the knights templar. - Study in Portugal Network
the knights templar. - Study in Portugal Network
THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ARCHITECTURE AND SYMBOL IN EUROPE AND PORTUGAL 2014/2015 Academic Year: 2014 2015 Duration: Summer Teacher: Paulo Pereira PREREQUISITE: ….. TEACHER: PAULO PEREIRA. Art historian (Univ. Nova); Architectural History PhD. (Faculdade da Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa /FAUL) CV: Historian: degree (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa /FLUL); Art historian. Master degree (FCSH/Univ Nova of Lisbon), Architectural History PhD. (Faculdade da Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa /FAUL). Invited conferencist in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Brasil, USA, etc. Vice President (1995 2002) of the Portuguese Institute for Architectural Heritage (IPPC/ Minsistry of Culture)). Editor of História de Arte Portuguesa, 3 vols, Círculo de Leitores. Author of Lugares Mágicos de Portugal, Círculo de Leitores, 2004 2005 (8 vols); author (with Paula Benito), Convento da Arrábida. Porta do Céu, Fundação Oriente,; Portugal Megalítico, Inapa, 2007. Co curator of the exhibition Neue Welten (Novos Mundos), shown in the Deutsche Historisches Museum, in Berlim. Author of Arte Portuguesa. História Essencial (Temas & Debates). Author of Decifrar a Arte Portuguesa (Círculo de Leitores, 8 vols, 2014). Teaches on Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa. Author of several articles with peer review in specialized media and scientific publications, meetings and symposia. COURSE UNIT AIMS (Purpose of the course using broad, general terms) The course teaches the main tenor of the history, myths and “secrets” (founded or unfounded) of the knights Templar in Europe and, particularly in Portugal, where the survival of this order after its extinction was ensured through the founding of the Order of Christ (Ordem de Cristo), which had a long lasting influence on Portuguese history, namely in the Age of Discoveries. The mystic chivalric ideology of the Knights Templar was also translated through architecture. In Portugal we can find some of the most important medieval monuments of the Knights Templar, as well as those implemented by its successor, the Order of Christ. These buildings, namely the Rotonda, Castle and Convent of Christ in Tomar, the castles of Soure, Pombal or Almourol, among others, stand as some of the most famous Knights Templar remains throughout Europe, even more so as they carry an important array of symbols and major key art works which are related with the enigmatic Templar's myths and history. COURSE UNIT CONTENT (Main topics covered in the course) Many of the Templar myths need translation and a critical overview to assess their credibility. The course will address this topics by showing, through the analysis of the documents and buildings, as well as symbols within these elements, the true nature of the Order and its proclivities. The Knights Templar religious architecture, having an expression of its own, or adapting several sources, models and references, reached a deep level of liturgical significance. Original plan schemes, the relationship between the several buildings in a single region, promoting sacred geography, became a trademark of Knights Templar's architecture. The same can be said of the options and technologies used as a benchmark in terms of military architecture. Most of all, besides architecture and literature, templar myths seem to have endured, creating an aura of mystery that has been purposefully taken to good advantage by neo templar associations from the 18th century onwards. The consequences of these movements and the resulting architectural implements will also be fully addressed and assessed with a critical eye. 1. Introduction: the Knights Templar myth: an European saga 2. The Knights Templar in Holy Land and Europe: its role and territories 3. The Process against the Knights Templar: a. The rule of the Order b. The inquest: c. Condemnation d. The role of the papacy e. Templar's on the run: Portugal, Scotland, Spain f. The foundation of the Order of Christ 4. The Knights Templar religious architecture in Portugal: a. Tomar as umbilicus mundi: b. The lords of Ceras c. Convent of Christ Rotonda (Tomar) i. Castle of Tomar d. Church of the Holy Mary of Olival (Tomar) e. Santa Iria (Saint Irene) Convent (Tomar) f. The hollywood of Seven Hills (Tomar) g. Tomar Synagogue h. i. j. k. Dornes Tower Rotunda of Saint Catherine (Monsaraz) and the southern enclaves The anamnesis of Jerusalem: The rotundas in Europe and its mythic models: the Saint Sepulcher and the Temple of Salomon 5. The Knights Templar military architecture a. Castle of Sintra b. Castle of Almourol (Vila Nova da Barquinha) c. Castle of Pombal (Leiria) d. Castle of Tomar e. Castle of Soure f. The Templars in the province of Beira i. Castle of Longroiva ii. Castle of Monsanto (Idanha a Nova) iii. Idanha a Velha castle and town (archeological remains) (Idanha a Nova) iv. Penas Róias Castle 6. Hermetism and esoterism in architecture. The symbolism of the Knights Templar: myth or reality? a. Case studies i. Initiation, fowl hazing or praxis? The prosecutions and its contents ii. The “templar” symbols and the prosecutions iii. The “templar” symbols: The “templar idol”, the “head idol” and the context of idolatry in Christina Europe during the Middle Ages The Holy Shroud The infamous Baphomet (meanings, and misinterpretations) The Beaucéant flag The “templar “saints” a. Saint Catherine of Alexandria b. Saint Andrew c. Saint Sebastian d. Saint John the Baptist e. Saint John the Evangelist f. 7. The Knight Templars as alleged guardians of the Holy Grail TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS The course mixes theory with a practical approach, by supporting all presented theories and elements through documentation, either visual or written, as well as with visits to be organized to the so said buildings and architectural and archeological examples for an involvement experience and acquisition of practical and objective knowledge, namely, depending on the access facilities, to the Convent of Christ. Tomar, Tomar’s Synagogue (15th century) (12th 17th century), Pombal and/or Almourol Castle (12th century), Sintra Royal Palace of Pena (19th Century) and Quinta da Regaleira Palace, Sintra (19th/20th centuries) . It also requires both individual and team work, providing students with a broad overview of the course contents. The classes will be conducted by the teacher with a general exposé, following the visual and source materials from PowerPoint's, each concerning the course contents topics. The PowerPoint's, as well as all the support material such as texts, drawings and schemata will be delivered to the students at the beginning of the course. DEMONSTRATION OF THE COHERENCE OF THE SYLLABUS WITH COURSE UNIT AIMS Crusades; facts; fiction; Holy Sepulcher; Knights Templar; Knights Templar symbolism; Knights Templar architecture; symbolism and architecture; Knights Templar myths; literature; medieval military architecture; medieval religious architecture; rotundas; sacred architecture; sacred geography. WEEKLY HOURS ……. GRADING The course grade will be based on contribution to class discussion, quizzes, an intermediate test and a final exam. In determining the final course grade the weights are the following: Contribution to class discussion 5% Quizzes/Individual work * 15% Intermediate exam ** 40% Final exam 40% ASSESSMENT A theoretical work / critical review (25%); one groundwork, monograph/essay with 10 to 15 pages including references (50%); an experimental / creative work using new media (25%). BIBLIOGRAPHY (other titles, preferably in English, will be introduced during the course) The story of the Knights Templar BARBER, Malcolm, The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , \1994 BARBER, Malcolm,. The Trial of the Templars (2 ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2007 FRALE, Barbara, CONTI, Gregory, The Templars: The Secret History Revealed, 2011 FRALE, Barbara, The Templars and the Shroud of Christ, 2012 NEWMAN, Sharan The Real History behind the Templars. New York, Berkley Trade, 2007. The Knights Templar in Portugal. Architecture and symbol. BARBOSA, Álvaro José, Os Sete Montes de Tomar. Recuperação da cerca do Convento de Cristo, Lisboa, 2003 BARBOSA, Álvaro, “A arquitectura templária de Tomar”, in Cadernos da Tradição. O Templo e a Ordem Templária de Portugal(dir. Manuel J. Gandra), Lisboa, 2000 BARROCA, Mário J. “A Ordem do Templo e a arquitectura militar portuguesa do século XII” in Portugália, Nova Série, vols. XVII XVIII, 1996/1997 BONNERY, André, MENTRÉ, Mireiile, HIDRIO, Guylène, Jérusalem, symboles et répresentations dans l’Occident mediéval, Paris, 1998 CHICÓ , Mario Tavares, A arquitectura gótica em Portugal , Lisboa, Horizonte , 3ª ed. , s.d. COCHERIL, Dom Maur, Routier des abbayes cisterciennes du Portugal, Paris, 1978. COELHO, Maria da Conceição Pires, A Igreja da Conceição e o Claustro de D. João III do Convento de Cristo em Tomar, Santarém, 1987. COLVIN, Howard, Architecture and After Life, Yale, Universidade de Yale, 1991 DIAS , Pedro, A Arquitectura Gótica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Estampa, 1994. DIAS , Pedro, A Arquitectura Manuelina , Porto , 1988. Dios Arquitecto (aa.vv., J.ª Ramirez, René Taylor, ª Corfboz, Robert Jan van Pelt, ªM. Reipoll), Madrid, 1994 DUBY , Georges, O Tempo das Catedrais, Lisboa, Estampa, 1979. FERREIRA DE ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto, O Românico in História da Arte em Portugal, ed. Alfa, vol. 3 Lisboa, 1986 FRANÇA; José Augusto, Tomar, Lisboa, 1999 GANDRA, Manuel J., “Terra de gigantes…” in À Descoberta de Portugal, Lisboa, 1982. GANDRA, Manuel J., Dicionário do Milénio Lusíada, vol. I, Lisboa, 2003 GANDRA, Manuel J., O Império do Espírito Santo na região de Tomar e dos Templários, Lisboa, 2000 GANDRA, Manuel J., O Templo e a Ordem Templária de Portugal, in Cadernos da Tradição, nº 1, Lisboa, 2000b GANDRA, Manuel J., Os Templários na Literatura (antologia), Lisboa, 2000 GANDRA, Manuel Joaquim, “Os Templários” in Portugal Misterioso, Lisboa, 1998, pp. 296 355. GANDRA, Manuel Joaquim, A Cristofania de Ourique, Lisboa, 2002 GANDRA, Manuel Joaquim, Da Face Oculta do Rosto da Europa, Lisboa, 1997 GANDRA, Manuel Joaquim, Joaquim de Fiore, Joaquimismo e Esperança Sebástica, Lisboa, 1999 GANDRA, Manuel Joaquim, Portugal: Terra Lúcida, Porto do Graal, Lisboa, 1987 (ed. policop. do A. ) GONÇALVES, José Pires, “A ermida românica de Santa Catarina de Monsaraz” in Boletim da Junta Disrital de Évora, nº 8, Évora, 1967 GRAÇA, Luís, Castelo dos Templários, Lisboa, 1994 GRAF, Gerard, Portigal Roman, 2 vols, Yonne, 1086 1987 Igreja de Santa Maria dos Olivais, Boletim da Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, nº 25 26, Lisboa, 1942 KENNEDY, Hugh, Crusader Castles, Cambridge, Cambridge Univesitary Press, 1994 KRAUTHEIMER, Richard, Architettura Sacra Paleocristiana e Medievale, Turim, Bollati Boringhieri, 1993. LEITE, Ana Cristina, Castelo Branco, Lisboa, 1991 MACHADO, P. S. de Lacerda, Castelo dos Templários, origem da cidade de Tomar, Tomar, 1936 MESQUI, Jean, Chateaux d’ Orient, Paris, s.d. MONTEIRO, João Gouveia, Os castelos medievais portugueses, Lisboa, 1999 MOREIRA , Rafael , " A arquitectura militar do Renascimento em Portugal "in Actas do Simpósio sobre a introdução da arte da Renascença na Peninsula Ibérica, Coimbra , Epartur , 1981, pp.281 305. MOREIRA , Rafael, A Arquitectura do Renascimento no Sul de Portugal , Lisboa, 1991. MOREIRA, Rafael, “A Ermida de Nª Sª da Conceição, mausoléu de D. João III” in Boletim Cultural e Informativo da CMT, nº 1, Tomar, 1981 OLIVEIRA, Nuno Villamariz, “Algumas considerações sobre os catselos da Ordem do Templo em Portugal – o exemplo paradigmático de Castelo Branco” in Arqueologia do ldade Média da Península lbérica. Actas da 3º Congresso de Arqueología Penínsular, 7, Porto, ADECAP, 2000 OLIVEIRA, Nuno Villamariz , Castelos Templários em Portugal, Lisboa, Esquilo, 2006 PEREIRA, Paulo, “O Modo Gótico” in História da Arte Portuguesa, vol. I, Lisboa, 1995 PEREIRA, Paulo, A Obra Silvestre e a Esfera do Rei, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, 1990 PEREIRA, Paulo, 2000 Anos de Arte em Portugal, Lisboa, 2000 PEREIRA, Paulo, Convent of Christ, London/Lisbon, Scala Pulishers /IPPAR, 2002 PEREIRA, Paulo, De Aurea Aetatis. A iconografia manuelina da fachada ocidental do Coro do Convento de Cristo em Tomar, Lisboa, 2003 PEREIRA, Paulo, Espírito da Terra, , Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, (volume da colecção Lugares Mágicos de Portugal, 8 volumes), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2005 PEREIRA, Paulo, Idades do Ouro, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores (volume da colecção Lugares Mágicos de Portugal, 8 volumes, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2005 PEREIRA, Paulo, O Convento de Cristo, London/Lisbon, Scala Pulishers /IPPAR, 2002 PEREIRA, Paulo, Paraísos Perdidos, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores (volume da colecção Lugares Mágicos de Portugal, 8 volumes, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2005 PEREIRA, Paulo, Templários e templarismos , Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, (volume da colecção Lugares Mágicos de Portugal, 8 volumes), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2005 PONTE, Maria La Salete, “Abordagem arqueo histórica dos Paços do Castelo dos Templários”, Boletim Cultural e Informativo, nº 11 / 12, Tomar, 1989 QUADROS, António, “Portugal,, País Bernardino, Templário, Joaninno, Gralista e Paraclético” in Les Templiers, le Saint Esprit et l’Âge d’Or, Lisboa, 1985 QUADROS, António, Portugal. Razão e Mistério, 2 vols. Lisboa, 1986 (vol.1), 1987 (vol.2) ROSSA, Walter, GOMES, Paulo Varela, “A Rotunda de Santa Maria de Celas: um caso tipológico singular” in Monumentos, nº4, 1996, pp. 56 65. SANSONETTI , Paul Georges , " Da Távola Redonda à Esfera Armilar : Ideal cavaleiresco e domínio do Mundo " in Cavalaria Espiritual e Conquista do Mundo, Lisboa , I.N.I.C., 1986 , pp.43 48. Revival architecture and its symbols. Neo templarism ANACLETO, Regina , A arquitectura neo medieval, (2. vols.), L isboa, 1997 CARNEIRO, José Martins, PEREIRA, Paulo, Palace of Pena, London/Lisbon, Scala Publishers/IPPAR, 2000 CARNEIRO, José Martins, PEREIRA, Paulo, Palácio da Pena London/Lisbon, Scala Publishers/IPPAR, 2000 PEREIRA, Paulo, “Manini e o neo manuelino”, article,, 2005; publ 2014 FRANÇA, José Augusto, A Arte em Portugal no Século XIX, Lisboa, 1980, vol. 1, ANACLETO, Regina, O Romantismo, vol. 10 História da Arte em Portugal (Alfa), Lx. 1986. PEREIRA, Paulo “A arquitectura do desejo” in História da Arte Portuguesa (dir. Paulo Pereira), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, vol. III, 1995. GOMES, Mário de Azevedo, Monografia do Parque da Pena, Lisboa, 1960 TEIXEIRA, José, D. Fernando II. Rei Artista. Artista Rei, Fundação da Casa de Bragança, 1986