suspension or suspension 120 100 80 60 40 20 Fri Day Sat Night Thu Day Thu Night Wed Night Tue Day Wed Day Tue Night Mon Day Mon Night Thu Day Thu Night Sun Night Wed Night Tue Day Wed Day Tue Night Mon Night 0 Sampling periods 220 Factor 1 -3 28% 42% 28% 26% 53% 60% 2% Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 2% 2% 10% 17% 30% Factor 4 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 1 200 Day Sampling Night Sampling PM2.5 Mass Concentration (g.m ) Total Sampling Factor 4 Gravimetry Factor 4 Sea Salt 180 160 140 Wood burning Indoor+ secondary PM of a 2.5 concentrations aerosols classroom obtained by gravimetry Higher contribution at night: bakery (real - line)Factor and2 by Positive Matrix Factorization (modelled – bars) Mixture of sources Outdoor 120 100 80 60 40 Soil + wood burning + chalk 3 Indoor at the classroom Canha etactivities al., Atmospheric Factor 3 94, 663-670 Environment, 2014, 20 Fri Day Sat Night Thu Day Thu Night Wed Night Tue Day Wed Day Tue Night Mon Day Mon Night Thu Day Thu Night Sun Night Wed Night Tue Day Wed Day Tue Night Mon Night 0 Soil Sampling periods Total Sampling Indoor: Re-suspension or suspension Day Sampling Night Sampling INAA and Luminescence applied to cultural heritage 28% 42% 28% 26% 53% 60% 2% 2% 2% 10% 17% Nuclear techniques and radiometric and dosimetric analyses applied to terracotta monumental sculptures of the Monastery of Alcobaça point to two types of raw materials, both carbonate rich, but with different geochemical signatures4. Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Sea Salt Outdoor 30% Factor 4 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Dosimetry measurements for luminescence dating on N. Sra. de Anunciação sculpture 4 Dias et al., International Seminar, Tacelo, 2014 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 12 Advanced Materials (AM) The activities pursued under this thematic strand took profit from a valuable combination of a wide range of complementary techniques existing at C2TN for both preparation and characterization of materials, enabling to address current challenges in materials science research in different types of advanced materials and contributing to the establishment of more detailed correlations between the structure and the physical properties. Studies, involving different research groups (ES, ETN, QEf, and REI) as described in their reports, have been focused in different materials, namely on multifunctional and unconventional electrical and magnetic materials, with potential applications in the fields of electronic and optoelectronics, health, catalysis and energy. The research activities have been supported by FCT (4) and bilateral projects (1), and lead to 91 papers in peer-reviewed journals. 1 book chapter, 3 Ph.D. and 2 M.Sc. thesis completed. A significant part of the activities in this area was devoted to the maintenance and development of infrastructures and research tools run by C2TN researchers, rare or even unique at national level, which have been placed open at the benefit of a large external community through an extensive network of scientific collaborations. These facilities include ion implantation and materials modification by irradiation (neutrons, γ-radiation, electrons, etc.), neutron tomography, several ion beam techniques for elemental composition analysis and the low temperatures and high magnetic field facilities for the study of electrical transport, magnetic properties and Mössbauer spectroscopy of materials. In this respect it is worth mentioning that the Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field Laboratory (LTHMFL), developed by the ES group around the only helium liquefier operational in Portugal, was recognized in 2014 as a national research infrastructure of strategic importance, being selected for future financial support by FCT. This support is expected to help improving its efficiency of operation, allow upgrading some of the equipment and cover running costs. As far as the experimental techniques available at C2TN are concerned a significant development in 2014 was achieved in the dedicated line using Nuclear Techniques (Perturbed Angular Correlation-PAC, Emission Channeling) for Materials Characterization, at ISOLDECERN and different radioactive elements. In this line, run by C2TN staff, the first successful application of a Cu isotope (68mCu, 3.7 min) for PAC experiments was successfully demonstrated opening the way to the study of important materials where Cu is a relevant element. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 13 Yield (counts) Line intensity (counts) Other relevant achievements are described in detail 10000 data b) #2 PIXE fit by the different groups involved in this thematic strand. They include the study of many thin films and 1000 devices cell by nuclear techniques (e.g. photovoltaic solar cell simultaneously by RBS and PIXE); the 100 development of biodegradable chitosan based membranes using gamma irradiation techniques for ZnK CdL GaK CuK InK InL SeK MoK MoL 4000 skin scaffolds and hybrid materials for biomedical Zn Cu a) #2 RBS Cd In 3000 applications with addition of Ca to enhance their S Ga Mo Se bioactivity; the preparation of nanoparticles of binary 2000 intermetallics with d and f block elements by 1000 electrospinning and their evaluation as catalyst precursors; the development of multifunctional 0 100 200 300 400 500 molecular materials by the combination of magnetic Channel and electroactive centres, including switchable magnetic conductors, single component molecular metals and their processing by solution techniques; the study of strongly correlated electron behavior in f-element intermetallic compounds and the development of new thermoelectric compounds with enhanced performance. LDyH LDyH-2,6-NDC Among the molecular materials very significant achievements were obtained by studies of single molecule magnetic behavior in f-element (U and lanthanide) coordination compounds, an activity involving both ES and QEf groups. This was a remarkable example on how the combination of the conditions to prepare U compounds, rare at international level, with specialized expertise in magnetic characterization, enabled the development of an original approach for the study of the mechanisms for magnetic relaxation at the molecular level, presently a very hot topic of research. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 14 RESEARCH GROUPS SCIENTIFIC REPORT C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 15 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group TEAM Name Category Isabel Rego dos Santos Coordinator Researcher 100 António Manuel Rocha Paulo Principal Researcher 100 João Domingos Galamba Correia Principal Researcher 100 Filipa Fernandes Mendes Principal Researcher (FCT Investigator) 100 Maria de Lurdes Barrela Patrício Gano Auxiliary Researcher 100 Fernanda Marujo Marques Auxiliary Researcher 100 Paula Dolores Galhofas Raposinho Auxiliary Researcher 100 Maria Cristina das Neves Oliveira Auxiliary Researcher 100 Maria Paula Campello Auxiliary Researcher 100 Célia Maria da Cruz Fernandes Auxiliary Researcher 100 Goreti J. R. Morais Ciência 2008 60 Elisabete Correia Main Technician 100 Sofia Gama Post-doctoral Researcher 60 Elisa Palma Post-doctoral Researcher 100 Mauricio Morais Ph.D. Student 50 Francisco Silva Ph.D. Student 60 Susana Cunha Ph.D. Student 80 Filipe Vultos Ph.D. Student 100 Viviana Prado Ph.D. Student 25 Elisabete Ribeiro BI 100 Leticia Quental BI 100 Maria Belo BI 100 Vera Ferreira BI 100 Ana Gonçalves BI 75 Inês Rodrigues BI 60 Annica Rosa M.Sc. Student 60 Mariana Pinto M.Sc. Student 50 Edgar Lemos M.Sc. Student 25 Raquel Correia M.Sc. Student 25 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 R&D (%) P a g e | 16 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group MISSION and OBJECTIVES The Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Group (RSG) carries out oriented basic research and technology transfer on halogen- and metal-based nuclear tools for SPECT and PET Molecular Imaging and Targeted Radiotherapy, in tune with the priorities of the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) that considered “Diagnostic, Therapy and Public Health” an important topic in the Life Sciences and Health domain. In particular, the group is involved in the design and evaluation of new target-specific radioactive tools aiming to contribute for the rise of personalized medicine, an area where molecular imaging and targeted therapy are expected to assume a pivotal role. To achieve these major goals the RSG has fulfilled the following objectives during 2014: i) Design and preclinical evaluation of novel molecular/nanosized tools that bind to molecular targets relevant in cancer, namely multimodal specific probes for molecular imaging and theranostic applications. This comprised the study of new 99mTc(I) complexes for in vivo targeting of Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) or for a molecular imaging approach to Cystic Fibrosis, and gold nanoconstructs for targeted delivery of radionuclides ii) Cooperation with other national/international research groups in drug development and discovery, including the biological evaluation of Pt(II) and Ru(III) complexes as anticancer drugs. iii) Reinforcement of its role on the training of students and young scientists on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Molecular Imaging, being a partner of the approved Innovative Training Network (ITN) “MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine” leaded by CERN, which is scheduled to start in April 2015. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS Cystic Fibrosis: New Molecular Imaging Tools Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal genetic disease among Caucasians. Discovery of the CF gene has improved our understanding of CF pathophysiology and has helped diagnosis. The major goal of this project is to apply a molecular imaging approach to Cystic Fibrosis through the development and biological evaluation of new non-invasive, nuclear-medicine-based probes for CFTR. These novel probes can be then used as imaging biomarkers and transferred as a clinical tool to assess early therapy response in drug evaluation, thereby facilitating translational research. Up to now, we have successfully developed a radioprobe (based on the inhibitor CFTRinh-172a) that has been biologically evaluated for the targeting of CFTR at the plasma membrane of human epithelial cells. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 17 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group Re(I) and Tc(I) Complexes for Targeting Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS): Study of the Influence of the Chelator in the Affinity We synthesized conjugates comprising a moiety for NOS recognition (NO2-guanidine, L4; N-NO2-Larginine, L5 and L6) connected to a 2,3-diamino propionic acid (dap) chelating unit. Complexes of the type fac-[M(CO)3(ĸ3-L)] (M = Re/99mTc; Re4/Tc4: L = L4; Re5/Tc5: L = L5; Re6/Tc6: L = L6) were prepared. Enzymatic assays and studies in activated macrophages were performed. MD simulations suggested that the high affinity of the Dap ligands L4 and L5 for iNOS is due to strong interactions among the NH3+ and CO2- groups of the chelator and the polar residues of the binding cavity, which are hampered by metallation. The higher inhibitory potency of Re5 compared to Re4 was assigned to the increased bulkiness of its organometallic tail and the presence of additional anchoring groups. The organometallic tail of Re6 is not accommodated within the binding pocket of iNOS. Radioiodination and Biological Evaluation of Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitors In advanced Alzheimer disease (AD) brains there is a decreased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, while the butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activity is quite high. This suggests that AChE hydrolysis may occur via BChE catalysis. Therefore, specific BChE inhibition is important in raising AChE levels and improving cognition. Hence, the PC3 MCF7 A375 Hela A2780 U87 design of BCE inhibitors is a promising Tumoral human cell lines approach to treat Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. Under collaboration with CQB-FCUL, new BChE inhibitors of the purine nucleoside type were radioiodinated with 125I and biologically evaluated, aiming to assess their biokinetics and potential interest as radioprobes for imaging BChE activity in AD patients. For one of the tested compounds, a high cellular uptake was observed in several cell lines including U87 that expresses BChE. These promising results have encouraged us to extend the studies to related nucleosides, which are currently under evaluation. 60 1h 4h Total uptake (million cells) 50 40 30 20 10 0 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 18 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group New Bis(thiosemicarbazone) Cu(II) Complexes as Anti-Cancer Drugs Bis(thiosemicarbazone) (BTSC) complexes of Cu(II) have received considerable attention in the design of metallodrugs, either as anticancer therapeutics or diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals. Moreover, the availability of several medically relevant copper radioisotopes (e.g. 62Cu, 64Cu and 67Cu) makes them potentially useful tools for cancer theranostics, profiting from a versatile chemical modification of the bis(thiosemicarbazone) framework and a stable coordination of radiocopper ions. In this context, we have introduced a new family of Cu(II) complexes with aliphatic and aromatic bis(thiosemicarbazone) chelators, symmetrically functionalized with protonable cyclic amines. These new BTSC-Cu(II) complexes are highly cytotoxic against different cell lines, and deserve further evaluation as potential antitumor drugs. The synthesis of the respective 64 Cu complexes is foreseen aiming at their use in cell uptake and biodistribution studies. Two Metals Better Than One: Heterobimetallic Complexes for Imaging and/or Therapy Within our collaboration with research groups involved in the design of metal-based cytotoxic drugs, we have explored heterobimetallic complexes combining a cytotoxic entity (Ru or Pt core) with a radioactive moiety containing a therapeutic (e.g. 153Sm) or imaging (e.g. 99mTc) radiometal. 1 We envisage that these new families of heterobimetallic complexes can be useful for cancer theranostics, offering the advantage of potential synergisms between chemo- and radiotherapeutic effects, and allowing the study of the biological fate of the compounds using cell and whole body imaging. This research work led to the introduction of a novel RuII(arene) theranostic complex containing a triarylphosphine derivative with a pendant macrocycle, which was used for coordination of 153Sm. The resulting radioactive heterobimetallic complex has shown a favorable biodistribution in healthy mice with a fast clearance from soft tissues and no relevant uptake in the main organs, except those related with the excretory paths. 1. M. P. C. Campello et al., Chem Med Chem, 2014, 9: 1567–1573. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 19 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group Metal-Based Anti-Tumoral Agents – Synthesis and Mechanism of Action The development of anti-tumoral compounds through the coordination of selective ligands to metal centers constitutes a promising field of research. Complexes based on Cu and Ru with potential application as therapeutic agents were synthesized and their mechanisms of action and cellular targets evaluated. Terpyridine–bipyridine–Cu complexes were characterized as self-activating chemical nucleases by a variety of biochemical and spectroscopic assays. These new complexes present an impressive plasmid DNA cleaving ability, triggering double-strand DNA breaks in the absence of any exogenous oxidant or reducing agent.2 In collaboration with FCUL, Ru-cyclopentadienyl complexes have been evaluated as prospective metallodrugs, with focus on exploring the uptake and cell death mechanisms and potential cellular targets.3 The results from this study indicated that these complexes can inhibit lactate production and trans-plasma membrane electron transport activity (tPMET) in a way dependent on the cancer cell aggressiveness and the concentration of the complex. 2. S. Gama et al., RSC Adv, 2014, 4, 61363-61377. 3. Côrte-Real et J Biol Inorg Chem, 2014 19, 853-867. Indium(III) Complexes for Estrogen Receptor (ER) Targeting Estrogen receptor (ER), an important biomarker in breast cancer management, is an attractive target for systemic radiotherapy/molecular imaging of malignant tumours. Therefore, we have explored two different strategies to develop radioactive probes towards the ERα, LXXLL-based small peptides conjugated to DTPA and DOTA-like chelators, and estradiol derivatives conjugated to DOTAGA chelator. Receptor binding assays to determine the ER affinity of peptide conjugates are underway but an estradiol conjugate with ER affinity was already identified. The corresponding 111In complexes have been successfully synthesized with high radiochemical yield and purity. Stability studies revealed that 111In-ER pep1 is stable in vitro and in vivo. It has a rapid and high uptake that increases with time in MCF/ (ER+) compared to MDA-MB-231 cells (ER-) suggesting a role of the ER in the cell uptake. Biodistribution studies indicated high uptake of 111In-ER pep1 in ER-rich organs (ovaries and uterus) and good target/muscle and target/blood ratios. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 20 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group Novel radiotracers for molecular imaging of EGFR positive tumors The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays a crucial role in the development and evolution of cancer, being an attractive target for cancer therapy. Therefore, the noninvasive evaluation of EGFR status by molecular imaging modalities, such as PET or SPECT, may assist the selection of patients who are expected to benefit from anti-EGFR targeted therapy and to monitor their response to personalized cancer management. For this reason, remarkable efforts are being dedicated to find suitable radiotracers for in vivo imaging of EGFR. We have synthesized small peptides (GE11 and D4) with known EGFR-targeting ability and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKi) that have been coupled to DOTA and NOTA-based chelating agents through spacer chains of variable length. The resulting conjugates were successfully radiolabeled with 67Ga. The radioactive complexes were obtained in high specific activity and high radiochemical purity, even at low ligand concentrations, and are currently being evaluated as potential imaging agents for EGFR positive tumors. Gold Nanoconstructs for Targeted Delivery of Radionuclides Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have very attractive properties for targeted delivery of radionuclides to cancer sites due to their stability, biocompatibility and easy functionalization with targeting molecules.4For this purpose, we have synthesized AuNPs stabilized with thiolated derivatives of acyclic (DTPA) and macrocyclic (DOTA) chelators, and decorated with bombesin (BBN) analogs. The correspondent 67Ga-labeled nanoconstructs were evaluated in vitro and in vivo, which comprised cell uptake studies using human prostate PC3 cells overexpressing the gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) and biodistribution studies in nude mice with subcutaneous PC3 xenografts. The ones containing the DOTA and a BBN derivative showed the most promising results due to their high in vitro/in vivo stability, high cellular internalization in GRPr-positive PC3 cells, and significant tumor uptake. These findings show that these DOTA stabilized AuNPs are a promising nanoplatform to be further evaluated in the design of multimodal tools for cancer theranostics. 4. F. Silva et al. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 3281-3284. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 21 Radiopharmaceuticals Sciences Group Radioactive block copolymer micelles for cancer theranostics Our goal is to explore block copolymers micelles (BCMs) for the simultaneous delivery of radiation/bisphosphonates/chemotherapy to bone metastatic lesions. Thus, we synthesized a novel type of BCMs, non-loaded and loaded with docetaxel (DTX), and decorated with pyrazolyl-containing ligands to stabilize the match pair 99mTc(I)/188Re(I) for imaging and/or therapy. BCMs present a spherical morphology (TEM). The hydrodynamic diameter (50 - 150 nm) and the zeta potential (ca. -10 mV) were determined by DLS. The DTX loading content (2.4%) was estimated by HPLC. The BCMs were radiolabeled with fac-[99mTc(CO)3]+ in high radiochemical yield and purity (>95%) as determined by SEC-HPLC. The 99mTc-BCMs are stable in PBS pH 7.4 and in cell culture medium at 37 C. Cellular uptake studies in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells showed a maximal uptake of 3% at 3 h incubation for the 99mTc-BCMs. Preliminary results in MDA-MB-231 and PC3 cancer cells indicated that DTX-loaded BCMs have a significant cytotoxic effect. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 22 Radiological Protection and Safety Group T E AM Name Pedro Vaz Category Principal Researcher (with Habilitation) R&D (%) 90 Isabel Paiva Auxiliary Researcher 80 Mário Capucho dos Reis Auxiliary Researcher 50 Maria José Madruga Principal Researcher 40 José Alberto Corisco Auxiliary Researcher 40 Carlos Oliveira Principal Researcher 40 João Alves Auxiliary Researcher 30 Augusto Oliveira Auxiliary Researcher 30 Octávia Monteiro Gil Auxiliary Researcher 90 Auxiliary Researcher (contract) 80 Auxiliary Researcher 100 Pedro Teles Isabel F. Gonçalves Maria dos Anjos Neves Collaborator - Irene Lopes Graduated Technician (Ph.D.) 30 Marta Guimarães Santos Graduated Technician (Ph.D.) 30 Yuriy Romanets Graduated Technician (Ph.D.) 40 Ana Belchior Post-Doc fellow 100 Salvatore di Maria Post-Doc fellow 100 Raul Fernandes Luís Post-Doc fellow 100 Catarina Figueira BI (until July 2014)) 100 Mariana Baptista BI – Ph.D. Student 100 Silvia Barros Ph.D. Student (FCT) 100 Vanda Martins BI – Ph.D. Student 100 Margarida Caldeira BI – Ph.D. Student 100 Ana Catarina Antunes BI 100 Mónica Mendes BI 100 Piménio Ferreira BI 100 Fellow (IST, services) 30 Maria João Carapinha Ph.D. Student - Ana Cravo Sá Ph.D. Student - Carina Coelho Ph.D. Student - Cecília Borges Therapy physicist (CONC) collaborator - Paula Madeira Radiographer (CHLC) collaborator - Eva Andrade C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 23 Radiological Protection and Safety Group MISSION and OBJECTIVES The Group activities aimed at: The deployment of unique scientific and technical expertise, skills and competence in radiological protection in Portugal. Keeping abreast of the state-of-art in scientific and technical topics and in international regulations and safety standards in modern radiological protection and radiation safety. Maintaining the know-how, expertise and competence in Radiological Protection through the involvement in Education and training of students in Master´s and Doctoral programmes and the supervision of Ph.D. or MSc. theses´ students. The provision of scientific advice and support to the Portuguese competent authorities and stakeholders in the execution of policies in radiological protection and in areas involving applications of ionizing radiations and radioisotopes. The GPSR was involved in fundamental and applied research activities addressing multidisciplinary, cross-cutting and leading edge topics in: o o o o o Dosimetry and Radiobiology Environmental Radioactivity and Radioecology Radioactive Waste Management Metrology of ionizing radiation Emergency preparedness and management of radiological & nuclear accidents The GPSR staff has access to laboratory infrastructures and equipment and use state-of-the-art radiobiology, radioanalytical, dosimetry and metrology techniques. In order to achieve these objectives, the Group´s activities: Were sustained by the participation in R&D projects funded by the European Union (EU) Framework Programmes, by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and in collaboration with CERN and other research centres in European countries. Included the participation in the activities of the EU Technological Platforms and Associations, namely MELODI (Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Research), IGD-TP (Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste), ERA (European Radioecology Alliance), NERIS-TP (Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery), EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) and EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes). Fostered collaborative links with Portuguese research groups, academia, hospitals and other stakeholders in Radiation Protection, in the context of scientific projects and activities. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 24 Radiological Protection and Safety Group MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS The GPSR scientific productivity was sustained by: o The publication of almost 70 articles in international peer reviewed journals and Conference Proceedings; o The participation in 14 European projects, funded under the 7th FP EURATOM and SECURITY and in the framework of the European Metrology Research Programme of EURAMET; o The participation in CERN experiments and collaborations, namely n-TOF, ISOLDE and HIEISOLDE; o The participation in FCT-funded projects in the areas of the medical applications of ionizing radiation and environmental radioactivity; o Participation in the activities of the European Technology Platforms, Associations and Groups, such as MELODI, Alliance (new, membership granted in 2014), NERIS (new, membership granted in 2014), IGD-TP, EURADOS and EURAMET Group members participated in the submission of 5 projects to the Horizon 2020 EURATOM Calls and other European funding programmes 3 Ph.D. thesis were concluded during 2014, 6 on-going (3 will be accomplished during 2015) 3 Master´s thesis were concluded in 2014 and 3 are on-going Pedro Vaz was awarded the “Outstanding Service Award” ("for his long time service to ANS/RPSD most notably in organizing many Conferences as a major representative from the international community and for his outstanding research contributions in radiation protection and shielding"), by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) / Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (RPSD). 3 Best Paper Awards were awarded during the International Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine”, in Varna, Bulgaria, 2014, one of the major Conferences in the field, with the following works authored by team members: o Catarina Figueira et al., "Paediatric CT Exposures: Assessment of Organ Dose Reduction Using Measurements and Monte Carlo Simulations". o Mariana Baptista et al., "Assessment of the Occupational Exposure in Real-Time During Interventional Cardiology Procedures". o Mónica Mendes et al., "Use of Bismuth Shielding for the Assessment of Patient Dose Reduction in CT Using Measurements, GEANT4 and MCNPX Simulations”. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 25 Radiological Protection and Safety Group Highlights of specific results achieved are displayed in the following Figures and Plots: Novel microdosimetry and nanodosimetry activities were pursued in the Group. Using the Monte Carlo track-structure codes PARTRAC, PTra and Geant4-DNA a comparison of the nanodosimetric parameters of track-structure was performed. Two simplified target geometries have been used: a liquid-water cylinder of 2.3 nm diameter and 3.4 nm length, representing a 10base-pair DNA segment, and a liquid-water cylinder of 6 nm diameter and 10 nm length, representing a nucleosome. The results, for the mean ionization cluster size, M1(Q), generally showed a good agreement (e.g. electrons-left image). Using PARTRAC, the frequency of DSB, normalized per Gy, was obtained for several energies (right) and considering both direct and indirect effects (radicals) of radiation. The involvement in the medical applications of ionizing radiation was consolidated. Occupational scatter dose rate in interventional cardiology Monte Carlo simulations with MCNPX v.2.7.0 were used to study the scatter dose rate distribution, at an X-ray energy of 80kVp, for three specific C-arm angulations typically used for Interventional Cardiology (IC) examinations: Posterior-Anterior (PA), Left Lateral (LAT) and Right Anterior Oblique 30° (RAO 30°). These plots consider both scattered radiation due to the patient and the C-arm C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 26 Radiological Protection and Safety Group fluoroscopic equipment. Generally, a dose rate between 1.3 mSv/h and 41.5 mSv/h was obtained for each angulation studied and a rapid variation of the dose rate from point to point inside the room was observed. Dosimetric issues in breast cancer radiotherapy This work aimed at investigating the impact of treating left breast cancer using 4 different radiation therapy (RT) photon techniques; their effects on whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. The new High-Definition multileaf-collimator was modeled using Monte Carlo (MC) techniques. The model developed was then included on the EGSnrc package of NRC. The linac was benchmarked with water measurements and later on validated against treatment planning system (TPS) calculations. The overall results of the studies performed confirm the outstanding predictive power in the calculation of dose distributions using MC simulation techniques in RT TPS. Radiobiology Dosimetry activities in the framework of the European project BioQuaRT Establishment of an in situ protocol using CHO-K1 cell line for chromosomal aberration and cytokinesis blocked micronucleus assays. With this protocol metaphases and binucleated cells can be simultaneously observed and it is also possible to distinguish between 1st and 2nd division metaphases. This biological assay allows the assessment of the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation and was developed within the BioQuaRT Project. st nd (M1 – 1 division metaphase; M2 – 2 micronucleus) division metaphase; BN – binucleated cell; BN+1MN – binucleated cells with one C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 27 Radiological Protection and Safety Group CERN n-TOF experiment: Design studies of the EAR-2 using Monte Carlo techniques The neutron and gamma fluences at the new experimental area (EAR2) of the n-TOF experiment at CERN were studied using the Monte-Carlo code FLUKA. The collimation and dump system of EAR2 were dimensioned and optimized in order to achieve the higher neutron fluence and lowest background at the measurement position. It was observed that, additionally to the two collimators placed before EAR2, the best configuration consists on having a lead collimator inside the beam pipe. The beam dump is composed of borated polyethylene, iron and concrete. Image A shows the FLUKA implemented EAR2 model and image B the computed neutron fluence inside it (neutrons/cm2/ proton pulse). Deployment of robotics solutions in support of environmental radioactivity activities The goal of RoboSampler project is to bring mobile robots to a new level of functionality, that is navigation, monitoring and sampling on estuarine mudflats. The mudflat of Tejo estuary will serve as a major test area. The functional requirements are defined by the end user IST concerning environmental sampling in a context of radiological and heavy metal monitoring. A mobile robot (following Figure) can be used in the field as a "partner tool" doing the heaviest sampling work, also allowing users to keep a minimum contact with contaminated zones in case of serious industrial disaster. A picture of the unmanned terrestrial vehicle designed for the Robosampler project, here during assemblage at the Introsys SA facilities in 2014 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 28 Radiological Protection and Safety Group Studies on the adsorption/desorption of 137Cs in Brazilian clays IST/CTN started collaboration with Department of Geology of FCUL, Lisbon and Mineral Technology Centre, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, to preparing future studies on the behavior of radicaesium in Brazilian clays, rich in smectite, montmorilonite and palygorskite. These studies will complement previous ones carried out with Portuguese clays (rañas) (Project FCT-KADRWaste) to evaluate the ability of these materials as retention barriers for radwaste repositories. The specific presence of micropores and channels in the structure of the palygorskite as well as its fine granulometry and elongated shape of the clay particles contribute to the high specific surface and sorption capacity of this mineral promoting high adsorption rate of 137Cs. This mineral is current found in alkaline media, arid or semi-arid climate and, generally, show high Si and Mg and low Al. Two samples of Brazilian clays, 63µm were characterized for pH and cation-exchange capacity (CEC), being the cationic concentration determined by mass spectrometry. Figure: Palygorskite minerals Assessment of radioactivity in Tejo River sediments Log of mean activity (Bq kg-1) This study aim to assess, through statistical analysis, the activity distribution of natural (228Ra, 226Ra, 40 K) and anthropogenic (137Cs) radionuclides in sediments collected in Tejo River and the influence of the sediment particle sizes on radionuclides concentrations. Besides, the knowledge of radionuclides concentrations and distribution in Tejo River sediments can be useful for the radiological mapping of the studied area. 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 VVR V -0,5 228 226 137 Figure: The Ra, Ra, Cs and (VVR) and Valada (V) in Tejo River. 40 K log mean activities for A, B and C sediment grain fractions in Vila Velha de Ródão C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 29 Radiological Protection and Safety Group Determination of Sr-90 in Foodstuffs by Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) Strontium-90 (90Sr) is one of the main long-lived radionuclide components of the radioactive fallout which occurred in the environment. It can be transferred into humans mainly via food chain and to reach the human body, where through the biological pathway of calcium it is deposited in bone and teeth. A method consisted in prior sample treatment followed by radiochemical separation of Sr-90 by extraction chromatography, using the Sr-resin and beta determination by Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) technique, was used for strontium analysis in food samples. New calibration standard sources Sr-90/Y-90 have been prepared singly in order to improve the response time to report the results, without waiting for the Sr-90/Y-90 radioactive equilibrium. Scientific Metrology results In collaboration with the LNE-LNHB, an air kerma cavity standard for the energy range of 60Co was developed and characterized. The chamber’s collecting volume was measured in collaboration with the IPQ. The inexistence of dead regions was verified using QuickField to simulate the electric field between the electrodes of the cavity chamber (left figure). The correction factors were determined experimentally and/or using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code. In particular, BEAMnrc was used to simulate the radiation field (right, experimental vs MC, 1010 cm at 1 m beam profile) and the contributions to wall scatter and attenuation were determined using the “CAVITY” user code. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 30 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group TEAM Name Category R&D (%) António Nazareth Falcão Principal Researcher 100 António Manuel Monge Soares Principal Researcher 100 Fernanda Maria Amaro Margaça Principal Researcher 100 Maria de Fátima Duarte de Araújo Principal Researcher 100 Luís Manuel Cerqueira Alves Auxiliary Researcher 70 Luís Miguel Mota Ferreira Auxiliary Researcher 100 Paula Maria Carreira Paquete Auxiliary Researcher 100 Sandra Cabo Verde Auxiliary Researcher (contract) 100 Pedro M. F. Valério Graduated technician (Ph.D.) 100 Elin Maria Soares de Figueiredo Post-doc* 50 Pedro Santos Post-doc 100 Rita Melo Post-doc 100 Andreia Pimenta R&D grant (master) 100 Filipa Pereira Ph.D. Student 50 Filipa Lopes Ph.D. Student 50 Joana Lancastre R&D grant (master) 100 Joana Madureira R&D grant (master) 100 Rui Câmara Borges Ph.D. Student 50 Susana Sousa Gomes Ph.D. Student 100 Telma Silva R&D grant (master) 100 Duarte Guerreiro M.Sc. Student 100 Rosa Vidigal M.Sc. Student 50 Joana Loureiro M.Sc. Student 50 * Till June 30. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 31 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group MISSION and OBJECTIVES Research within the GREI team was dedicated to the following issues: Environmental Studies & Water Challenges Effects of ionizing radiation in wastewaters were pursued aiming at the degradation of recalcitrant and on the valorisation of treated wastewaters. The study of the inactivation patterns of water and foodborne virus by ionizing radiation was focused on the development of a mitigation strategy for enteric viruses. The impact of groundwater overexploitation in coastal areas, mineral and geothermal water systems in Portugal, was investigated using environmental isotopes together with geochemical and geophysical parameters. Isotopic composition of precipitation over Continental Portugal and Madeira Island was studied in terms of distribution, frequency, intensity and relationship with water cycle variability. Elemental composition, stable isotopic content (δ18O, δ13C) and radiocarbon dating of sediments and/or marine shell carbonates was determined to assess: anthropogenic impacts and climatic changes, as well as the variability of coastal upwelling (δ 13C) since pre Holocene. Cultural Heritage studies Research of archaeological metallic artefacts was performed by micro-analytical, microstructural and radiocarbon dating techniques to understand the technological and social conditions that control raw materials origin, trade routes and metallurgical and manufacturing processes from Chalcolithic till the Roman period. Studies on medieval glazed tiles carried out by micro-analytical nondestructive techniques to determine raw materials composition, provenance, identification and techniques used. Composition of silver coins (collections of IN-CM) from the XVI-XVII centuries was determined to establish raw materials provenances and production centres. Materials and products processed by environmental friendly techniques New materials were prepared using ionizing radiation: hybrid materials for biomedical applications were prepared, in the system PDMS-SiO2-CaO-TiO2 using calcium nitrate; Biodegradable chitosan based membranes were developed and functionalized to perform as skin scaffolds; PE-g-HEMA films were prepared to act as catalyst support in catalytic membrane reactors. Ionizing radiation was applied for the development of a real time fiber optic dosimeter. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 32 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS Adsortion/desortion studies of phenolic compounds for the valorization of cork wastewaters The removal of phenolic compounds from cork wastewater was investigated using low-cost adsorbents: synthesized and commercial activated carbons. The results regarding adsorption mechanism suggested that the tested activated carbons are suitable for phenolic compounds extraction, although the synthesized one seems to be better adsorbent. The extracted phenolic compounds, obtained from natural and biorenewable resources, could be used to replace synthetic antioxidants, representing a potential way to valorize the wastewater from cork industry. Figure - Adsorption of phenolic compounds onto activated carbon Assessment of enteric virus’s gamma radiation inactivation patterns: substrate effect. The main goal of this study was to investigate the inactivation of murine norovirus type 1 (MNV-1), as a NoV surrogate, and human adenovirus type 5 (AdV-5) by gamma irradiation in different substrates. MNV and AdV were approximately 3 times more resistance to gamma irradiation when irradiated in FBS comparatively to water suspensions. For the organic substrate (FBS) a protective effect was verified, and even at a dose of 10 kGy it was detected the presence of viral particles in an infective state. These results show that inactivation of MNV-1 and AdV-5 by gamma radiation strongly depends on the substrate where the viruses are inoculated. Figure - Surviving curves of Murine Norovirus (MNV-1) and Human Adenovirus type 5 (HAdV-5) to gamma radiation doses (kGy) in different irradiation substrates, using plaque assay technique. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 33 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group Environmental Isotopes as tracers of groundwater salinization origin Environmental stable (18O, 2H, 13C) and radioactive (3H and 14C) isotopes, together with geochemical data were used to identify the origin of salinization in different environments (Tunisia, Morocco, Algarve and Sado sedimentary basins). Human activities including pollution, agricultural practises and excessive pumping leadi to invasion of saline groundwater into freshwater aquifers (Essaouira basin- Morocco and Lower Sado basin- Portugal). Stable isotopes provide an effective label for sea water and freshwater, to enable tracing of sea water actual intrusion (Algarve – Portugal (Portimão sector)) and in the identification of salts dissolution processes(Sousse - Eastern Tunisia; Tavira (Algarve) and Sado basins- Portugal) that may be responsible for water salinization. Figure – Sampling site (Algarve); relation between isotopic composition and salinization Bromine enrichment in marsh sediments as a marker of environmental changes A sediment core collected in Caminha tidal marsh, NW Portugal, was studied to assess climatic and anthropogenic signals over the last ca. 1700 years. The Br variability reflects a close relationship with organic matter (OM) but mainly alterations in Br biogeochemical recycling in marsh environment. Results suggest that climate-induced changes weakened the natural mechanisms that promote Br biochemical transformations, driven by living plants metabolism and plant litter degradation, with the generation of volatile methyl bromide. Apparently, prevailing climate conditions during the Maunder favoured the retention of Br in marsh ecosystem, decreasing the biogenic Br emissions to the atmosphere. During the 20th century, the Br pattern appears to mirror likewise anthropogenic sources. The strong correlation between Br/OM ratios and Pb contents in sediments after 1934 suggests a common source, probably related with the rise, consumption and prohibition of leaded gasoline, and the addition of ethylene dibromide as lead antiknock additive. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 34 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group Figure – Location and sampling at Caminha tidal march. 8th century BC bronzes from Moita da Ladra (Tagus Estuary) - the spread of the Phoenician metallurgy in Western Iberia. The 8th century BC (radiocarbon dating of mammal bones, charcoal and marine shells recovered during archaeological excavations) collection of metallic artefacts from the votive deposit of Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira) was found to be exclusively composed of binary bronze alloys with suitable tin contents (11.6 ± 2.3 wt.%) and very low iron impurities (<0.05 wt.%), and manufactured with the long chaine opératoire (forging and annealing cycles, plus a final forging). Despite the existence of proofs from Phoenician contacts, namely iron artefacts, the local metallurgy clearly lacks an Orientalizing signature, which is present about 30 km downstream at Quinta do Almaraz, suggesting that the spread of Phoenician technological innovations was a very slow process. Figure – Histogram of Sn contents in indigenous and Phoenician metal artefacts Roman metallurgy in LUSITANIA Conimbriga is the starting point of an extended archaeometric study of Roman metallurgy in Lusitania. Beginning with a situlae collection, figure handle attachments of situlae, aesthetically distinct from the remainder Roman Empire, studies proved that they were mostly high leaded bronze alloys, commonly used for mould casting. Some handles showed to have a brass composition, probably due to the mechanical properties required for their support function. Concerning the roman lead artefacts (lead pipes of the Conimbriga hydraulic system) Pb isotope ratios distribution allowed the identification of different groups pointing to distinct provenances, and a lead recycling C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 35 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group metallurgy. Elemental analysis of lead artefacts with different typologies from Conimbriga, Alto dos Cacos, Merida and Rio Tinto showed that the majority were tin enriched (> 0.1%), suggesting the use of recycled lead with (tin) solder. Figure – Map of Lusitania and metal artefacts from Conimbriga collections Hispano-Moresque glazed tiles – Composition and provenance Determination of the elemental composition of Hispano-Moresque glazed tiles (15th – 16th century) and comparison between Mosteiro de Stª Clara-a-Velha (MSC) and Palácio Nacional de Sintra (PNS) collections was performed. The lead-glaze technology was applied in these types of tiles, with silica and lead oxide as the major constituents with summed concentrations between 75% and 90%. The five colours used for decoration were obtained by adding metallic oxides to the glaze although only the white and blue colours revealed a tin-opacified glaze with tin oxide concentration ranging from 7% up to 14%. There is some indication that the tiles collections can be distinguished on the basis of the tin oxide contents (≤ 9% for PNS tiles). For a large majority of the samples, the blue glazes reveal a Fe-Co-Ni-Cu association although a Fe-Co-Ni-Cu-As could also be found. According to the literature the presence of As can be related to a change in the production of zaffre (calcinated cobalt ore, mixed with sand) around 1520, thus constituting a time-mark for the production of those tiles. Figure – Glaze tile from Palácio Nacional de Sintra: elemental composition obtained for the three different colours. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 36 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group Biodegradable chitosan based matrices obtained by ionizing radiation for skin scaffolds Biodegradable chitosan based membranes were developed and functionalized using gamma irradiation techniques to perform as skin scaffolds. Such membranes are capable of mimicking structural and biological functions of extracellular matrix in order to provide good environment for the cells so they can easily attach, proliferate and differentiate. The obtained membranes were submitted to cytotoxicity direct and indirect assays using cell culture methods (HFFF2 - Human Caucasian Foetal Foreskin Fibroblasts) with positive results. 150 Viable cells (%) 125 100 75 50 25 0 Control C2 CP CG CPG Direct method Indirect method Figure - Percentage of viable cells on chitosan based membranes prepared with 5 kGy, compared to control, after 24 h of growth (n=3). C2) Chitosan 2%; CP) Chitosan 2%/Poly vinyl alcohol 0.05%; CG) Chitosan 2%/Glutaraldehyde 0.1%; CPG) Chitosan 2%/Poly vinyl alcohol 0.05%/ Glutaraldehyde 0.5%. Hybrid materials Hybrid materials for biomedical applications were prepared, with addition of Ca to enhance their bioactivity, in the system PDMS-SiO2-CaO-TiO2 using calcium nitrate. To avoid the presence of nitrate residues in the final product, heat-treatment at 400 ºC was performed. A final material containing calcium, with no traces of nitrate, was successfully obtained. 2 Ti0Ca0 Ti5Ca0 Ti5Ca10 1 Ti5Ca20 Heat flow/W.g-1 Ti0Ca10 Ti10Ca10 Ti10Ca0 0 -1 -2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature/ºC Figure - Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) results for the different compositions of samples of PDMS-TEOS-CaO-TiO2 hybrid materials. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 37 Radiation, Elements and Isotopes Group Development of a real-time fiber optic dosimeter The read-out system for real-time dosimetry with fiber optics combines the advantages of a direct reading, with a parallel, computer-controlled read-out, with high sensitivity and easy integration into a wide variety of structures, as a low cost solution. The results obtained are quite promising as to make use of the changes in the optical properties of optical fibers for real-time inexpensive and reliable dose monitoring in clinical applications as well as in severe radiation environments. Figure - Normalized transmitted spectra of light originated from a HL-2000 light source after propagating along a 60 single mode optical fiber (FS-SN-3221), during a Co irradiation at 4 Gy/min C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 38 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group TEAM Name Category José Marques Principal Researcher (with Habilitation) 30 Maria Isabel Prudêncio Principal Researcher (with Habilitation) 80 Nuno Pessoa Barradas Principal Researcher (with Habilitation) 50 Ulrich Wahl Principal Researcher (with Habilitation) 80 João Guilherme Correia Principal Researcher 80 José Vieira Antunes Principal Researcher 70 Andreas Kling Auxiliary Researcher (with Habilitation) 30 Raquel Crespo Associated Professor (with Habilitation) 60 Ana Rita Ramos Auxiliary Researcher 30 Ana Cristina Fernandes Auxiliary Researcher (Contract) 100 Miguel Adrião Reis Auxiliary Researcher 100 Paula Cristina Chaves Post-doc 100 Christopher Burbidge 80 Susana Marta Almeida Auxiliary Researcher (Contract) Auxiliary Researcher (Invited with Habilitation) Auxiliary Researcher (Contract) Vincent Debut Auxiliary Researcher (Contract) 30 Maria José Trindade Post-Doc 100 Raúl de Diego Martinez Post-Doc 70 Rita Veloso Post-Doc 100 Abel Fenta Ph.D. Student 50 Alexandra Maria Emídio Viana da Silva Ph.D. Student 100 Ana Henriques Ph.D. Student 40 Ana Luisa Sebastião Rodrigues Ph.D. Student 50 Ângelo Granadeiro Costa Ph.D. Student 50 Carla A. Almeida Martins Cortês Ramos Ph.D. Student 100 Carlos de Oliveira Amorim Ph.D. Student 50 Catarina Galinha Ph.D. Student 50 Daniel Silva Ph.D. Student 50 Eric David Bosne Ph.D. Student 50 Joana Múrias Gomes Lage Ph.D. Student 100 Lígia Marina Amorim Ph.D. Student 50 Marcelo Baptista Barbosa Ph.D. Student 50 Marina Alexandra de Almeida Silva Ph.D. Student 100 Miguel E. Portela de Matos Carvalho Ph.D. Student 100 Nuno Henrique Varela Canha Ph.D. Student 100 Paulo Velho Ph.D. Student 40 Maria Isabel Dias C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 R&D (%) 80 70 P a g e | 39 Rosa Maria Salgueiro Marques Ph.D. Student 50 Valérie Augustyns Ph.D. Student 50 Ahmad Baklouti M.Sc. Student 20 Joana Silva M.Sc. Student 100 João Lino M.Sc. Student 100 Ricardo Teixeira M.Sc. Student 50 Tiago Faria B.Sc. Student 100 Paulo Carvalho B.Sc. Student 100 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 40 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group MISSION and OBJECTIVES The Nuclear Engineering and Techniques (NET) group has a strong expertise in nuclear physics and engineering and nuclear analytical techniques (NAT). Nuclear techniques and engineering methods acquired in the Portuguese Research Reactor (RPI) are used to solve a wide range of fundamental and applied problems, from the search for dark matter to dynamical structural analysis in components of nuclear power plants. Non-destructive and micro-invasive NATs are applied to the study of environmental samples cultural heritage objects, and advanced materials, using neutrons, radioactive nuclei and ion beams as probes. NET is also involved in theoretical modelling and measurement of nuclear and atomic parameters and data interpretation of reactions involving stable and exotic radioactive nuclei. Dynamical problems of mechanical components in nuclear facilities are addressed, with emphasis on vibratory and acoustical problems stemming from flow-structure interaction and nonlinear dynamics. Projects of more fundamental nature have led to the development of new analysis techniques in nonlinear dynamics. Several NATs are used by the NET group, such as Neutron Activation Analysis, Emission Channeling (EC), Perturbed Angular Correlations (PAC), Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), frequently complemented by other ion beam analysis techniques and X-Ray Diffraction. Their combined use leads to major added value in advanced materials, cultural heritage, geo-resources and environmental studies. NET routinely uses the RPI and the accelerators at CTN. It also has EC and PAC equipment based at CERN, accessible for collaborations with other Portuguese and international partners, with a strong focus on materials science studies using radioisotopes produced at the ISOLDE facility. NET does multidisciplinary and international research in nuclear and atomic physics with stable and radioactive isotopes, with participation in international radioactive beam facilities such as GSI and RIKEN, RCNP, including Fundamental Nuclear Physics aiming a deep understanding of nuclear interaction and in frontier research PIXE equipment for materials characterization and fundamental research on atomic physics. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 41 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS th Neutron tomography of 18 century beeswax statuettes of St. Francis Neutron tomography was used to clarify aspects related with the manufacturing process of 18th century beeswax statuettes of St. Francis. Beeswax, as a hydrogen-rich material, attenuates significantly thermal neutrons. While the thicker parts of the statuettes were opaque, several internal features could be explored, putting into evidence Ortho-slices of the color-coded images obtained by different densities of wax. From these, it neutron tomography of the head of a St. Francis statuette was possible to infer the theory on the and produced from the reconstruction process. casting technique à la volée in which a different density between the outer wall and the core is observed. Also, a spotty darker structure observed at torso-level suggests that the wax used for the core did not consolidate homogeneously, not only due to the presence of fillings but also to the potential formation of air bubbles at the pouring stage. It was also possible to measure accurately the size of a wooden tenon used to fix the head of the statuettes, clearly separating it from the surrounding wax. data fit Line intensity (counts) High resolution, high energy PIXE A pure uranium oxide target was irradiated using proton, carbon and oxygen beams at the high resolution, high energy PIXE end station of the 3MV Tandetron. The visible changes in the emission spectra are due to multi-ionization effects that depend significantly in chemical bonding. Carbon and Oxygen beams were produced at C2TN for the first time in 2014 and the software to handle these type of complex data was also developed by ETN in 2014 In-depth elemental characterization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells Thin films based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 are used as absorber cells in b) #2 PIXE 10000 photovoltaic devices. In and Ga graded depth profiles are designed to optimize the solar cell performance. Simultaneous 1000 4 RBS and PIXE with 3 MeV He ions were used in conjunction to 100 determine the depth profile of all the heavy elements in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorbers and complete solar cells. The data were ZnK CdL GaK CuK 4000 analyzed synergistically, and an uncertainty analysis was done, a) #2 RBS 3000 probing the sensitivity of the analysis to different 2000 assumptions.The analytical possibilities of the combine RBS/PIXE alpha beam measurements was discussed and 1000 critically assessed. 0 InK InL Yield (counts) 100 200 SeK MoK MoL Cu In Ga Se 300 400 Zn Cd S Mo 500 Channel C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 42 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group The new PAC Probe 68mCu/68Cu; Emission Channeling beam times In December 2014 the first application of an isotope of Cu for perturbed angular correlation experiments (PAC) was achieved using the nuclear probe 68mCu (3.7 min). Measuring both magnetic (in cobalt and nickel) and quadrupole interactions (in Cu2O) from the 7.8 ns half-life, 84 keV 2+ intermediate-state of 68Cu, we have proven its feasibility for PAC experiments, e.g. in materials science and bio-systems. These measurements were performed on-line at the ISOLDE VITO beam-line and only have become possible due to the use of our digital PAC setup (DIGIPAC) equipped with LaBr3 detectors with excellent time (600 ps) and gamma ray energy (4% at 511 keV) -resolutions. With respect to Emission Channeling (EC) lattice location experiments, on-line beam times were performed using the isotopes 56Mn (t1/2=2.5 h) and 27Mg (9.5 min). Among the highlights is the first use for EC experiments of a Ga0.94Mn0.06As dilute magnetic semiconductor sample produced by ion implantation and pulsed laser melting (PLM) at HZDR Dresden-Rossendorf, as well as lowtemperature measurements of the lattice location of 27Mg in GaN at 50 K. Dynamical responses of flow-excited tubes In collaboration with CEA-Saclay (France), a new method was developed for generating, from the spectral and spatial parameters of turbulent flow excitations, time-domain random excitations suitable for performing representative nonlinear numerical simulations of the dynamical responses of flow-excited tubes with multiple clearance supports. This technique, which is anchored in a sound physical basis and can effectively deal with non-uniform turbulent flows displaying significant changes in their spatial excitation properties, is faster than the standard generation method by two orders of magnitude. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 43 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group New excitation generation method performance for a steamgenerator multi-supported tube subjected to turbulent flow, showing a sample response generated using the reference Shinozuka technique and the developed method, which leads to the same results but is much faster. SIMPLE (Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLe Experiments) SIMPLE is one of only three superheated liquid (SHL) detector experiments worldwide in search of evidence of astroparticle dark matter (WIMPs). In 2014, following reanalysis of its 2012 data, SIMPLE reported the most restrictive limit from a direct search experiment for spin-dependent proton interaction for WIMP mass < 100 GeV/c2. SIMPLE ended in 2012 its use of SDDs in the WIMP search effort in consequence of their low active ingredient-to-detector mass ratio, embarking on a Phase III transition to larger mass, higher concentration bubble chamber technology in which it developed three 1 kg active mass prototypes (SBCs) and accompanying recompression systems; these continue in testing..A proposal for a Phase IV modular 1 ton detector based on twenty 50 kg SBCs is under review by the European Research Council for a definitive astroparticle search effort intended to achieve WIMP-nucleus cross sections of 10-10 pb or better. Rescattering dynamical effects in (p,2p) reactions Single-particle occupancies for a wide range of magic and near-magic nuclei are significantly below the values predicted by independent-particle shell-model calculations. We have addressed the question: what extent does the extracted structure information have uncertainties due to approximations involved in the reaction formalism and assumed dynamic model? The proton knockout reaction 12C(p,2p)11B at 400 MeV/u incident energy was analyzed using the few-body C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 44 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group Faddeev–Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas reaction framework. We have found that rescattering terms between the composite nucleus constituents contribute dominantly to the absorptive distortion. The accurate treatment of these rescattering terms in the reaction formalism is crucial if one aims to extract reliable structure information from the data. We have also found that work needs to be performed in the reaction theory in order to incorporate a complete structure description of the projectile nucleus and to bridge the proton knockout results with those obtained from electron scattering. Characterization of ventilation, indoor aerosol and pollution sources of primary schools The project was concluded in December 2014 with a PhD defense Factor 1 Wood burning at the Delft University of + secondary aerosols Higher contribution at night: bakery Technology. Characterization of Factor 2 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) of primary Mixture of sources Soil + wood burning + chalk schools classrooms was conducted Indoor activities at the classroom with focus on ventilation conditions Factor 3 Soil and multi-pollutant characterization, Indoor: Re-suspension or suspension which highlighted the high levels of Factor 4 Sea Salt particles in classrooms. A new Outdoor methodology (based on passive deposition) to assess indoor Real (line) and modelled (bars) indoor PM2.5 mass particulate matter in schools was concentrations of a classroom obtained by gravimetry and presented and discussed, along with by Positive Matrix Factorization, respectively. Contribution of factors to the overall sampled PM2.5 in different sampling biomonitoring of lichens applied to periods (piecharts). indoor environments. By last, source apportionment techniques were studied which allowed the identification pollution sources of the indoor air in order to propose mitigation measures to improve IAQ in classrooms. During 2014, a scientific visit at the French Indoor Air Quality Observatory (OQAI of CSTB, Paris – France) was conducted with main focus on the French national survey of IAQ in classrooms and the European project OFFICAIR. 220 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 200 -3 PM2.5 Mass Concentration (g.m ) Gravimetry 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Fri Day Sat Night Thu Day Thu Night Wed Night Tue Day Wed Day Tue Night Mon Day Mon Night Thu Day Thu Night Sun Night Wed Night Tue Day Wed Day Tue Night Mon Night 0 Sampling periods Total Sampling Day Sampling Night Sampling 28% 42% 28% 26% 53% 60% 2% 10% 17% Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 2% 2% 30% Factor 4 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 P a g e | 45 Nuclear Engineering and Techniques Group INAA and Luminescence applied to cultural heritage and (paleo) environments Nuclear techniques supporting geochemical, mineralogical and chronological characterization has been applied to cultural heritage and paleoenvironmental materials. The main aims comprised mineralogical, geochemical, radiometric and dosimetric analyses of spatial variations in natural radioisotope concentrations and dose rates in diverse geological backgrounds, reconstruction of human impacts on ecosystems over the past 5000 years, provenance and absolute dating of archaeological artefacts/contexts and Micro-invasive sampling and environmental dosimetry measurements for artworks. The research has luminescence dating on N. Sra. De Anunciação sculpture. been developed in the frame of EU, IAEA and FCT funded projects and thesis (CHARISMA 7thFP-BRR-376; -BRR-345; PTDC/HIS-HEC/116742/2010; PTDC/AACAMB/121375/2010; SFRH/BD/62396/2009; IAEA RER/0/034), as well as contracts and services with public and private entities (EDP, IPT). A relevant achievement was obtained with the study of terracotta from the monumental sculptures of the Monastery of Alcobaça - N. Sra. Anunciação (MAVA) and a reliquary bust, pointing to two different types of raw materials, both carbonate rich, but with different geochemical signatures (MAVA samples are enriched in heavy minerals - higher Zr, La, Ce, Hf and Th contents). Nuclear methods to identify geoprocesses in soils reddening (Fogo island, Cape Verde) The chemical variations upwards a buried paleosol found by instrumental neutron activation analysis are indicative of chemical weathering in oxidizing conditions, particularly the enrichment of As and Cr, and a positive Ce anomaly. The red colour of the uppermost level is due to the complete Paleosol developed on a lapilli deposit (Fogo island, Cape Verde) with colour variations along the profile with oxidation of iron to hematite and reddening of the upper levels, covered by alkaline lavas the increase of the size of hematite identification of the four levels sampled (P1-1 to P1-4), and particles as shown by Mössbauer mass balance factor of chemical elements. spectroscopy indicating a ‘baked’ effect by the overlying lava flow on the paleosol. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 46 f-Element Chemistry Group TEAM Name Category R&D (%) Joaquim Marçalo Principal Researcher 100 João Paulo Leal Auxiliary Researcher (with Habilitation) 100 Joaquim B. Branco Auxiliary Researcher 100 José Manuel Carretas Auxiliary Researcher 100 Teresa Almeida Gasche Auxiliary Researcher 100 Leonor Maria Auxiliary Researcher (Ciência 2008) 100 Adelaide Cruz Graduated Technician 100 Bernardo Monteiro Post-doc (FCT grant) 100 Ana F. Lucena Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 Ana C. Ferreira Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 Cybelle Soares Research Student (FCT project grant) 100 Vânia Sousa Research technician (FCT grant) 100 Marina Soares Research Student (FCT project grant, CQE-IST) 100 Maria Augusta Antunes Post-doc (FCT grant, ES-C2TN) 50 Joana M. Vitorino Ph.D. Student (FCT grant, CQB-FCUL) 20 Ana Moura Research Student (FCT project grant, IPFN) 10 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 47 f-Element Chemistry Group MISSION and OBJECTIVES The research activities of the QEf Group are centered in the study of the chemistry of lanthanides and actinides at fundamental and applied levels, with focus on topics of relevance in environmental, nuclear and materials sciences. The activities comprise the synthesis of new f-element compounds and materials (complexes with new coordination environments, metal-organic frameworks, layered hydroxides, ionic liquids, nanostructured intermetallics and bimetallic oxides with d-block elements), the examination of their structural, optical and magnetic properties, searching for unusual or enhanced behavior, and reactivity and catalysis studies (activation of unsaturated and redox-active substrates, activation/elimination of major gaseous pollutants such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, and production of value-added compounds such as methanol). Different aspects of the chemistry of elementary lanthanide and actinide species, namely redox behavior, hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation and complexation interactions with model molecules of environmental significance, including small biomolecules, are examined using molecular mass spectrometry. The investigation of the thermodynamic properties of key species in condensed and gas phases is conducted and methods for their prediction are also developed. The QEf Group pursues active collaborations with other research groups within C2TN, namely with the SS Group in the study of the magnetic properties of uranium complexes and layered lanthanide hydroxides, and with the REI Group in studies of the use of gamma radiation for the degradation of recalcitrant compounds in residual waters and for the synthesis of new polymeric materials, with IPFN in studies of low temperature plasmas for the activation of methane and carbon dioxide, and with other external research groups in the framework of the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (RNEM - ROTEIRO/0028/2013), the FCT Doctoral Programme CATSUS-Catalysis and Sustainability, and the European f-Element Network (EUFEN – COST CM1006). C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 48 f-Element Chemistry Group MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS Redox Chemistry of f-Element Complexes Anchored on a Bis(phenolate) Cyclam Ligand The reactivity studies of the uranium(III) complex anchored on a dianionic bis(phenolate) tetraazamacrocycle ligand, [U{(t-Bu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}I], with the aim of the synthesis of uranium-element multiple bond were continued. The reaction with inorganic azides (MN3) led to the formation of the bis(azide) U(IV) complex [U{(t-Bu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}(N3)2] and to a rare example of a neutral nitrido-bridged diuranium(IV) complex, tBu2 [{( ArO)2Me2-cyclam}2(N3)U2(µ-N)] (see Figure), with an almost linear U(IV)-N-U(IV) (173.1(3)o) motif. The reaction of the samarium(II) complex t-Bu2 [Sm{( ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] with the redox-active substrates 2,2’-bipyridines and azobenzene led to the formation of monomeric Sm(III) complexes t-Bu2 [Sm{( ArO)2Me2-cyclam}L], where L is the radical monoanion R2-bipy- (R = H, Me) and {PhNNPh}-, respectively. X-ray diffraction analysis of the Sm(III) compounds confirmed that the divalent samarium complex [Sm{(t-Bu2ArO)2Me2-cyclam}] is an oneelectron reducing agent capable of generating radical anions and forming well-defined Sm(III) species. Magnetic Properties of Layered Dysprosium Hydroxides In a collaboration with the Solid State Group, the magnetic properties of layered dysprosium hydroxides derived from Dy8(OH)20Cl4•6H2O, either diluted in an analogous diamagnetic Y matrix or intercalated with a large anion (2,6naphthalene dicarboxylate), were LDyH LDyH-2,6-NDC examined experimentally and by theoretical calculations of the crystal field splitting of the Dy levels in different crystallographic sites. From this study, the single ion, 2D and 3D Dy-Dy interaction effects could be put separately into evidence and this is the first time such a clear separation and detailed analysis of different effects has been achieved in a layered lanthanide compound with slow relaxation of magnetization. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 49 f-Element Chemistry Group Synthesis of intermetallic compounds nanoparticles Nanoparticles of binary intermetallic compounds containing d- and f-block elements (e.g. LaNi5, LaCu2, SmCo5 and DyFe3) and the derived bimetallic oxides were obtained by electrospinning and subsequent controlled oxidation (see Figure, SEM images before and after oxidation). Catalytic properties were evaluated in the activation/elimination of pollutant raw materials such as CH4, CO2 or N2O, aiming the production of syngas or C2 hydrocarbons. Production of methanol using CO2 and CH4 as raw materials The construction of a high pressure continuous flow reactor was concluded and it was tested for the activation of methane and carbon dioxide under pressure (max 100 bar). The main objective is the production of methanol and the results so far obtained confirm the intermetallic compounds potentialities as catalysts and catalyst precursors, especially when compared with commercial Cu methanol synthesis catalysts currently used by the industry (see Figure). Gas-Phase Reactions of Uranyl(V) Complexes with Nitrogen Dioxide It has previously been verified that addition of molecular oxygen to gas-phase [UVO2Ln]+ complexes (L = neutral ligand; n = 2, 3) results in oxidation to [UVIO2Ln(O2)]+, which comprise a superoxo O2- ligand. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 50 f-Element Chemistry Group We presumed that a molecule with a higher electron affinity (EA) than that of O2 (EA = 0.4 eV), such as NO2 (EA = 2.3 eV), should more effectively oxidize U(V). Uranyl(V) acetate anionic complexes, [UVO2(CH3COO)2]-, were produced by ESI and allowed to react with O2 and NO2 in a QIT mass spectrometer. Efficient formation of [UVIO2(CH3COO)2(O2)]- and [UVIO2(CH3COO)2(NO2)]- was observed. Seemingly, NO2 abstracts an electron to become a nitrito ligand, NO2-, in an uranyl(VI) complex. This was substantiated by collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments that led to similar fragmentation patterns for [UVIO2(CH3COO)2(NO2)]- obtained by gas-phase reaction and by solution reaction of UO2(CH3COO)2 with NaNO2. Oxo-Exchange of Actinide Oxides with Water in the Gas Phase Oxo-exchange of the strong An-Oyl bonds in actinyls with water in solution is well established but the exchange mechanisms are unknown. Recently, we have examined the comparative exchange rates of bare UO2+, NpO2+, PuO2+, and UO22+ ions with H218O in the gas phase by QIT/MS and FTICR/MS, and rationalized the observed processes by DFT computations. We used FTICR/MS to extend the experimental measurements to other actinide oxo species, for a direct comparison with the aforementioned actinyls. Of note was the observation of oxo-exchange for AnO+ (AnO+ + H218O An18O+ + H2O; An = U, Np, Pu) with moderate reaction efficiencies, while for the corresponding AnO2+ oxo-exchange was either not observed (An = Np, Pu) or rather inefficient (An = U). Development and Improvement of Prediction Models of Thermochemical Properties and Incorporation in the ThermInfo Platform (http://therminfo.com) A simple ionic model developed in the QEf Group was revisited. The model allows the calculation of solid phase enthalpies of formation through the calculation of lattice energy and thermochemical radii of the ions (see Figure) by using a Born–Haber cycle. At the present stage, the model can be used for binary compounds with both simple and complex ions. As examples of the usefulness of this approach, enthalpies of formation of unmeasured crystalline ionic liquids and lanthanide(II) halides were determined. The latter ones were used to address the stability of lanthanide halides in states II and III. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 51 f-Element Chemistry Group Measurement of the Enthalpy of Formation of Europium Alkoxides The synthesis and characterization of two europium alkoxides, Eu(OCH3)2 and Eu(OC2H5)2, were achieved. For the first time the enthalpies of formation of divalent lanthanide alkoxides were experimentally determined. The values obtained were successfully related with literature values (see Figure). Since these compounds have a large use as catalysts or catalysts precursors, the first step of the reaction of them with CO2 was addressed, which permits to have an idea of the kind of bond involved in those compounds. Moreover, insertion of CO2 in the europium-oxygen bond and formation of metal carboxylate complexes in both cases was determined as presumably bidentate. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 52 Solid State Group TEAM Name Category R&D (%) Manuel Leite de Almeida Coordinating Researcher 100 António Pereira Gonçalves Principal Researcher 100 João Carlos Waerenborgh Principal Researcher 100 Vasco Gama Principal Researcher 100 Laura C J Pereira Auxiliary Researcher 100 Elsa Branco Lopes Auxiliary Researcher 100 Isabel Cordeiro Santos Auxiliary Researcher 100 Dulce Belo Auxiliary Researcher (contract) 60 Sandra Rabaça Auxiliary Researcher (contract) 60 2 Maria Augusta Antunes Post-doc (FCT grant, QEf-C TN) 50 Marta Andrade Post-doc (Research Project) 100 Margarida Isabel Sousa Henrique Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 Joana T. Coutinho Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 Bruno Vieira Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 Sandrina Oliveira Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 Rafaela Silva Ph.D. Student (FCT grant) 100 José João Ministro Research Student (FCT project) 100 C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 53 Solid State Group MISSION and OBJECTIVES The Solid State Group is a multidisciplinary research group focused on the study of selected new materials with unconventional electrical and magnetic properties. The group combines a wide range of expertise ranging from the synthetic chemistry of either molecular materials with transition metal complexes and electro active organic molecules or intermetallic compounds, to many different specialised solid state characterisation techniques. Besides molecular synthesis (organic and inorganic), high temperature synthesis and crystal growth, X-ray diffraction laboratories, the facilities developed maintained and operated by the group include the Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field Laboratory (LTHMFL). This laboratory hosts different equipment for measurements at low temperatures down to 0.3 K and under high magnetic fields up to 18 T, including several magnetometers (SQUID, extraction and AC susceptibility) electronic transport and magnetotransport characterisation and Mossbauer spectroscopy. The group pursued basic research activities in Molecular Materials aiming at further development of multifunctional molecular materials, especially by the combination of magnetic and electroactive centers and the study of novel electronic states, including Switchable magnetic conductors made by combination of spin-crossover complexes with electroactive counterions; Neutral transition metal bisdithiolene complexes for single component molecular metals and their processing by solution techniques; Thio-azo ligands and azo-substituted TTF donors for hetero-bimetallic magnetic networks and conducting magnetic materials based on novel tectons; Single Molecule Magnet behavior in mononuclear U and Ln coordination compounds. Activities in intermetallics were focused on the identification and study of strongly correlated electron behavior in f-element compounds and the development of new thermoelectric compounds with enhanced performance. The group also maintained the LTHMFL as an open facility, available to the external scientific community on a scientific collaboration basis, and participated as manager and core team members of the FCT Doctoral Programme ChemMat-Chemistry of Materials with electronic, magnetic and optical functionalities. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 54 Solid State Group MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS Er magnetic and luminescent compounds For the first time a family of Er--diketones was shown to display single ion magnetic behavior and distinct performances upon the application of an AC field. Some compounds show a relaxation barrier at low temperatures; others only when a small DC field is added, others even show two relaxation barriers. These compounds can be considered bifunctional, since they combine both magnetic and luminescent properties. Organic ligands that coordinate Er3+ not only promote a suitable environment for an anisotropic barrier to magnetization reversal but also absorb ultraviolet light, transferring the energy to Er3+ that re-emits it as near infrared (NIR) radiation. Iron oxide nanoparticles for hiperthermia Iron oxide nanoparticles (FeNPs) are currently used for several biomedical applications due to their unique properties. One of the biggest issues for these nanostructures is their stability in aqueous solutions since they easily aggregate. The effectiveness of three different surfactants and the influence of their concentration on the stability of colloidal solutions containing Fe3O4 nanoparticles were studied. Oleic acid and sodium citrate were both effective in stabilizing FeNPs. Magnetic measurements showed superparamagnetic properties with a blocking temperature at 155K. These results may contribute to improve the stability of iron oxide colloids and further enhance its application in hiperthermia C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 55 Solid State Group Single-Molecule-Magnet behaviour in Uranium compounds Uranium compounds are important counterparts in comparison with lanthanide analogues in order to understand the key parameters determining the features and the mechanisms of slow relaxation of magnetisation observed at low temperatures and their study is a hot topic in molecular magnetism. A major achievement in this field was provided by the study of two examples of pairs of geometrically identical U(III) compounds clearly illustrating the role of important parameters for SMM behaviour. One is a pair of U(III) complexes with both neutral and radical bipyridine ligand, where the magnetic contribution from the radical ligand originates slow relaxation already under zero field and enhances the relaxation barrier. The other example is a pair U(III) compounds, with ligands of different nature (N and O coordinating) the first tetrahedral coordinated presenting SIM behavior and illustrating a modest effect of the different donor ability of the two ligands. Spin-crossover compounds Multifunctionality is one of the most appealing topics in chemical science and the molecular approach, combining in the same solid two molecular fragments each furnishing distinct physical properties, attract considerable interest. Materials formed by an electrically conducting lattice and a switchable molecular component are promising candidates for the preparation of multifunctional responsive materials. As temperature increases [Fe(5-Cl-qsal)2] [Ni(dmit)2]2CH3CN evidences a spin crossover process in two steps, one at 233 K, relatively sharp, passing from a LS state to a state with 50:50 disordered HS/LS, followed by a more gradual increase of the HS content (centered at 256 K) towards a full HS state. This multi-step SCO process is related to structural constraints that prevent the full LS/HS transformation in a narrow temperature range and lead to the appearance of a disordered intermediate phase with a doubled unit cell. Soluble dithiolene metal complexes; [M(α-mtpdt)2] Bisdithiolene complexes are important building blocks for conducting and magnetic materials. In order to improve C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 56 Solid State Group their solution processing ability transition metal complexes based on the new ligand 5methylthiophene-2,3-dithiolate (α-mtpdt) with Au, Ni, Fe, Co, Cu Pt and Pd were prepared as tetraalkylammonium and tetraarylphosphonium salts .The oxidation of the monoanionic Ni and Au complexes by iodine leads to stable neutral complexes, which are soluble in common organic solvents. However the transport properties of the neutral Ni and Au complexes are typical of a semiconductor, with modest room-temperature conductivities 10–6- 10–4 S/cm. Cyano Benzene and Pyrazine type TTF donors The functionalization of TTF-type electron donors with nitrogen containing groups capable of coordinating transition metals is considered as an important step towards the preparation of electroactive and magnetic networks. A significant achievement in this field was the preparation of three aromatic heterocycle TTF-type electron donors, which are also dithiolene ligand precursors, cyanobenzenedicyanoethylthiotetrathiafulvalene, (cbdc-TTF), dicyanobenzenedicyanoethylthiotetrathiafulvalene, (dcbdc-TTF), and pyrazinedicyano-ethylthiotetrathiafulvalene, (pzdc-TTF), obtained through cross-coupling reactions. These reactions also yield 2,3,6,7-tetrakis(2-cyanoethylthio)-TTF and the corresponding symmetric aromatic heterocycle TTF derivatives: dicyanodibenzenetetrathiafulvalene (dcdb-TTF), tetracyanodibenzotetrathiafulvalene (TCN-DBTTF) and the dipyrazine-TTF derivative resulting from the selfcoupling reactions. Symmetric aromatic heterocycle TTF derivatives were also synthesized by homocoupling reactions. These compounds were characterized namely by single crystal X-ray diffraction and cyclic voltammetry, significantly enlarging the library of available donor molecules for preparing new molecular materials. Magnetism and strongly correlated electron behavior in intermetallics with f-elements The understanding of the magnetic and strongly correlated electron behaviour of intermetallics containing f-elements (in particular the role of f-electrons) has been subject of a long-term project in the Solid State group. Dy3Ru4Al12 was studied on single crystals by means of magnetization, neutron diffraction, specific heat and resistivity measurements, where long-range magnetic order of Dy occurs below 7K through a first-order phase transition. Dy3Ru4Al12 has a noncollinear antiferromagnetic structure with a propagation vector (1/2, 0, 1/2) and a strongly enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient of γ= −1 −2 500 mJ.mol .K due to an additional contribution from spin fluctuations induced in the Ru 4d-electrons by Dy. Dy3Ru4Al12 displays metamagnetic behaviour along all C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 57 Solid State Group crystallographic directions, which are associated to large positive magnetoresistance. This effect is explained by changes in the electron structure through the interaction between conduction electrons and localized magnetic moments. New Thermoelectric Materials The search for new thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit, zT, is important to develop new alternative energy applications. During the study of the Cu15As30Te55 conducting glasses shaped -As2Te3 was found. Although this phase was reported to be stable z only at high pressures, it was found that quenching procedures allowed synthesizing it as bulk pure sample. Thermoelectric properties measurements showed a metallic behavior with a high Seebeck coefficient at room temperature and indicated a phase transition at 190K. Structural studies confirm it as a structural transition, from the known rhombohedric, β-As2Te3, to a new monoclinic phase,β'-As2Te3. A zT~0.6 was obtained at 420K for β-As2Te3. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 58 SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 59 © February 2015 Desktop Publishing: Maria Luísa Oliveira, IST/CTN. 2 Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C TN) Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa Estrada Nacional 10, ao km 139,7 – 2695-066 Bobadela LRS, Portugal Tel.: (+351) 21 994 60 00 http://c2tn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 60 Book and Book Chapters Araújo, M.F.; Soares, A.M.M.; Dias, J.A. (2014). Geoquímica do registo sedimentar na plataforma português – variações espaciais e temporais. In: Formação e ocupação de litorais nas margens do atlântico - Brasil / Portugal, M.A.C. Rodrigues, S.D. Pereira, J.G. Freitas, S. Bergamaschi (eds.), Rio de Janeiro, Corbã Editora e Artes Gráficas Lta. 2014, pp. 285-297. ISBN 978-8598460-20-8. Barradas, N.P.; Mayer, M.; Reis, M.A.; Schiettekatte, F. (2014). IBA Software. In: Ion Beam Analysis Fundamentals and Applications, eds. Michael Nastasi, James W. Mayer, Yongqiang Wang, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA (2014), pp. 339-370. ISBN-13: 978-1439846384. Carvalho, F.P., et al. (2014). The environmental behaviour of radium: Revised edition. IAEA Technical Reports Series, no. 476 (STI/DOC/010/476), ISSN 0074–1914, ISBN 978–92–0–143310–7. Contributors to drafting and review. http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/trs476_web.pdf. Dias, M.I. (2014). Datação, autenticidade, materiais, pigmentos. Estudos laboratoriais sobre faiança portuguesa e porcelana chinesa produzida para o mercado português (séculos XVI a XVIII). In: A Herança de Santos Simões - Novas perspectivas para o Estudo da Azulejaria e da Cerâmica, Susana Varela Flor (coord. científica), Lisboa, Edições Colibri, pp. 125-157. ISBN 978-989-689400-9. Fernandes, A.C.; Girard, T.A.; Felizardo, M.; Marques, J.G.; Ramos, A.R.; Kling, A.; Morlat, T.; Puibasset, J. (2014). Superheated Liquids and the Search for Astroparticle Dark Matter. In: Recent Developments in Dark Matter Research, edited by N. Kinjo, A. Nakajima, Nova Science Publishers: Hauppauge NY, ISBN 978-1-62948-011-4, Chapter 2, pp. 131-170. Marçalo, J.; Gibson, J.K. (2014). Gas-Phase Ion Chemistry of Rare Earths and Actinides. In: Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths (Including Actinides), eds. J.-C. G. Bünzli, V.K. Pecharsky, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 45, Chapter 263, pp. 1-110. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63256-2.00263-1, ISBN: 978-0-444-63256-2. Paulo, A.; Morais, G.R.; Santos, I. (2014). Organometallic Chemistry of Rhenium and Technetium Fuelled by Biomedical Applications. In: Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, The Silver/Gold Jubilee ICOMC Celebratory Book, ed. A.J.L. Pombeiro, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chapter 44, pp. 589-604, ISBN: 978-1-118-51014-8. Prudêncio, M.I.; Dias, M.I. (2014). Composição química, geoquímica, matérias-primas e peças cerâmicas. In: Proveniência de materiais geológicos: abordagens sobre o Quaternário de Portugal, P. Dinis, A. Gomes & S. Monteiro-Rodrigues (Coord.), APEQ, p. 87-96. Prudêncio, M.I. (2014). RADIART – Um Projecto interterdisciplinar centrado no uso de técnicas não invasivas para o diagnóstico, descontaminação e conservação da herança cultural. In: A Herança de Santos Simões - Novas perspectivas para o Estudo da Azulejaria e da Cerâmica, Susana Varela Flor (coord. científica), Lisboa, Edições Colibri, pp. 121-125. ISBN 978-989-689400-9. Rey, D.; Álvarez-Iglesias, P.; Araújo, M.F.; Bernabeu, A.M.; Comas, M.; DeCastro, M.; Druet, M.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Ferrín, A.; Gesteira, M.; Martins, V.; Mohamed, K.J.; Rubio, B.; Vilas, F. (2014). The NW Iberian continental shelf. In: Continental Shelves of the World: Their Evolution During the Last Glacio-Eustatic Cycle, F.L. Chicci & A.R. Chivas (Eds), Geological Society of London Memoirs, Vol. 41, Chapter 8, 91-108. doi:10.1144/M41.8. 978-1862396869. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 61 Rühm, W., et al. (2014). Visions for Radiation Dosimetry over the Next Two Decades – Strategic Research Agenda of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group. EURADOS Report 2014-01. Braunschweig, pp.54, ISSN 2226-8057, ISBN 978-3-943701-06-7. International Journals Adriaenssens, L.; Liu, Q.; Chaux-Picquet, F.; Tasan, S.; Picquet, M.; Denat, F.; Le Gendre, P.; Marques, F.; Fernandes, C.; Mendes, F.; Gano, L.; Campello, M.P.C.; Bodio, E. (2014). Novel heterobimetallic radiotheranostic: preparation, activity, and biodistribution. ChemMedChem, 9(7), 1567–73. doi:10.1002/cmdc.201300494. WOS:000338991100025. Almeida, J.C.; Castro, A.G.B.; Lancastre, J.J.H.; Miranda Salvado, I.M.; Margaça, F.M.A.; Fernandes, M.H.V.; Ferreira, L.M.; Casimiro, M.H. (2014). Structural characterization of PDMS–TEOS–CaO– TiO2 hybrid materials obtained by sol–gel. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 143(2), 557–563. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2013.09.032. WOS:000329888300014. Almeida, J.C.; Castro, A.G.B.; Miranda Salvado, I.M.; Margaça, F.M.A.; Vaz Fernandes, M.H. (2014). A new approach to the preparation of PDMS–SiO2 based hybrids - A structural study. Materials Letters, 128, 105–109. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2014.04.135. WOS:000337876000027. Almeida, S.M.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Galinha, C.; Ramos, C.A.; Lage, J.; Canha, N.; Silva, A.V.; Bode, P. (2014). Assessment of the Portuguese k0-INAA laboratory performance by evaluating internal quality control data. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 581–587. doi:10.1007/s10967-014-2987-3. WOS:000334505700019. Almeida, S.M.; Silva, A.V.; Garcia, S.M.; Pinheiro, T. (2014). Chemical profile of fugitive particulate emissions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 653–661. doi:10.1007/s10967-014-2980-x. WOS:000334505700029. Almeida, S.M.; Silva, A.V.; Sarmento, S. (2014). Effects of exposure to particles and ozone on hospital admissions for cardiorespiratory diseases in Setúbal, Portugal. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, 77(14-16), 837-848. doi:10.1080/15287394.2014.887399. WOS:000340278000006. Almeida-Silva, M.; Almeida, S.M.; Cardoso, J.; Nunes, T.; Reis, M.A.; Chaves, P.C.; Pio, C.A. (2014). Characterization of the aeolian aerosol from Cape Verde by k 0-INAA and PIXE. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 629–635. doi:10.1007/s10967-014-2957-9. WOS:000334505700026. Almeida-Silva, M.; Almeida, S. M.; Gomes, J. F.; Albuquerque, P.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Determination of airborne nanoparticles in elderly care centers. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, 77(14-16), 867-878. doi:10.1080/15287394.2014.910157. WOS:000340278000009. Almeida-Silva, M.; Almeida, S.M.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Multi-elemental characterization of indoor aerosols in elderly care centers. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(2), 679– 684. doi:10.1007/s10967-014-2997-1. WOS:000334505700032. Almeida-Silva, M.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Elderly exposure to indoor air pollutants. Atmospheric Environment, 85, 54-63. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.11.061. WOS:000331417700007. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 62 Antunes, A.C.; Martins, V.; Cardoso, J.; Santos, L.; Monteiro Gil, O. (2014). The cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay: dose estimation and inter-individual differences in the response to γradiation. Mutation Research, 760, 17–22. doi:10.1016/j.mrgentox.2013.09.012. WOS:000331859100003. Antunes, J.; Borsoi, L.; Delaune, X.; Piteau, P. (2014). Identification of random excitation fields from vibratory responses with application to multi-supported tubes excited by flow turbulence. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 136, 051304. doi: 10.1115/1.4026980. WOS:000341486900005. Balibrea, J.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). Measurement of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of the Fissile Isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter and a Fission Tagging Based on Micromegas Detectors. Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 10-13. doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.005. Baptista, M.; Di Maria, S.; Oliveira, N.; Matela, N.; Janeiro, L.; Almeida, P.; Vaz, P. (2014). Image quality and dose assessment in digital breast tomosynthesis: A Monte Carlo study. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 104, 158–162. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2013.12.036. WOS:000341463600033. Baptista, M.; Teles, P.; Cardoso, G.; Vaz, P. (2014). Assessment of the dose distribution inside a cardiac cath lab using TLD measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 104, 163–169. doi: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2014.03.006. WOS:000341463600034. Barbagallo, M.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). Capture Cross Section of Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 45-47. doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.014. 236 U: the n_TOF Results. Barradas, N.P. (2014). An open source package for the IBA data format IDF. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 332, 148– 151. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.049. WOS:000339131200033 Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Fonseca, M.; Siketić, Z.; Bogdanović Radović, I. (2014). Stopping power of C, O and Cl in tantalum oxide. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 332, 152–155. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.050. WOS:000339131200034. Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Vieira, E.M.F.; Parisini, A.; Conde, O.; Martín-Sánchez, J.; Rolo, A.G.; Chahboun, A.; Gomes, M.J.M. (2014). IBA study of SiGe/SiO2 nanostructured multilayers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 331, 89–92. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2013.11.025. WOS:000339144600019. 1 4 Barradas, N.P.; Marques, J.G.; Alves, E. (2014). Stopping power of H and He in lithium niobate. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 332, 330–333. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.089. WOS:000339131200073. Barros, S.; Mares, V.; Bedogni, R.; Reginatto, M.; Esposito, A.; Gonçalves, I.F.; Vaz, P.; Rühm, W. (2014). Comparison of unfolding codes for neutron spectrometry with Bonner Spheres. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 161(1), 46–52. doi:10.1093/rpd/nct353. WOS:000343057600009. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 63 Bassinet, C.; Woda, C.; Bortolin, E.; Della Monaca, S.; Fattibene, P.; Quattrini, M.C.; Bulanek, B.; Ekendahl, D.; Burbidge, C.I.; Cauwels, V.; Kouroukla, E.; Geber-Bergstrand, T.; Mrozik, A.; Marczewska, B.; Bilski, P.; Sholom, S.; McKeever, S.W.S.; Smith, R.W.; Veronese, I.; Galli, A.; Panzeri, L.; Martini, M. (2014). Retrospective radiation dosimetry using OSL of electronic components: Results of an inter-laboratory comparison. Radiation Measurements, 71, 475-479. doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2014.03.016. WOS:000347494400102. Beasley, D.G.; Alves, L.C.; Barberet, P.; Bourret, S.; Devès, G.; Gordillo, N.; Michelet, C.; Le Trequesser, Q.; Marques, A.C. Seznec; H.; da Silva, R.C. (2014). A comparison of quantitative reconstruction techniques for PIXE-tomography analysis applied to biological samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 331, 248–252. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.01.028. WOS:000339144600050. Beasley, D.G.; Marques, A.C.; Alves, L.C.; da Silva, R.C. (2014). GPU-accelerated reconstruction methods for Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Tomography. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 95, 251–253. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2013.03.001. WOS:000329271400064. Belchior, A.; Balásházy, I.; Monteiro Gil, O.; Vaz, P.; Almeida, P. (2014). Does the number of irradiated cells influence the spatial distribution of bystander effects? Dose-Response, 12(4), 525-539. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.14-001.Belchior. MEDLINE:25552955. Ben Nasr, M.; Aubert, E.; Espinosa, E.; Zeller, M.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Ramos Silva, M.; Pereira Silva, P.S. (2014). Crystal Structure, magnetic and IR spectroscopic studies of a novel, noncentrosymmetric copper(II) complex [Cu(AMP)(H2O)3]SO4, ChemXpress, 4 (2), 211-220. Belloni, F.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). A Micromegas Detector for Neutron Beam Imaging at the n_TOF Facility at CERN. Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 365-367. doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.100. Borges, C.; Cunha, G.; Monteiro-Grillo, I.; Vaz, P.; Teixeira, N. (2014). Comparison of different breast planning techniques and algorithms for radiation therapy treatment. Physica Medica, 30(2), 160-170. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2013.04.006. WOS:000331990200004. Borsoi, L.; Delaune, X.; Piteau, P. (2014). Identification of Random Excitation Fields From Vibratory Responses With Application to Multisupported Tubes Excited by Flow Turbulence. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME, 136(5), 051304. doi:10.1115/1.4026980. WOS:000341486900005. Branco, J.B.; Carretas, J.M.; Epple, M.; Cruz, A.; Pires de Matos, A.; Leal, J.P. (2014). Enthalpies of formation of europium alkoxides: What lessons can be drawn from them. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 75, 20–24. doi:10.1016/j.jct.2014.04.009. WOS:000336552000004. Branco, J.B.; Ferreira, A.C.; do Rego, A.M.B.; Ferraria, A.M.; Lopes, G.; Gasche, T.A. (2014). Oxidative coupling of methane over KCl–LnCl3 eutectic molten salt catalysts. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 191, 100–106. doi:10.1016/j.molliq.2013.11.032. WOS:000331022500016. Branco, J. B.; Ferreira, A. C.; Gasche, T. A.; Pimenta, G.; Leal, J. P. (2014). Low Temperature Partial Oxidation of Methane over Bimetallic Nickel- f Block Element Oxide Nanocatalysts, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 356 (14-14), 3048–3058. doi:10.1002/adsc.201400102. WOS:000342906100021. Branco, J.B.; Ferreira, A.C.; Leal, J.P. (2014). Light hydrocarbons production over bimetallic calcium– actinide oxide catalysts using N2O as oxidant. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 390, 45–51. doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2014.03.005. WOS:000337874900007. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 64 Burbidge, C.I.; Trindade, M.J.; Dias, M. I.; Oosterbeek, L.; Scarre, C.; Rosina, P.; Cruz, A.; Cura, S.; Cura, P.; Caron, L.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Cardoso, G.J.O.; Franco, D.; Marques, R.; Gomes, H. (2014). Luminescence dating and associated analyses in transition landscapes of the Alto Ribatejo, central Portugal. Quaternary Geochronology, 20, 65–77. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2013.11.002. WOS:000331859500007. Caetano, A. L.; Marques, C.R.; Gavina, A.; Carvalho, F.P.; Gonçalves, F.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Pereira, R. (2014). Contribution for the derivation of soil screening levels (SSVs) for cadmium using a natural reference soil. PlosOne, 9(10), e0108041. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108041. MEDLINE:25353962. Camp, C.; Antunes, M.A.; García, G.; Ciofini, I.; Santos, I.C.; Pécaut, J.; Almeida, M.; Marçalo, J.; Mazzanti, M. (2014). Two-electron versus one-electron reduction of chalcogens by uranium(iii): synthesis of a terminal U(v) persulfide complex. Chemical Science, 5(2), 841-846. doi:10.1039/c3sc52742e. WOS:000328954200052. Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Trancoso, M.; Sousa, A.; Mouro, F.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Particulate matter analysis in indoor environments of urban and rural primary schools using passive sampling methodology. Atmospheric Environment, 83, 21–34. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.10.061. WOS:000331670400004. Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Cardoso, J.; Pio, C.; Caseiro, A. (2014). Impact of wood burning on indoor PM2.5 in a primary school in rural Portugal. Atmospheric Environment, 94, 663–670. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.05.080. Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Indoor and outdoor biomonitoring using lichens at urban and rural primary schools. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, 77(14-16), 900-915. doi:10.1080/15287394.2014.911130. WOS:000340278000012. Carocho, M.; António, A.L.; Barreira, J.C.M.; Rafalski, A.; Bento, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2014). Validation of gamma and electron beam irradiation as alternative conservation technology for European chestnuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(7), 1917–1927. doi:10.1007/s11947-013-1186-5. WOS:000336732700004. Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Carvalho, M.R.; Nunes, D.; Silva, M.A. (2014). Carbon isotopes and geochemical processes in CO2-rich cold mineral water, N-Portugal. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71(6), 2941–2953. doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2671-x. WOS:000331970100034. Carreira, P.M.; Marques, J.M.; Nunes, D. (2014). Source of groundwater salinity in coastline aquifers based on environmental isotopes (Portugal): Natural vs. human interference. A review and reinterpretation. Applied Geochemistry, 41, 163–175. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.012. WOS:000331088200014. Carvalho, F.P.; Matine, O.F.; Taímo, S.; Oliveira, J.M.; Silva, L.; Malta, M. (2014). Radionuclides and radiation doses in heavy mineral sands and other mining operations in Mozambique. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 158(2), 181-186. doi:10.1093/rpd/nct202. WOS:000330846600008. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M. (2014). Exposure to radionuclides in smoke from vegetation fires. The Science of the Total Environment, 472C, 421–424. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.11.073. WOS:000331916100049. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 65 Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M.; Lemos, M.E. (2014). Radioanalytical assessment of environmental contamination around non-remediated uranium mining legacy site and radium mobility. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 299(1), 119–125. doi:10.1007/s10967-013-2734-1. WOS:000329299200018. Casimiro, M.H.; Silva, A.G.; Alvarez, R.; Ferreira, L.M.; Ramos, A.M.; Vital, J. (2014). PVA supported catalytic membranes obtained by γ-irradiation for biodiesel production. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 94, 171–175. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2013.05.058. WOS:000328182300037. Castro, M.V.; Rebouta, L.; Alpuim, P.; Cerqueira, M. F.; Benelmekki, M.; Garcia, C. B.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.; Xuriguera, E.; Tavares, C.J. (2014). Optimisation of surface treatments of TiO2:Nb transparent conductive coatings by a post-hot-wire annealing in a reducing H2 atmosphere. Thin Solid Films, 550, 404–412. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2013.11.044. WOS:000328499700062. Chaves, P.C.; Taborda, A.; de Oliveira, D.P.S.; Reis, M.A. (2014). CdTe detector based PIXE mapping of geological samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 318, 37–41. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2013.05.098. WOS:000329413700009. Chaves, P.C.; Taborda, A.; Marques, J.P.; Reis, M.A. (2014). N to K Uranium PIXE spectra obtained at the high resolution high energy PIXE setup. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 318, 60–64. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2013.05.100. WOS:000329413700014. Chiaveri, E.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). The CERN n_TOF Facility: Neutron Beams Performances for Cross Section Measurements. Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.003. Coad, J.P.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.; Baron-Wiechec, A.; Catarino, N.; Heinola, K.; Likonen, J.; Mayer, M.; Matthews, G.F.; Petersson, P.; Widdowson, A. (2014). Surface analysis of tiles and samples exposed to the first JET campaigns with the ITER-like wall. Physica Scripta, T159, 014012. doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2014/T159/014012. WOS:000334847800013. Coentro, S.; Trindade, R.A.A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Alves, L.C.; Silva, R.M.C.; Muralha, V.S.F. (2014). Hispano-Moresque ceramic tiles from the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha (Coimbra, Portugal). Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 21–28. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2013.07.031. WOS:000330197700003. Correia, I.; Adão, P.; Roy, S.; Wahba, M.; Matos, C.; Maurya, M.R.; Marques, F.; Pavan, F.R.; Leite, C.Q.F.; Avecilla, F.; Costa Pessoa, J. (2014). Hydroxyquinoline derived vanadium ( IV and V ) and copper ( II ) complexes as potential anti-tuberculosis and anti-tumor agents. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 141, 83-93. doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.07.019. WOS:000343790700011. Côrte-Real, L.; Mendes, F.; Coimbra, J.; Morais, T. S.; Tomaz, A. I.; Valente, A.; Garcia, M.H.; Santos, I.; Bicho, M.; Marques, F. (2014). Anticancer activity of structurally related ruthenium(II) cyclopentadienyl complexes. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 19(6), 853-867. doi:10.1007/s00775-014-1120-y. WOS:000339975100012. Coutinho, J.T.; Antunes, M.A; Pereira, L.C.J.; Marçalo, J.; Almeida, M. (2014). Zero-field slow magnetic relaxation in a uranium(iii) complex with a radical ligand. Chemical Communications, 50(71), 10262–10264. doi:10.1039/c4cc04486j. WOS:000340896900020. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 66 12 11 Crespo, R.; Deltuva, A.; Cravo, E. (2014). Rescattering effects for the C(p, 2 p) B reaction at 400 MeV/u. Physical Review C, 90(4), 044606. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.044606. WOS:000344016000001. Cui, J.; Santos, I.C.; Carretas, J.M. (2014). Yttrium and samarium complexes with a linked 1,4,7triazacyclononane-aryloxide ancillary ligand. Journal of Structural Chemistry, 55(5), 987-991. doi:10.1134/S0022476614050230. WOS:000345969100023. Das, S.K.; Guin,R.; Banerjee, D.; Johnston, K.; Das, P.; Butz, T.; Amaral, V.S.; Correia, J.G.; Barbosa, M.B. (2014). Perturbed angular correlation study of the static and dynamic aspects of cadmium and mercury atoms inside and attached to a C60 fullerene cage. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 69a, 611-618; doi:10.5560/ZNA.2014-0055. De Diego, R.; Arias, J.M.; Lay, J.A.; Moro, A.M. (2014). Continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations with core excitation. Physical Review C, 89(6), 064609. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.89.064609. WOS:000338283300004. 6 9 De Diego, R.; Garrido, E.; Fedorov, D.V.; Jensen, A.S. (2014). Production of He and Be by radiative capture and four-body recombination. The European Physical Journal A, 50(6), 93. doi:10.1140/epja/i2014-14093-x. WOS:000336809500001. Di Maria, S.; Baptista, M.; Felix, M.; Oliveira, N.; Matela, N.; Janeiro, L.; Vaz, P.; Orvalho, L.; Silva, A. (2014). Optimal photon energy comparison between digital breast tomosynthesis and mammography: A case study. Physica Medica, 30(4), 482-488. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2014.02.001. WOS:000335393200012. Dias, M.; Carvalho, P.A.; Mardolcar, U.V.; Tougait, O.; Noël, H.; Gonçalves, A.P. (2014). B-Fe-U Phase Diagram. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45(4), 1813–1822. doi:10.1007/s11661013-2150-8. WOS:000333525200020. Felizardo, M.; Girard, T.A.; Morlat, T.; Fernandes, A.C.; Ramos, A.R.; Marques, J.G.; Kling, A.; Puibasset, J.; Auguste, M.; Boyer, D.; Cavaillou, A.; Poupeney, J.; Sudre, C.; Carvalho, F.P.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Marques, R. (2014). The SIMPLE Phase II dark matter search. Physical Review D, 89(7), 072013. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.89.072013. WOS:000337064700001. Fernandes, Â.; Barros, L.; António, A.L.; Barreira, J.C.M.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.; Martins, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2014). Using Gamma Irradiation to Attenuate the Effects Caused by Drying or Freezing in Macrolepiota procera Organic Acids and Phenolic Compounds. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7, 3012-3021. doi:10.1007/s11947-013-1248-8. WOS:000342488200024. Fernandes, Â.; Barreira, J.C.M.; António, A.L.; Martins, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P. (2014). Triacylglycerols profiling as a chemical tool to identify mushrooms submitted to gamma or electron beam irradiation. Food Chemistry, 159, 399–406. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.035. WOS:000336109500056. Fernandes, Â.; Barreira, J.C.M.; António, A.L.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.; Martins, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2014). Effects of gamma irradiation on chemical composition and antioxidant potential of processed samples of the wild mushroom Macrolepiota procera. Food Chemistry, 149, 91–8. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.10.050. WOS:000329553700013. Fernandes, Â.; Barreira, J.C.M.; António, A.L.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.; Martins, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2014). Combined Effects of Electron-Beam Irradiation and Storage Time on the Chemical and Antioxidant Parameters of Wild Macrolepiota procera Dried Samples. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(6), 1606–1617. doi:10.1007/s11947-013-1179-4. WOS:000335149000006. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 67 Fernandes, Â.; Barreira, J.C.M.; António, A.L.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.; Martins, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2014). Feasibility of electron-beam irradiation to preserve wild dried mushrooms: Effects on chemical composition and antioxidant activity. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 22, 158–166. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2013.12.015. WOS:000335108700020. 99m Fernandes, C.; Maria, L.; Gano, L.; Santos, I. C.; Santos, I.; Paulo, A. (2014). Re(I) and Tc(I) tricarbonyl complexes with ether-containing pyrazolyl-based chelators: Chemistry, biodistribution and metabolism. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 760, 138–148. doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2013.11.013. WOS:000334295800020. Fernandes, C.; Monteiro, S.; Mendes, P.; Gano, L.; Marques, F.; Casimiro, S.; Costa, L.; Correia, J.D.G.; Santos, I. (2014). Biological assessment of novel bisphosphonate-containing 99mTc/Reorganometallic complexes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 760, 197–204. doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2013.10.038. WOS:000334295800027. Ferreira, L.M.; Leal, J.P.; Casimiro, M.H.; Cruz, C.; Lancastre, J.J.H.; Falcão, A.N. (2014). 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Fialho, P.; Cerqueira, M.; Pio, C.; Cardoso, J.; Nunes, T.; Custódio, D.; Alves, C.; Almeida, S. M.; AlmeidaSilva, M.; Reis, M.; Rocha, F. (2014). The application of a multi-wavelength Aethalometer to estimate iron dust and black carbon concentrations in the marine boundary layer of Cape Verde. Atmospheric Environment, 97, 136-143. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.08.008. WOS:000343336700017. Fonseca A.C.; Crespo, R.; Deltuva, A. (2014). Momentum-space approach to nuclear reaction studies: Opportunities and perspectives. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particles Physics, 41, 094004. doi:10.1088/0954-3899/41/9/094004. WOS:000342356400006. 241 Fraval, K.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). Measurement and Analysis of Am(n,γ) Cross Sections with C6D6 Detectors at the n_TOF Facility at CERN. Nuclear Data Sheets, 119, 72-75. doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.022. Fraval, K.; Gunsing, F.; Altstadt, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Audouin, L.; Barbagallo, M.; et al.; n_TOF 241 Collaboration (2014). 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Garcia-Saiz, A.; de Pedro, I.; Migowski, P.; Vallcorba, O.; Junquera, J.; Blanco, J.A.; Fabelo, O.; Sheptyakov, D.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Fernandez-Diaz, M.T.; Rius, J.; Dupont, J.; Gonzalez, J.A.; Fernández, J.R. (2014). Anion-π and Halide-Halide Non-Bonding Interactions in a New Ionic Liquid Based on Imidazolium Cation with Three-Dimensional Magnetic Ordering in the Solid State. Inorganic Chemistry, 53 (16), 8384-8396. doi:10.1021/ic500882z. WOS:000340576900023. Gill, J.; Loadman, P.; Shnyder, S.; Cooper, P.; Atkinson, J.; Morais, G,R.; Patterson, L.; Falconer, R.A. (2014). The Tumor-Targeted Prodrug ICT2588 Demonstrates Therapeutic Activity Against Solid Tumors and Reduced Potential For Cardiovascular Toxicity. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 11(4), 1294-1300. doi: 10.1021/mp400760b. WOS:000334092700021 Gilvin, P.; Alves, J.G.; Cherestes, C.; Van Dijk, J.W.E.; Lehtinen, M.; Rossi, F.; Vekic, B. (2014). Quality assurance in individual monitoring: A summary of the EURADOS survey 2012. 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Karydas, A.G.; Radovic, I.B.; Streeck, C.; Kaufmann, C.; Caballero, R.; Rissom, T.; Kanngiesser, B.; Beckhoff, B.; Jaksic, M.; Barradas, N.P. (2014). In-depth elemental characterization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells by means of RBS and PIXE techniques. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 331, 93– 95. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.01.025. WOS:000339144600020. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 70 Khomchenko, V.A.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Paixão, J.A. (2014). Structural and magnetic phase transitions in Bi1−xNdxFe1−xMnxO3 multiferroics. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(3), 034102. doi:10.1063/1.4862433. WOS:000330615500055. Khomchenko, V.A.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Paixão, J.A. (2014). Weak ferromagnetism and nanodimensional ferroelectric domain structure stabilized in the polar phase of Bi 1−xNdxFeO3 multiferroics via Ti doping. Journal of Applied Physics, 115(16), 164101. doi:10.1063/1.4873121. WOS:000335228400051. 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Dissociation of gas-phase bimetallic clusters as a probe of charge densities: the effective charge of uranyl. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 118(11), 2159–2166. doi:10.1021/jp500946y. WOS:000333381700018. Lucena, A.F.; Odoh, S.O.; Zhao, J.; Marçalo, J.; Schreckenbach, G.; Gibson, J.K. (2014). Oxo-exchange of gas-phase uranyl, neptunyl, and plutonyl with water and methanol. Inorganic Chemistry, 53(4), 2163–2170. doi:10.1021/ic402824k. WOS:000332144100038. Machado, I.; Fernández, M.; Becco, L.; Garat, B.; Brissos, R.; Zabarska, N.; Gamez, P.; Marques, F.; Correia, I.; Pessoa, J.C.; Gambino, D. (2014). New metal complexes of NNO tridentate ligands: Effect of metal center and co-ligand on biological activity. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 420, 39–46. doi:10.1016/j.ica.2013.10.022. WOS:000338356100006. Madruga, M.J.; Silva, L.; Gomes, A.R.; Libânio, A.; Reis, M. (2014). The influence of particle size on radionuclide activity concentrations in Tejo River sediments. 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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 331, 48–54. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.013. WOS:000339144600012. Žugec, P.; Barbagallo, M.; Colonna, N.; Bosnar, D.; Altstadt, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; et al.; n_TOF 58 Collaboration (2014). Experimental neutron capture data of Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility. Physical Review C, 89(1), 014605. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.89.014605. WOS:000332151100002. Žugec, P.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). GEANT4 simulation of the neutron background of the C6D6 set-up for capture studies at n_TOF. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 760, pp. 57–67. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.05.048. WOS:000338350500008. 12 12 Žugec, P.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). Measurement of the C(n,p) B cross section at n TOF (CERN) by in-beam activation analysis. Physical Review C90, 021601(R). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.021601. WOS:000340744900001. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 79 International Conference Proceedings Almeida, S.M.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Pinto, M. (2014). Indoor air quality in Portuguese buildings: new regulations. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da rd Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Indoor Air Quality”, pp.228-230, ISBN: 978-989-20-50867. Almeida, S.M.; Cabo-Verde, S.; Matos, J.; Faria, T.; Viegas, C. (2014). Indoor Air Quality in Hospitals. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). rd Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Human Health Risk and Prevention”, pp.35-37, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Almeida, S. M.; Cabo Verde, S.; Matos, J.; Ramos, C.A.; Viegas, C.; Faria, T. (2014). Indoor Air Quality in th Hospital Environments. Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, 7-12 July. Almeida-Silva, M.; Faria, T.; Pilou, M.; Housiadas, C.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Personal daily exposure to particulate matter: an elderly study. . In: Emerging risks and challenges on rd environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Public Health”, pp.299-300, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Almeida-Silva, M.; Pilou, M.; Faria, T.; Housiadas, C.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Elderly Internal dose of particles: modelling based on aerosol measurements. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the rd 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Human Health Risk and Prevention”, pp.57-59, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Almeida-Silva, M.; Pilou, M.; Faria, T.; Almeida, S.M.; Housiadas, C.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Human th exposure to air pollutants: personal cloud phenomenon. Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, 7-12 July. Almeida-Silva, M.; Faria, T.; Saraga, D.; Maggos, T.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Source th apportionment of indoor PM10 in elderly care center. Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, 7-12 July. Alves, J.G.; Bartlett, D.; Van Dijk, J.W.E.; Kamenopouloud, V.; Ambrosi, P.; Cherestes, C.; Fantuzzi, E.; Figel, M.; Gilvin, P.; Grimbergen, T.; Hupee, O.; Kopec, R.; Lehtinen, M.; McWhan, A.; Romeron, A.; Rossi, F.; Stadtmann, H.; Vekic, B. (2014). EURADOS WG02 actions: harmonization on individual monitoring in Europe. In: Proceedings of the IAEA International Conference on st th Occupational Radiation Protection – Gaps, Challenges, 1 - 5 December 2014, Vienna, Austria. Alves, J.G.; Pereira, J.; Pereira, M.F.; Oliveira, A.D.; Cardoso, J.V.; Santos, L.M.; Sarmento, S.; Sousa, M.J.; Cunha, L.; Dias, A.G.; Lencart, J.; Gouvêa, M.; Santos, J.A.M. (2014). Hand dose levels in fluoroCT guided procedures – use of a needle holder. In: Proceedings of the IAEA International st th Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection – Gaps, Challenges, 1 - 5 December 2014, Vienna, Austria. Antunes, J.; Borsoi, L.; Delaune, X.; Piteau, P. (2014). Simple Relations for Estimating the Unknown Functions of Incomplete Experimental Spectral and Correlation Response Matrices. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, G. Dalpiaz, R. rd Rubini, G. Delia, et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3 International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations (CMMNO), Ferrara, Italy, 8-10 May C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 80 2013, pp.429-440. ISBN: WOS:000334677400037. 978-3-642-39348-8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39348-8_37. Antunes J.; Piteau, P.; Delaune, X.; Borsoi, L. (2014). A new method for the generation of representative time-domain turbulence excitations. Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference (PVP 2014), International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction (PVP201428090). 20-24 July 2014, Anaheim, USA. Paper No. PVP2014-28090, pp. V004T04A009; 11 pages. doi:10.1115/PVP2014-28090. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4601-8. Barbagallo, M.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). Measurements of neutron cross sections for advanced nuclear energy systems at n_TOF (CERN). Proceedings of the INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics Conference, EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 10001. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20146610001. WOS:000342463600136. Barros, S.; Gallego, E.; Lorente, A.; Gonçalves, I.F.; Vaz, P.; Vega-Carrilloc, H.R.; Zankl, M. (2014). Neutron spectra and dosimetric assessment around a neutron Howitzer container. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-12), Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 4, 757-761. Borsoi, L.; Piteau, P.; Delaune, X.; Antunes, J. (2014). Shock Oscillator Response by Fokker-Planck Equation to Analyse a Loosely Supported Tube Subjected to Turbulence and Fluid-Elastic Forces. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), 30 June-2 July 2014, Porto, Portugal. Cabral Pinto, M.M.S.; Silva, M.M.V.G.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Miranda, P.; Marques, R.; Prudêncio, I.; Rocha, F. (2014). Uranium Contents in the Lithological Formations of Santiago Island, Cape Verde. Proceedings of the International Workshop Uranium, Environment and Public Health (UrEnv 2013), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 25 October 2013. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 18–22. doi:10.1016/j.proeps.2014.05.005. WOS:000345426700004. Canha, N.; Mandin, C.; Ramalho, O.; Wyart, G.; Ribéron, J.; Dassonville, C.; Hänninen, O.; Almeida, S.M.; Derbez, M.(2014). Ventilation characterization of nurseries and elementary schools in France th and its impact on indoor air pollutants. Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, 7-12 July. Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Indoor particles in scholar environments by passive deposition methodology: applicability and source apportionment. th Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, 7-12 July. Canha, N.; Mandin, C.; Ramalho, O.; Wyart, G.; Ribéron, J.; Dassonville, C.; Derbez, M. (2014). Exposure to metals and allergens in settled dust in nursery and elementary French schools. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). rd Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Healthy and safe schools”, pp. 453-455, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014) Association of indoor particles of classrooms with prevalence of Rhinithis symptoms among students. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the rd 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Healthy and safe schools”, pp. 439-441, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 81 Carreira, P.M.; Ben Hamouda, F.M.; Marques, J.M.; Silva, A. (2014) - Assessment of salinization and residence time of coastal aquifers (Sousse, Eastern-Tunisia). Proceedings of the IWA World Water Congress, Lisboa, Portugal (Setembro 2014). Carvalho, F.P. (2014). The National Radioactivity Monitoring Program for the Regions of Uranium Mines and Uranium Legacy Sites in Portugal. Proceedings of the International Workshop Uranium, Environment and Public Health (UrEnv 2013), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 25 October 2013. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 33–37. doi:10.1016/j.proeps.2014.05.008. WOS:000345426700007. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M. (2014). Intake of Radionuclides with the Diet in Uranium Mining Areas. Proceedings of the International Workshop Uranium, Environment and Public Health (UrEnv 2013), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 25 October 2013. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 43–47. doi:10.1016/j.proeps.2014.05.010. WOS:000345426700009. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M. (2014a). Radioactivity in Iberian Rivers with Uranium Mining Activities in their Catchment Areas. Proceedings of the International Workshop Uranium, Environment and Public Health (UrEnv 2013), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 25 October 2013. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 48–52. doi:10.1016/j.proeps.2014.05.011. WOS:000345426700010. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M. (2014b). Radioactivity in Soils and Vegetables from Uranium Mining Regions. Proceedings of the International Workshop Uranium, Environment and Public Health (UrEnv 2013), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 25 October 2013. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 38–42. doi:10.1016/j.proeps.2014.05.009. WOS:000345426700008. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M. (2014). Radiological quality of water in areas with old uranium mines in the district of Viseu, Portugal. Proceedings of the International Congress Water, Waste th th and Energy Management, 16 – 18 July 2014, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-95089-5-8. 11 p. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M. (2014). Environmental radioactivity in the Sabugal region and impact of past uranium mining. Proceedings of the International Congress Water, Waste and th th Energy Management, 16 – 18 July 2014, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-95089-5-8. Carvalho, F.P. (2014). Biomass burning and polonium-210 in the atmosphere: a review. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER2014), 712 September, Barcelona. https://intranet.pacificomeetings.com/amsysweb/publicacionOnline.jsf?id=146. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M. (2014). Radionuclides in human hair as indicators of exposure to uranium series radionuclides. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER2014), 7-12 September, Barcelona. 210 210 Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Alberto, G. (2014). Multiyear Surface Deposition of Pb and Po at Lisbon. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER2014), 7-12 September, Barcelona. Carvalho, F.P.; Oliveira, J.M.; Malta, M.; Lemos, M.E.; Vala, H.; Esteves, F. (2014). Radionuclides in sheep grazing near old uranium mines. Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER2014), 7-12 September, Barcelona. Carvalho, M.; Debut, V.; Antunes, J.; Figueiredo, E. (2014). Physical modeling and dynamical simulation of a 13th century bell. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), 30 June-2 July 2014, Porto, Portugal. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 82 Carvalho, M.; Debut, V.; Antunes, J. (2014). Assessing the perceived strike notes and tuning properties of two historical carillons based on the identified modes and empirical psychoacoustic pitch criteria. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA), 7-12 July 2014, Le Mans, France. Correia, A.; Rosa, C.C.; Santos, P.M.P.; Falcão, A.N.; Lorentz, K. (2014). Real-time dosimeter targeted to nuclear applications. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, M. Martins Costa E R.N. Nogueira (eds.). Aveiro Portugal May 26-40, 2014. Proceedings of SPIE 9286, 92864R, ISBN: 978-1-62841-361-8. doi:10.1117/12.2063832. WOS:000343096200093. Cruz, A.; Almeida, S.M.; Alves, C.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Associations between atmospheric pollutants and hospital admissions in Lisbon. In: Emerging risks and challenges on rd environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Pollution and Environmental Management”, pp.123-124, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Debut V.; Antunes, J. (2014). Nonlinear string effects on the three-dimensional string/soundboard coupled dynamics of a twelve-string Portuguese guitar. Proceedings of the Spanish Conference on Acoustics - TECNIACUSTICA, 29-31 October 2014, Murcia, Spain. Debut, V.; Carvalho, M.; Marques, M.; Antunes, J. (2014). Three-dimensional time-domain simulations of the string/soundboard coupled dynamics for a twelve-string Portuguese guitar. Proceedings of e the 12 Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2014), 22-25 April 2014, Poitiers, France. pp.10991105. Faria, T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Air pollution by PM10 in Portugal betweeen 2001 and 2011. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). rd Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Pollution and Environmental Management”, pp.102-103, ISBN: 978-98920-5086-7. Felizardo, M.; Girard, T.A.; Fernandes, A.C.; Morlat, T.; Puibasset, J.; Ramos, A.R.; Marques, J.G.; Kling, A.; Carvalho, F.P.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Gouveia, A.; Marques, R.; Auguste, M.; Boyer, D.; Cavaillou, A.; Poupeney, J.; Sudre, C. (2014). The SIMPLE Dark Matter Search: Present and Future. Proceedings of i-Dust 2012 – Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science & Technology, Apt, France, May 9-11, 2012, Eds: P. Febvre, E. Pozzo di Borgo and K. Coulié-Castellani, EDP Sciences. E3S Web of Conferences, 4, 03002, doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20140403002. Fernandes, A.C.; Felizardo, M.; Girard, T.A.; Kling, A.; Ramos, A.R.; Marques, J.G.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Marques, R.; Carvalho, F.P. (2014). Neutron background estimates in GESA. Proceedings of iDust 2012– Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science & Technology, Apt, France, May 9-11, 2012, Eds: P. Febvre, E. Pozzo di Borgo and K. Coulié-Castellani, EDP Sciences. E3S Web of Conferences, 4, 03003. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20140403003. Frade, J.C.; Soares, A.M.M.; Candeias, A.; Ribeiro, M.I.M.; Ponte, T.N.; Serra, M.; Porfírio, E. (2014). Beeswax and própolis as sealants of funerary chambers during the Middle Bronze Age in the th South-Western Iberian Peninsula. In: Proceedings of the 39 International Symposium for Archaeometry, R.B. Scott, D. Brackmans, M. Carremans & P. Degryse (eds.), Leuven, 28 May – 1 June 2012. pp. 141-145. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 83 Girard, T.A.; Ramos, A.R.; Roche, I.L.; Fernandes, A.C. (2014). Phase III (and maybe IV) of the SIMPLE dark matter search experiment at the LSBB. (2014). Proceedings of i-Dust 2012 – Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science & Technology, Apt, France, May 9-11, 2012, Eds: P. Febvre, E. Pozzo di Borgo and K. Coulié-Castellani, EDP Sciences. E3S Web of Conferences 4, 01001. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20140401001. Gonçalves, J.N.; Amaral, V.S.; Correia, J.G.; Stroppa, A.; Fenta, A.S. (2014). Local probing of multiferroics: First-principles study of hyperfine parameters in YMnO 3 and YMn2O5. EPJ Web of Conferences, 75, 09002. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20147509002. Lage, J.; Almeida, S.M.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Spatial distribution and contamination assessment of heavy metals in surface from an industrial area. In: Emerging risks and challenges on rd environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Environmental and Sustainability”, pp.354-356, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Lage, J.; Almeida, S.M.; Reis, M.A.; Chaves, P.C.; Freitas, M.C.; Ribeiro, T.; Garcia, S.; Faria, J.P.; Fernández, B.G.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Assessment of metal concentrations in airborne PM10 from multifarious sources in a heavy industrial area. In: Emerging risks and challenges on rd environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Pollution and Environmental Management”, pp.104-105, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Lázaro, I.; Ródenas, J.; Marques, J.G.; Gallardo, S. (2014). Assessment of the Neutron Activation of a Stainless Steel Sample in a Research Nuclear Reactor Using the Monte Carlo Method and CINDER’90. Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo, Paris, France, October 2013, D. Caruge, C. Calvin, C.M. Diop, F. Malvagi and J.-C. Trama (Eds.), EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France, 2014. doi: 10.1051/snamc/201405310. Leal, S.; Leal J.P. (2014). e-lab: implementation of an online course for high school students. Proceedings th of HSCI2014 – 11 International Conference on Hands-on Science, Aveiro, July 2014. Lorenz, K.; Peres, M.; Felizardo, M.; Correia, J.G.; Alves, L.C.; Alves, E.; López, I.; Nogales, E.; Méndez, B.; Piqueras, J.; Barbosa, M.B.; Araújo, J.P.; Gonçalves, J. N.; Rodrigues, J.; Rino, L.; Monteiro, T.; Víllora, E.G.; Shimamura, K. (2014). Doping of Ga2O3 bulk crystals and NWs by ion implantation. In: Oxide-based Materials and Devices V, F.H. Teherani, D.C. Look & D.J. Rogers (eds.), Proc. SPIE 8987, 89870M, ISBN: 978-0-8194-9900-4. doi:10.1117/12.2037627. WOS:000337582100017. Marques, J. G.; Lorenz, K. (2014). Lattice location of Hf and its interaction with other impurities in LiNbO3 : an integrated review. In: In: Oxide-based Materials and Devices V, F.H. Teherani, D.C. Look & D.J. Rogers (eds.), Proc. SPIE 8987, 898717, ISBN: 978-0-8194-9900-4. doi:10.1117/12.2037650. WOS:000337582100028. Massimi, C.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). The nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in Stars: the key isotope 25Mg. Proceedings of the INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics Conference, EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 07016. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20146607016. WOS:000342463600095. Meneses, M.; Madureira, J.; Melo, R.; António, A.L.; Cabo Verde, S. (2014). Gamma irradiation effects on microbial inactivation and antioxidant activity of Melissa officinalis. In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the rd 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Food Safety and Food Security”, pp. 492-494. ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 84 238 Mingrone, F.; et al.; n_TOF Collaboration (2014). U(n,) reaction cross section measurement with C6D6 detectors at the n_TOF CERN facility. Proceedings of the INPC 2013 – International Nuclear Physics Conference, EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 03061. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20146603061. WOS:000342462000198. Moukhayar R.E.; Bahir, M., & Carreira, P.M. (2014). Estimation of groundwater recharge in arid region through hydrochemistry and isotope: a case study Kourimat Basin, Morocco. In: Proceedings of nd the 2 International Symposium of GIS Users. Meknes Morocco, 20-21 November 2014, Thème 3: Cartographie, gélogie, hydrologie, 250-255. Pereira, F.; Silva, R.J.C.; Soares, A.M.M.; Araújo, M.F. (2014). Metallurgical production evidence in Castro th de Vila Nova de São Pedro (Azambuja, Portugal). In: Proceedings of the 39 International Symposium for Archaeometry, R.B. Scott, D. Brackmans, M. Carremans & P. Degryse (eds.), Leuven, 28 May – 1 June 2012. pp. 96-101. Rabus, H.; Palmans, H.; Hilgers, G.; Sharpe, P.; Pinto, M.; Villagrasa, C.; Nettelbeck, H.; Moro, D.; Pola, A.; Pszona, S.; Teles, P. (2014). Biologically Weighted Quantities in Radiotherapy: an EMRP Joint Research Project. EPJ Web of Conferences 77, 00021. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20147700021. Ramos, C.A.; Reis, J.F.; Almeida, T.; Alves, F.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Estimating the inhaled dose of pollutants during indoor physical activity. In: Emerging risks and challenges on rd environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Indoor Air Quality”, Pages 233-235, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Ramos, C.A.; Viegas, C.; Cabo Verde, S.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M. (2014). Assessment of Indoor Air contamination by fungi and bacteria in fitness centers. In: Emerging risks and challenges on rd environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Indoor Air Quality”, Pages 239-240, ISBN: 978-989-20-5086-7. Ramos, C.A.; Reis, J.; Alves, F.; Almeida, S.M.; Wolterbeek, H.T. (2014). Estimating the Exposure of th Pollutants during Indoor Physical Activity. Proceedings of the 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, 7-12 July. Rodrigues, J.; Fernandes, A.J.S.; Mata, D.; Holz, T.; Carvalho, R.G.; Fath Allah, R.; Ben, T.; Gonzalez, D.; Silva, R.F.; da Cunha, A.F.; Correia, M.R.; Alves, L.C.; Lorenz, K.; Neves, A.J.; Costa F.M.; et al.; Monteiro, T. (2014). ZnO micro/nanocrystals grown by laser assisted flow deposition. In: Oxidebased Materials and Devices V, F.H. Teherani, D.C. Look & D.J. Rogers (eds.), Proc. SPIE 8987, 89871F, ISBN: 978-0-8194-9900-4. doi:10.1117/12.2039907. WOS:000335379700013. Silva, A.V.; Almeida, S.M.; Oliveira., C.; Miranda, A.M. (2014). Characterization of ambient suspended particles in an urban area affected by industrialized activities loading at Setubal In: Emerging risks and challenges on environment, health and safety, M. Vieira da Silva et al. (eds.). rd Proceedings of the 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September, Chapter “Pollution and Environmental Management”, pp.111-113, ISBN: 978-98920-5086-7. Soares, A.M.M.; Alves, L.C.; Frade, J.C.; Valério, P.; Araújo, M.F.; Candeias, A.; Silva, R.J.C.; Valera, A.C. (2014). Bell Beaker Gold Foils from Perdigões (Southern Portugal) – Manufacture and Use. In: C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 85 th Proceedings of the 39 International Symposium for Archaeometry, R.B. Scott, D. Brackmans, M. Carremans & P. Degryse (eds.), Leuven, 28 May – 1 June 2012. pp. 120-124. Varela, M.M.; Leal, J.P. (2014). Using social networks to teach chemistry. Proceedings of the EDULEARN14, L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (eds.), International Association of Technology, Education and Development IATED, Valencia 2014, pp. 1748-1753. ISBN 978-84-617-0557-3. http://library.iated.org/view/VARELA2014USI. Viegas, S.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Sabino, R.; Viegas, C. (2014). Occupational exposure to particulate matter and fungi in a composting plant – case study in Portugal. Occupational Safety and Hygiene II, Arezes et al. (eds). Taylor&Francis Group, London, pp.235 - 239. ISBN 978 – 1-138-00144-2. Viegas, S.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Sabino, R.; Viegas, C. (2014). Exposure to volatile organic compounds, particulate matter and fungi in a composting plant. Occupational Safety and Hygiene II - Arezes et al. (eds). Taylor&Francis Group, London, pp.471 – 473. ISBN 978 – 1-138-00144-2. Theses - concluded PhD António, A.L. (2014). Ionizing radiation applications for food preservation: effects of gamma and e-beam irradiation on physical and chemical parameters of chestnut fruits. Salamanca Universidad, Spain. Supervisor: Arnés, B.G. Belchior, A.L.V. (2014). Contribution to fundamental aspects of biophysics, radiobiology and modelling of cellular response to low radiation doses”, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisors: Vaz, P.; Almeida, P. Borges, C.O.P. (2014). Estudo da influência das diversas técnicas de irradiação da mama na dose na mama contralateral, (Doutoramento em Física Biomédica, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa), em curso, conclusão em 2014 – aguarda marcação das provas públicas. Supervisors: Teixeira, N.; Vaz, P. Canha, N. (2014). Characterization of ventilation, indoor aerosol and pollution sources of primary schools. Uitgeverij BOXPress, The Netherlands, 155 pages, ISBN 978-94-6295-050-4. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3008.2888. Supervisors: Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C. Luís, R.F. (2014). Radiological Protection and Nuclear Engineering Studies in Multi-MW Target Systems, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisors: Marques, J.; Vaz, P. Martins, J.M.M. (2014). A Plataforma Continental Algarvia como Arquivo de Paleoambientes e Paleoclimas. O papel do 14C no seu estudo, Universidade do Algarve. Supervisors: Soares, A.M.M.; Alveirinho Dias, J.; Ferreira, Ó. Silva, D. (2014). Lattice location of transition metals in silicon by means of emission channeling. Universidade do Porto. Supervisors: Araújo, J.P.; Wahl, U. Silva, F. (2014). Gallium Compounds for the Design of Nano(Radiopharmaceuticals). Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisor: Paulo, A.R. Teixeira, A.I.L. (2014) (SFRH/BD/64487/2009), Machine learning methods for quantitative structureproperty relationship modeling. FCUL; Supervisors: Leal, J.P.; Falcão, A. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 86 Vieira, B.J.C. (2014), Iron (III) Spin Crossover Systems: Towards Switchable Molecular Conductors. Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Supervisor: Pereira, L.C.J. MSc Baklouti, Ahmed (2014), Modélisation et validation expérimentale de la dynamique dun rotor multi2 supporté, École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, Tunisia. Supervisors Antunes, J. (C TN); Debut, V. (UNL); Haddar, M. (ENIS). Fernandes, A.M.R. (2014). Redução de dose em órgãos radiossensíveis em exames de Tomografia Computorizada por aplicação de protecções de bismuto. Escola Superior de Tecnologias de Saúde de Coimbra. Supervisors: Vaz, P.; Madeira, P. Ferreira, P.T.R. (2014). Caracterização neutrónica e dosimétrica do alvo de espalação do espectrómetro de tempo de voo do CERN. Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisors: Marques, J.G.; Gonçalves, I.F. Loureiro, J. (2014). An archaeometallurgical study of the Proto-historic collection of Moinhos de Golas (North Portugal): a forecast for technological changes? Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisors: Figueiredo, E. ; Silva, R.J.C. ; Araújo, M.F. Matos, J.L. (2014), Qualidade do Ar Interior em ambiente hospitalar: identificação de poluentes, fontes e estratégias para a otimização dos serviços de saúde. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: Almeida, S.M. Oliveira, M.F.F. (2014). Evaluation of potential of gamma radiation as a conservation treatment for blackberry fruits. Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém. Supervisors; Cabo Verde, S.; Pinto, P. Pinto, M.N. (2014), Organometallic Complexes of Tc(I) and Re(I) for radiometalation of biologically active peptides. Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisor: Campello, M.P. Ribeiro, A.I. (2014). Efeito da composição glandular da mama na qualidade de imagem em Tomossintese Digital Mamária e otimização da dose. Escola Superior de Tecnologias de Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisors: Belchior, A.; di Maria, S. Rodrigues, Isabel Sofia Caldeira (2014). Análogos do Neuropéptido Y marcados com 67Ga para Imagiologia Molecular dos Recetores Y1 no Cancro da Mama. Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa; Supervisor: Fernandes, C. Rosa, A.B. (2014), Multifunctional Organometallic Compounds for Auger Therapy, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: Paulo, A.R. Silva, J.R.P. (2014), Avaliação da exposição a poluentes atmosféricos dos utilizadores das ciclovias da cidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Supervisor: Almeida, S.M. Soares, M.P. (2014), Preparação e análise estrutural de complexos de lantanídeos. ISEL. Supervisors: Maria, L.; Alegria, E. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 87 Graduation Carvalho, P. (2014) Manual de Boas práticas para Ginásios Academias e Health Clubs. Unidade curricular Estágio em Saúde Ambiental II, degree in Saúde Ambiental, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Faria, T. (2014). Air pollution by PM10 in Portugal between 2001 and 2011. Unidade curricular Investigação em Saúde Ambiental, degree in Saúde Ambiental, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisor: Almeida, S.M. Faria, T. (2014). Exposure to airborne particles in Lisbon bike paths. Unidade curricular Estágio III, degree in Saúde Ambiental, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisor: Almeida, S.M. Margarido, A.C. (2014). Radioimunoterapia em Linfomas Não-Hodkgin. Estágio em Medicina Nuclear II, 4º ano, Licenciatura em Medicina Nuclear, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisor: Gano, L. Meneses, M. (2014). Gamma Radiation effects on microbial inactivation in two medicinal plants. Degree in Environmental Health, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisors: Cabo Verde, S.; Albuquerque, P. Oliveira, J. (2014). Radiotoxicidade de emissores de electrões Auger: 99mTc-complexos de intercaladores do DNA e de análogos de doxorrubicina em células tumorais. Estágio em Medicina Nuclear-III, 4º ano, Licenciatura em Medicina Nuclear, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisor: Raposinho, P. Rodrigues, C. (2014). Cancro do ovário: Diagnóstico e Terapêutica. Estágio em Medicina Nuclear III, 4º ano, Licenciatura em Medicina Nuclear, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisor: Oliveira, C. Sá, S. (2014). Nanopartículas marcadas com radiohalogéneos para diagnóstico em Medicina Nuclear. Estágio em Medicina Nuclear II, 4º ano, Licenciatura em Medicina Nuclear, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Supervisor: Oliveira, C. Habilitation Dias, M.I. (2014). Agregação em Georrecursos — Relatório sobre a unidade curricular “Argilas, Propriedades e Aplicações” proposta para o Programa Doutoral em Georrecursos, e discussão da lição “Argilas na saúde humana. Cristaloquímica, Biodisponibilidade e Radioactividade”, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 8 - 9 May 2014. Patents and performing patents Pending Almeida, S.M., Robô móvel de serviço com capacidade de recolha de amostras de solo e biológicas para monitorização ambiental, Patent pending nº 20141000077424. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 88 New Materials, devices, products and processes, software, computer codes and algorithms Ramos Wahl, A.R., New bubble chamber (BC) prototype for SIMPLE: concept development, prototype engineering/manufacturing and testing. Reis, M.A., New algorithm for improved efficiency and increased capabilities of the computer code DT2. Research Contracts 1 – European Research Contracts PREPARE - Innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and th post-accident response in Europe, 7 Framework Programme EURATOM 2012; Type of funding scheme: Collaborative project (CP); Leading institution: KIT (Germany); Portuguese participants: Pedro Vaz, Isabel Paiva, Maria José Madruga, Mário Reis, Octávia Monteiro Gil, Luís Portugal, Pedro Teles, Mariana Baptista; Start date: 1st February 2013. EU funding (IST-ID): 88,040.00 €. th MARISA - MYRRHA Research Infrastructure Support Action; 7 Framework Programme EURATOM 2013; Coordination and Support Actions (Coordinating) (CSA-CA), Activity/Area: Infrastructures Supporting Infrastructures; Leading institution: SCK/CEN (Belgium); Portuguese participants: Pedro Vaz, st Salvatore di Maria, Yuriy Romanets; Start date: 1 September 2013. EU funding (IST-ID): 70,085.00 €. EURALOC - European epidemiological study on RAdiation-induced Lens Opacities for interventional th Cardiologists, 7 Framework Programme EURATOM – under the OPERRA 2013 (Open project). Leading institution: SCK/CEN (Belgium); Portuguese participants: Pedro Teles (Portuguese Coordinator), Pedro Vaz; Start date: 1st December 2014. EU funding (IST-ID): 32,711.00 €. CHANDA – Solving CHAllenges in Nuclear Data for the Safety of European Nuclear Facilities. Funding scheme: CP-CSA (Combination of Collaborative projects, Coordination and Support Actions). Leading institution: CIEMAT (Spain). Portuguese participants: Isabel F. Gonçalves, Pedro Vaz; Start date: 1st December 2013. EU funding (IST-ID): 20,000.00 €. MetroNORM Metrology for processing materials with high natural radioactivity; European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), Joint Research Project (JRP); Leading institution: BEV/PTP (Austria); Portuguese team: Carlos Oliveira, Mário Reis, Isabel Paiva, Luis Portugal, Carlos Cruz and Gonçalo Carvalhal; Start date: 1st September 2013. EURAMET funding (IST): 75,156.80 €. BioNanoDose: Development of a nanodosimetric model of complex DSB production and cell survival probabilities. Type of funding: Joint Research Project (JRP). Leading institution: PTB (Germany). Portuguese team: Ana Belchior; Start date: October 2013. EURAMET funding (IST-ID): 71,061.88 €. BioQuaRT – Biologically weighted quantities in radiotherapy (JRP SIB06). Funding scheme: European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), Joint Research Project (JRP); Leading institution: PTB (Germany); Portuguese team: Pedro Teles, Octávia Monteiro Gil, Ana Belchior; Start date: June 2012. EURAMET funding (IST): 100,000.00 €. ENETRAP III - European Network for Education and Training in Radiation Protection (FP7- EURATOM – Project 605159). Funding scheme: Coordination and support action (CSA). Leading institution: SCK/CEN (Belgium). Portuguese participants: Pedro Vaz, António Falcão. EU funding (IST-ID): 23,361.00 €. Start st date: 1 March 2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 89 RENEB - Realizing the European Network on Biodosimetry. Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action (CSA). Leading institution: BfS (Germany). Portuguese participants: Octávia Monteiro Gil, Pedro Vaz. EU funding (IST): 29,960.00 €. Start date: 1st January 2012. MetroMetal – Ionizing radiation metrology for metallurgical industry. (JRP IND04). Funding scheme: European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), Joint Research Project (JRP); Leading institution: CIEMAT (Spain); Portuguese team: Carlos Oliveira, Mário Reis, Isabel Paiva, Luis Portugal, Carlos Cruz and Gonçalo Carvalhal; Start date: 1st December 2011. EURAMET funding (IST): 82,700.16 €. FREYA - Fast Reactor Experiments for Hybrid Applications. Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (CP). Leading institution: SCK/CEN (Belgium). Portuguese participants: Pedro Vaz, Salvatore di Maria, Yuriy Romanets. EU funding (IST): 84,350.00 €. Start date: 1st March 2011. TRASNUSAFE - Training Schemes on Nuclear SAfety Culture. Funding scheme: Coordination Action (CA). Leading institution: SCK/CEN (Belgium). Portuguese participants: Pedro Vaz. EU funding (IST): 51,232.67 st €. Start date: 1 November 2010. Project PETRUS III – Implementing Sustainable E&T Programmes in the Field of Radioactive Waste Disposal (Grant agreement No. 605265) (2013-2016). Total Funding: 1,425,000.00€; IST-ID: 60,000.00€, Coordinator: I. Paiva. EAGLE - Enhancing educAtion, traininG and communication processes for informed behaviors and decision-making reLatEd to ionising radiation risks. Stakeholder Group. EURATOM/FP7call on Public information, education and training in the field of ionising radiation. Portuguese participant: I. Paiva. CMET- Competence Maintenance, Education and Training. IGD-TP/SRA, Secretariat Project SecIGD2. Transference of the state of the art analysis and needs in GD, development of quality assurance procedures and criteria for the voluntary accreditation of T&E in geological disposal using the ECVET approach. Portuguese participant: I. Paiva. ARCADIA: Assessment of Regional Capabilities for new reactors Development through an Integrated Approach. EC Grant agreement no: 605116. 26 partners from Romania, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia, Greece, Portugal. 2 Participantes C TN: J.G. Marques (responsável em Portugal), N.P. Barradas, A.R. Ramos Wahl. 36 meses, início 01/11/2013, 22,470€. IVECO-3 - Improved methods for the identification of flow turbulence excitations in nuclear fuel rods, Ref. CEA: 4000627324/P5B61, IST Funding (from CEA, France): 20000 €; Participants: IST/CTN (Sacavém) & ADIST (Lisbon), CEA (Saclay, France); Timeframe: 01/07/2014 - 30/06/2015; Reseachers involved: J. Antunes (CTN), X. Delaune (CEA), P. Piteau (CEA), L. Borsoi (CEA). MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS: Inovative Training Networks Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014. MEDICIS-PROMED “MEDICIS-Produced Radioisotope Beams for Medicine”. Leading Institution: CERN;: CH, DE, FR, IT, BE, UK, PT. Portuguese Research Team: Isabel Rego Santos, António Rocha Paulo, Lurdes 2 Gano, António Pereira Gonçalves. EU funding: 2,829,270.00 €. C TN funding: 498,000.00. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 90 2 - Industrial Research Contracts Cronoestratigrafia em problemáticas arqueológicas identificadas na área de afectação da construção da barragem do Sabor. EDP. Baixo Sabor. Bento Pedroso Construções e Lena Engenharia e Construções, ACE. Researchers: M. I. Dias, M. I. Prudêncio, C. I. Burbidge. Study of the resistance/degradation of API compounds to gamma radiation for validation of a sterilization process. HI 14-885, Hovione, Responsible: S. Cabo Verde, August-December 2014, funding: 3,500.00 €. Microbiological analysis for Indoor Air Quality in the scope of the Energy Certification for Buildings. Contract IST-EFACEC, EFACEC, Responsible: S. Cabo Verde, Apr. 2014- Apr. 2015, funding: 2,000.00 €. Microbiological analysis for Indoor Air Quality in clean rooms. Contract IST-Tradelabor, Responsible: S. Cabo Verde, Apr. 2014- Apr. 2015, funding: 4,800.00 €. External services on Isotope Composition of water samples and Radiocarbon dating. EDP, FCUL University of Aveiro and University of Coimbra, funding: 4,130.00 € 3 – FCT Projects Cooperation with CERN - Optimization studies of the ISOLDE targets and design of HIE-ISOLDE, CERN/FP/123598/2011; Leading institution: IST-ID. Participants: Pedro Vaz, Isabel F. Gonçalves, José Marques, Raul Fernandes Luís, Yuriy Romanet; Starting date: May 2012. FCT funding: 15,000.00 €. ARIAS - Application of Ionizing Radiation for a Sustainable Environment. FCT -RECI/AAGTEC/0400/2012 (2013 – 2015). Total funding: 495,500.00 €, IST-ID funding: 495,500.00 €. Prime and unique Contractor: IST-ID. Coordinator: F.M.A. Margaça. Dose distribution mapping and Monte Carlo simulations in CT-fluoroscopy, PTDC/SAU ENB/115792/2009. Partners: IPO/Porto, INESC/Porto e IST. Total Funding: 192,036.00 €, IST funding: 2 59,596.00 €. IST/C TN participants: J.G. Alves, A.D. Oliveira, J. Cardoso, L. Santos, J. Pereira. Chiral Metalla-Diaminocarbene Precatalysts for Asymmetric Catalytic Reactions Obtained by the Metal-Mediated Approach - PTDC/QUI-QUI/109846/2009, PI: Leonor Maria. CO2 mitigation and production of methanol by reforming of CH 4. (PTDC/AAG-TEC/3324/2012 ) 2 2 01.07.2013 – 30.06.2015. Research Team: Joaquim Branco (PI, C TN), Teresa Almeida Gasche (C TN), 2 2 António P. Gonçalves (C TN), Anabela Boavida (FCUL), Cybelle Soares (BI, C TN); Partners: FCUL; Funding: Total 172,260.00 €; IST-ID 153,404.00 €; ISEL 18,856.00 €. Increasing the energy efficiency of plasma conversion of methane. (PTDC/FIS-PLA/2135/2012) 2 30.06.2013 – 31.05.2015. Research Team: Nuno Pinhão (PI, IPFN), Joaquim Branco (C TN), Luis Redondo (ISEL), Vasco Guerra (IPFN), José Neves (LATR/CTN), João Mendes (ISEL), Hire Canacsinh (ISEL), André Janeco (PhD Student/FCT, IPFN), Ana Moura (BIC, IPFN); Partners: ISEL; Funding :Total 102,716.00 €; ISTID 82,790.00 €; ISEL 19,926.00 €. From Drug Design to New Materials: Structural Approach in Emergent Fields - RECI/QEQQIN/0189/2012, PI: Maria Teresa Duarte (CQE-IST), Team Member: Leonor Maria. Molecular and Nano Tools for Cancer Theranostics. (EXCL/QEQ-MED/0233/2012) (06-2013-05-2018); Responsible: Isabel Rego Santos; Research Team: António Paulo, Lurdes Gano, Filipa Mendes, Paula Campello, Fernanda Marques, Paula Raposinho, Célia Fernandes, Goreti Morais, Sofia Gama, João 2 Correia; Partners : IMM/FM/UL; ITQB/UNL; UC; Funding Total:500000,00 €; C TN: 400,000.00 € C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 91 Dual Targeting Strategy for EGFR Positive Tumors. (04-2014-03-2015) (EXPL/QEQ-MED/1950/2013); Totall buget: 49,440.00€. Responsible: Célia Fernandes, Research Team: Filipa Mendes, J. D. G. Correia, L. Gano, Isabel Santos. Preclinical evaluation of ruthenium potential drugs for cancer therapy, FCT – PTDC/QUIQUI/118077/2010, 2012-15. Co-ordinator: Fernanda Marujo Marques. Nitric Oxide Synthase targeting with Re(I)/99mTc(I)-complexes containing L-Arg derivatives: A structure-activity study, FCT – PTDC/QUI-QUI/121752/2010, 2012-15. Co-ordinator: J. D. G. Correia. A Molecular Imaging Approach to Cystic Fibrosis, FCT – EXPL/BIM-MEC/0115/2012, 2013-14. Co-ordinator: Filipa Mendes. Targeting telomerase inhibition with new anti-tumoral Cu(II) complexes, PTDC/QUI-QUI/114139/2009, 2011-14. Co-ordinators: S. Gama/A. Paulo. Albumin binding-domain fusions to improve protein pharmacokinetics – PTDC/SAU-FAR/115846/2009, 2011-14. Co-ordinator: J.D.G. Correia. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Assessment of Multi-Functional Bone-Seeking Agents, PTDC/QUI-QUI/115712/2009, 2011-14. Co-ordinator: Isabel Santos. Radiolabeled Benzazole Derivatives for In Vivo Imaging of Amyloid Aggregation, PTDC/QUIQUI/102049/2009, 2010-14. Co-ordinator: António Paulo. Synthesis and Pre-clinical Evaluation of Novel Estradiol-Based Indium Complexes for Targeted Radiotherapy of Tumors. PTDC/QUI-QUI/111891/2009, 2011-14. Co-ordinator: Lurdes Gano. OVERTIR - The Cabeço de Vide mineral waters (Central Portugal): a natural analogue to increase understanding of the origin of life on Earth and possibly elsewhere. PTDC/AAG-MAA/2891/2012 (052013 – 05-2015). Partners: Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e o Desenvolvimento (IST-ID), Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências (FFC/FC/UL). IST funding: 26 900 €. Coordinator: Paula Maria Mimo Carreira Paquete. VRAD - Inactivation patterns of enteric virus by ionizing radiation. EXPL/DTP-SAP/2338/2013 (20142015). IST-ID, Coordinator: S. Cabo Verde (35%) (2014-2015). Funding: 48,500.00 €. ViPena, A colecção de vitrais de D. Fernando II - Montando o puzzle (PTDC/EPH-PAT/3579/2012, 04/2013 – 09/2015), Partners: VICARTE, Parques de Sintra, Dept. of Conservation and Restoration FCTUNL, IST-ID; IST-ID Coordinator: L.C. Alves, Budget IST-ID 51,600,00 €. Azulejaria Medieval em Portugal - um estudo de proveniência (PTDC/CPC-EAT/4719/2012, 04/2013 – 09/2015). Partners: VICARTE, CICEGe/FCT-UNL, IHA/UNL, IPT, IST-ID, HERCULES/UE, UNIZAR, UPC; IST-ID Coordinator: R.C. da Silva, Total Funding: 97,020.00 €; CTN/IST funding: 6.000 €. Estudo cinético da degradação de compostos biorecalcitrantes por radiólise pulsada (PTDC/QUIQUI/104229/2008), Partner 2.781,16 € Early Metalurgy in the Portuguese Territory (PTDC/HIS-ARQ/110442/2008). Partners FLUL, FFCT, UAb, MNA. Coordinator: M. Fátima Araújo (IST); Recent evolution of Portuguese W coast estuaries: high resolution studies from marshes geological record – WesTLog (PTDC/CTE-GIX/105370/2008). Leading Institution FCUL; IST/ITN Coordinator: M.F. Araújo C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 92 Fluvio-marine interactions over the last 5000 yrs - FMI 5000(PTDC/CTE-GIX/104035/2008). Leading Institution IGOT-UL; IST/ITN Coordinator: A.M.M. Soares Processable neutral based molecule conductors for electronic applications (FCT PTDC/QEQSUP/1413/2012) (05-2013-04-2015). Research Team: Dulce Belo, Manuel Almeida, IC Santos, S. Rabaça, 2 2 E B Lopes; Partners C TN- INESC NM. Total budget 163,632.00 €, C TN: 113,792.00 €. Spatial Variation of Dose Rate in Soils and Sediments – VADOSE. (PTDC/AAC-AMB/121375/2010) (2012- 2015), Coordinator: C.I. Burbidge ITN; Other participants: Univ. Aveiro. ROBBIANA - The Della Robbia sculptures in Portugal: History, Art and Laboratory (PTDC/HISHEC/116742/2010). (2012–2015). Responsible at IST: M.I. Dias; Coordinator: P. Flor, UNL; Other participants: IST-ID. RUPSCIENCE - Analysis of the operational chains, archaeometry and chronology of Rock Art Paintings. An approach to materials technology of Portugal, Spain and Colombia’s contexts (PTDC/HISARQ/101299/2008) (2010- 2014). Responsible at IST: M.I. Dias; Coordinator: Luiz Oosterbeeck, I. Pol. Tomar. Death management in Recent Prehistory: funerary practices in Perdigões enclosure (PTDC/CSANT/104333/2008) (2010- 2014). Responsible at IST: M.I: Dias; Coordinator: University of Coimbra Improvement of the acoustical performance of the Portuguese Guitar; Ref. FCT: PTDC/EMSSIS/3255/2012 (03/06/2013 – 02/06/2015); Participants: IPP/ESMAE (Porto), IST/CTN (Sacavem), IST/DEM (Lisbon); IST Funding (from FCT): 31,602.00€; Reseachers involved: O. Inácio (ESMAE), J. Antunes (CTN), V. Debut (CTN,FCSH), P. Serrão (IST/DEM), A. Relógio Ribeiro (IST/DEM). Improvement of image quality and dose reduction in digital breast tomosynthesis using statistical image reconstruction algorithms, PTDC/BBB-IMG/3310/2012; Leading institution: IBEB; Other 2 institutions: IST-ID, LIP, Hospital da Luz; IST/C TN participants: Pedro Vaz, Salvatore di Maria, Mariana Baptista (bolseira), Catarina Figueira (bolseira), Tânia Marques (bolseira); Starting date: 1st July 2013. FCT-funding (IST-ID) 66,086.00 €. Novos alvos para aceleradores de partículas, Contrato CERN/FP/123588/2011. 4 - Bilateral Research Projects Dynamics of rotating machinery, FCT, Bilateral Research Agreement Portugal-Tunisia, 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2014, 4,300.00 €. Metal-based Compounds Relevant for Nuclear Medicine Applications, Bilateral Action Portugal/Brazil, FCT-CAPES. Co-ordinator: António Paulo. Target-specific and Heterobimetallic Platinum Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and Mechanistic Studies, Bilateral Portugal-Spain, 2012-14. Co-ordinator: Isabel Santos. 5 - Research Contracts with IAEA Simultaneous heavy ions PIXE and SIMS analysis of georesources and environmental samples (SHIPSAGES), International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Research Contract No : 18357/R0, Funding: 15,000 €, 2 Research Team C TN: Miguel A. Reis (PI), Nuno P. Barradas (co-PI), P. Cristina Chaves, S. Marta Almeida. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 93 Survival and inactivation patterns of viral threat agents in the environment: assessment of ionizing radiation as decontamination tool. IAEA Research Contract 17474 (2012-2015). Total funding: 30,000 €. IST/CTN Coordinator: S. Cabo Verde. Application of Ionizing Radiation on the cork wastewater treatment; IAEA Coordinated Research Project – IAEA Research Contrat No. 16513 (2011 – 2016). Partners: IST, Total funding: 14,500 €. Coordinator: F. Margaça. Ionization radiation treatment of fruits and vegetables for immuno-compromised patients – feasibility study, IAEA Coordinate Research Project CRP D6-RC-1163.2 - "Development of Irradiated Foods for Immuno-compromised Patients and Other Potential Target Groups”, IAEA Research Contract No. 16281 (2011 – 2015). Partners: IST; Total funding: 18,500 €. Coordinator: A. Falcão. Biodegradable polymer matrices obtained by ionizing radiation for skin scaffolds. IAEA Coordinate Research Project No: CRP F23030-E31007 – “Instructive Surfaces and Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Using Radiation Technology”, IAEA Research Contract No. 18202/RO (2014 – 2016). Total funding: 10,000 €. Partners: IST. Coordinator: L.M. Ferreira. GNIP network - Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) in Portugal, collaboration IAEA – IHS & CTN (2014) Setup of 5 GNIP stations in Portugal (Porto; Lisboa (CTN); Évora; Lagoa – Algarve and Funchal). Research Team: Paula Carreira; Dina André; Partners: IAEA Isotope Hydrology Section; University of the Algarve; University of Evora -; University of Porto ; University of Funchal. nd Support air quality management (2 cycle), International Atomic Energy Agency TC project RER/1/013, 2 2014-2015. Total funding – 360,000.00 €; C TN: 8,000.00 €. Coordinator: S. M. Almeida. 6 – Other Research Projects Estudo composicional e datação por luminescência de pastas de tacelos de terracota do conjunto escultórico do Museu de Alcobaça. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (M. I. Dias; M. I. Prudêncio; C. I. Burbidge) Caracterização química de cerâmicas arqueológicas por análise por activação neutrónica. (M. I. Prudêncio; M. I. Dias). Univ. Corunha AROMAP – Processamento de plantas aromáticas condimentares. PRODER - PA 53515 (2014-2016), Partners: Pragmático Aroma Lda., IPB, IST. IST Coordinator: A. Falcão. Funding: 53,100.00 €. 7 - FCT - research grants Fibrose Quística: Uma abordagem de Imagiologia Molecular (07-2013-09-2014) Total buget: 49 716,00 euros Responsible: Filipa Mendes, Research Team: J.D.G. Correia, Vera Ferreira; Partners : FCUL ADONICS – Alpha Detection on Integrated Circuit. (2013-2014). Investigator Grant, 2 IF/00628/2012/CP0171/CT0008. Host institution: C TN, Funded researcher: Ana Fernandes Integrated human exposure to particles: characterization, identification of sources and health effects, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, 2013 FCT Investigator Grant, IF/01078/2013. Host institution: 2 C TN, Funded researcher: S. M. Almeida (2014-2015) Invited Talks in Conferences 1) Almeida, M., Transition metal dithiolene complexes as key building blocks for conducting and th magnetic materials. Plenary presentation, 10 Inorganic Chemistry Conference of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry, Costa Caparica, 11-12 April de 2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 94 2) Alves, J.G., EURADOS Education and Training Activities. MELODI workshop, 6-8 October, Barcelona, Spain (2014). 3) Antunes, J., Modelling of musical instruments: Generic aspects, multiphysics and dynamics. Invited keynote talk, International Conference on Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation for Systems Design (MMSSD2014), Sousse, Tunisia, 17-19 December 2014. 4) Barradas, N.P., IBA software and basic data: Users' needs and developers' interests. IAEA Consultants Meeting on Improving the Quality of Analytical Data Measured by Ion Beams, 7-10 de Abril de 2014, IAEA, Viena, Áustria. 5) Barradas, N.P., Saber Ciência - Um novo recurso on-line. I Encontro do Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas Rómulo de Carvalho, 14-15 de Abril de 2014, Mafra (convidado). 6) Barradas, N.P., The Portuguese RR Transnational Cooperation Activities. IAEA Technical Project Review Meeting on Enhancing Use and Safety of Research Reactors through Networking, Coalitions and Shared Best Practices, 10-14 Fevereiro de 2014, IAEA, Viena, Áustria. 7) Campello, M.P., Bimodal Mannosylated Dextran Derivatives for Sentinel Lymph Node. I International Conference of Nuclear Medicine Technologies - Seminar of Nuclear Medicine from Lisbon School of Health Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 30-31 May 2014. 8) Comendador Rey, B.; Ínsua, F. González; Lackinger, A.; Fernández, C.; Fonte, J.; Figueiredo, E., Estaño e paisaxes da auga no Noroeste Peninsular, Paisaxes Culturais da Auga. Semana do Campus da Auga, Fórum Internacional de Innovación sobre el Agua (17-22 Marzo), Ourense, 20 Mar 2014. 9) Dias, M.I.; Coronado, J.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Marques, R.; Rocha, F., Compositional characterization of terracotta from the monumental sculptures of the Monastery of Alcobaça. International Seminar “Monumental Terracotta Sculpture from the Monastery of Alcobaça: Project Tacelo”, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar – Mosteiro de Alcobaça. 29-30 de Maio, 2014. 10) Dias, M.I.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Burbidge, C.; Marques, R.; Remonatto, C.; Carvalho, M.L.; Le Gac, A., Chemical and mineralogical patterns, and luminescence dating of miniature terracotta highreliefs. International Seminar “Monumental Terracotta Sculpture from the Monastery of Alcobaça: Project Tacelo”, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar – Mosteiro de Alcobaça. 29-30 de Maio, 2014. 11) Gonçalves, A.P.; Henriques, M.S.; Verbovytskyy, Yu.; Berthebaud, D.; Tougait, O.; Havela, L., th Understanding the U-Fe-X’ (X’ = C, Si, Ge) ternary systems. 19 International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Genova, Italy, 21-26 June, 2014. 12) Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Marçalo, J.; Cruz, A.; Henriques, M.S.; Wiss, T.; Stora, T.; Maskova, S.; Havela, L., The (almost) unexplored world of uranium th nanomaterials. 13 International Symposium on Physics of Materials (ISPMA 13), Prague, Czech Republic, 31 August–4 September, 2014. 13) Lage, J., Aplicação de SIG na avaliação do impacte da poluição atmosférica. The 2 Colloquium of Geographic Information Systems, in Society of Geography in Lisbon, 4-5 December 2014. 14) Lancastre, J.J.H., A fast tour on the understanding of the development of the structure of hybrid materials prepared by gamma radiation. Annual Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) Users st Meeting; 21 November 2014, Budapest, Hungary. nd C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 95 15) Margaça, F.M.A.; Lancastre, Joana J.H.; R. Gomes, Susana; P. Santos, Joana; Ferreira, Luís M.; Falcão, António N.; Miranda Salvado, Isabel M.; Casimiro, Maria H., Gamma radiation: an th alternative to Sol-Gel for processing bulk glasses and hybrid materials. 10 International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, ICPAM-10, Iasi, Romenia, 22-28 September 2014. 16) Pinhão, N.; Janeco, A.; Branco, J.; Guerra, V., Plasma Assisted Conversion of Methane and Carbon Dioxide: Improving the Energy Efficiency. Workshop: CO2 Dissociation – Reactive Plasma for Building Molecules, Tatihou, France, March 2014. 17) Pinhão, N.; Janeco, A.; Branco, J.; Guerra, V., Study of the Electron Kinetics and Modeling of Discharges Used for Methane Conversion. Solvay Workshop on Plasmas for Environmental Applications, Brussels, March/April 2014. 18) Vaz, P., Radiological Protection, Safety and Security Issues in the Industrial and Medical th Applications of Radiation Sources. Invited presentation during a Plenary Session of the 9 International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications (IRRMA-9), in Valencia (Spain), 6 - 11 July 2014. Contributed Talks in Conferences 1) Almeida, S.M.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Pinto, M., Indoor air quality in Portuguese buildings: new rd regulations. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 2) Almeida, S.M.; Cabo Verde, S.; Matos, J.; Viegas, C., Indoor Air Quality in Hospitals: Assessment rd for a Proper Management. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 3) Almeida, S.M.; Cabo-Verde, S.; Matos, J.; Faria, T; Viegas, C., Indoor Air Quality in Hospitals. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 4) Almeida-Silva, M.; Faria, T.; Pilou, M.; Housiadas, C.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M., Personal rd daily exposure to particulate matter: an elderly study. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 5) Almeida-Silva, M.; Faria, T.; Pilou, M.; Housiadas, C.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M., Personal rd daily exposure to particulate matter: an elderly study, 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 6) Almeida-Silva, M.; Faria, T.; Saraga, D.; Maggos, T.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M, Source th apportionment of indoor PM10 in elderly care center, 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, 7-12 July 2014. 7) Andreev, A.V.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Henriques, M.S.; Skourski, Y.; Havela, L.; Gonçalves, A.P., ièmes Magnetic properties of a U3Cu4Ge4 single crystal. 44 Journées des Actinides, Ein Gedi, Israel, 24-29 April 2014. 8) António, A.L.; Ferreira, A.B.; Isabel, C.F.R.; Cabo Verde, S.; Quintana, B., Ionizing radiation applications for a sustainable environment: food preservation processing by gamma radiation. th 9 International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications, Valencia, Spain, 6 – 11 July 2014. ISBN 978-84-942137-5-5. rd C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 96 9) António, A.L.; Santos, P.M.P.; Bento, A.; Quintana, B., Absorbed dose and effective dose in food irradiation: measurement and validation with different phantoms. RAD2014 Conference, May 27-30, Nis, Serbia. 10) Baptista, L.; Monge Soares, A.M.; Rodrigues, Z.; Valério, P.; Vale, N.; Pinheiro, R.; Fernandes, S., Os hipogeus funerários do Bronze Final do Sudoeste do Monte da Ramada 1 (Ervidel, Aljustrel). Estudo preliminar. VIII Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular. Serpa - Aroche, Portugal - Spain, 24-26 October 2014. 11) Baptista, M., A Determination of Backscatter Factors in Breast Tomosynthesis Using MCNPX Simulations and Measurements, oral presentation during the Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014”, Varna, Bulgaria. 12) Baptista, M., Assessment of the Occupational Exposure in Real-Time During Interventional Cardiology Procedures, oral presentation during the Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014”, Varna, Bulgaria. 13) Barreiros, M.A.; Corregidor, V.; Alves, L.C.; Guimarães, F.; Mascarenhas, J.; Torres, E.; Brites, M.J., Assessment of dye distribution in sensitized solar cells by microprobe techniques, th ICNMTA2014 - 14 International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Padova, Italy, 6-11 July 2014. 14) Burbidge, C.I.; Cresswell, A.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Ribeiro, J.; Franco, J.D.N.; Carvalhal, G.; Cardoso, G.; Franco, D.; Marques, R.; Reis, M.; Sanderson, D.C.W.; Rocha, F., Gamma dose rates and th radionuclide concentrations in and around contrasting soil and sediment contexts. 14 International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating. Montréal, Canada. 7-11 July 2014, Book of abstracts pp. 22. Oral. 15) Cabo Verde, S.; Almeida, S.M.; Matos, J.; Guerreiro, D.; Meneses, M.; Faria, T.; Botelho, D.; Santos, M.; Viegas C., Microbiological assessment of Indoor Air Quality in different Hospital sites. TEMPH 2014 - Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health, 18-21 September 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. 16) Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T., Assessment of bioaerosols in urban and rural primary schools using passive and active sampling methodologies. Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health (TEMPH2014), Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 September 2014. 17) Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T., Association of indoor particles of rd classrooms with prevalence of Rhinithis symptoms among students. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 18) Canha, N.; Almeida, S.M; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T., Indoor particles in scholar environments by passive deposition methodology: applicability and source apportionment. The th 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, 7-12 July 2014. 19) Canha, N.; Mandin, C.; Ramalho, O.; Wyart, G.; Ribéron, J.; Dassonville, C.; Derbez, M., Exposure rd to metals and allergens in settled dust in nursery and elementary French schools. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 20) Canha, N.; Mandin, C.; Ramalho, O.; Wyart, G.; Ribéron, J.; Dassonville, C.; Hänninen, O.; Almeida, S.M.; Derbez, M., Ventilation characterization of 17 nursery and elementary schools in C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 97 th France and its impact on indoor air pollution. 13 International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, 7-12 July 2014. 21) Canha, N.; Mandin, C.; Ramalho, O.; Wyart, G.; Ribéron, J.; Dassonville, C.; Hänninen, O.; Derbez, M., Ventilation indicators OQAI pilot survey in 51 classrooms, Workshop “Indoor air quality, ventilation, comfort in school buildings - French national survey – WHO Europe programme. Share of experience and ways to collaborate, CSTB - Paris, France, 12 June 2014. 22) Canha, N.; Wyart, G., Comparison between WHO tool and CSTB tool, Workshop “Indoor air quality, ventilation, comfort in school buildings - French national survey – WHO Europe programme. Share of experience and ways to collaborate, CSTB - Paris, France, 12 June 2014. 23) Carvalho, M.; Debut, V.; Antunes, J., A Acústica Musical ao serviço da Musicologia: Ressurreição virtual do som de um sino do séc. XIII através de técnicas de modelação física. A afinação dos Carrilhões do Palácio Nacional de Mafra. Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música (SPIM). Diálogos In Música, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 November 2014. 24) Carvalho, M.; Debut, V.; Antunes, J., A physical modelling approach for assessing the comparative timbral features of medieval and modern bells. Congresso de Organologia, Braga, Portugal, 18-20 July 2014. 25) Carvalho, M.; Debut, V.; Antunes, J.; Figueiredo, E., Physical modelling and dynamical simulation of a XIIIth century bell, International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2014, Oporto, Portugal, 30 Jun – 2 Jul 2014. 26) Casimiro, M.H.; Ferreira, L.M.; Lancastre, J.J.H.; Cabo Verde, S.; Gomes, S.R.; Rodrigues, G.; Rato, A., Biodegradable polymer matrices obtained by ionizing radiation for skin scaffolds. IAEA RC Meeting on Instructive Surfaces and Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Using Radiation Technology, Vienna, Austria, 14-18 July, 2014 27) Ciaparra; Drewnick, F.; Gonzales, B.; Garcia, S.M.; Almeida, S.M., Assessment of emissions and impact of steel production processes (ASEMIS). European Steel Environment & Energy Congress (ESEC), Teesside, UK, 15-17 September 2014. 28) Ciaparra; Drewnick, F.; Gonzales, B.; Garcia, S.M.; Almeida, S.M., Assessment of emissions and impact of steel production processes (ASEMIS). Join New European Steel Industry Conference, Paris, France, 7-8 April. 29) Corregidor, V.; Oliveira, A.R.; Rodrigues, P.A.; Alves, L.C., Paintings on copper by the Flemish th artist Frans Francken II: PIXE characterization by external microbeam, ICNMTA2014 - 14 International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, 6-11 July 2014. Padova, Italy. 30) Corregidor, V.; Ruvalcaba-Sil, J.L.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Alves, E.; Alves, L.C., Correlation between Ionoluminescence signal and the manufacturing conditions of the clay bodies of ancient tiles. th 14 International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Session 11 Nuclear Microprobe Applications: Art and Archaeometry Palazzo del Bo and Centro Culturale San Gaetano, Padova, Italy, 6-11 July 2014. Oral 31) Correia, J.D.G., Pharmacokinetics of a radiolabeled anti-TNF VHH single-domain antibody containing an albumin-binding domain, COST TD1004 Action: Theranostics Imaging and Therapy: An Action to Develop Novel Nanosized Systems for Imaging-Guided Drug Delivery, Annual Meeting, October 3-4 October, 2014, Kaya Ramada Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 98 32) Correia, J.G., Perturbed Angular Correlations, A method to probe hyperfine interactions in matter, ISOLDE Mossbauer Collaboration Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.-31.8.2014. 33) Crespo, R., Breakup of a Halo on a proton target, reaction-structure interplay, Halo Physics at the Neutron Dripline. GSI, Darmstad, Germany, Jan 27-Feb21, 2014 34) Crespo, R., Recent Results for (p,pN) using Single Core State reaction framework, R3B meeting, Paris, France, December 8 – December 13, 2014 35) Crespo, R., Transfer and breakup reactions with Halo Nuclei: beyond inert core approximation. DREB, Darmstad, Germany, Jun 30 – July 4, 2014 36) Cruz, A.; Almeida, S.M.; Alves, C.; Freitas, M.C.; Wolterbeek, H.T., Associations between rd atmospheric pollutants and hospital admissions in Lisbon. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 37) Cunha, S.; Vultos, F.; Fernandes, C.; Bernhard, C.; Marques, F.; Denat, F.; Santos, I.; Gano, L.; th Oliveira, M. C., Novel 111In-estradiol based complexes for oestrogen receptor targeting, 17 European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals (ESRR'14), April 24-27, 2014, Pamplona-Spain. 38) Deus, M.; Monge Soares, A.M.; Correia, J.C.; Valério, P., A necrópole da Idade do Ferro de Corte Margarida, Aljustrel. VIII Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular. Serpa - Aroche, Portugal - Spain, 24-26 October 2014. 39) Dias, M. Isabel; Prudêncio, M. Isabel., An Application of Geological Survey and Ceramic Compositional Studies for Tracing Provenance and Probing Manufacture Practices during Preth History in Alentejo (Portugal). 40 International Symposium on Archaeometry, Los Angeles, California, USA. Maio 19-23, 2014. Poster 40) Dias, M.I.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Kovács, I.; Szokefalvi-Nag, Z.; Flor, P., Micro-invasive and non- invasive techniques applied to Italian Renaissance Terracotta Sculptures: Provenance and chronological issues of Della Robbia Collections in Portugal. International Symposium on Archaeometry, Los Angeles, California, USA, Maio 19-23, 2014. Oral 41) Etiope, G.; Vadillo, I.; Whiticar, M.J.; Marques, J.M.; Carreira, P.M.; Tiago, I.; Benavente, J.; Jiménez, P.; Urresti, B., Methane seepage at hyperalkaline springs in the Ronda peridotite massif (Spain). AGU Meeting, San Francisco 15 -19 December 2014. 42) Falcão, A.N., A National Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation Transport and Waste Safety in Portugal. TC Project C1 – RER/9/109/9008/01, IAEA Regional Workshop on Establishing a National Strategy for Education and Training in Radiation Transport and Waste Safety, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4-7 November 2014 43) Faria, T.; Menezes, M.; Cabo Verde, S.; Viegas, C.; Almeida-Silva, M., Microbiological contamination assessment in settle dust: case-study in elderly homes. TEMPH 2014 - Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 September 2014. 44) Ferreira, A.C.; Henriques, M.S.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Leal, J.P.; Branco, J.B., Preparation of intermetallic compounds nanoparticles by electrospinning. EUFEN3-COST Action CM1006, European f-Element Chemistry, Nürnberg, Germany, 14-15 April 2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 99 45) Figueira, C., Paediatric CT Exposures: Assessment of Organ Dose Reduction Using Measurements and Monte Carlo Simulations, oral presentation during the Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014”, Varna, Bulgaria. 46) Fontaine, F.; Goiran, J.Ph.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Billy, I.; Martinez, Ph., Vranken, F.; Fagel, N., Etude des sédiments côtiers du Cap Corse : reconstruction paléoenvironnementale et suivi de la contamination en éléments traces métalliques au cours de la période historique. Second Meeting of ATEQ: “Quaternary Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons and Wetlands”, Hammamet, Tunisia 10-12 April 2014, Oral. 47) Gama, S.; Rodrigues, I.; Mendes, F.; Gabano, E.; Klejevskaja, B.; Ravera, M.; Vilar, R.; Paulo, A., nd G-Quadruplex DNA Interactions of Anthracene-Terpyridine M(II) (M = Pt, Cu) Complexes, 2 rd International Symposium on Functional Metal Complexes that Bind to Biomolecules, 3 Whole Action Meeting of the COST Action CM1105, Zurich, Switzerland, August , 2014. 48) Gonçalves, A.P.; Henriques, M.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Curlik, I.; Iľkovič, S.; Reiffers, M., Studies of th UFeSb2 uranium antimonide. 11 Prague Colloquium on f-Electron Systems (PCFES), Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July 2014. 49) Gonçalves, A.P.; Henriques, M.S.; Berthebaud, D.; Tougait, O.; Havela, L., Compounds, relations th and properties on the U-Fe-Ge system. 10 School on the Physics and Chemistry of Actinides, Ein Gedi, Israel, 22-24 April 2014. 50) Gonçalves, A.P.; Henriques, M.S.; Lopes, E.B.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Marçalo, J.; Cruz, A.; Waerenborgh, J. C.; Wiss, T.; Stora, T.; Maskova, S.; Havela, L., The (Almost) Unexplored World of Uranium th Nanomaterials, 13 International Symposium on Physics of Materials, Prague, September 2014. 51) Gonçalves, A.P.; Henriques, M.S.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Curlik, I.; Iľkovič, S.; Reiffers, M., Studies ièmes on the UFeSb2 uranium antimonide. 44 Journées des Actinides (JdA 2014), Ein-Gedi, DeadSea, ISRAEL, 22-28 April 2014. 52) Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Monnier, J.; Godart, C.; Ohorodniichuk, V.; Candolfi, C.; Lenoir, B., th Studies on tetrahedrite-based materials for thermoelectric applications. 12 European Conference on Thermoelectrics- ECT2014, Madrid, Spain, 24-26 September 2014. 53) Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Vaney, J.B.; Piarristeguy, A.; Pradel, A.; Dauscher, A.; Lenoir, B.; Delaizir, G.; Alleno, E.; Monnier, J.; Godart, C., Rapid preparation of tetrahedrite samples by glass crystallization. Reunion du GDR Thermoeléctricité, Thiais, France, 13-14 October 2014. 54) Gorbunov, D.I.; Henriques, M.S.; Andreev, A.V.; Arnold, Z.; Surblé, S.; Heathman, S.; Griveau, J.C.; Lopes, E.B.; Prchal, J.; Havela, L.; Gonçalves, A.P., High-pressure effects on the itinerant 5f ièmes ferromagnet U2Fe3Ge. 44 Journées des Actinides, Ein Gedi, Israel, 24-29 April 2014. 55) Gorbunov, D.I.; Henriques, M.S.; Andreev, A.V.; Gukasov, A.; Petrícek, V.; Skourski, Y.; Eigner, V.; Paukov, M.; Gonçalves, A.P., Electronic properties of a distorted kagome lattice antiferromagnet th Dy3Ru4Al12. 11 Prague Colloquiun on f-Electron Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July, 2014. 56) Guerreiro, D.; Silva, T.; Meneses, M.; Madureira, J.; Melo, R.; Cabo Verde, S.; Margaça, F.M.A., Gamma radiation effects on microbial inactivation and antioxidant activity of cherry tomatoes. IAEA International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 100 57) Henriques, M. S.; Cruz, A.; Marçalo, J.; Ferreira, A.; Branco, J.; Stora, T.; Gonçalves, A. P., Tailoring the Microstructure of UCx for Improved Radioisotope Release of ISOL Targets, EUFEN3 - Meeting of COST Action CM1006: European f-Element Network, Nurnberg, April 2014. 58) Henriques, M. S.; Cruz, A.; Marçalo, J.; Stora, T.; Havela, L.; Weishauptova, Z.; Gonçalves, A. P., th Synthesis of Novel UCx Nanomaterials for Online Production of Exotic Isotope Ion Beams, 44 Journées des Actinides and 10th SPCA, Ein-Gedi, Israel, April 2014. 59) Henriques, M.; Gorbunov, D.I.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Pasturel, M.; Tougait, O.; Petříček, V.; Dušek, M.; Andreev, A.V.; Havela, L.; Gonçalves, A.P., Crystal structure and physical properties of novel th U-Fe-Ge intermetallic compounds. 11 Prague Colloquium on f-Electron Systems (PCFES), Prague, Czech Republic, 2-5 July 2014. 60) Henriques, M.S.; Cruz, A.; Marçalo, J.; Ferreira, A.; Branco, J.; Stora, T.; Gonçalves, A.P., Tailoring the microstructure of UCx for improved radioisotope release of ISOL targets. EUFEN3-COST Action CM1006, European f-Element Chemistry, Nürnberg, Germany, 14-15 April 2014. 61) Henriques, M.S.; Cruz, A.; Marçalo, J.; Stora, T.; Havela, L.; Weishauptová, Z.; Gonçalves, A.P., th Synthesis of novel UCx nanomaterials for online production of exotic isotope ion beams. 10 School on the Physics and Chemistry of Actinides, Ein Gedi, Israel, 22-24 April 2014. 62) Kulka, U.; et al.; RENEB Consortium, RENEB – Status Quo of the Biodosimetry Network. 4 European IRPA conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 23-27, 2014. S3-8/3, Book of Abstracts pp 229-230. Poster, coauthor. 63) Lage, J.; Almeida, S.M. Almeida; Reis, M.A.; Chaves, P.C.; Freitas, M.C.; Ribeiro, T.; Garcia, S.; Faria, J.P.; Fernández, B.G.; Wolterbeek, H.T., Assessment of metal concentrations in airborne rd PM10 from multifarious sources in a heavy industrial area. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 64) Lage, J.; Almeida, S.M.; Reis. M.A.; Chaves, P.C.; Freitas, M.C.; Garcia, S.; Faria, J.P.; Fernandez, B.G.; Wolterbeek, H.Th., Atmospheric Air Quality Assessment in na Industrial Area in Gijón, nd North of Spain. RICTA ’14 2 Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology, Tarragona, Espanha, 7-9 July 2014. 65) Lage, J.; Almeida, S.M.; Wolterbeek, H.T., Spatial distribution and contamination assessment of rd heavy metals in surface from an industrial area. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 66) Lakinger, A.; Fernández, C.I.; Comendador, B.; Figueiredo, E.; Silva, R.J.C., Sacar el estaño de las Piedras: un procedimento artesanal para la obtención de estaño el la Galicia Meridional, VII Congreso de Mineria Y Metalurgia Antiguas en el Sudoeste Europeo, Granada, 28-29 June 2014. 67) Lancastre, J.J.H.; Falcão, A.N.; Margaça, F.M.A.; Ferreira, L.M.; Salvado, I.M.M.; Casimiro, M.H.; Almásy, L.; Meiszterics, A., The inorganic oxide network microstructure in Si based Ormosils st prepared by gamma radiation. 1 Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials, Iași, Romania, 21 – 26 September 2014. 68) Leal, S.; Leal, J. P., e-lab: Implementation of an Online Course for High School Students. HSCI2014 – 11th International Conference on Hands-on Science, Aveiro, July 2014. 69) Lima, T. (on behalf of the EC-SLI collaboration – IS453 and IS580), Lattice location and thermal stability of Mn in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As, ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2014 – 50 anniversary edition, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 15.-17.12.2014. th C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 101 70) Madureira, J.; Melo, R.; Cabo Verde, S.; Matos, I.; Noronha, J.P.; Fonseca, I.M.; Margaça, F.M.A., nd Desorption of phenolic compounds on activated carbons. 2 International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, Oporto, Portugal, 16 – 18 July 2014. 71) Marques, F.; Côrte-Real, L.; Morais, T.; Garcia, M. H.; Matos, A.; Bicho, M., Ruthenium-based th anticancer compounds: Insights into their uptake mechanisms and cellular targets. 4 World Congress on Cancer Science & Therapy, Oct 20-22, 2014, Chicago, USA. Oral Presentation. 72) Marques, T., Effect of the Glandular Composition on Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Image Quality and Dose Optimization, oral presentation during the Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014”, Varna, Bulgaria. 73) Melo, R.; Madureira, J.; Neves, J.; Pinhão, N.; Margaça, F.M.A., Degradation of hemoglobin on slaughterhouses wastewater using a DBD system. First Annual Meeting of COST Action on Electrical Discharges in Liquids for Future Applications (CMST COST Action TD1208), Lisbon, Portugal,. 10-13 March 2014. 74) Mendes, F.; Ferreira, V.F.; Oliveira, B.L.; Correia, J.D.G.; Farinha, C.M., Molecular Imaging nd probes for in vivo detection of the Cystic Fibrosis Protein, 2 International Symposium on Functional Metal Complexes that Bind to Biomolecules, 3rd Whole Action Meeting of the COST Action CM1105, Zurich, Switzerland, August , 2014. 75) Mendes, M., Use of Bismuth Shielding for the Assessment of Patient Dose Reduction in CT Using Measurements, GEANT4 and MCNPX Simulations, oral presentation during the Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014”, Varna, Bulgaria. 76) Meneses, M.; Madureira, J.; Melo, R.; António A.L.; Cabo Verde, S., Gamma irradiation effects on microbial inactivation and antioxidant activity of Melissa officinalis. International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24-26 September 2014. 77) Menezes, M.; António, A.L.; Cabo Verde, S., Gamma radiation effects on microbial inactivation of two medicinal plants. TEMPH 2014 - Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 September 2014. 78) Monge Soares, A.M.; Valério, P.; Alves, L.C.; Valera, A.C., As lâminas de ouro do túmulo 2 dos Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz). VIII Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular. Serpa - Aroche, Portugal - Spain, 24-26 October 2014. 79) Monteiro, B.; Coutinho, J. T.; Pereira, C. C. L.; Pereira, L. C. J.; Marçalo, J.; Almeida, M., 6 Dy8(OH)20Cl4• H2O, the First Layered Lanthanide Compound with SMM Behavior, EUFEN3 Meeting of COST Action CM1006: European f-Element Network, Nurnberg, April 2014. 80) Monteiro, B.; Coutinho, J.T.; Pereira, C.C.L.; Pereira, L.C.J.; Marçalo, J.; Almeida, M., Dy8(OH)20Cl4.6H2O, the first layered lanthanide compound with SMM behaviour. COST Action CM1006, European f-Element Chemistry, Nürnberg, Germany, 14-15 April 2014. 81) Morin, C.; Carreaud, J.; Vaney, J.B.; Delaizir, G.; Alleno, E.; Piarristeguy, A.; Monnier, J.; Godart, C.; Ribes, M.; Pradel, A.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Lopes, E.B.; Candolfi, C.; Dauscher, A.; Lenoir, B., Propriétés structurales et microstructurales en température de As 2Te3. Máteriaux2014, Colloque 02-Matériaux pour le stockage et la conversion de l'énergie, Montpellier, France, 24-28 November 2014. 82) Oliveira, G.N.P.; Teixeira, R.; Mendonça, T. M.; Correia, J.G.; Lopes, A.M.L.; Araújo, J.P., Local Symmetry Lowering in CdMn2O4 Spinel, VIII JORNADAS IFIMUP-IN, Oporto Portugal, 12.09.2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 102 83) Padeiro, A.; Amaro, E.; Santos, M.C.; Araújo, M.F.; Gomes, S.S.; Leppe, M.; Hughes, K.; Ulrich, H.P.; Canário, J., Assessing the contaminant levels and distribution in fields bay (KGI, Antartic). 6ª Conferência Polar Portuguesa, CIIMAR, Oporto, 30-31 October 2014. 84) Paulo, A.; Gama, S.; Rodrigues, I.; Palma, E.; Campello, M. P. C.; Morais, G.; Santos, I. C.; Raposinho, P. D.; Mendes, F.; Vilar, R.; Santos, Isabel, Zn(II) and Cu(II) Complexes with New Bis(thiosemicarbazone) Derivatives: Preliminary Evaluation of Cytotoxicity and G-quadruplex nd Binding, 2 International Symposium on Functional Metal Complexes that Bind to rd Biomolecules, 3 Whole Action Meeting of the COST Action CM1105, Zurich, Switzerland, August , 2014. 85) Pereira, C.; António, A.L.; Cabo Verde, S.; Barros, L.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Impact of gamma irradiation on hydrophilic compounds of Cochlospermum angolensis Welw. (borututu). IAEA International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2014. 86) Pereira, E.; António, A.L.; Cabo Verde, S.; Bento, A.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Effects of gamma irradiation on antioxidant potential of Ginkgo biloba L.: A comparative study of 1 and 10 kGy doses. IAEA International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2014. 87) Pinela, J.; António, A.L.; Cabo Verde, S.; Barreira, J.C.M.; Carvalho, A.M.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Effects of γ-irradiation and extraction method in the antioxidant potential of wild and commercial Tuberaria lignosa samples. IAEA International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2014. 88) Prudêncio, M. Isabel; Dias, M. Isabel; Kasztovszky, Z.; Kovács, I.; Szokefalvi-Nagy, Z., INAA, PGAA, PIXE and DRX Analyses of Portuguese Glazed tiles. A contribution for production th technology. 40 International Symposium on Archaeometry, Los Angeles, California, USA. Maio 19-23, 2014. Poster 89) Ramos, C.A.; Canha, N.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Lino, J.; Faria, T.; Cabo Verde, S.; Viegas, C.; Almeida, S.M., Exposure of vulnerable groups of people to bioaressols. TEMPH 2014 - Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 September 2014. 90) Ramos, C.A.; Reis, J.F.; Almeida, T.; Alves, F.; H.T. Wolterbeek; S.M. Almeida, Estimating the rd inhaled dose of pollutants during Indoor Physical Activity. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 91) Ramos, C.A.; Viegas, C.; Cabo Verde, S.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M., Assessment of Indoor rd Air contamination by fungi and bactéria in fitness centers. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 92) Ramos, C.A.; Viegas, C.; Cabo Verde, S.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M., Assessment of fungal rd and bacterial load in fitness centers. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 93) Ramos, C.A.; Viegas, C.; Cabo Verde, S.; Wolterbeek, H.T.; Almeida, S.M., Bioaerosol evaluation in an indoor environment: assessment of fungal and bacterial load in fitness centers. TEMPH 2014 - Trends in Environmental Microbiology for Public Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 September 2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 103 94) Ribeiro, E.M.; Fernandes, C.; Marques, F.; Correia, J.D.G.; Santos, I., Block copolymer micelles for cancer therapy. XVIII Congress of Portuguese Biochemical Society, December 17-20, 2014, Coimbra, Portugal. 95) Ricardo, R.; Raposo, A.; Bettencourt da Camara, R.; Matos, P.; Cabo Verde, S., Pasteurização a frio de ovos e ovoprodutos por radiação ionizante. XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, Oporto, Portugal, 22 - 23 May 2014. 96) Rodrigues, A.L.; Burbidge, C.I.; Dias, M.I.; Rocha, F.; Valera, A.C.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Cardoso, G., Luminescence dating of negative archaeological features in weathered and calcite-rich th lithologies. 14 International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating. Montréal, Canada, 7-11 July 2014, Book of abstracts pp. 176. Oral. 97) Rodrigues, I.; Gama, S.; Mendes, F.; Palma, E.; Paulo, A., Artificial nucleases based on new th bipyridine-terpyridine Cu(II) complexes, 10 Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, April, 2014. 98) Santos, P.M.P.; Vieira, A.J.S.C., Reaction of theophylline with superoxide radical anion. Annual MC Meeting COST Action CM1201, Prague, Czech Republic, 03-04 July 2014. 99) Silva, A.V.; Almeida, S.M.; Oliveira, C.; Miranda, A.M., Characterization of ambient suspended rd particles in an urban area affected by industrialized activities loading at Setubal, Portugal. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 100) Silva, P.F.; Almeida, F.; Waerenborgh, J.C.; Madureira, P.; Henry, B.; Neres, M.; Petrovský, E., Thermomagnetic analyses of oceanic basalts - Testing a new approach to differentiate oxidation th degree from the primitive composition of titanomagnetites. 14 Castle Meeting (New trends on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism) Évora, Portugal, 31 August-6 September 2014. 101) Silva, T.; Melo, R.; Cabo Verde, S.; Margaça, F.M.A., Effects of ionizing radiation on agrond industrial wastewater. 2 International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management,. Oporto, Portugal, 16 – 18 July 2014. 102) Sologub, O.; Rogl, P.; Bauer, E.; Salamakha, L.; Gonçalves, A.P.; Rizzoli, C.; Giester, G.; Noël, H., Ternary Ytterbium-Platinum-Boron and related systems with Sc and Y. A contribution to the th structural chemistry of the binary platinum borides. 19 International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Genova, Italy, 21-26 June 2014. 103) T, Faria; Almeida, S.M.; Air pollution by PM10 in Portugal betweeen 2001 and 2011. 3 International Congress on Environmental Health, Oporto, Portugal, 24 - 26 September 2014. 104) Teles, P., A dosimetric study of prostate brachytherapy using Monte Carlo simulations with a VOXEL phantom, measurements and a comparison with a treatment planning procedure, oral presentation during the Conference “Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014”, Varna, Bulgaria. 105) Trompier, F.; Bassinet, C.; Baumann, M.; Bortolin, E.; Burbidge, C.; De Angelis, C.; Della Monaca, S.; Fattibene, P.; Rothkamm, K.; Smith, R.; Wieser, A.; Woda, C., Overview of physical dosimetry th methods for triage application integrated in the new European network RENEB. 4 European IRPA conference,. Geneva, Switzerland, June 23-27, 2014. PS3-2, Book of Abstracts pp 235-236. Poster, coauthor. 106) Vaney, J.B.; Candolfi, C.; Ohorodniichuk, V.; Piarristeguy, A.; Lopes, E.B.; Pradel, A.; Lenoir, B., “Thermoelectric properties and microstructure of composites based on telluride C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 rd P a g e | 104 semiconducting glasses.”, 12th European Conference on Thermoelectrics- ECT2014, Madrid, Spain 24-26 September 2014. 107) Vaney, J.B.; Candolfi, C.; Ohorodniichuk, V.; Piarristeguy, A.; Lopes, E.B.; Pradel, A.; Lenoir, B.; Composites à base de verres de chalcogenures: une solution pour la thermoeléctricité. Reunion du GDR Thermoeléctricité, Thiais, France, 13-14 October 2014. 108) Vaney, J.B.; Candolfi, C.; Ohorodniichuk, V.; Piarristeguy, A.; Lopes, E.B.; Pradel, A.; Lenoir, B., Propriétés thermoélectriques et microstructure de composites à base de verres de chalcogénures. Máteriaux2014, Colloque 02-Matériaux pour le stockage et la conversion de l'énergie, Montpellier, France, 24-28 November 2014. 109) Varela, M.M.; Leal, J.P., Using Social Networks to Teach Chemistry. EduLearn14, Barcelona, July 2014. 110) Vaz, P., Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in the Medical Applications – an overview, oral th presentation during the ANS RPSD 2014 - 18 Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division, Knoxville, TN, September 14 – 18, 2014. 111) Vaz, P., Towards the next generation RIB facility using the ISOL Method: radiological protection and shielding challenges, oral presentation during the Workshop SATIF-12 (“Twelfth Meeting of Task-Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities”), Fermilab, Illinois, USA, 28-30 April 2014. 112) Viegas, S.; Almeida-Silva, M.; Sabino, R.; Viegas, C., Exposure to volatile organic compounds, particulate matter and fungi in a composting plant, International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Guimarães, Portugal, 13-14 February 2014. 113) Vieira, A.J.S.C.; Santos, P.M.P., Antioxidising cascade effects of xanthines. Annual MC Meeting COST Action CM1201, Prague, Czech Republic, 03-04 July 2014. 114) Wahl, U., Emission channeling on transition metal defects in Si, ISOLDE Mossbauer Collaboration Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.-31.8.2014. 115) Wahl, U.; Amorim, L.M.; Pereira, L.M.C.; Decoster, S.; Silva, D.J.; Correia, J.G.; da Silva, M.R.; th Temst, K.; Vantomme, A., Lattice sites of implanted Mg in GaN. 19 International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM), Leuven, Belgium, 14.-19.9.2014. 116) Yang, P.; Lucena, A. F.; Gong, Y.; L. Maria, J. Marçalo; Gibson, J. K., Gas-Phase Actinyl Chemistry of N-Heterocyclic Ligands: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study. Plutonium Futures - The Science 2014, Las Vegas, September 2014. Seminars Given 1) Almeida, S.M., Qualidade do Ar Interior na Manutenção, Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Manutenção, Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, 3 October. 2) Barradas, N.P., IBA simulation from an expert's point of view, or Everything you never wanted to know about "How to simulate a spectrum", Centre for Micro Analysis of Materials, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 13 de Novembro de 2014. 3) Belo, D., Se as moléculas falassem umas com as outras, invited lecture in the outreach action “Laboratórios abertos 2014”, do IST, Lisbon, Portugal,. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 105 4) Borges, C., Impact of using different radiation therapy techniques in breast cancer: contralateral 2 breast dose, Seminário do C TN, Auditório do CTN, 11 September 2014. 5) Burbidge, C.I., VADOSE, spatial variation of dose rate in soils and sediments, STAR International Wildlife Dosimetry Workshop. 10-12 June 2014. CIEMAT. Madrid, Spain. Oral, presenter. 6) Cabo Verde, S., Irradiação de alimentos: que futuro? 1º Encontro Sectorial – Sector Indústria Agro-alimentar, CTN, Sacavém, 9 October 2014. 7) Cabo Verde, S., Novos desafios das radiações na Indústria Farmacêutica, 2º Encontro Sectorial Sector das Ciências da Vida, Saúde e Farmacêutica, CTN, Sacavém. 6 November 2014. 8) Crespo, R., One-neutron and one-proton knockout from C, Be, O isotopes from collision with a proton target, University Surrey, Guildford, UK, 6th May, 2014 9) Dias, M.I.; Prudêncio, M.I.; Burbidge, C.I.; Marques, R.; Remonatto, C.; de Carvalho, M.L.; Gac, A. Le, Chemical and mineralogical patterns, and luminescence age of miniature terracota highreliefs. Monumental Terracotta Sculpture from the Monastery of Alcobaça: Project Tacelo, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar – Monastery of Alcobaça. 29-30 May 2014. 10) Fernandes, A.C.; Marques, F., Terapia por Captura de Neutrões em Boro, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 5-Mai-2014 - Seminar within the course Efeitos Biológicos da Radiação. 11) Leal, J. P., A Química aqui tão perto…, Externato da Luz, Lisbon, March 2014. 12) Leal, J. P., Energia, o que é isso? Escola Secundária José Saramago, Mafra, January 2014. 13) Mendes, M., Estimativa da dose absorvida em pacientes pediátricos devido à administração de 99m 2 um radiofármaco contendo Tc utilizando diversas técnicas, Seminário do C TN, Auditório do CTN, 19 February 2014. 14) P. Vaz and Octávia Monteiro Gil, Riscos e efeitos biológicos da exposição a radiações ionizantes, Seminário na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 7 April 2014. 15) Paulo, A., Anthracene-terpyridine metal complexes as selective G-quadruplex DNA binders, Workshop on Quadruplex Nucleic Acids, FF-UL, 11 November 2014. 16) Paulo, A., Nuclear Tools for Imaging and Targeted Therapy of Cancer, Post-Graduated Course “Bionanotechnology for Diagnosis and Therapy of Cancer”, Univ. Minho, Braga, 23 May 2014, 17) Paulo, A., Radioactive Organometallic Complexes for Cardiac Imaging and Cancer Theranostics, Chemforum 2014, CQE, IST, 15 October 2014. 18) Paulo, A., Radiolabeled Peptide-modified Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Theranostics, CTN/IST, 27th November, 2014. 19) Raposinho, P. D., Experimentação Animal, invited talk in Nuclear Medicine graduation, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 November, 2014. 20) Santos, I., As Tecnologias Nucleares no Desenvolvimento e Descoberta de Novos Fármacos, 2º Encontro Sectorial CTN/CML, Sector das Ciências da Vida, Saúde e Farmacêutica, CTN, 6 November 2014. 21) Santos, I., Molecular Imaging Using Nuclear Probes: Design and Preclinical Evaluation, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 3 April 2014. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 106 22) Santos, I., Nuclear Tools for Molecular Imaging and Theranostics, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 4 December 2014. 23) Santos, P.M.P., Ionizing radiation: concepts, applications, dosimetry and radiolysis of xanthine derivatives, Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico. Theoretical and practical lesson in the scope of the discipline Radiation Chemistry, Master in Bioorganic Chemistry (FCTUNL), 4 November 2014. 24) Seminars in the MSc. in Physics Engineering, Chair Nuclear Physics, IST, May 28 2014: a) Vaz, P., Protecção Radiológica nas aplicações tecnológicas, médicas e industriais das radiações ionizantes; b) Paiva, I., Repositórios de Profundidade: Uma solução real para a questão dos resíduos radioactivos. 25) Seminars in the MSc. In Physics Engineering, Chair Radiation Physics, IST, Nov 6 2014: a) Monteiro Gil, O., Efeitos biológicos das radiações ionizantes: cancro da tiróide; b) Paiva, I., Brief Introduction to the management of radwaste and research lab’ proceedings. 26) Vaz, P., Aplicações Médicas das Radiações Ionizantes – Protecção, Segurança e Risco Radiológico, Colóquio do Departamento de Física do IST, Lisbon, October 2014. Seminars and Workshops at C2TN 13 January - João Nuno Moreira —CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology; Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Nanotechnology-based systems in oncology: challenges and opportunities. 30 January - Luiz Carlos Bertolino — COAM – Coordination of Mineral Analysis, MCTI – Center for Mineral Technology, University of the Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil, http://www.cetem.gov.br;. Argilominerais brasileiros: usos e aplicações industriais. 19 February - Mónica Mendes –IST/CTN/GPSR, Estimativa da dose absorvida em pacientes pediátricos 99m devido à administração de um radiofármaco contendo Tc utilizando diversas técnicas. 20 February - Maria Paula Boaventura -IPATIMUP, Grupo Cancer Biology, Tinea capitis – Past and Present Concerns. 13 March - João Pedro Conde - Departamento de Bioengenharia, IST, Filmes finos de silício: da electrónica aos MEMS e aos sistemas Lab-on-a-Chip. 10 April - Carlos Fabião - Centro de Arqueologia, Universidade de Lisboa, A unidade de produção de preparados de peixe de época romana, da Casa do Governador da Torre de Belém, uma abordagem interdisciplinar. 15 May - Matilde Marques – Centro de Química Estrutural, IST, Chemical tools in Molecular Toxicology A chemist´s contribution to tackle bioactivation mechanisms. 4 June - Clara Viñas i Teixidor – Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC). The uniqueness of boron clusters in Nanomaterials, Nanobiomaterials and Nanomedicine. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 107 10 July - José Manuel Marques - Centro de Petrologia e Geoquímica, IST, As águas minerais de Cabeço de Vide: um análogo natural para melhorar o conhecimento sobre a origem da vida na Terra. 11 September - Cecília Borges – Mercurius Health SA, Impact of using different radiation therapy techniques in breast cancer: contralateral breast dose. 8 October - Jürg Diemand - Institute for Computational Sciences, University of Zürich, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bubble Nucleation in Dark Matter Detectors. 27 November - António Rocha Paulo – Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares, Radiolabeled peptide-modified gold nanoparticles for cancer theranostics. 5 December - José Manuel Rebordão - Laboratório de Óptica, Lasers e Sistemas, Dep. Física, FCUL, Metrologia: valor comum a cadeias de valor e de abastecimento? 18 December - Katharina Lorenz – Grupo de Investigação de Materiais Avançados e Laboratório de Aceleradores e Tecnologias de Radiação, Light emitting materials analyzed and processed by ion beams. Education 1 - Courses given in Universities and Polytechnical Schools 1) Araújo, M. Fátima, Invited Lecturer, in “Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry” in the framework of one semester course on “Examination and Analysis Methods I” for the MSc´s in “Conservation and Restoration” and “Conservation Sciences”, Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, FCT, UNL. 2) Belo, D., General Chemistry courses in the following IST Mestrado Integrado em: a) Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (1st semester 2103/2014); b) Engenharia Física Tecnológica e Engenharia Biomédica (2nd semester 2103/2014); c) Engenharia Mecânica (1st semester 2104/2015). 3) Burbidge, C.I., Physics Department, Instituto Superior Técnico. Electromagnetism and Optics Laboratory classes (plus introductory theory classes). 4) Burbidge, C.I., Physics Department, Instituto Superior Técnico. Mechanics and Waves Laboratory classes. 5) Burbidge, C.I., Physics Department, Instituto Superior Técnico. Radiation Physics and Technology, Theoretical and Laboratory classes. 6) Cabo Verde, S., Inactivation studies of the microbiota of medicinal plants by gamma radiation. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 26 November-12 December 2014, Theoretical and laboratory classes in the scope of the discipline Microbial Biotechnology, Degree in Biology. 7) Cabo Verde, S., Ionizing radiation applications. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 21th October 2013. Theoretical lesson in the scope of the Radiation Effects discipline, Master degree in Biochemistry. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 108 8) Cabo Verde, S., Ionizing radiation applications. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 14th April 2014. Lecture in the scope of the Radiation Effects discipline, MSc in Biochemistry. 9) Cabo Verde, S., Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade – HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 8th May 2013. Theoretical lesson in the scope of Biotecnology discipline, MSc in Applied Microbiology. 10) Cabo Verde, S., Southern hybridization with nonradioactive probes. Laboratory classes in the scope of the disciplines Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biotechnology of the Integrated Master Degree (MSc) in Biomedical Engineering and Biological Engineering and Master Degrees (MSc) in Biotechnology and Microbiology; Departamento de Bioengenharia, Instituto superior Técnico. November – December 2014. 11) Carreira, P.M., Mineral and geothermal groundwater dating (Datação de águas minerais e geotérmicas), IST- LEGM (2013-2014), Disciplina Recursos Hidrominerais e Geotérmicos (28 de Abril 2013) MSc Lecture. 12) Correia, J.D.G., Lecturer at the Módulo “Radiofarmácia”, Mestrado em Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa (2013/2014). 13) Falcão, A.N., Invited Coordinator Professor at the Higher School for Health Technology – Responsible of the Course in Biomechanics. 14) Leal, J.P., Invited Professor in FC-UL; Theoretical-Practical and Laboratory Classes of Chemistry II (Licenciatura - Ciências da Saúde). 15) Marques, J.G., “Técnicas Nucleares”, Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Física, FCUL, 2013/2014. 16) Marques, J.G., Energia Nuclear, Programa Doutoral em Sistemas Sustentáveis de Energia, Mestrado Bolonha em Engenharia e Gestão da Energia, IST, 2013/2014. 17) Marques, J.G., Reactores Nucleares, Mestrado Bolonha em Engenharia e Gestão da Energia, IST, 2013/2014 18) Mendes, F., Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa a) Genetic Engineering - Integrated Masters in Biological Eng and Biomedical Eng; b) Molecular Biotechnology - Masters in Biotechnology and Microbiology. 19) Mendes, F., Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa a) Human Molecular Biology – MSc Biochemistry 20) Monge Soares, A.M., Invited Lecturer, Lectures in “Isotope Analysis”, Radiocarbon Dating” and “Luminescence Dating” in the framework of one semester course on “Examination and Analysis Methods II” for the Master degrees in “Conservation and Restoration” and “Conservation Sciences”, FCT/UNL. 21) Monteiro Gil, O.; Paiva, I.; Portugal. L.; Neves, M., Laboratory and Radiation Safety Workshop 2014, Course in the framework of the RabbiT (Radiation Biology and Biophysics) Doctoral C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 109 Training Programme, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 26 June 2014. 22) Paiva, I.; Monteiro Gil, O.; Oliveira, A.; Portugal, L., Application of Ionizing Radiation for a Sustainable Environment, course in the framework of Project ARIAS “WP4: Education and Training in Radioprotection”, 2 – 10 October 2014. 23) Paiva, I.; Reis, M., Programme for Education, Training and Research on Underground Storage, 2 weeks duration (June 16-27, 2014) European course by videoconference, involving the following universities: INPL, EMNantes, Prague, Helsinki, Kalmar, UPM and IST). Co-organizers. 24) Paulo, A., Invited Coordinator Professor at ESTeSL, Disciplines: Radiopharmacy I (2 Semester), Radiopharmacy II (3rd year, 1st Semester) (2013/2014). 25) Paulo, A., Invited Professor, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, Master Course on Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Chemistry: lectures on Fundamentals of Radioactivity, Production of Radionuclides and Basics Aspects of Coordination Chemistry, discipline Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry (2013/2014). 26) Rabaça, S., General Chemistry courses in the following IST Mestrado Integrado: nd year, 2nd a) Em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (1st semester 2103/2014); b) Engenharia Biomédica e Engenharia Física Tecnológica (2nd semester 2103/2014); c) Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (1st semester 2104/2015). nd 27) Santos, I., Invited Associated Professor at FCUL, Chemical Systems and Reactivity, 2 Chemistry, 2013-14, FCUL, Universidade de Lisboa. Cycle in 28) Teles, P., Discipline “Electromagnetismo e Óptica” (1 year undergraduates), laboratorial st courses, 1 semester 2014-2015, Physics Department (IST). 29) Teles, P., Discipline “Mecânica e Ondas” (1 year undergraduates), practical courses, 2 semester 2013-2014, Physics Department (IST). st C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 st nd P a g e | 110 2 - Short Courses given in International Organizations 1) Almeida, S.M., Regional Training Course on Source Identification and Apportionment of Air Particulate Matter, International Atomic Energy Agency, Lisbon, 2-6 June 2014. 2) Carreira, P., Enhancing the Use of Isotope Hydrology in Planning, Management and Development of Water Resources, Angola, (IAEA Expert mission), 3-7 November 2014. 3) Correia, J.D.G., Invited Lecturer at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Radioactive Metal-Based Drugs for Imaging and Therapy, within the Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry course, 1st year Master in Pharmacy, 9 - 12 January 2014. 4) Correia, J.D.G., Organization and Lecturer at the COST Training School: Peptides for Targeted Drug Delivery - Hands-on, organized within the framework of COST Action CM 1105: Functional metal complexes that bind to biomolecules. Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN), Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 5 – 9 May 2014. 5) Correia, J.G., “An introduction to statistics, error treatment and Fourier analysis of data treatment applied to Perturbed Angular Correlations” - 15 h course given for 4 students at ISOLDE-CERN during February – March 2014. 6) Fernandes, C., Invited lecturer at the COST Training School: Peptides for Targeted Drug Delivery; Module 3 - Methods of analytical control and purification and Module 8 - Radiometallated 2 Peptides. COST Action CM 1105: Functional metal complexes that bind to biomolecules. C TN, 5 – 9 May 2014. 7) Gano, L., Invited lecturer at the COST Training School: Peptides for Targeted Drug Delivery; Module 10- Biological assessment of peptides. COST Action CM 1105: Functional metal 2 complexes that bind to biomolecules. C TN, 5 – 9 May 2014. 8) Mendes, F., Invited lecturer at the COST Training School: Peptides for Targeted Drug Delivery; Module 1 - Biological relevance and general applications of peptides. COST Action CM 1105: 2 Functional metal complexes that bind to biomolecules. C TN, 5 – 9 May 2014. 9) Raposinho, P.D., Invited lecturer at the COST Training School: Peptides for Targeted Drug Delivery; Module 10- Biological assessment of peptides. COST Action CM 1105: Functional 2 metal complexes that bind to biomolecules. C TN, 5 – 9 May 2014. 3 - Short Courses given in National Institutions 1) Almeida, S.M.; Qualidade do Ar Exterior, Course “Seminários em Saúde Ambiental”, Degree in Environmental Health, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, 7th November. 2) Kling, A.; Wahl, A.R., Initial training and Refreshment Course for Radiological Protection and Safety Technicians at the RPI, CTN, IST, UL, May 19 – June 30, 2014. 3) Ramos Wahl, A.R., Curso de Formação de Técnico de Radioprotecção do RPI. 4) Ramos Wahl, A.R., Curso de Refrescamento dos Operadores do RPI. 5) Maria, L., member of the Organizing Committee and lecturer on NMR and Joaquim Marçalo member of the Scientific Committee and lecturer on MS — Course “Modern Methods of C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 111 Structure Elucidation–2014”, CQE-IST, Lisboa, (http://cqe.ist.utl.pt/events/mmse2014/mmse2014.php). 27-31 October 2014 6) Correia, J.D.G., Lecturer at the Perceptorship Program in Bone metastases and bone-targeting agents, Hospital de Santa Maria and IMM, Oncology Division and Radiology Division. Research with Radionuclides, 5 – 6 November 2014. 7) Gonçalves, A.P., New thermoelectric materials, Design e Selecção de Materiais, Licenciatura em Engenharia de Materiais, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, 4 de Abril de 2014 Scientific Committees 1) Almeida, M., Member of the International Committee of the conference series “International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals”. 2) Almeida, S.M., “Task Force Meeting to define modify the APM databases design”, IAEA, Athens, Greece, 25-27 June. 3) Almeida, S.M., Member Scientific Comission BioMAP – Biomonitoring of Air Pollution, since 2014. 4) Alves, J.G., Member of EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry) Council. 5) Alves, L.C., External reviewer of scientific proposal submitted to the 2015 Regular Competition of the National Fund for the Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) of the Chilean National Commission for the Technological Research (CONICYT). 6) Antunes, J.V., Committee member of the French Agence d'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (AERES) for the scientific evaluation of IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique, attached to Centre Pompidou for Contemporary Art, Paris, France, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 9912). 7) Antunes, J.V., Co-organizer of four sessions - FSI-3-16 (Axial flow I), FSI-3-17 (Axial flow II), FSI-318 (Flutter, aeroelasticity, aerodynamics I), FSI-3-19 (Flutter, aeroelasticity, aerodynamics II) - of the 2014 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference (PVP2014), Anaheim, USA, 20-24 July 2014. 8) Antunes, J.V., Member of the Cientific Council of LAMSID – Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures Industrielles Durables, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 2832), partenariat EDF/CNRS/CEA, Clamart, France. 9) Antunes, J.V., Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2014 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference (PVP2014), Anaheim, USA, 20-24 July 2014. 10) Antunes, J.V., Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4 International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations (CMMNO 2014), Lyon, France, 15-17 December 2014. 11) Antunes, J.V., Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA), Le Mans, France, 7-12 July 2014. 12) Antunes, J.V., Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation for Systems Design (MMSSD2014), Sousse, Tunisia, 1719 December 2014. th C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 112 13) Araújo, M.F., Member of the scientific committee of the Doctoral Program CORES, An Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Course in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Department of Conservation and Restoration, FCT, UNL. 14) Araújo, M.F., Member of the scientific committee of the VIII Symposium of the Iberian Atlantic Margin, from 21 to 23 September 2015, Malaga, Spain. 15) Barradas, N.P., Evaluator of research grants for FONDECYT - Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile, 2015 FONDECYT Regular Competition, 2014. 16) Barradas, N.P., Member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2014-2016. 17) Barradas, N.P., Member of the International Committee of the International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, since July 2013. 18) Branco, J.B., Member of the Directive Board of the FCT Doctoral Programme CATSUS - Catalysis and Sustainability (PD/00248/2012; http://catsus.tecnico.ulisboa.pt). 19) Burbidge, C.I., Secretary, EURADOS WG10 “Retrospective dosimetry”. 20) C. Oliveira and P. Vaz, Group of Experts under Article 31 of the EURATOM Treaty. (2010-2014). 21) Carreira, P.M., Member of the Scientific committee and Local Organizing Committee of MEDGEO15 - 6th International Conference on Medical Geology, 26 July to 1 August 2015 Aveiro, Portugal. 22) Carreira, P.M., Member of the Scientific committee and Local Organizing Committee of WRI-15 – International conference: Water Rock Interaction-15. 16 to 21 October 2016, Évora, Portugal. 23) Carreira, P.M., Member of the scientific Committee of ANIMMA 2015 - International Conference on “Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurements Methods and their Applications” from 20 to 24 April 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. 24) Correia, J.G., Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions, since 2007. 25) Crespo, R., Direct Reactions Exotic Beams (DREB) workshop, international Advisory committee. 26) Crespo, R., International Committee member of the Isolde and Neutron Time-Of-Flight experiments Committee (INTC), since 2014. 27) Crespo, R., Re-writing Nuclear Physics texts: 30 years of Radioactive Ion Beams meeting, International Advisory committee. 28) Dias, M. I. - International Seminar on Monumental Terracotta Sculpture from the Monastery of Alcobaça: Project Tacelo, 2014. 29) Dias, M. I., Member of the FCT Panel for 2014 Individual grants application (BD, BDE, BPD). 30) Dias, M. I., President of the Iberian Society - Sociedade de Arqueometria Aplicada ao Património Cultural" (SAPaC). 31) Gonçalves, A.P.: C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 113 a) Member of the International Committee of the “International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements”. b) Member of the International Committee of the annual conference series “Journées des Actinides”; c) National Delegate to the Management Committee of COST Action MP1201, “Nanoscale Superconductivity”; 32) Leal, J.P., Expert/consultant in the Training Workshop “O tablet na sala de aula: uma ferramenta digital na educação”, promoted by NOVAFOCO (Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas da Área Pedagógica de Cacém/Queluz). 33) Leal, J.P., Member of the Evaluation Panel in Chemical Sciences of the FCT 2014 Call for PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-Doctoral fellowships. 34) Leal, J.P., President of the Scientific Board of IAVE, E.P. (Educational Assessment Institute), representing the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ). 35) Marçalo, J., Head of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ) since April 2014. 36) Marçalo, J., Member of the Management Committee of COST Action CM1006 - EUFEN: European f-Element Network. 37) Marçalo, J., Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10 Inorganic Chemistry Conference of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ), Costa da Caparica, April 2014. 38) Marques, J.G., Member of Euratom Treaty Article 37 Expert Group. 39) Marques, J.G., Member of Programme Committee, Research Reactor Fuel Management Conference, European Nuclear Society. 40) Marques, J.G., Member of the Advisory Board of Euratom Supply Agency. 41) Marques, J.G., Member of the Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee. 42) Mendes, F.; Gano, L., Members of the Organizing Committee of the “LOWDOSE-PT-2015 Biological effects and risks of low dose and protracted exposures to ionizing radiation”, 2 organized by the IST at C TN, Universidade de Lisboa, to be held during April 2015. 43) Monge Soares, A.M., Member of the Scientific committee of the VIII Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular, 24-26 October, Serpa - Aroche, Portugal - Spain. 44) Reis, M.A., Chairman of the International Advisory Committee of the International PIXE Conference. 45) Vaz P., Computational Medical Physics Working Group (CMPWG) of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). 46) Wahl, U., Member of the advisory committee on the “Use of large scale facilities for condensed matter research” of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, since Jan. 2013. th C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 114 Organization of Conferences and Workshop LOWDOSE-PT – Workshop entitled “Efeitos biológicos e riscos da exposição a baixas doses e das exposições prolongadas a radiações ionizantes”, INSA, Lisboa, 28 January 2014. Pedro Vaz and Octávia Monteiro Gil: organizers. “PREPARE — 1 National Panel on the topic “Management of Contaminated Food after Nuclear and Radiation Accident”, 11 de Abril de 2014, Auditório do CTN. Pedro Vaz, Isabel Paiva, Maria José Madruga, Mário Reis, Octávia Monteiro Gil, Luís Portugal, Pedro Teles, Mariana Baptista. SATIF-12 (“Twelfth Specialists´ meeting on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators Targets and Irradiation Facilities”), Fermilab, Illinois, USA, 28-30 April 2014. Pedro Vaz: Co-organizer and member of the Scientific Committee. I International Conference of Nuclear Medicine Technologies, Lisboa, 30 -31 May 2014. Pedro Vaz: member of the Scientific Committee and session organizer. RPSD 2014 (18th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society), Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 14-18 September 2014. Pedro Vaz: member of the Scientific Committee. st Technical Reports Luís, R. et al., “Characterization of the reference scenario v2” (Deliverable D1.5), FP7-SECURITY project REWARD. Luís, R. et al., “Test Scenario Monte Carlo Simulation Result” (Deliverable D6.4), FP7-SECURITY project REWARD. Luís, R.; Romanets, Y., Neutronics FLUKA analysis of the Target section for T-MIF, CERN report (2014). Samec, K. et al., A spallation-based irradiation test facility for fusion and future fission materials, CERN-report (2014). Samec, K. et al., Technical Design Report of the Multi-MW test Irradiation Facility, CERN report (2014). C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 115 Coordination and/or participation in Infrastructures Networks Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields Laboratory. Research Team; Manuel Almeida, E.B. Lopes, 2 L.C. Pereira, J.C. Waerenborgh ; Partners: C TN- IST-UL, CFMC/FC/UL. ; Funding Total 879 000,00 €; 2 C TN-IST-UL 701 000,00 € Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (RNEM) ROTEIRO/0028/2013, 2014 - 2019. Research Team: 2 Maria Helena Florêncio (PI, FCUL), Joaquim Marçalo (C TN-IST, Management Team member), M. Conceição Oliveira (CQE-IST, Implementation Team member); Partners/Nodes: Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular (CNBC/UC), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FC/UL), Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa (FF/UL), Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular (IPATIMUP/UP), Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB/UNL), Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSARJ), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UTL), Universidade da Madeira (UMA), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Universidade de Coimbra (UC); International Partners: INSTRUCT European Research Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology, HUPO - Human Proteome Organization, EuPA - European Proteomics Association; Funding Total 5 820 300.00 €; IST/UL 979 000.00 € Portuguese Platform for BioImaging (PPBI). Research Team: IST: Mario Berberan (CQFM), Isabel Rego 2 2 Santos (C TN), João Galamba Correia (C TN); Partners: U. Porto, U. Minho, INEB, U. Coimbra, U. Aveiro, U. Beira Interior, Champalimaud Foundation, Gulbenkian Institute, U. Nova Lisboa, U. Lisboa, U. Algarve ; Funding Total: 7.5 M€; IST (CQFM+C2TN) – 350 000,00 € Participation in International platforms and networks European platforms MELODI. Multidisciplinary European LOw Dose Initiative is an European Platform dedicated to low dose radiation risk research. In 2010 MELODI was founded as a registered association with 15 members. The purpose of MELODI is: 1) MELODI will propose R&T priorities for Europe in its field of competence; EUROPE 2020 Strategy. 2) MELODI will seek the views of stakeholders on the priorities for research, keep them informed on progress made, and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge. 3) MELODI will interface with international partners like WHO and IAEA. Alliance. European Radioecology Alliance is a Research Platform, in accordance with relevant European Union policies. For this purpose, it will contribute to the following: definition of priority objectives in the Research Area, identification of research programmes and resources to be implemented in order to achieve these objectives, assessment of results obtained, and promotion of communication on these issues between the various actors and parties involved. NERIS. European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery The mission of the NERIS Platform is to establish a forum for dialogue and methodological development between all European organisations and associations taking part in decision making of protective actions in nuclear and radiological emergencies and recovery in Europe. EURADOS. EURopean Radiation Dosimetry Group gathers 60 institutions in European countries, Russia and USA and is a non-profit association for promoting research and development and European cooperation in the field of the dosimetry of ionizing radiation. EURADOS maintains a network which includes experts (more than 250), reference and research laboratories, and dosimetry services. C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 116 EURAMET. The European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) is a Regional Metrology Organisation (RMO) of Europe. It coordinates the cooperation of National Metrology Institutes (NMI) of Europe in fields like research in metrology, traceability of measurements to the SI units, international recognition of national measurement standards and related Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMC) of its members. Through Knowledge Transfer and cooperation among its members EURAMET facilitates the development of the national metrology infrastructures. EURAMET is responsible for the elaboration and execution of the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) which is designed to encourage collaboration between European National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and partners in industry or academia. The programme funds joint research projects in specific fields of metrology with over 50 projects selected for funding so far and many more expected over the coming years. EIMM. European Institute of Molecular Magnetism is a joint initiative stemming from the European Network of Excellence MAGMANet. The institute aims to become a centre of excellence in Europe for research and training as well as a world leading reference in the area of Molecular Magnetism. International networks Integrating radiation research in the European Union. FCT decided to participate in the European consortium which will submit a proposal to the HORIZON 2020 EURATOM, NFRP-7 call 2014-15. Title: Integrating radiation research in the European Union. EU provide 70% of funding total (40M euros) the FCT and equivalent research institutions cover the remaining value. They will open calls in their countries. MEDICIS –Production of alpha –and beta emitters for medical applications (One MARIE Curie approved). New Collaboration with CERN. n-TOF. The n-TOF collaboration is a consortium of 40 institutions in European countries, USA, Russia and Japan. It undertakes a experimental programme using the Time of Flight (TOF) spectrometer at CERN, to perform the measurement of the neutron capture and fission cross-sections in actinides, structural materials and radionuclides of relevance for nNuclear Technology and Astrophysics. ISOLDE. ISOLDE-CERN is a facility for the production of radioactive ion beams for experiments in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics, materials science and life sciences. Since 1986 Portugal maintains an experimental infra-structure dedicated to materials science at ISOLDE, which is being developed and 2 permanently maintained under the responsibility and coordination of C TN. COST Actions COST Action TD 1104/Theragnostics Imaging and Therapy: An Action to Develop Novel Nanosized Systems for Imaging-Guided Drug Delivery. Participating countries: Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. Cost ACTION CM 1105/Functional metal complexes that bind to biomolecules. Participating countries: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 117 Awards Members Redondo-Cubero, Andrés, received the “MRS Best Poster Award”, for the work: A. Redondo-Cubero, E. David-Bosne, U. Wahl, N. Franco, P.A. Miranda, M.R. da Silva, J.G. Correia, and K. Lorenz: “Accurate determination of strain in GaN-based structures by ion channeling”, 2014 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS), Symposium ZZ on “Advanced Characterization Techniques for IonBeam-Induced Effects in Materials”, San Francisco, California, 21.-25.4.2014. Vaz, P. (2014). Outstanding Service Award of the American Nuclear Society – Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (ANS/RPSD), 2014: “For his long-time service to ANS/RPSD, most notably in organizing many Conferences as a major representative from the international community and for this outstanding research contributions inradiation protection and shielding”. Students Carvalho, Miguel, received the prize "Poster award for scientific dissemination", for the work: M. Carvalho, V. Debut, J. Antunes (2014) "Assessing the perceived strike notes and tuning properties of two historical carillons based on the identified modes and empirical psychoacoustic pitch criteria". In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA), Le Mans, France. Figueira, Catarina. Best Paper Award in Conference "Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014", Varna, Bulgaria, 2014 – "Paediatric CT Exposures: Assessment of Organ Dose Reduction Using Measurements and Monte Carlo Simulations" Baptista, Mariana. Best Paper Award in Conference "Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014", Varna, Bulgaria, 2014 – "Assessment of the Occupational Exposure in Real-Time During Interventional Cardiologiy Procedures" Mendes, Mónica. Best Paper Award in Conference "Radiation Protection in Medicine 2014", Varna, Bulgaria, 2014 - "Use of Bismuth Shielding for the Assessment of Patient Dose Reduction in CT Using Measurements, GEANT4 and MCNPX Simulations" C2TN / IST Annual Report 2014 P a g e | 118