sgs qualifor controlled wood risk assessment report
sgs qualifor controlled wood risk assessment report
SGS QUALIFOR (Associated Documents) Doc. Number: Doc. Version date: AD 54-F-07 5 December 2012 Page: Approved by: 1 of 19 Gerrit Marais CONTROLLED WOOD RISK ASSESSMENT REPORT INTRODUCTION This document must be used with the RD 15-01 - Guideline - Approach and criteria for assessing risk when uncertified controlled wood is used in FSC certified products and FSC-ADV-40-016 V2 Implementation of FSC Controlled Wood requirements in FSC STD-40-005 V2-1 and FSC-STD-20-011 V1-1. This template is a guideline to do the risk assessment and must not be seen to include all information. Any other sources of information may be added to ensure that all detail was analysed. This assessment must be done on origin of uncertified wood that will be used in FSC products as controlled wood. If it is determined that the material is classified as being from a source that is classified as unspecified risk, the requirements of the RD16 – Guideline – Requirements for company verification program must be followed. This will be audited annually. Note: This document details all the elements that are required to do the risk assessment. However, the document is divided into a “Restricted Information” section and a “Public Information” section. Only the information recorded in the “Public” section will be available on the FSC website. The information in the “Restricted” section will be covered by the SGS rules of confidentiality and will not be disclosed. The Risk Assessment requires a precautionary approach. Any area worldwide is therefore considered “unspecified risk” until “low risk” can be determined in line with the risk assessment set out hereunder (refer Section 1.1 of FSC-STD-40-005) The following is important: 1. The Risk Assessment shall begin at the broadest relevant scale. If conditions at a given scale are not sufficiently homogeneous to establish low risk, the scale shall be further decreased. The Risk Assessment shall be continued at decreasing scales until conditions are sufficiently homogeneous. 2. Risk designation may be possible at a national level under certain homogenous conditions, whereas under more heterogeneous conditions, risk designation may only be possible at a district or local level and/or at the level of subsets of eco-regions. 3. If more than one supplier is from the same low risk country only one risk assessment need to be completed for the specific country. 4. Companies are expected to review their risk assessments at least once per year to verify the continued correctness of their risk designations for each indicator of the five FSC Controlled Wood categories. This should be conducted before the annual surveillance by the certification body in which the certification body is expected to verify the revision process. When significant changes to the risk profile become evident (i.e. changes in the law, breakdown in rule of law through civil unrest, etc) the company shall review its risk assessment 5. The document must be completed in one of the two official language of FSC (English or Spanish). AD 54-F-07 Page 2 of 19 RESTRICTED INFORMATION 1. COMPANY DETAIL Company name Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda Project number: Certificate number: SGS-COC-007195 Controlled wood Certificate number Country: Brazil Company address Physical Address: Rio Tamanduá – S/N – Vila Buriti Timbó Grande – SC 89545-000 Contact detail: 2. Contact person: Célio Roberto Lima dos Santos Telephone: +55 49 3244 6190 Fax: +55 49 3244 6142 e-mail Address [email protected] Assessment done by: Luciane Mariel Furtado de Castilho Relation to the company: Quality Analyst Date: Nov 04, 2015 Signature Luciane Mariel Furtado de Castilho APPROVAL BY SGS SGS auditor: Marcel Menezes da Silva Comments: Date: 3. SUPPLIER’S DETAIL Company Name: Sengés Reflorestadora Agrícola Ltda Country: Brazil District: City: Jaguariaíva / State: Paraná Company Name: Sengés Papel e Celulose Ltda Country: Brazil District: City: Sengés / State: Paraná AD 54-F-07 4. Page 3 of 19 LIST OF DISTRICTS OF ORIGIN List the districts of origin of timber supplied within the company’s FSC Controlled Wood Program. Product Species W1.1 – Roundwood (logs) 7a - Pinus taeda L W1.1 – Toras P1.4 – Chemical pulp, unbleached P1.4 – Celulose Química, não branqueada 5. District 7a - Pinus taeda L City: Jaguariaíva State: Paraná City: Sengés State: Paraná Country Brazil Brazil SUPPLY CHAIN Manufacturers or traders that wish to control their timber sources within their own verification program shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of their certification body that its supply chain is identifiable and traceable down to the district (forest) level. Company Sengés Reflorestadora Agrícola Ltda Brazil Process Input and origin Manufacturing of Logs of Coniferous Wood Produção de Toras de Madeira de Coníferas Country: Brazil District: City – Jaguariaíva State – Paraná Sengés Papel e Celulose Ltda Brazil Manufacturing Chemical unbleached of Pulp, Produção de Celulose Química, não branqueada Country: Brazil District: City – Sengés State – Paraná Controlled system verified Visit the Supplier’s Forest Management Unit Visita a Unidade de Manejo Florestal do Fornecedor Purchase of pulp directly from the source and visit the Supplier’s Manufacturing Unit. Compra de Celulose diretamente da fonte e visita a Unidade de Fabricação do Fornecedor AD 54-F-07 Page 4 of 19 FSC CONTROLLED WOOD RISK ASSESSMENT PUBLIC INFORMATION A COMPANY DETAIL Company name Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda Project number: Certificate number: SGS-COC-007195 Controlled wood Certificate number Country: B Brazil APPROVAL Approving Certification Body: SGS South Africa (Pty) Ltd - Qualifor Programme PO Box 82582 Southdale South Africa 2135 E-mail Address: [email protected] Date of Risk Assessment Nov 04, 2015 Comments: Date Approved: C ORIGIN OF TIMBER Country: Brazil District City: Jaguariaíva State: Paraná City: Sengés State: Paraná Risk Assessment Level (indicate the risk for the different levels) D Country District FMU Undefined Low Risk Low Risk RESULT OF RISK ASSESSMENT Type of source e.g. natural forest or plantations and general description of the supplier Logs and Timber supplier from the forest conifers to own pulp, which have the property of reforested area, documentation and registration in the Regional Council of Engineering. Is Technical Director and their cargoes are sold with Invoice. They are Midsize companies. Fornecedor de Toras e Madeira de Coníferas de origem florestal para produção própria de Celulose, que possuem propriedade da Área Reflorestada, documentação e registro no Conselho Regional AD 54-F-07 Page 5 of 19 de Engenharia. Tem Responsável Técnico e suas cargas são vendidas com Nota Fiscal. São empresas de Médio Porte. Results (Low or Unspecified Risk and motivation: The evidence collected in the Evaluation Program and Control of Suppliers of Wood in the Suppliers Sengés Reforestdora Agrícola Ltda and Sengés Papel e Celulose Ltda, demonstrated that the districts of origin are LOW RISK, the forest stewardship activity follows the standards and existing laws, not there occurrence of violation of civil rights and traditional, employees are registered and receiving equipment for security. The planting does not occur in areas of permanent preservation and does not planting occur of genetically modified trees. Were conducted Interviews in suppliers, visit the Forest Stewardship Unit and conducting research on sites designated by the FSC and websites secure as websites Federal Government (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Labor and Employment, National Indian Foundation). Os dados recolhidos no Programa de Avaliação e Controle de Fornecedores de Madeira nos fornecedores Sengés Reflorestadora Agrícola Ltda e Sengés Papel e Celulose Ltda, demonstraram que os distritos de origem são de baixo risco, a atividade de manejo florestal segue as normas e leis existentes, não há ocorrência de violação dos direitos civis e tradicionais, os funcionários são registrados e recebem equipamentos de segurança. O plantio não ocorre em áreas de preservação permanente e não ocorre o plantio de árvores geneticamente modificadas. Foram realizadas entrevistas nos fornecedores, visita a Unidade de Manejo Florestal e realização de pesquisas em sites designados pelo FSC e sites seguros, como sites do Governo Federal (Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Fundação Nacional do Índio). AD 54-F-05 Page 6 of 19 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH FSC CONTROLLED WOOD CATEGORY 1. ILLEGALLY HARVESTED WOOD 1.1 The district of origin may be considered low risk in relation to illegal harvesting when all the following indicators related to forest governance are present: Finding & Evidence Requirements 1.1.1 1.1.2 Evidence of enforcement of logging related laws in the district There is evidence in the district demonstrating the legality of harvests and wood purchases that includes robust and effective systems for granting licenses and harvest permits. Examples of sources of information FSC National Initiatives (contacts from; The Royal Institute of International Affairs (; Environmental Investigation Agency (; Global Witness: (; Telapak (for Indonesia -; UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) EU FLEGT process: me/forest/initiative/index_en.htm Transparency international index ( Corruption perceptions WWF (; ELDIS ( regional and country profiles NGOs and involved stakeholders (FSC-ADV-40-016 v2 - Sources of information used to assess the indicators must be listed) The State Legislation no requires license of extraction of reforestation exotic according consulted the Supervisory Organ – IAP (Parana Environmental Institute) A Legislação Estadual não exige Licença de Extração de Reflorestamento Exótico de acordo com consulta ao Órgão de Fiscalização – IAP (Instituto Ambiental do Paraná). There is evidence in the District in Origin because the suppliers are working with timber from plantations of Pinus; Há evidências no Distrito de Origem, pois os fornecedores estão trabalhando com madeira proveniente de plantações de Pinus; Has documentation of Ownership of the Area, with registration number of the property; Tem documentação de Posse de Área, com número de registro da propriedade; The companies are registered with the Regional Council of Engineering and has Result Unspecified risk Low Low Risk Baixo Risco Low Risk Baixo Risco AD 54-F-06 Page 7 of 19 Technical Officer; As Empresas estão registradas no Conselho Regional de Engenharia e possuem Responsável Técnico; The cargoes are sold with Invoice; As cargas são vendidas com Nota Fiscal. 1.1.3 There is little or no evidence or reporting of illegal harvesting in the district of origin. There is no evidence of illegal logging, for Sengés Reflorestadora Agrícola Ltda supplier has authorization from the supervisory organ IAP Paraná Environmental Institute to carry out the replacement of exotic species with native under document number 38978 valid until 12.26.2014 (protocol No. 122200876), evidenced visiting Forest Management Unit Provider. Não há evidências de exploração de madeira ilegal, pois o fornecedor Sengés Reflorestadora Agrícola Ltda possui autorização do órgão fiscalizador IAP Instituto Ambiental do Paraná para realizar a substituição de espécies exóticas por nativas sob o documento número 38978 com validade até 26/12/2014 (Protocolo Nº 122200876), evidenciado em visita a Unidade de Manejo Florestal do Fornecedor. 1.1.4 There is a low perception of corruption related to the granting or issuing of harvesting permits and other areas of law enforcement related to harvesting and wood trade The Company Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda work exclusively with cellulose coming from reforested wood. A Empresa Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda trabalham exclusivamente com celulose oriunda de madeira reflorestada. There is no evidence of illegal forestry activities, for all the pulp used in the manufacturing process comes from reforested trees Alien Species. Não há nenhuma evidência de Atividades Low Risk Baixo Risco Low Risk Baixo Risco AD 54-F-06 Page 8 of 19 Florestais ilegais, pois toda a celulose usada no processo de fabricação vem de árvores reflorestadas de Espécies Exóticas. No native forest material is added at the manufacturing process. Nenhum material de Floresta Nativa é adicionado no processo de fabricação. Wood trading is protected by specific sale contracts thus granting the true and legal origin of all logs used in the manufacturing process. O comércio de madeira é protegido por contratos de venda específicos concedendo assim a verdadeira origem e legalidade de todos os registros usados no processo de fabricação. A fiscal document, which includes volume, species, monetary value and respective declared taxes follow along with each log truckload. Um documento fiscal que inclui volume, espécie, valor monetário e declaração de impostos segue junto com cada carga de toras. No need of a previous license or permission for exotic species planted tree logging. Não há necessidade de licença prévia ou de permissão para plantio de espécies exóticas plantadas. To remove logs of Pinus planted inside the Native Permanently Preserved Areas it is necessary to present an Exploitation Project followed by a Recovery Bid to the Environmental Authority who will issue an Exploitation and Recovery with native species Permission License. AD 54-F-06 Page 9 of 19 Para retirar toras de Pinus plantadas dentro das áreas nativas de preservação permanente, é necessário apresentar um projeto de exploração seguido por uma proposta de recuperação para a Autoridade Ambiental que irá emitir uma licença de permissão para exploração e de recuperação com espécies nativas. The research was conducted at sites designated by the FSC and Secure Sites Federal Government and State. Follow researched sources: A pesquisa foi realizada em locais designados pelo FSC e Sites Seguros do Governo Federal e Estadual. Segue fontes pesquisadas: Transparency International Corruption Perceptions index Índice de Transparência Internacional – Percepção da Corrupção Global Forest Registry Registro Mundial de Florestas Number Federal Act 11.428, Dec. 22nd, 2006. Rules on the utilization and protection of native vegetation of “Bioma da Mata Atlântica”. 04-2006/2006/lei/l11428.htm Lei Federal número 11.428, 22 de dezembro de 2006. Regras sobre a utilização e proteção da vegetação nativa AD 54-F-06 Page 10 of 19 do "Bioma da Mata Atlântica". 04-2006/2006/lei/l11428.htm CONSEMA – Resolution nº 001/2006 List of Activities Considered potentially causing Environmental Degradation, subject to previous licensing by “Fundação do Meio Ambiente – FATMA”. option=com_docman&task=doc_download &gid=238&Itemid=46&lang=brazilian_portu guese CONSEMA – Resolução nº 001/2006 Lista de atividades consideradas potencialmente causadoras de degradação ambiental, sujeita a prévio licenciamento "Fundação do Meio Ambiente - FATMA". option=com_docman&task=doc_download &gid=238&Itemid=46&lang=brazilian_portu guese SISCOM (Sistema Compartilhado de Informações Ambientais) Public Audit of Embargoed Areas SISCOM (Sistema Compartilhado de Informações Ambientais) Auditoria Pública de Áreas Embargadas Fiscal Report: Relatório Fiscal AD 54-F-06 Page 11 of 19 IAP (Instituto Ambiental do Paraná) conteudo.php?conteudo=276 Casa Civil do Estado do Paraná SEMA (Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) 2 WOOD HARVESTED IN VIOLATION OF TRADITIONAL OR CIVIL RIGHTS 2.1 The district of origin may be considered low risk in relation to the violation of traditional, civil and collective rights when all the following indicators are present: Finding & Evidence Requirements 2.1.1 2.1.2 There is no UN Security Council ban on timber exports from the country concerned; The country or district is not designated a source of conflict timber (E.g. USAID Type 1 conflict timber); Examples of sources of information E.g. This has applied to Liberia, as of July 2003 ( tm) Global Witness The final report of the expert panel on illegal exploitation of natural resources and other forms of wealth in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2002, Annexes I and III (S/2002/1146) er/N0262179.pdf Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa. Volume I. Synthesis report. June 2003, available at: (FSC-ADV-40-016 v2 - Sources of information used to assess the indicators must be listed) There is no evidence Veto of UN Security Council regarding the export of timber in the country concerned. Não há evidências de Veto do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas às exportações de madeira no país em questão. No. The country or district is not designated a source of conflict timber. Não. O país ou distrito não é designado como uma fonte de madeira resultante de conflito. Result Unspecified risk Low Low Risk Baixo Risco Low Risk Baixo Risco AD 54-F-06 Page 12 of 19 h.pdf FSC National Initiatives and Regional Offices contacts ILO country offices 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 There is no evidence of child labour or violation of ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at work taking place in forest areas in the district concerned There are recognized and equitable processes in place to resolve conflicts of substantial magnitude pertaining to traditional rights including use rights, cultural interests or traditional cultural identity in the district concerned; There is no evidence of violation of the ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples taking place in the forest areas in the district concerned. No evidence of child labor, or violation the fundamental rights and principles of the ILO's work in the workplace according to a survey on the website of the Ministry of Labor and also by the documentation that proves the registration of officials and the legality of the activity. Não há evidência de trabalho infantil, ou violação dos Direitos e Princípios Fundamentais do Trabalho da OIT no local de trabalho de acordo com uma pesquisa no site do Ministério do Trabalho e também pela que comprova o Registro dos Funcionários e a Legalidade da Atividade. FSC National Initiatives and Regional Offices contacts Indigenous Peoples Organizations Local community associations in the district Risk register National Sources (e.g. records of land claims negotiation concluded or in progress, summaries of court decisions) FSC National Initiatives and Regional Offices contacts ILO country offices Processes are recognized because of the finding through consultation where the Ministry of Labor fined companies on issues of child labor and slave labor. (Evidence of Law Enforcement). Processos são reconhecidos por causa da descoberta através de consultas, onde o Ministério do Trabalho multou as empresas em questões de Trabalho Infantil e Trabalho Escravo. (Evidência de Aplicação da Lei). Through consultation in the Foundation's National Indian website was found state indian reservation, having no indigenous area in the district concerned. Através de consulta no site da Fundação do Índio foi encontrado Reserva Indígena no estado, não tendo qualquer área indígena no distrito em questão. Low Risk Baixo Risco . Low Risk Baixo Risco Low Risk Baixo Risco AD 54-F-06 3 Page 13 of 19 WOOD HARVESTED FROM FOREST IN WHICH HIGH CONSERVATION VALUES ARE THREATENED BY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 3.1 The district of origin may be considered low risk in relation to any threat to high conservation values if: a) indicator 3.1 is met; or b) indicator 3.2 eliminates (or greatly mitigates) the threat posed to the district of origin by non-compliance with 3.1 Finding & Evidence Requirements 3.1.1 Forest management activities in the relevant level (ecoregion, sub-eco-region, local) do not threaten eco-regionally significant high conservation values; Examples of sources of information (FSC-ADV-40-016 v2 - Sources of information used to assess the indicators must be listed) FSC documentation on HCVFs: Eco-region definition and information: cfm Those regions identified by Conservation International as a Biodiversity Hotspot (or) Those ecosystems and communities that are explicitly identified by Conservation International as a key component of a Biodiversity Hotspot Those forest, woodland, or mangrove ecoregions identified by World Wildlife Fund as a Global 200 Eco-region and assessed by WWF as having a conservation status of endangered or critical. If the Global 200 Eco-region comprises more than a single terrestrial ecoregion, an eco-region within the Global 200 Ecoregion can be considered low risk if the sub-ecoregion is assessed with a Conservation Status other than “critical/endangered.” Result Unspecified risk Low Risk The Company Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda works exclusively with cellulose derived from reforestation wood. Wood from native forests is not used by the company. A Empresa Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda trabalha exclusivamente com celulose oriunda de madeira de reflorestamento. Madeira de florestas nativas não é utilizada pela empresa. Laws are granting care and recovery of native areas. Due to this, there is no forest removal in remaining native forests. As leis são cuidadosas sobre concessão e recuperação de áreas nativas. Devido a isso, não há remoção de floresta em florestas nativas remanescentes. As granted by law, it is mandatory that each land property have a minimum of 20% of native forest preserved area. Those regions identified by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) as a Centre of Plant Diversity Como concedido por lei, é obrigatório que cada propriedade da terra ter um mínimo de 20% da área de mata nativa preservadas. Those regions identified by Conservation International as a High Biodiversity Wilderness Area that are forests and contain contiguous There are protected areas created to ensure the survival of the HCVs in the ecoregion. Existem áreas protegidas criadas para Baixo Risco Low AD 54-F-06 Page 14 of 19 forest ecosystems greater than 500 km2. Those regions identified by the World Resources Institute as a Frontier Forest Intact Forests Landscapes, as identified by Greenpeace ( garantir a sobrevivência dos HCVs da ecorregião. Management activities do not threaten the values of high conservation value because there is no opening up new areas of native forests to plantation forestry. As atividades de manejo não ameaçam os valores de alto valor de conservação porque não há abertura de novas áreas de florestas nativas para plantações florestais. The research was conducted at sites designated by the FSC and Secure Sites Federal Government and State. Follow researched sources: A pesquisa foi realizada em locais designados pelo FSC e Sites Seguros do Governo Federal e Estadual. Segue fontes pesquisadas: Resolution - CONAMA - nº 369, March 28th, 2006. Provides for exceptional cases, public utility, social interest or low environmental impact, enabling intervention or vegetation removal in Area Permanent Preservation - APP. .cfm?codlegi=489 Resolução – CONAMA – nº 369, March 28th, 2006. Dispõe sobre os casos excepcionais, de utilidade pública, interesse social ou baixo impacto ambiental, que possibilitam a intervenção ou supressão de vegetação em Área de Preservação Permanente - APP. .cfm?codlegi=489 Brazilian Forestry Code, Law nº 12.651, AD 54-F-06 Page 15 of 19 March 24th, 2012. 1-2014/2012/Lei/L12651.htm Código Florestal Brasileiro, Lei nº 12.651, de 24 de março de 2012. 1-2014/2012/Lei/L12651.htm Decree nº 6.660, November 21th, 2008. Regulates the use and protection of native vegetation in the Atlantic Forest Biome. 7-2010/2008/Decreto/D6660.htm#art51 Decreto n º 6,660, de 21 de novembro de 2008. Regulamenta o Uso e Proteção da Vegetação Nativa do Bioma Mata Atlântica. 7-2010/2008/Decreto/D6660.htm#art51 National Register of Protected Areas php? ido=principal.index&idConteudo=6015&idEst rutura=119 Cadastro Nacional Conservação de Unidades de php? ido=principal.index&idConteudo=6015&idEst rutura=119 3.1.2 A strong system of protection (effective protected areas and legislation) is in place that ensures survival of the HCVs in the eco-region; FSC National Initiatives Signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity and demonstrable progress towards completing a network of protected areas, such as an overall positive analysis of the latest country thematic report on Forest Ecosystems Low Risk Yes. There is in the state, permanent conservation areas, environmental legislation and a state agency and federal oversight to ensure the conservation of forest areas of high conservation value. Sim. Há no estado, Áreas de Preservação Baixo Risco AD 54-F-06 Page 16 of 19 4 Permanente, Legislação Ambiental e uma Agência de supervisão Estadual e Federal para garantir a conservação de áreas florestais de alto valor de conservação. WOOD HARVESTED FROM AREAS BEING CONVERTED FROM FORESTS AND OTHER WOODED ECOSYSTEMS TO PLANTATIONS OR NON-FOREST USES 4.1. The district of origin may be considered low risk in relation to conversion of forest to plantations or non-forest uses when the following indicator is present: [Note: the change from plantations to other land uses is not considered as conversion]. Finding & Evidence Requirements 4.1.1 There is no net loss AND no significant rate of loss (> 0.5% per year) of natural forests and other naturally wooded ecosystems such as savannahs taking place in the eco-region in question (FSC-ADV-40-016 v2 - Sources of information used to assess the indicators must be listed) Examples of sources of information FAO GOFC-GOLD Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment Conservation International Regional Analysis Program University of Geography Maryland Department of UNEP/GRID – Division of Early Warning and Assessment SERVIR – Regional Monitoring and Visualization System for Mesoamerica Congo Basin Forest Partnership and CARPE CEC Joint Research Centre INPE-PRODES – Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research Hansen, M., DeFries, R., Townshend, J.R., Carroll, M., Dimiceli,C., Sohlberg, R. 2003. 500 m MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields. College Park, Maryland: The Global Land Cover The Company Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda works exclusively with cellulose derived from reforestation wood. Wood from native forests is not used by the company. A Empresa Bonet Madeiras e Papéis Ltda trabalha exclusivamente com celulose oriunda de madeira de reflorestamento. Madeira de florestas nativas não é utilizada pela empresa. The plantation areas were used initially for agricultural and cattle grazing activities. There is no evidence of native forests transformed into plantations. As áreas de plantio foram usados inicialmente para atividades agrícolas e de pastoreio de gado. Não há nenhuma evidência de florestas nativas transformadas em plantações. Remaining Native Forest areas cannot be removed since they are preserved and protected by Law. Result Unspecified risk Low Risk Baixo Risco Low AD 54-F-06 Page 17 of 19 Facility. National data sources FSC National Initiatives and Regional Offices contacts As Áreas restantes de floresta nativa não podem ser removidas, uma vez que são preservadas e protegidas por lei. The research was conducted at sites designated by the FSC and Secure Sites Federal Government and State. Follow researched sources: A pesquisa foi realizada em locais designados pelo FSC e Sites Seguros do Governo Federal e Estadual. Segue fontes pesquisadas: Number Federal Act 11.428, Dec. 22nd, 2006. Rules on the utilization and protection of native vegetation of “Bioma da Mata Atlântica”. 4-2006/2006/lei/l11428.htm Lei Federal número 11.428, 22 de dezembro de 2006. Regras sobre a utilização e proteção da vegetação nativa do "Bioma da Mata Atlântica". 4-2006/2006/lei/l11428.htm Brazilian Forestry Code, Law nº 12.651, March 24th, 2012. 1-2014/2012/Lei/L12651.htm Código Florestal Brasileiro, Lei nº 12.651, de 24 de março de 2012. 1-2014/2012/Lei/L12651.htm Decree nº 6.660, November 21th, 2008. Regulates the use and protection of native vegetation in the Atlantic Forest Biome. AD 54-F-06 Page 18 of 19 7-2010/2008/Decreto/D6660.htm#art51 Decreto n º 6,660, de 21 de novembro de 2008. Regulamenta o Uso e Proteção da Vegetação Nativa do Bioma Mata Atlântica. 7-2010/2008/Decreto/D6660.htm#art51 Resolution - CONAMA - nº 369, March 28th, 2006. Provides for exceptional cases, public utility, social interest or low environmental impact, enabling intervention or vegetation removal in Area Permanent Preservation - APP. .cfm?codlegi=489 Resolução – CONAMA – nº 369, March 28th, 2006. Dispõe sobre os casos excepcionais, de utilidade pública, interesse social ou baixo impacto ambiental, que possibilitam a intervenção ou supressão de vegetação em Área de Preservação Permanente - APP. .cfm?codlegi=489 IAP (Instituto Ambiental do Paraná) onteudo.php?conteudo=276 SEMA (Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) 5 WOOD FROM FORESTS IN WHICH GENETICALLY MODIFIED TREES ARE PLANTED 5.1 Requirements related to wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted Requirements Examples of sources of information Finding & Evidence Result AD 54-F-06 Page 19 of 19 (FSC-ADV-40-016 v2 - Sources of information used to assess the indicators must be listed) 5.1.1 a) b) Unspecif ied risk Low The district of origin may be considered low risk in relation to wood from genetically modified trees when one of the following indicators is complied with: There is no commercial use of genetically modified trees of the species concerned taking place in the country or district concerned. OR Licenses are required for commercial use of genetically modified trees and there are no licenses for commercial use OR FAO, 2004. Preliminary review of biotechnology in forestry, including genetic modification. Forest Genetic Resources Working Paper FGR/59E. Forest Resources Development Service, Forest Resources Division, Rome, Italy. Available online: 0.HTM National and regional data sources There is no evidence of marketing of genetically modified trees, as they have proven through Invoices Purchase of Seedlings. Não há evidências de comercialização de árvores geneticamente modificadas, como comprovadas através de Notas Fiscais de compra de Mudas. Low Risk Baixo Risco c) It is forbidden to use genetically modified trees commercially in the country concerned. 6 GENERAL Finding & Evidence Requirements Examples of sources of information End of report (FSC-ADV-40-016 v2 - Sources of information used to assess the indicators must be listed) Result Unspecified risk Low