Inglês - Sistema de Ensino Futuro
Inglês - Sistema de Ensino Futuro
Inglês 3. R P I L J H E P X Y V D K N M Z T D O A V U T N Módulo 5 X R V J I O W A S Y A T Atividades de aplicação U D B Z R C E P F Y X K 1. E H C Z H H O A S X H M b) faster than I D O A X L D E C O L D c) thinner than F Y O Z D L O H B I U U 2. 3. a) fatter than a) A motorcycle is faster than a bike. U R S J V I V C W Y G J b) Tina is fatter than Mary. Q A F V U I I O L U L R c) Helen is thinner than Susan. Q K V H U C L L J J Y T a) more difficult than E I E Q F Q K R B T M J O P Q X J Q M V H B Z b) more handsome than K c) more expensive than 4. d) more nervous than e) more interesting than 4. a) prettier than b) more important than c) hot Older than Easier than Poorer than a) Resposta pessoal. c) Resposta pessoal. d) Resposta pessoal. f) worse than a) This skirt is more expensive than that jacket. b) Ted is nicer than his father. c) Helen’s pencil is worse than Tom’s pencil. d) This bus is better than that one. Módulo 6 Atividades de aplicação 1. c) the thinnest a) Yes, she is. d) the most populous b) No, he isn’t. c) No, he isn’t. ( g ) ( d ) ( i ) ( f ) ( h ) ( a ) ( c ) ( e ) ( b ) a) the highest b) the largest Atividades complementares 2. Colder than b) Claudia Raia is e) large 1. Heavier than Uglier than 5. d) better than 5. Cheaper than e) the happiest 2. a) Peter is the oldest boy. b) John is the weakest boy. c) Carlos is the tallest boy. 3. a) more expensive b)shortest c)longer d)hottest e)fatter 4. c) He will buy a comfortable car, a house on the beach and he will travel all over the world on honeymoon. a) O menor cachorro vivo. b) Porque ele come metal e vidro. d) He will marry Susan. c) Altura: 3 429m 5. Largura: 6187m Peso: 2 948 toneladas. 3. What will you do if you win one million dollars? 4. b) If you do that, I will hit you. c) If you do that, I will go to bed. a) the smallest the tallest the strangest the largest d) If you do that, I will leave you alone. e) If you do that, I will ignore you. 5. a)phones b)shines b) the most colorful 6. c)agree Respostas pessoais. d) will pass e) will invite Atividades complementares 1. a) the most comfortable Atividades complementares b) the dirtiest 1. c) the most important d) the strongest b) Porque se ele falar de sua coleção (que provavelmente é grande) isso tomará muito tempo e não haverá tempo suficiente para o teste. e) the biggest 2. Adjective 3. a) Ele quer que o professor comece a falar sobre sua coleção de gibis. (história em quadrinhos) Comparative Superlative 2. Pelos meus cálculos, se eu conseguir convencê-lo a falar sobre sua coleção de gibis, nós não teremos tempo de sobra para o teste hoje. 3. a) I will… (resposta pessoal) Lazy Lazier than The laziest Pretty Prettier than The prettiest Expensive More expensive The most expensive than b) She will... (resposta pessoal) Hot Hotter than The hottest d) She... (verb in the simple present) (resposta pessoal) Good Better than The best b) This is the cleanest car. c) You will... (resposta pessoal) e) If they... (verb in the simple present) (resposta pessoal) 4. (b)(c)(a) 5. a) Yes, I will./ No, I won’t. c) She is the saddest girl. b) Yes, I will./ No, I won’t. d) This is the dirtiest car. c) Yes, I will./ No, I won’t. e) It’s the coldest day. f) He/She is the happiest person. 4.a) beautifuler – more beautiful b) heavyest – heaviest Módulo 8 1. c) baddest – worse d) most rich – richest ensino FUNDAMENTAL 9.o ano 5. O maior problema do menino é aprender a soletrar uma palavra quando ele não sabe como soletrá-la. Módulo 7 Atividades de aplicação 1. a) ( T ) b) ( T ) c) ( F ) 2. b) 1ª linha your 4ª linha his c) 1ª linha our hers 4ª linha 2. b-d-a-c 3. a) Yes, they will. b) No, she won’t. She will play tennis. c) No, she won’t. She will study / do her homework. 4. a)woman b)aunt c) she / daughter 5. a)lady d) ( T ) b)queen e) ( T ) c)widow a) He will play the lottery. d)wife b) The prize is one million dollars. e)nephew f)daughter 2 g)aunt h)bachelor 6. a)T b)F John isn’t younger than Paul. / Paul is younger than John. c)F Kate’s TV isn’t older than Mary’s. / Mary’s TV is older than Kate’s. 7. a)F b)F Kelly is the lightest person. The Spanish book is the cheapest. c)T 8. Adjective Comparative Superlative the thinnest the most expensive expensive more handsome than long dangerous the longest more dangerous than uglier than 9. the ugliest a) will visit b) will buy c) will travel d) will play 10. Respostas pessoais. GABARITO COMENTADO 3 4 ensino FUNDAMENTAL 9.o ano
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