`pedro álvares cabral` award
`pedro álvares cabral` award
‘PEDRO ÁLVARES CABRAL’ AWARD REP - Rede dos Emissores Portugueses, with the support of the Official Commission for Portuguese Discoveries, is sponsoring this Award , which objective aims to celebrate Portuguese Discoveries in the XV century, and specifically the discovery of Brazil, by Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral. This Award will be permanent, and for it, will count all contacts made on SSB,CW, Mixed or RTTY modes, on HF bands duly authorized for Amateur service in each country, being the starting date 15th November 1945. Entrants: Duly licensed Amateurs and SWLs around the World. Contacts: To be eligible for the basic Award, each entrant should show proof of contact with, 5 stations from different Portuguese ‘Distritos’ and 5 stations from different Brasilian ‘Estados’, with 10 points, in one of the modes: SSB, CW, Mixed or RTTY. Each Portuguese ‘Distrito’, including those located in Azores archipelago (CU) and Madeira Island (CT3), and each Brasilian ‘Estado’ plus S.Pedro & S.Paulo Isls. (PY0S), Trindade & Martim Vaz Isls. (PY0T) and Fernando de Noronha Isls. (PY0F), worth 1 (one) point. The Award will have 5 different levels (named classes) as follows (each application will be awarded with a different ‘stamp’): Class Class Class Class Class I II III IV V 20 Points 30 Points 35 Points 40 Points 45 Points Gold Sextant Gold Compass Gold Anchor Gold Astrolabe Gold Caravel A ‘Honor Roll’ is also available for those amateurs with a ponctuation of 52 points. These amateurs can then ask for the correspondent Honor Roll Plaque. Certificate holders will be listed in several DX bulletins. Applications: Logs must show, at least: entrant’s identification, date, time (UTC), call, band, mode, ‘Distrito’/’Estado’, points. Each log must be accompanied by: .Summary sheet with entrant’s name, adress, call, Award level (Basic, Level 1, 2, etc, for example), and final ponctuation .Copies of respective QSLs or by a GCR list. Originals of submitted QSL copies can eventually be required by REP. Fee: Basic Award: REP members. 1.000$00 (PTE) or 5 EUROS Portuguese non-members (resident in Portugal): 2.500$00 or 13 EUROS Europe and Brasil: 14 USD or 20 IRC's Other countries: 18 USD or 24 IRC's Honor Roll: 5.000$00 (REP members) 7.500$00 non-members (resident in Portugal) Europe 40 USD or 54 IRC's Other countries 45 USD or 62 IRC's Send Applications to: REP - REDE DOS EMISSORES PORTUGUESES c/o AWARDS /CONTEST MANAGER P.O.BOX 2483 1112 LISBOA Codex PORTUGAL PORTUGUESE ‘DISTRITOS’ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 AVEIRO (AV) BEJA (BJ) BRAGA (BR) BRAGANÇA (BG) CASTELO BRANCO (CB) COIMBRA (CO) EVORA (EV) FARO (FA) GUARDA (GU) LEIRIA (LE) LISBOA (LX) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 PORTALEGRE (PT) PORTO (PO) SANTARÉM (SA) SETUBAL (SE) VIANA DO CASTELO (VC) VILA REAL (VR) VISEU (VS) ANGRA DO HEROISMO (AH) HORTA (H) PONTA DELGADA (PD) FUNCHAL (F) BRAZILIAN ‘ESTADOS’ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 ACRE (AC) - PT8 ALAGOAS (AL) - PP7 AMAPÁ (AM) - PQ8 AMAZONAS (AMZ) - PP8 BAHIA (BA) - PY6 CEARÁ (CE) - PT7 DISTRITO FEDERAL (DF) - PT2 ESPIRITO SANTO (ES) - PP1 GOIÁS (GO) - PP2 MARANHÃO (MA) - PR8 MATO GROSSO (MG) - PY9 MATO GROSSO DO SUL (MGS)- PT9 MINAS GERAIS (MGS) - PY4 PARANÁ (PA) - PY5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PARAÍBA (PR) - PR7 PARÁ (PAR) - PY8 PERNAMBUCO (PE) - PY7 PIAUI (PI) - PS8 RIO DE JANEIRO (RJ) - PY1 RIO GRANDE DONORTE (RGN) - PS7 RIO GRANDE DO SUL (RGS) - PY3 RONDONIA (RO) - PW8 RORAIMA (RR) - PV8 SANTA CATARINA (SC) - PP5 SERGIPE (SE) - PP6 SÃO PAULO (SP) - PY2 TOCANTINS (TO) - PQ2 BRAZILIAN ISLANDS 1. FERNANDO DE NORONHA (PY0F) 2. ROCHEDOS DE S.PEDRO E SÃO PAULO (PY0S) 3. TRINDADE & MARTIM VAZ (PY0T)
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