CURRICULUM VITAE Felipe de Mello Martins Address: 1041 E
CURRICULUM VITAE Felipe de Mello Martins Address: 1041 E
CURRICULUM VITAE Felipe de Mello Martins Address: 1041 E Lowell St. 333 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: 1-520- 6264747 e-mail: [email protected] Education 2004-2008 Ph.D. In Genetics and Evolution. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Advisor: João S. Morgante. 2007 Visiting Scholar. Biology Department, Washington University in St Louis. Advisor: Dr. Alan Templeton. 2001-2003 Ms.C. Genetics and Evolution. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Advisor: João S. Morgante. 1997-2000 B.S. in Biological Sciences. University of São Paulo. Advisor: Dr. Sabine Eggers Professional experience 2012 Post Doc. The genomic basis of adaptation in house mice. PI: Michael W. Nachman. 2010 Teacher. Population genetics and Phylogeography. University of São Paulo. 2009-2012 PostDoc. Molecular phylogeny of the family Potamotrigonidae (Condrichties: Myliobatiformes). PI: Fernando Marques. 2008 Teacher. Phylogenetic analyses, population genetics and coalescence applied to phylogeographic studies. Summer class. 2008 Teaching Assistant. General Biology. University of São Paulo. Publications: Hashimoto DM, Schmid J, Martins FM, Fonseca AM, Andrade LHB, Kirchengast S & Eggers S. 2003. The impact of the weight status on subjective symptomatology of the Polycystic Ovary Sindrome: A cross-cultural comparison between Brazilian and Austrian women. Antropologische Anzeigen 61 (3): 297- 310. Ferreira JM, Martins FM, Ditchfield AD & Morgante JS. 2005. PCR-RFLP as an identification tool for the genus Platyrrhinus (Phyllostomidae, Stenodermatinae). Genetics and Molecular Biology 28: 120-122. Ferreira JM, Oliveira LR, Wynen L, Bester MN, Guinet C, Moraes-Barros N; Martins FM, Muelbert MMC, Moreno IB, Siciliano S, Ott PH & Morgante JS. 2007. Multiple origins of vagrant Subantarctic fur seals: a long journey to the Brazilian coast detected by molecular markers. Polar Biology 31: 303-308. Martins FM, Ditchfield AD, Meyer D & Morgante JS. 2007. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography reveals marked population structure in the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus (Phyllostomidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 45: 372-378. Milstein D, de Oliveira MC, Martins FM and Matioli SR. 2008. Group I introns and associated homing endonuclease genes reveals a clinal structure for Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) along the Eastern coast of South America. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 308. Martins FM, Templeton AR, Pavan AC, Kohlbach BC and Morgante JS. 2009. Phylogeography of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus): Marked population structure, Neotropical Pleistocene vicariance and incongruence between nuclear and mtDNA markers . BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 294. Pavan AC, Martins FM, Santos FR, Ditchfield AD and Redondo RAF. Patterns of diversification in two species of short-tailed bats (Carollia Gray, 1838): the effects of historical fragmentation of Brazilian forests. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102: 527–539. Martins FM, Gifalli-Iughetti C, Koiffman CP and Harris EE. Coalescent analysis of mtDNA indicates Pleistocene divergences among three species of Howler monkeys (Alouatta spp.) and Population Subdivision within the Atlantic Coastal Forest species A. guariba. Primates 52: 77-87. Martins FM. The Brazilian Atlantic forest historical biogeography and the Carnaval-Moritz model of Pleitocene refugia: what do the phylogeographical studies tell us? Biological Journal of the Linnean society 104: 499-509. Martins FM and Domingues MV. 2011. Filogeografia. Revista da Biologia 7:2630. Martins FM and Hubbe M. 2012. Craniometric diversity of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) in Central and South America. Journal of Mammalogy 93: 579-588. Pavan ACO, Martins FM and Morgante JS. Molecular phylogeny reveal radiation of lineages in the genu Noctilio (Chiroptera, Noctilionidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society in press. Book chapters Ditchfield AD, Martins FM, Redondo R and Santos FR. 2008. Filogeografia e filogenia molecular de Chiroptera na região Neotropical do Brasil. In: Pacheco SM, Marques RV, Esbérard CEL (Eds). Morcegos no Brasil: biologia, sistemática, ecologia e conservação. Porto Alegre: Armazém digital, 510pp. Martins FM and Domingues MV. 2011. Filogeografia. In: Carvalho C, Almeida E (Eds). Biogeografia da América do Sul: padrões e processos. Editora Roca, 334pp. Manuscripts submitted: Invited presentations: 2008 IV Brazilian Mammalogy Meeting (São Lourenço, Brazil. Neotropical bats phylogeography and South American Biogeography. 2004 Biology Department, São Paulo State University at São José do Rio Preto. Phylogeography as a toll for evolutionary studies. Presentations at Meetings: 2010 14th Evolutionary Biology meeting at Marseilles. Phylogeography of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus): Marked population structure, Neotropical Pleistocene vicariance and incongruence between nuclear and mtDNA markers. Oral presentation. 2010 15th International Bat Research Conference (Prague, Czech Republic). Craniometric diversity of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) in Central and South America. Poster. 2009 10th International Mammalogy Congress (Mendoza, Argentina). The common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) phylogeography: marked population structure, Neotropical Pleistocene vicariance and incongruence between nuclear and mtDNA markers. Poster 2008 Evolution meeting (Minneapolis, MN). Finding congruence between cranial morphology and mitochondrial phylogeography using multivariate treescan in the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Poster. 2008 IV Brazilian Mammalogy Meeting (São Lourenço, Brazil). Buscando congruência entre morfologia cranianana e filogeografia mitocondrial utilizando treescan multivariado no morcego vampiro Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Oral presentation. 2008 Special seminar on rabies virus (São Paulo, Brazil). Título; Subpopulações de morcegos hematófagos no Brasil”. Oral presentation. 2005 III Brazilian Mammalogy Meeting (Aracruz, Brazil). Quirópteros da Gruta do Limoeiro, Castelo - Espírito Santo. Poster. 2005 III Brazilian Mammalogy Meeting (Aracruz, Brazil). Filogeografia de Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821) na Mata Atlântica. 2004 50o Brazilian Genetics Meeting. Trabalho apresentado: poster. Título “Filogenia da subfamília Desmodontinae (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) baseada em seqüências de DNA mitochondrial. Poster. 2002 48o Brazilian Genetics Meeting. Filogeografia intraespecifica do morcego hematofago Desmodus rotundus. Poster. 2002 XX Brazilian Meeting on human reproduction. O impacto da obesidade sobre a qualidade de vida de mulheres com Síndrome do Ovário Policístico. Poster. Tucson, Semptember 24th, 2012. FELIPE DE MELLO MARTINS
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