St. Edward Catholic Church


St. Edward Catholic Church
St. Edward Catholic Church
December 22, 2013,
For us, Christ is everything. We
begin in each day in his presence.
We are his people, from many
walks of life, and from many
nations and languages. We
adore the Lord, address him with
the psalms of our ancestors and
enter the sacred Liturgy, the
source and summit in our life in
Christ. Through our Catechetical
programs we pass on the faith
both to adults and children,
training in holiness which calls us
to a Holy life distinguished above
all in the art of prayer. Rising from
prayer we minister to the needs of
those who ask our help, with food
and other assistance. We are the
people of St. Edward Catholic
Church in Newark, California.
Christ is everything. If you have a
wound to heal, he is the doctor; if
you are in need of help, he is
strength; if you fear death, he is
life; if you desire Heaven, he is
the way; if you are in the
darkness, he is light. Blessed are
they who hope in him!
Fourth Sunday of Advent
What proves Jesus to be the true sign of God is
that he takes upon himself the contradiction of
God, He draws it to himself all the way to the
contradiction of the Cross.
We are not talking about the past here. We all
know to what extent Christ remains a sign of
contradiction today, a contradiction that in the
final analysis is directed at God. God himself is
constantly regarded as a limitation placed on our
freedom, that must be set aside if man is ever to
be completely himself. God, with his truth,
stands in opposition to man’s manifold lies, his
self-seeking, and his pride.
God is love. But love can also be hated when it
challenges us to transcend ourselves. It is not a
romantic “good feeling.” Redemption is not
“wellness”. It is not about basking in selfindulgence; on the contrary it is a liberation from
imprisonment in self-absorption. This liberation
comes at a price: the anguish of the cross.
The prophecy of light and that of the cross belong
Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus of Nazareth: the Infancy Narratives. Pg 85, 86
St. Edward Catholic Church
Schedule for Holy Mass
Horario de la Santa Misa
5:00 pm
5788 Thornton Ave.
Newark, CA 94560
(510) 797-0241
En Español
Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, C.PP.S., Pastor
Rev. James Franck, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jaya Babu Nuthulapati, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
7:15 am
8:30 am
Missa Cantata 10:00 am
11:30 am
Mass in
Portuguese 12:45pm
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
6:45 am
9:00 am
Parish School
Gregory Fonzeno, Elementary School Principal
Kathy McCall, School Secretary
Parish Staff
Irma Ramirez, Administrative Secretary
Sister Mary Mark Schoenstein, OP, Pastoral Associate
Maria Lopes, Bookkeeper and Treasurer
Cruz Calvillo, Buildings and Grounds
Sam Dorlaque, Music Ministry
Faith Formation
Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, C.PP.S., Adult Formation/RCIA
Donalyn Deeds, Elementary Faith Formation
Michele Javier Poma, Confirmation
Ana Katsanes, Secretary
Ann Marie Carbonell, Youth Ministry
Liturgy of Hours
Finance Committee
Tom DuBeck - Chairperson
Deacon Rolito Roque
Deacon Roger Wedl
Deacon Ernie Perez (Retired)
Rectory Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone and Fax
Morning Prayer 6:15am
Evening Prayer 4:30pm
Morning Prayer 8:15am
Evening Prayer 4:15pm
Morning Prayer 6:15am
Evening Prayer 5:15pm
Holy Mass
Extraordinary Form
Rectory (510) 797-0241
Fax (510) 797-4557
Faith Formation/CCD (510)797-5588
Music Office (510) 797-5035
St. Edward School (510) 793-7242
Dominican Sisters (510) 793-9447
Saint Vincent De Paul Helpline (510) 494-9319
Parish Hall Available for Rent (510) 797-0241
9:00 am
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.
Monday at 7:30 p.m.
First Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Confesión En Español
Jueves 8:30 am
Primer y tercer Lunes, 7:30 pm
Primer Viernes del Mes, 4:30 pm
Holy Baptism
Sagrado Bautismo
Must be registered in St. Edward Parish
three months prior to baptism.
Deben registrarse en la parroquia
tres meses antes del bautismo.
Holy Matrimony
Sagrado Matrimonio
The Diocese requires six months preparation prior
to marriage. Please contact a priest to schedule
an appointment.
La Diócesis pide que se prepare con seis meses de
anticipación. Por favor, haga cita con
un sacerdote.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (music office)
The priest would like to meet
with the family prior
to the funeral service.
El sacerdote le gustaria reunirse
con la familia antes
del servicio funebre.
On the Web
7:00 pm
Parish Support
Weekly Need
Sunday, Dec. 8
Religious Retirement
$ 5,695
Second Collections
Dec. 15
Dec. 22
Dec. 25
Dec. 29
Jan. 5
Jan. 12
Deficit Reduction
Deficit Reduction
Christmas (One collection only)
St. Vincent de Paul
Capital Improvements
C.PP.S. Religious Retirement
Thank you for your support!
Mass Intentions for the Week
Dec. 23-29, 2013
5:00 a.m.
6:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
December 23, Late Advent Weekday
Thelma Miller (Thanksgiving)
Caferina C. Francisco †
Tuesday, December 24, Late Advent Weekday
5:00 a.m. Novena
6:45 a.m. Mai Hee Lam & Chen Tin Lim †
9:00 a.m. Bienvenido Kilat †
4:30 p.m. Tom Silva & Faily (Sp. Int.)
6:30 p.m. Librada Perreras †
8:00 p.m. Jose & Felipe Avina †
10:00 p.m. Presider’s Intention
12:00 midnight Presider’s Intention
Wednesday, December 25, The Nativity of the Lord
8:00 a.m. Ceferina C. Francisco †
10:00 a.m. Presider’s Intention
11:30 a.m. Deceased Members of Bettencourt &
Cordeniz Families †
Thursday, December 26, Saint Stephen
6:45 a.m. Dante Isaiah Pardo (Birthday)
9:00 a.m. S. Mary Joseph (Birthday)
5:30 a.m. All Souls
December 27, Saint John
6:45 a.m. Estefa Jurado †
9:00 a.m. Glenda Francisco (Birthday)
9:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
December 28, The Holy Innocents
Translacion Posadas †
Patrick Imperial Dizon (Birthday)
Martinez Family (Thanksgiving)
December 29, The Holy Family of
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
7:15 a.m. Fulgencia Yu †
8:30 a.m. Society of St. Monica (Sp.Int.)
10:00 a.m. Lillian Wambui (Sp.Int.)
11:30 a.m. Zavier Kwe (Birthday)
12:45 p.m. All Souls
6:00 p.m. Parishioners
8:00 p.m. Eugene Cacas †
Reflecting on God’s Word
The Bible offers us a rich variety of men and
women who qualify as heroes, warriors, prophets, and
wise men and women. And every so often it places before
us a dreamer. Jacob had the first big dream, with that ladder connecting heaven and earth, bearing ascending and
descending angels.
His son Joseph started off with dreams that put
himself at the center, much to his brothers’ chagrin, but
later he saved himself by interpreting the dreams of others, including Pharaoh. However, the most important
dreamer of all was Joseph, spouse of Mary and foster
father to Jesus.
Joseph was asked to live out his dream. “Do not
be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is
through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived
in her,” he was told in a dream (Matthew 1:20). And not
only that, he was to name the child Jesus, which means
“God saves.” What all this cost him we don’t know. All we
hear is that when he awoke from the dream, he did what
had been asked and took Mary into his home.
That wasn’t the end of the dreams. “Joseph, take
the mother and child into Egypt—Herod is trying to kill
him.” “Joseph, take the mother and child out of Egypt—
Herod is dead.” And Joseph did. Maybe once you begin
to live God’s dream it gets easier.
God’s dream is that we live in the world as God’s
adopted and saved children, working to bring God’s
peace and justice, mercy and forgiveness into our world
wherever they are needed.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Society of St. Monica
The Society of St. Monica will have a members’ Mass on
Sunday, December 29. Starting with your participation at
the 8:30 a.m. Holy Mass followed by rosary, fellowship,
and refreshments right after Mass .
Call Connie for more information at 792-5775.
The Faith Formation staff would like to wish all of
our families a very special and blessed Christmas
season as we take our Christmas Vacation from
December 23-January 3. Classes will resume on
January 6.
Give the gift of Hope
Virtual Food Drive
Donations Accepted Until January 31, 2014
Alameda County
Community Food Bank
Help the Food Bank
Purchase its most needed items!
For every $1 you donate the Food Bank distributes $ 4
worth of food. Go to the Virtual Food Drive at select your group and shop!
The group name is: Alameda Co. Library
Live the Word of God!
Saints and Special Observances
Fourth Sunday of Advent
St. John of Kanty
Vigil of Christmas
The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
St. Stephen; Kwanzaa begins; Boxing Day (Canada)
St. John
The Holy Innocents
Today’s Readings
First Reading — You will be given this sign: The
virgin shall conceive and bear a son (Isaiah 7:1014).
Psalm — Let the Lord enter; he is king of glory
(Psalm 24).
Second Reading — God has called us to belong to
Jesus Christ (Romans 1:1-7).
Gospel — The son born of Mary shall be called
Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins
(Matthew 1:18-24).
Friends & Fellowship
On January 12, The Spanish Prayer Group
will host the free hot meal for those in need
in our area in the parish hall. Thank you to
them and to all our parish groups who help
us in this good cause. Also thank you to
our Friends & Fellowship Committee.
**Our free hot meals are now the 2nd &
4th Sunday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m.
Girls Basketball Registration started Wed. Nov. 20, and
the deadline for all girls basketball registration paperwork
(see website) and payment are when the school office
closes on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013. Reminder - late
paperwork will put your child/children on a Waiting List, so
please remember the deadline.
Registration for Co-ed Track & Field and Boys Sand
Volleyball will start in January, 2014. Practices start the
first week in February, 2014. We are looking for a Boys
Sand Volleyball Athletic Director and Coaches.
Dec. 22 Sunday 23 Monday
5:00 a.m. Mass(Simbang Gabi)
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:15 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass
12:45 p.m. Portuguese Mass
5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m. Mass
5:00 am. Mass (Simbang Gabi)
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:30 p.m. Confessions
Readings For The Week
Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14;
Lk 1:57-66
2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29;
Lk 1:67-79
Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29;
Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]
Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14;
Lk 2:1-14
Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12;
Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20
Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6;
Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]
Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab,
16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22
1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12;
Jn 20:1a, 2-8
1 Jn 1:5 -2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18
Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Ps 128:1-5;
Col 3:12-21 [12-17]; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23
NEW! Post-Abortion Study Groups, Retreat
The Diocese of Oakland has three healing
opportunities just around the corner:
• Beginning January 28, 2014, the diocese and First Resort will
host an 8-week Spanish Post-Abortion Healing and Bible Study
group in Berkeley.
• Beginning January 29, 2014 the diocese and First Resort will
host an 8-week English Post-Abortion Healing and Bible Study
group in San Mateo.
• February 7-9, 2014, the diocese will be hosting the Rachel's
Vineyard weekend healing retreat in Santa Rosa (see
Rachelʼs Vineyard Retreats and Post-Abortion Healing groups
offer hope, help, and healing for the soul in a loving, supportive
environment, and result in life-changing transformations.
Confidential sign-ups for men, women, and couples are
happening now. Don't delay your healing and renewal in Christ
any longer! To register or find out more, contact Christine at
(415) 260-4406, or e-mail [email protected] or go to to download the flyers.
24 Tuesday
5:00 am. Mass (Simbang Gabi)
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass
6:30 p.m. Vigil Mass
8:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish)
10:00 p.m. Eng. Mass at Night
4 12 midnight Missa Cantata
25 Wednesday
8:00 a.m. Christmas Mass at
10:00 a.m. Missa Cantata,
Solemn Mass for Christmas
11:30 a.m. Portuguese Mass
(NO Evening Masses)
St. Edward Parish News
December 22, 2013
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Simbang Gabi
Christmas Novena
December 16-24
5 a.m. Masses
Christmas Mass Schedule
Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve
4:30 p.m.
Vigil of Christmas Mass
6:30 p.m.
Vigil of Christmas Mass
8:00 p.m.
Spanish, Misa de Noche Buena
10:00 pm
English, Mass at Night
12:00 pm
Missa Cantata, Solemn High
Mass of Christmas at Midnight
Join us after Mass for breakfast in the parish hall.
Everyone is welcome!
We would like to thank all our advertisers
who support our bulletin. Please patronize
them. Also thanks to J.S. Paluch Company
and their workers who print our bulletins
every week. God Bless you!
Wednesday, Dec. 25 - Christmas Day
8:00 am
Christmas Mass at Dawn
10:00 a.m.
Missa Cantata, Solemn Mass
for Christmas Day
11:30 a.m.
Portuguese Mass
2013 Raffle
There will be no Evening Christmas
Warm and heart-felt congratulations to the
following parishioners:
Dominic Duran 1st Prize winner of $ 1000
Manuel C. Enos 2nd Prize winner of $ 500
Rafaela Alexander 3rd Prize of $ 250
Martha Mendoza 4th Prize winner of $ 250
Our profit this year was $ 7209. Thank you to all
the 438 parishioners who participated in this
year’s Raffle.
The parish office will be closed on December
24, 25, and 26. St. Edward’s Staff would like to
wish you a Blessed and Merry Christmas.
Celebrate with Us!
New Year’s Eve Dinner-Dance
December 31, 2013 - At 8 p.m.
At St. Edward’s Hall
$40 per person
Includes: Dinner, Drinks, Appetizers, Desserts & Dance
Tickets available at the Parish Office
Dec. 26 Thurs. 27 Friday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:30 p.m. Ext. Form Mass
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
28 Saturday
8:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
7:00 p.m. Spanish Vigil Mass
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:15 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass
12:45 p.m. Portuguese Mass
5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m. Mass
Please Pray For:
Oren Por Ellos:
Mark Your Calendars!
January 25, 2014
Walk For Life-West Coast, San Francisco
Don’t be left out. Buy your ticket early, Bus ride cost $10
lunch/water not included. Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral at
9:30 a.m. Bus leaves St. Edward at 8:00 a.m.
For more information please contact either Barbara at
510-797-4033 or Susanna at 510-796-5787.
Hospitality Sunday
January 12 & February 9
Please join us after the 7:15, 8:30,
and 10:00 a.m. Masses. Free coffee
and donuts in the parish hall.
Congratulations to our new members of St. Edward
Parish who were baptized last weekend:
Penelope C. Opon
Sharona Rosanna Ferreira
We congratulate our newly married couple of
St. Edward Church:
Edwin and Jackie Lugo
God Bless you always
Please remember in your prayers John McHugh
Anthony Kerlegan & Rudolph John Amouroux
who have completed their earthly journey and now
live in the presence of the Risen Lord.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014,
at 1:00 P.M.
Century 25 Theaters,
Union City
32100 Union Landing Blvd.
$12 Tickets,
buy ONLY at St. Edward
5788 Thornton Ave, Newark
Call the office at
(510) 797-0241
Come ALL! Enjoy a great
movie and help
St. Edward’s Music ministry
raise funds!!
Just had a baby?
Have kids under 5 years old and need extra foods?
Please call Alameda County WIC at 510-595-6400.
Spec. Johnny A. Caro
Justin Ryan Chairez
Sgt. Eric Revuelta
Sgt. Israel Revuelta
Sgt. Maj. Harry Elid Rivera
Lance Corporal Anthony Elid Rivera
Captain Zack Martin, in North Carolina
SSG. Ernie Paredes
Angelo David Jimenez
Lance Corporal Andrew Voropaeff, in Japan
Steven San Agustin, in Ft. Lewis, WA
Frank Villagomez, in Ft. Lewis, WA
Bryan Fischer, in Afghanistan
Capt. Matt & Jenny Nolte, in Germany
SSGT. Marcus Espinosa, in Fort Irwin, CA
Prt. Nicole Nestell
Corpswoman Arlene T. Alonzo, in Navy Baghdad
Ron Noah F. Buniag
Joseph L.G. Rios, in El Paso, Texas
Candice Weaver DeRamos
Pfc. Jason Brennan, in Afghanistan
SSG Cleophas Sebille, in Afghanistan
John Quenga, in South Dakota
Julian Torres, in Afghanistan
Sargent Raymond Watkinson, in San Diego
Msg. Jason Montgomery, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky
MSGT Camille Stamatokos, in North Dakota
TSGT Peter Stamatokos, in North Dakota
Brian Dimapan, in Texas
LCPL Patrick Johnson, in San Diego-Afghanistan
Marvin Calvo Terlaje
Tyler Talavera, in New Jersey
Samuel Potenti, Marine, in San Diego
Jonathan Shaack, Navy Persian Gulf
Mark Joseph M. Castillo, in Hawaii/Germany
SGT. Andrew Williams, U.S. Army in Afghanistan
SSgt. Liam Williams, USMC in Afghanistan
SPEC Robert Roque, Army Afghanistan
MA3 Jared Reis, Navy, San Diego
Joseph A. Silveira, U.S. Marine
Michael A. Padilla, Army Pakistan
Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend
In today’s gospel it tells us we must be prepared because
the Son of Man is coming at a time we least expect. If Jesus
came today, would your marriage pass the test? Sign up
today to attend our upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend on Feb 7 - 9 held in Pleasanton. Early registration
is highly recommended. For more information contact Ray &
Roberta @ 916.806.4601 or Joe & Sue @ 925.680.7767
now or go to
The school will be selling SCRIP after all of the Masses
these weekends: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, and March 9
Please support our school and our tuition assistance
6 program for families in need.
Iglesia de San Eduardo
Diciembre 22, 2013
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
Primera lectura — La señal del Señor es que la virgen estará
embarazada y dará a luz un hijo varón (Isaías 7:10-14).
Salmo — Va a entrar el Señor: él es el Rey de la Gloria
(Salmo 24 [23]).
Segunda lectura — Jesús, descendiente de David
biológicamente, fue establecido el Hijo de Dios en poder
(Romanos 1:1-7).
Evangelio — María quedó embarazada por obra del Espíritu
Santo. Le pone el nombre de Jesús (Mateo 1:18-24).
Sustento de la Parroquia
Diciembre 8
Retiro de Los Religiosos
$ 5,695
Segunda Colecta
Dic. 15
Dic. 22
Dic. 25
Dic. 29
Reducción del Déficits
Reducción del Déficits
San Vicente de Paul
Gracias por todo su apoyo!
Lunes: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Sal 25 (24):4-5ab, 8-10, 14;
Lc 1:57-66
Martes: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):2-5, 27, 29; Lc
Miércoles: Vigilia: Is 62:1-5; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 16-17, 27, 29;
Hch 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]
Medianoche: Is 9:1-6; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 11-13;
Ti 2:11-14; Lc 2:1-14
Alborada: Is 62:11-12; Sal 97 (96):1, 6, 11-12;
Ti 3:4-7; Lc 2:15-20
Día: Is 52:7-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Heb 1:1-6;
Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]
Jueves: Hch 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 8ab,
16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22
Viernes: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8
Sábado: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Sal 124 (123):2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18
Domingo: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Sal 128 (127):1-5;
Col 3:12-21 [12-17]; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23
La oficina de Catecismo les desean a todas nuestras familias una Navidad con muchas bendiciones.
Nuestras vacaciones de Navidad van a ser de Diciembre 23– Enero 3. Los niños regresan a clases
el Lunes 6 de Enero.
Nuestro Grupo de
Oración los invitan:
**Rosario Bíblico: Primer Martes del mes a
7 p.m. en la Capillita.
**Exposición del Santísimo: Tercer Martes del
mes a las 7 p.m. en la Iglesia.
Recen por los Enfermos
Pray for the Sick
Lynda Abelgas
Virginia Aguilera
Stephanie Aguilar
Gloria Aguirre
Mely Agustin
John Alejandres
Jean Allen
Fernando Almeda
Miguel Alvarez
Ramona Alvarez
David Arleano
Don Armstrong
William D. Armstrong
Diego Arteaga
Edgar Arredondo
Salome Arroyo
Seffie Avalos
Penny Bantug
Gabriela Barreto
Luis Barron
Javier Barron
Dom Barker
Lamberto Bautista
Paul Becerra
George Bettencourt
Kyong Blackmon
Fred Blackmon
Israel Butron Magaña
Rogelio Bueno
Julie Cattrell
Mariela A. Carcamo
Antonia Caballes
Victor Capaz
Juanito Capistrano
Ben Carbonell
Ramon Castellano
Javier Cervantes
Walter Clifford
Bella Changco
Cecilia Contreras
Ismael Corpuz
Judy Cruz
Jennie Cruz
Joseph Cruz
Timothy C. Cruz
Tony Changco
Irene Delucchi
Valente Dela Cruz
Christie Dela Cruz
Isais Dominguez
Rudy Dominguez
Craig Drysdale
Narcisa Estrelles
Juanita Estrellas
Maria Farsan
Emily Favis
Riza F. Felix
Rosa Ferdin
Maria T. Francisco
Helen Fernandez
Felicia Fernandez
Teresa Flores
Tessie Fojas
Maria Garcia
Francisco Garcia
Fe & Richard Garcia
Angeline Garcia
Tomas Garcia
Rodelo Garcia
John J. Garfield
Anthony Gonsalves
Alfredo Gonzalez
Pati Gonzalez
Harriet Green
Matt Grisom
Manda Grisom
Jose Gustavo
Martha Gilmore
Esther Gladys Grey
Rose Harper
Anthony Moses Hernandez
Zenaida G. Hernandez
Linda Hernandez
Marcos Herrera
Richard Hughes
Danny Ives
Buddy Igne
Clyde Igne
Kitty Imperial-Dizon
Ginger Jennings
Eduardo Jimenez
Ann Joly
Donald Jones
Madley Katarungan
Nancy Keil
Rich King
Roberto Lara
Jorge Lara
David Law
June Lesire
Laura Looker
Jose Loza
Thersita Lum
Gerard V. Limtiaco
Dot Louie
Jacob Lorenzo
Jru Lorenzo
Maria Magaña
Carmen Martinez
Feliciano Martinez
Martin Martinez
Julie Malaspina
Michael McDonnell
Arthur Means
Angel Miague
Julie Miller
Ashley Miller
Ricardo Mitchel
Elisa C. Madero
Adriana Montero
Juan C. Muñoz G.
Rosa Nava
Arcadia Nava
Marcus Nettz
Helen B. Nguyen
Barbara Nickolson
Larry Noda
David Oger
Jonathan Ojeda
Laura Ojeda
Percival Olarte
Virginia Olivera
Manuel Obregon
Alberto Orozco
Jose Ortiz
Edna Pacheco
Hildegardo Perreras
Paciencia Perreras
Ricardo Padilla
Ofelia Pascual
Jeanne Perry
John Pinckney
Kathy Pinckney
Franklin Wayne Quon
Ulises Solano Perez
Rafael Prieto
Phillip Poma
Mathew Putnam
Liza Quisisem
Jeanne Ramirez
Reynaldo Ramos
Helen Rauch
Paul Reddon
Dolores Renteria
Lolita Reyes
Rose Rivera
Carlos Robles, Sr.
Teresa Romero
Maria Rubio
Amelia Rubio
Gildardo Ruiz
Marcial Sandoval
Braulia E.Sanchez
Anabel Santana
Jose M. Santana
Connie Sardeina
Abel Santana
Soledad Sedayao
Julieta Simas
Manuel Simas
Maria A. Simas
Anrico Soriano
Gil Smith
Claudia Soto
Vanessa Soto
Earl J. Stump
Tessi Stump
Norma Santos
Serina Saldivar
Connie Sardinha
Allyn Silva
Francesca Starnes
Alicia Stein
Anita Tampos
Brian Taylor
Hector Tena
Emma Tondag
Julian Torres
Andrea Umipig
Martha Vasquez F.
Delfia Villaflor
Mike Volz
Virginia Wiebe
Margaret West
Julio Worrell
Si usted gusta agregar o quitar un nombre a nuestra lista,
por favor llame la oficina al 797-0241. Please call the parish
7 office at 797-0241 if you want to add or delete any names.
Les recordamos que los libritos de
las lecturas del mes de Enero “La
Palabra Entre Nosotros” están
disponibles en la Rectoría.
Oración de Adviento
El pueblo que caminaba en la noche diviso una luz grande…(Isaías 9,1)
Dios de sabiduría, bendícenos con el “Si” de María mientras le damos la
bienvenida a Emmanuel en nuestro Corazón y en nuestro hogar. Amén.
Todos son Bienvenidos!
Misas de Navidad
Se invita a toda persona que está pasando por muchos
problemas, están solos, o toda persona indigente que no
tiene un hogar y nada que comer. Los próximos
Domingos son las siguientes Comidas: Enero 12 y 26
La Convivencia y Cena es en el salón parroquial de 1-3
p.m. También tienen corte de pelo gratis. El
Domingo, 12 de Enero, El Grupo de Oración
Jesús María y José van a preparar la Cena.
Gracias a ellos y a todos nuestros grupos
que nos ayudan con esta causa tan buena.
También agradecemos a la mesa directiva
por apoyar y dirigir este evento tan
caritativo. Que Dios los bendiga a todos.
Martes- Noche Buena (Dic. 24)
4:30 p.m.
Misa de Vigilia de Navidad
6:30 p.m.
Misa de Vigilia de Navidad
8:00 p.m.
Misa en Español de Noche Buena
10:00 p.m.
Misa en Ingles de Noche Buena
12:00 p.m.
Medianoche - Misa Cantada
Miercoles - Misas de Navidad(Dic. 25)
8:00 a.m.
Misa de Navidad
10:00 a.m.
Misa Cantada
11:30 a.m.
Muchas Gracias Por Sus Donaciones:
Arteaga’s Market
Mexico Tortilleria Factory
Angel’s Flowers
Grupos Parroquiales
La oficina parroquial va a estar cerrada el 24, 25, y
26 de Diciembre. Los empleados de la Iglesia de
San Eduardo les deceamos una Feliz Navidad.
Gracias a estas personas, por sus donaciones tan generosas, una vez más tuvimos una celebración muy bonita
para nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe. Les pedimos que
toda la comunidad los apoyen con sus negocios para que
cada año nos puedan continuar donando lo necesario
para la fiesta de nuestra Virgencita. Gracias también al
Padre Jim y a toda la comunidad que nos acompañaron y
de una forma u otra ayudaron en esta fiesta. Gracias a
nuestro coro por ayudarnos con la celebración de las Misas, a los jóvenes por las mañanitas, a las personas que
decoraron el Altar de la Virgen y a todos los que nos ayudaron con la convivencia en el salón y con el trafico.
Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a todas sus familias y
los esperamos cada Sábado en nuestra Misa de 7 p.m.
recuerden que a la Virgen no se le celebra cada año sino
todo el año tenemos que darle gracias por todo su amor y
sus bendiciones a todos sus hijos y al pueblo Hispano
que la queremos mucho. Los Sacerdotes felicitan a toda nuestra comunidad por la fiesta tan bonita y organizada que tuvimos este año. Gracias de nuevo a todos nuestros feligreses, grupos parroquiales, y negocios por toda
su ayuda.
31 de Diciembre, 2013
A las 8 p.m.
Salón de San Eduardo
El Padre Jay los invita al baile de fin de año de
nuestra parroquia. El costo es $40 por persona e
incluye baile, cena, postres, y todas las bebidas. .
Por favor apoyen a nuestra parroquia.
Todos son bienvenidos. Boletos en la oficina parroquial.
Jóvenes Para Cristo
Te invita a ti Joven/Adulto, a nuestro grupo todos los
Viernes en el salón de nuestra Parroquia de San
Eduardo a las 7 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos.
El Grupo de la Legión de María, Madre de Cristo en Español les hacen una cordial invitación a toda su familia al
Rosario de cada mes el Viernes, 10 de Enero en la Iglesia de San Eduardo a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor anoten en
sus calendarios.
Necesitas Ayuda?
Embarazada? Acaba de tener bebe? Tiene hijos
menores de 5 años y necesita ayuda extra para
comprar comida? Por favor llame al Condado de
Alameda WIC al 510-595-6400.
Confesiones en Español
Pidamos por las vocaciones Sacerdotales
en nuestros hogares.
Todos los Jueves a las 8:30 a.m.
Primer Viernes a las 4:30 p.m.
Primer y Tercer Lunes, 7:30 p.m.
Igreja de Santo Eduardo
22 de Dezembro, 2013
Missa do IV Domingo do Advento
Comentário: São Mateus diz que a Mãe de
Jesus “estava prometida em casamento a José, e,
antes de viverem juntos ela ficou grávida pela ação do
Espírito Santo”. As palavras usadas pelo Evangelista
são simples, mas escondem uma realidade imensa,
misteriosa, inaudita. Pensemos em José e Maria,
ainda jovens. Eles certamente se amavam; como todo
casal piedoso daquela época pensavam em ter filhos –
os filhos eram considerados uma bênção de Deus.
Mas, eis que antes de viverem juntos, a Virgem se
acha grávida por obra do Espírito Santo! Deus entra
silenciosamente na vida daquele casalzinho. Nós
sabemos, pelo Evangelho de São Lucas, que Maria
disse “sim”, que Maria acreditou, que Maria deixou que
Deus fosse Deus em sua vida: “Eu sou a serva do
Senhor! Faça-se em mim segundo a tua palavra!” (Lc
1,38) De repente, eis que uma vida de família, que
tinha tudo para ser pacata e serena, viu-se agitada por
uma tempestade. Por um lado, a Virgem diz “sim” a
Deus e, sem saber o que explicar ou como explicar ao
noivo, cala-se, abandonando-se confiantemente nas
mãos do Senhor. Por outro lado, José sabe que o
aquele filho não é seu; não compreende como Maria
poderia ter feito tal coisa com ele: ter-lhe-ia sido infiel?
E, no entanto, não ousa difamar a noiva. Resolve
deixá-la secretamente. Quanta dor, quanta dúvida,
quanto silêncio: silêncio de Maria, que não tem o que
dizer nem como explicar; silêncio de José que, na dor,
não sabe o que perguntar à noiva; silêncio de Deus
que, pacientemente, vai tecendo a sua história de
salvação na nossa pobre história humana. E, então,
como fizera antes com a Virgem, Deus agora dirige
sua palavra a José: “José, filho de Davi, não tenhas
medo de receber Maria como tua esposa, porque ela
concebeu pela ação do Espírito Santo. Ela dará à luz
um filho, e tu lhe darás o nome de Jesus, pois ele vai
salvar o seu povo de seus pecados”. Atenção aos
detalhes! O Anjo chama José de “filho de Davi”. É pelo
humilde carpinteiro que Jesus será descendente de
Davi. Se José dissesse “não”, Jesus não poderia ser o
Messias, Filho de Davi! Note-se que é José quem
deve dar o nome ao Menino, reconhecendo-o como
seu filho. Note-se ainda o nome do Menino: Jesus, isto
é, “o Senhor salva”! Deus, humildemente, revela seu
plano a José e, depois de pedir o “sim” de Maria,
suplica e espera o “sim” de José. E, como Maria, José
crê, José se abre para Deus em sua vida, José mostra
-se disposto a abandonar seus planos para abraçar os
de Deus, José diz “sim”: “Quando acordou, José fez
conforme o Anjo do Senhor havia mandado, e aceitou
sua esposa!”
Eis! Adeus, para aquele casal, o sonho de
uma vida tranqüila! Adeus filhos nascidos da união dos
dois! Agora, iriam viver somente para aquele Presente
que o Senhor lhes havia dado, para a Missão que lhes
tinha confiado... O plano de Deus passa pela vida
humilde daquele casal. Para que São Paulo pudesse
dizer hoje na Epístola aos Romanos que é “apóstolo
por vocação, escolhido para o Evangelho... que diz
respeito ao Filho de Deus, descendente de Davi
segundo a carne”, foi necessária a coragem generosa
da Virgem Maria e o sim pobre e cheio de solicitude do
jovem José. Para que a profecia de Isaías, que
ouvimos na primeira leitura, fosse concretizada, foi
necessário que aquele jovem casal enxergasse Deus
e seu plano de amor nas vicissitudes de sua vida
humilde e pobre! – Dom Henrique Soares de Costa
Pe Antonio Reis
HOSPITALIDADE: Maria Simas e Antonio Borba
Maria Clementina, Jose
Carreiro, e João Silveira
Antonio Sousa, Isabel Reis,
Rita Fonte, Magarida Filipe,
Filomena Vieira, e Lucia
1a. leitura:
Helena Silva
Helena Silva
Nasimento Ferreira
Oração dos Fieis:
Adelaide Ferreira
CORPO DE CRISTO: Celebrante y Conceição Silva
SANGUE DE CRISTO: Maria Dutra y Maria Sousa
Manuel Bulcão e Membros da
nossa comunidade.
Isabel Reis
Paul Moreira
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During this holy season of Advent
and Christmas we gather to celebrate his
coming and three very special
revelations: The Magi follow a dream and
a star to discover the Word made flesh;
Jesus enters the Jordan River to wash
away the sins of the world. Christ works
the first of his signs, turning water into
wine to celebrate a wedding at Cana.
He displays the abundance and joy
of this new covenant established in his
own blood. He invites us to see the
presence of God in all, from the youngest
to the oldest, in the stranger and in the
It is our hope that this season finds
you in peace, joyful in the company of
friends. May the songs and symbols of
this holy season fill you with light and
From our House to
A Most Blessed
Merry Christmas