5. green passaport. map games in pernambuco
5. green passaport. map games in pernambuco
This certification demands sustainable practices during construction, like reusing water and the use of clean energy. With the certification of the arenas, Brazil could be a pioneer in the construction of sustainable stadiums for the World Cup. Arena Pernambuco´s Solar Plant is noteworthy as it is considered the first system of photovoltaic solar energy generation being operated in the state. It is situated right next to the stadium in an area of 15.000m2, with a power to generate 1 MW/p or 1.500 MW/h, which is equivalent to the consumption of 6.000 inhabitants. The plant will be responsible for up to 30% of the energy consumed by the stadium. Moreover for the arena constructing there was the use of 23.7% of recycled material in its construction process and 30.7% of materials from local suppliers, aside from the use of rain water and treatment of effluents. MAP GAMES IN PERNAMBUCO 5. GREEN PASSAPORT. The Passaporte Verde (Green Passport) Campaign is receiving special attention at tourist centers during the FIFA World Cup 2014. It stimulates ecotourism and aims to promote sustainable appreciation of natural resources. Pernambuco has many guides which contribute to stimulate ecotourism. We give emphasis to: FERNANDO DE NORONHA / MERGULHOS NA COSTA PERNAMBUCANA/ OLINDA À PÉ/ OXENTE OLINDA/ PASSEIO DE CATAMARÃ / PRA SUBIR O MORRO/ REGIÃO DO VINHO/ DESVENDANDO O RECIFE E OLINDA/ TRILHA DE LAMPIÃO/ SABOREANDO O RECIFE/ TRILHAS ECOLÓGICAS E AVENTURA. All Passaporte Verde Campaign guides can be seen at: http://www.passaporteverde.org.br/ 1. SECRETARIAT OF ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY OF PERNAMBUCO: http://www.semas.pe.gov.br 2. EXTRAORDINARY SECRETARIAT FOR THE WORLD CUP 2014: http://www2.secopa.pe.gov.br/web/secopa 3. PERNAMBUCO IN THE FIFA WORLD CUP BRASIL 2014 PROGRAM: http://www.pernambuconacopa.com.br/pt/ 4. FIFA WORLD CUP BRASIL 2014 PORTAL: http://www.copa2014.gov.br/ 5. ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY: http://www.copa2014.gov.br/pt-br/brasilecopa/sustentabilidade PRESENTATION The Environment and Sustainability Agenda in Pernambuco for the FIFA World Cup 2014 results as one of Pernambuco´s Government´s priorities for 2014, which aims on defining actions to be left as legacies for society. The main idea is to motivate the adoption of new practices and habits guided by the concept of sustainability and efficient use of natural resources. This work is structured by guidelines which foresee the compensation of carbon emissions and cooperate with the combat against global warming, following goals such as: 1. Promoting environmental sustainability along with social inclusion; 2. Encouraging & stimulating green businesses; 3. Encouraging actions that promote energy efficiency; 4. Giving value to, promoting & protecting the Brazilian biodiversity; 5. Constructing stadiums within sustainability standards; 6. Using water in a rational way; 7. Encouraging sustainable mobility; 8. Encouraging the consumption of organic and/ or sustainable products; 9. Promoting ecotourism in the Brazilian biomes. Since the announcement of the sustainability strategy for the FIFA World Cup 2014 at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development at the Rio+20 conference both FIFA and the local and state Government, through Thematic Council for the Environment and Sustainability of Pernambuco, have been working intensely in various areas to make this a more sustainable event. The Sustaintability Actions are organized within 05 OPERATIONAL LEVELS 1. CLIMATE CHANGE. Together with the Ministry of the Environment and the United Nation´s Program for Development, the emission of green house gases caused by the preparation for the World Cup 2014 event are being measured and compensated. A compensation and mitigation plan for the emission of green house gases from the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 in Pernambuco was done by the Thematic Council for the Environment and Sustainability of Pernambuco State with help from the Ministry of the Environment. Among the many actions included in the plan are: (I) Arena Pernambuco´s Solar Plant; (II) the Integrated Waste Management Plan for the event; (III) Arena Pernambuco´s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification; (IV) the total compensation of emission through carbon credits; (V) the car sharing system; (VI) the bike sharing system (BikePE); (VII) implementation of Terminal Integrado Estação de Metrô Cosme Damião (metro station) for fan transport to the stadium. Usina solar da Arena Pernambuco 2. WASTE & RECYCLING. The FIFA World Cup 2014 will allow society to start noticing a change in the concept of sports events. New conditions in waste management are a way to sensitize the population and stimulate public and private managers, adding value to environmental protection, creating a new culture of responsibility to adapt new governments, society and firms with social and environmental rules coming from the new politics on solid waste. The State Government has organized waste management for the 2014 World Cup, giving priority to the social inclusion of catadores (people who collect recyclables for a living) in hopes of minimizing environmental risks associated to collection and treating the destination of waste in a rational manner. The goal is to promote the use of habits that will guarantee environmental protection, recycling and the reduction of environmental impact on the event´s waste. Waste collection of official event areas, public streets, protocol routes and touristic points will follow the schedule of cities and other entities involved, including a specific plan for the World Cup 2014 adjusting any extra waste generation to the existing plan. 3. ORGANIC & SUSTAINABLE WORLD CUP. In Pernambuco there is stimulus for sustainable & organic produce production, conscious consumption & commercialization in touristic spots in the city, as Av. Rio Branco in Recife Antigo. Pernambuco participates in the Brasil Orgânico e Sustentável (Sustainable and Organic Brazil) campaign as part of an integrated plan with the Federal Government for the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Recife. Its intention is to promote the production and consumption of organic and sustainable products in the country with its associated social and environmental benefits. The campaign promotes ecotourism in the Brazilian biomes; valuing, promoting and protecting Brazilian biodiversity; promoting environmental sustainability with social inclusion; and stimulating green businesses. The main strategy is the promotion of a campaign of conscious consumption, which intends on making consumers aware and increases the demand for organic & sustainable products, specifically produced by family farmers. It is estimated that more than 400.000 families of farmers will be benefited across the country. 4. CERTIFICATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF ARENA PERNAMBUCO. Arena Pernambuco will have its certification until the beginning of the games as a result of sustainable management and construction practices certified by the green stamp with the biggest international recognition in the civil construction area:Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design- LEED Certification.