FPCBP Bulletin - Edition 1 for Web.indd


FPCBP Bulletin - Edition 1 for Web.indd
Speech from FPCBP
President, Leo Pereira
October 14 Business Forum featuring Finance Minister Greg Sorbara
Leo Pereira, Presidente da FPCBP.
Greg Sorbara na comunidade luso-canadiana
Uma análise ao Orçamento em sessão da Federação
No dia 14 de Outubro, a Federação
de Empresários e Profissionais LusoCanadianos (FPCBP) levou a efeito uma
sessão de esclarecimento com o objectivo de clarificar alguns pontos do último
Orçamento Geral para a Província do
Depois de John Paul Macedo, VicePresidente, ter feito a abertura da sessão,
Leonardo Pereira, presidente da FPCBP
deu as boas-vindas àquele membro do
Governo do Ontário, reconhecendo que
a presença do ministro “indica que a comunidade portuguesa é uma parte vital
do crescimento económico da GTA e do
Canadá em geral”, já que a comunidade
contribui, decisivamente, e de diversas
maneiras, para a grande realidade do
Photo courtesy of O Milenio.
As president of the FPCBP it is my
pleasure to welcome all of you here
this afternoon. Let me tell you that
it is not every day that the Minister
of Finance comes out to address
the members of the Federation and
the Luso-Canadian Community, so
welcome indeed Honourable Greg
Your presence here today clearly
indicates that the Portuguese community is a vital part of the economic
growth of the GTA, and of Canada at
large. Ontario’s economy is thriving
and without a doubt the Portuguese
community has contributed in many
ways to this great reality. No longer
are we just employees. We are now
proud job creators and employers of
thousands of people.
(continuação na página 2)
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
Por isso,
“Honorable Greg
Sorbara, welcome to the Portuguese
Alves, Tesoureiro
Federação, fez a apresentação de Greg
Sorbara, que começaria por dizer da
sua satisfação em estar nesta zona, que
bem conhece. Disse ter falado, designadamente, com Peter Fonseca, agora deputado provincial, com quem abordou
o trabalho da Federação e o programa
de Bolsas de Estudo “que honra a própria comunidade”. Para ele, “é óptimo
voltar a esta grande cidade e ver a grande transformação operada nos últimos
Lembrou que a sua mãe teve, por ali,
um pequeno comércio, numa altura em
que “toda esta parte era compreendida
pela comunidade italo-canadiana”.
Membros da Federação, entre os
quais muitos empresários, advogados,
Greg Sorbara, Ministro de Finanças do Ontário.
Photo courtesy of O Milenio.
industriais, comerciantes e público em
geral, tiveram oportunidade de fazer
perguntas ao ministro.
O “Business Forum-Lunch” haveria
de ter um “aperitivo” de esclarecimento.
O Governo está a anunciar – ouviu-se
– querer transformar o sistema de saúde para o tornar mais ligado ao doente,
orientado para o doente e com resultados melhores.
Referiu, assim, alguns dos investimentos no serviço de saúde, com objectivos
muito claros como seja o de reduzir
as listas de espera nos cuidados com
o cancro, providenciar 36.000 mais
procedimentos cardíacos, outras 9.000
operações de oftalmologia, 2.340 mais
transplantes e mais de meio milhão de
tratamentos por diálise.
Um mundo de coisas que importa
sublinhar e ter em conta. Até porque
se pretende – como disse o ministro
– aumentar 150 novas equipas de saú(continuação na página 2)
(continuação da página 1)
de para a família, providenciar cuidados assistenciais ao domicílio para mais
95.700 residentes no Ontário e abrir
mais 3.760 camas de cuidados a longo
pneumonia. Claro que, para financiar
todos estes investimentos na Saúde,
o Governo está a propor o chamado
Ontario Health Premium, baseado no
rendimento de cada pessoa e com todos
os cêntimos a serem canalizados para a
É evidente que Greg Sorbara falou
ainda sobre vários outros temas, mas
aqui mencionamos apenas os principais.
Article courtesy of Sol Português
(continuação da página 1)
Through our partnerships and liaisons with other businesses and professionals we have been, for some
time now, creating growth, business
opportunities and positive changes
to our community and consequently to this province. The Federation
is proud to be a vital and dynamic
community organization.
Business Forum Luncheon featuring Finance Minister Greg Sorbara
prazo. Isto para além de se acrescentar, já este ano, novos programas grátis de imunização para as crianças em
doenças como a varicela, meningite e
saude. Lembra que as pessoas com os
mais baixos rendimentos na escala não
pagam nada. As restantes vão pagar entre 300 e 900 dólares por ano.
The Federation intends and is working hard to fulfill its mission statement “to promote business activity,
foster professionalism, develop networking opportunities, enhance political visibility, encourage academic
excellence and, as the representative
voice, advocate the prominence of
our members within and outside the
Portuguese Canadian Business and
Professional Community.”
Honourable Greg Sorbara, welcome to the Portuguese Community.
FPCBP Board honours Finance Minster Greg Sorbara with a commemorative plaque.
John Paul Macedo, FPCBP Vice President
I was born in Galegos Sta. Maria,
Barcelos, Portugal. Emigrated to
Canada at the age of five and became
a Canadian citizen in 1998. I attended
high school at St. Michael’s College and
West Toronto Secondary and College
at George Brown College. I have been
in banking for over fifteen years and a
Branch Manager for six years. I am currently a Branch Manager for Scotiabank
at the Dundas and Brock Branch in
During my banking career, I have
become certified to sell Mutual Funds,
certified as a Branch Compliance
Officer and received the certificate of
Achievement for Financial Counselling.
In addition, I achieved the designation of a Specialist Trust Institute and
Personal Financial Planning. I have
a wonderful wife, Aida and I am a
proud father of daughters Danielle and
Julianna. I believe in a balanced life
with a dedication to family, career and
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
Women, visible minorities, new Canadians expected to drive next generation of SMEs
RBC Economics Report Says Makeup of New Business Owners will Transform Attitudes and Economy
Canada is heading towards an era of
unparalleled diversity that will transform
the face of this country’s small to medi-
Ermidio Alves,
FPCBP Treasurer
Ermidio Alves is the immediate
past president of the Federation.
2004 completes his 30th year as a
volunteer to both professional and
community organizations. Ermidio
is a Real Estate Investment Broker in
Canada and the U.S. and has managed his own company since March
of 1977. He approaches his 50th
Birthday with optimism and continues to encourage others to get involved.
“A true volunteer expects nothing for his efforts, but always ends
up with more than when he started.”
- EA
Mission Statement
To promote business activity, foster professionalism, develop networking opportunities, enhance political visibility, encourage academic
excellence and, as the representative
voice, advocate the prominence of
our members within and outside the
Portuguese Canadian Business and
Professional community.
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
um-sized enterprises (SMEs), according
to an RBC Financial Group study.
The report concludes that the generation of entrepreneurs that will emerge
over the next 10 to 20 years will represent the biggest shift in the makeup of
Canada’s business community since the
beginning of the 20th century. The new
group reflects changes in immigration
patterns and social attitudes and is comprised of higher educated owners, more
women and visible minorities, including
new Canadians. This will contrast sharply with the majority of today’s SME owners, who are between 40 and 64 years
of age, male, Caucasian and high school
As the current group of SME owners
ages over the next decade, they will focus more on succession planning and
exit strategies. However, it’s not likely
the majority of today’s business owners
will hand over the reins of their business to family members. The reality is
that only 30 per cent of Canadian family-owned businesses are passed on to a
second generation, and only 10 per cent
to a third.
“The door is open for a different group
of entrepreneurs who will start different
kinds of businesses that will have a profound impact on how we conduct business,” said Derek Holt, RBC Financial
Group’s assistant chief economist. “As
such, diversity is emerging as a key competitive advantage in the economy, giving us the benefit of better understanding other cultures, including our trading
The report notes today’s SMEs are
concentrated in skilled trades and traditional industries. According to the report, today’s business owners will soon
be succeeded by younger entrepreneurs
with university or postgraduate degrees
who will produce a shift towards knowl-
edge based sectors and professional services. Women will play increasingly important roles in the start-up and growth
of SMEs in upcoming years. Currently
about 40 per cent of small businesses in
Canada are at least 50 per cent owned
by women, and almost half of these are
majority owned by females.
“Since female labour force participation rates began to take off in the 1960s
and 1970s, an entire generation of women have parlayed immense business experience into successful ventures,” said
Holt. “In fact, growth in female-oriented establishments is outpacing overall
growth in new business.”
Visible minorities, including new
Canadians will also significantly contribute to SME growth trends. “Canada
is already a nation that owes a great deal
to the entrepreneurial zeal of visible minorities born in and out of Canada,” says
Holt. “Visible minorities are at least as
likely to be interested in becoming entrepreneurs. This is even more so the
case amongst the younger population.”
The report notes the emerging generation of entrepreneurs will be at the
forefront of addressing the many difficult
challenges that lay ahead for Canadian
businesses. These include the impact
of currency appreciation, labour supply constraints, border issues, increased
tradability of services, the impact of
changing technology, and globalization.
However, the diversity and qualifications of this new breed of entrepreneur
should have them well positioned to address such challenges.
A complete copy of the report is
available at: www.rbc.com/economics/market/pdf/sme04.pdf
Article courtesy of
The Portuguese Post
A healthier future for Ontario
On October 14, the Federation of Portuguese Canadian
Business & Professionals was excited to host a Business
Luncheon featuring the Honourable Greg Sorbara, Finance
Minister for Ontario. He was pleased to be able to return to
the community where he grew up and remembered back to
his childhood years when his mother had a business in the
He commented on the points of the Ontario budget and
spoke in detail about the government’s plans to transform the
health system to make it more patient-focused, consumer-oriented and results-driven. The government expects investments
in the health care system will:
Armindo Silva speaks to Finance Minister during question period
• provide home care for an additional 95,700 Ontarians;
• open 3,760 more long-term care beds; and
• add chickenpox, meningitis and pneumonia to the children’s
free immunization program this year.
To fund the investments in health care, the governments
is proposing to introduce the Ontario Health Premium. The
premium will be based on income, with every cent dedicated
to health care. People at the lowest end of the income scale
would not pay anything; and the rest would pay between
$300 and $900.
Cocktail reception preceding lunch also gave many the opportunity to speak
directly with Finance Minister Greg Sorbara.
• reduce wait times for cancer care, provide 36,000 more cardiac procedures, another 9,000 cataract surgeries, 2,340 more
joint replacements and 529,000 more dialysis treatments;
• add 150 new Family Health Teams of doctors, nurses and
nurse practitioners;
The Honourable Greg Sorbara also took time out of his
busy schedule to answer questions from the audience and the
feedback we received indicates the community really appreciated this opportunity.
We look forward to more events of this nature and are expecting great participation for our Annual Scholarship Dinner
with the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario
as the guest of honour. To reserve tickets for this event taking
place November 25, please fax or drop off the attached form.
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
Business opportunities
The Speech from The Throne
Oportunidades de negócio
Recently, the Government introduced
its priorities in The Speech from The
Throne which demonstrated its ongoing
commitment to Canadian values.
Investimento – Campo de golfe
“New venture” procura investidor
interessado. Inclui construção de
um hotel nos Açores.
Fabricante de ceramica
Procura representante
e distribuidor para o Canadá.
Fabricante de calçado
Procura representante
e distribuidor para o Canadá.
Fabricante de sumos
Procura representante
e distribuidor para o Canadá.
Fabricante de nova
marca de cerveja
Procura representante
e distribuidor para o Canadá.
Contacte a Federação
de Empresários e Profissionais
Luso-Canadianos (416) 537-8874.
Nota: Informações para FPCBP
membros custo mínimo
I was pleased to move the motion to
adopt the Speech from The Throne and
to be the first Member of Parliament
to speak on the Government’s agenda. In the Speech from The Throne the
Government committed itself to maintain its fiscal discipline by ensuring that
our house is in order. Continuing a tradition began in 1997 when Prime Minister
Paul Martin was Finance Minister, the
Government has again balanced its
There is also a commitment to invest
$1.5 billion for early learning and child
care across the country over the next
five years to ensure that our children are
given a proper start in life.
For seniors, there is the newly designed
New Horizons for Seniors Program and
an increase in the Guaranteed Income
The Government clearly stated that it
is committed to the implementation of
the Kyoto Accord, a program of Green
Procurement and greater investment in
wind power technology.
Canadians have made clear their belief that we must improve and support
our health care system. The Government
has delivered by committing $41.2 billion to the provinces over the next ten
Cities and communities will also benefit by the Government’s commitment to
share the federal gas tax, assist in eliminating “infrastructure deficit,” focus on
affordable housing and encourage green
The Speech from The Throne delivered
on the Government’s electoral commitments and put into place the foundations to ensure that we remain a strong
and prosperous nation.
Article courtesy of Mario Silva
Informações a não membros
custo obrígatório
Pedidos de informação
somente por escrito.
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
Mário Silva acompanha delegação Canadiana a Portugal
TORONTO, Novembro 3, 2004 – O
Deputado Federal, Mário Silva pela zona
de Davenport, faz parte da Delegação
Canadiana que acompanha a Portugal,
o Ilustre Geoff Regan, Ministro Federal
da Pesca e Oceanos.
“É com grande prazer que aceitei o
convite feito pelo Ministro da Pesca e
Oceanos, para o acompanhar a Portugal
e fazer parte da Delegação Canadiana.”
comentou Mário Silva
A Delegação parte no dia 6 de
Novembro de 2004 e volta no dia 10
do mesmo mês. O Ministro Canadiano
em conjuto com Mário Silva e outros
membros da Delegação, vai encontrase com Carlos da Costa Neves, Ministro
Português da Agricultura, Pescas e
Espera-se que os dois Ministros debatem ideias que irão melhorar o critério
de evidências requeridas, durante inspecções conduzidas pela Organização
das Pescarias do Noroeste do Atlântico
(NAFO) Regulamentação da Comissão
de Pescas do Atlântico Nordeste
(NEAFC) desenvolvendo assim uma cooperação industrial e científica entre os
dois países.
Como resposta a um acordo mútuo
entre o Primeiro Ministro Paul Martin e o
Primeiro Ministro Pedro Manuel Santana
Lopes, num encontro bilateral no dia 22
de Setembro de 2004, aguarda-se que
este encontro proporcione o avanço de
uma estratégia unilateral para a conservação da pesca. “Nesta viagem a
Portugal o Ministro e sua Delegação vai
ter a oportunidade de se envolverem em
diálogos directos com Entidades portuguesas sobre assuntos de importância
relacionado com a indústria da pesca
de ambas as nações.” salientou Mário
Tanto o Canadá como Portugal são
nações com experiências extensivas na
indústria da pesca. Esta missão oferece
aos representantes de ambas as nações
a oportunidade de se envolverem num
diálogo bilateral em relação a este importante sector das suas respectivas economias.
2004 Board of Directors
Leo Pereira, President
John P. Macedo, Vice-President
Fernando Clotildes, Secretary
Ermidio F. Alves, Treasurer
Antonio Aires
Aldina Costa
Kelly Da Fonseca
Avelino Fonseca
Cristina Marques
Fernando Rio
Past Presidents
Frank Alvarez
Ermidio Alves
Luis Arruda
David Costa
Fernando Costa
Ricardo Castro-Lopo
Raimundo Favas
Almiro Fonseca
Louis Louro, Jr.
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004
José Neves
Nellie Pedro
Joe Pinto
Arnaldo Santos
John Santos
Armindo Silva
Charles Sousa
Carlos Teixeira
Laura Bulger
Fernando Costa
Vasco D’Avillez
Cesar de Morais
Germano Gonçalves
Delkar Maia
Alberto Pereira
Octavio Sampaio
John F. Santos
Armindo Silva
“Annual Scholarship Dinner” para entrega
das Bolsas de Estudo será no dia 25 de Novembro de 2004
A Federação de Empresários e
Profissionais Luso-Canadianos (FPCBP)
tem o enorme prazer de anunciar que
o Orador Convidado para o “Annual
Scholarship Dinner” será o Hon. Dalton
McGuinty, Premier do Ontário. Este
evento importante para a entrega das
bolsas de estudo será no dia 25 de
Novembro no Pearson Convention
Center em Brampton.
O programa de Bolsas de Estudo
tem por objectivo auxiliar os estudantes de descendência portuguesa que
frequentem Instituições Educacionais
Secundárias Canadianas. No ano 2000,
este programa passou a incluir alunos do
12° ano. O sucesso anual desta iniciativa depende inteiramente da generosidade e suporte dos nossos patrocinadores.
Para mais informações sobre as bolsas
de estudo ou para participar no nosso
“Annual Scholarship Dinner” - somen-
te por reserva antecipada - chamamos
a vossa atenção para o nosso website
722 College Street, Suite 301
Toronto, ON M6G 1C4
(416) 537-8874
(416) 537-9706
[email protected]
FPCBP Newsletter - Fall 2004