Ramsar Site: Mira Minde Polje and related springs
Ramsar Site: Mira Minde Polje and related springs
149289 159289 1B 1A 2A 2 3A 3 4 4A Almonda springs Ramsar Site: Mira Minde Polje and related springs Site boundaries Mira Minde polje Location Legend Portugal boundaries Catchment areas boundaries Ramsar Site Location 0 Vila Moreira springs 100 200 Kilometers Ramsar Site boundaries 278013 278013 Legend Cave Springs: 1 - Olho de Mira Spring 2 - Pena do Poio Spring 3 - Contenda Spring 4 - Regatinho Spring Date: Alviela springs 2005 Coordinate System: 0 1 No part of this map may be reproduced, published or transmitted without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. 149289 159289 2 Kilometers Gauss Projection International Ellipsoid Hayford Lisbon Datum HGM System (IGeoE) Related Caves: 1A - Mindinho Cave 1B - Olho de Mira Cave 2A - Moinhos Velhos Cave 3A - Contenda Cave 4A - Regatinho Cave Scale: 1:80.000 Notes: Cartographic base: Portugal military map Map nº 318, 319, 328, 329 1:25000, IGeoE