JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 10-1P 24 JUN 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.30.Jun. AIRPORT.BRIEFING Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS *D-ATIS Arrival *D-ATIS Departure JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 24 JUN 11 10-1P1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.30.Jun. AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 118.02 118.72 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. RUNWAY USAGE ARRIVALS RWYs 25C/L will preferably be assigned to landing ACFT, provided the tailwind component does not exceed 5 KT. The landing direction will be changed, however, even if the tailwind component is less than 5 KT when braking action on the RWYs is impaired by ice, snow, slush, etc. DEPARTURES Take-offs and landings of flights which have not been coordinated by the Airport Coordinator at least one day in advance (ad-hoc charter, in particular individual flights on specific grounds without public interest) are not permitted between 2200 and 0600LT. Take-offs and landings to carry out practice, check and training flights are not permitted between 2300 and 0600LT. Landings of all kinds of flights are not permitted between 0000 and 0500LT. e) Delayed take-offs to be conducted in a period of restricted operations by an ACFT complying with the restrictions require individual permission by the local Aviation Supervision Office. This permission may be granted only if the delay is due to reasons beyond the control of the airline concerned. Delayed take-offs are not permitted between 0000 and 0500LT unless they comply with the condition stated below. EXCEPTIONS In case of landing direction 07: RWY 07C will preferably be assigned to departures into northern and eastern directions. In case of landing direction 25: RWY 25C will preferably be assigned to departures into northern directions. In case of landing direction 07 or 25: RWY 18 will generally be assigned to departures into south-eastern, southern and western directions, provided the tailwind component does not exceed 15 KT. If the tailwind component for RWY 18 is more than 10 KT this will be announced by ATIS. Pilots-in-command who cannot accept the higher tailwind component are requested to advise ATC at the same time as the request for the start-up clearance. Exceptions are possible if the traffic situation permits or for reasons of traffic safety. 1.2.2. NIGHT FLYING RESTRICTIONS AS WELL AS OPERATIONAL RESTRICTIONS OUTSIDE NIGHTTIME FOR CIVIL AVIATION a) ACFT without a noise certificate in accordance with ICAO Annex 16 are not permitted to take off or land during the entire hours of operation of Frankfurt/ Main Airport. b) ACFT only with a noise certificate in accordance with ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 2 are not permitted to take off or land during the entire hours of operation of Frankfurt/Main Airport unless, in compliance with Article 11c, paragraph 7 of the German Aviation Regulation (LuftVO), the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (LBA) has issued a certificate of exemption for the aircraft concerned according to Article 11c, paragraphs 4 - 6 of the LuftVO, or a Member State of the European Union has granted an exemption in compliance with Article 11c, paragraph 8 of the applicable version of the LuftVO. c) The following operational provisions shall apply to ACFT only marginally complying with ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 3 pursuant to Article 48a No. 4 of the Regulation on Certification and Licensing (LuftVZO): Take-offs and landings are not permitted between 2000 and 0800LT unless ACFT have been granted an exemption in accordance with Article 48 f paragraph 1 of the LuftVZO or an individual exemption in compliance with paragraph 2 of the regulation. ACFT arriving late or early, the landing of which is planned after the slot allocated by the Airport Coordinator outside the times in which operational restrictions apply up to 2000 or from 0800LT may land up until 2200 and from 0600LT provided that the late or early arrival was not envisaged as such in the flight plan (Article 25 of the LuftVO). d) The following restrictions shall apply to ACFT that do not only marginally comply with ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 3 pursuant to Article 48a No. 4 of the LuftVZO, and to ACFT fulfilling the provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 4: | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excluded from the restrictions mentioned above are: - Landings of ACFT provably approaching Frankfurt/Main APT as alternate aerodrome for meteorological, technical or other safety reasons as well as takeoffs and landings of ACFT rendering medical assistance, on missions in disasters or evacuation flights. - Flights in the special interest of public. Excluded from the restrictions according to para d) only: Take-offs and landings of ACFT used for checking radio and radar as well as APT facilities. ACFT of operators having proved to the approving authority that their main base and maintenance facilities are located at Frankfurt; however, such ACFT are not permitted to land between 0100-0400LT. In addition, the approving authority may grant exemptions from the operational restrictions only in cases of particular hardship and upon application. There is no particular hardship involved if the operational restriction makes the planning of aircraft in circulation more difficult for the air carrier or if it requires arrangements for passenger transfer and/or accommodation. The processing of applications is subject to charges. As a rule, the application shall be submitted in writing to: Hessisches Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung - Referat V1 Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 75 65185 Wiesbaden/Germany Fax: 0611/815-2223 In urgent cases, the application shall be submitted in writing or verbally to: Oertliche Luftaufsichtsstelle/local Aviation Supervision Office Flughafen Frankfurt/Main Gebaeude (building) 514 60547 Frankfurt am Main/Germany Tel.: 069/690-71715, 71717 Fax: 069/690-66150 The application shall contain: - Name and address of ACFT operating agency and ACFT operator, - aerodrome of departure or destination, - radio call sign of the ACFT, - type, year of construction and noise certificate according to paragraph 11c of the Luftverkehrs-Ordnung (LuftVO) of the ACFT, - time of departure or landing for which the exception is requested. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-1P2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. AIRPORT.BRIEFING JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 10-1P3 7 OCT 11 1. GENERAL FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL The reasons for the application have to be specified; the applicant has to state, in particular, that the ACFT will be flown by a pilot who is familiar with the noise abatement procedures at Frankfurt/Main APT. If detailed reasons cannot be given because of urgency, these reasons shall be forwarded subsequently in writing within 24 hours to "Hessisches Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung" or to the local "Luftaufsichtsstelle Frankfurt/Main APT". Take-off or landing clearance granted by ATC, as well as other clearances, do not automatically include the necessary exceptional permission by the approving authority. Exceptional permission will not be granted by ATC via radio telephony. The pilot shall report landing outside the times permitted, which have not previously been approved, and justify this in writing to the local "Luftaufsichtsstelle" immediately after landing. 1.2.3. REVERSE THRUST Reverse thrust may not be used on the entire RWY system except for safety reasons in unavoidable cases. This does not apply to idle reverse thrust. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS Run-up tests and engine test runs as well as extensive maintenance work on ACFT at the positions are not permitted. Apron Control may grant exceptions in justified cases. OPERATION OF MODE S TRANSPONDERS WHEN ACFT IS ON GROUND ACFT operators shall ensure that Mode S transponders are able to operate when ACFT is on the ground. Pilots shall: Select AUTO mode and assigned Mode A code. If AUTO mode is not available, select ON (e.g. XPDR) and assigned Mode A code (e.g. Mode A code = 1000 using callsign in flight). - From request for push-back or taxi, whichever is earlier; - After landing, continuously until ACFT is fully parked on stand; - When fully parked on stand, select STBY. Whenever ACFT is capable of reporting ACFT ident (i.e. callsign used in flight), ACFT ident shall also be entered from request for push-back or taxi, whichever is earlier (through FMS or transponder control panel). Aircrew must use ICAO defined format for entry of ACFT ident (e.g. DLH5MC, AFR6380, SAS589, BAW68PG). To ensure that performance of systems based on SSR frequencies (including airborne TCAS units and SSR radars) is not compromised, TCAS shall not be activated before approaching holding point. After landing, it shall be deselected after vacating RWY. ACFT taxiing without flight plan shall select STBY. 1.5. TAXI PROCEDURES 1.5.1. GENERAL ACFT are permitted to taxi on the manoeuvring area between RWY 07C/25C and TWYL only with the minimum engine revolutions absolutely required. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES 1.3.1. CAT III OPERATIONS GENERAL Turns from TWY M17 to M15 & conversely not authorized. RWYs 07R/25L & 07C/25C will be announced via ATIS. Taxiing for all ACFT is restricted to TWYs with operating centerline lights. The TWY centerline lights within the ILS sensitive area from RWY 07C/25C towards TWY L and from RWY 07R/25L towards TWY M are colorcoded (yellow/green). Landing ACFT are requested to report RWY vacated at the end of the colorcoded TWY centerline lights to indicate that the ACFT has vacated the ILS sensitive area. In order to facilitate ground movement several clearance bars and stop bars are installed. CLEARANCE BARS Clearance bars are operated together with the centerline lighting and consist of three unidirectional surface lights showing YELLOW in the direction of approach to the intersection, arranged at 90^ to the TWY centerline and partly displaced laterally to centerline. If the traffic situation requires, ACFT may be instructed to hold at a specific clearance bar. If no such instruction is given, ACFT may taxi across the clearance bar without a specific clearance. STOP BARS Stop bars are operated independently of the centerline lighting and consist of unidirectional surface lights showing red in the direction of approach to a taxiholding position/an intersection, spaced at intervals of 10 '/3m across the overall width of a TWY at 90^ to the TWY centerline. Taxiing across an operating stop bar is strictly prohibited. 1.4. SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM 1.4.1. OPERATION OF SSR-MODE S TRANSPONDERS GENERAL An Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System, using Mode-S multilateration, is in operation. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TWY N7 MAX wingspan 113 '/34.5m. TWYs N blue, N orange and P1 MAX wingspan 118 '/36m. TWYs N SOUTH and S20 MAX wingspan 171 '/52m. 1.5.2. TAXIING ON APRON Wing-tip clearance for B747-400 on ACFT stand taxilanes to objects is MIM 25'/ 7.5m, to parallel height-limited service roads is MIM 16'/5m. Wing-tip clearance for A380 on ACFT stand taxilanes to objects is MIM 25'/7.5m, to parallel height-limited service roads is MIM 8'/2.5m. ACFT type A380-800 will be towed with reduced obstacle clearance of 5m on TWY N11. Heavy ACFT taxiing on apron shall apply minimum thrust only. When taxiing into parking stands, ACFT shall not stop in turns. I f an ACFT comes to a stop, notify Apron Control prior to increasing engine power. Push-backs to TWY N have to be executed facing West. In the General Aviation Area the wing-tip clearance is MIM 15'/4.5m. Adhere strictly to the yellow, blue and orange taxi guidance lines. 1.6. PARKING INFORMATION On stands A11 thru A42, B20 thru B48, C4 thru C16, D1 thru D8A, E2 thru E9A, F211 thru F238,G2 thru G16, S501 thru S705, V92 thru V130 and V266 thru V323 push-back required. 1.7. OTHER INFORMATION Glider areas in vicinity of APT. CAUTION: In cases of strong winds, wind shears and increased turbulence can be expected on RWY 18. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-1P4 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. AIRPORT.BRIEFING JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-1P5 7 OCT 11 2. ARRIVAL FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS 2.4. RWY OPERATIONS MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within Airspace C. 2.4.1. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS 2.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES Between 2300-0500LT all inbound ACFT should expect clearances whereby final will be reached not closer to the APT than: - approximately 18 NM (RWYs 25C/L) and - approximately 19 NM (RWYS 07C/R) from THR. These "final-interception points" correspond to the GPS/FMS waypoints DF622 (RWYs 25C/L) and DF652 (RWYs 07C/R). The fly-by function of these waypoints is not affected. Pilots should subsequently expect a clearance for an ILS approach with GP interception at 5000'. In addition pilots should expect a clearance to descend below FL70 only 6 NM prior to reaching the above mentioned points. Pilots should adjust their speed accordingly (approximately 200-220 KT when leaving FL70) and are urgently requested to perform their descent from FL70 a s a continuous descent whenever possible. In the event of technical failure of the ILS equipment, i.e. the need to fly non-precision approaches, descent clearances to 4000' will be issued. Approaching ACFT for which a parking position is designated on the Southern airport area shall advise LANGEN Radar on 120.8, 125.35 . These ACFT and propeller-driven ACFT which park in the Eastern part of the Northern apron will preferably be assigned to RWY 07R/25L. When changing frequency from LANGEN Radar to FRANKFURT Director initial contact shall be restricted to FRANKFURT DIRECTOR & CALLSIGN in order to avoid frequency congestion. When being transferred to FRANKFURT Tower initial contact shall consist of FRANKFURT TOWER, CALLSIGN & RWY. LANDINGS Pilots are reminded that by leaving the RWY quickly, ATC will be able to guide ACFT on final using minimum radar separation. In order to reduce RWY occupancy times, pilots shall apply the following procedures: The RWYs shall, as a rule, be left via the existing high-speed turn-offs. When RWY conditions permit, pilots should prepare their landings in order to leave the RWYs via the high-speed turn-offs listed below: Requests for non-precision approaches for training purposes will be denied. RWY ACFT Turn off intersections The above procedures will not be applied to: - flights with STS/HOSP - flights in adverse weather conditions and - flights in emergency situations. 07C heavy L9 8202' (2500m) medium / light L11 5906' (1800m) 07R Between 2300-0500LT approaching aircraft shall wait for clearances with the information that the final approach tracks can only be reached at a distance of 5.0 NM (RWY 25C/25L) and 5.1 NM (RWY 07C/07R) in front of the THR. These "final approach points" correspond to the GPS/FMS waypoints RATRU (25C), TITUT (25L) as well as TIXAK (07C) and BOGVO (07R). In addition, pilots should be prepared not to expect a descent clearance below FL 70 until 6 NM prior to reaching KUGUV and/or ORVIV (25C/25L) and 6 NM prior to reaching ULNOK and/or IBLUS (07C/07R). Pilots shall adjust their speed accordingly (approx. 200 - 220 kt when leaving FL 70) and are urgently requested to conduct the descent from FL 70 as continuous descent, whenever possible. These procedures may not be applied to: - flights with STS/HOSP - flights in meteorological conditions such as CB, TS - flights in emergencies. In the case that R-NAV (GPS) approach procedures cannot be applied due to the absence of RNAV (GPS) equipment, pilots will be issued with a clearance for an ILS approach (in compliance with the night approach procedure above). In the case of the ILS not being available, i.e. for clearances for non-precision approaches, approach control will issue descent clearances after 4000’. 2.3. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 07L/25R, RWY 07C/25C and RWY 07R/25L approved for CAT II/III operations, special aircrew and ACFT certification required. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 25L 25C Dist from THR ft (m) heavy M13 7054' (2150m) medium / light M15 5577' (1700m) heavy M21 (except A380) 7546' (2300m) medium (JET) M17 6070' (1850m) medium (PROP) / light M11 3609' (1100m) heavy L13 6890' (2100m) medium (JET) L10 6070' (1850m) medium (PROP) / light L8 3773' (1150m) Name the expected high-speed turn-off during the approach briefing to ensure a minimum RWY occupancy time. The possibility of FRANKFURT Tower applying re duced RWY separation remains unaffected and shall continue to be observed. The frequency change after landing from FRANKFURT Tower to FRANKFURT Apron shall only be carried out on request. If the pilot-in-command does not receive further taxi clearance, he should stop in front of TWY L. 2.5. TAXI PROCEDURES To maintain smooth taxiing traffic, ACFT having landed on RWY 07R/25L will be guided, if possible, to defined change-over points, depending on the assigned parking position, to cross RWY 07C/25C. This procedure will be withdrawn during adverse weather conditions, at the latest when CAT III operation is in force. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 6 MAY 11 10-1P6 JEPPESEN JeppView FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 6 MAY 11 10-1P7 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 3.2. START-UP & TAXI PROCEDURES 3.1. DE-ICING 3.1.1. GENERAL De-icing notification shall be directed to FRANKFURT De-icing 135.22 or via phone 069/690-73891. ACFT shall be ready at the estimated de-icing time. If this is impossible, the APT De-icing Center (ADC) shall be informed and the new "ready for de-icing time" be transmitted to the ADC. CAUTION: If the ACFT is not ready at the estimated de-icing time (i.e. doors not closed) the de-icing vehicles will be directed to the next ACFT waiting and subject flight will have to wait until other vehicles become available for disposition. 3.1.2. ACFT STANDS The de-icing/anti-icing of ACFT at the respective ACFT stands will take place with engines switched off, passenger bridges cast off, and the ACFT clear of handling equipment. 3.1.3. REMOTE DE-ICING PADS (DPs) The remote de-icing pads are located West of the head of RWY 18 and fall within the responsibility of FRANKFURT Tower. When carrying out de-icing procedure, responsibility will temporarily be transferred to FRANKFURT Apron. De-icing on DP1 MAX wingspan less than 213'/65m. De-icing on DP2 East and DP2 West MAX wingspan up to 118'/36m, DP2 Center MAX wingspan up to 262'/80m. Pilot stop ACFT when left Pilot position is abeam yellow stop line markings/lights left of centerline. ACFT which were de-iced on DP1 will be guided to TWY W1 by Apron Control before handed over to ATC. After de-icing on DP2 intersection take-off out of TWY W3 from RWY 18 required. On the remote de-icing pads, only jet ACFT with running engines and APU switched off will be de-iced. Propeller ACFT will not be de-iced for safety reasons. Underwing de-icing, de-icing of undercarriage or with hot air, the control of the central engines (e.g. DC10), as well as special examinations of individual ACFT parts (e.g. hands on checks) cannot be carried out on the remote de-icing pads. Taxiing manoeuvres may only be carried out at the indispensable minimum engine speed. ACFT will be positioned on de-icing pad by an eyeline to the LEFT of the respective centerline, which enables the pilot to visualize the exact holding position. This eyeline is made up to 5 yellow surface lights which shine on one side. If centerline lighting or eyeline is out of operation, ACFT will be guided by a marshaller. During the de-icing proceedings, the pilot-in-command shall ensure continuous listening watch on the respective frequency of FRANKFURT Apron. After de-icing proceedings have been concluded, the pilot-in-command shall report to FRANKFURT Apron that he is ready to taxi. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3.2.1. AIRPORT COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING START-UP AND PUSH-BACK Start-up approvals and push-back clearances are issued taking into account the TOBT and TSAT only. The sequence of the start-up request is no longer a factor. The following rules apply: - The ACFT has to be ready for start-up and/or remote de-icing at TOBT. - The pilot shall request start-up approval and en-route clearance within the time period of TSAT +/- 5 minutes (not DCL). - The push-back/taxi clearance has to be requested no later than five minutes after the start-up approval has been issued. In the case of delays, Clearance Delivery has to be informed accordingly. Otherwise the TOBT will be deleted and has to be re-entered. REMOTE HOLDING In case an ACFT cannot leave its parking position due to a late TSAT and the parking position is required for an incoming flight, the remote holding procedure can be applied. When the ACFT is ready to taxi, the pilot will request start-up/pushback for remote holding from apron control. Note: This request does not refer to start-up approval or en-route clearance. These shall be obtained from the tower after reaching the remote position. DATALINK CLEARANCE - DCL For data link departure clearances (DCL), the published procedures and time parameters will remain valid. The TSAT is transmitted via CLD (departure clearance uplink message - issue of the start-up approval and en-route clearance by Clearance Delivery) ("start-up approved at TSAT -hh:mm-"). The push-back/taxi clearance shall be requested at TSAT +/- 5 minutes. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS TOBT (Target off-block time): The time that an ACFT operator or ground handler estimates that an ACFT will be ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push-back vehicle available and ready to start-up/ push-back immediately upon reception of clearance from the Tower. TSAT (Target start-up approval time): Target time for start-up approval according to the A-CDM procedure taking into account TOBT, CTOT and/or the traffic situation. CONTACT Detailed information on Airport CDM can be found at: www.cdm.frankfurt-airport.com 3.2.2. GENERAL Departures from the Southern APT area shall state their position when request start-up clearance. ACFT parking on stand B10 have to contact FRANKFURT Apron, prior actual engine start-up. 3.2.3. FROM 0600 - 2200LT All ACFT up to A321 parked at positions East of TWY N3 and planned for departure from RWY 18 have to expect to taxi via TWYs S East, R East, R and S. Departure will take place basically from position S. Pilots unable to comply with these conditions shall advise Frankfurt Apron upon initial contact. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN + JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-1P8 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. AIRPORT.BRIEFING JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 + JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 3. DEPARTURE 10-1P9 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 3.3. NOISE ABATEMENT DROps RWY in use 25 All take-offs will be cleared via RWYs 25L/C. No utilization of RWY 18. Allocation of SIDs in compliance with published SIDs. For additional depiction refer to 10-4. 3.3.1. DEPARTURE DESIGNATION RWYs 07C/R: a) Between 0700-2200LT: - SIDs with designator ECHO may be used by all MEDIUM and LIGHT ACFT able to comply with the climb restrictions; - SIDs with designator DELTA shall be used by all HEAVY and SUPER ACFT and by all ACFT unable to comply with the climb restrictions in SIDs with designator ECHO. b) Between 2200-0700LT ALL ACFT shall use SIDs with designator DELTA. c) NON RNAV (enroute only) equipped ACFT shall use SIDs with designator CHARLIE. RWYs 25L/C: a) Between 0700-2200LT: - aa)ACFT via BIBTI, MARUN, TOBAK shall use SIDs with designators: - MIKE & KILO (by ATC only) for MEDIUM and LIGHT ACFT able to comply with the climb restrictions; - JULIETT for HEAVY and SUPER ACFT able to comply with the climb restrictions; - FOXTROT for MEDIUM and LIGHT ACFT able to comply with the climb restrictions (by ATC only); - GOLF for all ACFT unable to comply with climb restrictions. - ab)Traffic to all other directions shall use SIDs with designators: - FOXTROT for all MEDIUM and LIGHT ACFT; - GOLF for all HEAVY and SUPER ACFT. b) Between 2200-0700LT: - All 3- and 4-engined jet ACFT, except Avroliner, BAe 146, FA50 and FA90 via BIBTI, MARUN, SOBRA and TOBAK, shall use SIDs with designator NOVEMBER; - Single- and twin-engined ACFT shall use SIDs according to paragraphs a) & c) respectively. c) SIDs with designator PAPA may be used by single and twin-engined propellerdriven ACFT and DASH 7 only. d) NON RNAV (enroute only) equipped ACFT shall use SIDs with designator QUEBEC. RWY 18: NON RNAV (enroute only) equipped ACFT shall use SIDs with designator CHARLIE and QUEBEC respectively. 3.3.2. TRIAL OPERATIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE FIRST PACKAGE OF MEASURES FOR NOISE ABATEMENT Vertical Optimisation of Departure Procedures In order to achieve greater height on the first miles after take-off (thrust for the climb, not for acceleration purposes) and improved lateral precision, a speed restriction of 220 KT will be introduced - in addition to the speed restrictions already existing on some SIDs - for departures on the "D" SIDs: BIBTI, MARUN, OSBIT, SULUS and TOBAK "S" SIDs: BIBTI, MARUN, SOBRA and TOBAK. Dedicated Runway Operations (DROps) In order to create noise pauses, utilisation of the RWYs for departures during the night times 2300-0500LT will generally be arranged on the odd calendar days as follows (the date for the commencement of the "DROps night" is significant for the respective night period): | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DROps RWY in use 07 All take-offs will be handled via RWY 18, thus avoiding the utilization of the RWYs 07C/R for take-offs. SIDs with designation "S", "L", "U" and "R" (new) will be allocated. SIDs with designation "R" will be allocated by the aerodrome control tower exclusively, when using the DROps procedures and landing direction 07 for departures in a northern direction. Aircraft unable to adhere to the altitude restriction "Cross FFM R-201 2500’+" on the "R" SID, will only be granted start-up approval and en-route clearance after coordination has taken place with the approach control facility. Special Features If meteorological conditions and/or other operational conditions (on the part of the airport and/or the pilot-in-command) do not allow utilization of RWY 18 and/or 25, the appropriate RWY will be allocated after coordination has taken place with the approach control facility. This applies also to ambulance flights and/or flights with corresponding priority treatment. On the even week days, the procedures so far employed and published apply. 3.4. RWY OPERATIONS 3.4.1. HIGH INTENSITY RWY OPERATIONS Cockpit checks should be completed prior to line-up and any checks requiring completion on the RWY should be kept to a minimum. ACFT ready for departure should be in a position to taxi directly from hold upon receiving take-off clearance from Tower. When using landing direction 07, the pilot shall advise Tower on initial contact of the earliest possible take-off intersection. 3.5. OTHER INFORMATION 3.5.1. GENERAL When glider areas in vicinity of APT activated, expect higher crossing altitude by ATC for SIDs which require higher climb gradient than standard. Winds between 200^ and 160^ in a clockwise direction and speeds of 15 KT and more shall be expected on RWY 18. Gusts and strong windshifts up to tail wind components may occur. 3.5.2. DATALINK DEPARTURE CLEARANCE (DCL) DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH) is offering start-up and enroute clearances using Datalink. The procedures have been described in an AIC. Deviations from this, in special situations (e.g. snow), enroute clearance may be transmitted via Datalink in advance after receiving a RCD, while at the appropriate time, start-up approval will be granted on the frequency specified in the CLD. Pilots shall maintain listening watch on this frequency and shall refrain from making enquiries about the start-up approval. The following time parameters apply: ti 15 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. tt 25 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. 6 min prior to EOBT for unregulated flights. t1 16 min prior to CTOT for ATFM regulated flights. 5 min The start-up clearance shall not be requested before it has been ascertained that ACFT engines can be started within 5 min after clearance has been issued. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D8 LANGEN EDGG FIR GERMANY 0 49-00 07-30 REIMS LFEE FIR FRANCE 08-00 CHANGES: Sectors completely revised. FFM VORTAC 2359' RID VOR DME 09-00 09-30 D8 0 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 290^ N49 51.7 E009 20.9 500 0 ^ 110^ SPESSART 370 PSA PSA Clearance limit 295 4 14. 1 PS000 B0y00 A 1 AT G, C 2R 5000' At or above 5 ^ 239 6 PS 6 15. 0 C 40B0y AT R 2 500 A 9.9 273^ 300 4000 By0ATC 6500' At or above 5000' At or above N49 53.8 E008 05.7 IBLUS (IAF Rwys 07C/R) N49 50.2 E008 40.4 DF95~ ULNOK At or above (IAF Rwys 07C/R) N49 50.9 E008 25.1 FL80 161^ 4000' 5000' KUGUK At or above N49 58.0 E009 01.3 (IAF Rwys 25L/C) SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. KERAX 1R CHANGES: RWY layout; radial update. At or above 4400 0 RIED N50 11.0 E009 00.8 A T X MTR 110.0 MTR ^ 150 9 ! FRANKFURT N50 16.6 E008 50.9 METRO 0 " EGELSBACH 08-30 G X1 RA7.4 E K 1 GED GEDERN D D4 PSA NDB 180^ EH NDB CONTOUR INTERVALS 2394' 2873' N50 04.3 E008 00.5 2113' KNG NDB SPESSART DF951 2000 (2300) 5000 28.3 5000 FL80 By ATC 30 20 0 10 D4 0 KONIG ETARU 3000 (3400) 2248' 2000 2327' N50 17.1 E008 06.7 2868' D6 0 5000 5 4000 8 " 7 3900 (4300) 4000 2200 (2500) 0 ^ 240 49-30 ! 2000 2500 6 2500 D20 (2800) 3400 (3800) 2067' 3000 NOT TO SCALE FRANKFURT CHA VOR 2 Frankfurt/ Main FW NDB 2351' 10 3 2500 2911' 2600 4 HOLDING OVER KERAX 3600 (3900)2031' CHARLIE D6 0 270^ 40 50 3235' ^ 2276' 2510' 3500 1 WBD NDB 50-00 4000 D20 060 WIESBADEN 090^ ^ 30 0 FR NDB 4400 (4800) 4900 5000 2933' 0 TAU VORTAC MTR VOR FRANKFURT 110.8 GED METRO TAUNUS 50-30 N50 24.7 E009 14.9 GEDERN GED VORTAC 270^ D40 0^ ^ 330 0 20 ^ 600 2464' (IAF Rwys 25L/C) 181^ 2599' 4500 KERAX ONE GOLF (KERAX 1G) [KERA1G] SPESSART ONE GOLF (PSA 1G) RWY 25 RNAV ARRIVALS KERAX ONE ROMEO (KERAX 1R) [KERA1R] SPESSART TWO ROMEO (PSA 2R) RWY 07 RNAV ARRIVALS ORVIV 2815' 2556' .RNAV.STAR. BY ATC PROCEDURES SHOULD BE USED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT BY ALL RNAV (GPS) EQUIPPED ACFT ^ 241 2621' D60 PUBLISHED MSA ARP 4300' 3047' 3176' KERAX BREMEN EDWW FIR N50 28.5 E009 34.9 13.3 252^ 5000 TC ^ R072 FL80 By A , 1R G AX 1 KER 2548' FIR 2747' 364' .Eff.20.Oct. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 0 C 450By AT 0 0 65 1^ R0 6 10.7 267^ R087^ 5000 13 FL80 By ATC GEDSI N50 17.0 0 50 ^4 8.4 E009 07.5 KE 00 00 RA B y 0 2023' LANGEN EDGG Clearance limit D80 1 3200(3500) 2 2500(2800) 3 2000(2100)2615' 4 3300(3400) 5 3000(3300) 6 2700(3000) 7 3300 8 2800(3100) 9 ALTITUDE NOT 118.02 20 0 ^ South Apt Elev *D-ATIS 196^ 364' 10-2 7 OCT 11 ATC Apt Elev *125.35 51-00 FRANKFURT/MAIN 13.5 FL805000 By DEPARTURE FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' The MRVA (Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitude) is the lowest altitude which may be used for radar vectors for IFR flights taking into account the minimum safe height (1000' above the highest obstacle within a radius of 8 km) and airspace structure (lower limit of the controlled airspace plus a buffer of 500'). Below the MRVA, IFR flights will normally be cleared on published IFR procedures only. Altitudes in brackets apply for the period from AIRAC date in November until AIRAC date in March in order to meet required obstacle clearance at cold temperatures. LANGEN Radar (APP) *119.02 *120.15 North 136.12 120.8 *126.55 .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. 9 FL 5 .0 10-1R 13 MAY 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 001^ 6000 FRANKFURT/MAIN ARRIVAL FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. KE 80 B000 2 R AXy ATC 11^ 1R Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 1G C JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 11.0 40B0y0ATC 5000 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN 10-2A 7 OCT 11 FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 MSA ARP 4300' 5000' FRANKFURT N50 16.6 E008 50.9 R30 3^ R260^ D MTR 114.2 FFM R21 0^ METRO At or above ORVIV (IAF Rwys 25L/C) N50 11.0 E009 00.8 13 y A TC 50 0^4 8. 00 00 4 B 0 ROLIS ONE GOLF (ROLIS 1G) [ROLI1G] UNOKO ONE GOLF (UNOKO 1G) [UNOK1G] RWY 25 RNAV ARRIVALS ROLIS ONE ROMEO (ROLIS 1R) [ROLI1R] UNOKO ONE ROMEO (UNOKO 1R) [UNOK1R] RWY 07 RNAV ARRIVALS 110.0 MTR 364' 1 4 5.7 118.02 .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 6 Apt Elev *D-ATIS FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 030 ^ FRANKFURT/MAIN R 500 00 U OL By 0 N OKIS 1ATC O1G G EDDF/FRA CHANGES: RWY layout. ROKIM U 5000' At or above N49 53.8 E008 05.7 y AT C 1 50 40 3.6 00 00 B ^ yA TC 80 KO FL NO .1 14 000 ATC 5 By 0 11 FL NOT TO SCALE ^ 140 122 9^500B0y ATC1R N50 01.2 E007 48.0 13 REDLI O 1 7. IBLUS 080^ N50 00.1 E008 03.1 15.KO 1 FL 8 500 6 G 0B 0 UN ^ RAMOB MANUV N50 17.7 E007 27.5 1G, 1KO R 113 ROLIS UNO By ATC Clearance limit N50 26.1 E007 49.5 9.0 0 500By ATC 0 FL11 156^ 269^ FL11 0 0 N50 27.3 ROL 161^ 089^ E007 13.6 5.6 FL110 101^ 500 UNOKO Clearance limit IBVIL N50 26.1 E007 22.2 160^ 23.0 500y0ATC B FL80 IS 1R N50 06.7 E007 41.0 14 FL 128 ^ 340^ 0 FL11 (IAF Rwys 07C/R) 22.9 4000 C FL80 By AT AT C FL80 ^ ETARU At or above DF951 11.0 400B0y ATC 5000 . RO1105000 2 LI By A S TC 1G 1 23 N50 17.1 E008 06.7 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 2 FL 50 4.6 N50 04.3 E008 00.5 80 By00 BY ATC PROCEDURES SHOULD BE USED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT BY ALL RNAV (GPS) EQUIPPED ACFT | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 Apt Elev *D-ATIS 118.02 364' 10-2B .Eff.20.Oct. .STAR. Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 124300' 5^ 180^ EDDF/FRA 3200' 3500' ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR NOT TO SCALE 256^ ^ 24.01 0 7^ 04 500 43 5000ATC y FL80 BAX 1M KER 7^ 22 R072^ 5 0 D5.0 500 ATC 12 0 GED 0 By C FL8 500By AT 1L 0 FL8ERAX K 000C A 4By AT H M 00 1^ 50 R06 D 13 50B0y0ATC M FL80X 1L, 1 A KER 0 600 5 Clearance limit 252^ KERAX N50 28.5 193^ 6000 001^ 181^ 0 20 ^ 200^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. E009 34.9 KERAX ONE BRAVO (KERAX 1B) [KERA1B] 1 KERAX ONE LIMA (KERAX 1L) [KERA1L] 2 SPESSART ONE BRAVO (PSA 1B)1 SPESSART ONE LIMA (PSA 1L)2 RWYS 25C/L/R ARRIVALS KERAX ONE HOTEL (KERAX 1H) [KERA1H] 1 KERAX ONE MIKE (KERAX 1M) [KERA1M] 3 SPESSART ONE HOTEL (PSA 1H)1 SPESSART ONE MIKE (PSA 1M)3 RWYS 07C/L/R ARRIVALS GED GEDERN 110.8 GED N50 24.7 E009 14.9 4 (IAF Rwys 07C/L/R) TAUNUS D D TAU 116.7 TAU 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 37.9 5000 F L 8 KERA 0 By ATC X 1B , 1H R076^ 4 METRO (IAF Rwys 25C/L/R) MTR 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 R11 6^ 4 RIED (IAF Rwys 07C/L/R) D RID 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 CHANGES: RWY layout; STARs established; chart redrawn. R011^ 17 FL804B0y00 ATC 191^ N50 15.0 E008 09.8 066^ 1 F 40 8 KEL80 By00 PS RA ATC A1 X1 H, H 1M 6 SPESSART Clearance limit 296 ^ 4 TC MH0A0 By A 50 N49 51.7 E009 20.9 TC R105^ 4 CHARLIE (IAF Rwys 25C/L/R) 24060^0 370 PSA PSA MH 5000AB 4000 yA CHA 115.5 CHA N49 55.3 E009 02.4 8 7 D25.0 FFM 5 285^ 1 Only for aircraft type A380, B747, DC-10, L-1011, MD11, AN124, AN225, C5, E3A & KC35. 2 Not to be used by aircraft type A380, B747, DC-10, L-1011, MD11, AN124, AN225, C5, E3A & KC35. Those aircraft have to file KERAX 1B/PSA 1B instead. 3 Not to be used by aircraft type A380, B747, DC-10, L-1011, MD11, AN124, AN225, C5, E3A & KC35. Those aircraft have to file KERAX 1H/PSA 1H instead. 4 BRNAV and NON-RNAV equipped aircraft EXPECT RADAR vectors to final approach. 5 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft EXPECT KERAX 07N (10-2D)/KERAX 07S (10-2E)/KERAX 25N (10-2F)/ KERAX 25S (10-2G) Transition. 6 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft EXPECT PSA 07N (10-2D)/ PSA 07S (10-2E)/PSA 25N (10-2F)/PSA25S (10-2G) Transition. 110^ 500 50 0 K FL80 00 PSA ERAX B1y ATC B, 1 1B, H 1H, 1L, 1 M 7 KERAX 1B, PSA 1B, 1L: 290^ 4000 FL80 By ATC KERAX 1H, PSA 1H, 1M: 5000 FL80 By ATC | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 7 OCT 11 .STAR. JEPPESEN *D-ATIS 118.02 Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 364' 124300' 5^ 180^ .Eff.20.Oct. 3500' ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR NOT TO SCALE 9 ROLIS 1L: ^ MANUV N50 17.7 E007 27.5 ^ 140 RO RO L LI 9 1IS 1 S 7 H 1L , 1 R3 M 09^ 8 .1 13000y ATCB 5 0B 1 12 S FL OLI R 9.0 12 9^ 00 50 7^ 04 A MH 27^ 2 D OSPUL .1 14 00 ATC 50 By 8 L110 F ^ 06409 4^ 7 RAMOB 11 3 ^ N50 06.7 E007 41.0 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 ^ F 5 22 ROL80 B000 L I y AT S1 C L AT C 35 0 C 50B0y AT 1L 0 FL8NOKO U 37 5000 FL80 By ATC UNOKO 1H 1 5. 6 UN FL1105000 OK By O 1 ATC 8 B, 1L ROKIM N50 00.1 E008 03.1 ^ 060 095^ R R3 0 305^ 1^ R274^ 24060^0 4 TC MH0A0 By A 50 ^ A AT MH00 By 0 5 39 40 FL80 By00 C UNOKO AT 1B 4 RIED (IAF Rwys 07C/L/R) D D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 HOLDING OVER RID 066^ 0 R24 ^ 2441000C FL1 5 38 20 00 .8 B 0 RID 112.2 RID 4^ CHANGES: RWY layout; STARs established; chart redrawn. TAU 116.7 TAU R32 L-1011, MD11, AN124, AN225, C5, E3A & KC35. Those aircraft have to file ROLIS 1B/UNOKO 1B instead. 3 Not to be used by aircraft type A380, B747, DC-10, L-1011, MD11, AN124, AN225, C5, E3A & KC35. Those aircraft have to file ROLIS 1H/UNOKO 1H instead. 4 BRNAV and NON-RNAV equipped aircraft EXPECT RADAR vectors to final approach. 5 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft EXPECT ROLIS 07N (10-2H)/ ROLIS 07S (10-2J)/ROLIS 25N (10-2K)/ROLIS 25S (10-2L) Transition. 6 GPS/FMS equipped aircraft EXPECT UNOKO 07N (10-2H)/UNOKO 07S (10-2J)/UNOKO 25N (10-2K)/ UNOKO 25S (10-2L) Transition. 7 Immediate transition at RAMOB possible when approaching via airway Z-111. 8 BRNAV equipment necessary. MTR N50 15.0 E008 09.8 y 20 0 50B0y ATC M 0 8 FL OKO 1 UN AN124, AN225, C5, E3A & KC35. 2 Not to be used by aircraft type A380, B747, DC-10, ^ R224 121 ^ 061 110.0 MTR 35 00 TC 50 By A 0 F L8 1 Only for aircraft type A380, B747, DC-10, L-1011, MD11, ^ 144 N50 15.8 E008 02.2 4 METRO (IAF Rwys 25C/L/R) 4 TAUNUS (IAF Rwys 07C/L/R) R21 0^ ^ 140 1 25 1 FL 4 6 RO80 B0y00 LI ATC S1 L ROLIS N50 26.1 E007 49.5 030 ^ Clearance limit 191^ N50 26.1 E007 22.2 000 ATC 156^ 8FL1510By UNO TC 1B, KO 1L, 11H, M 5 IBVIL 105^ 5MHA 4 17 FL805B0y00 ATC RO UNOLKIS 1H O 1H 5.6 340^ 101^ 50 8 269^ FL110B0y0 A FL110 0 FL11 089^ R011^ UNOKO N50 27.3 E007 13.6 5000 FL80 By ATC ROLIS 1M: 5000 FL100 By ATC 160^ Clearance limit EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN ROLIS ONE BRAVO (ROLIS 1B) [ROLI1B] 1 ROLIS ONE LIMA (ROLIS 1L) [ROLI1L] 2 UNOKO ONE BRAVO (UNOKO 1B) [UNOK1B] 1 UNOKO ONE LIMA (UNOKO 1L) [UNOK1L] 2 RWYS 25C/L/R ARRIVALS ROLIS ONE HOTEL (ROLIS 1H) [ROLI1H] 1 ROLIS ONE MIKE (ROLIS 1M) [ROLI1M] 3 UNOKO ONE HOTEL (UNOKO 1H) [UNOK1H] 1 UNOKO ONE MIKE (UNOKO 1M) [UNOK1M] 3 RWYS 07C/L/R ARRIVALS 3200' 6 10-2C 065^ R275^ ^ R245 21 0 400By ATC B 0 1 FL8 LIS RO 000B 000 y ATC 285^ 4 CHARLIE (IAF Rwys 25C/L/R) CHA 115.5 CHA N49 55.3 E009 02.4 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-2D .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Apt Elev *D-ATIS Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING KERAX ~7N KERAX - GED - DF437 - DF439 (FL80+) - DF444 - DF454 - NODGO (5000'+). PSA ~7N PSA - DF436 - DF437 - DF439 (FL80+) - DF444 - DF454 - NODGO (5000'+). GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ 124300' 5^ KERAX ~7N [KER~7N] PSA ~7N RWYS 07L RNAV TRANSITIONS 3200' 3500' GED GEDERN N50 24.7 E009 14.9 020^ 110.8 GED 252^ 13.3 500X0 ~7N A KER R072^ Clearance limit KERAX N50 28.5 E009 34.9 9 40 . 9 00 210 ^ NOT TO SCALE 6000 001^ 181^ D 600 0 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 200^ ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR DF437 N50 16.3 E009 06.8 249^ DF439 N50 06.8 E008 26.5 At or above 6.9 400 289^ 0 DF436 N50 13.9 E009 16.9 27.50 400 FL80 DF441 N50 01.9 DF442 E008 06.3 N50 00.4 DF443 E008 00.5 4. 0 N49 59.0 0 E007 54.7 4. 4.0 DF444 5.0 0 500 158^ DF454 N49 52.9 E007 51.7 4.0 3. 7 0 500 DF452 N49 55.8 4.0 0 DF453 500 ^ N49 54.3 E008 03.3 068 E007 57.5 D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (FAF) NODGO N49 57.1 E008 08.7 At or above 5000' RIPKU N49 59.8 E009 19.5 PSA ~7N 2^ 8.2 35 5000 N49 57.6 E007 48.9 13.9 0 4 00 14.2 248^ 110^ MHA 5 2 00090^ Clearance limit 370 PSA PSA SPESSART N49 51.7 E009 20.9 CHANGES: RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 7 OCT 11 .RNAV.TRANSITION. .Eff.20.Oct. *D-ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING KERAX ~7S KERAX - EBIPA - INBOS - PSA - DF635 - DF636 (FL80+) - DF644 - DF654 - ROBSA (4000'+). PSA - DF635 - DF636 (FL80+) - DF644 - DF654 - ROBSA (4000'+). PSA ~7S EDDF/FRA 10-2E FRANKFURT/MAIN KERAX ~7S [KER~7S] PSA ~7S RWYS 07C/R RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ 124300' 5^ JEPPESEN 3200' 0 20 ^ 600 MSA FFM VOR 0 ^ 335 200^ 3500' Clearance limit KERAX N50 28.5 E009 34.9 600 6.1 KE0R 201 ~7SAX ^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. EBIPA 170^ N50 22.9 E009 31.3 NOT TO SCALE 27.1 5000 D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (FAF RWY 07C) LOMPO N49 58.0 E008 15.6 At or above 4000' CHARLIE N49 58.9 E008 43.0 ROBSA 4.0 0648.0^ 4.0 DF652 .2 ^ 0040 4 6 0 4 .1 4 N49 54.8 E008 03.8 000 DF653 4 N49 53.4 N49 52.0 E007 52.3 4.0 E007 58.1 DF641 4.0 N49 51.5 DF642 E008 12.4 4.0 N49 50.1 DF643 E008 06.6 N49 48.7 DF644 E008 00.8 N49 47.3 E007 55.0 DF654 N49 57.7 E008 15.6 At or above 9.6 0 400 4000' 248^ DF651 N49 56.2 E008 09.6 CHA 115.5 CHA DF635 (FAF RWY 07R) 11.6 DF636 N49 55.6 E008 29.1 At or above 285^ MH 5000A 4000 By A INBOS TC R105^ 7.6 4 00 KER0A X ~ PSA 7S ~7S D25.0 FFM 4.9 5000 285^ 11.60 500 110^ MHA 3 5.0 0 40038^ FL80 13.0 4000 N49 55.3 E009 02.4 246^ N49 56.1 E009 37.4 502090^ 0 Clearance limit 370 PSA PSA SPESSART N49 51.7 E009 20.9 CHANGES: RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *D-ATIS FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-2F .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING KERAX 25N KERAX - GED - DF407 - DF408 - DF409 (FL80+) - DF416 - DF426 - NIBAP (5000'+). PSA - DF406 - DF407 - DF408 - DF409 (FL80+) - DF416 - DF426 - NIBAP (5000'+). PSA 25N GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ 124300' 5^ KERAX 25N [KER25N] PSA 25N RWYS 25R RNAV TRANSITIONS 3200' 3500' 49^ 0 20 ^ 0 N50 28.5 E009 34.9 N50 21.7 DF416 E009 15.5 N50 19.8 E009 21.9 4.0 5 244.90^ 5.0 22.1 5000 N50 18.4 DF414 N50 17.0 E009 16.0 DF413 E009 10.1 4.0 N50 15.7 DF412 E009 04.2 4.0 N50 14.3 DF411 E008 58.4 4. 0 N50 12.9 DF41~ E008 52.5 0 . 4 N50 11.6 4.0 E008 46.7 4.0 4. 0 DF424 3.9 4. 0 N50 12.3 DF423 E009 12.8 068^ (FAF) 0 . 4 N50 11.0 1. 5 DF422 E009 06.9 NIBAP N50 09.6 N50 07.7 E008 53.1 DF421 E009 01.0 At or above N50 08.2 E008 55.2 5000' 0 FL80 DF415 400 At or above Clearance limit KERAX DF4~6 0^ 6.2 158^ DF4~9 N50 10.2 E008 41.0 252^ 13.3 500X0 25N A KER 1590^00 DF4~8 N50 16.0 E008 37.6 GEDERN R072^ 2 .0 DF4~7 N50 23.7 E009 10.5 3 00 503 5 .7 248^ 30 000 22.50 400 GED 110.8 GED N50 24.7 E009 14.9 6000 001^ 181^ D 600 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 200^ ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR 0 500 DF426 N50 15.1 E009 24.5 DF425 N50 13.7 E009 18.6 NOT TO SCALE RIPKU D N49 59.8 E009 19.5 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 Clearance limit 370 PSA PSA SPESSART N49 51.7 E009 20.9 CHANGES: RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred. 8.2 352^ 5000 PS A 2 5 N 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT 110^ 500 0 290^ | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 7 OCT 11 .RNAV.TRANSITION. .Eff.20.Oct. *D-ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING KERAX 25S KERAX - EBIPA - INBOS - PSA - DF607 - DF608 - DF609 (FL80+) - DF616 - DF626 - LEDKI (4000'+). PSA - DF607 - DF608 - DF609 (FL80+) - DF616 - DF626 - LEDKI (4000'+). PSA 25S 10-2G EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN KERAX 25S [KER25S] PSA 25S RWYS 25L/C RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ 3200' 200^ 124300' 5^ JEPPESEN 0 20 ^ ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR 600 0 3500' Clearance limit KERAX NOT TO SCALE EBIPA 600 6.1 KE0R 201 25SAX ^ N50 28.5 E009 34.9 N50 22.9 E009 31.3 170^ DF626 N50 14.1 E009 25.0 DF625 (FAF RWY 25C) REDGO 4000' (FAF RWY 25L) LEDKI N50 06.2 E008 51.4 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT At or above 4000' N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF6~9 N50 00.5 E008 49.8 DF6~8 N49 55.8 E008 52.5 INBOS 110^ 11.60 500 246^ N49 56.1 E009 37.4 ^ 336 10.1 0 500 AX KE2R5S S 25 PSA 3 FL80 5.0 0 40038^ At or above SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 27.1 5000 338^ At or above D 5.0 4000 N50 06.6 E008 51.4 N50 12.7 249^ E009 19.2 4.0 N50 11.4 4000 DF623 E009 13.3 4. 0 N50 10.0 DF622 E009 07.4 4.0 N50 08.6 0 . 4^ E009 001.6 4 25 4. 0 2.9 4. DF616 4.0 4000 N50 09.4 DF615 E009 27.7 4. 0 N50 08.0 3.0 DF621 N50 07.3 DF614 E009 21.8 E008 55.7 4.0 N50 06.7 DF613 E009 15.9 N50 05.3 4.0 DF612 E009 10.1 5.9 N50 03.9 DF6~7 0684^000 DF611 E009 04.2 248^ N50 01.1 E009 14.9 N50 02.6 E008 58.4 15.40 400 DF624 Clearance limit 370 PSA PSA SPESSART MHA 500290^ 0 N49 51.7 E009 20.9 CHANGES: RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *D-ATIS FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 10-2H 7 OCT 11 .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING ROLIS ~7N ROLIS - ETARU - DF432 - DF439 (FL80+) - DF444 - DF454 - NODGO (5000'+). UNOKO ~7N UNOKO - IBVIL - MANUV - RAMOB (FL110) - DF431 - DF432 - DF439 (FL80+) DF444 - DF454 - NODGO (5000'+). GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ 124300' 5^ ROLIS ~7N [ROL~7N] UNOKO ~7N [UNO~7N] RWYS 07L RNAV TRANSITIONS 3200' 3500' 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR 160^ Clearance limit UNOKO 01^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 340^ 269^ 156^ N50 27.3 E007 13.6 5.6 IBVIL FL110 5000 N50 26.1 E007 22.2 1 0 FL11 089^ Clearance limit ROLIS 12 8 9.0 0 500O ~7N K UNO N50 26.1 E007 49.5 ^ 1 RO 5 4.2 LI 000 S ~7 N MANUV ETARU N50 17.7 E007 27.5 N50 17.1 E008 06.7 ^ 140 112^ 11 500 .7 0 DF432 5 158^ 000 .1 14 00 50 N50 12.4 E008 23.3 N50 06.7 E007 41.0 At FL110 106^ DF441 N50 01.9 DF442 E008 06.3 N50 00.4 DF443 E008 00.5 4.0 N49 59.0 E007 54.7 4.0 4.0 DF431 DF444 N49 57.6 E007 48.9 5.0 0 500 158^ DF454 N49 52.9 E007 51.7 CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred). 4.0 3. 7 0 500 DF439 N50 06.8 E008 26.5 At or above FL80 068^ 7 5000 .0 N50 04.7 E007 51.4 NOT TO SCALE 6.0 21.90 500 RAMOB 248^ 13.9 0 4 00 D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (FAF) NODGO N49 57.1 E008 08.7 At or above 5000' DF452 N49 55.8 4.0 0 DF453 500 ^ N49 54.3 E008 03.3 068 E007 57.5 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 7 OCT 11 .RNAV.TRANSITION. .Eff.20.Oct. *D-ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING ROLIS ~7S ROLIS - DF632 - FFM - DF623 - DF613 - DF636 (FL80+) - DF644 - DF654 - ROBSA (4000'+). UNOKO ~7S UNOKO - IBVIL - MANUV - RAMOB (FL130) - DF631 - FFM - DF623 - DF613 - DF636 (FL80+) - DF644 - DF654 - ROBSA (4000'+). EDDF/FRA 10-2J FRANKFURT/MAIN ROLIS ~7S [ROL~7S] UNOKO ~7S [UNO~7S] RWYS 07C/R RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 180^ 124300' 5^ JEPPESEN 3200' 3500' 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR 160^ Clearance limit UNOKO 01^ Clearance limit ROLIS NOT TO SCALE .1 13 00 7S 50 IS ~ L RO 9.0 0 500O ~7S K UNO N50 26.1 E007 49.5 ^ 140 156^ 269^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 340^ 0 FL11 N50 27.3 E007 13.6 5.6 IBVIL FL110 5000 N50 26.1 E007 22.2 1 089^ MANUV N50 17.7 E007 27.5 ^ 140 OSPUL N50 15.8 E008 02.2 .7 18 000 5 .1 14 00 50 DF623 D FL130 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 106^ 7 5000 .0 DF431 14.4 5000 N50 04.7 E007 51.4 DF632 DF631 N50 00.4 E008 12.7 5.1 079^ 0 500 .2 ^ 40 064 400 4.0 4.0 0648.0^ 0 DF653 400 N49 53.4 E007 58.1 DF654 N49 52.0 E007 52.3 3 5.0 0 40038^ DF644 N49 47.3 E007 55.0 CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred). DF652 N49 54.8 E008 03.8 N49 56.2 E008 09.6 LOMPO N50 02.6 E008 58.4 N50 03.9 E009 04.2 N49 58.0 E008 15.6 At or above 9.6 0 400 4000' DF635 N49 58.9 E008 43.0 11.6 DF636 DF642 DF643 DF612 DF611 DF613 4.0 0 N50 05.3 400 8^ E009 10.1 24 DF651 4.0 N49 48.7 E008 00.8 068 4.0 10.6 (FAF RWY 07C) 4. 1 4.0 4.0 R2 5 9 ^ N50 01.3 E008 20.5 11.6 5000 069^ 12.00 400 N50 08.6 DF621 E009 01.6 4.0 N50 07.3 E008 55.7 4.0 0 400 ^ 5.0 0 400 At 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT 158^ RAMOB N50 06.7 E007 41.0 N50 10.0 E009 07.4 DF622 N49 50.1 E008 06.6 (FAF RWY 07R) ROBSA DF641 N49 51.5 E008 12.4 N49 57.7 E008 15.6 At or above N49 55.6 E008 29.1 At or above FL80 4000' | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-2K .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.TRANSITION. Apt Elev *D-ATIS 124300' 5^ HOLDING OVER UNOKO 089^ FL110 ROLIS 25N [ROL25N] UNOKO 25N [UNO25N] RWYS 25R RNAV TRANSITIONS GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 269^ 180^ Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING ROLIS 25N ROLIS - ETARU - DF403 - DF409 (FL80+) - DF416 - DF426 - NIBAP (5000'+). UNOKO 25N UNOKO - IBVIL - MANUV - RAMOB (FL110) - DF401 - DF409 (FL80+) - DF416 DF426 - NIBAP (5000'+). 3200' 3500' 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR 160^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Clearance limit 0 N50 27.3 E007 13.6 5.6 IBVIL 5000 N50 26.1 E007 22.2 101 Clearance limit ROLIS 1 28 N50 26.1 E007 49.5 ^ N50 17.7 E007 27.5 ETARU N50 17.1 E008 06.7 5.0 7^ 13 ^ 140 .2 15 00 50 .1 14 00 50 RAMOB N50 06.7 E007 41.0 At FL110 123 ^ 12 50 .5 00 N50 19.8 E009 21.9 N50 18.4 0 . DF414 E009 16.0 4 N50 17.0 DF413 E009 10.1 4.0 N50 15.7 DF412 E009 04.2 4.0 DF4~9 N50 14.3 N50 10.2 E008 41.0 DF411 E008 58.4 244.90^ 4. 0 N50 12.9 At or above 0 DF41~ E008 52.5 0 4. 500 DF426 FL80 N50 11.6 4.0 N50 15.1 E008 46.7 4.0 DF425 E009 24.5 4.0 N50 13.7 DF424 E009 18.6 3.9 0 . 4 N50 12.3 DF423 E009 12.8 4.0 (FAF) N50 11.0 5 . 7 1 DF422 . E009 06.9 NIBAP 12 N50 09.6 N50 07.7 E008 53.1 0 DF421 E009 01.0 400 At or above N50 08.2 5000' E008 55.2 DF4~3 N50 05.8 E008 22.5 5 MANUV DF416 DF415 1590^00 1 RO 5 4.2 LI 000 S 25 N 9.0 000 5 156U^NOKO 25N ^ NOT TO SCALE 340^ FL11 UNOKO 17.6 0 500 DF4~1 N49 59.6 E007 57.0 068^ D FFM FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred). | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 7 OCT 11 .RNAV.TRANSITION. .Eff.20.Oct. *D-ATIS Apt Elev Alt Set: hPa (IN on request) Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' On downwind transition EXPECT vectors to final. 118.02 364' TRANSITION ROUTING ROLIS 25S ROLIS - DF402 - DF601 - DF609 (FL80+) - DF616 - DF626 - LEDKI (4000'+). UNOKO 25S UNOKO - IBVIL - MANUV - RAMOB (FL130) - DF601 - DF609 (FL80+) - DF616 - DF626 LEDKI (4000'+). HOLDING OVER UNOKO 090^ 10-2L EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN ROLIS 25S [ROL25S] UNOKO 25S [UNO25S] RWYS 25L/C RNAV TRANSITIONS FL110 GPS- OR FMS-EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT USE OF RNAV TRANSITION ONLY WHEN CLEARED BY ATC 270^ 180^ 124300' 5^ JEPPESEN 3200' 3500' 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR 160^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Clearance limit 0 N50 27.3 E007 13.6 5.6 IBVIL 5000 N50 26.1 E007 22.2 101 340^ FL11 UNOKO NOT TO SCALE Clearance limit .1 13 00 25S 50 IS L RO 9.0 000 5 156U^NOKO 25S N50 26.1 E007 49.5 ^ 140 ROLIS ^ MANUV N50 17.7 E007 27.5 ^ 140 DF626 OSPUL (FAF RWY 25C) 4000' (FAF RWY 25L) RAMOB FL130 LEDKI N50 06.2 E008 51.4 106^ D DF4~2 N50 04.4 E008 16.3 34.6 5000 126 ^ At or above FFM FRANKFURT 4000' 114.2 FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 13 40 .1 00 068^ DF6~1 N49 56.4 E008 32.3 CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout; transitions revised & transferred). 12.10 400 338^ .6 14 00 50 At or above 5.0 0 400 .1 14 00 50 REDGO N50 06.6 E008 51.4 N50 06.7 E007 41.0 At N50 14.1 E009 25.0 N50 12.7 DF624 E009 19.2 4. 0 0 N50 11.4 400 ^ DF623 E009 13.3 4. 0 N50 10.0 249 0 DF622 E009 07.4 4. N50 08.6 .0 2594^ E009.001.6 4 4.0 2. 4 DF616 0 4000 . N50 09.4 4 DF615 E009 27.7 4.0 N50 08.0 3.0 DF621 N50 07.3 DF614 E009 21.8 E008 55.7 4. 0 N50 06.7 DF613 E009 15.9 N50 05.3 4. 0 DF612 E009 10.1 N50 03.9 5.9 DF611 E009 04.2 0 400 N50 02.6 E008 58.4 DF625 N50 15.8 E008 02.2 DF6~9 N50 00.5 E008 49.8 At or above FL80 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. SID DESIGNATION REFER TO CHART ANEKI 9D, 2E ANEKI 8F, 8G, 6L BIBTI 4D, 3E BIBTI 3F, 3G BIBTI 1K, 1M BIBTI 4N BIBTI 2L, 3S BIBTI 2R BIBTI 2T DINKELSBUHL 8D, 6E DINKELSBUHL 5F, 6G DINKELSBUHL 4L, 6S KOENIG 6C MARUN 8D, 4E MARUN 3F, 4G, 3J MARUN 1K, 1M MARUN 5N MARUN 2R MARUN 3S MARUN 2T METRO 4C NOMBO 8D, 7E NOMBO 6F, 7G NOMBO 6L, 6S OSBIT 4D, 3E RATIM 4D, 4E RATIM 4F, 4G RATIM 3S RIED 6C, 3Q ROTEN 5F, 4G ROTEN 3L, 5S SOBRA 4D SOBRA 4E SOBRA 4F, 4G, 5N, 3P SOBRA 4L, 3S, 4U SULUS 7D, 5E SULUS 6F, 7G SULUS 6L, 6S TAUNUS 4Q TOBAK 8D, 7E TOBAK 4F, 5G, 4J TOBAK 1K, 1M TOBAK 7N TOBAK 2R TOBAK 5S TOBAK 4T ULKIG 5U 10-3B 10-3C 10-3D 10-3E 10-3E1 10-3E2 10-3E3 10-3E4 10-3E5 10-3E6 10-3E7 10-3E8 10-3F 10-3G 10-3G1 10-3G2 10-3G3 10-3G4 10-3G5 10-3G6 10-3G7 10-3G8 10-3H 10-3J 10-3J1 10-3J2 10-3J3 10-3J4 10-3J5 10-3J6 10-3J7 10-3J8 10-3K 10-3L 10-3L1 10-3L2 10-3L3 10-3L4 10-3L5 10-3L6 10-3L7 10-3L8 10-3M 10-3N 10-3N1 10-3N2 10-3N3 Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3A JEPPESEN JeppView FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID. RNAV SID DESIGNATION REFER TO CHART ANEKI 9D, 2E ANEKI 8F, 8G, 6L BIBTI 4D, 3E BIBTI 3F, 3G BIBTI 1K, 1M BIBTI 4N BIBTI 2L, 3S BIBTI 2R BIBTI 2T DINKELSBUHL 8D, 6E DINKELSBUHL 5F, 6G DINKELSBUHL 4L, 6S MARUN 8D, 4E MARUN 3F, 4G, 3J MARUN 1K, 1M MARUN 5N MARUN 2R MARUN 3S MARUN 2T NOMBO 8D, 7E NOMBO 6F, 7G NOMBO 6L, 6S OSBIT 4D, 3E RATIM 4D, 4E RATIM 4F, 4G RATIM 3S ROTEN 5F, 4G ROTEN 3L, 5S SOBRA 4D SOBRA 4E SOBRA 4F, 4G, 5N, 3P SOBRA 4L, 3S, 4U SULUS 7D, 5E SULUS 6F, 7G SULUS 6L, 6S TOBAK 8D, 7E TOBAK 4F, 5G, 4J TOBAK 1K, 1M TOBAK 7N TOBAK 2R TOBAK 5S TOBAK 4T ULKIG 5U 10-3N4 10-3N5 10-3N6 10-3N7 10-3N8 10-3P 10-3Q 10-3Q1 10-3Q2 10-3Q3 10-3Q4 10-3Q5 10-3Q6 10-3Q7 10-3Q8 10-3S 10-3T 10-3T1 10-3T2 10-3T3 10-3T4 10-3T5 10-3T6 10-3T7 10-3T8 10-3U 10-3V 10-3V1 10-3V2 10-3V3 10-3V4 10-3V5 10-3V6 10-3V7 10-3V8 10-3W 10-3X 10-3X1 10-3X2 10-3X3 10-3X4 10-3X5 10-3X6 FOR RNAV SID DESIGNATION REFER TO PAGE 10-3A CHANGES: SIDs renumbered & established. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs renumbered & established. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3B 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 136.12 297 FR FR 220 KT MTR R-192 *LANGEN Radar Apt Elev 364' 136.12 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 10-3C 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. RWYs 25L/C: Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. RWY 18: Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ANEKI EIGHT FOXTROT (ANEKI 8F) ANEKI EIGHT GOLF (ANEKI 8G) ANEKI SIX LIMA (ANEKI 6L) RWYS 25L/C, 18 DEPARTURES 3200' ^ MSA FFM VOR 124300' 5^ ^ ANE 199^ 2 E KI 1 Turn at FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' whichever is later MAX until established on 210 KT RID R-356 183^ 3 D26.0 FFM 7 4000 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D10.0 RID At or above At or above 6000' 18 4000 6000 By ATC ANEKI 2E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. D28 TC 18 4000 6000 By ATC 19 60004000 By A (RID D28) ANEKI N49 19.0 E008 28.8 ANEKI 2E CHANGES: RWY layout. NOT TO SCALE N49 46.9 E008 32.5 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192 to D15.0 FFM/RID R-074, turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-193 to ANEKI. Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D10.3 FFM turn LEFT, intercept RID R-356 inbound to RID, turn RIGHT, RID R-183 to ANEKI. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ANEKI 6L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 292' per NM (4.8%) until passing 5000' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 292' per NM 365 486 729 972 1215 1458 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. ANEKI 8F, 8G: Initial climb clearance 5000' ANEKI 6L: Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' SID ANEKI 9D RIED 6000' 6000' ANEKI 5000 By ATC y AT C 7 50040000 B 7 4000 5000 By ATC At or above 5000' RID 112.2 RID 5000' At or above 5000' 800' At or above D19.0 FFM At or above (115.9) FRD ANEKI 6L N49 48.3 E008 40.8 D3.0 RID FRD FRED N50 01.8 E008 34.0 D NOT TO SCALE D3.0 RID 114.2 FFM FFM DME D D15.0 FFM 3 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N49 19.0 E008 28.8 ANEKI 8F, 8G 193^ R356^ 074^ RIED D10.0 RID whichever is later R356^ 176^ RID ANEKI 2E MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 176^ D10.3 FFM D FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' At 2500' N49 53.6 E008 32.8 D At At or above ANE KI FFM R-199 FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME 183^ 220 KT 9D MAX until established on F 1 F FM ME D 4.0 ANEKI NINE DELTA (ANEKI 9D) ANEKI TWO ECHO (ANEKI 2E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES 178^ 4 068^ N50 01.8 E008 34.0 FM F R 3.0 D M E D 6.0 DM E FRED 1 92^ DME D 3200' 3500' 335 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN 3500' 110.0 MTR FRD 1.6 DME FFM 1.5 DME JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 114.2 FFM FFM (115.9) FRDFRD MTR METRO N50 03.9 E008 41.0 FRANKFURT D 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT MAX until established on Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. SID ANEKI 8F, 8G RWY 25L/C ANEKI 6L 18 ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-356 inbound to RID, RID R-183 to ANEKI. Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to RID, turn RIGHT, RID R-183 to ANEKI. CHANGES: RWY layout; RWYS 25L/C initial contact. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3D 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. Radar 120.15 124300' 5^ BIBTI N50 58.0 E007 06.5 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 *LANGEN Radar 120.15 3200' ^ .4 13 00 50 FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' whichever is later N50 21.7 E007 39.9 ^ R202 D13.1 FFM 022 4 NOT TO SCALE FRD (115.9) FRD MAX FRD 1.6 DME/ FFM 1.5 DME FRD 5.0 DME/ FFM 2.0 DME Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5.0 DME/FFM 2.0 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-202 inbound to D13.1 FFM, turn LEFT, intercept MTR R-287 via ODAGA 1 to KUSOM, turn LEFT, 251^ track to GUBAX, turn RIGHT, 293^ track to RAVKI, turn RIGHT, 335^ track to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. BIBTI 3E Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-356 to ODAGA 1 , turn LEFT, 287^ track to KUSOM, turn LEFT, 251^ track to GUBAX, turn RIGHT, 293^ track to RAVKI, turn RIGHT, 335^ track to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. 1 After ODAGA BRNAV equipment necessary. | JEPPESEN, 2002, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D13.7 FFM N50 00.6 E008 17.4 At or above FFM 5.0 DME FRD 2.0 DME 3600' 293^ 297 FR FR SID BIBTI 4D CHANGES: RWY layout. MASIR 258^ 275^ N50 03.9 E008 41.0 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 BIBTI 3E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. D N50 15.3 E007 44.3 18 .9 40 3 00 07 ^ ESUPI N50 03.5 E008 07.3 6.9 FRANKFURT DME FRED N50 14.2 E008 49.3 220 KT 068^ D 33 BIBTI 3E Turn at 356^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 RAVKI 7.0 0 500 5^ 114.2 FFM DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 9 12. 0 500 FFM FRANKFURT .4 D 32 2000' 287^ 13.2 At or above 00 6 ^ D2.8 FFM BIBTI 3E SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D16 N50 17.4 E007 54.7 9.4 N50 44.7 E007 20.3 50 3 GUBAX ^ 251 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 OBOKA 13 9 12. 0 500 35^ 93 ^ N50 19.6 E008 37.1 B IB ^ TI 4D ^ 3 18. 0 500 110.0 MTR ODAGA 10.3 5000 MSA FFM VOR - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. N50 58.0 E007 06.5 .9 1 5 00 50 326 10 50 .4 0 20 RAVKI N50 21.7 E007 39.9 BIBTI MTR KUSOM 3200' 3500' SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. METRO N50 22.9 E008 22.0 124300' 5^ ^ 335 .9 1 5 00 50 DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 .SID. BIBTI THREE FOXTROT (BIBTI 3F) BIBTI THREE GOLF (BIBTI 3G) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES 3500' - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. N50 44.7 E007 20.3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MSA FFM VOR OBOKA 10-3E 335 BIBTI FOUR DELTA (BIBTI 4D) BIBTI THREE ECHO (BIBTI 3E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ *LANGEN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. At FFM 5.0 DME/ FRD 2.0 DME or 800' whichever is later DME D FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 NOT TO SCALE These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3600', due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 275^ track (RWY 25L: 278^ track), intercept FFM R-258 to D13.7 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 293^ track to ESUPI, turn RIGHT, 307^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. 1 After D13.7 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3E1 7 OCT 11 .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 BIBTI ONE KILO (BIBTI 1K) 124300' 5^ NOT TO BE FILED IN FLIGHT PLAN BIBTI ONE MIKE (BIBTI 1M) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES *LANGEN Radar 120.15 32 00 6 ^ 116.7 TAU FRANKFURT 33 7.0 0 500 5^ DME D FFM 5.0 DME/ FRD 2.0 DME or 800' FRED N50 01.8 E008 34.0 FFM 5.0 DME FRD 2.0 DME 195^ 175^ .9 24 00 40 5.1 BIBTI 1K 4.2 273^ BI MASIR 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 23 FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' ^ 232 9^ 22 At or above 270^ CHA FFM 8^ 10.1 DME 115.5 FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME whichever is later MAX until established on 220 KT 2500' HAC 184^ track ^ 318 N49 55.3 E008 11.5 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D14.0 FFM 301 ^ NOT TO SCALE | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 D16.0 RID SID ROUTING BIBTI 1K Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 195^ track, when passing FFM R-232 turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-229 to D10.2 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept CHA R-270, when passing TAU R-175 1 , turn RIGHT, 318^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. BIBTI 1M Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 195^ track to FFM 10.1 DME 2 , turn RIGHT, 238^ track to PABVI, turn RIGHT, 273^ track to SIVDO, turn RIGHT, 305^ track to KUPIP, turn RIGHT, 318^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. BRNAV equipment necessary after 1 TAU R-175/ 2 FFM 10.1 DME. DME D BTI PABVI N49 53.1 1M E008 22.4 Initial climb clearance 5000' CHANGES: New chart (SIDs established). D .9 24 00 40 ^ 318 N49 56.7 E008 26.1 KUPIP ^ RAVKI Turn at D10.2 FFM SIVDO BIBTI 1M N49 53.4 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient E008 15.9 of 249' per NM (4.1%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 249' per NM 311 415 623 830 1038 1246 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N50 33.5 E007 31.8 33 185 KT 195^ track 305 N50 44.7 E007 20.3 7.0 0 500 5^ MAX until established on N49 56.4 E008 09.6 MSA FFM VOR N50 21.7 E007 39.9 whichever is later N49 55.7 E008 11.8 OBOKA DITAM 3 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At MASIR 3200' - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. N50 58.0 E007 06.5 114.2 FFM FFM (115.9) FRDFRD D N50 21.7 E007 39.9 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 BIBTI 9 12. 0 500 .4 13 0 0 50 26^ 9 12. 0 500 TAU TAUNUS NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MSA FFM VOR N50 15.0 E008 09.8 RAVKI 124300' 5^ 3500' .9 15 00 50 .4 50 D .SID. ^ 335 13 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. BIBTI FOUR NOVEMBER (BIBTI 4N) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURE ^ .9 1 5 00 50 DITAM 10-3E2 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3200' - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. N50 44.7 E007 20.3 7 OCT 11 335 BY ATC OBOKA FRANKFURT/MAIN 3500' BIBTI N50 58.0 E007 06.5 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ *LANGEN Radar Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 184^ 22 3^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. D N49 53.1 E008 23.2 RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223 to D14.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-301 to D16.0 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 318^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. 1 After D16.0 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout; SID renumbered; initial contact). | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. BIBTI TWO LIMA (BIBTI 2L) BIBTI THREE SIERRA (BIBTI 3S) 124300' 5^ 120.15 ^ 9 12. 0 500 N50 21.7 E007 39.9 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT 293 ^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 800' MAX 8^ BI 4 3SBTI 6 31 .9 L 35 I 2 BT BI D16.0 RID D7.0 RID N49 53.9 E008 31.9 D14.0 FFM 301 N49 53.1 E008 23.2 ^ ^ 238 800' or RID 12.0 DME whichever is later MAX 319 MAX until established on 220 KT 220 KT 118^ brg 9.3 D ^ D 287^ 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 RID 12.0 DME 118 ^ 088^ TUKRU N49 56.4 E008 43.3 N49 56.2 E008 34.0 XAMUB RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID BIBTI 2L ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D7.0 RID 1, turn RIGHT, 238^ track to XAMUB, turn RIGHT, 319^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. BIBTI 3S Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223 to D14.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-301 to D16.0 RID 2 , turn RIGHT, 318^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. BRNAV equipment necessary after: 1 D7.0 RID/ 2 D16.0 RID. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout). At 2000' NOT TO SCALE N49 47.7 E008 19.7 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 GUBAX - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. At or above R356^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. BIBTI 2L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 280' per NM (4.6%) until passing 2000' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 280' per NM 349 466 699 932 1165 1398 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 176^ 220 KT N50 19.6 E008 37.1 10.3 5000 ^ 251 N50 17.4 E007 54.7 178^ 22 3^ .9 24000 4 At D10.0 FFM 3 18. 0 500 110.0 MTR ODAGA | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. R192^ D 10 5 0 .4 00 MTR METRO KUSOM N50 22.9 E008 22.0 335^ RAVKI N49 55.3 E008 11.5 ^ 326 DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 NOT TO SCALE MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .4 13 00 3 MASIR 50 7.0 9 12. 000 0 5 335^ 500 .4 13 0 0 50 26^ N50 21.7 E007 39.9 335 .9 1 5 00 50 ^ .9 1 5 00 50 RAVKI 3200' 3500' OBOKA - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. DITAM 124300' 5^ BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT N50 44.7 E007 20.3 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 .SID. BIBTI TWO ROMEO (BIBTI 2R) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 3200' OBOKA N50 44.7 E007 20.3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MSA FFM VOR WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS 25 N50 58.0 E007 06.5 *LANGEN Radar 10-3E4 7 OCT 11 N50 58.0 E007 06.5 335 RWY 18 DEPARTURES BIBTI FRANKFURT/MAIN BIBTI 3500' BY ATC JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 20.8 120.15 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 012^ Radar 10-3E3 180^ *LANGEN 7 OCT 11 200^ JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 178^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. KN 355 G At or above 2500' D GNK RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing towards KNG, when passing FFM R-200 1 turn LEFT, 088^ track to TUKRU, turn LEFT, intercept MTR R-192 inbound to MTR, turn LEFT, MTR R-287 via ODAGA to KUSOM, turn LEFT, 251^ track to GUBAX, turn RIGHT, 293^ track to RAVKI, turn RIGHT, 335^ track to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. 1 After FFM R-200 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout). | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3E5 .SID. .Eff.20.Oct. 136.12 124300' 5^ BIBTI TWO TANGO (BIBTI 2T) RWY 18 DEPARTURE BIBTI N50 58.0 E007 06.5 JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 136.12 3200' 124300' 5^ ^ ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR RAVKI N50 21.7 E007 39.9 7.0 0 335^ 500 MASIR N50 15.3 E007 44.3 - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. 18 40 .1 00 D FFM FRANKFURT D DME D FRD (115.9) FRD 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT FFM FR N50 02.9 E008 04.7 4 28. 0 400 At MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 7 D10.8 FFM 199^ 176^ D6.4 RID N49 52.2 E007 43.2 N49 52.8 E008 42.4 105^ R356^ MAX 2 8. 0 0 40 PIPIX ^ 318 250 KT 355 KNG KNG KONIG 9.8 220 KT GISNO 13 0^ At or below 4000' N49 45.9 E007 51.4 297 FR FR N50 03.9 E008 41.0 800' N49 53.3 E008 32.0 ULKIG N50 16.6 E008 50.9 FRANKFURT RUDUS 178^ NOT TO SCALE METRO N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 312 ^ MTR 110.0 MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0684^ 114.2 FFM MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRED N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 250 KT 14 4000 .7 D2 8 4 5000 102^ AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 50 55 00 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 D19.4 FFM R3 10 ^ N49 45.0 E008 28.0 283^ 3200' 3500' 335 3 9 1 2. 0 500 .4 00 50 2 6 ^ DITAM MAX .SID. ^ 13 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 33.5 E007 31.8 N49 55.4 000 E007 22.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. DINKELSBUHL EIGHT DELTA (DKB 8D) DINKELSBUHL SIX ECHO (DKB 6E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES 335 .9 15 00 50 N50 44.7 E007 20.3 ^ 073 14.0 282^ OBOXO 4 10-3E6 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3500' BY ATC OBOKA 7 OCT 11 192^ Radar EDDF/FRA D 3.0 DME 6 .0 DM E *LANGEN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 8.8 D 264^ D RID RIED MAX 112.2 RID 250 KT N49 46.9 E008 32.5 NOT TO SCALE 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199 to D19.4 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 318^ track to ULKIG, turn LEFT, 282^ track to OBOXO, turn RIGHT, 073^ track to RUDUS, turn LEFT, 312^ track to MASIR, turn RIGHT, 335^ track via RAVKI to DITAM, turn LEFT, 326^ track via OBOKA to BIBTI. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout). | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 105^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout). | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3E7 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .SID. .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 136.12 DINKELSBUHL FIVE FOXTROT (DKB 5F) DINKELSBUHL SIX GOLF (DKB 6G) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES 124300' 5^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar Apt Elev 364' 136.12 180^ *LANGEN Radar ^ FRD (115.9) FRD 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DKB 4L At FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 13 0^ KNG KONIG D2 8 4 5000 102^ 355 KNG RID At or above 2500' ^ DK 23 B6 S 13 MAX until established on 102^ 220 KT N49 46.9 E008 32.5 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. D RID RIED RID R-092 112.2 RID 0^ D2 8 4 5000 092^ 50 55 00 R3 10 ^ D N49 49.9 E008 32.2 N49 44.8 E009 11.3 112.2 RID 355 KNG KNG KONIG N49 45.7 E009 05.5 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 DKB 6S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via DKB 4L. AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 50 55 00 R3 10 ^ D 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID DKB 4L Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12.0 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout; initial contact). 220 KT 118^ brg NOT TO SCALE AKONI N49 45.7 E009 05.5 RIED 118 R356^ 210 KT 118^ brg MAX until established on D3.0 RID 23 MAX until established on 800' RID 12 DME 10 118 ^ DKB 4L 2500' Turn at or whichever is later R ID ME 12.0 D 176^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above 800' DKB 6S NOT TO SCALE 200 ^ D 178^ At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 200^ 3200' 3500' ^ D N50 01.8 E008 34.0 D 124300' 5^ 335 335 DME DME 12.0 RID .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MSA FFM VOR FRED whichever is later FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR D 10-3E8 7 OCT 11 DINKELSBUHL FOUR LIMA (DKB 4L) DINKELSBUHL SIX SIERRA (DKB 6S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DKB 6S ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D3.0 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to DKB. CHANGES: New chart (RWY layout). | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. Apt Elev 136.12 10-3F 364' KOENIG SIX CHARLIE (KNG 6C) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURE 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Radar 124300' 5^ 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ALIDI 6.000 50 MSA FFM VOR APROX N50 43.5 E008 43.0 ^ 16.8 5000 343 9.6 000 5 N50 43.3 E008 39.5 TESGA MAX until established on 220 KT D MTR R-192 R202 ^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 8D At or above 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT NOT TO SCALE At or below 356^ MARUN 4E 4000' Turn at D10.8 FFM FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800' N49 52.8 E008 42.4 105^ 4 068^ whichever is later DME D 355 KNG KNG KONIG FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 022^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D9.0 FFM 2 METRO D2.8 FFM 2000' MAX 220 KT 297 FR FR FRANKFURT N50 03.9 E008 41.0 FRD 5.0 DME/ FFM 2.0 DME MARUN 4E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of FRD 1.6 DME/ 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. FFM 1.5 DME Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' NOT TO SCALE SID MARUN 8D Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 105^ bearing to KNG. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. MTR 110.0 MTR MA RUN FFM FR N50 01.8 E008 34.0 192^ FRED (115.9) FRD 13.2 FRD D 6 3.0 DME .0 D ME 068^4 MARUN 4E D ODAGA N50 19.6 E008 37.1 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DME 7.1 METRO D16 FFM MTR 110.0 MTR N50 03.9 E008 41.0 359^ 297 FR FR 114.2 FFM 351^ D SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 17.9 5000 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 FRANKFURT TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 004^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT .SID. ^ ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR .Eff.20.Oct. MARUN EIGHT DELTA (MARUN 8D) MARUN FOUR ECHO (MARUN 4E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES MARUN 3500' 3500' 10-3G 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 3200' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 6.0 5000 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5.0 DME/FFM 2.0 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-202 inbound to MTR 1 , turn LEFT, MTR R-351 to TOBAK, turn LEFT, 343^ track via APROX to MARUN. Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', MARUN 4E whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-356 to ODAGA 2 , turn RIGHT, 359^ track to TESGA, turn RIGHT, 004^ track via ALIDI to MARUN. BRNAV equipment necessary after: 1 MTR/ 2 ODAGA. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .SID. 180^ 120.15 MARUN 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 120.15 MSA FFM VOR 11.6 D TAU 018^ TAUNUS 116.7 TAU TABUM UN 3 F , 3J N50 17.5 E008 24.3 At D11.4 TAU MAR FRD 2.0 DME At or above D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 NOT TO SCALE MAX until established on 185 KT 195^ track FFM 5.0 DME FRD 2.0 DME 1 MARUN 3F, 3J N RU MA 4G 3 N50 01.6 E008 17.3 (115.9) FRD At or above N50 01.8 E008 34.0 4400' E MARUN 3F, 3J These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until FFM 8.4 DME (4.5 NM after DER) due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up MARUN 3J: and expect routing via MARUN 4G. ^ 234 N49 55.6 E008 21.4 ROXAP N49 54.9 E008 21.8 MAR279^ U 1M N ^ 232 9^ 22 D FRED N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At or above 2500' 270^ FFM 10.1 DME CHA 115.5 HC A D10.2 FFM N49 56.7 E008 26.1 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 5000' SID MARUN 3F, 3J ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 275^ track (RWY 25L: 278^ track) to FFM 8.4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-141 inbound to D11.4 TAU 1 , turn RIGHT, 016^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. MARUN Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, 4G turn RIGHT, 275^ track (RWY 25L: 278^ track), intercept FFM R-258 to D9.7 FFM or 3500', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-150 inbound to D9.6 TAU , turn RIGHT, 027^ track to TABUM, turn LEFT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. BRNAV equipment necessary after: 1 D11.4 TAU/ 2 D9.6 TAU. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. 336^ 339 ^ DM whichever is later FRD DME D14.3 TAU FRED 8.6 8.4 FFM 5.0 DME/ FRD 2.0 DME or 800' D FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 UN MARK 1 25 8 ^ 275^ F FM At DME 114.2 FFM FFM (115.9) FRDFRD D LISKU N50 02.8 E008 16.6 ^ 321 ^ 330 D9.7 FFM 3500' whichever is later 4400' D9.7 FFM or whichever is later FFM 5.0 DME/ FRD 2.0 DME or 800' 3 FFM 5.0 DME/ N50 06.0 E008 20.7 016^ 027 ^ NOT TO SCALE N50 01.4 E008 23.5 At TAU N50 17.5 E008 24.3 3500' 4400' LIKSI R159^ 0^ 1^ R14 R15 At or above These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of MARUN 1K: 243' per NM (4%) until passing 4400' due to airspace structure. MARUN 1M: 249' per NM (4.1%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 249' per NM 311 415 623 830 1038 1246 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 243' per NM If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N50 28.4 E008 30.3 TAUNUS N50 15.0 E008 09.8 At or above N50 06.6 E008 17.0 BY ATC 116.7 TAU TABUM N50 15.0 E008 09.8 D9.6 TAU LORPA N50 43.5 E008 37.5 0157.^4 D MARUN ONE MIKE (MARUN 1M) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES N50 49.3 E008 40.3 15.9 5 15.9 5 0160^00 LIKSI N50 28.4 E008 30.3 NOT TO BE FILED IN FLIGHT PLAN MARUN 3500' SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .SID. MARUN ONE KILO (MARUN 1K) 3200' ^ ^ N50 43.5 E008 37.5 124300' 5^ .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar MARUN THREE FOXTROT (MARUN 3F) MARUN FOUR GOLF (MARUN 4G) MARUN THREE JULIETT (MARUN 3J) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES 10-3G2 7 OCT 11 335 335 LORPA MSA FFM VOR 6.0 5000 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN 195^ Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 0160^00 .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN 124300' 5^ 10-3G1 7 OCT 11 11. FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 018^6 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 6.0 5000 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 2 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID ROUTING MARUN 1K Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 195^ track, when passing FFM R-232 turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-229 to D10.2 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept CHA R-270, when passing FFM R-234 turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-159 inbound to D14.3 TAU 1 , turn RIGHT, 017^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. MARUN 1M Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 195^ track to FFM 10.1 DME 2 , turn RIGHT, 279^ track to ROXAP, turn RIGHT, 336^ track to LISKU, turn RIGHT, 017^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. BRNAV equipment necessary after 1 D14.3 TAU/ 2 FFM 10.1 DME. CHANGES: SIDs MARUN 1K & 1M established; SID BIBTI 2T transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 180^ 120.15 124300' 5^ 10-3G3 7 OCT 11 MARUN 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 120.15 7 OCT 11 10-3G4 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. MARUN TWO ROMEO (MARUN 2R) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 124300' 5^ MARUN N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ^ ^ 6 .0 0 500 MSA FFM VOR 15.9 5000 APROX 016^ 342 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. ^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 9.6 000 5 N50 43.5 E008 43.0 TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TABUM 17.9 5000 11. 018^6 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 3200' 3500' BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT N50 43.5 E008 37.5 LIKSI .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 335 335 LORPA MSA FFM VOR 6.0 5000 3500' Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar MARUN FIVE NOVEMBER (MARUN 5N) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURE JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 351^ N50 17.5 E008 24.3 MTR METRO 110.0 MTR NOT TO SCALE D NOT TO SCALE R192^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D (115.9) FRD 800' or RID 12.0 DME whichever is later MAX until established on 220 KT N50 01.8 E008 34.0 118 ^ 118^ brg D16.0 RID N49 55.3 E008 11.5 RID 1 2.0 DME 012^ FRD FRED 200^ 184^ At DME D 22 3^ 023^ 220 KT 184^ track FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 whichever is later MAX until established on 114.2 FFM FFM 20.8 FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 178^ At 088^ TUKRU N49 56.4 E008 43.3 N49 56.2 E008 34.0 KN 355 G At or above 2500' D14.0 FFM 301 ^ N49 53.1 E008 23.2 D This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223 to D14.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-301 to D16.0 RID 1 turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn LEFT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. 1 After D16.0 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; SID renumbered; initial contact; chart reindexed. D GNK , | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing towards KNG, when passing FFM R-200 1 turn LEFT, 088^ track to TUKRU, turn LEFT, intercept MTR R-192 inbound to MTR, turn LEFT, MTR R-351 to TOBAK, turn LEFT, 342^ track via APROX to MARUN. 1 After FFM R-200 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .SID. 180^ 120.15 MARUN THREE SIERRA (MARUN 3S) RWY 18 DEPARTURE MARUN 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 10-3G6 .Eff.20.Oct. 136.12 MARUN 3200' 3500' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ALIDI BY ATC N50 43.3 E008 39.5 MSA FFM VOR 0160^00 TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 11.6 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 018^ TABUM 9.5 LIKSI .SID. MARUN TWO TANGO (MARUN 2T) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 15.9 5 N50 43.5 E008 37.5 *LANGEN Radar ^ ^ LORPA 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 335 335 MSA FFM VOR BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 6.0 5000 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 6.0 5000 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 10-3G5 7 OCT 11 016^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 004^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 16.8 5000 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MABOB N50 17.7 E008 32.6 16 50 .9 00 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 399 WBD WBD WIESBADEN D ^ RUDUS N50 02.9 E008 04.7 0 28 NOT TO SCALE 9.7 4000 ^ 073 023^ MAX OBOXO 14.0 282^ 4 N49 55.4 000 E007 22.2 220 KT 800' 199^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 178^ 22 3^ D10.0 FFM At 4 28. 0 400 D6.4 RID N49 53.3 E008 32.0 ULKIG At or below N49 52.2 E007 43.2 4000' 220 KT MAX R356^ D16.0 RID N49 53.1 E008 23.2 GISNO N49 45.9 E007 51.4 ^ MAX D PIPIX ^ 318 D14.0 FFM 250 KT RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223 to D14.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-301 to D16.0 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn LEFT, 018^ track to LIKSI, turn LEFT, 016^ track via LORPA to MARUN. 1 After D16.0 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9.8 2 8. 0 0 40 4. 0 N49 55.3 E008 11.5 301 7 800' FRANKFURT 176^ At 114.2 FFM FFM 178^ 088^ D FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 02.9 E008 19.7 NOT TO SCALE 114.2 FFM FFM D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 250 KT 14 4000 .7 MAX 250 KT D19.4 FFM 283^ 8.8 N49 45.0 E008 28.0 264^ Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199 to D19.4 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 318^ track to ULKIG, turn LEFT, 282^ track to OBOXO, turn RIGHT, 073^ track to RUDUS, turn RIGHT, intercept 088^ bearing to WBD, turn LEFT, 028^ bearing to MABOB, turn LEFT, 016^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 004^ track via ALIDI to MARUN. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 120.15 10-3G7 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ METRO FOUR CHARLIE (MTR 4C) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURE JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 136.12 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. 124300' 5^ 335 335 D FRD FRED (115.9) FRD 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT ^ ^ D DME 3200' 3500' NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 10-3G8 NOMBO EIGHT DELTA (NOMBO 8D) NOMBO SEVEN ECHO (NOMBO 7E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 MSA FFM VOR MTR METRO 110.0 MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 MTR FFM FR METRO 110.0 MTR R202 ^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 297 FR FR FRANKFURT 068^4 192^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 D 6 3.0 DME .0 D ME JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. N50 03.9 E008 41.0 MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 NOT TO SCALE D10.8 FFM FFM N49 52.8 E008 42.4 FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 13 0^ 105^ 022^ D 297 FR FR D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 1 D4 5000 5 102^ 0002 0 HAREM N49 37.1 E009 24.9 FRANKFURT 068^4 N50 03.9 E008 41.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 LAMPU N49 20.4 E009 40.1 (115.9) FRD SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 01.8 E008 34.0 GEBNO N49 10.0 E009 55.9 7 8. 0 0 50 FRD FRED 7 50 . 14 34^ 1 00 DME D ^ 148 KONIG 4 19. 00 50 355 KNG KNG FRD 5.0 DME/ FFM 2.0 DME NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5.0 DME/FFM 2.0 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-202 inbound to MTR. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 105^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 1, turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track via GEBNO to NOMBO. After HAREM BRNAV equipment necessary. 1 CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN Radar 136.12 10-3H FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ NOMBO SIX FOXTROT (NOMBO 6F) NOMBO SEVEN GOLF (NOMBO 7G) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar Apt Elev 364' 136.12 180^ *LANGEN 7 OCT 11 FRD FRED MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. NOMBO 6L (115.9) FRD At 800' NOMBO 6S D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT NOT TO SCALE N50 03.2 E008 38.2 118 D3.0 RID 210 KT 118^ brg D R356^ MAX until established on 23 N49 49.9 E008 32.2 13 0^ 220 KT 13 0^ RID R-092 D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 1 D4 5000 5 102^ 0002 0 HAREM N49 37.1 E009 24.9 7 8. 0 0 50 NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 RIED 355 KNG KNG KONIG N49 46.9 E008 32.5 NOMBO 6S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via NOMBO 6L. N49 45.7 E009 05.5 LAMPU N49 20.4 E009 40.1 GEBNO N49 10.0 E009 55.9 7 8. 0 0 50 50 GEBNO N49 10.0 E009 55.9 RID 112.2 RID 50 N49 20.4 E009 40.1 D .7 14 4^ 13 00 LAMPU .7 14 34^ 1 00 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. MAX until established on 14 14 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 4 19. 00 50 8^ 355 KNG KNG KONIG NOT TO SCALE NO 23 MB O6 S .4 19 00 50 8^ RID 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 2500' 092^ D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 1 D4 5000 5 102^ 000 2 0 HAREM N49 37.1 E009 24.9 RIED NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID NOMBO 6L Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12.0 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 1 , turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track via GEBNO to NOMBO. 1 After HAREM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. 220 KT 118^ brg At or above ^ 10 118 ^ NOMBO 6L 200^ 176^ 2500' MAX until established on R ID ME 12.0 D SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above 800' RID 12.0 DME or whichever is later 200 ^ FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 178^ Turn at At DME 3200' 3500' FRANKFURT FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 DME 12. 0 124300' 5^ ^ 335 ^ 335 114.2 FFM FFM N50 01.8 E008 34.0 RID .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DME whichever is later FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR D D 10-3J 7 OCT 11 NOMBO SIX LIMA (NOMBO 6L) NOMBO SIX SIERRA (NOMBO 6S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D3.0 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 1 , turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ track via GEBNO to NOMBO. NOMBO 6S Climb on runway track to 800', or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130 to HAREM 1, turn RIGHT, 148^ track to LAMPU, turn LEFT, 134^ via GEBNO to NOMBO. 1 After HAREM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 120.15 10-3J1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ *LANGEN Radar 136.12 335 FFM FL90 220 KT FRD FRED (115.9) FRD 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT D30.0 FFM 5 4000 10 5000 D44 4 5000 N50 04.2 E009 47.0 297 FR FR FRANKFURT N50 16.6 E008 50.9 297 FR FR FFM FR N50 03.9 E008 41.0 MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 D10.8 FFM N49 52.8 E008 42.4 N50 03.9 E008 41.0 DME D METRO FRANKFURT OSBIT D25.0 FFM MTR 110.0 MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 068^4 At or above MAX ME E M 068^4 LOST COMM ONLY OSBIT 4D 099^ 087^ MSA FFM VOR N50 01.8 E008 34.0 D40.0 FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 F FM 3. 0 D FRD 6.0 D 3200' 3500' ^ ^ D DME 114.2 FFM 124300' 5^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D D .SID. .Eff.20.Oct. ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT 10-3J2 RATIM FOUR DELTA (RATIM 4D) RATIM FOUR ECHO (RATIM 4E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES 3200' MSA FFM VOR 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 OSBIT FOUR DELTA (OSBIT 4D) OSBIT THREE ECHO (OSBIT 3E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES EDDF/FRA 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 192^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 D 6 3.0 DME .0 D ME JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. FRD 13 0^ 105^ FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 355 KNG KNG KONIG D2 8 4 5000 102^ N49 45.7 E009 05.5 121 ^ D4 0 13 5 AKONI 000 N49 44.8 RATIM E009 11.3 N49 41.6 E009 31.0 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, 099^ track, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-087 to OSBIT. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D10.8 FFM turn LEFT, intercept 105^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing via AKONI to RATIM. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3J3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .SID. .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 136.12 RATIM FOUR FOXTROT (RATIM 4F) RATIM FOUR GOLF (RATIM 4G) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES 124300' 5^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3J4 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ RATIM THREE SIERRA (RATIM 3S) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 3200' 3500' 335 ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR 3200' 3500' ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR ^ ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR 7 OCT 11 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MSA FFM VOR DME D FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 D FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 D ME 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above 2500' 118 ^ 200 ^ 200^ DME 12.0 RID 178^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 whichever is later R ID ME 12.0 D 118 210 KT 118^ brg 13 0^ 355 KNG KNG KONIG RID MAX until established on At or above D2 8 121 ^ 1020^0 AKONI 13 5000 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 RIED 800' RID 12 DME 220 KT 118^ brg 112.2 RID 4 50 N49 44.8 E009 11.3 23 2500' D4 0 13 0^ RATIM N49 41.6 E009 31.0 102^ D RID RIED 355 KNG KNG KONIG 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12.0 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing via AKONI to RATIM. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 121 ^ 13 5000 D4 0 RATIM N49 41.6 E009 31.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Initial climb clearance 5000' D2 4 5000 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. NOT TO SCALE 23 MAX until established on D ^ At or whichever is later Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect alternate routing by ATC. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing via AKONI to RATIM. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. RWY 07: Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. Apt Elev RWYs 25L/C: Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ FRD 364' 136.12 3200' 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR DME FRD FRED (115.9) FRD FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 D ME MTR METRO 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' D FR 297 FR RID DM 12.0 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 whichever is later FRANKFURT 192^ 124300' 5^ N50 01.8 E008 34.0 FRANKFURT 2 FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' .SID. ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. ROTEN FIVE FOXTROT (ROTEN 5F) ROTEN FOUR GOLF (ROTEN 4G) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES D 114.2 FFM FFM 068^4 10-3J6 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. Apt Elev MSA FFM VOR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (115.9) FRD 7 OCT 11 ^ D *LANGEN Radar ^ 335 D DME JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 3500' NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT FRED EDDF/FRA 335 RIED SIX CHARLIE (RID 6C) RIED THREE QUEBEC (RID 3Q) RWYS 07C/R, 25L/C DEPARTURES Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ *LANGEN Radar 10-3J5 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 200 ^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. At or above E 2500' NOT TO SCALE 118 ^ N50 03.9 E008 41.0 whichever is later RID 6 C 1 MAX until established on 220 KT 176^ RID R-356 MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 MAX until established on 210 KT 23 118^ brg 13 0^ RID 3Q D9.0 FFM At or below 4000' 355 KNG KNG 7 KONIG D R356^ D15.0 FFM N49 48.3 E008 40.8 074^ 262^ 1 FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME 2 FFM 3.0 DME/ FRD 6.0 DME RID RIED D2 8 4 5000 102^ AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 50 46 00 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 112.2 RID ROTEN N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N49 14.6 E010 03.9 (117.8 DKB R-310/D9) R082^ NOT TO SCALE D RID RIED 112.2 RID SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N49 46.9 E008 32.5 RID 6C: Initial climb clearance 4000' RID 3Q: Initial climb clearance 5000' SID RID 6C RID 3Q RWY 07C/R 25L/C ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192, at D15.0 FFM turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-082 inbound to RID. Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-356 inbound to RID. CHANGES: RWY layout; RWYS 25L/C initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12.0 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to ROTEN. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. Apt Elev 364' 136.12 10-3J7 124300' 5^ 136.12 3200' ^ 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT 10-3J8 .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. 124300' 5^ SOBRA FOUR DELTA (SOBRA 4D) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURE FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL 800' 200 ^ 178^ Turn at or whichever is later 800' RID 12.0 DME MAX until established on 220 KT 118^ brg 176^ NOT TO SCALE 2500' 10 RID RIED 112.2 RID RO 23 TE N5 S FFM FR 220 KT RID R-092 D2 8 4 5000 ROTEN 3L MAX until established on MAX until established on 220 KT MTR R-192 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 FL110 355 KNG KNG 50 46 00 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 At At or above 102^ KONIG D9.0 FFM DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 10 400.01 SOBRA ROTEN N49 51.7 E007 46.5 N49 14.6 E010 03.9 ROTEN 5S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via ROTEN 3L. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D3.0 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to ROTEN. Climb on runway track to 800', or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing to AKONI, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-130/DKB R-310 inbound to ROTEN. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4000' ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 (117.8 DKB R-310/D9) ROTEN 5S (115.9) FRD NOT TO SCALE 13 0^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 SID ROTEN 3L FRD FRED 6 R356^ N49 49.9 E008 32.2 297 FR FR N50 03.9 E008 41.0 068^4 DME D N50 01.8 E008 34.0 092^ D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT D N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At or above D3.0 RID METRO FRANKFURT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D 6 3.0 DME .0 D ME At ROTEN 5S ^ MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 ROTEN 3L 118 MSA FFM VOR 110.0 MTR N50 03.2 E008 38.2 ME 1 2. 0 D RID 3200' 3500' ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 3500' ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA D FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 ROTEN THREE LIMA (ROTEN 3L) ROTEN FIVE SIERRA (ROTEN 5S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 192^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. At or above FL90 D5.8 RID 13.2 283^ D15.0 FFM N49 46.2 E008 23.6 5.8 This SID requires minimum climb gradients of 225' per NM (3.7%) until passing 4000', 261' per NM (4.3%) after D9 FFM until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 261' per NM 327 435 653 871 1089 1306 225' per NM 281 375 562 749 937 1124 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 48.3 074^ E008 40.8 R082^ 262^ 262^ D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, intercept MTR R-192 to D15.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-082 inbound to RID, RID R-262 to D5.8 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 283^ track via ROSIG and DONAB to SOBRA. 1 After D5.8 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 10-3K FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ SOBRA FOUR ECHO (SOBRA 4E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURE JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3L FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. Apt Elev 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar SOBRA 4F, 4G 136.12 SOBRA 5N, 3P 120.15 SOBRA FOUR FOXTROT (SOBRA 4F) SOBRA FOUR GOLF (SOBRA 4G) SOBRA FIVE NOVEMBER (SOBRA 5N) SOBRA THREE PAPA (SOBRA 3P) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES 3200' 3500' ^ 3200' 3500' ^ MSA FFM VOR 124300' 5^ 335 335 FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL MSA FFM VOR FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL At FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) 800' whichever is later SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. or D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DME FRD (115.9) FRD N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.8 E008 34.0 ME At FL110 N49 51.7 E007 46.5 MAX until established on 220 KT FFM R-199 4000' ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 10.1 4000 N49 51.7 E007 46.5 7 FL90 D17.3 FFM N49 47.0 E008 29.1 This SID requires minimum climb gradients of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2500', 401' per NM (6.6%) after D10.3 FFM until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 49.8 E008 03.8 DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 DME D FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 SOBRA 5N MAX 220 KT until established on 184^ track 8.4 283^ D20.6 FFM N49 48.4 E008 16.1 NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 5000' NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FRD 1.6 DME (FFM 1.5 DME inbound) or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D17.3 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 283^ track via ROSIG and DONAB to SOBRA. After D17.3 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. 1 CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. D26.0 FFM 4000 10.1 13.2 283^ 5^ 22 ^ 238 P A3 BR O S SOBRA At or above SOBRA SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 4G ,5 N D10.3 FFM DONAB FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 D ME FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 1 2500' At or above At whichever is later At or above N49 49.3 E008 01.7 SOBRA 5N FFM D 4 .0 1 99^ FRD 1.6 DME 114.2 FFM FFM SOBRA 4F, 4G 4F , 2 FFM 1.5 DME/ 068^ FRED 198^ 2 184^ 1 FRANKFURT SO BR A D D 22 2 3^ 2 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID SOBRA 4F, 4G ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 198^ track, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223, at D20.6 FFM 3 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via DONAB to SOBRA. Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is SOBRA 5N later, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223, at D20.6 FFM 3 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via DONAB to SOBRA. Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is SOBRA 3P later, turn LEFT, 225^ track (RWY 25L: 228^ track), intercept FFM R-238, at D26.0 FFM 4 turn RIGHT, 283^ track to SOBRA. BRNAV equipment necessary after: 3 D20.6 FFM/ 4 D26.0 FFM. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; communications; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .SID. 124300' 5^ 3500' 335 SULUS | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 4000' FL90 D40.0 FFM At or above N50 01.8 E008 34.0 DME FRED FRD (115.9) FRD Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D19.4 FFM 3 turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 297^ track via VETUX to SOBRA. BRNAV equipment necessary after: 1 D17.3 FFM/ 2 D20.6 FFM/ 3 D19.4 FFM. D 75 100 150 200 250 300 570 760 1139 1519 1899 2279 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 F R D FM F Gnd speed-KT 456' per NM 328' per NM 068^4 NOT TO SCALE ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D17.3 FFM 1 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via ROSIG and DONAB to SOBRA. Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223, at D20.6 FFM 2 turn RIGHT, 283^ track via DONAB to SOBRA. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. N50 04.5 E010 43.7 MAX 250 KT FL90 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID SOBRA 4L Will be assigned when landing direction is 07 SOBRA 3S Only to be used when landing direction is 25 SOBRA 4U 36.6 5000 D25.0 FFM At or above MAX These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SOBRA 4L 456' per NM (7.5%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SOBRA 4U. SOBRA 4U 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via ULKIG 5U. 220 KT FL90 MAX 250 KT D19.4 FFM N49 45.0 E008 28.0 264^ SOBRA 4U ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 At or above D30.0 FFM 283^ ^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N49 42.4 E008 13.4 297 297 FR FR 114.2 FFM FFM PIPIX RA 4 L FRANKFURT 9. 40 9 00 FL100 087^ N49 47.0 E008 29.1 FRANKFURT SOB 2.1 VETUX 4 4000 5000 5000 D44 D17.3 FFM 13.2 10 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 5 RIED OSBIT RID 112.2 RID SULUS 7D N49 48.4 E008 16.1 D R356^ D20.6 FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 03.9 E008 41.0 FL110 N49 47.1 E007 59.9 At SO 10 BR .6 A 3S MAX At or above 10.1 4000 9 40 .8 00 FRANKFURT 199^ 4000' 220 KT SOBRA 4L 7 176^ At or below N49 49.3 E008 01.7 114.2 FFM FFM N50 04.2 E009 47.0 D D6.4 RID N49 51.7 E007 46.5 NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN MSA FFM VOR MAX 220 KT N49 53.3 E008 32.0 SOBRA SULUS SEVEN DELTA (SULUS 7D) SULUS FIVE ECHO (SULUS 5E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES 099^ 087^ 800' D10.0 FFM DONAB ^ 178^ 22 3^ At 335 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ^ FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3200' 364' 120.15 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. LOST COMM ONLY SOBRA FOUR LIMA (SOBRA 4L) SOBRA THREE SIERRA (SOBRA 3S) SOBRA FOUR UNIFORM (SOBRA 4U) RWY 18 DEPARTURES Apt Elev 10-3L2 7 OCT 11 D 136.12 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN 3200' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', via FR to FRD 6.0 DME (FFM 3.0 DME outbound), turn RIGHT, 099^ track, turn LEFT, intercept FFM R-087 to OSBIT 1 , 087^ track to SULUS. 1 After OSBIT BRNAV equipment necessary. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 10-3L1 3500' 7 OCT 11 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 6. 0 3.0 DME DM E JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 MSA FFM VOR JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. 118 ^ 114.2 FFM FFM RIED 112.2 RID RID 23 2500' At or above N49 46.9 E008 32.5 D D KONIG 073^ 11 R253^ 5000 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. R356^ 4000' N49 44.8 E009 11.3 (FFM R-118/D46) GIBSA 19 5000 N49 40.1 E009 40.1 102^ 4 5000 073^ R253^ 11 5000 WURZBURG WUR NOT TO SCALE N49 43.1 E009 56.8 110.2 WUR NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN .Eff.20.Oct. ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR 3500' 3200' SULUS SIX LIMA (SULUS 6L) SULUS SIX SIERRA (SULUS 6S) RWY 18 DEPARTURES 124300' 5^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D3.0 RID, turn LEFT, intercept RID R-092 to KNG, turn RIGHT, 102^ bearing via AKONI to GIBSA, turn LEFT, intercept WUR R-253 inbound to WUR 1 , turn LEFT, WUR R-053 to SULUS. SULUS 6S Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing via AKONI to GIBSA, turn LEFT, intercept WUR R-253 inbound to WUR 1 , turn LEFT, WUR R-053 to SULUS. 1 After WUR BRNAV equipment necessary. Initial climb clearance 220 KT RID R-092 MAX until established on SULUS 6L AKONI Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. SID SULUS 6L N49 46.9 E008 32.5 112.2 RID RIED RID 10 (FFM R-130/D28) 10-3L4 092^ JEPPESEN D 176^ N49 45.7 E009 05.5 KONIG 355 KNG KNG 7 OCT 11 N49 49.9 E008 32.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN S U 23 LU S6 S SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. EDDF/FRA D3.0 RID 2500' At or above 364' ^ Apt Elev 118 220 KT 118^ brg SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 136.12 MAX until established on 800' RID 12 DME Radar Turn at or whichever is later *LANGEN R ID ME 12.0 D 800' SULUS 6S At SULUS 6S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3 %) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SULUS 6L. ^ SULUS 6L Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 .SID. FRANKFURT 3200' 335 MSA FFM VOR 3500' 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 114.2 FFM FFM N49 43.1 E009 56.8 .Eff.20.Oct. D WURZBURG WUR 110.2 WUR NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT towards RID, at RID 12.0 DME turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing to KNG, turn LEFT, 102^ bearing via AKONI to GIBSA, turn LEFT, intercept WUR R-253 inbound to WUR 1, turn LEFT, WUR R-053 to SULUS. 1 After WUR BRNAV equipment necessary. (FFM R-118/D46) N49 40.1 E009 40.1 GIBSA 19 5000 SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 SULUS SIX FOXTROT (SULUS 6F) SULUS SEVEN GOLF (SULUS 7G) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES Initial climb clearance 5000' 4 50 1020^0 (FFM R-130/D28) AKONI NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N49 44.8 E009 11.3 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 355 KNG KNG N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FRANKFURT These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 118^ brg 210 KT MAX until established on DME 12.0 RID N50 01.8 E008 34.0 364' whichever is later At FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' FRD DME FRED (115.9) FRD 20 0 ^ FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 D ME D Apt Elev 10-3L3 178^ JEPPESEN 200 ^ 05 3^ 136.12 3 50 7.2 00 *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView 05 3^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 37 50 .2 00 EDDF/FRA 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. JEPPESEN JeppView FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. .SID. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3L5 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 124300' 5^ TAUNUS FOUR QUEBEC (TAU 4Q) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURE 3500' JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3L6 TOBAK EIGHT DELTA (TOBAK 8D) TOBAK SEVEN ECHO (TOBAK 7E) RWYS 07C/R DEPARTURES 124300' 5^ 335 ^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3200' 3500' NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 MSA FFM VOR TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TAUNUS NOT TO SCALE 351^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MTR METRO 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 R202 ^ D .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MSA FFM VOR 116.7 TAU N50 15.0 E008 09.8 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 17.9 5000 TAU 3200' ^ D EDDF/FRA 120.15 335 NON RNAV (ENROUTE ONLY) EQUIPPED AIRCRAFT ONLY DELAY HAS TO BE EXPECTED FURTHER ROUTING TO DESTINATION SHALL BE BASED ON VOR AND HAS TO BE COORDINATED WITH ATC PRIOR TO START-UP NO RNAV OVERLAY EXISTING MAX FL90 SPECIAL PERMISSION NEEDED PRIOR TO FLIGHT Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 0 500 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT D 258^ 275^ At 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 TOBAK 8D 022^ 5.0 DME N50 03.2 E008 38.2 3500' At 297 FR FR FRANKFURT 068^4 FFM 5.0 DME or 800' MAX 220 KT N50 03.9 E008 41.0 whichever is later FRD 5.0 DME/ FFM 2.0 DME NOT TO SCALE DME D FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 275^ track (RWY 25L: 278^ track), intercept FFM R-258, at 3500' turn RIGHT to TAU, but not before reaching FFM R-258. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', to FR (FRD 5.0 DME/FFM 2.0 DME outbound), turn LEFT immediately, intercept MTR R-202 inbound to MTR 1 , turn LEFT, MTR R-351 to TOBAK. 1 After MTR BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. N50 26.7 E008 37.1 .4 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 12 TABUM 04 0^ D TAU 116.7 TAU N50 15.0 E008 09.8 At TAU FFM 5.0 DME/ FRD 2.0 DME or 800' NOT TO SCALE 116.7 TAU whichever is later J At or above N50 02.8 E008 16.6 N50 01.6 E008 17.3 336^ 339^ DME D ^ 234 ^ 232 9^ 22 270^ D DM E FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At or above 2500' CHA FFM ROXAP N49 54.9 E008 21.8 T 279^ 10.1 DME 115.5 OBAK D10.2 FFM 1M N49 56.7 E008 26.1 HAC NOT TO SCALE At FFM 5.0 DME/ FRD 2.0 DME or 800' These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of TOBAK 1K: 243' per NM (4%) until passing 4400' due to airspace structure. TOBAK 1M: 249' per NM (4.1%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. whichever is later Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 249' per NM 311 415 623 830 1038 1246 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 243' per NM If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 5000' SID TOBAK 4F, 4J ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, 275^ track (RWY 25L: 278^ track) to FFM 8.4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-141 inbound to D11.4 TAU 1 , turn RIGHT, 016^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 040^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 038^ track to TOBAK. TOBAK Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, 5G turn RIGHT, 275^ track (RWY 25L: 278^ track), intercept FFM R-258 to D9.7 FFM or 3500', whichever is later, turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-150 inbound to D9.6 TAU , turn RIGHT, 027^ track to TABUM, 040^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 038^ track to TOBAK. BRNAV equipment necessary after: 1 D11.4 TAU/ 2 D9.6 TAU. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. 8 .6 N49 55.6 E008 21.4 8.4 TOBAK 4F, 4J These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until FFM 8.4 DME (4.5 NM after DER) due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up TOBAK 4J: and expect routing via TOBAK 5G. 258^ 275^ F FM whichever is later 3 ^ 321 ^ 330 D9.7 FFM or 3500' 3500' K BA TO 5G D9.7 FFM 4400' K TOBKA 1 At or above At or above N50 01.4 E008 23.5 DME D14.3 TAU TOBAK 4F, 4J 4400' N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FFM 5.0 DME FRD 2.0 DME 1 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT LISKU N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At or above At D 4400' FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM FFM 195^ track 195^ AK 4 F, 4 TOB D11.4 TAU 016^ 027 ^ FRD 2.0 DME N50 06.0 E008 20.7 185 KT R1 5 9 ^ 1^ R14 0^ R1 5 D9.6 TAU N50 06.6 E008 17.0 3 FFM 5.0 DME/ D MAX until established on 0157.^4 D N50 26.7 E008 37.1 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 N50 15.0 E008 09.8 TESGA TAUNUS TABUM TAUNUS N50 34.3 E008 47.1 BY ATC SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. TESGA TOBAK TOBAK ONE MIKE (TOBAK 1M) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES MSA FFM VOR 03 NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 .SID. NOT TO BE FILED IN FLIGHT PLAN 3200' 3500' N50 34.3 E008 47.1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. TOBAK ONE KILO (TOBAK 1K) ^ ^ 335 MSA FFM VOR TOBAK 9. 9 3500' 120.15 5 3200' *LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 10-3L8 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 335 TOBAK FOUR FOXTROT (TOBAK 4F) TOBAK FIVE GOLF (TOBAK 5G) TOBAK FOUR JULIETT (TOBAK 4J) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURES FRANKFURT/MAIN 8^000 180^ 120.15 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 9 5 .9 .SID. 8^ 0 0 0 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 03 10-3L7 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 7 OCT 11 .4 JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 12 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 04 0^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 2 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID ROUTING TOBAK 1K Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 195^ track, when passing FFM R-232 turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-229 to D10.2 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept CHA R-270, when passing FFM R-234 turn RIGHT, intercept TAU R-159 inbound to D14.3 TAU 1 , turn RIGHT, 017^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 040^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 038^ track to TOBAK. TOBAK 1M Climb on runway track to FFM 5.0 DME/FRD 2.0 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 195^ track to FFM 10.1 DME 2 , turn RIGHT, 279^ track to ROXAP, turn RIGHT, 336^ track to LISKU, turn RIGHT, 017^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 040^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 038^ track to TOBAK. BRNAV equipment necessary after 1 D14.3 TAU/ 2 FFM 10.1 DME. CHANGES: SIDs established; SIDs SULUS 7D & 5E transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA Radar 120.15 7 OCT 11 10-3M .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. TOBAK SEVEN NOVEMBER (TOBAK 7N) RWYS 25L/C DEPARTURE 124300' 5^ TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 3200' 3500' 9 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 7 OCT 11 10-3N FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MSA FFM VOR 124300' 5^ TOBAK TWO ROMEO (TOBAK 2R) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 3200' 3500' BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 ^ 03 5000.9 8^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 ^ 335 NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ *LANGEN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MSA FFM VOR TESGA SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 26.7 E008 37.1 TOBAK 12 .4 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 04 0^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 17.9 5000 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 351^ NOT TO SCALE MTR METRO 110.0 MTR D 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D NOT TO SCALE FFM 4.5 DME FRD 1.5 D ME FFM 4.5 DME/ FRD 1.5 DME or 800' 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 20.8 At R192^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 FRANKFURT FRD FRED (115.9) FRD N50 01.8 E008 34.0 At 800' or RID 12.0 DME whichever is later MAX until established on 220 KT D16.0 RID 118^ brg N49 55.3 E008 11.5 118 RID 1 2.0 DME ^ 012^ DME D 200^ 220 KT 184^ track 178^ 023^ MAX until established on 184^ 22 3^ whichever is later 088^ TUKRU N49 56.4 E008 43.3 N49 56.2 E008 34.0 301 ^ N49 53.1 E008 23.2 2500' D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to FFM 4.5 DME/FRD 1.5 DME or 800', whichever is later, turn LEFT, 184^ track, intercept FFM R-223 to D14.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-301 to D16.0 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 040^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 038^ track to TOBAK. 1 After D16.0 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; SID renumbered; initial contact; chart reindexed. KN 355 G At or above D14.0 FFM | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. D GNK RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800' or RID 12.0 DME, whichever is later, turn LEFT, intercept 118^ bearing towards KNG, when passing FFM R-200 turn 1 LEFT, 088^ track to TUKRU, turn LEFT, intercept MTR R-192 inbound to MTR, turn LEFT, MTR R-351 to TOBAK. 1 After FFM R-200 BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. TOBAK FIVE SIERRA (TOBAK 5S) RWY 18 DEPARTURE 124300' 5^ BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 3200' ^ 335 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 MABOB 03 TESGA 12 .4 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 399 WBD WBD WIESBADEN NOT TO SCALE 9.7 4000 178^ GISNO MAX PIPIX 250 KT N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 124300' 5^ D14.0 FFM N49 53.1 E008 23.2 180^ 220 KT 3200' 3500' 335 RID RIED 112.2 RID ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-223 to D14.0 FFM, turn RIGHT, intercept RID R-301 to D16.0 RID 1 , turn RIGHT, 023^ track to TABUM, turn RIGHT, 040^ track to TESGA, turn LEFT, 038^ track to TOBAK. 1 After D16.0 RID BRNAV equipment necessary. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 4000 .7 D19.4 FFM N49 45.0 E008 28.0 D 283^ 8.8 RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 264^ MAX 250 KT MSA FFM VOR N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' 250 KT ^ D CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. 199^ MAX 220 KT ^ 318 4 MAX 301 ^ N49 52.2 E007 43.2 N49 45.9 E007 51.4 D10.0 FFM N49 55.3 E008 11.5 D6.4 RID N49 53.3 E008 32.0 ULKIG 2 8. 0 0 40 023^ N49 55.4 000 E007 22.2 800' R356^ 178^ 22 3^ N50 03.2 E008 38.2 ^ 073 14.0 282^ OBOXO 4 FRANKFURT 7 FRANKFURT At 176^ 800' 114.2 FFM FFM 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 088^ 4 28. 0 400 D D N50 02.9 E008 19.7 NOT TO SCALE RUDUS D16.0 RID TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 N50 17.7 E008 32.6 N50 02.9 E008 04.7 At .SID. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 04 0^ TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 .Eff.20.Oct. BY ATC NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 MSA FFM VOR 9 8^ 5 0 .9 00 10-3N2 TOBAK FOUR TANGO (TOBAK 4T) RWY 18 DEPARTURE TOBAK SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 9. .SID. 9.8 364' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 16 5 0 .9 00 120.15 Apt Elev 10-3N1 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 03 5000 9 8^ JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 028 ^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 9.5 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 016^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199 to D19.4 FFM 1 , turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 318^ track to ULKIG, turn LEFT, 282^ track to OBOXO, turn RIGHT, 073^ track to RUDUS, turn RIGHT, intercept 088^ bearing to WBD, turn LEFT, 028^ bearing to MABOB, turn LEFT, 016^ track to TESGA, turn RIGHT, 038^ track to TOBAK. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .Eff.20.Oct. .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ ULKIG FIVE UNIFORM (ULKIG 5U) RWY 18 DEPARTURE FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 136.12 3200' 0 N50 02.6 E008 36.1 DF154 N49 58.7 E008 35.7 DF157 3.4 193^ 3.0 7.0 4000 250 KT RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 MAX 250 KT ANEKI N49 19.0 E008 28.8 (RID D28) Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING Climb on runway track to 800', intercept RID R-356 inbound to D6.4 RID, turn RIGHT, intercept FFM R-199, at D19.4 FFM 1 turn RIGHT, 264^ track to PIPIX, turn RIGHT, 283^ track to GISNO, turn RIGHT, 318^ track to ULKIG. 1 After D19.4 FFM BRNAV equipment necessary. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOT TO SCALE D26.0 FFM D10.0 RID yA TC D 5000 By ATC N49 45.0 E008 28.0 18.0 4000 6000 By ATC 19.0 60004000 B 8^ 31 D19.4 FFM N49 47.5 E008 40.3 D19.0 FFM D3.0 RID 264^ D 1 RIED 183^ 199^ R356^ R356^ 2 8. 0 0 40 MAX RID 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 PIPIX 283^ 220 KT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 5.5 176^ D N49 42.4 E008 13.4 GISNO MAX 7 MAX 220 KT N49 45.9 E007 51.4 N50 00.6 E008 45.1 ANE 3.5 KI 9 DF16~ 176^ D6.4 RID N49 53.3 E008 32.0 14 4000 .7 DF15~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 800' NOT TO SCALE 250 KT (Rw ANE 6.7 KI 2 E 178^ At MAX N50 04.2 E008 42.5 At or above 2500' MAX 220 KT N49 52.2 E007 43.2 y MSA FFM VOR DF152 7C) y0 1 99^ 0.607R) (Rw 3200' 3500' N50 16.6 E008 50.9 0740.4^ 067y ^07R) 069^ DF145 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rw 7C ) y0 ( Rw . 5 (Rwy 07R) ULKIG METRO 110.0 MTR (Rwy 07C) 114.2 FFM FFM MTR FRANKFURT 124300' 5^ ^ ^ 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 02.9 E008 35.9 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 335 335 D MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. ANEKI NINE DELTA (ANEKI 9D)[ANEK9D] ANEKI TWO ECHO (ANEKI 2E) [ANEK2E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3B) DF144 D 10-3N4 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA TC 136.12 10-3N3 180^ Radar 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 7.0 50040000 By A FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 192^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. ANEKI 2E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 328' per NM 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 4000' SID ANEKI 9D ANEKI 2E ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF157 - ANEKI. (800'+) - DF144 (07C)/DF145 (07R) - DF154 (2500'+; K220-) - DF160 RID - ANEKI. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 Radar 364' 136.12 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. RWYs 25L/C: Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. RWY 18: Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. RWY 18: EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. RWY 18: Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 0.7 DF141 1.6 120.15 BIBTI FOUR DELTA (BIBTI 4D) [BIBT4D] BIBTI THREE ECHO (BIBTI 3E)[BIBT3E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3D) 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. BIBTI N50 58.0 E007 06.5 OBOKA N49 58.0 E008 31.7 N50 44.7 E007 20.3 ANEKI 8F, 8G 210 KT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. .4 13 00 50 ^ 326 11.1 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 335^ 112.2 RID RAVKI 3 10 50 .4 00 293 3 18. 0 500 GUBAX At or above 7 4000 FRANKFURT 18 4000 6000 By ATC D28 SID ANEKI 8F, 8G RWY 25L/C ANEKI 6L 18 ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) DF143 - DF137 (K210-) - RID - ANEKI. (800'+) - RID - ANEKI. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2. 1 BIBTI 3E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 068^ 356^ ANEKI 8F, 8G: Initial climb clearance 5000' ANEKI 6L: Initial climb clearance 4000' 2.6 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 2.9 ANEKI 6L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 292' per NM (4.8%) until passing 5000' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 292' per NM 365 486 729 972 1215 1458 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 9.4 (Rwy 07C) 114.2 FFM FFM (Rwy 07R) 5000 By ATC 2000' NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE N50 16.6 E008 50.9 287^ 13.6 N50 06.0 E008 38.0 D N50 19.6 E008 37.1 10.3 5000 DF146 N50 17.4 E007 54.7 D10.0 RID N49 19.0 E008 28.8 ^ 251 ^ D3.0 RID ANEKI METRO 110.0 MTR ODAGA BIBTI 3E 183^ N50 21.7 E007 39.9 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 MTR KUSOM N50 22.9 E008 22.0 D16 RID RIED DITAM 9 12. 0 500 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. R356^ D 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR DF137 MAX 124300' 5^ 3500' .9 1 5 00 50 176^ 1.9 DF142 N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 N49 59.0 E008 28.91 2.0 A 18 8F NEK^I ,8 G *LANGEN Radar N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0.y525L) (Rw ANEKI 6L 0.6 198^ D 248^ N50 01.5 E008 31.3 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ^ DF135 ) FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 335 5C (Rwy 25L) y2 ( Rw (Rwy 25L) 10-3N6 ^ DF134 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 3200' 7 OCT 11 MSA FFM VOR (Rwy 25C) N50 01.7 E008 31.1 (Rwy 25C) 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 ANEKI EIGHT FOXTROT (ANEKI 8F) [ANEK8F] ANEKI EIGHT GOLF (ANEKI 8G) [ANEK8G] ANEKI SIX LIMA (ANEKI 6L) [ANEK6L] RWYS 25L/C, 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3C) JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA y (Rw BIB 4D TI R202^ Apt Elev FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 180^ *LANGEN 10-3N5 7 OCT 11 13. 3 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 ) 07C 069^ 022^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 3 3.1 0(R6w6y^07R) DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 MAX 220 KT (Rwy 07C) DF139 N50 03.4 E008 38.2 (Rwy 07R) DF14~ N50 03.1 E008 38.2 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID BIBTI 4D BIBTI 3E ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 (K220-) - MTR - ODAGA - KUSOM - GUBAX - RAVKI DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. (800'+) - DF139 (07C)/DF140 (07R) - DF146 (2000'+) - ODAGA - KUSOM GUBAX - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-3N7 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 124300' 5^ 120.15 3200' 3500' ^ MSA FFM VOR - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. BIBTI N50 58.0 E007 06.5 OBOKA N50 44.7 E007 20.3 3 .4 50 DITAM (Rwy 25C) N50 33.5 E007 31.8 9 12. 0 500 32 1 DF171 N50 00.4 E008 29.5 MAX 2 (Rwy 25L) DF17~ N50 00.9 E008 29.8 185 KT MAX 185 KT RAVKI N50 21.7 E007 39.9 RAVKI 33 7.0 0 500 5^ D MASIR FFM FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM MASIR N50 15.3 E007 44.3 N50 00.7 E008 17.0 At or above DF234 (Rwy 25C) DF235 2.4 N50 01.4 E008 31.0 293^ 2.7 278^ 258^ (Rwy 25C) 5C) y2 1.1 2748^ (Rw ^ KUPIP DF235 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 N50 01.4 E008 31.0 3 5 05 .1 NOT TO SCALE ^ SIVDO These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3600', due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. NOT TO SCALE BIBTI 1M This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 249' per NM (4.1%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 249' per NM 311 415 623 830 1038 1246 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 273^ 23 BIBTI PABVI N49 53.1 1M E008 22.4 ) 1. 1 2.7 DF174 .7 N49 56.1 E008 25.2 2 BIBTI 1K 10.0 3.5 4.2 8^ N49 53.4 E008 15.9 204.87^ 5L) 2 Rwy ( 9^ 2 2 DF173 HAC N49 57.9 E008 28.3 270^ CHA 115.5 DF172 N49 54.9 E008 27.0 At or above 2500' SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Initial climb clearance 5000' SID BIBTI 1K Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF133 - DF136 (3600'+) - ESUPI - MASIR - RAVKI DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. 5C y2 ( Rw 195^ 2 0.y 25L) (Rwy 25L) SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 1 318 DF234 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 (Rw .9 24 00 40 DF133 N50 01.8 E008 26.8 6.4 FRANKFURT (Rwy 25L) (Rwy 25L) 6.9 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 275^ 3600' D (Rwy 25C) N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF136 N50 15.3 E007 44.3 18 .9 40 30 ESUPI 00 7 N50 03.5 ^ E008 07.3 33 N50 21.7 E007 39.9 7.0 0 500 5^ 9 12. 0 500 00 6^ N50 33.5 E007 31.8 3200' 3500' BY ATC .4 13 0 0 50 26^ 13 DITAM NOT TO BE FILED IN FLIGHT PLAN BIBTI ONE MIKE (BIBTI 1M)[BIBT1M] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E1) .9 1 5 00 50 N50 44.7 E007 20.3 124300' 5^ ^ 335 .9 15 00 50 OBOKA .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). BIBTI ONE KILO (BIBTI 1K)[BIBT1K] - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. N50 58.0 E007 06.5 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar MSA FFM VOR BIBTI 10-3N8 7 OCT 11 335 BIBTI THREE FOXTROT (BIBTI 3F)[BIBT3F] BIBTI THREE GOLF (BIBTI 3G) [BIBT3G] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E) FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 2.7 0.6 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 3.1 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BIBTI 1M ROUTING (800+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF170 (25C; K185-)/DF171 (25L; K185-) DF173 - DF174 - KUPIP - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. (800+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF170 (25C; K185-)/DF171 (25L; K185-) DF172 (2500'+) - PABVI - SIVDO - KUPIP - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA BIBTI. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs established; ULKIG SID transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3P FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ BIBTI FOUR NOVEMBER (BIBTI 4N) [BIBT4N] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3E2) JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 120.15 124300' 5^ BIBTI TWO LIMA (BIBTI 2L)[BIBT2L] BIBTI THREE SIERRA (BIBTI 3S)[BIBT3S] 3200' 3500' 335 335 ^ ^ RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E3) MSA FFM VOR WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS 25 13 N50 33.5 E007 31.8 N50 21.7 E007 39.9 (Rwy 25C) 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF134 33 MASIR N50 15.3 E007 44.3 FRANKFURT N50 33.5 E007 31.8 RAVKI N50 21.7 E007 39.9 7.0 0 500 5^ 33 7.0 0 500 5^ D DITAM 3 RAVKI N50 44.7 E007 20.3 9 12. 0 500 .4 13 0 0 50 26^ 3 9 12. 0 500 .4 00 50 26^ DITAM OBOKA D MASIR N50 15.3 E007 44.3 (Rwy 25L) (Rwy 25C) DF135 DF162 ) N50 01.5 25C E008 31.3 (Rwy0.7 N50 00.6 E008 29.8 220 KT .9 24 00 40 248^ (Rwy 25L) 0.5025L) MAX 220 KT DF164 7. 7 D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 BIBTI 2L This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 280' per NM (4.6%) until passing 2000' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 280' per NM 349 466 699 932 1165 1398 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 51.7 E008 21.0 301 ^ 9 .4 DF16~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 ^ 238 R356^ 301 ^ ^ 319 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 8.8 7.5 from DER NOT TO SCALE N49 58.8 E008 31.6 176^ 8.8 KUPIP N49 56.4 E008 09.6 DF197 BIBTI 2L .9 ^ N49 57.3 E008 29.3 NOT TO SCALE DF164 ^ 318 35 DF166 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 DF156 N49 56.0 E008 27.5 y (Rw 2. 220 KT 318 KUPIP N49 56.4 E008 09.6 184^ N50 00.1 E008 29.7 22 9 0.4 3^ DF165 MAX .9 24 000 4 MAX FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 01.7 E008 31.1 114.2 FFM FFM 179^ 1.1 N50 44.7 E007 20.3 N50 58.0 E007 06.5 3. 8 OBOKA - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. BIBTI .9 1 5 00 50 .9 15 00 50 - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. 22 3^ N50 58.0 E007 06.5 3200' 3500' BY ATC MSA FFM VOR BIBTI 10-3Q BI 6.0 3SBTI 120.15 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. At or above 2000' MAX 220 KT XAMUB N49 47.7 E008 19.7 D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' SID BIBTI 2L Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25C; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 DF164 - KUPIP - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. CHANGES: RWY layout; RNAV SID renumb & revised; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BIBTI 3S ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (2000'+; K220-) - XAMUB - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. (800'+) - DF197 - DF156 (K220-) - DF164 - KUPIP - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM OBOKA - BIBTI. CHANGES: RWY layout; RNAV SID BIBTI 3S revised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN 120.15 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. N50 58.0 E007 06.5 124300' 5^ *LANGEN Radar 136.12 335 7. 0 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 0 287^ GUBAX - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio communication failure flights with destination EDDK shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. D 20.8 088^ 012^ 4.6 N49 56.3 E008 36.2 DF16~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 At or below N49 52.2 E007 43.2 N49 56.4 E008 43.3 MAX DF2~~ N49 43.2 E008 26.9 MAX ^ 318 N49 45.9 E007 51.4 14.7 4000 250 KT PIPIX N49 42.4 E008 13.4 NOT TO SCALE MAX 283^ 250 KT 8.8 264^ 250 KT D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - DF168 - TUKRU - MTR - ODAGA - KUSOM GUBAX - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. MAX 220 KT TUKRU GISNO This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 4000' ULKIG R356^ DF168 ^ 073 14. 0 4000 282^ 2 8. 0 0 40 2500' N50 02.9 E008 04.7 OBOXO N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above RUDUS 7.5 DF159 ^ 4 28. 0 400 N49 55.4 E007 22.2 1.3 FRANKFURT 176^ 1.9 220 KT 312 NOT TO SCALE 1182.1 ^ 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 178^ DF158 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT D 1 40 8.1 00 R192^ N50 17.4 E007 54.7 MAX N50 33.5 E007 31.8 335^ 9.3 - Flights via BIBTI and UZ-29 to UK or beyond have to cross BIBTI at or above FL250, except for flights terminating within London TMA. If unable to comply, request routing via UZ-28 RAVKI and cross BIBTI at or above FL210. N50 21.7 E007 39.9 - Also for flights destination EDDK or continuing VFR after OBOKA/BIBTI. In case of radio comMASIR munication failure flights with destination EDDK N50 15.3 E007 44.3 shall proceed BIBTI-COL or BIBTI-WYP depending on runway in use. DITAM 500 ^ N50 19.6 E008 37.1 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 44.7 E007 20.3 3 9 12. 0 500335^ 293 3 18. 0 500 10.3 5000 MSA FFM VOR OBOKA 9 1 2. 0 500 .4 13 0 0 50 26^ ^ 326 N50 21.7 E007 39.9 10 50 .4 00 110.0 MTR ODAGA 3200' 3500' ^ .4 13 00 RAVKI ^ 251 MTR METRO KUSOM 124300' 5^ N50 58.0 E007 06.5 DITAM N50 33.5 E007 31.8 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). BIBTI .9 1 5 00 50 50 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. BY ATC ^ .9 1 5 00 50 MSA FFM VOR 10-3Q2 BIBTI TWO TANGO (BIBTI 2T) [BIBT2T] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3E5) 3200' OBOKA N50 22.9 E008 22.0 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3500' BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT N50 44.7 E007 20.3 FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 BIBTI TWO ROMEO (BIBTI 2R) [BIBT2R] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3E4) BIBTI JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ *LANGEN Radar 10-3Q1 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 1 99^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 9.8 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG OBOXO - RUDUS - MASIR - RAVKI - DITAM - OBOKA - BIBTI. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 10-3Q3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 3200' 3500' 335 MTR N50 01.5 E008 31.3 FRANKFURT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DF142 0.6 (Rwy 25L) 2. N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 11 0 8 ^ N49 59.0 E008 28.9 DF15~ y (Rw ) 25C 0.7 248^ 198^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 (R DF135 1.6 N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4.9 5.0 192^ 070^ 06w7y ^07R) DF141 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 110.0 MTR DF152 7C) y0 (Rw (Rwy 25C) MSA FFM VOR 114.2 FFM FFM (Rwy 25L) METRO 0.5025L) y (Rw DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above 2 .0 2500' N50 00.6 E008 45.1 MAX 220 KT DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 23. 1 0. 4 MAX NOT TO SCALE 0 210 KT 13 0^ D2 8 3.8 5000 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 5 50 4.8 00 1 0 2^ DF153 N49 50.5 E008 41.4 3200' 3500' N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rwy 25C) FRANKFURT 124300' 5^ ^ D DF134 114.2 FFM FFM .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. N50 01.7 E008 31.1 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D 10-3Q4 7 OCT 11 DINKELSBUHL FIVE FOXTROT (DKB 5F) DINKELSBUHL SIX GOLF (DKB 6G) RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E7) ^ ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 DINKELSBUHL EIGHT DELTA (DKB 8D) DINKELSBUHL SIX ECHO (DKB 6E) RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E6) Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 105^ 13 0^ 16.3 355 KNG KNG KONIG D2 8 3.8 5000 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 NOT TO SCALE R3 10 ^ N49 45.7 E009 05.5 102^ 5 50 4.8 00 KNG KONIG 355 KNG N49 45.7 E009 05.5 D 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL R3 10 ^ N49 08.6 E010 14.3 D 117.8 DKB DKB DINKELSBUHL N49 08.6 E010 14.3 Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) - DF143 - DF137 (K210-) DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - DKB. ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF153 - KNG - AKONI - DKB. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3Q5 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 124300' 5^ 3500' 120.15 ^ MSA FFM VOR 16.8 5000 ^ 343 TESGA N50 34.3 E008 47.1 NOT TO SCALE N50 26.7 E008 37.1 220 KT 7.1 359^ At or above ODAGA 2500' N50 19.6 E008 37.1 NOT TO SCALE N49 44.8 E009 11.3 102^ 2. 1 DKB 6S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via DKB 4L. 068^ D 117.8 DKB DKB N49 08.6 E010 14.3 (Rw 7C y0 069^ ) 3 3.1 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 MAX 220 KT ( (Rwy 07C) N50 03.4 E008 38.2 D SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 0R6w6y^07R) DF139 DINKELSBUHL (Rwy 07R) DF14~ N50 03.1 E008 38.2 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 MARUN 4E This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - DKB. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - DKB. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. 2.6 220 KT 356^ N49 46.9 E008 32.5 2.9 R3 10 ^ N49 45.7 E009 05.5 (Rwy 07C) RIED 2000' (Rwy 07R) 355 KNG KNG RID At or above 5 50 4.8 00 KONIG R202 ^ DF146 N50 06.0 E008 38.0 AKONI MA 13.3 RUN 8D D2 8 3.8 5000 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 13.6 13 0^ 21.4 112.2 RID MARUN 4E R356^ 092^ METRO 110.0 MTR 2 DK 3.0 B6 S MTR D16 DKB 4L 13 from THR 351^ 176^ DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 TOBAK 17.9 5000 1.9 DKB 6S SID DKB 4L DKB 6S N50 43.5 E008 43.0 9 .6 0 0 50 178^ N49 58.0 E008 31.6 MAX APROX N50 43.3 E008 39.5 DF158 D 6.000 50 ALIDI SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. ^ 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR MARUN N50 03.2 E008 38.2 118 124300' 5^ N50 49.3 E008 40.3 FRANKFURT 2.1 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MARUN EIGHT DELTA (MARUN 8D) [MARU8D] MARUN FOUR ECHO (MARUN 4E) [MARU4E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G) 114.2 FFM FFM MAX FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. ^ 335 ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDMM FIR D 3200' *LANGEN Radar 10-3Q6 7 OCT 11 335 DINKELSBUHL FOUR LIMA (DKB 4L) DINKELSBUHL SIX SIERRA (DKB 6S) RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3E8) FRANKFURT/MAIN 022^ 136.12 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 004^ *LANGEN Radar 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 6.0 5000 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID MARUN 8D MARUN 4E ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 (K220-) - MTR - TOBAK - APROX - MARUN. (800'+) - DF139 (07C)/DF140 (07R) - DF146 (2000'+) - ODAGA - TESGA ALIDI - MARUN. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 10-3Q7 7 OCT 11 .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 124300' 5^ 3200' MARUN ^ MSA FFM VOR MSA FFM VOR LORPA N50 49.3 E008 40.3 15.9 5000 016^ 15.9 5000 N50 43.5 E008 37.5 D TAU N50 28.4 E008 30.3 TAUNUS TABUM 018^ .6 TAUNUS 11 N50 15.0 E008 09.8 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 15.4 J 11 .1 MAR 11.0 UN 3 F, 3 4400' LISKU DF233 N50 02.8 E008 16.6 2.2 (Rwy 25C) 275^ 1.0 N50 01.8 E008 26.8 whichever is later y 1.1 2.4 ^ 272.78^ 258(Rw y 25L) DF133 (Rw ) 25C 248^ D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N49 56.2 E008 20.3 0.725L) (Rw DF175 ROXAP y N49 54.9 E008 21.8 (Rwy 25C) DF234 5C y2 (Rw 195^ 0 y (Rw 9^ 222.7 DF174 N49 56.1 E008 25.2 DF18~ N49 54.3 E008 26.7 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 At or above N50 01.4 E008 31.0 Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. MARUN 3J: and expect routing via MARUN 4G. 2500' These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of MARUN 1K: 243' per NM (4%) until passing 4400' due to airspace structure. MARUN 1M: 249' per NM (4.1%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. NOT TO SCALE Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 249' per NM 311 415 623 830 1038 1246 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 243' per NM If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF233 (3500'+) - DF132 (4400'+) - TABUM LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. (800'+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF133 - DF236 - (3500'+) - DF237 - DF238 (4400'+) - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. HAC CHA 115.5 270^ 3.1 9^ MAR2U7N 1M ) 25L N49 57.9 E008 28.3 DF235 SID MARUN 3F, 3J MARUN 4G FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF173 (Rwy 25L) MARUN 3F, 3J These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until DF233 due to airspace structure. 114.2 FFM FFM 24.87^ 2 3.1 D ) 1.1 1 336^ 339^ 3500' N50 01.4 E008 31.0 2.7 8 .6 DF236 3500' 7.0 At or at or above DF235 UN MARK 1 N50 01.4 E008 23.4 185 KT (Rwy 25L) At or above 6.3 21^ 3 ^ 330 M 4G DF236 MAX (Rwy 25C) 017^ 027 ^ At or above 6.1 RUN A N50 02.3 E008 20.4 185 KT 2 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 N50 07.0 E008 19.4 N50 02.0 E008 25.3 DF237 DF171 N50 00.4 E008 29.5 DF234 At or above 4400' (Rwy 25L) N50 00.9 E008 29.8 MAX DF132 016^ N50 07.7 E008 15.9 1 DF17~ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. R1 5 9 ^ 1^ R14 0^ R15 DF238 (Rwy 25C) N50 17.5 E008 24.3 0.6 TAU SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 11. NOT TO SCALE 116.7 TAU BY ATC 116.7 TAU N50 15.0 E008 09.8 N50 28.4 E008 30.3 D LIKSI 018^6 LIKSI MARUN ONE MIKE (MARUN 1M) [MARU1M] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G2) N50 43.5 E008 37.5 6.0 5000 LORPA NOT TO BE FILED IN FLIGHT PLAN N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ^ 335 MARUN .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). MARUN ONE KILO (MARUN 1K) [MARU1K] 3200' 3500' 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 124300' 5^ 10-3Q8 7 OCT 11 335 MARUN THREE FOXTROT (MARUN 3F) [MARU3F] MARUN FOUR GOLF (MARUN 4G) [MARU4G] MARUN THREE JULIETT (MARUN 3J) [MARU3J] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G1) FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 016^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 3.7 2.7 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 6.0 5000 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID MARUN 1K MARUN 1M ROUTING (800+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF170 (25C; K185-)/DF171 (25L; K185-) DF173 - DF174 - DF175 - LISKU - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. (800+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF170 (25C; K185-)/DF171 (25L; K185-) DF180 (2500'+) - ROXAP - LISKU - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs established; RNAV SIDs DKB 5F & 6G transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar Apt Elev 364' 124300' 5^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 3200' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 3500' ^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 10-3T 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. MARUN TWO ROMEO (MARUN 2R)[MARU2R] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3G4) BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT N50 43.5 E008 37.5 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' ^ 6.0 5000 335 LORPA Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 335 MARUN FIVE NOVEMBER (MARUN 5N) [MARU5N] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3G3) MARUN MSA FFM VOR FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 180^ 120.15 10-3S 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MSA FFM VOR MARUN N50 28.4 E008 30.3 ^ 342 11 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 APROX N50 43.5 E008 43.0 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. MTR METRO 114.2 FFM FFM 110.0 MTR FRANKFURT N50 16.6 E008 50.9 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rwy 25C) DF134 (Rwy 25L) DF135 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 (Rwy 25C) 184^ 22 0.4 3^ DF162 0.7 0.5 5L) 2.9 220 KT 2 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 NOT TO SCALE (Rwy 25L) DF165 N50 00.1 E008 29.7 MAX 220 KT DF166 DF158 N49 57.3 E008 29.3 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 7. 7 8.8 1.9 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 MAX NOT TO SCALE 220 KT 1182.1 ^ 1 DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above DF164 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 301 2500' ^ D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25C; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 DF164 - KUPIP - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. CHANGES: RWY layout; RNAV SID renumb & revised; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .3 4.6 088^ 012^ KUPIP 178^ 023 ^ (R y (Rw N50 00.6 E008 29.8 MAX D 2w4y 825^C) 20.8 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 351^ 23. 1 TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 17.9 5000 D 9.6 000 5 018^ .6 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. R192^ LIKSI 6 .0 0 500 0165^000 15.9 N50 49.3 E008 40.3 DF168 N49 56.3 E008 36.2 TUKRU N49 56.4 E008 43.3 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - DF168 - TUKRU - MTR - TOBAK - APROX - MARUN. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 180^ 120.15 3200' MARUN 3500' N50 49.3 E008 40.3 335 LORPA 6.0 5000 ^ MSA FFM VOR BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 10-3T2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ 7 OCT 11 MARUN TWO TANGO (MARUN 2T) [MARU2T] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3G6) 3200' 3500' MSA FFM VOR MARUN N50 49.3 E008 40.3 ALIDI N50 43.3 E008 39.5 BY ATC 15.9 N50 43.5 E008 37.5 FRANKFURT/MAIN ^ 335 MARUN THREE SIERRA (MARUN 3S) [MARU3S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3G5) JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 6.0 5000 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 124300' 5^ 10-3T1 7 OCT 11 0165^000 TESGA N50 28.4 E008 30.3 11.6 018^ TABUM SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 9.5 LIKSI N50 26.7 E008 37.1 016^ FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 004^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 16.8 5000 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MABOB N50 17.7 E008 32.6 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 D 16 50 .9 00 399 WBD WBD WIESBADEN 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 02.9 E008 19.7 23. 1 114.2 FFM FFM ^ RUDUS N50 02.9 E008 04.7 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0 28 D NOT TO SCALE FRANKFURT 9.7 4000 088^ 176^ OBOXO 282^ N49 55.4 4000 E007 22.2 N49 58.8 E008 31.6 NOT TO SCALE GISNO N49 45.9 E007 51.4 6. 0 MAX 301 MAX DF2~~ N49 43.2 E008 26.9 MAX ^ 318 MAX 220 KT DF164 4000' 220 KT N49 52.2 E007 43.2 14.7 4000 250 KT ^ PIPIX D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 42.4 E008 13.4 MAX 283^ 250 KT 8.8 264^ 250 KT D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF197 - DF156 (K220-) - DF164 - KUPIP - TABUM - LIKSI - LORPA - MARUN. CHANGES: RWY layout; RNAV SID revised; chart reindexed. R356^ N49 56.0 E008 27.5 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 At or below ULKIG 8.2 0 0 40 DF156 8.8 199^ 22 3^ DF16~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 14.0 9.8 KUPIP 3. 8 023^ 1.9 178^ ^ 073 DF197 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 7.5 4 28. 0 400 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG OBOXO - RUDUS - WBD - MABOB - TESGA - ALIDI - MARUN. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ 136.12 3500' MSA FFM VOR 114.2 FFM FFM DF134 MTR 070^ 06w7y ^07R) N50 01.5 E008 31.3 FRANKFURT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DF142 2. N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 11 0 8 ^ N49 59.0 E008 28.9 DF15~ y (Rw 25C ) 0.7 248^ 0.6 (Rwy 25L) (R DF135 198^ N50 16.6 E008 50.9 192^ 7C) y0 (Rw DF141 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 110.0 MTR DF152 0.5025L) y (Rw DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above 2 .0 2500' N50 00.6 E008 45.1 MAX 220 KT 23. DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 0 1 0. 4 NOT TO SCALE 0^ 13 MAX 210 KT 8 D2 3.8 5000 102^ 16.3 7 8. 00 50 NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 Initial climb clearance 4000' 00 50 50 GEBNO 7 GEBNO N49 10.0 E009 55.9 8. N49 20.4 E009 40.1 N49 10.0 E009 55.9 NOMBO These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 03.8 E010 05.3 Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF153 - KNG - AKONI - HAREM - LAMPU - GEBNO NOMBO. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. NOT TO SCALE LAMPU .7 14 34^ 1 00 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 50 KONIG 14 355 KNG KNG .4 19 0 0 50 8^ D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 3.8 1 5000 102^ 50 1.7 HAREM D3 00 N49 37.1 E009 24.9 9. 7 .7 14 34^ 1 00 105^ KONIG N49 44.8 E009 11.3 11 HAREM 5 .7 N49 37.1 D3 000 E009 24.9 9. 7 LAMPU N49 20.4 E009 40.1 14 N49 50.5 E008 41.4 355 KNG KNG 13 0^ AKONI .4 19 0 0 50 8^ DF153 MSA FFM VOR 114.2 FFM FFM (Rwy 25L) (Rwy 25C) 3200' 3500' N50 03.2 E008 38.2 (Rwy 25C) FRANKFURT N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4.9 5.0 124300' 5^ NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR D METRO .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. N50 01.7 E008 31.1 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. NOMBO SIX FOXTROT (NOMBO 6F) [NOMB6F] NOMBO SEVEN GOLF (NOMBO 7G) [NOMB7G] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3H) SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. D 10-3T4 7 OCT 11 ^ ^ 335 NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 3200' JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 NOMBO EIGHT DELTA (NOMBO 8D) [NOMB8D] NOMBO SEVEN ECHO (NOMBO 7E) [NOMB7E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3G8) Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 1.6 136.12 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 180^ *LANGEN Radar 10-3T3 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) - DF143 - DF137 (K210-) DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - HAREM - LAMPU - GEBNO - NOMBO. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN Apt Elev 364' 136.12 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ 3500' D 7 OCT 11 Apt Elev 364' 10-3T6 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ OSBIT FOUR DELTA (OSBIT 4D) [OSBI4D] OSBIT THREE ECHO (OSBIT 3E) [OSBI3E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J1) ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA MSA FFM VOR MSA FFM VOR 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT 3200' 3500' ^ ^ 335 NOT FOR PROP ACFT, THESE FLIGHTS SHALL FILE RATIM RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT/MAIN 120.15 3200' JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 NOMBO SIX LIMA (NOMBO 6L) [NOMB6L] NOMBO SIX SIERRA (NOMBO 6S) [NOMB6S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J) Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar 10-3T5 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. DF158 178^ N49 58.0 E008 31.6 1.9 NOMBO 6S MAX 2.1 At or above 2500' FL90 NOMBO 6L 220 KT NOT TO SCALE R356^ NO 23.0 MB O6 5 S 21.4 D2 8 AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 3.8 11 5000 HAREM 102^ D 500 .7 N49 37.1 E009 24.9 39 0 .7 LAMPU KONIG N49 20.4 355 KNG E009 40.1 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 14 069^ 06y6^07R) 5.1 5.2 099^.2 087^ 5 4000 10 5000 D44 4 5000 OSBIT N50 04.2 E009 47.0 DF151 N50 03.5 E008 50.6 (Rw D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 1 00 50 N49 10.0 E009 55.9 7 8. 00 50 GEBNO NOMBO 6S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via NOMBO 6L. NOMBO N49 03.8 E010 05.3 NOT TO SCALE Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - HAREM - LAMPU - GEBNO - NOMBO. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - HAREM LAMPU - GEBNO - NOMBO. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. D30.0 FFM D25.0 FFM 17.3 .7 14 34^ 220 KT .4 19 0 0 50 8^ RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 7C ) y0 ( Rw 13 0^ KNG RIED SID NOMBO 6L NOMBO 6S At or above MAX 112.2 RID MAX LOST COMM ONLY OSBIT 4D N49 57.0 E008 34.4 092^ D D40.0 FFM DF149 N50 04.4 E008 42.6 DF159 ^ 13.0 from DER 176^ 118 220 KT | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 4000' SID OSBIT 4D OSBIT 3E ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 (K220-) - DF151 - OSBIT. (800'+) - DF149 - DF151 - OSBIT. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN Apt Elev 364' 136.12 10-3T7 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ 3500' 335 Apt Elev 364' 10-3T8 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ RATIM FOUR FOXTROT (RATIM 4F) [RATI4F] RATIM FOUR GOLF (RATIM 4G) [RATI4G] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J3) 3200' 3500' ^ ^ MSA FFM VOR ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 3200' JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 RATIM FOUR DELTA (RATIM 4D) [RATI4D] RATIM FOUR ECHO (RATIM 4E) [RATI4E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J2) Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR MSA FFM VOR SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FFM D FRANKFURT MTR 070^ 067y ^07R) ( Rw FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF134 N50 16.6 E008 50.9 (Rwy 25L) (Rwy 25C) DF141 192^ y (Rw N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4. 9 5. 0 114.2 FFM FFM N50 01.7 E008 31.1 110.0 MTR DF152 ) 07C (Rwy 25C) METRO N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 DF135 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 (Rwy 25L) DF142 2. N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 11 0 8 ^ N49 59.0 E008 28.9 MAX 1 0. 4 220 KT (Rw 5C y2 ) 0.7 248^ 198^ DF15~ N50 00.6 E008 45.1 0.6 114.2 FFM 1.6 D SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 0.5025L) y (Rw 2 .0 DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 At or above 2500' NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 23. MAX 0 210 KT DF153 N49 50.5 E008 41.4 105^ 13 0^ 16.3 D2 8 3.8 5000 1 0 2^ 355 KNG KNG KONIG AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 121 ^ 13.2 5000 D2 8 3.8 5000 1 0 2^ D4 0 RATIM N49 41.6 E009 31.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 355 KNG KNG KONIG These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 121 ^ D4 13.2 0 5000 AKONI N49 44.8 RATIM E009 11.3 N49 41.6 E009 31.0 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) - DF143 - DF137 (K210-) DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - RATIM. ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF153 - KNG - AKONI - RATIM. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. 13 0^ | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3U FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). *LANGEN Radar 136.12 MSA FFM VOR JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3V FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 136.12 124300' 5^ ROTEN FIVE FOXTROT (ROTEN 5F) [ROTE5F] ROTEN FOUR GOLF (ROTEN 4G) [ROTE4G] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J6) MSA FFM VOR ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA 114.2 FFM FFM 3200' 3500' ^ ^ D 3500' 335 ONLY PROP ACFT WITH MAX FL230 REQUESTED INSTEAD OF NOMBO RNAV SIDS NOT FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA OR EDMM FIR 3200' Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 335 RATIM THREE SIERRA (RATIM 3S) [RATI3S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3J4) 124300' 5^ 180^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. FRANKFURT (Rwy 25C) N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF134 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 (Rwy 25L) 178^ 1.9 MAX 198^ DF142 2. N50 00.5 E008 29.8 DF143 11 0 N49 59.0 8^ E008 28.9 220 KT DF159 1182.1 ^ N50 01.1 E008 30.1 (Rwy 25L) N49 58.0 E008 31.6 DF135 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 DF141 0. 6 DF158 (Rwy 25C) 1.6 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N49 57.0 E008 34.4 (Rw 5C) y2 0.7 D 248^ 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0.y5 25L) (Rw DF159 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 2 .0 At or above 2500' NOT TO SCALE At or above 2500' DF137 N49 58.0 E008 31.7 23. MAX 13 0^ D2 8 3.8 5000 13 0^ KNG 102^ 4 50 5.7 00 355 KNG KNG KONIG SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 N49 45.7 E009 05.5 ROTEN N49 14.6 E010 03.9 (117.8 DKB R-310/D9) These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect alternate routing by ATC. Initial climb clearance 5000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) - DF143 - DF137 (K210-) DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - ROTEN. ROUTING (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - RATIM. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. D2 8 3.8 5000 121 ^ D4 13.2 0 102^ AKONI 5000 N49 44.8 RATIM E009 11.3 KONIG N49 41.6 E009 31.0 355 KNG N49 45.7 E009 05.5 NOT TO SCALE 23. 0 210 KT 0 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3V1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. Apt Elev 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 136.12 4300' 125 ^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR ONLY FOR FLIGHTS TERMINATING WITHIN EDDN AREA 10-3V2 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). 124300' 5^ SOBRA FOUR DELTA (SOBRA 4D) [SOBR4D] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3J8) 3200' 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL ^ 3500' 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 136.12 3200' JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 ROTEN THREE LIMA (ROTEN 3L) [ROTE3L] ROTEN FIVE SIERRA (ROTEN 5S) [ROTE5S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3J7) Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MSA FFM VOR MTR METRO 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 ^ 5. y (Rw R356^ AKONI N49 44.8 E009 11.3 4 50 5.7 00 KNG 355 KNG N49 49.3 E008 01.7 At At or above FL110 10 400.01 ROTEN N49 51.7 E007 46.5 ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 At or above FL90 13.2 283^ N49 14.6 E010 03.9 (117.8 DKB R-310/D9) ROTEN 5S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery and expect routing via ROTEN 3L. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 5.1 7.3 262^ 262^ R082^ DF157 N49 47.5 E008 40.3 RID These SIDs require minimum climb gradients RIED D of 112.2 RID 225' per NM (3.7%) until passing 4000', N49 46.9 E008 32.5 261' per NM (4.3%) after DF155 until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 261' per NM 327 435 653 871 1089 1306 225' per NM 281 375 562 749 937 1124 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - ROTEN. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - ROTEN. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. 220 KT 4000' SOBRA N49 45.7 E009 05.5 220 KT 6.0 ROTEN 3L RID 112.2 RID N50 00.6 E008 45.1 MAX N49 54.8 E008 43.0 DONAB D2 8 3.8 5000 21.4 DF15~ DF155 13 0^ KONIG RIED N49 46.9 E008 32.5 SID ROTEN 3L ROTEN 5S ) 07R NOT TO SCALE R O 2 3 .0 TE N5 S 102^ MAX ) 07C 070^ 0670^ 2500' 092^ D DF152 N50 04.2 E008 42.5 4.9 NOT TO SCALE At or above 13.0 from DER 176^ 118 y (Rw N49 57.0 E008 34.4 2 .1 220 KT FRANKFURT 7.5 ROTEN 5S MAX 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF159 1.9 178^ DF158 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 D 192^ D | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING (800'+) - DF152 - DF150 (K220-) - DF155 (4000') - DF157 - RID - ROSIG (FL90+) - DONAB (FL110+) - SOBRA. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. SOBRA FOUR ECHO (SOBRA 4E) [SOBR4E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3K) 124300' 5^ 136.12 120.15 3200' ^ MSA FFM VOR DF154 N49 58.7 E008 35.7 D 0 y FRANKFURT D 2500' MAX 220 KT 6.7 DF134 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 (Rwy 25L) N49 52.4 E008 32.1 N49 51.7 E007 46.5 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 5.0 0.6 DF142 N50 00.5 E008 29.8 0.4 7.8 (Rwy 25L) 4.9 228^ DF138 ^ 238 DF163 4.3 BR SO DF162 0.525L) N50 00.6 E008 29.8 MAX 1 220 KT (Rwy 25L: SOBRA 5N) DF165 DF166 N50 00.1 E008 29.7 N49 57.3 E008 29.3 MAX 220 KT 1 DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. SO BR A 10.1 4000 8.4 2 4.8 198^ SOBRA 4F, 4G 283^ DF2~1 N49 47.3 E008 14.4 3 2.9 184^ SOBRA 5N Initial climb clearance 5000' SID SOBRA 4F, 4G Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF144 (07C)/DF145 (07R) - DF154 (2500'+; K220-) - DF160 (4000') - DF198 - ROSIG (FL90+) - DONAB (FL110+) - SOBRA. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. A (Rwy 25C: SOBRA 5N) 5N SOBRA N49 51.7 E007 46.5 This SID requires minimum climb gradients of 383' per NM (6.3%) until passing 2500', 401' per NM (6.6%) after DF160 until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 401' per NM 501 668 1003 1337 1671 2005 383' per NM 479 638 957 1276 1595 1914 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. N49 55.9 E008 27.3 .8 P 17 3 DF198 N49 45.1 E008 28.0 248^ 4F 2.0 ,4 G, 283^ ) y (Rw N49 58.3 E008 25.4 13.2 25C 0.7 (Rwy 25L: SOBRA 4F, 4G) 225^ At or above SOBRA DF141 1 (Rwy 25C) 2 4000' N49 46.1 E008 21.6 DF135 (Rwy N50 01.5 E008 31.3 22 3 3^ At ROSIG (Rwy 25C: SOBRA 4F, 4G) 9 At or above 10.1 4000 FRANKFURT (Rwy 25C) DF16~ N49 49.3 E008 01.7 FL90 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DONAB FL110 MSA FFM VOR NOT TO SCALE SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. At or above NOT TO SCALE 3200' 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0.607R) (Rw 114.2 FFM FFM 124300' 5^ SOBRA FOUR FOXTROT (SOBRA 4F) [SOBR4F] SOBRA FOUR GOLF (SOBRA 4G) [SOBR4G] SOBRA FIVE NOVEMBER (SOBRA 5N) [SOBR5N] SOBRA THREE PAPA (SOBRA 3P) [SOBR3P] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L) 199^ N50 02.6 E008 36.1 069^ 7C) y0 (Rw .5 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). ^ DF145 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 335 335 DF144 (Rwy 07R) 10-3V4 7 OCT 11 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. Apt Elev 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. SOBRA 5N, 3P (Rwy 07C) N50 02.9 E008 35.9 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar SOBRA 4F, 4G 3500' FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 180^ 136.12 10-3V3 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 1. FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SOBRA 5N SOBRA 3P ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) - DF163 DF201 - DONAB - SOBRA. (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25C; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 - DF201 - DONAB - SOBRA. (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF138 - DONAB - SOBRA. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; communications; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). SOBRA FOUR LIMA (SOBRA 4L) [SOBR4L] SOBRA THREE SIERRA (SOBRA 3S) [SOBR3S] SOBRA FOUR UNIFORM (SOBRA 4U) [SOBR4U] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L1) 124300' 5^ 335 SULUS | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. (Rw ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 (K220-) - DF151 - OSBIT - SULUS. (800'+) - DF149 - DF151 - OSBIT - SULUS. SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. Initial climb clearance 4000' SID SULUS 7D SULUS 5E 5. 1 5.2 (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (FL90+; K250-) - VETUX (FL100) - SOBRA. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. N50 03.2 E008 38.2 114.2 FFM FFM D (800'+) - DF197 - DF156 (K220-) - DF201 - DONAB - SOBRA. FRANKFURT ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (4000'-; K220-) - DF198 - ROSIG (FL90+) - DONAB (FL110+) - SOBRA. y 75 100 150 200 250 300 570 760 1139 1519 1899 2279 410 547 820 1094 1367 1641 069^ 066y ^07R) Gnd speed-KT 456' per NM 328' per NM N50 03.5 E008 50.6 NOT TO SCALE DF151 17.3 250 KT Initial climb clearance 4000' SID SOBRA 4L Will be assigned when landing direction is 07 SOBRA 3S Only to be used when landing direction is 25 SOBRA 4U 087^ OSBIT 4 4000 5000 5000 D44 10 D30.0 FFM MAX FL90 (Rw These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SOBRA 4L 456' per NM (7.5%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SOBRA 4U. SOBRA 4U 328' per NM (5.4%) until passing FL90 due to airspace structure. If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via ULKIG 5U. 5 DF2~~ N49 43.2 E008 26.9 At or above D25.0 FFM FL90 250 KT 099^ 5.2 087^ MAX 8.8 264^ SOBRA 4U ROSIG N49 46.1 E008 21.6 ) 07C At or above DF198 N49 45.1 E008 28.0 SULUS 7D N49 42.4 E008 13.4 ^ 4.3 283^ D40.0 FFM PIPIX 297 DF149 FL100 SOB R 4L A 2.0 9 40 .9 00 FL90 N49 46.9 E008 32.5 N50 04.2 E009 47.0 RIED 4.8 VETUX N49 47.1 E007 59.9 NOT TO SCALE 36.6 5000 RID 112.2 RID LOST COMM ONLY 7.8 SO 12 B R .2 A 3S DF2~1 N49 47.3 E008 14.4 R356^ 8.4 N50 04.5 E010 43.7 22 3^ MAX D 10.1 4000 9 40 .8 00 At 1.1 4000' 220 KT FL110 DF197 N49 58.8 E008 31.6 1 99^ At or below At or above N49 51.7 E007 46.5 3. 8 DF16~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN 176^ SOBRA 4L SOBRA 220 KT 7.5 from DER DONAB N49 49.3 E008 01.7 179^ DF156 N49 56.0 E008 27.5 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). SULUS SEVEN DELTA (SULUS 7D) [SULU7D] SULUS FIVE ECHO (SULUS 5E) [SULU5E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L2) ^ FFM MAX ^ MSA FFM VOR FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FRANKFURT D FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS 114.2 FFM RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 3200' 3500' 335 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 364' 120.15 10-3V6 7 OCT 11 Apt Elev Radar N50 04.4 E008 42.6 136.12 *LANGEN 180^ *LANGEN Radar FRANKFURT/MAIN 3200' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also Apt Elev noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 364' obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA At or above .Eff.20.Oct. MAX 10-3V5 220 KT 7 OCT 11 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 124300' 5^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 MSA FFM VOR JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DF134 (Rwy 25C) 2 .0 CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. N49 45.7 E009 05.5 355 KNG KONIG KNG 102^ | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1.9 178^ 176^ CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. 13.0 from DER R356^ 5 11.3 WURZBURG N49 43.1 E009 56.8 110.2 WUR WUR R253^ 073^000 3200' 335 ^ MSA FFM VOR 3500' 124300' 5^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 ROUTING (800'+) - RID (K220-) - KNG - AKONI - GIBSA - WUR - SULUS. (800'+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - GIBSA - WUR - SULUS. Initial climb clearance 4000' (FFM R-118/D46) N49 40.1 E009 40.1 GIBSA N49 44.8 E009 11.3 19.3 5000 Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. SID SULUS 6L SULUS 6S 220 KT N49 45.7 E009 05.5 102^ 355 KNG KNG KONIG 3.8 5000 AKONI .Eff.20.Oct. MAX N49 46.9 E008 32.5 112.2 RID RIED RID SULUS 6L D2 8 10-3V8 21.4 JEPPESEN D 092^ 13 0^ SULUS SIX LIMA (SULUS 6L) [SULU6L] SULUS SIX SIERRA (SULUS 6S) [SULU6S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L4) .2 37 000 5 7 OCT 11 SU 2 3 . 0 LU S6 S SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN 2500' EDDF/FRA At or above 364' N49 57.0 E008 34.4 NOT TO SCALE Apt Elev DF159 220 KT SULUS 6S MAX 136.12 118 ^ 2 .1 FFM *LANGEN Radar N50 03.2 E008 38.2 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN DF158 ^ FRANKFURT 3200' 335 MSA FFM VOR 3500' Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 114.2 FFM NOT TO SCALE 124300' 5^ .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). SULUS 6S This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up and expect routing via SULUS 6L. N49 43.1 E009 56.8 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY D WURZBURG 110.2 WUR WUR 50 R253^ SULUS SIX FOXTROT (SULUS 6F) [SULU6F] SULUS SEVEN GOLF (SULUS 7G) [SULU7G] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L3) ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF141 (25C)/DF142 (25L) - DF143 DF137 (K210-) - DF159 (2500'+) - KNG - AKONI - GIBSA - WUR - SULUS. (FFM R-118/D46) GIBSA 11.3 073^00 N49 40.1 E009 40.1 N49 44.8 E009 11.3 1 9. 3 5000 AKONI .Eff.20.Oct. Initial climb clearance 5000' These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 316' per NM (5.2%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 316' per NM 395 527 790 1053 1317 1580 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 0^ 13 3. 8 5000 8 N50 00.5 E008 29.8 0 D2 N50 01.1 E008 30.1 23. 10-3V7 (Rwy 25L) 2 DF142 2500' At or above N49 57.0 E008 34.4 DF159 .2 37 00 50 JEPPESEN (Rwy 25C) 1 DF141 210 KT 2 .0 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. SULUS N50 04.5 E010 43.7 7 OCT 11 MAX N49 58.0 E008 31.7 DF137 118 ^ 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D FRANKFURT 364' N49 59.0 E008 28.9 (Rw 0 y 25L) 0.7 y 24.85^ (Rw ) 25C Apt Elev DF143 2 198^ 1 N50 01.5 E008 31.3 DF135 (Rwy 25L) 136.12 1.6 Radar 0.6 *LANGEN 05 3^ N50 01.7 E008 31.1 FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView 05 3^ EDDF/FRA 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. JEPPESEN JeppView FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). NOT FOR FLIGHTS DESTINATION EDDN | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN 7 OCT 11 10-3W FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 120.15 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' FRANKFURT/MAIN .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ TOBAK FOUR FOXTROT (TOBAK 4F) [TOBA4F] TOBAK FIVE GOLF (TOBAK 5G) [TOBA5G] TOBAK FOUR JULIETT (TOBAK 4J) [TOBA4J] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L7) 3200' 3500' ^ MSA FFM VOR 10-3X 7 OCT 11 335 ^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 120.15 335 TOBAK EIGHT DELTA (TOBAK 8D) [TOBA8D] TOBAK SEVEN ECHO (TOBAK 7E) [TOBA7E] RWYS 07C/R RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L6) Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *LANGEN Radar 180^ *LANGEN Radar JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MSA FFM VOR NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 TOBAK TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 TOBAK 035000 8^ 9. 9 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TAU TAUNUS 116.7 TAU TABUM N50 15.0 E008 09.8 F, 4 J 11 11.0 .1 AK 4 13. 3 022^ DF236 3500' ^ 321 5. 1 5.2 At or at or above N50 04.4 E008 42.6 2.2 27 (Rw 258^(Rwy27258^ L) DF133 N50 01.8 E008 26.8 whichever is later 5C) y2 1.1 248^ 2.7 D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 0.725L) y (Rw (Rwy 25C) DF234 N50 01.6 E008 30.6 (Rwy 25L) DF235 N50 01.4 E008 31.0 MAX (Rw (Rwy 25C) 1.0 2.45^ TOBAK 8D 220 KT NOT TO SCALE 3500' 6.3 069^ 06y60^7R) DF236 N50 01.4 E008 23.4 DF149 4400' DF233 At or above ^ 330 114.2 FFM FFM TOB 027 ^ 4400' N50 02.3 E008 20.4 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 At or above N50 02.0 E008 25.3 At or above K BA TO 5G R202 ^ N50 07.7 E008 15.9 DF237 FRANKFURT N50 07.0 E008 19.4 016^ 110.0 MTR N50 16.6 E008 50.9 DF238 DF132 6.1 MTR METRO 1^ R14 0^ R1 5 351^ SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 7C) y0 (Rw SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 17.9 5000 NOT TO SCALE D 0^ N50 17.5 E008 24.3 04 D 12 .4 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TOBAK 4F, 4J These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 729' per NM (12%) until DF233 due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 729' per NM 911 1215 1823 2430 3038 3646 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up TOBAK 4J: and expect routing via TOBAK 5G. Initial climb clearance 5000' SID TOBAK 4F, 4J TOBAK 5G Initial climb clearance 5000' SID TOBAK 8D TOBAK 7E ROUTING (800'+) - DF149 (K220-) - MTR - TOBAK. (800'+) - DF149 - MTR - TOBAK. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING (800'+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF233 (3500'+) - DF132 (4400'+) - TABUM TESGA - TOBAK. (800'+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF133 - DF236 - (3500'+) - DF237 - DF238 (4400'+) - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: RWY layout; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRANKFURT/MAIN 10-3X1 7 OCT 11 .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict 364' adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. *LANGEN Radar 180^ 120.15 TOBAK ONE KILO (TOBAK 1K) [TOBA1K] 3200' 3500' NOT TO BE FILED IN FLIGHT PLAN ^ TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 10-3X2 7 OCT 11 TESGA TOBAK 12 .4 12 .4 0^ 04 TABUM N50 17.5 E008 24.3 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 15.4 N50 15.0 E008 09.8 NOT TO SCALE 336^ 339 ^ 7.0 N49 56.2 E008 20.3 ROXAP N49 54.9 E008 21.8 1 (Rwy 25L) DF17~ DF171 N50 00.9 E008 29.8 N50 00.4 E008 29.5 MAX 185 KT MAX 2 9^ 22 .7 3.1 2 3.1 2 9^ TOB7 AK 1M FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF134 1.1 N50 01.7 E008 31.1 2487^ N50 01.5 E008 31.3 (Rwy 25L) DF135 0.y 25L) DF173 N49 57.9 E008 28.3 (Rwy 25C) HAC DF162 N50 00.6 E008 29.8 CHA 115.5 270^ DF174 N49 56.1 E008 25.2 MAX KUPIP 220 KT N49 54.3 E008 26.7 248^ 5C) y2 (Rw .7 0 0.y525L) ( Rw (Rwy 25L) DF165 N50 00.1 E008 29.7 MAX 220 KT DF166 N49 57.3 E008 29.3 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 DF18~ At or above 8.8 2500' 185 KT These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of TOBAK 1K: 243' per NM (4%) until passing 4400' due to airspace structure. TOBAK 1M: 249' per NM (4.1%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. 114.2 FFM FFM (Rwy 25C) (Rw 3.7 2.7 8 .6 K TOBKA 1 DF175 (Rwy 25C) 1 2 D 184^ 222.9 0.4 3^ 195^ N50 02.8 E008 16.6 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 5C ) y2 ( Rw 0.6 LISKU 2.7 FRANKFURT 7. 7 017^ N50 01.4 E008 31.0 114.2 FFM FFM 023^ R159^ DF235 D 23. N50 01.6 E008 30.6 (Rwy 25L) 1 (Rwy 25C) DF234 NOT TO SCALE MSA FFM VOR N50 26.7 E008 37.1 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 116.7 TAU 3200' 3500' N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TESGA N50 26.7 E008 37.1 0^ TAU 124300' 5^ NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 TABUM TAUNUS .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). TOBAK SEVEN NOVEMBER (TOBAK 7N) [TOBA7N] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3M) 04 D .Eff.20.Oct. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' Apt Elev 1. Contact LANGEN Radar when advised by Tower. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict ad364' herence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. BY ATC SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA ^ 335 335 TOBAK ONE MIKE (TOBAK 1M) [TOBA1M] RWYS 25L/C RNAV DEPARTURES (OVERLAY 10-3L8) MSA FFM VOR 03 9.9 5 0 8^ 00 124300' 5^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 03 9.9 5 0 8^ 00 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 249' per NM 311 415 623 830 1038 1246 304 405 608 810 1013 1215 243' per NM If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. DF164 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 301 ^ D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 5000' SID TOBAK 1K TOBAK 1M ROUTING (800+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF170 (25C; K185-)/DF171 (25L; K185-) DF173 - DF174 - DF175 - LISKU - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. (800+) - DF234 (25C)/DF235 (25L) - DF170 (25C; K185-)/DF171 (25L; K185-) DF180 (2500'+) - ROXAP - LISKU - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: RNAV SIDs established; RNAV SIDs SULUS 6L & 6S transferred. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 5000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF134 (25C)/DF135 (25L) - DF162 (25C; K220-)/DF165 (25L; K220-) - DF166 DF164 - KUPIP - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: RWY layout; SID renumb & revised; initial contact; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN Apt Elev 120.15 364' 10-3X3 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ TOBAK TWO ROMEO (TOBAK 2R) [TOBA2R] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3N) 180^ *LANGEN Radar 7 OCT 11 3200' 3500' ^ MSA FFM VOR Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN *LANGEN Radar 120.15 Apt Elev 364' 7 OCT 11 10-3X4 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. 124300' 5^ TOBAK FIVE SIERRA (TOBAK 5S) [TOBA5S] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3N1) 3200' 3500' BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED WHEN LANDING DIRECTION IS RWY 25 NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 ^ 335 335 BY ATC WILL ONLY BE ASSIGNED BETWEEN 2300-0500LT NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. MSA FFM VOR TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 TOBAK 351^ MTR ^ 04 0^ TABUM N50 16.6 E008 50.9 N50 17.5 E008 24.3 R192^ 114.2 FFM FFM 03 METRO 110.0 MTR D N50 26.7 E008 37.1 12 .4 1 7 .9 5000 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. TESGA SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. 9. 9 50 0 8 0 N50 34.3 E008 47.1 NOT TO SCALE FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT At or above 2500' DF168 N49 56.3 E008 36.2 TUKRU N49 56.4 E008 43.3 KUPIP 3. 8 N49 56.0 E008 27.5 6. DF164 301 ^ 0 8.8 N49 51.7 E008 21.0 MAX 220 KT NOT TO SCALE D RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 Initial climb clearance 4000' Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800+) - DF158 (K220-) - DF159 (2500'+) - DF168 - TUKRU - MTR - TOBAK. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. DF197 N49 58.8 E008 31.6 DF156 N49 56.4 E008 09.6 This SID requires a minimum climb gradient of 565' per NM (9.3%) until passing 2500' due to airspace structure. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 565' per NM 706 942 1413 1884 2355 2825 If unable to comply advise FRANKFURT Delivery prior to start-up. 22 3^ 4.6 088^ 1.1 1.3 N49 57.0 E008 34.4 179^ DF159 1182.1 ^ 023^ 1.9 MAX 220 KT 012^ 178^ DF158 N49 58.0 E008 31.6 23. 20.8 1 N50 03.2 E008 38.2 | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROUTING (800'+) - DF197 - DF156 (K220-) - DF164 - KUPIP - TABUM - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: RWY layout; RNAV SID revised; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN 136.12 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 3. EXPECT close-in obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. TOBAK FOUR TANGO (TOBAK 4T) [TOBA4T] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3N2) TOBAK N50 34.3 E008 47.1 N50 26.7 E008 37.1 *LANGEN Apt Elev Radar 364' 136.12 10-3X6 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. N50 02.9 E008 19.7 D D 114.2 FFM FFM FRANKFURT N50 03.2 E008 38.2 DF16~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 0 28 ^ MAX 220 KT 1 99^ N49 52.2 E007 43.2 GISNO 220 KT 180^ MAX ^ 318 3200' 3500' 250 KT 14.7 4000 DF2~~ N49 43.2 E008 26.9 MAX 9.8 8.8 264^ D 250 KT RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 DF2~~ N49 43.2 E008 26.9 MAX 250 KT MAX 250 KT D ^ 335 283^ N49 45.9 E007 51.4 283^ 9.8 PIPIX N49 42.4 E008 13.4 GISNO 250 KT R356^ 8.2 0 0 40 MAX 250 KT MAX 14 4000 .7 DF16~ N49 52.4 E008 32.1 MAX N49 45.9 E007 51.4 R356^ 40 N49 55.4 00 E007 22.2 ULKIG PIPIX N49 42.4 E008 13.4 8^ 31 7.5 282^ OBOXO 124300' 5^ 2 8. 0 0 40 176^ 4 28. 0 0 4 0 14.0 FRANKFURT SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. N49 52.2 E007 43.2 ^ 073 114.2 FFM FFM N50 03.2 E008 38.2 ULKIG 9.7 088^ 4000 MSA FFM VOR 7.5 16 50 .9 00 WIESBADEN 3200' 3500' 176^ 399 WBD WBD RUDUS 124300' 5^ FOR FLIGHTS INTENDING TO PROCEED AT OR ABOVE FL250 VIA AIRWAYS Y-180/Y-181 FLIGHTS HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CROSS RUDOT AT OR ABOVE FL240 IF UNABLE TO COMPLY, FLIGHT PLAN SHALL READ: RUDOT FL220 - Y-180 - DIK RFL 016^ MABOB N50 02.9 E008 04.7 .RNAV.SID.(OVERLAY). Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. Contact LANGEN Radar immediately after take-off. 2. SIDs are also noise abatement procedures (refer to 10-4). Strict adherence within 3. EXPECT close-in the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. obstacles. 4. Wind shears and increased turbulences must be expected when winds heavy. 5. For departure designation refer to 10-1P pages. ULKIG FIVE UNIFORM (ULKIG 5U) [ULKI5U] RWY 18 RNAV DEPARTURE (OVERLAY 10-3N3) N50 17.7 E008 32.6 NOT TO SCALE 7 OCT 11 9.5 5000 SPEED RESTRICTION MAX 250 KT below FL100 or as by ATC. Not applicable within airspace C. FRANKFURT/MAIN ^ TESGA JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 335 BY ATC NOT FOR FLIGHTS CONTINUING VIA AIRWAY Z-10 9 364' FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 9. Apt Elev Radar 10-3X5 03 5000 8^ *LANGEN 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 1 99^ JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 8.8 264^ RID RIED 112.2 RID N49 46.9 E008 32.5 NOT TO SCALE MSA FFM VOR Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG - OBOXO RUDUS - WBD - MABOB - TESGA - TOBAK. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Initial climb clearance 4000' ROUTING (800'+) - DF160 (K220-) - DF200 (K250-) - PIPIX (K250-) - GISNO (K250-) - ULKIG. CHANGES: RWY layout; chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TAU ESUPI/LISKU CHANGES: RWY layout; BIBTI, MARUN & TOBAK SIDs renumbered & established. 1M RUN M MA AK 1 B TO 1K RUN MA AK 1K TOB PABVI 336^ D26.0 FFM KUPIP D16.0 RID SIVDO BIBTI 1M D20.6 FFM D14.0 FFM ^ 238 XAMUB D6.4 RID D7.0 RID D10.3 FFM RID D10.8 FFM D NO KB 5 RA MBO F, 6 T RO IM 6F G, , 6 SU TEN 4F, 7G, S LU 4G 5 6S S 6 F, , F, 4G, 3S 7G 5S ,6 S .0 D 0 22^ FR TUKRU BIBTI 2L, 2T DKB 4L, MARUN 2T NOMBO 6L, RID 3Q ROTEN 3L SOBRA 4L, 4U, SULUS 6L TOBAK 4T, ULKIG 5U 3 ANEKI 8F, 8G, 6L 087^ OSBIT 4D, 3E SULUS 7D, 5E R192^ KNG For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages MA B R202 RU IBTI ^ TO N 8D 4D B AK , MT 8D R 4 C ,7 E 099^ MTR .Eff.20.Oct. 273^ R-3 01 339^ ROXAP 176^ MARUN 3S SOBRA 3S TOBAK 5S 2 BIBTI 3S 088^ ME B M IBT A I TO RU 4N BA N 5 , 3 N S K 7N , 3S ,5 S 270^ CHA D10.0 FFM 118 ^ FRD 068^ 068^ DME 356^ FFM 2 .0 D FFM 3 MTR DME FRD 5.0 BIBTI 1K MARUN 1K TOBAK 1K FFM 8.4 DME FFM 29 RID 12.0 DME F R D M E 178^ 2. 0 D A BR SO R-2 ^ 238 07C 07R 3P MARUN 5N SOBRA 5N TOBAK 7N 1 BIBTI 4N 278^ ^ 225 18 1. 5 FRD FFM ODAGA Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 RID ^ 330 D9.7 FFM J ,3 J 3F , 4 N F RU K 4 A M BA TO ^ D13.7 FFM 321 3F, 3G 258^275^ FFM 5.0 DME FFM 4.5 DME 07L BIBTI 4Q AU ,T G G 4 N K5 RU BA MA TO 293^ D9.6 TAU D11.4 TAU 25 R 198^ 184^ TABUM 3^ FF 1.5 DMM E 25 C 25 L SOB 4F, RA 4G 364' 195^ Apt Elev 2 1 BIBTI 3E MARUN 4E 1.6 F R D DM E ME 10-4 22 JEPPESEN A N E SOB KI 2E RA 4E 7 OCT 11 20 0 ^ 199^ AU MTR T 1^ R1 4 E 6.0 DM FRD 012^ FRANKFURT/MAIN 192^ EDDF/FRA BIBT I R 2 MA R ANE U KI T OB N 2 R NOM 9D, DKB AK 2 BO 8D R , 8 D 6 E, K ,7 E , NG 6 RID R AT 6C, SOB IM 4D, C RA 4 4E D TABUM Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. JEPPESEN JeppView FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .NOISE. NOISE ABATEMENT D25.0 FFM 3 R356^ | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 N50 02.0 E008 34.2 *D-ATIS Departure ACARS: .Eff.20.Oct. FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT Delivery *Ground (Initial call and Start-up clearance) DCL 118.72 10-9 121.9 08-29 Apron 121.8 121.55 121.65 121.75 121.85 121.95 08-30 511' 08-31 508' For taxiway designations and stopbars refer to 10-9A. Trees up to Elev 353' 397' 410' 472' P 00768L^ P10 P1 00768C^ R 423' 0076R8^ 0m 400 M25/R15 381' Elev 328' 555' S 420' 50-02 ARP FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9B GA C 434' 22548L^ M19/R11 M Trees up to 445' M7/R5 3' 13, 12 M19/R11 L16 L17/L19 L/W3 Trees up to M11/R7 L20 Elev 329' 413' Elev 364' Elev 362' 0m 400 L14 I L3 L6 3' 13,12 N- SOUTH 406' 401' L4 HANGAR 5 Elev 326' 396' 2254C8^ L5/M8 P P 18 178^ 395' 422' HANGAR 6 421' P14 P 50-03 504' 412' 415' 469' Trees up to Trees up to MET 407' B 358' P8 P20 P24 426' G 50-02 P16 Elev 305' 371' 500' 586' A Trees up to 08-35 Control Tower F ' 9186 Trees up to 08-36 120.15 136.12 421' P6 0m 280 124.85 08-34 453' P4 Trees up to 409' 119.9 *LANGEN Radar E 421' *Tower DEP via RWY 18 RWY 07R/25L 118.77 Trees up to 2254R8^ 508' For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages 136.5 08-33 DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF ) APRON CONTROL ( W/o CLEARANCE FROM APRON. 486' 50-03 RWY 07L/25R 08-32 551' Tower RWY 07C/25C 01^E EDDF/FRA Apt Elev 364' 575' FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9E FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9C Trees up to 443' K 50-01 421' 13,123'4000m Trees up to 50-01 LEGEND R Take-off position Limit of Apron competence area Y Trees up to 427' Feet 0 Trees up to 50-00 408' 1000 2000 Y7 L W5 Trees up to Meters 0 500 3000 1000 4000 5000 1500 50-00 416' Elev 316' 08-29 08-30 CHANGES: New runway 07L/25R. Twys. Construction area. 08-31 08-32 08-33 08-34 08-35 08-36 | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 08-32 08-33 7 OCT 11 10-9A 08-34 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. 08-35 FRANKFURT/MAIN 08-36 Limit of APRON EAST competence area TERMINAL 2 LEGEND TERMINAL 1 One way taxiway ange N or e N N blu 50-03 N3 DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF APRON CONTROL ( ) W/o CLEARANCE FROM APRON. N4 7 Y0 RW P4 P8 N8 N7 LH CARGO CENTER N11 N11 N P1 W1 L W3 L L21 M28 M S17 WEST M2 Y1 M Y10 R1 M27 Y6 M29 S Y12 R S20 S9 ARP 50-02 S14 S42 RWY 18 S S40 Limit of APRON CENTER competence area S27 HANGAR HANGAR GENERAL 12 AVIATION HANGAR HANGAR 9 S GENERAL AVIATION AREA 08-36 08-35 P4 GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL P P6 08-34 25R 7L/ Y0 RW TAXI RESTRICTIONS A340-600 and B777-300 not permitted only towing permitted Y 50-01 S4 R S17 EAST S17 S21 Y Y8 S S41 Y3 R R2 R S16 R15 M Y4 R 5 R11 M25 S3 S4 R5 R7 L /25 07R Y RW M21 M23 M R8 R3 M15 M19 RUN-UP POSITION M7 S EAST 8 RUN-UP POSITION M11 M13 M17 M30 L20 S EAST R EAST M3 M9 M 2 M8 M M24 L17 S EAST 6 R EAST 6 M M10 4M14 25C 7C/ Y0 RW S EAST 4 R EAST 4 L14 L13 L15 L19 N SOUTH Y De-icing pad 2 L Y2 L7 L10 L11 L S R EAST EAST M6 L6 L8 L9 L16 N 50-02 W L L 3 N14 N N N15 NORTH N N17 N15 N16 L N6 N N10 N14 N19 N19 P1 P1 N P1 NORTH S EAST 2 R EAST 2 L5 L4 N5 N N8 N13 De-icing pad 1 N4 1 P Limit of APRON CENTER competence area P N1 rth L3 L No L L3 L1 N3 N P P6 N8 N7 N 50-03 L L N5 Control Tower 5R L/2 N N EAST 1 2 no RIGHT turn from TWY N into stand B26 no LEFT turn from TWY M28 on RWY 25C no RIGHT turn from TWY L16 on RWY 25C 3 4 5 no RIGHT turn from TWY L14 on RWY 25C no LEFT turn from TWY M14 on RWY 25C LH CARGO CENTER P P10 P14 N13 P N14 P16 50-01 P20 P no LEFT turn from TWY R11 on RWY 25L no RIGHT turn from TWY M19 on RWY 25L 08-32 P8 P24 08-33 P1 N19 P1 N19 P1 N NORTH P1 N CHANGES: New runway 07L/25R. Twys. Construction area. N14 N N NORTH N17 N N15 L16 L N16 N15 N L17 L19 | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-9A1 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. FRANKFURT/MAIN ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION RWY 07L 25R USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope Threshold TAKE-OFF 8214' 2504m HIRL CL(15m) ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI (3.0^) 7971' 2430m WIDTH NA 148' 45m 5 197' 60m PAPI systems: For all acft on ILS CAT I approaches PAPI is only usable up to a height of 200' referring to the respective threshold. 07C HIRL 25C HIRL 1CL 2ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 3 1CL 2ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 4 RVR 11,968' 3648m RVR PAPI systems: For all acft on ILS CAT I approaches PAPI is only usable up to a height of 200' referring to the respective threshold. 1 3 4 5 2 spacing 60m. spacing 15m. HST-L11 & L7 HST-L8, L10, L13 & L15 TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 07C: 13,123'(4000m) From rwy head 12,927'(3940m) position L20 10,866'(3312m) position L17/L19 9882'(3012m) position L16 7913'(2412m) position L14 07R HIRL 6 25L HIRL RWY 25C: From rwy head position L3 position L4 position L5/M8 position L6 7CL 8ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 9 7CL 8ALSF-II TDZ REIL PAPI-L (3.0^) 0 13,123'(4000m) 13,031'(3972m) 12,090'(3685m) 11,745'(3580m) 10,689'(3258m) RVR 11,975' 3650m RVR 12,021' 3664m 148' 45m ! PAPI systems: For all acft on ILS CAT I approaches PAPI is only usable up to a height of 200' referring to the respective threshold. 6 TDZ Rwy 25L grooved. 7 spacing 60m. 8 spacing 15m. 9 HST-M15, M13 & M9 0 HST-M17, M21, M23 & M27 ! TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 07R: From rwy head position M25/R15 position M19/R11 18 " HIRL (60m) CL (15m) RVR 13,123'(4000m) 11,450'(3490m) 9350'(2850m) 5607'(1709m) NA 148' 45m " TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 18: 13,025'(3970m) From rwy head position N-SOUTH 12,746'(3885m) 12,467'(3800m) position L/W3 11,319'(3450m) position M 9203'(2805m) position R 8973'(2735m) position S .Standard. Approved Operators HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req A B C D RWY 25L: From rwy head position M7/R5 position M11/R7 position M19/R11 13,123'(4000m) 10,105'(3080m) 7644'(2330m) 125m 150m TAKE-OFF 1 Rwys 07C/R, 18, 25L/C LVP must be in Force RCLM (DAY only) or RL RL, CL & mult. RVR req RL & CL 150m 200m 250m 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL 400m NIL (DAY only) 500m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved HUD required below 150m. CHANGES: New runway 07L/25R. | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-9B .Eff.20.Oct. FRANKFURT/MAIN 08-34 08-35 C4 C2 C5 D8 C6 C8 A1 A11 N3 B10 B41 A13 A14 A17 A16 A88 Control Tower A94 A86 A20 A92 A24 N1 V V V 121 120 V 123 V 122 V 125 V 126 124 V V V 128 130 V 127 129 L NORTH N3 N B27 1 E2A V V 116 118 08-36 E9A E5A 111 V V 113 V 115 117 V 119 N E2 E9 E6A D1A ange N or e N N blu V D4A V V 107 109 50-03 V V V 92 V V 94 93 V 96 95 V V V 98 97L V 99 V 101100 102 V V 106 V 108 V 110 V 112 114 L S EAST 2 R EAST 2 L3 S EAST R EAST L L1 L3 A25 A A 26 A A 30 28 A A 34 32 A 36 A A 38 42 40 D8A D4 D5A C14 B45 B47 B28 B26 A23 A22 N8 N7 B25 C13 B46 B48 B23 B24 A21 B44 B42 B22 N5 A19 A18 B43 B20 A15 C16 C15 C11 D5 D1 E6 E5 e ang N orAST N EN blue TERMINAL 1 50-03 TERMINAL 2 S EAST 4 R EAST 4 N4 N Limit of APRON EAST competence area L4 L5 R EAST 6 M6 N5 L6 L S EAST 6 M N6 M8 L8 N8 L M10 RUN-UP POSITION C /25 07C Y RW L9 Limit of APRON CENTER competence area S EAST R EAST L7 N M3 L10 S EAST 8 M 2 L11 M7 M14 R8 R3 R L13 Limit of APRON CENTER competence area S3 M9 R M11 0 7R WY L /25 S S4 R5 M LEGEND G16 S4 R R7 M13 One way taxiway G14 M15 G12 M17 V322 DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF APRON CONTROL ( ) W/o CLEARANCE FROM APRON. V323 G10 R S9 ARP 50-02 S14 R S16 CHANGES: Construction area. G8 G4 G2 S601 08-34 TAXI RESTRICTIONS G6 S603 S604 S602 S S 705 S 703 701 08-35 50-02 A340-600 and B777-300 not permitted 1 2 no RIGHT turn from TWY N into stand B26 no LEFT turn from TWY M14 on RWY 25C 08-36 | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 7 OCT 11 P 08-32 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA 10-9C .Eff.20.Oct. FRANKFURT/MAIN N8 N7 08-33 N P TAXI RESTRICTIONS A340-600 and B777-300 not permitted LH CARGO CENTER only towing permitted 1 no LEFT turn from TWY M28 on RWY 25C no RIGHT turn from TWY L16 on RWY 25C 2 3 no RIGHT turn from TWY L14 on RWY 25C no LEFT turn from TWY R11 on RWY 25L no RIGHT turn from TWY M19 on RWY 25L N14 F225 F224 F223 F222 F221 F233 F 234 F 235 N19 N19 De-icing pad 1 P1 P1 F232A F233A N15 N NORTH P1 N17 N NORTH W1 N N16 N N10 V 170 V 169 V 167 V 168 V 166 L10 L11 L14 2 N14 L15 L16 M C /25 07C Y RW M24 M15 1 L19 M13 M M28 M17 M30 M19 RUN-UP POSITION L21 L L13 L L17 Limit of APRON CENTER competence area N8 L N11 N L20 W3 N11 V 164 N V V 171A V 171B V V 173A V 171 173B V 172 V 173 V 174 V V 176175 V 177 178 F 215 N13 V V 154 V 156 V 153 V V 155 V 159 V 157 161 V 158 V V 160 163 162 F 220 F 213 F 211 L N15 N SOUTH N W West Center East F 231 F232 F 237 F 238 V V V V 267 266 V 269 268 270 F 214 F 212 N F 219 F 216 V V 150 V 148 V 149 152 V 151 M21 M 50-02 L Y2 3 R11 M23 Y M25 Y RW M De-icing pad 2 Y1 R2 R R1 Y10 M2 Y4 S41 Y3 RWY 18 Y6 M29 S20 Y12 S42 HANGAR GENERAL 9 AVIATION HANGAR S S17 EAST S506 S504 S17 WEST R15 M M S508 S17 M27 S507 R L /25 0 7R S16 S505 S503 S501 GENERAL AVIATION AREA GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL S21 Y S Limit of APRON CENTER competence area HANGAR 12 S40 DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF APRON CONTROL ( ) W/o CLEARANCE FROM APRON. Y8 LEGEND One way taxiway R HANGAR S Y 08-32 08-33 CHANGES: Stands. Taxiways. | JEPPESEN, 2008, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 10-9D FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 10-9E FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY .Eff.20.Oct. FRANKFURT/MAIN INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES A1 A11 A13 A14, A15 A16 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 02.9 02.9 02.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.3 34.2 34.2 34.1 34.1 G16 S401, S402 S403 S404 S405 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.2 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.2 33.4 33.5 33.4 33.5 V92 thru V94 V95 thru V98 V99 thru V101 V102 V106 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 03.0 02.9 03.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 36.0 35.9 35.8 35.7 35.6 V163 V164 V166, V167 V168, V169 V170 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.4 02.4 02.3 02.3 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.3 33.1 32.9 32.8 32.7 A17 A18, A19 A20 A21 A22 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.9 02.8 02.8 02.8 02.7 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.1 34.1 34.0 34.1 34.0 S406 S407 S408 S409 S410 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.3 33.5 33.3 33.6 33.3 V107 thru V111 V112, V113 V114 V115 thru V118 V119, V120 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 02.9 02.9 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.5 35.4 35.4 35.3 35.2 V171 thru V173B V174 V175 thru V177 V178 V266, V267 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.2 02.2 02.2 02.1 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 32.5 32.4 32.3 32.2 31.5 A23 A24, A25 A26 thru A30 A32, A34 A36 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.8 02.7 02.7 02.7 02.6 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.0 34.0 33.9 33.8 33.8 S411 S412 S413 S414 S416 thru S420 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.8 01.7 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.6 33.3 33.6 33.2 33.2 V121 thru V123 V124, V125 V126, V127 V128 thru V130 V148 thru V150 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.9 02.9 02.8 02.8 02.5 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.1 35.0 35.0 34.9 33.8 V268 thru V270 V322 V323 A38 thru A42 A86 A88 A92, A94 B10, B20 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.6 02.9 02.8 02.8 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.7 33.8 33.8 33.6 34.3 S501, S503 S504 S505 S506 S507 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.8 01.8 01.9 01.8 01.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.9 33.7 33.8 33.6 33.8 V151, 152 V153 thru 155 V156, V157 V158, V159 V160 thru V162 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.5 02.5 02.5 02.4 02.4 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.7 33.6 33.5 33.5 33.4 B22 thru B28 B41 thru B43 B44 thru B46 B47 B48 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.8 02.9 02.9 02.8 02.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.3 34.5 34.6 34.6 34.5 S508 S601 S602 S603 S604 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.9 01.9 01.9 01.9 01.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 33.6 34.1 33.9 34.1 33.9 C2, C4 C5, C6 C8, C11 C13, C14 C15 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.0 03.0 03.0 03.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9 S701 S703, S705 C16 D1 thru D4A D5 thru D8A E2, E2A E5 thru E6A N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.0 03.1 03.0 03.1 03.1 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.0 35.2 35.1 35.3 35.4 E9, E9A F211 F212 F213, F214 F215 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 03.1 02.4 02.4 02.4 02.4 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.5 32.7 32.6 32.7 32.9 F216 F219, F220 F221 thru F223 F224, F225 F231 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.5 02.5 02.3 02.4 02.3 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 N50 02.0 E008 34.4 N50 02.0 E008 34.5 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 02.3 02.3 02.2 02.3 02.2 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 32.0 31.9 31.8 31.7 31.6 G2, G4 G6 G8 G10, G12 G14 N50 N50 N50 N50 N50 01.9 02.0 02.0 02.1 02.1 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 35.1 35.1 35.2 35.2 35.3 08-33.2 One way taxiway 50-01.9 R Limit of APRON CENTER competence area DO NOT TAXI BEYOND AREA OF APRON CONTROL ( ) W/o CLEARANCE FROM FRANKFURT APRON. S17 EAST R2 S S 407 S 405 S/H 403 401 S17 R S17 WEST R1 S 412 S S 414 S 416 S/H 418 S17 420 S S 406 S 408 410 S 404 CHANGES: V165 withdrawn. 08-33.2 50-01.8 GENERAL AVIATION AREA TAXI RESTRICTIONS A340-600 and B777-300 not permitted GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL GENERAL AVIATION HANGAR S 413 S 402 WEST 50-01.7 | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. S S 411 409 S17 EAST 50-01.8 08-33.1 CHANGES: Stands. Coordinates. LEGEND S 420 Parking position H 420 Helicopter position 25L 7R/ Y0 RW 50-01.9 08-33.6 08-33.5 1 R11 32.9 33.0 32.5 32.4 32.1 F232, F232A F233, F233A, F234 F235 F237 F238 08-33.1 N50 02.2 E008 31.4 N50 02.1 E008 35.5 N50 02.1 E008 35.4 1 HANGAR 9 08-33.3 08-33.4 no LEFT turn from TWY R11 on RWY 25L no RIGHT turn from TWY M19 on RWY 25L 08-33.5 50-01.7 08-33.6 | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 23 SEP 11 10-9F FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY 1. GENERAL The following procedures take place during taxi-in and are displayed on the position's panel: 1.1. Start of Docking The system is started by activating the button with the scheduled aircraft type on the remote control unit. "Wait" is displayed until the docking surface is checked. 1.2. Capture Aircraft type is displayed on the panel. An arrow pointing upwards shows the screening of the aircraft. 1.3.Tracking As soon as the laser has captured the aircraft, the arrow is replaced by a vertical yellow line (centerline indicator). A flashing red arrow shows the required steering direction. The vertical yellow arrow shows the aircraft's position in comparison to the centerline and the azimuth guidance. 1.4. Closing Rate During the closing rate the panel shows the remaining distance between the aircraft's current position and the stop position, commencing at a distance determined by the system (i. e. 98'/30m). The centerline indicator reduces digit by digit with the aircraft approaching the stop position. Having reached the final digit the panel will show "STOP". 1.5. Decrease Speed "SLOW" If the aircraft is approaching faster than the acceptable speed, the panel will display "SLOW". 1.6. Azimuth Guidance The aircraft is as far from stop position as displayed on the panel. The vertical yellow arrow shows the aircraft's position in comparison to the centerline, a flashing red arrow (deviation indicator) shows the required steering direction. 1.7. Stop-Position Reached As soon as the aircraft has reached the correct stop position, the panel will display "STOP". 1.8. Docking Completed As soon as the aircraft is parked the panel will display "OK". 1.9. Overshoot If the aircraft has overshot the stop position, the panel will display "TOO FAR". 1.10. Interruption of Guidance During Tracking Should clear view to the aircraft be interrupted by any object or the detected aircraft lost during docking close to the stop position, the panel will display "WAIT". In that case pilots shall interrupt docking until display "WAIT" is extinguished. CHANGES: New A-VDGS. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN ADVANCED VISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM (A-VDGS) | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. JEPPESEN 23 SEP 11 10-9G FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY FRANKFURT/MAIN 2. FURTHER DISPLAYS 2.1. SLOW Is displayed in bad weather conditions or poor view and when capture of aircraft is interrupted. 2.2. STOP and ID FAIL Should capture of aircraft fail up to 39'/12m ahead of stop position, taxiing shall be aborted. In this case, aircraft may not coninue taxiing without the aid of apron supervision. 2.3. WAIT and GATE BLOCK If the panel displays this message, the aircraft may not continue taxiing without the aid of apron supervision. 2.4. WAIT and VIEW BLOCK If the view to the approaching aircraft is hindered, for instance due to contaminated laser lens or other objects reaching into the position, the aircraft may not continue taxiing without the aid of apron supervision. 2.5. STOP In case of emergency, an emergency button provided at the aircraft stand can be pushed by either apron supervision or any other authorized personnel. In this case "STOP" will be displayed on the panel and aircraft may not continue taxiing without the aid of apron supervision. 2.6. IRREGULARITIES Should power outage or system shutdown or other irregularities occur, display will be extinguished or the panel will display figures determined by the system. 3. DISPLAY OF IMAGES AND FUNCTIONS ON THE PANEL 3.1. Examples: Aircraft type Distance to stop point Stop point Deviation indicator/ steering indicator Taxi guideline Present aircraft position Depending on the system type, displays can be slightly different or additional. CHANGES: New A-VDGS cont'd. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 23 SEP 11 10-9H FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT GENERAL The visual guidance system for nose-in parking positions AGNIS (Aircraft Guidance for Nose-In Stands) consists of the following elements: 1. CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT 2. YELLOW CENTERLINE 3. STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD STOP ELEMENTMARKER BOARD YELLOW CENTERLINE Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA 7 OCT 11 .Eff.20.Oct. 07L ALS out 07C GREEN GREEN CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS CAT 2 ILS ILS ALS out LOC ALS out RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) ALS out RNAV (LNAV) ALS out VOR RED ALS out NDB LEFT of centerline. Turn towards GREEN. (RIGHT) RIGHT of centerline. Turn towards GREEN. (LEFT) Aircraft on centerline. ALS out 07R ALS out LOC ALS out RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) AGNIS CENTRE LINE GUIDANCE STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD B-747 other types B-747 other types B-747 ALS out other types RNAV (LNAV) ALS out VOR BAC1-11 BAC1-11 BAC1-11 All types continue taxiing. BAC 1-11 stop. Other types and B-747 continue taxiing. Other types stop. B-747 continue taxiing. SIGHTING SLOT CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Heading. 505'(200') R550m R1000m 505'(200') R550m R1000m 505'(200') R550m R1000m 513'(208') R600m R1000m approved approved approved approved RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 429'(100') 429'(100') 429'(100') 429'(100') BAC1-11 ALS out B-747 stop. LIGHT TUBE | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 529'(200') R550m 529'(200') R550m 529'(200') R550m 529'(200') R550m R1000m R1000m R1000m R1000m 820'(491') R1000m 820'(491') R1200m 820'(491') R1200m 820'(491') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 690'(361') R900m 690'(361') R1000m 690'(361') R1000m 720'(391') R1400m R1500m R1500m R1800m R2000m 790'(461') R1000m 820'(491') R1200m 840'(511') R1200m 840'(511') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 910'(581') R1000m 910'(581') R1200m 910'(581') R1200m 910'(581') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 820'(491') R1000m 820'(491') R1200m 820'(491') R1200m 820'(491') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m approved approved approved approved RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 428'(100') 428'(100') 428'(100') 428'(100') RA101'R300m RA101'R300m RA101'R300m RA101'R300m ILS CAUTION Be sure to select the correct vertical reference mark corresponding to your type of aircraft. Marker board layouts are different for the various nose-in parking positions. other types CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS CAT 2 ILS STOP ELEMENT - MARKER BOARD The aircraft is stopped at the correct position by means of the Stop Element. When the tubular light, visible through the horizontal slot in the marker board, registers in line with the appropriate vertical reference mark, the aircraft has reached the correct stopping position. B-747 RA100'R300m RA106'R300m RA119'R300m RA131'R400m RA101'R300m RA101'R300m RA101'R300m RA101'R300m CAUTION The system is aligned with the LEFT hand pilot seat only. In case of AGNIS failure, nose-in positioning will be guided by marshaller. GREEN FRANKFURT/MAIN A B C D CAT 3B ILS approved approved approved approved CAT 3A ILS RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 412'(107') 425'(120') 438'(133') CAT 2 ILS 1 405'(100') ILS 1 CENTERLINE GUIDANCE ELEMENT Approach the parking position along the yellow centerline so that both vertical slots in the Centerline Guidance Element show GREEN. Adjustments to the left or right shall always be made towards the GREEN. GREEN 10-9X .JAA.MINIMUMS. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY STRAIGHT-IN RWY NOTE: Nose-in parking aircraft (on pushback position) have to use towing truck when leaving parking position. RED JEPPESEN FRANKFURT/MAIN AIRCRAFT GUIDANCE FOR NOSE-IN STANDS (AGNIS) JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. NDB 1 528'(200') R550m 528'(200') R550m 528'(200') R550m R1000m R1000m R1000m R1000m 810'(482') R1000m 810'(482') R1200m 810'(482') R1200m 810'(482') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 680'(352') R900m 680'(352') R1000m 680'(352') R1000m 680'(352') R1400m R1500m R1500m R1800m R2000m 810'(482') R1000m 810'(482') R1200m 830'(502') R1200m 840'(512') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 800'(472') R1000m 800'(472') R1200m 810'(482') R1200m 810'(482') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 810'(482') R1000m 810'(482') R1200m 810'(482') R1200m 810'(482') R1600m R2000m R2000m R1500m R1500m ALS out Missed apch climb gradient mim 4.6% up to 3500'. CHANGES: Rwy 07L added. 528'(200') R550m | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN 7 OCT 11 .Eff.20.Oct. STRAIGHT-IN RWY 25L CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS CAT 2 ILS 10-9X1 .JAA.MINIMUMS. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 EDDF/FRA .Eff.30.Jun. ALS out LOC ALS out RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) ALS out RNAV (LNAV) ALS out VOR ALS out NDB ALS out 25C CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS CAT 2 ILS 562'(200') R550m 562'(200') R550m 562'(200') R550m 562'(200') R550m R1000m R1000m R1000m R1000m 830'(468') R1000m 830'(468') R1200m 830'(468') R1200m 830'(468') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 770'(408') R900m 770'(408') R1000m 770'(408') R1000m 770'(408') R1400m R1500m R1500m R1800m R2000m 770'(408') R900m 820'(458') R1200m 820'(458') R1200m 830'(468') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 860'(498') R1000m 860'(498') R1200m 860'(498') R1200m 860'(498') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 910'(548') R1000m 910'(548') R1200m 910'(548') R1200m 910'(548') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 10-9X2 .JAA.MINIMUMS. FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY FRANKFURT/MAIN TAKE-OFF RWY 07C/R, 18, 25L/C LVP must be in Force Approved Operators RA95' R300m RA95' R300m RA95' R300m RA95' R300m ILS JEPPESEN 24 JUN 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN A B C D approved approved approved approved RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 462'(100') 462'(100') 462'(100') 462'(100') JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A B C D HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req RL, CL & mult. RVR req RL & CL RCLM (DAY only) or RL 125m 150m 200m 250m 150m 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL NIL (DAY only) 400m 500m approved approved approved approved RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 464'(100') 464'(100') 464'(100') 464'(100') RA98' R300m RA98' R300m RA98' R300m RA98' R300m ILS ALS out LOC ALS out RNAV (LNAV/VNAV) ALS out RNAV (LNAV) ALS out VOR ALS out NDB ALS out 25R CAT 3B ILS CAT 3A ILS CAT 2 ILS 1 ILS 1 1 564'(200') R550m 564'(200') R550m 564'(200') R550m R1000m R1000m R1000m R1000m 810'(446') R900m 810'(446') R1000m 810'(446') R1000m 810'(446') R1400m R1500m R1500m R1800m R2000m 760'(396') R900m 760'(396') R1000m 760'(396') R1000m 760'(396') R1400m R1500m R1500m R1800m R2000m 790'(426') R900m 790'(426') R1000m 840'(476') R1200m 840'(476') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 880'(516') R1000m 880'(516') R1200m 880'(516') R1200m 880'(516') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m 910'(546') R1000m 910'(546') R1200m 910'(546') R1200m 910'(546') R1600m R1500m R1500m R2000m R2000m approved approved approved approved RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m RA50'R200m 453'(100') 457'(104') 471'(118') 484'(131') RA103'R300m RA107'R300m RA122'R300m RA144'R400m 553'(200') R550m 553'(200') R550m R1000m R1000m ALS out Missed apch climb gradient mim 5.0% up to 2000'. CHANGES: Rwy 25R added. 564'(200') R550m 553'(200') R550m R1000m 559'(206') R600m R1000m | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Rwy designation. | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 068^ 364' RWY 305' Refer to Minimums 1630' 136.5 Apt Elev 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' 335^ 7 04 Rwy Elev: 11 hPa 00 50 ^ Trans level: By ATC 7^ 22 D 1549' 1723' 17.0 5000 50-10 193^ 009^ NODGO D14.8 IFNE Egelsbach 913' IFNE ILS DME 1189' RID 1 290^ 18.1 5000 D18.1 1 RID (IAF) 112.2 RID 08-20 08-00 NODGO 1342' 1667' 50-00 08-50 F114.2FFFMM D4.2 D Egelsbach 1152' IFNE ILS DME 1189' 804' RID 2 290^18.1 5000 D18.1 2 RID (IAF) 112.2 RID 08-20 NODGO 5000' D4.2 IFNE 068^ Gnd speed-Kts GS 1630' 70 3.00^ 377 .Standard. 4.0 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 08-30 1060' 08-40 08-50 D4.2 IFNE 068^ GS 1630' ALSF-II REIL PAPI PAPI Inform ATC 305' D3.2 009^ D4.2 FFM LT ABC: D: Gnd speed-Kts 3.00^ 377 GS FFM .Standard. 70 750m RVR 1200m D CHANGES: New procedure. 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 ALSF-II REIL PAPI Inform PAPI ATC RWY 07L 305' D3.2 009^ D4.2 FFM LT FFM 07L CAT II ILS RA 100'DA(H) 405'(100') RA 106'DA(H) 412'(107') C: RA 119' DA(H) 425'(120') A: ALS out | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PANS OPS 4 RVR 120 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DH 550m 100 Missed apch climb gradient mim 4.6% up to 3500' A RVR 90 CAT IIIA ILS 505'(200') 513'(208') Limited 4.0 10.6 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 07L FULL PANS OPS 4 952' TCH 50' RWY 07L Missed apch climb gradient mim 4.6% up to 3500' DA(H) B 909' 766' 068^ 111.75 IFNE TCH 50' C FRANKFURT 816' ^ 068 08-00 776' D14.8 IFNE 10.6 GS 828' D14.8 IFNE D17.0 TAU 952' 770' 855' NODGO 1060' 08-40 1510' IFNE D14.8 IFNE 5000' 1953' 1989' 1346' 08-30 1034' D11.1 FFM 1723' 795' 913' 766' 068^ 111.75 IFNE 804' 1346' T116.7A UTAU 778' GRAD MIM 4.6% D3.2 FFM FRANKFURT 909' MSA FFM VOR 3245' 776' 816' ^ 068 3200' 3500' 1 MISSED APCH CLIMB 269^ TAUNUS D 121.8 124300' 5^ D4.2 FFM F114.2FFFMM D 305' 2205' 770' 2084' IFNE 1152' 7^ 22 2432' D4.2 RWY 339^ 795' 00 50 ^ 1343' 1699' 828' 364' (IAF) 1510' 855' D3.2 FFM D17.0 TAU 7 04 1342' 1667' 136.5 Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 1630' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD. At D3.2 FFM turn LEFT onto 009^. At D4.2 FFM turn LEFT to intercept R-339 FFM. At D11.1 FFM turn LEFT to intercept R-089 inbound TAU VOR climbing to 5000'. 1831' D4.2 FFM 50-00 068^ 1549' 2432' 2084' 111.75 1953' 1989' 118.5 CAT II & IIIA ILS GS D4.2 IFNE (1325') 1034' D11.1 FFM 3245' 339^ 50-10 1699' T116.7A UTAU TAUNUS 1343' IFNE Final Apch Crs 778' (IAF) 1831' 127.27 120.8 125.35 LOC DME required. 269^ *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 11 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. DME required. 2. Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. Trans alt: 5000' 2205' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. MSA FFM VOR In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. 118.02 .Eff.20.Oct.1 335^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD. At D3.2 FFM turn LEFT onto 009^. At D4.2 FFM turn LEFT to intercept R-339 FFM. At D11.1 FFM turn LEFT to intercept R-089 inbound TAU VOR climbing to 5000'. Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) 121.8 17.0 111.75 ILS DA(H) GS D4.2 IFNE (1325') 5000 IFNE Final Apch Crs LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 193^ 120.8 125.35 LOC *D-ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 11-1A 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP 118.02 TM BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 180^ *D-ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II/III ILS Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA APCH CLIMB .Eff.20.Oct. MISSED GRAD MIM 4.6% 11-1 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS Rwy 07L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 009^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. RVR 50' 200m B: RVR D: DA(H) 300m 1 RA 131' 438'(133') RVR 400m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HUD required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: New procedure. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 LOC IFCE Final Apch Crs 110.55 068^ ILS DA(H) GS D5.1 FRD (1301') 118.77 Apt Elev 364' RWY 329' Refer to Minimums 1630' 3200' 2205' 1343' 1549' TAU 1953' 1680' 8.0 2550' 7.0 2230' C ILS GS or 377 LOC Descent Angle 3.00^ MAP at MM/D1.7 FRD 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 RWY 07C 0.6 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D10.0 5000' FRD DA(H) Gnd speed-Kts GS .Standard. 3.00^ 550m RVR 750m D 1060' 08-40 08-50 MM GS 1630' D1.7 FRD 70 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY CAT IIIA ILS 1500m RWY 07C 0.6 ALSF-II D10.0 5000' FRD REIL PAPI whichever is later 329' via FR 297 07C CAT II ILS 50' RA 101' DA(H) 429'(100') 1500m RVR 1200m RVR 3.4 ABCD CMV 2300m 1 LACFT: DA(H) 595'(266'), FULL: R600m, Limited: R750m, ALS out: R1300m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Tower frequency. 08-30 377 DH RVR RVR 952' 909' 1680' 3.9 ALS out | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PANS OPS 4 C 844' 816' 766' D5.1 FRD GS 2870' 820'(491') ALS out A B FR 297 LOC (GS out) 529'(200') Limited RID RID D9.0 FRD 3.5 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 07C FULL 14 809' TCH 52' 329' via whichever is later ILS 1 DA(H) 776' Egelsbach FRANKFURT 1167' D10.0 FRD D1.7 FRD F382 WFW (IAF) 112.2 068^ 770' TCH 52' 90 .Standard. 4000' 828' FRD LOMPO MM 3.4 3.9 70 D9.0 302.0 00 ^ 40 08-10 3.0 960' D1.7 FRD LOC 1630' 3.5 4.0 1280' D12.5 FRD GS 1630' 2870' 5.0 1600' FRANKFURT MM D14.0 RID 08-50 6.0 1910' D FRD 1152' 804' D5.1 FRD GS 2870' 1189' F297 RFR FRED D5.1 ^ 068 0 00 40 D9.0 FRD 00 1510' FRANKFURT 855' D12.5 FRD 9 5. 00 40 9.0 2870' 1060' 08-40 F114.2FFFMM F(115.9)R DFRD LOMPO D16.0 TAU 4 1212' 1342' 795' 50-00 952' 909' 08-30 1953' D 0 5. 9 5. 10.0 3190' RID RID 1723' IFCE 816' Egelsbach LOC Gnd speed-Kts TAU 068^ 110.55 IFCE 844' MSA FFM VOR 1034' ILS 809' 3200' 3500' 116.7 TAU 1667' 2432' 1167' 776' 124300' 5^ 3245' 1989' D10.0 FRD F382 WFW 3 .0 40 02^ 00 068^ 770' 766' 14 D 178^ 0 5. LOMPO 828' FRANKFURT 11.0 3510' D12.5 FRD 297 FR FRD (IAF) 112.2 FRD DME 7^ 22 16.0 178^ D9.0 50-10 FRANKFURT D1.7 FRD FRD D14.0 RID ALTITUDE 4000' D5.1 1152' 08-10 LOC (GS out) 00 50 1343' FR FRANKFURT MM D12.5 FRD ^ 329' 121.8 2205' (IAF) FRED D LOMPO 804' 1510' 114.2 FFM 855' 795' 1189' 04 7^ 5000 FFM F(115.9)R DFRD D 068 RWY Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. DME required. 2. Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. MSA FFM VOR 1549' 1989' 0 364' Refer to Minimums 1630' 118.77 Apt Elev whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. 1342' ILS 00 118.5 CAT II & IIIA ILS FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', 1212' IFCE D16.0 TAU 4 127.27 GS D5.1 FRD (1301') TAUNUS 068^ 110.55 IFCE 50-00 068^ 116.7 TAU 1667' 2432' 110.55 1034' 1723' 16.0 5000 50-10 IFCE Final Apch Crs DME required. TAUNUS *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 120.8 125.35 LOC LACFT: See ATC State pages. 3245' (IAF) D 118.02 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) ^ Trans alt: 5000' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.20.Oct. 335 7^ 7^ 22 Trans level: By ATC 3500' *D-ATIS Arrival 335^ 04 00 50 Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) PANS OPS 4 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 11-2A 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II/III ILS Rwy 07C JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA BRIEFING STRIP 118.02 TM BRIEFING STRIP LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 07C .Eff.20.Oct. 180^ *D-ATIS Arrival 11-2 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 C EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. RVR 200m RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HUD required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Tower frequency. | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 LOC IFSE Final Apch Crs 110.95 068^ GS D5.1 FRD (1262') ILS DA(H) (200') 1590' 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 328' 528' 3200' 1953' MM ROBSA D5.1 D12.6 FRD 804' 1361' 14 ALTITUDE ROBSA 4000' 068^ GS 1590' LOC Gnd speed-Kts 3.3 3.9 70 ILS GS or 377 LOC Descent Angle 3.00^ MAP at MM/D1.8 FRD 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS DA(H) FULL 528'(200') Limited ALSF-II C 550m D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. MHA. RVR 750m Gnd speed-Kts inbound FFM GS .Standard. 3.00^ 08-40 08-50 MM GS 1590' D1.8 FRD CMV 2300m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3.3 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY CAT IIIA ILS RWY 07R 0.6 ALSF-II REIL PAPI 328' D1.0 inbound FFM 07R CAT II ILS ABCD 50' 1500m RVR 1200m RVR 1500m MHA 4000 08-30 3.9 DH RVR 1182' 246^ (5000 by ATC) D5.1 FRD GS 2830' 068^ 3.6 328' D1.0 PANS OPS 4 B 1060' 866' 066^ 40 .0 00 D9.0 FRD ALS out RVR 766' RIED 14 810'(482') ALS out A 952' 909' ROBSA LOC (GS out) DA(H) 816' Egelsbach TCH 50' RWY 07R REIL PAPI 07R D1.0 R112.2I RIDD 08-20 D12.6 FRD 4000' 0.6 809' (IAF) D TCH 50' 1590' 3.6 D14.0 RID 08-10 3.0 920' 4.0 1240' D1.8 FRD LOC 2830' 08-50 5.0 1560' MM D5.1 FRD GS 2830' 6.0 1880' 776' D8.0 FFM FRANKFURT 768' 08-40 7.0 2200' 8.0 2520' 770' 088^ F382 WFW 1152' 927' 246^ 828' FRD 302 ^ 1361' 1510' D1.8 FRD FFM FRD D9.0 804' 49-50 1182' MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 08-30 9.0 2830' 10.0 3150' D9.0 FRD D12.6 FRD 1189' 866' 066^ 40 .0 00 08-20 11.0 3470' 1060' D5.1 ^ 068 00 1346' R112.2I RIDD 927' 08-10 FRD DME 766' RIED D 768' LOC (GS out) 40 FRANKFURT 114.2 FFM MM D12.6 FRD D16.0 TAU (IAF) 302 ^ 49-50 952' MSA FFM VOR FRED D ROBSA 0 0 D14.0 RID 50-00 5.5 5.5 1152' FFM F(115.9)R DFRD 795' 400 400 1346' F382 WFW FRANKFURT 3200' 3500' Trans alt: 5000' 855' IFSE 909' FRD 124300' 5^ 1342' D 4 5. 4 5. 1189' 816' Egelsbach FRD D9.0 D1.0 328' 1212' 1953' 1667' 2084' D8.0 FFM D1.8 FRD FFM RWY 121.8 1989' 178^ 178^ 795' 1723' 068^ 110.95 IFSE 809' 119.9 364' TAU 2432' 770' 776' 088^ FRANKFURT Tower *Ground Apt Elev Refer to Minimums ILS FRED D 118.5 CAT II & IIIA ILS 1590' 16.0 IFSE ^ 068 828' 127.27 GS D5.1 FRD (1262') ATU 1549' 5000 16.0 5000 FFM F(115.9)R DFRD *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. 114.2 FFM 855' 068^ 110.95 IFSE 00 068^ 1510' FRANKFURT D ILS D16.0 TAU 110.95 50-10 1667' 50-00 IFSE Final Apch Crs (IAF)116.7 1989' 2084' 120.8 125.35 LOC 1212' DME required. 1342' 118.02 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 335^ 1723' 2432' 40 MSA FFM VOR TAU 1549' 50-10 Trans alt: 5000' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.20.Oct. Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC 1. DME required. 2. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. ^ (IAF)116.7 Trans level: By ATC 3500' *D-ATIS Arrival 335 ATU Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) PANS OPS 4 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) BRIEFING STRIP *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 11-3A 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN C BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II/III ILS Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. 180^ *D-ATIS Arrival 11-3 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. C Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. RVR 200m RA 101' DA(H) 428'(100') RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HUD required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. MHA. | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 LOC ILS DA(H) IFSW Final Apch Crs GS D4.2 IFSW 111.15 248^ 1710'(1348') 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' Refer to Minimums 3200' 3500' Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. DME required. 2. CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy R- and S-EAST underneath short final. 3. LACFT: See ATC State pages. IFSW Final Apch Crs 111.15 248^ 1018' D11.3 IFSW ^ 241 D7.3 IFSW 828' FR tr Lc 08-30 LOC (GS out) IFSW DME ALTITUDE CHARLIE 1060' 08-40 2.0 990' 3.0 1310' 1680' 5.0 1950' 6.0 2270' D4.2 IFSW 7.0 2580' Gnd speed-Kts 1710' 3.5 0.6 70 90 100 120 140 160 ILS GS or 377 LOC Descent Angle 3.00^ MAP at D0.7 IFSW 485 539 647 755 862 .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS 1 DA(H) FULL 750m RVR 1200m 1680' 08-50 28 5 ^ 09-00 09-10 LEDKI D11.3 IFSW 248^ GS 1710' D0.7 RWY 25L ALSF-II 362' Gnd speed-Kts D5.5 FFM GS .Standard. 25L 3.00^ 3.5 0.6 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY CAT IIIA ILS 4000' 3.1 4.0 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D5.5 FFM 25L CAT II ILS ABCD 830'(468') ALS out 50' RA 95' DA(H) 462'(100') 1500m RVR 1500m 2200m LACFT: DA(H) 580'(218'). CHANGES: Chart reindexed. MHA. MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) IFSW CMV D 1 RVR 105^ GS 2680' DH 550m 1060' 909' TCH 52' RVR RVR CHARLIE 08-40 4000' REIL PAPI ALS out (IAF) D4.2 IFSW | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 C 08-30 1026' D7.3 IFSW 4.0 DA(H) 952' LEDKI 2680' 3.1 909' D11.3 IFSW 248^ A B 08-20 10.0 3540' 9.0 3220' LOC (GS out) 562'(200') Limited 8.0 2900' GS 2680' LOC 362' Egelsbach 09-10 LOC TCH 52' RWY 25L 28 5 ^ D7.3 IFSW IFSW 2 (R- F 42 1438' D 816' D8.0 FFM 1169' 844' F114.2FFFMM 115.5H CHAA C D0.7 766' 09-00 GS 1710' D0.7 ^ 242 FM) 809' D4.2 IFSW FRANKFURT IFSW 50-00 105^ MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 08-50 4.0 1630' 909' ^ 1267' 1167' FR Lctr 0 400 08-20 (IAF) 776' D5.5 FFM 24 8 259^ 0 15. 766' 952' 770' 339^ 909' 906' FR tr Lc ^ 241 D7.3 IFSW 828' 1026' 0 400 2 24 ( R- Egelsbach MSA FFM VOR 899' D11.3 IFSW 855' D 816' D8.0 FFM 297 FR 1438' 0 15. ^ 242 FFM) 339^ F114.2FFFMM 115.5H CHAA C D0.7 IFSW 50-00 LEDKI 1510' FR 1169' 844' 1212' IFSW 248^ 111.15 IFSW 1342' 1267' FR Lctr 259^ D4.2 IFSW FRANKFURT 778' FRANKFURT 809' D5.5 FFM 3200' 3500' 1018' 1034' 50-10 1167' ^ 248 776' MTR ILS DME 1723' 1953' 770' 855' 124300' 5^ 159^ FR 297 FR 121.8 (IAF) 3245' 899' 159^ LEDKI 1510' FRANKFURT 362' 0 400 0 400 IFSW 248^ 111.15 IFSW 50-10 RWY underneath short final. 3. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 110.0 MTR 0 12. 1212' ILS DME 364' Refer to Minimums 1710'(1348') 119.9 Apt Elev METRO 778' 1034' CAT II & IIIA ILS 0 12. MTR 1342' 118.5 2205' 110.0 MTR 1953' 127.27 GS D4.2 IFSW FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to intercept R-242 FFM. Then on R-242 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. METRO 1723' *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 120.8 125.35 LOC (IAF) 3245' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. DME required. 2. CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy R- and S-EAST MSA FFM VOR 906' 1018' 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.20.Oct. ^ 335 335^ intercept R-242 FFM. Then on R-242 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. 2205' 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to 1018' *D-ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 11-4A 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II/III ILS Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. 180^ *D-ATIS Arrival 11-4 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. RVR 200m RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HUD required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. MHA. | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN BRIEFING STRIP *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 LOC IFCW Final Apch Crs 111.55 248^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS or LOC Rwy 25C GS Lctr (1296') ILS DA(H) 1660' 118.77 364' RWY 364' 564'(200') 124300' 5^ 3200' Trans level: By ATC 335^ Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 3500' D TAU TAUNUS 1018' 2205' F297 RFR FRANKFURT REDGO 1510' D11.3 IFCW D4.1 IFCW 828' 855' D7.1 IFCW 795' 776' D0.7 D 816' LOC IFCW DME (GS out) ALTITUDE CHARLIE 766' 08-30 2.0 990' 909' 4.0 1630' 5.0 1950' 08-50 6.0 2270' 8.0 2900' Lctr IFCW 9.0 3220' GS 2610' D7.1 IFCW FW 10.0 3540' 816' F(115.9)R DFRD D9.0 FRD 1152' FRED D 804' 08-20 08-30 ^ 258^ 1167' FR Lctr 809' F114.2FFFMM 115.5HCHAA C 952' Egelsbach (IAF) CHARLIE 766' 909' 899' FR r t Lc 1438' 844' 1026' FRANKFURT 909' 1060' 08-40 08-50 09-00 11.0 3860' REDGO D11.3 IFCW Lctr REDGO D7.1 IFCW D4.1 IFCW GS 1660' D11.3 IFCW 4000' 248^ 24 8 776' D 09-00 D7.1 IFCW D4.1 IFCW GS 1660' D0.7 828' 382 FW 909' ^ 238 D11.3 IFCW FRANKFURT 795' 1212' REDGO 1510' 1060' 08-40 3.0 1310' 1438' 50-00 MTR 0 400 08-20 (IAF) 1342' F297 RFR 844' 1026' (IAF) METRO 110.0 MTR 1 15. 804' Egelsbach IFCW 248^ 111.55 IFCW 855' 0 400 1152' FRED D MSA FFM VOR MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) ILS DME 1953' D4.1 IFCW 1 15. F(115.9)R DFRD D9.0 FRD 952' 1723' FRANKFURT FRANKFURT 3200' 3500' ^ 241 778' 1034' 121.8 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' ^ 061 DME required. 3245' 50-10 1989' 809' F114.2FFFMM 115.5HCHAA C IFCW 50-00 ^ Trans level: By ATC 1018' 2205' NOT TO SCALE 1167' FR Lctr 364' 339^ 382 FW 258^ Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 899' FR r t Lc 339^ FW 24 8 FRANKFURT TAU TAUNUS 116.7 TAU 085^ 1549' ^ 238 RWY Refer to Minimums 1660' 159^ 50-10 1989' 248^ 111.55 IFCW 248^ 364' 0 1342' 111.55 118.77 Apt Elev 400 IFCW 1212' ILS DME 1953' 159^ 1723' 118.5 CAT II & IIIA ILS 7 11. 0 NOT TO SCALE 1549' MTR 127.27 GS Lctr (1296') FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. METRO 110.0 MTR 400 1034' IFCW Final Apch Crs D ^ (5000 by ATC) 241 (IAF) 778' 3245' *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 1. CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy R- and S-EAST underneath short final. 2. Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. MHA 4000 ^ 061 DME required. 7 11. 116.7 TAU 085^ *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 LOC Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) MSA FFM VOR Trans alt: 5000' CAUTION: Independent taxiing acft on Twy R- and S-EAST underneath short final. 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II/III ILS Rwy 25C .Eff.20.Oct. 335^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *D-ATIS Arrival 11-5A 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT Tower *Ground Apt Elev JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. TM TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 11-5 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. GS 2610' 248^ 4000' LOC TCH 50' RWY 25C 364' Gnd speed-Kts 70 1660' 3.4 0.5 ILS GS or 377 LOC Descent Angle 3.00^ MAP at D0.7 IFCW 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 .Standard. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS DA(H) FULL 2610' LOC ALSF-II REIL PAPI Inform ATC GS .Standard. DA(H) ALS out TCH 50' 364' Gnd speed-Kts 5000' FRD whichever later 3.00^ 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 RVR 550m RVR 750m D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Tower frequency. MHA. RVR 1200m CMV 2100m RVR 1400m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Inform D9.0 ATC 5000' FRD whichever later 25C CAT II ILS ABCD DH 1500m 4.3 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY CAT IIIA ILS ALS out RVR 3.0 3.9 810'(446') PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 C D9.0 25C A B RWY 25C 4.3 LOC (GS out) 564'(200') Limited 3.0 RVR 50' 200m RA 98' DA(H) 464'(100') RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HUD required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Tower frequency. MHA. | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 LOC IFNW Final Apch Crs 111.35 248^ ILS DA(H) GS D4.3 IFNW (1327') 136.5 Apt Elev 364' RWY 353' Refer to Minimums 1680' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 124300' 5^ 3200' 3500' 335^ MSA FFM VOR In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. NOT TO SCALE D T116.7A UTAU085^ Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 1018' 2205' TAUNUS Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' ^ 061 DME required. 1342' 50-10 1989' 909' 1342' IFNW D6.3 FFM 08-20 08-30 073^ 1167' 809' 909' (IAF) 08-50 09-00 NIBAP D14.7 IFNW D4.3 IFNW RWY 25R TCH 50' 353' 4.1 70 3.00^ 377 GS .Standard. 10.4 90 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ALSF-II REIL PAPI Inform PAPI ATC RWY 25R MIM 800' at D6.3 .Standard. 25R PANS OPS 4 ABC: D: B RVR 550m RVR 750m 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY PAPI MIM Inform 800' ATC at D6.3 FFM 25R CAT II ILS Missed apch climb gradient mim 5.0% up to 2000' ALS out RVR 1200m D CHANGES: New procedure. 100 RA 103'DA(H) 453'(100') B: RA 107' DA(H) 457'(104') C: RA 122' DA(H) 471'(118') A: A C 10.4 90 CAT IIIA ILS 553'(200') 559'(206') Limited 4.1 70 3.00^ 377 GS FFM | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DH PANS OPS 4 DA(H) 353' Gnd speed-Kts Missed apch climb gradient mim 5.0% up to 2000' FULL 5000' 248^ GS 1680' TCH 50' Gnd speed-Kts 909' 1060' 08-40 5000' 248^ 1026' FRANKFURT 952' 1438' 844' NIBAP GS 1680' 899' ^ 056 CHARLIE 1152' 09-00 MTR 110.0 MTR F114.2FFFMM 115.5HCHAA C D Egelsbach 804' (IAF) METRO ^ 248 776' 816' 906' NIBAP D4.3 50-00 00 1018' D14.7 IFNW D4.3 IFNW MSA FFM VOR D14.7 IFNW 828' 766' 08-50 3200' 3500' ^ 241 1212' 1510' 1060' 08-40 124300' 5^ 5000 08-30 IFNW 248^ 111.35 IFNW 795' 909' 50 121.8 347^ 08-20 1953' ^ U) 320 TA CHARLIE 766' 804' 1723' 1438' 1026' (IAF) ^ 061 1034' 855' 5000 952' Egelsbach 1152' 1549' 844' FRANKFURT 353' 778' 3245' 073^ F114.2FFFMM 115.5HCHAA C D 816' GRAD MIM 5.0% 50-10 1989' 809' RWY ILS DME ^ 056 1167' 776' 1018' 1 MISSED APCH CLIMB 40 -1 (R IFNW D6.3 FFM T116.7A UTAU085^ 2205' TAUNUS 899' 347^ ^ U) 320 TA 40 -1 (R D4.3 795' (IAF) ^ 248 364' Refer to Minimums 1680' D14.7 IFNW 828' 855' 248^ NOT TO SCALE NIBAP 1510' 50-00 1212' 111.35 136.5 Apt Elev ^ 147 IFNW 248^ 111.35 IFNW 118.5 CAT II & IIIA ILS Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 1. DME required. 2. Special Aircrew & Aircraft Certification Required. D MTR 127.27 GS D4.3 IFNW (1327') FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D6.3 FFM at 800' or above, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-140 inbound TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR VOR climbing to 5000'. In case of Missed apch inform ATC immediately. 906' 110.0 MTR *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 00 50 1034' IFNW Final Apch Crs .Eff.20.Oct.1 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 LOC METRO ^ 147 1953' ^ 241 00 50 1723' 00 1018' 778' 3245' ILS DME 1549' 50 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 11-6A 335^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D6.3 FFM at 800' or above, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-140 inbound TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR VOR climbing to 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *D-ATIS Arrival TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN BRIEFING STRIP BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY CAT II/III ILS Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA APCH CLIMB .Eff.20.Oct. MISSED GRAD MIM 5.0% 180^ *D-ATIS Arrival 11-6 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY ILS Rwy 25R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. RVR 50' 200m RVR D: DA(H) 300m 1 RA 144' 484'(131') RVR 400m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HUD required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: New procedure. | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 Minimum Alt LOMPO (3671') 364' RWY 329' Refer to Minimums 4000' 4300' MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 069^ via FR Lctr to DF273 or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. Trans level: By ATC (IAF) 182^ RW~7C 2.0 NM 795' 40 5.0 1590^0 8.0 NM (IF) F(115.9)R DFRD ALTITUDE DF272 9.0 3250' LOMPO 068^ 08-40 6.0 2290' 4.0 11.3 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 2.0 ALSF-II STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY B RVR 1000m C D RVR 1100m CHANGES: Tower frequency. 1361' 2.0 1020' RWY 07C 49-50 DF911 5.0 776' 069^ 6.1 809' 844' DF273 069^ D10.0 FRD 927' ^ 816' Egelsbach F(115.9)R DFRD 766' FRED 952' 909' D 1060' 08-20 1680' DF914 31 2.6 25 340 0^ 0 0 08-10 329' 0T 08-40 08-50 NM to RW~7C (IAF) ULNOK 08-30 ALTITUDE 4.0 1660' 3.0 1340' 2.0 1020' DF273 5000' via Gnd speed-Kts FR 297 LNAV 690'(361') 720'(391') RVR 1500m RVR 1700m RVR 1800m to RW~7C 3.00^ 1020' 3.1 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 478 531 637 743 849 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY B: 820'(491') 790'(461') CD: 840'(511') DA(H) A: ALS out RVR 1600m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 329' 0 DF273 5000' D10.0 FRD whichever is later via FR 297 07C B: 820'(491') 790'(461') CD: 840'(511') DA(H) 1500m RWY 07C LNAV A: RVR TCH 50' 2.0 MAP at RW~7C .Standard. 07C RW~7C 2.0 NM 068^ 5.1 0 ALS out A 0 350 T 0 250 2000' D10.0 FRD whichever is later REIL PAPI LNAV/VNAV D: 3.0 1340' RW~7C MAP at RW~7C ABC: 4.0 1660' 0^ 07804' 0 2300T 220 068 TCH 50' 1020' 2.0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 .Standard. 1152' DF920 4.0 IBLUS to RW~7C 1660' 3.3 DA(H) 6.3 08-50 5.0 1980' 4.0 NM 2.0 NM to RW~7C 3.00^ 2930' 3.1 1167' 770' TIXAK 8.0 NM to RW~7C 4000' Gnd speed-Kts 1060' 1680' 7.0 2610' (IF) 1189' 909' 08-30 8.0 2930' TIXAK 766' (IAF) 10.0 3570' 14.4 795' 348^ NM to RW~7C FRANKFURT 828' 855' RW~7C 2.0 NM 50-00 1 292^13.3 4000 (IAF) 1 RIED VOR 08-10 F297 RFR 4.5 DF271 1510' 230 0 2200T 353.90^ 804' 844' 952' Egelsbach D 1152' DF272 1342' Procedure should be used between 2300 LT and 0500 LT by all RNAV (GPS) equipped acft. 816' FRED 1212' 1953' to RW~7C 4.0 NM to RW~7C ^ 068 1189' TAU 1034' 116.7 TAU to RW~7C to RW~7C LOMPO D10.0 FRD 809' MSA ARP 778' 1667' 1167' DF273 4300' Trans alt: 5000' 1989' 776' 070^ 069^ Trans level: By ATC 3245' 1723' 1549' 5.0 DF27~ 50-00 1343' 2432' 770' 6.1 Rwy Elev: 12 hPa (IAF) F297 RFR 828' 329' TAUNUS FRANKFURT 855' RWY 121.8 2205' D 50-10 1510' 1667' 2432' Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 1342' 1989' 364' whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. 1212' 1953' 118.77 Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 2000' 068^ 1034' TAU 118.5 LNAV DA(H) FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 069^ via FR Lctr to DF273 or 5000', 116.7 TAU 1723' 5000 50-10 13.4 1549' 127.27 Minimum Alt TIXAK (1671') Final Apch Crs FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Y Rwy 07C .Eff.20.Oct. *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 120.8 125.35 RNAV Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. 3245' TAUNUS 1343' MSA ARP Trans alt: 5000' 2205' D 118.02 7^ 22 7^ 7^ 04 Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 50 00 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) PANS OPS 4 121.8 12-2 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 0 3.9 068^ 118.77 Apt Elev LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 20 3 9 00 ^ RNAV LNAV/VNAV DA(H) *D-ATIS Arrival 04 Final Apch Crs FRANKFURT Tower *Ground ALS out PANS OPS 4 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM LANGEN Radar (APP) North South JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 12-1 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Z Rwy 07C JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 22 7^ Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 50 00 Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A RVR B C D CHANGES: Tower frequency. RVR 1600m 1500m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 Minimum Alt ROBSA (3672') Final Apch Crs RNAV LNAV/VNAV DA(H) (352') 364' RWY 328' 680' 4000' 068^ 119.9 Apt Elev 4300' MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 067^ to FFM VOR, then turn RIGHT on track 088^ to DF278 or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later. Turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 13.7 1342' 1723' 1989' F114.2FFFMM 1667' 4.3 181^ RW~7R 795' DF275 067 2.0 NM to RW~7R 5. 1590^0 0 40 ROBSA 0 DF277 68^ 13. 40 0 1361' 768' RID 1 08-20 9.0 3250' 7.0 2610' 8.0 NM 068^ 6.0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 3.0 1340' NM to RW~7R 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 ALTITUDE RWY 07R 328' ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY Descent Angle 3.00^ AB: PANS OPS 4 B C RVR 1500m D RVR 1600m CHANGES: MHA. TCH 50' 1020' 2.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 RVR 1500m RVR 1600m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RWY 07R ALSF-II REIL PAPI MAP at RW~7R STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY LNAV C: DA(H) AB: 810'(482') D: 328' Refer to Missed apch above 07R 830'(502') 840'(512') ALS out RVR 900m 08-50 RW~7R to RW~7R 372 C: 830'(502') 810'(482') D: 840'(512') ALS out A 08-40 1726' 0 .Standard. ALS out PANS OPS 4 680'(352') MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 2.0 NM 3.00^ DA(H) DA(H) 1182' 246^ 08-30 LNAV LNAV/VNAV 066^ 5.1 Gnd speed-Kts 909' 866' RIED 3.1 Refer to Missed apch above 07R 952' 1060' 2.0 1020' 068^ 816' 2. 6 BOGVO 2.0 088^ Egelsbach 08-20 3.0 1340' 809' 8.0 ^ D1.0 FFM ^ 068 R112.2I RIDD 2000' MAP at RW~7R .Standard. 927' 4.0 1660' 0 372 067 DF914 3 TCH 50' 1020' 4.3 1 25 340 0^ (IAF) 00 0 ULNOK T 08-10 2.0 1020' RW~7R 11.3 Gnd speed-Kts DF911 DF278 D8.0 FFM 776' 766' 0 2300T 220 D 08-50 4.0 1660' 3.00^ 3.3 3.0 1361' 08-40 to RW~7R DF910 49-50 1182' MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 5.0 1970' 2.0 NM to RW~7R 2930' 14.3 6.3 866' 6.0 2290' 1152' 0^ 07804' 0 350 T 0 250 (IAF) 08-30 8.0 2930' ROBSA 4000' 1060' IBLUS 066^ 0 (IF) 770' 828' 855' 2.0 NM 4.3 RIED 246^ 08-10 DF277 1189' 1346' 112.2 RID FRANKFURT 4.6 291^ 927' 10.0 3570' 952' MSA ARP Trans alt: 5000' 1212' RW~7R 352^ DF276 ALTITUDE Procedure should be used between 2300 LT and 0500 LT by all RNAV (GPS) equipped acft. 2084' (IAF) 4300' 1510' F114.2FFFMM D BOGVO 121.8 1342' 1989' 50-00 804' D 1953' 2300 2200T 353.90^ 1189' 1346' 809' 816' 766' 328' 50-10 909' 1152' NM to RW~7R 1723' 1212' 795' Egelsbach RWY Trans level: By ATC to RW~7R D1.0 FFM 8.0 NM 364' Refer to Minimums Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 088^ to RW~7R (IF) 49-50 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 2432' 8.0 ^ 119.9 Apt Elev track 088^ to DF278 or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later. Turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. DF278 776' 118.5 LNAV DA(H) FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 067^ to FFM VOR, then turn RIGHT on D8.0 FFM 2084' 50-00 770' 127.27 2000' 068^ 1667' 828' 855' *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) Minimum Alt BOGVO (1672') Final Apch Crs RNAV .Eff.20.Oct. *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 1510' FRANKFURT D 2432' Trans alt: 5000' Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 MSA ARP Trans level: By ATC 1953' TAUNUS VOR 50-10 5000 (IAF) Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 121.8 *D-ATIS Arrival 0 3.5 120.8 125.35 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 20 3 8 00 ^ BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 12-4 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Y Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 12-3 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Z Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A RVR B C D CHANGES: MHA. RVR 1600m 1500m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 Minimum Alt LEDKI (3638') Final Apch Crs 248^ 4000' 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' 770' 4300' MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 248^ to DF29~, then turn LEFT on track 230^ to DF291. Then turn RIGHT on track 242^ climb to 5000', then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to intercept R-242 FFM. Then on R-242 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) Rwy Elev: 13 hPa Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. 3245' 7.0 NM to RW25L 855' 770' 2.0 NM 828' to RW25L 4.0 NM 776' D 3.0 1370' RW25L 909' 24 8 ^ 08-40 855' 50-00 ( 09-10 08-20 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 NM to RW25L 2.0 2650' 2960' 3280' 3600' ALTITUDE 1050' 1050'2.0 1690' LEDKI 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 D8.0 FFM 6.0 25000^0 3 0T 2450 DF907 3.0 RWY 25L 952' 766' 3.0 1370' 1026' 909' (IAF) KUGUK 909' 1060' C115.5HCHAA 4.0 1690' 08-40 105^ 28 5 ^ 1680' MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 08-50 09-00 2.0 NM to RW25L 362' 3.00^ 1050' 2.0 14.2 09-10 DF29~ Gnd speed-Kts 70 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 2000' 248^ 3.0 5.0 0 D5.5 FFM REIL PAPI 1438' 844' 30 .6 25 00 5^ 00 0 T FRANKFURT RW25L ALSF-II 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 ALSF-II REIL PAPI DF29~ D5.5 FFM MAP at RW25L STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY .Standard. 25L LNAV BC: DA(H) 770'(408') A: 770'(408') RVR 1500m RVR 1200m RVR 1400m RVR 1200m RVR 1900m 820'(458') 830'(468') DA(H) A: ALS out ALS out A D: STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY LNAV RVR 1500m RVR 1500m CMV 2100m CMV 2200m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 770'(408') BC: D: 25L 820'(458') 830'(468') ALS out PANS OPS 4 DA(H) PANS OPS 4 D (IF) DF9013 F114.2F FFMM 248^ DF291 TCH 50' 4.2 2000 4.6 1267' DF902 TITUT 4000' 11.2 90 ^ 248 3.4 809' 273^ DF289 2650' 3.0 1167' 776' 6.3 08-30 6.0 248^ 770' TITUT Egelsbach 2330' LNAV/VNAV CHANGES: MHA. 42 R-2 5.0 to RW25L (IAF) ORVIV CHARLIE 28 5 ^ 1680' 09-00 MAP at RW25L D ^ 242 FFM) 2010' .Standard. C ^ 230 909' 105^ to RW25L RW25L 2.6 MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 7.0 NM 828' D5.5 FFM 1026' 4.0 4.0 NM 2.0 NM to RW25L 1212' 2.0 NM to RW25L DF29~ C115.5HCHAA 08-50 899' Procedure should be used between 2300 LT and 0500 LT by all RNAV (GPS) equipped acft. 1342' 1438' 0 B Trans alt: 5000' 1034' 1267' 1690' 2.0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 1953' 844' (IAF) 1060' TCH 50' 362' 3245' 1167' 952' 3.00^ 70 MSA ARP Trans level: By ATC 4 00 25 Egelsbach D8.0 FFM Gnd speed-Kts Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 4300' 230^ to DF291. Then turn RIGHT on track 242^ climb to 5000', then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to intercept R-242 FFM. Then on R-242 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. DF289 LEDKI 0 400 2.0 362' 1510' 7 12. 248^ 08-30 1050' RWY 50-10 FRANKFURT 766' ALTITUDE 364' Refer to Minimums 2000' 119.9 Apt Elev MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 248^ to DF29~, then turn LEFT on track 1723' CHARLIE NM to RW25L 248^ FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 6 3. 2^ 32200 T F114.2F FFMM 3.4 DF291 08-20 RNAV (IF) 339^ ^ 230 RWY 25L MTR to RW25L 2.6 ( 118.5 LNAV DA(H) Minimum Alt TITUT (1638') Final Apch Crs 899' METRO 809' RW25L D5.5 FFM 42 R-2 127.27 120.8 125.35 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 159^ 1510' ^ 242 FFM) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 110.0 MTR 50-10 50-00 (IAF) 9.8 1034' 1342' DF29~ Trans alt: 5000' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 778' 778' 1212' 1953' 118.02 MSA ARP Trans level: By ATC 0 400 1723' 121.8 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.20.Oct. 3900 3000T RNAV LNAV/VNAV DA(H) (408') *D-ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 12-6 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN 189^ BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Y Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 12-5 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Z Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A B C D CHANGES: MHA. RVR 1200m RVR 1400m RVR 1500m RVR 1500m CMV 2100m CMV 2200m | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 Minimum Alt REDGO (3636') Final Apch Crs RNAV 248^ 4000' 118.77 LNAV/VNAV DA(H) Apt Elev 364' 760'(396') RWY 364' ever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT on 085^ to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. D T116.7A UTAU TAUNUS Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 1018' 9.5 1034' NOT TO SCALE 1723' 1212' 1953' 1342' 50-10 1989' 7.0 NM 2.0 NM 3.0 1370' 5.0 2010' 1060' C115.5HCHAA 08-50 6.0 2330' 7.0 2650' 8.0 2970' 2.0 NM RWY 25C 364' 1060' 2.0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 ALSF-II STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DF282 B C 10.0 3600' CHANGES: Tower frequency. MHA. 08-20 NM to RW25C ALTITUDE 809' 276^ 2000 (IF) 25000^0 RWY 25C 25 0 00 0 T 909' DF907 952' 2.0 1060' 3.0 1370' 4.0 1690' KUGUK 1060' 08-40 08-50 09-00 2.0 NM 2.0 3.0 5.0 0 Gnd speed-Kts FW Descent Angle 3.00^ 382 2000' 248^ 3.00^ 1060' 364' 70 90 100 120 140 160 372 478 531 637 743 849 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DF282 5000' D9.0 FRD whichever later MAP at RW25C .Standard. AB: CD: 909' (IAF) LNAV DA(H) 1026' ^ 08-30 14.2 via 844' 3 0T 2450 RATRU 3.0 5000' DF902 1438' 4.6 DF90130305.6 to RW25C via FW 382 25C LNAV 790'(426') 840'(476') DA(H) ALS out RVR 1500m RVR 1300m RVR RVR 1800m RVR 1500m CMV 1500m RVR 1100m D Egelsbach (115.9) FRD RW25C 25C ALS out A FRD D 776' 6.3 816' FRED (IAF) ORVIV 1167' RATRU ^ 248 TCH 50' LNAV/VNAV 760'(396') 1212' 828' 247^ D9.0 FRD 4000' D9.0 FRD whichever later MAP at RW25C .Standard. DA(H) 9.0 3280' 4.2 5.0 REIL PAPI RW25C 6.6 DF282 804' 11.2 70 F382 WFW 3.5 1152' 2650' 0 Gnd speed-Kts 2.0 NM 766' 248^ to RW25C 3.00^ Procedure should be used between 2300 LT and 0500 LT by all RNAV (GPS) equipped acft. 1342' 1510' 50-00 09-00 to RW25C TCH 50' 1953' 795' 1026' 899' METRO REDGO DF281 7.0 NM RW25C 1723' FRANKFURT CHARLIE 08-40 4.0 1690' MTR 4 00 25 2.0 1060' MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) ^ 241 6 3. 2^ 32200 T 909' MSA ARP 110.0 MTR to RW25C 0 ALTITUDE 08-30 ^ 061 1034' 855' 400 (IAF) 766' 08-20 NM to RW25C 1549' 0 13. D9.0 FRD 4300' Trans alt: 5000' NOT TO SCALE 909' 952' Egelsbach (115.9) FRD 364' 121.8 778' 3245' 085^ 816' FRD D DF282 1018' 2205' 844' 776' FRED TAUNUS 1438' 809' 247^ 3.5 804' ^ 24 8 6.6 50-00 T116.7A UTAU DF281 REDGO 828' RW25C RWY Trans level: By ATC 50-10 1989' 339^ F382 WFW 795' 1152' D Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 1167' to RW25C 364' Refer to Minimums 2000' 118.77 Apt Elev (IF) to RW25C FRANKFURT 118.5 LNAV DA(H) ever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT on 085^ to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. NON-RNAV: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. 26.5 MTR 127.27 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 247^ via FW Lctr to DF282 or 5000', which- 899' METRO *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) Minimum Alt RATRU (1636') Final Apch Crs 248^ MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) (IAF) *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 1510' 855' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South RNAV 110.0 MTR 159^ 1549' Trans alt: 5000' ^ 241 0 400 778' 3245' 085^ ^ 061 118.02 MSA ARP Trans level: By ATC Baro-VNAV not authorized below -15^ C. 2205' 26.5 PANS OPS 4 4300' MISSED APCH RNAV: Climb on track 247^ via FW Lctr to DF282 or 5000', which- Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *D-ATIS Arrival .Eff.20.Oct. 189^ 120.8 125.35 FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TM *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 12-8 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN 2200m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AB: CD: 790'(426') 840'(476') ALS out PANS OPS 4 BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Y Rwy 25C JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 12-7 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY RNAV (GPS) Z Rwy 25C JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 6.0 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 3900 3000T Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A B C D 1300m RVR RVR 1500m CMV RVR CHANGES: Tower frequency. MHA. 1500m 2200m | JEPPESEN, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 VOR FFM Final Apch Crs 114.2 070^ FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 07C Minimum Alt D15.5 FFM (3671') DA(H) (581') 364' RWY 329' 910' 4000' 118.77 Apt Elev 124300' 5^ 3200' Rwy Elev: 12 hPa Trans level: By ATC MSA FFM VOR Trans alt: 5000' FFM Final Apch Crs 114.2 066^ Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) D 1343' 1549' T116.7A UTAU 1953' 1034' 15.4 D 114.2 F FFFM M 2432' 2084' F297 RFR FRANKFURT 828' 855' .0 (IAF) 112.2 13.0 3190' D15.5FFM D9.0 FRD 07 0^ [FD~7C] [VOR12] 70 9.0 1910' D8.0 FFM D4.7FFM [8~VOR] [MD~7C] ALTITUDE 4000' 3.3 90 100 120 140 160 531 637 743 849 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) 0.5 ALSF-II REIL PAPI RWY 07C [FD~7R] 329' whichever is later via Gnd speed-Kts FR 297 C D RVR CHANGES: Tower frequency. 2000m 1500m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9.0 1880' 08-50 8.0 1560' 7.0 1240' 6.0 920' FFM VOR D1.8 FRD [8~VO2] [MD~7R] TCH 50' 1560' 4.0 3.2 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 0.5 800'(472') CD: RWY 07R 328' ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) AB: D1.0 inbound FFM 07R 810'(482') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 RVR B MHA 4000 D4.8 FFM D5.0 FRD 3.00^ 2830' 1182' 08-40 10.0 2200' ALS out A 1060' 246^(5000 by ATC) Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 MAP at D4.8 FFM/D1.8 FRD 910'(581') 766' 866' 066^ D8.0 FFM D9.0 FRD .Standard. 07C 11.0 2520' [VOB12] 3.6 D10.0 5000' FRD 952' 909' RIED 08-30 12.0 2830' D12.0FFM 066^ 816' Egelsbach R112.2I RIDD 08-20 D12.6 FRD D1.0 FFM (115.9) FRD 13 13.0 3150' D15.6FFM FFM VOR [DF278] (IAF) D 927' 14.0 3470' FFM DME TCH 50' 478 .Standard. 6.0 960' FRED 382 FW D13.8 RID 08-10 7.0 1280' 809' D8.0 FFM 40 .8 00 08-50 8.0 1590' 776' FRANKFURT 1152' 302 ^ 49-50 770' 088^ FRD FW 804' 1361' 1060' D1.7 FRD D5.0 FRD 4.0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 MAP at D4.7 FFM/D1.7 FRD 909' 08-40 10.0 2230' 1590' 3.5 Gnd speed-Kts 08-30 3.00^ 2870' 952' 828' [MD~7R] D 1680' 11.0 2550' D12.0FFM D12.5 FRD 4000' RID RID 12.0 2870' 766' 00 40 5.1 382 FW 40 02^ 00 14.0 3500' 1346' FRANKFURT D15.0 RID 3 816' 4.9 4000 FW 1189' [8~VO2] ^ 066 00 Egelsbach 1152' 15 (115.9) FRD D5.0 FRD [VOB12] 40 8 4. 070^ 08-10 ALTITUDE FRD D MSA FFM VOR 1212' D4.8FFM D8.0FFM D1.8 FRD D9.0 FRD [FD~7R] D16.5 TAU [DF273] FRED 3200' 3500' 1510' 114.2 F FFFM M D12.0FFM FFM D12.6 FRD 844' D10.0 FRD [VOR12] 0 FFM DME [8~VOR] 776' D9.0 FRD D15.4 TAU 400 804' [MD~7C] 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' FRANKFURT D15.6 809' D12.0FFM [FD~7C] 1189' D5.0 FRD 328' 121.8 DME required. D 6 4. 178^ FFM D8.0FFM D4.7 D1.7 FRD RWY 1342' 795' 1167' 770' 364' 855' 50-00 795' 1953' 1989' 178^ 5000 1510' FRANKFURT FFM D12.5 FRD 1723' 2432' 1342' 1989' 119.9 Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC 1212' 1667' 50-00 ATU 1667' 1723' D15.5 Refer to Minimums 4000' 16.5 50-10 3245' 118.5 DA(H) FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TAU 1549' DME required. (IAF) 127.27 Minimum Alt D15.6 FFM (3672') Rwy Elev: 12 hPa (IAF)116.7 7^ 22 *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D1.0 inbound FFM, then turn RIGHT to intercept R-088 FFM outbound to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR and maintain 5000'. 5000 00 50 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 VOR 2205' TAUNUS 50-10 335^ 04 7^ 3500' 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.20.Oct. 335^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *D-ATIS Arrival 13-2 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT Tower *Ground FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. TM LANGEN Radar (APP) North South Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 13-1 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A RVR B C D CHANGES: MHA. RVR 1500m 1500m CMV 2300m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 BRIEFING STRIP *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 VOR FFM Final Apch Crs 114.2 See Below Minimum Alt D9.1 FFM (3638') DA(H) 119.9 Apt Elev 364' RWY 362' 860'(498') 4000' 3200' 3500' D12.1 FRD 770' ^ 24 8 1.0 1400' 2.0 1720' 4.0 2360' 3.0 2040' FFM VOR D1.5 FRD D5.0 FRD 245^ RWY 25L 362' 0.6 1.6 0 Gnd speed-Kts 2.0 3.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) 7.0 3310' 804' 09-10 FFM DME 8.0 3630' ALTITUDE F(115.9)R DFRD FRED D 08-20 0.0 1060' 08-30 1.0 1370' 297 FR 3.0 2010' D1.6 FRD 364' 0.5 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D5.5 Gnd speed-Kts 70 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 MAP at D1.5 after FFM VOR/D1.6 FRD FFM .Standard. 25L 1690' 2.0 2.0 90 100 120 140 160 531 637 743 849 DA(H) C D CHANGES: MHA. RVR 1500m CMV 2300m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 909' 7.0 3280' 8.0 3600' D9.2 FFM D12.2 FRD 24 8^ 4000' 2650' 4.2 ALSF-II REIL PAPI D9.0 5000' FRD whichever later 25C 880' (516') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 RVR 1500m B 1026' 09-00 6.0 2970' 3.0 478 ALS out A 115.5H CHAA C 08-50 5.0 2650' STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 860'(498') 1438' (IAF) D5.0 FRD 1.5 077^ 844' CHARLIE 1060' 4.0 2330' 253^ RWY 25C 952' 909' FFM VOR D5.0FFM D2.0FFM D8.0 FRD D1.5FFM 4000' 1167' 816' 08-40 2.0 1690' D12.1 FRD 4.1 FFM VOR 809' 4 8^ FR Egelsbach D9.1 FFM 248^ M FF R VO 776' 0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 MAP at D1.6 after FFM VOR/D1.5 FRD .Standard. D1.6 FRD 2680' 1720' 2.2 1152' 285^ 6.0 3000' D8.0 FRD D2.0FFM 2 D1.5FFM 766' D5.0FFM D1.6 FFM D9.0 FRD 50-00 105^ 1680' 09-00 5.0 2680' 828' ^ 060 FRANKFURT 909' MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 08-50 D5.0 FRD D12.2 FRD 770' 899' 0 400 ALTITUDE 08-40 D8.0 FRD D2.0FFM 855' F382 WFW D9.2 FFM D5.0FFM 110.0 MTR 2 15. 0.0 1090' FFM DME 115.5H CHAA C CHARLIE 1060' 1510' 114.2 F FFFM M MTR METRO 339^ 08-30 (IAF) (IAF) 1212' 253^ 0 400 909' 766' 08-20 952' ^ 241 (5000 by ATC) 1342' 795' 816' Egelsbach 1034' 1953' FRANKFURT 1026' 1 15. F 297 FR MSA FFM VOR MHA 4000 ^ 061 778' 3245' 1267' 077^ 844' FR 3200' 3500' Trans alt: 5000' 1018' 2205' 50-10 1989' 776' 245^ D8.0 FFM 1723' 1438' FRANKFURT 50-00 ^ 242 FM) 1167' 339^ D5.5 FFM Trans level: By ATC FRANKFURT 809' D1.5 FRD TAUNUS D FFM VOR 124300' 5^ ^ D1.6FFM T116.7A U08TAU5^ 1549' ^ 060 M FF R VO D9.1 FFM 828' Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 335 FRED D5.0 FRD 364' 159^ D8.0 FRD D2.0FFM 855' RWY 880' 4000' DME required. 899' 159^ D5.0FFM 114.2 FFM See Below 364' 0 400 0 400 FFM F(115.9)R DFRD 1510' FRANKFURT D 2 24 ( R- 2 12. 1342' 50-10 114.2 118.77 Apt Elev NOT TO SCALE 1212' 1953' D 778' 1034' 118.5 DA(H) (516') 1 12. MTR 127.27 Minimum Alt D9.2 FFM (3636') FRANKFURT Tower *Ground whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. D 110.0 MTR *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', METRO 3245' FFM Final Apch Crs .Eff.20.Oct. *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) MSA FFM VOR 906' 1018' LANGEN Radar (APP) North South VOR (IAF) 2205' 1723' Trans alt: 5000' 1018' DME required. ^ Trans level: By ATC 118.02 335 intercept R-242 FFM. Then on R-242 FFM to D8.0 FFM or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR climb and maintain 5000'. Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D5.5 FFM, then turn LEFT to Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) *D-ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground 13-4 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 25C JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 13-3 180^ 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY VOR Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A RVR B C D RVR 1600m CHANGES: Tower frequency. MHA. 1500m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN LANGEN Radar (APP) North South BRIEFING STRIP TM 118.02 *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 Lctr FW Final Apch Crs 382 See Below FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 07C Minimum Alt D12.5 FRD (3671') DA(H) 364' RWY 329' 820'(491') 4000' 118.77 Apt Elev 124300' 5^ 3200' Trans level: By ATC T116.7A UTAU 50-10 1034' 1953' D FRANKFURT 855' F297 RFR 828' 770' ^ 066 5.2 4000 ^ 068D9.0 F(115.9)R DFRD D D1.7 FRD Egelsbach 1152' 766' 14 302 . 0 00 ^ (IAF) 112.2 08-10 11.0 3500' 10.0 3190' D12.5 FRD RID RID 9.0 2870' 08-30 D16.0 TAU 844' 952' F114.2FFFMM 6.0 1910' ALTITUDE 40 00 3.5 FRD D FRD 8 FRED (115.9) FRD 1750' R112.2I RIDD 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 MAP at D1.7 FRD 478 531 637 743 849 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) RWY 07C 14 4 0 .0 00 D10.0 5000' FRD whichever is later via 8.0 2520' Gnd speed-Kts Descent Angle 3.00^ MAP at D1.8 FRD 297 7.0 2200' D5.5 FRD FRD 1720' 3.4 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 D RVR 1500m CHANGES: Tower frequency. CMV 2300m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3.0 920' 0.5 RWY 07R ALSF-II 328' D4.2 FRD 07R 810'(482') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 C 08-50 4.0 1240' REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) 1500m 5.0 1560' D1.8 3.8 372 820'(491') RVR B 6.0 1880' 070^ ALS out A MHA 4000 FRD .Standard. 07C 1182' FW Lctr D9.0 3.6 FR 866' by ATC) 246^ (5000 08-40 08-30 9.0 2830' 068^ 329' 1060' RIED D 2830' 0.5 952' 909' (IAF) ^ 08-20 FRD 3.8 Egelsbach 766' 302 10.0 3150' 066^ D10.8 FRD D14.0 RID 927' 11.0 3470' 4000' D1.7 FRD 3.5 FRD FRD 809' 816' D1.8 1152' D12.6 D5.5 FRD 095^ D4.2 FRD 066^ FRD DME 770' 776' ^ 068D9.0 08-10 3.0 960' F297 RFR FRANKFURT 828' ^ 070 D12.6 5. 49-50 4.0 1280' 1212' 1510' D5.5 FRD 804' 08-50 5.0 1590' MSA FFM VOR 855' FW 1361' 1060' 3200' 3500' 382 FW 1346' FW Lctr FRD .Standard. 909' 124300' 5^ Trans alt: 5000' FRANKFURT D 50-00 1189' 08-40 7.0 2230' 2870' Gnd speed-Kts 816' 328' 121.8 DME required. 1342' 1680' 8.0 2550' D9.0 068^ 1953' 1667' FRD 40 .8 00 D14.0 RID 40 809' RWY 810' FRANKFURT FRED FRD 804' 1723' 1167' 776' 364' Trans level: By ATC 795' D10.0 FRD 119.9 Apt Elev 1989' 5.3 178^ D5.5 FRD 795' 2084' FRANKFURT 382 FW 5 ATU Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 4000 FW FRANKFURT 1510' FRANKFURT Tower *Ground TAU 178^ 16.0 5000 F114.2FFFMM D12.5 118.5 DA(H) (482') 4000' 2432' 1342' 1989' D16.0 TAU 127.27 Minimum Alt D12.6 FRD (3672') 1212' 1723' 2432' 4000' Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) 1549' 3245' *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb inbound FR Lctr to D4.2 FRD, then turn RIGHT on 095^ outbound FR Lctr to D10.8 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to RID VOR, climb and maintain 5000'. DME required. 1667' ALTITUDE See Below 16.0 1549' FRD DME 382 5000 D 1343' 1189' FW Final Apch Crs (IAF)116.7 7^ 22 (IAF) 50-00 MSA FFM VOR Trans alt: 5000' *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 Lctr 2205' TAUNUS 50-10 ^ 00 50 Rwy Elev: 12 hPa 335 04 7^ 3500' 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South .Eff.20.Oct. ^ 335 MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FR Lctr to D10.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to TAU VOR maintain 5000'. Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) 121.8 *D-ATIS Arrival 16-2 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT Tower *Ground FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 07R JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. TM *D-ATIS Arrival 16-1 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 BRIEFING STRIP 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN 180^ EDDF/FRA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A RVR B C D CHANGES: MHA. RVR 1500m 1500m CMV 2300m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 BRIEFING STRIP *FRANKFURT Director (APP) *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) 127.27 118.5 120.8 125.35 Lctr FR Final Apch Crs 297 See Below Minimum Alt D12.1 FRD (3638') DA(H) 119.9 364' RWY 362' 910'(548') 4000' 3200' 3500' 1018' D 1034' 297 See Below Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 50-10 F114.2FFFMM D T116.7A 08UTAU5^ TAUNUS FRD 770' D12.1 D1.4 2 FRD 4 8^ D5.0 FRD ALTITUDE 115.5HCHAA C 3.0 1090' 1060' 08-40 4.0 1400' 5.0 1720' MHA 4000 (5000 by ATC) 1680' 08-50 6.0 2040' 7.0 2360' 8.0 2680' 9.0 3000' D5.0 FRD 0.5 3.6 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Angle 3.00^ MAP at D1.4 FRD 372 478 531 637 743 849 .Standard. DA(H) FR Egelsbach 08-30 08-40 08-50 D CHANGES: MHA. RVR 1800m 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 ALTITUDE 1020' 1340' 1660' 1980' 2300' 2620' 2930' 3250' 3570' RWY 25C Gnd speed-Kts 364' 3.4 0.5 70 90 100 120 140 160 478 531 637 743 849 | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FRD FRD 248^ 4000' 2620' 4.3 ALSF-II REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY DA(H) 2400m D12.3 D8.0 3.0 Descent Angle 3.00^ 372 MAP at D1.6 FRD .Standard. CMV 09-00 5.0 4.1 1500m 115.5HCHAA C 1060' D1.6 D9.0 5000' FRD whichever later 25C 910'(546') ALS out PANS OPS 4 PANS OPS 4 C (IAF) 4.0 910'(548') RVR B 909' 952' CHARLIE 766' ALS out A 909' 250^ 1660' 25L 1026' 297 FR D5.0 FRD FRD 844' FRANKFURT FR Lctr D2.5 1438' 809' FRD ALSF-II FR Lctr 3.0 4000' REIL PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 08-20 259^ FRD DME 2680' 3.0 Gnd speed-Kts 11.0 3630' ^ 248 (115.9) FRD FRD 248^ 246^ 1720' 362' 804' 09-10 D FRED D12.1 FRD FRD RWY 25L 10.0 3310' D8.0 FR Lctr D1.4 28 5 ^ 09-00 1167' D5.0 FRD FRD D9.0 FRD 1152' FRD 776' FRD 50-00 tr D12.3 770' 828' 855' 795' 105^ FR ^ Lc 239 0 400 766' FRD DME (IAF) CHARLIE 899' 1 15. 909' FRD 250^ 909' 952' MTR 110.0 MTR 339^ FRED 08-30 D8.0 D1.6 Egelsbach 08-20 1026' 0 400 2^ (06 Lctr) FR FR F382 WFW 844' (IAF) 1510' FRANKFURT 297 FR F(115.9)R DFRD D D5.0 FRD 1342' FRANKFURT 1438' 809' 4 15. ^ 242 to 1212' 1953' MHA 4000 1^ (5000 by ATC) METRO 1034' F114.2FFFMM FRANKFURT 246^ 1723' 1267' 259^ Lctr 339^ 50-00 1549' FR 1167' 776' D2.5 FRD r 24 778' 3245' D FRD 828' ^ 061 1018' 2205' 50-10 1989' D8.0 3200' 3500' Trans alt: 5000' NOT TO SCALE 1510' FRANKFURT 855' FR ^ Lct 239 124300' 5^ 159^ 1342' 364' 121.8 MSA FFM VOR 899' 159^ 1212' 1953' RWY Trans level: By ATC 0 1723' 364' 910' 4000' 118.77 Apt Elev 0 400 400 2 12. 3245' 778' 118.5 DA(H) (546') 9 11. MTR 127.27 Minimum Alt D12.3 FRD (3636') FRANKFURT Tower *Ground DME required. 906' METRO 110.0 MTR *FRANKFURT Arrival (APP) MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD via FW Lctr to D9.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn RIGHT to TAU VOR. Turn RIGHT to intercept R-085 TAU/R-265 inbound MTR to MTR VOR and maintain 5000'. (IAF) 2205' FR Final Apch Crs .Eff.20.Oct. *FRANKFURT Director (APP) 120.8 125.35 Lctr Alt Set: hPa (IN on req) MSA FFM VOR 16-4 335^ Trans alt: 5000' 1018' DME required. ^ Trans level: By ATC LANGEN Radar (APP) North South 118.02 335 track 242^ outbound FR Lctr to D5.0 FRD or 5000', whichever is later, then turn LEFT to CHA VOR and maintain 5000'. Rwy Elev: 13 hPa 121.8 124300' 5^ MISSED APCH: Climb STRAIGHT AHEAD to D2.5 FRD, then turn LEFT on Alt Set: hPa(IN on req) *D-ATIS Arrival FRANKFURT Tower *Ground Apt Elev 7 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN TM TM 118.02 LANGEN Radar (APP) North South FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 25C JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA .Eff.20.Oct. BRIEFING STRIP *D-ATIS Arrival 16-3 180^ 7 OCT 11 Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY NDB Rwy 25L JEPPESEN EDDF/FRA FRANKFURT/MAIN JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 180^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. A RVR B C D RVR 1800m CHANGES: Tower frequency. MHA. 1500m CMV 2400m | JEPPESEN, 1999, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 T TT T 657' Bischofsheim MAINZ R§SSELSHEIM T -Gustavsburg . A6 7 5 27 /C 25L T A5 T TT Possible flight activity/ Flugaktivit8t m:glich 02 1 6 6ø DARMSTADT (Griesheim) T 909' 933' . T N49 52.0 E008 36.6 80 866' 01-12 08-40 B ie ber 265 909' HPA 085 . 952' . 095 T ' 00 0 15 100 10 / C FL FL F ' S ' / 0' / 00 500 350 0 1 )1 t (E kfur rt . u n a kf 1060' Fr ran ) (C C) F ( TT Messel T Ro≈dorf (E) 3500' 1000' SFC OberRamstadt 6 MΩnster 49-55 KILO Ffm-Egelsbach REP 8 ECHO 453' Ffm-Egelsbach REP Eppertshausen T . DELTA 1 Autobahn Exit Darmstadt YANKEE 1 Ffm-Egelsbach REP Gro≈Zimmern 4 Dieburg 479' 74 01-12 2 REINHEIM Reinheim NM Goddelau Griesheim A67 2 806' 760' T R∏dermark z 068^ 068^ 068^ 248^ 248^ 248^ T 200 25R Wolfskehlen . DARMSTADT N Griesheim W Weiterstadt ILS 111.75 IFNE 110.55 IFCE 110.95 IFSE 111.35 IFNW 111.55 IFCW 111.15 IFSW 2 ^ 245 N49 52.7 E008 32.8 118.02 (ARR) 118.72 (DEP) 275 901' . 2 06 ren 122.10 (en) 07L* 07C 07R 25R* 25C* 25L* Ffm-Egelsbach REP Nieder- 10 roden rsp Ge WIESBADEN TOWER CHANGES: COM - REPs & Routes - OBST. JULIETT *ILS/DME freq paired. RWY DELTA 2 A5 CTR (D) Wiesbaden: VDF BΩttelborn TT 118.40 (ge, en) Weiterstadt T EGELSBACH INFO ATIS RID N49 53.6 E008 29.9 T 136.50 from north (ge, en) 119.90 from south (ge, en) 124.85 RWY 18 (ge, en) APRON/VORFELD 121.65 121.85 (ge, en) GROUND/ROLLKONTROLLE 121.80 (ge, en) CTR (D) Frankfurt / Sector Egelsbach: T 112.20 2 Model FLTs RID SIERRA Arheilgen T T 1 VOR/DME 119.15 (ge, en) TT T TT Within Airspace (C): LANGEN INFORMATION (TWR) FRANKFURT TOWER/TURM Berkach TT T YANKEE 2 CTR (D) Sector Day/Tag Egelsbach SFC/1500' 2 417' T 08-20 Gro≈Gerau T . 643' 808' Egelsbach 748' 766' . T 2 242 816' 343 163 78 01-12 712' Ffm-Egelsbach REP Dietzenbach 2 FRANKFURT- Ffm-Egelsbach REP HPA EGELSBACH 681' 633' T 49-55 Mommenheim 583' 12 . TT TT 584' Nauheim Astheim ROMEO 1 Trebur N49 56.1 E008 21.3 Bodenheim 804' ^ 2 TT A6 3 km 8 23 TT Forest: | WorldSat International Inc., 2002 All Rights Reserved. www.worldsat.ca 1300' Rodgau 2 EH LANGEN M∏rfelden- 809' 522' 0' /150 SFC 2 t kfur 14 TANGO NDB 386 EH T T T Rhein | 2007 AND Data Solutions B.V. | 2007 AND Data Ireland Limited. TT ran ARR/DEP/Holding MAX 1500' 1153' Digital Geography Europe: (D ) F CTR -Walldorf A60 Heusenstamm Dreieich Langener LIMAWaldsee TT Ginsheim- T A3 587' Neu-Isenburg frd N49 59.0 E008 36.1 TT MAINZLERCHENBERG . . 0491' 522' 531' 50-05 Obertshausen 776' 18 2 55 T 657' DME 115.90 FRD 511' OFFENBACH AM MAIN TT FW L 382 FW . 552' T 429' 567' . FR FFM . 16 L 297 FR VORTAC 114.20 FFM Kelsterbach 828' Sachsenhausen 650' . Fl∏rsheim 770' . T T Kostheim 020 T T T MΩhlheim am Main 719' 728' 18 467' Hochheim 075 /R 07C TT Kastel . 509' in Ma TT A67 1 770' 1167' 744' 07L T 795' 776' 537' TT 2 WIESBADEN AAF MIL 776' T T . A6 61 1 E T T Main 717' 717' 1102' 1306' . 6.5 NM SW Frankfurt A66 9 10 Hattersheim 542' T FRANKFURT AM MAIN Schwanheim 752' T A66 Biebrich H∏chst T WBD T N50 08.2 E008 35.6 Griesheim 855' Kriftel NDB 399 WBD N50 02.0 E008 34.2 1510' NOVEMBER T WIESBADEN 50-05 Hofheim am Taunus TT 15 GERMANY TT T 2 FRANKFURT/MAIN Elev 364'/111m TT X) 0' (H 0 5 1 C/ A3 0 SF L 10 den 0'/F a 0 b 5 s 3 ie furt (D) W rank CTR (C) F Kelkheim 08-40 748' T (E) 3500' 1000' SFC EDDF T 532' F 00'/ ' 5 1 Eschborn furt 500 529' rank ' SFC/1 Schwalbach F ) C ( 000 am Taunus (E) 1 719' Eppstein TT Altitudes in ft Distances in NM Steinbach 0 L 10 T T Bad Soden am Taunus T 08-20 20 FRANKFURT MAIN 19-1 28 OCT 11 T JEPPESEN | JEPPESEN, 2009, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT MAIN 19-2 JEPPESEN 28 OCT 11 FRANKFURT/MAIN 08-31 GERMANY TT up to 551' TT up to 508' 50-03 . TT 00768L^ 6' 918 m 0 0 28 P14 Elev 305' P20 P N MET N-east Hangar 6 TWR N5 588' rt h L-no t Eas N4 P4 P P6 . N3 ON APR L4 . 50-03 . 2254C8^ L 407' L3 N1 L REAST 2 L1 SEAST 2 18 SEAST 4 SEAST 6 . 413' Trees up to 445' 22548L^ S-east SEAST 8 m 4000 TT Trees up to 395' Trees up to 434' up to 420' 07C Elev 328' Y Y8 R 078R^ 423' 06 S27 S40 S HEL APCH/TKOF area An-/Abflugbereich 4000m 13,123' 443' 50-01 575' General Aviation (see/siehe 19-2A) Hangar 7 1000 Meters 0 2000 500 3000 4000 1000 5000 1500 50-01 08-35 Y 2 (O/R) Trees up to 427' Trees up to 421' TT WARNUNG: Gefahr von Wirbelschleppen. Bei Starkwindsituationen ist auf der Startbahn 18 mit Windscherung und erh∏hter Turbulenz zu rechnen. S42 Hangar GA 12 555' P Feet 0 TT CAUTION: Danger of wake turbulences. In cases of strong winds, wind shears and increased turbulence can be expected on TKOF RWY 18. S21 S TT Trees up to Trees up to 408' 08-31 CHANGES: OBST. 2 N3 . 415' 469' inal m 4000 P1 P24 Trees up to 396' Term 504' Term 119.15 x P16 08-35 1 inal LANGEN INFORMATION RN8 N N7 N4 L EAST 4 L5 Elev 364' ABN D Rwhite/white UN L6 N5 P 365' M6 Hangar N8 GRO N N6 M EAST 6 ER/ 5 TOW L7 P8 R-east M8 L8 L M10 P10 M P M3 tre L9 N11 Cen 23' N 397' L10 N13 3,1 N N10 APRO 1 R 421' Elev 362' M7 L11 N14 M N11 S M14 R3 178^ R8 N L14 L13 S3 M9 S4 L R N14 M11 L15 R5 Elev M N19 23' N 326' L16 3,1 M24 th 1 D N15 r P1 S4 o N L17 U M13 L N-n N17 R7 M15 GRO L19 N16 ER/ W P1 DP1 N M28 M O Works h T M17 ut S9 M19 N-so L20 R W W1 385' M30 L L21 M21 tre Cen DP2 M23 Y2 ON S14 W3 R11 Elev 329' M APR Y 441' M25 S16 . R2 M27 Y1 M Y10 S17 R1 M Hangar 11 R15 R GAT M2 S41 Y4 M29 381' ^ 8 Hangar 6 Hangar 10 Y3 0 Y6 S20 9 Y12 tre Cen ND ON U APR /GRO R E TO W Trees up to 409' Trees up to 397' Elev 353' 22548R^ (FIS) (DEP) S-east t R-eas Trees up to 421' 500' Trees up to 453' 421' in Ma 121.90* *Initial call ATIS 121.80 and start-up 118.72 121.65 121.85 FRANKFURT DELIVERY GROUND/ROLLKONTROLLE APRON/VORFELD Y7 W5 Elev 316' Y Trees up to 416' (O/R) INTERSECTION TAKE-OFF RWY TWY TORA (m) 07C L20 3940 L17/L19 3312 L16 3012 L14 2412 L3 3972 25C L4 3685 L5/M8 3580 L6 3258 07R M25/R15 3080 M19/R11 2330 3490 25L M7/R5 M11/R7 2850 1709 M19/R11 18 N-south 3885 3800 L/W3 M 3450 R 2805 S 2735 TAXI ABN - ALS* - PAPI* - THRL* - RL - RCLL - TWYL - APRON - WDI - OBSTL. RWY No 07L 25R 07C 25C 07R 25L 18 Dimension (m) - Surface *EXC 18 TORA (m) LDA (m) Strength 2800 x 45 Asphalt NA 2800 PCN 74/R/A/W/T 4000 x 60 Asphalt 4000 4000 PCN 74/F/A/W/T 4000 x 45 Asphalt 4000 4000 PCN 74/F/A/W/T 4000 x 45 Concrete 3970 NA Lights PCN 90/R/A/W/T 1 PCN 74/F/A/W/T 1 From THR 18 for 300m in length and 60m in width asphalt. / Ab THR 18 auf 300m L®nge und 60m Breite Asphalt. | JEPPESEN, 2010, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 JEPPESEN 19-2A 28 OCT 11 FRANKFURT MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN FRANKFURT/MAIN GERMANY General Aviation Apron / Vorfeld Allgemeine Luftfahrt R11 S16 / 25 L 07R Y W R R e rs umb t dd n Eas (o 7 S1 413 03-S , S4 401 H t / S Eas S17 S17 R2 R1 S/H 420 R st We ) S17 bers num ven (e st 02 We 8-S4 S17 S41 GA Hangars ) UND GRO ER/ entre W O C T ON APR LEGEND S402 Parking position H420 HEL Parking position GA GAT Hangar 9 Taxiing on the GA apron The wing-tip-clearance is MNM 4.5m. Adhere strictly to the yellow taxi guidance lines. Notice: After 2 Dec 2011 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 23-2011 FRANKFURT MAIN ATIS 118.72 (DEP) FRANKFURT DELIVERY 121.90 (Initial call & start-up) APRON/VORFELD 121.65 121.85 S402 - S418 Wing span MAX 26m (even numbers) S401 - S413 Wing span MAX 30m (odd numbers) H401 Rotor diameter MAX 29m Rotor diameter MAX 26m H420 Rollen auf dem GA-Vorfeld Die Wing-Tip-Clearance betr®gt MNM 4.5m. Die gelben Rollleitlinien sind unbedingt einzuhalten. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to Cartas Aereas. Printed on 12 Nov 2011. 19- 3 28 OCT 11 + JEPPESEN GERMANY CAUTION: IFR Traffic. Avoid departure sector RWY 18! ACHTUNG: IFR-Verkehr. Abflugsektor Piste 18 meiden! General Allgemeines VFR approaches via DELTA 1 will cross Frankfurt CTR, Sector Egelsbach and will be coordinated by Langen ATC in advance. Initial contact with Egelsbach INFO. On VFR approaches radio contact shall be established with FRANKFURT TOWER at least 5 MIN prior to the first reporting point. Departures RWY 25 via NOVEMBER, all inbounds via NOVEMBER and crossing traffic north to south and vice versa in exceptional cases only. VFR-AnflΩge Ωber DELTA 1 durchqueren die Frankfurt CTR, Sektor Egelsbach und werden von Langen ATC vorher koordiniert. Erstanruf bei Egelsbach INFO. Bei VFR-AnflΩgen ist Sprechfunkverbindung mit FRANKFURT TOWER mindestens 5 MIN vor dem ersten Meldepunkt aufzunehmen. AbflΩge RWY 25 via NOVEMBER, alle AnflΩge via NOVEMBER sowie DurchflΩge von Nord nach SΩd und umgekehrt sind nur in Ausnahmef®llen m∏glich. Helicopter Hubschrauber The civil HEL alighting area is restricted to HEL PerDer zivile Hubschrauberlandebereich ist beschr®nkt auf formance Class 2 and 3, MAX diameter of rotor/length/ Hubschrauber der Performance Class 2 und 3, MAX width 20m, weight restriction 15t total weight. Rotordurchmesser/L®nge/Breite 20m, Gewichtsbeschr®nkung 15t Gesamtgewicht. The APCH and TKOF area depicted on chart 19-2 leads Die auf Karte 19-2 dargestellte An- und Abflugfl®che via the operational and apron road running past south fΩhrt Ωber die sΩdlich am Landebereich vorbeilaufende of the HEL alighting area, as well as via TWY R+S, and Betriebs- und Vorfeldstra≈e sowie Ωber die Rollbahn R+S must, therefore, be strictly adhered to due to und ist daher aus HindernisgrΩnden unbedingt einzuobstacles. In order to avoid disturbing road traffic, the halten. Zur Vermeidung von Irritationen des Stra≈enroads shall be overflown as high as possible. verkehrs sind die Stra≈en so hoch wie m∏glich zu Ωberfliegen. In addition, instructions from AD control shall be Im §brigen ist den Anweisungen der Flugplatzkontrollobeyed. stelle Folge zu leisten. Other HEL with dimensions of more than 20m, and HEL Andere Hubschrauber mit Abmessungen von mehr als of the Performance Class 1, will inform Frankfurt AD 20m und Hubschrauber der Performance Class 1 teilen control that they are not allowed to use the HEL der Flugplatzkontrolle Frankfurt mit, dass sie den Hubalighting area, and will be guided to the parallel RWY schrauberlandebereich nicht benutzen dΩrfen und wersystem. den auf das Parallelbahnsystem gefΩhrt. WARNING: WARNUNG: Avoid closed AD Darmstadt-Griesheim due to research ACFT flying there in the traffic circuit. Geschlossenen Flugplatz Darmstadt-Griesheim meiden, da dort ForschungsflΩge in der Platzrunde stattfinden. Taxiing Instructions Rollanweisungen Arrival Pilots of arriving ACFT will be instructed by TOWER to contact APRON. Ankunft Piloten von ankommenden LFZ werden von TWR an VORFELD Ωbergeben. Departure Pilots of departing ACFT shall first contact DELIVERY, report "ready for taxiing" and will then be instructed to contact APRON. AD control may give permission for ACFT up to 2.5t MPW to use TWY M between TWYs L1/M6 and L14/ M24 for take-offs and landings. Abflug Piloten von abfliegenden LFZ melden zun®chst an DELIVERY ihre Rollbereitschaft und werden dann an VORFELD Ωbergeben. Die Flugplatzkontrolle kann fΩr Luftfahrzeuge bis 2.5t MPW die Genehmigung erteilen, Rollbahn M zwischen den Rollbahnen L1/M6 und L14/M24 fΩr Starts und Landungen zu nutzen. Unless otherwise announced, apron control will use Soweit nicht anderweitig bekanntgegeben, nutzt die 121.85 in the western and southern area of Vorfeldkontrolle im westlichen und sΩdlichen responsibility for push-back instructions from parking Zust®ndigkeitsbereich die 121.85 fΩr Anweisungen zum positions and 121.75 for ground movement control. In ZurΩcksto≈en aus den Abstellpositionen und die 121.75 the eastern area of responsibility, apron control will use fΩr die RollverkehrsfΩhrung. Im ∏stlichen Zust®ndigkeits121.65 for push-back instructions from parking bereich nutzt die Vorfeldkontrolle die 121.65 fΩr positions and 121.95 for ground movement control. Anweisungen zum ZurΩcksto≈en aus den Abstellpositionen und die 121.95 fΩr die RollverkehrsfΩhrung. CHANGES: Editorial. | JEPPESEN, 2006, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |JEPPESEN, 2006, 2011. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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