1 1. PERSONAL DATA Full name: Matilde Maria Moreira dos Santos


1 1. PERSONAL DATA Full name: Matilde Maria Moreira dos Santos
Full name: Matilde Maria Moreira dos Santos
Name under which you publish:
M Moreira-Santos (since 2003); MMM dos Santos OR MM dos Santos (up to 2002)
Work address:
CFE-Centre for Functional Ecology
Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas
3000-456 Coimbra
[email protected]
scientific area: Applied Biological Sciences-Environmental Technology
institution: Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, University of Ghent,
scientific area: Agricultural Engineer
institution: Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Position, professional rank or activity:
Post-Doctoral research grant (FCT in the framework of SYNCHRONY project; PTDC/AAGMAA/2140/2012)
Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Stress ecology
Ecological Risk Assessment
Domain of specialization:
Development of ecologically relevant and cost-effective bioassays with organisms
representative of key functions at the ecosystem level (primary production, consumption,
decomposition), in particular in situ sublethal tests with microalgae, invertebrates and
fish, specific for streams, ponds and estuaries;
Avoidance (spatial) to contaminants by aquatic invertebrates and small fish, as a
complementary sublethal response to improve ecological realism in the assessment of the
environmental risks of contaminants;
Studies using model ecosystems (microcosms/mesocosms) to generate more ecologically
relevant assessments than laboratory studies, while offering greater experimental control
than field studies;
Development of approaches specific for sub-tropical and tropical systems that take into
account environmental factors and routes of exposure essential in determining the fate
and toxicity of chemicals and the availability of suitable test organisms.
Current research interests:
Develop ecologically relevant and cost-effective assays with organisms representative of
key ecosystem functions, in particular in situ sublethal (feeding and growth) tests;
Reduce uncertainties in the extrapolations inherent to ecological risk assessments of
impacted sites (e.g. from laboratory to field, between species, organism- up to ecosystemlevel);
Integrate the ecotoxicological characterisation of the soil (direct exposure of soil
organisms to pollutants), with potential indirect toxic effects on adjacent aquatic systems
(e.g. via runoff);
Tropical ecotoxicology, to reduce the disconnect between environmental problems in the
tropics and the information generally used to address them, which is based on approaches
from temperate regions ignoring the differences in physical, chemical, and biological
processes and in species sensitivity and ecology (i.e., routes of exposure and effects).
1999 – present: graduate courses of the Degree in Biology, Univ. Coimbra (Portugal);
1993 – present: MSc/PhD/post-graduate courses at Univ Coimbra and Technical Univ
Lisbon (Portugal), Univ Poitiers (France), Univ San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), Univ
Ghent (Belgium), Mexico, and Brazil.
2002 – 2015: 96 and 61% of papers in journals with 5-y Impact Factor (Thomson Reuters
JCR) > 2.0 and 3.0, respectively.
Congresso Ibérico, Iberoamericano de Contaminación y Toxicologia Ambiental (2010:
Costa Rica; 2013: Spain);
III Congreso de Ecotoxicología y Química Ambiental AMEQA / SETAC México, Mexico
Collaboration with primary/secondary schools and university on science workshops.
Included within brackets after students and co-supervisors names are (i) countries of
students not previously living in Portugal and (ii) countries of co-supervisors with
foreign affiliation.
Role in supervision as official co-supervisor or as invited by the supervisors is indicated.
(Internationalization: 100% Post-doctoral researchers came from foreign institutions)
(Internationalization: 50% PhD students came/are from foreign institutions)
(Internationalization: 39% MSc students came from foreign institutions)
Cândida Helena Shinn (United Kingdom) (ongoing, conclusion scheduled to 2015; funding:
FCT, ref. SRFH BPD 78642 2011), “Aquatic Toxicity of a fungicide on genetic and Species
diversity in contrasting climate zones”, CFE–Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of
Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, invited collaborator by the supervisors, Ruth Müller
(Germany) (LOEWE Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum, Germany) and Rui
Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Mónica Martinez Haro (Spain) (ongoing, conclusion scheduled to 2016; funding: FCT, ref.
SFRH/BPD/73890/2010 and Marie Curie FTP7-IEF grant), “Cost-Benefit Analyses of
Complementing/Integrating the Ecotoxicological Line-of-Evidence in the WFD Ecological
Status Classification of Estuarine Habitats”, IMAR–Instituto do Mar, Department of Life
Sciences, University of Coimbra, invited collaborator by the supervisors, João Carlos Marques
and Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Cristiano Venícius de Matos Araújo (Brazil) (ongoing, conclusion scheduled to 2015;
funding: FCT, ref. SFRH/BPD/74044/2010), “Contaminants as habitat disruptors: avoidance
and recolonisation behaviours in polluted ecosystems”, CFE–Centre for Functional Ecology,
Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro
(University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Carolina Buso Dornfeld (Brazil) (2006), “Utilização de Chironomus sp (Diptera,
Chironomidae) para avaliação da qualidade de sedimentos e contaminação por metais”, São
Carlos School of Engineering of the University of São Paulo (Brazil), invited collaborator by
the supervisor Evaldo Espíndola (Brazil) (Universidade de S. Paulo, Brasil).
Susana Maria Pereira da Costa Moreira (2006), “An integrated approach for the improvement
of ecological relevance and cost-effectiveness in toxicity assessments of estuarine sediments”,
Instituto de Ciências Biomédias de Abel Salazar of the University of Coimbra (Portugal),
invited collaborator by the supervisors, Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal) and
Lúcia Guilhermino (University of Porto, Portugal).
Ana Carolina Ferreira Simões (ongoing, conclusion scheduled to 2015), “Ecotoxicological
characterization of organic redisues with potential as soil ammendments”, Master in
Environmental Management at the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute
of Coimbra (Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Mariana Sofia Canelas de Oliveira (2014), “Ecotoxicological characterization of aquatic fields
within closed municipal solid waste landfills”, Master in Environmental Management at the
Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal), cosupervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Asgdom Tesfaye (Ethiopia) (2013), “Ecotoxicity characterization of a South European big
man-made reservoir: a cost-effective tool-box to assess ecological receptors and functions at
most risk”, Erasmus Mundus European Master in Applied Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences
and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro
(University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Filipe José Afonso Sabino de Sousa Louro (2013), “Heritability and inheritance of copper to
Daphnia magna”, Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the
University of Coimbra (Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra,
Nadia Ordoñez (Ecuador) (2012), “Ecological receptors at most risk in a contaminated southEuropean big man-made reservoir”, Erasmus Mundus European Master in Applied Ecology at
the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), cosupervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Vânia Isabel Neves Correia (2012), “A short-term sub-lethal in situ toxicity assay with snails
to assess and monitor river water quality: a tool for a functional approach”, Master in Ecology
at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), cosupervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Elena Solohin (Moldova) (2011), “Assessing the Ecotoxicological Impact of Surface Water
Contamination from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations in Wood County, Ohio”,
Erasmus Mundus European Master in Applied Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and
Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), invited collaborator by the supervisors,
Robert Midden (United States) (Bowling Green State University, United States) and Rui
Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Ana Jacinta Oliveira Gonçalves (2011), “Remediation measures for a protected coastal
lagoon: ecotoxicological efficacy”, Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and
Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro
(University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Maya Celinscak (Croatia) (2011), “Ecotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the
Andean Paramo ecosystem (Ecuador)”, Erasmus Mundus European Master in Applied
Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal),
invited collaborator by the supervisors, Andrea Encalada (Ecuador) (USFQ, Quito, Ecuador)
and José Paulo Sousa (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Ahmed Mohamed El-Mehrezy Abdel-Moneim (Egypt) (2011), “A short-term sublethal
feeding inhibition assay, using zebra fish Danio rerio”, Erasmus Mundus European Master in
Applied Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra
(Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Mário Rui Cordeiro Marques Agostinho (2010), “Organic matter decomposition in rivers:
assessment of impairment due to pollution using a short-term test based on amphipods
postexposure feeding”, Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the
University of Coimbra (Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra,
Patrick José de Queiroz Materatski (Brazil) (2009), “Extrapolação de respostas de evitamento
para cenários reais de contaminação: aumento de escala espacial em sistemas laboratoriais”,
Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra
(Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Bonny Krell (2009), “Assessing estuarine sediment toxicity using an in situ postexposure
feeding assay with the mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae”, Master in Ecology at the Faculty of
Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), co-supervising with Rui
Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Sandra Filipe Gonçalves (2009), “Conventional versus non-conventional methodologies for
assessing the environmental risks of leather-sludge amended soils to aquatic organisms”,
Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra
(Portugal), co-supervising with Rui Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Ana Raquel Calapez Gonçalves (2009), “Lixiviados de folhas de Eucalyptus globulus Labill.:
toxicidade em invertebrados ribeirinhos e influência na qualidade alimentar dos detritos
foliares”, Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of
Coimbra (Portugal), invited collaborator by the supervisor Cristina Canhoto (University of
Coimbra, Portugal).
Rita Isabel Oliveira Rosa (2008), “Ecotoxicological characterization of elemental chlorinefree bleached-kraft pulp mill effluents”, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University
of Coimbra (Portugal), Master in Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the
University of Coimbra (Portugal), invited collaborator by the supervisor Rui Ribeiro
(University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Fernanda Luísa Figueiredo Lopes (2004), “A relevância de um percurso investigativo de cariz
experimental no âmbito do ensino das Ciências Naturais”, Master in Ecology at the Faculty of
Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), invited collaborator by the
supervisors, Rui Ribeiro and António Veríssimo (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Naïma Benkiki (Algeria) (1993), “Development of suitable inert diets for the culturing of
Daphnia magna in view of the controlled ephippium production for toxicity testing”, Master
in Environmental Sanitation at the Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
from the University of Ghent (Belgium), co-supervising with> Guido Persoone (University of
Ghent, Belgium).
Title: FRAMEFFECTIVE – Can Bioassays be Cost-effectively Integrated in a Predictive
Model Approach for Rivers in Compliance with the Water Framework Directive?
Duration: 2010-2014
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AAC-AMB/105411/2008)
Coordinator: Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra (University of Coimbra)
Other Contractors: Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (University of Aveiro)
Participation: Principal Investigator
Title: SYNCHRONY- SYNergies between industry and sCientific ResearcH fOr a
sustainable development of NanotechnologY
Duration: 2013-2015
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AAG-MAA/2140/2012)
Coordinator: Universidade de Aveiro
Other Contractors: University of Coimbra, Greendet Lda
Participation: team member
Title: 3M_RECITAL – Minho, Mondego and Mira estuaries observatory: long term variation
of ecological status as a response to natural and human induced changes. Implications for
management and restoration
Duration: 2011-2014
Funding: FCT (contract LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009)
Coordinator: Universidade de Coimbra
Other Contractors: Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Centro IP, Administração da
Região Hidrográfica do Norte IP, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e
Ambiental (University of Porto), Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências (University of Lisboa),
Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares (University of Porto),
Instituto Nacional de Recursos Biológicos IP
Participation: team member
Title: SALTFREE – Prediction of salinisation effects on coastal freshwater and soil
ecosystems due to climate changes
Duration: 2011-2014
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AAC-CLI/111706/2009)
Coordinator: Universidade de Aveiro
Other Contractors: University of Coimbra (Instituto do Mar; IMAR-CMA)
Participation: team member
Title: TerbAzineBiorem - Studies on the efficacy and scale-up of bioremediation strategies
for soils contaminated with the herbicide terbuthylazine
Duration: 2011-2014
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AAC-AMB/111317/2009)
Coordinator: Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon)
Other Contractors: University of Coimbra (Instituto do Mar; IMAR-CMA)
Participation: Principal Investigator of the Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de
Coimbra (University of Coimbra)
Title: ECOTOXTOOLS: Ecotoxicological tools for assessing agriculture associated
environmental risks in Southern Europe big man-made freshwater reservoirs
Duration: 2010-2014
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AAC-AMB/103547/2008)
Coordinator: Universidade de Coimbra
Other Contractors: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas - Instituto de
Investigaciones Quimicas y Ambientales de Barcelona, Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infraestruturas do Alqueva, SA (EDIA), Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra
(University of Coimbra), Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do
Mar (University of Aveiro), Universidade do Algarve
Participation: team member
Title: INPACTAR- Long-term effects of intersexuality and other impacts on populations of
Echinogammarus marinus
Duration: 2011-2014
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/MAR/111537/2009)
Coordinator: University of Coimbra
Other Contractors: Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (Porto)
Participation: team member
Title: Global Climate Change and Pollution: a Synergy Designed for Disaster?
Duration: 2010-2013
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AAC-CLI/107916/2008)
Coordinator: Universidade de Aveiro
Other Contractors: Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra (University of
Coimbra), Centro de Ciências do Mar (University of Algarve)
Participation: team member
Title: EXTREMIS – Effects of Extreme Freshwater Input Fluctuations on the Ecological
Status Assessment in Estuarine Ecosystems - the Benthic Perspective
Duration: 2008-2010
Funding: Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar (III) (University of Coimbra) (contract nº
Coordinator: Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra (University of Coimbra)
Other Contractors: Instituto de Oceanografia (University of Lisbon)
Participation: team member
Title: HERBITOXBIOAS – Bioassays for the Assessment of Herbicide Toxicity Based on
Gene Expression Profiling in Yeast Cells
Duration: 2008-2011
Funding: FCT (contract nº PTDC/AMB/64230/2006)
Coordinator: Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon)
Other Contractors: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (IAV; University of Coimbra), Instituto do
Ambiente (Ministério das Cidades, do Ordenamento do Território e do Ambiente)
Participation: team member
Title: ATRAZINEBIOREM – Strategies to Accelerate Atrazine Biodegradation in
Contaminated Soils, Waters or Sediments and Assessment of the Ecotoxicity of this Herbicide
and its Metabolites
Duration: 2005-2007
Funding: FCT (contract nº POCI/AMB/56039/2004)
Coordinator: Instituto Superior Técnico (Technical University of Lisbon)
Other Contractors: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (IAV; University of Coimbra), Instituto do
Ambiente (Ministério das Cidades, do Ordenamento do Território e do Ambiente)
Participation: team member
Title: PIN – Pursuing INvestigative Pathways in Environmental and Science Education
Duration: 2001-2004
Funding: FCT (contract nº POCTI/CED/34891/99)
Coordinator: Universidade do Minho
Other Contractors: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (IAV; University of Coimbra), Centro de
Neurociências de Coimbra (University of Coimbra)
Participation: team member
Title: CONTROL – Cost-Effective Methods for the Monitorization of Environmental
Contamination and Risk Assessment in the Coastal Zone and Estuaries
Duration: 2001-2004
Funding: FCT (contract n° PDCTM/1999/MAR/15266)
Coordinator: Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Científica e Ambiental (Porto)
Other Contractors: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (IAV; University of Coimbra)
Participation: team member
Title: SENSOR – Sensitivity and Ecological Relevance of New Methods for Risk Assessment
Duration: 1997-2000
Funding: FCT (contract n° PCNA/C/BIA/157/96)
Coordinator: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (IAV; Universidade de Coimbra)
Other Contractors: Instituto de Ciências Biomédias de Abel Salazar (University of Porto)
Participation: team member
Title: International Interlaboratory Comparison on the Spirodela Duckweed Microbiotests
Duration: 2014
Funding: Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi (CNR) Verbania, Pallanza, (Italy)
Coordinator: Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi (CNR) Verbania, Pallanza, (Italy)
Other Contractors: Several Laboratories throughout Europe, Africa, America , and Asia
Participation: team member
Title: TEAM-Miño – Transferencia de herramientas para la evaluación, ordenación, gestión y
educación ambiental en estuarios
Duration: 2011-2013
Funding: FEDER, Programa Operacional de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Espanha-Portugal
(POCTEP 2007-2013)
Coordinator: Universidade de Vigo (Spain)
Other Contractors: Instituto Español de Oceanografia - Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo
(Spain), CETMAR, CIIMAR, IPIMAR, Universidade de Aveiro, Confederación Hidrográfica
Miño-Sil (Spain), Administração Regional Hidrográfica do Norte de Portugal, Augas de
Galicia (Spain), Mancomunidade de Municipios Baixo Miño (Spain), Câmara Municipal de
Vila do Conde, Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo
Participation: team member
Title: SOCARRAT – Pyrogenic organic mater as a stable carbon source for soils and their
relation with ecotoxicity
Duration: 2010-2013
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación (Spain)
Coordinator: Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales (Autonomous
University of Barcelona, Spain)
Other Contractors: IKERLAN (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain), Instituto de Medio Ambiente,
Recursos Naturales y Biodiversidad (University of León, Spain), Instituto do Mar-Centro
Interdisciplinar de Coimbra (University of Coimbra, Portugal).
Participation: team member
Title: International Interlaboratory Comparison on the Subchronic Heterocypris incongruens
Duration: 2010
Funding: Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Coordinator: Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Other Contractors: Several Laboratories throughout Europe
Participation: team member
Title: “Avaliação agronómica e ambiental da adição de lamas da indústria de curtumes no
solo - contribuição para a definição de valores limite”
Duration: 2008-2009
Funding: FCT (Convénio FCT/CAPES 2008 - Procº 4.1.3 / CAPES/CPLP)
Coordinator: Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra (University of Coimbra,
Portugal), Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Quiroz (University of S. Paulo, SP, Brazil)
Other Contractors: Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra (University of
Coimbra, Portugal), Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Quiroz (University of S. Paulo,
SP, Brazil)
Participation: team member
Title: Interlaboratorial Calibration Exercise for Marine Sediment Toxicity Assays with
Benthic Microalga
Duration: 2008-2009
Funding: Marine Sciences Institute from Andalusia (ICMAN), Spanish National Research
Council (CSIC)
Coordinator: Marine Sciences Institute from Andalusia (ICMAN), Spanish National
Research Council (CSIC)
Other Contractors: Several Laboratories throughout Europe
Participation: team member
Title: TOXIFENOL - Ecotoxicidad, Micotoxinas y Degradación de Nonilfenoles en Lodos de
Depuradora y Suelos Tratados
Duration: 2007-2009
Funding: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)
Coordinator: Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales (Autonomous
University of Barcelona, Spain), Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra
(University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Other Contractors: Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales
(Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain), Instituto do Mar-Centro Interdisciplinar de
Coimbra (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Participation: team member
Title: International Intercalibration Exercise on the AlgalToxkit Microbiotest
Duration: 2006
Funding: Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Coordinator: Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Other Contractors: Several Laboratories throughout Europe
Participation: team member
Title: TARGET – Integrated Assessment Tools to Gauge Local Functional Status Within
Freshwater Ecosystems
Duration: 2000-2003
Funding: Commission of the European Communities (contract n° EVK1-1999-00018)
Coordinator: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Other Contractors: University of Stirling (United Kingdom), University of Sheffield
(United Kingdom), TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences (The Netherlands)
Participation: team member
Title: TROCA-WET: Tropical and Sub-tropical Cost-effective Tools for an Integrated Risk
Assessment of Wetlands
Duration: 1998-2002
Funding: Commission of the European Communities (contract n° ERB3514PL973032)
Coordinator: Instituto do Ambiente e Vida (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Other Contractors: University of Stirling (United Kingdom), Instituto de Ciências
Biomédicas de Abel Salazar (University of Porto, Potugal), Federal University of Bahia (BA,
Brazil), Autonomous University of Campeche (Mexico), Marine Environmental LaboratoryInternational Atomic Energy Agency (Monaco)
Participation: team member
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of soils and waters contaminated with the
pesticides Calypso® and Epik® within Eucalyptus plantations
Date: 2014-2011
Entity: RAIZ – Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e Papel & ALTRI FLORESTAL
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of shoreline waters and industrial effluents
Date: 2014-2002, 2000
Entity: Company SOPORCEL, Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of shoreline waters and industrial effluents
Date: 2011-1999
Entity: Company STORAENSO – CELBI, Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of soils contaminated with pesticides
Date: 2004
Entity: Company RAÍZ, Aveiro, Portugal
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of sludge contaminated with chromium
Date: 2002
Entity: Company FABRICIOS – Curtumes Fabrício, Lda, Seia, Portugal
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of sludges
Date: 2000
Entity: Company SST – Laboratory for Water Analyses, Porto, Portugal
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of water and sediments of Segre river (Spain)
Date: 2009-2010
Entity: Universidad de Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Service: Ecotoxicological characterisation of soil amendments for agriculture
Date: 2006
Entity: Universidad de Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Name of the award
Best platform presentation, Micro’07-Biotec’07-XXXIII JPG Congress, Lisboa – Viegas et al.
“Scale up of a cleanup tool for …”
Awarding entity
Sociedades Portuguesas de Microbiologia, Biotecnologia e Genética
Name of the award
Best platform presentation, CICTA 2003, Porto – Moreira et al. “A short-term sublethal in
Awarding entity
Sociedade Iberoamericana de Contaminação e Toxicologia Ambiental
Moreira dos Santos MM (1998). The controlled production and hatching of ephippia of
Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Cladocera) for toxicity testing. PhD Thesis, University of Ghent,
Belgium, 372 pp.
Viegas AC, S Chelinho, M Moreira-Santos, C Costa, NF Gil, C Silva, D Lima, R Ribeiro, JP
Sousa & MA Fialho (2012). Bioremediation of soils contaminated with atrazine and other striazine herbicides: current state and prospects. In: Advances in Environmental Research, Vol
6, JA Daniels (ed.). Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, NY, USA.
dos Santos MMM & G Persoone (2000). The use of Daphnia magna neonates hatched from
ephippia for toxicity testing. In: New Microbiotests for Routine Toxicity Screening and
Biomonitoring, G. Persoone, C. Janssen and W. De Coen (eds.). Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, New York, NY, USA, pp. 143-152.
(Cumulative IF: 127.5)
(16% as first author, 49% as second author)
(h-index: 13)
(Total citations: 452)
(Internationalization: 55% with co-authors with foreign affiliation)
(Productivity 2002-2008: 2.1 papers/year)
(Impact 2002-2008: 53% of papers in journals with IF within the quartile ranking = Q1)
(Productivity 2008-2015: 4.4 papers/year)
(Impact 2008-2015: 57% of papers in journals with IF within the quartile ranking = Q1)
MOST RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS: numbers 28, 15, 13, and 8
Included within brackets are: (i) countries of co-authors with foreign affiliation, (ii)
Impact Factor (Thomson Reuters JCR) (IF) of journals in the year of publication,
except for papers published prior to the year 2000 for which the IF of the year 2000 is
used (IF 2000) or published in 2014-2015 for which the 5-year Journal IF is used (IF 5-y)
and (iii) number of citations including self-citations).
Coelho FJRC, DFR Cleary, RJM Rocha, R Calado, JM Castanheira, SM Rocha, AMS Silva,
MMQ Simões, V Oliveira, AI Lillebø, A Almeida, A Cunha, I Lopes, R Ribeiro, M MoreiraSantos, CR Marques, R Costa, R Pereira & NCM Gomes (2015). Unraveling the interactive
effects of climate change and oil contamination on laboratory-simulated estuarine benthic
communities. Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12801.
(IF 5-y: 8.595)
Gil FG, M Moreira-Santos, S Chelinho, C Pereira, JR Feliciano, JH Leitão, JP Sousa, R
Ribeiro, CA Viegas (2015). Suitability of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based assay to assess
the toxicity of pyrimethanil sprayed soils via surface runoff: Comparison with standard
aquatic and soil toxicity assays. Science of the Total Environment. 505:161-171. DOI:
(IF 5-y: 3.906)
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, J Patrício, I Martins, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), J
Blasco (Spain), JC Marques & R Ribeiro (2015). Feeding niche preference of the mudsnail
Peringia ulvae. Marine and Freshwater Research. 66: 1-10. DOI: 10.1071/MF14021.
(IF 5-y: 2.191)
Abdel-moneim A (Egypt), M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2015). A short-term sublethal
toxicity assay with zebra fish based on preying rate and its integration with mortality.
Chemosphere. 120: 568-574. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.083.
(IF 5-y: 3.867)
Martinez-Haro M (Spain), R Beiras (Spain), J Bellas (Spain), R Capela, JP Coelho, I Lopes,
M Moreira-Santos, AM Reis-Henriques, R Ribeiro, MM Santos & JC Marques (2015). A
review on the Ecological Quality Status assessment in aquatic systems using community
based indicators and ecotoxicological tools: What might be the added value of their
combination? Ecological indicators 48: 8-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.07.024.
(IF 5-y: 3.384)
Martinez-Haro M (Spain), M Moreira-Santos, JC Marques & R Ribeiro (2014). A shortterm laboratory and in situ sediment assay based on the postexposure feeding of the estuarine
(IF 5-y: 4.033)
Leitão S, M Moreira-Santos, PJ Van den Brink (The Netherlands), R Ribeiro, MJ Cerejeira
& JP Sousa (2014). Ethoprophos fate on soil–water interface and effects on non-target
terrestrial and aquatic biota under Mediterranean crop-based scenarios. Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety 103: 36-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.01.029.
(IF 5-y: 2.715)
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, JP Sousa, VO Herrera (Ecuador), AC Encalada
(Ecuador) & R Ribeiro (2014). Active avoidance from a crude oil soluble fraction by an
Andean paramo copepod. Ecotoxicology 23: 1254-1259. DOI 10.1007/s10646-014-1268-9.
(IF 5-y: 3.191)
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, JP Sousa, VO Herrera (Ecuador), AC Encalada
(Ecuador) & R Ribeiro (2014). Contaminants as habitat disturbers: PAH-driven drift by
Andean paramo stream insects. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 108: 89-94. DOI:
(IF 5-y: 2.715)
Araújo CVM (Brazil), C Shinn (United Kingdom), M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, E
Espíndola (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2014). Copper-driven population immediate decline due to
avoidance and mortality in temperate and tropical tadpoles. Aquatic Toxicology 146: 70-75.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.10.030.
(IF 5-y: 3.948)
Correia V, R Ribeiro & M Moreira-Santos (2013). A laboratory and in situ postexposure
feeding assay with a freshwater snail. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32: 21442152. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2297.
(IF: 2.826)
Coelho FJRC, RJM Rocha, ACC Pires, BLJM Castanheira, R Costa, A Almeida, A Cunha, AI
Lillebø, R Ribeiro, R Pereira, I Lopes, C Marques, M Moreira-Santos, R Calado, DFR
Cleary & NCM Gomes (2013). Development and validation of an experimental life support
system for assessing the effects of global climate change and environmental contamination on
estuarine and coastal marine benthic communities. Global Change Biology 19: 2584-2595.
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12227.
(IF: 8.224)
Canhoto C, R Calapez, AL Gonçalves & M Moreira-Santos (2013). Effects of Eucalyptus
leachates and oxygen on leaf-litter processing by fungi and stream invertebrates. Freshwater
Science 32:411-424. DOI: 10.1899/12-062.1.
(IF: 2.706)
Araújo CVM (Brazil), S Romero-Romero (Spain), LF Lourençato (Brazil), I MorenoGarrido (Spain), J Blasco (Spain), MR Gretz (United States), M Moreira-Santos & R
Ribeiro (2013). Going with the flow: detection of drift in response to hypo-saline stress by the
estuarine benthic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Plos One 8: e810.73. DOI:
(IF: 3.534)
Viegas CA, C Costa, S André, P Viana, R Ribeiro & M Moreira-Santos (2012). Does smetolachlor affect the performance of Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP as bioaugmentation
atrazine-contaminated soils? Plos One
(IF: 3.730)
Silva E, AC Pereira, SP Estalagem, M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, MJ Cerejeira (2012).
Assessing the quality of freshwaters in a protected area within the Tagus river basin district
(central Portugal). Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 1413-1426. DOI:
(IF: 2.353)
Rosa R, P Materatski (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, JP Sousa & R Ribeiro (2012). A scaledup system to evaluate zooplankton spatial avoidance and the population immediate decline
concentration. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:1301-1305. DOI:
(IF: 2.618)
Natal-da-Luz T, M Moreira-Santos, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), LE Castillo (Costa Rica), R
Ribeiro & JP Sousa (2012). Ecotoxicological characterization of a tropical soil after diazinon
spraying. Ecotoxicology. 21: 2163-2176. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-012-0970-8.
(IF: 2.773)
Chelinho S, M Moreira-Santos, C Silva, C Costa, P Viana, CA Viegas, AM Fialho, R
Ribeiro & JP Sousa (2012). Semi-field testing of a bioremediation tool for atrazine
contaminated soils: evaluating the efficacy on soil and aquatic compartments. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 31: 1564-1572. DOI: 10.1002/etc.1840.
(IF: 2.618)
Agostinho M, M Moreira-Santos & R. Ribeiro (2012). A freshwater amphipod toxicity test
based on postexposure feeding and the population consumption inhibitory concentration.
Chemosphere 87: 43-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.11.052.
(IF: 3.137)
Saro L, I Lopes, CBA Chastinet (Brazil), SJ Cohin-de-Pinho (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos,
EM da Silva (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2011). Potential re-colonisation by cladocerans of an
(IF: 3.206)
Moreira-Santos M, SC Antunes, F Gonçalves, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2011). An in
situ toxicity assay with the local phytoplankton community. Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry 30: 196-205. DOI: 10.1002/etc.371.
(IF: 2.809)
Lopes I, M Moreira-Santos, J Rendón-von Osten (Mexico), DJ Baird (Canada), AMVM
Soares & R Ribeiro (2011). Suitability of five cladoceran species from México for in situ
experimentation Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74: 111-116. DOI:
(IF: 2.294)
Krell B, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2011). An estuarine mudsnail in situ toxicity assay
based on post-exposure feeding. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30: 1935–1942.
DOI: 10.1002/etc.585.
(IF: 2.809)
Rosa R, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, L Silva, J Rebola, E Mendonça, A Picado & R Ribeiro
(2010). Comparison of a test battery for assessing the toxicity of a bleached-kraft pulp mill
effluent before and after secondary treatment implementation. Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment 161: 439-451. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-009-0759-2.
(IF: 1.436)
Novais A, A Sedlmayr, M Moreira-Santos, F Gonçalves & R Ribeiro (2010). Diet of the
otter Lutra lutra in an almost pristine Portuguese river: seasonality and analysis of fish prey
through scale and vertebrae keys and length relationships. Mammalia 74: 71-81. DOI:
(IF: 0.616)
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, MA Nogueira (Brazil), GM Carvalho (Brazil), R
Ribeiro, EM Da Silva (Brazil) & JP Sousa (2010). Environmental risk assessment of a metalcontaminated area in the Tropics. Tier I: screening phase. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10:
1557-1571. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-010-0255-x.
(IF: 2.574)
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, J Rendón-von Osten (Mexico), EM da Silva(Brazil) , R
Ribeiro, L Guilhermino & AMVM Soares (2010). Ecotoxicological tools for the tropics:
sublethal assays with fish to evaluate edge-of-field pesticide runoff toxicity. Ecotoxicology
and Environmental Safety 73: 893-899. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.04.007.
(IF: 2.340)
Lopes I, A Sedlmayr, M Moreira-Santos, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), J Blasco (Spain) & R
Ribeiro. (2010). European Bee-Eater (Merops apiaster) populations under arsenic and metal
stress: evaluation of exposure at a mining site. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
161: 237-245. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-008-0741-4. (IF: 1.436)
Chelinho S, M Moreira-Santos, D Lima, C Silva, P Viana, S André, I Lopes, R Ribeiro, AM
Fialho, CA Viegas & JP Sousa (2010). Cleanup of atrazine contaminated soils:
ecotoxicological study on the efficacy of a bioremediation tool with Pseudomonas sp. ADP.
Journal of Soils and Sediments 10: 568-578. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-009-0145-2.
(IF: 2.574)
Araújo CVM (Spain), V Tornero (Spain), LM Lubián (Spain), J Blasco(Spain) , SA van
Bergeijk (Spain), P Cañavate (Spain), A Cid (Spain), D Franco (Spain), R Prado (Spain), A
Bartual (Spain), MG López (Spain), R Ribeiro, M Moreira-Santos, A Torreblanca (Spain)
& I Moreno-Garrido (Spain) (2010). Ring test for a whole-sediment toxicity assay with the
benthic marine diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Science of the Total Environment 408: 822828. DOI: 822-828. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.10.018.
(IF: 3.190)
Persoone G (Belgium), R Baudo (Italy), M Cotman (Slovenia), C Blaise (Canada), K Cl
Thompson (United Kingdom), M Moreira-Santos, B Vollat (France), A Törökne
(Hungary) & T Han (South Korea) (2009). Review on the acute Daphnia magna toxicity test
– Evaluation of the sensitivity and the precision of assays performed with organisms from
laboratory cultures or hatched from dormant eggs. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic
Ecosystems 393: 01, pp. 29 (online free access periodical). DOI:10.1051/kmae/2009012.
(IF: 0.235)
Dornfeld CB (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, ELG Espíndola (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2009). Do
larvae and ovipositing females of Chironomus riparius (Diptera) avoid copper contaminated
(IF: 1.528)
Rosa R, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, A Picado, E Mendonça & R Ribeiro (2008).
Development and sensitivity of a 12-h laboratory test with Daphnia magna Straus based on
avoidance of pulp mill effluents. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
81: 464-469. DOI:10.1007/s00128-008-9538-y.
(IF: 0.609)
Moreira-Santos M, C Donato, I Lopes & R Ribeiro (2008). Avoidance tests with small fish:
determination of the median avoidance concentration and of the lowest-observed-effect
gradient. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27: 1576-1582. DOI:10.1897/07-094.1.
(IF: 2.420)
Lopes I, M Moreira-Santos, EM da Silva (Brazil), JP Sousa, L Guilhermino, AMVM Soares
& R Ribeiro (2007). In situ assays with tropical cladocerans to evaluate edge-of-field
(IF: 2.739)
Baird DJ (Canada), S Brown (USA), L Lagadic (France), M Liess (Germany), L Maltby
(United Kinghom), M Moreira-Santos, R Schulz (Germany) & GI Scott (USA) (2007). In
situ-based effect measures: determining the ecological relevance of measured responses.
(IF: not yet available)
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2006). Immobilization of
marine microalgae in alginate matrixes for in situ experiments. Enzyme and Microbial
Technology 38: 135-141. DOI:10.1016/j.enzmictec.2005.05.005.
(IF: 1.897)
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2006). An in situ
postexposure feeding assay with Carcinus maenas for estuarine sediment-overlying water
(IF: 2.769)
Soares S, I Cativa (Angola), M Moreira-Santos, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2005). A
short-term sublethal in situ sediment assay with Chironomus riparius based on postexposure
feeding. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 49: 163-172.
(IF: 1.408)
Slijkerman DME (The Netherlands), M Moreira-Santos, RG Jak (The Netherlands), R
Ribeiro, AMVM Soares & NM van Straalen (The Netherlands) (2005). Functional and
structural impact of linuron on a freshwater community of primary producers. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 24: 2477-2485. DOI:10.1897/04-658R.1.
(IF: 2.414)
Moreira-Santos M, AL Fonseca (Brazil), SM Moreira, J Rendón-von Osten (Mexico), EM
da Silva (Brazil), AMVM Soares, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2005). Short-term sublethal
(sediment and aquatic roots of floating macrophytes) assays with a tropical chironomid based
on postexposure feeding and biomarkers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24: 22342242. DOI:10.1897/04-207R.1.
(IF: 2.414)
Moreira-Santos M, EM da Silva (Brazil), AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2005). In situ and
laboratory microalgal assays in the tropics: a microcosm simulation of edge-of-field pesticide
runoff. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 48-55.
(IF: 0.626)
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2005). A short-term sublethal
in situ toxicity assay with Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta) for estuarine sediments based on
postexposure feeding. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24:2010-2018.
(IF: 2.414)
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro & L Guilhermino (2004). The ‘Coral Bulker’
fuel oil spill on the North coast of Portugal: spatial and temporal biomarker responses in
Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ecotoxicology 13:619-630. DOI:10.1007/s10646-003-4422-3.
(IF: 1.195)
Moreira-Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2004). A phytoplankton growth assay for
routine in situ environmental assessments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23:15491560. DOI:10.1897/03-389.
(IF: 2.121)
Moreira-Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2004). An in situ bioassay for freshwater
environments with the microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety 59:164-173. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2003.07.004.
(IF: 1.282)
dos Santos MM, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), F Gonçalves, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro
(2002). An in situ bioassay for estuarine environments using the microalga Phaeodactylum
(IF: 2.013)
dos Santos MMM & G Persoone (Belgium) (1998). Hatching of Daphnia magna resting
eggs: the effect of storage duration and storage temperature. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Special
Issues Advances in Limnology 52:253-262. (without DOI)
(IF 2000: 1.022)
Viegas CA, V Silva, C Mateus, S Chelinho, M Moreira-Santos, J Gonçalves, V Varela, R
Ribeiro, AM Fialho & J P Sousa (2014). Bioremediation strategies with Pseudomonas sp.
ADP in worst-case scenarios of soil contamination with chlorinated s-triazines. In: Industrial,
medical and environmental applications of microorganisms. Current status and trends, A.
Méndez-Vilas (ed.). Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp.
Moreira dos Santos M, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), F Gonçalves, AMVM. Soares & R
Ribeiro (2000). “Evaluation of in situ bioassays with immobilised microalgae”. 3° Congresso
Ibérico de Contaminação e Toxicologia Ambiental, Faro, Portugal, p. 90-92.
Moreira dos Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2000). “In situ toxicity assessments
with rotifers”. 3° Congresso Ibérico de Contaminação e Toxicologia Ambiental, Faro,
Portugal, p. 108-109.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), C Shinn (United Kingdom), M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, E Espíndola
(Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2014). Copper-driven avoidance and mortality in temperate and tropical
tadpoles. FrogLog 110: 84.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L. Guilhermino & R. Ribeiro (2005). In situ algal growth
inhibition assay for the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. Standard Operating
Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 9 pp. (polycopied).
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L. Guilhermino & R. Ribeiro (2005). In situ assay based on
postexposure feeding for the polychaete Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor Müller. Standard
Operating Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 6 pp. (polycopied).
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L. Guilhermino & R. Ribeiro (2005). In situ assay based on
postexposure feeding for the crab Carcinus maenas (L.). Standard Operating Procedure,
Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de
Coimbra, 5 pp. (polycopied).
Donato C, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Set up of an aquarium for breeding and
culturing small freshwater fish. Standard Operating Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do
Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 3 pp. (polycopied).
Donato C, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Danio rerio Hamilton breeding and
maintenance. Standard Operating Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida,
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 3 pp. (polycopied).
Donato C, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Poecilia reticulata Peters breeding and
maintenance. Standard Operating Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida,
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 2 pp. (polycopied).
Donato C, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Construction of a flow-through system to
perform laboratory avoidance assays with small freshwater fish. Standard Operating
Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 6 pp. (polycopied).
Donato C, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Calibration of the flow-through system to
perform laboratory avoidance assays with small freshwater fish. Standard Operating
Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 3 pp. (polycopied).
Donato C, S Soares, I Lopes, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Cleaning of the flowthrough systems before and after performing laboratory avoidance assays with daphnids and
small freshwater fish exposed to susbstances, compounds or mixtures which can be removed
with a 2% nitric acid solution. Standard Operating Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do
Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 2 pp. (polycopied).
Ribeiro R, C Donato & M Moreira-Santos (2004). Calculation of the avoidance percentage
in the laboratory avoidance assays with daphnids and small freshwater fish. Standard
Operating Procedure, Version 1.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade de Coimbra, 2 pp. (polycopied).
Soares S, I Lopes, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Construction of a flow-through
system to perform laboratory avoidance assays with daphnids. Standard Operating Procedure,
Version 2.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de
Coimbra, 4 pp. (polycopied).
Soares S, I Lopes, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2004). Calibration of the flow-through
system to perform laboratory avoidance assays with daphnids. Standard Operating Procedure,
Version 2.0. Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de
Coimbra, 3 pp. (polycopied).
Moreira-Santos M</b> & R Ribeiro (2002). In situ algal growth inhibition bioassay for the
freshwater alga Chlorella vulgaris. Standard Operating Procedure, Version 4.0. Instituto do
Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 8 pp. (polycopied).
(24% as first author, 35% as second author)
(Internationalization: 59% with co-authors with foreign affiliation)
(Awards: communications numbers 11 and 4)
Included within brackets are countries of co-authors with foreign affiliation.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2014). Evitamento a ambientes
contaminados em cenários de exposição não forçada: nova ferramenta para estudos de risco
ambiental. XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia, Guarapari, Brazil, s/n.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), C Shinn (United Kingdom), M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, E
Espíndola (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2014). Evitamento a ambientes contaminados: implicações
no declínio de populações de anfíbios. XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia,
Guarapari, Brazil, s/n.
Moreira-Santos M, I Lopes, CVM Araújo (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2014). Contaminant-driven
avoidance of zooplankers. XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, Santander,
Spain. p. s/n.
Caetano S, C Costa, M Rodrigues, F Vidal, L Ledo, P Palma, MC Mateus, M MoreiraSantos, R Ribeiro, IR Barbosa & MP Reis (2013) Repeated major late summer
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii blooms in Alqueva reservoir and their toxicity risk. II
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology, Porto, Portugal.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, C Shinn (United Kingdom), ELG
Espindola (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2013). Copper-driven population immediate decline due to
avoidance and lethality in temperate and tropical tadpoles. IX Congresso Ibérico, VI
Iberoamericano de Contaminación y Toxicologia Ambiental, Valencia, Spain, p. 120.
Shinn C (United Kingdom), R Ribeiro, E Espindola (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos & R
Müller (Germany) (2013). Aquatic mesocosms exposed to a fungicide in different climate
zones: macroinvertebrate response. IX Congresso Ibérico, VI Iberoamericano de
Contaminación y Toxicologia Ambiental, Valencia, Spain, p. 118.
Viegas CA, S Chelinho, M Moreira-Santos, V Silva, C Mateus, R Ribeiro, AM Fialho & JP
Sousa (2012). Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP as a bioaugmentation bacterium in soil
microcosms contaminated with herbicidal formulations containing s-triazines. Bacterial
Abiotic Stress and Survival Improvement Network Symposium. Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
p. 12.
Romero-Romero S (Spain), CVM Araújo (Brazil), L Lourençato (Brazil), I Moreno-Garrido
(Spain), J Blasco (Spain), M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2012). Efectos de la salinidad
sobre el crecimiento, la fluorescencia de clorofila y el drift de la microalga bentónica
Cylindrotheca closterium. XVII Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, San
Sebastián, Spain, p. 142.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2012). Quando os contaminantes
alteram a estrutura da comunidade sem provocar efeitos tóxicos individuais. XII Congresso
Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, p. 17.
Shinn C (United Kingdom), M Moreira-Santos, R Müller (Germany) & E Espindola
(Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2012). PESTICLIMAT project: pesticide effects across climatic zones.
XII Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, ECOSED-22.
Leitão S, MJ Cerejeira, PJ Van den Brink (The Netherlands), M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro
& JP Sousa (2012). Pesticide behaviour and indirect effects on soil and water under
Mediterranean crop-based exposure scenarios using a semi-field methodology. XVII
European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment
- XIII Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides, Porto, Portugal, p. 110.
Viegas CA, S Chelinho, V Silva, C Mateus, S André, M Moreira-Santos, C Costa, P Viana,
R Ribeiro, JP Sousa & AM Fialho (2012). Performance of a bioremediation tool based on
Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP in soils contaminated with s-triazine herbicides. XVII European
Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment - XIII
Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides, Porto, Portugal, p. 150-151.
Leitão S, MJ Cerejeira, PJ van den Brink (The Netherlands), M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro
& JP Sousa (2012). Pesticide effects on soil and adjacent water systems under Mediterranean
crop-based exposure scenarios using a semi-field methodology. XXI Annual Meeting of
SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Berlin, Germany.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2012). Fuga activa y pasiva como
respuestas ecotoxicológicas: una reflexión sobre la relevancia de la exposición confinada. XVI
Seminário Ibérico de Química Marinha, Cádiz, Spain, p. 11.
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, MA Nogueira (Brazil), GM Carvalho (Brazil), R
Ribeiro, EM da Silva (Brazil) & J Sousa (2010). Environmental risk assessment in a metal
contaminated area in brazil: risk values for the screening phase. XXXI Annual Meeting of
SETAC-North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Portland, USA,
p. 49.
Canhoto C, AR Calapez & M Moreira-Santos (2010). Eucalyptus globulus exotic leaf
leachates: effects on survival, avoidance and feeding behavior of stream invertebrates. Joining
Meeting with America Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) and North
American Benthological Society (NABS), Santa Fe, NM, USA, p. 80.
Chelinho S, M Moreira-Santos, C Silva, C Costa, L Saro, P Viana, CA Viegas, AM Fialho,
R Ribeiro, JPS Sousa (2010). Semi-field testing of a bioremediation tool for atrazine
contaminated soils: evaluating the efficacy on soil and water compartments. XX Annual
Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Sevilla,
Spain, p. 103.
da Silva EM(Brazil), R Ribeiro, L Guilhermino, J Rendón-von Osten (Mexico), M MoreiraSantos, I Lopes, SM Moreira & AMVM Soares (2010). Tropical and sub-tropical costeffective tools for an integrated risk assessment of wetlands (TROCA-WET): scraping the
saucepan and licking the bowl. XX Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Sevilla, Spain, p. 86.
Moreira-Santos M, B Krell & R Ribeiro (2010). Assessing estuarine sediment toxicity using
an in situ postexposure feeding assay with the mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae. VIII Congresso
Ibérico, V Iberoamericano de Contaminación y Toxicologia Ambiental, Heredia, Costa Rica
(not numbered).
Moreira-Santos M, B Krell & R Ribeiro (2010). In situ estuarine sediment toxicity
assessments: tools for a multi-functional approach. Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Associatio
(ECSA) 47 Symposium, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, p 80-81.
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, MA Nogueira (Brazil), GM Carvalho (Brazil), R
Ribeiro, EM da Silva (Brazil) & JP Sousa (2010). Environmental risk assessment in a metal
contaminated area in Brazil: risk values for the screening phase. XXXI Annual Meeting of
SETAC-North America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Portland,
Oregon, USA, p. 49-50.
Costa CP, S Chelinho, M Moreira-Santos, P Viana, S André, DB Lima, R Ribeiro, AM
Fialho, JP Sousa, CA Viegas (2009). An integrated approach involving chemical and
ecotoxicological evaluation of the efficacy of a bioremediation tool based on bioaugmentation
with Pseudomonas sp. ADP in soils contaminated with atrazine commercial formulations.
BioMicroWorld - III International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied
Microbiology, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 662.
Lopes I, N Martins, M Moreira-Santos, DJ Baird (Canada), AMVM Soares & R. Ribeiro
(2009). Impacts of mining activities on adjacent aquatic communities: a case study at
southeast Portugal. XIV International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, Metz, France (not
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, EM da Silva (Brazil) & JP Sousa
(2009). Avaliação de risco ecológico em uma área contaminada por metais: a importância da
integração das linhas de evidência química, ecotoxicológica e ecológica. IX SETAC-Latin
America (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)-SETAC Peru, Lima, Peru (not
Lopes I, L Saro, C Chastinet (Brazil), S Pinho (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, E da Silva
(Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2008). Re-colonisation by cladocerans of an acidic tropical pond.
Seasink 2008 Conference, University of Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal (not numbered).
Moreira-Santos M, T Natal-da-Luz, I Lopes, S Chelinho, ELG Espíndola (Brazil), C
Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa Rica), JP Sousa & R Ribeiro (2008). Toxicidad de
plaguicidas en agricultura tropical: integración de vías de exposición relevantes. III Congreso
de Ecotoxicología y Química Ambiental AMEQA (Asociación Mesoamericana de
Ecotoxicología y Química Ambiental) / SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry) México, México DF, Mexico, p. 79.
Viegas CA, D Lima, S Chelinho, M Moreira-Santos, C Silva, I Lopes, V Paula, R Ribeiro,
JP Sousa & AM Fialho (2007). Scale up of a cleanup tool for atrazine contaminated soils
based on Pseudomonas sp. ADP: atrazine biodegradation and ecotoxicological impact.
Micro’07-Biotec’07-XXXIII JPG Congress, Lisboa, Portugal (<u>Prize for the best oral
communication</u>) (not numbered).
Chelinho S, D Lima, M Moreira-Santos, C Silva, P Viana, I Lopes, I Sá-Correia, R Ribeiro,
AM Fialho, CA Viegas, JP Sousa (2007). Cleanup of Atrazine contaminated soils: evaluating
the efficacy of a bioremediation tool using Pseudomonas sp. ADP at microcosm level.
SOWETOX – Soil and Wetland Ecotoxicology Conference, Barcelona, Spain (not numbered).
Moreira-Santos M, T Natal-da-Luz, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa Rica), JP
Sousa & R Ribeiro (2006). Integrated toxicity assessment of the effects of a pesticide
application in a tropical soil. ANCAP (The African Network for Chemical Analysis of
Pesticides) – SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Conference,
Arusha, Tanzania, p. 8.
Moreira-Santos M, C Donato & R Ribeiro (2005). A short-term sublethal assay with small
fish based on avoidance. VI Iberian and III Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology, Cádiz, Spain, p. 179.
Lopes I, M Moreira-Santos, J Rendón-Von Osten (Mexico), AL Fonseca (Brazil), SM
Moreira, JP Sousa, EM da Silva (Brazil), L Guilhermino, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro
(2005). In situ toxicity assays in tropical aquatic systems. X Congresso Brasileiro de
Limnologia, Ilhéus, Brazil, p. 635-685.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2004). Sublethal in situ
sediment and sediment-overlying water assays with microalgae, polychaetes and crabs for
estuaries. IV SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress,
Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 63.
Moreira-Santos M, AMVM Soares & R. Ribeiro (2004). A phytoplankton growth assay for
in situ environmental assessments in lakes and rivers. IV SETAC (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress, Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 63-64.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2003). A short-term sublethal
in situ toxicity assay for estuarine sediments with Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta) based on
postexposure feeding. V Iberian and II Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology, Porto, Portugal, p. 43 (<u>Prize for the best oral
communication, ex-aequo</u>).
Moreira SM, M Moreira dos Santos, R Ribeiro & L Guilhermino (2001). Impact of the
“Coral Bulker” fuel oil spill on natural populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis: a biomarker
approach. Biomarkers’ 2001, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, p. 36.
Moreira dos Santos M, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), F Gonçalves, AMVM. Soares & R
Ribeiro (2000). Evaluation of in situ bioassays with immobilised microalgae. III
Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Faro, Portugal, p.
Moreira dos Santos M, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), J Rendon (Mexico), F Gonçalves,
AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2000). In situ bioassays with unicellular algae. III SETAC
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress, X Annual Meeting of
SETAC-Europe, Brighton, United Kingdom, p. 57.
(34% as first author, 41% as second author)
(Internationalization: 55% with co-authors with foreign affiliation)
Included within brackets are countries of co-authors with foreign affiliation.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), C Shinn (United Kingdom), M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, ELG
Espindola (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2014). Copper-driven avoidance and mortality by temperate
and tropical tadpoles. XXIV Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), Basel, Switzerland, p. s/n.
Correia V, R Ribeiro & M Moreira-Santos (2013). A laboratory and in situ assay with a
freshwater snail based on postexposure feeding. IX Congresso Ibérico, VI Iberoamericano de
Contaminación y Toxicologia Ambiental, Valencia, Spain, p. 43.
Teixeira T, R Ribeiro & M Moreira-Santos (2013). A short-term feeding test using the
cnidarian Hydra attenuata. IX Congresso Ibérico, VI Iberoamericano de Contaminación y
Toxicologia Ambiental, Valencia, Spain, p. 45.
Shinn C (United Kingdom), R Ribeiro, E Espindola (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos & R
Müller (Germany) (2013). Aquatic mesocosms exposed to a fungicide in different climate
zones: environmental response. XI Congresso Ibérico, IV Iberoamericano de Contaminación
y Toxicologia Ambiental, Valencia, Spain, p. 203.
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, JP Sousa, V Ochoa (Ecuador), A Encalada
(Ecuador) & R Ribeiro (2012). Population immediate decline due to mortality and avoidance
of an andean paramo copepod exposed to crude oil. XII Congresso Brasileiro de
Ecotoxicologia, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, p. 20.
Filho LCIO (Brazil), C Pereira, A Pretucci (Brazil), D Baretta (Brazil), JCP Santos (Brazil),
R Pereira, M Moreira-Santos, T Natal-da-Luz, A Ferreira, R Ribeiro & JP Sousa (2012).
Environmental risk assessment in the São Domingos Mine area (Portugal). Tier I: screening
phase. XXI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry), Berlin, Germany, p. 196.
Gonçalves J, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes & R Ribeiro (2012). Efficacy of recent remediation
measures in a protected coastal lagoon (Paramos, Portugal): toxicity of surface versus
subsurface sediments. XXI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), Berlin, Germany, p. 378.
Martinez-Haro M (Spain), M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2012). A short-term in situ
sediment assay based on the postexposure feeding of the estuarine isopod Cyathura carinata.
XXI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry), Berlin, Germany, p. 366.
Leitão S, M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, MJ Cerejeira, P Van den Brink (The Netherlands)
& JP Sousa (2011). Using a soil-water flume on pesticide ecological risk assessment under
Mediterranean exposure scenarios. XXI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Milan, Italy, p. 282.
Palma P, P Alvarenga, MC Mateus, MM Reis, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, R Ribeiro, IR
Barbosa (2011). Introducing the EcotoxTools Project: ecotoxicological tools for assessing
agriculture associated environmental risks in Southern Europe big man-made freshwater
reservoirs. XXI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry), Milan, Italy, p. 144.
Agostinho M, M Moreira-Santos & R Ribeiro (2010). Organic matter decomposition in
rivers: assessment of impairment due to pollution using a short-term test based on amphipods
postexposure feeding. VIII Congresso Ibérico, V Iberoamericano de Contaminación y
Toxicologia Ambiental, Heredia, Costa Rica (not numbered).
Araújo CVM (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, J Patrício, I Martins, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), J
Blasco (Spain), JC Marques & R Ribeiro (2010). Feeding preferences of the mudsnail
Hydrobia ulvae and the prevention of macroalgal blooms in estuaries. XX Annual Meeting of
SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Sevilla, Spain, p. 197.
Chastinet CBA (Brazil), A Martines (Brazil), C Silva, M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, E
Cardoso (Brazil) & JP Sousa (2010). Agricultural soils ammended with leather sludge:
ecotoxicological effects of potential major contaminants on Folsomia cândida. XX Annual
Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Sevilla,
Spain, p. 185.
Costa CP, S Chelinho, M Moreira-Santos, P Viana, S André, DB Lima, R Ribeiro, AM
Fialho, JP Sousa, CA Viegas (2009). An integrated approach involving chemical and
ecotoxicological evaluation of soils spiked with herbicidal commercial formulations
containing atrazine, before and after the implementation of a bioremediation process.
National Congress MicroBiotec'09 (Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia e Sociedade
Portuguesa de Biotecnologia), Vilamoura, Portugal, p. 130.
Gonçalves AL, AR Calapez, M Moreira-Santos & & C Canhoto (2009). Influence of
Eucalyptus globulus leachates on microbial decomposition in streams. VI Symposium for
European Freshwater Sciences, Sinaia, Romania (not numbered).
Lopes I, M Moreira-Santos, JP Sousa, E Espíndola (Brazil) & R. Ribeiro (2009). Effects of
a realistic exposure scenario due to runoff-related atrazine inputs on a simulated zooplankton
community in the tropics. XIV International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, Metz, France
(not numbered).
Lopes I, A Sedlmayr, M Moreira-Santos, I. Moreno-Garrido (Spain), J. Blasco (Brazil) &
R. Ribeiro. (2009). European Bee-Eater (Merops apiaster) populations under arsenic and
metal stress: evaluation of exposure at a mining site. XIX Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Gutenberg, Sweden (not numbered).
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, EM da Silva (Brazil) & JP Sousa
(2009). Avaliação de risco ecológico em uma área contaminada por metais: a importância da
integração das linhas de evidência química, ecotoxicológica e ecológica. IX Annual Meeting
of SETAC-Latin America (Sociedad Peruana de Ecotoxicología y Química Ambiental), Lima,
Peru (not numbered).
Calapez AR, M Moreira-Santos & C Canhoto (2008). Influence of Eucalyptus globulus leaf
litter leachates on stream invertebrates: toxicity and resource quality. 5th International
Meeting on Plant Litter Processing in Freshwaters (PLPF5), Coimbra, Portugal, p. 87.
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, EM Da Silva (Brazil) & JP Sousa
(2008). Environmental risk assessment of a metal contaminated area in the tropics – chronical
bioasays (tier 2). XVIII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), Warsaw, Poland, p. 110.
Niemeyer JC (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, R Ribeiro, EM Da Silva (Brazil) & JP Sousa
(2008). Análise de risco ecológico para ambientes tropicais: o estudo de caso de Santo
Amaro, BA, Brasil. X ECOTOX - Congresso Brasileiro de Ecotoxicologia, Bento Gonçalves,
RS, Brazil, p. 307.
Lopes I, N Martins, M Moreira-Santos, D Baird (Canada) & R Ribeiro (2007). Genetic
erosion in a simulated cladoceran population under metal and predation pressures. Poster
spotlight. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 114-115.
Moreira-Santos M, T Natal-da-Luz, I Lopes, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa
Rica), JP Sousa & R Ribeiro (2007). Integrated toxicity assessment of the effects of a
pesticide application in a tropical agricultural field. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 206.
Moreira-Santos M, T Natal-da-Luz, I Lopes, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa
Rica), JP Sousa & R Ribeiro (2007). Assessment of the effects of pesticide applications in a
tropical agricultural field: a laboratory simulation of pesticide spraying and its mobilization
via surface runoff. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 206.
Moreira-Santos M, T Natal-da-Luz, I Lopes, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa
Rica), JP Sousa & R Ribeiro (2007). Suitability and sensitivity of populations of three Central
American cladoceran species for toxicity assessments of runoff-related pesticide
contamination. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 206-207.
Moreira-Santos M, T Natal-da-Luz, I Lopes, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa
Rica), JP Sousa & R Ribeiro (2007). Approaches relevant for use in toxicity assessments of
pesticide applications in tropical ecosystems. Poster corner. XVII Annual Meeting of SETACEurope (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 343.
Natal-da-Luz T, M Moreira-Santos, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa Rica), R
Ribeiro & JP Sousa (2007). Habitat and retention functions of tropical soils sprayed with
pesticides. A cse study with diazinon in Costa Rica. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 207.
Niemeyer J (Brazil), AM Gonçalves, R Pereira, M Moreira-Santos, F Gonçalves, R Ribeiro,
E da Silva (Brazil), & JP Sousa (2007). Environmental risk assessment of a metal
contaminated área in the tropics: a case study of Santo Amaro, Bahia, Brazil. Poster corner.
XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 335.
Rosa R, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, P Materastki (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2007).
Development and sensitivity of a 12-h laboratory assay with Daphnia magna based on
avoidance to pulp mill effluents. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 98.
Viegas C, D Lima, S Chelinho, P Viana, M Moreira-Santos, I Lopes, R Ribeiro, JP Sousa &
AM Fialho (2007). Biodegradation and toxicity of atrazine in a scaled-up open soil
microcosm. XVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry), Porto, Portugal, p. 86.
Natal-da-Luz T, M Santos, C Ruepert (Costa Rica), L Castillo (Costa Rica), R Ribeiro & JP
Sousa (2006). Assessing pesticide risks for soil organisms in tropical systems: do laboratory
simulations mimic real field applications? XXVII Annual Meeting of SETAC-North America
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Montréal, Québec, Canada, P223.
Dornfeld CB (Brazil), M Moreira-Santos, ELG Espíndola (Brazil) & R Ribeiro (2006). Do
larvae and egg-laying females of Chironomus riparius (Chironomidae, Díptera) avoid copper
contaminated waters? XVI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 311.
Moreira-Santos M, C Donato & R Ribeiro (2005). Avoidance assays with small fish:
determination of the median avoidance concentration (AC50) and the lowest observed
effective gradient (LOEG). XV Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), Lille, France, p. 384.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2004). An estuarine sediment
in situ toxicity assay with polychaetes (Hediste diversicolor) based on postexposure feeding.
IV SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress, Portland,
Oregon, USA, p. 281.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2004). An estuarine sedimentoverlying water in situ toxicity assay with crabs (Carcinus maenas) based on postexposure
feeding. IV SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress,
Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 281.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2004). An in situ assay with
the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum for sediment-overlying water toxicity evaluations
in estuaries. IV SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World
Congress, Portland, Oregon, USA, p. 281.
Moreira-Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2004). A microalgal growth assay for in
situ toxicity assessments. XII Congresso Ibérico de Limnologia, Porto, Portugal, p. 98.
Moreira-Santos M, S Soares, I Cativa (Angola), AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2004). A
short-term sublethal in situ sediment assay with Chironomus riparius based on postexposure
feeding. XII Congresso Ibérico de Limnologia, Porto, Portugal, p. 100.
Moreira SM, <b>M Moreira-Santos</b>, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2004).
Immobilization of marine microalgae in alginate matrixes for in situ exposure: bead stability
and suitability. XIV Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry), Prague, Check Republic, p. 122.
Moreira-Santos M, AL Fonseca (Brazil), SM Moreira, J Rendon-von Osten (Mexico), EM
da Silva (Brazil), AMVM Soares, L Guilhermino & R Ribeiro (2004). Laboratory and in situ
sediment and roots of floating plants assays with a tropical chironomid based on postexposure
feeding and biomarkers. XIV Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry), Prague, Check Republic, p. 109.
Moreira SM, M Moreira-Santos, J Rendon-von Osten (Mexico), EM da Silva (Brazil), R
Ribeiro, L Guilhermino & AMVM Soares (2003). Laboratory and in situ bioassays for the
tropics based on biomarkers and post-exposure feeding with a local freshwater fish (Poecilia
reticulata). V Iberian and II Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology, Porto, Portugal, p. 310.
Moreira-Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2003). A microalgal growth bioassay for
routine in situ environmental assessments in freshwater systems. V Iberian and II
Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Porto, Portugal,
p. 96.
Soares S, I Cativa (Angola), M Moreira-Santos, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2003). A costeffective sublethal in situ sediment assay with Chironomus riparius based on postexposure
feeding. V Iberian and II Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology, Porto, Portugal (not numbered).
Slijkerman DEM (The Netherlands), MM dos Santos, AMVM Soares, R Ribeiro & RG Jak
(The Netherlands) (2002). Functional and structural impact of linuron on diferent primary
producers. XII Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry), Vienna, Austria, p. 232.
Santos MM, FL Lopes, E Fonte, A Veríssimo & R Ribeiro (2001). Tolerance of a laboratory
and field strains of Chlorella vulgaris to acid mine drainage. Plankton Symposium 2001,
Espinho, Portugal, p. 204.
Santos MM, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2001). Methodologies for routine in situ
experiments with microalgae. Plankton Symposium 2001, Espinho, Portugal, p. 175.
Santos MM, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2001). The use of rotifers for in situ experiments.
Plankton Symposium 2001, Espinho, Portugal, p. 182.
Moreira dos Santos M, E Fonte, FL Lopes, A Veríssimo & R Ribeiro (2001). Tolerance of a
laboratory and an autochthonous strain of Chlorella vulgaris to acid mine drainage. XI Annual
Meeting of SETAC-Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Madrid,
Spain, p. 251.
Moreira dos Santos M, AM Soares & R Ribeiro (2001). A cost-effective procedure for
routine in situ toxicity evaluations with microalgae. XI Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), Madrid, Spain, p. 106.
Moreira dos Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2000). In situ toxicity assessments with
rotifers. III Congresso Ibérico sobre Contaminação e Toxicologia Ambiental, Faro, Portugal,
p. 108-109.
Antunes S, M Moreira dos Santos, F Gonçalves, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2000). In situ
exposure of single-species and of the local phytoplankton community to acid mine drainage.
III SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress, X Annual
Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Brighton, United Kingdom, p. 245.
Lopes I, M Moreira dos Santos, J Rendon (Mexico), AMVM Soares, D Baird (Canada) &
R Ribeiro (2000). In situ toxicity bioassays with autochthonous tropical cladoceran species.
III SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress, X Annual
Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Brighton, United Kingdom, p. 242.
Moreira dos Santos M, AMVM Soares & R Ribeiro (2000). Rotifers as organisms for in situ
bioassays. III SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress,
X Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, Brighton, United Kingdom, p. 242-243.
Moreira dos Santos M, I Moreno-Garrido (Spain), AMVM Soares, F Gonçalves & R
Ribeiro (1999). In situ toxicity testing with immobilised algae cells. VIII European Ecological
Congress, Halkidiki, Greece, p. 453.
Moreira dos Santos MM & G Persoone (Belgium) (1998). The use of Daphnia magna
neonates hatched from ephippia for toxicity testing. International Symposium on New
Microbiotests for Routine Toxicity Screening and Biomonitoring, Brno, Check Republic, p.
Moreira dos Santos MM & G Persoone (Belgium) (1997). Hatching of Daphnia magna
sexual eggs: influence of different biotic and abiotic factors. II International Symposium –
Diapause in the Crustacea, Ghent, Belgium, p. 33.
11. LANGUAGE SKILLS (reading, writing, speaking skills)
English (very good; very good, very good)
French (very good; good, very good)
Spanish (very good; good, very good)

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