Candidate: Marcio de Oliveira Bahia
Candidate: Marcio de Oliveira Bahia
Curriculum Vitae Marcio Bahia Personal Data 1) Full name: Marcio de Oliveira Bahia 2) Date of Birth: 06 March 1975 3) Place of Birth: Belém, Pará, Brazil. 4) Nationality: Brazilian 5) Citizenship: Brazilian 6) Contact: [email protected] Cell phone: 615-6302107. Work phone: 615-3226857. Current address: 97 White Bridge Road, apt. F8, Nashville – TN, 37205. Education 2011 Ph.D., Spanish, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Ottawa Thesis: “From Global Entertainment to Amazonian Tecnobrega: Mobility in Contemporary Entertainment Practices”. 2004 M.A., Spanish, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Ottawa Thesis: “The concepts americanidad, américanité and americanidade: peripheral perspectives” 2001 B.A. French Language and Literature Teaching, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Work experience 1995-1996 English Instructor – Mnemo System, Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais - Brazil. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. 1996-2003 English Instructor – Inglês & Cia., Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais - Brazil Teaching English as a Foreign Language. 1998-2003 Pedagogical Director – Inglês & Cia, Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil. Teacher training and hiring, choosing textbooks, making exams, pedagogical assistance to a large body of students (about 3,000), coordinating a group of about 50 teachers of different languages (English, French, Spanish, German and Italian). 2003-2009 Research Assistant – Canada Research in Literary and Cultural Transfers, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Organization of international conferences, implementing electronic courses on virtual campus, evaluation, purchase and maintenance of new technological equipment, participation in regular academic workshops. 2003-2009 Part-time Professor (Portuguese) – Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Ottawa. Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language, making exams, assistance to students, organization of extra-curricular activities, syllabus preparation. 1 2009 – 2011 Senior Lecturer of Portuguese – Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Vanderbilt University. Teaching Brazilian Culture and Portuguese as a Foreign Language, making exams, assistance to students, organization of extra-curricular activities, syllabus preparation. 2009 – present Assistant Professor of Portuguese – Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Vanderbilt University. Research on Brazilian Culture and Literature. Areas of interest: cultural studies, contemporary entertainment industries, mobility studies, Amazonian literature. Teaching Portuguese and Brazilian Culture. Academic Activities 1) Participation in Congresses *: a) American Folklore Society – Annual Meeting. Paper: Purists Out: Cultural Hybridity, Anthropophagy and the Real Maravilloso at the Ver-o-peso Market, Nashville – TN - 2010 b) Second Annual Symposium on Teaching and Technology, University of Ottawa. Paper: Sensorial immersion in the language classroom: using new technologies to teach language and culture – 2009. c) Journée d’Études, “(An)amnesia Movies”, University of Ottawa. Paper: Cinematic Representations of the Misleading Memory – 2008. d) International Association of Comparative Literature Congress, Rio de Janeiro. Paper: Lezama Lima e o conceito de americanidade – 2007. e) International Conference “Brazil-Canada: Cultural Mobilities”, Belo Horizonte. Paper: A mobilidade cultural e a indústria de entretenimento contemporânea - 2007 f) Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences International Congress, York University. Paper: La production culturelle contemporaine : l’âge du movement – 2006 g) 10th International Congress of ABRALIC, Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Paper: Mídias em movimento: o conceito de midiamoção e a indústria do entretenimento – 2006. h) Second World Congress IASA – International American Studies Association, University of Ottawa. Paper: "Americanidad": Towards the mapping of a concept – 2005. i) Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences International Congress, University of Western Ontario. Paper: Les dialogues Brésil - Canada face à l’influence culturelle étatsunienne : LA TROISIÈME VOIE – 2005. j) 73ème Congrès de l’ACFAS, Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Université du Québec à Chitcoutimi. Paper : Americanidad, américanité, americanidade et l’absence d’ « americanity » : vers la cartographie d’un concept – 2005. k) The 2005 Levy-Wasteney’s Annual Symposium, University of Toronto. Paper: Brazil and Canada in the presence of US cultural influence: the third way – 2005. 2) Conference Organization: a) Member of the Organizing Committee for the International Conference “Cultures in Transit: Cultural Mobility in Brazil and Canada” held from May 4-6, 2006, at the University of Ottawa. * Due to space constraints, only the most recent congress participations were listed (from 2005 onwards). 2 b) Member of the Organizing Committee for the International Conference “From Baroque to NeoBaroque: transhistorical and transcultural transfers of the concept” held from October 2-4, 2008 at the University of Ottawa. 3) Publications: Bahia, Marcio, Maria Pereira and Walter Moser (eds). Filmes de (An)amnésia: memória e esquecimento no cinema comercial contemporâneo, Belo Horizonte: Editora Lutador, 2009. Bahia, Marcio. “A memória como construção: os filmes de (an)amnésia e a falsa memória” in Filmes de (An)amnésia: memória e esquecimento no cinema comercial contemporâneo, eds. Bahia, Marcio, Maria Pereira and Walter Moser, Belo Horizonte: Editora Lutador, 2009 Bahia, Marcio. “Mídias em movimento: o conceito de midiamoção e a indústria do entretenimento” in Brasil-Canada: Mobilidades Culturais, Belo Horizonte, eds. Walty, Ivete; Maria Cury and Sandra Almeida, Editora da UFMG, 2009. Bahia, Marcio and Maria Lúcia Jacob. Cruzadas, Brazilian version of the French play “Croisades” by Michel Azama, in Antologia Teatral da Latinidade, ed. Brie, César et. al, Velo Horizonte: Editora da UFMG, 2009. Bahia, Marcio. “Estratégias identitárias no continente americano: ‘americanidad’, ‘américanité’, ‘americanidade’ e a ausência de ‘americanity’” in SCRIPTA, Revista PUC-Minas, Belo Horizonte, v.11, n.20, p. 43-55, 2007 (refereed). Available at: Bahia, Marcio. “O Boto”. Entry for the Dictionnaire des figures et mythes littéraires des Amériques, directed by Zilá Bernd, Porto Alegre : Editora da UFRGS, 2007. (non-refereed) Bahia, Marcio. “O conceito américanité no Quebec: um breve histórico” in Brasil-Canadá: olhares diversos, ed. Diniz, Dilma Castelo Branco et. al. Belo Horizonte: Editora da UFMG, 2006 (refereed). Bahia, Marcio. “Americanidad: Towards the Mapping of a Concept” in Americas’ Worlds and the World’s Americas, ed. Chanady, Amaryll, George Handley and Patrick Imbert. Ottawa: Legas, 2006. p.23-33. (refereed) Bahia, Marcio and Lucia Jacob. “Dramaturgies Contemporaines: ‘Croisades’, de Michel Azama et le Processus de Traduction” in CALIGRAMA, Revista de Estudos Românicos. Vol.9. Belo Horizonte, December 2004, p.247-260. (refereed) Bahia, Marcio. “Menaud Maître-Draveur e Policarpo Quaresma: nacionalismo e loucura na trajetória de dois heróis americanos” in MEDIAÇÕES. Annals of the Eighth Congress of Abralic – Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature. Belo Horizonte, 2003. CD-Rom. (nonrefereed). Bahia, Marcio. “Os diálogos Brasil-Canadá face à influência cultural norte-americana: A terceira via” in INTERFACES, Annual Journal of ABECAN – Brazilian Association of Canadian Studies. No. 2. Porto Alegre, 2002, p.95-105. (refereed) Bahia, Marcio. “O encontro com o estrangeiro em Central do Brasil de Walter Salles Jr.” in REVISTA LITERÁRIA DO CORPO DISCENTE DA UFMG. No. 27. Belo Horizonte, November 2002. p.142-150. (refereed). 3