reloaders Dillion
Ma-^ic I a llo y 's I f o m e !\ e iv s p n p e r • — -------- C ■ T W IM-F-Al LS-,■ ■ 4€^AH<^------- ---- —^69tH-yeaj^2 8 +h-mtre- OCc ZD E-vt^ lector Crtr.r.w.aVlfvef y . _____ •___ ^ g p u r s 'l i e ^ v R e d d r i v « ^ SAIGON (UPI)-U.S. Marine two miles north and northwest, {U-sr five .hours of ftghting_al and bi‘sieiit‘d an artillery base 'T)ginSptefs^frleirTnore~than— Df~KDiminrr^60-rni'les-Trorth o f- the city7 ^^ow-4 e6«^^^ad-by m ast 0lv lSlLjl^twiiy. The U.S. marine helicopters 1,000 Soirth..Vietnamese-mBrmes ■Saigon, field reports said. It of its civilian population. An attack on Kontum had whic}) carried 1,000 government into Quang Tri province ^tiir- was ■their first attack ■in -been predicted since all -the troops up to live miles into day-for the'first counter-drive strengtiV.^gainst the city. of the Communist offensive, but UPl-reportei* Mat Franjola city's outer defenses- were 6oinn<iini3t-coatralledL Quang the North Vietnamese retphat- reported ffbm the Highlands overrun in a lightning Commu 'lYi province, bad jiot been se6 n in the Vietnam war in more ed Sunday with an /attack on that ground troups and missile- nist drive April 16. The North Vietnamese also than two years. H-.S. helicopters the'provincial capital of Kon- equipped Ine government treops. in tum -City Central tefamed up to deitroy lO tanks, I'aj^oched ^harp attacks south of Highlands to the south. but Communist- infantrymen Kontilm near the Highlands short order -killed 340 Commu Uiree The Communists, spearhead- . pressed the attack on Kontum.'.s capital of'Pleiku, 240 mil«s nists and captured fr<iin Saigon, Franjola r-»sp<>r4««l^- villa^jes-m-Lbe .sptu lmg., npecaed by 12-of their bhtttestr Soviet- inper defuses. -----^ n d ^ s on tmfi. tiijiR’d m iiiiiUtiiiiig NuiUi built tanks, drove at governMilitary sjxikesmen said 125 'they blew up two b ment defense lines less than Communiats were-slain in the—the road-Unking-lHe two cill.eiT, Viraanie?e advances on thfr • ; former irnponal capital of Hue. Four waves of U.S. pS2; bombers- "softened up " Cdmniunist troop positions tiefore -Lhwholiwpter ratd.-'fhrw mor-owaves Saturday night amn'J their btimbs, at NnrtH^ VLJ<;JnHinest‘.f;nldipr.srf'[wctixilv pulling back troni tnp vniages toward Cjuanj’ iTi- province capital,, seven miles to thiTnorttl'. Gem court case tried BUHL— The Idaho StateJjuprjeme Court-has • nuiijiince. At—the" Initial hearing, the plant owners admitted odors were offensive and reversed a dislrig't court qrder closing the Cascade Cofiniwdities plant in Bulil, and or agreed to take corrective sreps' The owners essentially agreed to a temporary injunction dered the case lo trial. . ordering them to cease producing^ offensive - The ileusion of the supreme court announced ixlxirs_______________ _____________________ (•Viftoy Fever»;i‘.‘i-the--OFdur of' Kifth Jndwlal Arguments beiore the c o u r f ^ ’ TwltTr'iiTnr bistrict Judge James M. Cunningham lo earher this year Indicated the flrifTTTu'ttem|)I.i tlie Cascade ('oinmoditits rendering plant in Ui correct the odors were ineffective The Buhl . __ The high courl reinstated a t<'itifK)rary in- plaintiffs asked for a setond hearing to deter.junction which had ordered Casca«ie -- .uune if the company was in contempt of thi modities to cease producing offtnsive odors at temporary injunction--A.S-. a r e s u lt o f th e s e c o a d - h a a r iD g . JuiU '.i' the plant. In doing so, the court said the cese tsC u n n in g h a m 'd id n o t fin d th e c o m p a n j ^ ^ i c o n also remanded tu the dijstrict court for trral at t e m p t , b u t -ordered n il r e n d e r in g a c t iv it ie t i the earliest possible time. s to p p e d , Residents'living near the Buhl rendering d t i s t t t T ^ f t h e s u p r e m e c o u r t f o u n d lf i ls " o r d e r plantrfefinerU a packing plant -owned by Mefv e a s U ie p a r t ie s h a d p r e v io u s ly o n ly rendering operation to cease emitting offensive odors which they said prevented them use of Tawhs and BacRyarils or patios in sum mertime and required they keep windows and doors tightly closed to prevent illness. The plaintiffs, Ku^ell l.yon and a numt>er o^ other residents, asked tlie plant be declared a f n rr: /- \ s t ip u la t e d t h a t o d o r s c o u t f t t i e a b ; it e d b u t n o t ttie e n t ir e Q jje r a lim u L jif - t h t p l a n i , - ^ S u n s h in e yiclmis alf olil TWIN KAl.l.S Tlie l.ynwood Merchants float, depicting a class of children in a religious setting, captured lop prize in the M ukic Week parade S;iturday afternoon .A panel of judges, ini-luding Mrs J Hill. Mrs Mar.shall 1 iinrt _. ^If tnn<*r judged the floats in several categories before the parade started from the Sears parking hn. 111 travel down Mam Avenue through the mall I.VTiw-ood Merchants won first ce 4.n — t h e — c o m m e r c i - a J — division, pUis the .Music Hub trophy for Ix'st of show " Other first-place winners included the Magic Valley Country Music Association, first in floats entered by an ^>var strators stage quiet protests ity United Press Istematijanal - turhulenl demonstrations, . strators injured since j i.flurry -10,000 persons participated in a Antiwar demonstrators An estimated 5,000 marched of protests sprang up Momiay 10-mIIe march fromTEe campus walked through city streets artd up Broadway in New York City night against President Nuton's to the slate-capitol in adjacent _Jm:W rallies aiixoia the lialinn. .and as. many-. -las— OOyOOO—nrder to mine-North^J^^ietnam St. Paul.------ ----------Saturday, bringing to a peace- demonstrated in Minneapolis, harbors ' and bomb SOpply The New Yorit marchers fjil.close a week of sometimes Minn. Grcmps-var^ng in size routes. ■ . chanted antiwar slogbflS^'fllRlr & n Francisco Sfi'ei-ifT Fttch-' carrlM placards denouncing ' from a few hundred to a few w p. thousand also held marches or ard Hongisto told nearly 2,000 ‘'escalation’' of the Vietnam J S p a 1 n1 1f i1rr ee ^ — cemes m Washington, Chicago, demonstrators at the C iv i^ War. * ^ San Franciscor^-Dcnver, 4-^s Center that President Nixon In ’ Chicago, about 2T,500 Angeles, Santa Barl)ar,a, Calif., and California Gov. Ronald persons marched down State CT^elahd, Ohio, FortFanafBi^,- -4teag3n »-crc;rh?ctHamilted-4o.: Stiwit to^ I aUy-iirQiant-EarluTOKYO ^ i j p i l ^ - Searing ^_^^burgh, AUanta and Hous- violence. awL-Jjloodshed,. I ' Tl\e front ranks of marchers denounce them as warmongers, .carried a coffin and the flames— and choking smoke violent 'and hateful people protesters walked silently to a In contrast to demonstrations roared through a department , .store late .Saturday In Osaka, m > e week, which pursuing violent and hateful .drumbeat until they reached politics internationally and the center of the Loop area fapSns second largest city, where they began chanting trappmg hostesses and custo- campuses, there were no domestically In Minneajxjiis, where three “Peace Now." mers m a cabaret on the top P^“ « “ units of National -(:rtiaMUmen Between 1,500 and 2,000 floor and killing and injuring l. j u were activated Wednesday to protesters in ' ‘ Washington more than 150 persons before , '"O'-* ‘han firemen brought the blaze ^.500 persons arrested and help control demonstr^ations at marched from a point near the under control. scores of policemen and demon- the University of Minne^ta, White House to the Capitol. KEI.U)GG, .Idaho lUPI) Rescue crews .Saturday-brttu^hl out the bodies of 91 victims from tlie Sunshine Silver Mine -disaster. .Iravtnit the swvivofs with their grief and the prospect of weeks or months without payobeeks Nine funerals were held .Saturday. as this town of 3.50<t |)ersiins tried tu adjust to-the tragedy ^ 'nie fire that swept the nation’s organization; the Wapsu Indian richest S l i v e r mine last week Dancers, first in ynuttT groups: wi(H'd out nearly a fourth of the and Uons Club, first for civic eompanv's wyrk forvU?, and the groups, and the Hubert Stuart loss lo the monthly payroll of Junior High mart-hing entry, half a million dollars threatens The inferno was the worst first for ' on-fhOt ' groups the economy of Kellogg and single fire disaster in Japan Kntrants included the nearby Wallace, since World War II. Magichords. floats by a wide .S om e of the s u r v i v o r s s a id th e y Authorities said that at least v a r i e t y _ o j i ____ i j r o u n s jn d - n e v e r w o u ld r e t u r n t«-t4ve-mHWST +lfrperstms killedr im?Uidorganizations, drill teams from w h ic h p r o v id e t h e c h i e l s o u r c e ing several who leaped from Twin Falls High .School, Buhl of r e v e n u e tor th e n o r t h e r n thq seventh story of the High School and Vera C BUliairii''"lo escape tne smoKe (Vlx'ary Junior High, in ad The 110men who escaped from and flames, and aqother 38 dition t(T Holjort .Stuart below gr»und^ and the rest of persons were injured. Spccial guests in the paradt tht‘ mine's work force, faced the _Thc hre ^oke out about 10:30 in d u ile S jVone___ p m (9-30 tMTi: EDT>Sotu r ^ y Idaho Junior Mis.s, Hene month Jayoff until tlie mine can on the third floor in a l.aGrono, Twin Falls .lunior reopen One union official, supermarket and raced through Mish, and officers of the l.awrence I. Marshall, said it the top four floors above. sp<)nsoring Twin Falls Music could be as long as a year and Clouds of heavy smoke enve Club a half until normal operations loped the building and ap I K r i a t e d p ic t u r e , P . ,TOi resume parently suffocated many of the virtim.s. authorises said l2yntCood flo a t tops M usic week parade Sf n s Joday n A/loff'er s Dtiy We hopt* {ill nTolheri are fmitfinbeied --------------- In its opinion, the high court said tlie order was top resti-ictive and the company was not given notice the contempt hearing might also have led to the Issuance of a new temporary injunction aS required by civil-prm*edure rules C o o lin g o f f House ]parierschedules Oft p ro je ct the Bureau of Heclaination. and Allen TWIN FAIJ-S - Several Magic Valley Mrf’iregor. Bureau of Keclamation. all residents will testify Monday before a full House A congrOssiunal subcommittee heard Interior Committee studying the Salmon Falls testmiony in Twin Fall.s in March on the Oivision. proposied project, which would tirini; water to Part pf the eroup of l i has ,itlr,eadi-left for 64,000 acres now' unwatered or poorly watered^ W^hington, D, C . where the hearing opens at 9 a m. Monday. ' ' That hearing 'before—the irrigation and reclamation subconTOittee was another step A spokesman in the office of Twin Faljs attoward final' nearmg Detore me iiiii interior torney Lloyd Webb, who represents the ^ Im p n River Canal Go,-, said thoM attending Wili be committee on the JK2 million project. PLANNING to submit an Mr, and Mrs. Dale Messner, Mr. and Mrs. I.yle Morns Huffman, manager of . the Salmon application to the FBI (or Schnitker, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrott. Mr. and eO)p1 oymesi;«i>~c^e^^ agent Is. MrsJViclbr N e ls ^ £>aler M c G r ^ i!,X r a iS r d -River Canal Co. at Hollister, said the Monday hearing Is Ihe final hurdle before pie project is Mrs. Cynthia Edgar, 25, one o/_ Peters and Mr. and Mrs. John Pastoor, all submitted to the Bureau of the Budget, two women who nied bareaa {armers on the Salmon Tract, and Mr. aM Mrs. lyst year wheq her appUcqtipo Webb. He said he did not know how long the hearings wa* rejected. New acting Otliers expected to attend“ froin htaho are^ ^rauld take and had no indicatian abbot how longit would take for the committee to reach its _ atWEWrri-. T «ti9 ar^ra y m Rol>ert Lee of the Idaho Water Resources decision^ •^ ’ -. u f d . F r i ^ ^amen-may apply BoacdL -Keith^JHigginson, ^tate water ad The Senatealryidy has approved the project. tor ap^tDtmenU. (UPI) ministrator; Ed StilUvaih, regional director oif -O KMW STKA^i^mfr-vfoncluded antiwar __march In Saii Franriscb Saturday with frollc.ln city's rivfe Center pool. Temperature was in KO'k at time. IVtosl proluKls around nation on -Saturday were conducted witbaul. viotence. kiH siia M e te o r T le ja r s M o o n Protest outside gates MOUNTAIN H O M K j^y P h About L>IK) pcr.sws quietly left the Mountain Home Air Forcl‘ Hifif Sntiirflny nftiT ■ T itlintj at, (Tir iTiain" gate for Uiree hours to protest the United .States' increased air and naval war in North Vietnam About 20 Idaho State Policemen and Klmore County sheriff's deputies watched tl^e entrance of the base during the which included singing, cheering and speeches by anti war activist Mark I.ane Major, Hoyd Jaclf, _ A i^ Force public inforiimtion officer, said the demonstration was “pjTr(T!fnt“ ^anTr reported. Jack said some of the group earlier walked the 10 miles from here to the Residents planted signs along the way expressing support for I’residCnt Nijton's war'policy,, Thj’ prwm fathered at the mam afli!r 1 p jii,. Jack said. They all left by 5 p.m. n<(se Bowman. Democratic carididale for the U S. Senate said at the gates of the base that she didn't ' int-end to be just a press release pihtician .Slie .said this more intense Involvement in Vietnam sinks us mo£e deeply into perpetual i^ar 'and indefinite American involvement." lYrsnlent Nixon's actions in the light of how this action could tie taken without the consent of the of the United States. SPACE CENTER, Houston lUPI) A meleorite slammed, into the melon' Saturday with the force of 100,000 tons of TNT, digging a football field sue crater and.-perhaps unlock ing the secrets of the lunar in tp r in r .Spnfp A g p n ry <ipipn- Usts said. The force of the -iihpaet triggered signals lasting over t ii w hours by the meteontle that landM “uncomfortably close” to a seismic station left by the Apollo 14 astronauts In ~19TTUi UK Fra Mauri) l egltni. The collision was te rm ^ a rare event' and may have ^ sent vibrations ringii^ thfOugtt the entire moon, said'D r. Gary ' ■' Latham of the National Aero-? ■1 .. nautlrasntfSpace AdflUnUtra- ' ^~ P u p p 0 s ^ te a s e tion. C a s s i(h ii v o te ^ 2 : n e iv s, 8 EiiitoriaiM, 4 Fariiiu^S . , ______ __ S p o r ts , I9 - 2 3 — R 7 I T V , M o U e s,« ~ _ V a lle y ItviNtf* 11-1« S h o s h o ii i e^ •- -m' mttsiealr Jim Mna6n winning bicycle ■r a M jn stUf;c<«nipeUti.(WL^ . ,, ‘ -E d d ^lA m nw fM ryitig4o-help The ca u ^ of tBe coi2i1^T "Sar" T-racer ■,- . Jim -Vi'ckm Staying outlined ^ o d auditorium was” capacitjr Thursdiy night for the g r a d e ' m u s i c a l , “Amy BUHL — An" outline of the ^projects and activities for’ the coming ^ear were presented by Calvin Wilde, J a y c ^ president, d u m g a board nieeting Friday. A benefit dance for families affected by the Sunshine- Mine' disaster will be May 24. Music will be furnished by Chuck Daniels and the Neva^da’ Gamblers. Admission will be by ^art, system bj' Bl^ne Lindford, district extension supervisor. Dorothy Hole, assistant 4-H leader, also addressed the group. During the afternoon the leaders broke into groups to practice Judge sewing, cooking and other projects. Leaders also met to discuss livestock, woodjvork, gun safety and other projects and t^dlscusi record bo6 ks and Judges scoring -sheet * .------ --------- = — T F INE POlN'iy b f j are discussed d u r i^ the district. 4-H Judges trainliig session in Twin Falls. From left arc Mary Hondo, Cassia County; Carolyn Bames, jdlalticl 4-H specialist, and Mrs. LaVar-Petcr--!>on, WendeHi— r a in in g a s jn d g e j- > - • ■- A irlin e. b a n k ru p tc y postpcmed m i . S R - R ahV nintj- v rpfprpe ■ ■ - ---- : P lans, for . the annual Sagebrush Days celebration, July 4, . are in grogress. GU Sweesy, parade chairman, said Lt. Gov. Jack, Murphy will be puf udu-' — m ttfsh iil. •— Anne Hagermar>s Idaho's Junior ■^iss, will also be in the parade. — Other programs for the year include' a "Meet Your Can didate" program; a "Citizen of the Month'’ for the Buhl area; sponsoring an archery team "Merlin S. Young has postponed a hearing' on' tbe financial problenps of Jran s Magic Airlines. -YoanT said a : .meeting of ■f*«liinr.s"tfl arranije for set^ Uement of debts, scheduled Friday, was postponed to June 10. Youfta—-said- -a— vjtal agreement with the Small Business Administration had not been' approved by the regional SBA office m Seattle or ('un safely program, Wilde said. Washington, D. C. Trans Magic is Continuing operations under the super vision of the ijankruptc^ m ir t pending settlement of the debts'. Regional O bitu aries battle smoke • Mayor J 6hn Christoffersen almost lost in half-acre of J)icjrclei ahd PjBggy pahmer :l|UU)en ng( participated under dirrction of garage after apartment fire . . . Mrs. Cleova ' Peterson, music Mrs. Don Pfefferle talking leacher, and" theirTespective abont daughter'r^choUlrship . ,' Classroom teachers. . Mrs. Dale Bowman climbing ^ The musical was an original stars at-J.C. Penney store . . . irepared by Mrs. Peterson as . Fern Smith helping customer’ part of her ■'aerospace class find planters in department ..tokennt.thftCnIlei’e nf fiouthcm- stoi £ . . Idaho earlier this school year. own "secretarial" work . There were dances, narration, Calvin Wilde, Buhl, -outlining poetry, pantomine and musitflU' Jaycee projects . . . Ray choral arid instrumental flostron manning chamber of numbers.. Students wore commerce office at earJy .costumes— to , riepirl___the SaturUuy— honr— :— ^— :— and~ characters in various scenes. overheard, "Don’-t disturb the The sixth grade band dust on that table, or I'll have to -partorroed—undep—dir<ction--of■^dust all the iurniiure. " Instructor, Ronald Jenkios. Assisting with property for the production were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leuders, Cindy ' „jr££l_____ GoersT and Cub Scouts and Shoshone den mothers. P u n t in g HANSC N XL'ivrr a r -WHUB't; Panting. 74, Hansen, died JEROM E — Funeral services IJ\YTON,Utah - Wandamea HAGERMAN George G1£NNS FERRV^ - Fred Yearsley Morgart, 65, of Joseph UlUcan, 66 , Hagerman, for William Bruce Summer, S3, Graffe,»40, Glenns Ferry, died Saturday morning at Magic I.,ayton,'a native of Albion, died Friday in a Gooding a pioneer Jerome County Friday morning at the Boise Valley Hospital of a short in an Ogden hospital on Friday hospital. resident who died Thursday, Veterans Memorial Hospital of illness. She wa§ bornjiday 27, 1898, at pril fl, H 19Q6. jit will b<i conduct4id-at 2 p m . He was bnrn April a iong iUn«s8 .---------------folfarwing a sliort illness. NiWot, Colo. - She WM born Aug. 2, 1906, at Colquet, Minn. came-lo. ■Monday at the First Baptists .He was born Oct. 15, 1931, at Mrs. Panting came to Albion. She married David J. Waho from Minnesota in 1908. ChurtU., Buhl and married Betty Jenkins Final rites will Tollow in the Feb, 1, 1951, at Salt I^ke City, Murtaugh from Soda Springs in Morgart on July 25, Jj?25^ The-Jioved -Into the Hagerman the spring of-1945. She moved to -mnrriage was later sDiwiuiizini Vallay in iai 6-and tamned iti the -Twin—Faifa—Gomctory - under --tftah;--------t<imt)erly m in the SaU Lake City, Utah" LOSea until his retirement direction of Wiley Funeral He served as a sergeam in the TWIN FAIXS - A "hvin Falls -- in-l96ft. .. Home. Jerome Ixxlge No. 129, U. S. Army during,the Korean in 1957, coiiple, Mr. %nd. Mrs: Donald Temple. - She was married to Delbert m irried Helen Stacey lOOFjJvill officiate. Conflict and for the past eight Cutts, Is asking $350,000 total - Mrs. Morgarl-had lived ip John Panting June 28, 1922, at Idaho and Utah, . Aug.3 ,1 9 ^, at St. Charles, Mo. Mrs._Summer was bofri'Jan. years had lived in GJenns Ferry damages in a personal injury She was a member of the^^® -was a member of the 19, 1879, near Hagerstown, Md. where he was- an irrigation Pocatello. The marriage WaS~ suit filed in Fifth District Court. Neighbors of Woodcraft and the Reorganized LDS Church and- He moved with his family to pipeline conlractor. He was a solemnized in the Idaho Falls Hie suit was filed in connection LDS Temple on May 24. 1956. He with injuries ^uf^ered by their LaytonIJgS12th Ward. She was the Goodmg Elks I ^ g e No, Pennsylvapif) in 1884,. attending TTrenrber -of- Plum ber and di?d-P0 b. 26, 19$fiu.__________ schools in Fennsylvania. . ' Pip'cfitiers, Local No, 29& : active in-4he rhurch R . ^ f ' ' -Sfln. ' i __ _ She was married to Delbert ~ . Survivors include his wife; He worked on a farm in Ihe In addition to his wife, he is E 'L o n . .Cutts, a minor. Society. — SurVi^ f ^ 1 ncTudr^~tr e r 'o n C ~ ^ ” g*rt< __ . . . jTs Inclu'dS’ suffered permanent injuries Pocatello. The m a r ^ g e was when a gun discharged in the ^sband. Ijiyton; one daughter. Tschannen_, •fioodioe-i- tjvo jyocised .as a mEChanic in West a daughter, Hita, Graffe, botli solemnized in the Idaho Falls -basement of-the home of Mr. Mrs. Peter F.' (Eva Elaine) ISoUiexa^lionAllliearu BeaUj. Pittsburgli, then moved West in at home; one brother. James Graffe, Buhl; four sisl^,TW fs. l/5s Temple on M^y 24, 1956. He and Mrs. John Stephens where X o ^ n , North Ogden; one Nev.,and Thomas Ultican, Blue 1901, farming in Minnesota Springs, Mo,; three sisters, North Dakota. 1 Ruby Jones, Castro Valley, died Feb: 26, 1966, brother, Frank Yearsley, in several children were p la j^ g She,(w4s a; mejxiber of the He married Elizabetlv-Jensen Cal.; Mrs, Lorfie Duffy, Oregon; two sla4er5 .,Mrs. Neya Mrs. Geraldine French^The -Nov. 21, 1971. Kimberly Second Ward IJDS TTje surnames Mr. and Mrs. bayley, Burley,and Mrs. Verna Dalles, Ore.; Ella Whinhultz at Brown Valley, Minn,, in 1905, Oakland, Cal ; Mrs, Helda Church and a mwiber .of the Sephens as defendants and L«cklear, Boise, and two and Ernestine Reimer, both. ■He moved his famltyto Idaho |n Buchta ;ind Mrs Margaret -Royal Neighbors, Independence,_ Mo., and two 1917, .settling in Eden then to lYatler, twth -JSi'ampa asks f50,000 punitive damages grandchildren. Survivors include four Funeral, services will be 2 Funeral services will be grandsons. He was preceded in Jerome in 1926, Mrs, Summer and 1300.000 general damages daughters,■IVirs: tee Moore, death by his -parents -and. two pr^-eded-hin^ in death in 1 9 2 6 . p m , Monday at tiie Glenns fur t h g permanent in'JurSts— conducted a t 14-a.m. Tuesday^t Twin Falls; Mr^~T5elma Lube'fi7 ____ Mr. Slimmer -served as a Kerry (Tmrch diegedly suffered by tfie''Cutts_ the 1-ayton-l2 tJv Ward Chapel. “ tJrothErs,^;— Jiierra, vista, Ariz,; Mrs, Paula lerome County, deputy sheriff -Rostor _Edward Bawden Miller, Bozeman, Mont,> and“ 2 plST Tuesday ffT and later as probate judge. He officiating. Interment will be at Tuesday at the Rupert defendants with negligence in Mrs, Ruth Stanger, Hansen; Hagerman Reorgam.zed.,.JJD5 als(Lrtjbrked as a radio Glenn Rest Cemetery, ai^Awijm. thfi--^hildr.en to plfty In Cemetery.___ one son, DeLJ, Panting, Hailey; — Church ■ with' Elder Charles ariHouncer, . then- went into Friends may call at Smith a' room where'a gun was kept. 15 grandchildi'en aod seven Vreeland officiating. Burial will partnership in the operation of Chajjel today, l \ « w y t u i kiv< > > v Ricky Puschel, foster son of great-grandchildren, be in the Hagerman Cemetery. the Sawtooth Market Later he the Stephens, allegedly fired the ' Services-will bo conducted-atBy United Pccss International Friends may call .a t .the -opened— Summer'S "Market,' gun causing injuries lo thfrGirttfi .IP a.m Monday at the Kimberly . Of the estimated-400,000 men Thompson Chapel Irom noon operating it until his retirement F u n e r a l S e r v i t ^ t i ^ LDS Church with Bishop faoy. of Napoleon's Grande Armee, Sunday to noon Tuesday. in 1958, J. . ._William±3£da3 rfftciatine;:Bari«l wnicn •ihvaded 'TTussia "in thr , He married riazel liray in The most pojmlaz TWIN FAI.I.S - Services for will be in Fairview Cemetery at -A ttwught for today: Ameri Twin Falls in 1927. She preceded suminer of 181?^_ fewer than retie in the market is the LcynucO rarlej okelljerry will Soda Springs 2:30 p.m. Friends 10,000 were fit- for contbat in can author Washington Irving him in death in 1%7. tme~Tfou-con moncfi fiom may call at White Mortuary the retreat from Moscow in said, "A woman's whole life is the fellow ut the ucxt He was a member -of the be at 11 a.m Monday at White M(>rluar\ C'tiapel Burial in tlie Sunday, and.on Monday from 8 desk _ -Naveinber of that vear. a history of affections," Jeroine Odd Fellows L /O d g e , .aJix. ,lo 9.15 a.m. Survivors include .dne son, Twin Falls t'l'iiH'terv. D am ages ilr ie f s B r ie f s ' SHOSHONE - AJUm entitled "IxKJking at Children" will be presented ^t 8 p,ni, Monday at the t^icoln school. Principal jat'K u. Bowlin'^id - all perbonif interested in education of children and working with them are invited. G1£NNS FERRY - The Rebekah Lodge Ailene 62 wiU. meet Monday at 8 p,m, in the ■"VDtE'i-ans Memorial Hail,-Tha, presentation of six veteran «;rhi>f1 nlpH fnr Tyinnriay has been postponed until June, when deceased members will be honored — ..... ....... a s k e d in TF suit Vlagic V a lle y H ospitals IV Iin id o k a IV le m o ria l !Vlagir \alU 'v M e m o r ia l Admitted . Admitted Mrs, .Jim Thorne, KarL_Dc Robert' McFarlane, Boise; Carolyn Lewis. Heyburn,' and ' Patrick, Oscar Prescott and Ixjuis Freeman, Fred Barrus William Seffron, all Twin Falls, Rose Reed and Shannon Harp. and Kevin Fleming, all Rupert ■Isjtti—Butit;— Dcmra—FteU'her. Dismissed '• Patty f^Jimrnn DavnH Hotvi Jerome jind Madge Panting-. and Mike Noreiga, all Rupert, Hansen Dismissed Births Mrs, Melvin Dixon and son. A son was born to Mr and Mrs, William R, Bolton. James Mrs l,arry Kenworthy, Burley R, Van Zante. Brian F. Gordon, juiia riarshbarger. Vicki J. ^ u n V a lU ‘ v I-uhr, Ben A. Johnson, Wilburn Patient list not released by F. Craig and Candy Pufahj^ all Twin Falls; Mrs. Robert C. hospital officials. White, Crystal Fern Berry and Danna Bolish, all Filer; Melvin Gehrig^ Shpshone; Gregory D. S U B S C R I P T I O N H A T 'E S Own, B uhl;' Tonya' Reed, Hansen; Lyle A. Fassett, TH ET IM ES -N EW S Minidoka -and Mrs. Bert Redd. ---- T>»in ^»ii». lawva— B y C a r r ie r Kimberly. P e r M ontti Birtbj -, ■ t2 50 ( D » ily & S u n d a y ) BV M a d A son was bom to Mr. and P a id in A d v a n c e Mrs. Michael G. HopfTms. Buhl. ( D a i ly & S u n d a y ) 1^ )n m 17 75 3 M o n th s 75 4M onm r *14 50 $27,(W y Yaar M a il s u b s c r ip t io n s accet^ tcd o n ly w ^ • r o c a r r i e r d e liv e r y is rv)t rp a t t a i n e d TIM ES-NEW S SU B SC R IB ER S for»«rvlce6r P *p*r Oelly«ry C H y « H jr < a r r if o r7 3 C T 9 n --- C a ^ i a M e m o r ja l - -_ Admitted Mrs. Daniel Munoz and Yates Jones, both Burley. Dismissed Mrs. U.U. Locander, -Paul; Earl Hurst, Declo; ' Vern riymas, and AnderSMi baby girl, both Heyburp. ^ Births A daughter was bom to Mr. and Ml's:— t r a n s id " '^ y a h ~ Hazelton. ' — S t. H<‘ n(>(licl>< Admitted . Her^chei Em berton. Mrs. C’harles Jack.son and Hill Cannedy. all Jerome, ami Mrs Mary Giles. Richfield ~ Dl.smlsscd-------Lyla Shora, Blotikfoul; MryJim Mar.siung and daughter, flooding; Ruth Ross Delva Heath -and Mrs Georgia' Williams, all Shoshone: .Mrs Ray Salgpr. Mrs Jack R i^ e jL CSarlus CSgie and STri ~T^>h Hogue, all Jerome Births A daughter was born lo Mr and Mrs Charles Jackson’. Jerome -' SOM EBODY S W A IT IN G TO L E AR N how fo on vOuf e* fra m«cn»r>«' To sell fast 0cai 7J3 0931 tor d. Wdr»l Ad nOw' ’ ^ TWIN F ^ .L S - PaWodc W om en’ s i O rg a n iz ^ lfO n n re m b c T ^ ^ Wednesday <7t-2SS2' at'2 p!m. in the Rogersgn Coffee. iU-SVS 9 iap for a no-host tu n o b ^ . Plana win b»diaciined for tbe SU-iSiS Flag Day. tea. , " ta S % £^N o rla n d FIMr;Roowi«h-Holll>t«r ■ 1-- ' AMPLES 1967-68 COUGAR S | 0 7 I V / kntiW n ffi'd Mo»o'' Compo’>> \ lOfy Qi' t 1968 MERCUSY ♦Fio» li ' Z I 'T ^’o ' onr JuH sionoo ^ PHONl Reynolds p e l ID A H O /.) ! .i v n n -- , , )<inic". i,i Rcy-fiolti'. ^ EXAMPLES: Ifem em ber, these are-installed in your car & fu lly guaranteed! * * * * Hundreds of air conditioners to fit olnriost an yth in g , 4 ^ 6 0 P O N T IA C In ita lle d 'InsTolted P oloro 1 9 6 8 M U S T A N G $ S' a fnent/j ei If DA i,n d N fD A cars, pickups, or trucks'. -Select a companion lot while you are to*gether. W e offer a choice o? flot morker, raised marker, or private otiove-grbund burial. ' ,- B r ie f s 543-4«a_ J . U (v \ a l)l) 190, T W IN f A l l S P o i: ? D h AIR CONDITIONER S-A-L-E!! TWIN FALLS - Jaunita Mozell McNabb, 49, Boise and former Twin Falls resident, died Friday in a Ebise hospital. Seryices are pending in Boise. ly /W ith p e rp e tu a l C a re c A V f K JU L t A S T Theisen Motors w a s oWe-to n w lcexi spectot pwlrchose on some of TRe finest a ir conditioners in the w orld. We know this is a little early to be thinking of air conditioning for your car or truck but at these prices who can afford to w a ir r t b a ir a t tfrese-few -<^tQfnpl«»s below w e m n oir condition pf-CK ticoltY-a n y car on the m arket plus these prices include installation by Factory trained experts. $ COMPANION SPACES M, I - '■ SPECIAL PURCHASE 2 ADULT B a f o r t < p .m . d « ll y o r b « lp r » J O » .m . o n S u n d a y * ■ >HbNE733M»31 Or usfour loll-frM'num^s Merrill Summer, Jerome; four, daughters, Mrs. Enyon (Veldai Ward, Mrs Russell ( Betty I Shaud and Mrs. Warren f Doris I Kays, all Jerome, and Mrs, Burl iVioltei Hinz, Burley; two stepsons, William E. Gray, Hailey, and George Gray, in California; two stepdaughters. Mrs, Jule l,aJeunesse, and Mrs.__Robert Walton, Tleronie, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren, Two sons preceded him in death Friends rpSy call rft the funeral chapel this afternoon and, evEnlag and_unl ' services on Monday. F U N E R A i triH u llad THEISEN MOTORS s s ’n A.W. ''Bill" Madland, Pres, and Mgr. - .49S,A^in.Aven!Ue E. Twin Falls., T Jm £ a siesi Place In The W o rld M a in • V ■ ♦ A v e . Ea st • T o ^ y ^ A -C o t . _____ 7 ^ 3 -7 ] -Sunrfay;-/Way-W 'iW ^ lrnes-News."Twln Pall!i';--1dahB 3^ GOPjpi|low VVASHlNC.tON (~UPj ) WHlte TToure"Frfs's- : - ^ c r t t a r y R o n ^ d - l r Z l e g l e r c e l e b r a l e d hls-flSnJ- - t - — birthday Friday.-— — --- :--- ;--------^ — TWIN FALLS - Graduation for College of Sliutlieni lUaUu iiuiileuts' will lie at g pto. Sun' day ill lilt? CSl |^j'uiiuiit|uiEi; -— Br. WllUam E. (Bud) Davis', president of Idaho State Uu\versitj, wUl b e - ^ s t speaker. College officials ■ have released a list of those graduating with, associate arts dcgPeea -iii There wlUbeaboutSSOgraduate&ili academic and voeatiou jl prnenmnr--- ^ A reception’ at the... dlplng room, of the iittiltlpi^ose^-bulfding will follow graduation. general studies; William Alvin, Kersey, Jr., bacteriology; Gry Kobert Larson, pharmacy; UfluU Linn—Mc6 hee, gtneral wa8^i^ntwl^»-8ilv«r4c-<M)uckgt4>y— ^ his stalii Giscribed >wltH~IGelr signatures. hi? wife Nancy gave hlm a needlepoint plllpw beoring ^ llfceBest oI the R^publlcaiu. Party limtgnla'— an elephant— — --- --- - electrical appliance repair... Receiving , law-enforqeraent science; Larry Ray Sager, associate degrees are Hobert Burley, general studies; JoAnn Gardner, Boning, Hagerman; IV^rlene-Saunders, Hazelton, -Encarnacion Rangel Garcia, general S'luUlKIiT Bupert; Rodney Kef)t George. Jensen, .Reno, Nev.; Wa>Tie E.. O'Neal,' S h o s h o n e L . Orppeza, Homedale; Albert. L. Rogers, Princeton, and James wrshuniaker. Jr.. Wefideir' L,e^(iUzihs op mamjittmor^ wsnrt m m ix "^WASHINGTON (UPl) —The harm from experimental or sdid they feared arrest or jail Natiptial C.ogijnission on Mari-' intermittent use of marijuana. ■Mid.^bout the game percentage HYi^y a survey showe,4 that about Uiret'-fuurtli!;jf the yuuirg people who have never tried marijuana would not use itoven ifit werelegallied. . In a newly published index to itJi full report, the commission s;iiri niojt of thosa who hav» Americans had tried marijuana drug’s effects. — at leaaL ----- Maiiyt)t>stuliieiirgdv.e sevei *1 The new survey asked those reasons for not using it andJ3 12 through 17 their reasons ■per cent saijL-lhey-wotn3 not for«bstilnlng from marijuana. use it under any circuiiYstanee^ It discovered: Mdre than half "Thus it appears that even if espressed fear of damage "■to the Cerent policy . were their body or mind or ppid they changed sn that marijuana use was either decriminalized or .. eiucatioh ; ’ Martin Un(la Faye Simpson, Parma, Hansen, Iona. 1.. Abrams. Harle^' J. Ganibre!. because they feared physical or because they felt marijuana use:. ..becairie m ow freely available Twin Falls graduates a r f ^ ' „ __ . , ~ .T, ■"7 " 7-' Morle>^sw.-iology; Dean Alan general studies; Joseph \V. Candidates ‘for licensed Rodney WajTie Johnson and- mental damage. , ' . was morally wrong and slightly, than it.isTnrw,“thrTn!ijority o( r ff . • Pennington, oceanography; S tin e m a te s , H a g e r m a n , practical nursing degrees are I<irry M. Kulm, ail IV in Falls; The coiimiission, ii;i its full more than one-third said tfiey’ individuals who have not used jetrrey Kyle Ballantyne, warren Hobert Ploss, business; business a d m in is tr a tio n ; Donna Gay Holcomb and Betty Walter E. Doremus, Bill Jacky. report iq President Nixon and were concerned about becoming marijuana 9o“n6l believe they buginess a d m in istra tio n ; Rinehart, science; Eugene Millard Stroebel, Kuna, Royce; both Twin Falls; Judy Ullious EnitTy Unch. Reynaldo Congress in March, concluded addicted.. ~ are likely to initiate use, " ttie-Bohect— .Michaai-- Bark ri: ,................. RubiiieH. ■dr.r-math'; physical— ed u ca tion ;— Suaun Grusstiaiiis, F ilei: Betty llaye- 0. M uiii:i, Sant iago ■ Tonn D. fiubiiiett. Mot , UrtTi' vfas m tle proven danger' Morinune-fltin bt tnose mterviewed xammission said. ^ business; Deanne Margaret Valerie Dawn Robinett, English Sullivan, Heyburn. one year Jones, Kiipbeily; Dale Anthony L. t)rdaz, and John C. of physical or psychological Bell, medical dental one year literature; Terry Valley Sch- secretarial;.Robert Joe Taylor, Maruaret Klatke. Hansen; Tolan. all Jerome: Bruce O -certificate: A^ on^^o h n Bess, Paul, political science Colleen Nonna VanDerwijlker. Buhl; Duffy and David R. Wageinan, iriildt, P. E and recreation. biology; Shana. Kaye- Bixlefr Timmons, Rupert, Marcia Williams,' Bellevue, and boUi Bulil Rpilne>— 'Jcty— Stephens, May liberal arts; Mark Harold Jerry N. McCardell and general 'istudies; Pearl Ann elementary education; Everett CTieryl Zollinger, WendelL___ Bowen, engineering; Renee iind leTevis'ion Wckey C. Young, botli.iiudey ! V a n P a tte n , e le m e n ta r y L. Ward, Jr.,~"~Richfield,- • Radio Clair-Marie BuchanSn, history. educatidn; W illiam Nelson business; Michael Weber, graduates are Wayne E. Court- Hussejl C. Jarvis, Kimberly; Paul Wavne Corey, rhusic; -Wtttt3 -,-aeoount|ng+-Richaa ij r> i^ irJev. nre-law: Riirlpy,_pre1 ^ ; ^ Dom>las L. wriL'ht. Edward M. Heil. RiL-httrd___ ,A11ct ^ M o r r is , Cathy Jodel Council, art; Noma Hansen, general Cteorge H. Lutz and Robert C. Heyburn; Juan D, Heyntisa, 3— MaddoK. social science; Marcia Werner, M. Creed,“library technology-r" Scheele, all TVin Falls; Dennis Nampa: David D. Saxton, studies. tri Lynette Lickley, drama. Lowell Elvis Darrington, Candidates for associate of Cannon, Hansen; Randy ■aP. Ciooding and Fred A>-S«hifner, Wendell graduates are Randy forestry; Robbin Douglas applied science degrees in Kloer, Burley; Jan _D, Ruhter, Filer. Drake, pre-law Gerald I ^ Dayley, general studies; Sally agriculture-buSinreiss are ;uid I.arry' K, StiegmeieL. both , G r a d u a t i n g s t u d e n t s in o ffic e Julmsun. engineering. Jo Dean, journalism; Stephen ^uhl graduates are Robert b. Richard George. Gonzales. Bubl, and Wa>Tie E. Tousley, o c c u p a t io n s a r e S a d i e . , P e r r y Lynne Kendrick of Buhl invite* you lo see th e .A p o c h e " S o lid S lo te " travel Iroilers E. DeWitt, physical therapy. a n d 'C a n i t a , ,S n o w ,- b o th ^ '"i''« T 7r “ | Gooding Irvin John McDonald, Jerome. now on d is p la y next lo the o ld S afew a^L .^ 9 re in Buhl. ■ Retd Wallace Dilworth, ■Refrlgevaliuti and”aii... con; FalTS",— DrtKrralT flauphffm n ," Klamath F^lls, Ore.; Hefbert^ therapy tuchnjaicn; Norman business a d m in is tr a tion,__ MLrnll—Eetrert' business—ad- Samuel Mahler,"-Hupert, ■m d* tktiomnBgrfldtiuteanre Dmiglua -Buhland-Judy Hiigaii, H tiye lto n■ Af f t C HE ^ ? -2 . . . SOt IP S T A T t . . : S O LID V A l t l l i r ' T " Jeffrey SulcUff Uretiker. ininistration; JohniC Eshnger, Michael .Carl RcrtaniJ, Puhl, (i. Brow, KetthCarrollrDouglas as bookkecper-pajToll clerks; ^ G reaf VVoy to Go C a m p in g W itho ut G o in g O i/erboard engineering; Carl A business a iiin in ls lr a tio n ; Twin Falls candidates for Alfe'n S trunk,J^rry L. Weeks Sue Stockham. Wendell, junior E ng elbre cht, - vocational Michael N orm an' Merrill applied science degrees in auto and., Larry J. WooGtenhulmel. .am nntant-office-m tt« Hgef • S O U B WAfcLS • S f lt n m O O F ' • SOLID B E r a O D M S education; Raedine Frantz, Kc'kert. business ad- body are Richard J. Berks. Loy all Twin Falls; I.arry D. Ain-, ■Ijnda Sue Jones^JjullL Loniiit J h e r e i N o C a n v o s A n y w h e r e ' Extrcrq^L'iel E x tra P ro te c tio n nursing; Elsie Mae Freeborn, mimsH'ation;.John C. Eslinger, De^Wayne ' Carlson., M ^ a e l sworth anil DaniTey'^R. Hen- More'll!. Kimberly, and JX'bra P lu v o t o iig l i il o f c o n v e n ie n c e fe a tu r e s e x c lu s iv e w ith S o lu i medical-dental secretary: tic'th Filfr; Stpvpn H 'StwilJ W e n d e l l r e c e p t i o n i s t - . ii n esT— a d m in is tr a tion JamjiS Craven. Dennis l l enao/i,— --- p g f f r -iM a d e f i t s f h o Q ^ n f r a a ^ . Steven Lamar Garn, general typist; Patrisha Fawcett, Buhl, Ames, Payette; Frank E. Raymond Charles Jeff, Jolin Michael Dean Fassler, studies. education; .Catherine Mary Ray. McCallistdr, Bobby D. Boljon, Jr.. Jerome; Kelvin and Ellen—Kaye Thpmason, Katherine A. Ciles, Inath; O p en S u n d a y s from 1 2 :0 0 ffl 6 :0 0 -------- ^ --P h o n e 5 4 3 -6 Anastasia Grosserhode, liberal Manns, Jose Modesto Moreno Dayley and Jacs H Monroe„ Jerome, secretary: and Joyce Christine Lynn Hall, elenienJ udith triaina „liiki'r, ahtl Stnvpn, M__Shinn. Biirlev Sr.., both Burley; Tim W M Bisplinghoff, Jerome, and tary Wuca tion; Jon Collins, eleinentary educattpn; Evelyn •graduates are-Bandy John i:)owningr Weiser, l.aVern k. 'M arlhit-J..irics: "H sin' h m i s : Helms, criminilogy; Judith G. H. Karaloff, library technology; /Utien. Don, E. 'Brown and Hovermate^ Paiil; Robert S .- stetttigrapher. Hender5op_business educatiotn Carol Lynn: Meier, business; Michael Joseph Martin. Fronr Liiyal t.ex "Heyet, vyiidllfe Cieorge Allen Parsons, general Rupert a:e John I). Burns. management; Howard Wesley studie.s; Frank D. ■Pearson, Charles A. Goffinet. and Ciaylen Hine, sOciologj'; Michael B history; Terry Corene Todd, Hess. Horn, general; l^w tence nursing; Patrick I,ouis Turner, -Other auto body graduates Howard Ilk, account,ing; general studies;J,lclen Cornelia are Joseph Chave*-«f)d Jel^ry 1.. Douglas Ira Kirn, science; pjiiB, botn Kiiiiberiy; OreR Steven ' Effw'ard- FTlLren'de'F, , , Jackson, Jerome; I.arry K. science; Claudia Rebecca dental <_ert > a e. (asUeford graduates^mt-^^^ Jim D. Thorpe, Krtutse, general,studies. Hicky Lynn Pretl, engineering; s^oshope, and VirglF W.' U>edy Calvin 0. Kysar III, art: Alan S. Patterson, both Williafii James I.angley. Jr.. Jan Quigley, eduction: led W^ilter Reese, business a'd- Wei.ser, darma; Mike Lynn lyeonetti, niinlstration. Candidates for associate of physical education; Jane Alice _ Fder graduates are Michael __J„cuds,l-.Lw;2 J' ea r~’SOTPian a-h" C. Chandler, general studies; ,nec.hanics include Tuin Falls Steve Wayne McClain,' history; .Steven U'on.Cowger. physical Arnold E. Aston. ’ ~_Hol3crt-:- J a m e s —McC.', -—afneral studtt;s:' Dan KoberT educ:aUon,.Ii^na> <^lpb Katon; H„n?VT,. BourQiiin. Kenneth F. •Mahoney, general sLudiea,t cducatron: l.indff .Sue Hansmg. niinn. George Edwin MitcielK huiiie economtds; rhomas KennetTT^ichard Newnia'n; .Evelyn Jean Meeks, phiSica.l .JVlicftael Hofland. busmgss-jjtpvp f/jm-Rousseau. Mortoh education; Kenneth Macke> I linton Danne Blackwood, niompson aricIVariceWhitaker. Miracle, liberal arts; JJan ell ‘ life M.ien(;o; Christopher Wayne Jerome are Enwmo M. Gene Mullinix, general studies Kious. .science: Randy R. Mai, Alonzo, Michal R. Chojnacky, Jess Francis Olavarrla. forestry Dave A. Rambo, Jimmy Dale physical education; Mary Ellen — Other gj-adiialf s i Q lude .lo a n ?hv«ncvcldt , ■Paul— B^-Sch. Otto, E n g lish ; June Rose”' A/bill. Gooding, elementary vaneveldt, Michael Sullivan and i Packer, art; Elmer. Cecil education; Colleen ' Baird, Stanley R. Shaw. Kimberly Parker, businwisr Dianne Sue -Heyburn, psychology" Robert , graduates are~~ftobert—Curtis -Tarrott, sociaTTvoflT;^ GecTfge' Wayne Bloxham. Hazelton, Bower. Carles E. 6 )oke, Jr., Harland Peterson Jr . library journahiOTTr-Mjiry Etta Bowen, L^rry Hamby and Brian Sch technology: RusscH- Blaine Burley, elementary education- midt. Pietz. library technology; Janet Karen U'e ('alien. Hollister, From Hansen are Darrel Gene .\ 1- Pohanka. psychology; therapy technician; .Susan Dalrymple. Melvin E Davis Freddie Duane 1-Yciltt, general Henri' Brooks, Hagerman, art; and Roger I-ee Perkins; ^fuim studies; Becky K Jtayhonr. 'Jerry ---Couch, Burley, ketchum, Douglas C. Blandford , psychology; I.esb« K Kiddle, l-:ni;lish. W illiam .Michael and Jeff A. Lyttle; from library technology. Debby Jo Davis. Fiairfield, agriculture. Wendell. .Scott I. Cutler and R o b in e t t , e I e m e ii t a r > W.igMer (leCamargo, Brazil, Elias I.eijia;,- from Buhl.«f education. Katherine .Se.ssionh. aichilccturc, Daniel William Michael Ix?e Miller and Melvin I5usine!a Dre.s.-ien, Salt Lake Clly^ Eugene Sanderson Arnold Kent Shafer , business busm ess jtd m in is lra tio n ; <Hiiet4t -are Bill A.--Brooks, -adniinistrabon; Rebecca L.vnn Daniel Peter Even, ilr , Boise, Hailey; Ronnie D. Cahoon, .Shelby, psychology, Joan S physical education; Joe Crist Almo; David John Cowger, Simmons, library te-chnollgy: Gibson, (ioodinn, electrical (■'iliT' Thmiiai;-- 1--- Hail, ■ ■ ■e(lt,Mni’(’rin g : Barbara .May Mountain Home; Byron Jensen. arts. J<enneth Lee Smith, .liulUuieS..._iiQQ<lii3^- iwCLyear Hpyhiirn: Rocky l>ee Metals, physical c^calToriV' JaTiTfs si'i I e ta ria l, "Mike . 1) Cott, Hazelton, and Michael P Robert .Soran, iiiusic l.arry J Kimberly, .general studies; Oneida. Shoshone. Samps. puixLicai sciiencj;_____ MHlidel«u-- F-- "f^ppTnr rH; — Hi'C'f lviiig applied .s eiewe l.arry F.dward Stuinpf, Rupert, art. Clayton K, Gunter, associate degrees in diesel H aiiiiiu. physical education; mecbanic-s will be- Jerry ‘ I ^ l s c V a l l e y , niusic. Kennetfi' Thunias A Hofer. Mountain Engleman and Charle.s F Anthony Tucker, polilcalH'oliie. political science, Heughins, both Twin .Falls; science; Jay Swain Ulrich, Victoria Mae Hupfer. Fairfield, Dennis (Jlen Capps, Larry A general studies, (lary Ovede one year secretarial; Keith Ciolay and William 1. HepWalker, accountmg; Carol Ann Ix'roy Jacob. Jr . Kimberly, worth, all JerUfiie; Kenneth Wat.son, music. Vic U-e Wells, enginc-ering. Daryl flex James, (Valg Drown, Ciooding: Steven general studies, Haili'v phy sical education,,/\Jba Rich Hadley. Hazelton; Gary Ronald l.ynn Wiedenheft, I) Jenkins, Hurley, library l,er(iy Martin, Burley; John business. Susan Delilah Ross Updegraff, Malta, and technology W illiams, busmess: Gary — J--- -----------T.f M oy n r . n ovKt T Woener, Heyfaum Michael Wright, math. William Other candidates for associate Hanernian, litx'ral arts, Joyce' Byron Wright, pre law . Dewey Anni-tte Mason, Kimberly, of applied science degrees are Allan Bailey, engineering. Paul bu,Mnes.s, Joseph Kobert Ronald lx?e Crosby, drafting. Hoppe, vocational education; Nelson. Hazelton, _genejL3 l Filer; and Eugene R Fansler, Helen Frances Hammond, studies;. William 1 ,. Rehwalt. Filer, Joe L. Gonzales, Gooding, t^eral arts; Phyllis Faye Hazelton. ertgineenng. Jerilyn Jimmy R. McBride, Twin Falls, JBleTtvv- m e d ic z l d e n ta l Robinson. Oakley, secretarial and Mel Moeller. Jerome, all in secretary; I Metz, liberal arts t AT WORK* - Jerome graduates are Joseph A Aitken. biology . Raymond P Alberdi. general studies; Wilfred L Barga J r . math; Rick L. Barfms. engineering; Carl RoBerr Bartholomew, - physical -pdneation; Curtls J.. Bartholomew, social science; Daniel Truman Beem, general studies; Chris A. Butler, art; Diana 3udith Davis, secretarial Sole O w nir oi I & W Ejtcovating Co. H« has oil administration; Richard E. the Equipment to Do your job. os before. The office Davis, education. hoi been moved to 1/2 t)^\e West of the Municipal Relna James DeVries, Golf Course. He is looking forward to serving his .-business; Roger David Fiala, loyof' customers of the post & welcomes the chance business administration; Sheryl L, Hetrftianh, ~ special .to serve new ones.' education; JoAnn -Hgye. For Frit CttiMatu ^al 733'351( or 733-5090 -Tnserarms; KBlia KarHyder. h m m h u IB A C K liberal arts; James N. Jackson. Ad EN CY""‘“°"" T&W EXCAVATINCCo. HASMOVE& Paul Welcti Is Itow -13 ^ R IS mm - D ^ o te d ^ T ^ T k e :::€ ifiM » n 8 - 0 f- M d g ie - I^ U e y — 'Al'>^*«t«rgren, Publithsr- Sunday, May 14, 1972 PHONE 7 3 3 ^ 3 1 M«mb«fot.Au<»HBur<»uplClrcumioo«nd UPI I li IHT»br»>t«1< ltn»l ho»lc«i will b« puM)iiK«d. PubliitiMi daily an<t Sunday, fxcapt Saturday/ at l]2:.ThlrdStreet Wnt, Twin Fallt, lOM. 1^1'. liyMagfTVallaymwipaiMrl, incrEnitrManaconirciAi mm mBtraHvprtri, tfll.atttiapoMofflcalntwin Fall*. Idatw.ttilii.'uhdarttiaactofAllarchi, l«7?. M bthef ! is more generally their ightful heritage by inflation, Mother’s ■le of the obscrvtx u ftresources. ever. In a troubled world mother ■ nation’s, rratural faces the tpsk of molding men-and-- Political, expediency follows the thought of the FrencbJung: “After women inta citizens capable of rrle, the deluge.” sdvlHgthe mounting problems that Mother onee had-only the sttnple confront them. , problems of a simple community, — l^other has much of the current envireBment-agaiBst-heKr-lnfluencB- :^nd'-community-standards and discipline aided her in solving seems to be.more important than .them. Trends today are nat46nal or high. staitdaTds. Americans are international, ^ and mass falling for the ancient orieotal innovations are ilifftcult to combat. custom of “ squeeze,” ' the everyuiing that passes the gale. Materialism is the cult of the hour. — Tliis generation’s-penchant^£or_ prodigality knows no limit. Children are being deprived, of always has, she will have to her credit a splendid achievement — leaven the mass. K jrE rsT sm i V u re ^ into panic sales, bribery of housing “The inner city hortie ownership prograrti is a multi-biUion-dolIar inspectors, applying cosmetic provemeiits to‘ old houses and disaster tor The federal seUmg-tbem at.inliated prices.lo government, but to_ real estate spftpul&tftfs -^financial poor Families who are then faced institutioiis -it 4s a money t i w - ^ t h hiipossible repair costs. The result is tiiat thC,Tederai hapested with little risk.’.’. _____ government" has become-'the la This is how one writer dtecr4bes rgest a b s e n ts slum lord somelhingT which began with liigh Tiopes four years ago but has turned ■ America. _ , - George Romney, secretary of Housing And Urban Development, boondoggles since farnfiers were estimates that the Federal Housing I» id to plow their crops“ under “Admihistration will have'some $2.4 while m illions went hungry. Q n ^ f f p e r r ^ -loolc^d goodr-The brllion tn lapsed mortgages; — “ Congressionally mandated idea.was to encourage low-income home ^ownership programs tn ith ^ families to buy 4iomes instead of inner cities for the_ ‘neediest’ rent and at the same time to families not only are not working rehabilitate the decaying central satisfactorily in certain cities,” he c iti^ , Thfr incentives were very admits, “ they are -clearly low down 4)ayments artd federally contributing to abandonment and guaranteed and sbrnetimes decay.’-’ sut)^dized mortgages. All of which must give pause to __T lie re Jiave b ^ n ^successes. zrMntiy-fnm iUnjL hnvp moved into I who believes that all that is needed to cure the natiuri’s ma~ny good homes they might never social ills is money. Eossibly the otherwise liavfe owned. sheer ,weight of billions could do it. Qtil the successes have been When all the speculators and outweighed by an accimiul&tion of cheats and frauds have raked off little horror stories — connivance IjetweefTSpgc^tors and- lending -aH-they^rh-enougJvmight be left-totrickle down to the little people, institiitions, falsification of credit -^ratingsrfrighteniflg homeowners iiT ^^-^ut terely-thcr^ l& a betteF ^x^ayracially changing neighborhoods of"^olng things? MR.SPECTATOR VIothef’s l)dy From my birth thru my childhood, ____Mother had such a Godly Way.. That It will live in memory, -Toi)e known as “ Mother'^ Day,'There I lay on a fluffy pillow, Diugly tucked in a little bed, li "»»lin|i nll>en hociHp me. _ Stroking j n j’ htUe sleep>;^head , There was love In her spirit t)r sometimes amusing beguiler Pilling-this heart with eternal love, And malctng her baby smile. \Ktlv.alLtheJundRessin-Jier thoughts. Where the contentment spirit grows. In the Garden of EMen sanctuar>-. That only l>aby and molber knows. There was sweeth“ess in her heart. And no hardship too great to-bear. In my most perfect immortal time, : W ht^reTIivedandlftviffailiefg.___ There is a mystic~Eonff^TWltilse That binds the two —‘ God bestow — Of love. Hell's power can't separate. The only eternal lijve this World can know. She rules her world with l o v e , _______ The after thought makes great men small. Guided i)y love from a spiritual force. With a -mother's love that is Gbaiy*to all; I passed to life's dreams — m o r ^ ; ^ “ Guided <dth love and tendtr grace,’ Always this-Angel watch&ig (Tver me, -With-smilea=of-happit>^ — aft-imniprtal face. With'Tdndlyniygr^and unselfish living, Sudi as great leaders.cannot recall ^.^.-iietween nauons of'selfuIKh^ 6hd'gre«d, Siidi iBother’s love m e w nothing at all. » nnM llkgnati(m8biiilt yri<h mother’s love, 1 ^ see-nSions 'and leaikrs bonded that -WB3S. ~Gnlded tqr Ckxl’s lofire mother of all, A M rtle |i% #erta_«f "M o U i^ - D a y ." DOUBLK DECK KI.EVATORS It would^-seem that t h e y ^ gone about-as far as they can go in the elevator business, except nraybe takgjtljem highj^ aiid^higher. But there's a new wrlnlde — the Soubledec'ked elevator, with two cars, one atop the other, in a single car frame ChicaKO, pioneer of the skyscraper, already has three big Duuaings wlUrsnrh— elevators in use or under construction. The 56-,story First International Building going up in ■'Dallas will have the first doqbledeckers in the Southwest. Others are being InslaHed in Boston and Toronto, In Dallas,-'-the Otis-buiil double-deck elevators each. Escalators will link the street floor and first t>asement levels, from which passengers will enter either the top or bottom cars, depending upon which-upper noors they want to reach? Mfl]in'advantag«ujf Ihe new system is that a single shaft will be able to carry mbre -jjwgjfhgpra to more. tionf.s inbre g^EHy.l^ Computers will be-programmed to have an elgvatur diiswe.i ealls on adjacpnt nnnr,s ,. with a single stop. -Ijess space taken up by elevator shafts also means more floor space can be used by occupants, or more of a brnldTng site can be developed as an open plaza. NOWASTEBAKSET Newsmen who coversd President Nixon^s visit to China are still talking about how difficult — nay, impossible — it was to dispose of anything. Wire service- photographer Achatz, ■ -fort>ne?Mvshe left a bottle of gin in his hotel room; •'When I got to the airport, u we were leaving, a guy threaded his way through the crowd, tapped me an the should^ an^said 'You left this bottle back in your roTO.' “Someone else tried to get ^ o? a pair of old shoes and a coupleof Fire coat bangers at t{ie hotel. They were delivered to him.” Maybe there’s a clue bese as to how. the nation can stilve some of its fanmense waste , dispose proukxh— just require each of the several 'million -viaitprs wtu come here evei7 to take back eftftteing they brought in,'[dus an" extra box or t>ag of our ' pimjuhk. ^ ~ ~ C A RLSO N ^ l y Q r ta l Medifeirafe WASHINOt ON — is Rep. ‘^haw tr^rse nt- to Ereslde!rir~ yiffneraT ila^g t f ^ ^ a new nimnst nli Jiave been staundT gounc| jaaee^ tfe tto npt see -€li^aHlanseiir-R-{(laii<>,'tFyin£—Nikon,— ^ p e a c e initiative a i n ^ at Hig& l ^ p o i ^ t ^ of ttie T P r^denr^fibw even a n e » total ‘^dem o 4 ^a te --hawlc try in g to Xtheik concern about the,?teppedr (he intervention of the United become a mpdera.te dove?' up strate^c air bo m t^g in N ^ o W Significantly, few of I any Southeast Asia. ^ of the “CTd-lhe-war'^ legislative A t vthe same>-^ime, 17 atten^pts in past years, am) conflict . ' war in ftd ochina can'bring this B i^ u s e their loyalty is time- cpnfUcTahd its caiiiage ririiven. all 17 hope that the to an eai^ly end." Hansen others also President and his ^visors will' pay more /attcnMon::,tii„..their said, th ^ lie ld J it t le hope for___ success at the Paris t>eace letter. -------- . Dated May Sth, the letter said talks. So, the 17 Republicans - the 17 congressmen have "beeff ''" pf the opinion for s6me t^e-that recommended the president try the UnitedHStatesTnyolvement a new^ipprMch. TIjey wrote the in the war for South Vietnam Presiitent to''“-pls(!e high on the , represented a foreign policy agenda for your upcoming talks blunder, of b-agic pcoportions with leaders of the Soviet Union , ■and—ahoul^ , ther efore, ' be the queation of obtaining their i tfroiight to as oraeny fin end as awperaUon in a new plan for possible and at the earliest po^ peace/’ --- . ■ , sible date." The plan, as the 17 envision it, The I? reiterated their sup- calls for the acceptance by bott esident^s- Viet~por t-fur ___ . sides in Indoctyna^'ot a "ceasenamization w“ " fii'e-in-place," as of the date Of commen(fed Presidgit -with-thefor reducing ground forces in simultaneous transfer of tbe" South Vietnitm from 549,000 political issues underlying the (Jan., 1969) to49,000 by July 1 st conflict to the United Nations." of this ^ear. They expressed ' Hansen and the others...salfl their hope that the ground, aii^, ,that trie past objections to in- and naval forces oftarventioti. by the., u n ited--' Vietnam would successfully Nations always centered on the repel the currfent North Viet- fact that the People's Republic namese offensive. of China was not reqresented in “However, we wish to express the United Nations. Now that to you our" individually held China jis: seat^ in the U.N., concern over the use "oT high- Hansen and his cofleagues level bombing attacks against suggested a new peace targets in Southeast Asia jio i Initiative the -U^N-^night--‘■direpUy ir lnted te to siand a better chahce~bi‘ sucaslOn of the-cess.---'----- , — ^ . South. .Such s tr a te g lT ^ sup ■•We^o not know what resiilt port does not seem appropriate either in light of our Nation's this suggestion, if it could be past experienre jyith such at implemented,- might produce. tacks, or in terms of potential But, at the very least, it offers tflcticol odvontoee," the Falls RepublicaiTafiH thF"16 IndocHlna-war-a SurcSe^M M m others wrote. ' conflict and carnage. Hansen aratthEOthers pointed result is eminently to be desired out to President Nixon the' - by those people', by the peopje —miiitapy and-political risks of of the United Stat^,.an dJiy-tt^ sucTTbonjbingiJ'as well as the world; and so we trust that this immense costs to the peoples of suggestion is accepted In the Vietnam, Laos, and Cam-.i-same constructive sense it is b9 dia',” -&id the letter, "in aU offered," the letter cdndnaed. these-eountries, there have b e e n In e v it a b ly , .Hanseji's signing thousands of civiUftn caualties, of this letter will open the GOP anH hundreds of thousands congressman to charges by his _ more are now-Cefugee^^m ■opppnentSj such as Pocatello’s ” Thi.s is the New Zealand tinie in the Grand Canyon, and 1 figured my batteries had gone their homes,* Thus, we en Willis Ludlow, a Democratic Television Network. In a my .radio-wasn't working too dead.” courage you to ' forego such peace candidate, t h a t j ^ i i e r minute, we will-brinB you an good, I picked -up otcaslonal "When did you realize that utilization of American air support of the President by exclusive interview with Hiram phrases like 'freedom for the you might have been the only power in Indochina" Hansen help perpetuate the Potts who, as you all know, was South Vletnames^people.” and survivor of the holocaust?” Despite their support for conflict and the carnage, but, found by our anthropologists in "treachery in th e ^a c e talks in 'Maybe about five years ago, Vietnamizatlon, the 17 ex now that the war is obviously the Grand Canyon several Paris.” And I 'he^d someone I couldn't find anybody in the pressed their concern about the going badly, the two-term weeks ago. Mr. Potts is txtlieved say the only wtiy'w'e could-have canyon, and you usually see future of the policy, "In light of congressman is trying to waffle to be the only livinR American peace was lo let the-other -side tourists in the spring and our apparent,-indefinite eem- his way-out, A hawk trying to becijme a left after the nuclear holocaust knoH we W!)ul(in't back doHTi, .•imninertitnc. Then 7 f(at..JwQ mitment of American air — 10 years ■ were "tallfliiR and two tof'eiher', «nd I figured support >9 Soijih Vietnamese dove, Iperhaps. i^ti eved at—the, tjnie—that Mhoiit siinnortlnL’ their North so[pethinn went wrong with-the — everyone had lieen killed, bat Vietnamese allies and warned if T^resIderU^~gime“ pIa?r~Si5TT“ —--------Mr, Potts somehow managed to any of their ships were sunk, the decided to stay in the canyon surrive andV, according to oiir United States wouldhave to pay and fight the Russkies from doctors, is in good health. Since the consequences. And the there. It’s lucky your people his arrival in this country, he Chinese said they wouldn't spoke English or I would have • -has-- been-and allow.Hanoi to be shot them dead,” newspapermen and publishers, defeated. It got all mixed up and "Having had 10 years to think -and tmg 45 -the~firi tIo you feel atiout Dear Dr. Thosteson: Our !■*- please make some public account as to wha1 happened in "Then what happened'’ " everything now?” . tho«;p fatpfiil rtays______ • "W.elLt]iie.ilai:,Iheania lot Q t_ "Well. 1 think Nixon made the year.KJld -son^ Jo'|ned his- Wgh commerinin this'.' — W.K. ’ Is this public enough? "Mr, Potts, could you tell us explosions and I saw some right decision. He proved the school wresfllnflgarh. I tlTDik It I think wrestling is a good exactly what took place in mushroni clouds floating above United States couldn't be is a fine sport but one thing bugs sport, too, but NOT at the 1972-’ " me, but I didn't think anything hmjiiliatpfi, and if he were me. He was a well-built lad, not expense of proper nutrition, A "F'lrst, I'd like to say I didn’t . of it I turned on iny radio but I running today. I'd probably vote overweight, always having low calorie diet with ample surrender to the-Commies I couldn't get any station at all, so For hiiTi" proper exercise and food. He protein will give him strength could have held out for years in trains hard, but his coach is a and allow weight loss, — the Grand Canyon and they In my- experience, most fanatic on weight, and the boy never would have got m e " had to lose several pounds. coaches have a sane regard for "Mr Potts, there are no more This was not done with a , .the health of their boys, but ■■(\5iiunuiiists. TTn?y'i^ere all proper diet, but by going hungry when a fanatic starves his txiys, wiped out, too. As far as we and in any way possible to get as this one is doing, he has just know. New Zealand is on^of the lost perspective on what life and down a few pounds. few countries that still exists in He is not doing weU an<J he coaching are all about, the world. Our people are now There i.s a way to do away looks pale with red eyelids,' I I fervently hope that he t'ahfornia's Cov Ronald sailing around the globe trying some sense to find out if thece is anylx)dy Heagan has joined those of us with cumbersome private hate to do it, but my better develops urizint; that wo m reform our in- bookkeeping and most costly judgment tells me to pull h'lm inmiediately, TThvf MnW Ifll iiriiint: -ptsr.■ befuiT he runj runs into intp" real ="^-npti 4f-U,uhat happened.'" ‘ ' ~come- tar fay tlirowing jym?TTm>en(-<)Ot>kkueplHg Tlie Twt before would insist that he either iiieii has been there all along, trouble. "I'm not really certain I was out the whole thing Some of the boys on the team Ignore the coach's unwise cm a camping trip, so all I know I>onH let the proposals for a awaiting only the . support of IS what I heard on the radio "value-added tax ' . fool you some heavj-weight-proponents go for a couple of days without instructions or quit the team — Now Gov Reagan is willing (o eating a thingj in order to and most certainly inform the First, I heard President Nixon There is a way. to simplify our qualify for a match. Would you school authorities why, make a speech, and he said cumbersome Lax procedures givf it his support A flat Lax on everybody's honor o f IJlir this is not It Theoretically the value.-, gross income And that is the United States being at N'u deductions for anything. added lax " is paid by industry stake,” "Where was the honor of the Businesses would subtrTict And no exceptions for anybody. expenses fmm sales and pay a United States at stake No loopholes and no-dodges, "‘In some place called Viet percentage tax on the dif no avoidance devices, no nam. You see. the President ference Ha' haggling, no accountants, no Industry pays no taxes, only said we wouldn't have peace in lawyers, no I.RS agents, no Wan. -_gaplg pay taxes no-- t04ft , ng:. When the Rational l.eague of honorable peace In "VTetnam. proliferation of paperwork -,- x "people,'" __ "Then he said he was going t£ Cities surveyed dollars come in. x percentage mine the Haiphong Harbor and gTvlngTTiem a cffoic^ among goes to the government. It was up to the Russians to property tax. income lax, auto You'd know precisely how decide if they wanted peace or tax, utility tax,—sales tax. much of each dollar is yours to not. The R u s h e s had to un citizens of 12 major cities chosespend derstand a great power couldn't the sales tax as the one they ( ^ v . Reagan fears there's no be Jiii^TOafed.’ " -----'€lislijted least " way^to gel it through Congress "And what happened, Mr, It's buried in the price of what because " it's too un Potts?" -they buy. complicated." "Then I heard the Russians Politicians urging the valueai\nounce they wejfi for peace, added.-tax figure it enjoys a Maybe, however, this year too but they coUldn't afford to be i.i_m l i a r a d v a n t a g e ; some presidential candidate humiliatied either. After thaf, camouflage. who Is long on ambition and arp iin- short nn ammunition might the Red Chinese announcpH that __ P'nliliciang they couldn’t be humiliated derstandably disinclined to grab this ball and n m with it because they were also a major praise your ttfxes"; mstead Some of them talk vaguely of power.’*they levy some new and dif- "reducing government^ ^ MVfould ^ say tBCT~ the fprpnt ta« with -soirtp fancy. and r iiin rin g reason the wiwle Uiing started sounding naine-indicatin^ it’s a taxes.V Here's a way to do both. was because none of the big tax somebody els« will pay:* and, unlikje most tax proposals. powers could afford to be But however, they di^uise it, this is oni any .of us can unhumiliated?” yoiS pay itT.t" ' de r^nd . “ Something like that. Of Combine the m ultipllci^' of More endorsements like 'course I do nt understand aH the taxes, direct ah^nndirk^t, and Reagan’s-oould help gyercotne things that go or in f b r « ^ "affairs, but it seems to me ^ t come goes to taxes. And this "veiling really tosUnpUfy our tax "you should have seenjjus one biefdt& ii ifo/en^V was the start of the whole thing. does rtot coimt the value of thg_ system by thrawing -out the* ___ _______ AsTsMd, Tw m ctop&ig at the hoiffs you O u t of the M ouths of Babes ARTBUCHWALD The-Last Survivor GEORGE^C. THOSTESON, M,D. Starving PAUl HARVEY __ H e a g a n - T a x e s -BbRtU'S WORLD 7Suhd^v,./Aay 14, 1972 By O. A. (G U sfkEEK ERT _ . Eidlt«FTlmea=Ne*<!___T. . . Plans for. .upgrading (Ughi rules — establisiiing higher standards for pilots and instpyctors — may mean hundre<ts of nsafer Qylng than exists now and. at the same -time, on licensed pUotsjto the point wliere be Cmatile to m ^ t the r^uiremerits. " A “sketch" survey among VaUcy-pilots wild blue because-they wiB-be- itn'able to ■afford the added expense. _ The announcement by govenunent of-fieia b thot-a rowcion of Fgdaraf lAviarinn . requirement which would require a flight instJHictorVendorsement of a student pilot every 90 days and a check ride for all pilots ; blgflst j-.ugrylwn ypnrs -Msfl favnr<»d is thp requirement that eye^y pilot m ^t- fly -at least 24 hoifi-s every 12 months. But some other planned changes in the laws of flying have'birdmen of this area concerned. One is the contemplated mandatorv feouii'emetit that^all commercial pilots hold an instrument rating.,Und6 r this proposal a commercial pilot- ceuld only operate (and could not carry“passengers for hire) a distance of 50 nautical miles from hia or. her base. ITiere is some question as to Whether a commercial'license^ wiUiuut an instrument rating — w o u ldw e tr^rm it that elasfl pilot-to earf ^ poasOngepa at allTo gain an instrument rating would require some 40 hours of special flight training in addition to ground courses. The cost of such a program is placed at about $800. -To maintslh an instrument rating a certain nurhber of instrument flight hours are required each year. Pilots maintain that an instrument rating as such is of no value to any pilo^ who does not fly in ‘‘blind flying" weather. ■Among student pilots, and ^ose whg would upgrade -certificates they currently hold, many of the proposals are acceptable, including' night flying experience, e'x■pertence jn the morp. m naplicaled retrac:. table landing gear planes and the upgrading of night instructors. — In an interview at the Twin Falls CityCounty Airport, Harpy Merrick, J A A designated pilot examiner and aviation -agcident counselor, detailed sorw Of ttie proposed changes. — ----- ^— r11) A stildent pilgt would be permitted to fly an alcplane, without passengers, in furtherance of. his business. H ARftyjH i^ansKSi.--Bjegulatlon. P art 61, concerning pilot training and certification, is in the planning stage is being met with mixed emotions by G alley, It isn’t that the fliers are-against'higtter flight standards o r —certain examining revisions. RJtther it boils down to the feeling that some of the proposals will result in no (5j > An appllqant for the private pilot or hcertifi^te^would-need to-have- ' his Jogbook,endorsed, by"a' qualified^4n-^-" structor indicaUhg~that“ 7'he 'H5s“ the knowledge required for the desired cer(3) Flight time required for a commercial certificate would bb raised'trotlf 200 to 250 hours; another 10 hours training in a com^ piftx aircraft and a mMdatoryJnskuioent rating.. (4) The instructor would assume the full • responsibility for the ground course and the flight course for every student. 1 51 All pilots would take a flight check every t>yo yeprs, regardless of the.numbei*. of hours flown, afi'a'at ifid at least 24 hours a year ^ would have to logged to mamiam license. ( 6 ) InstrucTSPs <^ould be'reqiiired to traih at least 10 applicants.for a pilot certificate — earliryeai ^ .. and eight out of every ItLotihesr trainees would l>e required to pass the ■required testa — or at least 20 out i 25. 1 7) The instructor must have possessed a rating for at least two years and would be required to meet . varioufl-«T-nttter requirement in order to gain the "gold seal" rating which would permit him to function at a higher level of experience.' In Magic Valley there are 440 pilots of various license leyej who would come under the proposed rule changes. Merrick said that it is important that all pilots understand the proposed changes. He said a complete list of all currently proposed changes-to-Part 61 ife to. te ;foUn4 in the ^'ederal Registeit'iifTlf^fc^t M,‘T9^2'[Vot.r3^^ Nq. 57l..Copies.iijL this register caa be'niti-' tained for 20 cents each by writing the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government F*rinting Office, Washington D. C., 20402. COnwients on the changes ( Notice Nff. 72^ . - 9;'Dwkei 11802) !.1iaald't)e~Bgnn u Hil‘ KAA ■Jtules Docket, GCr24, 800 Independence Avenue.<S. W.. Washington D. C. 20591. The deadline for comments, Merrick.said, has been set for July 2 1 . ROBERT ALLEN he^ave It^ 6 George? WASHINGTON iSen. inner advisers (all long-time George McGovern’s unexpected Kennedyites) have discussed emergence as a Democratic ■ this potentially explosive frontrunn'eiis causing development a number of times with widely divided counsel. widespread tremors of shock Some have urged a head-on and alarm among party leaders and defiant denunciation. and stalwarts. The jarring possibility is Others haY_e advised saying pointing daiming on them that tlifii' msy nothing find themselves encumbered greal masS of voters 'are —^w m r^ -presldenliat slariaard" ^ n f lw a r g o f t h g bearer who is out-and-out ultra- and most-trf the press is saying and doing nothing about them. leftist. . ■ D e e p 1 y ...c o n c e r n e d Remarked one McGovern Democratic officials and lieutenant, ’-‘Why stir up the authorities throughout the animals? If our opposition can’t country are discovering on do it' why should we'help them close scrutiny, that McGovern. Jiy ciaHihg attention to what they instMd of being the 'VMW are howttng-about." ^ of this divided .. pooulist.'-'-as.his are busily portraying him,' is opinion, McGovern is marking “Sen. Hime:............. ....... .......;--But rev^aiingly indicative Henry JacksorC Ihe champion the bare-knuckled and spearhead of "the "new that hammering of Sen. Jackson and extremism." is getting under (J^d to leave no doubt of others skin is the exactly what he means by that McGovern's scathing characterization, the backstage pussyfooting and that his close veteran Washington s ta t^ denying henchmen are engaging in. Senator adds: Tor example; Pierre And to leave no doubt of exactly what he means by that Salinger, ’pi^ess secretary of scathing characterization, the President Kennedy, now a paid of McGovern’s veteran Washington state member campaign staff; is telephoning Senator adds; explaining and "McGovern has become the newsmen spokesman of some of Ihe most temporizing his boss's stand on dangerous and destructive school busing legalization of currents in American politics. marijuana and abortions. As uously-expouft' extremism of the teft^is^ gaining— it;--f ominous ground in the exactly what he might be Democratic party. The main understood to mean. Maybe so. But Sen, Jackson is vehicle for this suicidal drift is calling the turn on McGovern the candidacy of McGovern. "Although he has adopted tht^ flatly arid directly and hasn’t _ extremist rhetoric juwi position Been denied S yel. One reason is — the South of the discredited campus radicals, polls show that most Dakotan can’t deny it. The Americans are unaware of how record is irrefutable. That explains his tight-lipped far he has gone, I am convinced McGovern means what he says. silence in the face of the y p r o v o c a tiv e That’s the trouble. Because if s c a 1 d i this drift continues, the denunciations. Currently, he p o te n t ia lly to r p e d o in g dearly in November, ^ i s ' is unusually harsh talk accusations; or attempt to fir a liberal of Jackson’s nnfushmouth and finagle them as impeccable and long-standing Salinger-13 trying to do behindretord — 32 years in Congress, the-scenes. steadfast labor supporter, But if^cG o v ern shonM-get intinate of Presidenl'Kennedyr th« nommatioiv, he-rtould then his hand-picked choice for be able to twcfc-and-^ill and D e n .o c r a t ic N a t i o n a l hem-and-haw all over the place Qialm an. Whatever else with little fear of being Jacksoi may be charged he is fot'"an old guarder” or ranks because of the danger that ■ would disastrously "Red buter.!' , So ii bluntly branding boomerang against state and l UcC gveiv as a jla t rgErnns— lw;a^ DemuLTatlc canmilates radical aid extremist, Jackson -ThTQiigh6 ut the country they under urgent is not onlypulUicly giving voice would be to his own profound concecn but ctrniguIsTon to hold their peace 'TRflt ar a wng sp«t.'tf mu tif utliei— because—disunity—could be equally disurbed Democratic ruinous for all of them! At-least that is the likely leaders. Highly sigrificant, McGovern strategy to be expected ^of has So far arfefuUy ignored McGovern. It’s largely selfthese piibtic bbsts'and growmg 'w tiSentT^Bjir sar-am rT s the^ extremlsin* The South Ddratan and hi* ~ TTmes-Npws-^ labels‘iTha McGovern "iJo«rtne -• . . . that would be a disaster for the American people." Following are key tenets of this ultra-leftUt ^doctrine: 40-plus hillion a year to be i taken from taxpayers ^ rn in g more than |8,000 and giving it to -twSTTnalClflK less than that....... ^SO those m a k l ^ Tnrorg than j5QJ10fl_a yeflt_tQ-he_requires to. -in__ pay 75 per cent of the amount E^tor, Times-fJews We implore those of you who above that in taxes. G u a ra iif^'a n h u a l Fncome of ar e - ^ ving' from nor^-of south at^R ed Cap Corner to be $4,000 for family of four. Slash the defense budget by especially cautious before $39 billion — approximat^y 45 pulling-out into the four ilane per cent — at a time wheii Kimberly Road ■After you have Russia-is greatly expandiog-its-stopped, look right, 166k left afld worldwide naval and air then do,it again. There is a blind strength. Also cut the^ w ind^ieK T an^rf P u b lic F o ru m -That B iin d Spot cent - from 2,5 miUion to 1,7 Point for you not. to see a car million. To this end, McGovern approaching, would reduce U. S. Troops in Can you imagine what would Europe by one-half, anJ~^’appen if a truck loaded with virtually entirely in the Far twenty tons^ traveling at tht East, To all intents, he would >egal speed of sixty miles an Junk the NATO aUiance. and hour would do to you if you drastically modify U.S. ties should pull out in front of him ’’ with and in support of Israel. Somg^of joiLh^ve already done Grant full amnesty to draft- tli's and Just barely missed dodgers, deserters and being a statistic. We have seen this happen numerous' times. defectors, WbiiW you believe on an "Reliberahze " the U. S, Supreme and other Federal average, there is a car using this intersection every two courts. Radically 'reorganize" and seconds and even more often in "overhaul" the FBI, which the morning and evening. It is M r G n v p rn has T P p o a ip H ly S u r p r is in g how q u ic k ly a car ■......■■ - -com tng-from t^ie~east traveling niustration: Condemnation of west is upon you at this the late director J, Edgar intersecUon, Make doubly sure Hoover as a "menace to . . you have sufficient time to clear citizens. " intersection. Establish what In effect would" ''I®®' remember that you be a dislDicl fb m ofsdciallzea -should;-in making a left hand medicine, 8 o first^ )nto the lane Internationally, pursue a nearest you and when you are generally isolationist policy, you are clear then go into with a strong overtone of close the right hand lage. The biggest diplomatic and trade ties with percentage of you driving ^ is Russia. Red China and other route swing to the far side the Communist Countries, including first time. MaHjT times you Addendum: As part of McGovern’s strategy in California’s crucial June 6 primary, he has launched a vigQrous drive to win theconsiderable Chicanovote. A lot of money from Hollywood and other theatrical McGovern supporters is going into this campaigirrATimriber of young Qiicano activiataadded (o McGovern’s already big paid electioneer^g staff fq round up votes among their ’peopfe The inside word is that McGovern is earmarking $£ m illion for his , California «cramble,with for television splurging. In Ohio, where he came in second, his campaign^ coat more than $306,000. Says one McGovern insider: -“Easy come,^easy go. WTiff ^ e are m ltlng_ a lot of money ra d ic a lly ,tie ia expounding, and we are spending It. Why yrhaf^Sen.-^^fcckson tersely notl llia t’s paying off,” . ' Tlrpes-News, TWin Ffl||»;-|daho 5 approaching from the east, but you go on your merry way for evidently you aren't even aware of the grief you have caused. We want to enjoy our palao this summer, so please-help us elim inate ■our near heart attacks and grief from accidents and near-accidents on our corner . . . . 'Fhe Bill Golays , Rt^l.Kimberly, Idaho Vluseum -&URTIN VAN BURKN rtghttrPrpslitcnt I Administration: March 4, 18.17 to March a.s much of a' political debit as asset. Uke :»,'reTn .— — "Hrniver a century Mater, Van Riirfn was ( KditOr's Note: ITiis series of background inofe a scapegoat than a culprit. Just as the stories concerning Pr^idents of the United credit.-ccaay, bullish stock market In States irtjronghl to Tinies-Ncws'readers as C’-ooiiage's Administration 'hail" paved a public servicc. It will continue mitil all - way for the so-called "Hoover depression," Presidents have been discus.sed). .JO had Jackson’s S p ^ i ^ a r a t o , rfiquiring payment for public lands ln_ P M .... to tFotoiiy. ot' Bttilu Mur>iti i^un Buimn’ii. ■ fufodootned Van Duieii's.AJiiiiiiTiiliallUll' tU~ in treating the 'Eatonjnalari'a" Uio Panic of 1837. ~ . whR'h infected Andrew Jackson's", first A stntilL. vaiHj almostreffeminate man. Administration was directly responsible foi" JVlar.tinVan Buren lacked both the prjnciples making hinvPresident of the tfnited-Slales. "anini'ic personality to lead his own party o r Before this tempest in a teacup spilled to reconcile the divisiveness which quickly uviT un high-ranking gowrniHent offlMaisT developed’ once Andre\v_Jackson’s tum Vice President John C. Calhoun had Beer? hi\nd was removed from, the nation^ helm. con.s|dered heir-apparent to the IVesidency.. Some-Jit the opposition to Van Buren was However, when l ^ s . Calhoun took the lead simply anti-Jacksoh backlash, but much 61 in denying Peggy Eaton social acceptance, it centered around the President’s PresKlenr Jackson dropped Calhoun for Van evasiveness on the explosive issue of Buren when the foppisli New Yorker, a •sluvery.' ~ widower and social gadfly, found it easy to Van Blifen was un^im ously chosen as ^ e bo charming to the young and pretty wife of Democratic-ftepubUcan nominee—in 18W. •Jackson’s secretary of war; John H'.jEaton. rTiarartpriMfiratTjr-mp-g'rtrplfjX'hs marking the sgninrt and tlm<« h«> nra« tn he accorded poUtical unwimity. However, and final, for there were no grays in there was sUch~a lack of agreement imi-Jackson’s emotional spectrum. 111 and cemmg second place on the ticReT that no depressed ovfThls wife’s recent death^ the vice presidential i^pmln^^jffi] madp This not only implieil dissension in the party "political last w ill",in January, 1829, to make sure his wishes wero known regarding by refusing to endorse incumbent Vice his successor, President Richard M. Johnson, but it also "Permit me to say here of Mr. Van deprived the President of potential aid from , Buren," Jackson wrote, . . that he is well a popular vote getter. ......... ■ qualified to nil the highest office in the gift The Wh)gs, mastennlnded ~ ^ the’^nn'of the people, I wish I could say as much for scrupulous but able 'niurlow Weed, made no such tactical blunder. BypaMihg su’cfTparty Mr, CalhbQn." As state senator andattorney general of Nev^ York” United Slates senator Itunmaries as Hmry~ 'GTay ' Mtf~ Ltaniejl Webster, they chose the popular old Indian and governor of New York, Van Buren s fighter William H. Harrison of Ohio to head credentials were impressive the ticket, balancing it with John Tyler of A close winner over four Whig Party Virginia, a Democrat turned Whig for the candidates in 18;(6. Resident Van Buren occasion^ txiasted in his inaugural address that the In a ” campaign that resembled a jnation represented "an aggregate of human mudslingingcorilest more than apresidentlal prosperity surely not elsewhere to be election, a whopping 78 per cent ofjjewly found," Two months later the Panic of 1837 eligible voters undeti .amended franchise enveloped the nation Banks closed, sto re s , -officesand factories, ^laws turned oui to aiv« Hafrwonrfl-i^pipse popular but solid electoral college victory. shut down and angry, unemployed crowds Van B iir ^ ’^ political astuteness and ■ntanted and rioted in city streets Ironically, atjility had earjier earned him the sobriquet Uie man who had made Van Buren The Ijttle Magician," a term a French President had also paved the way for his traveler loosely tr.*oslated as ’‘The political Armageddon for two major factors /Vinerican Talleyrand," and his recent in the economic Upheaval were Jackson's opponents had oairfted a picture of the J'iipccie Circular", and-lhe .dfistmctian-af_ Editor, Times-News: Have you bgen lo the Twin Falls Museum this spring? More outside exhibits have been added and the basement of the museum- has been : ,made into attractive displays, I feel we have one of the cleanest and more mformat(ve museums in the state. Did you know school children and youth organizations • are admitted free of charge’ Since April. pupils ~have visited ~ .111 d 290 mprc Tia w P'.vcry outstanding I^esident has used a pointments for this month. .social, political or economic imbalance to Memberships to the Twin stamp his persofial brand on the history of Falls C'ounty Historical Society his time. Van Buren had shock waves of are only $1,50 a year This en in both the depression and slavery titles you to free admission ta “ issu^, blirhe lacked the foreceful persoitallthe museum, field trips and ty to make political capital of them winter meetings. This money, Granted, two of his proposals, an in plus donations are our main dependent treasury and the issuance of source of supporting the treasury notes for money, were enacted into m useum " We hope law by Congress, but his term was nearly organizations will consider the over then He opposed slavery, but this was museum for club projects, and people will leave memorials ftff ”TTTe“ resroraTnm" preservation of history An7 financial or material donations will be appreciated, , , Mrs, Beryl l/emnion Twin Falls 1 jfj m h S tO T V _ ^ Editor, Times-News; Recently we were visitors at the "Ice Caves" off Highway 33. — While waibng for the'tour to start, I observed four young Editor, Times-News; men running downlilamlbTrrtFeI spent 38 months overseas as pasturcjadjoining ^ e loe Cases. a J32inhat Marine during World display— butlUing;— Shortly War ir. T was a member of thereafter, I overheard a girl Carlson's Marine Raidets. — relate to another girl "we got a We would not have given any lam b," member of our organization in —■or lamb was taken illegally? more — Japanese. am wrong, that is gpod-If Monday night I heard onr I am not wrong then the ran President say. that <)ne of our chers should know that it Isnt soldiers was equal to 10 North always the coyote that \dlls his Vietnamese. lamhi! rfg e p r. . . . Louise C to pbell .. Don Gardner Twin^ ra ils •Twin F alls — 1W^pt aristocrat wno ate from gold spoonS and rode the streets of Washington in an elegant coach-and-four attended by a liveried footman —^ In a nation slill plagued by joblessness,” fear and hunger, this ^ a s not a pretty pl<s ture nor an entirely accurate one. But there was enough truth in the charges to prevent Van Buren from obtaining public office again, although he was strong contender for the Democratic nomination in 1844 and was the Free Soil Party's condidate in 1848. Prayer For Today Dear God/ today I learned all tfl'er— s^atn— w tiar~ a w arm , wonderfuT fwllng It gives one: to: receive unexpected praise. It madenie woiider why I don’t more often ■let lynple know thatri notice a Special .quality they possess or a special effort^tbejL^Srelmaking.' Mayt»e I just don’t take time to notice aiough of the good things. Please help me to look for the g < ^ ifi others arid remember to p r ^ e someone every da:y, for, as the Psalmist said, “ Praise is comely.” ' . . . Uletta M a rtin - A , Tiftiit«.N«wa.-Twin:EaUiUJdfltUI. !M(:entaPhejdth groups event, according to Jim ser, Boise, esecutive secrewfy ■ of, the state mental, health association. ' . According _ to ^,_MansSr', delegations are eSfSHed from other areas in the- state, includint: Boise and Sdn JZallejd— ts— for the :dtnn«r, scheduled for 7 p.m. May 25, are, available from Rev. Wallace, phone 733-7227; I^otus Sch-mucker, pr'e.sident'ot the qounty fnpntal hpalth group, 733=8744; or Ijorayne. Srhith-, 733-0931 or 733-'3521 evenings,. t W m FALLS - Sen. Frank ^7 ?—^ Church,: b-ldaho, wMl • be — ^eatured-ipeaker a t a djnnet_at.L College of. Southfrn Idaho : . Student Union May 25. “ •_ I The Idaho Senator’s ap— npearancB ' in TwftCTifaUsr I# sponsored by the Twin Falta CbuntyiandCSI Stu^nt Mental Health ' Associations in,^ plfa servance vpf Mental Health month. .,„n .said the diQnet. is serving the riiial pi' of a membership drive as well as opportunity: foe Magic Valley . “residehts~to hear-a-report o f :: cucteid national issues. Tickets to the dinner will can be constderejLit^donation, he said. Sen. Church, who is chairman of the Senate Couimittee on Aging, will speak on ‘'Cbri-' temporary Concerns," and is expected to include legislative :.e{forts.on behalf of the nation's senior citizens. A speciarinvitation is being extended to senior eitifens of Magic Valley, Rev. Wallace said. vBev. MIkp „ Fitpjihhiirvs Shoshonerchalrm an of the Media hit .SKN. F K A .N K ( . I I I J K C I I t a l k --------- . . . s»‘ l s regional mental health board, will fjive a brief progress report on the grant being requested to establish regional mental health faciltites In the valley. Dale HlBer. president of the Idaho MentalHealth A-s.sociatiun^ will attend and coneressiffnal cafldidjites fronv Idaho also are expected at the ........................ AiUistPfnii^rn Trieflifc Tountqu Tcr ■ B To B « A n n o u n ce d C o n s u U a lio n . 11 12:J0 B ' Em e rg e n cy 10:00 TSI. 2b. 3, 5, 8. i r * .J,. N ew ^ . W e a th e r, Movi'e " M o / a m lu q u e '' M eeJ t h e P r « » L-ee T re v in o . L a u g h in • 2b " L i f e Arounch U s 3. 4st - O d d Co up le < . T^l i W s iet u g e Ho\fYWOO<i S q u a r e s 7:00 ‘ 0 '.! i: -- 7sl Self D e fe n se for W o m en 7b N e w s, W e a t h e r, S p o rts ICE CAVES OPl i W AII-Y BBAVa.BRA!yDOSGODFATHER" M ay 1 to O ct. 1 G U ID E D TO U R S 8 A .M . to 8 P.M . FREE MUseum • ranch house S U H lZ T lG r T.V. fjm y . OotMr Saloon, pan ^or gold or ride Ihe P o n d e io ^ i trails. " Browse.through frontier town, then t iin ! “THERE IS ONIY ONE BRANPO. HE IS t 8E GODFATHER. THE CENTERPIECE OF WHAT PROMISES TQ BE THE ‘GONE-WITH THE ; WIND* OF GANGSTER MOVIES.” . ' Ireal yoursell io Moss's chuckwagon grub. PO N D ER O S A R AN C H , P . 0. B D X 18 , IN C LIN E V ILLA G E, N E V . 89450 ' f.iy.i'A/ ‘‘{‘THE GODFATHER’ IS A SPECTACULAR MOKI^, ONE OF THE FINEST GANGSTER MOVIES EVER MADE. ITS RAItE-TO^ME “ 1)0T^0 F A^-1IOtffl-MOVIE-/ L'iA/iM A KIMtflRlV ftOAOrV'IACTLAHO M • fHOlIf 7»4440a C O N H N U O W S r O D A y FROM 12 N O O N H — M A K £ - A ^ I L J ilR N flM R B O IM AM D SFF IT ~ l ^ a y : " H d m i« ' a l I ? : I t - ALL OV ER A G A IN . BUT T H A T ’S EXACTLY M Y Here'S Uycy . 10:10 ........ -1 INDIAN — Paul D Z im m erm an. N ew sw eek ’ T si. 5 N e w s. W eath er^ S p o r t s ?b . 3, 4sl ' T ru lh -o r to n se q u e n ct*^ 7slv - E 'o c t ric _C p m _ p a n y 7b, 8 L a u g h in «; M J a c q u e s C o u ste a u S p e c ia l --------- -4 •«>-' • . CUPD—■ at ceremomes in Tokyo Monday in the nwmine m arto e the return of Okinawa majoi^aBcJrbattlb^)f^fld*Wae--.snjaliefi==sparaely±=^^ n was waged,. wi)l revert to' ..islands in the R j ^ y u chain to WJiSHING’rON (UPl) —The Japanese rufe Sunday after 27 Japap,'but ^e.^&ctual time-of Envirpnmental jProtectioa yeanrof U.S, military adminls- reversion Is'midnight ( l l a j n . EDT) Sunda>' according to Agency, acting on a federal' tration. jasltiorce report, said Saturday "Vice. President Spiro Agnew terms of the reversion treaty. it would curb industrial dischar- will represieht tJie United States ges. of PCBs, a DDT^ike chemical used as a machinery coolant which has caus«d birth defects in laboratory rats.,. SH O SH O N E The task ferce, repreSfiriTihg" eight federal agencies, recom mended- ip a tftl-pi»gp rpport O N H IG H W A Y 9 3 NQRTH that PCBs be “restricted' to which involve mmimal direct human exposure''.but advised against an outright ban-on the TWIN FALI.S - A request by. sped the proposed location of a- industrially valuable comtity employes for long tcnrr'■fromcaajaecht to the 'drlve in- potifids^------------- ^---Aiiotlier request tg be con .disability insurance will be The EPA said it would curb considered by the City“ Coun(.'ll sidered i.s from the Retjal industrial discharges -so that during its regular meeting Manufacturing; Co (or city PCB levels in lakes and rivers water and sewer M ond^. billion, The meeting will bcjiliLat': -50 outside’ of the city liinlts. Curb and gutter deferments The Food and Drug Adminis prmVat City Hall. requested at 5W TRIra”Ave. E., tration (FDA) already has In pther business the council imd :i'26 Fourth Ave. W. will also proposed regulations designed will discuss a resolution t)e di.scussed. to keep PCB's out of food. regarding building code standards and review a request covered last Mondayjn 4 public h p a r h i g for r p < irip n tia l ii<^ in a commercial zone. 4st, S. 8 -- JacQ ut'S C o u s t e a u S p e c ia l 4b G u it a r , G u ita r 7 sl W h a 't's Ne“v T ' ‘ . 7b ' Em e rg e n cy ■ ' '' I0 rt5 • 1:00 . ;o > •cas:Nw&'.; -------: — 3. M — Tom and Jer>”Y T H i - W or ld I,h.V rrteiarT!.niP T w w re ~ ? s i, 5 C u -cu s .. ^ . 4 , 4-= . F-re'fedom R o A d p {v :u m e n la f_y - . iQ u r .n o m e n L S B C u fll ' -D o rs D a y 7b ' M u sic S p e c ia l ?b W ) v ie ''G o ld e n E a r r i n g i " S p e c ia l 4b W a sh tn g lo n W eeK in R e v ie w I 3 . • To Be A n n o u n c e d ?D — T a b e r n a c le C h o ir 7sl D e m o c ra t ic a n d R e p u b i- c a n S a n lo r d a n d Son P lim vt 7b 8 — M r W iia c d M a s s M iie Jin g s M ov»e " T h e ' F ir e c h a s e r s ' n - A A U I n t e r n a t io n a l C h a m p io n s 2b 9 :00 7s I • O u t t a r , G u it a r Jb — O ld T im e G o sp e l H o ur ? s l . 7b, B M o vie '7 F d c e s of D r Film 8 N a s h v ille M u s ic —^ — T a b e r n a c le C h o ir Lao" • • M aw*e " R o u g h Night m M eet t h e P r e s s \ \ 4sl — B J IIy J a m e s H a r g i s - •' 20. 3. 11 - Sonny a n d C h e r , J e r ic h o " 7b F a it h lo r T o d a y 4sl M o v ie F a n t a s t ic v o y a g e ' 10:40 To Be A n n o u n c e d 8 — ‘ D r . D o llt t le 4b P la y h o u s e N e w Y o r k G o ll T o u r n a m e n t S p e c ia l s K S L N e w s R e p o rt 11 - G r o o v ie G o o lie s s M o v ie " R u n a C r o o k e d M ile ' 3:30 ^ 7 si. • B e r n s t e t n _ in r t e m * o « - iip e c .ia t 3 G u n sm o ke ?b, 3. S B a c k s t a g e at th e B m m y s 2 sl, 5 — S c ie n c e in A g r ic u lt u r e ---------------9 rOe >1:00 S p e c ia l _ i 7h n — R e x K u m b a r g H a w a ii F iv e O ■Mauj. ,"A r*ifl tiacn£d 3 . 60---------■4SI. 8 — Rej^uctant u r a g o n a n a w Tarr^ ko ■ 3b. i - K 'd T aik 11Cannon Toad B . D e a in V d U iiv D a y s -*} — Tntrm-^fnowcase fyjO S. 7d ‘ 11 N A iU , ^ iie T.F.-trcanTcil m eeis SAN FRANCISCO (UPDRepubhcan National C hairm ^ Robert Dole Saturday den ounced what he ‘Called “an attempted media sabotage" of President Nixon’s Vietnam policies and said “it could cost lives’'of American GIs. — Tlie Kansas senator' told 'f loudly appiaudinti-convention of 900 California Republicans that 'I’he request js from Uie the news media's ' historlc^HM, Robinsori Taniily Drive Inn. on-, the war ha.s given it a The cOufrtil-^stponed action last week, to have time to invested interest in our deleat E a rth " I I M se v e n th g a m e is n e c e s s a r y in t h e E m m y A w ards 2b. 3, IT s e r ie s b e tw e e n th e N ew Y^ k R a n g e r s aniX m s B r u t n s . C B S ^ f l i ’ 4ir— i f noofl fro m B o iY o n . A* 7b - M o v ie ^'Secret C e r e m o n y " 2b •• D e a ir V a lle y D a y s 8 ' B oid O n e s I ■ T h is IS the ,L i le »;oa T . — " « T “ " AAovtf— ^^Tjn O a y y a nU C y b ete^ ^ M o v te " S p a r t a c u s '' 4St S in sig h t C u r b ^iitrdajr : A l^ lr a l T$o*nas H. Moorgr, phainn^ii nf (be' Joint 'Chlefg of Staff, proclaimiiig the .|60$.8 milUon vessel “ the greatest ship, in ‘the world.” ^ — Ahwt* pMTinmt-iitnori und«M- falr-ski«g-a»Ihe 95,000 ^ n Nlmjtz, the ^nation’s, second nuclear carrier, slipped slowly into the James River at the Newport News Shiplniildiiig Ya^d. The Nlinitz, named afttr tiile late ffeet-ad miral, is expected lo be completed by Sep tember, 1973. ■ Television Schedules S o o c U y , M a y 14. 197? A ) 8 p .m on c h a n n e ls 2D. 3 a n d 11 E m m y A w vards. J o h n n y C a r s o n fo r »elcwUfon."5 Em m y A w a rd s. ie le c a ^ f “ -w. f r o m th e • H o lly w o o d P a l la d iu r t t ' A'» p r e s s ■ FTm cT’ in c t b o e d - J o e y > tsh o p . R ^ g r t C u m m i n g t , J o e _ u t )u u fa^. s a m i in ir; B q Q 9 T. F o x x . an d m a n y m o re F r a n k G o r s h in a n d the J o h n n y M a n n s in g e r s a r e s c h e d u le d p e r lo ^ m e r s L t y e — ........... ............... M o rn in g ‘ '• *.> :30 -------71) — A g n c u ir u r e U S .A 7:00 ^ ^ p an gets lyil^ ea i* c a r r ie r launched FEELING A F T E R S E E IN G . -■ — Beeouia you Ii Iced II so well . r D C C fl OIDTASHIONEO RAINJOW T H E T iO D F A T H E R r rn c t!! ____________ 2 1;)0 in a w n fB - a H 'M -a - w co T T C w n caiiD Y SENSE OF THE-W0RH1 £VEN MORE ENGROSSING THAN MARIO PUZO’S BOOK. IF THAT’S POSSIBLE! ” 1:00 — B iJIy J a m e s H a r g is 4 st. f — O o u b le d e c k e r s 2sl ....... 2 s l. — S a c r e d I 2b — R e v i v a l F i r e s . n — H e r a ld of T ru t h 4 s l, 7b. S D is c o v e r y f :IS 2sl — F r o r p th e C a t h e d r a l ' . . 2au ML — Hfiwio IH Oral R o b m S _ T-Hour . _____ ____ liK , 5 * Dea?n VaWey^ €>«v% 1 b . 3, V — A n tm * + -W o rid . ■.* M o v ie - • 11:10 • M a il O rd e r ■ »?:4r fin d 2^ i. 5 - Star T r e k ’ 2b, 3, 11 60 M in u t e s ' • 4si A B C New s 4sl- 7b, 8 A B C 'S C h a m p io n s h ip — ---- A u fd R a cm g 7sl • Y M C A S w im m in g a n d D iv in g C h a m p io n s h ip s S p e c ia l '*• M o n d a y , M a y IS. 1972 — A t 8 p .m on c h a n n e l 5 M o v ie •4; JO -A^vie "GoocfW^ghbor Sam ' " R u n 'a C ro o k e d M iie " ('19691 M a d e -fo r-jy -ftuspen^e d r a n ^ — AbouJ— a - b, a-=r-.NaC Wewa..— s c t^ooi ’t e a< ;tier ( L o u i s Jo rd a n ; 5:00 n v b lv e d m a w eb Of m tr< gue d ual W 'ld K'Thgdom Tsi 8 id e n tity a n d m u r d e r , M a r y T y j e r Cam pO eU 2t> H y d e - W h it * a is o jO M ih u r e s J ^I^r T h e t ilm nCTT^ TWO h P u rs a n d G u n sm o kc S rtp p a re n tly Ts^h^T a re run Viewr>oint /b. 1 \ E v e n in g 5; 30 6 0 0 W o rld of D 'sn e y rb . 8 11 3 • L f ls s ie E v e n in g «:00 F Bl ?b. 3 AAovie 'T h e F ir e c h a s e f 7sl • S c ie n c e a n d S o c ie ty 4 M J im m y S t e w a rt ri3 8 11 4 s» M o v ie R .v e f "O* G o ld ;s i 30 M in u te s ----7 :0 e B on anza 7b 8 11 Ca d e s C o u n ty 20 O w en M a r s h a ll 3 Zoom 4b ^si 7 ,?o . F re n ch Chet —^ 4b 7sl 1:00 Mov>t* T h e G r e a t e s t Sho 7sl n F o rsv te S ag a 10:30 Johnn y C a r s o n 7b. 8. n 4b — 4 T e ll 2t5— AAovie 10:35 " T h e H ill " ^ --Avengers - • 10:40 2 7 b , . ) ) — M a k e a W is^ 5 — T a b e r n a c le C h o ir ... ) Q ;» 2 sl — T h is is th e A n sw e r , 2f> — tt Is W ritte n 4 sl — O r a t R o b e rt s 5 _ E le v e n t h H o ur rb — J a c ‘tso n Sive 6 ~ F u n k y P h a n to m • 11 — F a it h for T o d a y 10:30 2 sl, 5 G o sp e l Songs 2b. 3. 11 — F a c e the N a tio n 4sJ — H ig h Scho o l C h a lle n o e 7b — R e lu c t a n t D ra g o n and M r T oad e ~ V *ew po*nt 11:00 ' ~ M e e f t w P re ss ■*- • r ’— 2t>,* 3, S AJVU in ie r n a t .o n a i C h a m p io n s 7b. 8. 11 - is s u e s a n d A n s w e r s 11:30 2sl — M o v ie 'T h e F a r C o u n try A fte r noon 12:00 S t a n le y C u p P la y O ft t0:00 • • 2s). 2b, 3. S. 7 D . f i W e a t h e r . Sp orrs 4 sl P e r r y A/iason J1 00 4Sl ?si N e w s, W e a th e r, S p o r ts — Ft^ w rtrig i« O u t . M o v ie 13 00 H o lid a y , tor L o v o r s W illia m H o ld e n R y a n O 'N e a l K a r l M a ld e n Bring in this Ad. — Get One ^olt P rin k FREE r e s e n R O V X S lt S LAST 3HVS1! t s T o d a y " M a r y ' o f 12 3 0 -3 4 5 - 5 0 0 -7 1 5 -9 3 0 \.n... ^ .Mrtul. _ R f c lg r a v c ■J a c k s o n The Fastest Lunch In Town Smorgasboard Style — P ix z ii^ S e n t ilw t c f f e s ^ S iit ^ SUNDAY, MAY 28 j L I M M U A L I f t E M O R E l L CELEBRATtO % OUTDOOR . . . A T JARBIDGE, NEVADA T(ik(' MO \l Dili for ^ IL ^ w ■ .............. . . K P®'’ P®'"SOn AH You C an Eat TU ES D A Y From 12 N oon to 2:3Q ^ D aily M o n . th ro u g h S a t. O p « n 8; 1 5 p . m . But The Best Is - Tfiere Is N ^ aiting - Ready When You Are NORTH 5 PO IN JS 3 M > Bring in this Ad. — Get One Soft P rin k FREE KfDS ALWAYS FREE ENDS PH O N E 733 6 7 3 6 E o t l o n U S I Q I o £ a ^ l o n d D c i;*?* S h a w S lo r lt 1 5 P .M Spectaculars on one Big Program Thrills, Spills ond FomHy igoghter SMihtMbnouf 0 . BATTLE OF THE I — Bring This A d . — Bring This AH. — Bring This A d . — S I \ D A Y O y L V a M O TW RS PAY^SP^ClAIr » SPEl U l MOIHIB .S M£M SERMNC. EROVI VI P M. - 5 P.M J l .T 734^000 r a ils \\i iirpoT c iiit wni I I nxTriPic,TTOrc«*o«D' u t WHY NOT WORSHIP ON T jm jB H B m n t A Y ? . but th« Mwntfi <Joy ti lha'SdbbOTh of Ttw lord rhy God " ....... . (£»oArt-2 Q:Sai) 2 4 SALE] LARGEPIZZA OPEN 12 NOON SORRY — D U R IN G JU IS ^ L E , WE WILL BE UNABLE TO DELIVER C O ID T U R K E Y II. -t«sr TIMES TONITE liK A H U - V U D R IV F - IN P H O N E 73 3 S 9 ? f l W » ^ t o n u S -3 0 t o G m T T T fv ir 'A D » r. *' At 9: is i».M. COME JOIN u s SATURDAYS JAaBATHSCHOOLA3DA.M. • C H U K H SlU VlCt 1 1 .00 A M -^ ENIHDAYAPyEftmrjmURCH 5 lh * Mq Im , filer — 1209 Unden. BuM Ndrth 5 Poi,nf» — Briilg This Ad. — Bring This Ad. — Bring This Ad. — | GEORGEC.SCOTT "THEHdSPiTAl” CATES OPEN 8:15 P J I: AT lf:OeP.M . ; w m ^ k m o m j a 1 (e b u m w m ^ if ^ -Idabo-?and other artists of'that/era. iidvance wles will be available Seat^ ^ e not reserved but we at tlie auditorium prior ,to jh e fii^t come>-flgst^rj^rved—performanceuLouie JVentr^lla—— — P i l o t l ie e n s ^ m a n w f i r a IV s : i in T -F. rrncar.Ms?f3rf!?s75C!3ns FALLS — Proposed changes in ^ o t - -i^tifipaiic»r«mr . twin ' ' falls — , Orsont Tom pson, 20, Kimberly, was sentenced to a total of 16 y e ^s in the state penitentiary Friday on charges of sale of drugs. --- ' . Falls-Wedn^s<|ay night. The session, featuring official^ of the Federal Aviation Administration, will start at 8 p jn . at Room 117 of the College of Southern Idaho ------ Shields-Building. All-wea-pilots-ar«-urged to attend. Jack W. Van DeRiet;'-Boise, one of the- ofn.clals, said the ^oposed changes in flight law, -involve such new rules as a flight c h ^ k for all n ^ o ts everyIwo years a n d T i ^ i i i i ^ mrn"unurh numt)er of pilot hours every 12 months. "Pilots should come to this'meeting to discuss the pro po lis,” he w id. He added that density altitude in connection « ith summer flight would he detniled----- ^ ^ ---- ■ -------■(Related story,' P. S) Wear it Proudly ! Custom minted. 10 ynur order In:' “ '■ 14 Karat Gpid or Sterling Silver Each order will Include: a cuslom'mlnting gitt card. wha.-appeared ,in-j "'WcWTflsi6iir"atv<r^t}t.r-corarTeproBDciion-«r'ihe Jhis past M b h d ^' nighf Qyde Fifth District Court before" seal suitable tor framing. Special note: these Uerns L e ^ of the Dunes Motel told Judfje Theron Ward, is one of are unKaced to avoid any possible cbnfuslon witn U. S. currency and haVe been cleared 'and released by ■ the axy Council fim s along the more ^ a n .a dozen young men the U, S, Justlce-and Treasury Deparlments. street are suffering a severe arrested in related cases since . loss of bi^iness because of Please make check or money order payable (o: Jan. 31. He is one of those TaKen.tntp custody in the initial (V IE R L e . l e q n a r p , ditticulty wlih leen-ageilriVBrs and other youiig people m 'ttif,.. roundup pn. Jph/sK_____________ _ ~a iu n y u iin *< Charms ‘'^iamo_ ' . . . c a n d id a t e area. ’ . Milar said he plans to meet ____ 1f Kt Gold a^ $ 3 (L __ ■ /A d d re ss . Thomson w^s diarged with . with Police a i e f Frank Bamet^four counts of illefial dfspension -ZZ^ter SIlym at ____ 'City_ and City Atiorney W illiam of druKs inciudint;. marijuana Tio Tac/Lapel Pm TWIN P A L I^ — Chamber of Arts Auditorium at 8 p,mT“ , Zip: _I^n g le y , l»th out of toWn this and hashish and received a Coinmerce Ray W a y , © la rg e my; □ BankApnericard , past w^ek, to determine what 14 Kl Gold al $30____ four-year sentence on each, • □ Master Charge The program wiU feature” FPciHpntK ,riliint 'IVo of the ,‘'pntpni-t*s are Hostron said Saturday tickets -^=rS(er-St(ver-at-*6^-=^ ■are avattatsto-for tbfecoricfirt by popUTaf nirti^ic of me ‘40^ , 111— and business owners of the area to run concurrently and two Acct « ______ Postage A Mandlirt^ $1.00 B o is e M e n in ^ u e at^ the' eluding numbers made famous a course of action which will'be cor^seciitively. Inter Bank > College o l^ u t h e m Idaho Fjneby Duke Ellington. Count Basie legal and effective. He said .the ID Total & E ^ . Date only recourse open to them now FILER — Merl Leofiard, is to sign coRiplaints and most > ^ounty commissioner from are reluctant to do so or are ■TWIN FA L I^ - S ^ . Klcht Richard district 1 , has announced he will unable to obtain sufficidfit S. High, R—Twin "Falls, an: — seek-re-election 4or a-Xour=yeac., identification of those causing' trouble, ................... .......... nounced iSatiirday:_he w ill ae^kterm. * l>ewis toid the council young re-e^ectipn to the-jUafao State Leonard was elected m 1970 for a two-year term, filling the mntnrists iisp his parking area Senate. Leonard pojst bid H igh bids for term in Senate Factory authorized vacancy Je£t,„by Morris_W. for a turn-around and then as • sen, H i ^ will Be-^eklng hU .. .two-year term. Carisbn, Filer, who'did not seek they turn back toward the -fourth strgot, park in. hit drivpyfty- — Seir re^li iiLiJiaum an.of tlie ' --re-electioTj:— ----- ; r w in in ^ o n irt the M g - -8 . . . He sajd he has Jiad no ; primary election. During his Jwo years on the county com cooperation from police but was mission, Leonard has betn told officef-s mast have especially interested in county assistance from the iji(|liyidual iSn disposal program for ithe bel|ore-they can'make^rests^ coualy. He said he hopes to involving matters ociauTtnfTon continue servi^g^n the county private property. and to work ia these" anflTMlier fields ot responsibility. The incumbent commissioner A » --- 9B<d-hnpmoBiou6 development— / a .H — J U .J of rural and urljan. sections of — ^ ^ the county through cooperation S C t of city and county government '5 of utmost importance arthis ' BOISE fUPl) — The 12th-An-' ___ _ I , .__ =__ ■nual Boise Area Safety Avvards IvOenard has been a lifelong Banquet May 19 will be the resident of the Filer area and kick-off event for the two-day o^rates a farm. He is a Idaho Air Fair says Darrell member of the St: Edward’s Manning, director of the De Catholic Church, .Knights of partment of Aeronautics Columbus and active in the Filer Kiwanis and Twin Falls County Farm Bureath^He said residents of Twin Falls County must rea Falls is the educational and medical center of the Magic Valley and on t)ie threshold of'a whole new development. ■ naid he ia u advocate of the county council on planning and resources and on mulU-county planning. cochairman 6 f the Legislative piscal-Budget Committee, I AM Liquiudiiuis He is a member of the Senate urces 2ihd Environment h TsI Compact Advisory Committee 'and the. Idaho American Re voluUon___ B ice n te n n ial Commission": , Sen, High is a farmer and former business man, ■ile 13 nihninK in District fl6 ifurmerly^called Di.strict 23) which' includes ^eastern Twin Falls County and most gf Twin FallsTity, ' "it hag been__a__privile>;e serving the people of my district and I hope I can serve them eTfectively in the future.” High said. CURTIS M A f HES Serving American Homes Since 1899 THE NEW 1973’s WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN JUNE - EVERY 1972 MODEL MUST CLEAR FAST - BECAUSE 4)F DISTRIBUTION POLICY CURTirMATHES PRICES mUtn Lto o ;!^ ^ In the past he hais servedLOn htghwayr achoel^.^:«n<lMarm boards and committees. He was a fonmer Ftlpr Highway-District— chairman and vice president of the American Falls Reservoir District. 8 YEAR PICTURE TUBE w arranty No O th e r M o nufacturer could sel^ at retail, the ab o ve Stereos for less th an $ 5 0 0 W ith Th«s« Featu res: . . ye a r- 30 DAY RETURfH>RIVILE^^ • MANY MODELS NOT SHOWN SEE THEM A L L ! ! . . : NOTJ)IN£ FM R THAN CURTIS MATHES AT ANY PRiCE - SINCE 1899 O a A Y PA YM EN TS UNTIL SEPTEMBER F i m Refreshments Served FitEE P a rk in g °fit our lot -r -V Suspended Speakers \7" Woofers & horns. Insulated Speaker sbomber*. • , 100 Watt solid state amplifiers • AM/FW Multiple> Radio • Custom V/M Changer • 3 differerrt tijtor grill cteihi with every set • America's Most Beauti ful cabinet. 7 48 f HOT SPRINGS, y a. ^UPI)— '-Gpuncfl, a a m l’o ffid d governJh e ' ch ^im an of (be ment advisory group of about 20a top corporate exec^ves, and he said members of tlie ' ooundl had' q u ^ C h A i h im ' ^ u t the Price Commission’s^' profit m argin nile. Hie rule allows a firm to' .IncreasecroBte by a d liw w iM goods, but places a ceiling on the amount it can earn by raising prices, life ceiling is the economy. Stein m et with reporters after tied to .a basp period —the speaking to the Business avwage of tjhe best two of the T»mpany*s^ast~tlireer1iacai years, “"nie profit Tnargin ceiling will not hinder a' big ihcreasfi jlnr total profits this year" and, despite the imposed limit, eorpopate profits-ahould-resem-— We those in a normal year of economio expansion, Stein said. 'T m m r to savrthat CHEYENNfe. Wyo. (UPI) - some companies aren’t going to I • Sep. Hubert Humphrey took a get stuck ... Mme ^ p l e are C r a s h lo a v « ^ s b u s m a i i g l e d , I I d « a d small but significant victory at going to,be unhappy (but) we the Wyoming State Democratic have to look at the total Convention Saturday when sev effect.” en of the state’s national con... vention delegates said they sup ported the Minnesota Democrat. on vinyl floor covering, exploded in ooUision. Minutes later the -U»e-2& - ( UPi)—A double-deck Grey- twisting, two-lane U:S, 11W.. an inferno that melted much of skies opened up d n J the rescue mitted, showed their . backing hound buSj behind schedule and Mrs, Jackson. Wh6 was the vehicle, work was done in the rain. . for Humphrey in a secret UPI b a rre lin g ^n g an ESst enroute to Beckley. W. Va.,“ People were lying every- , TTie highway patrol said the poll. - ■ f ,, w mnimtain highway In th^ where her daughter Is hospita- where,” said state trooper northbound bus was in the Sen. George McGovern, was gloqm of a wet daw;>; dammed hzed with pneiWionia, salJ sire— Burke Ji .' "Most of the south bound lane when it met endorsed by four delegates, and into a tractor trailer Saturday „ was' asleep when the crash dead were taken from the the truck almost head on .Sen. Edmund Muskie receivedWllihg H'personS and reducing occurred and was awakened by upper d e c lto f- ^ bijs." .P iv e _^pt the passerffiCrs two supporters and Rep! Teiio it head. Had been raining the two vehicles to wads of aAlthough rap on the She said she aboard the bus were children. JRoDcalio, D-Wyo., said he was throughout - much 'of''theEast ‘ heard a baby crying, bus Three were killed, -one was -twlsted jm k ____ __ momentarily behind the -cam and. one escaped Tennessee the...night, the injured “It was a nightmare," said motor stillduring' running and then paign of Rep. WUbur Mills, Dxain did not hit ithere about- virtually unharmed.-Mrs. Thea Jark.son of Mobile, wasuntil “parfc;Ark._______________— the time of the crash, «ind The bus was split in two by Ala., one of the 15 survivor^'of Greyhound said the bus was McGovern forces were enBurke said the road was "bone the accident, whidi happened at the impact and the tractorbound from tooxville, Tenn.v ughtenetf Satiirday when dele5:45 a.m. EDT about 40 miles trailer. loaded with paste and dry” at the lime of the withstop^at ftoanoke. Va., and-,gatesnomirwtefftheiiTbiir final Washintaon, D.C. It had left conventionrepfe^tativesfrom Knoxville at 3:40 a.m. EDT, 10 the floor. niinutcfl behind aehcdule, an«t- — Bartjara BaiU&tei , a Casper was to have arrived in Roanoke black, and Linda Dover, a 25at noon. year-old University of Wyoming around aboul the ci^rent ta? •Authorities declined to specu- student, were elected after an rWASfflNGTON ( UPI) -Presr rankine Republican. ' ■;late on the c a u ^ of the nouncingt^ey favored the South ident. Nixon has decided hot to — Ehrlichman said Nlxoh had pystern.” ^ Dakota legislator. Ehriichman did sw . however, accident, ask Congress'- for comprehen- concluded that "it'is not in the .sive tax rfefbrms this election,. national interest- or in the he believed taxes wwtild be in year despite Democratic de- interest of taxpayers to” consi- "Tssue In ihe^etectt&v rampaign ' mands, but will seek tax law der ch^g es in the tax code in and :at is importatitiQ_ppotlight Q U A L IT Y O FFSET P R IN T IN G AT _U)W ;P R IC K S changes next yiear if re-electe<i, •the 1972 electiori^ear ...It was it." He te r m ^ Nixon the his chief domestic adviser said. decided that it would t>e bad "taxpayers’ friend," sajTng he B U SIN ESS LETTERS , \ o H /C K - Saturday. ______ business to ask Congress to act •■has tried to reduce “the little P rogram s man^stax burden." ' — The aide, John D! Ehrlich- in a political.year;" ' IN T ER O FFIC E FO RM S "1 don’t Intend the issue man, told reporters the Pres Regai'ding' tax reform propo S c s r / ^ r r j^ ■t' B U LtETIN S ident made the decision foUow- sals by some of the candidates should be taken out of the heat N O T IC ES I II’ ;wo VI -IV' “ Ihg-a breakfast meeting Thurs-'Tbr the Democratic presidential of the campaign." Ehrlichman REM IN D ERS day with Treasury Secretary nomination, ■including Sens. said. “ I just say a congression ;( PO STERS al vote should not be taken in i John B. Conndllv: Rep. Wilbur- George S, McGovern and CHARTS ■ year: National ttt:^ T ^o ”57encTTNec e ssa ry M3rs,jSArk., diairman of the S T A T JQ N ER Y _ tax-writing House Ways and bama Gov. George C., Wallace, det>at^_can only lead to good || B rin g In Y o u r O r i g in o l 11 OomiwiWwi a n * R'ep.t Bhf llt lunaii anid. ai't a Q U A LIT Y iTF F j ET P'RTNTING AT LOW P R I CES' Johir'-Bymes, the committee’s lot of phony tax facts running obligation to go ahead." H H H gain's o m in g Biis- kYOl Tax T eform ^e lay tolcf CAKE DONUTS U S su p p o rt ‘' m yth Chocolafe And Maple Iced. A Wonderful Treat To Serve To Your Drop IfTGOWfifr SHOP A LB ER T S O N 'S FIRST FOR L O w cR P R IC E S EVERY DAY! . DELIVER ( UPI)— Represen tatives of 1.5 million American Baptists, bitterly divided over Vietnam policy, were Sold S a t i^ — day that it was time to scrap the “m yth" of blind support for the nation's foreign and domes- THESE FIRST OF THE WEEK PRICED EFFECTIVE SUNDAY eMONDAY eTUESDAY!! _jacfrptQgmms Mrs. Mabel Martin, American -Baptist Convention (ABC.) rep resentative to the United Na tions, said the “myth of my country, right or wrongs” was outdated and ignored serious flaws in U.S. policy. TURKEY BURGER '. 49' 'MOflNAr 12 haws after 6.000 delegates to the annual ABC convention vot ed down a resolution which cri- J TRgedPrea i A B M O U fl ade of North Vietnam harbors. SiJAH T A I? 59' BREADED FISH STICKS; m E R Y SPECIAL BEAR CLAWS {COMINGS • ENTERTAINMFNT!!^ .0 T-" J iV l a v &• 1 6 to 2 .5 • f J o :\ SO !\D R A ; ^ T E JE I 5 _______Mfc MB Mfc Mfc ■a AlVlay 26 to June • • N A YLO R SHOW WHOLE CIBHN BREADss' 4^5. U # • W b tU U IN U K L M H 1 5 Assorted! Buy Ones 77 c Now For O n ly ,.................... ...................... W 5— “ Crwol Entertainm ent •_ You Can Bifi On I t " J a llry sinrr I9 3 S " LoW L ow b u d g e t te r m s * WILSON-BATES APPUAIMCE STORES IN C .! 157 « EST MAIV 324-it702 702 MaI n AVE. NORTH 733-6146 1250 ALBION AVr; 67S-23B2 V DREAM WHIP 55' WEED&fEEDss~,’.'i. 5^* P U R EJU . GRAPE JUICE™.. ..-.- 43‘ Open ’Ta MiJniglitTDaysAWeefc Sunday,May u/l972 TinWs-News/fwln'FaMs', Idaho 9 tH U IIU IIMI l i t PHONE 733-0342 BLUE^IS SHOPPING CENTER BQNNIF. TR.OI NSON___—P H iL l.lP SM ITH PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNQAY TMRU TUESDAY , _____________________ ____ ____________ I . . a w a r d fr e c ip ie n is SHAMPOO • _ 14_FUQZv____•_ ^ ..... WHAMO Leaves no bath tub ring All American •14FI . 0Z. 3 GTVI. red T r ttlta tr C F tc a lflc r . • 2 “ D ” Batteries Included REG. $2.99 • 12 oz. presoftened wax T O M tltt r r U v r m - "m g ’ W AX ^ h rri' JERRY T ^ ^ JOHNSON KIT ■ M jf S a tu r d a y — ^ u n r in y . I « i. PLTOie MR. BUBBLE r ec REG. 9 3 ‘ VIMYl P4 ASIIC^ LGARDEM HOSE 60 Ft. '/2 in. REG. REG. n . 5 9 $ U LABELETTE ■DIETRICH — Den Durfee was rctumetf to me DIctrlch board of Trustees unopposed and Leonard Rogers wasj ^m e d to fill the .other feoauL-yttfancy,_______ ■ ^ —. Results, amiouncecj today'foflirffilig ' an election canvass, show Durfee re-elected in Zone 5 and Rogers elected over Joseph Nishimoto in Zone 3.4ie will fill the unexpired term of Boyd Anderson who moveiMntaanalhiT 9 9 DROP * * ........ SPRAY 9 x12' ILHDLLIflHrVtn ARFI BiLKFR 13 0 i . C a n ' H U n sce n le d , e xtra hofd, u ltim ate .j hold, reg. IREG. $1.73 ;f :.... . 5 S P lont*. School trustccsjiave granted a $10 per month salary Increase for school bus- d rie rs and authorized {6,000 for the purchase of office niachfnes in the vocational business depart ment. , - - • TEMON, CLEAR, tOTION D ie t r ie h aide!§ __ S T O R E H O U R S : 9 a .m . t o -9 p .m . M o n d a y t b r u " ' ." ■ ~ WHITE RAIN W e n d e ll s e n io r s r e c e iv e aw a r d s Philip'‘Smith, 16, is the son of W ENDELL - ,,..fio n n ie . Trounson and Philip Smith are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. He recipients of the Bausch Lomb has scored the highest on the Science Award of the Wendell National Math Standardized Test in the Wendell High School High School'. Supt, Lawrence 1-aRue said for the past two years. TTiis year - the award is sigtlificaril because he had th6 highest composite il recognize? the seniors with scoro.a&d'tbB bigbest^pwcentile the highest scholastic standing (98) in natural science of all in science subjects", those who seniors in the high school on thehave shown the most' aptitude Amei^ican College Test. and done, the most outstanding He is a jnember of the school work in the sciences. -FTench"Q trtirthe Dtg iiies!! Club, Miss Trounson is the daughter is ja four-year seminary of Wes' Trounson and' the late Rradua'te and expec'.s to sU j^ Bonnie Wounson. Slie is cochemistry at the University S - valedictorian of her class with a Itlaho. . . '4.0grade point average. She has Bronze medallions will be been a cheerleader throughout ..tiiBh sdionl, a mflmber of the nre.sented to the students during National Honor Society, FHA. the annual high school awards, for --- 4beir— French Qub, Pep Qub and the assembly achievement. Ski aub. ALWAYS SHOP OSCQ-BUnREYS FAMILY SHOPPING CENTER! 16 LA B E L S FOR L A B E L E T T E RE^G. 47' j UWIVCRSAi; I COMPRESSED AIR 1 * SPRAYER 3 G A L . C A P A C IT Y REG. newly decorated Blue Room. ___ A chief source of income for the renovation cariie from the sale of t^uidelmok.s by the White House Hislonal Association, which contributed $972,5-14 from 1962 to 1971, ‘1 Fishing Licesnet R E D 'S ^ F 215 Shoshone S». S. 1 .8 8 . . . . -MAY14 MAY 14- OSCO BAR Km ■ Ij^ r it/ y . FA B R IC ON SA LE Mnm A Y .T U tS P fttW ^ tD ilE S D M PRINTED ACRYLICS OSCO BARGAIN ! OSCO BARGAIN! OSCO BARGAIN. L^ 4 4 ’' fo 4 5 ” w id e , p la in a n d p rin te d , 1 0 0 % p o lyester 54 fo 6 0 " v/ide. REG. *2.99 97 :^ A D CLOTH Printed and solid colofsTS^ 36 to 45 inches wide. £OLD POWER WFER 6EHT jGIANT 49 0Z.5 IZL REG. 59‘ 50 LB, SALE u rn G.W.S. WATER SOFTENER SALT B A G ........ JD A Y o n l y SU N D A Y O N LY BE?TY CROCKER CAKE M IXES 18 0 Z . PKG. ...I S U N D A Y Ol«ILY_ graduati bS B lis s le a d e r s . .inv STANDAL. Jeft daughter of Mrf and Mrs. Noi;nian Standal, Qli887 Is v a le d i^ rla h ,' and. Marltfn Rathke, daughter of Mr and Mrs, George RatbKe, is salutatorian of the Bliss High School graduating class of 1972. -- ??«' prilw ip^i will present the academic awards, Dee Gollins, wiljft.presentthe^ American Legion Award to tJje Uutstdndlrtg Boy and'' the Class, -Supt.4.»Rue wUl. pregent:tlig _ class and Frank Orth, chairman of the board of trustees, will -award the. diplomasT;--- :--- ^ — Magical polcctiona -wifl—Re presented by the high school band and choir under the 'Supervision of Les Sn>;der, ^ a forestry ] ’rsity Idaiio Extension; _____ itpr frnrfV 194? tn 1ffil,iha.s owned the Penta Post Co: since 1951, served orr the Hgaermanl school board for eight years and ~Bev. W , • mv(rthe invocation.___________ Kev: William F. Pinkerton of ttfe United Presbyterian Church _ TWIN FA I,I^ - The Twin Falls May 6 and performing for will present the sermon. His Falls Percussion Knsembte will tlie Idaho state chapter con present jts annual proKrani vention of the PEO Sisterhood topic will be entitled ' WhatCounts? the Individual Touch.” . Tues<lay at 8 p.m.. in the CSI ' Tuesday. They h'ave per formed at liie northwest con auditorium. The group is seledted from' vention of the Music. Educators five of his best private students National Conference, by _David Foilin^istad, music W etr repertoire includes-a -instructor at Valley ijigh medley of Burt Bacharach ---Sehoair' tones a.s recorded t y the Car^ Members are Mona Morrison, penters. Ste^e High, Jay Konk- and -Mickev Speirs. all of Twin - Admission to the proftrain is Falti>', aiTd'Roger Iverson, Filer. free. buf-dohiriFtrtjt ta'-wver thtf TTie group Is accompanied by cost of auditorium rental will be flutist. Barbara Harris, Tvyin accepted Follirigstad wishes to thank the Twin Kails School ' FaMs. 'iTie groiip is finishing it.s,lhird I>lslrict, I)el Slaughter, music year, vvi.tii iptist recent per jlire c io r, , for the use of formances t>eing the opening of feiii^aTsaT' '/arillties- and Naiionai Music Wtek in Twiii ■cquilJiiienl k a v k . . S s c h o ^*i| )fak rr II - .^UCORMINTSEW tNtmHINt^ IT . _ -By Fronk Sthell for the year 1879. Philadelphia, bring much lower figures. Don't. _nnrEnnPity, gan Prnn>-lgrv' anH w<l||p ynnr notP..S nn th ^ New Orleans. You mention no unciroilated prift inilcss They mintrnSk, so I will list prices are fully new. Any defect in the dh aQ -fetur — . in ' average^ note brings the price tiovm— condition and in very fine rapidly. For instance, the note "Trf- 1928B, valued~arnnrid"t2ee— -ikwditionr' The Philadelphia, which was uncircuiated, drops,^to at»ut *75 struck in over 14 million copies, m a fine grade, and would bring sells from J2.15 to 13; the" InuciTlessTl^rrffiarrn anylewer Carson City mintage_ 756,000, grade. from *12.50 to $13.00; the Sari Consequently, the *5 price you Francisco, from *2.15 to *3 ^9 quoted would probably be for million struck); the New late date notes — possibly the Orleans mintage almost 3 19^ or 1963A nctes i the last million, *2.15 to *3.50..These are ones printed! and would be, in Blue Book prices and atMut my opinion, too high a figure to what a dealer will pay fnr.lbe— pay, unleoa you wnnl one tocoins. show you f frjends, for a ThaiiR you vsry mupcti-for convSf^lion plecf. writing. (Questions on coins and From S. S., Buhl; 1 saw some currency should tx“ sent to The *2 bills at a recent show which Money- Box, c-o The Times were seling for *5 each. Are News,'Twin Falls,. Idaho 83301.) they worth this much now, or was the dealer too high on his CtVE YOUK a u D O E I.A BULAic: jrice?’ ! have several 1 would P A I'vo'v mpor'«Nl like to sell for this price. Please ■ 'oij.n s C'.»ss.f »\j Ajs tell me where I can take them to sell. | Answer: There are a lot of *2 i • PRIVATE TUTORWG GUARANTEED SUCCESS bills — and the selling price depends upon the condition of READING the note, the date of issue, and SPELUNG the demand for them. MATH First — in order t& command crisp and new, except in a few cases ef scarce notes. Second — only the earlier issues bring high prices. Third — the later i : II K O A I V I I,\ K M M . < I N i l It Birfc ‘J ' BROTHER I S lb 6 advi^r^-Jl'he class, motto isj'jl am not afraid of togiorrow,lor T have seen yesterday and 1 loVe today"” Class mem-_„ bers chose a rose as their flower red; vyfiite and blue as theii" colors. ■D l A l V S U S A It 5^95 Value . om 35 5th''Ave.'S4hith 733-12 9 X irilyBt . , ^ ___ W h t i t o r FREE ‘ How lo In stair Brochure ' W E HAVE T P IA R G E ASSORTMENT FOR YOUR READING ENJOYMEt^T!.! . $19 9 5 V a lu e - INSTANT lOAOmO: COtOR S CAMERA L E v rs 19^ tm m u C5? ^AIR TRIMMER COMB K a o i!!!? u !3 M AS SEENONT4)^ wasm W) Youngs ALBERTO iBfttSAiyh SHAMPOO TOWELETTES -Reg-981*Efl. CHARCOAL ORYHO ROSE & FLOWER CARE V UGHTER CASSETTE ALBUM 12 Pocket ^3.95 VALUE $298J SYSTEMIC ■:l: ’i- viA'i: *2.00 VALUE CANDIES [T?eg. 3 5 'V a lu e ,. MWJETCOIIP^ Pept. SOr, 30^1S Fimwr SI ..fliir^nk.^1^91503 ‘ POe^DOKS , • m a K K IV fc and «asy lo tnnin f r l s for SO-n jtra sliom a tam on T about ISO. laU about 3 hours to Install. * in Calitonfia Over 2 Million Ram iitrmuseXti^outlii out llif ■orld. ^ ^ LAWN & GARbEN ----FEBTinzEir— INSECTICIDES • WEED KILLERS GARD£N TOOLS • GRASS SEED icL,aw gulicIiatuiHl.xii[tnlces Ik u s >rv) «d|ini. sprmUers, lleiible pipe, quick, ittacli jnd D ip ta M M S « a a m aM onitr Patlcmt. ,A t M M .. d«pt. and . •Ceruiuns >Pet^s •ToaatMs •Cabbafe •Peppers 95' Values SH EA M -- Ifw tr 111* mliri m m jh ^ C tM c a d * S o il A id D # c o r tttl« ^ W h l l * « e < k STILLNEED TWIN T A LLS FEED V ANDbiHER PUNTS ^^p-M-Turf GAI.AXi f ■ Cottife or yaw Inm i d m r m W n lets U u meal for ctwrchcs. ichooU. indifltrul i « « , (arkv f r n « m . t j n i J t t 'i pitcoted jclion distribotes,tain like drops •Flwrer Seejs '•Ofp»ers • HoseMenders. • CardenPruneri •IronSidphate •Hot Caps • DdduBkibs _«iUdk)l Bulbs • BimbooStakes ' •Peitllflss . .*>BoneMeal C E R A M IC S E T by From F. H., _^tH?ding,: afsfibws and places where the E n c l a ^ Is a token I found with demand Js llaye to be high. my metal detector. ; Most orTinrlate issues can be . 1 wai youc thought for $3.50. brand new, cuid Sunday article. 4 Jiave a silver i would imagine you could do tertiflcate. Series 1957B, $1 note,« some "horse-trading" on Uiis. signature of Kathryn O’Hay price. Gtanahan. For your information, The I Would apprecaite knowing Woods-Mills note, of the 1928B -the value of a silver dollar 1 Series is the scarcest of the have -with a date of 1879. _ an»H 4ype «S^ $2 not®, and you' Answer; Thank you. very cx)uld get around *200 for an:much for the medal you sent, tt— uncirculated tiopy. This is due to will go in my Idaho collection i!he fact that the quantity issued the material. I .was smi.i1 Only nn^; ntlfpr t2 have. The 1957B-Granahan note approaches this one, the Dillon note presently sells in 1928A, which is worth about J50 crisp uncirculatedcondltloafor uncirculated. Others of the about The bliylng price for earlier notes bring from $5 up to this note, uncirculated, _would ^fjout t 2 Sr Also, notes which have been be about $3. O u r PfanfsTi^re 'Arnvmg Daily The fjenediction will bff of fered by Bishop Montie Peterson of the Wendell LDS ■Church. h UL 6 I GARDEN SEEDS .director.— ::____ _______ __ _____ _ representative since 1962. Hbbert ^ i t h , vice chairman of the board of trustees^ will introduce Rep. Ravenscroft.. m F/liO E D i ' WENDEliL — R ep^ Vemon ; terry Gunntjig, Ann Lorraine ^fiSraff^r^tf'^TWtief^'^B^dahor^^SnitlfBTtd^KyitttiB'^lVttnsdnTCO' ;wili speak a t graduaUor>, valedictorians; and Anrie. exercises at the Wendell High Hagemian, salutatorian, will School Satui-day at 8 p.m. on the sneak brieav. ~ athletic field. Rep. Ravenscroft is a igrlidijare or^ltes' High EACH LYN W O O D S H O P P IN G c en t er nee -rir—eewse B p iit "tire r p eo p lte yau know u ijfsv Lt*'*' ■W; ^ • < /.I."* Sunday, AAay 14, J972 Donald OsterrniH^r Tdm i-Sattain TWIN FAI.I,S - What started orfi aS an aid to . readinj; has. ended in jJJT Q U P orskilled pup peteers. "The Peach Tree Players.” Ann Dally, fourth grpde teacher at BickeL . Elementary SchoDtrcontilvetfTjrfe puppct.5 hmr;-"The Three Billy Ggats/'-to help her childrerf^ net more enjjjyinent fi^oni.-learniny to read. -^-'-T^g -shpw waa aut h'n hit tha t Mi^:j4>uily huu p^t einht shows into "pc,oduction"and now has a ninth in "rehowsaJ." Besides the "Billy Goats,” the children have performed "Jack and the Beanstalk,” "Visit from Outer Space,”-"Punt’b- and Judy jJnjl- thf Pie,” "SprinR Ma^ic,” "The Bear and the Honev Bucket." "l,azv Jack” and an Italian play, "The Cricket Hunt." "Cinderella” will be presented liefore the end of the term. Miss Pftjly has constructed 40 puppets for the shows; They includfi-hand-puppets, stick puppaU and .fllove puppets— -.T____ .................. The children hanjUinK'-the puppets in each, different play take their movint; stage from room to robfnTo perforifi Tor othe'r classes,at the sx-hool. The other class members and Miss Daily go on with their regular woijk while the show is -"on the road.”.. ■■ ' ~ . 'Hie children made the scenes and priipertie^K ' to place in the cardtward box sta(*e. Thi> children have becoiiie so engrossed in the puppets that many hav? made ones at home in addition to the ones provided at the school by Miss Daily. ' T W O H A N D p u p g ^ H are p u l in(o_ p e r f o r m a n c e b y U a fio '■Mar'c»/tasT~fourth g r a d e student o-f A n n D a i l y - a t B ick el • E l e m e n ta r y S c h o o l . ... . Look Ma, two hands J 6 ff Rhchmond Back stage ------TW O .--C-H A R A C J E R S ^ u a . p l a y p e r f o r m w illin g ly u n d e r the y u i d ing fro n d s o f Itvo fo u rfh g r a d e n . ^ stage C t T T I N C R t A D f tor ,Q p e r f o r m a n c e B ickel E l e m e n ta r y Sctioo.l in Twin 0+oae—C j U y - x i n d —KeJli Pttest. from left. at - !■-' Photos by M ike R obertson Jeanette Reyes W a tches own p erfo rm ance TCdthy W a y " M E R t f f i THE -Magician'' comes to-— life under the h a n d c^ Robin Lassiter, m em ber of the Peach' Tree 1>layers at Bicket Elementary School. Bijch o f the , c h iM ^ T ^ ir iK e class Has~~perfofmed~iir^ ____ ____ at.least one (fupp ef sfiow. • I, • . - •i r'Trmw.N«w^.' Iww Fi ji*. Ta« ^ 8 u !ig»y7*>»^y^^ ^ DISCOUNT PRICES EVERY DAY W HY W A IT FOR A BUSY WEEKEND TO DO YOUR FOOD SHOPPING ? ■ ' - 4 ra d e JL F ry ^ ^ B R U N E A U C A N Y O N rim, w h e r e y o u ■can h o k 8 0 0 h e 4- d o W'n l o th» B i u n a a u R iv e ri—w ill b e in c lu d e d on- the bus_ lou r fo r the Twin FW Ii-X'Covnly H i s " k>ricoJ S o c i e t y M o y 2 1 . Bus tour slated tour set TWnvr KAI.US The Twin_ down .to the Bruneau Hivw., Sunday inprjiinK. Reservations' may .be made Kails County Historkal tiociety pioneer iuvc and Malad Hiver. ■Rie bus will- leave Robert _by i-.allinn 733-034r,- 7S3-«758, or meniber.s and. |!(jests have ar-ti'Junior HiMh School at 8 ■U-1-SQ74 > A bus trip or overnighter is a.m. Buhl people will meet.the Points of interest will be ■“T^rcc Island CYossinR, S«nd bus at the Buhl si'hool grounds being planned for every month tlirough September. This willDunes, which are the highest in at 8;30 a.m. .Noflh ArtleTlca, Hot CYeek H'alls ■ Persons attending are asked give people not wanting to drive and -Indian Bath Tub with to bring u siack _l.unch,- drink, a chance to visit' places o f. "Irv in g s , Bruneau Canyon rim, membership card and bus fare, hlsloricaUialerest^ JOfl-JeeL Memberships will be sold U .S .b .A . 4 J .S :P .A . TWIN KA1.1.S .\meruan Association of University Women will meet at the Colonial House, Tuesdaii Officers will be installed by Shirley Humphries A short program and meeting will t)e featured ' - Everything For The G ra d u a tio n Party O p en O pen V fo it \ N ig h t 'W _ I \ v ( ’ C A R D a n d P/VRTY S H O P -- - a rc . ■ m en (,a r iii- \ re a d s and to p c r iM u ia li/ C ' t e iH io ii \ i) u D o w n to w n , T w in Falls A . t I’al lia ir \(^)ii la lo iit c d ■'f. W ( 'lir n d t 'r , th e s iv lm i; n cu cst and th e 9 French Bread p JS " Sugar Doughnuts 5^ 6lozed^0oughnuts— C o ch 5^ (A v o id a b le O n ty A t S t o r a i W ith K o k * S H « p S « c tio n » ] FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS everyday discount prices Bu»y Saltine Crackers B a k « r Rye Bread 1 >lb Lb. i ft i* , K Itu tim nto Lb 2.49 S a fe w a y Pie ce Lb . ChunkBolognasy Th e W 36" Lo<?;35" Loo< 35" Box 1 - lb . Black Bread e e t M ri K O 1I 5 W r ig K t '* A p p le F ille d IA h j i. jT I^ " Pkg Dftllg wrr iig g h t 'i m O p r e n O lfS ^ W 10 -o s. 43" Ozark Briquet C h o r c o o l B o g 1,63 Ozark Briquets ' Z 88" Hi Country Briquets't!!’, 1-32 Hi Country Briquets 69" Paper Tpvyels 29"_ • — Fresh Carrots s^r:.r Strawberries F in e tt Ju m b o Pascal Celery S ta ilr W a tc h for o ur G R A N D O P E N IN G ! Operi Monday thru Friday ■. ,CloseArSaturday— ' ■, Eoeh i A6 lb ., 14*^ Sweet Corn 10" ■ #v»ryday d i» (O y o r p r t c e 3 t c Q DoloPinoappIo— @ Dill Pickles “;:68" 0 Cheerios Cereal 55" a Green Beans 24" QMJBCoffee ^l-„2.38 @ Dressing s r r ^::60" SUPER SAVERS Del M in Je 3 2 > o i. 56" ®Beef Stew ^^-68" Can Tissue ; ; r r . " .v ;::2 9 ' Facial TUsue;;-’ ”tr. 291. aiib b yV ien n ar™ .'S:2 4 ' Lib b y 32-OX. -0^Tomato^4uice^ TTSHIiT41^ i n a m p o o s hShoo.iu ld ers H .lf - 2 J ( 1 _ .0 Euiit Drink 0 Owlheiout . 1 iJi,, ® Green Beans o»l Skylark Rolls M on fe C o t C o n 23" fla k y or Tw in C o ftle m e n 17'<eun> pQcko^e 0 Barbecue Sauce u l*r42" B o H le L ib b y -B ra n d a -9 f I ---------------------H f o d — 3 7 ' UGtGrgent rowaers ttunchM eat^ZX 1.07 Lu ce rn e Q Potato Salad 3 4 b . C tn . 0 " i r ' C"m . W68" 0 Cottage Cheese t=<b. - 0 Whipping CreaoL L u c e rn:e 6Z 8Q 0 Mogic 4*-et Pockege B - o i. QBowl Cleaner^ Ror r Luvti 5 H q: Jo r 59> 8 e v e ry d a y ditcouini price 'VtJIf /It/ . uo-"' 1 i .* S a fe w a y Pledges Continued Support O f Our N ation's Against Inflation Bel-air Premium Bel-air Premium V e g e t a b le s - L e m o n a d e This Advertisem ent Effective At S a fe w a y Discount In All O f These T o w n s : Concentrated 12-ounce Can ‘ Jerome ‘ Payette ‘ Pocatello Wener Blackfeot ‘ Idaho Falli Oooding-— Momp«ft«T~ t4n-F«IU— Burley ‘ Nampa ‘ Mtn. Home And ’^Ontario, Oregon Orange Treat-Lk MCPFruHDrink Bet^aifCfeamPies Bel-oir Green Peas C a ll 38" S lM " Bog v^oy Fancy Bmandsl;QSofw u a lit y SUPER SAVERS ir ‘ II ■■ ii •' - 9 ^ ^ 32' tH ti' Beauty Salon 180 Sh'oup Ave. West Phone 734-4977 for AoDomt^nent ' 4 Motor Qlir MissionBfeac»r:l”:Vo:r?^^ __________ A P o ta to e s S q « » w o y H eo v^ D m y .■ 3Q tjt 70 W W e luHf — M rKs §- | ' ■-'** B illie K ’s K I T n' K l R L 1 4 4 9 : _ J » l o w l O r a n g e s t“a r g e i-ib*: With Butler Sauce 9-ounc* Package a l- N o .. B ag ‘ Boise 111 11. _ ^ NevrYork Steaks U S .D .A C h o ic e \\ c w a i i i . \ l( i > i o f . i i l l w r \\.’i i i i l d --------------------------------------------- l l n r m f f f i) H S .b .A . lic R 9 gg f FROZEN FOOD DISCOUNTS ..................... (iiir e i'c , iTkc to k I I o s o . 2 e v e r V d o y d u c o u n t p rice 1 .4 8 everyday discount prices O n The M all B a r iM t o iB e e i^ C a k e s T w o M o iit L o y e r s o f W h ite C o k e C o v e re d W ith Le m o n F la v o r e d I f in g . a n d S p r in k le d W it h C o c o n u t. jW - The C u test AAini-Shop Tw in Fa lls --------------------- ( , 11111c III Dec N ig h t The Past :< \V -! \:> F r id a y a 4\.\0L.\C1\G OL R OPENING / L a y e r r TWIN FAl.US Order of {Eastern Star Oiapter No 82 will meet Monday at the Ma.sonic Temple Order of DoMolay will present the Mother's I>gree A ' special Meitional Day srrvnce will-be conducte<i Sliced Bacon watL U .S .D .A . C h o ic e Round Steaks; F u ll C u t ■ Lb . 1.39 Chuck SteakscV"" Lb 89'’ C h o ice B e e f Bake Shop ticipanls are invited. The next six-week se.siiOn will.-bfinin Sept, 11, M allm ark W riting In stru m e n ts Photo A lb u m s • S crapb o oks Posters • Scoffed Toys P u iile s • Paper W eig h ts Card'S • Books ■ Monday M a y lln s s e t r P ie r c e U .S . —Skinless Wieners 64” F a m ily P o c k —Fir»t Pork Chops o n d C e n t e r C a t Lb. 79*’ Canned Hams^t:^^; 4.90 C a p ro in '^ i .C h o ic e ^ kSticks-,^ 66*^ U .i- D .A . Lamh^Rib Chops C h o ic e u. 1.29 U .S .D ;A . C h o ic e Leg 0" Lamb W h o le o r H o lf l b . t l 9 sk T o ppers • • • • • T h d ' w e welcome JF.ROMK -Jerome World War 1 Barracks No. Il!l2 an<r Auxiliary- will have a pancake and-aaUsage lunch and nieetipg at I p ni. Tuesday at the Jerome American l-egion Mall B y Lemon Snow TWIN FAll.S The final session of the Red (Yoss ExTWIN F A L I£ ~ The annual , p^^ents Class will be Mother's Tea sponsopetl b>-lh«— Monday~at 7;30 «,m , at the ■ TW^N F A L I^ - Shamrock I^ ' MS and S a u b will be held at 1 Magic Valley Memorial Qub will meet at 2 p.m, Wed p.m. Wednesday at the Turf Hospital, Dr, Ben Katz, local nesday at the .home of Mrs. Club. , Member* and guests pediatrivian, will he guest Donald Joerger, with fArs. Boyd wanting to attend are asked to speaker. All reKiatgre^d ^ a i j .role iis co-hostess.- ________ call Betty Bourquin or Myrtle Griggs Tor YeservaTItms by Tuesday morning TWfN KAM-S A S lab B aco n ^ 1 0 -11 ?. lin d X Hand Qub will meet Wed nesday iit 2 p.m. with Mrs. Nora Uvin^'stoh. 11-) Harrison St, Kappa Phi. national honor.. society. G ra d e d A r id ev e ryd ay discount firic e lb. 69c VaMe^Bridi PCX:ATK1,U) - Norma l. th-acles Hub Mother's Day Tea Jones, Twin Kails. >iill be m- has been (wstponed to Mondaj:, _Stalled~rfr"lhe ~mntro State- May 2. al,l ,30p,m. with Bessie In s p e c te d -.r Onwn Rings! FrenchFries L , erho Elmina Butterhorns 'm,*: 45" Bel*aii4emonade ^M4" , M »ore 3-lb. ^ tin g - A - D in g PI 19 . , ScDtch *The»e' Slot** 'Open Sunday Prices' & Itpms Effective M onday, M oy IS Thru Sundoy, M ay 21,e corTeiCM|^ % *nw hj -cToen o coerocA m SAVE MONEY EVERY DAY AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT C Y lW K SO B llO R FG p tN :'T ll MIDWtGHTDftllY! .. ^ J— • Cl. sssisasfsss ; i UimttvrMav.i4; i972Tim«a:wgwi,-Twrn R m ^ t l a T i o " ^ . May I f , TWJN f a l l s TWIN FALLS — Boiae's Men in Blue, concert CSI Fine Arts. ' , ' MAY 15 ^ _ Ha n s e n — ^ho ol election, three-iniu lew ____________ and trustees^ _ TWJN FA l Ls - c m bcard meets. TWIN FALLS - City CouncU meets. -KETCHUM — City Council meets. SUN V A L I^ y — Hospital board meets. BURLEY — a t y Council meets. BUKLEY — Cassia County School'.board . meets: ' — - -' GOODING — City Council meets.^^ . BUHL — Chamber of commeroe meets. _ TWIN F A L I^ - Magic Valley Fly Fishermen meet. CSI 7:45 p . m . _________ BURLEY - School election for five trustees, five inm inaih'tenance and operation levy and sub district in the Burley high school area, polling froni 1 to 8 p.m. , TWIN f a l l s Hospital trustees meet, 8 • pjn. i- MAY 16 RUPERr ^ City CoUncU infiets. GOODING — Chamber of commerce m eets JEROME - Cify Couiicil meSfsT---— JEROME — Fann Bureau meets. — SUN V ALLEY.- City Counctl meats.----....JEROME — School trustee election. TWIN FALLS Twin Falls Percussion Ensemble Concert. 4 to 10 p.m., CSI. ■ MAY17 -PAUL ■C h ^ b e r of commerce piects: JEROME — Chamber jiL.commfitcejneets,, . MAY 18 . ____________ RUPERT — Chamber of commerce meets, HEYBURN_>- C h ^ b e r of commerce meets. " m a y 19 ■TWIN_EALLS — Camp Fire Qrand Council Fire and Fly Up, 8 p.m., CSI Auditorium. -- =---------- MA¥31-2A SUN V A I.l^Y -M edical conference. MAY'23 FILER - AKC Dog ShcJw, Twin Falls County Fairgrounds, 8 a.nj. to 5 p.m. Elected to units POCATEl.U) - Several’ area' "KuTiri, GoodmK. and Lucinda students have been elected to Reinkfe. Buhi, membership in the three Members of Chimes, junior women’s honorary, .service women's service honorary, organizations on the Idaho State include'f.aurie Halby and.Marla University campus. Mayer, both Twin Fails.” Freshman vwinien tapped by Silver T-assel Chapter of Spurs, sophomore women's Mortar Board selected Arlera? TTonSrafy , rncTu3c ' JelHrie" •Bra-.«!7TnefT' MaryOflSrTwiT' Chambers and Patricia Falls: Sheryl Reinke. BuHl, and Mackay, b o th . Flier; Mary J i a r b a r a W o o d , C^irey^ Aniistront^, Burjpy; D o n ita ^ W e believe in the b icycle. As g o o d for yo u r lig u c e a s it is fo r the en v iro n m e n t! S o w e 'v e stocked up on cycle skirts pnd tops os b a r e as a ra cin g bik^, from C o lle g e t o w n and-hicuacy B. W h a t e v e r the n a m e of y o u r g a m e , The^^opO f- T h e - S td ir h a s the Spoftsvv'^^s-r. Unlim rted.. C Y C L £ 5 filR J-V Y irH D E T A C H A B L E P A N t L fP .O .N i. S t.rb f'C - U l l t IA n ^ W I T m C O i r O N t A C E TR IM . W H I T E R E D ' B i u t > O l ' : '’ O n : C r 1 1E SK IR T W H I T E $8 9 8 R I B B E D C O T T O N T A N K r 1 1 L O W A N D W'H 111 'Ph P L E A l f R O N l C Y C I E S K I R I R E D . W H i r E B l U E S 12 9 . i C O n O N K N i T H A I T F R N A v r YELLO W O R B E IG E S8 98 C U T O U T S T i T C h EO S K I R T S i U A l l W A S H A B L E THREE OF THESE FAMOUS CYCLES giVEN FREE, IN COOPERATION WITH HAFFNER’S | # r | r I I r I Q X t Ilia ■ W D K I I # C l l l r C N U D I | M D a K W IIW I ■ A l i o i n c l u d e d On«^ o u lt .t t.o m N on< yB Q o d T T n e o u t f i t f r o m C o l l . .q e t o . ^ n IONE PRIZE PER PeRSO^J DRAW INGS HELD AT 5 :0 0 P.M ON: MAY 20-M AY 27-JU N E 3 The cycles in this R a le ig h c o lle c tio n on d is p la y at- the" T op -O f-Th e S ta ir a re d e sig n e d a n d h o n cim a d e iri RoTeigh'so w n C a rlto n F a c to rie s by the w o rld s le o d in g sp e c ia lists in the ra c in g fie ld . . fitte d w ith the rno>.t c a re fu lly selected cp m p o n en ts, p tjtn s to k io g ly c r a ft e d to suit every p e rfo rm a n c e — L hg se ll f p r S 1 Q 4 .9 5 e o j h . NO PURCHA S E IS N EC ESSARY TO WIN! JUST DROP IN AT THE TOP-OF-TH^-STAIR, AND REGISTER FREE . • * W e re o p e n F r i d a y n i g h t s til 9-r RACING AND SPORT CTCIES 14 Ttmfts News, Twin Falls, Idaho "Son<ay, May 14, 1972 - G ft w ith usL to Game M d k e ^ x p e rt Play I r o n e d 13 NORTH * K 10 8 4 .1 V J * K Q 10* V o id . WKST f .\ST (1)1 « A 2 V K 92 V A Q 5 ;i A '■ >.'> ' » a -t— r - ^ .......... -^•i*rK H S O l 'T I I 7 Z ^ : J ! l Q'^ '!!: “ ■7 ~ I r? ♦ A.r, 4> A 10 i) ^ :t I’ ; v u lfif r a iil' W iis iN o r U i “ KanI S o u lh 1A H .is.s I'jis s . ( ) |> f t u n ii I f i i c l ra ss P as^ 4 n ""*" • liy Oswald & JailR-S Jllcohj I n o n e n t t h e i- iiily r o u n d s III t ill' u n (I f r I) 1 I t, b o th tc a n i.s l e a t ' h f d f o o r s p a d e s a f t e r iiU ^ n lic a l b i d d i n y H o lli W c st.s o p e n e d l l i f s ix o f dia iiK in d s ' a n d , h o U i. d f c l a r e r s t r i e d Id c a s i i t h r e e r o u n d s ol d i a m o n d s o n l> to h a v e K a s t n i l f t h e H jir r t'le a d : n n i M T l R ^ r p r rtT scaT itrd ttirs e w n I lf h e a r t s a n i l c im k l n o t m a k e h is c o n t r a c t a f t i 'r K a s t le d L l . l n i l i m m i d W e s t c a s h e d 't h e a c e a n d IctL a .s iT o n il o n e . l a i ’ k H la i i ' o l 'I'li ls a , w h o s e l e a i n u r n i o n t o j ’r t to tlii' Itn H ls . tt*tM»vl>red' b y ov e rn iH n iK ',’ N 'a ilit in t in ' -si-vi'ri ot J l e a r l s .ntiil Ift t iiiL : it riTlc tii U‘(i ;i I n i n i p c iiid W e s t ^»Iiiyi»rf ncf iiruf .i{in[hcr. hii{ — th e ja c k ( h u n n i > ;itrd le d i>l h f j i ( s l* Hiiplfpd and Jack discarded. Ki<> Irinn aH a a West took his king and Iled fourth diamond. — J a e fc - P ttffe d durom y -and. . led. the lO of hearts. East held back his ace, but it (Jid him nff good sluice Jack discarded a n o t h e r club and continued hearts to wind up -malting his r o n t r a c t and -gwtflinR''a valuable 13 IMHs Tht' hand is interesting in-Tfeect-’gy-thp-best line of play wmjiaTnive'been "tD, win thefirst diamond and, lead a heart .ttlPlP two, 'b iif lift actual play of three rounds Of diainonift would have —diamonds Ui'yii—bettrr run three t/Tiies. When they failed to break nicely. Jack found a-most ingenious way to recover. I N lt V S P A r iR E N T E K P R IS f A SSN .) ■HVrt htd(iin)* has been: Ncirih KttsI 1A S o u lh Puss ? You, S<mth. lujld W>y.»i d o y o u d o n o w ? • A — B id <»ne heart. If you ,reih r h f ju l M|it. This way. y o ur cun bid <>nc spade if he hidils fiiui of the^K TWIN yA i i.s Womien's Society of the Firgt Bapttot C hu rdB ~ lynrhgF ite annual spring banquet at 6;3CT p in . May 18. The banquet will be a planned potllick with some of the men of the church serv^g apd acting aa kitohen ^ lp.*^--- ------■Overall theme for the evening is FnoUOepa - -Thefirst event the evening is I T hobby show, '-Creative Seps,” which will be open before dinner. ' The tables will be centered with gold sprayed shoes in large and Small sizes hnlrting nnspffjav touquets following the banquet theme.” The stage w ill be decorated as a gvden scene. Theme of the program is ."Stepping Along Together.’’ Several numbers will be presented by the junior ghoir with Orff iMtriunents, under in of I Turner. A~ the direction i RiItirT Eden and her grandmother, Mrs. Howard Atkins, Shoshone. Two Very SpecidH tiherariet this 'summer: sponsored^ b y K U X Radiia Departs July 29th for 3 weeks through FRANCE, MONACO, ITALY, AUSTRlArlEICHTENSTEIN, SWITZERLAND, GERMANY, HOLLAND, ENGLAND. i<7lC EU ROP&4Q^REEC€w7f/i Joe and Mary Salisbury DeparU Sept. 23rd for 3 weeks including;' PARI'S, BRUSSELS, AMSTERDAM, LUCERNE, INNS BRUCK, VEN ICE, K O R E N C E , ROME, SORRENTO, BRINDISI, PA T*f«7 OLYMPIAT ATI Both Tours use CHARTER FLIGHTS - ^ lo ie c L All women of the church are invited to attend the M O T H E R A N D , d a u q h i e r d u o , the S n o w ^ irls , T e d d y S n o w , l e ft , a n d R o b y n p i:e p a# e —( o f —the ir pa t4 —o t- Ihe-^ spring b a n q u e t p r o g r a m s p o n s o r e d b y the W o m e n ' s S o c i e t y o f the First B a p tist "Church. The- 'a n n u a l eve~nf~~is set Tor Y O U 'L L L O V E T H IS W A Y T o I e E E U R O P E ASK FOR DETAILED ITINERARY MAP FOLDER _ .... w r. II I Box M M Jw in Falls 733-1668 lona 1328 Overland. Burley 6’rr- 2 m III < y otii p ii r I n c i I>mI on<- sp.idi* W h iit tK> I <1(1 Ansvfer >Ioilday — ApprdximTittfty" 60 cunts of every dollar on your hospital bill is used to pay wages and salaries. SUN PAYA M OM DAY J Absolute equality for women in ____ U.S. Air Force W ASHlN(;n)N'iUl‘li Hrin C'lCn Jeamie M Hiilni is the first Air Kiirce woman to wear a L>eneral’s .star, hut .she almost didn't. If she trad had her way, she would be IM the >\rniv. ,Shii_served in the VVtariien's Army Corps dormR World War IJ, and was dtscharHcd with the • -rank— of captain. Congress decided the Army did not need women in.jjeacc time. - While -sho was -enrolled 4a. l,e*is 4 (’hJrk Collet>o ~at Portland. Ore.. she heard from "the Defense PeDarVmeni: H Connress should authorize per., manent military service for women, would she tx- interesttil in returnint’ ’ ~ S h e T t iecl ce d a n re sp o n se , a ffn m a tiv f ■ w ith u u t p a y in g Va . where she discovered with dismay that the skirt -of her World War II uniform was unfashionably short. .So a lar(*e "part of her first, pay was .spent oniiew umforttisThe dust had just tx'nun to .settle when she once more heard from the IX'fense Departiaeot.: "Welcome to the Air Force." That was how she learned that when she affirmed her wish to return to mihtary servtce_she inadYertently iadi-. cated the Air Force was her preferencf. Wonien willing to enlist in military service then were hard to come by, and the Air Force was unwillint> to release the captain .S<) sht bought some umfor-ms and fepopletl for dut.>:. m u c h a t t e n t io n to th e q u e s t io n .She has not reRretted the switch, and .she said yount; But c-ont;ressionai approval • wiimen apparently share her fame ■OifxraBn. and almost .sentiments since they are unmediately she was direeti'd .showint; inereasinn interest in to take the required examina ;\i_r Force Careers Travel is an tion and then- to report tg the important lure, she said, and F^nlaKOtf She borrowed enouRh the ajwuranrc of adequate pay. money to drive y c r i^ the decent livin*; and working country with anoltier female conditions^ apd visible c a r^r fiFmiTtrsii'epintj in Uie I'ar at' opportunincs are persuasive. nin’ht "I was fTat brolte." she Hut Gi'p Holm tx-lieves the said. She wa» sworn in to the prune attraction may tx? the absolute equality with men in military with no delay and sent )ot)s. promotion, and p.ny for initial t r ^ m m c ^ Kt U'e, n a ir e Episcop al women priests, bishops W01.KKB0KU, N.H-i-UPti vj»»..Ky. The F,piscop;il Church n( New Miss Betty Washington. 21. of Hampshire endorsed the ordina Conway, a descendant of tion of women to lie priests and lYesident George Washington, bishops Siit,yrday .\ smiilar has already been accepted at resolution was passe<i last week three Episcopal seminiFies. by the Ppiscopal DiocesF -of womnn delegate_at thg New-Tonr---------------- — The ■resolution to allow convention said the move was "Were not women to enter the priesthood long Qverdue we're capablj came by a two-to-one margin stupid: among the 250 delegates running the church,” s t lr ^ id atiSiBHg T T B lfi^oeaah Um another woman relegate. convention. Both the N'ew who voted against the resolu Hampshire and New York tion, said, "I hope these young resolutions must be"approved at women who w6 nt to be priests the Epacopal Church's nabonal of the church have husbands at convention next yefir in I.ouis- home who will do the wash.” Jay-C-Ettes elect BDHL — Mrs. CurTGraRwn was installed president of the Buhl Jay-C-Ettes'Thursday by Mrs. Marvin Lovely, fonner ^strict 8 v i « presictent, instaUing officer. O ^e r officers installed are MrSr ^ o y t sk iller. vice ^ so colt, undar VI iPOO aach partori, irictudai lodging, holf qf ^our meals, Daluxe Motorcoach sightsaaing, and travel oji the w ay from Twin presideril; Mrs. 'GDI 'Sweesy, secretary; Mrs. Mike ITMmas. treasurer; Mrs. Richard Benchan, state director, and Mrs. Larry Lanuners, Mrs. Bob Fields, Mrs. C^vin WUde and: Mrs. W illie Price, board in e n ^ r s . _ 9 6 " x 4 8 " ........................... 48” X 84” ............................. .. . l|44” x 8 4 ”........ ........ . . . . . . 4 0 “® Plenty of FREE Parking B e h irtd lS t^ e '■ j . . Open-Sunday 12 to 5 T le values are here every day. Mbriclay^Night 'til 9 -Sun<lay,-May-14; 1972 TImes-NewV Twin Falls, Idahi 15' £ Serendi move ori ^gfpHoTra By M a r g i e Morris ' i NKW YOHK-r^mx=T1ie4ijd>' Witfi.-Uie stiic /OfTIie' brigadier .. TWIN KALIS - I've never sustained frazzled nerves. , general's rank (/n heF shoulders -prid^d-mykelf on my cooKing. Our electrician assured lue said of hersd f:, Tvy Ix-fP' ^ '1716 main reason, I t^ink, is that we experienced a once-in^v describt'd variously as the thafBctnu a really cook lifetime kos bubble in the" nentle nenpral.the tieiieral who takes so much time out of what eh?ctric element. All Ah . tiikes off her shoe.s when her IS usually for me a busy dijy. I did the elecniOiail K j i o w — fre+ hurt,— Hint ■ female do maintain, however, that t o ^ that tye-would niove and inherit i-h,iiu inL>ir 4ima pnMflble cpok 'ont miiat only—a atpve tl^dt didn't*it-uIkk viu.‘d' ^—'nitf »rrlOJr:"liiiiMhi>rA as she be able to read alr4M»4 y4 Hid the ‘'pleasure" of a re c a lls th is, is H rin . U en. In spite of my cookinj; . once-ln-a-lifetiine happetiint'. ■M ild r e d (U irJpu B a ile y : D ir e c —philosophj^.-live: become, sincg;- Ves. tt happened'again tor Cif Hie Womi-n s A riiiy t'o rp s inovinH to Twin iFalls, an ex- but witlr three minor dif- I W.ACi .since last Au^;ust , w f m iis 'M ay . H. [Tie _ cooks can have the kitchen oven element and the flying iiUsiTves Its :i(llh h irtlu la y In ex'periences I've had and Iive^to“ ■debris and sparks were en A uk u s I. the n e iiernl w ill c e le closed; dinner was only half- b ra te her .'tlHli y ear w ith the tell about it. & Nearly two years ag< i.J^ _^iked_and wejiad to eat_jit a f e m i n i n e a r m of tlio-11 S A rm y ' jr V Z usked Harry Brown to 3Inncr. restaurant; aiuUlustlme, thank "I'lii u la d 1 iiever relire<l, " Billye, his wife, was in Virninia goodness, Harry wasn't here to s a u l the h e a d of a corps i»nd 1 had promise^ to prepare watch my command per iiUMiberini; KI.WK) w o m e n i L O O K IN G O V E R fo urteen years ^o f Harry's birthday dinner. !■ formance in the kitchen. th in k now is the VVACs' m ost musical h is to r y a re the n e ^ l y e l e c t e d turned out a fine fried chicken If you ever j.'ohie to dmnei' at c.kiiUtuiKWK^-UHU' since W orld dinner plus birthday cupcakes our home, reniember'f-naic+^-l' W a r II oificers f o r Dlletta rttes. From left a r e -.Uji. a iwefrmii tiu:. bakery,^ Havint! Jj*as-aii jdLciUuH cook — not .it j X a r e p —D a l t o n , .se c r e t a r y ;— fort^otten to prepare coffee, I HOihI one ' ^ know-when to act, "whenHot p i e s i d e n t ; S e n n e fh W o r d , t r e a s u r e r ; to ■ ' apologetically placed .the tea and L a r r y C h r iste n se n , vice p r e s i d e n t . — .Slm-eiiiliirses lYesidenI Nix^ oil's move to mine Haiphong ami returned to the table. harlKir 'It is my personal Minutes later the kettle beMun opiiiiiin ans other president ,lo whistle-tirtd si'cond.'lTirter, so _cL . 1 . . .^_________ ^ \VullUl' Iiafl* had lu make tllO' (lid.l. As 1approached the stove, .siiiiu' i)e.i;i3:um,". she said. " 1 FaCrlcs chosen for f u r n j^ e —but experience has shown sparks shot ont ynd hot bits of JKIUIMK Wally Ijerman. thiiik he felt he tlid 'what~i!,u ...and windows should be co ri^- that appliances in sljoildy metal benan flyint< around the .son of Mr. and iv'irs. Walter • tible in desiga icolor, pattern ’ condition don't attract buyers. kitchen. 1 iiiiiiiediately did what 1jCTman'. Jerome. willnradliiUe had to do in’ ntjw of our any other woman would "do in from t'om brdi^ College in coininitments to the Kree Wid tejfture), also compatible in And he is her style with other furnishings and ttie sanie situation; I benan’ Por^liHid. Ore.. on May 1!) with World " TWIN 1^'AL.LS — Results of--BreckenridKe, Mary Cook, Bob commTi ■ Jiiinpmt*. tip'i»ut down— aT T d ' wiUi ttH!—backgruuiuL of the ... .li^_.'..tu<ilfInB :n laundry or" .. .. D^l^tanie otti- i^tham and Rex Reed. an associate of art degree. 1 talke(l w ith (!e n e r a l Bailiai', ■■ — ■ room. _ ^ishwashing equipment, re- screaming. . cars for 1972-1973 were released These officers will now un w h en she c a iiie to New ■Y o rk Mv husband dashed to the "member tijot those with a o ld-tinier is Au gal dertake the task of selecting thS Friday. • . fi o n i her W a s h in g to n , D .( Sqrhetimes a coffee cup will safety—lhaLj shuts off. a t*ycle rescue of the stove, tea kettle t h fri'i i il l 'i . w Jean Hovey was elected musical production and key T lT iiiHFe . a g m d u a tio ii ta lk to .when the door or“lid js 6 p ^ ( ^ “ afi<r'iiie. The burner .an7r6«ini! hoW the ■ same-amount as a s f w f c x 'hctrl " i t r f r r f r .tn /c .T '' president by acclamatloTT.' direcibrial p6 sts-Sor the show ;\i iiiy' c lia p liiin s at F t. H ainilo iily .ijii J i i n i K i n i . had gaping holes; I only measui’ifig cup. To test, fill a are best. ■ • ' Completing the slate are l^rry scheduled for spring, 1973. measuring cup with sugarl rhr.i.stensen vice presidetit; I ’his show will be the 13th Kareh Dalton, secretary; consecutive Dilettante musical Pour the sugar into the coffee Senneth Ward, treasiir'er; liz performed in the Magic Valley. cup. If the SH|»ar fil|s tips cup, Piere^, historian, and Tom The most • recent- production. you can use it as a 1 -cupnieasurement. DriscoH, three-year board "Guys and Dolls," was _____ R - Leaders eiectecL Mrs. Hovey heads Dilettante groupr t»n____ ’ She said theTrattDrrVmDvrtir— r aii all-volunteer force was one which could succeed only if it „ has "tully support .of Uie ;Vmerican public.” Wliat about the younj; milit‘«t>t‘i willy nn.rampuwifcrwlui are denionstratinK. holding voluble .u.nd often violent in protest to Ajnerica’s role in Vietnam’’ " 1 -don't kno%v," she said "Not now, 1 don't. As I said, I R iitts . tb(v supiHirt of the ArhferWan>(H-ople" The general ts one two Wui/^n with that rank' in the, /Vi iiiy 'tTie other brigadier' is Ijlliaii Dunlap, head of the Corps. Hecently the Navy not mto the feminist act by Mommatinn a woman as an admiral and she said the Air Korce also has nominated a woman for general's rank, heading its Nurses Corps. — U w i ^ l Bailey, talking about the effect of women’s liljeration, said its militants had loaded her desk with mall btif there luitl tx>en no •/tiammerinB on my door" on the issue of' equal ritillts ’ WACs wet tli^e same pay anyway as their male counter parts and if someone says W()inen Koint; ipto; combat she says, "I Jusl point ouHhat we iu iv ii a. that .prohibitaus. in the [runt lines. Congrfisa would have to change the law.” received and, as in the oast, ' _ , . .. . j .. . member. donatm r an old but Members-at lartie selected to every effort wUl be exerted to comprete the board in c lu d e l 3 r i n ^ g o o < r a s p t a r a 7 r o r Joe King, Terr! ■wood, Diane best or the New T o rk ■m’Ci-^cal ' 't'up. The clean old things move H Ic ker s0 n . M ir ia m O nee-a-year great summer mixers w m n e r s jn a n y g a m SILTON wa^h rr w eor 6 5 % Polyeiter, cotton D uroble. w ater repellent, ;ip pe r w ith d o u b le p a n e l 2 side pockeli. ^ n D ouble ^ .yoke ^ o l i p e d bcKk a n d Ton Sues 3 6 46 clionce.-._,.tD ,buy .fam ous p a n tie s K A YSER at re d u c e d prices. Choo_se_tjTe fa b r ic . .. . the style . . . , save on these-quetli-t-^t,p^otiei. A. BAN D BRiEf iS lyle 9 0 t t i ' , R ep lac eo ble elastic at woist. faylored b a n d in 'ish dt in W h ite o n d Pink * e Si2es 4 7 Reg 3 for $4 50 Sizes 0 10 Reg 3 for S5 25 Sale: 3 for *3'“ Sale: 3 for ^4^^ 3 6 '" o fro nt dup B lur W e have you S ty le , th e panhes- w ant . . . L e n g th , S iz e , C o lo r Fam ous ')-n /0 0 ^ ' N y lo n B. ^.£Rl£F-XSlyle 9Q2,___________ _____ > ■1?e p lo cco ble elastic a t w oist elastic finish ot b o t to m in W h ite , Pink. Bl<>e Black Betge 4-7 J ~ S i9 0 ij- J u Saler3for-‘3I“ Sale: 3 for *4’' Lynwoocf S h o p (^ | n ^ - C v IRtJI'/K (Style 903) , S h o rt p o n ty wlTti b'o'y1st» lines, re p la c e a b le elas tic a t y^aist, d o m ty hem — in W h ite a n d PioST" WALLACE BEERY, 100% combed cotton horizontal itripe jersey. Easy core. 1 x 1 rib crew neckband with 6 button mock, plocket. Topered body $ r “from 0 0 ' ,^ 4 i n Lynvnood Shopping C en tei .".AtDlUM le N G T H BENEEI , Style 90 7 i In W h ite o n d Pink St7Bs 5 7 ------------- 5*Tei- 8 “ ^0 — — ---Reg 3 for S6 0 0 R eg 3 tor %7 50 a-lof i f l . i o --- 11-' TteaTT;iQijS3I2i_^___ Open Fridays ■»il 9 p.m. — - [ )_ C R E W NECKS by LdmpA^s o n d JocVey Solids a n d stripes m 1 0 0 % co m b ed cotto n Easy care, 1 x 1 n b C rew neck b a n d Hem m ed sleeves d n d b o tto m T opered body from T r ic o t Sizes; 5-7 R eg ; 3 for S5 25 Sizes: }0 Reg: 3 for SA,00 S^le:3for'4« Sale: 3 for ^4?“ Centier Shop Friday ‘til 9 :0 0 pm Q In r ^1100 -16 •nmByNeviqi Ma g ic yp Iley F^vo WeeicfS Recipe Winner displays " " M f t S .R O N S T t / t r z - irrgs cuRs^iUc^ applfes 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon c ^ a m o n TWIN F A L I^ - Lee M. Logan is the First Security Bank May Artist of the Month. V« teaspoon, nutmeg a voiatratwvna tit/iir^ 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 44ablespoons-buttei^ _ _ _ — ' Line pan with pastry. Cover ■■■■■■■■■■■■ with apple mixture.' D oU w ® vCARPET ttie-butter or margarine. Bak^ _ a t . 35.0 degrees 20 minutes. Combine another, one-half cup Anti-Stqlic sugar, one tab'les^on butter, ti-Jlug one beaten egg, on^toortiv cup Spray !uESnZ sprinkle over the top of the hot pie. Bake"30 minutes longer. JANITOR ■Snmp n f Ki<i. p a in H rip s m-p- on dispUj^inTll^eBByDf-thelbank. IjQgan'was raised in Hobart, Oklar, and knew inombers nC thf Kiowa Indian tribe. He was a boyhood friend of Chief Skinny • Birtl't naphftw, A^,.nn ^ ^ result was privileged tfl'pSlnt p6?[r31ls' 6 ruTe“chief, Austin and members of the tribe. These early portraits, painted around the council' fjres, were among Loj>an'.s ijje Tlmes-News will pay >5 early art e'fforts.__________ C each week for. M agic-V iley Froni 1919 through 1921,, he studied at the Kansas City Art Institute under the tutelage of M A Y " A R T I S T o f fhe M o n t h " a t the Charles Wilanioski. Twin Fa lls First S e c u r i t y B a n k i i L e e M . He jnovod west in,-19:!4 and L o g a n . H e r e be show s ju sl o n e o f m a 'n y has sihfre eunrentrated mostly p a i n t i n g s c u rr e o tly d i s p l a y e d at the on painting we.stern landscapes, : DKAK AUNTIE; I think you mean well. Auntie, but J ’d. bank: ^ ranf'inf’ from desert to advise againat Penn said: "A good end c annot mountains. Aniong his subjects sonrdfy nvU mrans, nur must wc'-evtr do evil that good -are the CfAJKl Tetofis, Son may come of It." I'm. with WllUam. Valley and tSe nearby Stanley DKAft ABBY: 'This is my problem arid you are my lait ~BHsin' country, iFii* OreHiiii Coast and the C^jachella Valley resort: Kive months ORo my father in law borrowed a large , .around Palm Springs . liOgan has paintl^^is in hoiiie.s’ amount Df-money [for us anyway I because hesald he want in the states of Arizona, JKHIJMF - A coiivmunity said the theme for this year is school year. ed to get a divorce At the time we didn't JuSowThat he, was Mrs. Terry Woodhead is the California and Okli^lioma cnnrert ih' scheduled at 3:1^' "Music Creates New Horizons," nlnnnltit^ a big wfedding and a two-week honeymoibh in Mexiaccnmpani^t 'f or ' lhe adult •tip.«nrtp«' l liH rri.iiiy liwiin l liv -fuii. Unlay'lir «H?-JwoiiwfJuHtoy — A-tnuste^scholiirahlt) tr<m>'the ■ Twin Fails residents club wiU ix? given t() a t^e.serving chorus groups. HiHh .School A-uditoriuin. _ The unwritten "agrepment ■was that he would pay us■ . 'ITie adult choruses of Nor- , studerit-fefore the end"of-4he The£jitiLi£.iajmvUed t* attend. back in 60 day.s: Well, it is now five roopths later and we Today,' no rooni is com thsidv Communities under the have not seen one dime of our money. _______ p j _• _ |_ ■_ plete ivithout the. carpet ' direction of Carson Wonn will be MjL4uisband”has been oul~8 f 'w6 rS~ancr oor baby'liaa " T x Q I H D O W treatment and its popularity featured alurifj with two guest been -sick off and oa.for the last couple of months, and we IS well justified,. It not Only is artists, Mrs. ^ohn Homer, could sure use our money :rrit-greiit decorating tool but Jerome, who will j)e ■ guest ' If my father in taw didn't have the money, I could under carpel's cdmrjbution to the vicilmist,'and J3ia?r Koopman, stand, but he seems to have money for furniture and house T jis ifllla tw fi' i^ 1s TnrayT' “ m n n tm ir^ arni' _X(ui£L_i2t.JLhe home ;ilone improvoments Any su^^ostToris? : ' "TtOPEFUlT p TQ! Q f" Q jy j flaHcrniaTT, glicsr'pTamsr makes it deserving <i( the nu' cnn(cr^is_(j[edi<ytted._tn' ceremgnje.s were conducted for finance: Cecil £hild ^- Jo hn O E A R HOPEFUL: ICs those "unwritten -<^pTeiireirtr“ ' thisenior citizens of ihi; nor two officers during the ThurRhgads and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs " H O l.l.lS T K K ihiit pile.hard lo hold people lo. T»lk to (.law yer. You may Clark, worthy <UHti;uii,.and pay tlisldc c.imiminity and ac- s<lay night meieting of- Buhl relief; Mrs. Herb Caudill,'Mra. Carpet provules safety in have given yiilir father in law a much metre generous wed Clark, worthy patron, presiilcil ciirdinu tij Mrs .Siini Eakin, Chapter' No. 38, Order of, Jean Slngerson, Mrs. Harold manj' areas throughout n ding gift than you Intended lo. ----- Ellis and Mrs. Hardin, sick and iduring the regular meetiflg i/f immedintety following ,-<he Kaslern Star. ■ hojne.'* pa'rlicularly ■ on Mrs'. pan Hardin, worthy visiting; Mary Peck, Ray Miller Hollister Chapter No -17,_Ur(lrr ('(iiirerl , till,' pUljili' is invited to stairways, in batMruoins, DEAH ABBY: Larry'and 1 im riiroiir twenties and haye iittertd a ri'i cplKHi. by rt'sidenls matrmi, wa.s installing officet-and Gcace Shcjveii, Estarl; Mr. of F.astern .Star, Thitrsdiiy .kitchens and in any area “been married for two years. We have i)ecn a happy couple eveniiii; . at the Hollisler of Herltrt^je Hume at their assisted by Mrs. Wan'/en and Mrs. T.W. Richmond, Mr. where a fall coiritl lead to up to this-point-cxceptlor one thing.. ............. reerettliott -ftail-tm Ktirtt -MaHt in Saundrrs, installing--mdrimaH and Mrs. Perry-PicrcTr, Mr. and Masonir Temple injurii's ' ■’ ■Lflst-siimmiir l^rry started to bet on 'the horses, and TluLjasLkV officers are Mrs. Mrs. CaudjH. Mr. and _Mrs. - T h x r f ta in b o v r t iir is - f r o r a F t l w J i ^ r u i i i ii . ever since then he has been betting them regularly. He_____pr»»i;i>ntnft ihetT . u p e n u u ;- ' i u i i i J k n u t f Barcun. marshal, ami. Grady M r s J j ' i K i l l i t h l? — -Thetjitertbjhty of cwiH^l'ing goes to school during the dayfTme; but ficTvOTkS a“ 4'p. m, Mrs. Ralph Hatch, Martha. Spradling and Mrs.. Morris closing cercmonifs under the rulnun.itim i for th as well as of care, t^ives to midnight shift Right now he is off work with a broken Comnutlees fur the coming Eckert, serving committee. direction of Pam Miller, worlhv northsuU; iiuisn. clu b s obIt a..'!pecial spot in the hdnie leg Iskiing) but he goe.i to BINGO every chance he gets. Refreshments' were served adviser and Mrs. -Sinlne s<.TVi>nrc „f .N.-iti,miil Music year were announced by Mrs. where the action is. /Viil why The way Larry gambles ,we can't save anything. I work Hamseyer, nuither advi.ser Tlie Week,sp<!iis..r t>il bH he NaUonal Hardin. They include T.\V. after the m«e4ing. nof’ No more back hreakini; ___ parL.but Lcanll carry.the whole load. ^ Kii'hniond,-Shelby Williams and -Rainbow"fltpls- htmorrd -thrtr — II itiweren't for Larry's gambling he \vot>ltH>e a perfwt _assistant father advi.ser, Homer husband . He doesn't drink or smoke and he is very respect -r Roberts, an<l prcsenl«l able He says he loves me and 1 come first, but I am bithday cake. beginning to wonder Introduced p nd welcomed Have you any~suggesti6 nS? . — . ~7tran(l FIRST (AFTER GAMBLING! ‘ were Mrs Bill Martha, who also ^va.s tiuruynul with a cerenion> by the star DEAR FIRST; Mv guess la that .Larry IJLiL points and chaplain, and gambler, aod~unles!> h«-4» jsyjjng^to help hlmaelf. no one presented can help him. I can put him in to u S with “G A M B LE RS worthy matron and worthy ANONYMOUS If he can't find It listed la his telephone 'patron, Mrs. IJoyd NeI.son. directory. I'm not a gambling wbiqan. but It’s eight to five grand representative of In they can help him. Good luck. ___ d ia n a ,' was introrfut-ed andwelcomed. DEAR ABBY: I was raised a Lutheran but I am not a •’ Mrs. Cieorge Mcliregor was membef of any church. 1 am presently engaged to a Cathoinstalled as treasurer of the he girl. She wants to be married in the Catholic church by ■t'ltapti'r —llay t la rk. a priest, but I do not. installing officer, and Mrs After many discussions, neither one of us is willing to Homer Roberts; installinu convert We still love each other and feel that we could make a go of marriage in spite of the religious difference. ■inal-siiai What are the possibilities of a" wedding? CONFUSED My i;istpr anH fi»r .hiiHband g<»parate|l about three mohlhs ago. .“They have two children, 6 and 3 Tb^ father moved to a neighboring anoth--- ---- state [with -, . er wotnanl. hut before he left, he prothlsedtBe six-year-old that he would write Iq Wnv. . . . , ______ ____________ iookinti’ for .a lelle'r evriry duy since Ilia Jnliiei left lind ao far he hasn't received a line. Would it be wron^ of me. to write a letter, making believe It wa.s from ttie lad's father? I ’d say something like, "The reason you havenlt heard from me Is because m/e l)een so buhy gcttmg seiiied; • then 1 wouldn't, nwblion I anything about writing again, so the little fellow jvouldn't •geKhls hopiri'up and expect another letter. I know it would make my nephew very happy. LhereJ wuuki L>e no harm done. ■ ^ a t do you thlnlc; Abby? AUNTIE' the Recipe Departm ent,Woineais- Page Editor. Hie tedpe becomes the property of the Tlmes-Newa and caiywt t)e Tcta^ned --- ttE^ p i\RBV artist- W fE F T OBlivsr" TOPPtT IS lio ilir A v . 733-8533 --- TvA»mFoUi, kloho---- o o r a yli io n j I •■ Jerom e concert C A RPKT A P V \ !r r \ G H *S girls give OKAR CONKl'SEI): You could have a civil marriage which would b» legal, but not recognhed by the «hurch. l.'nless your Catholic fiancee le«ve» her church lor per-, suadrs you to Join It j I would say you are at a stalemate. Hrnfs T5o hiVr scour TeTifiTT-roattyl' L'lxikini’ surfaces with steel wool, metal scouring pads or' abrasive.s. The**! will damage the finish -Such cookware will release, fooil particles and (grease when put in hoi sudsy water Stubborn stains lake soakinj; plus scrubbing with a pl.istic sponge Cine out of eveTy "^ven persons in the U S. about 30 nulhon - will be a hospital mpatient this year ___ When selectuig a vacation or travel wardrobe, think sepa rates Choose wash-and-wear pants, pantskirts and shirti"lo do any swimming, take at least two swimsuits and a coveru For after five, fashions on the go range from shortio long_and _| it's wise to have both looks in arardrqbe------ ------ - LUXURY SHAG ^ROADLOOM Why buy'^rofp sample swotches — buy from the roll and you con see ~who t your -*nhome. 1 * 1 0 y o r 'wmor guaroifr*« Exceeds FHA RrnqQirmments Ct»<>W from w wiri eafainr Eaiy-lo-clMn Nylon j To- -launder white shoelaces without tanfeiing, put them into an old nylon stocking, tie it at both' ends, and drop it into the—] washer with a white load. Check washing instructions carefiHiy-^ when using small electrical cooking appUances, ?iich- as skillets and deep fryers. Some may be immersed' in suds while dlhSfsl ' suds Sponged and scrubbed. -taking care not to -^wet-^li ‘ electrical connection. CTECIAliyPRICEDi ONU m Initalltj^ith h*avi*sl pad, C L u J ^ BROWN-S ^ R P E T ^ S 1 4 3 M o in A v < E . O U R S P B O A L J ^ Tw in Fall* Buhl O E S instxxlls '(•h o r i- s '" f S ( T i'b b m ) ,'. w .-Lting and b u ffin n I t .s e e r t a m l y n i i i r i - 1 ( M iifo ii.- ib le tn w a l k o n and i i f a r Ics.s l a t i n m n g H u i i i i i ; u in tc ‘r It ..Iv in s u la t e your ifs o h e lp s hom e ,i n d “ i^TIminTi'Te Ifio'sT T ntd flo iii s — . NiJVw :I IS llic IniJL' lu buy „ <'tnd i n s t a l l - y t j u r c a r p e l a n d a t V i i l r o , l ! u ' ,-t>ar ( le r .s o n n c l ai> * W e ll c n j a l i f u il tn h e l p y o u chrtn<^(^ 'f ^ e 'I h e v r .in rorrpf-T d i: i n r , . i t u u ’. in a v rn rpp t a ! s o h'el(i w i t h a n y h :iv e iin ib lc r n s ‘ y iiu ' VOLCO INC. I .I'HI iiiahl.-md. I v,in f all- by outstanding university music -| -«dtje«t<?FS,—features-a -concert— W EN D ELL H IG H S c h o o l' sfu d e n h . band, orchestra and chorus, I Pa m K l i m e i , left, a n d D ia n e ^Mink, numbering a total of 460 | students. Music teachers from ' » h a v e b e e n s e l e c te d to p a r t i c i p a t e in ""all over the country w ill. I the “ A m e r i c a ' s Youth in C o n c e r t " prochaperone (the students | . g r a m d u r i n g J u ly . M iss Klim es will be tliroughout the tour. . ■pCirl o f the choir a n d M iss M in k will Miss Klimes, a Sophomore at | join the b a n d . V/endell High School, has been 4 active in high school band and choir, pep band. Pep O ub and. | Foreign Ijinguage Qub. She is 1 a inepiber of Buthel No,. 12 . J -Interhatlpnal Order of Job's | Daughters, tho-Tbet;) Rho^Giirlsand a 4-H member. She placed * second . in the NationaT | Federation^ of l^usic Essaj' Contest for the slate o{ Idah».' Miss Mink, a senior, wa; will live with a Brazilian faniily Mrs. Kaye noted the trip will ■through the local- voted ’'mosl talented’l .by -her prograh; at' tbe University of YFU chapter, a fund has been classmates, Shaiias been active Itio, established at-the Bank .of in band, pep band,'Pep Oub. M iss Coupe will graduate Idaho. "Anyone or orjjanization declamation and , is a 4-H from Jerome Higtt-School this wishing To nnake“a^on[fn 5ution member.' She has been drum month land plans to ^oin the inuy lenw il at the bank or mer for the drill team -UnittM States Air Force this contact ^rs , Howard Jamsen or throughout her high school years. fall. myself," Mrs. Kays said. . fgr program S d ^ ta d Jerome miss will study a rt t h is^ u m m e r i n B ra z i JEROME — Jeannine Coupe, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, studying uiider the direction of South American artist, Sanchez Perez. Miss Coupe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coupe and was selected through tbe Youth f6 r Understanding program. _ acwfUng to IVts. Warren Kays local YFU representative! ^ TVtts' Kays said Miss Coupe has been -awarded a $10 0 scholariihip bX-tbe YFLLand she will leave frofflJ>elroit June 21 and return the end of August. While in Brazil Miss Coupe 1 0 0 ^ ^ P O L V K S I K J iS A M ) H I.K ’N DS S iz i‘s 7- 1 I and 8 - 18 K i :( ,. T O 1 2 ( ) .7 ) 0 ^ W ^ TOPS I ’ r iiils , Solid.'s . A m «ri^n -Future, also said teen-age girls are misinfonnrf about the lime diring tfieir menstrual cycle when they are most'likely to become preg nant, and that a solid majority of teen:age girls use contracep tives tnfre<iue*'**y o'" The survey concluded that nationwide 13.8 per cent of all unmarried girls have exper ienced intercotirse by the age of 15. For age 16 the Hgure is 21.2 "per per crat; 37.1 per cent «U-age18 and'W.l per cent at age. IS. BLOUSES In so lid s, a n d fa nci<^s A nd S lr i|X ‘s R E C . 7 .0 0 10 2 0 .0 0 1/2 P R IC E ! i i m '^ 2 / m 1/2 PRICE! JlNtORINFMTSSES^ LONG PATIO AND FORMAIr DRESSES Speed Electric ^ S C IS S O R S BUY A BARGAIN AT BLAGKER'S A N D Y O U 'tt GET SOMETHING C A f i P S P E C O ver 100 roll I A E T L S ! ends ^ of Aleiirander-Smith a n d gri; jio w I - receivecf from Aie'irander-Smith sole, AT B IG S A V IN G S fef * Nylon Shags * ^ i- L o w Sculptured Sizes.................. .. .9 X rmsifvformed WASHINGTON i UPD-A stu dy of 4,BU women ■between the _____ ________ i concluded that , 46 per uniharried American ^Jsomen have had sexual inlfercourse by the time they reach 19. The report, ,prepared for the President’s Commission on OtI l,A R ( ;E -a O lP ^ O F D O O R B U S T iR ! American women KK(;.roM2o PLUS DURING M AY HAY D A YS PADf TO '.VF S E R V E S t P V E A G A IM APPLIANCE FURNITURE F V F R Y T H IN O I ♦ J hears TWIN FAU>5.~ fhTnterary . Art Guild memfeefs marked the close of the ll7i;72 season with a dinner Thursday at the home of Mrs. Leonard V. Mauss. New officers were introduced. They are ^ s , Qaude Brown Jr., president; Mrs. Roy E.Babbel, first vice president; Mrs. Ross G. Ward, second vice -president; Mrs. Lots Averett, ; swTiata^ Mrs^ Orvet son, treasurer; Mrs. Fen - Cov4nglon,— historian— a«4 publicity, and Mrs. Wayne Permann, hospitality. ' ' Mrs. Oscar W. Hellewell.. program chairman, jjave a brief synopsis of the reviews of the past year. Mrs. Melvin E. Anderson reviewed the book "Tender Apples” by Ora Pate Stewart The subject of the book. Miss Ellie I-ee, is a persony acquaintance of Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Mauss, president, welcomed four new members, Mrs. Margaret Petty, Mrs. MartlyiT Swenson, Mrs: Brown and Mrs, Delbres Evans. Sie accepted the resignation of Mrs. Marty Crandall, who will moving to Salt I^ake City. — The retiring officers were hpstesses for the evening T an io u s ^at^o^al B ra n d 'I P R IC E ! Art gt 4l^ review s ... FO R THF HOMt / ......— - \ » . 18 TlmM^Newi, Twin Falls, AS»y- !</ 1»W - V-- --r-|- TF youth to ottend . : w im m —A ll is ix m s D iu ^ l^ f —A1tcf9wCiinmp€H^t I Truck Uih#. TWin folh 7^3*1373 FALLS - Richard Rufflne.-a junior at Twin F alb <-Ifigh School, will participate in a six-week stadent science training program' this summer at Mosm w . ^ TWIN om^onc That statement could cover a multitude of siiurbut, no matter /vf inyatnJanta n Hrt tu fll^*___ *_I U Tw t u q e n ig rruin~*ir iie r e iii::^ Is easier said than done. In this sp,' ” instance, however. I ’m • "Maturity-is—the, ability to referring^ to "maturity,'"'a word make decisions and stand by described by many, but' at- them, because the immature ~tatned''bv constderabhy-fewer^— sgend their ~tiipe- exploring ■ Theoretically, matiirity is 9 endless- p03 sibilities — then natural-transition. Yet, today's- doirtg nQthing. Maturity Ttieans depen■•synthetic" society indlvtdualB their full potential dability, keeping one's word, ‘ especially when one cjn coming through in a crisis. The "survive" on hatred alorie, or immature are maste£s of alibi love, self-pity, possession, — confused ahd^tfSor^Shized. Their lives are a maze pf broken greed, jealousy, etc. Is any one of these, enough to promises; former friends. . constitute the word, "living,” unfini^ed business and good 'X intontirina which never ' let alone to allow rporp to grgw? intentions Hopefully not. However, many materialize." ' people are content to go along How would it be day after day taking, but-never ■ '“ contributing. Sharon, I.aKr^y, Jerome County extension home economist, incorporated an article in her May newsletter which very adequately _ describes m atu rity.--- - . It contained, in - part sfeltes by the National Science Foundation. .Hie prpgram is ve recognition ! trsiinlng to high-ability high school students, according to Lawrence H. Johnston, p r o g r ^ director. ftuffih^ cornpetition with hundreds of students from all over the United States for the program, which will be at the University of Idaho. He pirns to major in science or m"afliematics. , Participants in the science training program wi^.fftady..sfll-. id "slate elecfronics, elemen tary particles, space science, environmental chemstry and number theory. M O R E T H A N $ 9 , 0 0 0 h as b e e n collect, e d in Ibis y e a r ' s Twin Falls C o u n t y C a n c e r C r u s a d e . H e re hArs. R o n Lichii p r e s e n t s the m o n e y to H a r o l d O . H o v e , . Twin Falls B a n k a n d Trust, w h o is in c h a r g e of-th e fu n d . M o s t o f the m o n e y w a s c o ll e c t e d in a h v o - d d y d r iv e May~3-4. Funds' collected control-^eself an^ settle ferences without violence or destruction; patiencui^ the willingness to-~pass up im-_ mediate pleasure in favor of thf long-term gain, and per severance, the abijity to sweat out a project or a ,situation in spite of - opposition^ and r fic r n u r LIMITED QUANTITIES! i n (I g « th a /- li a ------ ---- ‘ 'Waturityls^unselBshneS , responding to the needs -of others, oftentit-the expense of ohe'sown wishes or desires; the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustrations, discomfort Area wom an represents S io d g e s SHOSHONE - Mrs. Omer Shook, Sfloghone, is the district deputy president, elctied to represent five lodgt^s in the district. Mrs. E.D. Savaria. noble grand, saicj .Mrs. Shook was elected Thursday at the Shoshone Opal Retekah lodge meeting. ----------The lodge will sponsor a display bodlli'al the county fair ■ in' August, i n. canjunclion-Mtith their 50 anniversary program: Members are ln\ited to a card party spon.sored by the Odd Fellows lodge at 9 p.m. Tuesday at the-400F Hall. Proceeds will go to the World ^:>’e-Bank. K rd u rn I f<»r ihr fir»t lim r! Regular *1.49* Men's 100*X- Cotton T-Shirl« »Vl,r Gigantic Closeout! Men's Perma-Prest® Casual Jean^ 79' Sran iW l»nrr >Uf> ''.M .I t and M- in a j« > .j'n r n , lifshl hlur. 19 7 ra»u«l and nMn(<>rtihlr lhi> •ummrr'in our Stcrlk u|> fx>»* jnti Womeh and~Children la * 1V„, i iii haml> for monlK-. ■ yxv m AfkmrtrnppFrr-jttTrtlti TdTOt*tih?tg? ’anrt"' prji vhiiH* Hfgttlar’7 X ‘K Jeepers** For Mistic,*.. SeartSjashes Prices on .Assorted Zippers 3 * 6 joinih#funui a|airof rtfioKul. ' 4rrnflh. Milh iiiilon la|tr i'4n\ a.' WflhoRTMiitSft'upjriwrtlrKwfforp\ ira Sears *20;99 6-Amperi* Home BaUer> Charger 16 Set a New Mood With ".Shagrala" \cc«;iit,T{ug!< * K#i|(uU^ 99 ^jU‘ I'rn • '9 9 I/..W '■ '’ N.Vnn <or-(i or-I2 \ ull>._Qrlnrr> full_ I In ut.lip inilial Kim'|>^Oiir iitiln jru'n,, KuKT>urrr> '^'i'urrruiifr Ourlj:. 'WMxTDin Ku«. Vaffe^^rief^ TWIN FAl.1^ - Three Twin Kails High School students who will attend the University of Idaho next fall received Idaho -Federated^-- M usic--- Ch ib scholarships, it was announced today. They are Brenda Bonnett, Fred Cheslik and Rene laGrone. FII.ER — Two Filer students arc listed by Utah State Universityjiflicials on the list of students achieving honor roll grades for winter quarter, 1972. They are Jo Ann Vincent and fOR TIiniti.ADl AIF T d R F J 5tood _! . kitchen ('.abinet8 Prot«^‘t and Beautif> Fiberglass Shingles 20% OFF • 4' »r|| (Tiftnl rjbifKt? firf rUu imr\ m iw llijrjrant'r Ml m n<i finish nutli ____ Our (jualit^ Chain Link Fence Fabric 20% OFF 50% OFF tiHjr Kocnr »iih ihrw \frrjl Hl«’i f<>/ *<mr ‘pnn^ honx imiirovrmrnl F'lhrr^U*^ *hin<lr» llul J f r t Ihr hi<hr>i fir' kintl. H..S < K*hn< I. Jt^Sil' •.»m ln»ullcO> Pi»b, lop rjit fjyr* fillin g ' j r x l irto4j||ilN>n «t V a r \ r r f t iU r l<>» i>n« r JsearjL.'6-99 iiallQn_ Kxterior Latex Paint Sr*r» P n rr 4 99 AS I L I (,G A (;i: M «nV Vkr« k< n<l« r H ru r» 2 I J I” iSiHnuin M»j> 2‘» Hi-'.I*!- li lt - lr n iiy , p r f l i i m . iiH iu «lrn «l fiiiiu - . <.o« > oi) «in.>«>llil\ w ii h U r u ^ h r rollf-r or «|iriiM-r ( lin u i lr foriiM iliil*mI fu r lh i« jirrii \d‘ S\<< al>liTrI> V3 on KFI)( (1 1 ). « 1.!>.• M. c )'» •»*» JT rolln.^in ^ I I '‘ o .......... I I *»•» M . M ^ \„,\C • ' • I tu r , l.iiniuaiuun '* ^llflna t**7 I rrr»-rrr/ 4rtfrtit^r - MOSCOW - Six Magic Valley students were listed among 40 -seniors— and— four- -funfor-s initiated into the University of Idaho chapter of Flii Beta . Kappa. The six chosen for, the national scholastic honorary for students id... liberal artsEileen R F*otucek. Buhl; Louise K, Hopwood. Jerome; Jo Anne Hlllis, Rupert; Michael J. Florence, Jlandall L.-<jiv£n-and Siu-lee L. JosliA, all Twin Falls. Falls American Legion. Auxiliary will hav6 its regular meeting Wednesday at 8 p jn . in the American Legion Hall. Refredunents will be serVed 'after tlie meeting during a . social h o tir^_____ ^ TWIN FALLS - Tom A l' "White imd Ridiard W. Youree, trom Twin. Falls , are each directing ^ e I W v ^ t y of Idaho Band for in Bn .jxncertr. tpda 3M S u n d « y ) in Mmtow. » f. Ill ''i/«ftni.ili ciir.liiMn l.irki. .1.1.1.Mr.. L.ri:. I -W as ^ f f ? g n t a r" Tp-in7 Radial Ann §aw glass 12-FlJ^pal -S«r» hw 199 99 »— n»* ■ 189 99 ModiTird W«i'«cr'<lrupi a n m Twftrr* lp i6 a n n r t m irld o « n m b MirlW- TmIum CMaW. tkjrIB^Wpafrrmrt»«tfr. On^-prrf<q^rtrurtiow. liOW P rirr b fr ii« r tl p«rbibboraor»raroat *ln1972 --- ? H .H p .M o i« « itk ia lT a a k ...................1 79 .9 9 6-10-4 Fertilizer 179 99 >»\r I’nrr' 19 9 Moinr 2*hp., i,*SO Mj I^ prrrtftiofi nib ni tmrr BDtoDvim dpci Iwalltiv iu*h p m tK ^ in in ik Fftr novtafi. fjrl Spfrul ifr* Wi-fBDiial IhI” rW tro - w rksnx il ^ k r •pwUv. *1^. irt IW# SH OP AT SEARS A N D SAVE for' Vour Motley Back SCAItSrItOEpUCIC AND CO. t ld p Mm I t __ __________ Sears—Boise Daily 9:30 a.m. till 9 p.m.’ —TOTii. and Sat, till 6 p.nti. Sundfy'Xooh tin 3,p.rffr Refrigerator Deluxe Especially for Home S « r* Prirr of U »n» and ( .m m i ;r 49 S 4T. 97 r 9<Mrr hm M«rl ratopi^inr r n r '. i•r^v * louU ft VaLa (fnirl wnrl nf hiTI Hirciin|[. HMrUnnk haU nnnf. bmkkirpra^. n r •289 I.W n >fi.*iBi«M »aU (c uk ik ^ xi \ou firtrr drfroi K r n if R <<vT»nn‘ T V pnnr rtrr fTYriiMr in' mU' «, Sears —C^aMwclT * Sears —Idaho Failir" ■ ■ Sears.—'I w in Falls Daily Si.'lO a.m. till 6 p.iii. Daily 9:30 a.m. till 9 p.m .' Daily 9:.30 a.m^.till 9 p.m. Saturday till 6 p.m. T“ es., I hurs., Sat. tiJI 6 p.rri.’ Mon. and Fri. till 9 p.m. j.rii.' - - ^ .^ la s c d Snnihri— r~n -- i ■F:AL1..S ' The relays td afateTTpj ans ^ e d p.ut .send ^g h t individuals and two 'vault behind .l ^ l e t t »arid the Wendell’s TVojahs'52-50 in the relays to-Boise,^ ^Jso;' biit the - two. reWys,^ second region A-3 track ^ ^ t Tdifference is H orned^'s rrfays H o ip ^ le uiDn it- wth (wo Saturday and took the favorite's seem to spell the difference, if individual and two relay firsts edge for next vyeek'^-st^te-^in^ these two are goiijgjoJt«ttle for while Wendell had five first,. ^ 111 Boise. ! the Idaho.crOwn. -” ■ Meanwhile. Honiedale had six The Troians won the mile By. and large 'Wendell ac- seconds to two for Wendell.__ "I'rplay, thp final pvpnt (if thp (lay, eompHshed-wfaiatitjiad tQ do ~ The top three ill ^11 events to overhaul- Wendell ahiS ad- beat Hoinedale in the head-to-_advance to thtt finais Suiurdaj; - vanced nine individuals and tw'o head matches. But H oni^ale at B«<i4^ Stale stSdiuiii. — 'llTf spimntnUl fui'dli^eao-iohead duels were as close as figure'd. Junior Alan Stevenson nipped Hoiliedalt-s—W^iyne Alora by about 18 inches ui both . dtisltesr^ —— I—S»rv^N**on-Wm—AJora: the hurdlesr1tip^Bennis-toppe<^behin*'showed'weH-4n“thfeTlistances 1 0 ■ Huyhf». »>tlr»on M HOpKinS. Mdn Hyer by about a-yeard ayery But in the.quartfermile relay, gfet third and fourth. Nampa' -iCTr ’ ,-r— ' ‘ run CdlU»v-rrS* Hun»t*r .GS good start deciding the highs. So. .ligntedale d a ^ ^ off to ba.J]ig..' ^Christian picked up individiial ' NP tof'^nvon Noroi VVdf* J>,; \ ' good, in fact. Homedale -lead and had fine exchanges, distance’ points and won -two 4-»0*oru >iotnea,»(e iHvtr H.ivifit Cdftida Coonty protested it was a jump. gaining on everyone in each relays while Gooding State got a •♦"ri.oiirtna Cooniit 4^ tl. Aloi'a. 'who was looking; for ^one. Stevenson had to put on niile win from McC.alle-y,. ,wh<l. l-ICi.llLl Ll.nn g.*»' Wi*n four iOdividual first, thus dwn't . his hardest rush to c a rry , won in the last i5 yards,-and ,H«t\ tx^. wSc‘»» .My«i finy Tn thp qimrtprTliilt* _V¥end^’i bitaa iroro-^fiflh-'toi»-,Joh»41tinter-loolc-4h«^, two-jiiile- -TTaVn-?' ■\ 7iTriF Coyi' NP EJ t'astleford - sophomore Al third — and qualify for state -- after placing secontHrrthe mile, wttron - K*< »y T»’ Kff N.ini 1.1 soM-i»von \P .Schultz, a classic long strider,. on .the,anchor! o; / ’> bU-. fx'at him in'a fine 50.8 time. Key -fochoEing-. 'wasn't ■ -•'Hi ft>' TTp-- U \ > ' f j AJura was about *lwu yards Stevenson's sole property. M aaj*)o \ oiVj.tll back In tlie long jump. Kim- Schultz ' picked' up about 25 \ e. 1,v.> berl.N s Wes Kemalcy gut off his yards in the final lap of the mile best ever al '^1-10 lo beat relay to haul CasUeford from Seveiison's foui'-first bid by one fifth to third and a trijrto stiite, » -t tiMOt ••I Har»n0. N61uiij=naTCHCr'*CV,' * S e v e r* 7- cS^T-M or ' *om Nc JO n ? Mill* rcMiv HomMai* (Biesslna. T a g jiu K * C ^ f c ij ' 0 « m « ).'* R«ch(t«ld; Ca4iieio«d -^ampd ChrUlian. McCail DonneMv 3 JSJ 5>*>oiuor Adams,, vven Cnrttei. Kome; ihejton ►ru.r Moihni. OS. SmUn. Ccon I>wrv, Murt, liMium. Qf; ’ Moovf NP R. CP f?ruit Bailev. Coun US ' Rolf__ ___ .MD Snelby. Cr 134 ■ Ofiny Mom«<jai«* S3. Wenoeii Chr.Mutf^ 27 Goooing State 30. N.-,v pv,n«outfl \: Casit«fora n. McCall ' ii ana K.rhburiv 8- Fruitland and , Cantas M -.voou* Cou<>*. r «>urtaugtv'and wi>awv'* No*us 6 i . Hansen and Rich 'ticiki '>G.»f-a«n,v«uJcvjjt.’i^Saimon RTvisr 3. HAT'Kuna V.M^ba and Ratt River I T h re e records bettered FRESNO, cahf. (U Plt—'Hie Kanie Van Zijl of South world and 1-ee Evans, Wa.shingtim .State, is shopping University of Southern (’alifor- Africa, iti the 1.50(1 iiieter run, liilrsllii[j iritii t('M IpMiI on the around these dajs fur a new nia’s 880-yard rehij’ tt'aiir o f .'ViTiu' Kdbin.son in the lonn final l>end. took the 440 yafd homeland because Aiuth Africa Etiesel (iarri.son. l> m Brown^ -juiiip and Al Kuuert)iK'h in- the 45.'2 aiid4x;at arch rival ii>^-banned froui-uiiiipetin^ in WiUie Deckard and Don Quar- shot put turned in,.,..fine- .Wa.vne Collett once again. Uie Olympics. He is the best rle tx!at the world record- of perfininances a.s well, .si'lting UCI,(A wa.s second in the discus thrower ,in the world at 1^'21.7' _for a second time ip.eet reccird.s in the bargain. relay event in 40.0 and the Air tile moment \>ith a 1972 best of \/;in /ijl u'lin mp^rif rt^ilM hViri'i*__ap J the fnlifnrnia Saturday nmht at the bombtlireatened West Coast lU'lay.s .run ui the West Coast Kelays International Club tied for third While Van Heeilan dwlii't • but the Trojans 1:’20.7 will for the first tiiu c 'I hh-;u i .sv 1972 in 40.1. come close to that mark, hi.s .)(ihn Smith, the world ■J40 never get into the'TeciirdJwsKa'..-IS aiTHlympui-yeai-. in :J:;t9.7; 20f)-ir'was good enougTi liT win E a rlie r this->ear. the .same Kobinson leaped a '1972 world record holder, was a late here as the lonn .day of foursome was tuned in |;2 l.l', (x'St 2(l-B :H in the limg jump. .scratch. - Hugh Brown also competition gut underway just Six tenths off Uie world m ark and Keuerba(-h---.itill chasfng passed I'ollott m the'^U-etch to past the noon hour with the set by a Texas A&M team-m llandy Matson's sI k i I put world urab second in 46 9 and Callfett temperature close to the 100 1970, but' the m ark Was ^record, ruirled ttte^ l()-[xuuid_liall finished third in 4t).0. degree mark al Katcljffe disallowed as will this one (ly fuet, Warren Kdimmson of UCIJV Stadium. WENDELI.'S Alan Stevenson, a Jouble inbecause Ouarrie is a Jaiiiau an ,\iif)riih thi-i.;ft was ii-U-phmwiI ■ WiMi tlw 100 iiiet^r duah in 10^<^ASTl;BFt)RD_SOPH0MORE AL Sehuilz Jay Silvester, the world Relay records are^accepted to "the president, of Fresno .State secons flat^ only ont>-t«nth of a" ^tamped himself as a mao_to watcli Saturday dividual wimitnv stotms into Uie tsp.for a 220record holder in the event at if-the fui^r. team members C<illene tMrlier in thr'day'bur*second off the world record, yard dash victory over JJomedale’s Wayne when he won a stretch duel to'BcatTloiireffale’s ' - Alora Saturday. SUa'6HS<m:'alsorVt«n--the--H)0arc from one nation. wtiefi it waS“aT^niitmcrd-ttt the Iteating Willie Dei'kard, Eddie- 224-5, was a distant second wiffl Wayne Alora for the quairtcrniile title In the A-i regional meet: Still, the' 1:20 7 wa.s a crowd ijf alxiiit 15.1KH), no one Hart and l 4;iu)ui Mdler, all of a best of 193-3. He had a couple yard dash and was second in the low hurdlt's. of foul throws close to 210 feet; ~ shattering performance and seemed Icj take it .seriously iind whom-were tmaai. in 10J . added a One tnurh. comtnfflatp the lueel con'tiniic-i! .without'a Oeorge-iKrenn, In' the h;^n- “Tiin Vollmer fini.shcd third at ' in the meet, to a .two-day hitch, mer, and (ieorge 'V'oung, in the imflT carnival run off in 95 dt'gree 'I'he'callei said the bomb two mile, won as expected, - Van Keenan is seeking Dutch ht^al and with the threat of a wntld )jn off srtinewhere in Kf^enn taking his .specialty with citizenship ,so- that he can ^ iTiib blast Safili'duy Jiiglil. Two TCiTLhllc"Tiannim,' stfe-.-of the a .so-so of 2lT^, and Young, t'otripete at Mtimch (hi.s iitfmof the three timers ciuiuht the tract ineel, at 9 p.m. When the spnntinn in the final ;100 yards mer but thus far his appeal ha.T' -‘lYojan -foursomr-in l :20-7-M«d--'— was' i curated— hr- -the -after being fifth iiiorti of the uone unanswered He says he'(I the third had tliem in 1;'21) . . criiwd alxnil «-&(> p.m.. again— n-Try; wfnninn in a slow 8:40.7. prefer American i itizenship Kl.rc;i-:^F.. Ore . Daj-yl Jim Daniels, frosh from . There was onl> one other th^Tf was ru) dasli to the exits. Charles Kich of UClJ\ took "but tliere is so mud 1 red tape - NKW YOHK I UPIl -Hookie involved," ttiere might not Ik- James ami Clayton JiFuz*"' Filer, leaped 22-6 to place fourth team in the 880 relay and that Southern Califnrrua 's 44tt-yard the-120 hur'dles in 13.6, Bob Buzz Capra won hi.s Own game •*T>on ■'m • Clunter took individuals in the long jump' and I^nnls^ was an Armed Forces quartet relay team of Kand> Williams/ 1‘i'ice won the 3,000 meter time enough. by delivering his first major "It doesn't make much championships .Saturday when Kegan got fourth in the shot at made up of .Ion Young. Curt I Dornjiiarne ,-md steeplechase wi 8:44r5 and the league hit -a two-out run- u.*’ • Nance, Walter Walker and Wilhe VVckard smashed the l’a( ific Coast Club took the difference what nation 1 com the College of .Southern Idaho 4:i-8 Mike Wilcox was fifth in producing single in the second pete for," he said," jiist so long placed seventh, in the regional the quarter and Glenn Call sixth Herbert Kline They were time nii'i't reconl of :t!) j .seconds two-mile relay in 7:26.4. — innlrtg Saturday- to lead the. •r J I"? •: Joiin die 880. George Wagner, after in l,2;i0. \Mllt .1 :)9 'i .si.v ti-ntli.s off the Van Reenan. a graduate of as .someone gives mt^x'itizen- junior college track meet. New YorJ^ Mets to a 1-0 victory ship I'n'i not political so it's Both qualified- for national pusling the best, _ time in "Dver the San Francisco Giants. hard for me to understand why competition in Ariz., May Friday’s trials, had a 22.4 and Capra, who failed to get a hit 1 shouldn't be able to compete 2«)-27 with James getting In on placed fourth in'the 220-yard 31 18 I TotJ>> I aI Toiaii in 61 trips to the plate in the ~Lot 001 100000 ) An<)vlet in the Olympics finals.-. two tvt'O-ta- Jan«is -won the OOO001 000 1 +nmor leagues last year,' Hhiladelphit ' I always thought the Olym- intermediate hurdles in 55.9 and The mile relay team was fifth followed a pair of singles by »‘M1t n-u<»' 1 0 pic movement was to bring waTTirth in the high hurdles — and the quartermile relay team Cleon jQBes.aud Duffy iJje r in . .Jli Uat .t.-V athlet^froni all overthe world but only after hitting the first got sixth. i UMCCIl ... ... -,-1,J1 the second, -aath a Itne drt-vc 4.-«k^U-L, <p h r et bbjfco together Tor friendly'compeli- hurdle and almoif not ^getting HI 1 R 1-r s' 1 single to left that scored Jones 0>.trfn A' 4 1 ; J <) 0 0 t' 0 tion but obviously that’s not the Uirough the course. The Wood j . ; f t with the onlv run_of the game, . .ir !I„M I •) . S 4 4 » l( lc m > r e , T-t tr tr tr -u--p-case this year. If no one grants Hiver graduate had the best . S«n P~r*nct><o Nc*m York i. tiai' Li-f;.lM .Uia . •toTh tn— >Dr ti Di rJie cltlzMiirfilp sooh, I'll be out prelimTn^iry time of 14'.7. Gunter I3 f e * - « '4 w p C a l .400 0 i C' 0 liiL ju sdigm e how that doesn’t remained consisU-nt at 6 feet, 8 a NAHEIM illP ll- M e l Stnt'T ' seem fiKht "-------------- nit'hes: setting u regional record demyre pitched a five-hifter to l^ a d r o s b la n k yan Reenan's winning throw at the height record the 31st shutout of his Saturday easily beat the meet l-ine Community College of .> lo n lr o a il 5 - 0 liamblinK around . The jungle telegraph By IjXRKY Ht)VKY 'record of '204-9 .set by Silvester Kugene won the team title -with career and ran his scoreless T im e s - N e w s S p o r t s E d i t o r — report-s that (ieOrf^e VIcAdams. »-fornuT Brum M O N T K K A l. I U P li N ate string to '28 innings against the four years ago /Vn oddity ofj-the 123 [xnnts, followwl by Blue .Iihl one oT Uii- better linebackers In Twin Falls Colbert .i-apped a four-run California Angels as the New 4J 0i A Ui final round ui competiliun was .Mountain 85, -,\orth Idaho. 76, (j— 000000 OOO historv plus a'tivo-timc suiu.' wrestling champ, eljjh fli 'in n in g w ith h is nin'th Thf biittle lines are (ji'i.-ttv well dj aun (or the that 12 of the last 18 throws Treasure Valley 54, Clackamas York Yankees posted' a 3*0 01000000> I lis Ix'en offeri'd the dual positions of head tioiiiei of thi; seasuu S a tu r d a y victory 5iaturday night, wtete A-1 and-A-3 trackHltd field were foul.'! 48, Southwestern Oregon 41 and N«w Yorh food),ill ami wiestliii>; (oach at Kimberly, If ni^ilit a n il little F red N o r m a n C«li>orni« Things aren't i eal deal in the t\'~.11 ea e.\i ept t.i In other early events. Juii CSI 40 «b r ab that l)e true look (oi his old Bruin teammate, h llim e d ont^— f»mr hit.s as thisa\ diat WiKxi Ki\er has lu tx- sIi uiik en^/u^;h tu .S*.-ymour of die Southern Coach Chuck Charlton noted 4 I 7 I Berr r ( f 40 0 0 .'VIII D ieg o F a d re s b la n k e d the figure llitu the top fl\e .Old perhaps the t(ip thi i-e .lohii .-\sloi ijiiia to t>i-( ome a meiiibei.uf Bart California Striders won the 440 « 0 0 f* in \ o n If '< 0 0 0 only one of the CSI boys failed to 1. 10 0 1 Ol.vff »0 • 4 0 10 ■VliMitrt-al K xpos. s sLdI .it .'Vlinico high .school Both and diat hedge.s uii seeing the tiine.s .ind -ro 0 I MrJWOMn JO 30 2 0 hurdles, run in .seven .sections, make the finals and the chance Sj., D.,qu Mof>lt,.il J n ]n r ..t i a a a vull bei lime ones, we bcdieve.___________ 4b ' h 0> ;i() . n D< dlsLciXnu.':> truiii till- uUiei A J illsti u t uiei'ts itT'T nir^secuiiiis. ec'drids Jim -ttarfnnr lor a higher tinisn died when <4 0 t ■hiu Hlaisdi. 11, who i aiiie out of Malad in 1962 0 0 0 0 s p * .* n c rr aluUlui the st.ite tills v^eekend also of the .Stpders, took the Brent I.lerman .pulled a leg u C0 t) ro^twrg ( to sui pi ise rvK,\ one 111 the staU’ track meet.and. .111 the uthei two. howevi 1 . Wendi'll is cluisini^ .*000 Llcr>rt\pn ~5.tHKI meter run in 14 '25 1, Hill muscle, causing the loss of two l(«‘d.s ( r o iiiic o .> I0Iu 2D w in duee or loui first plai es. will be at the hehir and Twin Halls is beiriK t haseil In eifliei i ase. it Schmidt of the Armed Forces individual events and shuffling p C a rd in a l.s I I -2 0 ffrWn pM of the Cidlegc of .'y.iuthern Idaho track program cinild ^;et Intel esting b> meet's end won thp ja-vflm at 265-0, r:^h«‘r p of manpower on two relays next yeai Chuck t liarlUjn-has r&Jgned and will .■ 1 lU Uurd'-^ouUil-JiUUx; A-l .11 i i l Toua , c in c in n a TT'rTTm nrn y 200000010—1 Iiiu\.e to I’hoenix to sell, Blaisdell. crown, would have to be a favorite but the times OOO000000- 0 F’ere^ hit a homer with two n I luB New* York S. codunn out of BVL' coaching-training staff, will posted in the area meet Friday ni{;hl give atxiard in a five-run third also be the t’F man and splecial trainercon.sidorabje .pa^se Boise has switched inrimi; .Satiirda> as the Cincin ( iinditioner for the other CSI sports. Thoiiipson to die furlonn and quarti'i and he il nati Keds l>eat the .St Uiuis I'he state and nabonal track -bodies set up have to Ix' figured the favorite there MounUiin Cardinals. 11-2. tn Hive VVa.Mie ijiiit)' a stir Thursday when it ruled the Adidas Home s Ole McNamar is sohdl> in die iniddli’ of Simpson his first victnrv' of the jumping shoe diegal and warned Agaiast usmg ttie sprint picture seasolf. it from Friday on The Adidas, a West German 'I'w -in Falls' basic ar.senal is coiiipri.sed of all C m nnnaT T • — Ipu.V shoe, is the favorite of all jumpers. Rightly so. four relays, the quartermile and halfmile The It s found U; have an 1116th rubber sole and the Bruinshavea po.ssibdit^ of other poinLs in five or jumpers were usmg~heav7 rubber inner soles six events, but ttiose mentioiU’d si.K have to t;et P i r a l o s t‘dg> The result was more bounce to the ounce. The the big ones .\MtroK iic I 2 l h Following the showing of his Hruins in rule .sa.vs-sole and inner sole combined can't HOU.SroN I U l' 1,1 Hoberto district, t'oac h Jerr> Kleinkopf reports he wi-nt exceed ont'-half inch’ ^xun.___ triple out to CL'lebfttfe Witli his fellow coaches and _ Howe\er, at the lateness of the nobfication, -CIv'mL-nIe s Hn S', i >10 0 and a run-.scoring single their wives with a lltde piz/.a and a washer- ' al leapers w ^e in a BTnTl WenHeH“ToacIT ’ '10 Yo«i Behrens had a pair of old shoes b o re d ^ d >'•' p I 0 0 ' I> 1Q0 0 by Al Oliver highlighted a five- downer 1got to sleep almost right nway Hut I fitteil with spikes Friday for use by his two 1} 2 1 2 Totaift a2 n Ml 001 000 100 } run 12th inmng Saturday night was wide awake at 5 a in he reports, )01 MO }1 KII and led the F*ittsburgh Wrates Mrs Kleinkopf had it another wa> I w^as jumpers .Saturday They were makeshift, but C*ncmnjti f Petti err.v is d ipy -workitt ukay 6ve>' the • sleeping al s a m and all ot a sudden to a ■ XTfWy .1 Ob < 7B MW• Incidentally, the winning height was 5-9 and 41 . Sfl nudging me and saying there's no way we can Houston Astros ? i 6. 6 11 P*t»\Durqh win state We can't wiaitati:__LJjpmcd-aim eye the field was packed with 5-10 t ^ 6-foot per _ Ho«»»50_ 5 t ’f .T i : and there he was. holding the paper and formers So die shoe l.yy . ,‘n Ol.V' I In die "l.ord giveth and the Lord taketh reading tht' result*,' ' su« 0 c 1. f gr<i We have no idea of how Coach Bob Shay of away " department Jerome Coach Karl •4ftp C0 0 0 '♦ ns -Wood River celebrated his win inihe A- Kleinkopf, seeing his favored Timers lose the A-2 ft 0 i 0 Edi«>«»r0s . i 0 t-Itk . ~~.rar>guin*n-.t.'A ^ 1 -i T,. BTjlTlg wSsfiTraLIrdm ffi&newatand whm — A- A -« a, M 4 I 70 }ti 'OOO third district A-2 meet results were made more i^ian upset by the fact a dropp^ baton in 0.<vAiiJlo H I ' I 0 pJ 0 0 0 ■ o y 4 0 0 0 NV.Uff pr- 10 0 0 available. He wiUiind trouble from the west in.. the medley meant a difference of four eqints M.iv 0 0 0 0 Oi4ddir>g p .aO 0 0 Dodger.«t ed ge Cl■oe^ pr> 0 10 0 p6 0 0 0 the hurdles and from Uie east in the 220-yard between Jerome and Wood River — and Wood M e r r » 4 * r * < * f 0 0 0 OCvlvrr p 0 00 0 River won by three, ' ' ' P h ill ie s 3-1 ' Totatt «•« US TeiJit . 41 1 7 1 dash. n. 11 Pint»ur^ OOO*Y0000 oos- « "One lousy dropped t>aton cost us this meet." Wendell's showing in regional Saturday would Heu\fon 000000 100000— 1 • fO 14 ; PHILADELPHIA (U P I) - E Wyfin B*der OP Pti wtsi-ha ve to be termed exceptional. The Trojans, one lie said, (cin^ with fists and teeth clenched and « « J LOB p.l»%t>u»0h 10.-MCK>»»On 6 Claude Osteen helpecThis' own event after another, went out and defeata)— a-«teely look in his eye.1* 10 «tS — i frorch OlivOf^C*^h I) 10 MS I*-) Hou^tpn cause with a run-scoring single "Would you like to tell me at>out it, cous,” said *■ h ' r er bb M Homedale, which it had to do to have a chance. 1} U 4M S«n D'CiTO iV I j >V 4 j . » 0 ; Not only must Wendell repeat that effort- next Twin Falls Jerry Kleinkopf, a cousin of Karl's. 10 u C»n«4nn«l< in the fourth inning ^nd. with ^Aoo^« \ PICK THAT ONE! At the end of (be A-l 220* IS -17S • M .itw \ 0 0 V 5 Atlantj ninth inning relief help from Foritft That broke the spell and Karl smiled. His n 9 I 1 I 11 Saturday in Boise, it will have to get some help f II 333 yard dash Friday night, the judges saw that Fr«ncis<o l4dd*ng 4. Q1 _ 0 I 1I 00 Jim Brewer, pitched the Wos G Tigers nipped Twin Falls by a half point, giving Twin Falls’ Brian Thompson, second lane, had because right now Homedale a p p e i^ out of Btaviogame 0 1 1. 3 0 0 New Vor Tim Prmciico 0 rr ■ 12 1 1 0 ] Chtc^ «r Atiahia (night, ppd. rain) Angeles Dodgers to a 3-1 Culw nipped Miaico's Roy 'Young by something less CiTKinnoti 11 S». Louii 7 fntght) GiaM ioq D'tcnM to I tMMer« tn 171^ reach — basically by the height of the the Bruins their only loss in 30 meets — and first L .MAnffttn 3 PniUdolphU 1 (ntglit)__ ^ victory over the Philadelphia Biasirtgame pitched fo 3 EMMer^ «o ITtrt pole vault and high jump and two. relay. within the district since who can remember — ihnn an-tncb and Bruin QOI Woodson, outside., Milter O)H8P by BlaVtnO/ime ^ .-dPhilliearSatucdaj night. _ 1lsaied-ti»li«a'd^ Bartcy’«r4jiny-4te11.~ =^ t a p r ^ “ h u r ls , h its IVfifMs past C ian is :Sanies,; Gunter cop regional crowns Tlm«»-New». Twin Fal|»* Icta^o ;g |-aves s ign - / C a iiis iu s coaclir^' Sijnday, AAay U, 1972 m-J' * 6. Ct«IOvirt>M V, CUitB H ur illfS D. hmvI s f t u f f e Jo nes K R P v s c r i f l i C as P h e s l e r C l k R w e r H o ut k Bo n n ers I 16 J ( n e w r t M o r d o l d r e i o r j l I ft J • 'M u rtatw)*V 7 ' 19 / 11 — J^UyiirU <^isfi W i ii i. im s T el un t. ts ii< (k c ouc» SJiMidi'C L - t - M e K - • f o r C» »uri rif»i.ic< Sho ‘ G i /n t e rs CW ib 6 i n r w record oUT r e c o r d ?/ S Al,-,^!er t Ik f Wi lr r u n P .ifse lt Kapn.m' W-thef B u tt r - M err - .i l- .M V ().«o i* Rich , S 0 mt*w i * v rr »l i 8 MU v<»r (1 f i*i.» V S h o s h o n e i ( riu'r V ri - v M i a n S t i m p s o n H . i d t o f f c ’ i P o s i f . i H s P b l la t t h . Chaiiis W en d « - i i J,S') mev r*Horc>- o l d r iHo rc l I i S h o s h o n e IV/I 100 » i » r d di«sr> Will Loun— Kaf Hi . P n i l a l i h . S i t i u Tl FILER SPRINTER Debbie Shepherd bursts ^ h e-llno lopher -seoond strnlght class A girls 75-yard dash title Saturday. Miss Shepherd, a double winner last year, placed third In the 100-yard dash and helped Filer finish In the top 10. t :. ABOVE GROUND three-year, pact with the NBA , ^ d ; thaf he ;e:5ected-to ' serve as a n -d ista n t .to he2Kl coach JackiUunsay. braves, lienerai • Manager ' ■ ldal<s-St<>t»lntp«<lioiv$tattonft Wlolof Turte 'op’" '* '’ BiokVT • Alignment • 'Bolancing ORftNP TETONS But is eo o ip lfete d teamsoj>en city locyp: y ear “ A total of 23 T^ams competing in t,Ka.divisions will begin.the .retiular schedule of the Twin Falls Slowpilch Monday nighl. reports cucreation dlrectiic Chad Brflwiiing. The .scheduleincludes Monday-;—Uidinond one, flr, I.jiiwQod Standard vs. Volkswaneii; 8 p.m.', Kebbler <^'ookic‘ v‘i. Cain and tiallatin . Valley vs. C'ullinan - Ijivalle; diamond 2, 6:45, Stan's Chevron Kimberly Sec, 8, Olympia vs Haney Seed and 9:15, Theisen Motor vs •Bank and Trust ■—r>.nnp. Tuesdiiy, . diaitiond lx)unm‘ Fyrd-Brake and I’etroleuiii. and Coors-First Federal vs. Depot G rill; Shotpuf HoeiKifr.> Wt-n diamond two, l->'riwood Stan (.Oun M O t k m g Wall Taylor Soda JJ •» . inc\^ re^or dard’ vs.XiillTgan l,a^alle. In reiortl JJ 10 Hill Elk Rrver IV>1' D'Siu S L .tll « n ic i M iKl H am t J * dependent Meat vs. Master>b Ishkool Firlh Wail W ilii.t m s Chaltis 100 /■ ? Sheet Metal and Cam's, vs. L o n g ju t T ip E a k V ' c k C o o n Sie»> _ PepsK'ola, or k i p s e n M a l a c ) P ht - i s i e r fc wMat. ka y 16 S 4 I ne%v r ec o r d oi n.r im i Wetloesdav. "diamond one ^ UwtioGi . Depot IGrill vs.--Allay i Keebler Hum v a l l e y Parseiis I 11 Cookie vs. ilaney: Coors-First FMWSl Vsi • F6rd-Brake arid I ♦■ton 16 pQM f aiM an d Sf'Oshoni I lk H . v e r a n d C h.»l i. s 10 Petroleum; diamond two. In Cow«' a s t ie t o r i) V a r ^ h v a H e y •* K . i m t n n nr*tJ H (. iear<^rtl«*r VaM«*y dependent vs Stan's; Gallatin f M u r t a o g h .»im1 Na r ^i pa i f >,^ri A S oda ^pr iitus a M J.« \a< ia ie "t. Malt K>ver and vs. Bank and Trust and Turf K . m b f r I V 4 f . f s t I l ar k » or k H .rrir o» k 1 (Tub vs Maxie's Mzza SWIMMING POOLS A WHOLE NEW- WORLD O F J U N AND M E A S U R E . . . FOR LESS THAN Y O U M I G H T THINK!! Prices Start A t *199.95 ^IhrFamotfs^'OeUGHBOY" Filtered Pools U niq ue Perm o n e n t_ M ^ iq _ S A N D FILT ER A v a ila b le to Fit tKe S ize Pool You C h o o se . E n a b le s , Ypu to iJse_the S am e W a te r fo r Three Y e a rs a n d AAore!! "Styles Shown and Others Avoilable c»t GLOBE FEED & SEED.who have been handling swimrning pools and supplies for over 10 years. Globe h^ dles-a~ C(^ plete'line of equipment for proper pool maintenance and hove the experience to handle any pool problem. — S E JE T H E S W ilft m N G P O O L S r E C i A L i S T S ! — .CLOBE wicr OF THE 23 Bu hl B. f l i e r V, B o ru u iv i Me P o c a l e U o 4 S h fl le y } ly^'h resigned j! F r i d a y athletic dire<!tor,flhd Canisijis College, said^tnrtfaiy-' he has signed a contract with thei National B ^ e tb a ll Associ ation Buffalo &ave$. ^ ST- W '’* .Valley .the quarter. Falls girls outlasted Sandpoint In IW W , .the later two being Mlsa FVeeman of Shb^ohe was ---- am lH den WalWey for thrctass^ 'state retords. moved to third, i;i the 75 this ATitle and Butte ran off with-B Tlje Claw A defending year. ' ......... honors in the second annual champions got about- a split. girt, frnrh anH fmld ■rham- t^sli HamUton nf Twin Fall.s • pionships Saturday. 3 shoved her own high ' Juixip River. Kurvlmeyer. Kellogg. Bell, Bauman. Lcwilon 36 5'.^ (newrecord. 010 Twin Falls. d»ta*idinK'"^ r e c ^ ijg to 'W=Vii and tried for, - re<ora 36 i wt by Bell. TF, 19MJ MurdJc* ‘ Masne. TF. Bfake. TF. champion,, had to beat S^d- the • national' record of 'MVi Hebdoo. SR . Rider, COS.'WfTder, Moscow by point in the mile relay to protect without success. Miss Bobert- l^V (New record old record 16 I Ludtvana HanuPQ. Filer. I9;i) a one-point lead going into thf son of Capital repeated in the +4tV»*-fump — Ham4HoA, TP-, SRTVan'HooMar. Moscow - fvonfr Hnri WOT 35-33. Butte, hfllfmile.^-but.t^ and one-iiaLf JWR. Murdock. <N«rw oltf «>v ' ' scored 30 "p6ints in .taking B secondsaBoveher winning liitie ~ Hdmindn7TFT177n--970 y a r d d a ^ h Wal li ie y' .~SandCi Oi n' t B . e d e v t e d i , t , o n. M a d d o x . Bgwarr .' P r o w n . honors while Glenns Ferrj Jast year and Miss C a l d . M a n n > o g r ^ i * t i H “ >5 7 J n e w r c c o r d .nipped defending champimi-lCapital got her second quar- o l df tr cT or d 36 S%el b y Y o u n g . C a p i t a l . 19/11 , Bu ch an an. ' aioshone lB-17 for the runner-up- t « r ^ le " d « e r r t ^ n , Igalfl-over M HM i l e Mr ucnF « d d eBne.c k .M' A^Ar0i4dCOW . W hittenOurg. K v i l M i K h t f l . t l ^ 6 (M J I n e w r r c o r d fif%t trophy. last year's time. yt'.ir » or w c n U 8 H0 >rt / 0 r « f l av A o o d Mn<er ( R o oD i ct fk , This being only the second Debbie Shepherd of Filer split Vrrnoo fhom pvon M arrii ft^in f a l l i , running of the event, just about ii< her quest for a double repeat. K f M o g g M o s c o w S n a k e R i v e r I 4 V 0 i n f w •.r e f o r d old r f c o r d I \ } }. \NocxJ She finished third in the 1 00 all the events saw pew r£cords IW )i ICX) ^ a r d d a s h W a l k l e y , !>pt. f a r r And true to the prediction of yard dash but came on to win ,nl Vh*fp'h_ef_d^_t(lu*. ewffcvJ^dJ. Lion Twin Falls Coach l>ee Ijrsen, the 75 again, jsiotput champion' Cap Mcginnis, the national rtiile relay mark — Rae Dene Bell^^ fouling on I ^ • O h w e f . S pl nesril. Bonn. v i d s o n . P o k y 60S this being only'the second year perhaps her besFthrow ever, O atlBO y>*rd ru n Robvnvon. Cap h . if Al on Bu»U. O i w g u i>R . J e n t y n L i o n of Its runnintr^-tooK another fell to fourth place with Miss Cf no c Ti p so n. H . g h ? 2 *' M igh ia n a ( M a n n i n g baUering, Twin Falls beUered Moffett of Boise taking the^title, ••-440 /rtrd f f l a y M .n dvrA n ger C a n tr rarrj^)^ M ou M a in , the 4:27.3 thing by hitting 4:24 Top B division^ individual H o >n r . T ^ m ( a l l s . S a n d p o m t . S n a k v M i v e r SI 0 ( N e w r e c o r d . p i d r e c o r d S 2 l. last -« rcgionals. But scorers were ^ s s Eastlick of T w i n ^■rtll^ 19/11 n y a r d OdSM ^ n e p h e r a »■ i l t * f , C a r l e r , . Saturday. GlennrFerry's team Council who got all her team’s MiOh ■yrhi ll er M H Har ri fTi ock. K . W r a y ‘ of Bernt, Mcsserly, Trairand T»ints. Miss-WilHams of Teton SR^ 5 2 . M m din n ( Pot t »» r H em trr-* . W icli^, also bettered it at 4: 26.4, pickeid up lh.£_^_enia-H»-yard ■^ v> k» i^ BfiUX” ' H i g r u a n d . Kflloyg, T w i n ,MoS<ow I S6 ? and seconds later Woo{l. River dash and placed secondJp the. ^ .tils. M< iciie<a / wrxuJ R i v e r i D a v i s Air>.p^ V p rn on Ihonips^ni f*v*r» I i il is Saiul knocked ^ 4 - 'seconds off the ,.75.. ' poTrlf S f t a k i - ' R i v r r M oscow 4 tj J i publlglred standard:-Wt>miy .— Defending D champions also “r<*<ora Tr*ytw~57~i•fVhhiy D i s ( us laylor Spl * Ci>llifuj% HoMi Davis^ Vickie Atnip, Janice had some.trpuble. Miss Cooper M o M f t t B o i s f M e l • Snelly f-rryusori. Vos /'i • - Vernon and Gretchcn Thomp of Raft River went unplaced in ^ Bonn' L o n g fO<Tip , W rt lh fly '^ pi Reirnep son toured the track Jn 4:13.3. the 100-y«i>d;^sh. M lB^atsellS' A R . ‘ B r o w n , X a l U • Holm' cin. M i gn P a r s e l l s ( V r d n g e v . l l e 16 M ’ « I n e w r e r o r o o ld of Kamiah moved from the half _ ^ Miss Walkley dominated the r e < o r d 16 I O r . ^ o l y ( i v a u « . T w m F a l l s . ) V ; i ) I«sw?> s t o r i r i g ■ T w m f a i l s I V S a nd class A field individually. She tjrthe mile and won another tiOe p o . n l H H«gh*r»f>d » v Sn<»ki* R i » ; e r I/. /i \o un M' n Monu* .>nd B o » s e Le w iS lo n -won the 100 yaFJ'Hash- in' 11.3, •and Miss Gunter of Qearwater ar id K e l l o g g II . M o s c o w lO M e r x l ^ a r ' V. ^ d fe pbnovian said he and Mac Kinnoa would ' meet Jto diadtaa ~faia~Ti^ TOUGH HANPOFF- is completed -IretweEn ^iss Freeman of Shoshone, falling to the track, . ..and Miss Stimpson during class B state track meet Saturday. But the liafndoff kept the IndJans’ 880-yaW relay leaJB II) ConlcnttoD: sod U went On to lake the event. The G ra n d Teton h as n ew c o m p a n y ; T a rg h e e M e a d o w s C o n d o m in iu m s. These n ew co n d o miniums, w ill be a v a ila b le fo r the 1972 • sfeoson a t G r a n d T a rg h e e Ski A re a ,^ n d lo ca te d a t the e d g e o f G r a n d T a rg h e e N a tio n a l Ftfrest, o n ly m inutes fro m the lifts. C o u n try Im n g in c lu d in g fish in g , hunting, ..., h o rse b a c k rid in g , h ik in g , a n d s k iin g is a t itsbesti in the R o ckies, a n d T a rg h e e M e a d o w s is the best- in co u n try liv in g . P u rch a se s m ay b& co rn p let«d th ro u g h W e ste rn R an ch C o rp o ra tio n , In term o u n tain B u ild in g , P .O . B ox 5 6 7 , C-asper, W y ijm irt^ . 5 2 6 0 1 Phone 3 0 7 -2 3 7 -' ' 2507. _____________ Twin Fails Open Sundays Shop Sunday Noon ’hi 5 Monday 9:30 a=m.. ’til 9 p.m. ISljpicks Griffin w i n m .W IN FALLS — Pole Tigers picked it up in time came by four yards. Teammate - i _ v ault«tH| Puhl’n mile relay ond-^ ^ regain second place but it Rick Ward, a junior, got his a dropped baton - not enough time for Wood double but not without effort. —arscountrng «iDmp fin e . jSef-— River to naih down a five-jprd The-Wolverine won the-mile-in formances by Kim Crofts and «ctofy - 'a S d a difference of hlsTSesr ever 4T2d.6rBuf ln the I ................................ ^ m ilA l A r n m e’s' o 'c P n f two mile, Jerom Ridt Ward— elevated the Wood fout team points. M cIntyre 4»«8ed— ttrehy and large the aif^ic t _ ^ ^ River Wolverines to the fourth district A-2 track title Friday came up with its best ^forts defeated Ward for six laps and ever. In,the field eventi, Toby 1 ^ him the next lap and onenigbt. The Wolvermes surprised by Walgamott, after five tight^, ha/f-Ward,moved ahead at-the trying to ^ t c b top of the back stretch and i^ ld taking eijht first places and, throws wdfrtRe thing iathe last event of Gooding's Gary^OeroeU.^ch^ McIntyre off to Win in l(h00.3. -th«—day----when Bulti—b»at- ahead Tn IRe event'witK' a 52-1___ Filer’s Randy Lammers Jerotne in ^ e r;iile relay with toss. Then, totally relaxed, settled’ the 100-yard dash ■^gestloH^nrwajreDnstdffred up • Wood Hivepplaciii^thlrd. Wood Tmrmwe&rn 56-j an htnmar . River scored 76 points while Gorreli won the high jump at six for grabs — when he burst away -feetinHMli^Hn-the-disctia--- in-the final 20i>ards to wih.^ijw ,V' J eF6me~ T i ^ ' which may help next week since 10.4. ding 41 and Filer-25 For, Buhl, Barry Watson won food River Coach Bob Shay all his events are scheduled for went into the day saying "super 'Saturday morning an3 running th&^arter by offering to go out efforts^ M d a miracle and we around to three sites wouldn’t sooner than the others. Junior '^ o u ld win it.” The iupe|T efforts have helped him much. In the Pat Charlton placed second in — maybe even the Iriiracle — discus, 6'7 senior Kendal Meier, the mile run but was far off , occured in the pole vault-where Buhl, came out of sixth place to form in the. two mile, finishing ‘’Jimbo Hurst leaped 13-1 — a first place at 144-10 and sixth and unplaced, although he personal best — to pace a one- sophomofe Brent Watson then had been seeded second. Jerome looked to be in good two-three sweep. 'Sophomore sent Gorrelt'to the sidelines on Collier and fr< ^ Patterson his. second-fjy last throw, a shape after the low hur^es. Crofts won it but the Tigers, 'were two-'Hlree,'giving Wood subpar 138-footer. going two-three-foui^-bfhind Crofts won his three River i3 points where three or specialities with ease. He w.on him, outscored the Wolverines. ■four could have beeo a lot. But'the miracle came in the the high hurdles in 15.2 by about Everyone figured Wood River medley wher'8 Jerome droppe3 seven yards and the lows in 20^ would be tough in the half, 220 the hatop on the fifst e^chanae. flat by a little more. The 220 win 'and two-mile and tlie medley ^Uwaiiie a Itey. The—dropped baton settled that. Wood River outscored- Jerome 6-\ in the ' furlong but McIntyre almost pulled it out in the two mile. Ui: that time the Wolverines had a three-point margin, — meaning rte Tigers hjfd'to win, the mile relay and Wood River, finish no'better than third.. "W^ve got a chance,” Coach .j ■ Shay saictwlth a smile” - Buhl. We're loaded up as high as we.;.| " c-an go (on the relayyteam) but • even at maxmim'um^fforts we wouldn’t beat 3:J7 or 3;36. — Biibl opened with the guar^ termile kinfi, BanTrWatson and 4ollowed with Long, Joel Watson — a njl^.B urbank. Jerame w aa, in,striking distance but never able to take the lead-. ____ Only tlie winning i-eTay team, the first two places in fietd events and the top three places in all other tvents advance to the state meet in Boise Friday Preliminaries will be run Friday afternoon with field • ■event and some distance event finals-'.Saturday morning' and the runnTng finals for all three classifications Saturday af ternoon. 'CoachShay, who had to worry • some about the district 7 but not a lot since miracles seeme remote — always had an idea of a high finish in the state behind in Crofts and Ward and now the halfmile with Lutzinger and Swigert. With, the depth advanced, •. Jjo w e u e r^m a y have to worry ’' a lot more^hts week. ^OOO Klwcr /A jcrcHTic /I Out'i S> Oooo'ng Jl. J CTtirmi & N POCATELLO aSU ) - Ed Cavanaugh has resigned as Head footbalLcoach at' Idaho State Universi^f. Bob r.riffjr who was offensive, bactcfield coach of the Bengats the "past seasan“hM_been recbiiimen'aea' -as his successor, pending flnal approval of the board of trustees who meet the final week in May. The announ<;ement was made by bt^by Holt, director of athleUcs at.ISU. - ."I., have m ixed emotiong.” said Holt. "On the one hand 1 hate to see Ed g ^.H e built the ' foundation of a fine football nrre at laano ^tate. . ! ' 11 1• I! »■ . ■ 1 C. ( ,) . I A.»'son P.ttltMVOn h vVW I r t t f O t . . — - B oys & Girls 14 a n d Up REGISTRATION Ijyo un V^A(0 R ain washes out I ndy q u a lify in^ I o-'O 16 (Ml List "29.95 32 MM O B JECTIV E LENS 1 YEAR W ARRANTY WHILE T H E Y t A S T ! COLEM AN O n e G a llo n Size Fast Flow Spout Reg. "6.99 SUPPLY LIMITED Vorf.s J BufbAPH B B Sopntof J & ?0 i ) Reg. "21 t50 SALE PRICE ROLL-TOP HOOK REMOVER 3 9 ^V a lu e R A P A tA BAITCARRIERS FISH 'N FILLET KNIFE WITH SHEATH Metal Construction b e ll Origliuxl Plnnlih ni«l Enlia Loops YOUR CHOICE Reg. 69' I ^2®® ELECTRIC M O T O R S AND( Steel W o o d H o n d le 6 ” or 4 " B lode - w ith R e g ."3.95 All M aksrand Siiet REBULT-HEWOUMMtEPUlEO V4 to 600 HP lA R G E ASSORTMENT IWftfCTRieCO; St E ____ 7 3 3 - 1 9 0 1 24 HOUR M RVICIi! CENTER Storewide Clearance Sale to theiare W^s iV E RYfHIM 6 GOES! TWIN 3 lb. Insul. 2 0 0 Fill 3 3 " X 7 5 '' F in ish ed Size H o n d g r o u n d T apered Blade WE’R^ MOVING!! . ifyff #£L123C625 - f^ 1 ^ CuTupeuK ^Tointevs rNDlANAPOl-IS, Ind lUPI) when Koyt got the "go ' f ^ m —Rain washed out the first day Chief Steward Harlan F e n g l^ to attempt his qualifying run. miiiion M obile Spe^way auto He made lw-6 wal-Trrap laps then race Saturday, leaving just took the'green /lag, signifying three days in which to fill the he wouW'attempt to qualify. lineup for the May 27 classic. But only_ seconds later his Kace officials made a valiant orange-colored. Ford-powered attempt to ^Ht qualifications ■machine experienced^ engine"' under wav late in the day when trouble and he pulled dejectedly the track finally dried out and into the pits thte stin broke through, but a combination of hard luck and a losing rac'e against time prev CAMERA ented anytone from making JT successful 10-lap trial run. -Three-time race winner A.Jj Foyt, Houston, Tex., twice the pole sitter, appeared to have the best chance to qualify. He was the third driver to get a crack at it alter being clotked in practice a short time ^ l ie r -i*t a speed of 188 miles per hour', Me II r Wr BArt^Oiome* j J to 00 ] V irrn.1. rfl vVatvon LOf'Q J Al'soo Jpro'T>< A<X>0 R'vrr f 'ipr 1 j ' * M.on*-iump - Gofc" Cw DAv'S j Ni'son ) G B AO ( h.,r I'r>h AU located at the End ol W athiii^on SlJ^orth 71-1419 . a. S p o n s o r e d by TW IN F A L L S R O D & GUN C LU B BUSHNELLSCOPE (, J vVrt*-vo»' f t . W E D ., M A Y 17 7 P M c Mi'icf. fl. vVrtlSon B vVW WMO'I *> J U4 to (Iltrv C^OMs AO Hotjlrv J I Oo.yiry C. Th.Kkrr.»v J fl«0 ,iifO j«TOmv ISTon« ^.ilipf W n o ’ i'’' t.»00<rny Ouhi /rfood ^,l<-r I !■ )4 ii>l I h Long H I^D IIV n FOR THK STRETett; Wood River's Hlok Ward battles to Ret around JtTomtr s Pat Mclnlyrc cnroute to a tight twomlle victory during A-2 district competition Frlda>. Ward won the railc and two mile and helped the Wolverines to their second straight t r a m crown. — TRIPLE WINNER Kim Crofts of Wood Riv^F glides oyer the final high hurdle well ahead of Jerotne's Thackeray, outside,^ and Randy Hobley. Crofts also won the lows and^220-yard dash to lead Wood River to a surprise' repeat in the A-2 district. . . , H e a d in g t o r honi€^ Coi\,vt wo A"*? CnArlton B Hoo;c' J L.^)pp WR 4 A »rl,w Cood'Hg .AnOt'fSOri -trtfrO. ^ MOyd: Ru^'l jtLfuiiii:- Awa tiin. -ii.* 440 ,,vil rt-isf' H vVrttSO^ R Lrtni ‘ ','onr I C, I rOrts ) s; ; Lo^ cJu*% I. fol!^. AH. Prtprson. J . HJL)lr» I J L,aC»'0’» ft ?00 str.i.yMt ’ AW Hogrr^ n ' e^*to AM Hrrd p ; 01 0 *VooO RJ'Ho* I ir> Ru ■1." 1**4 1 {fOt*\ AO fi mittitu/ it JUNIOR TRAP CLUK WW . . . . d —U tJC l'4J II J i u i t ’ r Jii (111 tiv c rs h :! t (1 h a h a in I h r o rtitT as 10 [}ir Wiju)r 'to n c c i)f ! h i ’ in^T'sri I I iAP .i.cilr vrtO" - W^’re sorry he> leaying but we k ^ w one of his goals Was to eventually coach inj>rofessional football. On tiie nthpr-hand ,a c . are fprtunate to have a coach of the caliber orSotf^lffUratneTir "StepTifand ’kegp~the conlirniTty of the football program uoini;.'’. Cava'naugh has accepted a post with the Buffalo HiUs of the j^merican Football ('(in ference and his resignation ■effective inunediatelv. FALLS - IDAHO ~ OBBtERS ATLAS BRAND ^^S K O O K UM^^ 'I'i I i '/* o t . Jar Large Hrm £gg> Light or Red Colors Reg. 90' Ja r :59 LYN W O O D S H O P P IN G {c e n t e r I ♦•jB.-f i^jB. WmWit i — * aja.-T pj». SMirfiys *« : —a fMy i i , 1901. "T ltww^Newa. twfn FallVn^ho^ S^^^ = 7 ^ f o r d is fr ic t ■ flratfor-i^iirlnii»rBabcook «hd--JiiningJUterB0b^riIve<r6n an sets The Twin Falls Bruins, junior, as two-mile diampion in g6l^li|tg u{). 20 of the '34 in- 10:41:Sr-Sears Wd-otrt of^the divldual sM ts' and all four sport..about a month earlier in i ^ ^ for next week stale -thie season and it4utd-he.<yimfi n of -time for finals, ran oiff with another quesllon district A-1 track Utle Friday cpndl^onlng on hi» return. He 9»* night, .f \ Coach Jerry JOelnkopf’s , • ■Bruins, winning 12 of the 17 ^vents, scored lOO^’i points while Parley getting good displays from a ;host of unriprdasamen. took second at 38 . and Minico had 36'^. The results will make Twin Palls difiicult to^top in iU bid {or« thjld straight state cro»ro in 'Boise next week. TBFwinriing relay team, (irst. two In field events and tfiree in‘ the eight individual track events, — <joa4i«ed--- -fo^-— Bois«^ ' . I^eliminaries will be run Friday afternoon with- some distance and all the field events - going Saturday morning and the finals Saturday , afternoon^ at BSC stadium. ' It was basically a night for underclassmen. Of the 20 in' -dividual spots collected by Twiry Falls;only four-wentjq seniors, ‘jrh’if tw6 Bruinr s ^ n t relays are all juniors with one serffor on the mile relay and two in the medl^v,_______ ^__ ,___________ ■ ■^The! sprints were tight as ' preditffed with Mintco junior . Roy Young winningihe 100-yard dash in a biimket finish overS U iv U n g Twin Falls' junior Bill Woodson and Burley senior Larry ^11. In thtrSM^ a r d dash^Bmin juntoi^ “'Thompson was given ah eyelash decision over Young with Woodson nipping-Bell -for the third state ESrth — sending., the lucMesS Bell to the sidelines although he was second in state in the furlong last spring. lurley s(5 Hairper served up the start of a possible dynasty In the low hurdles in another crowd please?. Over the sixth hurle. Harper. Bruin__Junior Jeff M iller, Minico senior ^1>y Harding an{l3riiiii-JSenlor Mkik Spriggs were almost a dead -beat. But Harper tjurst away at that point to win quite handily. The others finished that wjiy with about 18 inches separating . them. Harding took the highhurdlcs convincingly with teammate Jones surprising by topping Burley junior Mike Sagers for secoi^ _ .— Twin ■Falls, dominated the three longer relhys But nfifl' to hustle to beat, Burley In the ■quartermile event, in tTiat one ^11 moved up on- Woodson- in the final leg about a yard, but still needed six or seven feet al the end. Things got sticky in the sBotjSuT^ whert BfutiT^semor Mike Murray won with his first throw. But in the finals. Carl Bair of Minico, on his last throw moved into second with a best of 49-2 and TWtn F hIIs Junior Tony Kevan, having his best all- . around day, zipped two feet over his previous best at 49-':. Thompson, who ended up with in winning the long Jump at 222^4, three fourths over the stranded set . last year by Burley's Bob Jackson. But on ’ his last Jump ef the day, senior Alan Conner, who had scratched problems throughout, sailed 23 feet. 5 inches — only to have a scratch of less than an inch kiil^ that. Thompson wenton to win the 220-yard dash and run on the winning quarter and haUmile relays. Bruin Junior Gary Sievers, leading a four-place Bruin d > n a s t > ? t P , P#.». m : ' lu m p G ra v e s . M S37 Bo 0 lly B. Ot>e» . Towp'f' Laum«rtn. M V0'« B r o « tf|i,^ p T F , Sco tt T F Thom p\oo. TF B Tf Conner, |»i»ew ofarKonT77^\rTtjY^Boo jwrrsvn 6vtlQu_l?Z' ’ ^ H ig h hur<fT>V^ JT'S FOR GRAI>ffATION, AT 2 “ ' V5» W ^ i r d oa»^ ~ v«K^9. M . wootJson TF« B * lt . B . O lm ttM d . TF 10 0 M il« run — Orr>v«. T F , K enn ed y.,T P. Hewwd. St« n M ll. T F i J4 3 rr»#y - Twin FaM i (Scott. O lm ttM d . Thompson. Woodson). Burley 44.3 ------- r t p y ir t f d ia it — C w p * r . t f .- Otbb«. T F ; C r« n t, Bv Stum iU. T F 51 5 Low h v r d ln - H t r f m . A i M iH er. T F ; Spr)goft. T F . Hsrdtng. M . 1« f (straight «w«v) M O-yartfrvn - S ie ¥ tr% , Tfi^MUaot%: T F / T F . 1;S7.7 fcora) \ — T w in F * lls iM iiic r , Olm stMd* C o n n ^ . G f o v w ) , B u rley ----- d M h — T h o m p w . t F ; Young. T F ; W #*f. b. W»#r«la»j^TwkvF»«S TOW* STorgmCo op tr. S J e w rs/ , «M ilt T F ; Jo hm on. M ; S ; ArcH ^r, T F . \ THIS ^ W I L L T I O T BE REI^EATED H V RRY w H U e S u p p l y l a s t s " PARTIAL LISTING OF-MERCHANDJSE C o m p a r e of SPINNING REEL fogie C'ow Open Foce SPIN N IN G REEL Hu»ncar>e Open facr REEL W 6'e' A RfNei mau . Motth i 30 Open fo ic TROLLING ROD Soyth Bend SPIN ROD Wr.ghI MfG.II 7 * FLY ROD South Bend 8 6' B A C K PACK & A LLO Y FRAME G'ond Olymp.< v«,ilh Sleeping B09 AA«ppt ty^*c f rVntK SPOON S Do*’* Devi ’vpe- Red W^.te H O O KS 3.60 2.40 89^ 1.00 . 2.00 8.95 24.88 3.50 P o p u io ' S ip ' HOOKS ^ B o « e d P o p u la r S 'le s SALMON EGGS - Sore f''Te ---- LINE - G r e a t f o r X ^ a d w a t i o n ■^ and College or Caree^r, ■16.‘88~ “ 6 :8 r 4.99 idoi11.97 2.40 ■' ,do., ,97‘ Sout^ Bend 4 Piece SPINNER S n e lle d 5.88 1.97 6.87 4.97 6.66 6.49 15.84^ T .s a SPIN ROD & REEL SET P A C K ROD ■ 14.95 6.88 16.95 rO.9'5 15.95 12.95 34.50 S A L E P R IC E BwU Spool V o ' W c g f ' t ' Gioddm^.. S i* « p K«ng — 3 U) D oq ort Nylo'' Cove' LANTERN C o w ip l(t e - € o m p w ith F la v K e ' BADMINTON SET 4«oVer . 5 . .»ro..)89* ■ 59 * 47« 88< 4.89 14.44 as to ld b y the A rro w M a ch I I ' II te lls It with Its stylm q D arin g , up to the m in u t e ^ , R iq h t It tells It w ith Its p a tte rn s E x u b e ra n t stripes. ■ l l u m b a y o n t t lD r a t s . e l eqTj iit g e o m g t n C T r o n ^ g r g g t - i -— solids It le lls you to w e ar it with g w ide tie, o r_. • open at th f throat It pror laim s you a loshion leadt*)- you le w e a rin q M ach II a leader ship shirt hom A iip w . t^e -1 sh lrlm a k et ifv^. A m e rica In Decton P frtn a Iron SnntorizedPlus 2 ol course Biq stronq a liv e You “ )•" an d O t h e r Arrc)>*» K r o m 8 6 . 3 0 I >Arrow^ Especially Designed for WideShooldered, SHm-Waisted Young Men ^8* .S h o r t "the look of the leader” ARROW KNIT SHIRTS ARROW SPORT ____ SHIRTS N ew est Dress Shirts Fabrics That Stretch In a huge collection of woven Dectons, ajn^d newest C o tto n ,an d $ 1 2 .0 0 Polyester Knits^ $ 5 qO fo $ 1 3 ,0 0 to f»g S t « « v * $ 1 3 .0 0 Ronn Also Feature fo r G ra d u a fe s: - Sam sonite, A m erican Tourister an d Atlantic Lu g g a g e , Levi's, M a n n , H o g g e r Knit S la c k S i Kennin^ ton ^ r id Jo n tz en knit shirts, D an te jew elry. Brut C o lo g n e , Adler Socks, P a cific Trail jackets; Flo rsheim .and W e y e n b e rg shoes, a n d o terrific stock 'bfngradiroTion suits a n d spoi't c^dT^tock'^TRyTttbinuliutis.'^ ' '* 49^ •Hirpifur: WT" Torm. m- 0«scu« — C B j ir . M. W.ico^. T ? f i i f • M ; F in ia rso o . T F U4 0 n O y a r d retey - Twm ^all» (Scotl. CoQu^ef. T h o m p so n , -y e v e r i i . B o rJ e y . * - ------------- BU RLEY SOPHOM ORE Ken Harper stretches his lead over the field In the A-1 low hurdles In Friday’s district. Bruins Jeff Miller, outside, and Rlrk Spriggs, Inside, nipped Mlnlco’ATobyllar'ahig for second and third and trips to state along with Harper.- _ .. . *30,000 Fishing Tackle & Sporting Goods Liquidation Sale. AltMerehandiselMust Be Sold^at these PricTs Regardless o iio s s to Morthern Idaho Distributor PAG Ba»» M" k^vah POOL TABLES - 1 2 M 0 0 I H 0 5 P .M . Te a m sco rin g Tw io B u rtrv U . M>hico'36' > 100' j . B RU N SW tCIC^ ftM O -TH t/lr 5 HOURS ONLY! SLEEPING BAG S F a lls S S E E 'w 'S L 'S e ™ 1 .:: A. halfthUe at 1:57.7. Of added Interest to Twin Falls' was the repeat of Dave Sears, another STtotpyt Murray ' a with a fielder’s : choice that Wttinc. sweot a doubleheader sacripce with j o S « i e K S i a M k llie t e | d retir«d no one. AfUr Sermons' ■-iS M I . y f t t e w l l W . o v e r sacrificed the runners to second t r r r f lntrnthe 36-hole Bnal round Saturday F b Hs (dated another with a double an(J third, TVemaine, Saras— placed ftfth-in-atat^ last_j»ar. ttiemedlevfor tw»blue Fibbonfi.--tp-win the Blue Lakes roeiv’s. _ „ «a^fc_ ^ andTirc^ Runyon’s sihgle aenr-Warbuton and-Runyon tinned "^=^^iiB=irf^e=-8lhronj;d—solid— rBuriey s fqtnFe hopes, spring-best-ball-title. — ------ ^ ^ ^ aj^ .g in p l% 3-lag d acresrotanasltwtf^---- -— ^^fhDme-^fc--run--eadh— Sapy— pefending champions John 10-2. will advance-to the state athletes i^TwlnStalls wound up ad^tic^ to Harper, also got a brought in Twin Falls cut the lead in half Friesep’s his a t-home .aDDearnnc.p's Iwosl 'ln, the high jump where -Rn,Knirana Bill fYow «.lv«gPd tournament in Boi^ nert w ^ k. Darrell Groves won the mile In two freshmen, Brent Bodily and cOiisolation honors by defeating . t-alls' only ■ ■ Fries opened wittTsin^es and on Pat Warburton’s hit. his t)est at 4:36.3 and anchored Lynes went one-two. Ed Purves and Jim PurveS. • - ‘f*® record, vrould be the in Nelsoif wiu charged with' the Ne^on walked to lad the t>ases. to the first-flight, George vitation for ^ e at-^arge ^ r t ^ Walker's sacrifice got one run loss, pitching the first inning^, Kneeland and Bill PeteJ-s Th® Spartans jumped off home and a bad throw, let Fries whiltf iDnejnoaine -took theTVic-' defeated Dick Cook and Dr. . » ? ? ‘.''st junior Jn-with-the-second____ ____:____- tory, CfiiffeFMmStSs aHd Di-rjick ^ h th a n d e r- M tk e - ^d e i^o n r But .the Spartans started A D V EN TU RO U S M oN c„ ,n<l D u .« t o * ." '“t “ L l J 0,0 l»n to to P ISNEDL F I Y OL oUoRk lo r lexcltln g Schneberger won consolation by • P .. ^ • irem am e ^ ( o ffe rs In the W a n t Ad> e a c h d a y I beating Bob Harvey and Merv ^Uowed with a two<un homer — ----- r--'----- -The Spartans-ariftefl^thcifj w L ■ -------------------------- nnt in-the second -when-Ten»“ Harry Brown and Frank Babcock was hit by a plt-:h and DeLuca wUl meet Jim Henry Hardman and DeeLynn and Bob Siebel for the second Seamons delivered singles. HOME ‘ flight title with. Bob H a t t i i ^ d - ....^ ^11 of wUdhess let Twin Dan^Mjfhl.vwho drODDed Bob saras’ shutout-in Hnaircing jjVvailabU Youree and Chuck Coiner, sixth. Mark Hahchey U v ^ fREE M iy e ty «h d Inttolltallan already o ^ i n g thftaamsolation jj^ril on Anywher* In Magic Valley pm. _ TSUke_Eries' iingle. .‘^aras thpn The third • champions were walked Dick Walker and Kevin Egon Kroll and -Biert I.arsen. Nelson to-force the run-home. Com plete who defeated Frank Feldtman The Spartans didn't take A c c e s s o r ie s and W««kend> mQch time to decide the, second and .Qiff Fallis. ALL MERCHANIHS£ COMPLETELY GUARANTEED BY LOCAL SUPPUER!! H u n d r e c ts o f g if t s t o r t h e - g ir l g r o d u a f e , to o , in o o r f o s fijo n - fille d w o m e n 's d e ^ x jftm e n tfc - PLACE; WinarMOVMM^IQUGErMAVFlOWER ACENT 305 Sth Ave. West, TWIN FA liS, IDAHO s i s l i n t tiin- ^ r e e ^ i j t BANK-AMERICARD & MASTERCHARGE ACCEPTED R 30-40-90 CREDIT T O IM S. f H E A G E N t F O R n i l $ S A L E IS B O H P H ^ 4 iW llA llg M J C f t USE YOUR ROPER’S LUrc4f)^jtn^ ^ 9 0 from 9 W .bSSk • s V r S K S ROPER'S - • ^URtEY RUPERr^BDHr^^TySm^ FALLS - ' - FORT W o r t h , Te3J^(£fPI)— Uast from a trap on the 7,100- . ;Th‘e ■orlcerpudgy Rbdgfrs February—bounced baclf with ~ ^ Jerry Hfeard shatt^r'eil a 2+i "yard., par 3$ji-7 0 Colonial m a d e ^ run at Heard’s lead 40 ahd 2D-foot back'-to^ck year-old 54-hole Colonial Nation- . CountFy-<3<ib^^-tot»ghest hole. earlxoiL.the back tiine, puUii^-biridies on the 11th and 12th and aj in al ilnvltfltnfn wimm one Slurinfer baTiTc^ stayed in close piir^uit ‘until withLa 3 3 - 3 4 j ? 2 g S t a Aight-iinfjg^^a'r. }iD2 and a seven feet an^ the .ij |Jir«e-sho^ lead p v e r.F r^ Marti when he drovennto" the trees, Marti, like Rodgers, and \ ' ---3 -i fUUrlHnmlA r,,,,. hariVHhH ^ Phil "V *Rodgers,' u>hgn g-unii -ta chip ..■■■P hark u«., i» . /intn ■ ■ iiw. the mr llnivarsity of ui Hoiinton nuuuiuil pih prouuci, . The',2^year-old Califoniian’s • ^ \ fairway and two^utted. , had birdie putts of 15, 20 and 6 eif>ht-under figure broke .•the-,'T~^._^ ^ i, i ^ ' Rodgers, who had starledJhe feet, but m is ^ d the green .for a mark of 203 which had stood .third round two! shots back of bogey, at- the third hole and since 194;8 when, big Qayton th e^ yaW ^ 'S^ -lsS^ ^ Heard and Dave>Ocktbn's two- flubbed a four-foot par putt at me 206.yi,^-d him frqin Heafner .stunned the a winning, 272 that- has also birdiftf his apiSroach challenging. stood the test of time. ' caught'a trap and he came up .Stockton had two holes to Heard, the fourth leading ,H e did very little scrambling, with hiS first three-putt green complain about as he dropped money winner in only his fourth but he blasted from ^ trap of the tournament, , into'uddispitited fourth‘place at year.-on-the tourrttnllBd- three“ TalO Tlgsrde'ffie"gfeeirM ^ 7 17 ButrtTOdgefs —who hasri’r fW -u n d e ri)a r 206 after a 35-M of The -flrsr ■riye holes —the- ^ d hit the pin to leave himself, cashed a check for more than —71, He bogeyed the third from third one cominfi on a ”3(tfoot J tapin for a saving par. $500 since the Phoenix Open in a trap and missed a putt "from under two feet" that would have given him a birdie on the seventh. Ageless Julius Boros zoomed ^ Twins lop Brewers lA^'ice in 22 and 15 innings Tnarathons Blnnrninptnn, Minn. lUPl)-E>ic Solderholm belted a tworun homer with two put in the 15th inning Saturday to give the Mlnnesbta Twns a '5 ^ victory over Milwaukee, after the Brewers had won the suspended from Friday Nii;Br 4-3. o n j run-scoping-.sifigle by Mike Ferraro in the 22nd inning. ■ The twOUiay total of 37 innings between the two teams (‘■;tahli<;h(>H a__new__ AmericaftI-eague record. Ferraro had grven the BrewerS a 4-3 lead'in top_ of the 15th with a leadoff home)-, but Jim Slaton walked Jim Nettles with two out In the boitlom of the inning ■.^ d SQldvliolm Tollowed with his first homer of the season. MtiwAukee jb r hb( r n ,B i « 0 ' 0 tp .rtr it btDti lb Urigs^s 1 L> -jk » H iw d i r " 10 ; 4 0 fl 10 0 I 0 tfunusn ss lu i 0 0 •B I -1 0 C .ir r w }t> B 0 S 2 i 1.1 0 Kilii-Wfw/jO f 0 O0 ?0 » I pjrwvin 11 •» 0QJ "5 T'? '' '6-6 2 b MotJon on 1U00 Bfyf If 60 i 0 (on.<ji.,MU"V 0 I P Mrtnuvi pf. 10 00 PtHIf* ^ ' 00 0 Woot I. 100.0 .’ 0 0 0 NfMIri, i)f. 1000 VQ•,^ 1>M *0 1a LVmpvp, I J 0 20 P.tts»K's p I U00 Aoo<3^on p J 000 bU'pnonsh p 4jj_O'0 i.iHoifu- p 0000 p 0000 10 0 0 RTifM* pr\ 10 6,p'C>f.ingcf p I0 I .niY [) 0 0 0 0 Kyo.iK pn 0 0 0 , ♦00UCoM„n p - 0 0 0 0 J 0 I 0•Mon/on pr» 1 0 0 0 1Q0 0. , Li>nl>org-p 00,00 ph 1d00* NOfto« p W000 So<JefMmph I 000 - Hlylrvfn p 0000 M4114 To»*lv 7*J i; ) Tot«U Milwbv* 000 100 300000000OOOOOO14 Mnn»t4 100070 000O OO0000000000) , H • I _ JslislerinK . 33-32—65 that featured birdie putts of 8, 10, 2, 40 25 and 15 feet. • ip • n r « r t>b »o Bobby Nichols, Ralph John K f.»u s -»e 3' S 4 j 2 1 L o lie h , T ig e r jL ^prpr*% ''• '.! 0 6 J 2 T I ? ston and I.^e Elder were 'ij 6 “1 I 6 5 0 S d e fe a t Rov-al« 1 :)■} 3 r-\ bunchtd at 208 after ' Nichols I 0 Q 0 0 0 and ‘ Johnston sh_ot 34-34—68s 1 t 0 0 0 2 KANSAS CITY (UEllr=pUl HDP B Kr.tUise. TBijndo' WP • and Elder a ^36-^72.-' Freehan drove in three runs Krju^^r . r^piof^ ; IBvA 20 ^6/ ^ert Greene fired a 69 that with a ..single and .twd-run . left him the only other man homer; Saturday to pace- the ? !y Q X 1 r tic s tx ih u n d e r p a r 'v it > i.;^ a ) 9 , ^ n rh ijg -/Detroit-Tinei»fl to-a- 3 1 victory Floyd and Deane Beman were over the Kanijas City Royals as l ( H r » ^ o n O r i o l e » » Mickey l.olich regi^ered his. Bulletin CHICAGO lUPD-BU l at regulfllion. 21Qs., sixth triumph with a fivepTitier. Melton and Dick Allen each Al Kaline started the ^ger drove in three ruris'Saturday scoring in -the-first -when lie night to h ^p "Stan BanH561rirtS~ ripped a two-out double to the his first career victory Dver base ol the center field fence. Baltimore-as the Chicago White Freehan followed with a run- Sqx handed the Orioles their scoring single. sixth straight-road losfr, 9-3i K « n t a t C ity Mellon drilled~a three-run i b r h bi h bi rittfK homer to cap a five-run;.third NO' tjp II ^0 V0 H 4 110 S 0 0 O 'R d T d i 3b J 0 1 t inning and Allen contributed a 4^20 Or.i (.1 J 0 0 0 I '9 I ; J P i f i . f l l . i u 4 0 10 two-run single in. the third and .4 0 2 0 Scrif.noihi___ 11 0 I 0 I ^ 0 t 0 M r t y b f . V ID 4 1 0 a run-s<?onng single during a ♦ 0 0 0 0 JO i 0 0 0 ■ ;tj 4 O O 0 k .i- k p d t r t h V J 0 .0 0 four-run eighth ijs-the Whi,te 1ss4 0 10 Dfjgo.4\' 'i1 90'"CT) '■ Sox tagged Pal Dobson with his 4 0 1 0 K n o o p ph A b e rn d th r y p 0 0 0 0 >7J ) Totats )0 I 5 t third loss- in six decisions. to: 000 WO-3 Illy 0001000001 I OH DftfOil 10 2t. 2 '2 2.0 ■ lln n »f'a rt } 0 I 0 A n O fi 2H H )b P.iii MRu P p ^ fii lb J >r? I Md» 2* 7 0 ^ Twin Falls Open Sundays Shop Sunday Noon ’til 5 Fr^eh^n (J) SScbeinbturp LOl'Ct' 6I ' V D f .w ii 1- ,2 2 ' H A b.-r,utlhy > • 12 /VMDf.»yo T242A 11 0 0 0 0 K e n n e d y b a ts S o x p ast /%'» . ..t •, .. 2 2 ) Wob'fiiOP Jl) 400bAllen lu Hi.t.f i 4 110 McJlon it) 1 I ionoson 2b 4 12 1Jofif'Stom0.«i«s i 4000Heffn».tfu< J 00 I. 4 0 10 l l f i . t t i u f f sv 3 0 0 1 M o f d i f v 21 J00‘o. Dotjsofi P 10 0 0 D<ih 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 S^'Op.tT po Ai,v.ina^> 0 0 0 6 '>.lltTion pfi 10 0 0 ),4i t>son p 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 ^.ttl p 000 0 i<ott p Jt 1 Ttoalt Tot«U icago . OAKLAND (UPD-Utility in- Ch t .(ivM nuttr )l « 10 1 000000210OOS00004«~9 MwUfH .1 .D P H.^11' ( h,i rtyo / fielder John Kennedy drove in- n .o r.- ' I O H B .«il moi rm s o f' m H five runs with a three-run •. M rllO i Ml t'Oufl )H Coif>or homer, singtF and sacrifice fly h r e / t> b10 <*or l«*f T h o n ip s o * M.., Hr as the Boston Red Sox pounded P .> f.o n s J I J 4 J J \ 4 ^ out 14 hits to beal the Oakland 11. X i- 0-0 I Slfphenson 1 2 I 1 0 0 U 1 and Ken 'Holtzman 9-6 2 10 0 00 0 bd*ioi‘fs ^ J fl 0 1 7 • A's ' 2 ) , S I i 2 B • i-iCU • J 2 0 0 3 2 Saturday. ' ■ 1 1 n'i 0 0 0 I (^iboM W- I'O • I 6 C 0 i 1> Lofifefy Kennedy.substituting at third, • ' base _for slumping JEUco PelilMfiiJ'i: . G f .in g .T T . F . e o H o c ls JttocellL_ brcke. up the game with his sixth-inning homer. He singled in a tally in the first ( l i s t r i ( ‘ t l i l l e -and tojocked m ttw-standijp run -- T » i T|>in F a lls with a sacnfjce fly in the fifth. B ru ia s grabbed The fourth district class A golf cham pionship Friday by defeating ^Mono'^ p'‘ Burley and MinicQ. ■ . ... . 0 aaa SJdhjn u.-. j —U—L-U ..N u iiu ii u 5 , 1 ' u.-.- . » pt- 1 0 0 I) T^vi.n F a lls .scored 303 while, iS ' I I p Lpilc/J Jt. :i J u u Burley had 31ft and Mini<;o-343. } 1 S M .»n g u .*i . Kevin Packard got an eagle 0IU , J0 0 0 0 Hfo-n ;t) on the final hole to tie Burley's 0 0 U MOH/it,,in 10 0 0 0 1 I 10 0 0 B ill Spencer at 73 for medalist 0 I 0 /-tor U*n p 0 0 0 0 «.a k v o r\ ., c 0 ,0 0 0 honors Also scormg for the Ai^rrt pr< 10 0 0 »■ -*o>MrSp 0 0 0e winning team were G a ry V .. t . ' 1 0 t « li Ji i f i ToUl4--, » Botlon JOODOJOO- f Duncan 76. Tom Allen 77 and iH.-g' 0 J U JO) 000101• * Mark M ueller,77. rol4l\ so4to4 Tol«l% iO H I OjhlAnd MilMfAUkrr >00OOO010OOO0014 '‘1. ' wyn •i'5mm?\ 0Ta ' '7tooootmjoowooj j _ All three teams will compete f (),. (11' V >A,. ) V .n .ir s o M I jos*-p^soo in the state finals at Pocatello's ... Kiverside course Friday. 1 6 ; V 'h n f*s b »rt .H Monday 9:30 a.m. tii 9 p.m. S A V E *"30 O u j i l 2 7 9 '''^ Classic Cook ('en ter FeaUires T w o Big Ovens >*248 r a u f ' e v\ilh u l.o u t T in « - lii(lf s r r iiio \ a l)le l- p p n - T » v rn (io < » r. rn rtx n tT F c h r o n if- b ta c k ~ g ta ss" ilo o r " . I n d ia n .s Jo h n s o n in o n GO W ITH THE W IN N E R S C1.KVK1.ANI) I U P II Alex .lohn.son's fourth homer of the sea.son. a three-run—shot over Uie right centcr field fence, - -cappgd a~ third inmngSaturday that, carried the Cleveland Indians lo a 7-3 victory over the Texas Ran gers - Slutp Twin Falls hom <^r LIVE BETTER THE, S R ic h H a n d — w ith u p r is in g in t h e t h ir d . >J J » > Paul - y toooorojo- J m tiooo.- t 11 0 0 0 1 Minoori 113 1 0 0. 0 3 >d ^veMingori U) T9'30. • «Sd E 1 3 0 K v g u l a r ^ 1 2 9 ' ' I{ a h jj;e w i t h Use Sears Easy Payment Pla \ OP Tr>a« LOB ClF wrl«n<3 ) 2B >. Un^cr HR JormMXi (41 SB Ip A r fr bb«• H*nd I o r 3 4 4. i 1 » Co* 3,J 7 I I <. P«nm»r 3 3 1 10 J e Ho^ara V r> v o A u t o m a t i c O v e n s tliei'r T«i«t CIvvtUnd •br hIM <brhbr .lAjaoo* cl J t 00unt4«f cf ' : 3t J J N*iw>o Jh ) I t t 2t>.1>1' M .rx h ^ -f It) ) 0 0 0 Jor»o«> r( if J i ♦ ] 0000Phill-0%H 10 00 )b "MoSArTTn---; a, 1 > P<»uJ p ' 0000M<Cr«»k in 4 I 1d Pora r» ]q0,0 r» 40 j‘ » c ) 0 q'O l.«>p 4 1I 000 0 <, J |I 0 '"^imTfSgT 1tJ■ » ' T.<Jro-. p J I 0 0 H^rran vs 40 10 M.npof p , 000-0 7t> 4060 MAnd p 1000 V Coi P .0 000 * Of'VCOMp^ 10 00 PAolhffp 0000 ........ Bxttnff Ib 2I 10 f Tot»r» T«.*t A ELECTRIC IHIV! ffle v e 4ai>d o h a s a d T a X a s st a r,-te r H urley TmS AD IS O tR WORD i»- H*ekcd bjL Se»r* Adrertuiiig Polide* Manual which require* svery adverti«e<l item tft bc "aupported in wrh~pjWtrip«tlng. • t ^ - with sufficient merthandiae. . . If we sbould run out of aiiy i^uoed price item during the u le , we m il reorder for you at the u le ^ c e . T I ^ doe* a«t apply to (clear ance and closeout aak* where availahle quantitie* are Kkiited. - ,lt For G rci€U>€t^<m ^^ElANESe. c /1 I Both ovens turn on.,'eook, lu rh o ff autom atically . . also have broil pan, grid., light, door^eal. I t-.1l*K» ^ O P AT SEARS AMD SAVE SatUfaetion duaranUrd or Your Uoney BMk Sears SKABS. a b n o c K akoco. Scars - Tw in Falls -4 0 3 West iMain Slreei Phone 7.1.1-0821 free , s t o r e s IDE P A R K { ^ n it !^hop .M o n .. W e d ., F r i . l U I 9 p .m . T u « „ T h o r* , and S * l, l i f l 6 p .m . Sunday \o9 a t lU .S 'p ^ . • Gpstom leather sho|i o^pen ■nie inferior of the j ^ e is TWIN: FAL1<S V .?;The L ^therm an ,” a custom lestbex jfoneled. with pine b^k'sidlHg on , goods st!Ot>. h4s op «n ^ on Main- both ^ walls and ceilingJoetaan ciiim »-M «vg^venufe Esuit in Tyrip.^alls. ________ __________ ! he owned a man, makes to order” .’hats, leather goods store, fiBtffs'been coats, pursed, shlHs, vests and in ■the leatherwork business sandals in view qf his about four years. I|e said all the customers', 'i'H e' also ^ells 'buckles and other hardware handcrafts and gifts includihg used in his leatherwork are Indian ^ d Persian jewelry and Danish rings., ’ . .41. clinic specially cast, and all leather h an d ;«t^e d and waxe^ there in tJjie store. i m an he has received over. So orders for cu sto m - m ad e s a n d a ls , including lilan y rfro m q\der women who have difficulty finding- sho^ to fit anyiithere else. X J W e are concerned with only'two thingi; . . • Your Hearing and U u r keputatjon.,. | TWIN FALLS ^ Denny ’ L. Erickson, Twin Falls, district • T h e r e fo r e , w e offer you the W o rld 's Fjnisst • agent for Northwestern Mutual H e q ring A ids-efld-Set^wce^--------Life Insurance Co., attended^n agency bujldling clinic this past week in Milwaukee; Wis. --- L e a d poisons business by allowing them II form 5nd operate , tH9ici_ow) businesses for'one school yeai W fV S H IN G T O N i UPI^-PlumS A M I KL J. V O S T Program participants thi . bism —lead poisoning —often . . . pr<(iii«>t*-<J year remodeled the basement d results w'hen children eat paint -thq Ametium teglon Hall ant -ohipg poulinn—offAgd used it for their manufactiann* ceilings of dilapidated-housing. and sales headquarters': Business firms of Twin Fall County, including utllltle<i assist in the program bt spgnsoring the studert comanies, Gary Pridm ore, MouritaLi Bell, has served as progran manager for the past season. Hi ' announced the bm quii program will ..-Xfiatui? TWIN FAI.(-S .Sjimuel J. NBW VoUK tU l’li Juno It c«n liir e 'lh i? h i 'tTOyiR'T,"— l l IU rw tliy j lifa' u f f n T>.. At); t lia f p r e ^ n ta tio n of ' acniever Yost has hi'^rr-prouMilMil iti thp Kraeger of has changed Students are awards to the outstartdinj (X)s1 1nfn Kraduali'.s, es()t‘ciiilly woineii note<l .loseph -msta IImeii I and students, fryni ininyrity i''»r(lhani"Their philosophy is, hustling, bowing and scraping ^ le s fn tn , company and th officer in the Twin Falls q|£ice for jobs to<lay Thpy're pound letv'eni gel Uielr master's on HroupSr-have a better chance of program’s leading iridividua: "of Ttie Idaho First National ing doors and accepting pffers ■' , ijettini! a lob than any Unit* tlu' job '" ' .'The .Moriday night banquet i Bankd, XlraduaUa__wiUi technical even tliough tliey nuiy mean open to all interejSted ppVsoni .■ilnce 1908. Hiil it's still a_ver!>' A native of Buhl, Yoyt atskills«»ie«)urituig, .sale.-j, Iwalth, pmployTrient beneTttTi'skills 'smT Tickets for tne oanqb^l' may I; lended C.oociing Jligli .'iCTiOTranff" ti«hl job market. That's the word from piiice- some ciigineering I find jobs if dreams obtained at the door. ^aduated iii4a6.'t Aflor several ••('omjianies can be- more ment directors at 5(i per cent of their records and per.soniilitles years ex[>erionce with another ch<K)sy now.,"- said Stevan tlie 41 colleges and universities stiind ^cru'lihy__Jjilii-raL 'financial iiistitution, Yo.srjoined in 20^states surv'»;yed by United, studeiits I U.-achmg, journalism, Sayre, assistiiiit, .difA’tor^rtrf the staff (if the . bank's Twin Press Internalionai. About 32 the huinanitiesi find, the doors placemerit at tlie university of Falls'office in (X'tober, 1971', a.s Delaware Would-be professors , per cent fo u g h t the job tnostly closed an installment loan clerk. •situation was the .same or —Jerry Jjtowers, a Alay gra- who used to hold out for Yale Yost IS vice, president of the worse. Twelve per t ^ t were (iu’at*'' wiUi an engineering' amhllarvarcl today are accept Twin Falls Optiiiiist-tlub He degre^'Troiii Marshall Universi ing spots at l’o<lunk Conununity udecided. and his wife, Michaelene, and • Comitlenls ranged from mild ty, .W est Virginia, ranked t'ollege, said a spokesman at their sor\, Matthew, reside al 402 .second in his cla.s.s with a 3.8 Columbia University "Compaoptimism to utter despair Park l,)nve. ■'The resporuie ha.s bwn puf'/. average He xcnt oiit B(> juE nieji doming on cajnpu.slt)ok for -aoHWwMW—wtut-wUl- iiat-rej]ulre ■HOUSTON lU P li ’nie Hun.■ <aid 'ir' “I'l'phriitiona — fn ghtening: nnd-gi'tm on-job Uainihg, ble Oil ' & Kefining Co wll spokesman for West Virginia boUierixl to atiswer Eight said extensive "sorry but nothing is av'i'iila- .someone- wltti will inake a diange ilSTtiamt'iind the uaqe University 'There has been an upturn in must ble " He Is coiisideriivg a Navy contribution much .looner," said of Its ga'solme to* "F.xxorI , —th e fini Victor l.undquist, head of effective .Jan ^ ... •areas,'' said a University of career 4 ^ a lt ‘ Tlien Itiere is Kred WillUins, placement at Boston Universi -announced Friday Klorlda offitial_ ■Anyone who llie braml name F.xxon wi.s thinks cmployihent "Ts getting a black with a I! 7 average .in- ty. SALT lAKK CITY - Ford K(l»ar,tl Harrow, assisUint cho.sen to replace three naniis better i.s.k'idding hiiii.self," said chemiial engineering al Ihe Division's now car sales in the a spokesman al Kordham lliiiver.sity of Now Me.yco He dean of the Ohio Stjite college now in use for Hiunble producs Salt l^ke CMy district in Ap^il had U) job offers and chose an of Agriculture' and Homie' ;-F-sso. Knco and Huinbk University. NeT^\ork a word ('oni[)ai>. cuntinuedto re.iich levels atx)ve K,ven tliougfi research hy the oil company .At San Franciscu I'Aonomics, suuiined up the F.xxon, officials said was unusiiil last year Toilege Placement ('ouiicil at .Slate College only two of the new eiiiployiiient ballgame H K, Parr, the divi.sion's StudenLs now seem to be bi’ of its double .v, liethleheni, Pa., a nynpntfit 200 studenti-contacted by re ilistrict .siiles manager, said picked partially iH’cause t aware they; must look sharp, cruiters, received job offers. organization, indicates the sales touiled 1,759, an increase tliink shiiTp-«ftd-. act sharp in could . bt' ■ used in Humbf first upward, inoveiiient in three Both were women ■ of 45 per cent above last April's conU iCts with employers. entj.' internationally years.," the Job picture in There were reasons tit 1,216. graduate schools is bleak. liXiB, when the economy They 're much mare aware that Truck sales for the month company could not use_interniSalariea-«ffBrg35^eriui£.Qnly bubbled with—prosp«rity -and a job meahs an opportunity to climbed to 1,65^ up 17 4>er cent tionally the^ most common it . about 2 -per. cent aboire last college stuttnrts WefiT "work rather than just an ------the three braitd nanie.<t, I^nci from April, IW year, and that’s hardly enough piimpered and pursued by opT^ortuftity to draw a paycOrporale jtHs and high sala .L''k" “To discount inflationan- forrcs Ciraduates iii ai'counting are ■' is showing a prefer- ries Practically anyone with a for baettektM- degiw s—degree would get such allt'ntion most sought a.fler.,according to over master's degree.s bocaitfp as he ptrkert and chose amonc but not nece.s.sarily in this order. coine Uic medical si ii-iu'i'N. servk'e-oriiMited areas I f(H)d. esUite. housing, U'.ivel aud li'i.siire timei. BLISS - Bill Hogim. Kersey. iJnklettor F.nterpnses which s[H'cific biLsiiU’Ss areas such‘as Colo., has been appointed hii.s an office in Bliss The (xitiking, rctJiih/ig, insura:u'e assistant regional field manger company manages integrated and saU’.s Nursing i.s strong of the Colorado, Montana and livestock programs in Chcmical and mechankal en Wyoming areas of Agrl-Iihlt coiiperalion with ranchers and gineers still find jobs So do Agri-Ijnk is a sut)sidiary of feedlots graduates with computer technolog.N to offer Kanking first in t+ie depre.tsed areas of employment are liberal .irts grailiiale.s. ll'^u TW TNTALI^ - C David of four .regional meetings uT so bad nian> are puking Land Bank alti'rnative careers or accepUng Burgess, .manager of the acquaint Federal I-and Bank Ass(H.‘ia('ion Management with Farm Credit underemployment ■offers of Twin Falls, attended a Act of 1971 regulaUons which Teaching, in general, is a grim conference of Idaho land ban^ -effect long-term mortgage area. There appears to be a managers Wedpesday' ai^d lending in the 12th Farm Credit surplus of tliein." explainiil a Thursday in Burlfey. District' spoke.siiian at the I'niversit) of The conference is the second Delaw ;ue T F men nanioci I.IFK UNDERWRITERS officers elected for the Kuuthern Idaho division from left, Hubert Brown, swretary; Tom Moore, vice president and I jirry Henman, president. All are -fnini Twill PuK.v-------- -------------- TF bank promotes o fficial W om en, m inorities’ jo b chances best IN PERSO N !! B IL L Y J A M E S Fuel firm takes nen' gas name Fo rd aiiTo s rise IN CONCERT!!! TWIN FALLS-; - SUNDAY, MAY 14 8:30 P J . - CM ARYIR. HIGH SCHOOL Reddy ’s spring R egion m a n a g r r namrri campaign T'F nian attends meet T im e to c h a n g e y o u r h o m e to CLEAN ELECTRIC HEAT home f o r f ir m MATT'S SERVIC.E, which has 'Operated in Twin FalU (or the past 33 or 34 years, is o p u in new facilities at 2S6 Second' Ave. E. jaines , I W c k ) Beglan, owner, said bis late father. Matt jSesbm, began the service v e a s i e r - t o J < e e p c l e a n . Ctiange over m o w a a d i h e a d d e d in s u la t io n w ill g iv e y o u a c o o l e r s u m m e r . Idaho Power Company A calf Id yoijr local Idaho Power I . ^-ddiUons to the s e ^ c e station will tki coin operated«ar washes. N. l o w w h i l e y o u s t i l l c a n r e m e m b e j - l a s t win t e r , c h a n g e y o u r h o m e to f l a n i e l e s s e l e c t r i c h e a t . It u s e s o n t y e l e c t r i c i t y , t h e clean e n e r g y , t h a l a d d s n o t h i n g to t h e air, t a k e s - n o t h i n g f r o m . t h e air, for a c le a n e r h o m e a n d a neater, n icer/ieig h b o rh o o d E le c t r ic h e a t c a n , r e d u c e c l e a n in g a n d .red eco r^ ' FLA M ELESS E L E C T R IC LIVING FOR A NEATER, CLEA N ER WORLD 2- JB, . TT .. ,v . Ild a h Q National T emperatures Temperatures T F fa ir exTiibit books By United Press Intematloual'' HlghLowPcp. ' Atlanta r ■ . M. 59 1.55 TWIN. FALI5 — Premium to pres& Monday iand be The new premiium books will Boston pc ' 72 48 .... books for the 1972 Twin Falls available to prospective include some minor changes r Buffalo 78 47...... _____- fi7— alined at helping exmpitors ........... l^ioautnvru----------------Charleston, 75 €9 ...- County Fair are*ex(jevted tu KO "exnmitqw. enter and remove their ■79 42 Eiininett •Chicargcrrc— ----- 74 55 .20 possessions. , " 68 22 - Fairfield Columbus, 0, cy 68 57 . .68 ’ Especially in the antique Qoodlng 72 42 Denvfer cy"64 38 .01 department, exhibitors and 70 M Grangeville Des • Moines pc 68 52 .58 department officials have had Momedale 78 41 -Qetrail.r..— !----- 67 . 46 .16 difficulty getting the items, Idaho Falls ' El,Paso c 83 ,51 released in the allocated time. Jerome, >■ Houston c .83 65 TWIN KA1.1,S — The Potato Association of This year antiques will be Kimberly 73 57 .49 InHTana^lis > . _______ f\menca will have its annual meptinf hily relensi^ ^Mt-Monday-instaad-of— 1•JKuna Kansas City -i(r at the College.of Southern Idaho. Sunday to give department Mtn.Home 1.0S Ant^i'fi's c 88 04 ---8e\’eraHiundred potato scientists from many worktktii Ume to sjort and Lewiston 65 Memphis c “ parts of the world are expected, according to assemble each exhibitor’5 t*ocatello . Miami Bcat-h pc' .82. Hotx-rt 1.. Mercer, Idaho Falls-, program antiques. . Rupert 61. 53' 10 Mirui.-St.l’aul cy — chairman— Deli^ations—ar^>,-sctieduled-fiHHii--Atv outdoor ■ theater, prograffl —Salifnon---New OrloaiiJ'cv 81 (ST ,4? -- ix'uttl AmiTli'ii and t ovoral Europoon eonntrifs,----- TFTtrTJJTTcatufwT during two Tunie7i)'. 57 , .in.,. Ni*v\' YorK pi— - asiwell as many af<?as of the United States. ^ afternooiis of thi; fair. Tonj Wj^Vellowslone , Qrleiido c> • > ■- 85 ■69- ,01 • ■ 'Hie associatioinh primarily.coiK;erned with Sliuuse, rnana^er. said I’huoiii.x pt' !)H (il :. nHM'dination of research'’information in all S;iturilav. 75 45 I Pittsburgh r [)tuise.'i of the |X)tato business productioo,— I'ortland, Me, (.•>' G7 44 . inarketinK, and ultii'nate ^ — s:t--83" “ ■t'urttamt, tn-e {'v ■ Tlie program includes a tour ofpotato work a t ' L E G A L N O T IC E KaloiHh cy 75 48 ,,,, ttie Aberdeen branch ex|HTiment station of the UPl WE A lH ft fOlOCAST ® HK'hmond cy ■ 78 45 ... University-of Idaho. N A T IO N A L f o r e s t T I M B E R FO R SA LE 7ti «o :o St Ixjui.s f N A T IO N A L • F O R E S T T lA \ B E R 71 :t9 . . . . Sjilt J.ace Cith tS A L E . S A W T O O T H N A T IO N A L F O R E S - T ,- G R IN D S T O N E S A L E , .S<in Kratuisco c • 81! 4S) ,.,, lo cate d w ilh in T 3 N , R I 4 E . . B .M . Seattle ty 78 5ti SEA LED sm s by Ih e F d r e i i S u p e rv is o r, 1525^ A d d ison Spokane ey 77 49 ,,,. A'venuje E a s t , T w in F a ll s , Id ah o , at . 10 OO iftc»4->ime a f t t i e p lacg -o f ;"T?rmpa cy , 85 72 ■ Twin Kails, northsiile, Burlcy- overnight lows in the 30s. Temperatures will coptfnue tb Tonight'!? iiuniinum teiiibid o p e n m g . Ju n e I I . 1972, fo WashinKton, cj'^ T'TZl', 60 • fo llo w e d tm m ed tftte lv -by o r a l b K l. Rupert jarea:.......-— The outlook for Monday rise today as wai^ner a ir Pi'ratdres are expected to stay DKNVKK i U PI) ^ Livestock: d in g , fo r an-e^trm ated 6990 M b q ard K9 4& ..., 'OMAHA I UlM I l..ivehlock; • WiVtuUi tu;' Fair and warmer . today. mostly fair and t«olur. le e l ol tim b e r m a rk e d or o th e rw is e , spreads north and east from above .32 degrees in the friii't s and gilts Hogfi. 400;- barfows and Kilt: ■,OesignaTed fo r c u t t in g . T tie ■ _ Xlccasional afternoon (juity Californi;i -_________ Mrqwmu dl.stru'ts of suiitli>iyriupsis: yw -M1B» a40. -Il)»- ■ 3&-60-tn>rliirKe lU'Siron^l 1-2 26.75-2^.00; b oard re ef <&. ................. D o u g ia s llr and o t h e r ------ Winn. Hl^hs will be '/b 'to'T r ’ The wca4*ier map shows high . ,A,.weak front m o y ^ across Ufstern Idaho,' 111.19^ The'btd r a t e s w in ^ — shiiry Zo up; 140^250 lbs-stcndy ‘ 2-3 2fi:D0-2(i.7S; 2-4 25.7i r.26.25. overnight lows in th^40s s u b ie c i fo a d iu stm e n t d u rin g the pressure centered o\-er Idaho, a the norttiwest tip of Washington to, 25 higherr'over '>60 Ib.s-stea- Sows steady—>-3 '^0,50-21.00 p erio d of sale a« p ro vid e d for by' The extended outlook for The outlook foF-Monday is low in eastern South [)akota and State—ititurday afternoon but q u a r t e r ly a d iu stm e n t p ro v isio n s of _ dy to tO' 25 lower; 1(X) head 1-2 , , th e 'tim D e r sate c o n tc a ct. A d d itio n a l mostly fair and cooler. a lowpressur'e trouHh extending inost- of'the associated weather souUiern Idaho for the period 190-225 lbs 27.25; 1-3 '200-250 lbs -.=:.d«iasiLr«ivt/9d fof,s»a»»vdi9&M«l fs Tvprt^ckv... ' Camas Prairie, Hailey and .uji—thri^h.,.,California nor stayed north of.smilliefn Idaho. Monday through Wedne.sdiiV 13 13 p er M b o a rd 'f^ Y of ^11 s p e c ie s . ^ ruiii 2I>.00-27,Wl'; 2-t 240-260 lbs 25,50stiIn adchr<on th ere l& 3<yitt>in ttte sA le . i.ytM 3« lower Wood River Valley; thward to western Washington. Some high cloudiness will be calls for generally warm High Low ,26.25: 260-280 lbs 24.5(f25.5(rrT-4 - .11x1 Ix’luw S f e a a n U Q e sttm d te d V b lu m e o l o ld er s'r ?>-.0nt^h < /S SO . dead (unbound s^ pw ood) tim b e r Of Fair and warmer today. Mostly,-fair skies prevail fn' noted in southern Idaho today teniperatures and fair skies M M •280 - :I30 lbs 23.50 - 24.50,-.Sows Yesterday :•) ^0 n.ghof, hnjr. > ,*rul' ill spe Occasipjifll light w(nds in the the area wust of the t:ontinental and aS a result a few degree.s of lA>•< 0<H><1 $1 j o oe r M b o a r d f w t . LLihL 3 r stiiidy; 3,10 -bW) lUii 21.75-22 70. Jilm. High.s Tii llu' 70s Uiidugh liiwTT'' HasPyear' milI. J IH) I n u o J 4 r e q u ir e d BIB g u S r a h T ^ is . afternoon. Highs in the VOs with Divide cooling is expected on Monila.v mis «nd ly\wuiiu).stly.ixj the -lOs, Normal 73. 42 Cattle 500, calves nunc; re J29D0 («1M I ,»4 A ■ A v a ila b le p u r c h a s e r r o a d c r e d its ceipts mainly cows; fully stea a i a d v e r tis e d r a t e v ^ a r e U 4J11 .2 0L :> 00 The i r a * i m u m a m o u n t t h a t m a y ' dy; one load steers strongs loacL iiHO.yfv b e c o m e a v a ila b le for th is s a le is high choice and prime 1070 l.b i\09i6e7.9t All i n c iu t e d tim b e r, s ^ a ll 'b e g i v e n d o m e s t i c p r o c e s s in g .. steers utility and—wm. D id d e rs a r e a d v is e d th a t v i o l a t e o f th e d o m e s tic p r o c e s s in g mercial <'(iws24,00--i5.50; canuer r e q u u e m e n f c o n s titu te s b r'bach of and cutter 21 50-24,00 c o n tr a c t a n d m a y r e s u lt in c o n tr a c t c a n c e lla t jo n . or re to s d i to a w a r d Sheep 100; not enough lambs l^ O H T l A N D M l P I i ' v io la t o r , or on offei-for-warkel . , , ( U ll i L a a fT *,.tfJ»tj^,..m e n f o r ^ u s o e n ^ t o f l f r o m g r a m , c o a s t d e liv e r y b a s is o id d m g on <uture t im b e r s a le , ' Status ' given rural O n e m<-nil)er of Ihe C K A b o a rd the f .,, , , . , ^ T h e n g t i t jn r e je c t a n y and a ll b id s House floor later this year, maneuvers in a m e ssag e to White wheat 1.73_______________ l i fcs< .Tved F u ll information con, ,du.velo|>meiil 111 the final, version c e r n m ^ T n e rlfrilber; the c o n d itio n * o f — Kami gioups upfio.mng 'tlTp- ■I KA leaders mxe "Tlisr m o n tl i . -ttf----( li r e o lo i'w------------LW•Soft white 1 73 ' ; s a le , a n d m e s u b m is s io n of b id s o f d i e 1 H '\> b i l l , U IS n o t c o m o r g a n u a t iiiii ui p r o lv s l measure include a wide range WASHINGTON lUIM) sh o u ld o b ta in e d (r a m th e D is t r ic t White club no bid i n i t U ' d to s u p i K i r t t h e b i l l o n t h e B u t • ( ll c ii . I. .le r iiis t a d . , .. R a n g e r . F a ir f i e ld . Id a h o , o r the Karm lead_ers who thought o/ organizations which seldom Hard red winter ord F o r e s t S u p e r v i s o r . T w in F a l l s , H o u .s e f l o o r . l e r m s l a d i n d i c a t e f T ” e x ^ V r u t iv e d ir t ^ - t - o r of th e Id ah o President Nixon's plan to agree on other policies. The Barley 51 00 t h e C l ! A T l o \ e l . s in [ i o s i t i o n t o u sp , P u b lis h M a y 14, 1972 c o a lt io n . in s is t e d r e c e n l l\ t h a l Bureau dismantle '“ m'uch of the American. Farm t h e I H I ) b i l l a s l e v e r a g e to w i n w h i l e t l i e g r o u p i s - p l e a .s e d b y SKArrij-: lU Pii Grain, Federation" and the National AgrlHilture Departmeni had IDAHO FAI.I.S l U I ’l l g re a te r sta tu s fo r ru ra l N O T IC E O F S A L E f o,b Seattle, litUe chance .of approval ar.e Farmers Union and National N o trce IS h e r e jjy g iv e n th a t R o y Po'latoes; Upper valley. Twui .Soft while 1.73 d e v e l 6 p i n e n t p r o g r a m s in t h e G w rn •?fU N W a s h in g t o n , T w in now sounding a sharp alarm. Farmers Organization all are Falls and Burley dlStrrits: White club -t,W, .■ \ g n c u ll u r e D e p a r t m e n t if U i e y FaU ^ . ldaLtK>.w|H se ll to the h ig h e st SHOSHONE n ie water. Nixon this “past week handily against the Nixon plan. b id d e r w e 1965 F o r d T h u n d e r t t r d , Demand moderate, market a r e U d t t l i e r e , , S e r ia t N o 5Yff3Z 107W3 'B id s w ill &«'• Hard winter 1.62, One exception to the uruted inaster's office in Shoshone will won ■the first key test in r e c e iv e d un til M a y 19. 1972 Tt^esteady.,.ru>sets, washed, 2 in, or Corn 59,25-59 75 W h en th e b il l g e t s o n th e a d v e r t is e r r e s e r v e s the r ig h t to congrCissional proce.ssing of his farm and rural front is the be closed .May 15-18 4o'/. miri , TOOlb, sacks, U S No IJrIey 51 50-52 50. f l o o r , w c M ill p o l l t h e m e m b e r s » eiect a n y or a l| bids^ Watermaster Heed ..Newby reorganization plan The House rolath'L'ly new Coalition for of- t il e I C K A I b o a r d t o det<,'r1 .Size A. .1 50M 00 mostly 3 ROP U B L IS H M a y 8, 9. 10. lL - 12. U . 15. government operations com Hural America,,, A ciUzen lob said new office secretarial 16, 17 & If , 1972 m ir ie th e c o a lit io n 's s t a n d , " 3 «5; fl to 14 oz, mostly- 4.75; 10 mittee' approved, On a '2(^to-8 bying group foriijed last year. hours will be from 0-11:30 a m. oz min. mostly in mixed pack . l e r m s U i d p r o m i s e d , and 12:30 to 3 pin,, Mondays,vote, a bill to create' a new The coalition outraged many "Of "Vloads 3 00-3.5b; non-Size A 2,'80farm.-grotip members; Tuesdays, Thursdays ■'and - Department of Community Its 3 00, occasionally 3.15; U.S. No. Fridays 0n Wedne.sday. office Dovelopment. Among many recently when, instead of uiMil IdU t>v '.O' 2, 6 oz min. 1,65-1.90, oc other comgonenls, the proposed fighting the DCD bill outright, it hours run from 9 a.iiiT to 12:2(1 casionally 2 10; 50 lb cartons, p.m. ..... ' new DCb would lake over the worketi.with the adrhihislralion L'.wt bHSii>. sy-ioos 5.75-L25. ' KnT3tfc-'leclrification Ad-^ and the government operations .SHOSHONK Dr Marvin- mostly (i 0(W1,25. few high as ministration and a mttlQTbjIlion committee to reshape the bill. .lensen, Kimberly, w ill' i;50, 10 lb mesh .sacks, baled, dollar, rural housing and rufijl As fin.'illy approved by the represent Uiis area at a water [x-r hundredweight. U S No I By United Press International water-sewer program from the House panel, the measure MU^Iily—seminar—it)—(-'(rlorado .'MZC |\-1.50 5,(») mostly -I.CO 4,85^ CTiarles A I-indbergh's ia27 groups all rural progYams into a Agnculture Department VVedne.sdaN to ■Friday. Heid non-Size A 3 50-4 00 mostly 3 60Under other Nixon separate' rural development .solo transatlantic flight from ■Xeivliy, watermaster for Big X80. occasionally 4,15, oc^ .Meneola, N' Y , to Paris took 33 reorganisation plans, which administration ca>ii«i«illy 3,4t). and l.ittle Wood Hiver said •Sixteen farm and rural hours. 29 minutes and 30 could come up in Congress next seconds year if the^nCTi blU’wins Tinar groups protesteil tin c o a litio n 's passage this year. the Agriculture Department wmitd lose otheriiniLs Including such standbys as the Soil Con BURLEY LIV E S TO C K C O M M . C O . servation and Forest Services Market Report for M ay 1 ), 1972 and the $4 billion family and DO Y O g W AN T TO SELL Y O U R S ? school food programs The o i04 Cattle o 356 Hogs o 2 Horses pared-down department would N a tio n w id e advertising be left primarily with farm Weiner Pigs . S8.00 to $19.50 reaching over price support operations, Fot Hogs S22.5 0 t o » 6.W6'J,OOU,1)00 re od ers marketin'l’ and export S o w i ............... Slg.OOfo $21.20 w e e k ly programs and research Feeder Lambs C o n t a c t s m o re b u y e r s fr o m The electric co-op group is Fat Lambs . . _ NONE CO Q it t o c o o s t planning a counterattack aimed Killer Ewes , . R e s u lts c o u n t $7.00 to $10.50 at leaving the HKA and other Breeding Ewes i by the head) $26,50 to i32.00 A g ricu lture Departm ent M o g ic V a lle y B abyC olves ^ ........................................... $31.00 tO $46.00 development progriuns in the w [ s i M AIN jf R O M f Light Holstein Sfeer Calves olde department instead of $35.00 to $41.20 V.tllmf G>w». moving them to the propo.sed lig ht KoUtein Heifer Calves . $140.00 to $155.00 new DCT) Xn electric co-op Light Whiteface Steer Calves $43.00 t o « 9 J 0 spokesman said the group W hiteface Heifer Calves . $37.00 to $43.00 hoped to form an alliance with Whiteface Feeder Heifers. . . $35.00 to $37.20 farm organizations to fight the Whiteface Feeder Steers $31.50 fo $41.50 issue when it .heads for the Boise *■ ■ ■ Buhl-" ■ . Burley Caldwell '• •.75 71 ^9 75 « 42 38 4B meet set Great weather fo r outdoor Jiin Livestock T w i n F a ll s . T em p era tu res jremap wins first test rain P o la lo e s Arid O n io n s C J i)s in ^ s e t P r o d u c e Prices [s trip iNow you knoN\ - ______ JIM PALEN'S. UNITED SELLS FARMS &RANCHES mi Com m on Feeder Heifers . Com m on ,Fee,der Steers . . . Hoi«tein Feeder Steers . . . Older Stock C o w s ...................... Holsletn Milk Cows & Heifers Cows an d C a lv e s ...................... Contact th Farm Soles department for complete advertising cover age of your farm tale, hpnd bills, nawspoper coverage (sv»r 70,000 reodcn - in A^ogic Volley) odVoiice billiog. Wl at one special low roTe. Every.sole listed in thi* farm Colernfor for Id doyt before tale. MAY 20 BONANZA MOTORS . Adv*nit*m«nt; May 18 AucliertMn: Koy* Wall « O^n Patunon . MAY 2 0 - ------WARM SPCINOS COt4SIGNMENT AUCTION, KETCHUM ------- A«*ve>ti»»'i'»»i»! Moyl l ---- . AuctionMrt: W»rt, EiUrr, ' ' * M»«»«rwnlth ' M A Y - iO t— COODING TRACTOR COMPANY ' A<Kr*ftwwMnt: May I a AuctianMn: Ivtrwh It .Osborn* $33.50 fo $37.00 $35.00 to $37 50 $32.00 to U 4 JO $240.00 to $375.00 $380.00 to $425.00 $240.00 to $297i0 — 419J)0to$2 Conner & Cutter Cows . , Utility & Com m erciol C «w s W hiteface Heiferettes . . . Feeder BuHs . . . ............. killer Built . . . . . . . . . . $22.0» to $23.50 $23.00 to $25.60 $27.00 to $29J0M $26iO(otZ7.SO $ 2 8 i0 to $ 2 9 i0 11 #-#icr#cc.JT I Cacie-MoAte^t KING OF ALL HYBRIDS. W ESTERN HYBRID M a iiD C O R N ^ $2gso M a r i t a l T r s n d : AM clattei of feeder cattle SI .00 to $1.50 Higher. Fat hogt $1.00 to $2.00 higher. Feeder hogt SS.OO to $7.SO higher. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS SScowsMdcjhres 45 stock cows Mi(Mcilirts-2S0te32Slis. S»ICIAL S A i l f : FOR THURS., MAY 18 60|urfi«stM n 4S packcr covs 40 yu A if htifen Spm^Hog OTid St<Mp S q U 9 0 0 A M T h o r i , M a y 18 C o lt l* to >ol« a l N e e n 4 ff» rio l H o n » « o l« j g i , M a y ^7 a l »;oo r w For Morket Information contact: LEASING ALSO A V A ILA BLE . . . _ IDAHYBRID a n d other Early a n d Late M aturing Varieties G. T. NEWCOMB, INfc m m m E72655m Blackfoot 7 8 5 ? 1435 CWT. p GDIBE Truck Lans SEED -^ E E D - 'Twin Falls, Phon»733^1373 The younerer the w1dc;w, the more f restly ihe grieves. :Suoli-W« the flndt>ig»-of an .Au*tr»Uiui mental specialist ■amed Dr.’ P . 0 .’ M iuldlsen; Thi»> autjiortty »aiy»‘ farther-- ' his three-year study of bereaved l^ n - ^ d lo a te ii the rich wldo\fs i^re no happler-«bout their plight than the penni less ones. The Inheritances — V _ , Just ilo n t help, says he. 'O D iJ B T iu ir t H J s r t o W ' -your.daughter will b a m a r ried before she's 23 years old. please note. A M TOLD-wb -gnt- niir. word "assassin" from an A rabic word for “hashish e ate r.” A 13 tH O N T H - O L D dog -J»—equivaient-in aye i o n•saj<8 a pup-an,d-youngster expert. "" Y O lJR G R E A T granddad's fatl^er did lioinpre^ r a q ^ tu le In his trousers. Such was a sign said trouse rt were not expensively custo m ta ilored, but cheap ly store bought. Pressed flat, tjiose stacks o f same .toak__up less . . di:ygoods counter ^ space. Bum pkins didn't care. Eventually, the pantsm akers snowed the crease Into high style. O o on, ask the girls at coffee. They 11 lust~ shrug.. Those eyes were grey and green, depending on the light. ___ , W R IN I^ E ll Already reported th at blondes db not tend to get gray-halred at as early an age as do . brunettes. But “failed ’to ,” re‘p drt IR a t t ea do indeed tend tu get facial wrinkles at an earlier age. Plastic sur geons say that operation kngwn- as the . facelift is ~ ^ a r ~inore~pwvHlent-among_ th e fair-haired light-skin ned ladies. W H A T D E T E C T IV E S nr^ght notice that you and I_ m ight not ip .a left-handed man almost Invariably pl>ick8 his., matches from the left ^Ide of the match folder. a -eight-htinded m an from the right side. .^^aPOONER W l IJ T a m--- At^hlbiUd ■SBogner'. he. mentioned e arlie r here, who so fre’ quently got his ta n g ue tongled, also once dismissed - a college student witt« the following words: “You • have deliberately tasted two wo'r'ms and you can leave Oxford by the town d ra in ." (it-Nl-.RAL T l N n i'N C l'l'S Y o u ivimlcl he wise lo investigate any way y o u v an y o u r Uf« and aciiv ilie ij^_ 5iijce thi.s S u n d a y fin d s y o u m ost logical in y o u r reasonijig jn tl ahle lo exiratH the beat fro m the p rin cip le s and teachings ilia t d o m ean th e ^n io s l '(« y o u T ake the tim e to te lep h o n e iir vi^ilt w ith netghl*<>f-s,'km, ^ o d r p a ls . . • ■ A B ll- S I Mur J l to A p r l ‘)) If y o u atte n d services to d a y , y o u fin d that :Ui falls ip ti) place for you' and life hecoriies sm o o ih et', m ore ei\ ioyalile'.Sit d o w n and. w jit e 't h o s e fro m w h o m yon,.can get the in fo r m a tio n y o u need ■,'1‘A U R U S tA p r JO to May 20) Ciood d a y lo study n n to 'way's an d m eans for a d d in g to presenr p rO sp e ^ty and for g e ttin g the right ideUs. plans , m a de C h ange y o u r b n d g r t som e lo m ik e it m ore w o rk alile I h in k cleverly G E M IN I {May : i lo Ju n e I ) S o cial activ ity is the hest o u tle t, f o r y b u to d a y , since it brings y o u m u c h happir)css. ' in te re s tin g ideas and g o o d fu n la k e those tfe a tm e n ls t h ^ ; ^ ^ iok..-.Ii e tte i-- C iia m e th o d s soltie w ith o th ers M O O N r H J L n R i:N _ (J u n e lo Ju ly J l i Y o u have to pfepare" y o u rs e lf w e ll n o w rf y u u are to m ake changes th at are v ita l t o y our progress in the near f« tu r c . 1 he evening - sh o u ld be spent r o n u a n tic jlly I'orjget .(be Jijijiid jA jm o f d a ily ; living. L E O (J u ly 22 t<j A u g 2 1) ( o n ta c t good tn e m ls and d e e p e n - y o u r relatio n s h ip s by using l.ict and c>>Jim 1 h ro u g h th e m inake_n_e>v a c iiu a in la n c e s w h o e v e ntua lly w ill beco m e close pals. S h o w y o u are an o rig ina l an d in ie re stin g person V I R G O (A u g 22 lo Sept 22) Ideal day to delve in to w h atev er is o f civic or ch aritab le interest S h o w y o u are a ftn if 'dt'fzen-. V oti can iiieet one w h o can be m ost h e lp lu l lo y o u r interestin g career Be frien dly L I B R A (S e p I 31 to O c t 22 ) C o n ta c t lo fty th in k in g in d iv id u a ls and ex change ideas th at w ill add m u c h lo y o u r present w is d o m ‘ and m ake y o u r hfe m o re t d i ^ in the Tuture. P la n so m e tr a v e l'n p w th a t is im p o r ta n t for y o u C o u n t 't h e cost w e ll S C O R P IO (,DTct ■ 2.1 IQ N ov 2 1) Plan . to see those in d iv id u a ls w h o can he a n irisp iia tio h to y o u in the fu tu re , a n d m a k e yo ur* life inoTe as y o u w b n f it lo Iwu Loved one a ppreciates y o u m o r f n o w , and th is is h e lp fu l, qlso la k e CMC of your diet._______________ J --------------------S A G IT T A R IU S (N o v 22 to Ti'ec ' Sit d o w n w ith associates o n this free d a y and talk over how to m ake all ol y o u r o p e ra tio n s m ore e ffic ie n t in the days ahead \ gooit d ay fo r a re c o rlc ilia lio n w ith one w h o has acted in an o b s tm a te m a n n e r ^ C A P R I C O R N (D e c 22 to Ja n 20) A line Ja y lo show a p p re c ia tio n to those w h o have r to n r y o u big tavorr; HL_thr past. I f y o u r diet is n o t righ t, th is is a pood J a y lo d o s o m e th in g ab«u+, U -.;V ioid one w hM lias an eye op v i'u r assejts A Q U A R I U S ("Jan 2 1 lo I eb I'M A n Hleal das Im ihc e n te r ta in m e n t you- w a n t and to r tJcco m in g a h ap p y (>ef>on G e t—tho se creative tale n ts w o rk in g w e ll, also M ake this a p a r tic u la rly interestin g evening ' P fS C - E S - ifc b to- M ar ?i+)-‘ W c a i ti-ay h a r m o n y at h o n l« by w e in g to ii th at en-rvone there goes a lo ng w ith y o u r o w n ideas D o soit>e entertaining! at h om e th a t gives everyone m u c h pleasure C e i rut o f o u tw o r n f u r n itu re , etc IF Y O U R C H I L I ) IS B O R N l( ) li\ > he or she w ill be o ne o f those resou rcefu l y o u n g peop le w h o hides real a b ility u n d e r a rather b la n d expression, w h o cou ld be a great success in a n y th in g co nn ected w ith u ndercover w o rk, w ritin g , b u y in g , selling, d ealing w ith ilir p u b lic , eti. . C lQ Y idcd the r ig h t- e d u c a tio n is ti\cn. .\s p a ic n is nm sl. insist th a t y o ur c h ild persevere w ith studies at college, even th o u g h the destre for monevv. m akes this y o u n g ste r w an t to leave scho o l ahead of tim e " T h e Stars im p e l, they d o h o i c o m p e l" W h a t y o u m ake o f y o u r life is largely ilp to ' I O l " the wife is far more apt ■ a new dish than is' th e brand.. But _in a supermarjcet, the husband is more likely to buy a new product than the wife. HOW do ^ o u accounf rfor .this oddity? H A L F T H E women in the country, it ’s said, look ed upon the la te President Joh n F., Kennedy, a d m iringly. E v e n . adoringly, some. W hatever else too,, he adso—was a ' i\>mantlc supBrstaT. th a t’s clear. So -wh a t ^ —odd—ie—not- t>ne—irrr 1,000, nay one in lOOiOOO, can tell you tlie color of his eyes. Nor could they when he lived, for th a t m atter. TW'CJ SPEEDOM E T E R S on every car. One on ■the left- in front of the driver, another on the rig h t in front of the d riv er's wife That's what a Belgium traffic expert seriously recorrrmends _ E i ^ t rmfi. A d d r e ii P O m a il Bo fo 17076, I Boyd M fo ri W o rth , rST74)02 Sports of Sorfs :i7 ;i'i .A C 'K O S S ] U sc ii m h.idliiLMloii 4 S|x)rLs c\|MI l.'l L<-iirrnn{; ''t. H A lh i- n a !.'» All • tj >■t«*(It) thm., ir> Ki.nii.iljon III I m c ( v iir .) . taU W Ml* U. ALLEY I M W lU . fat. S i3 iH i^-;i^-nrrrvL‘ '.U I‘r»)tionn Ifi t h f tiud«' r»7'ri rni in ti-^uus • LiO D i m i n i s h 1? 1 H h h t v r u -ii 22 ...M m ll.>r 40 il.iiiiit ) . I h.'.t.i . -U V. tail..!.•IL' U U 'i.'jan 4:, K . i llo f 4'J I'.u t.s of . S I A u n t (S p .) :>2 K in»: of .. . J .u L . h ( D ll. > :.;t w .i .t. Ml sloth r>4 A l); li .i< t I «.‘if*« ,^r> D .so r< icr •Vi f-'r^tTt firirtliH 40VTrtirs TTTTTTTn vrs l)v.i ------- •^'4 4,'i Lof J\ w'./i- -TTTTmip I hti. V. ' 21 D .'f K .i ( .ill I .10 Ntul. st i;. ,U , i-'I.iiu: 1 '■?i4Trfr)Tnr■'TrnoTT' K|.l. p.H It i •W i Oimi'**'''' 1 2 3 4 8 25 30 •54 36 ■- ♦2 43, 9- 10 11 17 19 ......- -- 21 49 7 14 16 . 18 24 6 13 12 15 5 20 ■ 23 . ■r ■ L ■ 31 r r ■r I38 37 39 1■ L ■ 40 ,■ r 45 46 ■ 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 -----28 29 47 48 13 ^ ’ Business Sunday, May .14, J972 TImes-News, T^ln Falls, Idaho. 27.-.. TTTtfiois orde¥^d^ to f&turn opening in T .F . VfHN FALLS — A business dealing, in management o F rental property ii) Magic Valley < is opening in Twin Falls._____ L. Dennis Smith, who. is starting . the eonipany; said i t will be known as D and D Rental Service. . v S ipith, who owns seven rentals hirtiseVr said he was ‘ prompted to-start th.e business because of bad experiences he had as an absentee landlord. - Smithr who-ifr.w’w living in' Jerome, said while working Alaska he wa^ still renting his property in Magic Valley. In the P4 st two years.. h» —, estimates occupant-caused : dam a^rtn ms Sver' $1,000. As manager he would take over part or iOO pef cent management of rentals. lie frauld Keep i uiuiing liiti ut rental property and people'who are looking for rentals in the* a % % a r fl( ‘d Magic Valley area. Under the program as proposed, Smith would be responsible for any damage causcd to 9 house by a renjer he recommended. Smith currently is talking to rental owners in Twin Falls and anyone wishing information about his geruice can call 733TWTM KA1.I^ - The Twin •*{87. He- p ta n ? ^ 0 '1 V a v f a TuIl-' T^ilts Jaycees'came Jiome front time office set up in TwiriT''jnis the' state convention with irrthe near-ftitnrfr--several trophies presented for outstanding achievem ent during the past year, F ilm ' T hi! ..awards, ^ anironrPeed today, included one to D5niS' s h o w n Vollmer. the Jaycee InBURLEY - . Mrs l.ilhe ternational senatorship award, Matthews showed a film on her •it "has been presented only travelsln SoUth America when one other time- to a Twin members of- the- Alrao-Elba Jaycee.. That was irT1969 In&pencfenco f^ockelte Club when Tiarrpll i Doc i Wolfe was met in Burley Thursday.. tlie recipient. ‘ ' Herfltms included Argentina. To receive the award a Equador and Peru. tf|rough the ■Jaycee musl_he.nominated by P a n a m a " L'anal, ‘ ,Central his chaE^T and ihen reyiewwl Tli?wric£m-afld Old Mexico. i y tlie district president. The __ aJle-jn eeting was- conducled- candidate is then revt*wedir>~ by Mrs. Wesley Ward, tlie slate president, natiojiid president SPECIAL RF.COGNITION was given to the Twin Falls Jaycees during the itate cunvQjltlon In Boise. Willlani Runty,'lelt, holds the project'’* of the year award and Denis Volln^er, r^ght, was awarded the JCI senatorship award. res TF Jaycees take honors at Id a h o coiw eiition .WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Office of. Education, in the larg(>sT recall avi flihds intended for rtwdy school (AUdren, Friday brderi^ Illinois to return J3.9 million to the federal Treasury to cover alleged' misspendinH between 1965 and 1968. Tl^e money allegedly was misspent by school districts in Chicago, the nation's third Jarge’st .schnaL-sytitein; -Hock* ford and Marshall, and by the Illinois State Kducation Agency. Hobert R. Wheeler, associate cormnissioner for elementaryand secondary education in the -federal ugwicyT'yatd 'tira letn.T to Illinois School Superintendent Michael J. Bakalis that the recall amount is preliminary and tliat Bakalis has 30 days to provide additional information local school funds in violation of' administrative costs-unrelateck— before the figure becomes final. Title I njles,.‘ and tg^ coyer to Title. L: ,,.____- _________ ■wasT miiispent under^ the Title' I progj-nm bl the l96S;^:lenientary and Secondary Education Act, which provides federal aid for special . edu< Htinn 'fnr deprived children. i ', T O T A L S T E A M C t i A M I MG Wheeler said the $3.1) million No bruihet, deep clean, toll extrac^on, Carpet was iued to , pay unjustified '•That Slays. Clean lo n g e r......... salary ^increases to teachers; TOiW Vf-W U-, unauthorized -ur_unwarr.ant«d— ALL f A C T O K Y TRAINED AND CeUTIflEO overtime payments to janitors, principals and other school DOUG’S STEAM ^ BILL’S CARPET 4 worker.s; to supplant state and - CARPET CLEAMERSL_. JANlIORlALSEHVICt— S e r v in g J e r o m « C o u n t y TJUTfptrmr ■^TWhings Biyii mil ►uPHot-sTrer . Serving Gooding County -- Phewe (C^hiH) 734 .4 793;— RAMSEY'S NELSON STEAM CARPET CLEANERS 'PHONE733-1979 EDDIES'STEAM CARPET CLEANERS Serving thft_Sun ValUy Area Pho hone 7^6-561 I 2 36.MAIN-N-- TWIN FALIS 733.6036 - Twin Fatti ' Twin Falls Odpen Sundays 1 7 0 Shop Sunday Noon 'ill 5 fflonday 9:30 a.m. ’iil 9 p.m. president and international president. The award is giVen to those who have contributed to Jaycee activities aboVe and beyond the cull of duty. Vpl.lhier is em ployed by Ch?m^tate Paper and MsTi past president of the 'IVin Kails Jaycees and is past state director. Hen Johnson Man-mile award to )>roje(.'t chairm an Kobby Kobinson._tur_ having led—the chapter on more visitations and having traveled more miles tlian any* ctjjeF--chapter in ’'Tlie state The-Twin:i''atf5 Jaycees traveled over 100.000 miles visiting other Jaycee chapter.s' in- Wiiho and oUmr—statefe---— The recycling center also won The 'l\Mn Falls chaptw alsa, 4 lje Tvyin Falls ciub tlie Hobert -received (he grojeet of 4he year A;__^tlDgg Eiirtli Awarttr-Thraward' for ttHMr recyxTifig avtard, sponsored by "the Oenjer. The award is presented Rainier Brewing Co.. is 'given to the one chapter ifl thi.' state, fur. t|ie -must outstanding whose project is judged the ecological project in the Nor [Host outstanding aRd wpr-- thwest. .. . ......, thwliile. W illiam Kunty is 'fhiii-was the firAt time the project cnairman. award has-been given to an O th e r a w a r d s w on w ere the Idaho Jaycee chaptec^. 2 - S p « ^ A ^ K e r r m t> r r W a w h t* ^ - 2 T e m p e r a t u r e S e h ‘<*tion8 w i t h I * e r m a n e n t l*reHH ( I v r l e $ l.ll | IC I| l| ,( m - | ll in .iiK 'iit p it'v s I M l l - ( \( I c s L > l l c ( liitlic s H llill ill u i i i i k l r iiiii (r i'c k c c j. IK 'I N n r in .il. ill'll fill,., I'-i. S la n d a r < r S o f a Slc^eper in — tikrn d s o m li«inu lm n g in r lh i« T a n iih r<H>ni f n n« * lr r p r r il» r lr H n in ih r mtII I n I'n e < lr n r a i n ( r n i|> o r n r ..k _ a lilia jU ) ro » rr * tw*rt M iih in n r r s p r in if m S r r r r ^ ' - Scar?i Ji -ofii .|i'«'|>cr «m i I I«* m n k r ' ' or in I.OH ih** nn«l ronil«> rl:il> l«'' 199^ S e t l i i i i c i f ill lii- .ilr il I li \i iiii I \I I f , II n n l i r . i t f d fur n n f lii i L ' r l n t l i i ' s . iliv ir n ,' lllo ^ lK .^ in f ii.iiii r n l)l)c r, lllt r lliil hut Ic i II l . i i.i i l \ D m i l '| )ll> v u l(‘s ll.llll K 1t| k . HI M " ■ , 111., Inr ........... 9 I0?1 .‘'«‘iiTs7{( trrTiTTi K l f r l r i c ji.-K l. K<*ft*i^rriilor O n lv K a ii;> c H i l h l.u r ^ e < > v e ii f n r h<‘H W i d r * M ft= - ---— - hu I ’ar S e a rs E asy P n y m e n l F la n W e!-l.«o k V iiivl Sofabed ( i r o u j j Sivletf for (Ip m fo rtab le W e ste rn l.iviii^ Ifth . ...M .l r M itM -lr » j, . /. » ».M I1..1. . ., ,1 , V ¥2 n M K .^ .................... ... I - " 'r liiit i riiilsh • “ lu s II. »' I...... . ........ I -l .w..... I "" -I"" ... I. ■ ! - ..ll , I ,, , ............,1, „„| ,.,,',| ....................................... .............I l - . . t - . ' ........ I ................ -I Sear» , l,«w - I o m p l r lr ( u ll i .«n*»olr *« ilh I. if I l.itl . a n d H r r t ir il ''t«»ragp Npa**f ' J U f l l f J l d L jt ^ p c e d H c c o n i i h a n u r r « k tt h X U 4 i<> T r r a r n t r (.a rlri< )g r. l^ - r p m A d a p l r r . > t r r r o K a d in In r ln d * ^ M r r r n \ l r r i l. it r an d \ y l n m a l i r |-'rc«|i|^fich (.v tn lr o l ««n I M . R ig Ra«« S<iund fro fn 2 ^-sxifrn) a n d 2 I'rire IHral for ihr famil> anrf the *'«ming b I hrttrr." SoTaBciTVaH- ^ %rrl«‘ (or cocnfoVtebIr %lfVping. (>en^roU«l> ^a<tdrd. lo^urinu'^ mul^hinn rlub rheir. V o k rvpandril v in ji ro>rr. \«ail■bir inlKbony RIerk xir SeddI# T*a . Sears Sear%— Boise naO> 9:.K> 9 p.Vn. ■ I i i « . and SaLjHLfi-jlJro. ' F«»r X h e Y c » iin ^ .\l H e a r t T»»rrirr^ -|yr^r^«-CaMwen- “ ScatN — Id a h o l-all.v 9:30 a.m. till 9 p.m . S*hinfa> t i ll B p.m.* ' ^NtKm^l5p:rar™^»OTn*4f=?Vfmirfm^75^^t^^ D aily 9:30 a.m. (ill 9 p.m. D a iK 9:30. a.m . Iill 6 D.'m.l T iic^.'. I h u f»., ^a l. (ill A fn ii. aod Fri. I i l l 9 p.m. --- • ' " .................... Boi%<» ( Sf^ar^.-IHqho ---------- Sg4n-. ___________________________ a r ars - 1 minn F ra i»lk n _ ^ ____ n nr~ Uail> 9:.I0 ..m . Iill 9 b m . U . i l . 9;.T0 a.m. Iill 9 D.m. D a ily S::K) a.m . Iill 9 p.m. % a i t CO. rucsrand s a iu iiT ^iti:---- s a i .i a 5 r w il W r . ~ T»cc , 7 w c:7>Mi.:.iiii6 pm Sunda> V m ih Iill 5 p!m . . /4»undii> N o o 'n T ilt^ p.m . S.Ondtfi’ Nn«»n Illr S p.ffTT •>. t IMI•• lU U— H h .ll «M • 11^ I T M—S- l«>0>> -XI rt'. ' 5iJT.^i •M V I HI \ f»l . S - r , - / i ^THHall5FT®n-ll«7 7 ?|roth=^Vietnam^ arn^y-U-a ■paratroop (^ivisions and gr(?ups.' J m e ^ a n J Vfet CtengItef^menta_r4a>e-niythrPf-tbt^miUion-nian ■fighting force -o( more' than" "I — Ehren*^e—real-«tpength-'Ot rand battalions) army has allowed, the Commu120,0d0' troolis is cut by ipilUoh men outiuupberli^ all Because of tiie-naHtffr-of the- n^ta to isolate government .Communist forces by at least casualties, leaves, and .tjie desertions that haVe' pfegued war, the Communists choose -troops since the offensive four to one. :— :— ^ ---- --thfe batUfefifeld. Thirm eansnhat- began. H ie sliqr r battles' have But the NoHh Vietnamese Saigon's army since th ^ since the North Vietnajnese t>ne fhtire province, r offensive hajt jiwuaaked Sai began years ago. These troops face ll- North offensive began March 30,- the , 15 districts and knore than 50 gon's army aS a front-line fighting force of about 120,000, The neat, pinit-covered brief.'Ulg book handed to official vi^t«-s,jo South V ie ^ m shaws 1.2 TSilion ‘members of the arnned forces. ■ In fact,- half 'the men are ---Bsember&Sf thefag-tag-^oilitla, trained only to deal witi) local Viet Cong. And in the regular ‘ army there are seven rear^rea soldiers for every infantryman. mese army ^ divided into 11 infantry divisior\? and the —'Hie -North Viename*- andViet Cong began with guerrilla armies and over a period of years built up .to m aia forces. Hie exupliasisv however, has been on the infantry and there areJtew rear-area troops. I. D.-S m en ’ s double knit S U I T S throw o f f w rin k les like m a g ic L L M o w th e o w n e ’d . l, D , S to re D o u b le I n u t w llh f . t i W fe'nit g iv e s you 100% th e m ost p o ly e s te r c o m fo r to b le f o b r ic is here In p n l T h n p n t t p r n s n r p vo ri(»rl d i a g o n o l s , s o lid s . T ry o n e t o d d y . f it t in g in th e s u it you new ever shoped . s t r ip e s , g e o m e t r ie s . Y o u 'l l a g r e e - I t 's t h e b e s t id e a in c o r n f o r t a n d s ty le y o u e v e r e n j o y e d . fr o m / '^ B O ot» fN . T h e ^ i j th a t's a l iv e a ll d a y speaks at Hansen ■ 1. .HANSKN - Idotio Gov. Cecil Andrus will be the , cm)ih — miTifnmpnt__ spi‘;ilinr____ui_ ceremonies fof. the - +972 ■)>raduati/iK dttSS o f H a n .t« i Kfiph School • An'driiS -will spoak to the 25 Hansen Hint' School f'radiiirtcs Tuesday as the filial iUcp of ■"graaOationr-' ‘~ r Today—the—elutM will— tjcipate^' in bac'fa|aure«teMfviCes lit 8 at the school. Senior addresses will bo -delivered ' by class co,valedictorians, Pamela Boultoti and Deon Pettytjrove alonn wth Shawiia Slander and -JCMie Rasmussen, co-.salutytonans, fifw , g o n e girty ployrpcilev S o f t e r . m o r « ♦em tftm t * ~^ofrk~ni^o f 1 QQ % "r o 7rDn' ‘ f l i r t a t i o u s s t y l i n g s t K a t b o r e a Iid4 o# sura b r c r n ;e d - T ^ in ■tri j/ u m c o l o f s p l o t t e d t o m o lie m u c h o f d in rp flb s . fr’ts c k le ^ 'u n d l U i y lip s ---------- Sat**. S J-i/.tops, S, M , L C o lt o n p o ly e s t e r p e o s a r t t t o p , S 9 ' PunL*l ffo f^ t s c o o t e r $11 S 6-^ . - f l c r w e f y t u n k lo p Pull on-ttoTfv S I I “ L o c e f f o n t s h ( f .t $ 6 ' MoT pe — “ p la n n e d by TF 4-11 c lt,0 TWIN FALUS - Final plans for the Mother Tea were made when'memters of the Happj*Go-I.ucky 4-M Club met Thursday at the hoiiie of Christine Britt. - The tea is set for 7 :tO p in —May Jft-at- tb«:^^ome-^ot -Misji Britt. , A'deijlQnfitratlon was Kivpn by Miss Britt on making an annel trfoodxake Wnrk wa.-^slarteil Qn_ the record tooks. The n e ^ pleating is-)set for 2 p.m. May 25 at the horae o( Diane Gibbs. ■ — J- £ / V ■4 - vv Vi i l i n e r s lis U * d HEYBURN - The Mint. Pinochle Club met Thursday for ' ' a ^ U n c h l E ^ . y j' h A ir m - n f M t- c / f|j JeahSie TtBwker Pinochle play folUiweii the "hmcheon witli Mrs Bornico Schenk high winner and Mrs Esther Norby low winner Mrs.Jtose Goodman reeeiVetl the hostess Rift Mrs. Joyce Miller was a Ruest Samsonite ; TOTES / 1 fu!s<! CM 'iiulilu'iy slylecj livtes will tn a K r n m m s h lr iiftlu t j a i a e f . ^ u l lo l TTiurt' lu * u f io u S BiQ e n o u y ^ lo lakt’ ev(,*ryitiing ‘jh e (1 net.'d S ni.iH (‘ H o u g h !o s t j y o u t o f fh7» w ay A n d I d u g ^ e n o u g h to kf*ep^ u p tho p.K 0 A v a ila b le m all m a U .h iA y N ew s O f Record CASyA COUNTY MflglilUUr cov'f' O r^ aiO B B Bop#». 49 y r i Bi7rl»v e v S i l h o i i P t t P C (» t O r s » lO i»«p«r I'a 'O' sDfi-rt n 0%^;iVef ,'fi Bur*e» IWSO fx> <jr.v«^ % ln CO \< * n a t t K f ’ Jiro y %tiCke< *rid tAri O 0«M< 7 SO r«p r«3 «’<x n Iu fi*lpr D 11 in<j.<»oApK)i % < HO r*0 pro Kin G»ef*n r.»r>rxW' O^nvef CO'O tM M Ovrr w# gri’ on tri/v F»l'<'<l u D«*oo I'S *Vo't s*». f t-Or*^ ■\ . llfl. unji*rr>d«^ Co*»'«* )9 S'Ai'a • '0 ' rg \*p» i r ' *'.» ir» M'jrh t12^' •nvf>e< N S» n^trt i-*r W t>0 r«0>rM3 • c n .t ic Owefwciorxl Qfl.!f k.. Con D HAyctxh i ’ MI OOILA COUN Ty --M»gntratr‘Coort- —• K f A .rbrofhef M WX»<J*no Rop^t. I'O Bonne ar vrr \ 4' B i'r , BArrvs >’ Conr';? \- Moncdr* 79 Hc*t>ori% V«< SC kp«*4.n^ .<% scnoot jOf>* »•><} G e '» | L Nob'f ■*« w 1/trlKjrt »0 off' < K«m O Enn.^ ” ilT sO , *«<lur^ TO rr--Cupf<» > J'*S0** ti<> T rf?y T7‘ W*<i«, II. Ri/pert. 17360. jfwr ^ijWro. at, ' Myrll* LOTt. Mnrt>«rr« i ’ 7 S© »o ri«bt o» w*y - W MUureen D 90 Sun^r 17? SO s p ee df o g^ B t n w n . *7. M e y t j u m W SO . Ia<iure ro V<ri0 r<ghr o< «ray j o \ t > Tor««%. !♦. it; so, »p«^ir>g A^a A ib ^ H n Ashton tW SO. stop --- By rop T T ur w n i . M. • «p«««ing. Oou9l«s M CI*»»ckv 27 Pwper* S77M. to fi*g overw>dti^ io«d Th«odore Coop*^. J». J»<kpot Nev »iO eafnrMl v«ft»cltMf«Ty inspection, »nd Ciro S7, R vfffrt. H 7 50. ««Oired pUtn. — %*trrv 'noim YT -SHOULDER J.gTE.. Regular S27 00. Now S2t.9S Save S5 05 , ererw e ip M o « rrucii. L o t^ r *» Stmpsar. l» r P » o f . .»W 50. uo p tion f t ra iiro sa cro u tn tf; C u rtis A. AKvoed. W . tfupen. S2S. pMSino witti €i««rapce, JiKO bM n, 34; B t r if y , ^150. drivJnff oo JEBEIODAlTO^lMiaM im LSTOllE HANDI-TOTE ■Regular S30 00. Mow $23.95 ^ Save S6 05 THE IDAH0~P E PA RTM ENT 5TQBE^ '-i BtJRLEY — The three-it)art' ___ ’ - . »'ears old, but need not be Hive school district trustees property owners. Each voter ill the Cassia County School will be elected "in Monday's *111 sign an oath that he is D is t r ic t w ill continue . as votings from am ong, seven qualified as to residency and planned —■but without, the -candidates. Three candidateSL4 ij.c, . . ' subdistrictinfc! question. are runnin); iinnppo^eH in-___________________ _ Triistees .(TT the'^ district, eluding board Chairman VV, B. Polls will be set up throughout minting on Kriday".-rn<>rninK^ •Wiiiteley,-^;)akley, in zone 1, agreed' to jwstpone the sub- seeking his Dfth three-year the county: distnctinu poll until a later ■term:- 1)^)______ Paitl- Rniwn,date, due to a protest and, Burley, zone 2, and Alvin M, Zone 1 - Burley High Sfhool, tlireatendd court snir irouL.a tPatl Kelly.>. Burley;^, in zone 3. Oakley High School and.-Bean fornier.-tward menil^eiL_, In zone 4, incumbent William K. nr()wers W.1reh» ■ X;ono Sor^nsgn-told the board-Mirtthtava is opposed fay fiair earlior this week that the tVane, Burley, and in zone 5, in ri’quwed legal advertisements cumbent trustee Charles Ward. Zone 2 — Southjyest (U'.scr)buin the' area iii the .-elfftiuji-si'lieUrflgtTfor Monday" convention services to the families of Kellogg miners. i -There are four services planned during the annual del^ate. Diocese of Idaho convention in ~A~dinnerSaturday night in the “Twin^Pails this-weekend:.' Holiday Inn featured an address ferings received during thos? by Rt. Rev.- W illem Spofford, services will be sent to Kellogg bishop of the Diocese'of Eastern to aid families of 91 miners who Oregon. He is a former dean of died in the Sunshine Mine. -the Eh><aeopal-Cathedral -in Boise for many yea:^. over 2.(Xr delegates • Saturday Ctsnvention sessions begin morning, church members sdid today at 8 a.m. and conclude at this would be the most wornoon. Two regular church -thwhtt^xauSe the/’cdUld *sup services will be conducted at 10 port at this tune and hoped a 111 In aikliJion to the con &mer aroiipti wouiu aisu assistvention .seri’ices in the Bishop -the grief stricken families of the Rhea auditoriuhi, the Mother’s ■north ldaho,.community. Day services will be held on Friday night, Rev. Albert schedule irt the church sane* Allen, was formally installed as tu"ary with Bishop Spofford rector of the Church' -o£ the conducting the services. Ascension on Blue Lakes In addition to final acti’on on Boulevard in ’IVin Falls, - The Church of the Ascension other convention ^resolutions, is host church for the’ con 4fie iielegates will select a J973 vention, -which -continues. jcunvuntion site Sunday morthrough toflay. , mng. ,.- I, r wili.JacLJir.wil..J . KODNEY WAU.EH. age 12, confers Idaho Slate Police, offic«.<r Everetl WadiJcll on the condition of vouiik Rodney's hike duriiie Saturday's Optimist Club bike rodeo at Har mon PaHt. ln s p e c * i bik€“ Bicycle event success B la in e Cam as C ] a s s ia — _TWIN FAl.US ■ Saturday's Optim ist-sponsored bike -'rodeo" was a smashing suc_cess — l,300Trx)ungsters,worth. William Waller, chairman of tlie event for the 'rwin Falls” Optimist Club,-said more, than Chatfield has n k indicated twice -as 'manj bike riders whether or not fie wiU seek re- turned oiit for the. safet'V in“ election for a .two year term in ■spectiorE and races IrfTIafriion' Park as'dld a year ago, and district 2. r— Sheriff Tbonias W.. Conner. three times as many iis in the I'^utor H.owird K. Adkins first rodeo in 1970. L'ityu couiity.iuui-state police -and Dr K.(! Neher, coroner, have not announced their in officers, along with fire tentions to seek re-*‘lection at '■department personnel, in ' 4Mkes. f o r ____ Itie . -time Deelaratiof>3- - 6 ^ L in c o ln o f f ic ia l d € € 1i n e s ^ o r u n SHOSHONK Nominees for five posts will bfr elected in Lincoln County-during tliu Aug. J priinary election, Qne of the office, holders will not .seek re_election The posts include ciynmissioners in District .1 and District -2, s^teriff.. coroner_3 nd ~prosenjtof^~^'-~^^^—----- ^ ~ _ County t'oinmi.ssioner Hurrell WiiliamL, of district 1, 'said Saturday he will not .seek re-election tins year He has.held the [XJSt for 12 years. Clcnn 1., Sorensen. Dietrich, a coniinissioner in district is not up for re-election Ulis year, ('oinniissioner (' Faye ^ A i ilo g o e s Ceraldine K. "B eaton, .Jerome, escaped injury when her car careened tlirough' afui llowi an embankment into rocks near ■Snake Uiver Canyon .Saturday Stale Patrolman Rverett Waddell charged Miss Heaton with driving while intoxicated . He SiiKi her car swerved to the left side of the highway'a.S she approached l/ie Perrine Memorial Hrulge from the north and struck a guardrail It then headed down the THnbantnntTTl, traveling about 20 down and coming to rest on Its « heels on a pile of rock.s The vehicle was demolished^ of-, fleers said, but tlie driver, apparentl) alone in the automobile, escaped with tewjies Twin Falls County officers assisted with the at;c.l(lerit, several hundre<l feet north of the Perrine Bridge, on the east side of U S Highway 93, candidacy must EjiTTned with the .secretary of state or county auditor between June 1 and Jiine 7 - Kl^ o r e G o o d liig Je ro m e L in c o ln !>f i n l d o k a T w in F a lls IH a g ic V a lle y S o r t d a y ,-AAay.- u , ' .1972 Gem innkeepers install l^ d e r s K a^le bounty H e n d e ll to v o le '"W E N D E IX ''— A riieeting^o 31icuss the'upcomlng bond election is planned Monday pight _ a l 8 p.m. in the Wendell High School gymnasium The meeting is to give patrons a chance to ask questions concerning the addition to the junior high school, -purchase of-a- site for the new.^ymnasium and coostniction of the gym nasium. according to Supl. Lawrence I^Rue. Architects for the new building will be present as wi?ll as the. fiscal agent to discuss cost and . financing. The meeting will be conducted-fay Murlen Lancaster and Richard Eaton, cochairmen of the Citizen's Committee. ^ The bond election for the new building and addition will be Friday. R e so rt op en^ SUN.VALLEY - Sun Valley opened for lt.s' 33rd summer sea.'ion today. The valley wUl'host mOre than 100 conventions "‘^-^^ghlFgJiteii by U«-Strife Democratic Cunvct ntl«m-Jn June — this summer before season's end, Oei. 15. Opening conventions this week ' include the Northwest Haspltals Educatlon.and Research AiUance and the. Idaho Power Co. While the' valley was closed, remodeling of the Sun Valley Inn kitchen was completed, U-nnLs courts \iere resurfaced and construe- — fivpTnore was pogred at the drlve-ln entrance li> the Sun Valley Lodge. Featured activ]]l^‘j^_|Ms smnmur include tennis camps ahd^ournamenTsTfiorsFsTiowsTiceshows.'lrap shfeots. goU tounumrnts and a meeting of the National Fly Fishing Federation. Hansen to vote Monday _ HANSKN - Voters -of ■TUi'nseTTTSSRmjt: Dis'trix^ to the polls Mondaj' from noon . to 8 p.m. to elccHhre&jruatMS^"^ and de|t'ide on a threejnjHmaintenance and ffpteration levy. ' “ 'nireeinen are seeking' the trustee position in zone 1. They Jr. opposed for the five-year term by (Jeorge.fkilay and Elmer Co<ik. , ------ In zone 2;‘ciecll Saiigei; in-— - COinWnt. is running unopposed , 'for a three-year term, K D Crockett. Rock Creek .. area, also an incumbent, is unopposed m his bid for re- ■ election for zone 5. He was named a year ago to fill the ■ vacancy IPft by- Jim- Epperson who moved from the com munity and one year remains^!. Uie term. , ’ ... Patrons from all zones will vote in the Hansen schoolTwiise. ..^arie Schaffer. Idaho Innkeepers Assoi-lytion PiK-at<‘llo, Bill _Colliii.s. Cald Were Ilistalled .Saturday well, U'stei IVtersoii. Hexevening at tfie (-lose of a Ihree- burg; Ha>iiiiiiid Colee. Nampa. da'y convention , at Uie Pon- Hr Reed 'I'lioiiiHs. Lava Hoi derosa Inn, • ’ .'springs. Cahin Whalen, Officers include Hon Cireen. Casper. Idaho Idafio Falls, president; (iiifr Falls.,N H, HiirguiVen Bt^tv ■.t................:...-.'...................... Templin, president-elecH-; -John . Ainsuortli, both Twin Falls; f'engilly, Boise. national .lliii C'osttrcll, .\I()>cow, I'Uiiia dirc“’tor; Ralph Jones. Boise, .vjcDunahl and ' Walt secretary treasurer; J.F . _ijt'hoono\cr, l)iith Hurley . Carol Bedmgfield, Soda Springs, .•\ik'n .Sahiujii. and F.lton honorary director; Kl-mcn .A.shtnn. Mnlart HlDfiston^ y jo sc o w , "(UsTrict MTs Ali i*v Pn 11r r .son, ■ vice president; Phil .Murelaga, Chicago, e.xccutive editor of Boise, district two vice Hospitality Magazine, was president; W,H. Muhdef, 'Twin featured ”s[X'aky during 'the RICHFIKI.D — Autliorities a.m. Friday. The door of the Falls, district three vTce tliree-<Iay- event"' She warned president; Mary Jan* Rjneveld. Idaho innkeepers of miliUiry are investigating the Friday station was standing open and Pocatello, district lour vice niotels going upTin-branchesjjf iiiuniing rubbery of^ till? Ross they catied— thc---poltcT^ wid president; artd Ferris Clark.,, a^med force.s bases^ Facilities 'nTevroit'^latfon in Richfield: .Swainiiton. Swalnsfon owner.'iJaid IdlTho Falls, district five.-yl’ce in thi- -mllll:iry nloliOs" w<T>tn vwliHJting ufficwr< .Usputypresident^ Ix’ing rented iit cut-rate prices more than Mill) in change and Bill Anderson, said the cash Directors' elected were Fd as opposed t» standard rates at credit cards were taken'from drawer and the sUition keys the station sometime early Pilkerton, Sun Valley; Wade commercial motels, she said were rec overed beside the road Patterson and Stella MctTady. Mrs Patterson reporU-d a Friday morning. 3‘ .' miles east of Shoshone The .Swainston said whoever botli Lewiston; Bill Brolviif had been held keys have been returned to -br(*ke‘ into tt)*i station camtt •Swainston and the drawer is KKTCHUM - A Hailey rnSfl through a window in-thc tiack tjt'lng TSrainlned tor possible ■ .sliop and took tlie entire c-as|i fingerprints with a leg injury after a drawer and .its contents The motorcycle -dog collision early owner said the credit cardsT" Ownef Swainston said this change .and keys to. the sjtatidn- :was the seco.nd break in of the Friday morning in Ketchum. ‘ yo u n p ;s te rs ,'R i\in g T iirtr'p a s sin ^ “ , btlcc a ,s t f c k e r ’ , ' The young riders Uien par ticipated in spetd races and ati obstacle course, -• , withi youngsters vying by age. Op timist Club members handed ■WASHINGTON (UPI) —The out blue, re<l and^Vhite rtijbons National Wildlife Federation fs to first, second and tlurd place offehng a bounty of J.500 for winners information leading to the Vollowing the raC'es. ,fire conviction of anyone shooting a— department -personnel sold' bald eagle in the United States. licenses, where, needed, and -Anyone who wants the money etched each owner's initials should write the federation at severUl placos’ on his bike, to H!2i6Ui S'L. N,W, Washington. . make identification easier in D.C. 20036 within six months case of-theft. after conviction. A bounty ^ Free hot dogs and drinks, also hunter has to prove his handed -out b^' the Optimists, in fo i^ tio n wag of 'substantial completed the day for th^ yiassistance" in convicting the thi^iastic bicyclists. eaale-killer.................... ptpmrnTnrv^.trlioBlT-piu(jUM'il ■subdisti let— Tsrer -f^terson of Cotterel— er(-()tKHms, S o rensen s a id he All five seats oji the board are was p r e p a r e d .t i( file a le ^ a l up for election following the Zone 3 Burley' Junior High action in F ifth M s t n c t t'o u rt to rezoning of the district a few halt the sU b d js tric tin g e le c tio n months ago. Two incumbents, .schodi; if the b o a r il d id not la k e a c tio n . Norval WlldJllan, zone 2, and Insisting lhat he is pot op- /vibwt Mink, zone 3, did not Zone 4i - __Springdale posed (oTPie uloa, Sorensen said seek re-election. elementary'.school, and ' --! am in favor of a subdistrict.' Also on Monday's election —and 1worked tu got the petitions bnllot will be a five-mill endorsed. However, the process maintenance iind operations Zone 5 -:Declo City Hall. Raft must be legal from the begin levy. Hiver High School, Albion ning, so it could no not bt' Polls will be open froin 1 to 8 eleinentiiry school and Almo T-liiUliiluled after passage by tht* p-.iH, Votei-s-must be at least 18 ele« letrtaty-sehooir" Station robbed at RTchfield iia ite y m an hurt in crash Working mothers set Cassia confab uerc in the stolen drawer The robljery v,aa di.scovered b> Suainston's sons. Wyh and (lar> Swainston as they pasM-d tn the station at 5 50 month He did not report the first one because nothing was tiiken from Uie ■premises. A wiqdow was broken in the first me ident Garth L, Bowen, 30, was taken to Sun Valley Hospital witli abrasions and injuries to BU RLEY - Hep . Orval Senator Church Last week his right leg and knee. He-U' Hansen, R.-Idaho, has indicated he would m«ct i'x[x-cU'd to remain in the announced plans'lb meet with privately with the women to hospital for two weeks. the VVorking Mothers discuss thi' situation, and also Ac(-ording to Ketchum police. Committee Saturday with the w(juld. iifter hearing Hrm^n was traveling north on a place to be annotmced mformation.- would determine motoK<y-cle on Main Street nearThe meeting will be open to the status of the open hearing the intersection Of River Street the public meeting , about 8 a.m. Friday. The working mothers, in Bowen said a dog ran across April, ■requested a public The five working mothers tlie street in front of his meeting with ^eri., Frank launched Iheir campaign by motorcycle and he was unable Church, Rep. James McClure meeting with the Cassia County (ilj;N N S FKRRY A.W as re p re se n ta tiv e from Flmore to avoid the collision and Hansen, to discuss the Commission, who in tUrn-c-alled !^o^,t33 r; a \ County, leavint' a fte r the 1970 * years --- About S50 damage was done , abuse'and misuses 6TweTfaFe'in the department of public service in the Idaho elecU ohs 40 the front of th« m otorcycle,Cajsia County.___ ____ H e is currenlI\^~meiTiT)CT of assistants to the commission t.Pinsla'nirir wTH set^'to'relum The dog left the" scene of the Earlier this week, Rep. chambers and following several tu the house of representativy>, tile (io v e rn o r 's Advi-sory accident under its own power. McClure notified the group-he h o u rs _ o f questions with Council for Comprehensive .loslyn. a Democrat, would would meet with thim in private -'unsatisfactory answers, the represent legislative district 22. Health Planning, and is -publie- women-decided te.calMn-the«^ mchimnp-pnmorp UTOl-ramas t^strm an of- a- stjbrornmiiteempeting wa&- necessary ' congre.ssmen , health facilities, counties He served five teniis stu d y in g -^uslyn is-atsu a iiipmbcrnf ttw d is tr ic t Health Planning, a n d is ih jir m a n of Southern Idaho multi-purpose studying Joslyn is also a member of-the building has a new look again. A crew from BuhL Glass and district Health Department board of trustees, ^n d is Paint Co. installed, the. new chairman of the Elmore Coiinty glass on the West side trf the Council for the Aging— ----- ■building----Saturday ,----in_ In a-eampaign statement. grgpar.ation .for Inday'.s -Com;— dangerous: The_i^kerSiippeal«Ho the supreme BOISE-rllPhl ittaho’s Supreme Court-flfcourt. ;tri?uin^ she tBd 'tt^ TtfiS^ TIow ffiiicTi ■Josl:^ said -.nns my policy to “mencement cerernoiries. WttT Tltstrtcr court decJaton Friday Vandals smashed nearly all danger was involved 'tvhile Barlow knew b( the create legislation.- in' ordier to which held the residents of a burning house solv^ fire's location and nature , were not required to give warning danger ^ are problems, that are' taken on the ground floor of the someone who entered the home. But the high .court nnafiimouslj- ruled the directly to a legislator by in building several weeks ago. The case arose in 1969 when the' tionrie Of Reid .. district_court -was correct because under the dividuals. Gary Meter, ownef of BuhlBarlow, Burley, caught fire. Barlow's sister, circunistances ^r)ow as not s u y « t tqji duty "1 find there is no better way Glass and Paint, said rMnoving iiherry Baker, hveo nexi door ana ,sne entered " to warn. -, , ; to keep slate government close the shattered panes of glaM was the home to help salvage'furniture. In another action the high court, reversing a to the people than to be extremely difficult. One workWhile she was inside the ceiling above her man suffered WM ciits from -the —.coUapsed.and she jvas-seoously-bumed. She-and . fifth district court order, held under the ap- available to tfiem and Rijt their nittii sharp edges of the glass, and plicable section of the Id^Lho uniform cthi- views on issiite." hej^^sband, Lelai^ C. Baker, sued Barlow for Joslyn works as a Union ~ ^ i i ^ r p a n e ; .shattere<rTiito mercial credit cbde and general contract law failing to w a rnjlrf of the ^ngerous condition principles there need not b6 direct benefit to the Pacific R a ilrb ad j engineer extremely dMgerouS. sharfls^ which caused ner injury. ~~Ttie district court diatni^aeTthe suit op the ~sigiier 'fif a PTomliiBory notB I f as uart of the between G lenns F e r f ^ and No clues, have Been reported actioi\there is an obligation assumed, by the one HuntjingtDn.-Ore^ .He is married basis tbatshe kneWthe house was burning, when 6n the idenUV«W*»« vaodals; and has three children. ; ' to vjhotn the not? is_to b<? ^ fd ^. _, -, . she enteredv^d must,have known it was i Solon in Elm ore asks re-eleclion !\ou look T o r C\Si CouFt n pjiold dec i &ion on Burley fire in ju ry Smoko gasoline WH8 being nsed to dean a garage floAr In thi$ rmr-plex o ^ ^ l^ n ifto n S n ^w o o d at Locust Street and E^hzabetli Boulevard, T>miSgEte«nHedH> t w garane-walls. ; iUid Uie etierior IK e;Ifiiiitn in l w ith 801^ ^ buUdliik. * 3ff Tlmm-News, Twin Falls, Idaho Supday, May 14. 1972 r O T iF ^ o f^ d o ^ s ~ B g c o m ^ c la s s r o o m ^ ^ o t^ " dFSBHli gradp studeH ts^T Retehum SUN V A L L E Y '— Awareness fleld tripglhUi gpriiflrfl8^1^ag°"^‘«tadenteHan-^tuchi^-lK>^ ««toh1Uhn^’t»'nt nf Inrggr plant of the— changing - naturala planned sl*-j;ear student art stream ecoloisy and mountain ufe sudi aa trees. - W ffi^nm ent__atres'aedand envlroninental program, naeadow aa well as Mgebruah students were encouraged to during an "outdoor classroom" Instructors included Clair communitira, she said” note the variety And t y ^ of During Thursday’s session, ^wildlife i|L t ^ a re a .Ijty close for ^radesdioolers. Thursday, Baldwin, Ketchum Ranger Abdul 50 Ernest Hemingway District; Ken and E^ith Instructors concentrated on how^ '^se rv a tin i ol animal-burrows, Bellevue; and beaver ponds progressively sjgns, in actual signtlngs of ''sSchool fourth grade- students Kinuc^n, the- three-hour. nMlstHnt’ Mr-1—Walter Handy i Change. Qv^c a period of y e ^ s dutks^-regVj^ p g ^ ckbir ^ ffitl — partidpated . fleld tpiji along Tr>»il ^ e e k Ketchum. Mrs. Kinuc^n said the Wood north of Sun Valley, which Valley was "fanincluded study of beaver ponds, Rivir suited for. .environmental- studied 4iecause erosion and avalanches.^O r Sftonsored by" the Sun Valley Its- ^proximity of numerous Sreative Arts-eentcr, the trek ■was part of a series of thriee be taki.n'bn thie same fleld trip. Ajfter the trips students will create art pro^^cts, expressing their feelings about the natural ■ Ufe they had viewed. Future plahs include similar environmBntal study trips for all grades «£ the Ernest Hemingway School wltl^ . the possibUity of the-progcam i expgnsl'oh'to include •Bellevue elementary students. THE TWIN FALLS HIGH SCHOOL driU team performed intricate steps to enthrall the crowd d K ^g ^atu rd a y ’s Music Week payade throiigh o d ow ^w n Twin Falls. The gifou^as among the sizeable number of floats and other nn,lt« «ppcaring'ln the parade. Sieppin^ out ________ \e w s Of R e c o rd c _ . _______ orksfaop on dram a held at college TWIN FALLS - The proper presented slides of faces of use of theatrical malieup is ah ■"people ■at different' ages, intricate science in ilSetf, Including two pirotos of the MINIDOKA C0Uf4TV _ . Court }-.... teacher, Mr. Scqpe&riflVoLved in according l|0 -,lrehe Corey, _ M ic h a e l J B ro a a h e d O H e v D u rn *tiv Mary Lou Birdwni }S Mrs. 'C o r g j', a theatrical I theJarned evolution trial.-On§ H u p e rl 1 1 0 . o p e r a t in g weriicie expert with world-wide 'photo sliowed the teacher as a v t u d d e d t ir e ^ , B ry ce K B o w m a n . 7?, % 4 u p r r l. 173 SO. v p e e t lm g . a n d >-rdnct*% M , acclaim, ^ d an audience gf 'young man; the other, poSed B .» id « v in . 44 f t u p e r t . 11,0. r»o li< en s«f o n p e r vo n ^ drama instructors and students identieaily,-r-6howed him as a 0«*nni% L Bedn. J4 R ^ p « r r . *++■“» p o rw e n O B rt« |e r. I f O e c io Saturday at the College of m M -in—his 80s. Both _were . IJ O f a i l u r e lo a p p e a r o n c . i a l i o n i 11/ W ■Snuthfira l a r k ^ e fo c<TrrV he e Q > ^ Jo hn morgue." of fScial types would 'photographed by Mrs". Corcy for C A n d e r s o n 3 ;, P a y l . W J.S O ^ V fceed m g M ir r v D o r o t h y C a m p b e l l . 76. B S T n r y i d g e help in- applying theatrical her lecture, .. ivl<*nd W a s h t j V . d r i v i n g w ^ o n g w a y o n • m ie r > J a t e G a r y S C a r t f o n ^ S , M e y b y rn makeupTShe advised students - The- elderly. Sco^pes. Ijad a \ \ 7 M . \ t o p s<go C a r e y C ra B u l l a r i , l i of the theatre to clip magazine seamed, vvrinliled^ace, Mrs. u r i c y . 133 SO. v p e c d m g a n d D a n ie l & . l O f t 1?0. Mwrtd(L»g»\, M OP %i and newspaper photos"showihg ta r e y ' pomte3 our Makeup C h a rte r C C la r k 2 \ . R u p e r l . l2tJ SO s p e e d in g ' N ic o la i D - C a r d e o t i v . ' l- i. faces of people of all ages, artists could utilize' such a photo H fyD u V n ti; W ^ to p s<gn a t r a i i r o a d partlmaHy if compariisons of in making up an actor as an t r o s s i n g H a r o d i R B a r n h a r t iO N a r n p a ■^i; l a i l u r e to M ag o v e r h a n g in g lo a d • ■-- the same person at different' etderiyi m an. ‘ a n d i u l i e A H a y d e n 74 P o c a t e l l o l l d V ) s p e e d in g Mrs. Corey and her husband .ages are^possibls. UiKkrt ' F Jensen '^6 t f o p e r i y rtj {Tt! s c u f e d y iv lo n Randy J K e lt e r l^ g Ifl Using two slide projectors Orlin presented ^—series of R u p e r t U ? SO s p e e d in g C a r l G l^ o B t rt S theatrical Mrs. Corey discussions on IJ R u p e rl 117 SO s t o p s<gn D e lo r< s A •* simultaneously, T h e o le 4S. R u p e r l 121 SO s p e e d in g .n \«. h o o i / o n e a n d E d v M a r d A r - r u D u r g t - r . J l •WTj p y r t . ■- t ^ r - y r p t r r o v r n r c t r ■SfftrfT' m v p e i t .o n ' ■ E lv 'a M A < T i:iiar R u p e rt l» » S O s p e e d i n g Ja rrx e s t W ee^e IQ R u p e r t , i n t o u a a r e d o il p o D 'K h i g h w a y B o b b ie i '/>/ii.^n»v R u p e rt U S SO. ste e d if 'C ] Jcn n y K o tia r n s k i Si R u p e rt VIO. ea P ' f P d » A *b n le b a t f t y i n s p e c t io n a n d M e 'v a jf .t n M iD o w e ll 70 R u p e r t . ( 1 8 SO sp<‘ t*(|in g >n s<ttooi R u p e r * $ 7 / SO r a - i u r f fo H a g o v tt « ^ ld tt' lo a d p C a r i 'S i iI f R u p e r t H 8 SO s p e e d i n g n o o i /o n o F r a n n s c o O - P e re * 7S B u r lr y T r o e fello rf by b e a v e r -----N ew s — Of R e c o rd MINIDOKA COUNTY Magistrstt Court »IO p \<gn H u g h i V ( K e » > d f .t f c M P a u I t » 0 - n o v c h t t k* tto n M a r r r t . K in g M . \ \ J W n o M .i i- g h t ’ t W NO r«p > 'i> 0 i i l e n s i ' R i c h a r d T - N r v .» r r ; -*0 1J SO im p r o p e r '^>rn H o sie r I v\n gn i I’ R u p e rt l i ; VO >.tiU>'«' to ia o i>>vtf p l a t e s A r n o t a I M a n ;ti Borit.-* V ? ? fcO s p .- f 0 .n y ,v>,T IV f O M .v V KO^<t/ 3^ 1 1 ’ SO r » p r t'cl 1 c p n s e pi Paul I A n o tr^ W y p e rt H'' t p j f J iH g . >iU k»,axii C - H . i > u c u . J l . U u i l e t . l> 0 r » p i r ctl » ori .1 i r , h m m '. t.o n .<tui H O r>0 »tf .«•« I .-M sf o«' ix - r s o i' .»r’ c3 W K c l l , P r t ..,s o M tft \tO s . -ZTTTvTTNO'--- ------ •—--------- Art class slated in Buhl park avtn l‘vt‘ <rQU'prntrnt Delano W Gffmrr G u id a n c e ^ o u p nameS Abernathy TWIN FALLS - Roger Abernathy, C'ollege of ^uthern a.s president of the Magic Valley C'lUidance Association. Other new officers of the ort^anization clccted at a meettnti Thursday at (.SI ars Mave Perkins, director of -personnel servH’es at (’SI, president-elect. and Marile«^ Kotz. CSI counselor, socrtary-treasurer l«irr> Watson. Twin Falls public school is iiiitt;oinn president of the I'rfjamzatiiin 1-arry D r e x li'r . a s s is t a n t m a n a i;e r of the h>cal o ffice of ]/ liu r t e y S76 sp e e d in g D ..V .S 70 A it -q u .a V I7 S 0 . d ' s p i a v t e m p o r a r y s i.c ^ e r <ind A r t r iu t a .iu r ito F l a g riles slated fo r the Department ^ Em-' ploymenl, presented In- T F school fn nfitinppl^ state and local manpower and laU)r. He indicated that ap proximately 75 per cent of those people currently active in the iatwr forcp are d«satisfied-urith their prescTlT 0<>fupational .selective vtirational guidance and career development a.ssistiince for today's youth. Koger Abernathy was .selected as the local chapter's nominee for the Distinguished .S»Tvice .Award spon.sored by the Idaho Personnel and Guidance .■VsNociation , - The M ei 1 TWIN FALLS - Stfadley Chapter No. 5, Disabled American Veterans,. wi|l demonstrate proper disposal of an old V s . flag at flarrison School TWlrsday. DAV members will conduct a formal flag-raising ceremony at the school at 1 p.m., ftfst retiring the colors and burning the old flag. A new flag will be presented to the school, and raised by the DAV members. Representatives of the U. S. armed forces are expected to attend, according to Earl B. Newham, senior DAV vice commander. DAV members are also asked to attend. Boy Scouta attending Harrison are asked to BY LINDA MKRRY, D.V.M. QuesTlort Our dop is a small poiiieranian She came in heat for the first time last week anti . .we ditlrL t want hei iired this ^tunc junCiiLjSte's so. yeuBK. I have been -careful but yesterday the neighbor's black lab sailed right over our five . JooLience and mated, with her [ ni worried that she won't be ; to 1 don't want her spayed, fs there anything we can do now besides buiW the feh(>e higher? Answer: There are tito surefire prevention^, for •pregnancy; .abstinence-^ind hysterectomy tspaying). The. fence was too low for the one and drawback.s Mismalinj; is not ion per rent effective Some doj;s will still carry the pups. Often though, even if the pre>yiancy is not terminated the stze Tt>f -fho reduced . -I%rk. Most people still think that one The class is open to Buhl Art TWIN F A L I5 - Delbert puppy by a travelinjr^lesman Guild members and all other IS tx'tter than 10 or 12. And Motts, no age given. Twin Falls, interested artists. Classes will iiCoruUy,; lieal.. is usually was treated for stab wounds at ' begin at 9r30 a .m.-and continoc prolonged by a week to Ifl days. Magic "Valley ' MeinlDrlal through 3 p.m. with members to Saturday .can tie- hred .^gain Hospital- early morning "and released in good duringIhis time so you're really Vdeller. Persons interested in only twick where you began. condition. ^ p llin R are asked to contacf You've"SM to'tStUld'Tharfence-- City poUco wwo caUad <0.1hg Mrs. V ^ller” Artists should higher or keep the dog out of hospital at about midnight when bring their own material, temptation's way in the house Motts was brought in for notebooks for taking notes and emergency treatment ^y -a for anotiier 10<lays. a satacjunch. 1.cannot tell' you exactly when group of companions, the city New officers of the Buhl Art your veterinarian will choose to police report-stKared. . , _ . Guild were' 'announced ■— He.told :— rnjwnvTTT^TT— -..-ainee 3iir^ V .. ogicers tie and some rtm-tnrr ^ icnds had 3H argumcnt g Juch fffftgjrtgBT- ■cast, so i ’U .iMMfCrdfr mismating. or ’ abortion, in different methods of giving dev:eloped into a fight at the Mrs, Etta__Patton, vice Cenu these sutjstances. ' Blue Lakes Shopping Center president: Mrs. LiUiMi Voeller jections. revsr TerminatWn ot pregnancy By Some doctors prefer to inject pat-King lot with sevem ^«cre tary ; Irene Pocit treasorer, and Doris, Branndn, chemotherapeutic agents is the dog as soon as is practical Mexican subjects. Offiters were continuing the based on . jJreventing im after breeding, others like to historian. Mrs. L«ana Chrismore is p la n ta tio n ^ the fertilized'ova wait two to five days. All of us investigation Saturday. diq>laying painfings in the in the uteriR wall. It takes two agree, however, that the longer to five days for the ova to travel the procedure is prolonged after Buhl ofpce df Mountain raepbone Co. during May. The down' the fallopian lubes to the five days, the less effective it‘ uterus. The use of the~cCrT^- ticcqmes. Aftaw hormones before or Jiiring this ( A fte rJto Q _^k sj® ujn ig h i aa _ -DIETI IG R — Driver-training are d i^la y in g paintings in the time prevents tljc e j» from ..B ljjrepartLthe bassinet! brgdniiifiohal meeting will be implanting in t}ie uterus where it iry o u have a que^on about held at the iS etridi school at 2 Bnh lU b ra ry . csn receiyejthB'TKrararaent: your pet^ sendrit tB-lt>g-MwTy^-paiiHWay-22;---- -necessary for powth. Pet-column. cart'ol-the-Emea--. Sabala;,schooLdriver AU of whidrsbunds'good, but N eys^B ox M8, T w iir-fa lls , .^u catio n i n ^ n t ^ , urges ah interests persons to attm dl EUUL — Art classes Wnsored by the Buhl Art Guild and featuring Novella taieros. Twin Falls, will be D r iv e r meet set IE E E 5 subject . during the two-dpy the University^ of Montana, Temple Buell Interpretation Theatre-AHiance Missoula; Denver, Coloau at CSl, Students from high College, schools and colleges, including Brigham Young University, Utah; Northern Twin Palls HighSchool and CSI, Provo, • presented dramatic sketches Colorado University, Greeley; Weber' State, Ogtfen; and Utah during the seminar.Colleges!_participatlng in the State.University, Logan. session included Eastern Also participating . were Montana Col l ege— BtlHnga-;—Highland--- Hi^h-- -iSctroulr CoUege-«{-Waho-at Caldwell; •Pocatello, -and Skyline High, Whitworth ' College, Spokane, Idaho Fate, and the -AntiqueWash.; Seattle Pacific College; Festival Theatre, Buhl. , CLASSIFIED INDEX M'» easy to fin d the lo Ji/iio n to your w ant or n e e d In The T im e s N e w i P e op le R e a o ie r W ^ n t Ad cQ lu m n s L isted beloov t s t h T K e y to AAagtc V a lle y s m psi d iv e rs ifie d M a r ■&« su rfi to Revch- Use ♦h«e-'eo*t«nf»4 --Vou44 to-m^y Announcem ents Pom ona grange hears candidate BUHL — Agriculture can gain a fair voice in government if its components work together, ReptjbTTcan Seriate Candidate' George Hansen said Saturday. Hansen addressed the Twin Falls Pomona Grange here after campaign visits with Vietnam War veterans, new "votSrS and womert vottirs.'" - ‘Farm ers^an change their -.circumstances if Ihey are willing to assume the challenge " Hansen said. He jaid a n ta s t one U.S. Senator should be on the agriculture committee ^nd that western rural residents are not being heard when decisions are made regqfding plant, animal and geogl^hic conditions peculiar to Idaho and other western •j^-v.R-FifeVoot Po> 4* Aanreo to Buy CO Lott 1 *-0^0 0> ^ryiuri “ipei ai Ok. MW.v,,, «. .r ..0& I slates. —Addressing Vietnam veterans from the College of Southern Idaho -ifTTwin Falls, Hahsen said he believes President Nixon's strong stand Is meeting with success in the war zone and in diplomatle-circles. But, he said, stiffened^erms giv,eiLto North Vietnam fiJT t'ndirig American m ilitary pressure could lead to a situation in which a Communist coalition government could take 0\'er -South Viemam. "This would mean that after a sacrifice of nearly 60,000 'American lives, not to mention the burden carried by the South Vietnamese, the outcome would be the same as if we had never entered the war, " he said. ? *(J»» • f ' t A<5pi,^<e» Lawn, F a r m & G a r d e n ^ Mr p kVrtr , ’> .l'rr s *' M»*T,og 1 A.r C0na<l' ^ Bu-'Oing V> Sam M r.I. 0 » iT 'o ei % C lo thing Art.Que% ,44 Vfcrt.c* inUrumentt *S R«aK> TV 1 Sf*rt« Selected Otters • * *3 O ( I. -J V Cooa Th.oo* »o E«i \ 3 TrJo i S3 f-rrtii.jfr &Top 'So' U ^srm M M*» Of’f) L ....-'*MOOd . r /TToiM S' a P p i L S u p p i.r t V m * i Br^ <».ng ^«ilir »} V<frp »J » W I. Business Services « r * ,m M - Uta - » VW*o»M t’ 8»rit _____ Recreational—__ a. Soorl.n^ CoOdV '>• ''g E ~Re5T Estate For Sale Oo" fi• *T &. H«DO.t» t U A n c n Suopi o ln> pt«m «ntt Au h--. . r^^ wi'” ' A. *■ A utonnotive Rentals *o*o\War'fO ►O' ' ,iie\t Swpp' »%«ni •mpor* soo-n ca?» 4 WKrr. Or-^ Aa«0» Of S«l« ‘■'roe'p Ueair>rr Aa v.»o» m>h oe «^r.-Tr 0*1 I •B..V■ W«-tr.) •. wr-■ krtf-rs >o- ■ ^or r s s - »'aooT to ui aniLiv' ■,.1 A<3 lof ih** Oe\J re»ui»» ai rr\ » IOS' O' ■ S i) 4&AI m Burn or C < » M lefo ra A’ H , \ s : ■' H,.' I*. 10 ‘ ‘ .lu ' Of NOf i « n o S U n U .n W^Ofti Gooa-r>g • • IM M Boge^von Jaihpo* Sev<in.< ^ar (0"t^ ' (Jr'\ri« ..IT<. r sold J Dn. ' f .»,»-• (34 r P'€A\r e.*<] •1-j ' 'ea ' aaiui*me<'i 'ass ' ev3 <’ .> .rr> ii^ rS A 00 A ' D ' . a t o r a a .N fl o«' 0 '* r o»>MQi oa»\ ^ Deafli <-ie'O' p ■ gA<ji.-.wvA.inid'' ’*P'* O"'r s " )0 a o^* 0 ' p rto .s 'o a p p r l-He o e a a i n f ror c a ' ng „v nu •o apCM*a' n < e o ' on^s " ' a ' a r p ' o \ ' ^ pia» < 'o . La$t«F6ffBd P»rao«*U 0* U N W ED M A T E R N IT Y c a re , S AAO N Th O l d w h fte fe m a ie d o cto r, h o sp ita l a n d liv in g p la n in o n ir im m e d poodt^ lo st <r> AAoonfain M a n o r, In c , P . O Bo* d o w n to w n a re a Sund ay 110 210. AAountAin H o m e . Id ah o BJ64?7 Phone S87 S n » L O S T Jd o g s , R o c k Creek a re a . M ay 4th G e rm a n s h g jh e rd . n am e M o o se , ad d r-^ s on c o lla r fl m onth seiT o»d i n s h S e tte r, n am e Sunset R e a VIBRATOP, 10 m orrm s o id R E W A R D ' Bo* U 20 T .m e s N ew s c^F >R t o T i e a ' T h i. ' ~ fAS3(CONVfNJfNT W AtTO tXkkUSEZZ Sptcial Notk«s 04 ^ L F M Y P^iO .T lSA A fa u y h t by a • lo c a l. p r o t e & iio n d M y tramed' ~ F r ) r'fj t^T .T FV; i n rn i n - r | - i n i t .i i i t it PRIVATE ( ofiv ' Livt? w h t 'r u y o u •>i .IT p r ir o y o u r n n .Tfforci tin -C .if ip H o m e s w .iy ' S m m hy .it Tn*T^‘.IS y o u r o w n cof^lracJof c}f>d uf) :n * 4 0 20 Of B u y tK«» o n d o tk « r W a lto n •■ #rctM *q u ip m « ftt B O N N IE 'S W K i S A L O N ClM O ^ .g C o n d ttio n ln g . S ty lin g , C a s c a d e s, Synmeik - (loo H u m an H a ir w ig s 11 SO M ain West _ h y 't t o m q a s rtu u .h -hrtnU-LuVU-t sjvc yti' I u v L - n n i O inv«sJ> g a ro r — 74 H ou r ptafts AT. BANNER FURHITURE 177 2 n d * , . W Ptrtanali Job! orTnf»r»*t_ Mal«4 07 f f '' ?3 > U Jl P.ANiPeLlONS.INSiCIS - QcUrati of SINO Fon FRfe IDEA BOOK OF HOMES , T R ,- S , f u l l . i f r » - ^ C*«T*GI jt m t ••• ROYAL GARN 1 2 0 N ftrjh Dr M o m in g » id t t t r ig •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a I TO; C4PP-HOMES 0«pt. I2 S 0 0 S I 9 1 5 5 S . W/. B a r b u r B l v d . ■ I ■ Id a h o f a l l s . I d a h o P o r t la n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 1 9 s e n d m e d e ta il* o n (ia o o - H o m e s . M4i4 N a m e _________________ _______ A d d re s s . , . -- A' C o u iit y _ ] A i . C O H O L lC S A n o n y m o u s . T w in F a l l s C o u rtFT o O se.rW ed n esd a y a t 8 00 p m A I A n o n 3 rd F fo o r ReH ab IX 7th A v e n u » E a s t , T u e s d a y a n d S u n d a y , a 00 p m P h o n e 733 9763 ' (1 ) Young a o g r e s s lv a shot s a le s m a n (5 ) S tc rtta ry , F e c e p tio iS is r, b o o k k e e p in g i n d E x c e lle n t g e n e ra l o f f ic e o i r l . tla t. Typr»l. Typr»f. (4 ) M a n a g e r "B ?aIteinnee , y d u n g a g o ra s--s lv e , t f ia r p trtd re s s e•r r G G ood (S ) B o d y a n d ^ f ufuture^. f fe n d e r m an . (6 ) S a (e |m a n ^ U ) S a le s la d y , s o m e o f f ic e w o r k . (8) Legal s e c re ta ry . (9 ) O th e r o p e n in g s . — — m M A G IC V A L L E Y M A S S A G E qACKACH ^ e? T r y ‘ ste a m and ; Tow n or RFD m S P R A Y IN G ‘S E R V I C E • — message, wom>tv swe4<^>m»^ W — • S tate*............... G€M 733 4 7 0 t p l . i n s .w v j - L o c u s t 733 1637, 1 0:00 p .m ‘. — 11:00 am , to D e E T T A J C A M E iE tL Home Owned and Opero^eJ f S . r , •I* e 2>p L w A X A i E J i U J j U - H O B B V — S H O P ----m o d e ) a l r n l a n n . H . O . r a ilr o a d , ( doti'f own • M fB u t ooura f t t w r - ® r a d io c o h t r o l. ' ro c k e ts . 6'69 A A a b ric e S t r ^ , t w i n F a lls / jd a h o - ■ g/ 6 2 ^ Blue lo k e . 733 5S43 Supday, AAay 14.,197? ^ • Private Party .Classified Aid vejiisers J M te d t Estate-Excluded * D I A L T O ' Y p u r P * o p l« R « « c h « r W a n t A d F o r q j l i n l e . p s ’ Jo b s of In to rM t | 15 M ale Help • 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 . O R C A U O N F gt;. d u .5 4 2 ^ 4 8 in ^ h l or C a s tle io rd ; 6 7 8- 2 S 52 in Burley, Ru p e rl. D eclo. P oul or N d ?fa n d ; 53*6-55,35 In W e n d e l^ G o o d in g , H a g e rm o n or Jerom e; 3 ? 6 - 5 3 7 i in HoHister, Ro q 'BTTOT'., or Joctcpot, N e v a d a . ' ' p e r In t erVion^ (3 l in a t — 10 D o y t) 07 f l mes-.News, Twin f;alls, Idaho 31 - ' ............................. ......... ^ *-'i -- B u sin e ss O p p b rlu n ity B u sin e ss O pporfum ty ^ IS 22 H o m e i F o r Sale Hom es F o r S a l* I JJ , ]] 23 Hom es F o r Sale H orn** F o r S a l* M s l * A r ^ * in « lt TEL£^ > H O N E w a n te d . A p p ly P a in t Sto re . S O L IC IT O R S J > i.R * e iir T r O N ‘ C O M P A N f n e e d s at M a r y C a rte r , . ___ ^ ^ p u m p in g p la n t w a t c h m a n f o e . s e a s o n a l. w o rk . 837-4841 a fte r 7 N O SELLING s F I E L D R E P R E S E N T A T I V E -with see d c o m p a n y . C o m b in a tio n fie ld w o r'k d u rin g g ro w in g se a s o n , and d u r ln a , j h i B P i n a -A p p lica n t m ubt be a b le to -tre n d ! e—d e te rtrd —sm p p tny—o r o e r r " a n d be a b le to m eet a n d w o rk w ith f a r m e r s . So m e o ffic e e x p e rie n c e and c o lle g e or a g r ic u lt u r a l b a ck g ro u n d d e s ira b le . M u s t, be a b te t o re lo c a te if n e c e s s a r y . Seod le t t e r w ith re s u m e in ow n h a n d w r it in g to B o x U 7 1 ,'T im tr t N e w s n eeded -lor^ Cattee op A p pry ' C in d y 's R e s ta u ra n t in J e r o m e , H ig h w a y 79 and In te rs ta te 80 374 4991 SU M M ER J O B S a v a ila b le , p art tim e or fu ll tim e *1 60 p e r hour s a la r y .C a il 734 )876 fo r in te rv ie w . Ot P E R S O N N E L S E R V I C E of M a g ic V a lle y , 624 B lu e L a k e s N o rth , . Phon* 733 » « . S ale sm e n or S alesw o m en O f. M a le h J i p SALESMAN ■ AB E A A A A N A f i F R . E X P E R I E N C E D IH R IO A T O R , top ---- p a y ' l i l l 6M tJUB------------------- -— I To c o n ta c t b u sin e ssm e n NafI |O i s c o u n f C r B u s in e s s H ig h 'C o m m p lu s S o n u s A g e no 'h a n d ic a p W rM e R p o & id e a t, . ' D r a w e r 146, P a i n e s v i l l e , O hio 14407; ' M A N T O W O R K n, s e r v ic e statio n A p p ly In p e rso n S e e O r v illMe C la rk at U nireo O il C o m p a n y , K im b e r ly Road. F A f^ / ^ M E C H A N IC-v^ant ed A lso , F u e l T ru c k D riv e r Y e a r ^ o o n d P o sitio n s Good w o r k in g Con Oit'on 436 641 1 or E v e n in g s S32 4129 N A TIO NAL LINEN s a l e 's ' — ... i^ePReSFNTATTVE SUPPLY T w in F a ll s , Idaho 733 6716 W A N TED S A L E S M A N for floorc o v e n n g s , e x c e l l e n t b u s in e s s o p p o rtu n ity C a ll 436 9317 F U L L T IM E e x p e rie n c e d feed d itc h irrig a to r or p a rt tim e re tire d m a n 733 3668 or 733 1427 NEED Some<»ie fo r a s s is ta n t m a n d fle f in S e r v ic e b t a fio n " E x p e r ie n c e n e c e s s a ry R e fe r e n c e s T o p ^ a g o for rig h t m an A ll in fo rm a l*o i co n fid e n tia l F O R A P P b lN T M E N T Phone 733 9228 Top L if e t im e jo b if you c a n s e ll. Our b u s in e s s is co n tin u o u s w ith re p e a t s a le s of chma.^ g la s s w a r e . S ilv e r w a r e , k itc h e n s u p p lie s and w m 0 rrrcT^TT “ T u rrT T ru r^ T " Tm ytTT. p a p e r gopds and ta m to r s u p p lie s to h o s p ita ls , s c h o o ls , n u rs in g ho m es in s titu tio n s , r e s ta u ra n ts , h o te ls , m o te ls , c lu b s , etc M a n y of o u r tSO s a le s re p r e s e n t a t iv e s e arn c o m m is s io n s in e x c e s s of ilS-OOO per y e a r Good d ra w in g a c c o u n t to s ta rt , To{J a d v e rtis in g s u p p o rt and S u p trV T So ry h e lp m the fie ld F u ll com pany t^ en e fits p ro g ra m T e r r it o r y ^ ith m a n y e sta b lis h e d a c c o u n ts c o n s is ts Poca>etfo, B u r le y , T ^ jn F a lls , Id aho F a lls , and B ia c k fo o t . iddho a re a S E N D R E S U M E TO P h ilip J G ree n P e rs o n n e l D ire c to r ED W ARD D O N A CO M Pi^W ^ 2 S 0 a S -H a U A m N o rth R iv e r s io e , lill 60S46 E X P E R fE N C E D M E C H A N lC . P A ID V A C A T IO N F T C H iP lT A L P U A N LO XSO F W O RK, A P P l V B IL L fftJtM E R , . S E R V IC E m a n a g e r T J I C I SC N i H 3 7700 o r a fte r 6 733-8664 ~ - S A L E S O P P O R T U N lT iE S F O R M E N O V E R 35 ^ M EN W AN TED E x p e r ie n c e d ir n g a t o r . y e a r a ro u n d 324 2166 DOT Q u a lifie d d ie s e l , d n v e r s D r iv e 48 s ta te s, s le e p e r oper^atiOn Non m a r r ie d m e n o n ly S a lt L a k e b ased c a r r ie r P h o n e 678 7923. B u r le y for in t e r v t»w- D e v e lo p your own D u s in e s s S h o w m g o u r big h n e o f A d v e r t iS ’na S p e c i a l t i e s . B u s in e s s G i f t s 4 C a le n d a r s to f ir m s m yo u r a r e a iW e a r e m o u r 46th y e a n an d r a t e d high N o in v e s tm e n t, q u o ta s or re p o rts W e e k ly c o m m is s io n s G e n e r a u s bonus W r it e S in g le to n 2127 W ti o o d e i v d , Lo s Co W e^stw Ang< A n g l e s . 90073 . ■ lu ----------------1 - : M ale Help lni!iIuiio n< »’ C H rt I S T t A AN N K .r* a e ro a rfe n ' ' I m >TnanV;PT ' LuTI no Schoo' ' I J 40H ^ I DO B A H Y M I I iN l JA C K i J ‘LL N u rs e ry — - p rescn o o i ■ ■ 6647 I'O J A v i' E ast 733 I PARMA WATER LIFTER C O . ir p A R W s n n A H o r : .Phone 722-51^1 \' 57,ri,. — ” ■ M IJH M I OH J^ .l L lo t>i' M om booth T w*n ^aHs , .-.•'A , i jN i V S IS 000 tor a ) b r.ifQ o m n o m r » . h a iris Ir e s h i- , pan'U-a n s .d e P a rt baM*;Tien*. a ita i'fc l ■ ’ M ;K a (T F * rn n N‘.V(1toi» KO Ppnrrit ‘ / v ; or * AW D ‘ ■ ■O t f IC E t)<I D AHO Al T ^ M 5 OMt, ''.ir . j . ’ i f .'f ! /. ■f'-Trrrv 8^/ /13 U3V ro n -*TT rr'r’ r»~ CJOnaid T a y lor V a v m SmmUi G O iN r , ic» - B U i l D a rfomr- or r »Mri.|iJ»-Li Need bUITlL* p la t is ’’ L a ilL a r r y U u ai>^Y •• U. .B U S Y arty w h ere J-iOQ Lr I D A M l) I ( .- i.iA ' .• .,< in u *■ -N i j l '■ I ( I. ^v^W^ >'i) u"?'?, n O N "^ Oui. ■N t’ R t _____ • N P .W 'i P A C J O U S 3 U u U ro o m , to tal r'frr f r .« , I • . pftth,i. <»m»t}ie g a r a g e . •n i’ l ■a n ( I " . . f.< iper< ‘d S27 SOO A ( f R E a l I Y / J l ‘►3W ■~J” • L .n K B o . Ijb fr.M- ( emails H r. /«A U ai^ij a ’ Ir h V I 0 ( j k S. -ArV'', r)r1*'OS .1r , >'* a-' n r etr '.p.V n . «• '• 19 ear ltd -I.-'’ 'a i r w t h p < i'»ai r^oarmq ic,'.\ At.», d ' p a rt irm«bat>yS'f’ ’nij .fip n »0i ■ ■r s^r- iNOO^ n o m .' f f r io d C i' n g o '' ' C On <r I* t e d r ,» w a ' ' new ( on st r j. c t lon ’ 11 F a n n W o rk W ented ' W ork W anted 1 $ - $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BUHLER REALTY 507 W A d d i s o n A v e . •■asnr>ar<i»- vaiu* »-ai n . 1 iHKl ; No' 1r ’ . 1 uS' a • qonn rt;v a* '^n-v SI ♦ lol AJt.itJ.ixj . .1Liii.ti Lr.^ ». cf^ ua- ■ i i>‘ &. (IT' -n . .1 -S..U. dlt: «ii.' A'J'-. <r--'f- lo’ S0<' • <o' •ag.- a' V.VJ 1- w. ‘,.-r ,, r or pt ,(->r, ilOO rn-;-" «er ’ rf. 'O'’•rtgI'S A. .I{.ar‘ n to' sai' *-fi’ J. ^ .IS*' ’n I 1" , ' f ent in , I's' ^ W O P ft v . I-' n i )4 s P r . c r**d u C f(l i>n »n,> ■■ I'-OO'^ c a rp e te d hor>'» w t^ t ,r .-*^1 r L o ts o^- -yard anci s r.r ,.t 's and dout>ie Q ar a»)»' %\1 .SOO '» y r , ' or f arn-. HO'T N i f l ; 4 ? I'.Noon'-’ n P . ' a f , .’ n ‘.v ’ 4 'f ’ ritivC-f K T r ’.*' H ei»*r^ /» . .f,; O'* I '•<> •JJ aSJ, M O U-N T.,.-. : N ; n T T ri • s s B Y C )^ N F R 'o a n f .A t i r O ' O i'r-n C J .K a y r s •**■» M4 47L'’ s s s s A s s u m .' iow in te re st n * ,- w - r ' v * . <»' a ' i - d i h «.• (10oni-*> N\->r r> . r ig • . i j . ' ‘- - 1-1, .o t ______ !- '1 ' V'^ooo s TA I i 5 ____ I" SPREADING L E O 'S C U S T O M F A R M t N G • 4703 326 4964 d one, an y w h ere A & .R . C U S T O M F A R M I N G A |l t y p « of fa r m w o rk P lo w in g , g ro u n d p rep «r«tto n .~ p lan tln g . 324 c a rp o rt and fe n rp fl >a ■ •"73” ^TTTTTT' - M O U N T A IN ST/iff^ £ir R f A l T Y 713 W74 H u r r y n—OSJtfTX:-- -----—----------- SM A L L C U T fc 3 QrfraQ*pat 'O- o rce tenc ed bac , ar a On v su.aso 70 B lu e L a vp ^ f o’ . " apcki''n’ m e n ’ / JJ J 11 4 REALTY 4 B tO R O O M --- . _ B o w e r . S43 4725 B u h l IS Butinest Opportunity A GOOD W E N D E L L. _W «(10 Oar c o nsiV in g Mquor licenses, 1355ar c ty REA LT Y. S36-227A. . . Fe ld tm a n -R e a lto rs Al A ^ gan garage ■ ’ 33 S644 j S a l e s O f f i c e At S u b - D i v i s i on 324-8202 _ F L A M E L E S S E L E C T R IC L IV IN G F O R A N & ATER, CLEANER W O RLD B E F O R E Y O U B U Y . . . i ’<a? tvf ■ '. l)f NT1Ak AI Rt Ar, ft • 00 Oil' 1,'f the rnost ,1 |'»-S .n Twm Falls Nh 1 ini .1* i',rv N tr 1y 1000 Sq Ft .n s ./I-' y t>?aut;t ul 3 bedroofri ’T)f TTog*- I,•ntf y, Spanish marble l.repi,»<C id ^unken 11Viny room , is.( room furm iII din ,ng nias’fr r)**drt>«nT' Su'te ref .room .n par•’ t)as«' .T'f • Fren<h dOO^S OP'M. r)nio a ( .»rpetf*j pat 0 that s » tn«- mter 1a'ftig, and a kit,nrn tn,<t w-M make III*' tne rtOf-nc rate^ By P'easu thd' It' 'S 1 onl y ' arro'' iAS.OOO 00 H ,jg»*rm an V a lle y upper 1000 Sp rin g s a re a on S n a ke R .w e r & D eeo C re e h V e ry cor^’ e m p o r ar y r<ome 3 m o old iR e d w o o d . lo ts oi g la s s 4. la rg e dec H t Br»autitut v ie w ot S n a ke R vt-r and M aq erm an v a iie ^ »rom _________ Separa»p doub le 610 Blue Lake s N o rtii 7 » » 3 ll A n * r H w )T 5 ' H a rle y AAatrters R . J 4kh«Mt>diman Ja c k Biifto p _ 7M-#473 733-7)00 733 7741 i B EO RO > O M S. M Vge and liv in g ro o m , U a b a th s , tu ii un :z n a u 5 K M 2 f f a S e m £ d t ,_ £ d i:f iQ £ T r ^ ir 733 0672. - V M)0 f»0 i < up s p e c a i. uidxooin:*- C n a l n e a l* Mfl.Ke 2 p asture 4. ro w crop o« Sun v a ile v U tilis in g teed tor beet caMie G ood .m p ro v e m e n ts W ill e»change for p a stu re and hay ground tn L o st R iv e r a re a h .Q h w a y L iv e in a 3 W4ih bedroom d u p le x C4U-paling and d ra p e rie s and ecjuipped w ifh a ll th e m o d e rn a p p lia n c e s in clu d in g a d ish w a sh e r t o u t ta x — pro w e m w i ti ue suim»iO~ancJ y o u r p a y m e n ts m ade by re n tin g the other par^ ot th is m odern (Jw etling The < o n stru ciio n and la n d sc a p in g a re d esigned to p ro vid e p e ace fu l p riv a c y to both f a m i li e s V44.SOO 00 730 a c re s n a y . p a stu re and row crop A ll s p r in k le d House traii»*r and m ach> ne she<J ' j M ' V a lley h ig h w a y S t00 000 00 H ere is an op p o rtu n ity to h a v e y^ur own d riv e in Don't p a s s th is one up S14.000 00 and ^ood t e r m j. Stock ra n c h h a s run nm g s tre a m , tre e i r r i g a t io n w a te r. BLM , g ra im g r ig h t s 28ti a c re s deeded U moooo- } a c re lots o r H ig h w a y sew er and w a fe r Ideal W in ter c a lv in g s e ’ up 40 ac re s, a il p a s tu re , year around aTle ^ ~ “ cHch “ W v Ja TTTTv-wrm to nOtng ar»q w o r k in g c h u te s , a ls o n e w ioafir>g Shed O ld e r hou\e of W endet' 516.800 "DO 74. c ity V ie w lots o v e rlo o kin g Sn ake R iv e r r« n vQ n .M i_N ^ d e of r iv e r 1 B C ft c o m m e r c ia l Ideal house and tocation th at can t)e co n ve rte d into o ffic e s p a c e s. e « c e t le n t re tu rn on your b e d ro o m v -u lilitV ro o m , b ig d in in g ro o m , '•'5 b a s e m e n t t h a t is cem e n te d , sm g ie c a r g a ra g e — AJI to r in.OOOOO IN V E S T M E N T P R O P E W T V . Mi-4 t a fc.«.oo- w 2.300 bq Ft 3 bed ro om b r ic k 2 fire p la c e s ta m .iv and re c ro o m s E n c C 'L fn ^ 'o c a t on n e a r R o b f S*ua''t la rg e lot *— 127.000 OOV ' N , Lynwood R ealty ’ > hon^e. fa m ily ■ ro o m , “ f I r e p la c e v fo rm a t ■d trttng , E x c e lle n t lo c a tio n 129,000 P at Shaw L<ta M cKm ,n«?Y. nas»-*in..n* ;. iMw, , ,1 ,,1. p0‘,st‘ss'0n 'piu^ 2 ho m e w ith g ra c e fu l b e a m .i:.e ( i'n g s and a n tjQ u e (.re p la c e in thes l i v i no r ^ r n A tje a u t’fui fo rm a t d in in g ro om fireplace h o m e s ' -n ^ 114.501’ STATELY C o u n try I'v m g 'o 3 bedroom no m e ' F u ll u n fin is h e d b a se m e n t w t h C U S T O M P l o w i n g . d o n e a p y lim e I A t t r a c t i v e - 7 * b e d r o o m hom e^ C a ll 734 i ^ i b e fo re 8 a m . o r a ft e r 6 I C o n im e r c ia llv zoned S i4 .5 0 a ' Dm . Custom ,.R ocJl I V v NL W N ')f'r> t*a s’ lo < .a iio n I rn .1, I, I ) fje d r oo m 2' j Dtlllil*. ,^«'ii'f»Ji d r c o«>Oit lon *nu M.< n ♦lOfjf l . i n i . i , rO iv n . f/OiShed' 13;,500 00 . 2 J a c r e s . b (.a o d n e w X bcdroonn, fuN b a se m e n t, 2 b<fth5'.’ 2 fir e p la c e s , 2 c a r g a ra g e , m am floor fa m ily room no t r a f f ic iiv m g ro o m , f u liv ca rp e te d 6 le c t r * c a liy heat(*d and a>r c o n d itio n e d and prec'ip itron BETT^ FR B LJ Y J h«‘ d ’T>om s. ’t etc d 'T o o '^ • a 'T i.iy • ro o m . CQvereO p a tro . o ^ a ^ e , i b a se m e n t, »16.JOO » c Xi NKE A & E N C Y ?33 8J91 Of M 3 S ^ 4 2 a c re a g e s w ith J15.000 S 16 2AOO ’ LI * 7 tJ K cm r' g a ra o e t-^atc^es ho m i' WD d eg re e sot’ w ater trorn Ar»es<an weU h e a ts rv>rne and t,tis ponds y^oufd t>e ,d eai *or s w n i r>rng p o o l' By AQ On.ntm ent onJv AC 6 O F AL T y 7 r, A p p rn St*<3 ---1 u S TO M M A tftJ W A li-. f'JOf . R e a lt y 111 North 11^ L « k M bedri d ounie • M le J J ? r e a lt y ■ AM TRTCAN P A G T IC S36 26S’ -4_ • C O R P O R A T IO N ; )4 2M2 -j • I , 't »o»i7Trpton»'ny for ,7 good ^nrn'ly f^onio .r- fifr.t*r f 'er or" KiaW)»‘fi» wfc r . a . i ' ur.L' ui edCh Ihci! d fu la rg c »n '1 n r ( fcl w f ' ■ w Tn n 'h e ^ ^ g ic Y ^ a T T e y etJSTOMf-ARWNG - • Br^^n-cf n/*w ____ ' ■ 'd a r - > ■ r I ^rr , >o«e\ Va» G a 'ifv Go'don r. < a ' ' s !’ • ot .• M ' S7S.0CXJ L -T a ij.-M). ar' anued wo^'k T o ' "^'Ore •n I o r r>i a t iQT^ ■ c o n 'a c t St»*v' P la t'S ’ he idar^o Deoartrr-'ent F c ' o » '▼■'ent - REALTY U)/'.; Nortr> h'or* L ' * s • (.' N P O w v t-R i- t N C f c O P O iT n o ic d r . 11. ng i S >n f'' s P<’ r hoi r A porr> w.m I e I ,• 100 ,c v * t v ^ ' i m>w«. va w ;^ 4 .« 8 2 F ^ t u r in g ^ ^ - .: - D R IV IN G D IR E C T IO N S ; F R O M JE R O M E C IT Y C E N T E R G O S O U T H O N L IN C O L N T O 'I' S T.-TU R N LEFT, G O 3 B L O C K S TO S U B D IV IS IO N E N T R A ^ JC E ^ - HARRiSON^ REA LTY if N t- .V I • ' .'• N r . I U Y E I V s f)’ • ''Oi'ne ’ a''r’ .i ♦',p a r - o u i oo<^*fc ro< '«• J n a '^ s t '■(•D'af f (li'>r w a >» ar>o r ” ai t I a .r cnnct ' C'- " (j ■........... <0*0f T V ar»<J 'n iK *' 00<> I a■> - I- *• RFl'Anif w a n ts p rr m n r i- n ' p o S 't ’on y ra rs » I'V'' r I n 0 u s I r < r'-> .1 • p • «- n a c e Sijpec V s<M ar' ■ ) o ih e r rnairU eiuu'.t L- .jrw w fie re in id a fio . PfiCi'- ?a8 4.t6 4 ? ii MO tV). 401 RuiX'*'* n fj I S o ld Exclusively By H o m e '. F o r S j i e ■ m m P A C IF IC .H O M E - S IS OOC I n^U ■ ' { O W N - r m r ~ ■r :,- '|ip r n r r ';— r i ’ 't im t m ji i ' dui ’ ' n.t(' . 14(, ^.V - I rt'.s M , s*. . GREENCHOPFmC HAY AN D G RA IN LILLIBRID G E . 1 Y O U R - Low Interest Rote Pobsibte 10 0 % Fina n ce a n d Reduction .in M o nth ly P aym e nts tor those w h o q u a lify . G .l. FH A an d C o n v e n tio n a l Loans otso A v a ila b fe . • un 414 000 Money to Lo«n I O OK , N t • » OW /. I R O T O T II I iNf^ a rc j p iad n wo'’ ^ No lot) foe ia ry« ‘ t'-r s m a ll. us a c a ll D eio y R in q ^ a i’ ’ M ) ?4?v Tr-.- --------------- 3 • r Be’drqorps - - C erm ic Tile Bbth — W o llATT pnssrssioiTTTtr^v^" \ C a rp e tin g — .V in yl Floors m KitcTiefi I '-.ipi-ied appiT.’ii'i f , ' to -W o lf . ^.'o 0(X/ A I L R l A I T Y an d B ath - Fo rm ica C o u n ter Tops — Custom C o b tfte+s-----L a o d sco p e d Yords- — A ll Ele ctric — A ttb ch e d e n clo se d G o r a g e — U n d e rg ro u n d U tilitie s Plus P a v e d S tre e ts, C u rb s a n d G u tte rs , ' • oppor t on <t I es for s a le b y own#« ^ n r Car'ad.T • 733 T il ? anylj^mi? A^ Sp'-1 'Lev*t n rrjro o m '^ A 734 4666 . Bob ^ n e s \ OfC .I'-id well wortJi.’ -T D»’(jroOi'’^ i LL'taf*’'C, t'i‘* ba*hs. 7 tc'op ai dut./bl«* ijargage. y.uci a" 'H fiirrtient i.jnrt^tton ~Vo77 s<>ni) for o* Th!• I .nK H.g Sr n •,on o» a't t>m-s ^ of . pr op,-f f y ft. nus .HL-S'. JOHNSTONE R tA L T ^ . 6843 / r o o 'ii haSJ'fneni ONE ^ W H Y PAY RENT^ M. k LAi.F : MV wafer r gl'is... *.*urrt, norm aM a*"foni mndrlTr („II' .1, 0'.\y >W 000 S, UNTU (l.n .n c j tI f t .'S (J* !'• S'* ft'* ' ■Pa PhofM- ' n-" 14T 47J1 - R O T O T IL L INC. s-n a 11 'r a< tor f a l l C h riS ./a n f.h /.1J9IC> a n y t ’tm- r rr.> I ■ ^ J. . r. fsj T MINIATURE C ,O l> dcl'v«rr*ed in J (.u''** indtjor S t a r n Slh.UOO Sr'iO W P i l ' I'd S ' VOO t • . f-l it'n l .1 .u t -• >) I r. V M r . • E N T F - A P R s i 1 iN f S ( t ,in 'i) '' CUSTO M R C O T IL L IN G and ' b la d e w ofR . c o r / u g a tin g . Ho user • B ro th e r s P h u n c 0 3 2t62-4>e_»734. 2446 Reinodi'fsor k ^ \ ' i 1) 7 3 3 5476* A M E R IC A N I . I THIS J E R ^ ^ / 'E S ^ O . . D e ve lo p e d by A m e rican P acific C o rp o ra tio n O W N ■I CIRCLE Q U IE T S T R E E T n e a r B lu e L a k e s S h o p p in g C e n t e r . 3 b e d ro o m . fi>m iiy room w iih fire p ia q e r P«t*o with- g n il. n ic e _ t r e « s a n d ’ y a rd P ric e d a» |usf Sia.SOO v rs i T — I , .1 *1 ’ /’ 1 Sp ecials • ■iirro'.^ ♦rnrn ^rarn’- H O U S E W R £ C ,K 1 N G . r e a d a b l e ra te s p lu s ^ iv a g e We c le a n our lO bs JO H N S O N L E B L UE H O U S E w r e c k i n g . 141 B lu e L a h e s B lvd S o u th . T w in F a lJ s B A C K H O E S E R V I C E . Cdlf 733 7340 .'HV ’ 'J 4; 1 4 ) ’ f’all'. O^Pr ai'«iu»S 1<• .iusr I « ri'f.inr. C<»i. M.i--III t Kc. :n ’I-. i.' W A N TED C U S I O M r e n o v a l.n g la w n s . a ls o • m o w n y and sw o ep in y C a ll Her n a n P h ip p s 733 T ^ •• ' ' W ill do f<*nc(* and c o r r a l h u iid m g a n d p a in fjn q . C n a .n .iin k and i^ rn i - BroK*' V ir g a W »W )r. 733 2365 733 9642 , f- ( J R SA L i. . . d ljw oroom h o m e . 100 by 11^ ft lot. t a rp e te d O u ts id e c it y lim its . S72.000 A lso off k e t r a i l e r . t a i p e f e i l & tu rm s h e d S6,000 c a n go W ith ficusi* 4># s e p a r a te C all -M.I S.’VJ or H 4 284 1 ■ m KERRI Sub-Division '’P i A N T ,Y 0 U R i.'.A R p E N NQW !^.4 'tifd iu o rn h o r n " on’ la ?g e d o u b le it*‘ -1^4^ Dase«iu*nf c a rp ftm g . twii tiw o o 'l ti(XDri N e a r all scho ols n :? 16K' J .. V V ------------------ r ,.p '., H .-V M' - iA J TAYLOR AGENC Y U N IV E R SE * L P A I N T I N ' , c o rilra c lo r in te r 0 ' and {•»t»‘ riO'’ C a n 73J WW aMi^r 6 ‘ T O R G i N A\ AV< (OU*''*-r'. •.hn.M '''. ^ — - JL.J W lot. B f T H W lC K H A M , R E A IT O R S ifu atio n s w an ted W E A rtE h tn 'M (in T n '^^^rrn ^A fn OtOwing M o o re s inc 423 5533 CONTACTi ROLAND BART6 n ‘ .JW. .1' ir r R O T O t i l l i n g , c u s t o m p lo w in g , corrL»g a lin g . d * s c ‘i4 ^ .a J v > b lad e ye llo w p a g e s. 326 . 46TTp r 733D690 D e n v e r P in e , g il j y^ TO work in the Twin Follj ■ Mountain Home dreo. Requirei experience in sale*, of sprinkler irrigotion lystems and pumpi. Prefer lomeone wrth-experience in soles o< Pivot jyitetns, ‘ . .^L.' ' ^ _____ 4 0 8 r "A « -5 ;3 3 5 4 7 6 ...t • r 'f .t.H • l . , . l ' » l l l ■ : . n j f rKTITl i( homtv Phcin‘f 71-i 4^46 n W l f K H A M ‘ RE A l ' O R ;:i3 UNl : M CI L ; .1 A T. ,j' I babysitting -q— L n r n r ^ >v TTig— [f« NOW O P E N F U L L T I M E Ptiooc M3 OSU a A w IS I E X E C U T IV E N6 IG h BO R HOOD . e x e v e lle n f Moor p la n . 2200 s q u a re I -feet m a in H o of. L-iarge l^w n and I basc»nent O u isid c C ity lim its I 'IJJ.OOO or n e a re st offer 733 0964 in i . 4 SOO m C H I L D R E N S V ILiJtJf t h ild (d i» ‘ L ic e n s fd J * 46 1 N o rU i —t u r u 5 l— thtttt" trVTTWo^rrt ShoptJ*rr«t Ce<jfef . 733 9ulO- 733 77Vi H A V H A U L JN G P h o n e 734 ?0 M J5ALES PERSONNEL S A IJS M A N W ANTED C jO o n H U S i N L S i (..r.i,.,n ,,ri 'v .v itl. r e il ncC «• h o m r n* t)n ■■ ^ i n et» -ft* -vf>i V k.'M vU'i' 'i % 'n v e n 'o ry C a ll -i a .1>/ a ."i *r6niT . o r t .a :N D ' n r I \C r ~ O r ' , I p A M-OT R . r A . I o>v \ rt<r.»S*. I'U f’ rs L ic e n s e d - c h t it J Tuesday an d VVednesday. M a y 15, 16 ond 17, at the H o lid a y Inn in Twin Falls. Cdritact Bob Blantkmshjp. _ BETH I l< jg ■ Ju S I t | . ) T F n S h /Ifll j r T p f lr iC F ft* -» a n i. 1 ro o u ' f c p i.u t,‘. ( over^i(1 p aliQ ' 0 )\ jb ie U a r auiM ust se e ; U i%iai<- m g.lood 1737 sq w iin ./K t 4 0 8 lr M iS ; N E-W H O M E U Y O W fa ^ E fi^ )9 9 5 down 3 bedrootn gold medaFTlon H a h y e , d .s h w a s h c r / d iiP O S d ! ' C arp er C a ll ^-3 9382 h i O R (.U )M M obUr Mn-n,ip . se« up R e a d y ‘ o , rsn a i p V».WO. ' 116.OUO w ill n r v i T t>uv n ip r r I tK’d fu o rn s . ■5*«a»hs tO'/Osq ft V « fy ' uon' y tel 1! y M ovt R IG H T .(ito in .s q u a lity le r>0 't«e Ni-w i arp t*i, u ra p e s . -ln»v rt*»y iW E S T E R N R E A l T Y H) ai\d iiin*ng ro o m pw>M-ss<ofi -Ð-WICKHAM REALTO R Ph'^i H O M E, la r p e im g N l*a .♦i»v T>Tli*r A lead er in the specialized farm e q u ip ment field will soon open a retail sales and service ^fore in Tw in Falls and will nVed" d servTce m d n ag er“ drTd~'d combination b'eokkeeper and parts m anager."ITTe requirement^ will be high but so will the 10. i coverea Y o u r own I A iie r H rs G eo Gould HW I A T h I A K IN G beau^ y m »his * iXHifoom ho m e 3600 sq ft o n '2 av^r»‘ s nt g ro u nd Aif tu n d ji lOfMnq . 3 ba»hs b a rn , p ia c p to r norse^ H .- a u iK il vii-A MuM S«*C ’ 0 ap pf«‘'(i.« le 'I .Vlfl Mujn.\ .h> II’ .0 I J n r . ' K ' ' M.-Wr C A f E ,C)N B aby S it t e r s ^ O iild Car& r e p .»■r p a-nfing 37R3 w io y , b P i i T I I V fc L 3 D edrooit). 3 bath rw n ii' Oil t.o»-wt‘r 10* 2 1'rM I .iM jr t.<Miilv loon^ S26.900 i i u SOD h u v s J LieOroQfTis piU I t'Mi>nex.J t'.»',.ei'ru*ni. fv iw ,i‘ii • onrt q qr q tn - ♦ f r f r + - v « v n - f . in L im v ji ___ M3 M O in « rT A ifv ST A T f. s k b A l ' T Y - T ^ :\ S9,'J t)W U I :.N N . I' y* i l l ' . iJO-in hwSi v% . w . t>t'SS»-SSioiv anV *'’ ng ? balhs r o m t e r . w T . o m . J O H N L U T 2 ,- fc .^‘ r r~ e a x t o t ; ^ :------ f’ K K I E i>L A l v H t D for q u ic k sa le h.s lo v f J v ho m e h as i b ed room s. I J ' t bafhb t a m iiy roo m plus rec raorn D o u b le g a ra g e a .r . L o n d * ijo n e d Q u.v k p o s s e s s io n ’ C houT lu f n iiu n -------------------- ; N E W L Y LISTED -M rVi—L In M N — t>u T v t — t-rrrrk K at H O 1bi*or oo fi' br ic K . b afh s lir r p lt iii' torfTiai Qinnu) room t)irv.ri k ifth e n v a rp e ts a ra u e s b a se n u M ii; (.o v o rc o p atio D u g a ra g e lo v e ly 1an d st a p u u j c aM {•-un n. e Coopi'r /3J 4V60 ot LANL> 0 f - t - t C 6 0 f »DAHO H EA C TO R vS. 0M 6. a c ro s s tro n i S e a rs . 1. f «'v ‘ (It ,r i . y a '. - . l UHul ,ownt-r lo- ;« v e a is . S'O uiin u t il f af'O 7 33 ? s n ' THE HESSTON CORPORATION fAPM S kAN. i * .> r . T T TfT O t'j M.M ' i l ' T-i ’ L’ l U f l ’ X .<•»er fT'Tjoil- l ; u n i ‘ S‘. f c a r necesSTjrv'Hiplv' at'ta.k'O eKTDefievKe address ano phoiie numbif 'fo llr*' U IV ' i ,<) Timt*s Nevvs room LX iu b le g a ra g e I nrge comer Tot 1043 Biwi* L a k e s ' N orth ^ O U P L t O P f K A < ION ■Xw.u4ad> nn>nf and o bp.K^ 'K fic ttU :.. K 'H iU t' AarJkMUM.*. e " S A L E S M A N E X P E R 1E N C e O - ^ £,L’C L O d if r.TTi . F r a n k 5£LL^OOOiPtCiALT»ES 4; I b^’ 2 TO INSTtT UTlONb UKtt'O 12 TaWTv , , 1. .K H v r r * * !.jr i 1 NaftOndl'y kn(.)*vM n i’ ifutiondl ,[ foo<i spec «rtir V n'.an u tact u rc r Sf-eKs j expiTifni fc3 -man »o st*i» Idaho n r HOT>p iT n i n.<.’ Schools Hc*els Carnp^ in S»itufiOit^> Mijn yf,»riy eam.atjiwith ltOt*rai avv f(.)r .riynj mrtii A c c r u a ls 6. No long tr ip s 7 No c h a rg e b a c k s 6 No w a itin g for c o n tra c t a p p ro v a l 9 A re a l o p p o r t u n it y to m ove in to '-SUPERVISOR m a n a g e m e n t H y o u q u a lif y . phone flT w r-frm re ^ o o d ~ p » o rt^ ^ g *e ctfi c ai ■ ■ L m c o m .S e r u ........................................ ‘ 347 4121 or w r it e 2211 B ro a d w a y . b ack g ro u n d S3H0 p er ho ur to s ta rt P ^ t n ^ lllin o is 615W^ p lu s frm g e b e n e fits A p p ly at TROY Wf • 'O’” -.; « C O N S O L ID A T E D C H E M IC A l. C O R P O R A T IO N I tommliiiani. _D4ifl.. flail y.. ...i. . , PLANT M AINTENANCE Or^ O SfTHlll hOS .M,o-ne f. W f.te toi C o d f Al / S P A C I O U S "'to tT O t room — ' l i s t i n g , J t>eilrr>»Tfn t>r,/-u ■C>cd<cr f-ot B o ib f C a sc a d e Homefc PH O St ;n « S alesm en or iat»swom «>’ (f yo u h a v e e v e r sold e d u ca tio n a l ■ lo p e d iB ^ r ___ u r a n c e , it is tim e you stopped iQOkirfC). T h ts is ah d p p o rtu n ltiL U L a l you c a n n o t a ffo rd to m is s , in the e xp a n d in g e d u ca tio n a l s a le s fie ld • A P O S IT IO N W H ERE YO U HAVE 1. Q u a lifie d le a d s from people .who w a n t and need our s e r v ic e 2 P ro fe c te a t e r r it o r y 3 L iT T ie — Cft'm p e Ti Tion— a— K T u n - , B E A y T l F A / t -Wh44»—5 r :? c k - l0 U r • b e d r o o m h o m e . J u ^ t 1 b l o c k f L v n w o o d S h o D D i n o C a n W o ! l e s s i o n a l i ; ^ f f l S h e a b a s e m In clu d e s dinlm 1 f a m i l y o - o EA L TY M JS J JA «.lh i90ij 00 •' AN N OU N C IN G l A A A A E D I AT E C A S H D I E S E L M E C H A N IC , go od w o rk in g i4uhwafv t r u Lk a orid r e f r i g e r a t fon-’iie c e a s a r y SRTTTT? ' ^ r k . Qood b e n e fits a h d top payO n ly Tourn^ ym en need a p p ly . rriOst h a v e ow n h an d to ols* C all c o lle c t for A r v ln SWflSey._702.7523336. 4 W a y S e r v ic e . W e lls . N e vad a LEM S J A I E r compony W'* 'eed o li-p •I'd o t'T d' Y O U N G ' M A R R t E O m a n rn tereste d m d a ir y in g f u t u r e ,, good . w a g e s a n d b e n e fits . O p p o rtu n fty to own p u re b re d ^ a n im a k th ro u g h bonus p la n . C h a r a c t e r , re fe re n c e s r-eq uired . 543 4074 eUn-.ings E m p lo y m e n t A g en cies hnch • lo a lf ► ’ ■'Hvoid m ^ o< ott.> I _iilililuuu:u^>iuail-a«kiuwla.a**i. (U..o^nt% The? Joit..t»vi.u «»t- 1 W A N T g p - Mdn 10 ru n d u tu m a iic — h a y s ta c k e r al I s u m m e r Phone 733 6614. I R R I G A T O R for 160 a c r e s . House ^ d good w a g e s P ho n e Je ro m e , 324 5056.- . .. K E tP VO U R P R E S E N ' W rtO L gSALE DISTRiaUTQfl WA'NT&P- - T EACH EB,!ayANTED. all F o re ig n an o (Jo m estic te a c h e r s , - Box 1063. V a n co u ve r, Wa Sh ington. e- N MMC lo u i o ni vwith 2 o . iHHiriJonib in ’ fu i! L'dacn^ent Sm gU' J- b fd rp o n ■ g .ir.ig e fm c iK J y^ird ■iM.VOO 00 M A K E A N O FFER ' E . i ond 2 b ed ro o rn s, -'oojr m 2 fm is h e d .b a s y m e n t. fir e p la c e s . c a r g’a ra g e ^ i J i l t tn a p p lia n c e s , ty i « w e r > n d w a te r p lu s in d iv id u a lw « t^ fo r ir r ig la a tio n . O v m a in flo o r. ISOO Sq F t 4 1 7 ,W )0 0 5 bed ro om hom«< sto ry and one h a l f . 2 c a r g a ra g e , on appro>flmatei>r, 3 3 a c r e . G a rd e n and p a s tu re Can s 0 i»t o ff b u ild in g tot $16.900 00.'.^ » h > v « .- H ^ iD a c j o u s o ld e r 2 b ed ro om k ? y m » w iih 2'rtro n ' b e d ro o m s m fu ll b a s e m e n t. Sing»e g a r a g e .“fe n ce < r'tariff ' ill. WOO — 2 ' bedroom*. j ^ o o L d is t r ic t r ■ ' *■x:* ' Tlrrii|S>N«yvs^Tw|n financing A» low os S25 0 dn A p p ro v e d for V A. FHA Form H om e C o nv. 160 a c re s Shoshone A r e a , 2 h o m e s. ----8 L M rrflh~f^. V i . o i x tef m i.-----= FEA TU RES -----n 4 4Z$4 - Bob Lyo n 934 4623 — O u « n e * * ^ le f— ' • ■ ^ 4 5322 120 acre- d a ir y W en d ell a r e a , R o g e r K in n e y 934 4040 m o d ern b a rn , good h o m e . $90,000 C a ll a n y of the a b o v e B n y tlm e te rm i 7 a c r e d a ir y , B uh l a r e a , 6on ^ s r o v ' h e m n Q b o n e b a rrx. aU H vesto ck a rx l m a c h m e ry . H 27.000 te rm s C A LL N O W M atv|n Ufwillei .IV - 6^*? B A lL & Y lH O f e /J3 a i e f U i,B c i * »on B v s iiw s P ro p «rtv . 1020 N o rth B lu e L a k e s T w in F « U s , Id aho P h o n e7 3 3 4262 REG A L SA LES O F F IC E B lu r• 536^2651 733 4 2 6/ 536 2600 734 2732 733 6562 E ld o n Gough G le n rrB a r to n D a r r e ll DKdlie S a d ie Q u a rn stro m ----L o w e ll W tlls I O !• PKone 733 5 i; L O V E C V b r ic k hom e • on larg fr'lo t* B v rtr in a p p lia n c e s ..iv > b a th s, f a m ily ro o m . Ilr)» n l/lf R.'OeaUlTfuTIy c a r p n e d and drap ed D oable g a ra g e A q u a lit y built hom e, <^An E u n ic e Cooper 733 4960 or L A N D O F F I C E O F ID A H O ----------- .. k fe - T S - R E A k T Y ----------— />3 .iB / l IQ .’ O N 7 0 A C R E S .7 S s h a r e s w a t e r Id e a l fo r sto c K . C to i» O O iOOO. -C t> € A R A K E S A G E N C Y . 1114- M a in . uM . P h o n e 543 6464. Evenlr>gs 543 Jl8 0 , A g en ts td r R e g a l H om es J?4 807? iQwei! w^jJi - IV E R S O N R E A L T Y lib a c re h a y and p a s t u re , n ic e T bedroohn h o m e . W en d e ll a r e a , S68.000 te rm s , ' Flomeless a ll elec(ric " Fully C o rp e te d '■ S to r a g e shed ‘ Basem ents o v o ik ib le 3 B edroom s f - O k , a A U E ^ 6 i n d u s t r i a l to ts . u llU tle s a v a ila b le , .c lo se m C a ll 733 3005 7 > i 6 A M E R I C A N - P A C IF IC H O M E S 7 A C R E S , ru r a l o e re .a g e s N o rth and 5 o u tti.4 > ro m e ; $3,500 M C h . K E R R r S U B - D IV IS IO N 160 A C R E S on t h ^ m * in B » c « l le n t 3 b e d ro o m Jerom e .......... .. A goo<^ "place .40 Uvei- —----- ^ CH ARLES O. D U N N hom e . 130 A C R E S ~ R o w c ro p and d a ir y c o m b in a tio n M o d e rn 7 bedroom h o m e , 4 to a sid e h e r r ingbone . iio o.op o ,--------- _ REALTY Sales O ffic e ot SuGTDlvTsTon' Je ro m e — 324-8202 12x 6O T R A I L E R A N D 4 lots ‘ Phone 636-2774 ' IN T W IN F A L L S — 2 bedroom hom e C a r p e t e d a n d m o d e rn In c lu d e s an a p a rtm e n t re n ta l to m a k e tt^e p a y m e n ts O n ly J11.500 “B Y f il e r O W N ER Spactpu^ 2 bed ro om b n c K ho m e , h re p la c e , u t ilit y ro o m , a tta c h e d g a ra g e . 1*3 b a lh s , 3 rd b e d ro o m and )* e c r« a iio n ...j:o o m In .tiflJtt m e n t. F e n c e d la n d sc a p e d y a rd C an 326 4890 fo f^ ap p o ln fm e n t A N O T H E R D R A S T I C R E D U C T IO N — to r im m e d ia te s a le 140 a c r e s , e x c e lle n t ‘m o a e m ho m e , good c o r r a ls , la rg e fie ld s •W as 175.000_NOW $63,500 IN J E R Q A A E . 3 b e d ro o m . 2 'bath, f a m ily ro o m , open ^ a m l/ving r o o n i,. den o r 4th bed ro om 1650 5 a w ff T 8 ,t c e L - L flr B t J Q I. D R Y D E N A G E N C Y or 324 4440. X^ ‘^BUTLER re a lty 120E Main ho m e In H a g e rm a n d orher’ lo t P h o n # ’ :24 807f Bus N E W L I S T I N G . 2 bed ro om m od ern h o m e in H a zelfo n N ew sidm g P r ic e $4,000 C a ll Jo a n S c h w a r i. 825-560r o r L A N D O F F t C E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S . . 733 0 ? U . a c ro s s fro m S e a rs 3 2 4 - 8 1 6 6 - 1?es 8 7 3 5 3 7 :1 D R Y D E K A tiE N C Y 1 24 1232 4 0 2 So 3 74 4 8 3 2 o . 536 ?6 0 4 JEROME. IDAHO BURLEY COUNTRY e x c e l l e n t D o v e H o m le tt, B ro k e r Real Estate Wanted RAMCHW ANTED P R IN C IP A IS O N L Y K c ''M ille r 8268 Golde^ A v en u e L em o n G r o v e . CaTTtorn o 97045 -4 Jr I JO H N ST O N E R E A L T Y n * 46*6 ' l e o i e C o ll 7 3 3 4 0 7 9 {o n y tim e l A n n M o H m o ste r 7 3 3 2 8 1 0 24 I I I ‘ J U S T L I S T E D - 80 A c re s n e a r B u h l, 7 room tiom e g a ra g e and g ra m I s to ra g e i P o > s e s s io n m ay t>e f a rra n g e d fo r 1972 c ro p y e a r i - W E - i l ____ E K D ---____RCLTLU---f e A J - T YT -. -UU _ l3 0 l B ro a d w a y South P ho n e 543 4409 3A5-Bcres, a r e a . 250 h e ad c a ttle u p , g o o d f i e ld s , s t r e a m ^ ro u Q h th e o r o p e r t y . oood h o u s e . i130,000 R F A I T Y IX . CARL m flk co w *, BU TLER 334-8166 , 300 A C R E S d a ir y or sto c k setup '■"r>t«r V e ry productive Oround. Wint w a te r.'- G o o d B U R E A U R E A L T Y . 702 South Lincoln^ Jc^rome 324 4378 Don W a lla c e , 733^616 > ' 133 A c r e F a rm in Eden a re a . Deep M ll« t a r g e le v e l f ie ld s , f a ir 911 Shoshone SI^ N . W .J . jC B III) P e te rs f*’ U f! 14 X 6 4 B R IG H T O N r3 J* 7 6 t7 a n v T tm e 426ACR& S Oood. d ee p , fe rtile so>i 716 a c re s under w ens w it h g r a v it y >rrigat»on B a la n c e good d ry land p a stu re V e r y w e ll im p r o v e d . $40,000 h o m e . a<so n ic e (e nact to s tro ^ ~ b u v e r M A U R IC E K L A A S REALE'.TATE H i W ay 74. Southof T w in F a n s 735 7175or 733 55T9 160 A C R E da^rV fa r m 8 s ta ll h e r r in g b o n e b a rn L o ts of p a s t u re . D ouble w a t e r rig h t C a ll 'H a i ’ otd K e it t v le y , 731 2400 o r LA N D O F F IC E OF ID A H O R E A L T O R S . 733 07 16. a c r o s S fro m S M r » . 120 A C R E S Southeast Hansen. 2 •t»edrocn+> hom e. 8 s t a ll herringbone m ilk barn Beautiful kaying -l^rm F~arm m ach in ery included Call Gene htopkins 543 AMS : Feafuring 2 or 3 Eledrooms ‘ Front Kitchen S ^ r o t t front, utility jQ om -! " S p a n i sh D e c o f S h o g C a r p e t in g T o p Q u a l i f y F u r n is h in g s ^ jo s t ' “ 5 7 9 9 9 A f (R IV F D DEllVEH'f mobile 2 B E D R O O M fu rn is h e d house for re n t. $135 p m o n th . ?33 6335 - ___ _ v e le t . 3 B E D R O O M h o u se , 290 A le x a n d e r, P a r k A r e a , 733-4048 ______ -pmrView V A C A T IO N C A B f N to r re n t. J a r b id g e, N e v ad a. P . O . B o x 243,rW e lls . N e v ad a , P h o n e 752-3584 ■ F Q R R -EN T, 3 b e d ro o m , 2 b a th s , no pets -Q3il 543 4088 a ft e r 5 " all n e w . O ood N EW ' in c l u d e d ■Phone 734.J440 . »*on ol ffovel Tf o ile , C o r e ’ R o ll upOwnmgt F I L E R \bedroom fu rn is h e d ho use, no c h ild re n , no p e t s , deposit re q u ire d 326 4704 ------ I 839 K im b r r iy Rd Iw m F -o ll . M F v r a ld M ^ A p ts, « D v p h ix ii 14 2 BED RO O M F ro n fK itc h e n F a irv ie w Homes'DivLsion Kit M a n u f a c t u r in q Co. le a n , no c h i l d r e n o P E N T f e w -equ lred In q u ire a •. 'A v e n u e . E a s t B E A J J T 1 F U L < F U R N I S H E D olne bedroom overlookir>c( p a rk K im je r ly $100. y o u fu rr\ is h u tiritie s . No p etS i c a ll n ig h ts , 423 4239 for a'ppointm ent A v a ila b le M ay 1st f Twin Falls M obile Homes ^ 1500 Kim berly Rd. hoiies F O R R E N T , 3 b e d ro o m , 2 b a th s , no p ets. 543 4 0 88- a ft e r 5 in T w in F a lls And Thie Uftim ate In ' • • B eau ty ^^Livability^' Econonry N IC E ?b e tiro o m . w n g le O K . rw pets. S12S 733 6708 a ft e r 5 ' 734-4336 4 R O O M N E W a p a rtm e n t. a d u itr~ “ p re fe rre d , no p ets In q u ire at 503 3rd A venue E a s t . 30 ®6 A C R ; E S c lo M »n. c h o ic « sutxiTvTTron'or'n\ooiTernom g~co ur T . C i t y - w a te r, s e w e r , n a tu ra l g a s a v a ila b le E lm e r S o m m e r. f33 5597 o r L A N D O F F IC E OF ID A H O r e a l t o r s 733 07 16. a c ro s s fro m S e a rs II • Soon Be A.f ro n d it.o n e f Seovo'^ Sotf U\ Soon' : LUXURY The n o tio n s fir s t f a m ily if ^ i t i f i t ir -tt * FREE PARK S P A C E M O R ILE SO LD ^ II- KIT C o m p an io n an d Sp ort M a ster Travel Trailers. » 5 »o 3 ' lo o t -n S»ocW * * * JOHNSTONE R E A L T Y f-lNb H O M b b and P L E A S U R E C RA FT * * * * * * * T5 T O O T T O 35 'f 6 0 T T R A V E L t r a il e r s * H tK h :R \ S S u p p lte i ■ServfCe 15 Y EA R S S E R V IN G P o fti 1 a c r e l o t w e s t of T w in F a ll s . c h o L t fi^ io c a tio n i^ m a u a c i s p r in a c r e e K and ir r ig a tio n w a te r 714 3119 , * W IT H E A C H N E W n o il 733 7612 of Q u a lit y T r a v e l T r a ile r s . 10 a c r n on H ig h w a y »S at m e e n tra n c e to a n d lu s t '? m tte fro m the fa m o u s M a g ic R e s e r v o ir H a s b e e n c le a r e d a n d ic ie d f d to g ra s s e s F *riv a te h ig h w a y a c c e s s is c o m o le tfid ^ p -------- ---- 734 4666 FREE 2 m o n t h s H O LID A Y W ONDERFUL O P P O R T U N IT Y - M A G iC V A LLE Y 41 2 A d d t s o n A v e . . W ■ Ju st A rriv e d Brand N ew Lo ad O f 8 & 9 Foot upCam perbr 172 a c r e s w ith 168 s h a re s of w a t e r , f a ir 3 b ed ro o m ho m e C lo se to to w n 165,OOQ IS Z S ^ B A R g lN G lQ N C H Q l t g . l Q l . a c f t t ■w itn l o l l o l w a t e r v lar^ je- le v e * * * e td s , 5 b e d ro o m h o m e , sp u d c e lla r $BO.OOO. OF acro ss from Sears. acro ss fro m S e a rs. A C R E S , fu ll s h a re s tvrfter. F a ir lm p ro v c m « n ts. 4 m lle s fo C o o S iM 805 A C R E S W IT H 640 irrig ate d . on good H te tiw a y . P r ic e d - B IJ C O M o d y n _ h O fn e piu» 3 ■ w ith t a m is ^ v « ltilH e . W e also K s v i m t a r * 39 « . i a 3 m ile s ir q iji ■ $330. ir r l^ t e d a c r e . Call' Stan W a lt e r s ; 734 3107 o r L A N D O F F I C E O F ID A H O R E A t T O R S . . After >K>ur» 733-0716, acro ss fro m S e a rs. . Open 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. B U I L D I N G L O T , 55' * 150'. n ew c o lle g e a r e a . $1475 733^344=::.. I ' j M I L E S fro m to w n . a c re s b a m . g a r a g e p lu s c o ;v 2 bedr,oom h o m e w ith 1 bed ro om and liv in g ro o m c a rp e te d E »ce llen > lo c a tio n , p r ic e d $ 1 8,000 STO CKM EN S r e a l t y 600 S o u th L i n c o l n , Je ro m e 324 4845. 324 4375.'324 5735 . HURRY, ENDS TODAY! 2 A C R E S , ta rg e h o m e . 4 b ed ro o m s, fa m ily ro om and 2 b a th s, double g a ra g e and o th e r b u itd m g s l l h e m o s t un ii^ 'u e e x p e r i e n c e D o fn e siic w e ll W >U.consider tra d e *in r e c r e a t i o n a l l iv in g y e t p r o fo r nr>oderdfe p ric e o hom e »n J e ro m e V yEN D ELL REA LTY, d u c e c J in t h e T r a v e l T r o i l e r 536 2274 . f ie ld 2 L O T S IN C I T Y . S e w e r, w a t e r . « a t $2000 100 at $2500 733 9382 • €VEE;Y ^ J E W a n d u s e d M O B IIE H O M E , T R A V E L T R A ILER A N D f f C K U P C O V E R A N D C A M P E R IN S T O C K R E D U C E D !! jR u p e r l Jd o K o A c r a a g * 4 L o ts 17 U \ M X i nr I A f i g _ Q E £ i ^ , ID AH O r e a l t o r s . 733 A C R E S . F ile r a re a , heavy aoil. ftio dern , h o m es. good oi/fbuildioos— V e e r eraund liv e s t rM m , com et upon p roperty. U3 A c r e , M s tu re and h a y setup. Buhl a re a . 3 ye ar around liv e stream s on p r o p ^ v , 2 n w d e m hon>H. 40 A cre d a iry setup in ' Buhl a re a . P^ u l O anA 545-4411 o r B u h i B ra h d i oH ice S43-M33 or! Land Homes 8 th A N N t V e R S A R Y A N D » E s p o o d o li»r.r>g R o o m 1^ Both^ fteverse Aiile Mony Bw'lt S ifN S y R A N C - t W J4 7 B I M o d e rn D eiO f B U H L , S acre s close in bedroom . h o m e C a ll H opkins. 543 4645 543 LA N D O F F IC E OP R E A L T O R S . 733 0716, fro m Sears. Jt U X 6 4 3 BED RO O M M U FFLEY REALTY - w ith 2 G ene 6633 or ID A H O a cro ss V a 'c a t M i P rB p e rt y OHicaoridaito^Aealtors, « ■ - I E IG H T A P A R T M E f iV s no p r o b le m k e e p in g r e n te d m d iv id u a t g a s fu r n a c e s , low t a x e s and up keep in s u re s tre m e n d o u s r e tu r n on in v e s tm e n t Net in c o m e la s t y e a r m e x c e s s o f $4WQ T o ta l p r i c e O n ly $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 C a ll fo r ^ p o i n l m c n t to s e e . ALL o s t l e r s SW P S ^ S |2050 A C R E S . 1030 ir r ig a te d with 700 \ d ry la n d fa r m n o w in c re sted I Wheat g ra s s 32fl N a t iv e g ra s s 2 E X T R A L A R G E lots H .g h ia n o $40,0p0 hom e now un-der D r iv e . <deai fo r d a y lig h t c o n stru c tio n P lu s 2 o th e r hom es b a se m e n t $2,950 e a c h 734 3246 a n d b u n k h o u s e > B *o w h e a l a llo tm e n t No r a c k Good s o il. ' p le n ty w a te r For im m e d ia te ! p o sse ssio n C a ll W a lt P o uisen. B t r le y . Id a h o . 678 0441. d a y s . 678 I 8549 e v e n in g Farmv * Raitcnei 4<r head ESTATE 6' a A C R E S p la n k fe n ce d p a stu re s, ta rg e b a rn . h o m e . 3 bedroom and d en . 1' } b a th s , k itc h e n is sp e cia l T h iS p la c e 'S a m u st see ' Bob Jo n es E A LT Y T R A IL E R SA LES. Je ro m e E x c l u s i v e d e a le r in M a g ic V a lle y for Je t C a m p e rs , and fr a t le r s 600 S o u th ' c o fn . ~32r 2907 THE Ci n e bed r o o m f u r n is h e d C a rp e te d , a d u h ts o n ly . No c h i ld r e n , p e t s . $85. O e a n in g d ep o sit. 733 2504. ” i«rom«. Idoho 160 A C R E L ^ IV E S T O C K fa r m m H a g e rm a n a re a $60,000 118 a c re s c u ltiv a te d \55 s h a r e s N o rth sld e , C a n a l C o m p a n y w a t e r Could be a good liv e s to c k p la c e Som e good b u ild in g s ite s c a n be sold off F O R R E N T 3 bedroom h o use, w ith b a s e m e n t, w a lk throug h eQutpped b a ro . c o r r a ls and s ria o e 343 5849 Buht m P hone t^m t?er(y *n N ew 69 X 14 2-b«droom . G o v e rn o r b y f^ ashua H o m e s, on d is p la y fo r y o u r In sp ectio n — P u rc h a s e no w and s a v e S I .000 M a g ic V a lle y AAobile H o m ^ . 3*4 m ile s W est of W est 5 P o in ts 733^141. IN H E Y B U R N - good 3 bedroom ho m e See Ih js a t $6,000 FO R SA LE 3 bedroorn 'R O o s ^ ^ F a ir f ie ld C a ll 324 5962 AMLfTT hou se/ 5 4 3 -5 3 6 6 t >1 F u m lilM tf 4 U nfwrn Ho m s m ' A T T R A g r iV e 1 b - I— ‘ A lS C ji L p rS IN B U K U r 4 e iK O B u h l, Ic Ja h o 324 f> fio n e 7 3 3 ir 4 1 - 733 7i68 f? wid9%; 14' widet; doubJei t- - J^f-om or y U miles West o f W e s t 5 Points t O f HOSPITAl:-tw,n f a lh • -P A U L 'S .M O B IL E HOAAf S A L E S ■ 221 S o u t h L i n c o l n A G IC VALLEY O BILE H O M E S S IN G L E — D O U B LE W ID ES H O M ES M O B H l- A H D M O D U L A R spf c i’ATDtseeuN-TS o n ali MOBJli_h)OM£S DURIN'G. . THE I'A .O N TH T yFM 'A Y , M obUe m otel u n its , g a s s ta tio n o fftce 1120.000 ^ •• ---- uT?TTT. ‘' o m c e u n it s , ' m o u n t a in , c a b in s A n y m o b ile i^ o m e -o n il O t a . y o u r - yp e c 11 1C a tio n s We B A R A filD L O b N G E Itovw^ . s p e c ia h / e m c 6 m m e rr l a i ' rno hiie lic e n s e , b u ild in g ' a n d . fix tb re s ' 445.000 u n its 733 /S68 Ouf ol Tow n H ouM t i n c o m e p ro p e rty 2 a p a rtm e n ts B r ic k c o n stru c tio n on c o rn e r lot C ho ice lo c a tio n n e a r shopping c e n te r A sk in g $V4.800 O w n er d e s tre s im m e d ia te s a le O p p o rtu n ity k n o c k .s! C a iiu ilo iiftc ii.. ■'BUDDY'S '• " b r i a r c u f f " BROOkDALE '^'TDRT.ROYAL L& N R E A L E S I4 T E 356 A C R € S — 267 s h a r e s o l w a te r, la r g e f i e ld s , liy p ^ t r e a n ) . 2 b e d ro o m hom e w ^ a s^ m A O t. Fl AMElt&S AU flECIRlC HOM^b 13 . - 7^3-5336' ^AONE Y M A K E R 45 U N IT T R A I L E R C O U R T . M o re s p a c e s to d e v e io p . a ll u n its fu ll w ith w aiTm g lis t T-his cou rt con s is t s o f a p p r o x im a te ly 4 a c re s w ith n ic e 3 bed ro om hom e . Sh«>4e tre e s , n a t u r a l g a s . e tc T o ta l 'jJ r’ ic e $95,000 A lso M a & P a store and p u m p ortty $15,000 ' P A U L 'S CLEARANCE SALE " ^ E M S T A T C 'R F A IT Y SEE •. H A C IE N D A NOW SHOWING C O M M E R O A L — IN D U S T R IA L S IT E S25,500,00 — A p p r o x im a te ly 4W a c r e s on c o rn e r of E a s t la n d S. & H ig liia n d w ith 3 b ed ro om h o m e & g a r a g e . S e v e r a l h u n d r e d fetft fro n ta g e on E a s t ta n d ^ S . S e w e r, w a t e r & r a ilr o a d b ra c k s n e a r :jy . I VA finoncing ovotloble T R Y IT . . . Y O U ^ L L lflC& 4 T4i.rU .— 7 3 3 . Q9 3 ] •C o m m e rcia l P ro p e rty _____ A S P E C IA L T Y F e ld tm a r) R e a lt o r s 733 1988 633 Blu*.Lok**Noatv- ---- H A V E YO U - REACHED P E O P LE ? U n ilm lte J potential tor recreatio n al developrnent. M in e ral hot sprin g s located on 160 a c re s -bf deeded la n d , im p ro v e m e n is In c l ud e -------^ o e ftis T ia rg e heated fiberQlas«~«raeaJfcQuse. SIOO.OOO, te rm s . K a v Harrtaon'‘R e a ltv . 733. 2322. Oorofhy K o fa rT ^ * * ^ “ ' G «ne Conner, 733 4019. Corpefed . ^8995 3 O o y i O n ly Bank fm a m m g U p To 16 Y » o rt BROCKM AN 'S TRATtER SALES ■ South M oin. A c r o u fro m Theiten M o to ri Twin font 734-3167 11 ih <K*d 'Overforvd. B vrley ^ 7 B - 7 S ? 4 ^ U R A l i t f p R C A H S, < LO O K A R O U N D !! ■Jjn h im ls t w d A ot». la r g e d a y lig h t ba& em ent a p d r fm e n t, no c h ild re n , no p e ts. l U n U a ft e r ^ p .m . ■ ftu i . a n d s to v e . H p a t. w a te r a n (f * fT a u i' fu rn is h e d . No p ets T J 4 3S96. No M fe r AA r»r WJ.1I to r*n n L ^nrt 39' f a r m s F o r JU n f 10 A C R E S r^ E A R c o lle g e . 10 A C R E S on F a ll s A v e n .iiS L .E a 5t , 733 1359. YO UR H E A R T ',S D E S IR E IS P O S S I B L E ! C h e c k for a D efter job r t - if c iiiiM A d a ' ■ ■- . tn TfYiiiw/i M l» c * llw iw u « F or Salo Good Su pp ly of o i w Vdcuunr^s — H o o v e rs . K if b y s , E le c lr o l u x . and 40 M lic t lto n » o u » F o r S a l* «<> D O I T Y J J U H S ^ E L F ! Sham poo v o u r o w n .c a r p e t , p ro fe s s io n a l re s u lt s . R e n t a C la r k e Sh am p o oer w ith c o m p a n io n " v a c u u m . Banner F u r n it u r e 733 1421. ___ M lsc « ll» n « o u » F o r .^ » ^ P«ts A SupplUs 40 H o r» » t B R I T T A N Y . S P A N I E L p u p p ie s. 2 L A R G E P a N .ia _ J .a c k S e rv ic e CU ft REPO SSESSED W A S H E R , and m o n th s o ld . $2S. 636 2293 d r y e r , h e a v y d u iy 18. $350 or I B la d e s , O ste rlo h A v e riu e ' r ^ s o n a b le o f f e r R ep o ssessed G E H k e n c w i m a k e o ffe r. I R C G l b t tl'W O O A C n - S H U I^ p3 H O R S E T R A l L 6 a . - j a 5 0 See at 1 p u p p ie si $30 e ach Phone 7 33 8009 733 8406. _ n i J AAa.n. Buhl> P tw n e i4 3 -« }?3 1970 S I G N A T U R E 30*- Clean -gas ra n g e , c lo c k and m in u te tim e r, I 3 S I A M E S E K J T T E N S . 1 se al pom t, G O O D R E G I S T E R E D A h g u s B u ll.' I 2 b lu e point 2 m o n th s old 037 4l>23 •ptioni.. 334 W 4 L J e r t ) m e s e ll 733 5955 n N G E R type w a s h e r L ik e n e w C b m p iete set of W H E^ S P R IN G h o u s e c l e a n i a o .. liq u id . fir e e x t in g u is h e r s , d o n 't fo fg e t r v o u r c a r p e t . H O S T , a u to m a tic A n tiq u e fu rn itu r e 733- IR Q U N D O t A S S s e c re fa ry .t5 T X r. Q a k l ib r a r y la b le $100 A A orris c h a ir , C l e a n s w it h o u t w a t e r . . E a s y 26a 1 ' a d t u s t a b lr . S IS a 733 2713 e ffe c tiv e . R e n t ’ m a c h in e fo r *1W IL S O N B A T E S , T W tN F A L L S L I K E N E W M in o lta -SRT 101. le n ie s AN D JE R O M E . 50 m m . F S 1 4. 20Omm 825 5596' *3 iH U M A N E S O C I E T Y h a s g re a t, Pouttrjr A-8aM>lt« ' v a r it 't / ‘ot dogs Phone 734 2879 or ' 733 6062 I O R G A N IC A L L Y R A IS E D o o od la y m g h ^ ft h e a lth fo M stO TM p a y 5 0 ^ i^ t s a ^ / e n 3^ 4766 lA K f . - ^ E R M A ^ i S H E P H E R C L ^ t x iH ' s*i..i e r v i c e , e x i e lle n t >pec m^ens P hone 326 4766 L i K l i N E W G E ra n d e w h ite 40' W ide a u to m a tic c o n tro lle d se lf L lfd o in u b u rn e rs 711 N g W Aiu is t o c a g c L IK - E . N fivw eith->90 ; P e Q p i e _ ^ - . a c t e L - - _ 'S h e d . 5 X 10 w ith flo o r T r S ~ 3 M ^ P h b n e 473 4143 affe'r 6 p‘m pm r~" 5907. d a y s . 324 2709 e ve rtin g s S E A R S one w heel t r a ile r , ruetd l L A W N M O W E R A N D s w e e p e r. 74“ G TO W A W A Y bed fo r re n t, $4 00 a c o y e r , h it c h , w h if e ira g Terir , c u t. lik e new< n e v e r s h a rp e n e d , we«K. B A ^ E R F U R N IT U R E . C o le m a n s fo v e A ll e n te U e n t 9J 4 p n e u m a tic t ir a s , a d iu s t a b le seat/Room s • 42?2, a fte r 5 00 p m H 733 1421. I d e lig h t to u se . lo o k e rs w e lc o m e . S24S. 543 6IS1. W E R E B U I L. D ^ h y d r a u lic la c k s at ,f o r S a l e . S o fa , o o----------------w er m ow er r i f > i; c . iM A ir^ ft»rt'itin n g d p r i v a t e A B H U I I ' b A U l O S U P P L 't - 3 W v iQ . t y p e w r it e r Phoi P h o n e 7U ^ V e n tra n c e ,:- c le a n . 137 4th A v e . N. Sh osho ne St, South A L U M IN U M P L A T E S I 2 3 W x 3V* M usical In stru m tnts , ir o o ^ '^ o ce n ts e ach o r 15 c e n ts in W a n t e d to B u y PO LES, r e e ls , b a it lo ts of 50 o r m o re . Se e G e r r y F I S H I N G c o n t a in e r s , h u n tin g and tish m g ' W h lre , T lm e s» N e w s . T w in F a ll s . N EW Y A M A H A p ia n o s , u s e d " lic e n s e s . Your f is h m g M obU e H om e s 35 P a v m M e r c h a n d is e fo r E x t r a C a sh , p ia n o s. Y a m a h a guitar^s KLH H e a d q u a r te r s , R E D ' S T R A D IN G R E D 'S T R A D I N G P O S T s t e r w re c o rd p la y e r s , W A R N E R , F A R M - C O M M E B C J A L . A ll stee l P O S T 215 Sh osho ne S tre e t South , M U S IC , 131 Sh osho ne r4or*th 1971 12' X 64' S a h a r a w ith liv in g room I C H I E F b u ild in g s. B e fo re >(oui>Oy, tip o u t. 3 b e d ro o m s fu rn is h e d , a ll ! get our q u o te . P E R C N E E D L E P O I N T T A P E S T R Y y a r n . , i v i L L B U Y d ir e c t o r A u c tio n yo ur j fu r n it u r e a y j ii a n c e s odds & M E D IT E R R A N E A N C O N SO LE a a , a ir c o n d itio n &S&50. P ho n e I P E T E R S E N . L a z y J . R a n c h No. c a n v a s C re w e l k it s and sto o ls e n d s . SneU a l^ iver A u c tio n 733 S p m ei P ia n o L ik e n e w W»l» 64-2270. ; 33. P h o n e ? S 4o43t J , “ H o u rs 10:00 a m , to < 00 a .m . ' sdcrific«^ for q u ic k s a le < a s h or ' w e e k d a y s .- S a t u r d a y 10 00 to I t e r m s . A lso , o r g a n w ith a u to m a tic 1 2 .0 0 , 733 3804. M r s . W il l ia m 10' X 55’ 2 b ed ro o m fu rn ish e d m o b ile I C O L E M A N G A S M ,00« B T U dow n : C p lN S H Q P B in C lN G - s e U m a . ^ - 'r t t y t p m R IC E 'S H O U SE OF B r u le y , 153 9fh A v e n u e E a s t h o m e . 3V* m il« s fro m J e ro m e [ d ra ft fu rn a c e , S150. 30 " g a s r a n g e 'O U Tu rd ay 10 ^ JW e e K d a y s S 8 '4 2 8 W U R L I T Z E 'R . 175 « lu e Lakes p e ts , no c h ild re n . 324 4061 I a v o c a d o , $125 A v o c a d o bath tu b . N o cih M a m *t33 8593 • _ _ ' ^-Norfh Tw »n ^ a t t a 733 9048 I doub le s in k In 2 4 " x 9 6 " fo rm ic a B E G E N T I L E . b e _ k in d . to th at ej;_._ :* cuo D oard c a b in fit to p , aew ^c-been p e n s ^ e c a f p ^ c le a n w i t h '’B lu e ---- - C A ^ r O R ' S C R A M M E T A L^ used 436 4072 P IA N O Co nso le Spinet L ik e n e w . L u 9 » re f R ew* tdke^over low m o p ys rb be sofd f^Hdtotor,, B a tte e *s . E t c ' t t enr ie S m th is a re a A lso O R G A N w ifh H O N B V B E E S h a p p T a n d h ig lT h y r >t ' '‘ « R E N G E L S H K O P P E L CO M JU S IC V A L L E Y P R O F E S S I O N A L A u to m a tic R h y fh m Phone c o lle c t Iro m lendei- lo vin g c a r e . L a s t 152 2nd A v e h u e South C e n te r. 674 Shoup A v en u e W est y e a r s c ro p y ie ld e d 120 lb s to a ,M U F = F L E_____ R S in s ta lle d w h ile you 208 343 564 1 or w r it ti A O |u ^ o r. 612 w a it C o m p le te m u lf ie r s e r v ic e Id e al b u s in e s s and p ro fe s s io n a l s w a r m 4^3 5963. N o rth O rc h a rd . tSoise. Id aho 83704 in c lu d in g c u ito m d u a ls for c a r$ ; W A N T E D t J O N A T lO N S ^ F o r M a g ic s p a c e a v a ila b le F>hone 733 0600 or V a lle y L iv in g C e n te r t^ome for 734 2702. a n d -^ ie iU ^ S .- A B B O T T ;S A U T O , F O R S A L E . Good o ld e r p ia n o , good h a n d ic a p p e d B e d s , ta b le s , lin e n , S y - e P L Y , 305 STioshone Sf South [ R E M I N G T O N u p r ig h t s t a n d a r d s ty lin g 733 90S4 a fte r 6 ' C h a ir s , d r e s s e r s R e c r e a t io n a l I ty p e w r ite r $60. P h o n e '7 J4 4747 or ite m s p ia n o s , pool ta b le s , h o rs e 734 3898 A L U M IN U M A W N IN G S K eep yo u r Shoe se ts etc G a rd e n in g . tools F O R ‘ S A L E *Ahf7que- p ia n o . ^ 3 0 " .' — F O R L E A S E — cool th is y e a r w ith a n e w ; 734 4964 _ A r v in Co nso le s te re o , $40 733 F O R S A L E "— rV5H“ T o y o t a “ C o ro n a , WT'TO Iv e T d in o s u p p ly , 506 It 3 " K o o l M e t a i a lu m in u m a w n ln 'g 7,^7^ ----------------e x c e lle n t co n d itio n T w o p a ir sno w lA v e . E a s t , is b u ild in g a n e w F r e e e s tim a te s . P e r c P e te rs o n 734 W A N T TO B U Y wood s h a p e r. C a ll •skiis and on e c h a n n e l M a s te r 8 b u ild in g and m ust- le a s e th'eir 4585 , 734 4570 o r 733 B65» a ft e r ,& t r a c k ste re o p la y e r Phone 423 5469 p re se n t fa c ih ti^ s . 5 , s q u a re 'fo o t a s k fo r Steve 45 Radio, TV a stereo w a re h o u s e and s ^ w r o o m w ith one 250 300 P IE C E A V O N .9 l q ^ 5 o H ic e .'d o c k a r e a . 2 bathrobm % . a ir c o lle c tio n fo r s a le O n ly c o lle c to rs Antlqu t?_____ coruJTf--------------d .~p^r king 8nO 3 -phase ; i C O M P L - C T E ~ S E T or no oTC~pTBny nport A n n i w - in rt.i.rA s a le V p ow er S u ita b le for re ta il b u i ld l ^ F H A . V e te ra n a o o ro ve d C R h a s « .. - ^ A V 5 ?u Je N o m v «nd %vhrie Tv_. E a r ly A m eri< .an ..i^ A R T lc t f L A R , poor p e o p le s A v a ila b l« - in 60 d a y s .-G o n fa c t D an t AriTeriha 438 4871 m a p le c a b in e t, $50, or besl o ffe r ' p le a s u re p la c e P e te . Jo h n sfo n , 304 S te e le . 733-8171 »or d e ta ils _ S T A U C g iE R -. C O U ^ • ■ vw tfi'-M vec^ i C d ll 324 S789 d fle f 5 p ni pr S o u th W a s h in g t o n . (A ir p o r t a tt a c h m e n ts G o o d ^ s n v / . i t . : ' at I w e e k e n ils ' 7 H P 32" r*d*ng la w n m o w e r, e*— R o a d ), 733 2345 ' h a lf p r ic e . A 1 p o rta b le Sm g er 733 2567 ' c e lle n i c o n d itio n . $225 Wanted to Rant I s e w in g m a c h in e w ith p x r e lle it C Q N i O L E M O D E L b la c k and v O iile a fte r 5 cop- ■ T V . t'K c e lltn f S h ap e . 24 — ZiO 'Zag Sevt^ b ew utrrutly P h o n e ^ E U R O P E A N ' ' A N t l O u e > . $60 733 i p e r w a r e , pt*w ier a n d g la s s w a re , evening.^, 837 4702. SM A LL F U R N IS ttE D or un 9 JU E L E C T R IC »= EN CbR p o s ts ' c o m rh o d e s, s id e b o a rd s Tuesd ay furnis>¥e<* h o u se in c o u n try for in s u la t o rs w ir e for- ab out 1 m tle . ! th ru S a t u rd a y . W e n a e ii New a i'd * m a tu re - vkc rk in g m an 734 3450, F O R lo n g e r w e a r keep c a rp e ts c le a n I used $75 733 7291 a fte r 5 p .m w ith B lu e L u s t r e . R e n t e t e c ln c A 7 1C, R A D IO , c a r ste re o sh a m p o o e r $1 G R E E N A V .'* ' i s P h o n r 7*14 JSld M c c n A Y A C u a iiT 1 , .M O V I N G M U S T S ^ L L ! U p rig h t G la s s w a r e ,fA A B O U T - io n e tet - ? 'p TanO , ' S tS Q . ' ' P r i g l t m r c *u re c lo c k s M a n y if.em s to S E A R S p o w e r /Tio w er, t r y n>ce d1 ? vl c o n v e r t i b le d is h w a s h e r w f fh C h i^ s i fro m R e a s o n a b ly p ric e d C B W A D IO ^ . Phone M rs So n m s, 733 2101 rj c u ttin o b o a rd , sold n e w $319, used Jo h n so n II b a se r e c o n d ifto t^ d and u u d ra n te t'rt • 4J3 5950 V29 95 at C a in 's 733 71 n M e s s en g e r I I I m o b ile w 111. ----------------------- ---------------------------SI. ' /v e ry l ln ie , $150. SinOld b ra s s be<*T a n ie n n a s J?3 4 lV 4 1 A D U L T d « i r e s 2 bedroom ap t or 1 .$ 45, g re e n c o u c h , $20 , w h ite_b r»ck d u p le x^ P r a ia c jiP lv — o a a r . Xwix^. _ . boo k c a s e . I S . WU4 i l e m i . a j L F Q R . S A L E . 1 liS fid 4 w h fitil. w a lk e r i R t l J B . A R N - \ ' . i N o r i n - W d S h m g i O f ^ . Ir o n w a r e , d is h e s , t u fn itu f e B u y w tr^ s e a t ” $ t 0 ‘ C at! C ro w le y 733 1 F a l l s h o s p it a l C a l l c o l l e c t , , p ric e d or best o ffe r 734 4424 or 31 TNCH G E co lo r T V . w ith n ew ^ arK l s e ll R e s to re lOQl W errdell 536 7i^^ 733 8621_ p ic tu re tu b e , re co n d iu o n e O and g u a ra n t e e d . $258 at C a m 's 733 7 in N FA RL Y .fcaia^OAiaf-v^ijlomalii:— ajashf.-, - W m T AVS~~ w a te r a n d s a n lrw io n fu rn is h e d . U fin ty ro o m at r e a r . S120 m o n th , 733 2081 o r 733 1^ 9 ‘Ai»^anc*s I 57 47 43 A N T ia U E A U C T IO N . Su nd ay, M ay 21st S a le tim e I 00 p .m . 520 Y e llo w s io r f e , P o c a t e ll o , id a t io . Good s e le c tio n of f u r n it u r e , g la s s j a n u p u m iTIV t f & . ^ r P ho n e 233 3204 or 232 4912. A IR C O N D I T I O N E R , F e d d le r. 6.000 B T U U s e d o n e ^ e a s o n . $100. Bed - S p r in g s , d o u b le c o il. S3 00 D c e s s e r , O a k $45. 733 0582 ' ~ d e lu K t. re c o n d itio n e c t^ and g u a ra n te e d , $98 at C a in 's 733 71 H WORK 45 R E P O S S E S S E D W h irlp o o l Su prem e H a rv e s t G old e le c t r ic d ry e r Used le ^ - .It ia n 30 d a y s S ave $50 00. A s su m e p a y m e n ts o f $10 35 p w m onth M A Y f it g r t r ic . .441 M am E d ^ I. Open M o n d a y nig ht til nine 733-0931 .G e R MAN SH O k T H A I H p u p s. te n \a ie s . $25. m a le s , S35 326 4839 a fte r 4 30 pm | 5| ? ; a r t 1F I C I A L B re e d in g fo A B S g re a t p ro v e n i i r e , n a tio n s h ig h est type ] p ro d uctio n sires- A lso a ll b reed s | o f beef a v a ila b le B u h l. 543 6)02. I Je ro m e , 324 2652. Sh osho ne. 886 7587 B u 04H v . 678 9353, H a /e lfo n , 829 5J02 » -4% Heating A A ir G>nditioning T5f T W O U S E D co al „ti» rn a c e s w ith b lo w e r s and s t o lie r s , P a t 's P lu m b in g t*nd H e a tin g , Je ro m e — • P U W fc B R E D TWO usep Cisai iumafe:-.wiiti. ANGUS LEA F CU TTER P ho n e 4 :3 - S IU Cattte BU LLS • Building ^ t a r U l r B s, 200 b o ard s 650 G A L L O N So ta r Milk- ta n k A 1 (o rK litio n 6 ee to a p p re < ia te u u ic s W est W est Point S to re on • S « m Spr R a n c h R o a d , Wen " ife+4-....... ............ so o ya llo n b u lk l a n k , i u n it C h a r Boy p ip e lln « m llK e r P h o ,} « - S « 57W. J4 tiead y e a rfin g . IS h e a d 2 y e a r o ld s . .:fc fre tc h e v ” b u lls H e rd s s irrY O S p o ro p ro d u ce ;>bbve s lo c k Kuwstoti4imM . I H i jr ^ l i« ’ f n if e can F r a n k D ra k e . K im b e r ly , 433 40)4 t>efore 7 rn Qr a fte r 6 p m t, b lo w e r s s 'lo k e r s , ft ^ a t f ' ' P m n i b n'ig- ninO Htfa t-tng; 49 C H I E F G R A IN B IN S A ll s i i c s , — 5 p er c e n i o v e r -w holesale — lim ite d tim e P E R C P E T E R S E N . L a i y J _ R a n c h No 33. P h o n e 734 4585- A n im a l \ A D M IR A L R e frig e ra to r w ith bol to m F r .e e ie r . only. $99 50, 90 d a y w a r r a n t y at M & Y E le c t r jc , 441 M am A v e n u e E a s t Open M ond ays t ill 9 p m , . F a rm & R an ch SuppH o t ID A H O T R A C T O R S a lv a g e . C a sh fo r used tr a c t o rs U se d p a rts a t big’ d isc o u n ts 733 8293. X » r i n J n ip l« n i« a U L . ' W A N T E D T O L E A S E w ifh option to W E H A V E G O O D used lum ber for b u y . c o m p le te ly equipped w a l k s a le , n a il fr e e A n — n r ®5 ' til rough b a rn , n n i kmg her d or |usT -JO H N S O N . L E B L U E H O U SE co w s W an te d to b u y_o o o d con' : W R E C K f l N G . U 1 B lu e L a k e s 4ir e sio r W r i35, tw *n »-ai>s ____B lv d So uth . T w in F a ll s . , P le a s e in c lu d e piH>«>e. T 1 4 S t m d r x T lif u p * ; 7 16 Plwy^;ed U ' J 8 Ul.lii> - . - J . 2 CD BI(..-> . I .3 ri C.. ..-’n d - i 1 i 4 ■ s.> ‘)ft ( .-J u t Ju b<»wr» < — A (uhhI ,,1 ro •— f,.- 'r',.- I'on.-l’ .,,, •n St(^r1r - • ^ - t.-ToU ri i'iirrrt froi)tiii.| 6 I V t i. I? ... . - S E L E C T S I R E S , I NC A tl b re e d s. ■ d a ir y d c u i —w a it e r LpiTc.h ~ Ph unp 543 465fl I '-'n .N O R T H W E S T P L Y W O O D SA LES • O ^ IT E ICO p e rc e n t P o ly p ro p a le e n T “ indoor outd oo r c a r p e t , w h ile it la s t s $2 *9 s q u a re y a ro Banner F O rm lu re 733 1421 JO 2!6T Baler E Q U IP M E N T , IN C . 8 R E O lS T fc k E b G u ern sjTv "m TTK c o w s , 5 s p r ir u je fs —dwe m -June. $3 100 Rjaone 324 5080 (.HARC j I H (.)N U fi(U M A P l E b ed rcw m Set, tw in s w e , bO* s p rin g s and m a t t r e s s , and ch e st of d r a w e r s \b 0 734 4594 I / c o w s . H O R S E S S a le , loan , •• - - Of O a r r c it i yOTT _ S 4 3 5824! *543 <934 * fiAN R/AM f « f AkU F u r n it u r e & C a rp e t I Hdiiicm-AOQ H yd ro .. 14 ft W in d /o w e r 1 ■■ ^y O w a to n n d 35 14 ft. drov.ef 1 \ m e 55 I Bolei 2 \ jD M I B a l e r i 1 - ^ H C 4 7 t Bn'gine Baler FO R S A LE l . . t ^ y e a r o ld p ure b ree d R ed A n g u s b u ll. L o w birth. w eigh t C a ll 934 4119 ? ’). s ? 4V 8 1. 1.1,,boot J 6 •'4 V> 4V A but Siil.iK j ' 1 N ew n o ^ n c i 1047 Stack - CfUJ5fiI____ ^___________________ _ .1 C ase / I 40' ) 4 ft. W IS C O N S IN C A L V E S , a l l - a g e s Shipped on a p p ro v a l V a o d e rb u rg ! Calv*»s, N o rlh P r a in e ,' W isc o n siq 531 $3 $ 4 Vb o-H .-Mt.-i 3 ti *c.St'^,bcKJla 2 — ~- SJ HV I C ki(^v,ood I ...... ' Jna Sondrd 5 8 Hooyh 4 5ti H') C P U a d « M iu y 'u i- n i r A O 3 H H o lsteifi H e ife r and bull c a lv e s C r o s s U re d c a lv e s W is c o n s in H o iite in S p riQ u t f s 30 60 _d^v> f r om x a i .Vif^g in T fcTK M O U N TY i V P A t ii^ t C D A t ,R Y —C A T - T f E C 6 -, --U44 ■3j ; 1 -P<H^AU>Uo ----------- <>.’ V5 /y -------- W-ftV- bofulcd J B IG S A V IN G S - V; '.yeeK o id H o lstem H e ile r and TJ V ) Iv.M (u lK 7 3 3 7 2 7 2 t ^ r lS h o ir e li Dr,- Bu.ton Nrwto^ . ' FO R S A L E C h a r o ia is b u lls and fe m a le s Top blood Im e s F r a n k K a re l 543 5903 or 733 7869 S X J P E R IO R B E AN P L A N T E R $160. Se lf 3 b a r c u ltiv a t o r w ith tools 117^ 7*n I B IG ^ P U G G E D .^ R E G IS T E R E D lO^U K ,i...|.filr Pon.l P>. ; j j ^V(lV IW IN f A U S iO A hO H.l H)l I Blu(k W ..vf nl Sfut.oV a M I u f» M Mi).' Buhl 543 4392 733 5260 'i4 3 5452 733 2684 H e re fo rd b u lls E n g h S h Olcwd lin e s L a r r y L ic k l e y , Je ro m e 324 200s TRACTO R re p a irin g a ll m akes. I R E G I S T E R E O ’ C H A R O L A IS b u lls I w ilti fre n c h b re e d in g PhOTie 733 I 5943 e ve n in g s 1982 F lo ra l A v e 733 7547 .T 50 G«r«ge S«le$ * 12 L IN O L E U M RUG S. ASSO RTED P A T T E R N S , $7 95 t M A S S E Y F e rg u so n 2 lj>ottom. 2 w a y . B A N N E R 'F U R N IT U R E . T w in GARAGE SAEL 706 N o rth vic w FO R s a l e 20 h e ad of s to c k c o w s 16" Plow 733 3098 F a ll s ,' 733 1421 ' I D r iv e S a t u rd a y 8 a m to 6 pm Som e c a lv e d and so m e s p r in g e rs C h ild r e n 's c lo th in g , h o u s e w a re s , G e orge S t r in g e r . 934 51 11 420 JO H N D E E R E tra c to r w ith 3 m is c e lla n e o u s p oint h itc h . $650 .2 ro w Jo fin . D e ere T W O P I E C E s e c tio n a l s o la , n e e d s p'oiatft pianrsr-'wrrtTi f^ T t n r e ''. a J ' " ' u p h o U M rin g . S2S C a ll e v e n in g s , ,4 0 P U R E B R E D C h a ro ra is b u lls fach fT i*K U *T -^ e 43^4072 ;3 f T 3 5 0 M ost U F r c n c fi O ro e d tn g Re-aOy Good Thingi to Est I fo r the ra n g e $600 and up F O R S A L £ B ro w n n y io n 8' so i a a n d I C H O tC £ - < H ? A tN fe 0 to c k e r b w f , 250 , D isc o u n i for m uU iO Je o u r O i a i E i. „ 2 a ' M E .L J I O E tm e h d rn )w m oun ted c h a .r , c le a n , good c o n d itio n , 208 9 U 4 ------- ► ' on John D e ere h y d ra u lic c a r r i e r . ■ I i r ^ a l v c s , ag ed , cut to o rd e r 536 N K O c o m Or potato c u ltiv a t o r 324 _ 7XJ 2101 .. i 2156 _____ _ _____ _ p a s tu re c a lv e s for 516/______________ r...... -____ :__ A S IM M O N S S tu d io co u ch M a R e s ^ “ s a le A ll k in d s P h o n e 37TIT$T"or~ ' _____^ e d s P h o n e 7 3 i 8326, a ft e r 5 p m P U n ts . T re e s A Shrubs . S3 i F Q R S A L E F a rm h a n d lor ag e b o * on 324*4028, J e ro m e an In te rn a tio n a l w ag o n . $400 324 5643 2 Y L A R O tD .re q 'S te rm 'd b ia r K a n 9 u s U N F IN IS H E D F U R N l T U i R E .' A T T R A C T IV E E V E R G R E E N S , 3 • R o b e rt S c h u lt e . C u rry 5’ t a ll, re a s o n a b le CaM 733 7642 ' b u ll h ig h e s t q u a lit y , good s e le c tio n ' • F O R SA LE 1010 Jo h n D e e re C ro ssin g 73J.7978 M a ry C a rte r P a in t s 1936 • t r a c t o r , w ide front e n d . a a s K im b e r ly R o ad 733 349J • v e g e t a b l e s , potted flo w erin g e n q m e . e x c e lle n t co n d itio n (.a ll 100 to 150 H o fs te in 'h e ite rs on hand • p la n ts , bedded flo w e rin g p lan ts, 438 593A W eig ht 1,000 to 1.350 p oun ds, two SPO T CA SH e e v e ro r e e n s and a ifT 7 3 j 4281 w a y s fo fin a n c e One to tour F o r F u r n i t u r t A p p lia n c e s e y e a rs C o w s in s u r e d a g a in s t N E W C A S E 660 bean s p e c ia l w ith T h in g s ot V a lu e FO R S A L E ' G fa d to iu s- butbs 3 d eath Att h c ife rs - g u e ra u te e d 1 c a b and belt U nloader O ne ye ar B A N N F9 F U R N IT U R E c e n ts , up South of Motor Vu E u g e n e H u g h e s . 324 2415, Je ro m e ' 127 ^ d A v e n u e W est 733 U21 w a rr« v ity Phone 326 4728 F ile r c o rn e r I L eo n W n g h t 733 7472 W est 733 1471 a fte r Si* 9 51 R E F R IG E R A T O R S , w a s h e rs , f r y e r s , r a n g e s R e a s o n a b le r a t e i . M y e a r s e x p e rie n c e C a ll SH UM W AY A P P L IA N C E R E P A I R . 733 6167 R E F R IG E R A T O R S . Fh& e?er5. ra n g e s, w a sh e rs, d ry e rs , V E R N 'S A P P L IA N C E R E P A f R , 733 5466. 875 F ile r A v e n u e West A rts A Craft* • • • • • Ev«rytMn<r *or m t Artitt S>d C ra ftftm a n , th a c r a a t iv * i, 330 Main Avtf. 5oi/m, 734 3t5t Boat ie r v ic c . - • • • and E v in r u d e O u tb o a r d m o to rs BUD & M ARK 1162 B lu e L a k e s B lv d N G R E E N . TH U M BS W O RK W e e k ly o r m o n th ly , re p a ir in g , p a in tin g , desigrim g G R EEN TH UM BS& M IS C E L L A N E O U S 733 9445 • . • • • • ♦ C arp al O aantng B IG E L O W KARPCT KA RE C u s to m F lo o r s of Id a h o Addison Avenue East 723.5424 Phone ------------------------------------ The best clean in g , it costs no C o m p le te lin e of o ffic e eq u ip m e n t.^ n e w and used C a ll Bob S n y d e r's 733-7075. Educational Services G u a ra n te e d s u c c e s s . P r iv a t e twtorir>g in re a d in g , s p e 'l'rig , m a th 734$2369 E & R O N IX 207 - F a lls A ve W E le c tric Motor Repair R e w in d in g , R e p a ir , s m a ll or la rg e rr^ fp rs Z4 hour s e rv ic e W aTte a a c t r l c 255 » id St E , 733 1901 G a te s, R S-----t a ir s , - a-i l i n g s , A N Y T H IN G F T J O M IR O N G ille s p ie M e ta l P ro d u c ts 733 5567 P o u ltry P ro c e is m ^ ■ ^ S u lT k v SU ^ ^ V, A v e n u e W e « .t 711 K fltartainm ant B EA C O N C L U B C O L D P O O L, S A N D W IC H ES O rn am en tal Iron BEER, 137 ^ d FItftlng-HuntIng Suppliat Ftshing boats, m otprs, ta c k le , Quns, reloading J e r r y 's Gun Shop. 7*/4 m ile s. W. of Hospital on H iw ay 30 RJoor F in ishe s F lo o r s e a l, la te s t tm ish e s fo r tije a n d lin o le u m f lo o r s K re ft jtfH 'to r Su p p lie s 733 8523_________ o m snap s Cyclt Sarvtca • C o m p lete s e r v le t on a ll 2 c y c le O T - i,— • C A u to m o tiv e . 136 2nd A v e S -• • OlTts, B flO al R e g istry , C ard s, C and ies. You name itl Kountry K o u ^ in t. 1337 O v e rla n d , B u rle y . ______ C«r»mlc TM» C A P R I^ T tL E C O M P A N Y wtsftes to-thanlcail of its custom ers in the AAaoic VBIt^ev are a for their J • * • su p po rt ancT b u sin e ss fW ^ n ie p a st 3*^ y e a rs ♦ • • * J X X * X 2 C m tra ry to rum ors we a re still located in Tw in F a lls and ip ter\d to be for m » iy yew rs to come. We a re an independen t com pany -a n d h a ve n o a ffilia tio n with any other com pany or persons. We do our own estim ate* per sonairv. W e a ls o h a v e th e b Q t > « e c ti^ o f sam p les and colors pertaining t> s la te . t e r r a t t . q u a rry tile s, and a lL refafed m a te ria ls in M agic Z Z Z 2 yog to ca ll or stop by for free estim ates on*^ bs and m a te ria ls . We' are located at 795 W ashfngton Street N or^ and m e phone num twr is still ■ r^ 7 M 2 S i Ban K. MoopliaTna T re e & S h ru b S e rv ic e F U R N I T U R E , u p h o ls t e r y , f r e e e s tim a te s , p ic k up and d e liv e r y J a c k C a ito n ; 7 3 > ^ 3 F O R A B E T T E R d e a l on T re e w o rk c a ll 733 6088, 678 2231 F r e e e s tim a te s ar>d in su re d It p a y s to be s u re TO W N A N P CO U N TRY T R E E S E R V IC ' t r e e s e r v ic e N ow doing M e c h a n ic a l tre e to p p ing a n d r e m o v in g A tl lim b s cu t a n d s a fe ly lo w ere d h y d r a u h c a liy Save $$ In s u re d F r e e e s tim a te 733 k o n ic e k 5 T ra sh ft G arb age S e rvice Q u a l if y ‘ oWs a t B r lp t in g a t . l n w p r ic e s Oulci^ Copy O r» te r 117 % d St. W est 733 3300 P A R K S A N D SO N S 733 4441 C o m m e rc ia l a n d re s id e n tia l ■ >rn n tA io e rS • SpeCial .—s id e or zx. e 1z1ee riT h a u ls * in out,♦sid c ityv lim it s •- « % p Upf^olsterm g Sarvica Stations_______________ S a m T h o m a s C h e v ro n S ta tio n — Tune up. B r a lie . s e r v ic e , B a la n c in g 465 A d d iso n A ve W est 733-9g75 Dv^apWla.s, UptMlstery Lukes C u s to m U p h o ls t p r y • R e fm is h in g - R e c a n t n g , a ll • w o rk 100 per cen t g u a fa n te e d • 118 5th S tree t S 7 34 4544 • Sewer S e rv ice ) U se d ~ V 20: 0-U-W ’ S t WV I C."f " c en I e r p a r t s , r e p a ir s on K .r b y com p a ct M ost o t h e r s . T w in F a ils 733 6041 H ayei R e p o sse sse d Sofa and F lo r a l d a m a s k c o v e r new Save $100 F u r n it u r e . 733 U21 C h a ir s e t. Lo o ks lik e Banner 3 P I E C E bed d a v e n o and r o c k e r , n y lo n c o v e r . $139 95 at C a m ’s 733 7111 REPO SSESSED 4 d ra w e r u n fin is h e d c h e s t. $19 95 at C a m 's 733 7IM VACUUM CLEA N ERS OF - J D A liO U S £ a ._ liir J iit i_ J n a rp^ ny o th e r good s e le c tio n s 2nd A v e n u e E a s t and » u e Lakes c a i n :s _ C o m p le te H ouse Full cieanfng Also, all types of excBvatton 733 2541 or 733 O f Fu rn itu re !! _ RIOOing an « Tr»nipor1 Co. C f ^ A V e w '* S e w e r S e r v lc a r Septic tank — sawar lina A u th o riz e d ttl vacu u m * C le a n e r S e r v i c e .M & Y E le c t r ic • 5399 441 M a in A v e 6aSt . - L w iQ - E o U s ,Lawn Rfltfyanatton C H U C K 'S - , LA W N ' C A R E M o w in g , edging^. w eekly or montt>ly rate s. 7^4 709S Lavmmowar Service Law nm ow er s e r v ic e , ra co rtd itio n in g 4 tu ne u p s . B lK k e r F u rn itu re 223 9^d A v e . E . . 733 1i(M Uvecteck WmfHI - D E A D a n im a l s pcamptty. Can coHect 7»- --— Q o o d lf» r ^ S414, Idatw 4 Tailow-Ca. ^ frae Inspection 723 30S3 _____ __ Welding — __ — r------------- ----------------- ^ — d lrc u la r. K a i^ and ch ain saw s, m achine snerpaned. C h arle s N anx, 514 Jrd Ave, W est. L a w n m o w e r t , cfvein ta w s, r e p a ir , tfie rp e n in g , and ta lto t^ em m o nd *! R e p a ir C e n te r, W eahlnoton St. N . 733-90ff. w ig S e rv ice____________ ____________ N O N E tp equal our stylin g and se rv ic e . S atisfactlo o g u a r * i i ^ . .114o.M «-m a.= eALAC£S^ -l> hone.. 734-3321. ^ » p R f-^ B LC w e tijm g .p u m p s arfo Trr+ g atlg fLd Jn e j- A lu m ln u rn h e lia rc fa b n c a tio n s. 20 y e a rs B u rl La w re n c e 734 2050 Po rtab le h e lia rc and g eneral --- w elding . In s ta lla tio n of irrig a tio n s fs te m s P re cisio n w eldin g . BiU AAatlocK Tw in F a lls . 733 0114 Wa>1 P n U ih g ________ V « % # % J T T Z • S B O L .E Y & H E N R Y — Tw in F a lls • n 47 A p p lla n c M F b iG ID A iB E deluxe clo tn e i d ry e r, v e ry clean , reconditioned and Guaranteed. SM at C a in 's 733 7111, F R i G I D A f R E r e f r ig e r a t o r , v e r y good m e c h a n ic ^ c o n d itio n . g u a ra n te e d .ts e e t^ a in ’s 733-7111. L A R G E I y e llo w W e stln g h o u se refrigeHafop, fre e xar on bottom, no f r o ^ s m at C a in 's 733 7111. r F O R A d e m o n stra tio n of one of the f»f>es» h y d r e u it c d r iv e n c o m m e r c ia l m a n u r e s p r e a d e r s c a ll ■ ■ ' L E O S CU STO M F A R M IN G 326 4 70 1 326 49 64 EVERY M O N D A Y - 12 N O O N S H O S H O N E SALE YARD 8 8 6 2281 ------- ------------J S I A Har. Grain • Pwd 2 S T A N C H IO N Stock t r a ile r , gcx>d c o n d if.o n , $7S C a ll 934 4754 a fte r 6 or w eekend s -r 886 ? ? 4 ? A B O U T 6 f o n s h a y for s a le 324 ?146* « G A T E D and m am lin e a lu m in u m irrig a tio n p>pe N ew and - used Te« F lo w Ir rig a tio n S u p p ly. 423 S847 423 5942 F O R s a l e . . S p r i n g e r H o ls te m h e ife r , fr e s h Ju ly 8th. 4 H a n im a l , 734 7759 1048 N E W H O L L A N D ^ S e lf p ro p e lle d autorr^atic b ale wagon L e s s than SO h o u rs, lik e n e w $11,750 1045 H O LLA N D ' g u a ra n te e d BUy or tra d e fo r-, '"g b 'W a u to m a tic b ale w a g o n s One w ith 5 0 .TO N 1st and 2nd cu ttin g hay for s p r .n q ^ s or Deel H a p j-b P C ly d e F o rd 6. One w ith ^^^oonsm Y o u r s a le $30 Phone 733 8555, after 6 H ug hes, B u h l 543 5825 or 543 5969 cho ice.^ J^ 29 ^ ^ Ne^w P ly m o u t h . p m Idaho I 5 78 3TT7, evenm ysr R E G iS T E R E D H E R E F O R D - B U LLS G O O D D A IR Y h ay for s a le , by sem i E d w . C . E A k in A S iia s tru c k lo^d ■Bo nd ed h h y ftrtd Q.rain ' Je ro m e 324-5468 b u ye r B o rd a T ru c k in g . 934 4036- . 30 TO N l i t c u tt in g . 30 ton > d cut tin g , a ll c o v e re d No 1 h a y 733 lu r m tu r e , a n f Ttj u e s 7 P 1 E C E D l N E T T E .2 le a v e s ,6 v e r y _ onm l r n a i r s . M a l C am s 733 _V acu u m - C ie a o e c ^ .- ^ v icc^ J P M O L S T C R >r^ A W N IN G S C a ll R a m s e y ’s . 733 1979 T h e y 're at 236 AAaIn A ve Nortft t h in g s , F urn .tu r'e SALE E V E R Y F R ID A Y — 1 1 A .M , { C H I E F S T E E L b u ild in g s for potato a r e c o m p e titiv e w ith pole type P e rc P e te rs o n 1043 B lu e L a k e s B lv d N orth Phone 734 4585 p ie c e b irch - d in in g set w ith u p h o ls t e r e d c h a irs , g oo d c o n d itio n , $98 at C am s 733 7111 W A N T E D „ '_ . D A IR Y C a tlle . S h e e p . H o g j, H orjes ' K l I C H E N c u p b o a rd s . C h m a c lo s e fs , s tu d e n t d e s k s, u n fin is h e d , v a rio u s s i/ e s and s ty le s Cohr^plete lin e o» u n f in is h e d f u t n i t u r e Banner F u r n it u r e 733 U 2 l ^ • farm Seeil U RU SSE T C E R T IF IE D SEED p o ta to e s, O r v i l l e /■ S m it h , D a rlin g to n . Id aho 588 255? M A G IC v a l l e y u p h o ls ft fr ^ , c o v e rin g a ll T w in F a ll s C o u n ty Jo hn M a tn e y . 1702 M a m . B u h l 543 44 45 5th R O T O R O O T E R sew er s e rv ice 733 095. G r iv f i, T D p " S « r * 2U Printing P R A P B R I6 6 , # H O S P IT A L B E O S , w h e e l c h a ir s w a lk e r s , c ru tc h e s . c o n v a le s c e n t a id s and e x e r c is i n g e q cM p m e n t For re n t or s e ll C R O W LEY PH ARM ACY 733 977 1 T w in F a ll s O ffice Equipm ent .fiaita---------— -— N E W W O R K , r e m o d e l, r e p a ir s 537 ^51 H U G H ES. M o b ile H om es L o c a lly ow ned In s u r e d c a r r ie r Local and lo n g d is ta n c e 7333773 I ■•J •\^r H A Y F O R S A L E by the tru c k loaq Phone 487 2445 I yiii ni'irff , 300 400 p o un d s 30 S p rm g e rs, 1200 i pounds uo SJ6 2156 ' h a y f o r s a le , good 1s t c u ttin g . 50 ' ---- p r SB' Ton'^ 432 5447 p r 437 5 562----- 3 TO N s a le GOOD A L F A L F A 324 5894, Je ro m e 40 TO N » id c u ttin g P ho n e 733 2097 hay hay jo r for .s a le -Hon A L L T Y P E S o t h o rs e s bought, sold , trad e d P le n ty of ra n c h g e ld in g s R en H a le y , 733 6055 j3-f>co»-6T&^ eo tjatf ftr’aut'jrn." ry 1 m a re s and 1 G e id m g ) Smooth m o u th e d , v e r y g e n tle , good for k id s , m o u n ta in and hu nting ho r a k C R E G I S T E R E D s ta n d a rd c o llie se s Good Bro od m a re s C a ll a fte r pup s 326 5660 • 5 30 p m » 4 2513. $7 M ACHINERY- AUCTION SALE J U N 6 3 , t -V Pet« A Supplies Top O u o h ly , R e c o n d itio n e d F o rm M o c h in 'e ry a n d H o y Tools o f every d e s c rip tio n . 1___________________ - ~ ■Ready to W o rk M a c h in e ry RARE S C H IP P E R K E pup^>ies. H O R S E - S H O E IN G . T R I M M I N G e x c e lle n t p e ts , A K C re g is te re d 1 F in d in tne y e llo w p a g e i 326-4631 on d i ^ l a y — 8 :3 0 A .M June J o y c e 's K e n n a lS - 473-iTM : o r 733 0690*-O eo ker F in e , F i l e r . 3 ^ tTo e x c e p t i o n s PLEASEJ. - C u t cullbi.1 vr w ,ite EIku C o u n ' WANTED PARTY to keep my 9 YEAR OLD Grey mare, ndden in ty F ir m S u p p ly, 147 CommerOacnshi^ds ar^ raise puppies on Jerome Jun.or Posse for 5 years shares Pt>one'733:8009. . - * -Gentfe 9»*-5e«»-sfter *-30-^mr-' T to lT r .'- E IV o , N t v 8 9 8 0 1 . ■■- ________________________ weekends (702) 738^7191 . 6 E a UT'4 P U L . A K C re g is te re d R E G IS T E R E D A P P A l O O SA G erm an Shepherd, 10 monttis old. F illie s . Phone 934 471 ) d a y s. 934 STOCK HACK.4'»«'. All imetVl' i«0 good watchciog $50, 334 5794 4567 e v e n ir > g s _______ ______ . 7J4.316J after 5 00 p m. PO O D LE G R O O M IN G . Stud u r v i c e . puppies. Cherl M iller. Ken n els. West R edcap corner. K im b e rly 433>Sl0i. A .K .C . R E G I S T E R E D Norwegian E l k H o und fo r s a le . H ave rcQ istratkm . R e ad y tojgftT>PtTCha afte r ^:00 CU ST O M 4 wt>ee4 2 horse t ra ile r , ejrcellent tow ing. $850 C a ll 734 4121 aftec ^ . —1 H O U S E S , H O lH S ES .' M O R S E S I S h e t l a n d s . g ra d « s» thofoughbred^. v a rie t y of co lors, siTes. m e ir se xe s. 733 0 ^ X R E G IS T E R E D DACH SH UN D pu ppies, for sa le . 733 0469 C H A M P IO N A P P A L C O S A Stud < se rv ice . Reasonable ra te s . Rod G .E . i^efrlgerator fre e ze r oh ^op* re c e n d itlo fi^ and guaranteed. at C JT fn r7 M - 7 n i. B I? IT T A M Y S P A N I E L , 2Vi year old m a le loves to hunt,, p a rtia lly jt r a in e d MO.' 733-14^ ___________ H O R S E S H O E IN G aod^. txlftim ing . . t a v a r Gough. T33-4394;. - J. “"3mTffiir43-<77ir‘ *T — PsttUTM For Rant W A N T TO -ren I p a stu re fc r IS p a ir s . S43 59 4? , P A S T U H e F O R R t N T ; 10-15 t»M d Of c if v e s . Phon e 733-lSM . B o a ts * M a r iM Nm n * ' U ' F lB E R G U A S s - r a W n boat wHt* Irallcr, <0 horse power E i ^ u 4 * S o fo r. M A » 1 ^ , 34 T I r T '« » N « ' « » ' T y K l n 'F a l i s , Id a h o Sunday. May I.-a . — 1 4 , 1 9 7 *. r « i i v « • • *-» -jeeMuuuMyies- • Private Party. Clasiified Advertisers • Real Estate Exduded. -•^ Y oarP eopte Reocher Wont Ad-For As — :-----' it » 4 M A R IN A J E R O M E , ID A H O 14' B O A T w ith 15 h o rse E v ln ru d e m otor and fr a ile r and co n tro ls 13?5 D ^ D a n ie ls « o o fm g ,.7^ J-- S T U R D Y B U I L T 8 foot o v e rh e a d c a m p e r w ith 3 m o u n te d la c k s , c a ll 324 &11 cab o v e r I D L E R 8 foot » ps 4 , I 7 i3 6592. M ADRQ M tlU H IC H 'T - f o p i n d o n n g oOr tu u n rh T rr« « ---c e le b ro iio n FO R S A LE 15' Ft^e^glASS b o at. 55 h o rs e p o w e r m e rcu ry m o to r E K c e lle n i condtfion ^33 8511 T R A tLE R M o ld e d 5 P 6 B_J 5 i ih e f o la s g C o ila p 5 ib l£ ^ d u ra b le . iitiergLa ------- ?5^665(r 15" .Ttires APACHE S O L ID S tA T E tra v e l t r a c e r - n o w - •a v a ila b le at C le a r L a K e s A g e n c y . llO v Melf> S tre e t. , B u h l 543 6464, a fte r h o u rs 543 5437 The quaJity camper from the quality builder Eigh! d^ST.ibie floor plans -AU^ecision maker pnceb from ' - H A k m ‘S Used T r a v e l T r a ile r 17 foot T e r r y , ‘to ile t, fu r n a c e , g a s . B a tt e ry and e le c l r i c . l i g h t s , e le c tric b r a k ^ . e x c e p tio n a lly fin e sh a p e tl7 4 5 at ' B a k e r 's M o b ile Hom es 412 A d d iso n A v e W est F IN E H O M E S and P L E A S U R E CRAFT Id e a l T r a v e l T r a i l e r c o n ta in e d , go<x3 c o n d itio n 7 26 3802 K e tc h u m T r a ile r S e lf, S1950 P a rk P arti S u p p lies P urls M A G IC S u p p lies fEA R S V A IL IY F O R S A L E C le a n 1968 G M C ,W ton p i L k up , hy d r o rci a tr a n s m is s io n 4 3 i 4 3 '“ S e iv - ic e - S E R V IN G Chp rsL t w 4! 4harrti J83 2 -. liKunuiuxi .aruifl— jMiuili. .rjiCr.e.. 3177145. Sport lng~OMd( Sporting (m ds 70 1 9/ 1 » u ) N D A W ith -lu Jch , low m W72 SOC U O N D A S l?5 9 Phil b c r l y ‘' S r t i y 6 p i-n '3 |0 ^ 9 (rf ishing Taj;kle & SpbTfTng Goods tiquidation Sale. All M e rc h a h d is e T liis lW S o ra rM T fie s e T n c e Regardless o f toss to Norttiern Idaho Distributor USfl I iKr jifHsecs^ ow sa'l e V* I hn ui s / .u 4 4 4 J THIS SM I WILL NOT BE REPEATED "HURRY WHILE SUPPLY LASTS ' ‘ R E IL T R Q LiIN G ROD SALE PRICE S P IN RO H PLY RO D _____ B A C K P A C K & A LLO Y FRAME SPIN RO D & REEL SET P A C K ROD SPINNER SPO O N S 15,95 12.95 34.50 7.95 16.88 4.99 2.40 3.60 -^: 4^ 89 H OOKS HOOKS SALM O N EC G S LINE .1.00 FLY LINE ; 2.00 8.95 24.88 3.50 5.49 ^n^ IiPlN C B A G S BAG LANTERN^---------BADM INTON SET 4.97 6.66 6.49 15.84 1.88 6.88 ...1.97 -.97* , 89‘ -' ;.an 97* ~ 28' 47‘ 88' 4.89 14.44 91‘ 2.95 H ^ N D .^ ''Cimi:!— L jj r x T/ F V UN t 700 W * 1 ^>*or »*(1 ' Wft n io n lh s ;>>00 ’ u.i' :fs I SO O N t'w M3 TERMS U S E D I N DU ST R I A L EQUIPMENT , 363 ’/ n d A v e b o ' j i h FKoiic 7 3 3 i 8 J 3 A ulov For i» le U u Airtoi For S«l* ■' fO Pt)^. Tir£i._Ljkfi N ew . / USED CARS & PICKUPS r fV.M r\ CaVTTVO 3!).^ V 8 f-g.-M. t„i. vnno ■ fOHD n-tjT3---------? dour-'h'q .--u . .• , 2 b p e e d . 3 5 0'V 8 I - I VssJ .o a ':. A AkiE N SCOw I 4. 4 K,ri Inp 4 , ,1 - I-I ) IHv, f fl : 4 .^.4 IVi-A l.eOwi J 4( T^ 7- .( -Mt . 4 S p eed Trons , 9 0 0x 2 0 10 Tires I I J 4 ' 4."' U S E D TRUCKS ........... ‘ " ■ ■■ SOH{' ^ I VdJ • A ' ) S ■ p. V rt 1' • .T t. I ■■ ■ •’Cf ■ A-.M. .’0*» •. t--h,.,- t... . , L.' • J*'. • •.1i A. Vf, ’ II-1 1966 C H EV. C 50 V8 2 S peed 4 S peed Trons 8 2 5 * 2 0 10 Ply Tires >jine o -f^rhoi I U n js u a liy nice for year C & C '25 5 0 ^ DODGE D500 i Speed ^“4 2 9 5 New 6n lOS^A. - T roni , 2 ; • ■• ^: . -I■• M; ; V V•, 1 .J.M, 1 1 >o»i) N •'»' -4*4S peed Axle M A G IC V A LLEY IN T E R N A T IO N A L ■ 3 0 4 4 l l r A v e n u e W o ', t -------- oc ______- 196fi-DODGt D500 Som e os a b o v e Chossis & C q b S 2 9 9 5 0 0 SdOB f V9 6 7 F O R D F 6 0 0 ^0 J AL DOJfcR. . lO K N e o ’-'i AT^CO St'OAPtR IHC 4 ' S3 OOC 33 0 V8 4 S p eed T r o n s r 2 S p e e d R ear Axle 8 2 5 * 2 0 Tires wftK extra g rip on reof. V'/hiVe E »tro fm e unit s ; VC I.n ’ o - do 32895^0 hOuL'M rnodel 1'1 V. ' — '■ ------ JOhn’DFTRE 50 U' 1966 C H E V C 60 8 3 8 9 VS. 4 S p e e d Iro n s , 9 0 0x 2 0 10 Ply Tirei, 2 S peed Rear A«le, W- I S ’ O b e c o C o m b Bcti Reol f»ne o m t 18iX>0^B 3 ait^ J . i r Tro.tfj^ S? ^50 Sn 50C CASE W~> IooOp' 1 HX) 6 P i n Model ' •3i2 ''STTTdo CAT cRA-oer “ S 1 500 ELLIOTT'S ' 11Ov*flond Avi Burley idoh' BANK-AMERICARD & MASTERCHARGE ACCEPTED . ^3 1 2 5 ° ° A N 7 W R FFT " BASE TO SU^T YOU, i?5?:.1?56-l95 IT949,ol<ier ftff 7 'T o n s wlffi oT w lrh o u T b e d & hofsts. W E - C A N IN S T A L L N E W B ED S S U IT . — Best Prices. W E S P E C IA L IZ E Prices. IN H ARSH AND HOISTS TO H O IS T S — PKor>* 6 7 8 5 5 8 5 BOB H O U STO N r>B i n . A n . o n r p c m T T c a m L _ . ----- Home phone 733 M90 M O B IL E P H O N E -Surley Areov FoUt Area 678 3519 734-2331 U n.i5157 ___^ Unit 5157 THE A GEN T FOR THIS SALE IS Telephoner 801-257-5221 101 NO. 3RDEA^T TREAAONTON; UTAH 84337 .a \ lo w e st * Ace Hansen Chevrolet is, pleased to introduce Kieth Wiedenheft to the people of Mog'fc Cor ley — Kieth is now selling new & used C>ievrolet c a n O lid trucks for A*tc Kieth> will speciolize in Heovv^~Dt»*v-cTruet^ ond he invites oil his friends to come seehirtraT~~- ■ ^ __ ACE HAh/S€N Blue lakes Blvd. North"—~~ c h e v r o ie t ~ ! „ Z J 3 -4. 2 6 6 - ^ j BAt HMOt ^ -BON D E D lld U iD A T IO N C O . M A Z D A of M a g i c .Volley _ 5 2 9 9 5 00 1968 13 NOON TO 5 P M 305 5th Av». W«st TWIN FAUS.4DAH0 SPORTS PICKUP ■ -T^ 6-8 CHEV . C 5 tr W 16 Fi Bed & H o ne, 9 0 0 « 2 0 10 Ply T.rei iO CKX) : TrocJu «) v8 2 S peed A*le 4 S peed Trans . 8 2 5 * 2 0 10 Ply Tires, clean & well kept os you co u ld find. Block 10 color. C & C . aO iOHN otf PE ?0'0 S U N D A Y . M A Y 14 >?077 '3895 00 H7S Heavy Equipipeni )OnN -46y-^nd Ave. S '—— m July L f*sS waamovMc1 sTOBta-iumowEButxi E Also ■7-Ll_ • u nni »3 B e a t In fla tto n A l . BEAN MOTOR CO. 1 96 7 I N T E R N A T I O N A L oj___ P n n n i 40fl(S --M FROM NISSAN WITH PRJDE 1969 CHEV. TILT CAB Loodstoi r fl- n h le r 9'C ••w.-'t-np'., DATSUN V8 4 S peed T r im ., 2-S p eed Rear Awle. 9 0 0 x 2 0 10 Ply ?trev W h ite lo w M ile o g e o n d excellent c o n d itio n C & C 1700 H O N D A f B 'O f' P n o n r 4 ? j ‘iJ 6 ' ALL MERCHANDISE 1$ NEW & IN ORIGINAL PACKAGES « --- CWPUTELY^ARAWttMVlOCAlSUPniERI! TIME: good R >. .1 . 538950° 5_ I'yilUJ JO)} d I t. t ’..- flm 1970 CHEV-. C 50 4,>) ‘A360 14.95 5.88 - - 6ree----- 1^97---------- 16.95 6.87 s f in n in g r e e l than Best o Her (t-. Avenu«* East SU/LJKI .’‘•O ' P A R T IA L L I S T I N G O F M E R C H A N D I S E SPIN N IN G REEL 1 71 LL‘ S k • .11 fctu'y eiHj'''»omJ ? why peopu- o « f s « it t h ifK j ro M A l ^ A C U S T O M I9d2 B e e tle , up ho lstered , n e w p a i n f .n e w I500 e n g m e o r 1966 V o lk s w a g e n fa s r b a c k Yaur c h o ic ^ , $ / 0 0 £ ijc h ; 886 2573 a fte r 7 T H E.M O S T T G G H O O S E FROM IN THE W E S T ' Dav-dson w; 1 HAJA C om poie t 600 r n i i P S a n d A rnold, K irn 4 73 S356 b .1-. . . po-r- i u<tU -sfiK 2 TGN TRUGK 7 0 H , 4, S p e t * d e»ctM icn t c o n d .f.o n . 733 1787 CB |-»V n» TK.- : 3341-<MySr W*-Mt9-evernngs-, - - — 357 V8. 4 speed. 2 speed, .900x20 G o ld C o lo r. O n e O w n e r' C & C Cycles A Supplies «o LAST l> A ¥.TO D AY . . . 5 H O U R S O N LY! to n^ p ickup 733 0653, SPEC iALS^^ 'namloiu vViin or ftor chtidp '73J DarhcJ v.'n*rthf w'riVour- ( <^r tu . MAZDA RX-3 WAGON REAL SHARP 19W Volkswagen Fast back Low mile^e, new radial tires Musi sell im med^a»-«»y.. Prtced to move 886 Trucks ' aji Auto Service — P «rls & A ccessories 77 W Cart -Import—Sports Cirs ^ Gc^d e x ' C E L L E N T C O N D I T I O N ,- 1966 G M C D fesel 4 7 8-m o to r, till cab,* . iong w h e e l b a se 10 v«/heeier, good m ic h e im f ir e s ’.A lm o s t n ew 20' ■&beco bed w*th 4 ' g ra in sid e s 6?a 7*58. a fte r 6 00 p m ‘ |V A cA 1*O N SPfcL^AL 1 970 M . m !* r n c t o r h o m i ' >iU * o r y v v a r i a n t y , 2J ' f n i l f ^ p e r q a l i o n . sle».-ps 5. r u n n . n g wtlTrf Prtor>«* 7 J 3 7 177 S e iv ic e 4 1 2 A d d n o n Ave Im p o r t — S p o n i ' §4 1969 C H E V R O L E T 1 ton tr u c k . V e ry lo w m ile a g e , lo o ks and ru n s lik e • n e w . J ‘ K 1 ? ‘‘ Ib e d ,'S ta k e ^fde. 3?4 8019 543 5700 1970 F O R D ton E c o n o v a n , ra d io h e J l e r , a u to m a tic s h ift , tn su la fe d and p a n e lle d , lo w m ile a g e C a ll - e v e n in g s 4 f t e r 5 30, 733 7248 S25A5 00 m a g ic V A li^ Y — - ■ 4 1? A ddison Ave- W NOTICE OF SALE!! C Vb 3W power sieer-ing» power brakes Atier f6-3^hone 733 5239., .-PLEASURE C R A fT 15 Y f A R S ^ ^ e n V IN C SCOUT W, 47.000 miJes. tull top, good ’ir e' clean / one owner. S895 423 5246 I ... M o to r H o m e s H I K/^:/rS: KIT Kam p ersr. FTfJE H O M E S and — A P IC K U P WOO 1958C H EV RO LET ■cyftnder. long wt^eel b a se cb n d 'iip n P ho n e 423 5860 M l 15 1969 C H E V R O L E T 1969 p a ^ tf.c c a m p e r SO T9W rrftr F~TOt<-crnrvi~otei- 2 S3 C H e v f t O L F T M O T O R , cliiH h s e t u p t o r C jA p v 'fo ie i i^ a r . ; M u k e / Sporting^Ooodf C H E V R iO l E T 4„ipjM>d Iratismi-ssion 7S 22 foot A l'jo ' A todern tr a v e l f r a ile r , v e r y c le a n / See at- Bake^-'s •MODUff' M onjes 412 A d d iso n AWp W est 11 423 5391 a f te r j am Avenue^ Buhl. The low p rice d second ho m e for u n lim ite d ro”ur season g o Tligh Priced VoTUcVWrrh" Low Price Tags M ^ K u i y M o t o i Oeo/«> U ' C A R top b o a t. ’rlHotor and all a c c e s s o rie s Ted W illia m s um b re lla te n t, used once 713 8651 a fte r 5 _ ip e e d .f la t.b e d 1?A5 Clo>;jTucvduyN -— Trucks -.ATVd 4 Loxi5.,COX C H A M P IO N _ youf fvi/wwd* nnd ---------- Dune bug gy. •*' 1970 T O Y O T A je e p - sof» top. low c ACtWeoV c o s i a i i ^ n % 2258 __ Qf. 7&ti A t2 l --------:-------------------------- 1963 GMC 4Mieel drive Very goc^J —condition and tires 4900 829 5007 Im p o r t — S p o r t i C a n 733 7928 1965 4 W H EEL D R IV E GM C . ‘S u b u rb an Best o fle r See at^ F a r m S e rv ic e Inc . K > m btfriy. Detween 8 and 5 ’ 15---- i«eiri-<-Whie<liMye*- CLEA N , L O W m ile a g e , 1946 C h e v ro le t 2 ton tr u c k . H a s good b ed an d r a c k s M aK e o ffe r 536 W A N TED W ell D rillm g rig a n d ! tools 36L B u c y r u s or c o m p a ra b le ' .2956 si2e B e a rd a n d So ns, Box 281, 1960 1 T O N , 4 sp e e d . 6. R a d io , h e a te r G ra n d ^/u 834 7779, w ith 5-norse enclo sed v a n w ith - W fir s h o t f33-5336 o r 733 906.9. iftdS—£.1— C A M I f40. ^ a g tg m At 17 S E L F C O N T A IN E D , e x c e lle n t co ru litio n , le v e le r hltcT^v~73a 351#' BUD AND MARKS '^>doy)(>to6 one! M U S T S E L L L I K E n e w l?7 t T e r r y 24^ o a J y 600. t r a v e le d m il e s , c o m p lA !£ jy -4 e lf eeM alnedn w ith or w ith o u t r e J r .lg e r a t e d a ir co n d itlo n ln g T u b , s h o w e r, doubtto — bed^— d r e t S T . d o u b li _ ___ ovA -hbad o v e n , 4 b u r iw r T T O v e r e f r ig e r a lo r _ . S t o ra g e Spaeth , g a lo re J a c k s , b a tte r y , a w n in g . Can be seen a t S p o rfm a n L o d g e , H ag er m a n , L o w e ry or cof^tftct B a k e r AAobile H o m e s, T w in P a lls ' you ce4ebro(e y o y f g o o d , luck >n m oiling a g re d t d e a l ; FO R S A L E o r 'f r a d e F O R S A L E . 1965 V o lk s w a g e n bos. N e w p a in t, low m ile a g e , S700 P h o n e 423-415Q e v e n in g s I9 4d STU D EBA KER, 1949 S tu d e b a k e r. m 6 Iritern atlo n al ton p in u p s 423 5114. »9A5 IN T E R N A T I O N A L U tcn;i V 8. 4 flA ® 6 r TrawaVTrallaft 73. niNlAl^ a • ■Emph; ^ngm t 'E xtf^n-firirriirw : ' 1965 V O L K S W A G E N b ug , su n rp o t. sn ag c a rp e t, s t e r e o ; 7i3-Z369... 1 9 6 9 -e H € V R O l_& T 2 tc ffri :ucK> good c o n d it io n , lo w m tlc t o e : ne'Atm o t o r .h e a v y fr a m e . O flo iru Ja b V 886 2337 v------------- njy, good • •FO R S A L E : V e r y s h « r p 1965 I C h e v ro le t 1 ton tr u c k i V-8, 4 s p e e d , tr a n s m is s io n , long w heel b a s e , 34.000 m tte s. n ew p a in t job *C *H -70 3^ 04 A ^ ---------------- S.-'n^-A'I rE ]? 5---------- • ^AU *S ■Tw.n Ffjllyj-raoho I .’B Blur i tuvi b PomK N,.« Ko;,.s <i tu 6 ■j , .Ooy . . 13Q0. I 9589 afT6f 5: 'l:6hdlt*onrF*hone tr a d e , B IL L t O U G H M I L L 6 R 733 5761' c a m p e r. IQ E- U N E CLLJfeS, BALLS, ETC. - - 19 6» ^ D A TS U N ^ > 4 fk u p 196‘3 C H E V R O L E T P I C K I ) P .4 sp e e d tr a n s m is s io n . 283 en g in e , SP C o n g w id e box 7 i4 4444. .IN TeRN AT^N /^U -44U b ^ h o e LOW EST PRICES IN M A G IC V A llE Y „ 8^ C A M P A W A Y C A M P E R ^ r e al good co i^ iiio n V & le o p s 4. 3 w a y ir ^ iif io r r s y s t e m , 1 s to v e w it h o v e n / 6g9 N o rth l?th S tre e t. B u h l Box 1 )3 3 Sun Valley, O r C o ll 726-3884 April 2 2 n d • M a y 15 J6. GOLF EQUIPMENT, tilt ty p e . yOuf new booting \ea»on , wi|h o bfond hew-«Sotef o* o, com pl«te ri_g Now' duriog out lounch Time 72 ' yoo <on dec! yoor»«H m ot pre veatoo •<>‘top~it oll^ off, wo'll inclode'o free bottle o( Toj^lot t^ompogpo fo» ihe loun(hing*with every new motor oTbOOl'lldtd'lo h^lg^ D E L U X E CATvVPFft^ 8 FO O T 1964 S p o rt K in g 10 J[oot P ic k u p C a m p e r , o n ly 11095, at B a k e r 's M o b ile H o m e s 412 A d disctfl j^^ve, ------------1------------------------------ N EW H A R U E Y D A V ID S O N Gof? c a r s , g a s or e le c t r ic WHI ta k e 342 tr a d e T n s. P tione 536-2751 ir g r S d e r _ A \ i C H l G A N 125 2 y a rd , . 1 V5.000 pound fo r k lif t M IC H IG A N 55 s e rie s 2 1'^ y a rd load er I N T E R N A T I O N A L 3200 u n llo a d e r. 6 y a rd , g ra v e l bed ,______ / _ Im p o r t - - S p o r t s C a r s T H E R E IS A R E A L B U Y for you m to d a y 's - w a n t A d s r • ~ ' 4 w a y .h y d r a u llc dozer and rip p e r S3950. Hough H A '<ier w ith b u cke t and p a lle t \1750 N ew P ly m o u tK . Idaho 311.7 ' ^ O U G H 100 3</i y a rd load er I 125 M IC H I G A N 'S e r ie s 2 2‘ 3 y a rd S P E G IA t FO R S A L E 17' T r a ile r hoose^. s e lfc o n ta in e d . Sle e p s S C a l l G o od m g , 934 5310 ? W H i)L E S A L E PRICES O N W ith re a r Payl fo rk s .-(208} IciK ks U '2 0 m JOHN d t e ilE 'b ie s e l aayyier. weekerld^ 1961 F O R D W A L K IN v a n c a m p e r c o m p a c t , V 8 , a u to m 'a fic t r a n sm issto n ,-1 9 9 5 543 5452 Haavy Equlpmant n CHEVROLET STER van-mado tAlO-. , , campW'7' 10.WO mil«s on 6v()rtiagi. .* good rubDer,.l!095 and \^iil accept I up to '3 price on fradem . 557, Heyburn 733 2AS0 dHer 5 and SA LE N ear new f> 6lar c a m p e r s fie ll C a li 733 0595 a tte r 5 —B O A t- F O R SA U e -; 1 5 '- lib e r o U ia * co m b in a tio n fish in g and s k i boat. 70 h o rse p o w e r M e r c u ry a n d S cu sn n }n «3 s e a ts t h a f lo T B d o w n , h o rse p o w e r tro llin g m oto r, S k lls . c o n v e rtib le top, iid e c u r t a in s , fu ll o a r s , lif e p re s e rv e rs top and fr a v e i c o v e r ,'18 g a llo n la n K , co v e r In clu d e d C a ll 7J3 2140 g a s g au g e, .-rtrailer w ith w^heel t ir e , tr i h u ll m od el w ith w a lk through wu>dshield and open Sporting Ooodi 79 fro n t, lik e n e w S a v ^ |6 0 0 fro m lis t r i i p u ooe 395 B R U N S W IC K , D e lta pool, ta b le * . a c c « js o r l« Sa le s and S e rv ice r F O R s a l e 16 L o n e s ta r boat and 40 J « m e » C l a r k , 7M 5401, a fte r 4:00 • ho rse pow er m o to r, 1700 and w e e k e n d s. tand em d is c , $250 438 5516 4477 ■C a m |p «» rs 74 fOR 16’ W O O D S K I B O A T and m o to r,* M a r k 800. »1,000. 612',t 9th A venu e N o rth , ^ u h l. Id aho . ‘ " ‘ J U S T A R R I V E D ! \9J2 F .b e c io rm b oats E v tn ru d e and M e r c u ry /Vtotors q u o A N D M A R K 'S , Y o u r E Vinrud e^ aqd__ M e r c u ry ^ ^ a l e f . 11V4. tt6 ? B lu e L a k e s North- C a m p « ri lO '/9 K I T , lik e n e w , f u lly equipped t a i l 5 4 3 ^ 9 e v e n in g s i»jpctric " ^ Of'cQil-on# of these toll lfey. nom bert— 543-4648 m Buhl or dostleford; w ; 678-2552 vt V in w Burley/Rupefi, w 'iv y , n w ^ v i i , kDecio, i' w w , rww> Poul uorr INorlond. ' a o ii a n a , ------------------ ' — M 6 ^ 5 3 5 m -W e n d e il, 09Q ji«n^. H ogrfrm orr o r Je ro m e ;.3 2 6 -5 3 7 5 ' ■' "■ In Hotti^er, R o g e rio ^ . o r Jo < kp g !,'N e v o d o ’ ^ 74 B o a t s 4 M a r i n * It a m s LO A N STAR 14'* flb efalass< 15 h o r s e p o w e r ’e le c trt^ Jo h n s o n m o to r. T ilt t r a ile r , s p a re tire and fu n c o % » -fe i^ J)o a t. i825, 733 2627, a 5 s ^ H " S K \ ? ° K " s ^ l« ■ jE t r q v E i M P l e m c n t . 70 733r0931 Get The Want Ad Habit And Save Money - t i t t l e a » 7 6 ^ P e V » n s e rlio n (- 3 - tin « s — - l0 4 3 o y i^ - ^ 'M S arin « I t a m i $9 • • • :• • • • • < JK »L ' Sunday: AAay U, 1971 Aulot For S*l«. M |.^«it0S’F 4 rS c lt ,, .Autof For J^u|M .F0f Sato / A utoi F « r Salt Aulo»>«^Sal« ----- 1W5 WOSTANTC a u to m a tic power-atte«rlng< alr-conditiOAino. 733 036 o r n3-»069. - C h f e V R O L E T .' A s is 175. J u s f r e b u ilt engin^ . N e ed s v a lv e job/ 3>'booR MArD-TOT*~196^ Chavroler 1947-MEReyRY-COtnSSfe. see at" E t n ) d a y s a r - pWene^73J^ " V-> V->. very impatB.—4 ^ p c M ‘ 3W 1966 D O D G E D A R T G T , p o w er s te e r in g , . aLr c o n d it io n in g . .19,^ D O D G E C H A L L ? N G B 8 300Q m ile s. 383 m agnum . 4 sp e M . e r h e ....... •I9is BUICK iLa S a S R E . 4<Joor tor ^ sale.-Phone-733.37d7 - C H EV RO LET IM P A L A . a ir eeda w o rK r ‘ 1.966 W est '1972 ' P r N T ^ » R U N - A a o u x '^ O W cc' 1968 I M P A L A S U P E R S P O R T , v « M - i - <>ngrng. c le a n , no "d o w n , a s s u m e c le a n , {1,100 C a ll V34 4615. : '^607734 4 7 \i 19« S M U S T A N G 4 c c . g o o d C O n B iia o n , ' 197J _ 7 H M 2 I. -------------- -------- -----I9J J e w e v t — j - a w r , body less" eng ine B u c k e t s e a ls , sn a g c a rp e t, ctirq m e r e v e r s e s , 4.1) r e a r end. —M ate* o f fe r C a sh o o l v , - * » ^ 4 » P O N T IA C G ra n d P r i x , . lu ll er .. loiaf tn lle t . m i.n t w H J T ft i5«r-werftftfrr - c o r o n e t V A u to m a tit. SBM . 440>^ ^ toyloc. W eekends o r a fte r 6 ;0 0 e v e n in g . F o r s a l e : F o rd 390, P e rt'o rm a n c e . I V E N T U R A II CO UPE Standardly - a ______ ^<iy'P.Bgd--- : HnndJ P r ic e d to sellOpen e v e n in g s and S u n d a ys M lU L E R H O N D A S A L E S H a n s e n . Idaho 423 5179 I9d^ ?? tttS *r-A P JT 3 ri7 ^ a m ile s , fn ag , w h e e ls . * speed , e x c e lle n t condition* 20 m ile s p e r g a llo n . 324 2057 a fte r 5 o r w e e ke n d s. -£ — 1972 , P o rm X b ' m <( C A R S , P IC K U P S . . HONDAS N e w and used t r u c k s 8&?7767 a ft e r 6 p ,m . 1965 C H E V R O L E T I M P A L A . V J . a u to m a tic P o w e r s te e rin g . i 6 X 103 K im b e r ly R o a d 7J3 o o o q E . . . T H A T 'S . TO H EEH E ................... S P E C l A i ; , . , ^2497 ro m l a b o ' o n ly c C H R IS YOUREE'S FINE CARS M O TO RS Phone 7 33 182 3 VOLUME SALES ; Ai\ £AM ' COST Transpurta tlon S A V lN r ; c; p a r t t e fttra A B B IE U R IG U E N ■ ■O LD S-BU IC IC -'O PIC " - A M E R IC A N M O T O R S . TRY US'! today B ill’W o r k m a n 733-8721. FO R D • JO H N . - Af — 40 712 Mo.n ACe S 1 Mi y , n d ce ito iy Condenior- <T»«k«d. ■ijjnition timing -jo cliu ile ^ _„f^ A L .Jnlfil ^l?i;r reptaced Ajr cteoner serviced, replaced >1 r>ecet>a»y s ' I. , - AMm F m -S#!*' .St..iwrlt;WwrHati»m H you»“ X Q T *f g<T up o n d g i ’; ^o» v p c o d 'w e n t, tok« It in tor a n ctngi^rte 'tune-up tV«Cfal Y,our. m otor w ill ^be lu n « d t c ie n f i t t c a lly S p o r k p lu g t ' c la a n a d o nd o d |U k (« d - r« p lo c e d it n . 1955 C H E V R O L E T J door post serldl n ym tw BSSKOJJSia.- Own*r h a i E N G IN E — SUOOO. 678 eOiSi c o n d itio n e d , r a d io , a n d h e a te rt^ ic w t T r e s o n fro n t. T r a n s m is s io n c o n d itio n . 733 7606 a ft e r 6. )961 C O R V A I' r v a n . <Good erifaine. Good t ir e s . S39S.. 3\0 L In t o ln , WORKAAAN . BROTHERS PonttacCadiiiac CMC. Rupert« Idaho 436-3476 )954 F O R D , J200. C a lf 1963 1969 AAarcury Station Wagon, Colony P a r k . " N in e passengei*, air ^-^-coodlHoolwg. peWet- bratwv-andr ' power s t r i n g . 733 3905. “ F O R S A U £ : 1971 P Iy m o u tt) S ta tio n af^4IJ=44*’ Pb ^ ^ ^ E: ' ■^ver“pav?neots:7 Phone* g e o t f x o n t l l t lg i T:— r i O W f ^ i a(t#r -7r0irp,m . except Sur Su nday. ......... Tlmes NeWs, Twin FalU, Idaho 35 P O N T IA C S f f U lC K S C H EV RO LETS -r-OtO^MOWt^AT L h U H IC b M U T O W S 1 9 6 7 t^ ) ? C U R Y ' T H E S A L E S LEyi^DER ' ^ iN T w r c / C T O T t f v r : . M O N TEREY ^ 4 doof »ed on , new <or tr a d e m . run* ^ >on w ilh w h ite vifjyl in ftfip r, » rim e n d o u i volue *959 ■ CAU M E R I I N A S K E W ) 9 7 0 P lV M O U TH -K ify III 4 doof hardiot) v-6> u u tcm o ’n 1963 P O N T IA C . S395 le m p e it, 3 tp e e d transmisiio n , V a e n g in e . IP 6 4 0 1 D S 4 d o Q f„> ' 8 . e n g in e , p o w i* t f l e e t i n g o > *-.«»*«di'>' .S 3 9 5 1 9 7 0 F Q J ^D L T D . a u to - . l e c f i n g . v in y l l o p . o*»- v iii^ l.w U e M O i Coupfv' v • notomof.c po ’ . . , -■AHER-'HOllRS------J3 4 25 i i 'I'S O 'y ^ O ^ ' ! 2 . 4 / 0 1968 - . ^ 2595 jnolit tronsmiiiion. ; 'T 9 S 0 S lU U b H A R h k i I 50 3 speed tra n s m is s io n , 6 cylinder engine. 4 d o d r , V U e n g in e , \Q 7D P t Y M D llT H 5 1 0 9 *^ II, V .8 engine, auto motic t f a n sm I ssio n ,r a ir' - f\ s iy condtl»Of>fng 1966 y O R D S735 S t a t io n w a g o n , V - 8 e n g in e , , S295- 1959 rO R D !? T O N „ ::j^ 7 9 5 V j en gine, A speed tran s 4 d o o r, V -8 e r lg in e , o v to - - " > ^ ic t r a n s m is s io n 1959TO KB— . F o ir lo n e 4 d o o i . V -8 e n g in e o u lo m o t if t r a n s m is s io n GLEN JENKINS . . ^ 3 1 9 5 t a d i o l fi'f% 1 9 iii0 f t A T t i iiiui'i iiiju' roJ*o -whife ^ull'> C A U L O U IS S L I M A N ' A FTER H O U RS 7 33 -51 96 v, uis IO iti v u iy l it O f d O ' M 0 9 5 1966 C O M E T 20 2 l? 6 7 M U S I X n G', v l F,„o„j.lui fiprf .%tuiic1oid ♦'O'" rodio 2 DO O R SED AN M -1 9 5 v V h ile w iT F b lu e in t e r io r , i m a l l e n g in e , i t a n d o r d Ir o n t m i t i i o n , ,S l2 4 5 See us Fo r Any k i n d O f C a r O r Truck! -3-lZ-A\eift-Avem ie-W BsT JoiinJerUtms^ o it . 1 9 6 7 F O R D C fo io iie 2 'doof ho u iio p V 8 ai<fomniic r35»^fc»OfVr-2-4fx>^,axkt:— ______ 1 9 5 9 B U IC K p o w e i s i e r n n Q . f ln d tu rjV cM 1968 TRiU M PH CoHvert.bkr t c id io p o « ^ i % le e » in g : a u t o m a t ic t r a n s m is s io n . / 8 , a y f o V N o l.i. a u to m o t ic . t r g n ; i i n i i J i . Q f u . a i.f ■* to n d itio n ,in g .1 i r ocr v^gon ~ 1 9 6 3 ,-O W C K V , S p e c ia l s ta tio n S I 395 M O TO R C O .' “ -733-873S-^ GleTi Jen kin s ■M A N Y O T H E R E X T R A -S H A R P C A R S A N D P IC K U P S T O C H O O S E F R O M !! ■ Youree Motor Co. Lori F ra zie r h ?hown ta k in g 'aetivery of his b ro n d neW 1972 V ega Ir o m J / e r n Crbnetr, S a \ t % nVgn at Ace HonieT» C h e vro le t L6r^ is 6 foot ^ C in c h e s to^i -ond c jp jn ii fhe^VegoTis h n e ' o V t^Fie very few ^T T T trH *c a rsth a t'is r o o m y enough fo r a m an of his iiz e . , Ace tHoTisen Chevrolet 73 3 -30 3 3 $: C A U K E IT H C R I S T • "* • A F T jfR H O U R S r . 7 3 3 J 7 5 4 1966 M ERCU RY M O N TEREY -4 -& O Q R -5 tD A K 1969 C H E V E L L E SS 396 e x c e lK w t condition i l , 000 m ile s S187S . 733 64r-J See al 743 a id A ven u e Wes* - 19^1 c a r r r u i A - C S e ' ^ i i 'D e V good 733 «73a n1e. r u n s 1967 r<A M B L E R R E B E L S S T 2 door h a rd lo Q . S/A. 4 .sp e e d . 8W 2472 FO R SA LE 1923 M odel T F ib e rg la s s B o d y , set up for s m a ll b lo c k c h e v y N e e d se n g m e 4 -tran4 P rw n e ?33 2120 aH e r 5 p m 1963 C H E V R O L E T v e r t ib l e , 327.660 • h e a d e rs 733 ;628 Im p a la con c a rD u re to r, I W t » L r w o u T H Sp<5ri F u r y , h la h p e rfo rm a n c e 3B3, r ^ and w h ile , b ucket s e a ts and co n so le C lean 733 787< ' 3 d o o r ' hCM nar5|5T*l0iaJ 1 f i 'w n o r r h e w ' c o r fr o d e in . m o d r o » b lu e , m ^ id e - o ^ o u l, V 8 e n g in e , o ti c o r u iiiio n iQ g . ea c e lle n t »ire» - • “ '* 1971 C h e v r o l e t impoia ipo<t loupc i^oootTniev 19 6 8 C H F V T 7 0 t F T m e r c u r y M O N TEREY V -8 -.:A . ..... Filer’s bacealaureale '•-.“ 11- F JL ^H — Baccalaurepte srvTces forthe- F iler High schoU rshipa. E d w in M a ik b a ll,- J e a n e t te 'H u r le y , C o n n ie p rin c ip a l, present the cla;5«4] J p h n w n , EM c W illia m Johnson, 111-be- for ttie diplomas wl; Jje ld at'8p jn . Sucjlay In the high distributed by Supt. Tom’Tumer Jone9, Judith Ann Kendrick, and the board of ^ucation.— - Carol Ann K loub, Myriene school auditorium. Th6Ulglrsclwol^ichqnis will Prances^ ^Oiefel,-Handy Re* ~ ^he processional and recessional inarches will be By sing a selection with Laura Lam iners and Roger Kent ' , the Filer High Sch(k)l band with Butts, accompanist, and Randy Lassen. Thaine LpughiiUller,. Rtissell Terrell, director. Laxnmers, narrator. Pamela Debbie uaker will tjive thu- -MUW »lll p^Pl»Pn^a vocal wlo. Ckcol,._IU>rena Lutz, Linda Invoe^atlon, and Larry Andrews and Nick Partin will pronounce Tsatsa M6'UKf , Lan y . Af tlim-Meyer, Anthony Miller, Mlaohel r wlll^prpnounce the benediction. . th? benediction.; Lee M iller .Cary Wayne Molsee, — 5 ;^ l^ F l« « n o r - ^ n d - - C in d ji: The cl«.s.s motto ia riadley will sing'^a duet, . the Brst day of the rest of our David . Nelson^' Carolyn Ann ac<fompai^ed t>}' Janie Vincent, Uviss.. . . I^ t us live it as if it Orthel, Andy S. Owens and and Becky Brennan will present were the last.” TTie class colors Cheryl Ann Paladinl. l^icholes Liennard P artin, a piano solo.'Tony Watkins, are white, red and blue. Members ■pT this year’s Lynn Eugene Peterson, Conald, '■class president, will Introduce -B4:y :riH s s- - d n c h iile the baccaliiuFei te ^ p e a k e r , William J. Lantlng, speaker of Patriclt I^ren Anderson, Larry Pdrndexter, D avid Duane the Idaho House , of Alan-TtHarews, Debra Ilena Ramseyer, Deborah Lee Rayl, Baker-, bonna Jean Bean, Barbara Lou Schaefer, Bill Representatives. Commencement exercises Flandall Gary Bean, Leta Lou Schiewe, . Vickie Kae Sharp. Patr4^--Andrew ■lomi Lou ararw—and Becky t Hn m TiipsrIflV In Evelyn Shepherd. the high school gymnasium, p ie Boiirner. ■ Janice M arie Shepherd, band will play the processional Rebecca Belle Brennan, ^ and''recessional marches, and Robert Lyn Coates, Monte Blair Curtis Raymond Smith, Mark ~Judy Kendrick will give the^ Evans, Sally Elaine Fleenor, Alan S tinson,' C ynthia Ann -invocation. Janie Shepherd wiU .Qyfithia Florence Hftdley, ^ u rg ill, Unda Lpulse Thaete^ “ pfesent the' saturaroTlaTi- T i'W anna Jeanne Hansing, ,& ndra Sue Ulrich, M lcljaS A. -address and Barbara Schaefer Mtchael Delbert Hauser, Velly, Tony Eugene^^Watkina-, will give the valedictory speech. Stephen K. Hendricks and aiane B m rat Whitney,- Randy WUUanison and ^ ir le y Faye Howard Moon will present the Jeffrey Max Henry. ~ awatds-—and__announce__ih c im i v ia jr ~A v aaT-THjiatelaiittr Wolfe. . sclnM>l;6raauaUng ” = ~ r e g r 2 9 ;0 0 ^ SAVE! DRESSES FOR JUNIORS K haki comes with summer — dresses g reat foTworking girls pr m othe r<; nn the miiv fi - C hoose o-cbmoblazQr over a sm artly belted dress,’ or a b attle jack et topped outfit. Sizes 5-13. Short sleeve dress, beig^e or blue, 1 1.99. Street level. chino News Of Servicemen TWirO^'F^lXs — Electronics JE R O M E . Jam 'ts G. Abrams. Scarborough Is a teclmlclan l.C'.'Stephen Hills, ^ a r b o r o u g h ^ n _ of Mr. and grdaute of Jerome iUgh school. He ■ was enlisted with “Sqn of Mrs. Howard Hlne, Twin STrS. John W.. Scarborough, Iffil3.:hasljeen selected for, the Jerome, was recently sworn In advanced gradie of Seaman (E-, the Advanced Electronleeinuiilwr Wavy>-- associate , alfigree to th^ U S. Navy ■ Tteld__ JPrograni.-^ Wpon In Boise. ' . . c’oiiipletionvfM'ogriim. He will enroll at a junior, ^ He was processed • for completion of 9 weeks of basic college this fall to work- for an enlistment by- ,-Magic Valley training ,'he_will return Home for' associate degree in either Jiavy Recruiter BMl-Dennis 15 days leave. .electronic engineering oi mathematics. Hills has been-in - tho..Navy-«ight years. f He Was graduated from Twin Falls High SchooL He is . M a t t O d i A P itila b le f y p e ^ n l e t i f / t r f v o n ic C o/cu /< ifo /» A d d in g M tif h in e t • {jresehtly stationed-in B e rm u ^ with his wife and -three rhildr ^ Hills Is the son of Paul Hills, the—ia li—lin e of o,i(ice eq u ip Denver. menl a n d fu rn itu re we .sell, A Brether,, |Roger. HHlS, has lb the 43 y e a rs of p g r lo n a l' exam to go to college through a ize'd service tq our ' M a g ic - Navy program, and vlll soon VoiW yr custom er s. attend a college in the ’East. He Is now stationed at Groton. Conn. He Is married .to the A O FFIC E former Nona McGloughlln, MACHINES EQ U IPM EN T daughter otM r. and Mrs, F w k FURNITURE aia MAIN AVK NO McGloughlln, Twin Falls. SUPPLIES T W IN F A L L S . ID A 733-7075 S e r v ic e 03901 QO ,'^’1 PAIAZZO PLEATS - PANTS WITH A DEFINITE FLAIR FOR LIVING M o ving you into summer v/ith '^ reat fk iir . . . w id e legged A rne! tria c e ta te jersey pants a w h irl with Great Graduation X T F T S ^ pleats. Exciting, .Fab u lo u sly Cool! N e w ! Top p ed fluid, "oF-polyester. by. so it_tu n ic fops putting some d ra m a into you r life. Four Myles to choose from, summer colorsvprints a n d solids. Sizes 8-18. STACXTHEM UPl Jc . CEDAR CHESTS ^ ip eeial P r i c e s F o r G r a d u a t i o n ! ! Tse your budget plan at lo u . low financing only al your H IL S 0 1 \ - B .4 T E S s t o r e s . . . budgets lo fit ju si you 14 If lL S O l^ - B A T E S J E R O IE I .S7 p»l M a in .3 2 1 - 2 7 0 2 B IR L E V TW1I\ F A L L S 7 0 2 M a in A v e . N o rth 7 ;» ;i - 6 i 16 [ 2 5 0 A lb io n 6 7 8 -2 3 8 2 c. 99 Save Now! Philco" Solid-State Component Stereo - n ^ x r a m p l e io s t eTw 3 9 .9 5 a n d 4 9 .9 5 v alu e s b y s lb iri lA V E fN M tlU A ^ N D m including FM stereo F M /A M .-• re ce iv e r, a u to m a tic /m a n u a l 4 speed U w w tabtev-m atched _i and batarrced 2[^speaker sy s tem . all fu n clio n a lly designed and b e a u t if u lly fin is h e d . Model Shown M4 7 l OA WA SPECIAL PURCHASE! - C U L O W PARSON'S TABLES P f'.'C O fe d C o f p O T J IiO n '.P t l.ll< 3 # lo h i» .* P » 1913^ 7.99 Use your budget plan at low , low financing'only at your s t o r e s . . . budgets to fit just y o u !! f f lL S O M - B A T E S — ^ n tP P H ANCE STO R ES IIVCL— -JEH O W ie~ JS 7 W etl M ain =424-2702 m ^ J^ C K JE U -V¥tm F A L L S 702 Main A»*i NoMh 733-6146 BU R LEY Poputar Parson tables constructed of rugged Inolded ABS plastic, ffhe kind used in football h e lm ^ ) It won't ■ Cl o 'cJl,“irtirp Oir 'discolor. Use tham'stn^" gly, in bunches or stack them, ¥6Td colors of Yellow. Green Tangerine, Block or White. Each table meosures 16x16x16-in. Just soy 'Chorge it' today. Foshton-Furniture, third level. D NEiDA - S E R V ICE FOR EIGHT Terrific savings o n ' O n e id a, g u ality stainless table service, 70-piece sets for eight. Each set contains 16 teaspoons, 8 e a ch ; p lace knife, p lace for fork, soup spoon, spoon. Spring Revel" pattern, "39.95 1 9 .9 9 . -If you like it, you c a ii ch a rg e ft a t The Bon M qrche. Start your charge account to^ y , telephone 7 ^ “48G0. Store Hours: 9 :3 0 to 5 :3 0, M o a d a y an d Friday evenings t T 9 p.m . 1 value, now 1 9 .9 9 . Colonial-AAood .p a tte rn ,-49.95 val.ue^ now f ^ 12 3 0 A lbion A*c'. \ 6 7 8 -23 8 2 i - ice tebsp 9 on, cocktail fork, buFf&r 1^h?fe, 2 ser^ h g spbonsr 1"m eat fork, 1 sugor^ i
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