Sugar Cane & Ethanol Industry UNICA - BRAZIL Laura Tetti Cana-de-açúcar no Brasil Territory: 8.5 million km2 SP – século XIX interior NE século XVI e XVII litoral BRAZILIAN SUGAR-CANE PRODUCTION ~500 million tons/year ~ half for sugar production (domestic and export markets) 48% ~ half for ethanol production 52% BRAZIL: REGIONS AND SEASONALITY North-Northeast 15% of the production crop: October-March Center-South São Paulo 62% of the total sugar-cane 76% of the sugar (CS region) 71% of the ethanol (CS region) 85% of the production crop: April-December Demographic Concentration Inhabitants Inhabitants per per km km22 Less Less than than 11 11 –– 10 10 10 10 –– 50 50 50 50 –– 100 100 More More than than 100 100 07 07 Sugar Cane Areas Floresta Amazônica Produção estabilizada desde a década de 70 1 milhão hec Pantanal Expansion area 4 million hec Cana-de-Açúcar Mata Atlântica Fontes: IBGE (Vegetação) e CTC (Cana) Evolução da Área de Cana colhida Á rea c olhida (1000 ha) 6.000 5.000 Bras il 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 Fonte: IBGE Centro-Sul São Paulo Norte Nordes te Uso do Solo no estado de São Paulo - 2005 Infraestrutura Vegetação Nativa 11% 13% Cana 15% Culturas Agrícolas Milho 31% 4% Soja 3% Laranja Pastagens 3% 41% Café 1% Reflorestamento 4% Demais 5% Fonte : IEA : Instituto de Economia Agrícola Remaining natural vegetation area in São Paulo State Area (1,000 km 2) 80 72.6 60 43.9 40 33.3 34.6 20 1962-1963 1971-1973 1990-1992 2000-2001 Area (1000 km2) SUGAR-CANE AND THE ENVIRONMENT • An agricultural activity that displays one of the world’s lowest soil erosion rates (the lowest erosion rate in the American Hemisphere), • An agricultural activity that displays one of the world’s lowest chemical and agrochemical utilization rates (by using biological pest control and soil fertigation with sugar-cane industrial processing waste —vinasse), SUGAR-CANE ETHANOL AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT BRAZIL = 16 billion liters/year (of ethanol) WHICH MITIGATES MORE THAN 40 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL EMISSIONS FROM THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS IN THE COUNTRY’S TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Given the agricultural peculiarities of sugar-cane in Brazil, each ton of sugar-cane used to produce fuel ethanol absorbs 0,18 ton of CO2 (i.e. figure inclusive of the emissions resulting from the industrial process and the burning of ethanol as a fuel), Ethanol Production & Energy Balance by Feedstock Feedstock Wheat Corn (USA) Sugar Beet (EU) Sugar Cane (Brazil) Gasoline Energy Output/Energy Input 1.2 1.3 – 1.8 1.9 8.3 0.83 (experimental stage) , Source: IEA, May 2004, Conference Press on Biofuels Source: IEA, May 2004, Conference Press on Biofuels Custos e Produtividade - Etanol MATÉRIAPRIMA / PAÍS CANA-DEAÇÚCAR BRASIL MILHO BETERRABA USA EU Custo de produção por litro (US$) 0,22 0,30 0,53 Produtividade em litros por hectare 6.000 3.100 5.000 LEARNING CURVE Productivity Gain 4% year 120,0 NTERESSE 100,0 80,0 60,0 40,0 DEFLATED BY IGP-DI - prices of December 2004 - producers’ prices excluding taxes (*) - oversupply 20 04 20 02 * 20 00 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 80 19 78 19 76 20,0 Source: UNICA Sugar-Cane Expansion Brazil million tons 559 600 487 427 500 521 455 403 400 300 198 49% 200 47% 203 45% 210 43% 217 42% 200 100 205 51% 227 53% 252 55% 277 57% 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 304 58% 2009/10 225 40% 334 60% 0 2010/11 For Sugar From 27 to 30 million tons/year For Ethanol Expected increase in Ethanol consumption in the Domestic Market (BR) and Gains in Reduced Emissions In the year 2010, Brazil will have an additional consumption of 7 billion liters of ethanol (replacing gasoline in flex-fuel cars) decrease in emissions of ~ 49 million tons of CO2/year Expected growth of the sugar-cane industry and Development • Crop area: 2,3 million hectares • Milling capacity increase: 800,000 tons of sugar-cane per day • Equivalent to: 67 new plants • New jobs: 300,000 • Addition to the balance of payments: • • • Investments (Sugar-Cane Crops, Machinery, Implements): US$ 1,0 billion • Investments in infrastructure: Investments (Industry): US$ 3,0 billion US$ 5,0 billion Logistics, Ports, etc, Mapa da Expansão – Cana-de-Açúcar Áreas Preferenciais RO AM AM AC RO Brasil: Safra 06/07 REG./EST. REG./EST. PA UP´s UP´s CANA (MMT) (MMT) CANA PART. % % PART. N/NE SP MG MS MT PR GO RJ ES RS 74 148 25 10 11 27 15 8 6 1 53 264 29 12 13 32 16 3 3 0 12,46% 62,06% 6,83% 2,74% 3,10% 7,52% 3,79% 0,81% 0,68% 0,02% TOTAL 325 425 100,00% MA PI TO MT BA GO CE SE RN PB PE AL MS MG PR SP ES Brasil: Safra 12/13 RJ REG./EST. SC RS UP´s CANA (MMT) PART. % N/NE SP MG MS MT PR GO RJ ES RS 75 179 45 23 11 31 32 9 6 1 60 387 79 59 18 56 57 7 6 0 8,24% 53,11% 10,90% 8,04% 2,45% 7,65% 7,85% 0,98% 0,77% 0,03% TOTAL 412 728 100,00% Brazil has the Capacity to Expand its Production Brazil's Territory Total Arable Land Cultivated - all crops - with Sugar Cane - for ethanol million hectares ~850,00 320,00 60,40 5,34 2,66 • Example: Area needed to supply Japan with with E3 E10 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supplies 0,27 0,90 Ecological Characteristics FOREST FOREST FORMATIONS FORMATIONS Amazon Amazon Forest Forest Coconut Coconut Tree Tree Forest Forest Tropical Tropical Forest Forest Atlantic Atlantic Forest Forest Pine Pine Forest Forest (or (or composed composed of of Araucária) Araucária) ABUSIVE ABUSIVE AND AND HERBACEOUS HERBACEOUS FORMATIONS FORMATIONS Savanna Savanna and and Scrub Scrub Heath Heath forest forest Fields Fields COMPLEX COMPLEX AND AND COASTAL COASTAL FORMATIONS FORMATIONS Vegetation Vegetation of of the the Pantanal Pantanal Coastal Coastal Vegetation Vegetation 15 15 Potential Expansion Area in the “Cerrado” Region Brazilian Cerrado (million hectares) Total Area ……………… Area good for agriculture ……. Area in use for cattle raising.. Occupied area (plantations)………….. Available Area for expansion Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supplies 204 137 (35) (12) 90 Expansão. Área Potencial de Cana-de-Açúcar Sem Irrigação: 15x a área atual Com Irrigação: 20x a área atual Potencial de Produção Sem Irrigação ÁREA POTENCIAL milhões de ha ALTO 8 MÉDIO 114 BAIXO 149 IMPRÓPRIO 91 TOTAIS 362 % 2 32 41 25 100 Potencial de Produção Com Irrigação ÁREA POTENCIAL milhões de ha ALTO 38 MÉDIO 98 BAIXO 168 IMPRÓPRIO 58 TOTAIS 362 % 11 27 46 16 100 Ethanol – Supply Prospects • To add 5% of ethanol to all gasoline in the world, 58 billion liters/year would be needed • Nowadays Brazil uses 2,7 million hectares to produce 16 billion liters/year • ~10 million (additional) hectares would be required for meeting the world demand (E-5) Countries & Regions Sugar-Cane World Map ATTACHMENTS ITALY GERMANY GERMANY SPAIN USA Brazil 8,5 million Km2 04 04 WORLD ALCOHOL PRODUCTION 42,2 billion liters (2004) India 5% China 9% Other 11% Brazil 36% EU 6% USA 33% Source: FO Licht Includes all types of alcohol (potable, synthetic, biomass-derived) of a variety of values and grades and for several purposes, AN EXAMPLE (Gains in Reduced Emissions) CONSUMPTION INCREASE OF 500 MILLION LITERS PER YEAR (less than 1,5% of the current production scenario): 100,000 new ethanol cars in Brazil or Replacement of MTBE with ethanol (20%) in 1 million gasoline-powered cars or US case = 2 million cars/10% ethanol EU case = 4 million cars/5% ethanol) GAINS IN REDUCED EMISSIONS 3,500,000 tons/year of CO2 FACTS of the EXAMPLE Additional consumption of 500 million liters of Ethanol ECONOMIC BENEFITS 500 million liters of ethanol = 6,2 million tons of sugar-cane Additional funds in the supply chain: US$ 150 million/year Additional amount of taxes paid (federal, state and municipal taxes): US$ 84 million/year Considering the set of taxes that are currently paid in Brazil by the sugar and alcohol production activity (ICMS [Tax on Products and Services], PIS [Social Integration Program] contribution, COFINS [Social Security Funding Contribution], etc —estimated at 30%) FACTS of the EXAMPLE (additional consumption of 500 million liters of ethanol) SOCIAL RESULTS JOB CREATION: ~ 14,000 direct jobs (average consideration > US$ 300/month) *minimum wage (BR) US$ 100 ~ 42,000 indirect jobs (large size of the industry’s supply chain) 500,000,000 liters of ethanol = 80,000 ha of sugar-cane Jobs in the sugar-cane industry (2001): 2 million direct and 6 million indirect jobs Greenhouse Effect and Climate Changes Transportation: ~25% of the world’s CO2 emissions Low-carbon renewable fuels are of the essence as a strategy to mitigate the greenhouse effect and climate changes SOURCE: IPCC 2001 CO2 EMISSIONS FUELS NATURAL GAS = 1,96 kg/cubic meter GASOLINE (BR, 22% ethanol) = 2,17 kg/liter STRAIGHT GASOLINE = 2,35 kg/liter DIESEL = 2,62 kg/liter Ethanol = 1,38 kg/liter (biomass = recyclable) Theoretical emissions Source: Suzana Kahn de Oliveira, UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) POTENTIAL MARKET FOR FUEL ETHANOL Country Potential Ethanol Demand Addition bil, liters JAPAN 1,8 Remarks % 3% Potential consumption if the voluntary 3% addition of ethanol to gasoline is adopted for all of the gasoline consumed in the country Changes by 2012, as set forth by the Renewable Fuels Act, which is pending approval, for a permitted addition of 5,7% (1) USA today 13,5 10% CHINA 4,5 10% Potential consumption if the 10% addition to gasoline, currently effective in some provinces, is implemented for all of the gasoline consumed in China, EU 7,4 5% Potential 5% addition of ethanol to all gasoline in 2011, which is the limit permitted by the European Directive for the 5,75% of biofuels INDIA ? 5% 5% addition of ethanol authorized in some regions THAILAND 0,7 5% Potential consumption considering a piece of legislation that requires a 5% addition to all gasoline consumed Estimated total: 30 billion (1) In the United States, the 5,7% addition to all gasoline means consumption of 30 billion liters of ethanol per year, Source: Various: EIA/DOE; European Commission, FO Licht; Copersucar SUGAR AND ETHANOL INDUSTRY AND ENERGY POTENTIAL Primary Energy contained in 1 ton of sugar-cane (BR) (data = CTC Copersucar) • (2/3 of the energy contained in sugar-cane is in the form of bagasse and straw) POTENTIAL ENERGY ENERGY (Mcal) 75 liters of Ethanol 280 kg of bagasse 280 kg of straw 500 630 630 0,046 0,058 0,060 1,760 0,162 TOTAL TEP COST OF CREATING PERMANENT JOBS IN BRAZIL INVESTMENT PER PERMANENT JOB SECTOR INVESTMENT (in USD per job) RATIO (to ethanol) Chemical and Petrochemical 220,000 20,1 Metallurgy 145,000 13,3 Capital Goods 98,000 9,0 Automotive (Industry) 91,000 8,3 Consumer Durables 70,000 6,4 Consumer Goods 44,000 4,0 Ethanol 10,918 1,0 CONSUMPTION IN GASOLINE EQUIVALENT 40 35 2.4 30 million m3 3.8 1.9 1.6 25 2.9 3.4 4.2 4.6 7.5 8.7 10.0 5.1 6.4 11.4 5.6 23.1 23.6 23.5 23.2 22.,8 22.4 22.,0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4.8 20 15 10 21.6 5 0 2003 C Gasoline: 26% ethanol Hydrous Ethanol VNG (Vehicle Natural Gas) Market Projection Fuel Ethanol - Brazil billion liters 25.0 21,1 19.3 17.7 20.0 16.2 14.8 13.8 15.0 10.0 7.7 8.7 6.1 6.1 10.2 11.8 13.5 15.4 5.0 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 0.0 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Anhydrous Hydrous SALES OF NEW VEHICLES Cars + Light-Duty Commercial Vehicles 1,000 vehicles Gasoline Ethanol 2004 1,099 51 2005 750 30 2006 413 0 2007 434 0 2008 456 0 2009 478 0 2010 502 0 Mean Annual Growth Rate Flex-Fuel 328 780 1,240 1,302 1,367 1,435 1,507 Total 1,478 1,559 1,653 1,735 1,822 1,913 2,009 5.2% PROJECTION FOR THE SUGAR MARKET BRAZIL million tons 35.0 30.0 27.2 27.4 25.0 27.8 9.7 9.9 10.0 17.5 17.5 17.8 28.8 10.2 29.8 10.4 30.8 10.6 20.0 15.0 10.0 18.6 19.4 20.2 5.0 0.0 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Domestic Market International Market SHARE IN WORLD TRADE Other Approx. 100 countries 26% Brazil South Africa 2% Brazil 35% 39% Other Colombia 3% 61% Guatemala 3% Cuba 3% EU-25 7% Australia 10% 2004 Thailand 11% Projection for 2010
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