sklad I:Layout 1
sklad I:Layout 1
POSTAL 2011/12 I spears, points, tops I groty, szpice, zwieƒczenia I Pfahlspitzen, Spitzen, Verzierungen I Á‡ÏÍÌÛÚ˚ ÔÓÙËÎË – ÔflÏÓÛ„ÓθÌ˚ هÍÚÛÌ˚ I hroty HxL (mm) Nº Ø15 150x55 Ø16 150x66 Ø24 160x63 Ø25 110x55 Ø30 125x65 Ø18 110x48 Ø12 100x45 Ø15 125x55 40.001 40.002 40.003 40.006 40.007 40.008 40.011 40.012 HxL (mm) Ø16 145x120 Nº 40.013 40.015 40.016 40.017 40.018 40.020 40.041 40.045 40.048 40.049 HxL (mm) Nº Ø15 74x55 Ø20 99x72 Ø20 130x70 Ø30 160x90 40.050 40.051 Ø12 130x60 Ø25 140x70 Ø12 130x60 Ø21 137x38 Ø17 155x70 40.052 40.052.02 40.053 on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání Ø13 125x60 Ø13 130x53 Ø20 110x70 Ø26 135x70 Ø20 80x45 Ø25 125x65 Ø38 140x80 40.055 40.056 40.057 This document has been This document edited with Infix has PDFbeen Editor edited Infix PDF Editor - free for with non-commercial use. - free for non-commercial use. To remove this notice, visit: To remove this notice, visit: new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky Ø24 128x65 57 POSTAL 2011/12 Ø20 120x55 Ø25 135x65 Ø20 115x58 Nº 40.058 40.059 40.060 HxL (mm) 12x12 150x40 14x14 180x43 40.067 40.068 HxL (mm) Nº Ø26 140x70 40.060.01 40.060.02 40.061 Ø20 95x30 Ø25 135x40 Ø20 98x33 Ø30 160x50 40.071 40.071.01 40.072 40.072.01 40.073 Ø16 155x65 40.065 40.066 Ø32 190x55 Ø25 135x40 40.074 40.075 40.077 40.077.02 40.078 Ø33 140x57 Ø40 190x68 20x20 100x20 25x25 160x25 40x40 150x40 20x20 125x30 15x15 82x20 Nº 40.084 40.085 40.088.01 40.089 40.090 40.092 40.092.01 HxL (mm) 32x32 160x40 40x40 190x50 12x12 95x27 Ø18 125x40 40.093 40.094 40.095 40.096 Nº 20x16 130x75 14x14 140x47 15x15 140x50 HxL (mm) 18x14 100x55 12x12 120x42 Ø25 110x50 Nº Ø20 115x58 Ø32 125x60 HxL (mm) 58 Ø25 125x40 Ø16 82x40 40.079 40.079.01 40.080 24x24 60x35 Ø24 88x28 Ø16 160x65 Ø25 125x45 40.081 40.083 This document has been Ø30 Ø33 edited with Infix PDF Editor - free for non-commercial use. 120x35 150x40 To remove this notice, visit: 40.097 40.098.03 40.098.02 40.098.01 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Ø19 190x75 25x25 120x67 30x30 155x92 40x40 200x117 18x21 105x53 Nº 40.099 40.099.01 40.099.02 40.099.03 40.099.04 HxL (mm) Ø13 140x50 14x14 110x50 Nº HxL (mm) Nº Ø15 180x60 40.102 40.102.01 40.103 18x18 250x80 26x26 290x75 40.110 40.111 Ø40 200x100 Ø16 160x90 Ø21 165x70 40.100 40.101 Ø16 160x65 Ø25 160x70 15x15 145x80 15x15 140x80 Ø50 170x85 40.104 40.105 40.106 40.107 40.109 Ø16 120x73 Ø32 210x50 20x20 270x70 Ø29 180x60 Ø35 205x65 40.114 40.117 40.118 40.112 40.112.01 40.113 59 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 60 12x12 90x63 20x20 135x90 Ø33 130x47 12x12 170x30 12x12 150x30 14x14 150x30 16x16 57x38 23x23 115x96 40.123 40.125 40.126 40.132 40.133 40.138 40.140 40.142 Ø12 92x35 12x12 120x35 16x16 107x25 16x16 142x28 20x20 148x35 Ø16 132x85 Ø26 134x64 Ø24 155x68 40.150 40.151 40.153 40.154 40.155 40.156 40.157 40.158 Ø35 145x36 16x16 105x60 26x26 140x88 12x12 200 14x14 200 12x12 200 14x14 200 40.159 40.162 40.163 40.170 40.171 40.174 40.175 Ø22 80x22 Ø27 110x27 14x18 97x55 14x14 130x60 15x15 82x15 18x18 110x18 40.200 40.201 40.204 40.205 40.210 40.211 23x23 140x23 150x85 40.212 40.300 160x110 40.301 POSTAL 2011/12 I slugs, caps I przekuwki, nasadki I Rohrteile, Aufsätze I ÍÓ‚‡Ì˚ ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚ˚, ̇҇‰ÍË I návleky HxL (mm) Nº 12,5 39x40 39x40 12,5 67x40 41.001 41.001.01 41.002 67x40 14,5 44x45 41.002.01 41.003 14,5 67x45 Ø14,5 39x40 Ø14,5 67x40 41.004 41.005 41.006 16,5 44x45 16,5 67x45 Ø16,5 44x45 Ø16,5 67x45 12,5 40x38 12,5 65x38 Nº 41.007 41.008 41.011 41.012 41.021 41.022 HxL (mm) 14,5 40x38 14,5 65x38 16,5 40x38 16,5 65x38 Ø35,5 80x69 30,5 80x69 27 215x63 41.023 41.024 41.025 41.026 41.050 41.060 41.070 HxL (mm) Nº Nº 12,5 22x40 14,5 22x40 16,5 22x40 Ø12,5 25x35 Ø14,5 22x40 Ø16,5 22x40 41.102 41.104 41.105 41.111 41.114 41.115 HxL (mm) 61 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº 16,5 22x38 20,5 35x55 25,5 35x55 14,5 70x35 14,5 130x35 41.202 41.204 41.205 41.206 41.207 41.306 41.307 Ø14,5 130x35 16x16 75x42 16x16 148x48 Ø16 75x38 Ø16 128x40 Ø12 140x28 12x12 140x26 Nº 41.311 41.312 41.315 41.316 41.317 41.318 41.400 41.401 HxL (mm) 12x12 160x25 14x14 80x32 12x12 200x56 12x12 200x60 12–14 75x30 16–20 75x35 20x20 140x35 Ø14 95x40 Ø14 120x40 41.402 41.403 41.404 41.405 41.407 41.408 41.409 41.450 41.451 Nº 14,5 22x38 Ø14,5 70x35 HxL (mm) 62 12,5 22x33 POSTAL 2011/12 I knobs I gałki I Knöpfe I ̇·‡Î‰‡¯ÌËÍË I šišky HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº Ø28 80 Ø40 90 Ø100 180 Ø50 90 25x25 60 40x40 85 Ø27 60 Ø42 85 42.000 42.001 42.002 42.003 42.004 42.005 42.006 42.007 Ø30 45 Ø45 60 Ø55 70 Ø65 80 Ø30 45 Ø35 65 42.011 42.012 42.013 42.014 42.016 42.017 Ø52 95 Ø50 160 Ø75 120 220x200 42.020 42.021 42.022 42.030 63 POSTAL 2011/12 I plain full spheres I kule pełne, gładkie I volle, glatte Kugeln I ¯‡˚ ÒÔÎÓ¯Ì˚ „·‰ÍË I koule plné hladké Nº Ø15 Ø20 Ø25 Ø30 Ø35 Ø40 Ø50 43.015 43.020 43.025 43.030 43.035 43.040 43.050 I textured full spheres I kule pełne, fakturowane I volle, strukturierte Kugeln I ¯‡˚ ÒÔÎÓ¯Ì˚ هÍÚÛÌ˚ I koule plné okované Ø20 Nº Nº Ø25 Ø30 Ø35 Ø40 Ø50 Ø20 Ø30 Ø40 Ø50 43.120 43.125 43.130 43.135 43.140 43.150 43.220 43.230 43.240 43.250 Ø40 Ø50 Ø60 Ø70 Ø80 Ø100 Ø120 Ø150 43.504 43.505 43.506 43.507 43.508 43.510 43.512 43.515 I plain hollow spheres I kule puste, gładkie I glatte Hohlkugeln I ¯‡˚ ÔÓÎ˚ „·‰ÍË I koule duté hladké Ø15 Nº Nº 64 Ø20 Ø25 Ø30 Ø35 Ø40 Ø50 Ø60 Ø70 Ø80 43.615 43.620 43.625 43.630 43.635 43.640 43.650 43.660 43.670 43.680 Ø90 Ø100 Ø120 Ø150 Ø200 43.690 43.700 43.720 43.750 43.800 POSTAL 2011/12 I masking frames, plates I maskownice, szyldy maskujàce I Blenden, Blendschilder I χÒÍËÓ‚Ó˜Ì˚ ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚ˚ I rozety HxL (mm) Nº 12x12 50x50 6 21x21 70x70 8 26x26 90x90 8 90x90 5 100x100 10 30x30 100x100 10 60x60 5 44.001 44.004 44.006 44.010 44.011 44.013 44.014 Ø65 4 Ø90 4 44.018 44.020 44.022 44.026 44.029 Ø110 4 26x26 Ø110 4 85x85 8 120x120 8 60x60 4 80x80 4 Nº 44.034 44.036 44.038 44.039 44.040 44.043 HxL (mm) 12,5x12,5 15x50x50 4 14,5x14,5 15x50x50 4 16,5x16,5 15x50x50 4 20,5x20,5 17x80x80 4 25,5x25,5 17x80x80 4 30,5x30,5 17x80x80 4 40,5x40,5 17x80x80 4 44.046 44.047 44.048 44.049 44.050 44.051 44.052 Nº HxL (mm) Nº 65x65 4 13x13 65x65 4 44.017 100x100 4 26x26 100x100 4 HxL (mm) 65 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 40,5x20,5 17x80x80 4 40,5x30,5 17x80x80 4 14,5x14,5 Ø90 4 62x62 2 12x12 62x62 2 16x16 62x62 2 24x24 62x62 2 Nº 44.053 44.054 44.060 44.066 44.067 44.068 44.069 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 16x16 75x75 2 24x24 75x75 2 Ø75 2,5 12x12 Ø75 2,5 44.070 44.071 44.072 44.073 44.074 44.075 16x16 Ø75 2,5 24x24 Ø75 2,5 30,5x30,5 25x80x80 40,5x40,5 25x80x80 25,5x25,5 20x60x60 30,5x30,5 20x60x60 44.076 44.077 44.119 44.121 44.122 44.123 HxL (mm) 20,5x20,5 20x50x50 12,5x12,5 15x40x40 14,5x14,5 15x40x40 16,5x16,5 15x40x40 Ø60x20 Ø40x20 Ø30x20 Nº 44.126 44.127 44.128 44.129 41.134 41.136 41.137 HxL (mm) Nº 66 75x75 2 12x12 75x75 2 Ø25 25xØ80 1 Ø32 25xØ80 1 Ø38 30xØ97 1 Ø42 30xØ97 1 Ø48 30xØ97 1 Ø51 30xØ110 1 44.140 44.141 44.142 44.143 44.144 44.145 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 12x12 19x44x44 1 14x14 19x44x44 1 16x16 19x44x44 1 20x20 22x57x57 1 25x25 30x80x80 1 30x30 30x80x80 1 40x40 30x90x90 1 Nº 44.146 44.147 44.148 44.149 44.150 44.151 44.152 HxL (mm) Nº 50x50 30x100x100 1 60x60 28x98x98 1 80x80 28x120x120 1 100x100 28x142x142 1 40x30 30x85x75 1 40x60 28x90x110 1 44.153 44.154 44.155 44.156 44.157 44.158 120x50 4 145x60 4 200x85 4 280x120 5 Nº 44.200 44.201 44.202 44.203 44.204 HxL (mm) 160x105 6 135x38 Nº 44.205 44.220 155x70 4 HxL (mm) 67 POSTAL 2011/12 I flowers, leaves, flower ornaments I kwiaty, liÊcie i motywy roÊlinne I Blumen, Blätter, Ornamente mit Pflanzmotiven I ˆ‚ÂÚ˚, ÎËÒÚ¸fl, ‡ÒÚËÚÂθÌ˚ Ó̇ÏÂÌÚ˚ I květy HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 68 Ø95 5 Ø95 5 Ø62 4 Ø10 Ø60 3 Ø10 Ø90 3 Ø12 Ø98 3 Ø12 Ø115 3 50.001 50.003 50.004 50.005 50.006 50.007 50.008 Ø60 2 Ø12 Ø68 1,5 Ø12 Ø97 2 Ø12 Ø120 2 Ø95 2 Ø10 Ø60 3 Ø18 Ø95 3 50.009 50.010 50.011 50.012 50.013 50.014 50.015 Ø62 2 Ø60 2 Ø40 4 Ø140 2 Ø75 6 50.016 50.017 50.018 50.019 50.020 Ø90 2 Ø10 Ø135 2 Ø10 Ø85 2 Ø45 1,5 Ø70 1,5 Ø115 1,5 50.021 50.021.01 50.022 50.023 50.024 50.025 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº Nº Ø95 3 Ø120 3 Ø46 5 1 Ø70 10 1,5 Ø115 20 1,5 50.026 50.027 50.028 50.029 50.030 50.031 Ø80 1,5 Ø60 1,5 Ø75 45 2 50.032 50.033 50.034 Ø80 2,5 Ø120 2,5 50.040 50.041 Ø90 4 Ø120 4 Ø68 1,5 Ø95 2 80x75 2 50.042 50.043 50.048 50.049 50.050 Ø100 2 Ø95 2 Ø100 2 Ø85 2 Ø115 2 50.051 50.052 50.053 50.054 50.055 HxL (mm) Ø65 3 69 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº Nº Ø45 1,5 Ø30 1,5 210x110 450x160 50.095 50.096 50.097 50.099 50.100 100x70 240x140 60x45 240x140 55x30 50.101 50.102 50.103 50.104 50.105 70x50 2 50x40 2 45x33 1 300x70 50x50 1,5 70x50 2 50x40 2 Nº 50.106 50.107 50.108 50.109 50.110 50.111 50.112 HxL (mm) 400x150 2,5 460x170 2,5 480x210 2,5 490x250 2,5 270x40 270x40 70x80 Nº 50.113 50.114 50.115 50.116 50.117 50.118 50.119 HxL (mm) 70 Ø60 1,5 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 190x115 140x125 135x50 85x40 3 65x30 3 115x45 3 Nº 50.120 50.120.01 50.121 50.122 50.122.01 50.123 Nº 140x85 100x90 100x40 500x420 60x115 45x90 50.124 50.124.01 50.125 50.126 50.130 50.131 115x70 2 85x50 2 260 3 220 3 195 3 160 3 Nº 50.132 50.133 50.134 50.135 50.136 50.137 50.138 HxL (mm) 420x220 380x150 340x140 130x40 3 115x40 3 90x30 3 Nº 50.140 50.141 50.142 50.143 50.143.01 50.143.02 new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky HxL (mm) Nº Ø20x75x20 Ø20x75x65 Ø20x75x75 50.144 50.145 50.146 on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání 145x90 2 HxL (mm) 71 POSTAL 2011/12 175x95 2 145x75 2 100x55 2 Ø25x70 Ø20x56 65x45 5 Nº 50.150 50.151 50.152 50.153 50.154 50.155 HxL (mm) 150x150 2,5 115x125 2 85x95 2 70x70 1,5 105x100 1,5 75x75 1,5 50x50 1,5 Nº 50.156 50.157 50.158 50.159 50.160 50.161 50.162 160x60 120x60 200x70 Ø12x300x190 Ø12x300x190 135x35 50.165 50.166 50.170 50.175 50.176 50.180 HxL (mm) Nº 72 HxL (mm) 130x195 2 105x155 2 75x115 2 235x230 2,5 210x180 2,5 140x110 2,5 85x45 2,5 Nº 50.181 50.182 50.183 50.184 50.185 50.186 50.187 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 410x165 275x105 250x45 2 160x110 2 225x60 4 210x135 4 210x135 4 Nº 50.188 50.189 50.190 50.191 50.192 50.193 50.194 200x110 3 200x110 3 500 2 305 2 200x115 2 145x90 2 Nº 50.195 50.196 50.197 50.198 50.199 50.200 50.201 HxL (mm) 120x140 2,5 90x105 2,5 60x70 2,5 340x70 340x55 Nº 50.211 50.212 50.213 50.214 50.215 new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání 210x75 3 HxL (mm) 73 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 74 100x60 3 100x80 3 100x50 2,5 100x50 2,5 80x80 2 80x80 2 115x40 2 115x40 2 51.001 51.002 51.003 51.004 51.005 51.006 51.007 51.008 125x80 2 125x80 2 51.009 51.010 100x90 2 100x90 2 80x60 2 80x60 2 120x100 2 120x100 2 51.015 51.016 51.017 51.018 51.019 51.020 190x60 2 190x60 2 110x40 2 110x40 2 51.059 51.060 51.061 51.062 90x30 2 80x60 2 80x60 2 51.069 51.070 90x30 2 51.063 51.064 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº Nº 55x70 2 110x75 2 110x75 2 108x45 2 110x47 2 51.073 51.074 51.077 51.078 51.080 51.081 155x65 2 100x72 2 160x85 2 160x85 2 230x67 5 160x40 2,5 51.082 51.083 51.084 51.085 51.090 51.097 280x50 2,5 105x50 3 100x70 4 135x32 3 165x60 3 51.098 51.099 51.100 51.101 51.102 165x70 4 300x70 4 275x50 4 430x110 6 330x100 5 330x100 5 180x50 5 51.103 51.104 51.105 51.106 51.107 51.108 51.109 HxL (mm) 55x70 2 75 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº 76 150x80 1,5 100x80 4 100x80 4 160x90 5 160x90 5 51.110 51.111 51.112 51.113 51.114 HxL (mm) 215x175 4 215x175 4 255x155 4 255x155 4 Nº 51.115 51.116 51.117 51.118 HxL (mm) 270x145 2 270x145 2 200x95 2 200x95 2 295x175 2 295x175 2 Nº 51.119 51.120 51.121 51.122 51.123 51.124 HxL (mm) 230x135 2 230x135 2 164x130 2 164x130 2 240x140 2 240x140 2 Nº 51.125 51.126 51.127 51.128 51.129 51.130 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 245x130 2,5 242x170 2 180x170 2 180x170 2 Nº 51.131 51.132 51.133 51.134 HxL (mm) 260x75 2 240x85 2 240x85 2 255x70 2 235x85 2 51.140 51.141 51.142 51.143 51.144 Nº Nº 290x56 2 120x50 2 120x50 2 110x95 2 110x95 2 51.145 51.151 51.152 51.153 51.154 HxL (mm) 77 POSTAL 2011/12 230x85 2 230x85 2 220x80 2 220x80 2 51.155 51.156 51.157 51.158 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 78 130x75 4 190x125 5 330x260 5 210x120 5 210x120 5 51.200 51.201 51.202 51.203 51.204 HxL (mm) 183x173 2 183x173 2 Ø160 2 85x75 2 170x70 2 230x95 2 Nº 51.205 51.206 51.235 51.236 51.237 51.238 HxL (mm) 250x120 2 340x210 2 340x210 2 350x70 16x8 350x70 16x8 Nº 51.239 51.240 51.241 51.300 51.301 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 16x8 220x130 16x8 220x130 Nº 51.302 51.303 270x110 4 270x110 4 310x100 1 450x300 1 51.400 51.401 51.410 51.412 HxL (mm) 340x260 1 Nº 51.413 HxL (mm) 255x230 1 146x146 1 410x65 1 410x65 1 Nº 51.411 51.420 51.426 51.425 79 POSTAL 2011/12 80 HxL (mm) 320x300 1 430x310 1 170x340 1 170x170 1 Nº 51.414 51.415 51.416 51.417 HxL (mm) 110x110 1 146x146 1 184x184 1 145x145 1 100x100 1 Nº 51.418 51.420 51.421 51.422 51.423 HxL (mm) 120x570 1 290x470 1 Nº 51.427 51.428 HxL (mm) 240x500 1 400x130 1 400x130 1 270x100 1 270x100 1 Nº 51.429 51.430 51.431 51.432 51.433 HxL (mm) 340x140 1 340x140 1 300x170 1 300x170 1 270x310 1 270x310 1 Nº 51.434 51.435 51.436 51.437 51.438 51.439 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 200x650 1 200x650 1 175x210 1 175x210 1 Nº 51.440 51.441 51.442 51.443 HxL (mm) 115x155 1,5 225x305 2 225x40 2 Nº 51.450 51.451 51.452 I ornamental sets – cast steel I zespoły ozdobne – staliwo I Dekorgruppen – Stahlguss I ‰ÂÍÓ‡ÚË‚Ì˚ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ – ÎËÚ‡fl Òڇθ I ornamenty – litá ocel 85x70 4 105x95 3 105x95 3 270x110 4 270x110 4 Nº 52.001 52.002 52.003 52.004 52.005 52.006 HxL (mm) 260x135 4 260x135 4 140x65 4 140x65 4 150x130 4 150x130 4 Nº 52.007 52.008 52.009 52.010 52.011 52.012 85x70 4 HxL (mm) 81 POSTAL 2011/12 82 HxL (mm) 140x110 4 140x110 4 190x160 4 190x160 4 155x140 4 155x140 4 Nº 52.013 52.014 52.015 52.016 52.017 52.018 HxL (mm) 250x150 4 250x150 4 220x105 4 220x105 4 180x85 4 180x85 4 Nº 52.019 52.020 52.021 52.022 52.023 52.024 HxL (mm) 165x105 4 165x105 4 200x125 4 200x125 4 215x140 4 Nº 52.025 52.026 52.027 52.028 52.029 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº 170x75 4 220x180 4 185x80 4 245x125 4 235x105 4 52.030 52.031 52.032 52.033 52.034 HxL (mm) 225x130 4 225x130 4 155x55 4 155x55 4 230x65 4 230x65 4 Nº 52.035 52.036 52.037 52.038 52.039 52.040 150x65 4 150x65 4 115x55 4 190x60 4 175x50 4 155x90 4 52.041 52.042 52.043 52.044 52.045 52.046 HxL (mm) Nº Nº 135x75 4 160x45 4 240x150 4 240x150 4 170x138 4 170x138 4 52.047 52.048 52.049 52.050 52.051 52.052 HxL (mm) 83 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 175x50 6 215x50 8 Ø160 4 Ø90x60 4 52.053 52.054 52.055 52.130 52.131 Ø8 Ø80 3 Ø90 5 Ø135 5 85x80 3 Ø100 3,5 92x78 4 52.132 52.133 52.134 52.135 52.136 52.137 Ø55 4 106x78 4 93x67 4 140x78 4 125x75 3 155x110 4 135x85 4 Nº 52.139 52.140 52.141 52.142 52.201 52.202 52.203 HxL (mm) 170x100 200x140 180x28 Ø5 160x43 Ø5 Ø90 8 Ø55 8 Nº 52.211 52.212 52.216 52.217 52.300 52.301 HxL (mm) 84 145x50 6 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº Ø70 8 Ø90 8 85x70 8 Ø100 8 95x75 8 52.304 52.305 52.306 52.307 52.309 Ø130 340x210 5 340x210 5 220x130 4 220x130 4 Nº 52.310 52.400 52.401 52.402 52.403 HxL (mm) 185x90 8 165x125 8 195x100 8 220x145 12 52.404 52.405 52.406 52.420 HxL (mm) Nº 85 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 86 Ø80 0,5 Ø80x17 0,5 Ø155x27 1 Ø40x40 0,5 Ø55x35 0,5 Ø65x30 0,5 53.000 53.001 53.002 53.003 53.004 53.005 Ø90x70 0,6 Ø40x42 0,6 53.006 53.007 85x45 0,5 70x35 0,5 195x80 0,5 57x55 0,6 105x95 1 200x190 1 53.008 53.009 53.010 53.011 53.012 53.013 130x65 1 90x45 1 60x110 1 125x175 1 200x95 1 230x100 1 53.014 53.015 53.016 53.017 53.018 53.019 POSTAL 2011/12 I cast iron items I ˝eliwa I Gusseisen Waren I ˜Û„ÛÌÌ˚ ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚ˚ I litina HxL (mm) 14x14 380x190 14x14 400x190 14x14 455x200 14x14 190x150 14x14 280x130 Nº 55.001 55.003 55.005 55.006 55.007 HxL (mm) 14x14 315x220 14x14 280x195 280x195/Ø16 680x300 680x300 Nº 55.008 55.009 55.010 55.020 55.021 500x100 Nº 55.030 HxL (mm) 870x150 Nº 55.031 HxL (mm) 87 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 88 Ø120 Ø100 210x110 40x40 87 50x50 110 60x60 135 55.050 55.100 55.101 55.102 55.103 80x80 165 100x100 180 250x160 new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky 55.104 55.105 55.200 on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání POSTAL 2011/12 I cantilever gate carriages, accessories I wózki i akcesoria I Wagen, Zubehör I ͇ÂÚÍË, ‡ÍÒÂÒÒÛ‡˚ I vodící vozíky Nº Nº cantilever gate carriage 80 steel wheels, big plate cantilever gate carriage 80 steel wheels 60.000 60.001 60.002 cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels, big plate cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels 60.000.01 60.001.01 60.002.01 60.003.01 Nº Nº 60.003 2x 60.003 + 60.010 + 60.020 2x 60.003.70 + 60.010 + 60.020 60.00P.80 60.00P.70 60.003.70 cantilever gate carriage 80 steel wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 steel wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 steel wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 steel wheels 60.004 60.005 60.006 60.007 cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels cantilever gate carriage 80 plastic wheels 60.004.01 60.005.01 60.006.01 60.007.01 Nº cantilever gate carriage 80 cantilever gate cantilever gate steel wheels carriage 80, steel wheels carriage 70, steel wheels 89 POSTAL 2011/12 guide wheel cup for rail cup for rail 80 cup for gate 40 60.010 60.020 60.021 60.022 Nº cup for gate 60 rubber wheels cup for gate 80 rubber wheels fixed gate guide adjustable gate guide adjustable gate guide 60.023 60.024 60.030 60.030.01 60.031 Nº Ø25 Nº 60.040 Ø30 Ø32 Ø35 Ø40 60.040.01 60.040.02 60.040.03 60.040.05 Ø35 Ø40 60.043 60.049 I gear racks I listwy I Leisten I Ô·ÌÍË I hřeben vedení Nº 90 steel zinc gear racks L 1000 x 10 steel zinc gear racks L 1000 x 8 plastic gear racks 3x L 333 x 20 plastic gear racks L 1000 x 20 60.050 60.051 60.055 60.056 POSTAL 2011/12 Nº 70 x 70 x 27,5 x 4 6000 80 x 80 x 27,5 x 5 6000 80 x 80 x 27,5 x 5 7000 60.070 60.080 60.080.01 I rolls I rolki I Rollen I ÓÎËÍË I rolny, vodící kolečka „V“ Ø 70 x 22 „O“ Ø 70 x 1/2“ „O“ Ø 90 x 3/4“ „T“ Ø 70 x 22 Nº 60.100 60.102 60.103.01 60.104 type „V“ Ø 90 x 22 „O“ Ø 90 x 1/2“ „T“ Ø 90 x 22 Nº 60.101 60.103 60.105 type „V“ Ø 75 x 22 „O“ Ø 75 x 1/2“ „O“ Ø 90 x 3/4“ „T“ Ø 70 x 22 Nº 60.106 60.108 60.109.01 60.110 type „V“ Ø 90 x 22 „O“ Ø 90 x 1/2“ „T“ Ø 90 x 22 Nº 60.107 60.109 60.111 type 91 POSTAL 2011/12 I hinges I zawiasy I Scharniere I ÔÂÚÎË I závěsy, panty Nº adjustable hinges M20 100 x 100 x 4 welding hinges M16 adjustable hinges M18, long built-in hinges M16 61.000 61.001 61.003 61.005 welding hinges M20 adjustable hinges M20, long built-in hinges M20 61.002 61.004 61.006 Nº Nº Nº Nº Nº 92 welding hinges M18 adjustable hinges M16 adjustable hinges with ornamental shield M16, 80 x 80 x 3 adjustable hinges with shield M16, 80 x 80 x 3 61.010 61.012 61.016 61.018 welding hinges M22 adjustable hinges M20 adjustable hinges with ornamental shield M20, 100 x 100 x 4 adjustable hinges with shield M20, 100 x 100 x 4 61.011 61.013 61.017 61.019 adjustable hinges M20 adjustable hinges M18 welding hinges M20 welding hinges M18 61.021 61.023 61.027 61.029 adjustable hinges M22 welding hinges M24 welding hinges M22 61.024 61.028 61.030 POSTAL 2011/12 61.051 + 61.052 Nº Nº Nº built-in hinges M20 built-in hinges M18 hinges M16 open angle 180º 61.040 61.042 61.051 built-in hinges M24 built-in hinges M22 hinges M20 open angle 180º 61.041 61.043 61.052 gate stop Ø 90 x 90 screw fixing gate stop 157 x 130 x 44 anti-thieft rack H 33 x L 2000 / 3 61.090 61.091 61.095 Ø29 130 Ø20 100 Ø24 122 Ø30 146 Ø30 230 Nº 61.100 61.101 61.102 61.103 61.104 61.105 new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání H Ø20 100 93 POSTAL 2011/12 94 H Ø27 145 Nº 61.106 H Ø35 190 Nº 61.107 Ø 12 16 20 24 27 30 35 40 H 60 66 70 80 90 100 120 120 Nº 61.112 61.116 61.120 61.124 61.127 61.130 61.135 61.140 Ø 20 24 27 30 35 40 H Nº 70 61.120.01 80 61.124.01 90 61.127.01 100 61.130.01 120 61.135.01 120 61.140.01 HxL Ø27 210x90 Ø27 400x50 Ø27 400x50 50x5 400x650 35x4 250x290 Nº 61.202 61.211 61.212 61.221 61.222 HxL 50x5 400x650 35x4 250x290 Ø27 220 Ø35 240 Nº 61.223 61.224 61.231 61.232 POSTAL 2011/12 H L Ø Nº 400 35 14 61.251 600 35 14 61.252 800 40 18 61.253 1000 50 18 61.254 1200 60 20 61.255 500 35 14 61.256 700 50 18 61.257 150x35 Ø14 200x40 Ø18 220x50 Ø18 220x60 Ø20 150x35 Ø14 61.261 61.262 61.263 61.264 61.265 HxL (mm) Nº H 14 150 35 61.271 18 200 40 61.272 18 220 50 61.273 20 L 270 60 Nº 61.274 Nº 150x150 4 200x200 4 61.300 61.301 Ø 95 POSTAL 2011/12 Nº Nº 185x160 4 250x210 4 203x100 4 61.302 61.303 61.304 350x200 4 350x200 4 525x225 4 525x225 4 61.305 61.306 61.307 61.308 I post tops I daszki I Deckel I ̇‚ÂÒ˚ I krytky sloupků 96 405x170 5 Nº 61.310 20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 60x60 80x80 100x100 120x120 150x150 200x200 H 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 Nº 62.002 62.003 62.004 62.005 62.006 62.008 62.010 62.012 62.015 62.020 20x20 25x25 30x30 40x40 50x50 60x60 70x70 80x80 90x90 100x100 110x110 120x120 160x160 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nº 62.002.01 62.002.25 62.003.01 62.004.01 62.005.01 62.006.01 62.007.01 62.008.01 62.009.01 62.010.01 62.011.01 62.012.01 62.016.01 POSTAL 2011/12 40x40 50x50 50x50 60x60 60x60 60x60 70x70 70x70 80x80 80x80 90x90 90x90 100x100 100x100 100x100 120x120 120x120 120x120 Ø 40 50 60 50 60 80 60 70 60 80 80 90 60 80 100 80 100 120 Nº 62.004.04 62.005.05 62.005.06 62.006.05 62.006.06 62.006.08 62.007.06 62.007.07 62.008.06 62.008.08 62.009.08 62.009.09 62.010.06 62.010.08 62.010.10 62.012.08 62.012.10 62.012.12 60x60 80x80 100x100 120x120 150x150 H 90 120 140 170 200 Nº 62.106 62.108 62.110 62.112 62.115 Ø 42 48 60 77 90 100 Ø 42 48 60 60 72 77 77 80 80 90 100 100 Ø kula 60 60 60 80 80 60 80 60 80 90 80 100 Nº 62.042.06 62.048.06 62.060.06 62.060.08 62.072.08 62.077.06 62.077.08 62.080.06 62.080.08 62.090.09 62.100.08 62.100.10 Nº 62.163 62.164 62.165 62.166 62.167 62.169 62.171 Ø 42 48 60 72 77 80 90 100 Nº 62.042 62.048 62.060 62.072 62.077 62.080 62.090 62.100 20x30 20x40 30x40 30x50 30x60 40x60 40x80 50x100 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nº 62.123 62.124 62.134 62.135 62.136 62.146 62.148 62.151 40x40 50x50 60x60 70x70 80x80 90x90 100x100 120x120 H 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Nº 62.184 62.185 62.186 62.187 62.188 62.189 62.190 62.192 Ø 30 40 50 60 70 90 110 Nº 62.031 62.032 62.033 62.034 62.035 62.036 97 POSTAL 2011/12 I stoppers I zaÊlepki I Verschlusskappen I Á‡„ÎÛ¯ÍË I záslepky 15x15 16x16 20x20 25x25 30x30 35x35 40x40 45x45 50x50 60x60 70x70 80x80 100x100 120x120 Nº 62.200 62.201 62.202 62.203 62.204 62.206 62.207 62.208 62.209 62.210 62.211 62.212 62.213 62.214 15x25 18x30 20x30 20x40 25x40 27x40 30x50 30x60 40x60 40x80 40x100 50x100 60x80 60x100 60x120 Nº 62.221 62.222 62.223 62.224 62.226 62.227 62.228 62.229 62.230 62.231 62.232 62.234 62.235 62.236 62.237 Ø 16 18 20 25 30 32 35 40 43 50 60 70 76 1/2“ 3/4“ 1“ 1 1/4“ 1 1/2“ 2“ 2 1/2“ Nº 62.240 62.241 62.242 62.243 62.244 62.245 62.246 62.247 62.248 62.249 62.250 62.251 62.252 62.257 62.258 62.259 62.260 62.261 62.262 62.263 I screw caps I maskownice do Êrub I Blenden für Schrauben I χÒÍËÓ‚Ó˜Ì˚ ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚ˚ ‰Îfl ·ÓÎÚÓ‚ I krytky na šrouby 98 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 Nº 62.406 62.408 62.410 62.412 62.414 62.416 20x20 40x40 50x50 60x60 70x70 80x80 100x100 Nº 62.502 62.504 62.505 62.506 62.507 62.508 62.510 new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání POSTAL 2011/12 I forged door handles I klamki kute I geschmiedete Griffe I ÍÓ‚‡Ì˚ ۘÍË I kliky kované Nº Nº Nº Nº 155x95 135x75 63.001 63.003 63.004 160x85 140x75 135x75 63.005 63.006 63.007 137x75 142x90 121x95 110x90 63.012 63.013 63.014 63.019 Ø60 85x65 70x65 65x65 55x65 63.002 63.008 63.009 63.010 63.011 70x116 90x116 60x70 60x70 63.015 63.016 63.017 63.018 Nº 135x75 99 POSTAL 2011/12 Ø12 / 145x110 280x90 380x70 460x110 63.020 63.024 63.025 63.026 Nº Nº Ø68x85 Ø68x110 155 125 63.027 63.028 63.029 63.030 I shields I szyldy (otwory w rozstawie 90 mm) I Schilder (Abstand zwischen den Öffnungen 90 mm) I ̇Í·‰ÍË (ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËfl Ò ¯‡„ÓÏ 90 ÏÏ) I štítky rozteč 90mm HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº 100 Ø65 2 Ø65 2 Ø50 2 Ø50 2 63.040 63.041 63.042 63.043 Ø50 4 Ø50 4 130x36 4 130x36 4 63.044 63.045 63.046 63.047 72 90 POSTAL 2011/12 275x130 3 275x130 3 275x130 3 275x130 3 275x130 3 275x130 3 275x130 3 Nº 63.101 63.102 63.103 63.102.01 63.103.01 63.102.02 63.103.02 HxL (mm) 290x160 4 290x160 4 290x160 4 290x160 4 Nº 63.104 63.105 63.106 63.107 72 90 HxL (mm) 290x160 4 290x160 4 72 90 63.106.02 63.107.02 305x135 4 305x135 4 305x135 4 Nº 63.108 63.109 63.110 63.109.02 63.110.02 295x90 4 295x90 4 295x90 4 295x90 4 295x90 4 63.111 63.112 63.113 63.112.02 63.113.02 HxL (mm) Nº 72 305x135 4 90 305x135 4 HxL (mm) 101 72 90 POSTAL 2011/12 295x120 3 295x120 3 295x120 3 295x120 3 295x120 3 Nº 63.114 63.115 63.116 63.115.02 63.116.02 90 HxL (mm) 275x160 3 275x160 3 275x160 3 275x160 3 275x160 3 275x160 3 Nº 63.117 63.118 63.119 63.120 63.119.01 63.120.01 72 90 HxL (mm) 102 275x160 3 330x180 5 330x180 5 330x180 5 330x180 5 63.119.02 63.120.02 63.121 63.122 63.123 63.124 90 Nº 275x160 3 72 HxL (mm) HxL (mm) 270x165 2 270x165 2 270x165 2 270x165 2 Nº 63.125 63.126 63.127 63.128 270x165 2 270x165 2 63.127.02 63.128.02 280x110 2 280x110 2 280x110 2 Nº 63.129 63.130 63.131 280x110 2 280x110 2 63.130.01 63.131.01 280x110 2 280x110 2 63.130.02 63.131.02 90 HxL (mm) 72 90 POSTAL 2011/12 290x160 2 290x160 2 290x160 2 290x160 2 290x160 2 290x160 2 Nº 63.134 63.135 63.136 63.137 63.136.01 63.137.01 HxL (mm) 230x160 2,5 230x160 2,5 63.136.02 63.137.02 HxL (mm) Nº 72 90 72 72 260x57 3 260x57 3 260x52 3 260x52 3 260x46 3 260x46 3 63.138 63.138.01 63.139 63.139.01 63.140 63.140.01 90 Nº 90 72 HxL (mm) 103 260x56 3 230x40 5 63.141 63.141.01 63.142 90 Nº 260x56 3 72 HxL (mm) 72 90 POSTAL 2011/12 315x135 3 315x135 3 315x135 3 315x135 3 315x135 3 Nº 63.146 63.147 63.148 63.149 63.150 104 330x175 3 330x175 3 330x175 3 330x175 3 330x175 3 330x175 3 Nº 63.151 63.152 63.153 63.154 63.155 63.156 72 HxL (mm) 90 90 72 HxL (mm) HxL (mm) 280x140 4 280x140 4 280x140 4 280x140 4 280x140 4 Nº 63.157 63.158 63.159 63.160 63.161 90 72 90 POSTAL 2011/12 285x155 2 285x155 2 285x155 2 290x160 2 285x155 2 Nº 63.171 63.172 63.171.01 63.172.01 63.173 63.174 HxL (mm) 290x160 2 285x155 2 277x104 2 277x104 2 277x104 2 277x104 2 63.173.01 63.174.01 63.175 63.176 63.175.01 63.176.01 72 90 72 90 Nº 72 285x155 2 90 HxL (mm) 295x135 2 295x135 2 295x135 2 295x135 2 260x57 3 260x57 3 Nº 63.177 63.178 63.177.01 63.178.01 63.191 63.192 90 72 Nº 260x57 3 260x57 3 260x52 3 260x52 3 260x52 3 260x52 3 63.191.01 63.192.01 63.193 63.194 63.193.01 63.194.01 HxL (mm) 72 HxL (mm) 105 HxL (mm) 90 260x46 3 260x46 3 260x46 3 260x46 3 260x56 3 260x56 3 63.195 63.196 63.195.01 63.196.01 63.197 63.198 72 Nº 72 90 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) Nº 260x56 3 260x56 3 63.197.01 63.198.01 I lock sets I zamki I Türschlösser I Á‡ÏÍË I zámky 210 70 130 locking mechanism with hook and faceplate 15 106 42 25 Nº 63.200 60 100 63.202 Nº 119 47 40 65 22 63.204 85/20 85/20 72/35 63.208 63.209 63.211 34 50 0/35 220 0/35 140x50 0/35 140x50 100x45 63.212 63.213 63.214 63.215 15 220 24 72 22 188 70 120 188 70 120 locking mechanism with hook and faceplate 9 98 198 locking mechanism with hook and faceplate Nº 220 Nº 98 198 locking mechanism with hook and faceplate POSTAL 2011/12 9 24 30 55 63.205 15 34 50 107 POSTAL 2011/12 Nº 72/50 220 72/50 155x80x20 90/50 220 90/50 155x80x20 63.216 63.217 63.218 63.219 door lock set Nº door lock set 245 / 50x30 72/35 245 / 50x30 72/35 245 / 50x30 72/35 63.220 63.220.11 63.220.12 door lock set door lock set Nº 108 door lock set door lock set 165 / 50x30 0/35 165 / 50x30 0/35 165 / 50x30 0/35 245 / 60x40 72/35 245 / 60x40 72/35 245 / 60x40 72/35 63.221 63.221.13 63.221.14 63.222 63.222.11 63.222.12 POSTAL 2011/12 door lock set door lock set door lock set 165 / 60x40 0/35 165 / 60x40 0/35 165 / 60x40 0/35 260 / 80x40 90/50 200x40 63.223 63.223.13 63.223.14 63.224 63.225 Nº electric lock 12 AC with memory electric lock 12 AC 63.329 63.330 Nº faceplate for electric lock 63.330.01 55x65 63.330.02 63.331 I lock inserts I wkładki I Schlosskästen I ‚Í·‰˚¯Ë I zámkové vložky 30x30 35x35 40x40 Nº 63.300.01 63.300.07 63.300.12 27x27 30x30 35x35 40x40 FC, nickel Nº 63.301.01 63.301.05 63.301.11 63.301.19 27x27 30x30 35x35 40x40 Nº 63.301.02 63.301.06 63.301.12 63.301.20 FC 109 POSTAL 2011/12 I fixings I mocowania I Aufnahmen I ÍÂÔÎÂÌËfl I kotvení sloupků HxL (mm) Nº 140x40 8 200x65 10 50x25 5 50x30 6 100x25 5 100x25 5 64.001 64.002 64.003 64.004 64.005 64.006 HxL (mm) 420x210 20x20 180x95 12x12 Nº 64.010 64.011 180x95 12x12 180x95 Ø14 64.012 64.013 HxL (mm) Nº I rivets I nity I Niete I Á‡ÍÎÂÔÍË I nýty HxL (mm) Nº 110 36xØ19 Ø6 25xØ25 Ø6 36xØ18 Ø6 32xØ21 Ø10 64.020 64.021 64.022 64.023 POSTAL 2011/12 I decorative chains I ∏aƒcuchy ozdobne I Zierketten I ‰ÂÍÓ‡ÚË‚Ì˚ ˆÂÔË I řetězy 2000 6x6 2000 6x6 2000 6x6 64.031 64.032 64.033 L (mm) Nº I bolts and locks I zasuwy i rygle I Schieber und Riegel I ˘ÂÍÓΉ˚ Ë Á‡ÒÓ‚˚ I zástrče 150 Ø12 270 Ø16 340 Ø16 64.050 64.051 64.052 L (mm) Nº L (mm) Nº Nº 340 Ø16 galvanized 210 Ø14 220 Ø12 320 Ø14 420 Ø14 64.053 64.054 64.055 64.060 64.061 64.062 420 Ø14 420 Ø14 galvanized 800 Ø14 64.063 64.064 64.065 L (mm) 340 Ø16 111 POSTAL 2011/12 I numbers and letters I cyfry i litery I Buchstaben und Zahlzeichen I ˆËÙ˚ Ë ·ÛÍ‚˚ I čísla H (mm) Nº H (mm) Nº H (mm) Nº H (mm) Nº H (mm) Nº 112 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 64.100 64.101 64.102 64.103 64.104 64.105 64.106 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 64.105.01 64.106.01 64.100.01 64.101.01 64.102.01 64.103.01 64.104.01 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 64.107 64.108 64.109 64.110 64.111 64.112 64.113 170 170 170 64.107.01 64.108.01 64.109.01 170 170 170 170 64.110.01 64.111.01 64.112.01 64.113.01 H (mm) 130x115 130x115 155x140 Nº 64.501 64.502 64.503 POSTAL 2011/12 I weathervanes I wskaêniki wiatru I Wetterfahnen I Ùℇ I ukazatel směru větru H (mm) Nº H (mm) Nº 1400 1200 65.001 65.002 1400 1000 65.003 65.004 I mail boxes I skrzynki pocztowe I Briefkästen I ÔÓ˜ÚÓ‚˚ fl˘ËÍË I ukazatel směru větru 405x255 90 405x255 90 405x255 90 Nº 65.200 65.201 65.202 HxL (mm) 113 POSTAL 2011/12 HxL (mm) 445x395 170 445x395 170 Nº 65.210 65.211 370x360 132 132 370x360 132 65.250 65.250.01 65.251 HxL (mm) 370x360 132 300x210 65 300x210 65 Nº 65.255 65.260 65.261 HxL (mm) Nº 114 POSTAL 2011/12 I lamps I lampy I Lampen I ·ÏÔ‡ I lampy Nº HxL (mm) Nº HxL (mm) Nº Ø290xH 350 H 530xL 290x330 H 670xL 310x420 H 670xL 310x420 66.001 66.002 66.003 painted 66.003.01 galvanized 400x300 460x240x150 380x290 66.004 painted 66.005 painted 66.006 painted 400x300 460x240x150 380x290 66.004.01 galvanized 66.005.01 galvanized 66.006.01 galvanized 115 POSTAL 2011/12 I fireplace sets I zestawy kominkowe I Kaminsätze I ͇ÏËÌÌ˚ ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ I krbové nářadí H (mm) Nº H (mm) Nº 116 840 810 580 66.100 66.101 66.102 665 670 670 66.103 66.104 66.105 new I nowoÊç I Neuheit I новинка I novinky on request I na zamówienie I auf Bestellung I по заказу I na požádání POSTAL 2011/12 130 POSTAL 2011/12 131 POSTAL 2011/12 132 POSTAL 2011/12 133 POSTAL 2011/12 134 POSTAL 2011/12 135 POSTAL 2011/12 136 POSTAL 2011/12 137 POSTAL 2011/12 138 POSTAL 2011/12 139 POSTAL 2011/12 140 POSTAL 2011/12 141 POSTAL 2011/12 142 POSTAL 2011/12 143 POSTAL 2011/12 144 POSTAL 2011/12 145
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