Effects of frustration in Cr8Fe molecular magnet Karlo Penc


Effects of frustration in Cr8Fe molecular magnet Karlo Penc
Seminários de Física da Matéria Condensada
Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho
Quarta-Feira, 25 de Novembro às 11h00.
sala 1305 CP1
Effects of frustration in
Cr8Fe molecular magnet
Karlo Penc
Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Hungary
Resumo: Cr8Fe is a molecular magnet of antiferromagnetically coupled spins in a
ring geometry. We model the molecule using a Heisenberg model with nearest
neighbor interactions only. The odd number of spins leads to frustration and, as a
consequence, to a surprisingly rich phase diagram in magnetic field. Apart from
trivial phases, we found a plateau and a two-fold degenerate chiral phase.