The publication of rankings of schools
The publication of rankings of schools
The publication of school rankings: a step toward increased accountability? Ana Balcão Reis*,t Carmo Seabra*,t Luis C. Nunes*,t *Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide 1099-032 LISBOA Portugal October 2013 Abstract This paper contributes to the discussion of the effects of the publication of school rankings. We study the effectiveness of this (low-stakes) accountability mechanism. Our results suggest that the publication of rankings has strong effects upon families and schools. After the rankings publication, students move out of badly classified schools and the probability of closing for these schools increases. These effects are stronger for private schools. Keywords: school accountability, school rankings JEL: I21, I28, H42 * Email: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] We would like to thank João Miguel Silva and Adriana Ferro for excellent research assistance. Financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia is gratefully acknowledged. t 0 The publication of school rankings: a step toward increased accountability? October 2013 Abstract This paper contributes to the discussion of the effects of the publication of school rankings. We study the effectiveness of this (low-stakes) accountability mechanism. Our results suggest that the publication of rankings has strong effects upon families and schools. After the rankings publication, students move out of badly classified schools and the probability of closing for these schools increases. These effects are stronger for private schools. Keywords: school accountability, school rankings JEL: I21, I28, H42 1 1. Introduction During the last decade, many countries and/or states have introduced some form of accountability in schools in an attempt to increase their performance. This movement was at least partly generated by the frustration felt by many countries with the results of their heavily financed public education systems. The weaknesses of these results became clearer as the realization of internationally comparable exams, like PISA and TIMMS, was generalized. Accountability policies vary considerably, from the so-called low-stakes policies (disclosing information regarding the performance of schools) to high-stakes or consequential systems, whereby the financing conditions of the schools and/or the payments to teachers are adjusted according to the performance of students. The effectiveness of these accountability systems on the learning conditions of students has been studied extensively in the literature. Using different data sets and methodological tools, several authors have shown that accountability policies, even low-stakes ones, such as the one considered in this paper, have significant and positive effects on students’ behavior. Figlio and Lucas (2004) showed that lowstakes accountability policies have strong effects on parents’ choices and are reflected in changes in housing prices. Using data from Florida, where a hard-stakes policy was launched, Figlio and Rouse (2006) concluded that the improvements of poorly performing schools were, in fact, very large; Chakrabarti (2008) examined the impact of different incentive schemes and showed that the 1999 Florida accountability program unambiguously improved schools’ performance. Chiang (2009) also found persistent gains in performance due to Florida’s highstakes accountability policy; Hanushek and Raymond (2004) reported increased scores for all students, following the introduction of accountability policies in the US, although they found a much weaker impact of low-stakes policies relative to the effects of sequential or high-stakes measures. Using data from PISA 2003 for 27 OECD countries, Schutz et al. (2007) also found a positive relationship between accountability and academic outcomes. 1 In this paper we analyze the impacts of the public disclosure of school rankings, a low-stakes accountability policy. We consider the case of Portugal, where every year several newspapers publish rankings of every high school (public and private) based on the average scores obtained by students on national exams. Secondary school rankings were first published in 2001, were not published in 2002, and then published every year thereafter. We study the effect of the publication of the rankings in terms of the ability of schools to attract students and of the increased probability of closing of badly classified ones. To identify the effect of the public disclosure of school results, we compare the effects of the rankings before and after their publication. We distinguish between private and public schools, as we expect that there is more flexibility and freedom of choice in the subset of private schools, allowing for a stronger effect of the rankings on these schools. 1 Positive effects of several accountability systems have been found for several other geographical and institutional settings (see, for instance, Koning and van der Wiel (2012) for the Netherlands, Anghel et al. (2012) for Spain, Rockoff and Turner (2010) for New York City). 2 The organization of the paper is the following: Section 2 briefly describes the institutional setting of the education system in Portugal for the period under analysis. Section 3 describes the data. In Section 4 we present our methodology and our results for the effect of rankings publication on students’ relocations. In this section we also study the impact of the published ranking on the probability that schools close. These analyses help to understand the impact and the vehicle through which the publication of rankings affects schools. Section 5 discusses the results and concludes. 2. The Institutional setting in the period 1998 to 2005 The Portuguese educational system did not undergo significant changes from 1998 to 2005. Mandatory schooling starts at the age of six and lasts 9 years.2 These 9 years are divided into three cycles with durations of 4, 2, and 3 years, respectively. Tracking in general starts at the end of mandatory schooling 3, with the choice between 3 additional years of academic studies aimed at the pursuit of studies at the university level, or professionally oriented studies. Vocational study tracks can consist of either 2 or 3 years, and transition to academic tracks or to the university is possible. The net rate of enrollment in secondary education was around 60% in the period analyzed. Below we describe only academic studies 4, as these are the subject of this paper. To finish academic secondary school, students have to take final exams, carried out at the national level. Final scores per subject are computed as an average of the score attributed by the student’s school (internal score) and the score obtained at the final exam. These national exams perform two roles in the educational system. Besides being required to graduate from secondary school, they also determine the conditions for admission to the university. Portuguese Public Universities have fixed slots set for each course by the Ministry, that fall short of demand for places in the most prestigious degrees. Candidates for each degree are selected (centrally, by the government) according to their order number in the candidacy grade. This grade is a weighted average of the score obtained at the end of secondary studies, calculated as described above, and the scores obtained in one or two of the mandatory national exams 5. These specific exams, thus, enter twice in the definition of the candidacy grade. These rules place a strong weight on the scores obtained in secondary final exams. Public and Private schools co-exist in the Portuguese educational system. The level of autonomy of Portuguese schools is very limited, with teaching contents and learning methods being decided by the government. Private schools can choose teachers and students, and set 2 After our period of analysis, some changes occurred, namely the extension of mandatory schooling by 3 years. The first cohort of students affected by this measure entered secondary schools only in 2010. 3 There are some professionally oriented paths initiated at the age of 14, but these tracks remained exceptional, accounting for only 4 to 5% of the schooling population. 4 The net rate of enrollment in secondary education ran from 59.1% in 1998 to 59.8% in 2005; out of these, the percentage of students in academic studies decreased during the period, from 65% in 1998 to 55% in 2005. 5 The choice of the specific subjects that are considered twice on the candidacy grade for each course is left to the course authorities. This choice has been kept stable since 1998. 3 tuition fees. 6 They are allowed to allocate teaching time to the different subjects, but only according to strict requirements set by the government. They are also subject to a set of rules concerning the premises, the number of students allowed per class, and so forth. Public schools are strictly restricted in their educational supply, and neither choose nor influence the choice of teachers. The allocation of students to public schools and to publicly financed private school is based largely on geographical criteria. For the years analyzed, there were legal restrictions on the specific school where students could enroll, according to the geographical proximity, first, to the home of the family, and second, to the work place of the mother or father. Nevertheless, the large movements of students in and out of schools in our data reveal that those legal restrictions were not being strictly enforced. 3. Data Description The publication of school rankings in Portugal occurred for the first time in 2001. The first ranking was published by the newspaper Público, following a court decision on a law suit by this newspaper, claiming its right to disclose the data that were being denied by the Government. In the following year, 2002, the Ministry of Education decided to publish its own ranking, taking into account some socio-economic characteristics of the school region. This ranking was strongly criticized, and from 2003 on the Ministry started disclosing the raw data to the media that treat them and publish the rankings. The published ranking is the simple ordering that results from calculating the average score on national exams for each school. This average is obtained taking into account a selection of exams that correspond to the courses with more students at the national level (Mathematics, Portuguese, etc.). The choice of which exams to include in this ranking is a decision of the newspaper. 7 Our dataset consists of these same data disclosed to the media and includes scores for all student-exam pairs for all of the 12th grade national exams since 1998. The exam scores have been published online since 2003 by the Ministry of Education, and may be freely downloaded. 8 The data for the period before the beginning of publication, covering years 1998 to 2001, became publicly available only at the end of 2012. Our main variable of interest is the ranking of each school, RANK. We replicated the school rankings published by the newspaper Público, given that our purpose was to analyze the impact of published rankings. For the period before publication we built equivalent rankings based on the students’ scores in each school, following the criteria adopted by Público in its publication. The variable RANK takes the value 1 for the school with higher average and increases as the school average decreases. 6 Some private schools are publicly financed and neither choose their students nor set tuition fees. After this several newspapers started publishing their own rankings, but Público remained the principal source on this issue. 8 7 4 To determine whether the publication of school rakings affects students' choices we first analyze whether the percent change in the number of students in each school depends on previous rankings. As we have no access to the number of students enrolled in each school, we extracted from the dataset described above the number of exams taken at each school in each year. This is our measure of the size of the school, DIMS. The percent change in the number of exams taken at each school in the period under analysis is our dependent variable, ΔN. We then look at the closing of schools. We define a dummy variable, CLOSE, that takes the value 1 if the school has students taking exams in the initial year of the period under analysis and no students taking exams in the final and subsequent years, and 0 otherwise. The dataset also includes information about school characteristics that we use as additional controls: public, PUB, versus private, PRIV, status and geographical localization. We use this last information to build several variables concerning the availability of schools in each municipality, and thus, the effective competitive pressure and freedom of choice of school by the students. We considered three alternatives: (i) CHOICE, a dummy that equals 1 if there is more than one school in the municipality, and thus, the possibility of choice, and 0 otherwise; (ii) NSMUN, the number of schools in the municipality, and (iii) HH, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of concentration of schools at the municipal level. To take into account that it is probably easier to move to a school in the nearby region, we have also calculated regional rankings. These would be the most relevant rankings if each school competes mainly with the schools in the same region. We considered that for each school the relevant region would be the one resulting from considering only the neighboring municipalities. The dataset does not include any information on the socio-economic characteristics of the students, and for the period under analysis this information is not available at the school level, either. 4. The impact of published rankings Our goal is to study the effect of the publication of the rankings. The gold standard for evaluating the impact of a treatment (in our case the publication of the rankings) is the randomized experiment in which units (in our case the schools) are assigned into two groups at random. One of the groups receives the treatment while the other, the control group, does not. In such a setting, one can simply take the difference between the outcomes of the two groups to measure the impact of the treatment. Randomized experiments are relatively rare in practice. For instance, assignment into the two groups may not be random, leading to differences in characteristics in the two groups which confound the impact of the treatment. If data before and after the treatment are available, the impact of the differences in characteristics can be eliminated by analyzing the difference-in-differences of the outcome variable. For this approach to be valid it requires that in the absence of the treatment, the two groups would have followed parallel trends. When the probability of receiving the treatment is a discontinuous function of one or more variables, an alternative approach consists in a regression discontinuity design. The idea is that by using only observations lying close to either 5 side of the threshold it is possible to obtain two groups with similar characteristics, except that one received the treatment and the other did not. In our study, the rankings were published for all schools. If the form of publication consisted of assigning specific labels to each school based on student performance on the exams, it would be possible to divide the schools into different groups and to follow a difference-in-differences approach (since we have data before and after the publication) or a regression discontinuity design (if the assignment of the labels was a discontinuous function of student performance). However, the form of publication consisted in disclosing only an ordered list of schools. Basically, each school is associated with a particular order so that there are no explicit control and treatment groups. As a result, we have to follow a different strategy. To capture the impact of the publication of the ranking, and because we cannot divide the schools into treatment and control groups, we estimate linear regression and probit models for the outcome variables with the ranking variable entering as an explanatory (continuous) variable. We include additional controls to capture other differences in the characteristics of the schools that may affect the outcome variables. Since we have data before and after the publication of the rankings, we estimate the models for the two periods and check for differences in how the ranking variable affects the outcome variable. If the impact of the ranking is the same in the two periods, we conclude that the publication had no impact. For this interpretation to be valid, the main assumption required is that, apart from the control variables included in the estimated models, the only difference between the two periods is the publication. In fact, as discussed above, between 1998 and 2005 there were no major changes in the educational system. To define the two estimation periods, before and after the publication, it is important to understand the timing of rankings’ publication and of students’ enrollments. Rankings are published at the end of summer, after the enrollment of students for the following academic year, which happens in June and July. So, the 2001 rankings are expected to have affected enrollments for the academic years of 2002/2003 and following. Moreover, although some students change school in the transition to the 12th grade, most of the movements between schools occur in the transition to the 10th grade. The exams are taken at the end of each academic year, in June. Thus, the impact of the 2001 rankings is expected to appear in the number of students taking exams in 2003 and, more strongly, in 2005, when secondary school exams are taken by those students who enrolled in the 10th grade in June 2002. We define our periods of analysis taking these timings into account. For the impact of publication, we look at the percent variation in the number of students taking exams in each school between 2001 and 2005. We regress this variation on the rank in 2001 and school characteristics at the beginning of the period. We consider the number of exams in 2001 to be an appropriate point of departure for the analysis as we may expect it to be exogenous relative to the ranking published in 2001, which was the first published ranking. For the period before publication we look at the percent variation in the number of students between 1998 and 2002. As before, we regress this variation on the rank in 1998 and school characteristics at the beginning of the period. 6 Table 1: Descriptive statistics Period before publication (schools with more than 50 exams in 1998): 569 schools Variable Description Mean St deviation Max Min ∆N percent change in the number of exams between 1998 and 2002 -11.19 36.98 352.59 -100.00 RANK Rank in 1998 299.43 171.59 607 2 PUB Dummy=1 for public schools 0.83 0.38 1 0 DIMS Number of exams in the school in 1998 375.88 236.48 1531 53 NSMUN Number of schools in the municipality in 1998 11.28 18.12 62 1 0.73 0.44 1 0 0.46 0.37 1 0.02 0.01 0.11 1 0 CHOICE HH CLOSE Dummy=1 if there is another school in the municipality in1998 Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of Concentration for 1998 Dummy=1 if the school has no exams from 2002 onwards Period after publication (schools with more than 50 exams in 2001): 583 schools Variable Description Mean St deviation Max Min ∆N percent change in the number of exams between 2001 and 2005 1.70 44.11 307.35 -100.00 RANK Rank in 2001 309.93 175.37 620 2 PUB Dummy=1 for public schools 0.82 0.38 1 0 DIMS Number of exams in the school in 2001 339.52 221.01 1648 51 NSMUN Number of schools in the municipality in 2001 10.52 16.86 60 1 0.72 0.45 1 0 0.47 0.37 1 0.02 0.04 0.19 1 0 CHOICE HH CLOSE Dummy=1 if there is another school in the municipality in 2001 Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of Concentration for 2001 Dummy=1 if the school has no exams from 2005 onwards We restricted our analysis to schools that had in the initial year of analysis more than 50 exams. 9 This eliminates extreme cases with very large percent variations due to the low initial number of exams. Table 1 lists the main variables and presents some descriptive statistics for the two periods of analysis, 1998-2002 and 2001-2005. Except for ∆N and CLOSE, there are no noticeable differences in the distribution of the variables between the two periods. In 1998 there were 569 secondary schools with more than 50 students applying to 12th grade exams, 99 private and 470 public. Of these, 7 closed before 2002. In 2001, there were 583 schools, 104 private and 479 public. Of these, 22 closed before 2005. 9 The variable RANK corresponds to the ranking published by Público which includes all the schools, 609 in 1998 and 622 schools in 2001. 7 4.1. The impact of published rankings on the Percent Change in the Number of Students In order to evaluate whether the publication of the rankings affects students’ decisions about the school that they choose to enroll in, we regressed the percent change in the number of exams performed in each high school on the rank of the school for the periods before and after the first publication, and to test whether there are systematic differences between those two periods. For the period before publication the explanatory variable is the rank implied by school scores in 1998 (which was not public knowledge at that time), and for the period after publication the independent variable is the rank published in 2001. We controlled for the private versus public nature of the school. In order to test whether the impact of rankings was weaker for public schools, we also considered the cross-effect between the rank and the public character of the school, by including the interaction variable PUB×RANK and PRIV×RANK, where the variable PRIV is a dummy that identifies private schools. We also controlled for the size of the school and for the degree of competition among schools in each region, as stated above. To test if the impact of published rankings was greater for schools subject to stronger competition, we also considered the cross-effect between the rank and the competition measure. Our benchmark specification is the following: ∆N i = α + β1 PUBi + β 2 PUBi × RANK i + β 3 PRIVi × RANK i + β 4 DIMS i + β 5CHOICEi + β 6 CHOICEi × RANK i + ε i Models were estimated by ordinary least squares. We also included in all the regressions dummy variables for the administrative regions (18 plus the islands) to control for differences in the demographic evolution across regions and other regional characteristics. Estimation results are shown in Tables 2.a and 2.b. 8 Table 2.a: Estimation Results of the Linear Regression Model Dependent variable: ∆N, 1998-2002 1 -5.94 CONST 2 1.71 5 28.52*** 6 21.00** 7 43.36*** 8 41.74*** 6.57 8.5 7.6 9.95 9.07 9.98 11.72 13.67 0.37 0.84 0.61 0.52 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 -0.02** -0.04** -0.07*** -0.05** s.e. 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 Prob 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.01 -1.63 -1.52 -5.30 -7.03 -5.04 -5.07 -28.95*** -28.64** s.e. 5.27 5.27 7.3 7.42 6.23 6.25 11.68 11.89 Prob 0.76 0.77 0.47 0.34 0.42 0.42 0.01 0.02 -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.02** -0.02** -0.01* -0.01 s.e. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Prob 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 -0.47 -9.33 -0.07 -10.58 -11.76*** -2.76 -10.45** -8.77 s.e. 4.11 7.59 4.13 7.64 4.05 -8.11 4.03 8.14 Prob 0.91 0.22 0.99 0.17 0.00 0.73 0.01 0.28 DIMS CHOICE 0.02 0.03 -0.03 -0.005 s.e. 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Prob 0.29 0.21 0.25 0.83 CHOICE×RANK RANK×PUB s.e. Prob -0.02* -0.04** -0.05*** -0.05*** 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.03 -0.06* -0.13*** -0.12*** s.e. 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 Prob 0.19 0.07 0.00 0.00 RANK×PRIV District Dummies 2 2 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 -0.02 -0.08*** s.e. 0.01 0.01 Prob 0.14 0.00 β RANK +β CHOICE×RANK 0.01 0.02 0.08*** 0.08*** s.e. 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Prob 0.63 0.48 0.01 0.01 569 569 583 583 β RANK×PUB -β RANK×PRIV # Observations 4 6.36 s.e. PUB ADJUSTED R 3 -3.93 Prob RANK R Dependent variable: ∆N, 2001-2005 569 569 583 583 Notes: s.e stands for robust standard-errors *** significant at the 1 percent level, ** significant at the 5 percent level, * significant at the 10 percent level. 9 Table 2.b: Estimation Results of the Linear Regression Model Dependent variable: ∆N , 1998-2002 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10.32 8.88 11.56 9.16 39.61*** 34.62*** 55.69*** 50.93*** s.e. 7.08 7.13 8.32 9 9.66 9.56 12.18 12.92 Prob 0.15 0.21 0.17 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONST RANK -0.03*** -0.02** -0.08*** -0.06*** s.e. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Prob 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 -3.75 -3.94 -5.81 -4.31 -5.31 -5.41 -29.99*** -27.27** s.e. 5.31 5.27 7.41 8.08 6.16 6.16 11.72 12.24 Prob 0.48 0.46 0.43 0.59 0.39 0.38 0.01 0.03 PUB DIMS -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.03*** -0.02*** -0.02*** s.e. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Prob 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.38*** -0.30** -0.38*** -0.30** -0.60*** -0.31 -0.58*** -0.42** s.e. 0.1 0.13 0.1 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.17 0.22 Prob 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.05 NSMUN NSMUN×RANK -0.00 -0.00 -0.00** -0.00 s.e. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prob 0.42 0.48 0.04 0.28 RANK×PUB -0.03** -0.02** -0.05*** -0.04*** s.e. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Prob 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 -0.03 -0.02 -0.13*** -0.11*** 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 RANK×PRIV s.e. Prob District Dummies 2 R ADJUSTED R β RANK*PUB β RANK×PRIV Dependent variable: ∆N , 2001-2005 1 2 0.18 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.01 0.00 0.08*** 0.07** s.e. 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Prob 0.79 0.96 0.01 0.03 569 569 583 583 # Observations 569 569 583 583 Notes: s.e stands for robust standard-errors *** significant at the 1 percent level, ** significant at the 5 percent level, * significant at the 10 percent level. We discuss in detail the results shown in Table 2.a. where the control variable CHOICE is considered. Similar conclusions are derived from Table 2.b. considering instead the control variable NSMUN. 10 For both periods and all models, the size of the school, DIMS, has a negative impact on the percent variation in the number of exams. The parameters are in general significant at the 1 percent level. The number of schools available in the region also has a negative and significant impact on the percent variation in the number of exams. 10 For the period before publication, according to model 1 (column 1 in Table 2.a) the effect of the ranking is negative and significant. In model 2 we include the interaction between choice and ranking to capture the possibility that the impact of the ranking is amplified when there are alternative schools in the municipality. However, this interaction is not significant. In model 3 we check whether the impact of the rank is different for public and private schools. We find no significant differences, as can be checked in the last row of Table 2.a. Finally, in model 4 we allow for both the interaction between choice and the rank and the difference between the impact of the rank in public and private schools and obtain that none is significant. Thus, model 1 appears as the one that best fits the data for the period before publication. For the period after publication we estimated the same models, and obtain a negative and significant effect of the rank in model 5. We obtain again, in models 6 and 8, that the interaction between rank and choice is never significant. In model 7 we obtain that now the impact of the rank is significantly different for private and public schools. Hence, for this period model 7 is the preferred specification. The above findings suggest that the impact of the ranking changed due to the publication of the ranking. This is also confirmed by the results of the tests for differences in the relevant parameters comparing models 1 versus 5 and 3 versus 7 shown in Table 3. Table 3: Tests for Equality of the Parameters before and after publication (t-statistics) RANK RANK×PUB RANK×PRIV Models 1 versus 5 3 versus 7 -3.21*** -1.84* -2.65*** *** significant at the 1 percent level, * significant at the 10 percent level Our main finding is that the direct impact of the ranking on the number of exams has the expected negative sign and is significantly stronger for the period after publication. An increase in the rank of the school (corresponding to a deterioration of quality) leads to a decrease in the number of exams carried out in that school and this effect is much stronger when the information about rankings is published, and thus, available to everyone, as shown in Table 3. This Table also shows that the impact of the rank in both public and private schools changed 10 We do not show the results with the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of concentration, as they are qualitatively identical to those shown. 11 significantly with the publication of the rankings. Furthermore, private schools were more strongly affected by publication. 4.2. The impact of published rankings on the probability of closing As an important part of the effect of published rankings may be the closing of badly classified schools, we now look at the event of closing. In our analysis a closed school is one that presents no students to the national exams in the final year of the period analyzed. We estimated the probability that a school i closes as a function of published rankings, considering the same controls as in the previous regressions. We assumed a probit function for the probability to close. 11 Prob(CLOSEi = 1) = Φ (α + γ 1 PUBi + γ 2 PUBi × RANK i + γ 3 PRIVi × RANK i + γ 4 DIMSi + γ 5 NSMUN i + γ 6 NSMUN i × RANK i ) Again we look separately at the periods before and after publication and compare the results. The estimation results are shown in Table 4. The table shows marginal effects. 12 For instance, model 6 obtains that an increase of 100 places in the ranking increases the probability that a school will close by 3 percentage points. Table 4: Estimation results of the probit model for the probability of closing - Marginal Effects Dependent variable: CLOSE, 1998-2002 1 RANK 2 3 4 Prob -0.00003 0.18 0.0004 0.14 Prob -0.003 0.69 -0.009 0.34 0.05 0.24 Prob -0.0002** 0.04 -0.0001** 0.04 Prob 0.0005*** 0.00 0.004 0.13 PUB DIMS NSMUN NSMUN×RANK Prob 5 6 7 8 0.0001*** 0.004 0.0003*** 0.01 0.10 0.21 0.01 0.60 0.01 0.52 0.09 0.14 0.11* 0.07 -0.0001** 0.04 -0.0001** 0.04 -0.0002** 0.01 -0.0002*** 0.01 -0.0002*** 0.01 -0.0002*** 0.004 0.0004** 0.01 0.004* 0.10 0.001*** 0.00 -0.000*** 0.001 0.001*** 0.00 -0.000*** 0.001 -0.0000 0.15 RANK×PUB Dependent variable: CLOSE, 2001-2005 -0.0000 0.10 -0.0000* 0.06 -0.0000** 0.04 Prob -0.0000 0.74 0.0004 0.14 0.00007 0.22 0.0002** 0.04 Prob 0.0001 0.15 0.0005* 0.08 0.0003** 0.03 0.0004*** 0.002 RANK×PRIV McFadden R2 0.39 0.46 0.43 0.52 0.33 0.35 0.35 0.38 # Observations 569 569 569 569 583 583 583 583 Notes: the p-values correspond to the estimated coefficients of the Probit regression. *** significant at the 1 percent level, ** significant at the 5 percent level, * significant at the 10 percent level. 11 The variable CHOICE does not have enough variability in the sample to allow its inclusion in this regression. Thus, in this analysis we consider only the variable NSMUN as a measure of competition. 12 These are marginal effects averaged across schools. 12 For both periods and all models, the size of the school has a significant negative impact on the probability of closing. The number of schools available in the region also has a significant impact in almost all the models: the larger the number of alternatives, the greater the probability of closing. For the period before publication, the effect of the ranking is not significant in models 1 and 2. If we distinguish between private and public schools, in models 3 and 4, the effect of the rank is not significantly different between them. In models 2 and 4 we include the interaction between NSMUN and RANK to capture the possibility that the impact of the ranking is amplified when there are alternative schools in the municipality. However, this interaction is not significant. For the period after publication we estimated the same models. We obtain a positive and significant effect of the rank in models 5 and 6. In models 7 and 8 we allow for the impact of the rank to be different for private and public schools and find, in model 8, that the impact is significantly stronger for private schools. Moreover, the effect of the rank is amplified by the existence of alternatives, as shown in models 6 and 8. As in the previous analysis, our results show that the publication of the rank had a strong impact. We estimated both the linear regressions and the probit models considering the regional rankings described at the end of Section 3 and obtained results similar to those obtained with the national rankings. 13 This corroborates our previous findings. 5. Discussion and Conclusions Our findings suggest that the publication of rankings has strong effects upon families and schools. Students react by moving in and out of the schools, according to their published rank. This result is in line with the empirical literature about the effects of low-stakes accountability policies on the performance of schools measured by scores on national exams. This result is especially interesting given that, at least for public schools, there are typically legal restrictions on enrollment decisions according to the geographic location of the student’s home. Even so, students exert some choice over which school to enroll in. We find that after the rankings publication, badly classified schools lose students and their probability of closing increases. We also find that the effect for private schools is stronger as would be expected, given that the freedom of choice between private schools is greater than between public ones. As several authors have already stressed, school quality measures such as the ones studied in this paper may be very imprecise measures of school quality. There are several reasons for these weaknesses: (i) rankings of schools are too volatile and imprecise (Kane and Staiger (2002), Chay et al. (2005)); (ii) rankings reflect factors that are outside the control of schools, especially the socioeconomic background of students’ families, and not the better quality of well performing schools (Mizala et al. (2007)); (iii) public disclosure of schools‘ results biases 13 This may be justified by the small size of Portugal. 13 schools’ and teachers’ efforts toward an excessive investment on test-specific skills, easily observable, at the cost of other school outputs, not so easily measurable (Jacob (2005), Reback (2009), Neal and Schanzenbach, (2010)); (iv) accountability systems can be “cheated on” in several ways, so that any reported beneficial effects of accountability may be merely the result of schools gaming or cheating on the system, with no real content as far as effective quality evaluation is concerned (Cullen and Reback (2006), Figlio and Getzler (2002)). Moreover, the public disclosure of bad outcomes might have perverse consequences over equity due to cream-skimming of both students and teachers, or to motivational effects (Clotfelter et al. (2004), Figlio and Lucas (2004), Schutz et al.(2007)). The position emphasizing the possible negative effects of the publication of school rankings is shared by politicians in many countries, and calls for the prohibition of public disclosure of school rankings that is seen in Spain and some other European countries (see Anghel et al., 2012). Our point here is not to state that the rankings are a good instrument of policy, but rather to analyze whether their publication has consequences over the education system. Our conclusion is that it has, and that the effects are strong. Kane and Staiger (2002) regret that, for the US, “school accountability systems have led to little reallocation of students across schools” as they believe this would be an important mechanism to improve school quality. We show that in Portugal people have reacted to school rankings by moving to better schools. Our results reinforce the need to verify the type and quality of the information implicit in those rankings. 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