Effects of frustration in Cr8Fe molecular magnet Karlo Penc
Effects of frustration in Cr8Fe molecular magnet Karlo Penc
_______________________________________________________________ Seminários de Física da Matéria Condensada Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho _______________________________________________________________ Quarta-Feira, 25 de Novembro às 11h00. sala 1305 CP1 Effects of frustration in Cr8Fe molecular magnet Karlo Penc Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Hungary Resumo: Cr8Fe is a molecular magnet of antiferromagnetically coupled spins in a ring geometry. We model the molecule using a Heisenberg model with nearest neighbor interactions only. The odd number of spins leads to frustration and, as a consequence, to a surprisingly rich phase diagram in magnetic field. Apart from trivial phases, we found a plateau and a two-fold degenerate chiral phase. _______________________________________________________________