F0840s Roland V-Mixer M-400 Sim
F0840s Roland V-Mixer M-400 Sim
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Medidas Uteis A Largura 751 Profundidade 598 8 REVISIONS ZO NE Altura REV. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 0 Final Drawling 22/07/2015 Carlos Rodrigues A 226 SEÇÃO G-G 751 B B E 316 226 598 E C C SEÇÃO E-E G 751 G D D 840 E Hardware Qty Ref. Description 8 410429 LARGE HEAVY DUTY BALL CORNER 8 40403 LARGE CORNER BRACE FOR 35 MM CASE ANGLE. 4 172531 Large butterfly V3 with 'push-back' function F 4 34082 1 3 projects A3 4 This drawing must not be copied or disclosed without consent of the owner 1st Angle projection 22/07/2015 MIXER.407A Reference Recessed sprung handle medium model 2 Date Name Drawn by Scale units in mm general tolerance 1:10 DO NOT SCALE 0.8mm FC, ROLAND V-MIXER M 480
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