
Ph.D., 1997
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
The COPPEAD Graduate School of Business
Major: Operations, Logistics and Technology
Minor: International Business
Dissertation Title: "Supplier Relationships in the Context of Lean Production: a
study in the Brazilian automotive industry”.
Defended on July, 1997. Dissertation Committee: Paulo Fernando Fleury
(Loughborough Universtiy Ph.D., Chair), Agricola Bethlem (UFRJ Ph.D.),
Adriano Proenca (UFRJ Ph.D.), Kleber Figueiredo (IESE Ph.D.), David Gertner
(Northwestern University Ph.D.)
Master Program in Production Engineering, 1973
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Coordination of Graduate Programs in Engineering – COPPE
Production Engineering Program, Economic Systems Subprogram
Bachelor in Science in Economics, 1972
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Faculdade de Economia e Administração (School of Economics and
Portuguese (native), English, French, Spanish, Italian
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
The COPPEAD Graduate School of Busines s
Associate Professor of Operations, Logistics and Technology, since Sep. 1997
Adjunct Professor of Operations Management, 1993- Aug. 1997
Vice-Dean, International Affairs, since Nov. 1997
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Faculdade de Economia e Administração (School of Economics and
Professor of Macroeconomics (part-time) – 1974-1978
The COPPEAD Graduate School of Business
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Caixa Postal 68514, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil 21949-900
Phone (+ 5521) 25989800; Fax (+55 21) 25989817
E-mail: [email protected]
At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, The COPPEAD Graduate School of
Full Time Faculty Member, active in research and teaching Operations
Management, Operations Strategy, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management,
at the graduate level only and in executive development programs; and
Qualitative Research Methodology, at the graduate (doctoral) level. Vice-Dean,
International Affairs.
COPPE/FIRJAN/IEL, Lecturer, Executive Development Program, 2000-2001-20022004-2005.
Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, The COPPEAD
Graduate School of Business, teaching the required Operations Management
class at the graduate (master’s) level, 1993-1997.
Visiting Researcher, Operations Management Group, Warwick Business School,
University of Warwick, UK, April-July 1996.
Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Boston, MA. Colloquium on
Participant Centered Learning (CPCL) participant, Aug. 7-16, 2002.
Articles in journals:
“Segmentação Logística: um Estudo na Relação entre Fornecedores e Varejistas no Brasil” (with
K. Figueiredo, I.Goldsmid, M.F. Hijjar). Revista de Administração Contemporânea. Forthcoming.
“Category Management Initiatives from the Retailer Perspective: a study in the Brazilian
grocery retail industry” (with C. Frossard Ferreira). Jounal of Purchasing and Supply
Management, Vol. 10, N.1, p. 41-51, 2004.
“Improving Manufacturers’ Distribution Performance and Customer Service in Grocery
Products Supply in Brazil: a longitudinal study” (with K. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle, M.F. Hijjar).
Integrated Manufacturing Systems , Vol. 14, N.8, p.664-676, 2003.
“Avaliação do Serviço Logístico: uma pesquisa no setor de supermercados em cinco capitais
brasileiras” (with K. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle, M.F. Hijjar). Revista de Administração Mackenzie, Vol.
3, N.2, p. 117-136, 2003.
“A pesquisa científica de gerência de operações no Brasil”.
Empresas, Vol. 43 , N.1, p. 70-80, 2003.
Revista de Administração de
“Estratégias de Recuperação de Serviço no Varejo e seu Impacto na Fidelização dos Clientes”
(with K. Figueiredo and G. Ozório). Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 6., n. 3, p. 55-73,
“The Perspective of Suppliers on Lean Supply in a Developing Country Context”. Integrated
Manufacturing Systems , Vol. 12, N.2, p. 87-93, 2001.
“As Mudanças no Ambiente Empresarial e o Ensino da Logística no Brasil” (with K. Figueiredo),
Academia, No. 22, p. 13-27, 1999.
"Avanços e Barreiras ao Fornecimento Enxuto na Indústria Automobilística Brasileira: a
perspectiva dos fornecedores", Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 3, n. 1, p. 7-21, 1999.
“Benefícios e Problemas nas Relações de Fornecimento Enxuto: Indicações na Indústria
Automobilística Brasileira”. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 2, n. 1, p. 127-142, 1998.
“Horizontal Strategic Alliances and Company Behavior” (with A. da Rocha). Latin American
Business Review, Vol.1, N.1, p. 3-22, 1998.
“Estratégia de Manufatura e Ambiente Econômico: Comparando Desempenhos e Trajetórias de
Brasil e Argentina” (with P.F. Fleury). Revista de Administração Contemporânea, v. 1, n.2, p. 7-23,
May/August, 1997.
Compras e Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos (organizer). Rio de Janeiro,
Editora Mauad, 2005, in press.
Book Chapters:
“Comparando práticas: resultados de um survey internacional em estratégia de manufatura”. In:
Compras e Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R. Arkader (org.). Rio de Janeiro,
Editora Mauad, 2005, ch. 1, in press.
“A evolução das relações de fornecimento na indústria automobilística na década de 90:
discutindo perspectivas conflitantes no contexto brasileiro” In: Compras e Gerência de
Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R. Arkader (org.). Rio de Janeiro, Editora Mauad, 2005,
ch. 2, in press.
“Benefícios e problemas nas relações de fornecimento enxuto: indicações na indústria
automobilística brasileira”. In: Compras e Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R.
Arkader (org.). Rio de Janeiro, Editora Mauad, 2005, ch. 3, in press.
“Avanços e barreiras ao fornecimento enxuto na indústria automobilística brasileira: a
perspectiva dos fornecedores”. In: Compras e Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e
Casos, R. Arkader (org.). Rio de Janeiro, Editora Mauad, 2005, ch..4, in press.
“Relações de fornecimento na indústria automobilística brasileira na década de 90: proposta de
um modelo”. In: Compras e Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R. Arkader (org.).
Rio de Janeiro, Editora Mauad, 2005, ch. 5, in press.
“Revisitando relações de fornecimento na indústria automobilística brasileira: um estudo de
casos em empreendimentos de implantação recente” (with F.E.Barros Pires). In: Compras e
Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R. Arkader (org.). Rio de Janeiro, Editora
Mauad, 2005, ch. 6, in press.
“Seleção de fornecedores na indústria brasileira de autopeças: um estudo exploratório” (with L.
Lindner). In: Compras e Gerência de Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R. Arkader (org.). Rio
de Janeiro, Editora Mauad, 2005, ch. 7, in press.
“A Nova Estratégia de Compras da Europauto nos Anos 90”. In: Compras e Gerência de
Fornecimento no Brasil: estudos e Casos, R. Arkader (org.). Rio de Janeiro, Editora Mauad, 2005,
ch. 8, in press.
“Gestão de Operações: a pesquisa científica no Brasil”. In: Produção Científica em Administração
o Brasil: o estado-da-arte. C.O.Bertero, Miguel P. Caldas, Thomaz Wood Jr., coords. São Paulo, Ed.
Atlas,., p. 131-146, 2005
“Evolução do Desempenho Logístico das Indústrias de Bens de Consumo: Uma
Análise Sob A Perspectiva Do Varejista” (with M.F.Hijjar, K. F. Figueiredo e C. Lavalle). In:
Logística e Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos: Planejamento do Fluxo de Produtos e dos
Recursos. K.F. Figueiredo, P.F. Fleury e P. Wanke, eds. São Paulo, Ed. Atlas, 2003.
“Novos Paradigmas de Competitividade: implicações para a atuação do Sistema BNDES” (with A.
Barretto). In: BNDES, um banco de idéias: 50 anos refletindo o Brasil. D. Monteiro Filha and R.
Modenesi, eds. Rio de Janeiro: BNDES, p. 383-412, 2002.
“Internacionalização e Escolhas Estratégicas na Indústria de Autopeças” (with
A. da Rocha). In: A Internacionalização das Empresas Brasileiras: estudos de gestão internacional.
A. da Rocha, org. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad Editores, p. 143-167, 2002.
“Factors in Strategic Alliance Instability: an analysis of two experiences in Brazil” (with A. da
Rocha). In: Market Revolution in Latin America: Beyond Mexico .M. Kotabe and R. Leal, eds.
Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001.
“Country Style”. In: Marketing de Serviços, A. da Rocha and R.C. de Mello, orgs. São Paulo:
Atlas, p. 127-152, 2000.
“Da Distribuição Física ao Supply Chain Management” (with K. Figueiredo). In: Logística
Empresarial: a Perspectiva Brasileira (P. F. Fleury, P. Wanke, K. Figueiredo, orgs.). São Paulo: Atlas,
p.49-55, 2000.
“Evolução do Desempenho em Distribuição no Setor Brasileiro de Alimentos no Período de 19951999” (with K. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F. Hijjar). In: Logística Empresarial: a Perspectiva
Brasileira (P. F. Fleury, P. Wanke, K. Figueiredo, orgs.). São Paulo: Atlas, p. 106-117, 2000.
“Dimensões Relevantes do Serviço ao Clientes na Distribuição de Alimentos: um estudo entre
atacadistas e varejistas no Brasil” (with K. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F. Hijjar). In: Logística
Empresarial: a Perspectiva Brasileira (P. F. Fleury, P. Wanke, K. Figueiredo, orgs.). São Paulo: Atlas,
p. 93-105, 2000.
“Manufacturing Modernisation in Brazil: Scope and Direction in the Metal Products, Machinery
and Equipment Industry” (with P.F.Fleury). In: International Manufacturing Strategies: Context,
Content and Change. Lindberg, P.; Voss, C.A.; Blackmon, K.L., eds. London: Kluwer Academic
Press. Ch. 4, p. 57-73, 1998.
“Environment and Manufacturing Strategy: Comparing Modernisation Paths and Performance in
Brazil and Argentina” (with P.F.Fleury, M. Paladino, R. Lucchi and E. Remolins). In: International
Manufacturing Strategies: Context, Content and Change. Lindberg, P.; Voss, C.A.; Blackmon, K.L.,
eds. London: Kluwer Academic Press, Ch. 20, p. 322-334, 1998.
“Ameaças, Oportunidades e Mudanças - Trajetórias de Modernização Industrial no Brasil” (with
P. F. Fleury). In: Estratégias Empresariais na Indústria Brasileira: Discutindo Mudanças (A. B.
Castro, M. L. Possas, A. Proença, eds.). Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, p. 253-288. 1996.
Full Refereed Proceedings Publications:
“Barriers to the Effective Management of International Manufacturing Operations: Where do we
stand?” (with A. Vereecke, A. De Meyer, R. Klassen, C. Whybark). In: Krisztina Demeter, ed.
Operations and Global Competitiveness, Proceedings of the 12 th International Conference of the
European Operations Management Association – EurOMA, p.667-668 , Budapest, Jun. 2005.
“The Impact of the Sophistication of the Logistics Organization of Large Shippers on their
Motivation to Outsource Logistics Activities”. In: Krisztina Demeter, ed. Operations and Global
Competitiveness, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the European Operations
Management Association – EurOMA, p.789-797 , Budapest, Jun. 2005.
“Supply Chain Coordination Mechanisms as Determinants of Delivery Performance in
Manufacturing” (with G. Silveira). In: Krisztina Demeter, ed. Operations and Global
Competitiveness, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the European Operations
Management Association – EurOMA, p.1789-1798 , Budapest, Jun. 2005.
“A Study into the Relationship between Outsourced Logistics Activities and Criteria to Select
Logistics Service Providers Considered by Braz ilian Shippers” (with A.R.Braga and M.F. Hijjar).
Proceedings of the 2005 BALAS Conference, May 2005, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, to be
“Degree of Sophistication of the Logistics Function, Manufacturing Process Structures, and the
Choice of Logistics Service Providers: an Exploratory Study with Brazilian Shippers” (with P.
Wanke and M.F. Hijjar). Proceedings of the 2005 BALAS Conference, May 2005, Instituto de
Empresa, Madrid, to be released.
“Fatores de Motivação para a Terceirização Logística: Estrutura e Relações com as Atividades
Terceirizadas Por Embarcadores Brasileiros” (with A.R.Braga and M.F. Hijjar). In: Proceedings of
the 28th Annual Meeting of the Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em
Administração – ANPAD, full version in CD-ROM, Sep. 2004.
“O Uso de Benefícios Esperados e de Variáveis de Fácil Acesso na Segmentação Logística: um
Estudo na Relação entre Fornecedores e Varejistas no Brasil” ((with K. F. Figueiredo,
I.K.Goldsmid and M.F. Hijjar). In ). In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Associação
Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração – ANPAD, full version in CD-ROM,
Sep. 2004.
“Focusing Service Attributes on the Right Customer: A Study on Logistics Service Level
Expectations in the Grocery Retail Industry” In: In: L.N. an Wassenhove, A. de Meyer, E.
Yücesan, E.D. Günes and L. Muyldermans, eds. Operations Management as a Change Agent,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the European Operations Management
Association – EurOMA, Vol. I, p. 185-192, Jun. 2004.
“Supplier Relations in the Car Industry: Characteristics in New Greenfield Plants in Brazil”
(with F.E.Barros Pires). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Annual Conference of the
International Supply Education and Research Association – IPSERA , p.W107-W-115, Apr. 2004.
“Avaliação de Aplicabilidade de Modelos de Maturidade em Gerência de Projetos: Um Estudo de
Caso na Indústria Naval do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Parte I: O que Medir, Porque Medir e Como
Medir)” (with G. Bittencourt). In: Proceedings of the 4th Ibero American Project Management
Congress , full version in, Rio de Janeiro/Sao Paulo, Nov. 2003.
“Iniciativas de Implementação de Gerenciamento de Categorias nas Operações de Varejo
Alimentar no Brasil: Um Estudo de Casos” (with C.Frossard Ferreira). In: Proceedings of the 27th
Annual Meeting of the Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração –
ANPAD, full version in CD-ROM, Sep. 2003.
“Desempenho em Tempo e Custo em Processos de Desenvolvimento de Produtos no Setor de
Autopeças” (with R. D. Luz). In: : Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Associação
Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração – ANPAD, full version in CD-ROM,
Sep. 2003.
“Lessons from the adaptation of a lean service concept and design to a developing
country context: A case study in a Brazilian airline (with K. Figueiredo, R. Paixão, Suarez, M.). In:
Spina, G. et al., eds. One World? One View of OM? The Challenges of Integrating Research and
Practice, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the European Operations
Management Association – EurOMA, Vol. I, p. 865-874, Jun. 2003.
“Time and cost performance in new product development: A survey study in the
Brazilian autoparts industry” (with R. Luz). In: Spina, G. et al., eds. One World? One View of OM?
The Challenges of Integrating Research and Practice, Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference of the European Operations Management Association – EurOMA, Vol. II1, p. 403-413,
Jun. 2003.
“Category Management Initiatives from the Retailer Perspective: A Study in the
Brazilian Grocery Retailer Industry” (with C. Frossard). Proceedings of the 12th International
Annual Conference of the International Supply Education and Research Association – IPSERA,
p.1-16, Apr. 2003.
“Improving Customer Services in the Distribution Logistics of Grocery Products in Brazil: a
longitudinal study” (with K. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F. Hijjar). In: Christiansen, J. and Boer,
H., eds. Operations Management and the New Economy , Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference of the European Operations Management Association – EurOMA, Vol. 1, p. 495-506,
Jun. 2002.
“Clínica Odontológica Norte da Organização de Serviços Sociais do Rio de Janeiro” (with
R.C.Torres and M. P. Augusto), with Teaching Note. Proceedings of the 2002 Business
Association of Latin American Studies Conference, University of Tampa, Mar. 2002 (in print).
“The Coexistence of Just-in-Time Supply with International Sourcing: A Case Study in the
Automotive Industry” (with C.A. Erthal) In: Blackmon, K; Brown, S.; Cousins, P.; Graves, A.;
Harland, C.; Lamming, R.; Maylor, H., eds. What Really Matters in Operations Management?,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the European Operations Management
Association – EurOMA, p. 391-400, Jun. 2001.
“Supplier Selection in the Brazilian Autoparts Industry: an Exploratory Study” . Proceedings of
the 10th International Annual Conference of the International Supply Education and Research
Association – IPSERA, p. 49-63, Apr. 2001.
“Regional Differences in the Evaluation of Customer Service in Distribution: A Survey in the
Brazilian Grocery Retail Industry” (with K.F. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F. Hijjar). In: Arkader,
R., Dimon, D., Anderson, J., eds. Designing the 21st Century Latin American Organization, 2001
Proceedings of the Business Association of Latin American Studies, p.451-460, Apr. 2001.
“Relationship Marketing in Shopping Centers: A case study investigation in Brazil” (with L.
Casotti and P. Araujo). In: Arkader, R., Dimon, D., Anderson, J., eds. Designing the 21st Century
Latin American Organization, 2001 Proceedings of the Business Association of Latin American
Studies –BALAS, full version in CD-ROM, Apr. 2001.
“Strategic Movements of Firms in Response to the Globalization of the Autoparts Industry: Two
Case Studies” (with A. da Rocha). Proceedings of the 26 th Annual Conference of the European
International Business Association – EIBA, full version in CD-ROM, Dec. 2000.
“A Globalização dos Mercados e a Evolução do Desempenho em Distribuição no Setor Brasileiro
de Alimentos no Período 1995-1999” (with K.F. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F.Hijjar).
Proceedings of the XXXV Assembly and Annual Conference of the Latin American Council of
Business Schools – CLADEA , full version in CD-ROM, Sep. 2000.
“Estratégias de Recuperação de Serviço no Varejo e seu Impacto sobre a Fidelização de Clientes”
(with K.F. Figueiredo and G.B. Ozório). Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Associação
Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração – ANPAD, full version in CD-ROM,
Sep. 2000.
"Impacts of Globalization on the Brazilian Autoparts Industry" (with A. da Rocha). Proceedings
of the 2000 International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association –
GBATA, June 2000.
“Manufacturing Strategy, Practice and Performance: A Longitudinal Study in the Brazilian
Metal Products, Machinery and Equipment Industry”. In: R. Van Dierdonck e A. Vereecke; eds.
Crossing Borders and Boundaries: The Changing Role of Operations, Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference of the European Operations Management Association – EurOMA, p.1-7,
June 2000
“Benchmarking Supply Chain Practices: Insights from an International Manufacturing Strategy
Survey”. Proceedings of the Conference 2000: the Third Worldwide Research Symposium on
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management and The Third Annual North American Research
Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, p. 23-31, May 2000.
"Impactos da Globalização nas Indústrias Brasileiras de Autopeças" (with A. da Rocha).
Proceedings of the I Workshop em Internacionalização de Empresas (MCT -CNPq -FINEP-PRONEX),
May, 2000.
“The Integration of Operations Strategy and the Service Delivery System: A Study in the
Healthcare Service Management and Insurance Industry in Brazil” (with K.F.Figueiredo and L.L.
Guerra). In: Dávila, A., Esqueda, P., Lejter, N. eds., Management of Integrated Markets: one
America?, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Business Association for Latin American
Studies - BALAS, full text in CD-ROM, April 2000.
“Manufacturing Strategy in Brazilian Firms: The Link between Strategic Choices and Economic
Context" (with P.F.Fleury). In: E. Bartezzaghi; Filippini, R.; Spina, G.;Vinelli, A.; eds. Managing
Operations Networks, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Operations
Management Association – EurOMA, p. 669-675, June 1999.
“Relevant Customer Service Dimensions in Food Products Distribution: a study among wholesale
and retail distributors in Brazil” (with K. Figueiredo, Lavalle, C.; Hijjar, F.). Proceedings of the
Annual Conference of the Business Association for Latin American Studies – BALAS, p. 440-448,
April 1999.
“As Mudanças no Ambiente Empresarial e o Ensino da Logística no Brasil” (with K. F.
Figueiredo). Proceedings of the XXXIII Annual Assembly of the Council of Latin American
Schools of Business – Cladea, full version in CD-ROM, Oct. 1998.
“Avanços e Barreiras ao Fornecimento ao Fornecimento Enxuto na Indústria Automobilística
Brasileira: A Perspectiva dos Fornecedores”. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the
Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração-ANPAD, full vers ion in
the CD-ROM, abstract on p. 179, Sep. 1998.
“The Perspective of Suppliers on Advances and Barriers to Lean Supply: A Case Study
Investigation in a Developing Country Context” (P.F.Fleury). In: P. Coughlan; T. Dromgoole; J.
Peppard, eds. Operations Management: Future Issues and Competitive Responses, Proceedings of
the 5th International Conference of the European Operations Management Association – EurOMA,
p. 26-31, June 1998.
“The Evolution of Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the automotive industry: perspectives in the
Brazilian context” (with P.F.Fleury). In: R. Lamming, ed., Supply Strategies: Concepts and Practice
at the Leading Edge, Proceedings of the 7th International Annual Conference of the International
Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association - IPSERA, p. 9-17, April 1998.
“Benefícios e Problemas nas Relações de Fornecimento Enxuto: Indicações na Indústria
Automobilística Brasileira”. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Associação Nacional
dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração-ANPAD, full version in the CD-ROM, abstract
on p. 176, Sep. 1997.
“Horizontal Strategic Alliances and Company Behavior: An Analysis of Two Experiences in
Brazil” (with A. da Rocha). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Business Association
for Latin American Studies – BALAS, Vol. II, p. 789-801, April 1997.
“Práticas de Parceria entre Compradores e Fornecedores: uma avaliação preliminar na indústria
automobilística brasileira” (with P.F.Fleury). Proceedings of the VI Congresso COPPEAD de
Administração, Nov. 1996.
“Estratégia de Manufatura e Ambiente Econômico: Comparando Desempenhos e Trajetórias de
Brasil e Argentina” (with P.F. Fleury). 20th Annual Meeting of the Associação Nacional dos
Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração- ANPAD, vol. Produção Industrial e Serviços, p.113, Sep. 1996.
“On the Way to Buyer-Supplier Partnership Practices: a Study in the Brazilian Automobile
Industry” (with P.F. Fleury). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the European
Operations Management Association -EurOMA, p. 231-236, June 1996.
“Em Busca da Excelência em Manufatura: Um Estudo Comparativo de Empresas Brasileiras,
Japonesas e Alemãs” (with P.F. Fleury). Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the
Associação Na cional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração - ANPAD, p. 293-308,
Sep. 1995.
“Teaching Production and Operations Management in a New Context: Current Situation and
Future Perspectives in Graduate Business Schools in Brazil” (with K. Figueiredo). Proceedings
of the Annual Conference of the Business Association for Latin American Studies- BALAS, p. 369383, April 1995.
“O Ensino da Gerência de Produção e Operações em um Novo Tempo: Situação Atual e
Perspectivas” (with K. Figueiredo). Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Associação
Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração-ANPAD, Sep. 1994.
“Deregulation Policies and the Corporate Agenda” (with P. F. Fleury). Proceedings of the Annual
Conference of the Business Association of Latin American Studies -BALAS, p. 305-312, April 1994.
“Revendo os Conceitos de Competitividade Industrial: Implicações para a Atuação do Sistema
BNDES” (with A. S. Barretto). Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Associação
Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração- ANPAD), vol. 3, p. 23-35, Sep. 1993.
"On Networks and Bonds: A Cultural Analysis of the Nature of Relationships" (with A. da Rocha
and A. S. Barretto). AMA (American Marketing Association) Educator's Proceedings, vol.4, p. 9296, August 1993.
"New Approaches to Competitiveness: Implications for the National Development Bank" (with A.
S. Barretto). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Business Association of Latin American
Studies- BALAS, p. 7-17, Mar. 1993.
"Organizational Culture and Change Processes: An Assessment of Possibilities in The
Brazilian Government Sector". Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Business
Association of Latin American Studies -BALAS, p. 61-67, April 1992.
Abstracted Refereed Proceedings Publications:
“A conexão entre qualidade de serviço e a função serviço ao Cliente: um estudo de casos
no setor automotivo brasileiro” (with K. Figueireo and C. Bertelli). Proceedings of the XXXVII
Annual Assembly of the Consejo Latino Americano de Escuelas de Administracion – CLADEA , in
CD-ROM, Porto Alegre, Oct. 2002.
“Evolução do Desempenho Logístico dos Fornecedores do Varejo no Brasil” (with K.F.
Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F. Hijjar). Proceedings of the XXXVII Annual Assembly of the
Consejo Latino Americano de Escuelas de Administracion – CLADEA , in CD-ROM, Porto Alegre,
Oct. 2002.
“Service Failures, Recovery Strategies, and Customer Retention in Brazilian Retail Operations
(with K.F. Figueiredo and G. B. Ozório). Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Production
and Operations Management Society – POMS, in CD-ROM, Mar.-April, 2001.
“Improvement in Customer Service: A Longitudinal Study in the Distribution of Grocery
Products in Brazil” (with K.F. Figueiredo, C. Lavalle and M.F. Hijjar). Proceedings of the 12th
Annual Meeting of the Production and Operations Management Society – POMS, in CD-ROM,
Mar.-April, 2001.
"Lean Supply in the Context of the Brazilian Automotive Industry". Proceedings of the 10th
Annual Meeting of the Production and Operations Management Society-POMS, p. 44, Mar. 1999.
"Novos Paradigmas de Competitividade Industrial" (with A. S. Barreto). Proceedings of the IV
Congresso COPPEAD de Administração, Nov. 1992.
Editorial Work:
“Cadernos Discentes COPPEAD”, vol. 20, Instituto Coppead de Administração, UFRJ, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, 2003, 87p.
“Teses e Dissertações do Instituto COPPEAD de Administração/UFRJ: 19732003”, with Leal, R.P.C. and Rocha, A.M.C. (orgs). Instituto Coppead de Administração, 2003, 346
“Cadernos Discentes COPPEAD”, vol. 17, Instituto Coppead de Administração, UFRJ, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, 2002, 82p.
“Designing the 21st Century Latin American Organization: Selected Papers and Abstracts”,
editor, with Dimon, D. and Anderson, J. B. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the
Business Association of Latin American Studies- BALAS, 2001, 462p.
“Designing the 21st Century Latin American Organization: Teaching Cases”,editor, with
Dimon, D.and Anderson, J.B. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the Business
Association of Latin American Studies , 2001, 58p.
“Designing the 21st Century Latin American Organization” , editor, with Dimon, D. and
Anderson, J.B. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the Business Association of Latin
American Studies, 2001, in CD-ROM.
“Supply Relationships in the Context of Lean Production: a study in the Brazilian automotive
industry” (original title: “Relações de Fornecimento no Contexto da Produção Enxuta: um estudo na
indústria automobilística brasileira”), Ph.D. dissertation, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, July
Teaching Cases:
“Europauto S.A.” (portuguese version). COPPEAD, 2003.
“Metal Leve e a Globalização da Indústria de Autopeças” (with A. da Rocha). COPPEAD, 2002.
“Autolatina: o fim de uma aliança” (with A. da Rocha). COPPEAD, 2002.
“Europauto”, with Teaching Note, COPPEAD, 2002.
“Clínica Odontológica Norte da Organização de Serviços Sociais do Rio de Janeiro” (with
R.C.Torres and M. P. Augusto), with Teaching Note. COPPEAD, 2002.
“MARCOPOLO (B). (with K.F. Figueiredo). COPPEAD, 1999.
“MARCOPOLO S.A.” (with K.F. Figueiredo and H. L. Reis), with Teaching Note. COPPEAD,
Central Brasileira de Casos, 1994.
“Country Style”, with Teaching Note. COPPEAD, Central Brasileira de Casos, 1993.
Other Publications:
“Evolução do Dempenho Logístico das Indústrias de Bens de Consumo: Uma Análise Sob A
Perspectiva Do Varejista” (with M.F. Hijjar, K.F.Figueiredo and C. Lavalle). Tecnologística, ano
IX, No 93, Aug. 2003.
“Falhas no Serviço de Varejo; e os clientes, satisfeitos?” (with K.F. Figueiredo and G. Ozorio).
Relatório COPPEAD nº 347, Rio de Janeiro, 2001.
“Da Distribuição Física ao Supply Chain Management: O Pensamento, o Ensino e as
Necessidades de Capacitação em Logística” (with K. F.Figueiredo). Tecnologística, ano IV, No 33,
Aug. 1998.
“Organização e Desempenho em Manufatura nas Empresas Brasileiras: Um Estudo Comparativo
Internacional na Indústria Metal-Mecânica” (with P.F. Fleury). Relatório COPPEAD nº 306, Rio de
Janeiro, Mar. 1996.
"Ameaças, Oportunidades e Mudanças nas Trajetórias de Modernização Industrial no Brasil"
(with P. F. Fleury). Relatório COPPEAD nº 299, Rio de Janeiro, Apr. 1995.
“Manufacturing Organization and Performance in Brazilian Firms” (with P.F. Fleury). Mímeo, III
Meeting of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey - IMSS, Madrid, Feb. 1995.
"Desregulamentação e Comportamento Empresarial: O Caso do Setor de Distribuição de
Combustíveis no Brasil" (with P. F. Fleury). Relatório COPPEAD nº 278, Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 1993.
Supervision of Theses and Dissertations :
“Purchasing Strategy in the Brazilian Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry: a case study
research” (original title: “Estratégia de Compras na Indústria Brasileira de Higiene Pessoal e
Cosméticos: um Estudo de Casos”), by Rodrigo Carsalade Martins. MSc. in Business
Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 2005.
“The Use of Electronic Reverse Auctions in Purchasing Processes of Brazilian Companies ”.
(original title: “O Uso de Leilões Reversos Eletrônicos nos Processos de Compras de Empresas
Brasileiras”), by Ricardo de Oliveira Razuk. MSc. in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Sep. 2004.
“Purchasing Organization in Brazilian Manufacturing Companies: A Study of Structures,
Roles, and Responsibilities” (original title: “Organização de Compras em Empresas Industriais
Brasileiras: Um Estudo de Estruturas, Papéis e Responsabilidades”), by Hugo Saboia Soares. MSc.
in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 2003.
“The Process of Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in the Brazilian Autoparts
Industry: a Case Study Research” (original title: “O Processo de Adoção d e Tecnologias
Avançadas de Manufatura na Indústria de Autopeças no Brasil: Um Estudode Casos), by José
Carlos Soares Tigre. MSc. in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Sep. 2003.
“Supplier Development in the Brazilian Automotive Industry: a Case Study Research” (original
title: “Desenvolvimento de Fornecedores na Indústria Automobilística Brasileira: um Estudo de
Casos”), by Fernando de Castro Villela. MSc. in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Sep. 2003.
“Applicability of Project Management Maturity Models: a case study in an engineering company”
(original title: “Aplicabilidade de Modelos de Maturidade de Gerência de Projetos: um estudo de
caso em uma empresa de desenvolvimento de empreendimentos industriais”), by Murilo da Silva
Oliveira. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Mar. 2003.
“Supplier Relations in Recently Installed Automotive Plants in Brazil: a case study” (original
title: “Relações de Fornecimento em Empreendimentos Automobilísticos de Implantação Recente:
um estudo de casos”), by Francisco Eduardo Barros Pires. M.Sc. Thesis in Business
Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 2003.
“The Logistics of Pharmaceutical Products Distribution in Brazil: a case study research”
(original title: “A Logística dos Distribuidores Farmacêuticos no Brasil: um estudo de casos”), by
Andres Miranda Langschwager. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 2002.
“Product Development Management Processes: a study in the Brazilian Autoparts Industry”
(original title: “Gestão do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos: um estudo no setor de
autopeças brasileiro ), by Reinaldo Diogo Luz. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration.
COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Sep. 2002.
“Category Management in the Grocery Retail Industry: a case study research” (original title:
“Gerenciamento de Categorias no Varejo Alimentar: um estudo de casos), by Clarissa Maria de
Araújo Frossard Ferreira. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 2002.
“The Use of Smart Cards for Customer Retention and Loyalty: the case of the Smart Club”
(original title: “O Uso de Smart Cards Para Retenção E Fidelização De Clientes : O Caso Smart
Club”), by Marcia Giselle de C. Macedo. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 2001.
“Image of stores: a study with young consumers in Rio de Janeiro” (original title: “Ambientação e
Imagem: Um Estudo com Consumidores Jovens do Rio de Janeiro”), by Elisa Santos Bressan (in cosupervision with A. da Rocha). M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 2000.
“The Supplier Selection Issue: a case study in the Brazilian Autoparts Industry”, by Lorenzo
Federico Zanotti Lindner. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 2000.
“Profiling the Virtual Retail Consumer: a segmentation analysis in Rio de Janeiro” (original title
“Perfil do Consumidor no Varejo Virtual: Uma Análise de Segmentação no Rio de Janeiro”), by
Fernanda Particelli (in co-supervision with A. da Rocha). M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration.
COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 2000.
"The Coexistence of Just-in-Time Supply with International Sourcing: a case study in the
autoparts industry” (original title: “Coexistência do Suprimento Just-in-Time com o Suprimento
Internacional: Um estudo de casos na Indústria de Autopeças"), by Carlos Augusto Erthal Neto.
M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration. COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, June
“Customer Relationships: a study in shopping centers in the Rio de Janeiro area” (original title:
"Relacionamento com Clientes: Um Estudo em Shopping Centers no Rio de Janeiro"), by Priscilla
Fernandes de Araujo (in co-supervision with L. Casotti). M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration.
COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Sep. 1999.
“Loyalty Programs in Automobile Assemblers: a study in the Brazilian automotive industry”
(original title: "Programas de Lealdade em Montadoras: Um Estudo na Indústria Automobilística
Brasileira") by Alessandra Maria Menezes Paes. M.Sc. Thesis in Business Administration.
COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Sep. 1999.
Referee Work:
Latin American Business Review (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005)
Revista de Administração Contemporânea (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004)
Revista de Administração de Empresas (2001, 2004)
Integrated Manufacturing Systems (2001, 2002)
International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2001, 2003,2004)
Dissertati on and Theses Committees:
Juliana Subtil Lacerda, MSc. in Business Administration, July 2005.
Marcos Vinicius Alves, MSc. In Business Administration, May 2005.
Marcio Nunes da Silva, MSc. in Business Administration, September 2004.
Yuri Almeida Freitas. MSc. in Business Administration, September 2004.
Leonardo Marques Gomes. MSc. in Business Administration, September 2004.
Francisco Eduardo Moreira de Azeredo. MSc. in Business Administration, August 2004.
Fabio Dal-Soto. University of the Sinos Valley. MSc. in Business Administration, May 2004.
Annibal Jose Roriz Rodriguez Scavarda do Carmo. Pontiphical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro. D.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Apr. 2004.
Jose Carlos de Souza Lima. University of Sao Paulo. D.Sc. in Production Engineering, Mar. 2004.
Antonio Cesar Lins. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. M.Sc. in Accounting, Jan. 2004.
Cristiane Horewitz. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, Mar.
Jose Guilherme Guimarães Loureiro. Federal University of Pernambuco, M.Sc. in Business
Administration, Mar. 2003.
André Zajdenweber. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, Mar.
Mauro Flores. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Adminis tration, Mar. 2002.
José Geraldo Vidal Vieira. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Production
Engineering, Jan., 2002.
Andrea Justino Ribeiro Mello. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Production
Engineering, March 2001.
José Geraldo Barbosa. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, Dec.
Américo Leite de Almeida. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration,
Nov. 2000.
Elaine Leder. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, Sep. 2000.
Luiz Eduardo Andrade Deccax. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business
Administration, July 2000.
Rosineide Wanderley Tinoco. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business
Administration, Mar. 2000.
Luis Felipe da Câmara Monteiro. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business
Administration, Mar. 2000.
Giovana Benevides Ozório. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration,
Dec. 1999.
Marcelo Landau. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, June 1998.
Liz Helena Ignácio Costa. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration,
Claudio Trindade Simões da Silva. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business
Administration, Mar.1998.
Maria Sol Fernandes Marques da Silva. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business
Administration, Mar. 1998.
Paulo Azzi da Silva. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, Sep.
Katia Rousseau. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. in Business Administration, Sep. 1997.
Conferences and Seminars:
VII Symposium of Production, Logistics and International Operations Management, São
Paulo, October 19-21 2004 (speaker).
Technical Workshop for MLS Trainers on International Purchasing & Supply Chain Management,
Shanghai, July 17-19 2004 (session presenter).
International Conference On Purchasing Strategies For Global Supply Chain Competitiveness,
International Trade Center (UNCTAD/WTO) and China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing,
Shanghai, July 15-16 2004 (speaker).
Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Annual Conference, EAESP, FGV-SP, December 2003
(member of Local Scientific Committee).
Open Seminar on Limits and Possibilities of Case Method Application in Brazil, Faculdade de
Economia e Administração (FEA), University of Sao Paulo (USP), October 10, 2002 (panelist).
Business Association of Latin American Studies (referee 1997; session chair, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005;
proceedings editor, 2001; track chair 2002; track chair 2003; referee 2004; track chair 2005)
National Association of Graduate Schools of Business – ANPAD (referee 1997-2004, track chair,
2001-2002; chair and discussant, 2001-2003; discussant, 2004)
Symposium in Industrial Operations – SIMPOI - EAESP/FGV (referee, 2000-2001).
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association - IPSERA (session
chair, 2001, 2003; 2004; referee- 2001, 2003; 2004; 2005).
Congres so COPPEAD de Administração, COPPEAD/UFRJ (referee, 2002; session chair, 1998, 2000;
European Operations Management Association – EurOMA (session chair, 1999, 2001-2003; 2005;
member of Review Committee, 2002).
Production and Operations Management Society, International Conference (Co-Chair, Technical
Program, 2001)
Professional Associations:
Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração – ANPAD:
• Member (since 2004)
• Head of the Operations and Logistics Division (by peer election, 2005-2006)
• Member of the Board of the Accreditation Committee (by election, 2005-2006)
Business Association of Latin American Studies:
• Member (since 1992)
• Secretary (1999/2000)
• Vice-president for Research and Publications (2000/2001)
• Member of the Executive Committee (1999/2001)
Production and Operations Management Society (member 1999/2002)
European Operations Management Association (member since 1996)
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (member since
Association of International Business (member 2002/2003)
University Service:
Vice-Dean, International Affairs, COPPEAD/UFRJ (since 1997)
Member of the Dean’s Advisory Committee, COPPEAD/UFRJ (2001-2003)
Member of the Research Committee, COPPEAD/UFRJ (since 2001)
Member of the Doctoral Program Advisory Committee, COPPEAD/UFRJ (since 2001)
Member of the Executive Committee, COPPEAD/UFRJ (since 1997)
Deputy Representative of the Associate Professors at the Coordination Council of the Center
of Economic and Law Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
International Service:
Member of peer review audit team for EQUIS (efmd) at EAESP-FGV-SP – October 2001.
Consultant to the Certificate and Diploma in International Purchasing and Supply Chain
Management of the International Trade Centre (WTO and UNCTAD, United Nations, Geneva)
Member of the Board of the Certificate and Diploma Program in International Purchasing and
Supply Chain Management of the International Trade Centre (WTO and UNCTAD, United
Nations, Geneva) – since 2004
Research Grant, Human Sciences Program, Brazilian National Council of Scientific and
Technological Development – CNPQ, IMSS-IV project, 2004/2005.
Productivity in Science grant, Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological
Development – CNPQ, 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006.
Citation of Honor award for paper presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the National
Association of Graduate Schools of Business- ANPAD, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil, 1998.
Recent Doctoral Graduate grant (recém-doutor), 1998.
COBRAPI 1987 Award, for best consulting project, 1988
Visconde de Cairu Medal for best in class achievement in the Economics course in a class of 130
students, Faculdade de Economia e Administração (School of Economics and Administration),
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1972
St. Exupery Air France Alliance Francaise Award, one month scholarship in France for first prize in
contest among 2,800 Allia nce Francaise students in Brazil, 1969.
Director for Brazil of the project “International Manufacturing Strategy Survey – Phase IV”, since
Director for Brazil of the project "International Manufacturing Strategy Survey" - Phase III, since
Co-Director for Brazil of the project "International Manufacturing Strategy Survey" - Phase II, 19961998.
Deputy-Director of the project “ Benchmarking Supply Practices” - FINEP/COPPETEC, 1996-7.
European Operations Management Association – EurOMA Annual Conference, Budapest,
Hungary, Jun. 2005, presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain., May 2005,
presenting two papers.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Curitiba, Brazil, Sep. 2004, presenting two papers.
European Operations Management Association – EurOMA Annual Conference, INSEAD,
Fontainebleau, France, Jun. 2004, presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Boston, Mass., May 2004,
presenting one paper.
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Annual Conference,
Catania, Italy, April 2004, presenting one paper.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Atibaia, Brazil, Sep. 2003, presenting two papers.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Cernobbio, Italy, June 2003,
presenting two papers.
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Annual Conference,
Budapest, Hungary, April 2003, presenting one paper.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June
2002, presenting one paper
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, March 2002,
presenting one paper.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Bath, UK, June 2001,
presenting one paper.
Oxford University, Seminar on the Future of Supply Chain Management, Oxford, UK, June 2001,
presenting one working paper.
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Annual Conference,
Jonkoping, Sweden, April 2001, presenting one paper.
Production and Operations Management Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, Mar.Apr. 2001, presenting two papers.
European International Business Association Annual Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, Dec.
2000, presenting one paper.
Consejo Latino Americano de Escuelas de Administracion Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain,
Sep. 2000, presenting two papers.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Florianopolis, Brazil, Sep. 2000, presenting one paper.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Ghent, Belgium, June 2000,
presenting one paper.
Conference 2000: the Third Worldwide Research Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain
Management and The Third Annual North American Research Symposium on Purchasing and
Supply Chain Management, London, Ontario, Canada, May 2000, presenting one paper.
I Workshop em Internacionalização de Empresas (MCT-CNPq-FINEP-PRONEX), Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, May 2000, presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, April
2000, presenting one paper.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Venice, Italy, June 1999,
presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana,
USA, April 1999, presenting one paper.
Production and Operations Management Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina,
USA, March 1999, presenting one paper.
Consejo Latino Americano de Escuelas de Administracion Annual Conference, Santo Domingo,
Republica Dominicana, Oct. 1998, presenting one paper.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Sep. 1998, presenting one paper.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 1998,
presenting one paper.
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Annual Conference,
London, UK, April 1998, presenting one paper.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Rio das Pedras, Brazil, Sep. 1997, presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April
1997, presenting one paper.
VI Congresso COPPEAD de Administração, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 1996, presenting one paper.
European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, London, UK, June 1996,
presenting one paper.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Busines s Schools) Annual Meeting, João Pessoa, Brazil, Sep. 1995, presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA, April
1995, presenting one paper.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Curitiba, Brazil, Sep. 1994, presenting one paper.
Associação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração (National Association of Graduate
Business Schools) Annual Meeting, Salvador, Brazil, Sep. 1993, presenting two papers.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California,
USA, Mar. 1993, presenting one paper.
IV Congresso COPPEAD de Administração, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 1992, presenting one paper.
Business Association of Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, April
1992, presenting one paper.
Spring 2005 UNICON (University Consortium) Conference, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, April 2005.
European Foundation for Management Development Deans and Directors General Annual
Conference, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, January 2005.
Seminar on the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey IV, University of Mannhein,
Mannheim, Germany, November 2004.
International Conference on Purchasing Strategies for Global Supply Chain Competitiveness,
Shanghai, China, July 2004.
Seminar on the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey IV, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid,
Spain, February 2004.
Seminar on the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey III, Stavanger University, Stavanger,
Norway, November 2003.
III Workshop em Internacionalização de Empresas , The Coppead Graduate School of Business, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2003.
European Foundation for Management Development Deans and Directors General Annual
Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 2003.
Seminar on the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey III, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid,
Spain, November 2002.
Global Forum on Management Education, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2002.
Annual Conference of the efmd – European Foundation for Management Development, Bangkok,
Thailand, June 2002.
Annual Conference of the AACSB - International Association for Management Education,
Chicago, Il., USA, April 2002.
European Foundation for Management Development Deans and Directors Annual Conference,
Birmingham, UK, January 2002.
Annual Assembly of the Consejo Latino Americano de Escuelas de Administracion – CLADEA,
Mexico D.F., Mexico, September 2002.
Annual Conference of the AACSB - International Association for Management Education, New
York, NY, USA, April 2001.
European Foundation for Management Development Deans and Directors Annual Conference,
Bordeaux, France, January 2001.
Harvard Business School Partnering for Knowledge Creation Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
University of San Diego XIV Strategic Supply Management Forum, Moline, Illinois, Oct. 1998.
Second Worldwide Research Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, London,
UK, April 1998.
Congresso COPPEAD, 4th (1992), 5th (1994), 6th (1996), 7th (1998) and 8 th, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Costs in the Autoparts Industry Seminar, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Aug. 1996.
1982-1990 - COBRAPI- Companhia Brasileira de Projetos Industriais, Siderbrás Group (engineering
and consulting company for the Brazilian iron and steel industry)
Project Manager.
1979-1981 – Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (National Institute of Technology)
Advisor in Technology Marketing, Transfer of Technology, and Industrial Property.
1976-1979 – INPI- Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (Brazilian Patent and Licensing
Director of Exchange and International Affairs and Deputy Director of Transfer of Technology
1974-1976 - INPI- Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (Brazilian Patent and Licensing
Transfer of Technology and Licensing Contracts Analyst.
1970-1973 – CODESCO – Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Comunidades – (Rio de Janeiro state
agency for inner city community development)
Internship in Economic Analysis.
Participation in Collegiate Bodies and International Conferences
1985-6 – Consultant to the “Industrial Property and Transfer of Technology: Analysis and
Propositions” project for the National Plan for the Development of Science and Technology,
Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Industry and Trade.
1978-1979 – Member of the Brazilian Official Delegation to the 1st and 2nd Part of the United
Nations Conference on a Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology, UNCTAD, United Nations,
in Geneva, Switzerland.
1977-78 – Member of the Brazilian Official Delegation to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on a Code of Conduct for the Transfer of TechnologyUNCTAD, United Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland.
1977-1985 – Member of the Engineering Committee of Brazilian Institute of Petroleum - IBP
1976- 1979 – INPI member representative in the Sector Group for the Chemical, Petrochemical, and
Pharmaceutical Industries (GS-III) of the Council of Industrial Development of the Brazilian
Ministry of Industry and Trade.
1976 – Brazilian official delegate to the Expert Meeting from Developing Countries on Transfer of
Technology (UNCTAD/Government of Mexico) – Mexico City, Mexico.
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, September 2005