Baixe o PDF - Terceira Terra


Baixe o PDF - Terceira Terra
O Retorno dos Jedi
Bith Jedi Sentinel
CL 4
Este template representa um jedi que prefere se focalizar
no estudo da Força. Seu estilo de luta com sabre de luz é
ofensivo e algo primitivo, deixando muitos pontos abertos
que podem ser explorados por oponentes mais técnicos.
Bith Jedi Sentinel
CL 8
Medium Bith Jedi 8
Initiative +17; Perception +11
Languages Basic, Bith, Mon Calamarian, Huttese
Defenses Ref 18, Fort 19, Will 21
HP 72 (Theshold 19)
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +13 (2d8+10)
Base Attack +8; Grp +11
Special Actions Dark Side Scourge, Mighty Swing, Power Attack
Force Powers (Use the Force +17) Battle Strike x2, Farseeing, Force Grip, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate
Energy, Rebuke, Surge
Abilities Str 16 Dex 8 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 14 Chr 16
Special Qualities Meditative Trance, Scent, Evolved Intellect
Talents Force Intuition, Skilled Advisor, Dark Side Sense,
Dark Side Scourge
Feat Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, simple
weapons), Force Training x3, Skill Focus (Use the Force),
Weapon Focus (lightsaber), Mighty Swing, Power Attack
Trained Skills Jump +12, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +11,
Perception +11, Use the Force +17
Possessions lightsaber, jedi robes
Após alguns encontros com darksiders, nosso jedi ampliou
seu arsenal de poderes da Força e reforçou ainda mais seu
já feroz estilo de luta. Ele é um caçador de darksiders que
precisa equilibrar seu zelo com a serenidade necessária
para manter-se no caminho da Luz.
Medium Bith Jedi 4
Destiny 1; Force 4
Initiative +15; Perception +9
Languages Basic, Bith, Mon Calamarian, Huttese
Defenses Ref 14, Fort 14, Will 17
HP 44 (Theshold 14)
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +7 (2d8+6)
Base Attack +4; Grp +6
Force Powers (Use the Force +15) Battle Strike, Farseeing,
Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Surge
Abilities Str 15 Dex 8 Con 9 Int 14 Wis 14 Chr 16
Special Qualities Meditative Trance, Scent, Evolved Intellect
Talents Force Intuition, Skilled Advisor
Feat Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, simple
weapons), Force Training x2, Skill Focus (Use the Force),
Weapon Focus (lightsaber)
Skills Jump +9, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +9, Perception +9,
Use the Force +15
Possessions lightsaber
Meditative Trance — Can enter into a trance for four
consecutive hours and gains the benefits of having
rested for eight consecutive hours
Scent — Ignore concealment and cover within 10 sq. for
the purpose of Perception cheks and take no penalty for
poor visibility when tracking
Evolved Intellect — Whenever the Bith Sentinel sprend a
Force Point for any reason, gains a temporary Force Point
to add to an intelligence-based skill check to be used until
the end of the encounter.
CL 4
Medium Togruta Jedi 4
Destiny 1; Force 4
Initiative +11; Perception +5,
Languages Basic, Togruti, Mon Calamarian
Defenses Ref 19, Fort 15, Will 18, Lightsaber Defense
HP 48 (Threshold 15)
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +9 (2d8+4)
Base Attack +4; Grp +8
Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Rapid Strike
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +7) Battle Strike, Force
Slam, Move Object, Surge
Abilities Str 10 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 16 Chr 10
Special Qualities Pack Hunter, sneaky, spatial
Talents Lightsaber Defense, Weapon Specialist
Feats Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency
(lightsaber, simple weapons), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (lightsaber), Force
Training, Rapid Strike
Skills Acrobatics +11, Initiative +11, Use the
Force +7, Perception +5, Stealth +6 (can
reroll, must take second result)
Possessions lightsaber
Pack Hunter — Deals an
extra 2 points of damage against an opponent she flanks
Spatial Awareness — Ignores
all cover and concealment when
making Perception checks to
notice targets within 10 squares
Dedicada e esforçada, a aprendiz já
domina muitos movimentos de velocidades e acrobacia, que são requisitos para se tormar uma grande mestra
do Ataru. Ela só precisará se dedicar mais
para dominar melhor suas habilidades na
Força e se tornar uma jedi completa.
Togruta Ataru Master
CL 8
Medium Togruta Jedi 7 / Jedi Knight 1
Destiny 1; Force 5
Initiative +13; Perception +7,
Languages Basic, Togruti, Mon Calamarian
Defenses Ref 24, Fort 20, Will 23, Lightsaber Defense
HP 80 (Threshold 20)
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +14 (2d8+14)
Base Attack +8; Grp +12
Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Rapid Strike
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +14) Battle Strike (x2),
Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object (x2), Surge, Vital
Transfer, Repulse, Force Shield
Abilities Str 10 Dex 19 Con 10 Int
12 Wis 16 Chr 11
Special Qualities Pack Hunter,
sneaky, spatial awareness
Talents Lightsaber Defense, Weapon
Specialist, Telekinetic Savant,
Telekinetic Prodigy, Ataru
Feats Force Sensitivity, Weapon
Proficiency (lightsaber, simple
weapons), Weapon Finesse,
Weapon Focus (lightsaber),
Force Training, Rapid Strike,
Force Training, Skill Focus
(Use the Force)
Skills Acrobatics +13, Initiative
+13, Use the Force +14, Perception +7, Stealth +8 (can reroll,
must take second result)
Possessions lightsaber (self-built),
Jedi robes, utility belt with medpac
Pack Hunter — Deals an extra 2
points of damage against an opponent she flanks
Spatial Awareness — Ignores all
cover and concealment when making
Perception checks to notice targets within
10 squares
Após muito treino e ter uma compreensão maior da
Força, a aprendiz se torna mestra. Além de suas habilidades
acrobáticas, ela conta com inumeros poderes telecinéticos.
Mahmud A. Asrar
Togruta Ataru Apprentice