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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
Uso dos indicadores LIPE® e Óxido Crômico na estimativa de recuperação fecal de suínos em crescimento
consumindo dietas a base de milho e farelo de soja 1
Ludhiana Rosa Ferreira2, Eloísa de Oliveira Simões Saliba3, Andressa Nathalie Nunes4, Esmaile Perceu Rocha
Nunes5, Henrique Fonseca Lopes6
Parte da dissertação de mestrado da terceira autora .
Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Zootecnia- UFMG/EV, Bolsista CAPES. E-mail:
[email protected]
Professor Associado- UFMG/EV
Doutoranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Zootecnia- UFMG/EV, Bolsista CNPq
Mestrando do Programa de Pós Graduação em Zootecnia- UFMG/EV
Resumo: A determinação do consumo e da digestibilidade dos alimentos é alvo de estudos em nutrição animal e o
seu conhecimento determinante para o sucesso da produção. Neste sentido, o uso de indicadores tem sido
alternativa importante no suporte a estas pesquisas. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a
capacidade do indicador externo LIPE® e óxido crômico em estimar a produção fecal em comparação com a coleta
total de fezes. O experimento foi realizado nas dependências da Escola de Veterinária da UFMG. Foram utilizados
15 machos castrados da linhagem comercial DB Dambred com 65 dias de vida, peso inicial médio de 25 kg,
distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foi fornecida uma dieta experimental formulada de acordo
com as recomendações do Rostagno et al., (2005) à base de farelo de milho e farelo de soja e 2 indicadores
externos, LIPE e óxido crômico. Foi fornecido uma cápsula de 250 mg de LIPE por animal por dia e o óxido
crômico foi misturado na ração, fornecida duas vezes ao dia aos animais . Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas
metabólicas metálicas providas de bebedouros, comedouros e coletores de fezes e urina individuais. Após um
período de 7 dias de adaptação a dieta e aos indicadores, iniciou-se o período de coleta total de fezes, uma vez
ao dia no mesmo horário por 5 dias. A estimativa da produção de fezes pelo LIPE e Óxido crômico foi de 122.49 e
137,88, respectivamente, não diferindo estatisticamente (p<0.05) da coleta total de fezes. Por tanto, o indicador
LIPE® e óxido crômico podem ser utilizados para estimar a produção fecal de suínos em crescimento.
Palavras–chave: Alimentação, coleta total, consumo, produção fecal
Using of LIPE® and Chromic Oxide marker in estimating fecal recovery growing pigs fed diets based on
corn and soybean meal
Abstract: The determination of intake and digestibility of food is the focus of studies in animal feed and its
decisive knowledge for successful production. Thus, the use of indicators has been important alternative in
supporting this research. Thereby, the present study’s objective was to evaluate the capacity of marker LIPE® and
chromic oxide in estimating the production fecal compared to a total fecal collection. The experiment was
conducted at the Veterinary School of UFMG. Fifteen barrows of commercial line DB Dambred, 65 days of age
and average initial weight of 25 kg, were distributed in a completely randomized design with three experimental
diets. An experimental diet was formulated according to the recommendations of Rostagno et a. (2005), based on
corn meal and soybean meal and 2 external markers, chromic oxide and LIPE. One 250 mg capsule of LIPE was
provided per animal per day and chromic oxide was mixed in the feed, provided twice a day to the animals. The
animals were housed in metabolic cages provided metal troughs, feeders and collectors of individual feces and
urine. After a period of 7 days to adapt to diet and markers, the period of total feces collection was started. The
estimated production of feces by LIPE and chromic oxide was 122.49 and 137.88, respectively, were not
statistically different ( p <0.05) of the total collection . Therefore, the LIPE® indicator and chromium oxide can be
used to estimate fecal production growing pigs.
Keywords: Fecal production, food, intake, total fecal collection
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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
The food is the item that most onerous in the cost of production, requiring special attention of producers
and researchers to balance the budget with the selling price of animals. So there is a major scientific effort to
develop strategies that reduce spending on food and increase efficiency in the use of food.
The rational use of food avoids the use of excess nutrients, reduces the excretion of these on the
environment, improve profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of the activity.
The intake and digestibility are the two main components which determine the quality of a food
(Rodriguez et al . , 2006) . By estimating intake, inferences are possible to be made about the quality of food and to
what extent are able to meet the nutritional needs of animals.
The method of total feces collection associated with the estimation of digestibility has been used to
determine the animal intake. However, it requires strict control of the intake and excretion, making it cumbersome
and costly. Therefore, the use of fecal marker stands out against the practice of total collection of feces and this
becomes the basis for validating the use of these markers. Markers are reference compounds used to monitor
chemical aspects (such as hydrolysis and synthesis of compounds) and physical digestion (as the passage rate)
promoting qualitative or quantitative estimates of animal physiology (Saliba et al. 2005).
Chromium is a bluish-white metal able to acquire large polishing. It was initially proposed as animal metabolism
indicator in 1918, in studies with dairy cows and since this, has been used as external marker in digestibility trials
because their concentration in food is low
Lignin has been used quite frequently as external marker for presenting a quantifiable recovery in feces
and still not be digested by animals. Saliba et al. (2003) isolated the lignin and enriched with phenolic groups not
commonly found in lignin animal diet. This work gave rise to a modified hydroxyphenylpropane and enriched
(enriched and purified isolated lignin) called LIPE®, an external marker developed specifically for digestibility
studies, which, content is provided to the animal capsule, one capsule per day. The objective of this study was to
evaluate the ability of the marker LIPE® and chromium oxide to estimate fecal production compared to total feces
Material e Methods
The experiment was conducted in animal metabolism Laboratory of the Department of Animal Science
of the Veterinary School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais located in Belo Horizonte. Fifteen barrows of
commercial line DB Dambred, 65 days of age and average initial weight of 25 kg, were distributed in a completely
randomized design with three experimental diets. An experimental diet was formulated according to the
recommendations of Rostagno et al. (2005), based on corn meal and soybean meal and 2 external markers, chromic
oxide and LIPE., according to Table 1. The animals were housed in metabolic cages provided metal troughs,
feeders and collectors of individual feces and urine. After a period of 7 days to adapt to diet and indicators, it began
the period of total feces collection, once daily in the morning for 5 days. Data were statistically analyzed using the
Statistical Analysis System software (SISVAR), Tukey test at 5 % significance to compare indicators with the
estimated fecal production.
Table1. Composition of experimental diets
Corn, grain
Soybean meal
Meat meal
Premix growth
Chromic oxide
Premix: vit. A, 2.000.000 UI; vit. D3, 300.000 UI; vit. E, 5.000 mg; vit K3, 625 mg; vit. B1, 250 mg; vit. B2, 1.000 mg; vit. B6, 500 mg;
vit. B12, 5.000 mcg; nicotinic acid, 625 mg;; Se, 125 mg; biotin, 12,5 mg; antioxidant, 30.000 mg; e vehicle q.s.p., 1.000 g, ác. B5
2500mg; Folic acid 150mg; choline 60.000mg; vit. C 12.500mg; methionine 25.000mg; threonine 10.000mg; trip. 5000mg; Se
125mg; I 200mg; Co 125mg; Fe 17.500mg; lysine 100.000mg; cu 5000mg; Mn 10.000mg; Zn 20.000mg; tylosin 11.000mg; BHT
Results and Discussion
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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
The fecal output estimated by LIPE marker and chromic oxide compared to the actual fecal output
measured by total collection, did not differ statistically, as the Table 2.
Table 2 Fecal production in grams of dry matter estimated by LIPE and chromic oxide relative to the total
Total fecal collection
Chromic oxide
CV = 17.16 %. Means followed by different letters in the column differ by Tukey test at 5% error probability
The fecal output estimated by the markers was similar to that measured by total collection.
The LIPE® and chromic oxide marker can be used to estimate fecal production growing pigs.
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Brasileira de Zootecnia, pag.36, 1999- Porto Alegre- RS.
SALIBA, E.O.S.; FERREIRA, W.M.; PEREIRA, R.A.N. et al. Lignin from Eucalyptus grandis as indicator for
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SILVA, F. de O.; Métodos da coleta total, do óxido crômico e da lignina purificada (LIPE®), na determinação
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animal, vol. Único pag. 27-29, (UFMG), Belo Horizonte - MG, Março, 2005.
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