Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena


Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
Prof. Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
November 2009
Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
Rio de Janeiro
Biography ................................................................................................................................. 1
Resumé .................................................................................................................................... 2
Personal Data ........................................................................................................................... 4
Education.................................................................................................................................. 5
Languages ................................................................................................................................ 6
Career at PUC-Rio ................................................................................................................... 7
Courses Taught at PUC-Rio (areas in chronological order) .................................................... 8
Administrative Positions at PUC-Rio ...................................................................................... 10
Participation in Academic Committees at PUC-Rio ............................................................... 11
Academic Position Abroad .................................................................................................... 12
Other Academic Positions ..................................................................................................... 13
Awards and Honors ............................................................................................................... 14
External Referee/Examiner: Promotion And Tenure ............................................................. 16
Theses Supervised ................................................................................................................ 18
Master of Science ........................................................................................................... 18
Ph D ................................................................................................................................ 24
Scientific Productions and Publications................................................................................. 27
Scientific Productions and Publications .......................................................................... 27
Technical Production....................................................................................................... 27
Supervised Theses ......................................................................................................... 27
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings .............................................................. 28
Refereed Publications in Journals ......................................................................................... 69
Books and Book Chapters ..................................................................................................... 79
Published Books ............................................................................................................. 79
Book Chapters ................................................................................................................ 80
Other Publications ................................................................................................................. 86
Consulting Activities .............................................................................................................. 88
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings ........................................................... 91
Scholarships .......................................................................................................................... 99
Research Contracts ............................................................................................................. 100
International Cooperation .................................................................................................... 101
Professional Societies ......................................................................................................... 102
Editorial Boards ................................................................................................................... 103
Technical Reports (PUC-Rio, University of Waterloo e UCLA) .......................................... 104
Participation in Scientific Societies ...................................................................................... 116
1 Biography
Prof. Lucena completed his undergraduate studies in Economics and Mathematics
between 1962 and 1965 at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). While an
undergraduate he worked as a computer programmer at the Computing Center of PUC-Rio.
This Computing Center, founded in 1960, was the first computer laboratory in Brazil. In
1965, he was hired by the Mathematics Department of PUC-Rio to coordinate the area of
computational mathematics. In 1968, together with a small group of colleagues he founded
the first Computer Science Department in Brazil, and since 1977 the first in the rank of the
CAPES (Ministry of Education). Later, Prof. Lucena received his Masters degree from the
University of Waterloo (1969), Canada, and his PhD from the University of California in Los
Angeles (1974).
Since 1965, he has been the Chairman of the Computer Science Department, the
Dean of the Center of Science and Technology and Vice-rector at PUC-Rio. He is a Full
Professor of Computer Science since 1982 and has served in all the university's formal
Prof. Lucena is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and a Senior Research
Associate of the Computer Systems Group at the University of Waterloo which he has visited
on a regular basis since 1975.
His service to the Brazilian academic community since 1972 includes: his
participation in the Computer Science Committee and the Governing Board of the Brazilian
Research Council (CNPq), coordination of the area of Computer Science of CAPES, Ministry
of Education (from 1980 to 1984), and the coordination of the scientific cooperation
agreement between Brazil and Germany in the area of Information Technology
(CNPq/GMD). Recently Professor Lucena was the coordinator of the Computer Science
Area of CAPES in 2005-2007. From 1995 to 1996, Professor Lucena represented the
Brazilian academic community in the Steering Committee of the Project Internet in Brazil. He
also represents the President's Council for Science and Technology (Information
Technology) for the last eleven years.
Prof. Lucena is the author of over 450 refereed papers and 19 books in the area of
formal methods in software engineering, his primary area of research. He has also been a
member of the program committees of more than 30 national and international conferences
as well as member of the editorial board of some important journals in his area of research.
Until 2009, he has supervised 34 PhD theses and 91 MSc dissertations. His former PhD
students are faculty members in universities in Brazil and abroad (eg. USA, Canada and
Prof. Lucena has received, among others, the Alvaro Alberto Award in Informatics in
1987 (Ministry of Science and Technology), twice the National Award in Informatics (1988
and 1991) and the Great Cross of the National Order of the Scientific Merit in 1996. Prof.
Lucena is a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and also fellow of TWAS –
Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, since Nov. 2008.
Recently, he has received the following awards and honors: Sixty Anniversary
Award from PUC-Rio and the CAPES Medal "50 Years", in 2001; The Scientific Merit Award
from the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), in 2002; Research Felow from the Fraunhofer
Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology (Berlin), in 2003; IBM Faculty
Award and IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, in 2004; The Scientific Merit Award Carlos
Chagas Filho, in 2005; IBM Eclipse Innovation Award and Assespro Personality Award 30
years, both in 2006, and “ACM Distinguished Scientist”, in 2009.
2 Resumé
Academic Background
B.Sc. Economics/Mathematics 1965
PUC – Rio
M.Math. Computer Science 1969
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, 1974
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University of California
Los Angeles, USA
Academic Carrier
Previous Positions – from Lecturer to Associate Professor at PUC-Rio (1965/1982);
Administrative positions: Department Chairman (1975/1979,1989/1990), Dean of
Science and Technology (1981/1982) and Vice-Rector (1983/1984).
Present Positions – Full-Professor of Computer Science at PUC-Rio (since 1982);
Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and Senior Research Associate, Computer
Systems Group, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (since 1993). Full member of
the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (area: Engineering Sciences). Associate Editor of
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE), since 2004;
Member of the Editorial Committee of the Proceedings of the Brazilian Academy of
Sciences, since August, 2007; ‘Member at large’ of the Editorial Board of
Communications of ACM (CACM), Latin America, 2008; Fellow of TWAS – Academy
of Sciences for the Developing World, since November 2008.
Areas of Interest
Software Engineering and Formal Methods (Software Engineering Environments and
Formal Specification Methods).and Applications of Information Technology.
Scientific Production
Over four hundred and fifty refereed papers and nineteen books in the above mentioned
areas. Examples of journals in which some of the papers were published: SoSym,
AAMAS, Communications of the ACM, IJAOSE, The Journal of Systems & Software, IET
Software, SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads, The Science of Programming, Formal Aspects of
Computing, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; Computer Languages, Software
Practice and Experience, International Journal on Information Technology, Information
Processing Letters, International Journal on Structured Programming, Utilitas
Mathematica, WWW Journal, Journal of Systems and Software, Annals of Software
Engineering, IEE Software Engineering (among others).
Participation in International Scientific Events
 Presented (and published papers) and acted as Program Committee Member in
about 40 international conferences (example of sponsors: IEEE, ACM, AFIPS, IFIP,
IFAC etc.);
 In particular, acted twice as area chairman for IFIP World Congresses (1980, 1992)
and four times as Program Committee member for the International Conference on
Software Engineering
 Organizer of V Versions of SELMAS (Software Engineering of Large-Scale MultiAgents Systems) in Association with ICSE.
Theses and Dissertations
Master Dissertations — 91
PhD Theses — 34
Editorial Boards
Communications of ACM (CACM)
Proceedings of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE)
Formal Aspects of Computing; Springer-Verlag.
Recent Government Committees
Member of the Board (Conselho Deliberativo) of the Brazilian National Research
Council - CNPq (1992-1995).
Executive Secretary of the Steering Committee for the Project Internet in Brazil
(July 1995- December 1996).
Member of the President’s National Council for Science and Technology; in
charge of Information Technology (since July 1996).
Member of the Steering Committee of the Information Technology Fund, Science
and Technology Ministry, 2002 -.
Coordinator of the Computer Science Area of CAPES, 2005 -.
Personal Data
3 Personal Data
Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
Full Professor
Computer Science Department
Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Rio)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
September 30, 1943
Married, 4 children
Departamento de Informática da PUC-Rio
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – 130 andar
Prédio Padre Leonel Franca
Gávea – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
CEP 22451-900
[email protected]
4 Education
B.Sc. Economics/Mathematics 1965
PUC – Rio
M.Math. Computer Science 1969
A Study on Numerical Methods for Interpolation and Function Approximation,
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Ph.D. Computer Science 1974
On the Synthesis of Reliable Programs
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University of California
Los Angeles, USA
5 Languages
Career at PUC-Rio
6 Career at PUC-Rio
Programmer, Computing Center, 1963-1965
Lecturer, Institute of Mathematics and Computing Center, 1966
Assistant Professor , Department of Mathematics, 1967
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, 1968-1982
Full Professor, Computer Science Department, 1982
Courses Taught at PUC-Rio
7 Courses Taught at PUC-Rio (areas in chronological order)
Undergraduate Level:
. Probability and Statistics
. Calculus and Linear Algebra
. Linear Programming
. Numerical Calculus
. Computer Programming
. Data Structures and Theory of Computing
. Programming Languages and Compilers
. Software Design and CASE
. Object Oriented Software Engineering
. Software Systems Design
Courses in Progress:
INF1624 - Software Systems Design I (1999)
INF1629 - Principles of Software Engineering (2000)
INF1623 - Systems Specification I (2000)
INF1624 - Software Systems Design I (2000)
INF1624 - Software Systems Design I (2001)
INF1624 - Software Systems Design I (2002)
INF 1375 - Software Systems Design I (2003)
Graduate Level:
. Numerical Analysis
. Data Structures
. Compiler Construction
. Semantics of Programming Languages
. Software Engineering
. Theory of Programming
. Formal Methods in Software Engineering
. Applications of Information Technology to Education
. Object Oriented Software Engineering
. Software Engineering of Multi-Agents Systems
. Software Systems Design
Courses Taught at PUC-Rio
Courses in progress:
INF2006; INF2102; INF2056 (1998)
INF2007; INF2006; INF2102; INF2125 (1999)
INF2125, INF2102, INF2102 e INF2125 (2000)
INF2006, INF2920, INF2125, INF2922 e INF2102 (2001)
INF2102- Final Project, INF2125, INF2006, INF2007 e INF2125 (2002)
INF 2125 - Software Systems Design (2003)
Administrative Positions at PUC-Rio
8 Administrative Positions at PUC-Rio
Coordinator of the Computational Mathematics Program, Department of Mathematics,
Coordinator of the Graduate Program, Computer Science Department , 1968 - July
Vice-Director of the Computing Center (Rio Datacentro), 1968/1969.
Vice-Chairman (Acting Chairman) Computer Science Department, 1971 - December
Chairman Computer Science Department, October 1975 to January 1981.
Dean of the Center for Science and Technology, January 1981 to July 1982.
Vice-Rector for Development Affairs, August 1982 to June 1984.
Chairman Computer Science Department, October 1987 to March 1991.
Participation in Academic Committees at PUC-Rio
9 Participation in Academic Committees at PUC-Rio
Governing Board of the Center for Science and Technology (CTC, PUC-Rio)
University Committee for Research and Education
University Council
University Promotion Committee
Academic Position Abroad
10 Academic Position Abroad
Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Associate, Computer Systems Group,
Computer Science Department, University of Waterloo, Canada, since 1993.
Research Felow from the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and
Software Technology (FIRST, Berlin), since 2003.
Other Academic Positions
11 Other Academic Positions
Visiting Professor
Scientific Council of Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), July, 2005.
Visiting Full Professor
Computer Science Department, University of Waterloo (January to March 1983;
January to March 1990; January to March 1992, January to April 1993, January to
April 1994, January to April 1995, January to February 1996, January to February
1997, January and February 1998, January and February 1999 e January and
February 2001.
Visiting Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
University of Waterloo
April – August 1979
Part-time Visiting Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
University of São Paulo
August – November 1976 and 1977
Visiting Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
University of Waterloo
January 1976
Visiting Scientist (post-doctoral)
Computer Science Department
IBM Research Laboratory
San Jose – California
January – March 1975
Post-Graduate Research Engineer
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Computer Science Department
University of California at Los Angeles
January 1973 to December 1974
Awards and Honors
12 Awards and Honors
“ACM Distinguished Scientist”, 2009.
IBM Faculty Innovation Award, 2008.
Elected Fellow of TWAS - Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, since
November, 2008.
Assespro Personality Award 30 years, July 24, 2006, BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, August 2006.
Medalha Carlos Chagas Filho de Mérito Científico, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
December 14, 2005.
IBM Faculty Award, december 2004.
IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, january 2004.
IBM Eclipse Award, january, 2003.
Research Felow of the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
Technology (FIRST), Berlin-Adlershof, Alemanha, March 2003.
IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, december 2002.
Scientific Merit Award from the Brazilian Computing Society, 2002.
Sixty Anniversary Award from PUC-Rio, 2001.
CAPES Medal “50 years”, 2001.
“Cientista do Nosso Estado” – Scientist of Our State from the Foundation to Research
Support from the state of Rio de Janeiro, 1998.
Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, since 1997.
Great Cross of the National Order of the Scientific Merit of the Republic of Brazil, 1996.
Compaq Award for Scientific Production (best scientific publication in 1995), 1996.
“CITS Award on Software Technology”; International Center for Software Technology
(CITS), Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, October 1994.
Fifth National Award in Informatics (Software Engineering); Secretary for Science and
Technology of the Government of Brazil, Moddata and Roberto Marinho Foundation,
May, 199l.
Member of the Committee for Theoretical Aspects of Computing of the Technical
Assembly of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), 1988.
Awards and Honors
National Award for Science and Technology Almirante Alvaro Alberto of the
Government of Brazil, 1987 (awarded by the President of the Republic).
First National Award in Informatics (for lifetime contributions to R&D in Informatics in
Brazil), Ministry of Education of Brazil and the Brazilian Computer Users' Society
(SUCESU), 1987
Manchete's Award in Education, Manchete Corporation (Brazil), 1986
Software Development Award (Software Engineering Research), INFO Magazine
(Jornal do Brasil), 1984
“Technical Committee Chairman” for the area -Theoretical Foundation of Information
Processing of the 8th WORLD COMPUTER CONGRESS (IFIP 80), Tokyo-Melbourne,
President of the Latin-American Conference PANEL-EXPODATA, Valparaiso, Chile,
1979 (presently the CLEI Latin-American Informatics Conference)
Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1978/79.
Bibliography in the “The International Authors and Writers Who`s Who”, International
Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 1977.
External Referee/Examiner: Promotion And Tenure
13 External Referee/Examiner: Promotion And Tenure
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor, Computer Science
Department, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, USP, October 22, 2007.
Participation in the Meeting of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Brasilia,
Brazil, October 03, 2007), as Member of the President's Council for Science and
Technology (since 1996).
External Examiner for the selective process of pos-graduation’s programs
(stricto-sensu), Computer Science, from november 27 to december 01, 2006,
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: CDCT, ICMC-USP, October
11, 2006.
External Examiner for the position of Professor, Computer Science Department,
Universidade Federal Fluminense, June 05 – 08, 2006.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: IME-USP, 2004.
External Examiner in the selective process of Adjunct Professor: DCC – UFMG,
External Examiner in the selective process – DCC/IMEUSP, 10/4/2003.
External Examiner in the selective process of Associate Professors: IME- USP,
External Examiner in the selective process of Associate Professors:
Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
External Examiner in the selective process of Associate Professors:
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2002.
External Examiner in the selective process of Associate Professors: USP, São
Paulo, Brazil, 2002.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: ICMC-USP, 2001.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: USP, São Carlos, Brazil,
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: Instituto de Computação,
Barão Geraldo, Campinas, 2000.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil,
External Examiner for the position of Associate Professor: Universidade Federal
do Ceará, 1998.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor: Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina, 1998.
Member of the President's Council for Science and Technology (Information
Technology), since 1996, Brasília – DF, Brazil.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; Polytechnic School;
University of Sao Paulo; Brazil; 1995.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; Federal University of
Pernambuco; Brazil; 1995.
External Referee/Examiner: Promotion And Tenure
External Referee for the position of Research Professor, Computer Science
Department, University of Southern California, 1993.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; Federal University of
Pernambuco; Brazil; 1992.
External Examiner for the position of Senior Researcher; Polytechnic Institute of
Rio de Janeiro; 199l.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro; Brazil; 1988.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; Polytechnic School;
University of Sao Paulo; Brazil; 1987.
External Examiner for three positions of Full Professor; Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul; Brazil; 1987.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; COPPE; Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro; Brazil; 1986.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; Federal University of Ceara;
Brazil; 1984.
External Referee for a -Special Recognition” award to a Professor of Computer
Science; University of California at Los Angeles; USA; 1981.
External Examiner for the position of Full Professor; Federal University of Minas
Gerais; Brazil; 1981.
External Examiner for the position of Associate Professor, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro; Brazil; 1981.
External Examiner for three Associate Professor positions; Institute of
Mathematics, University of Sao Paulo; Brazil; 1981.
External Referee for the position of Senior Lecturer; Imperial College of Science
and Technology; England; 1981.
External Referee for the position of Full Professor, Computer Science
Department; University of Maryland ; USA; 1980.
External Referee for two Associate Professor positions; Computer Science
Department; Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo; Canada; 1980.
External Referee for the position of Associate Professor; University of
Manchester; England; 1979.
External Referee for the position of Senior Lecturer; Oxford University; England;
External Referee for promotions to the ranks of Associate and Full professor for
the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the University of California at
Los Angeles; USA; 1975 and 1978.
Theses Supervised
14 Theses Supervised
14.1 Master of Science
1. NUNES, Ingrid Oliveira. A Domain Engineering Process for Developing Multi-agent
Systems Product Lines. 31/03/09, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2009, pp 138. Keywords: Multi-agent
Systems Product Lines. Domain Engineering. Software Process. Software Product Lines.
Multi-agent Systems. Software Engineering.
2. NUNES, Camila. Avaliação da Modularidade e Estabilidade de Técnicas de
Implementação para Linhas de Produtos de Sistemas Multi-agentes. 31/03/09,
Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica
do Rio de Janeiro, 2009, pp 118.
3. AZEVEDO, Sérgio Ciglione. MASSES (Sistema de Multi-Agente para Simulação de
Negociação de Ações). 10/09, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
4. COSTA, Andrew Diniz. Um Sistema Híbrido de Diagnóstico e Recomendação para
Sistemas Multi-Agentes. 03/09, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
5. DIAS, Klessis. Um Framework Orientado a Aspectos para Monitoramento e Análise de
Processos de Negócio. 10/04, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2008, pp. 110.
6. ROCHA, Rafael. Um Framework para Simulação da Negociação de Serviços em Redes
Sem Fio de Nova Geração. 03/04, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de
Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
7. CIRILO, Elder José Reioli. GenArch: Uma Ferramenta Baseada em Modelos para
Derivação de Produtos de Software. 11/04, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de
Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2008, 97p.
8. SOUZA. Regiane Lima. Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Sensíveis ao Contexto usando
Sistemas Multi-Agentes. 20/09, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
9. AUGUSTO, Fernanda Duran de Moura. Um Mecanismo de Governança para Sistemas
Multi-Agentes Abertos Baseados em Testemunhos. 04/04, Dissertação de Mestrado Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
10. CORREIA, Adolfo Guilherme Silva. Uma Arquitetura Baseada em Agentes de Software
para a Automação de Processos de Gerência de Falhas em Redes de Telecomunicações.
03/04, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
11. SARAMAGO, Filipe Ancelmo. Suporte Computacional para Discussão Estruturada em
Rede: Um Estudo de Caso com a Ferramenta de Fórum do Ambiente Aulanet. 29/03, Coorientador, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
Theses Supervised
12. COSTA, Anna Carolina Stiebler da. Indústria de Software no Brasil e no Mundo: uma visão
baseada no desenvolvimento e uso de componentes. 29/03, Co-orientador, Dissertação de
Mestrado - Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
Janeiro, 2007.
13. GUEDES, José de Souza Pinto. Um Framework para o Cálculo de Reputações de Agentes
de Software Baseado em Testemunhos. 113p. 28/03, Dissertação de Mestrado Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
14. ESPINHA, Rafael de Souza Lima. Uma Abordagem para a Avaliação de Processos de
Desenvolvimento de Software Baseada em Risco e Conformidade. 130p. 27/03, Coorientador, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
15. SANTOS, Guilherme Nascimento Pate. Introduzindo Variabilidade no Desenvolvimento de
Sistemas Multi-Agentes. 105p, 22/03, Dissertação de Mestrado - Departamento de
Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
16. CARVALHO, Dárlinton Barbosa Feres. Um Framework para Construção de Vocabulário e
sua Aplicação ao Problema de Seqüenciamento de Carros. 73p., 19/03, Dissertação de
Mestrado - Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
Janeiro, 2007.
17. MARQUES, Fábio Seixas. Um Processo Baseado em MDA para a Especialização de
Mecanismos de Persistência. 04/10, Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de
Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
18. GATTI, Maíra Athanázio de C. Fidedignidade de Sistemas Multiagentes Abertos
Governados por Leis. 138p. 18/08, Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de
Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
19. RODRIGUES, Luis Fernando. Testes de Integração em Sistemas Multi-Agentes Abertos
usando leis. 93p. 15/08. Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
20. GUIMARÃES, Frederico Silva. Um Sistema Multi-Agentes para Monitoramento e Aquisição
em Tempo Real. 94p. 05/04, Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de Informática,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
21. DAMASCENO, Karla Nazaré Ferreira. Tratamento de Exceções Sensível ao Contexto.
107p. 31/03, Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
22. MAGNO, Eduardo. Uma Abordagem Quantitativa para Desenvolvimento de Software
Orientado a Aspectos. 138p. 29/03, Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de
Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
23. LOBATO, Cidiane. Um Framework Orientado a Aspectos para Mobilidade de
Agentes de Software, 02/01, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) - Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2006, 150p.
24. MACHADO, Rodrigo Prestes; Um serviço de Matchmaking para Auxiliar Atividades de
Colaboração Espontânea (título provável), data a definir, Dissertação (Mestrado em
Informática) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
Theses Supervised
25. BRAUNER, Daniela Francisco; Uma Arquitetura para Catalogos de Objetos baseados em
Ontologias, 14/04, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) - Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
26. MARIA, Beatriz Alves de; Usando a abordagem MDA no desenvolvimento de sistemas
multi-agentes, 13/04, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) - Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
27. ALBARELO, Angela Brigida; fGrupos - Um framework Multi-Agente para a formação de
grupos de interesse, 31/03, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) - Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
28. PAES, Rodrigo de Barros; Regulando a Interação de Agentes em Sistemas Abertos – Uma
Abordagem de Leis, 18/03, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) - Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005, 120p.
29. CARVALHO, Richard Werneck; Um ambiente de suporte para uma linguagem de
modelagem de sistemas multi-agentes, 11/03, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
30. NASCIMENTO, Felipe Fortes. Um framework de sistemas multi-agentes para aplicações
RFID; 08/08, Dissertação (Mestrado em Informática) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro, 2004.
31. FERRÃO, Luis Gustavo; Uma Infra-Estrutura para Matchmaking Baseado em Ontologia,
20/12/2004, Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2004.
32. SANT’ANNA, Claudio Nogueira; Manutenibilidade e Reusabilidade de Software Orientado
a Aspectos: Um Framework de Avaliação; 109p. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, March, 26, 2004.
33. DAFLON, Leandro Ribeiro; Um Framework para a Representação e Análise de Processos
de Software. 137p. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,
March, 22, 2004.
34. FERREIRA, Francisco. Desenvolvimento de Aplicações baseadas em serviços na Web
Semântica – 26/03/2003, Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro, 2003.
35. CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez. Uma Arquitetura para a Coordenação e a Composição de
Artefatos de Software. 22/08/2003, Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro, 2003.
36. ORLEAN, Daniel. Um Processo Unificado para Engenharia de Ontologias. 21/08/2003, .
Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2003.
37. MELO, Fabio Cunha Lobo de. Um Método para Implementação de SMAs Baseado em
Componentes. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,
38. LEITE, Matheus Costa.Um Modelo de Computação para Circuitos de Objetos. 11/04/2003,
Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2003.
Theses Supervised
39. SILVA, Otávio Rezende da. Uma Arquitetura para Sistemas Multi-Agents Baseada em
Espaços de Tuplas Reflexivos. 18/12/2002, Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
40. GUIMARÃES, Francisco José Zamith. Utilização de Ontologias no Domínio B2C.
19/12/2002, Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
41. MAGALHÃES, João Alfredo Pinto de. Um Framework Multi-Agentes para Busca e
Flexibilização de Algoritmos de Classificação de Documentos, Dissertation (Master of
Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, FAPERJ, 2002.
42. MARTINS, Lucimar Candido. Personalização de Visões sobre Documentos Hipe,
10/6/2002, Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, cooriented student.
43. RIBEIRO, Paula Clark. Modelagem e Implementação OO de Sistemas Multi-Agentes.
2001. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, CAPES.
44. MAIA NETO, Ayrton. COMMERCEPIPE: Um Framework para a Criação de Canais
Comerciais Consumer to Business na Internet. 2000. Dissertation (Master of Science) Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, CAPES.
45. SILVA, Viviane T. da.; ContentNet: Um Framework para Interoperabilidade de Conteúdos
Educacionais Utilizando o Padrão IMS. 2000.Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
46. GUARANYS, Clécio Radler dos. eBusinesscard: Um Framework para Smart Cards,
Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
47. FORTUNATO, Luidi Xavier. 2BUYNET - Um Framework para Instanciação e
Administração de Lojas para a Internet. 1999. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, CAPES.
48. RIPPER, Pedro. VMarket: Um Framework para Sistemas de Comércio Eletrônico Voltados
para Mercados Virtuais Mediados por Agentes de Software. 1999. Dissertation (Master of
Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, CNPq.
49. CAROLI, Paulo Roberto Celidônio. Uma metodologia de projeto de software orientado a
objetos. 1999. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
50. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe. Um Ambiente Para Modelagem e Execução de Processos.
1997. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
51. MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de. Um Sistema de Programação Visual. 1996. Dissertation
(Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
52. POTENGY, A. B. Um Modelo de Design para Computação Distribuída. 1993. Dissertation
(Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
53. LEVY, C. A. Iup/Led: Uma Ferramenta Portátil de Interface com Usuário. 1993.
Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
54. FORMAN, John L. Puclogo: Um Ambiente Integrado de Ferramentas Voltado para a
Educação. 1992. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Theses Supervised
55. AYRES, A. Gil. Sistema Pic- Uma Experiência na Geração Automática de Programas para
a Reprodução de Imagens. 1991. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
56. BARBOSA, Luís Fernando Diniz Junqueira. Um Prototipador e Gerador de Interfaces
Gráficas por Manipulação Direta: Um Modelo Baseado em Eventos. 1991. Dissertation
(Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, CNPq.
57. MARQUES, Manoel. Um Sistema Interativo de Auxílio ao Desenvolvimento e Validação de
Programas em Turbo Pascal. 1988. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University
of Rio de Janeiro.
58. PORTILHO, Carla Abreu. Uma Ferramenta para Apoio de Utilização de Lógica no Ensino.
1987. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
59. GUARANYS, Paula Ypiranga dos. In-Edito: Interface Inteligente para Editores de Texto.
1987. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, CNPq.
60. RIVERO, Paulo Roberto. A Formação de recursos humanos em informática : o estudo de
um caso em engenharia de software, 1987. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
61. SIMPLICIO FILHO, Francisco Castro. Um Método de Análise por Protótipos Baseado em
Representação de Conhecimentos. 1986. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
62. NISKIER, Celso. Prisma : Utilização de Paradigmas Complementares para a Aquisição da
Especificação de Software. 1986. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
63. TAKEDA, Oswaldo K. Estudo de Metodologias e Análise Experimental de Uma Ferramenta
para a Construção de Sistemas de Controle Distribuído. 1985. Dissertation (Master of
Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
64. COSTA, Hermes. Ferramenta para Automatização do Método dos Transformadores de
Dados. 1984. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
65. D’HIPPOLITO, Cláudio. SAB - Sistema de Autoria Brasileiro. 1984. Dissertation (Master of
Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
66. CONTRERAS, Ricardo. Integração Entre Especificação e Projeto de Programas : Um
Modelo de Implementação. 1983. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
67. OLIVEIRA, Aloysio Alcantara de. Uma Metodologia para Elaboração do Plano Diretor de
Informática. 1982. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
68. BIRCHAL, Renato. Uma Especificação Conceitual do Sistema Nacional de Informática.
1981. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
69. HOLLANDA, Tália Chaves Buarque de. Projeto e Desenvolvimento Estruturado de Um
Sistema de Programação : Estudo de Caso. 1980. Dissertation (Master of Science) Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Theses Supervised
70. MEDEIROS, Claudia Maria Bauzer. Estudo Comparativo de Técnicas de Teste de
Programas. 1979. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
71. MAGALHAES, Jose Augusto C. Técnicas Para o Projeto e a Implementação de Sistemas
de Software Confiáveis. 1979. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio
de Janeiro.
72. COSTA, Geraldo Machado. Um Estudo Sobre a Especificação do Sincronismo de
Processos Concorrentes. 1979. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
73. CRIPPA, Elisabeth de Jesus Maragno. Um Método para Composição de Módulos de
Sistemas de Programação. 1978. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
74. ARAUJO, Ascendino Rodrigues de. Um Estudo sobre Técnicas de Transformação de
Programas. 1978. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
75. LINS, Elisabete Do Rego. Especificação Conceitual de Sistemas de Informação : Uma
Estrutura Básica de Metodologia. 1978. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
76. MAZZINI, Ricardo L. Tipos de Dados: Um Estudo de Especificação Formal por Meio de
Algoritmos de Markov. 1978. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio
de Janeiro.
77. LOPES, Omar Abreu. Uma Metodologia de Teste Que Considera a Especificação e a
Estrutura de Programas. 1977. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio
de Janeiro.
78. BARROS, Artur Ribeiro de. MIPSI : Uma Metodologia Integrada de Projeto de Sistemas de
Informação Computarizados. 1977. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
79. SILVEIRA, Antonio Morais da. Análise de Aspectos Estruturais de Programas para Auxílio
na Geração de Dados de Teste. 1977. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
80. AMORIM, Luiz A.M. Metodologia para a Síntese da Implementação de Sistemas de
Programação a Partir de Uma Especificação Formal Bem Construída do Problema. 1976.
Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
81. DELAROLI, Romeu. Uma Técnica Semi-formal de Documentação Para a Especificação de
Sistemas de Processamento de Informação. 1976. Dissertation (Master of Science) Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
82. PELISSON, Maria Célia. Um Estudo Sobre Técnicas Para Teste de Programas. 1976.
Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
83. SCHWABE, Daniel. Aspectos de Engenharia de Software no Projeto de Linguagens de
Programação. 1976. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de
84. SILVA, Vilmondes G. da; Validação de Sistemas de Programação. 1976. Dissertation
(Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Theses Supervised
85. CENTENO, Luiz F. Ramos. Um Sistema de Recuperação de Informações Para
Computadores de Pequeno Porte. 1972. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
86. QUEVEDO, Carlos R. Aguiar. Sistema Cooperacional da UFMG : Montador e MacroMontador. 1972. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
87. CUNHA, Luiz Ferrara A. Um Método Geral de Representação de Estruturas de
Informação: Estrutura Modular. 1971. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University
of Rio de Janeiro.
88. SILVA, Nelson V. Um Sistema Interpretador de Comandos Estatísticos. 1971. Dissertation
(Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
89. CAMPOS, Ivan M. PRTC - Um Sistema Integrado de Programas Para Análise de Dados.
1971. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
90. DIAS, Donaldo de Souza. Análise e Projeto de Sistemas de Processamento de
Informações: Roteiro Para Um Curso. 1970. Dissertation (Master of Science) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
91. CARVALHO, Roberto Lins de. Simplificações em Gramáticas "context-free” : Redução a
Forma Normal de Chomsky, Reconhecimento e Análise de Palavras. 1969. Dissertation
(Master of Science) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
14.2 Ph D
1. NORONHA, Thiago Ferreira. Algoritmos para Problemas de Otimização Aplicados a
Roteamento e Atribuição de Comprimentos de Onda. Departamento de Informática, PUCRio, Doutor em Ciências – Informática, 2008.
2. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina Howard. Uma Abordagem para Operacionalizar Normas
Regulativas em Sistemas Multiagentes, 13/10, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio,
Doutor em Ciências – Informática, 2008, 170p.
3. SANT’ANNA, Cláudio Nogueira. On the Modularity of Aspect-Oriented Design: A ConcernDriven Measurement Approach, 11/10, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio, Doutor em
Ciências – Informática, 2008, 243 p.
4. PAES, Rodrigo de Barros. Governança de Sistemas Multi-Agentes Abertos com
Fidedignidade, 02/10, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio, Doutor em Ciências –
Informática, 2007.
5. CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez. G-Frameworks: Uma Abordagem para a Reutilização de
Leis de Interação em Sistemas Multiagentes Abertos. 14/05, PUC-Rio, Doutor em Ciências
– Informática, 2007.
6. KULESZA, Uirá. Uma Abordagem Orientada a Aspectos para o Desenvolvimento de
Frameworks, 25/04, PUC-Rio, Doutor em Ciências – Informática, 2007.
7. CUNHA, Leonardo Magela. A Semantic Web Application Framework, 18/12, PUC-Rio,
Doutor em Ciências – Informática, 2006.
Theses Supervised
8. BRANDÃO, Anarosa Alves; Um método para estruturação e análise de modelos de
sistemas multi-agentes baseado em ontologias; 22/12, PUC-Rio, Doutor em Ciências –
Informática, 2006.
9. HAENDCHEN FILHO, Aluizio; Um Framework do tipo Middleware para Sistemas MultiAgentes na Internet, 13/09, PUC-Rio, Doutor em Ciências – Informática, 2005, 175p.
10. SARDINHA, José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira; MAS-School e ASYNC: Um Método em um
Framework para Construção de Agentes Inteligentes, 18/03/2005, Theses (Ph D) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
11. GARCIA, Alessandro; From Objects to Agents: An Aspect-Oriented Approach. Doctoral
Thesis - Computer Science Department, 02/04/2004, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio
de Janeiro, 298p.
12. FLACH, Christina Von; A Model-Driven Approach for Aspect-Oriented Design, 02/04/2004,
Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
13. SILVA, Viviane Torres da; From a Conceptual Framework for Agents and Objects to a
Multi-Agents System Modeling Language, 31/03/2004, Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University
of Rio de Janeiro, 260p.
14. Cortés, Mariela Inés. Suporte Computacional a Evolução de Frameworks, 17/06/2003,
Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
15. CRUZ, Sylvia de Oliveira. Identificando Objetos Através de Pronomes. 31/03/2003, Theses
(Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
16. RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois. Web Life - Uma Arquitetura para a Implementação de Sistemas
Multi-agentes para a Web, 19/12/2002, Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de
17. NOYA, Ricardo Choren. Uma Linguagem de Modelagem para Sistemas Baseados em
Agentes, 20/12/2002, Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
18. FILHO, Ivan Mathias. A Documentação e Instanciação de Frameworks Orientados a
Objetos. 2002. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
19. OLIVEIRA, Toacy Cavalcante de. Uma Abordagem Sistemática para a Instanciação de
Frameworks Orientados a Objetos. 2001. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de
20. SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da. Composição em WebFrameworks. 2000. Theses (PhD),
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
21. MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de. Um Framework para Análise e Verificação de
Programas. 2000. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
22. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe. Uma Abordagem Sistemática para Desenvolvimento de
Frameworks. 1999. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
23. MAIA, Antonio C. P. Um Ambiente de Apoio ao Design Cooperativo de Software e
Documentação Ativa. 1996. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Theses Supervised
24. GUIMARÃES, Mário André M. Um Ambiente Para Ensino de Algoritmos Introdutórios.
1995. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
25. CABRAL, Regina Helena Bastos. Design++: Um Método de Design de Software Baseado
em Processo de Desenvolvimento por Prototipação. 1994. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
26. GUARANYS, Paula Ypiranga dos. Planejamento da Utilização Casual: Projeto e Utilização
de um Laboratorio para Estudos Cognitivos da Interface Homem-Máquina. 1993. Theses
(Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
27. SILVA, J.r. Uma Formalização do Processo de Design Baseado em Metáforas: Sua
Aplicação na Automação de Sistemas de Eventos Discretos. 1992. Theses (Ph D) –
Politecnical School, University of São Paulo.
28. ALENCAR, P. Uma Abordagem Evolutiva em Lógica para Sistemas de Software. 1992.
Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
29. SOARES, Jeferson F. Desenvolvimentos de Software Como Objetos Computáveis: Uma
Linguagem Para a Modelagem de Processos de Software. 1992. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
30. FARIAS, Oscar de. A Dinâmica do Complexo Eletrônico: Implicações Para as Políticas de
Informática dos Países em Desenvolvimento. 1991. Theses (Ph D) - Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro.
31. IERUSALIMSCHY, Roberto. O=M: Uma Linguagem Orientada a Objetos Para
Desenvolvimento Rigoroso de Programas. 1990. Theses (Ph D)- Catholic University of Rio
de Janeiro.
32. MARTINS, Raul Cesar Baptista. Método dos Transformadores de Dados. 1984. Theses
(Ph D) - Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
33. MELNIKOF, Selma. O Sistema AP: Um Ambiente para Programação Paralela. 1982.
Theses (PhD) - Universidade de São Paulo.
34. PEQUENO, Tarcisio Haroldo Cavalcante. Uma Descrição Formal dos Processos de
Especificação e Implementação de Tipos Abstratos de Dados. 1981. Theses (Ph D) Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Scientific Publications
15 Scientific Productions and Publications
15.1 Scientific Productions and Publication
Refereed Publications in Journals – 120
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings – 400
Books and Book Chapters
Published books – 19
Published book chapters – 41
Technical Reports – 173
Other Publication – 21
15.2 Technical Production
Software - 3
15.3 Supervised Theses
Master of Science – 91
Ph D – 34
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
16 Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
1. NUNES, I., CIRILO, E.J.R., COWAN, D., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Fine-grained Variability
in the Development of Families of Software Agents, 7th European Workshop on MultiAgent Systems (EUMAS 2009), Ayia Napa, Cyprus (accepted).
2. VASCONCELOS, Eurico; MELO, Gustavo; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; SEBBA PATTO, Vinicius;
SORDONI, Alessandro; IRVING, Marta; ALVAREZ, Isabelle; LUCENA, Carlos José; A
Serious Game for Exploring and Training in Participatory Management of National Parks for
Biodiversity Conservation: Design and Experience; Anais do VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de
Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, VIII Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital
Entertainment (SBGAMES'09), Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, 08 a 10 de Outubro, 2009 (
3. FARIAS, Kleinner; NUNES, Ingrid; SILVA, Viviane Torres; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira;
MAS-ML Tool: Um Ambiente de Modelagem de Sistemas Multi-Agentes, V Workshop on
Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2009), Fortaleza, Brasil, 2009
4. SÁ, Renato Augusto Moreira; CARVALHO, Cristina Robichez; MORAES, Valeria; STEIN,
Erica; SANTOS, Thaline Valory; CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez; LUCENA, Carlos José;
Community of Obstetrics Practice and Knowledge Exchange – A Useful Tool For
Collaboration Between Obstetricians in an Emerging Country. XIX FIGO World Congress of
Gynecology & Obstetrics, Cape Town, South Africa, 04-09 Outubro, 2009.
5. CIRILO, E.J.R., NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Multi-agent Systems
Product Line Derivation Tool, 11th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR
2009) - Tools Demo Session, Falls Church, Estados Unidos, 2009.
6. TARANTI, Pier; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; An Industry Use Case:
Testing SOA Systems with MAS Simulators; In: Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and
Organizations Federated Workshops, Multi Agent Systems and Simulation 2009
(MAS&S09), Torino, Itália, 2009. Proceedings of the Second Multi-Agent Logics,
Languages, and Organizations Federated Workshops (MALLOW'09). Aachen: SITE
Central Europe (CEUR), 2009. p.297 - 302 - ISSN 1613-0073.
7. FAUSTINO, Geisa M.; GATTASS, Marcelo; REHEN, S.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira;
Automatic embryonic stem cells detection and counting method in fluorescence microscopy
images; IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI
2009), Jun 29 - Jul 1, 2009, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 799-802, Digital Object Identifier
8. SANT’ANNA, Claudio; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; Evaluating the
Efficacy of Concern-Driven Metrics: A Comparative Study; 2nd Workshop on Assessment
of Contemporary Modularization Techniques (ACoM.08) at OOPSLA, 25 a 29 Outubro,
Orlando, Florida, 2009 (online:
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
9. CONCEICAO, D.B., COSTA, A.D., LUCENA, C.J.P. ; Poseidon: Agente Campeão da
Primeira Competição de Bolsa de Valores baseada em Sistemas Multi-Agentes, V
Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2009), Fortaleza,
Brasil, 2009.
10. NUNES, I.; CIRILO, E.J.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Developing a Family of Software Agents with
Fine-grained Variability: an Exploratory Study, V Workshop on Software Engineering for
Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2009), Fortaleza, Brasil, 2009.
11. FARIAS, Kleinner; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José P.; On the Comparative
Evaluation of Aspect-Oriented Model Composition Techniques, In: III Latin American
Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP´09), co-located with
SBES´09, October, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil (to appear).
12. FIGUEIREDO, E., SANTANNA, C., GARCIA, A. , LUCENA, C.J.P.; Applying and
Evaluating Concern-Sensitive Design Heuristics, XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia
de Software (SBES 2009), Fortaleza, Brasil, 2009, pp. 73-88.
13. CIRILO, E.J.R., NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., LUCENA, C.J.P. ; Automating the Product
Derivation Process of Multi-Agent Systems Product Lines, XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Software (SBES 2009), October 05 - 09, Fortaleza, Brasil, 2009 (accepted).
14. GADELHA, B., NUNES, I., FUKS, H., LUCENA, C.J.P.; An Approach for Developing
Groupware Product Lines Based on the 3C Collaboration Model, 15th Collaboration
Researchers' International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2009), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Peso da Régua, Portugal,
September 13-17, 2009, pp. 328-343.
IRVING, M., MELO, G., ALVAREZ, I., LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Computer-based Support for
Participatory Management of Protected Areas: The SimParc Project, in Marilton
Sanchotene de Aguiar e Diana Francisca Adamatti, ed., I Workshop de Computação
Aplicada à Gestão do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais (WCAMA09), associado ao
XXIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC 2009), July 20-24, Bento
Gonçalves, RS, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), pp. 1337-1346, 2009.
16. BRIOT, Jean-Pierre ; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; BREITMAN, Karin; Systèmes collaboratifs à
base d’agents : Une expérience de collaboration entre LIP6 et PUC-Rio; Colóquio em
Informática: Brasil / INRIA, Cooperações, Avanços e Desafios (COLIBRI), associado ao
XXIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC 2009), 20-24 julho, Bento
Gonçalves, RS, 2009.
Framework to Implement Autonomic Agents Able to Deal with Web Services, Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2009),
Sofia, Bulgaria, July 26-29, 2009.
18. NETO, B. F. S. ; COSTA, A. D. ; NETTO, M. T. A. ; SILVA, V. T. ;LUCENA, C. J. P.; JAAF:
A Framework to Implement Self-Adaptive Agents. In: 21th International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering (SEKE 09), 1-3 Julho, 2009. (to appear)
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
19. FAUSTINO G., GATTASS, M., REHEN, S., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), Automatic Embryonic
Stem Cells Detection and Counting Method in Fluorescence Microscopy Images, The Sixth
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'09), Boston, Massachusetts,
U.S.A., June 28 - July 1, 2009.
20. SERRANO, Milene; SERRANO, Maurício; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de.; Ubiquitous
Software Development Driven by Agents' Intentionality; 11th International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'09), 10 pages, Milan, Italy, May 6-10, 2009
21. CIRILO, E.J.R., KULESZA, U., LUCENA, C.J.P.; Automatic Derivation Of Spring-OSGi
Based Web Enterprise Application, in José Cordeiro and Joaquim Filipe, ed., 11th
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2009), Proceedings of
the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,Vol. DISI, INSTICC,
Milão, Itália, May 6-10, 2009, pp. 228-233.
22. FUKS, Hugo; BARBOSA, Simone D. J.; MOURA, Heloisa; SOARES, Andréia; CUNHA,
Márcio; GATTASS, Marcelo; LUCENA, Carlos J. P Towards the use of collaborative virtual
environments to crew unmanned oil platforms, In: Proceedings of The 13th International
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2009), April 2224, Santiago,Chile, 2009. pp. 462-467, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3535-7. IEEE Catalog Number
CFP09797-CDR. Edited by: Marcos R. S. Borges, Weiming Shen, José A. Pino, Jean-Paul
Barthès, Junzhou Luo, Sergio F. Ochoa, Jianming Yong.
23. BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; SORDONI; Alessandro; VASCONCELOS, Eurico; SEBBA PATTO;
Vinícius; ADAMATTI, Diana; IRVING, Marta; LUCENA, Carlos; Design of an Artificial
Decision Maker for a Human-based Social Simulation - Experience of the SimParc
Project. In David Hill et Lizandru Muzy (eds), Cargese Interdisciplinar Seminar "Modeling &
Simulation of Evolutionary Agents in Virtual Worlds" 2009, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques
de Cargese, Cargese, Corse, France, April 2009.
24. CIRILO, Elder; NUNES, Ingrid, KULESZA, Uirá; NUNES, Camila; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira; Automatic product derivation of multi-agent systems product lines, In: 24th Annual
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2009), pp. 731-732, Honolulu, Hawaii,
March 9-12, 2009.
25. NUNES, Ingrid; NUNES, Camila; CIRILO, Elder; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Extending
PASSI to model multi-agent systems product lines. In: Dongwan Shin, ed., Proceedings of
the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied computing (SAC 2009), Vol. II, Association for
Computing Machinery, Inc, Honolulu, Hawaii, Estados Unidos, March 9-12, 2009, pp. 729730.
Comparing Stability of Implementation Techniques for Multi-Agent System Product Lines.
In: 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR),
2009, kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. 229-232.
27. MOTTA, P.; GATTI, M.A. de C.; LUCENA, C.J.P. de; Towards a Transparent Middleware
for Self-Organizing Multi-Agent Systems on Clusters. In The Third International Workshop
on Massively Multi-Agent Systems: Models, Methods and Tools (MMAS'09) at the 8th
International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS
2009), Budapest, Hungary, May, 2009, pp. 51-62.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
28. GATTI, M.A. de C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Multi-Environment Multi-Agent Simulation
Framework for Self-Organizing Systems. 10th Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based
Simulation (MABS'09) at the 8th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary, May 2009, pp. 1-12.
29. NUNES I.O., LUCENA C.J.P., KULESZA U. and NUNES C.P.B.; On the Development of
Multi-agent Systems Product Lines: A Domain Engineering Process. In Jorge J. Gomez
Sanz and Marie-Pierre Gleizes, ed., The Tenth International Workshop on Agent-Oriented
Software Engineering (AOSE 2009), Budapeste, Hungria, pp. 109-120, May 10-15, 2009.
30. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina Howard; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; A
Norm-based Approach for the Modeling of Open Multiagent Systems. In: International
Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART'09), 2009, Porto, p.540 – 546,
ISBN: 9789898111739.
31. NUNES, I.O., KULESZA, U., NUNES, C.P.B.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Domain Engineering
Process for Developing Multi-agent Systems Product Lines. In Carles Sierra and Cristiano
Castelfranchi and Jaime Simão Sichman and Keith S. Decker, ed., Proceedings of 8th
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009),
Budapeste, Hungria, pp. 1339-1340, May, 10–15, 2009.
32. COELHO, Roberta; RASHID, Awais; STAA, Arndt von; NOBLE, James; KULESZA, Uirá;
LUCENA, Carlos; Exception Handling Bug Patterns in Aspect Oriented Programs,
Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Patterns Language of Programs. October 18 - 20,
2008, Nashville, TN USA, pp.115-122.
33. FILIPPO, D., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Notificação para ação: uso de notificações para
apoio a aprendizes e mediadores de fóruns de discussão em cursos a distância. Anais do
XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE 2008, Fortaleza, CE, 12-14,
November, 2008, ISBN 857669207-4, 10pp.
34. NUNES, I. O.; KULESZA U.; NUNES, C.; CIRILO, E.; LUCENA C. Extending Web-Based
Applications to Incorporate Autonomous Behavior. In: WebMedia 2008 - XIV Simpósio
Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web, 2008, Vila Velha, pp. 115-122.
35. COELHO, Roberta; RASHID, Awais; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt von; LUCENA, Carlos;
NOBLE, James; Exception Handling Bug Patterns in Aspect Oriented Programs, Pattern
Languages of Programs Conference 2008 (PLoP 2008), October 18 - 20, co-located with
OOPSLA, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2008.
36. ROCHA, Rafael; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos; Um Framework para a Simulação
da Negociação de Serviços em Redes sem Fio; IV Worshop on Software Engineering for
Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2008), at Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software
(SBES 2008), October 13 - 17, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2008, pp. 49-60.
37. SOARES, Bruno; LUCENA, Carlos; GATTI, Maíra; Towards Verifying and Optimizing SelfOrganizing Systems through an Autonomic Convergence Method; IV Worshop on Software
Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2008), at Simpósio Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Software (SBES 2008), October 13 - 17, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2008, pp.
38. FAUSTINO, Geisa; GATTI, Maíra; BISPO, Diego; LUCENA, Carlos; A 3D Multi-Scale
Agent-based Stem Cell Self-Organization; IV Workshop on Software Engineering for Agentoriented Systems (SEAS 2008), at SBES 2008, October 13 - 17, Campinas, SP, Brasil,
2008, pp. 37-48.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
39. AZEVEDO, Sérgio; ABREU NETTO, Manoel; COSTA, Andrew Diniz; BORSATO, B.;
SORAES, F.; LUCENA, Carlos; Multi-Agent System for Stock Exchange Simulation –
MASSES; IV Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2008),
at SBES 2008, October 13 - 17, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2008, pp. 61-72.
40. SERRANO, Milene; SERRANO, Maurício; LUCENA, Carlos; Framework for Content
Adaptation in Ubiquitous Computing Centered on Agents Intentionality and Collaborative
MAS; IV Worshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2008), at
Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2008), October 13 - 17, Campinas,
SP, Brasil, 2008, pp. 1-12.
41. NUNES, C.; KULESZA, U.; SANT'ANNA, C.; NUNES, I.; LUCENA, C.; On the Modularity
Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems Product Lines: a Quantitative Study.
In: II Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software, 2008,
Porto Alegre, 2008, pp 122-135.
42. GATTI, Maíra; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A Bio-inspired Representation Model for
Engineering Self-Organizing Emergent Systems; XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia
de Software (SBES 2008), SEAS 2008, October 13 - 17, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2008, pp.
204-219 (choosen as one of the best papers).
43. COELHO, Roberta; KULESZA, Uira; RASHID, Awais; STAA, Arndt; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; Unveiling and Taming the Liabilities of Aspect Libraries Reuse; XXII Simpósio
Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2008), SEAS 2008, October 13 - 17,
Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2008, pp. 81-96 (choosen as one of the best papers).
(2008), A Hybrid Diagnostic-Recommendation System for Agent Execution Applied to
Ubiquitous Computing Systems, IV Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented
Systems (SEAS 2008), Campinas, Brasil, pp. 25-36.
45. FILIPPO, D., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Notificação-ação: Informação e acesso ao
ambiente de aprendizagem através de notificações para suporte à coordenação de fóruns
de um curso a distância. Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, SBSC
2008, Vila Velha, ES, 27 a 29 de outubro, ISBN 978-0-7695-3500-5/08, Ed IEEE-CS, pp.
46. PIMENTEL, M., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Não esqueci o que vocês disseram em
mensagens passadas: Elos para a convergência da discussão no fórum do AulaNet. Anais
do XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática - CLEI 2008, 8 a 12 de Setembro
de 2008, Santa Fe, Argentina. ISBN 978-950-9770-02-7. pp. 1325-1334.
47. OLIVEIRA, Antonio de Pádua Albuquerque; LEITE, Júlio Cesar S. P.; CYSNEIROS, Luiz
Marcio; LUCENA, Carlos José P. Lucena; i* Diagnoses: A Quality Process for Building i*
Models. Poster (accepted as a short paper) in The 20th International Conference on
Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'08), Montpellier, France, 2008, pp. 912, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, v. 344.
48. COSTA, Andrew Diniz; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; SILVA, Viviane T.; ALENCAR,
Paulo; A Hybrid Diagnostic-Recommendation System for Agent Execution in Multi-Agent
Systems, International Conference on Software and Data Tecnologies, 3rd (ICSOFT 2008),
July (5-8) Porto/Portugal, Springer.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
Approach to Implement Regulative Norms in Normative Multiagent Systems. International
Workshop on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS 2008), Third. Luxembourg, 15–18
July, 2008, pp. 80-94.
Concretize Norms in NMAS? An Operational Normative Approach Presented with a Case
Study from the Television Domain, AAAI’08 International Workshop on Coordination,
Organization, Institutions and Norms in agent systems (COIN, 2006). Chicago, USA, 13-14,
July, 2008, pp. 1-8.
51. BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; VASCONCELLOS FILHO, José Eurico de; ADAMATTI, Diana;
PATTO, Vinicius Sebba; IRVING, Marta; BARBOSA, Simone; FURTADO, Vasco;
LUCENA, Carlos; A Computer-based Support for Participatory Management of Protected
Areas: The SimParc Project, Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH
2008), XXVIII Congresso da SBC, Belém do Pará, Brasil, 12-18 de Julho, 2008, pp. 1-15.
Geisa; BISPO, Diego; Agent-Oriented Stem Cell Computational Modeling; Seminário
Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH 2008), XXVIII Congresso da SBC, Belém do
Pará, Brasil, July 12-18, 2008 (accepted).
53. NUNES I.O., KULESZA U., NUNES C.P.B. & LUCENA C.J.P.; Documenting and Modeling
Multi-agent Systems Product Lines. In: International Conference on Software Engineering
and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2008), 20th, Proceedings of Twentieth International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2008), Redwood
City, San Francisco Bay, USA, July 1-3, 2008, pp. 745 – 751, ISBN 1-891706-22-5 (paper),
Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School.
FEIJO, B.: Supporting Agents in Intelligent Environments with Protocol Information. In: the
4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'08), Seattle, USA, July 21-22,
2008, pp 1-7,
55. COSTA, Andrew; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Computing Reputation in the Art Context:
Agent Design to Handle Negotiation Challenges; Workshop Trust in Agent Societies, in The
seventh international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS
2008), Estoril, Portugal, May 12-16, 2008.
56. NUNES, I.O.; NUNES, C.P.B.; KULESZA, U.; LUCENA, C.J.P..; Developing and Evolving a
Multi-Agent System Product Line: An Exploratory Study, 9th International Workshop on
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2008) at the 7th International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), Estoril,
Portugal, May 12-16, 2008, pp. 177-188.
Inter- and intra-relationships between communication coordination and cooperation in the
scope of the 3C Collaboration Model, 12th Computer Supported Cooperative Work in
Design (CSCWD 2008), IEEE, Xian, China, April 16-18, 2008, pp. 148-153.
58. PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Um Processo de
Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Colaborativos baseado no Modelo 3C: RUP-3C-Groupware;
IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI 2008), Praia do Flamengo, Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil, 7 a 9 de abril, 2008, pp. 35-47.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
Contextualizing Normative Open Multi-Agent Systems. In: the Annual ACM Symposium on
Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2008), 23rd, Fortaleza, Brazil, 16-20 Março, 2008, v. 01/03.
p. 52-59.
60. LOBATO, Cidiane; GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt von Staa;
LUCENA, Carlos; Evolving and Composing Frameworks with Aspects: The MobiGrid Case,
IEEE International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS), 7th,
Madrid, Espanha, 25-29 Fevereiro, 2008, pp. 53-62.
61. ESCOVEDO, T. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Um Framework para Avaliação Colaborativa de
Tarefas em Grupos de Aprendizagem. III Congresso Sul Catarinense de Computação,
Criciúma, SC, 28-30 Nov., 1º. Dez., 2007.
62. COSTA, Andrew Diniz; SOARES, Fábio; AZEVEDO, Sergio; LUCENA, Carlos; SILVA,
Viviane; ZeCarioca LES - Finalista da Competição Agent Reputation Trust (ART) Testbed;
Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-Oriented Systems, III (SEAS), In: Anais do III
Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-Oriented Systems (SEAS), João Pessoa,
Brasil, novembro 2007, pp. 65-75, ISBN: 9788576691396.
63. GATTI, Maíra; VASCONCELLOS FILHO, José Eurico; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; An
Agent Oriented Software Engineering Approach for the Adult Stem-Cell Modeling,
Simulation and Visualization; Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-Oriented
Systems, III (SEAS), In: Anais do III Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-Oriented
Systems (SEAS), João Pessoa, Brasil, novembro 2007, pp. 39-54, ISBN: 9788576691396.
64. GEROSA, M.A., BARRETO, C.G., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Integração do AulaNet
com a TV Digital. Anais do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE
2007, São Paulo-SP, 28 a 30 de Novembro de 2007, ISBN 978-85-7669-156-3.
65. ESCOVEDO, T. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Promovendo a Avaliação Colaborativa através de um
Framework Gerenciador de Tarefas. 23nd ICDE - World Conference on Distance
Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education (CD-ROM),
Publisher: ABED, Toluca, México, 3-5 Out., 2007.
66. PAES, Rodrigo; CARVALHO, Gustavo; LUCENA, Carlos; CHOREN, Ricardo; Using
Interaction Laws to Implement Dependability Explicit Computing in Open Multi-Agent
Systems. XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2007), Tropical Hotel
Tambaú, João Pessoa, Paraiba, 15-19 Outubro, 2007 (menção honrosa de melhor artigo
do SBES 2007), pp.59-75, Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007.
67. CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA, Carlos; CHOREN, Ricardo; Uma
Abordagem para o Reuso de Leis de Interação em Sistemas Multi-Agentes. XXI Simpósio
Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2007), Tropical Hotel Tambaú, João Pessoa,
Paraiba, 15-19 Outubro, 2007, pp. 76-92. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de
68. COELHO, Roberta; CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt., RASHID, Awais;
LUCENA, Carlos; JAT: A Test Automation Framework for Multi-Agent Systems. XXI
Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2007), Tropical Hotel Tambaú, João
Pessoa, Paraiba, 15-19 Outubro, 2007.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
69. COELHO, Roberta; CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt; LUCENA, Carlos;
RASHID, Awais; JAT Framework: Creating JUnit-style Tests for Multi-agent Systems;
Sessão de Ferramentas do Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, XIV, In: Anais
da XIV Sessão de Ferramentas do Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES),
João Pessoa, Brasil, ISBN: 9788576691440, pp. 40-46.
70. COELHO, Roberta; CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt; RASHID, Awais;
LUCENA, Carlos; JAT: A Test Automation Framework for Multi-Agent Systems,
International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM 2007, October, 2007. 23 rd IEEE
International Conference on Software Maintenance, Maison Internationale – Paris, France,
October 2-5, 2007, pp. 425-434
71. FUKS, H., GEROSA, M.A., BARRETO, C.G. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Middleware de Integração
entre o Ambiente AulaNet e o Ginga. SET 2007 - Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de
Engenharia de Televisao, São Paulo, 22-24 de agosto de 2007.
72. ESCOVEDO, T. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Avaliação Colaborativa na Prática: um Estudo de
Caso com o Framework IssueNet. VI WEIMIG – Workshop de Educação em Computação
e Informática do Estado de Minas Gerais, Lavras, MG, 31 Agosto, 2007.
73. CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos; GenArch: A Model-Based Product
Derivation Tool (GenArch: Uma Ferramenta baseada em Modelos para Derivação de
Produtos). Anais do 1º. Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização
de Software (SBCARS’ 2007), Campinas, Brazil, Agosto 2007, pp. 31-44, SBC, Instituto de
Computação – Unicamp. (aceito; menção honrosa de melhor artigo do SBCARS
74. ZAUPA, Fabio; GIMENES, Itana Maria de Souza; COWAN, Donald; ALENCAR, Paulo;
LUCENA, Carlos; Um Processo de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Web baseado em
Serviços. Anais do 1º. Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização
de Software (SBCARS 2007), Unicamp, Campinas, SP, 29-31 Agosto, 2007, pp.89-104.
Meio eletrônico:
Inter- e Intra-relações entre Comunicação, Coordenação e Cooperação. Anais eletrônicos
do XXVII Congresso da SBC - Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, CD-ROM,
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 30/06 a 01/07 de 2007, ISBN 987-85-7669-116-7 Porto Alegre: SBC,
2007. pp. 1789-1800 e Anais do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, Rio de
Janeiro - RJ, 03-04 de Julho de 2007, ISBN 978-85-7669-126-6, Porto Alegre: SBC, 2007.
pp. 57-68.
76. SANT'ANNA, C.; FIGUEIREDO, E.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.; On the Modularity of
Software Architectures: A Concern-Driven Measurement Framework, In: Oquendo, F. (Ed.),
Proceedings of the First European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2007).
LNCS 4758, pp. 207- 224, Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg), Madrid, Spain, 2007.
77. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina; LUCENA, Carlos; BRIOT, Jean Pierre; CHOREN, Ricardo;
Informing Regulatory Dynamics in Open MASs. In: Workshop on Coordination,
Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems II, AAMAS206, Hakodate,
Japan, LNAI 4386 proceedings, pp. 140-155. ISBN: 978-3-540-74457-3. Eds.: Pablo
Noriega et al, Springer-Verlag 2007.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
78. FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; LOBATO, Cidiane; DIAS, Klessis; LEITE, Julio; LUCENA, Carlos;
Um Jogo para o Ensino de Engenharia de Software Centrado na Perspectiva de Evolução.
Anais do XV Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI), co-alocado ao XXVII
Congresso da SBC. pp. 37-46, volume 15 (em CD-Rom), Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação (SBC), ISBN: 987-85-7669-116-7. Rio de janeiro, 05 de Julho de 2007.
79. FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; LUCENA, Carlos; GARCIA, Alessandro; Uma Abordagem
Quantitativa para Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos. Anais do VI
Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS) e finalista do Concurso de Teses e
Dissertações em Qualidade de Software (CTD-QS). Porto de Galinhas, PE, 25-29 de
Junho, 2007, pp. 501-515, v. 6, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), ISBN: 97885-7669-125-9.
80. SANTOS, Márcio; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos; The BulkLoader Pattern; 6th Latin
American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming, SugarLoafPLoP'07. Maio
2007, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, pp.205-220, SBC, 2007.
81. DURAN, F.; SILVA, V.; LUCENA, C.; Using Testimonies to Enforce the Behavior of Agents;
In Proceedings of Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in agent
systems at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
(AAMAS07), Honolulu, Hawaii, Maio 14, 2007, pp. 25-36, formato: eletrônico,
82. HAENDCHEN FILHO, A.; PRADO, Hercules Antonio do; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A WSA-Based
Architecture for Building Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of the Sixth International Join
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-07). Honululu,
Hawaii, May 14-18, pp. 906-908, IFAAMAS, ISBN: 9788190426275, 2007.
83. SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; On the Modularity Assessment of SoftwareArchitectures: Do my
architectural concerns count?, First Workshop on Aspects in Architecture Descriptions
(AARCH.07), Sixth International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
(AOSD.07), Vancouver, Canada, March 2007.
84. KULESZA, Uirá; ALVES, Vander; GARCIA, Alessandro; COSTA NETO, Alberto; CIRILLO,
Elder; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; BORBA, Paulo; Mapping Features to Aspects: A
Model-Based Generative Approach. 10th International Workshop on Early Aspects,
AOSD'07, March 2007, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN: 978-85-268-0797-6, pp.31-44,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
the Quantitative Assessment of Modular Multi-Agent Architectures. Proceedings of
NetObjectDays, Germany, September, 2006.
86. ALVES, Vander; GHEYI, Rohit; MASSONI, Tiago; KULESZA, Uirá; BORBA, Paulo;
LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Refactoring Product Lines; International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE 2006), 5th; Proceedings of
the 5th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering.
pp. 201-210, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 22-26, 2006. New York; ACM Press 2006,
ISBN 1-59593-237.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
87. KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. An Aspect-Oriented Approach To
Framework Development; Software Product Lines Doctoral Symposium, In conjunction with
the Software Product Lines International Conference (SPLC), 10th; Proceedings of the
Software Product Lines Doctoral Symposium, pp. 67-79, ISBN: 0-7695-2599-7, Baltimore,
MD, USA, August 22, 2006, Fraunhover: IESE Technical Report.
V. ; BORBA, P. ; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Verification Approach for Crosscutting Features
Based on the Use of Extension Join Points. In: SPLiT 2006, Workshop on Software Product
Line Testing, 3rd, in conjunction with the 10th International Software Product Line,
Baltimore, Proceedings of SPLiT 2006 (available online), 2006.
89. BATISTA, T.V.; CHAVEZ, C.; GARCIA, Alessandro; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; KULESZA,
Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José; Aspectual Connectors: Supporting the Seamless Integration of
Aspects and ADLs. Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 20º . In: P.C.
Masiero (ed.) Anais do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), ISBN:
85-7669-079-9, 2006, p. 17-32.
90. DAMASCENO, Karla; CACHO, N.; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José ;
Tratamento de Exceções Sensível ao Contexto. Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de
Software (SBES), 20º . In: P.C. Masiero (ed.) Anais do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Software (SBES), ISBN: 85-7669-079-9, 2006, p. 49-64.
91. KULESZA, Uirá; COELHO, Roberta; ALVES, V.; NETO, A.C.; GARCIA, Alessandro;
LUCENA, Carlos José. Implementing Framework Crosscutting Extensions with EJPs and
AspectJ. Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 20º, In: P.C. Masiero
(ed.) Anais do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), ISBN: 85-7669079-9, 2006, p. 177-192.
92. PIMENTEL, Mariano G.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; FILIPPO, D., RAPOSO, Alberto B.;
FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Modelo 3C de Colaboração no
Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Colaborativos; Anais Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas
Colaborativos. Natal, RN, November 20-22, 2006. ISBN 85-7669-097-7. Porto Alegre:
SBC, 2006. pp. 58-67.
93. FILIPPO, D.; GEROSA, M.A.; PIMENTEL, M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Sempre atento
ao forum: alertas SMS para suporte à coordenação dos aprendizes; Anais do XVII
Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE 2006, Brasília, DF, November 8-10,
2006, v.1, pp. 62-71.
94. GEROSA, M.A.; PIMENTEL, M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Development of Groupware
based on the 3C Collaboration Model and Component Technology. International Workshop
on Groupware, 12 th (CRIWG 2006), Dimitriadis, Y.A., Zigurs, I. & Gomez-Sanchez, E.
(eds), 17-21 September, Valladolid, Spain, Lecture Notes on Computer Science LNCS
4154, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3540-39591-1, ISSN 0302-9743, pp. 302-309, 2006.
95. FILIPPO, D., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Tell Me When To Look: Improving Coordination
in Educational Forums Using Mobile Devices; mLearn 2006, World Conference in Mobile
Learning, 5th, Banff, Canada, October 22-25, 2006, v. 1, pp. 66-69 (Accepted Abstract;
accepted presentation).
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
96. GEROSA, M.A.; RAPOSO, A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Component-Based Groupware
Development Based on the 3C Collaboration Model; Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de
Software (SBES), 20º. In: P.C. Masiero (ed.) Anais do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Software (SBES), ISBN: 85-7669-079-9, 2006, p. 129-144. Florianópolis,
Santa Catarina, 16-20 October, 2006.
97. COELHO, Roberta; DANTAS, A.; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt von; CIRNE, W.; LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira; The Application Monitor Pattern; Pattern Languages of Programming
Conference (PLOP 6006), in conjunction with OOPSLA 2006, Portland, USA, October 2226, 2006, v. 1, pp. 1-19.
98. VITERBO, José; FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre, ENDLER, Markus;
LUCENA, Carlos; Applying Regulation to Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2006), 2nd , In:
Lucena, C. et al (eds.) Proceedings of the II Workshop on Software Engineering for Agentoriented Systems (SEAS 2006), pp. 107-118, October 17th , 2006.
99. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina; LUCENA, Carlos; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; CHOREN, Ricardo;
Implementing Regulations in Open MAS with DynaCROM. Workshop on Software
Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2006), 2nd, In: Lucena, C. et al
(eds.) Proceedings of the II Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems
(SEAS 2006), pp. 95-106, October 17th, 2006.
100. CARVALHO, Gustavo; ALMEIDA, Hyggo; GATTI, Maíra; VINICIUS, Glauber; PAES,
Rodrigo; PERKUSICH, Ângelo; LUCENA, Carlos Lucena; Dynamic Law Evolution in
Governance Mechanisms for Open Multi-Agent Systems. Workshop on Software
Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2006), 2nd, In: Lucena, C. et al (eds.)
Proceedings of the II Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems
(SEAS 2006), pp. 83-94, October 17th, 2006.
101. GATTI, Maíra; CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; STAA, Arndt Von; LUCENA,
Carlos; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; O Rationale da Fidedignidade em Sistemas Multi-agentes
Abertos Governados por Leis. Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented
Systems (SEAS 2006), 2nd, In: Lucena, C. et al (eds.) Proceedings of the II Workshop on
Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2006), pp. 1-12, October 17th,
102. OLIVEIRA, Antonio de Pádua; CYSNEIROS, Luiz Marcio; LEITE, Julio Cesar Sampaio
do Prado; MAGNO, Eduardo; LUCENA, Carlos; Integrating Scenarios, i*, and AspectT in
the Context of Multi-Agent Systems; IBM Centre for Advanced Studies, Annual
International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 16th, CASCON
2006, Toronto, Canada, October 16–19, 2006, pp.1-15.
103. SILVA, Viviane; DEMARIA, Beatriz; LUCENA, Carlos José; An MDA-Based Approach for
Developing Multi-Agent Systems; Workshop on Software Evolution through
Transformations (SeTra 2006), 3rd, at the International Conference on Graph
Transformation (ICGT 2006), 3rd , Workshop on Software Evolution through, Brazil,
September 21-22, 2006, v.1, pp.115-126, Porto Alegre: SBC.
104. GARCIA, Alessandro; CHAVEZ, Christina; BATISTA, Thais; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio;
KULESZA, Uirá; RASHID, Awais; LUCENA, Carlos Lucena; On the Modular
Representation of Architectural Aspects, Third European Workshop on Software
Architecture (EWSA 2006) Languages, Styles, Models, Tools, and Applications, Nantes,
France, September 4th and 5th, 2006, pp. 82-97. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
4344, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-69271-1.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
105. FILIPPO, D., BARRETO, C.G., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Collaboration in Learning
with Mobile Devices: Tools for Forum Coordination. World Conference on Distance
Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, 22nd ICDE, Flexible and Distance Education (CDROM), Publisher: ABED, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-6 Setembro, 2006, pp. 1-10.
106. ESCOVEDO, T., SARAMAGO, F., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Applying the web-based
instruction in musical education. World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting
Quality in On-line, 22nd ICDE, Flexible and Distance Education (CD-ROM), Publisher:
ABED, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-6 Setembro, 2006, pp. 1-10.
107. PIMENTEL, M., ESCOVEDO, T., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Investigating the
assessment of learners' participation in asynchronous conference of an online course.
ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, 22nd,
Flexible and Distance Education (CD-ROM), Publisher: ABED, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-6
Setembro, 2006. CD-ROM, Rio de Janeiro: The Brazilian Association for Distance
Education (ABED), pp. 1-8.
108. BARRETO, C.G., FILIPPO, D., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Integrating MAS in a
component-based groupware environment. AOSE-2006@AAMAS Agent-Oriented Software
Engeneering Workshop in AAMAS-International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents
& Multi-Agent Systems, Hakodate, Japão, 8 a 12 de maio de 2006, pp 145-156.
109. COELHO, Roberta; ALVES, Vander; KULESZA, Uirá; COSTA NETO, A.; GARCIA,
Alessandro; STAA, Arndt von; LUCENA, Carlos; BORBA, Paulo; On Testing Crosscutting
Features using Extension Join Points, International Workshop on Software Product Line
Testing, 3rd (SPLiT 2006), in conjunction with the10th International Software Product Line
Conference (SPLC 2006), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, August 21-24, 2006. pp. 23-30,
Technical Report, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences - Computer Science
Department. URL:
110. FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos; AJATO: an AspectJ
Assessment Tool. 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP).
Nantes, France, 3-7 July 2006.
111. ESCOVEDO, T., PIMENTEL, M., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Avaliei, avaliei... ensinei?
Investigações sobre avaliação nas conferências de um curso online. WIE 2006 - Workshop
de Informática na Educação. Campo Grande, MS, Brazil , July 14-20, 2006. pp. 94-101,
Porto Alegre: SBC, ISBN: 85-7669-0748.
112. LOBATO, Cidiane; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos; ROMANOVSKY,
Alexander. A Modular Implementation Framework for Code Mobility. IEE Mobility
Conference. In Proceedings of IEE Mobility Conference, Bangcoc, pp. 1- 6, v.1, 2006.
113. KULESZA, Uirá; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; GARCIA, Alessandro; COELHO, Roberta; STAA,
Arndt; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Quantifying the Effects of Aspect-Oriented
Programming: A Maintenance Study, IEEE International Conference on Software
Maintenance, 22nd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006. pp. 223-233, IEEE Computer
Society 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2354-4.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
114. KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos; ALENCAR, Paulo; GARCIA, Alessandro. Customizing
Aspect-Oriented Variabilites using Generative Techniques. International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'06), 18th, Proceedings of
Eighteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
(SEKE'06), 2006, San Francisco. pp. 17-22, Skokie, IL: Knowledge Systems Institute.
115. GUEDES, José de Souza Pinto; SILVA, Viviane; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A
Reputation Model Based on Testimonies, Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information System
(AOIS) at the 18th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE),
AOIS2006@CAiSE workshop, Luxemburgo, Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo, ISBN-10 287037-525-5, pp. 37-47, 6 Junho, 2006.
116. GATTI, Maíra Athanázio de C.; PAES, Rodrigo; CARVALHO, Gustavo; RODRIGUES,
Luis Fernando; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; FACI, Nora; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; GUESSOUM,
Zahia; Governing Agent Interaction in Open Multi-Agent Systems with Fault Tolerant
Strategies; International Workshop Agents and Multiagent Systems, from Theory to
Application (AMTA'06), Quebec, Canadá, Quebec City: Canadian Society for
Computational Studies of Intelligence, June 06-08, 2006.
117. KULESZA, Uirá; ALVES, Vander; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos; BORBA,
Paulo; Improving Extensibility of Object-Oriented Frameworks with Aspect-Oriented
Programming, International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR'2006), 9th, Turin, Italy,
June 12-15, 2006, ISBN: 3-540-34606-6, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN: 0302-9743, pp. 231-245, Volume 4039/2006.
118. GATTI, Maíra Athanázio de Cerqueira; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; BRIOT, JeanPierre; On Fault Tolerance in Law-Governed Multi-Agent Systems, International Workshop
on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS’06), 5th,
Shanghai, China, May 22-23, International Conference on Software Engineering, 28th. New
York, NY, USA: ACM Press, ISBN: 1-59593-395-6, 2006. p. 21-28.
119. BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; FACI, Nora; GUESSOUM, Zahia; GATTI, Maíra Athanázio de
Cerqueira; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; LUNA-ALMEIDA, Alessandro; MARIN,
Olivier; Experience and Prospects for Various Control Strategies for Self-Replicating MultiAgent Systems, (Paper-ID: SEAMS07), Workshop on Software Engineering
for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2006), ICSE 2006, Shanghai, China,
May 21-22, 2006. pp 37-43, New York: ACM.
120. DAMASCENO, Karla; CACHO, Nelio; GARCIA, Alessandro; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander,
LUCENA, Carlos; Context-Aware Exception Handling in Mobile Agent Systems: The MoCA
Case, International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-Agent
Systems (SELMAS’06), 5th, Shanghai, China. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International
Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-agent Systems (SELMAS 2006),
ACM Press, Nova Iorque, ISBN: 1-59593-395-6, pp. 37-44, May 21-22, 2006.
121. COELHO, Roberta; KULESZA, Uira; STAA, Arndt; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
Unit Testing in Multi-agent Systems using Mock Agents and Aspects, International
Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS’06),
5th, Shanghai, China, May 21-22, Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-agent Systems (SELMAS 2006), ACM Press,
Nova Iorque, ISBN: 1-59593-395-6, p. 83-90, 2006.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
122. CHOREN, Ricardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; GIESE, Holger; LEUNG, Ho-fung; LUCENA,
Carlos; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander. Introduction to the SELMAS 2006, International
Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-agent Systems (SELMAS 2006),
5th. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Largescale Multi-agent Systems (SELMAS 2006), Shanghai, China, May 22-23, ACM Press,
Nova Iorque, ISBN: 1-59593-395-6, v.1, p. 1-4, 2006.
123. CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez de; LUCENA, Carlos; PAES, Rodrigo; BRIOT, JeanPierre; Refinement Operators to Facilitate the Reuse of Interaction Laws in Open MultiAgent Systems, International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale MultiAgent Systems (SELMAS’06), 5th, at ICSE 2006, Shanghai, China. In: Proceedings of the
Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-agent Systems,
p. 75-82, ISBN: 1-59593-395-6, May 21-22, 2006.
124. CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez de; BRANDÃO, Anarosa; PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA,
Carlos; Interaction Laws Verification Using Knowledge-based Reasoning, In: Eight
International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS
2006) at the 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems (AAMAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006, Garcia, A. Ghose and M. Kolp
(Eds), p. 33-40, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), Nova Iorque, ISBN 1-59593303-4.
125. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina; LUCENA, Carlos; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; CHOREN, Ricardo; An
Approach for Contextual Regulations in Open MAS, Workshop on Agent-Oriented
Information Systems (AOIS-2006) at the International Joint Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’2006), 5th, Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006,
p.25-32, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), Nova Iorque, ISBN 1-59593-303-4.
126. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina; CHOREN, Ricardo; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre; LUCENA, Carlos;
Supporting Regulatory Dynamics in Open MAS, Workshop on Coordination, Organization,
Institutions and Norms in agent systems (COIN@AAMAS-06), at the International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’2006), 5th
Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006, p. 45-58, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
Nova Iorque, ISBN 1-59593-303-4.
127. CARVALHO, G.; LUCENA, C.; PAES, R.; BRIOT, J-P.; CHOREN, R.; A Governance
Framework Implementation for Supply Chain Management Applications as Open MultiAgent Systems, Seventh International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
(AOSE 2006) at the 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006, ACM (Association
for Computing Machinery), Nova Iorque, ISBN 1-59593-303-4.
128. BRANDÃO, Anarosa; SILVA, Viviane; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Ontology-based
Method for Analyzing Multi-Agent Systems Design Models, Workshop on Agent-oriented
Software Engineering (AOSE 2006), 7th, at the International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’2006), 5th, Proceedings of the 7th
workshop on Agent-oriented Software Engineering, Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006,
pp.1-12, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), Nova Iorque, ISBN 1-59593-303-4.
129. SILVA, Viviane; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Using MAS-ML
Dynamic Diagrams to Model MAS Behavioral Properties, AOIS workshop at the
International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
(AAMAS’2006), 5th, Hakodate, Japan, 8-12 May, 2006, Proceedings of the Eight
International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS
2006)p. 09-16, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), Nova Iorque, ISBN 1-59593303-4.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
130. SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; MOLINARO, Marco S.; PARANHOS, Patrick M.;
CUNHA, Pedro M.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; A Multi-Agent Architecture for
a Dynamic Supply Chain Management. International FLAIRS Conference, Melbourne
Beach, 19th, Florida, USA. May 11-13, ISBN: 978-1-57735-261-7, pp. 178-179, v. 1, 2006.
131. CACHO, Nélio; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; GARCIA, Alessandro;
BATISTA, Thais; LUCENA, Carlos; Composing Design Patterns: A Scalability Study of
Aspect-Oriented Programming. International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software
(AOSD'06), 5th. Bonn, Germany. March 20-24, 2006. Pp. 109-121, ISBN:1-59593-300-X,
Publisher ACM Press, New York, NY, USA.
132. BARRETO, C.G., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Agregando Frameworks em uma
Arquitetura Baseada em Componentes no Ambiente AulaNet, Workshop de
Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (WDBC 2005), 5º, November 7-9, 2005, Juiz
de Fora, MG, ISBN 85-88279-47-9, pp. 25-32.
H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Componentes Baseados no Modelo 3C para o Desenvolvimento de
Ferramentas Colaborativas. Workshop de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes
(WDBC 2005), 5º, November 7- 9, 2005, Juiz de Fora, MG, ISBN 85-88279-47-9, pp. 109112.
H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; AulaNet 3.0: desenvolvendo aplicações colaborativas baseadas em
componentes 3C, Workshop Brasileiro de Tecnologias para Colaboração (WCSCW 2005),
em XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, (SBIE), 16o, v. 2, ISBN 85-8827948-7. Juiz de Fora - MG: UFJF, November 8 – 11, 2005. pp. 761-770.
135. BRANDÃO, Anarosa A.F.; SILVA, Viviane T.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MultiAgent System Design Verification Using Knowledge-based Reasoning, International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2005), 11th, ISBN
1-891706-16-0, pp. 602-607, Taipei, Republic of China, 2005.
136. FILIPPO, D. D. R.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; AulaNetM: Extensão do Serviço de
Conferências do AulaNet destinada a usuários de PDAs, Simpósio Brasileiro de
Informática na Educação (SBIE 2005), 16o., Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil, November 9-11,
2005, pp.623-633.
137. KULESZA, U.; GARCIA, A.; BLEASBY, F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Instantiating and
Customizing Product Line Architectures using Aspects and Crosscutting Feature Models.
Workshop Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture
Design at the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications
(OOPSLA’2005), San Diego, October 2005.
138. FERNANDES, M. C. P.; LUCENA, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Contextualizing New
Pedagogic Practices With the Use of a Course and an Environment for Distance Education
Based on the Web. International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), 2005,
Gliwice, Polônia. Proceedings. Volume 1. pp. 756-761.
139. RODRIGUES, Luiz Fernando; CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA, Carlos;
Towards an Integration Test Architecture for Open MAS. First Workshop on Software
Engineering for Agent Oriented Systems, Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
(SEAS – SBES Workshop 2005), pp. 60-66 (CD-ROM). Uberlândia, Brazil, October 03-07,
2005 (
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
140. CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA, Carlos; Extensions on Interaction Laws
in Open Multi-Agent Systems. First Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent Oriented
Systems, Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SEAS – SBES Workshop 2005),
pp. 41-50 (CD-ROM). Uberlândia, Brazil, October 03-07, 2005 (
141. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina Howard; LUCENA, Carlos José; An Approach to Regulate Open
Multi-Agent Systems Based On A Generic Normative Ontology. First Workshop on
Software Engineering for Agent Oriented Systems, Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (SEAS – SBES Workshop 2005), pp. 21-30 (CD-ROM). Uberlândia, Brazil,
October 03-07, 2005 (
142. SILVA, Viviane T.; LUCENA, Carlos; Governance in Multi-Agent Systems Based on
Witnesses; In: First Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent Oriented Systems,
Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SEAS – Workshop SBES2005), pp. 51-59
(CD-ROM). Uberlândia, Brazil, October 03-07, 2005 (
143. DeMaria, B.; Silva, V.; Choren, R.; Lucena, C.; VisualAgent: A Software Development
Environment for Multi-Agent Systems; In: Tool Tack, Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (SBES2005), Uberlândia, Brazil, October 03-07, 2005.
144. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; PARANHOS, Patrick M.; CUNHA,
Pedro M.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. An Agent Based Architecture for Highly Competitive
Electronic Markets. International FLAIRS Conference, 18th, Clearwater Beach, Florida,
USA, pp. 326-331, v. 1, n. 1, ISBN:1-57735-200-9, May 16-18, 2005.
145. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; PARANHOS, Patrick M.; CUNHA, Pedro M.;
MOLINARO, Marco S.; MILIDIÚ, Helena; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.
LearnAgents 2005 - A multi-agent system for the TAC Classic. Poster Session at Trading
Agent Competition 2005, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 19th,
Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2005.
146. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; PARANHOS, Patrick M.; CUNHA, Pedro M.;
MOLINARO, Marco S.; MILIDIÚ, Helena; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.
LearnAgentsSCM - A multi-agent system for the TAC Supply Chain Management. Poster
Session at Trading Agent Competition 2005, International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 19th, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2005.
147. LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; FUKS, Hugo; RAPOSO, Alberto B.; GEROSA, Marco A.;
PIMENTEL, Mariano G.; Communication, Coordination and Cooperation in ComputerSupported Learning: The AulaNet Experience; Advances in Computer-Supported Learning,
Federal University of Campina Grande, ISBN 1-59904-356-4, 2006, pp. 274-297, Campina
Grande, Paraíba, Brazil 2005.
148. KULESZA, Uira; SANT'ANNA, Claudio Nogueira; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
Refactoring the JUnit Framework using Aspect-Oriented Programming, Posters Session at
OOPSLA’2005, San Diego, Estados Unidos.;
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
149. FELICISSIMO, Carolina; LUCENA, Carlos; CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo;
Normative Ontologies to Define Regulations Over Roles in Open Multi-Agent Systems,
AAAI Fall Symposium Roles, an interdisciplinary perspective, In: Guido Boella, James
Odell, Leendert van der Torre and Harko Verhagen (eds.). Proceedings of the Roles, an
Interdisciplinary Perspective: Ontologies, Programming Languages, and Multiagent
Systems Symposium. Technical Report FS-05-08, ISBN: 978-1-57725-254-9. California:
AAAI Press, p. 68-72, Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, USA, ISBN 978-1-57735-254-9,
November 4-6, 2005.
150. FELICISSIMO, Carolina Howard; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Viviane
Torres da; From Roles Modeled by Using the MESSAGE Methodology to their
Implementation with the ASF Framework, AAAI Fall Symposium Roles, an interdisciplinary
perspective, In: Guido Boella, James Odell, Leendert van der Torre and Harko Verhagen
(eds.). Proceedings of the Roles, an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Ontologies,
Programming Languages, and Multiagent Systems Symposium. Technical Report FS-0508, ISBN: 978-1-57725-254-9. California: AAAI Press, p. 63-67, Crystal City, Arlington,
Virginia, USA, November 4-6, 2005.
151. PAULA, Maíra Greco de; BARBOSA, Simone D. J.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
Conveying Human-Computer Interaction Concerns to Software Engineers through an
Interaction Model, Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC
2005), 2nd, Cuernavaca, México, ACM Press: New York, pp. 109-119, ACM 1-59593-2240, October 23-26, 2005.
Heterogeneous Aspects with Crosscutting Interfaces. Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (SBES'05), 19th, ISBN 85-7669-030-6, pp.216-231, paper 9592, Uberlândia,
Brazil, October 3-7, 2005 (best paper).
153. GIMENES, Itana Maria de Souza; NISHIMURA, Ruy; OLIVEIRA JR., Edson Alves de;
LAZILHA, Fabrício Ricardo; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. Lucena; A Componentbased Product Development Process for a Workflow Management System Product Line,
Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES'05), 19th, ISBN 85-7669-030-6, pp.
279-294, paper 9611, Uberlândia, Brazil, October 3-7, 2005.
154. COELHO, Roberta; KULESZA, Uirá; STAA, Arndt von; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
The Layered Information System Test Pattern, Latin American Conference on Pattern
Languages of Programming (Sugar Loaf PLoP'05), 5th, August, 2005, Campos do Jordão,
São Paulo, Brazil (to appear). pp. 114-129, ISBN 85-87837-09-5.
155. GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; CHAVEZ, Christina; LUCENA; The Interaction
Aspect Pattern. European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
(EuroPLoP2005), 10th, E301-E322, July 6 - 10, 2005, Irsee, Germany. (submitted)
156. GARCIA, Alessandro; CHAVEZ, Christina; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos. The Role
Aspect Pattern. European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
(EuroPLoP2005), 10th, E401-E416, July 6-10, 2005, Irsee, Germany. (submitted)
157. FILIPPO, D., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; AulaNetM: Extension of the AulaNet
Environment to PDAs. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and
Using Context (Context 2005), 5th, Proceedings of the Workshop 10 - Context and
Groupware, CEUR Workshop, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol. 133, Paris, 5-8, July, 2005
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
Assessing Aspect-Oriented Artifacts: Towards a Tool-Supported Quantitative Method,
ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering
(QAOOSE 2005), 9th, July 25-29, 2005, Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde, Glasgow,
UK (
159. GARCIA, A.; KULESZA, U.; SANT'ANNA, C.; CHAVEZ, C.; LUCENA, C.; Aspects in
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: Lessons Learned. International Workshop on AgentOriented Software Engineering, 6th, at International Joint Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'2005), 4th, Proceedings of the 6th International
Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering at AAMAS'2005, Utrecht, Netherlands,
July 25-26 2005.
160. SILVA, Viviane; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Classifying and Describing Agent
Contracts and Norms. In Workshop on Agents, Norms and Institutions for Regulated
Multiagent Systems (ANIREM) at International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'2005), 4th, pp. 33-46, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2005.
161. PIMENTEL, M., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Mediated Chat Development Process:
Avoiding Chat Confusion on Educational Debates, Computer Supported Collaborative
Learning, Taiwan, May-June, pp. 499-503, 2005.
162. GEROSA, M.A., PIMENTEL, M., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; No Need to Read
Messages Right Now: Helping Mediators to Steer Educational Forums Using Statistical and
Visual Information, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Taiwan, May-June,
pp.160-169, 2005 (
163. PIMENTEL, M., GEROSA, M.A., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Assessment of
Collaboration in Online Courses, Short-paper. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Maio-Junho, pp. 494-498, 2005.
164. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; RAPOSO, Alberto Barbosa; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; Towards an Engineering Approach for Groupware Development: Learning
from the AulaNet LMS Development, International Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2005), 9th, vol. 1, p. 329-333, ISBN 1-84600-004-1,
May 24-26, 2005, Coventry, UK, (,
165. CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; CHOREN, Ricardo; ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA,
Carlos; Increasing Software Infrastructure Dependability through a Law Enforcement
Approach, International Symposium on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS2005), 1st,
as part of AISB2005. Proceedings of the Symposium on Normative Multiagent Systems, p.
65-72, ISBN 1-90295647-6, April 12-13, 2005, University of Hertfordshire, Havilland
Campus, Hatfield, Inglaterra. Symposium website:;
AISB 2005 Convention Website:
166. SILVA, Viviane Torres da; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Using
UML 2.0 Activity Diagram to Model Agent Plans and Actions. The International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'2005), 4th.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent
Systems, Netherlands, Holanda, pp. 594-600, v. 2, n.1, ACM, ISBN: 1-59593-094-9, 2005.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
167. GARCIA, Alessandro; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; KULESZA, Uirá;
LUCENA, Carlos; STAA, Arndt von; Modularizing Design Patterns with Aspects: A
Quantitative Study, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development I, International
Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'05), 4th, Chicago, USA,
March 14-18, 2005, pp 26-74, ISBN:1-59593-042-6, Publisher ACM Press, New York, NY,
168. LUCENA, C. J. P.; LUCENA, Marisa; MOREIRA, Valmir R. A.; A plataforma AulaNet
dentro da Oficina de Aprendizagem. Encontro Virtual Educa, v. 2, São José dos Campos,
São Paulo, 2004.
169. LUCENA, C. J. P.; LUCENA, Marisa; MOREIRA, Valmir R. A.; A plataforma AulaNet
dentro do Oficina de Aprendizagem. Encuentro Internacional Anual Sobre Educación,
Capacitación Profesional y Tecnologías de la Información, v. 5, 2004, Barcelona, Espanha.
170. LUCENA, C. J. P.; LUCENA, Marisa; MOREIRA, Valmir R. A.; La Estructura AulaNet
Dentro del Taller de Aprendizaje. Congresso Nacional de Tecnologia da Informação e
Comunicação, 2004, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Pp. 43-48.
171. BRAUNER, Daniela Francisco, CASANOVA, Marco Antonio, LUCENA, Carlos José P.;
Geo-Object Catalogs to Enable Geographic Databases Interoperability. Brazilian
Symposium on GeoInformatics (GeoInfo 2004), 6th. In: Proceedings of VI Brazilian
Symposium on GeoInformatics (GeoInfo 2004), Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil,
November 22-24, 2004.
172. ORLEAN, Daniel; FERNANDES, Maria Cristina Pfeiffer; LUCENA, Carlos José; T081Aplicando a Gestão por Competências no Laboratório de Engenharia de Software da PUCRIO: um estudo de caso usando a plataforma SKILL-O; KMBrasil, São Paulo, SP, Brazil,
November 22-24, 2004.
173. FERNANDES, Maria Cristina Pfeiffer; ORLEAN, Daniel; LOPES NETO, José Leme;
LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A Case Study: the application of Methodologies and
Competency Management Systems at the Software Engineering Laboratory in PUC-Rio;
Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E- Learning
(LOKMOL 2005), 1st., Kaiserslautern,
Germany, April 11-13, 2005.
174. PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Engenharia de
Groupware no desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de bate-papo para debates
educacionais: diminuindo a confusão da conversação; Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática
na Educação (SBIE 2004), Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Departamento de Ciência
da Computação, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, November 9-12, pp. 149-157, ISBN 85-7401161-4 , 2004. URL:
175. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; RAPOSO, Alberto; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; Uma Arquitetura para o Desenvolvimento de Ferramentas Colaborativas Para o
Ambiente de Aprendizagem AulaNet; Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação
(SBIE 2004), Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Departamento de Ciência da
Computação, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, November 9-12, ISBN 85-7401-161-4, pp. 168177, 2004. URL:
Serviço de Combinação de Perfis baseado em Ontologias para Colaboração Espontânea
entre Usuários Móveis, Workshop de Comunicação sem Fio e Computação Móvel
(WCSF2004), Fortaleza, Ceará, October 25-29, 2004.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
177. CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos; Towards a
Risk Driven Method for Developing Law Enforcement Middleware; International Workshop
on Agent-Oriented Methodologies, 3rd, at the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
Languages & Applications (OOPSLA 2004), Vancouver, Canada, October 24-28, 2004, pp.
75-86, ISBN 0958191549.
178. PRESTES, Rodrigo; CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA, Carlos; ENDLER,
Markus; Applying Ontologies in Open Mobile Systems; Building Software for Pervasive
Computing, The Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications
(OOPSLA 2004), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadá, 24-28 Outubro, 2004.
179. GARCIA, Alessandro; SANT’ANNA, Claudio; KULESZA, Uirá; LOBATO, Cidiane;
MAGNO, Eduardo; LUCENA, Carlos; Aspectos @ PUC-Rio, WASP'04; Primeiro Workshop
Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos; 18 de Outubro de 2004;
Brasília, DF, Brasil (poster). URL:
180. SANTOS, Alice; MORAES, Felipe; VIEIRA, Mauricio; GARCIA, Alessandro; CHAVEZ,
Christina; LUCENA, Carlos; RefazendA: Refatoração de Sistemas Multi-Agentes com
Aspectos, Sessão de Poster no Workshop Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Software
Orientado a Aspectos (WASP'04), 1o.; October 18, 2004; Brasília, DF, Brasil.
181. KULESZA, Uirá; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; An AspectOriented Generative Approach for Multi-Agent Systems; Workshop Brasileiro de
Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos (WASP'04), 1o.; October 18, 2004;
Brasília, DF, Brasil.
182. LOBATO, Cidiane; GARCIA, Alessandro; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander; SANT’ANNA,
Cláudio; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Mobility as an Aspect: The
AspectM Framework, Workshop Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a
Aspectos (WASP'04), 1o; October 18, 2004; Brasília, DF, Brasil.
183. CHAVEZ, Christina; LUCENA, Carlos; Guidelines for Aspect-Oriented Design; Workshop
Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos (WASP'04), 1o; October
18, 2004; Brasília, Brasil. URL:
Enabling Model Driven Product Line Architectures; European Workshop on Model Driven
Architecture (MDA), 2nd, Proceedings of 2nd EWMDA, Canterbury, UK, 2004.
185. KULESZA, U.; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Towards a Method for the Development
of Aspect-Oriented Generative Approaches. Workshop Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented
Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design, ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA),
Vancouver, Canada, October 2004.
186. KULESZA, U. ; GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.; An Aspect-Oriented Generative Approach.
ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and
applications (OOPSLA´2004), 19th annual; Proceedings of Companion to the 19th annual
ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and
applications (OOPSLA´2004), pp. 166-167, October 2004, Vancouver, Canada, ACM
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
187. BRAUNER, D. F.; CASANOVA, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Using Ontologies as Artifacts to
Enable Databases Interoperability, Workshop on Ontologies as Software Engineering
Artifacts at ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems,
languages, and applications (OOPSLA´2004), 19th annual. In Proceedings of ACM
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications.
Vancouver, BC, Canada (October 24-28, 2004).
188. FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A.; PIMENTEL, M.G.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Suporte
à Coordenação e à Cooperação em uma Ferramenta de Comunicação Textual Assíncrona:
Um Estudo de Caso no Ambiente AulaNet, Workshop Brasileiro de Tecnologias para
Colaboração (WCSCW 2004), October 13-14, ISBN: 85-7669-010-1, pp. 173-180, Ribeirão
Preto, SP, 2004.
189. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Ongoing Researh on the Software Engineering of
Multi-Agent; Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2004), 18th, ISBN 857669-002-0, pp. 2-9, Brasília, Brazil, October 18-22, 2004
190. Kulesza, Uirá; Garcia, Alessandro; Lucena, Carlos, Staa, Arndt von. Integrating
Generative and Aspect-Oriented Technologies. Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (SBES 2004), 18th, ISBN 85-7669-002-0, pp. 130-146, Brasília, Brazil,
October 18-22, 2004. (Nomination for the Best Paper Award)
191. Sant'Anna, Cláudio; Garcia, Alessandro; Kulesza, Uirá; Lucena, Carlos; Staa. Arndt von;
Design Patterns as Aspects: A Quantitative Assessment. Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering (SBES 2004), 18th, ISBN 85-7669-002-0, pp. 113-129, Brasília, Brazil,
October 18-22, 2004 (Best paper, to appear in JBCS).
192. PAES, Rodrigo de Barros, CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez, ALMEIDA, H.O., LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira, ALENCAR, Paulo C.S.; A conceptual architecture for law-governed
open multi-agent systems. Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE 2004).
Córdoba, Argentina, September, 2004.
193. CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez, CHOREN, Ricardo, FERREIRA, Francisco, LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira; A Software Component Composition Framework. Argentine
Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE 2004). Editora: Sociedad Argentina de
Informática e Investigación Operativa, SADIO. Córdoba, Argentina, September, 2004
(Proceedings in CD).
194. GARCIA, Alessandro F.; KULESZA, Uirá; SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy
L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; The Learning Aspect Pattern. Conference on Pattern Languages
of Programs (PLoP2004), 11th, September 8 -12, 2004, Allterton Park, Monticello, Illinios,
195. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio, BARRETO JR., Celso Gomes; RAPOSO, Alberto Barbosa;
FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; O Uso de uma Arquitetura Baseada em
Componentes para Incrementar um Serviço do Ambiente AulaNet, Workshop de
Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (WDBC2004), 4o, September 15 – 17, 2004,
João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
196. CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; STAA, Arndt von;
Arquitetura para a Coordenação e a Composição de Artefatos de Software, Workshop de
Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (WDBC2004), 4o., ISBN 85-7669-001-2, pp.
55-60, September 15 – 17, 2004, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
197. SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; GARCIA, Alessandro F.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA,
Carlos J. P.; The Agent Learning Pattern. Latin American Conference on Pattern
Languages of Programming, 4th, SugarLoafPLoP'04. August, 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil.
198. GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; SANT’ANNA, Claudio; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira; The Mobility Aspect Pattern; Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of
Programming, 4th, SugarLoafPLoP'04; August, 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil.
199. Gerosa, M.A., Pimentel, M.G., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P. (2004), Analyzing Discourse
Structure to Coordinate Educational Forums, International Conference on Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (ITS-2004), 7 th,Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, August 30 – September 03,
2004, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS 3220), Lester, J.C., Vicari, R.M. &
Paraguaçu, F. (eds), ISBN 3540-229485, ISSN 0302-9743, pp. 262-272.
200. PIMENTEL, M.G., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Avaliação da Participação em
Conferências Textuais Assíncronas; Workshop de Informática na Escola, 10o., integrante
do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (WIE/SBC 2004), 24o., July 31 –
august 6, Salvador, BA, Brazil, pp. 112, 2004.
201. SILVA, V.T., CHOREN, R., LUCENA, C.J.P.; A UML Based Approach for Modeling and
Implementing Multi-Agent Systems; International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agents Systems (AAMAS 2004), 3rd, vol. 2, pp. 914-921, The Association for
Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM), ISBN: 1-58113-864-4, July 19-23, New York, USA,
202. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; PARANHOS,
Patrick M.; CUNHA, Pedro M.; LearnAgents - A multi-agent system for the TAC Classic.
Poster Session at International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agents
Systems (AAMAS 2004), 3rd - Trading Agent Competition, New York, NY, July 2004.
203. BARBOSA, S.D.J.; PAULA, M.G.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Adopting a Communication-Centered
Design Approach to Support Interdisciplinary Design Teams; Bridging the Gaps II: Bridging
the Gaps between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction, Edinburgh,
204. GOÑI, J.L.; FERNANDES, M.C.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P.L.; Uma Metodologia Aplicável a
Diferentes Paradigmas de Design Instrucional para a Implementação de Sistemas de
Gerenciamento de Aprendizagem usando Objetos de Aprendizado, Conferência
Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática (CISCI 2004), 3ª, ISSN: 16908627, Orlando, Florida, EE.UU, July (21-25), 2004.
LUCENA, C.J.P.L.; Um Estudo de caso: Gerenciando e Construindo Competências em
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento no Laboratório de Engenharia de Software, Conferência
Iberoamericana em Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática (CISCI 2004), 3ª, Orlando, Florida,
EE.UU, July (21-25), 2004 (One of the 20º best publications
206. Brandão, A.A.F.; Alencar, P. and Lucena, C.J.P.; Extending Object-Z for Multi-Agent
Systems Specifications; International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE 2004), 16th, Vol. 2, 280-294, ISBN 9984-9767-2-6, Riga, Latvia, June
7 - 11, 2004.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
207. SARDINHA, Alberto; GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; LUCENA, C. J. P.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy
Luiz; On the Incorporation of Learning in Open Multi-Agent Systems: A Systematic
Approach; AOIS2004@CAiSE workshop at the International Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2004), 16th, Springer-Verlag, Riga, Latvia, 2004.
208. CHOREN, R., LUCENA, C.; Agent-Oriented Modeling Using ANote. In R. Choren et
al.(eds.), International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent
Systems (SELMAS 2004), 3rd; The Institution of Electrical Engineers, IEE, Stevenage, UK,
2004, pp. 74-80, ISBN: 0-86341-431-1, May 24-25.
209. GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Separation of
Concerns in Open Multi-Agent Systems: An Architectural Approach. International
Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS 2004),
3rd, at ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004.
210. PIMENTEL, M.G., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Mediated Chat 2.0: Embedding
Coordination into Chat Tools; Conference Supplement of the International Conference on
the Design of Cooperative System, 6th, May 11-14, Hyères, France, pp. 99-103, 2004.
211. Choren, Ricardo; Garcia, Alessandro; Lucena, Carlos; Griss, Martin; Kung, David;
Minsky, Naftaly; Romanovsky, Alexander; Software Engineering for Large-Scale MultiAgent Systems - SELMAS'04; International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE
2004, SELMAS’04), 26th, May 23-28, 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland; editora: IEEE Computer
Society, 2004; ISBN: 0-7695-2163-0, 752-753.
212. Kulesza, U.; Garcia, A.; Lucena, C.J.P.; A Generative Approach for Open Multi-Agent
Systems; 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Maio 2004, Edimburgo,
Escócia, International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent
Systems (SELMAS 2004), 3rd. In: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS’04), pp.18-26, 2004.
213. Mitchell, L.H. R. G., Fuks, H.; Lucena, C.J.P. Aplicando Gestão por Competências na
Educação a Distância: Estudo de caso no Ambiente AulaNet. Workshop Tecnologias da
Informação e Gerência do Conhecimento (WGC), 2o., evento integrante do Simpósio
Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2004), 3o. May 31 to June 04, 2004. Brasília,
DF. Brasil.
Prescribing e-Learning Activities Using Workflow Technologies; International Workshop on
Computer Supported Activity Coordination (CSAC 2004) 1st. April 13, Porto, Portugal, pp.
71-80, 2004.
215. RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Multi-Agent Systems And The
Semantic Web - The SemanticCore Agent-based Abstraction Layer (ICEIS-2004), no. 553,
Porto, Portugal, April (14-17), 2004.
216. U. Kulesza; A. Garcia; C. Lucena; Generating Aspect-Oriented Agent Architectures.
Workshop Early Aspects 2004: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and
Architecture Design, at International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software
Development (AOSD´2004), Lancaster, UK, March 2004.
217. Gerosa, M.A., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P. (2004), Estruturação e Categorização de
Mensagens em Ferramentas de Comunicação Textuais Assíncronas, World Conference on
Engineering and Technology Education (WCETE'2004), Santos-SP, March 14-17, 2004.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
218. Gerosa, M.A., Raposo, A.B., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P. (2004) Awareness Support In
The AulaNet Learning Environment; IASTED International Conference on Web-Based
Education (WBE 2004); Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on WebBased Education (WBE 2004), V. Uskov (ed.), ACTA Press 2004, pp. 490-495. ISSN 14827905 ISBN (Cd-rom) 0-88986-337-6 ISBN 0-88986-406-3 (print) February 16 to 18, 2004,
Innsbruck, Austria.
219. FERNANDES, Kelly Christine Correa e Silva; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de.; Applying ANote to modeling Multi Agent Systems - A Case Study in EBusiness, The IASTED International Conference on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (SE
2004), as part of the IASTED International Multi-Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS,
Twenty-Second, Innsbruck, Austria, February 17-19, 2004.
220. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SARDINHA, José Alberto; GARCIA, Alessandro F.;
ROMANOVSKY, Alexander B.; CASTRO, Jaelson ; ALENCAR, Paulo S. C.; COWAN,
Donald D.; Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS'2003;
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE.03), 25th, In: Proceedings of the
25th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE.03), Portland, USA, IEEE,
pp. 771-772, 2003.
221. SILVA, Viviane Torres da; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MAS-ML: A Multi-Agent
System Modeling Language. Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems
Languages and Applications (OOPSLA); In: Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN
conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications;
Anaheim, CA, USA, ISBN:1-58113-751-6, ACM Press, pp. 304-305 (Poster Session), 2003.
222. SILVA, Viviane Torres da; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MAS-ML: A Multi-Agent
System Modeling Language. Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems
Languages and Applications (OOPSLA); In: Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN
conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications;
Anaheim, CA, USA, ISBN:1-58113-751-6, ACM Press, pp. 126-127 (Doctoral Papers),
223. MILIDIU, R.L.; MELO, T.M.L.; LIPORACE, F.S.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Multi-Agent Srategy
for Simultaneous and Related Auctions, Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação (ENIA 2003 / SBC 2003), 23o, Campinas/SP, Brazil, 2003, v. 7, pp. 597-606.
224. CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; BARBOSA, Simone Diniz Junqueira; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. Leveraging the Construction of Semantic Web Applications Using the Model
Driven Architecture. Workshop at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003),
2nd, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. In Ashish, N; Globe, C.(eds). Semantic
Web Technologies for Searching and Retrieving Scientific Data 2003. Proceedings of the
Workshop at the 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, v. 83, pp. 1-3, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA,
October 20, 2003.
225. Gerosa, M.A., Raposo, A.B., Fuks, H., Lucena, C.J.P.; Combinando Comunicação e
Coordenação em Groupware, Jornada Ibero-Americana de Engenharia de Software e
Engenharia de Conhecimento (JIISIC 2003), 3ª, Anais Eletrônicos, pp. 1-10, November 2628, Valdivia, Chile.
226. MACHADO, R. P.; ORLEAN, D.; FERNANDES, M.C.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; The Use of
Ontologies to make feasible e-learning from knowledge and competency management;
International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education (m-ICTE2003), 2nd;
Conference Proceedings book "Advances in Technology-based Education: Towards a
Knowledge-based Society", Badajoz (Spain), pp. 85-90, December 3-6 2003.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
227. GONI, J.L.; FERNANDES, M.C.P; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Methodology for the application of
different instructional design paradigms for the implementation of Learning Management
Systems using Learning Objects, International Conference on Multimedia and Information
& Communication Technologies in Education (m-ICTE 2003), 2nd, Badajoz (Spain), pp. 6671, 2003.
228. Haendchen Filho, A.; Staa, A.v.; Lucena, C.J.P.; A Component-Based Model for Building
Reliable Multi-Agent Systems; NASA/IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, 28th,
Greenbelt, MD. Proceedings 28th An-nual NASA Goddard Software Engineering
Workshop. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, dec. 2003. pp 41-50, ISBN
229. Gerosa, M.A., Pimentel, M. G., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P.: Coordenação de Fóruns
Educacionais: Encadeamento e Categorização de Mensagens, Simpósio Brasileiro de
Informática na Educação (SBIE 2003), 14o, November, 12 – 14, 2003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Brazil, pp.45-54.
230. Pimentel, M. G., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P.: Avaliação da Participação dos Aprendizes
em Debates Síncronos, Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2003), 14o,
November, 12 – 14, 2003, ISBN: 85-88442-70-1, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil, pp. 140-149.
231. Rezende, J.L., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P.; Aplicando Protocolo Social através de
Mecanismos de Coordenação embutidos em uma Ferramenta de Bate-Papo, Simpósio
Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2003), 14o, November, 12 – 14, 2003, ISBN:
85-88442-70-1, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil, pp. 55-64.
232. Mitchell, L.H.R.G., Fuks, H. & Lucena, C.J.P.; Extensão de modelos de competências
para avaliação formativa e continuada e planejamento de recursos humanos; Simpósio
Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2003), 14o, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
November, 12 – 14, 2003, pp. 170-179.
LUCENA, C.J.P.; Evoluindo para uma Arquitetura de Groupware Baseada em
Componentes: o Estudo de Caso do Learningware AulaNet. Workshop de
Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (WDBC 2003), 3rd, Anais Eletrônicos, São
Carlos-SP, Brazil, September, 10 – 12, 2003 pp.1-10.
234. PAULA, Maíra Greco de; BARBOSA, Simone D.J. ; LUCENA, Carlos José P. de;
Relating Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering Concerns: Towards
Extending UML Through an Interaction Modeling Language. Workshop Closing the Gaps:
Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (Interact 2003), Zürich ,
Switzerland. Setembro, 2003.
235. SANT'ANNA, Cláudio; GARCIA, Alessandro; CHAVEZ, Christina; LUCENA, Carlos José
& STAA, Arndt von. On the Reuse and Maintenance of Aspect-Oriented Software: An
Assessment Framework; Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, (SBES 2003),
17o., ISBN85-7401-126-6, pp.19-34, Manaus, Brazil, October 06 – 10, 2003.
236. CHAVEZ, Christina; LUCENA, Carlos José. A Theory of Aspects for Aspect-Oriented
Software Development. Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, (SBES 2003), 17o.,
ISBN85-7401-126-6, pp.130-145, Manaus, Brazil, October 06 – 10, 2003.
237. REZENDE, J.L.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Aplicando Técnicas de Conversação para a
Facilitação de Debates no Ambiente AulaNet, Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering, (SBES 2003), 17o., Manaus, Brazil, October 06 – 10, 2003, submitted.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
238. MILIDIU, Ruy; MELCOP, Taciana; LIPORACE, Frederico; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira;
SIMPLE – A Multi-Agent System for Simultaneous and Related Auctions, IV ENIA Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, Congresso da SBC na Unicamp em Campinas
(SBC), 13o., Brazil, Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC IAT-2003, IEEE Computer Society Press,
August 2003.
239. FUKS, H.; Mitchell, L.H.R.G, Gerosa, M. A., & Lucena, C.J.P.; Competency Management
for Group Formation in the AulaNet Learning Environment, International Workshop on
Groupware (CRIWG 2003), 9th, ISBN: 3-540-20117-3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 183-190,
September 28 – October 02, 2003, Grenoble, France.
240. OLIVEIRA, Toacy C. de; MATHIAS, Ivan; ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos J.P. de;
COWAN, Donald D.; Feature Driven Framework Instantiation, European Conference on
Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.
Generative Approach to Multi-Agent Systems, submitted to the First Workshop on
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT’03), AAMAS 2003, Melbourne,
Australia, 2003.
242. PIMENTEL, M. G., Fuks, H.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; Debati, Debati, Aprendi?
Investigações sobre o papel das ferramentas de bate-papo; Workshop de Informática na
Escola (WIE 2003), 9o., em Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC),
23o, V. 5, Campinas, Brazil, August 02-08, 2003.
243. PIMENTEL, M. G.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; (2003) Co-text Loss in Textual
Chat Tools; International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context
(CONTEXT'03), 4th, pp. 483-490, June 23-25, Stanford, USA.
244. CUNHA, L. M., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; Setting Groups of Learners Using
Matchmaking Agents; The IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education (CATE 2003), June 30 - July 2, Rhodes, Greece, 2003. pp 321326, ISBN:0-88986-361-X, ISSN: 1482-7905.
245. FUKS, H., CUNHA, L.M., GEROSA, M. A.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; (2003) Analyzing
and Assessing Collaborative Learning Activities in a Web-Based Environment; International
Committee for Exhibition Exchange (ICEE 2003). Proceedings of the Computer Support for
Collaborative Learning, pp. 1-4, July 22-26, Valence, Spain, 2003.
246. MILIDIU, R.; LIPORACE, F.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; Pipesworld: Planning Pipeline
Transportation of Petroleum Derivate, International Conference on Automated Planning
and Scheduling, 13th, Trento, Italy, June 2003.
247. FERREIRA, F.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; SCHWABE, Daniel; Developing Peer-to-Peer
Applications using Web Services; International Conference on Computer Science, Software
Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA'03).
Proceedings CSITeA’03, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2003.
248. FERREIRA, F.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; SCHWABE, Daniel; A Peer-To-Peer Platform
Based on Semantic Web Services, Poster Session at WWW Conference 2003,
International World Wide Web Conference, 12th, pp. 283, Budapeste, Hungria, May 20-24,
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
249. MAGALHÃES, João A. P. de; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; Using an Agent-Based
Framework and Separation of Concerns for the Generation of Document Classification
Tools; AAAI Spring Symposium/AMKM-Agent Mediated Knowledge Management, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, California, USA, 24-26 março, LNCS – Springer, v.1, f.1, 193-200pp,
ISBN:3-540-20868-2, 2003.
250. GARCIA, Alessandro; SANT’ANNA, Claudio; CHAVEZ, Christina; SILVA, Viviane Torres,
LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; STAA, Arndt von; Agents and Objects: An Empirical Study
on the Design and Implementation of Multi-Agent Systems; International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS 2003), 2nd.
Proceedings of SELMAS 2003, pp. 1-5, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2003.
251. GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Agents and objects in Software
Engineering: An Aspect-Oriented Approach, European Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming, ECOOP Doctoral Symposium, 2003, pp.1-5.
252. SARDINHA, A.; MILIDIU, R.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; An OO Framework for
Building Intelligence and Learning Properties in Software Agents; International Workshop
on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS 2003), 2nd.
Proceedings of SELMAS 2003, Portland, USA, 2003.
253. GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; CASTRO, J.F.B.; Omicini, A.; ZAMBONELLI, F.;
Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems SELMAS 2002, International Conference
on Software Engineering, Orlando, USA, 2002, v. 1, n. 1.
254. GONI, J.L.; FERNANDES, M.C.P; LUCENA, C.J.P.; E- Learning e a Web Semântica, VI
Congresso da Rede Ibero-americana de Informática Educativa (RIBIE), IV Simpósio
Internacional de Informática Educativa (SIIE), VII Taller Internacional de Software
Educativo (TISE), Vigo, Portugal, 2002, v. 1, n. 1.
255. GONI, J.L.; FERNANDES, M.C.P; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Geração de ontologias usando
Protegé-2000 para reuso de conteúdos educacionais numa arquitetura multiagente, SBIE
2002 - XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, São Leopoldo, Brazil, 2002, v.
1, n. 1, pp.14-17.
256. CUNHA, L.M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Formação de Grupos no Ambiente AulaNet
Utilizando Agentes de Software, XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, São
Leopoldo (RS), Brazil, 2002, pp.105-115.
257. CUNHA, L.M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Suporte a Grupos de Trabalho em Turmas do
Ambiente AulaNet, São Leopoldo (RS), 2002, pp. 348-357, Publicado XIII Simpósio
Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, Brazil.
258. GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Resultados da Avaliação de um Curso
baseado na Web, VIII Workshop de Informática na Escola, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2002, pp.
259. MAGALHÃES, J.A.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Multi-Agent Product Line Architecture for
Websearching, First Seminar on Advanced E-Business Research (EBR 2002), Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2002, v. 1, n. 1, pp. 12-16.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
260. ROBICHEZ, G.; DAFLON, L.; LEITE, M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; MILIDIU, R.; A Multiagent
System Architecture for Trading; 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for
Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS 2002 - no ICSE 2002, Annals of 1st
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems, pp.
77-78, Orlando, USA, May, 2002.
261. FILHO, A. H.; STAA, A. v.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Conceptual Role Based Model for
Building and Managing Multi-Agent Software Testing, 1st International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems em parceria com a 24th
International Conference on Software Engineering — ICSE 2002, Annals of 1st International
Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems – ACM e IEEE,
Orlando, USA, May, 2002.
262. SILVA, O.; GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Reflective Blackboard Architectural
Pattern for Developing Large Scale Multi-Agent Systems, 1st International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems — SELMAS 2002 — no ICSE
2002, Annals of 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale MultiAgent Systems, pp. 73-93, Orlando, USA, May, 2002.
Framework for Filtering and Packaging Hypermedia Documents, 2nd International
Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems, Annals of 2nd
International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems,
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK), AH 2002: 274-283, Malaga, Espanha, Maio 29-31,
264. MESQUITA, C.; BARBOSA, S. D. J.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Towards the Identification of
Early Aspects in Personalization Systems, Early Aspects Workshop no AOSD 2002 – 1st
International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Annals of 1st
International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Ensched, Holland,
April 22-26, 2002.
265. OLIVEIRA, T. C.; FILHO, I. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Frameworks Instantiation – A High
Level Instantiation Approach, Fourth International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems — ICEIS, Annals of Fourth International Conference on Enterprise Information
Systems, v. 2, pp. 650 – 657, Ciudad Real, Spain, April 3-6, 2002.
266. FILHO, I. M.; OLIVEIRA, T. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Proposal for the Incorporation of the
Features Model into the UML Language, Fourth International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems — ICEIS, Annals of Fourth International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems, v. 2, pp. 594-601, Ciudad Real, Spain, April, 2002.
267. GEROSA, M. A.; CUNHA, L. M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; AulaNet-eLabora:
Developing a Groupware To Bring The Work And Learning Environment Together, Anais
Eletrônicos do 7th International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education INTERTECH 2002, Santos-SP, Brazil, March 17-20, 2002.
268. CUNHA, L. M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Sistemas Multi-agente e Instrução Baseada
na Web, Anais Eletrônicos do 7th International Conference on Engineering and Technology
Education - INTERTECH 2002, Santos-SP, Brazil, March 17-20, 2002.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
269. FUKS, Hugo; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Using a
Groupware Technology to Implement Cooperative Learning via the Internet - A case study,
In: HICSS'35 - Thirty-fifth Annual HAWAII International Conference on System Sciences on
the Big Island of Hawaii, Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual HAWAII International
Conference on System Sciences on the Big Island of Hawaii, pp. 4, Volume 1, January 07 10, Big Island; Hawaii, EUA, 2002.
270. SILVA, Otávio Rezende da; ORLEAN, Daniel Abadi; FERREIRA, Francisco Eduardo dos
Reis; LUCENA,Carlos José Pereira de; A Shared-Memory Agent Based Framework for
Business-to-Business Applications. In: 2001 Information Resources Management
Association International Conference, Proceedings of the Web Engineering for Ecommerce Applications, Toronto, Canada, 2001.
271. SILVA, Otávio Rezende da; GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; A Unified Software Architecture for System-Level and Agent-Level Dependability in
Multiagent Object-Oriented Systems. In: 7th ECOOP Workshop On Mobile Object Systems,
Proceedings of the 7th ECOOP Workshop On Mobile Object Systems, Budapest, Hungria,
272. SILVA, Otávio Rezende da; GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; T-Rex: A Reflective Tuple Space Environment for Dependable Mobile Agent Systems,
Workshop on Wireless Communication and Mobile Computation (WCSF'2001) at 3rd. IEEE
International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks, Proceedings
of the Workshop on Wireless Communication and Mobile Computation (WCSF'2001), pp.
1-10, Recife, Brazil, 2001.
273. GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; CORTÉS, Mariela Inés; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
A Web Environment for the Development and Maintenance of E-commerce Portals Based
on a Groupware Approach. In: 2001 Information Resources Management Association
International Conference, Proceedings of the 2001 Information Resources Management
Association International Conference, pp. 734-741, Toronto, Canada, 2001.
274. GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Viviane Torres
da; An Aspect-Based Object-Oriented Model for Multi-Agent Systems. In: ACM
International Conference on Software Engineering, Proceedings of the Advanced
Separation of Concerns Workshop, pp. 37-42, Toronto, Canada, 2001.
275. GARCIA, Alessandro Fabricio; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; LUCENA, Carlos José P. de
Lucena; MILIDIU, Ruy L; An Aspect-Based Approach for Developing Multi-Agent ObjectOriented Systems, In: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, Anais do XXI
Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, pp.117-192, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
276. MILIDIÚ, Ruy Luiz; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SARDINHA, José Alberto R P. An
Object-Oriented Framework for Creating Offerings. In: The 2001 International Conference
On Internet Computing, Proceedings of the The 2001 International Conference on Internet
Computing, v. 1, pp.119-123, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, USA, 2001.
277. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Elementos de
percepção como forma de facilitar a colaboração em cursos via Internet, XII Simpósio
Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE 2001, Anais do XII Simpósio Brasileiro de
Informática na Educação, pp. 194-202, Vitória, Brazil, 2001.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
278. FUKS, Hugo; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio; CUNHA, Leonardo M.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; Groupware Technology for Cooperative Learning via the Internet, Eletronic
Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE, Oslo, Norway,
279. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MILIDIÚ, Ruy Luiz; RENTERIA, Raul; DPLS and
PPLS: Two PLS Algorithms for Large Data Sets. In: 2ND International Symposium On Pls
And Related Methods, 2001, Capri. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on
PLS and Related Methods, 2001.
280. ORLEAN, Daniel Abadi; FERREIRA, Francisco Eduardo dos Reis; SILVA, Otávio
Rezende da; LUCENA,Carlos José Pereira de; Designing and Implementing Electronic
Commerce Frameworks Using The Multiagent Systems Approach. In: The 2001
International Conference On Internet Computing, Proceedings of the First Workshop on
Product Line Architectures for E-commerce, v.1, pp. 136-142, Las Vegas, USA, 2001.
281. ORLEAN, Daniel Abadi; FERREIRA, Francisco Eduardo dos Reis; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; EveryWare: Dealing with E-Commerce Pervasiveness. In: First Workshop On
Product Line Architectures For E-Commerce (IC'200), 2001, Las Vegas. Proceedings of the
First Workshop on Product Line Architectures for E-commerce (IC'2001), v.1, pp. 143-149,
ISBN: 1-892512-8X, June 25-28, 2001.
282. FIORINI, Soeli Terezinha; LEITE, Julio César Sampaio Do Prado; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; Process Reuse Architecture. In: The 13TH Conference On Advanced
Information Systems Engineering, 2001, Interlaken. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer-Verlag, 2001.
283. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; CHAVEZ, Christina Von Flach; Design-level Support
for Aspect-oriented Software Development. In: Workshop On Advanced Separation Of
Concerns In Object-Oriented Systems, OOPSLA'2001, Proceedings of the Workshop on
Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-oriented Systems, OOPSLA'2001, Tampa
Bay, USA, 2001.
284. Garcia, A.; Chavez, C.; Silva, O.; Silva, V.; Lucena, C.; Promoting Advance Separation of
Concerns in Intra-Agent and Inter-Agent Software Engineering. In: Workshop On Advanced
Separation Of Concerns In Object-Oriented Systems, Proceedings of the OOPSLA 2001
Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-oriented Systems, pp. 25-30,
Tampa Bay, EUA, 2001.
285. CHAVEZ, Christina Von Flach Garcia; GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; Some Insights on the Use of Aspect J and Hyper/J. In: Workshop On AOP
And SoC, 2001, Proceedings of the Workshop on AOP and SoC, Lancaster, England,
286. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; The Application and Enhacement of Web Based Courses. In: IASTED
International Conference On Computers And Advanced Technology In Education
CATE2001, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computers and
Advanced Technology in Education, pp. 8-11, Banff, Canada, 2001.
287. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; Um Groupware Baseado no Ambiente AulaNet Desenvolvido Com
Componentes, Workshop de Desenvolvimento Baseado Em Componentes, Anais do
Workshop de Desenvolvimento Baseado Em Componentes, Maringá, Brazil, 2001.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
288. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Use of
Categorization and Structuring of Messages in order to Organize the Discussion and
Reduce Information Overload in Asynchronous Textual Communication Tools. In: 7TH
International Workshop On Groupware- CRIWG 2001, Proceedings of the 7th International
Workshop on Groupware, pp. 136-141, Darmstadt, Germany, 2001.
289. MATHIAS FILHO, Ivan; OLIVEIRA, Toacy Cavalcante de; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; Domain Oriented Framework Construction. In: ICEIS 2001 International Conference On
Enterprise Information Systems, Proceedings of the ICEIS 2001 International Conference
on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 2, pp. 599-607, Setúbal, Portugal, 2001.
290. OLIVEIRA, Toacy Cavalcante de; MATHIAS FILHO, Ivan; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; Using XML and Frameworks to Develop Information Systems. In: International
Conference On Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2001, Proceedings of the Web
Engineering for E-commerce Applications, v. 2, pp. 571-577, Setúbal, Portugal, 2001.
291. CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; Desenvolvimento e Aplicação de Cursos Totalmente a Distância na
Internet. In: VII Workshop de Informática na Escola - WIE 2001, Anais do VII Workshop de
Informática na Escola, pp. 105, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2001.
292. CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de; Uso da Categorização e Estruturação de Mensagens para Dinamizar a
Discussão e Reduzir a Sobrecarga de Informação em Cursos via Internet. In: VII Workshop
De Informática Na Escola - WIE 2001, Anais do VII Workshop de Informática na Escola,
pp. 82, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2001.
293. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de; HAEUSLER,
Edward Hermmann; A modular Implementation of Action Notation. In: International
Workshop On Action Semantics, 2000, Recife. Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Action Semantics, pp. 134-149, Recife, Brazil, 2000.
294. MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; HAEUSLER,
Edward Hermmann; Analysis of Parallel Programs. In: Simpósio Brasileiro De Linguagens
De Programação, Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação, pp. 106119, Recife, Brazil, 2000.
295. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; LAUFER, Carlos; RIBEIRO, Marcelo
Blois; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; ASSIS, Rodrigo Lima;
ROBICHEZ, Gustavo; FERRAZ, Fábio; DAFLON, Leandro; Applying Digital Information
Technology to Education: A Web-Based Course. In:International Conference On
Engineering And Computer Education, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Engineering and Computer Education, São Paulo, Brazil, 2000.
296. OLIVEIRA, Toacy Cavalcante de; MATHIAS FILHO, Ivan; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; A Framework Based Approach for Workflow Software Development. In: Conference On
Software Engineering And Applications, Proceedings of the Conference on Software
Engineering and Applications. pp. 100-110, Las Vegas, USA, 2000.
297. MAIA NETO, Ayrton; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; CommercePipe: consumer to
business channels on the Internet. In: Conference On Software Engineering And
Applications, Proceedings of the Conference on Software Engineering and Applications,
pp. 80-90, Las Vegas, USA, 2000.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
298. FIORINI, Soeli Terezinha; LEITE, Julio César Sampaio Do Prado; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; Reusing Process Patterns. In: International Workshop On Learning Software
Organizations - LSO2000, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Learning
Software Organizations, Oulu, Finlândia, 2000.
299. FIORINI, Soeli Terezinha; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; LEITE, Julio César
Sampaio Do Prado; Reutilizando Processos com XML/XSL. In: Simpósio Internacional Da
Melhoria De Processo De Software, 2000, São Paulo. Anais do Simpósio Internacional da
Melhoria de Processo de Software, 2000, v. 1, p. 113-115.
300. RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. The E-Society
Groupware Approach. In: Computer & Ebusiness Conference - SSGRR'2000, Proceedings
of Computer & eBusiness Conference, Roma, Italy, 2000.
301. NOYA, Ricardo Choren; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Using Team
Support System to Meet Educational Objectives. In: International Workshop On
Groupware, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Groupware, pp. 86-93, Ilha da
Madeira, Portugal, 2000.
302. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; MILIDIÚ, Ruy Luiz; LAUFER, Carlos;
RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; FERRAZ,
Fábio; ROBICHEZ, Gustavo; DAFLON, Leandro; AulaNet Technologies: Future Trends. In:
ICECE'99 - International Conference On Engineering And Computer Education,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education,
pp.5–16, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
303. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; MILIDIÚ, Ruy Luiz; LAUFER, Carlos;
RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; FERRAZ,
Fábio; ROBICHEZ, Gustavo; DAFLON, Leandro; AulaNet: Ajudando Professores a
Fazerem o seu Dever de Casa. In: Anais do XXVI SEMISH -Seminário Integrado de
Software e Hardware, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), Anais do XXVI
SEMISH - Seminário Integrado de Software Hardware, pp. 105-117, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
304. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; MILIDIÚ, Ruy Luiz; LAUFER, Carlos;
RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; DAFLON,
Leandro. AulaNet: Helping Teachers to Do Their Homework. In: Multimedia Computer
Techniques In Engineering Education Workshop,. Multimedia Computer Techniques in
Engineering Education Workshop, pp. 16-30, Graz, Austria, 1999.
305. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; MILIDIÚ, Ruy Luiz; LAUFER, Carlos;
RIBEIRO, Marcelo Blois; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; FERRAZ,
Fábio; ROBICHEZ, Gustavo; DAFLON,Leandro. O AulaNet e as Novas Tecnologias de
Informação Aplicadas à Educação Baseada na Web. In: V Congresso Internacional de
Educação À Distância, Associação Brasileira de Educação À Distância (ABED), Anais do V
Congresso Internacional de Educação à Distância, ano 6, n. 36, pp. 11-26, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 1999.
306. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; LAUFER, Carlos; RIBEIRO,
Marcelo Blois;SILVA, Viviane Torres da; FERRAZ, Fábio; ROBICHEZ, Gustavo; DAFLON,
Leandro; FUKS, Hugo. Orchestrating Technology for Web Based Education. In: AMCIS'99 1999 Americas Conference On Information Systems, Proceedings do 1999 Americas
Conference On Information Systems, pp. 133-135, Milwaukee, USA, 1999.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
307. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; LAUFER, Carlos; RIBEIRO,
Marcelo Blois;SILVA, Viviane Torres da; FERRAZ, Fábio; ROBICHEZ, Gustavo; DAFLON,
Leandro; FUKS, Hugo. Using AulaNet for Web based Course Development. In: CRIWG'99
– V International Workshop On Groupware, CYTED-RITOS, Proceedings do V International
Workshop on Groupware, pp. 322-327, Cancun, Mexico, 1999.
308. ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN D.; Dong J.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Pattern-Based Approach to
Structural Design Composition, International Computer Software and Applications
Conference (COMPSAC’99), Phoenix, 1999, pp. 160-165.
309. LAUFER, Carlos; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de Rio Internet TV AulaNet: Using Videoconference in Web-Based Learning, WebNet'98 - World Conference
of the WWW, Internet and Intranet, Proceedings of the WebNet'98 - World Conference of
the WWW, Orlando, USA, 1998.
310. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D. A Model for Gluing Components. In: The Third International Workshop On
Component-Oriented Programming - WCOP'98, Proceedings of the Third International
Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming, Bruxelas, Belgium, N. 10, pp. 101-108,
311. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D. A Transformational Approach to Structural Design Assessment and Change. In:
The Workshop On Techniques, Tools And Formalisms For Capturing And Assessing
Architectural Quality In Object-Oriented Software, ECOOP'98, Proceeding of the Workshop
on Techniques, Tools and Formalisms for Capturing and Assessing Architectural Quality in
Object-Oriented Software, Bruxelas, Belgium, 1998.
312. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo. AulaNet – An environment for the
Development and Maintenance of Courses on the Web. In: Proceeding of ICEE’98 International Conference On Engineering Education, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
313. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; FONTOURA,
Marcus Felipe. AulaNet:An Object-Oriented Environment for Web-based Education. In:
ICLS'98 – international conference of the learning sciences, 1998, Atlanta. ICLS'98 International Conference of the Learning Sciences, pp. 304-306, AACE Press, Atlanta,
USA, 1998.
314. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; BRAGA, Cristiano; FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe;
HAEUSLER, Edward Hermmann. Formalizing OO Frameworks and Framework
Instantiation. In: ,WMF'98 – Primeiro Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Formais, Anais do
Primeiro Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Formais, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1998.
315. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FIORINI, Soeli Terezinha; LEITE, Julio César
Sampaio Do Prado.Organizing the Requirement Process. In: Workshop de Engenharia de
Requisitos, W9ER8, Anais do Workshop de Engenharia de Requisitos, Paraná, Brazil,
316. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D.; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo
Coelho da; FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; OwlNet: An
Object-Oriented Environment for Web-based Education. In: Second Argentine Symposium
On Object-Orientation, Proceedings of the Second Argentine Symposium on ObjectOrientation, SADIO, pp. 91-100, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
317. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; LAUFER, Carlos; FUKS, Hugo. Rio Internet TVAulaNet:Videoconferência em Web-Based Learning. In: IX Simpósio Brasileiro de
Informática na Educação, Anais do IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação,
Fortaleza, Brazil, 1998.
318. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FRANCA, Luiz Paulo; STAA, Arndt Von. Software
Measurement for Small Companies: A Web-Based Solution. In: The XII SBES, Anais do XII
SBES, Maringá, Brazil, 1998.
319. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MACEDO, L T. Towards the Virtual Class Room. In:
The Sixth International Conference On Computers In Education (ICCE'98), Proceedings of
the Sixth International Conference On Computers In Education, Beijing, China, 1998.
320. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; FONTOURA,
Marcus Felipe. Using a Conceptual Model Compatible with the EDUCOM/IMS Platform to
Compare Web-based Educational Environments. In: SBIE'98 – Simpósio Brasileiro de
Informática e Educação, Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática e Educação,
Fortaleza, Brazil, 1998.
321. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D. Using Viewpoints for Component-Based System Development. In: The
Workshop On Component-Based Information Systems Engineering (CBISE'98),
Proceedings of the Workshop on Component-Based Information Systems Engineering,
Pisa, Italy, 1998.
322. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; FONTOURA,
Marcus Felipe. Using Viewpoints, Frameworks, and Domain-Specific Languages to
Enhance Software Reuse. In: ERW'98 -European Reuse Workshop, Proceedings of the
European Reuse Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 1998.
323. ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D.; FONTOURA, M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Pragmatic Issues
Behind Framework Design, Proc. of Workshop on Pragmatic Issues in Using Frameworks Implications for Framework Design, OOPSLA'98, ACM SIGPLAN, Vancouver, BC, 1998.
324. ALENCAR, P.S.C.; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; NOVA, L.C.M.; Gluing Components
Together, ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader, ACM SIGPLAN, 1998.
325. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D;BUMBULIS, Peter. A Component-Based Approach Applied To A Netscape
Browser. In: Formal Methods In Human Computer Interaction, Abstracts. Germany: 1997.
326. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D; NELSON,Torsten. A Viewpoint-Based Approach To Software System Evolution.
In: Workshop On Software Process Evolution, ICSE'97, Proceedings of the Workshop On
Software Process Evolution, USA, 1997.
327. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D; NELSON,Torsten;
LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. An Approach To Hypermap-Based Applications. In:
Second International Symposium On Environmental Software Systems, Abstracts.
England: 1997.
328. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de. An Introduction To
The Spider Visual Programming Environment. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de
Software, SBES, Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, Fortaleza,
Brazil, 1997.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
329. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; FONTOURA,
Marcus Felipe; SCHWABE, Daniel. Hyperframe - A Framework For Hypermedia Authoring.
In: 26a. Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (JAIIO), Resumos.
330. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; CAMPOS, I M; MEIRA, S L. Strategies For The
Development Of The Information Society In Brasil. In: Ciência e Tecnologia Para O
Desenvolvimento: O Papel da Empresa e do Estado, Resumos. Brasília, Brazil, 1997.
331. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D; NELSON,Torsten;
LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Viewpoints As An Evolutionary Approach To Software
System Maintenance. In: International Conference On Software Maintenance, Proceedings
of The International Conference On Software Maintenance. Italy: 1997.
332. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. A Formal Approach To Architectural Design Patterns. In: Formal Methods
Europe (FME'96), Abstracts, Oxford, England, 1996.
333. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. A Formal Architectural Design Patterns-Based Approach To Software
Understanding. In: 4TH Workshop On Program Comprehension, Abstracts. Technische
Universitat Berlin, Berlim, Germany, 1996.
334. MAIA, Antonio A.; HAEUSLER Edward H.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Model
For Cooperative Software Design. In: International Symposium On Descriptive Models Of
Design, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Descriptive Models of Design.
Istambul, Turkey, 1996.
335. CAFETEIRO, Isabel; HAEUSLER Edward H.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de.
Paradigmas para Linguagens de Programação: Uma Abordagem Geométrica. In:Primeiro
Simpósio Brasileiro Em Linguagens de Programação, Anais do Primeiro Simpósio
Brasileiro Em Linguagens de Programação, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1996.
336. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D; NELSON,Torsten;
LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Towards A Formal Link Between Viewpoints In Analysis
And Implementation. In: Third OOPSLA Workshop On Subjectivity, Proceedings of The
Third OOPSLA Workshop On Subjectivity, San Jose, USA, 1996.
337. BUMBULIS, Peter; ALENCAR, Paulo; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. Validating Properties Of Component-Based Graphical User Implementation. In:
3rd Eurographics Workshop On Design, Specification And Verification Of Interactive
Systems, Proceedings of the 3rd Eurographics Workshop On Design, Specification And
Verification Of Interactive Systems, Belgium, 1996.
338. SILVA, José Reinaldo, AFSARMANESH, Hamideh; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira de. A Concurrent Approach To The Design Of Flexible Manufacturing
Systems. In: IEEE/ECLA/IFIP International Conference On Architectures And Design
Methods For Balanced Automation Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE/ECLA/IFIP
International Conference On Architectures And Design Methods For Balanced Automation
Systems, 1995.
339. ALENCAR, Paulo; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Formal
Model To Support Subject-Oriented Programming. In:OOPSLA Workshop On Subjectivity
In Object-Oriented Systems, Abstracts. Austin, USA, 1995.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
340. BUMBULIS, Peter; ALENCAR, Paulo; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. A Framework For Machine-Assisted User Interface Verification. In:Fourth
International Conference On Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology
(AMAST'95), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference On Algebraic
Methodology And Software Technology, Montreal, Canada, 1995.
341. BUMBULIS, Peter; ALENCAR, Paulo; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. A Framework For Prototyping And Mechanically Verifying User Interfaces. In:
CASE95 – Seventh International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, 1995.
342. MAIA, Antonio C. P; BICHARRA, Ana Cristina; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A
Method For Analysing Team Design Activity. In: ACM Symposium On Designing Interactive
Systems, Proceedings of the Symposium On Designing Interactive Systems. Ann Arbor,
USA, 1995.
343. ALENCAR, Paulo; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Abstract Data
Views As A Formal Approach To Adaptable Software. In:OOPSLA Workshop On Adaptable
And Adaptive Software, Proceedings of the Workshop On Adaptable And Adaptive
Software, Austin, USA, 1995.
344. ROSSI, Gustavo; SCHWABE, Daniel; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. An Object-Oriented Model For Designing The Human-Computer Interface Of
Hypermedia Applications. In: International Workshop On Hypermedia Design, Proceedings
of the International Workshop On Hypermedia Design, ISBN 3-540, 252 p., Montpelier,
France, 1995.
345. ROSSI, Gustavo; SCHWABE, Daniel; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. Building The HCI Of Hypermedia Applications. The Abstract Data Views
Approach. In: International Conference On HCI (HCI'95), Proceedings of the International
Conference On HCI. Japan, 1995.
346. BUMBULIS, Peter; ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; COWAN,
Donald D. Combining Formal Techniques And Prototyping In User Interface Construction
And Verification. In: 2nd Eurographics Workshop On Design, Specification, Verification Of
Interactive Systems (DSV-IS'95), Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop On
Design, Specification, Verification Of Interactive Systems, 1995.
347. NOVA, L. C.M.; ALENCAR, Paulo; COWAN Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de. Formal Specification Of Reusable Interface Objects. In: ACM SIGSOFT Symposium On
Software Reusability (SSR'95), Proceedings of the Symposium On Software Reusability,
348. CARNEIRO, L. M. F.; COFFIN, M. H.; COWAN Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de. State-Machine-Based Approach For User Interface Specification. In:CHI'95 Workshop
On Formal Specification Of User Interface, Proceedings of the CHI'95:1995.
349. COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Abstract Data Views: Motivation,
Current Proposal And Research Trends. In: XX Conferencia Latino Americana De
Informática, CLEI 94, Proceedings of the XX Conferencia Latino Americana De Informática,
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
350. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. An Experience Using Jasminum-Formalization
Assisting The Design Of Users Interfaces. In: Workshop On Research Issues in the
intersection between software engineering and human-computer interaction, Proceedings
of the Workshop On Research Issues in the intersection between software engineering and
human-computer interaction, Sorrento, Italy, 1994.
351. COWAN, Donald D.; GERMAN, D. M.; STAA, Arndt von; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de. Enhancing Code For Readability And Comprehension Using SGML. In:2nd
International Conference On Software Maintenance, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference On Software Maintenance, Calgary, Canada, 1994.
352. ALENCAR, Paulo; CARNEIRO-COFFIN, L. M. F.; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de. The Semantics Of Abstract Data Views: A Design Concept To Support
Reuse-In-The-Large. In: 62nd Congress Of L'association Canadienne Francaise Pour
L'avancement Des Sciences (ACFAS), Proceedings of the 62nd Congress Of L'association
Canadienne Francaise Pour L'avancement Des Sciences, Kluwer Press, 1994.
353. ALENCAR, Paulo; CARNEIRO-COFFIN, L. M. F.; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos
José Pereira de. Towards A Logical Theory Of Advs. In: ECOOP Workshop W4 On Logical
Foundations Of Object Oriented Programming, Proceedings of the Workshop W4 On
Logical Foundations Of Object Oriented Programming, 1994.
354. CARNEIRO, Luiza; COWAN, Donald D. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Rationale
For Both Nesting And Inheritance In Object-Oriented Design. In: VII Simpósio Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Software, Anais do VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software,
355. CARNEIRO, Luiza; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Abstract Data
Views: A Formal Approach For Designing User-Interface Objects. In: Workshop On
Specification Of Behavioral Semantics In Object-Oriented Information Modeling,
Proceedings of the Workshop On Specification Of Behavioral Semantics In Object-Oriented
Information Modeling, 1993.
356. CARNEIRO, Luiza; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Advcharts: A
Graphical Specification Of Abstract Data Views. In:Centre For Advanced Studies
Convention (CASCON'93), Proceedings of the Centre For Advanced Studies Convention,
Toronto, Canada, 1993.
357. POTENGY, André; COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A
Programming Model For User Interface Compositions. In: V Simpósio Brasileiro em
Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro em
Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 1992.
358. DUARTE, R.; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Projeto de Software
Cooperativo: Um Estudo de Caso. In: VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software,
Anais do VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 1992.
359. ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Formalização de Conceitos na
Gerência de Configuração, In: V Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, Anais do
V Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 1991.
360. PRADO, Antonio; LEITE, Julio César S.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Gravando
Decisões de Projeto Usando a Metodologia JDS. In: V Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia
de Software, Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 1991.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
361. GUARANYS, Paula; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Puc: A Knowledge Based
Environment For Planned User Communication. In: Computer Software & Applications
Conference, Proceedings of the Computer Software & Applications Conference, 1989.
362. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. The Specification Of A Knowledge Based Environment
For The Design Of Production Systems. In: INCOM'89, Proceedings, 1989.
363. LIMA, J. Cabral; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Towards Software Packages That
Know About Their Individual Users.In: 4th International Conference On Systems Research,
Informatics And Cybernetics, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference On Systems
Research, Informatics And Cybernetics, 1989.
364. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. New Trends And Issues In Computer Systems
Technologies For User Interfaces. In: Primeiro Congresso de Informática, Anais do
Primeiro Congresso de Informática, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1988.
365. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; GUARANYS, Paula Ypiranga dos. Design And
Implementation Of Intelligent Interfaces For Application Software: Case Study And
Methodology. In: XX Conferência Nacional de Computação, Anais do XX Conferência
Nacional de Computação, Brazil: 1987.
366. NISKIER, Celso; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. The Heuristics Of Software
Development Methods. In: Third International Conference On Systems Research,
Informatics And Cybernetics,1986, Berlim. Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, 1986.
367. SOARES, Jeferson Ferreira; MARTINS, Raul C. B.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de.
Uma Ferramenta de Programação Lógica para a Prototipação de Sistemas a Partir de
Especificações Funcionais. In: Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial, Anais
do Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial, Brazil, 1985.
368. MARTINS, R. C. B.; COWAND, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. DataDriven Prototyping And Implementation Of File Processing Programs Using The Data
Transform Method. In: International Symposium On New Directions in Computing,
Proceedings of the International Symposium On New Directions in Computing, Norway,
369. SOARES, Jeferson F; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Bases de Conhecimento para
Métodos de Desenvolvimento de Software In: Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro em Inteligência
Artificial, Anais do Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro em Inteligência Artificial, Brazil, 1985.
370. MARTINS, R. C. B.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Rapid Prototyping Of File
Processing Application Programs. In: Third International Workshop On Software
Specification And Design, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop On Software
Specification And Design, London, England, 1985.
371. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Uma Ferramenta para Suportar o Método de
Transformação de Dados. In: XVII Conferência Nacional de Computação, Anais da XVII
Conferência Nacional de Computação, Brazil, 1984.
372. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; VELOSO, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Constructing
And Optimizing Via The Data Transform Method. In:International Conference On Artificial
Intelligence: Methodology, Systems And Applications, Proceedings of the International
Conference On Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems And Applications, Bulgaria,
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
373. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Construção e Otimização de Programas de
Processamento de Arquivos. In:Latin-American Informatics Conference, Proceedings of the
Latin-American Informatics Conference. Chile: 1984.
374. MELNIKOFF, S.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Programação Paralela: Depuração
de Programa na Máquina MAD. In:Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Rede de
Computadores, Anais do Segundo Simpósio Brasileiro de Rede de Computadores, Brazil,
375. VELOSO, Paulo; MARTINS, Raul C. B.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Program
Construction By Data Transformers. In: 2eme Colloque De Genie Logiciel, Proceedings of
the 2eme Colloque De Genie Logiciel, France, 1984.
376. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; LA QUINTANA, Pablo de; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de.
Spesys: Uma Ferramenta para a Especificação de Sistemas e Programas. In:XVII
Conferência Nacional de Computação, 1984, Anais da XVII Conferência Nacional de
Computação, Brazil, 1984.
377. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; VELOSO, Paulo; COWAND, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de. The Data Transform Programming Method: An Example For File Processing
Problems. In: 7th IEEE International Conference On Software Engineering, Proceedings of
the 7th IEEE International Conference On Software Engineering, 1984.
378. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; VELOSO, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Uma
Comparação Entre Métodos de Desenvolvimento de Programas. In: Conferência Nacional
de Computação, Anais da Conferência Nacional de Computação, Brazil, 1983.
379. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; VELOSO, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Theoretical
Proposal To A CASD System Extending The Jackson'S Method. In: International
Conference On Advanced Automation, Proceedings of the International Conference On
Advanced Automation, Taiwan: 1983.
380. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; VELOSO, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Uma
Introdução ao Método de Programação de Transformadores de Dados: Um Estudo de
Caso. In: Conferência Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Anais da
Conferência Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Brazil, 1983.
381. MELNIKOFF, S.;LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Computer Assisted Parallel
Programming: The Ap System. In: IFIP WG101 Working Conference On Methodology For
Computer System Design, Proceedings of the IFIP WG101 Working Conference On
Methodology For Computer System Design, Amsterdã, Holland, 1983.
382. MAIBAUM, Tom.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Data-Directed Programming, Data
Abstraction And Program Solvability.In: Conferência Latino-Americana de Informática,
Anais da Conferência Latino-Americana de Informática, 1982.
383. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; KRAHE, M. L.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Computer
Assisted Design Of Computer Programs. In: The International Congress On Applied
Systems Research And Cybernetics,Proceedings Of The International Congress On
Applied Systems Research And Cybernetics, Mexico: 1980.
384. CUNHA, P.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Current Trends In Parallel Programming.
In: VII Conferência Latino-Americana de Informática, Anais da VII Conferência LatinoAmericana de Informática. Venezuela: 1980.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
385. MELNIKOFF, S.; RUGGIERO, W.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Implementação de
Um Sistema de Comunicação Entre Processos em Uma Máquina de Arquitetura
Distribuída. In: Seminário de Software e Hardware da Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação, Anais do Seminário de Software e Hardware da Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação, Brazil, 1980.
386. MEDEIROS, C.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Análise Experimental de Técnicas
de Teste de Programas. In: Seminário de Software e Hardware da Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação, Anais do Seminário de Software e Hardware da Sociedade Brasileira de
Computação, Brazil, 1980.
387. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Mecanismos de Programação Para A Síntese de
Representação de Dados.In: The Panel-EXPODATA 78, Proceedings Of The PanelEXPODATA 78, Valparaiso, Chile, 1978.
388. FURTADO, Antonio L.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. An Incremental Approach To
Data Base Software Development. In: The International Symposium On Methodologies For
The Design And Construction Of Software And Hardware, Resume Des Congress Annuale
Della Associazione Italiana Per Il Calcolo Automatico, 1977.
389. DELAROLI, R.; SILVA, V. G.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. On The Use Of A
Problem Statement Language In A Software Developmet Environment. In: The Annual
Conference On Information Sciences And Systems, Proceedings Of The Annual
Conference On Information Sciences And Systems, 1977.
390. COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Discussion Of The Concept Of
Modules In Programming Systems. In: The International Symposium On Methodologies For
The Design And Construction Of Software And Hardware, Proceedings Of The
International Symposium On Methodologies For The Design And Construction Of Software
And Hardware, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 1976.
391. BERRY, Dan; ERLICH, Z.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Correctness Of Data
Representations: Pointers In High Level Languages. In: ACM SIGPLAN Notices - The
Conference On Data: Abstraction, Definition And Structure, Proceedings Of The
Conference On Data: Abstraction, Definition And Structure, 1976.
392. QUINTELLA, H.; SCHWABE, Daniel; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. On The
Modelling And Representation Of Abstractions In Simulation Languages. In: The Ifip
Working Conference On Modelling Of Environmental Systems: Computer And Systems
Scientific Approach, Proceedings Of The Ifip Working Conference On Modelling Of
Environmental Systems:Computer And Systems Scientific Approach, Tokyo, Japan, 1976.
393. CAMPOS, I.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Reliable Data Representation. In: The
Eight Hawaii International Conference On Systems Science, Proceedings Of The Eight
Hawaii International Conference On Systems Science, Hawaii, USA, 1975.
394. BERRY, DAN; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. Toward A Definition Of Structured
Programming. In: The ACM National Conference, Proceedings Of The ACM National
Conference, 1974.
395. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Methodology For Producing Reliable Software
Systems. In: The ACM National Conference, Proceedings Of The ACM National
Conference, 1973.
Refereed Publications In Conference Proceedings
396. TOMPKINS, G.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. An Experiment With Methodologies
For The Development Of Software Systems. In: The Asilomar Conference On Circuits,
Systems And Computers, Proceedings Of The Asilomar Conference On Circuits, Systems
And Computers, 1973.
397. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. On The Synthesis Of Programs And Reliability. In: The
Asilomar Conference On Circuits, Systems And Computers, Proceedings Of The Asilomar
Conference On Circuits, Systems And Computers, 1973.
398. CUNHA, L. F. A; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Modelling Technique In
Programming. In: The Asilomar Conference On Circuits, Systems and Computers,
Proceedings Of The Asilomar Conference On Circuits, Systems and Computers, 1971.
399. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. An Approach For Mapping Abstract Data Structures
Into Digital Computer Memories. In: The IEEE International Conference On Systems,
Networks And Computers, Proceedings Of The IEEE International Conference On
Systems, Networks And Computers, Mexico: 1971.
400. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de. A Computer Method For Planning And Scheduling
With Limited Resources. In: Hydrocarbon Processing, 1968.
Refereed Publications in Journals
17 Refereed Publications in Journals
1. GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; FILIPPO, Denise; PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA,
Carlos J. P.; Is the unfolding of the group discussion off-pattern? Improving coordination
support in educational forums using mobile devices; Computers & Education, Science
Direct, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.09.004, 2009 (accepted).
2. PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; Enriched Hierarchic Structure
as a Means for Decreasing the Amount of Unanswered Messages: a Case Study in the
AulaNet Forum; In: Special Issue on Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2009 (aceito),
Keywords: LMS, Discussion forum, convergence, links.
3. PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; Linking to Several Messages for
Convergence: A Case Study in the AulaNet Forum; Journal of Universal Computer
Science, Best Papers from the CRIWG '08 (, ISI impact factor in 2006:
0.338), 2009 (accepted).
4. NUNES, Camila; KULESZA, Uirá; SANT’ANNA, Claudio; NUNES, Ingrid; GARCIA,
Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; Assessment of the Design Modularity and
Stability of Multi-Agent System Product Lines; In: Special Issue on Journal of Universal
Computer Science (Online), Volume 15 / Issue 11, pp. 2254-2283, 2009,
5. GATTI, M.A. de C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.: Engineering Self-Organizing Multiagent Systems
based on a Bio-inspired Representation Model and Coordinated Statecharts. Submitted to
a Special Issue Track in the Information Science Journal, 25 pgs., 2009 (accepted).
6. FILIPPO, Denise; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; Discussion forum coordination
support in distance courses (Suporte à coordenação de fóruns de discussão em cursos a
distância); Revista Scientia, vol 20, n. 1, pp. 25-40, Jan/June 2009.
7. PAES, Rodrigo. B. ; CARVALHO, Gustavo R.; LUCENA, Carlos José P.; CHOREN,
Ricardo; Interaction laws for dependability explicit computing in open multi-agent systems.
IET Software 3(2), p. 124-139, 2009.DOI: 10.1049/iet-sen.2008.0025, ISSN: 1751-8806.
8. MAGALHÃES, J.; STAA, A.; LUCENA, C.; Evaluating the recovery-oriented approach
through the systematic development of real complex applications, Software: Practice and
Experience, pp. 315-330, DOI: 10.1002/spe.903, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Volume 39,
Issue 3 (10 March 2009).
9. PAES, R. B.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; CARVALHO, Gustavo Robichez de.
COWAN, D. An Event-Driven High Level Model for the Specification of Laws in Open MultiAgent Systems. The Journal of Systems & Software, 2008, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2008.08.033,
Reference: JSS 8219, v. 82, p. 629-642, 2008.
10. LUCENA, C.J.P.; NORONHA, T.F.; URRUTIA, Sebastián; RIBEIRO, C.C.; A multi-agent
framework to retrieve and publish information on qualification and elimination data in sports
tournaments, International Transactions in Operational Research, 15 (2008), pp. 739-753.
Refereed Publications in Journals
11. LOBATO, C.; GARCIA, A.; ROMANOVSKY, A.; LUCENA, C.; An Aspect-Oriented Software
Architecture for Code Mobility, revista Software: Practice & Experience, 2008, Volume 38,
Issue 13, pp 1365 - 1392, DOI: 10.1002/spe.873.
Assessing the Research and Education Quality of the Top Brazilian Computer Graduate
Programs. SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads, 2008, v. 40, n. 2, pp. 135-145, ACM Press, New York.
13. GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Taming Heterogeneous Agent
Architectures, Using aspect-oriented techniques to construct high-quality multi-agent
systems, Communications of the ACM (CACM), May 2008, v. 51, n. 1, pp. 75-81.
14. ZAUPA, F. ; GIMENES, Itana M.S.; COWAN, Donald D.; ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA,
C.J.P.; A Service-oriented Process to Develop Web Applications, Journal of Universal
Computer Science (JUCS), vol. 14, issue 8, pp. 1368-1388, 2008.
15. CIRILO, Elder; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; A Product Derivation Tool
Based on Model-Driven Techniques and Annotations, Journal of Universal Computer
Science (JUCS), edição especial de melhores artigos do SBCARS 2007, April 2008
16. SILVA, V.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C.; MAS-ML: A Multi-Agent System Modeling
Language, In the Special Issue on Modeling Languages for Agents Systems in the
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE), v.2, n.4, pp. 382421, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN (Online): 1746-1383, ISSN (Print): 1746-1375, 2008.
17. CARVALHO, Dárlinton B.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; RIBEIRO, C.C.; Uma proposta de framework
para desenvolvimento de aplicações paralelas com mobilidade, Revista de Informática
Teórica e Aplicada XIV (Rita), n. 2, pp. 29-42, 2007.
the modularity assessment of aspect-oriented multiagent architectures: a quantitative
study, Int. J. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2008, vol. 2, No.1 pp. 34 – 61, 2007,
DOI: 10.1504/IJAOSE.2008.016799.
19. SILVA, V.; DURAN, F.; GUEDES, J.; LUCENA, C.; Governing Multi-Agent Systems.
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society - Special issue in Software Engineering for MultiAgent System. Revista no 2, vol 13, Jun: 2007, ISSN 0104-6500, pp:19-34, Porto Alegre,
20. CARVALHO, Gustavo R.; PAES, Rodrigo B.; LUCENA, Carlos J.P.; CHOREN, Ricardo;
Domain Engineering to Ensure Flexibility on Interaction Laws of Multi-Agent Systems.
Journal of Brazilian Computer Science, Revista no. 2; Vol. 13; Jun. 2007, ISSN 0104-6500,
pp. 7-18, Porto Alegre, Brasil.
21. OLIVEIRA, Toacy C.; ALENCAR, Paulo S. C.; LUCENA, Carlos J.P. de; COWAN, Donald
D.; RDL: A Language for Framework Instantiation Representation, Journal of Systems and
Software (JSS), 80(11): 1902-1929, 2007.
22. SILVA, Viviane Torres; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Modeling Multi-Agent System. In
Communication of ACM (CACM), vol. 50, no. 5, May 2007, pp 103-108.
Refereed Publications in Journals
23. CORTES, Mariela; FONTOURA, Marcus; LUCENA, Carlos; Framework Evolution Tool, in
Journal of Object Technology (JOT), ISSN 1660-1769, vol. 5, no. 8, Zurique: ETH Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, Suiça, November-December 2006, pp. 101-124.
24. SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; CHOREN, Ricardo; SILVA, Viviane Torres; MILIDIÚ, Ruy
L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; A Combined Specification Language and Development
Framework for Agent-based Application Engineering; The Journal of Systems & Software,
JSS7800, Elsevier, Vol 79/11, pp. 1565-1577, ISSN 0164-1212, DOI information:
10.1016/j.jss.2006.02.018, November, 2006.
25. GARCIA, Alessandro ; GIESE, Holger ; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander ; CHOREN, Ricardo ;
LEUNG, Ho Fung ; LUCENA, Carlos ; KLEIN, Florian ; PLATON, Eric; Software
engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS 2006: workshop report. ACM
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, New York: ACM Press, v. 31, n. 5, ISSN 01635948, 2006, p. 24-32.
26. CHAVEZ, Christina ; GARCIA, Alessandro ; KULESZA, Uirá ; SANT'ANNA, Claudio;
LUCENA, Carlos . Crosscutting Interfaces for Aspect-Oriented Modeling. Journal of the
Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – UFRGS,
Brasil, pp. 43-58, v. 12, n. 1, 2006 (for publication in July).
27. PIMENTEL, Mariano; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; R-U-Typing-2-Me?
Evolving a chat tool to increase understanding in learning activities. International Journal of
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 1, Issue 1. ISSN: 1556-1607 (Paper)
1556-1615 (Online). Berlim: Springer, pp. 117-142, March, 2006.
28. CORTES, Mariela; FONTOURA, Marcus; LUCENA, Carlos; A Rule-Based Approach to
Framework Evolution;for publication in Journal of Object Technology (JOT), ISSN 16601769, vol. 5, no. 1, Zurique: ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Suiça, Jan/Feb,
2006, pp. 83-103.
29. SILVA, V.; LUCENA, C.; Modeling Multi-Agent Systems. In Communications of the ACM,
ISSN 0001-0782, 2005. (accepted for publication)
30. GEROSA, M.A.; PIMENTEL, M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Informações Estatísticas e
Visuais para a Mediação de Fóruns Educacionais; Revista Brasileira de Informática na
Educação, V. 13, No. 3, Setembro-Novembro 2005, ISSN 1414-5685, Sociedade Brasileira
de Computação, pp. 19-32, 2005.
31. GARCIA, Alessandro; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander;
GIESE, Holger; WEYNS, Danny; HOLVOET, Tom; GIORGINI, Paolo. Software
Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS 2005: workshop report. ACM
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4), ACM Press, p. 1-8, 2005.
32. FUKS, H., RAPOSO, A. B., GEROSA, M.A., LUCENA, C. J. P.; Applying the 3C Model to
Groupware Development. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
(IJCIS), v.14, n.2-3, p.299-328, Jun-Sep 2005. World Scientific (ISSN 0218-8430).
Refereed Publications in Journals
33. GOÑI, Jorge Luis; FERNANDES, Maria Cristina Pfeiffer; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira de Lucena; Uma Metodologia Aplicável a Diferentes Paradigmas de
Design Instrucional para a Implementação de Sistemas de Gerenciamento de
Aprendizagem usando Objetos de Aprendizado. Revista Iberoamericana de Sistemas,
Cibernética e Informática, v. 2, n. 1, ISSN: 1690-8627, (,
Orlando, USA, 2005 (One of the 20º best publications
34. MITCHELL, L.H. R. G., FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Contribuições da Gestão de
Competências para a Educação a Distância: Experimento com o Ambiente AulaNet,
Informática na Educação: Teoria e Prática, Vol 7, No. 2, Porto Alegre, UFRGS, ISSN 1516084X, pp. 83-98, 2004.
35. OLIVEIRA, Toacy Calvacante; ALENCAR, Paulo S. C.; MATHIAS FILHO, Ivan; LUCENA;
Carlos José Pereira de; COWAN, Donald D.; Response to Jiau et al.’s Comments. IEEE
Transations on Software Eng, ISSN 0098-5589, vol. 30, nº 10, pp. 708-, 2004.
36. SANT’ANNA, Claudio; GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; STAA, Arndt Von; Design Patterns as Aspects: A Quantitative Assessment,
Journal of The Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS), ISSN 0104-6500, pp. 113-129, 2004.
37. MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; MELCOP, Taciana; LIPORACE, Frederico dos S.; LUCENA, Carlos José;
Multi-Agent Strategy for Simultaneous and Related Auctions Scientia (2203), Revista do
Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-graduação em Computação Aplicada, da UNISINOS,
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, ISSN 0104-1770, vol. 14, nº 2, pp 155-170, 2004.
38. CHOREN, Ricardo; WEYNS, Danny; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos; GRISS,
Martin; KUNG, David; MINSKY, Naftaly; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander; CASTRO, Jaelson;
LEMOS, Rogério de; Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS
2004: workshop report, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 29, Issue 5
(September 2004), pp. 1 – 10, Edinburg, Scotland, ISSN:0163-5948, 2004.
39. FUKS, Hugo; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; RAPOSO, A.B.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira; O
Modelo de Colaboração 3C no Ambiente AulaNet, Informática na Educação: Teoria e
Prática, ISSN 1516-084X, v. 7, n. 1, pp. 25-48, UFRGS, 2004.
40. CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Modeling Multi-agent Systems with ANote, Journal
on Software and System Modeling (SoSym), v. 4, n. 2, pp. 199-208, ISSN: 1619-1366
(Paper), 1619-1374 (Online), Springer-Verlag, Berlim, Alemanha, 2004.
41. MATHIAS FILHO, I.; OLIVEIRA, T.; LUCENA, C.J.; A Framework Instantiation Approach
Based on the Features Model, The Journal of Systems & Software, pp. 333-349, v. 73,
Issue 2, Edited by K. El Emam and A.D. Carleton, 2004.
42. GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; COWAN, D. D.; Agents in Object-Oriented Software
Engineering; aceito para publicação em Software: Practice & Experience, Elsevier, vol. 34,
Issue 5 , pp. 489 – 521, May 2004.
ALENCAR, Paulo; Software Process Representation and Analysis for Framework
Instantiation; IEEE - Transaction on Software Engineering, ISSN: 098-5589, Vol. 30, No. 3,
pp.145-159, March 2004.
Refereed Publications in Journals
44. Silva, V.; Lucena, C. ; From a Conceptual Framework for Agents and Objects to a MultiAgent System Modeling Language, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent
Systems (AAMAS), Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA, ISSN 1387-2532, pp. 145-189,
volume 9, issue 1-2, 2004.
45. CORTÉS, M. I.; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Using Refactoring and Unification
Rules to Assist Framework Evolution. Upgrade - The European Journal for the Informatics
Professional. Novatica. Vol. V, issue no. 2, ISSN:0211-2124, April 2004, Spain, pg. 49 - 55.
46. GEROSA, M.A., FUKS, H. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Suporte à Percepção em Ambientes de
Aprendizagem Colaborativa, Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, V. 11, No. 2,
Setembro 2003, ISSN 1414-5685, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, pp. 75-85, 2003.
47. CORTES, Mariela; FONTOURA, Marcus; LUCENA, Carlos; A Formal Rule-Based
Approach to Framework Redesign and Evolution, Journal on Software and Systems
Modeling (SoSym), accepted for publication, 2003.
48. GEROSA, M., FUKS, H., & LUCENA, C. (2003). Analysis and Design of Awareness
Elements in Collaborative Digital Environments: A Case Study in the AulaNet Learning
Environment. The Journal of Interactive Learning Research 14(3), pp.315-332, ISSN: 1093023X, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, USA, 2003. Available:
49. MOURA, L.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; HAUSLER, E. H.; Analysis of Parallel Programs. Em:
Eletronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science, Holanda, 2003.
50. GARCIA, A. F.; SILVA, V.T.; FLACH, C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Engineering Multi-Agent
Systems with Patterns and Aspects, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, SBC, ISSN
0104-6500, v. 8, n. 1, pp. 57-72, Porto Alegre, 2003.
51. SARDINHA, J. A.; CLARK, P. R.; MILIDIU, R. L.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; An Object-Oriented
Framework for Building Software Agents, Journal of Object Technology, ETH Swiss federal
Institute of Technology, Zurich, ISSN 1660-1769, v. 2, n. 1, pp. 85-98 , January - February
52. CUNHA, L.M.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Adaptação do Ambiente AulaNet para dar
Suporte a Grupos de Aprendizagem e sua Formação Utilizando os Conceitos de Agentes
de Software, Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação - RBIE, ISSN 1414-5685,
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, V. 11, No. 1, pp. 26-46, April, 2003.
53. GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent
Systems - SELMAS 2002.(Post-Workshop Report) ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol.
27, Number 5, September 2002, USA, pp. 82-88.
54. FUKS, Hugo; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; The
Development and Application of Distance Learning Courses on the Internet, Open Learning
Journal, v. 17, n. 1, ISSN 0268-0513, Cartafax Pub., pp. 23-38, February 2002.
55. FUKS, Hugo; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Usando a
Categorização e Estruturação de Mensagens Textuais em Cursos pelo Ambiente AulaNet,
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, n.10,
ISSN 1414-5685, 2002.
Refereed Publications in Journals
56. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MARKIEWICZ, Marcus E; COWAN, D.D.; Taming
Access Control Security: Extending Capabilities using the Views Relationship. Software —
Practice and Experience, v. 32, pp. 341-358, John Wiley & Sons, ISSN 0038-0644, 2002.
57. MARKIEWICZ, Marcus E; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio
Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D.; Using Views and Patterns to Design E-Commerce
Applications, Annals Of Software Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Blacksburg,
v.13, n. 1, pp. 111-140, 2002.
58. ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; A Logical Theory of Interfaces and Objects, IEEE Transactions On Software
Engineering, v. 28, n. 6, pp. 548-575, ISSN 0098-5589, 2002.
59. MARKIEWICZ, Marcus E.; LUCENA, Carlos José P. de; Issues on Object-Oriented
Framework Development, ACM Crossroads, 7.4, pp. 3-9, 2001.
60. SILVA, Viviane Torres da; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; ContentNet: A
Framework for the Interoperability of Educational Content Using Standard IMS. Computers
& Education Journal, Elsevier Science Press, v. 37/3-4, pp. 273-295, 2001.
61. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Extending UML to Improve
the Representation of Design Patterns. Journal Of Object Oriented Programming Joop,
Surrey, v. 13, n. 11, pp.12-19, 2001.
62. FUKS, Hugo; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Sobre o
Desenvolvimento e Aplicação de Cursos Totalmente a Distância na Internet, Revista
Brasileira de Educação, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, n. 9, pp. 61-75, ISSN 14145685, 2001.
63. FUKS, Hugo; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Usando a Categorização e
Estruturação de Mensagens para Facilitar o Aprofundamento da Discussão e a Redução
da Sobrecarga de Informação em Cursos via Internet, Revista Brasileira de Informática na
Educação, v.9, pp. 61-87, ISSN 1414-5685, 2001.
64. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ANDREATTA, Alexandre
Albino; CARVALHO, Sérgio Eduardo de; Using UML-FW to Enhance Framework
Development: a Case Study in the Local Search Heuristics Domain. The Journal Of
Systems And Software Jss Elsevier Science, v. 57, n.2001, p. 201-209, 2001.
65. FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Tecnologias de Informação Aplicadas à
Educação: Construindo uma Rede de Aprendizagem Usando o Ambiente AulaNet,
Informática na Educação: Teoria e Prática, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 2, pp. 63-74,
66. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo
Coelho da; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALADIN: An Architecture for Learningware
Applications Design and Instantiation. World Wide Web WWW Baltzer Science, Bussum Holanda, 2000.
67. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; ContentNet: um Framework
para Interoperabilidade de Conteúdos Educacionais utilizando o padrão IMS. Revista
Brasileira de Informática na Educação, ano 7, n. 6, pp. 21-42, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, 2000.
Refereed Publications in Journals
68. SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; Some Environments for Web-based Education and the EDUCOM/IMS Model.
Revista Informática Educativa, 2000.
69. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; SILVA, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, Donald D.; Using Viewpoints
to Derive Object-Oriented Frameworks: a Case Study in the Web-Based Education
Domain. Journal Of Systems And Software Jss Elsevier Science, New York, v. 54, n. 3, p.
239-257, 2000.
70. RIPPER, Pedro; FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; MAIA NETO, Ayrton; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; V-Market: A Framework for Agent Mediated E-Commerce Systems based on
Virtual Marketplaces. World Wide Web (WWW), Baltzer Science Publishers, Bussum,
Holanda, v. 3, n. 1, p. 43-52, 2000.
71. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; BRAGA, Christiano; MOURA, Leonardo; LUCENA, Carlos
José P. De; Using Domain Specific Languages to Instantiate Object-Oriented Frameworks,
IEE Proceedings – Software, v. 147, n. 4, pp. 109-116, EUA, 2000.
TORRES, V.; FERRAZ, F.; ROBICHEZ, G.; DAFLON, L.; O AulaNet e as Novas
Tecnologias de Informação Aplicadas a Educação baseada na Web, Revista Brasileira de
Educação a Distância, Instituto de Pesquisas Avançadas em Educacão, Rio de Janeiro, n.
36, pp. 11-26, 1999.
73. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de; The Spider
Environment. Software:Practice and Experience, v. 29, n. 2, p. 99-124, 1999.
74. FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Um Ambiente Para Modelagem e
Execução de Processos, Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada – RITA, v.6, n. 1,
pp.105-128, 1999.
75. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D; SILVA,Sérgio Crespo Coelho da; FONTOURA, Marcus Felipe; Using Viewpoints
to Derive a Conceptual Model for Web-based Education Environments. Journal Of Systems
And Software – JSS, Elsevier Science, v. 54, n. 3, pp. 239-257, 1999.
76. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MOURA, Leonardo Mendonça de; O Ambiente Visual
Spider Para o Desenvolvimento De Aplicações Para A Internet. Revista de Informática
Teórica e Aplicada, v. 4, n. 2, p.61-80, 1998.
77. ALENCAR, P.; COWAN, D.D.; FONTOURA, M.F.M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A Framework
Development Approach Based on Viewpoints. ACM Press, Object-Oriented Application
Frameworks, EEUU, ACM Press, 1998.
78. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN,
Donald D.; A Component-Based Approach to Software Engineering. ACM Software
Engineering Notes, 1997.
79. ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A Logical Framework For Evolving
Software Systems. Formal Aspects Of Computing, v. 8, p. 3-46, 1996.
80. BARBOSA, Luis F. D. J; STAA, Arndt von; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Uma
Abordagem para a Reutilização de Software em Larga Escala na Internet.Revista
Brasileira De Tecnologia e Ciência, v. 1, n. 1, 1996.
Refereed Publications in Journals
81. LUCENA, C. J. P ; LEITE, J. C.; JSD/PUC: Um Ambiente de Software Experimental para o
Estudo da Automação do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software, SBA Controle e
Automação, v.7, n. 3, pp. 126-146, 1996
82. LEVY, Carlos, COWAN, Donald D.; GATTASS, Marcelo; FIGUEIREDO, Luiz H.; LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira de; Iup/Led: A Portable User Interface Tool. Software Practice And
Experience, v. 26, n. 7, p. 737-762, 1996.
83. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; GUARANYS, Paula Ypiranga dos; Uma Nova
Abordagem para Modelagem do Usuário Baseada em Estereótipos Duplos, Jornal da
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, v. 1, n. 3, 1995.
84. GUIMARAES, M. A.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A Software Environment For
Teaching Introductory Algorithms. SIGCUE Outlook, v. 23, n. 3, p. 2-11, 1995.
85. COWAN, Donald D; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Abstract Data Views: An Interface
Specification Concept To Enhance Design For Reuse. IEEE Transaction On Software
Engineering, v. 21, n.3, pp 229-243, 1995.
86. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; Formal
Description Of Evolving Software Systems Architectures. The Science Of Computer
Programming, v. 24, p. 41-61, 1995.
87. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; CARNEIRO, L.; COWAN, Donald D.; Advcharts: A
Visual Formalism For Highly Interactive Systems. SIGCHI Bulletin, v. 26, n. 2, p. 74-77,
88. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; GUIMARAES, M.A.M.; Experience Using The Asa
Algorithm Teaching System. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, v. 26, n. 4, 1994.
89. BARBOSA, Luís Fernando Diniz Junqueira; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
Prototipação e Geração de Interfaces Gráficas Por Manipulação Direta: Um Modelo
Baseado em Evento. Revista Brasileira De Computação, 1994.
90. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; COWAN, Donald D; IERUSALIMSCHY, Roberto;
Abstract Data Views. Journal Of Structured Programming, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-13, 1993.
91. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; COWAN, Donald D; IERUSALIMSCHY, Roberto;
Application Integration: Constructing Composite Applications From Interactive
Components. Software Practice And Experience, v. 23, n. 3, p. 255-275, 1993.
92. QIAN, Y; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Formal Methods In Numerical Applications: A
Case Study Using Z. Utilitas Mathematica, v. 44, p. 85-114, 1993.
93. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Software Technology/Engineering: The Creation Of A
New Discipline.Investigacion Operativa, v. 3, n. 2, 1993.
94. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; STAA, Arndt Von; The Talisman Software Engineering
Environment. Journal Of The Russian Academy Of Science, 1993.
95. FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; DUARTE, R.c.; Towards The
Requirements For Computer Supported Cooperative Software Design. Design Methods, v.
27, n. 4, pp. 1864-1878, 1993.
Refereed Publications in Journals
96. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MAYERHOFER, M.A.; Design Of An Algorithm
Simulation And Animation Environment. SIGSE Bulletin, v. 24, n. 2, 1992.
97. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; PRADO, Antonio Francisco do; LEITE, Julio César;
Registro de Decisões e Justificativas de Desenho de Software Projetados com a
Metodologia JSD, V Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, Anais do V Simpósio
Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, pp. 15-30, Ouro Preto, Brasil, 1991.
98. SILVA, J. R.; VEGA, I. S.; FINGER, M.; ARAKAKI, J.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
Um Ambiente Baseado em Conhecimento Para o Projeto de Sistemas de Eventos
Discretos, Controle e Automação, v. 2, n. 3, 1990.
99. CABRAL, Regina Helena Bastos; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; CAMPOS, I M;
COWAN, Donald D.; Interfaces As Specifications In Midas User Interface Development
System. ACM Software Engineering Notes, v. 15, n. 2, 1990.
100. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; TAKAHASHI, Tadao; HAEBERER, Armando; The
Ethos Project: An Introductory View. International Journal On Information Technology For
Development, v. 4, n. 1, 1989.
101. MARTINS, Raul; VELOSO, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Construção de
Programas com Transformadores de Dados: Introdução e Estudo de Caso, Journal
Brasileiro de Computação, 1984.
102. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Vem Ai A Quinta Geração de Computadores. E O
Brasil?. Revista Info, Brasil, v. 2, n. 13, p. 13-27, 1984.
103. CUNHA, P.; MAIBAUM, Tom; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Message Oriented
Programming - A Resource Based Methodology.Journal Of Computer Languages,
Pergamon Press, v. 8, n. 3, 1983.
104. PEREDA, A.; CARVALHO, A.; MAIBAUM, Tom; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Data
Specification Methods. Applied Systems And Cybernetics,1982.
105. COWAN, Donald D.; GRAHAM, J. W.; WELCH, J. W.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de;
A Data-Directed Approach To Program Construction.Software-Practice And Experience,
John Wiley & Sons, v. 10, 1980.
106. CUNHA, P. R.; MAIBAUM, Tom; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A Methodology For
Message Oriented Programming. Programmier Sprachen Und Programment Wicklung,
Springer-Verlag, 1980.
107. CUNHA, P. R.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; On The Design And Specification Of
Message Oriented Programs.International Journal Of Computer And Information Sciences,
v. 9, 1980.
108. PEQUENO, Tarcisio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; An Approach For Data Types
Specification And Its Use In Program Verification. Information Processing Letters, North
Holland Publishing Company, v. 8, n. 2, 1979.
109. SCHWABE, Daniel; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Design And Implementation Of
Data Abstraction Definition Facility.Software-Practice And Experience, John Wiley & Sons,
v. 8, 1979.
Refereed Publications in Journals
110. MAIBAUM, Tom; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Higher Order Data Types.
International Journal Of Computer And Information Sciences, v. 8, n. 6, 1979.
111. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Program Derivation Methods. Revista De Informatica e
Investigacion Operativa, SADIO, 1979.
112. PEQUENO, Tarcisio; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Program Derivation Using Data
Types: A Case Study. Transactions On Software Engineering, v. 5, n. 6, 1979.
113. COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Some Thoughts On The
Construction Of Programs - A Data Directed Approach. Information Technology, Editora J
Moneta,North Publishing Co., 1978.
114. SILVEIRA, A. M.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Geração de Casos de Testes
Baseada em Estruturas de Programas. Jornal de Tecnologia Brasileiro, CNPq, v. 9, n. 1,
115. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Sobre a Utilização de Linguagens de Alto Nível para o
Projeto e a Implementação de Programas Confiáveis. Jornal da Academia Brasileira de
Ciências, v. 49,n. 1, 1977.
116. BERRY, Dan; ERLICH, Z.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Pointers And Data
Abstractions In High Level Languages: Languages Proposals. Journal Of Computer
Languages, v. 2, 1977.
117. STAA, Arndt von; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; On The Implementation Of Data
Generality.Programmier Sprachen, Series Informatik-Fachberichte, 1976.
118. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Programas para a Construção de Programas. Revista
Dados e Idéias, 1976.
119. SCHWABE, Daniel; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Specification And Uniform
Reference To Data Structures In Pl/I. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1976.
120. COWAN, Donald D.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Toward A Systems Environment
For Computer Assisted Programming.Information Processing Letters, n. 2, pp. 35-40, 1976.
Books and Book Chapters
18 Books and Book Chapters
18.1 Published Books
(eds.). Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems V: Research Issues and Practical
Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4408, ISBN 978-3-540-73130-6.
Berlim: Springer, 2007, 233p.
2. KULESZA, Uirá; ALVES, Vander; PIVETA, Eduardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; BORBA, Paulo;
LUCENA, Carlos; PRICE, Roberto Tom (editores). Anais do III Workshop Brasileiro de
Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos (WASP 2006). Outubro, 2006. Porto
Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2006. 139 p. ISBN: 85-7669-087-X.
3. GARCIA, Alessandro; CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos; GIORGINI, Paolo; HOLVOET,
Tom; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander (orgs.). Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems IV,
Research Issues and Practical Applications. LNCS 3914, Berlim: Springer-Verlag, v. 1.
255p., ISBN: 3540335803, 2006.
4. LUCENA, Carlos; BLOIS, Marcelo; CHOREN, Ricardo; SILVA, Viviane Torres; Anais do II
Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2006). Porto
Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), ISBN: 85-7669-085-3, 121p., 2006.
5. CHOREN, Ricardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; GIESE, Holger; LEUNG, Ho-fung; LUCENA,
Carlos; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander; Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Large-scale Multi-agent Systems (SELMAS 2006). Nova Iorque:
ACM Press, ISBN: 1-59593-395-6, 2006, 114 p.
6. LUCENA, Carlos; BLOIS, Marcelo; CHOREN, Ricardo; SILVA, Viviane T.; Anais do First
Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS) do 19o. Simpósio
Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 77p., CD, ISBN: 85-7669-032-2, Uberlândia,
Minas Gerais,Brasil, Outubro, 2005.
7. CHOREN, Ricardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander;
Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III: Research Issues and Practical
Applications; Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Springer Heidelberg, 291p. ISBN: 3-54024843-9; ISSN: 0302-9743, Volume 3390, 2005.
8. CHOREN, Ricardo; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos; GRISS, Martin; KUNG, David;
MINSKY, Naftaly; ROMANOVSKY, Alexander; Proceedings of the Third International
Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS'04),
The Institution of Electrical Engineers, IEE, Stevenage, Reino Unido, ISBN: 0-86341-431-1,
State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 155p., 2004.
9. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; GARCIA, Alessandro; ROMANOVSKY, A.; CASTRO,
Jaelson; ALENCAR, Paulo; Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems II, SpringerVerlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISSN 03079743, ISBN 3540211829, State-of-the-Art Survey,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 2940), 278p., 2004.
Books and Book Chapters
10. GARCIA, A.; LUCENA, C.; ZAMBONELI, F.; OMICINI, A; CASTRO, J. (Edts.); Software
Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent System. ISBN: 3-540-08772-9; ISSN: 0302-9743;
Springer-Verlag, State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS
2603), Berlin, Germany; April/2003.
11. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; MILIDIU, Ruy Luiz; Editores do Sistema Multi-Agentes,
Editora Papel Virtual (Editor Tomaz Adour), 270 p., v. 1, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
12. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; FUKS, Hugo; Educação na Era da Internet. Rio de
Janeiro: Editora Clube do Futuro, Brazil, 2000. v. 1. 160 p.
13. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; Métodos
Formais Para Desenvolvimento de Programas. BUENOS AIRES: KAPELUZ, 1989.
14. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Inteligência Artificial e Engenharia de Software. Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil: ZAHAR, 1987.
15. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Análise e Síntese de Programas de Computador.
16. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; STAA, Arndt von; O Projeto de Programas. Rio de
Janeiro: SERPRO – Livros Técnicos e Científicos, v.1, 1978.
17. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; STAA, Arndt von; Projeto de Programas: Princípios e
Aplicações da Programação Estruturada para programadores COBOL, SERPRO, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 119 p., 1978.
18. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Introdução às Estruturas da Informação, Livros Técnicos
e Científicos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1970.
19. LUCENA, C. J. P. Introdução a Estrutura de Dados, Rio de Janeiro:, Editora ao Livro
Técnico, 1970, v. 1.
18.2 Book Chapters
1. NUNES, I., LUCENA, C.J.P., COWAN, D., ALENCAR, P.; Building Service-oriented User
Agents using a Software Product Line Approach, in Stephen Edwards and Gregory
Kulczycki, ed., Formal Foundations of Reuse and Domain Engineering (ICSR 2009), Vol.
5791 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Falls
Church, Estados Unidos, 2009, pp. 236-245.
2. SILVA, V. T., CHOREN, R., LUCENA, C.J.P.; Modeling MAS Properties with MASML
Dynamic Diagrams, in Kolp M, Henderson-Sellers B., Mouratidis H., Garcia A., Ghose A.
and Bresciani P., ed., Agent-Oriented Information Systems IV (AOIS 2006, Revised
Selected Papers), Vol. 4898 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin
/ Heidelberg, pp. 1-18, 2009.
3. NUNES, Ingrid; NUNES, Camila; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Developing and
evolving a multi-agent system product line: An exploratory study, in: M. Luck and J.J.
Gomez-Sanz (Eds.), Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IX, Vol. 5386 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 228–242.
Books and Book Chapters
4. NUNES, I., KULESZA, U., NUNES, C., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2009), A Domain Analysis
Approach for Multi-Agent Systems Product Lines, in Joaquim Filipe and José Cordeiro, ed.,
Enterprise Information Systems IV (ICEIS 2009), Vol. 24 of Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Milão, Itália, pp. 716-727.
5. PIMENTEL, M., FUKS, H., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2008), Linking to Several Messages for
Convergence: A Case Study in the AulaNet Forum, in Robert O. Briggs, Pedro Antunes,
Gert-Jan de Vreede and Aaron S. Read, ed., Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use
(CRIWG2005), Vol. 5411 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin
/Heidelberg, Omaha, Estados Unidos, pp. 196-203.
6. CIRILO, E.J.R., KULESZA, U., COELHO, R., LUCENA, C.J.P., STAA, A. (2008),
Integrating Component and Product Lines Technologies , in Hong Mei, ed., High
Confidence Software Reuse in Large Systems (ICSR 2008), Vol. 5030 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Beijing, China, pp. 130-141.
A., LUCENA, C.J.P. (2008), Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Exception Flows: An
Exploratory Study, in Jan Vitek, ed., ECOOP 2008 - Object-Oriented Programming, Vol.
5142 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Paphos,
Cyprus, pp. 207-234.
8. COSTA, A; LUCENA, C; SILVA, V.; AZEVEDO, S.; SOARES, F.; Art Competition: Agent
Designs to Handle Negotiation Challenges; In: Falcone, R.; Barber, S.K.; Sabater-Mir, J.;
Singh, M.P (Edts.) Trust in Agent Society (TRUST@AAMAS 2008 post-proceedings), LNAI
5396, Springer-Verlag, pp. 244-272, ISBN: 978-3-540-92802-7, 2008.
9. FELICÍSSIMO, Carolina; CHOREN, Ricardo; BRIOT, Jean Pierre; LUCENA, Carlos;
CHOPINAUD, Caroline; EL FALLAH SEGHROUCHNI, Amal; Providing Contextual Norm
Information in Open Multi-Agent Systems. In: Agent Oriented Information Systems IV
(LNCS 4898); Revised selected papers from the AOIS workshops held in AAMAS 2006
(Hakodate, Japan), LNAI proceedings. Eds.: Kolp, Manuel; Henderson-Sellers, Brian;
Garcia, Alessandro; Ghose, Aditya; Bresciani, Paolo. LNCS 4898, Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg, pp. 19-36, ISBN 978-3-540-77989-6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-77990-2_2,
10. GUEDES, José de Souza Pinto; SILVA, Viviane; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A
Reputation Model Based on testimonies. In: Kolp, M.; Garcia, C.; Ghose, Aditya; Bresciani,
P.; Henderson-Sellers, B.; Mouratidis, H. (Eds.), Agent Oriented Information Systems IV:
Proc. of the 8th International Bi-Conference Workshop (AOIS 2006 post-proceedings),
LNCS (LNAI) 4898, Springer-Verlag, pp. 37-52, 2008.
11. DURAN, F; SILVA, V.; LUCENA, C.; Using Testimonies to Enforce the Behavior of Agents.
In: Sichman, J.S.; Padget, J.; Ossowski, S.; Noriega, P. (Eds.) Coordination, Organizations,
Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems III. (COIN 2007 post-proceedings), LNCS (LNAI)
4870, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 218-231, 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-79002-0,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-79003-7_16.
Collaboration Model. The Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration, Ned Kock (org), ISBN 978-159904-000-4, pp. 637-644, 2008.
Books and Book Chapters
13. CARVALHO, Gustavo; LUCENA, Carlos; PAES, Rodrigo; CHOREN, Ricardo; BRIOT, Jean
Pierre. Applying the governance framework technique to promote maintainability in open
multi-agent systems. In: Lin Padgham; Franco Zambonelli. (Org.). Agent-Oriented Software
Engineering VII (LNCS 4405). Berlim: Springer, 2007, p. 64-83.
14. SILVA, Viviane T. ; CHOREN, Ricardo ; LUCENA, Carlos . Using MAS-ML dynamic
diagrams to model MAS behavioral properties. In: Manuel Kolp; Alessandro Garcia; Aditya
Ghose; Paolo Bresciani; Brian Henderson-Sellers; Haris Mouratidis. (Org.). Agent Oriented
Information Systems IV (LNCS 4898). Berlim: Springer, 2007, pp.1-18.
C. ; BORBA, P.; Mapping Features to Aspects: A Model-Based Generative Approach. In:
Ana Moreira; John Grundy. (Org.) Early Aspects 2007 Workshop, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, v. 4765, p. 155-174, 2007.
16. BRANDÃO, Anarosa A. F.; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; ObservedMAS: an Ontology-based Method for Analyzing Multi-Agent Systems Design Models, In:
Padgham, Lin; Zambonelli, Franco (Eds.) : Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, LNCS
4405, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-540-70944-2, pp 122-139, 2007.(AOSE@AAMAS06
17. GATTI, Maíra A. de C.; CARVALHO, Gustavo; PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA, Carlos José
Pereira de; BRIOT, Jean-Pierre. On Fault Tolerance in Law-Governed Multi-Agent
Systems. In: CHOREN, R.; GARCIA, A.; GIESE, H.; LEUNG, H.-f.; LUCENA, C.;
ROMANOVSKY, A. (eds.): Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems V. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 4408, p. 1-20. Berlim: Springer, 2007. ISBN 978-3-540-73130-6.
18. PAES, Rodrigo; CARVALHO, Gustavo; GATTI, Maíra; LUCENA, Carlos; BRIOT, JeanPierre; CHOREN, Ricardo. Enhancing the Environment with a Law-Governed Service for
Monitoring and Enforcing Behavior in Open Multi-Agent Systems. In: Weyns, Danny;
Parunak, H.Van Dyke; Michel, Fabien (eds.): Environments for Multi-Agent Systems III,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4389, ISBN 978-3-540-71102-5. Berlim:
Springer-Verlag, 2007, p. 221–238.
Novas Estratégias de Avaliação Online: aplicações e implicações em um curso totalmente
a distância através do ambiente AulaNet. In: Avaliação da Aprendizagem em Educação
Online, orgs. Marco Silva e Edméa Santos, ISBN 85-15-03216-3. São Paulo: Loyola, 2006.
p 369-385.
20. GARCIA, Alessandro; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo; KULESZA, Uirá;
LUCENA, Carlos; STAA, Arndt von; Modularizing Design Patterns with Aspects: A
Quantitative Study, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development I, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3880, Pages 36-74, Editors: Awais Rashid, Mehmet
Aksit, ISBN: 3-540-32972-2, Feb 2006.
21. SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; GARCIA, Alessandro F.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; MILIDIÚ,
Ruy L.;. A Systematic Approach for Including Machine Learning in Multi-Agent Systems. In:
Bresciani, P.; Giorgini, P.; Henderson-Sellers, B.; Low, G.; Winikoff, M. (Eds.). AgentOriented Information Systems II. Revised Selected Papers from 6th International BiConference Workshop AOIS 2004. Published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 198-211, Vol. 3508, 2005.
Books and Book Chapters
22. KULESZA, Uirá; GARCIA, Alessandro; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; ALENCAR,
Paulo; A Generative Approach for Multi-agent System Development; In: Choren, Ricardo;
Garcia, Alessandro; Lucena, Carlos; Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III:
Research Issues and Practical Applications; State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science; chapter 4, pp. 52-69. Springer Heidelberg, Springer New York, ISBN: 3540-24843-9; ISSN: 0302-9743, Volume 3390 / 2005, 2005.
23. GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Aspectizing
Multi-agent Systems: From Architecture to Implementation, In: Choren, Ricardo; Garcia,
Alessandro; Lucena, Carlos; Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III: Research
Issues and Practical Applications; State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science; chapter 8, pp. 121-143. Springer Heidelberg, Springer New York, ISBN: 3-54024843-9; ISSN: 0302-9743, Volume 3390 / 2005, 2005.
24. CHOREN, Ricardo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; The ANote Modeling Language for
Agent-Oriented Specification, In: Choren, Ricardo; Garcia, Alessandro; Lucena, Carlos;
Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III: Research Issues and Practical
Applications; State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science; chapter 12, pp.
198-212. Springer Heidelberg, Springer New York, ISBN: 3-540-24843-9; ISSN: 03029743, Volume 3390 / 2005, 2005.
25. BRANDÃO, Anarosa A. F.; ALENCAR, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. de; AgentZ:
Extending Object-Z for Multi-Agent Systems Specification,Agent-Oriented Information
Systems. Revised Selected Papers from Workshop AOIS 2004. Springer-Verlag, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3030 (to appear).
26. Melo, Fabio; Choren, Ricardo; Cerqueira, Renato; Lucena, Carlos; Blois, Marcelo;
Deploying Agents with the CORBA Component Model; In: Emmerich, Wolfgang; Wolf,
Alexander L.; Component Deployment Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3083,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 3-540-22059-3, ISSN: 0302-9743, pp. 234-247,
27. GARCIA, Alessando Fabricio; SANT'ANNA, Claudio Nogueira; CHAVEZ, Christina Von
Flach Garcia; SILVA, Viviane Torres da; LUCENA, C. J. P.; STAA, Arndt Von; Separation
of Concerns in Multi-agent Systems: An Empirical Study. In: LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira
de; GARCIA, Alessandro; ROMANOVSKI, A.; CASTRO, Jaelson; ALENCAR, Paulo;
Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISSN
03079743, ISBN 3540211829, State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS 2940), pp. 49-72, 2004.
28. SILVA, Viviane Torres da; NOYA, Ricardo Choren; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Using the MAS-ML
to Model a Multi-agent System. In: LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; GARCIA, Alessandro;
ROMANOVSKI, A.; CASTRO, Jaelson; ALENCAR, Paulo; Software Engineering for MultiAgent Systems II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISSN 03079743, ISBN 3540211829,
State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 2940), chapter 08, pp.
129-148, 2004.
29. FUKS, H., CUNHA, L.M., GEROSA, M.A. & LUCENA, C.J.P.; Participação e Avaliação no
Ambiente Virtual AulaNet da PUC-Rio. in: Silva, M.; Educação Online: Teorias, Práticas,
Legislação e Formação Corporativa; ISBN 85-15-02822-0, chapter 15, pp. 231-254,
Edições Loyola, Rio de Janeiro, 2003.
Books and Book Chapters
30. FUKS, H.; CUNHA, M. L.; GEROSA, M. A.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; (2003), Using the AulaNet
Learning Environment to Implement Collaborative Learning via the Internet, in: Engineering
Education and Research - 2002: A Chronicle of Worldwide Innovations; International
Network for Engineering Education and Research (iNEER), chapter 23, pp. 225-235, ISBN
0-9741252-0-2, EUA, 2003.
31. SILVA, O.; GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Reflective Blackboard Pattern:
Architecting Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems. In: A. Garcia, C. Lucena, F. Zambonelli, A.
Omicini, J. Castro (Eds). "Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems".
Springer-Verlag, State-of-the-Art Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS
2603), April 2003, pp. 73-93, 2003.
Agents and Objects in Software Engineering; In: Garcia, A.; Lucena, C.; Zamboneli, F.;
Omicini, A; Castro, J. (Edts.) "Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent System
Cap 01; pags 1-26; ISBN: 3-540-08772-9; ISSN: 0302-9743; Springer-Verlag, State-of-theArt Survey, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 2603), Alemanha, April/2003.
33. CUNHA, L.M.; GONI, J.L.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P; Sistemas Multi-Agentes e Instrução
Baseada na Web, In Carlos José Pereira de Lucena; Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Sistemas MultiAgentes, Rio de Janeiro, Papel Virtual, pp. 213-229, 2001.
34. FIORINI, S.T.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Reusing Process Patterns, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, accepted, 2000.
Viewpoints and frameworks in component-based software design, In FAYAD, M.;
SCHMIDT, D.; JOHNSON, R., Building Application Frameworks (three volumes), ObjectOriented Foundations of Framework Design, New York, John-Wiley, v.1, pp. 163-168,
Viewpoints and Frameworks in Component-Based Design, In Fayad M.; Schmidt, D.,
Object-Oriented Application Frameworks, EEUU, John-Wiley, pp. 138-141, 1998.
37. SILVA, J.R.; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; COWAN, Donald D.; A Concurrent
Approach To The Design Of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. In: AFSARMANESH,
METHODS. LONDON, 1995, p. 91-106.
38. BUMBULIS, Peter; ALENCAR, Paulo Sérgio Conceição de; COWAN, D.D.; LUCENA,
Carlos José Pereira de; Combining Formal Techniques And Prototyping In User Interface
Construction And Verification. In: NOTES, Lecture.(Org.). Springer Verlag Lecture Notes In
Computer Science, Berlin, 1995
39. LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; An Experience Using Jasminum-Formalization Assisting
The Design Of Users Interfaces, In: NOTES, Lecture.(Org.). Springer Verlag Lecture Notes
In Computer Science, Berlin, 1994.
40. MARTINS, Raul C. B.; VELOSO, Paulo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; A Theoretical
Proposal To A CASD System Extending The Jackson'S Method, Advanced Automation,
Plenum Press, 1984.
Books and Book Chapters
41. BERRY, DAN; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Toward A Definition Of Structured
Programming. In: Collective Phenomena And The Applications Of Physics To Other Fields
Of Science, Brain Research Publications Inc., 1975. 1974.
Other Publications
19 Other Publications
Annals of the First Internacional Seminar on Advanced Research in E-Business, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 2002.
IEEE/ACM Proceedings of the SELMAS Workshop at ICSE 2002, Orlando, USA, 2002.
Proceedings of the 3rd German-Brazilian Workshop on Information Technology, editors:
S. Janichen and Carlos J. P. Lucena, Forschungszentrum KFA Julich, GmbH, 1996.
4. The Brazilian Programme of Advanced Training in Software Technologies, with Hans
Liesenberg ; Proceedings of the Conference on Distance Learning and New Technologies
in Education, Moscow, Russia, July 1994.
5. Human Resources for Software Technology Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean,
XVIII Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council, SELA/UN, Venezuela, September
6. Competitive Strategies and Political Options in the Brazilian Informatics Industry
(Software)” (in Portuguese); Proceedings of the International Conference on the Transition
of the Brazilian Informatics Industry, published by the Institute of Industrial Economics,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 1991.
7. “Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence” (in Portuguese), PUC Ciencia, no l,
Jul/Aug./Sept., PUC-Rio Press, 1988.
8. “Software Technology in Brazil: Towards a Participation in the International Market”,
Proceedings of the Conference of Latin-American Authorities in Informatics (CALAI), 1988;
also in the Proceedings of the OECD Workshop on Technological Change and Electronics
Sector, Paris, 1989.
9. “Artificial Intelligence” (in Portuguese) Analise de Conjuntura, Vol. 2 and 3, Nos. 3 and 1,
Set., Dec/1987.
10. “Towards the Fifth Computer Generation; What about Brazil ?” Revista INFO, Year II, no
13, 1984.
11. “The Impact of Computer Science in Science and Technology Education” in Proceedings of
the Congresso Nacional de INFORMÁTICA y TeleINFORMÁTICA, Buenos Aires, 1983.
12. “Technology Transfer in Informatics: PUC-Rio's Experience” Proceedings of the -I Colóquio
Latino-Americano sobre a Universidade e o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico”,
UDUAL, 1983.
13. “Working and Reflection Document for the IBI 1982 Sectorial Meeting on Informatics and
Education”, Technical Report; Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics, 1982.
14. “Policies for Informatics Education and the Social Impacts of Informatics”, Technical
Report, Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics, 1981.
15. “Ten Years of Graduate Studies in Informatics”, with A.V. Staa, A. L. Furtado and T.
Chaves, CAPRE's Bulletin, 1977.
Other Publications
16. “A Multi-Level National Approach to Computer Education”, Proceedings of the 2nd IFIP
Conference on Computer Education, 1975.
17. “Computer Education: A New Tool for Social and Economic Development”, Proceedings of
the Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, 1974.
18. “Computing in the University Curricula for Science and Engineering”, Proceedings of the
Primer Congresso Ibero- Americano de INFORMÁTICA, Buenos Aires, May, 1972.
19. “Guidelines for Organizing the Computing Activities of a University in a Development
Country”, with L.C. Martins, Proceedings of the Jornadas Latino-Americanas de
Computacion, Buenos Aires, 1971.
20. “Computer Education in Developing Countries: The Brazilian Experience”, Proceedings of
the IFIP World Conference on Computer Education, Amsterdam, 1970.
21. “Teaching Computing at University Level”, First “Congresso Brasileiro de Processamento
de Dados” and Third Pan-American Meeting on the Post-Graduate Teaching of
Engineering (OAS), Brazil, 1968.
Consulting Activities
20 Consulting Activities
1. Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (Fellow of
TWAS), since November, 2008.
2. Participation in the Latin AOSD Workshop, in the Computer Sicence Department
(DCC) of the University of Chile, in Santiago, Chile, from June 2 to June 6, 2008.
3. Member of the commission of P&D Accompaniment in strategic areas, Conselho
Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia da Presidência da República, March, 2008.
4. Member of the commission of Triennial Evaluation 2007 of the Computer
Science’s graduation programs, CAPES, since August, 2007.
5. Member of the Committee of the ABC for the National Order of the Scientific
Merit (since 2005).
6. Member of the Coordination of Annual Accompaniment Group of the graduation
programs (stricto-sensu) of the Computer Science area (2006), organized by
CAPES, Ministry of the Education.
7. Coordinator of CAPES annual evaluation of Computer Science Graduation
Programs, since November 27 to December 3, Brasília, DF, Brazil.
8. Member of the Selection Committee for the new scientist of Ministry of Science
and Technology, July, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
9. Judge at the Imagine Cup Finals 2004 for the Software Design Invitational,
MICROSOFT, 2 – 8 July, in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
10. Evaluator of Convocatory 2003 of Secretary for Science Technology and
Productive Innovation of the Argentine Government in the area: Technology of
Information and Communication, Buenos Aires, June 28, 2004.
11. Member of Selection Committee for ICSE Workshops 2003 (ACM/IEEE), Nova
York, USA, 2003.
12. Publishing Activities Committee, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, from 1994
to 2003.
13. Chairman of the ACM Software System Award Committee, 2003.
14. Member of the Advisory Committee for Information Technology, Science and
Technology Ministry, 2002 - .
15. Member of the ACM Software System Award Committee, 2001 - 2005.
16. Coordinator of the Working Group on Information Society of the Council for
Science and Technology (CCT) Presidency of The Republic (since March 1997).
17. Chairman of the Search Committee for the position of Director for the
International Institute for Software Engineering, United Nations University, 1997.
18. Chairman for the Selection Committee for the second Compaq Award in
Computer Science, 1997.
19. Member of the Council for Science and Technology (CCT) Presidency of The
Republic (since July 1996).
20. Adjunct Executive Director - Latin American Technological Information Network
(LATIN) - November 1995 – March 1997.
Consulting Activities
21. Representative of the Academic Community and Executive Secretary for the
Steering Committee of the Project Internet in Brazil - Ministries of Science and
Technology and Communications - since July 1995.
22. Consultant for the Afrodite Project on Formal Methods and Object-Oriented
Programming, European Commission, July 92 to June 1993.
23. Member of the Executive Council of the Brazilian National Research Council
(CNPq) - 1991 - 1995.
24. Consultant for the Waterloo Initiative on Software Technology, University of
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Jan-Dec 1992.
25. Member of the Council of the Instituto Politécnico do Rio de Janeiro - 1990-92
26. Member of the Feasibility Study Group of the United Nations University for the
creation of the International Institute for Software Technology in Macau, China
27. Member of the Council of the Foundation for the Advancement of Science of the
State of Rio de Janeiro, 1988-89.
28. Member of the Technical Council for Informatics of the Secretariat for Science
and Technology of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 1988-89.
29. Member of the Technical Committee for the III National Award in Informatics,
30. Member of the Technical Committee for the -Moinho Santista Award”, 1987.
31. Scientific Consultant for the company -SID Informatica”, from 1985 to 1990.
32. Coordinator of the -Brazil-Argentina Program for Scientific Cooperation in the
Area of Informatics”, January 1985 to October 1992.
33. Consultant for the company IESA (Internacional de Engenharia), studies and
projects for technological innovation, July 1984 to May 1987.
34. Coordinator of the “Cooperative Program in Informatics Technology Between
Brazil and Germany - CNPq/GMD”, March 1984 to July l987.
35. Consultant for the Federal Bureau for Informatics (SERPRO); studies on
technological innovation and recommendations for the establishment of a
research and education program at the company, July 1984 to July 1987.
36. Member of the Advisory Board of the Automation Institute of the Centro
Tecnologico de Informatica, Campinas, Brazil.
37. Member of the Advisory Board of the Computing Institute of the Centro
Tecnologico de Informatica, Campinas, Brazil.
38. Consultant for the Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics, UNESCO, 1980.
39. President of the Advisory Committee for the area of Informatics, CAPES, Ministry
of Education from l980 to l985.
40. Consultant for the Secretariat for Informatics (SEI): served on various
committees, participated in international cooperative programs etc; 1980.
41. Chairman of the Board of the National Computer Network Laboratory (LARC)
from 1980 to 1983.
42. First Director of the -Centro Latino-Americano de Estudos em Informatica”
(CLEI), 1979 to 1984.
Consulting Activities
43. Member of the Advisory Committee for the Area of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering and Computer Science of the Brazilian National Research Council
(CNPq) Nov. 1975 to Dec. 1978.
44. Consultant for CAPES (Ministry of Education); 1975, 1976 and 1977.
45. Consultant for the Secretary for Higher Education (DAU/Ministry of Education):
curricula in Engineering and Computer Science, 1977.
46. Scientific Consultant for the -Instituto de Processamento de Dados e Informatica
da Marinha” (Brazilian Navy), April 1977 to December 1980.
47. Technical Coordinator of the Computer Science Series for the publisher “Livros
Tecnicos e Cientificos”, 1969 to 1972.
48. Responsible for the Computer Science Area, Sector of Mathematics, Brazilian
National Research Council (CNPq), March 1971 to December 1972.
49. Consultant for the -Office for Science and Technology” of the United Nations;
published the report -An Overview of the Computing Activities in Brazil” in -Action
Programming in Computer Science and Technology for Developing Countries”,
United Nations Economic and Social Council, January 1973.
50. Brazilian coordinator for the interchange program between the CNPq and the
USA National Academy of Science in the area of Computer Science, July 1971 to
December 1972.
51. Brazilian Coordinator for The Interchange Program between Germany and Brazil
in the Area of Informatics (since 1972).
52. Brazilian Coordinator for the Multinational Computer Science Program of the
Organization of American States, Feb. 1972 to Dec. 1972.
53. Coordinator of the Study Group in charge of the implementation of
recommendations for a national Computer Science program for Brazil 19731975; National Research council (CNPq) and National Bank for Economic
Development (BNDES) , June 1972 to Dec. 1972.
54. Consultant to various Universities in Brazil, Chile and Argentina for the
organization of curricula in Computer Science (1965 to the present).
55. Consultant for the Brazilian Council of Rectors (1971-1972).
56. Invited speaker for the IBM seminar -The Mission of the Computer in the
University”, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Oct. 1972 and in the seminar -The Computer in
the University”, IBM Systems Science Institute, Los Angeles, California, Sept. 1973.
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
21 Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Member of the Programme Committee of SEFM 2010, the 8th edition of the
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods.
Member of Technical Program Committee for SBCARS 2009, Natal, RN, Brazil.
Member of program committee of the SEMISH'2009, Bento Gonçalves, RS,
Member of program committee of the proposed AOSE 2009 Workshop, Tenth
International Workshop on Agent Oriented Software Engineering, which will take
place at AAMAS 2009 in Budapest, Hungary.
Member of the program committee for the 2nd Latin-American Workshop on
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP´08), to be held in Campinas,
São Paulo, Brazil, in October 13-14, 2008, co-located with the 22nd Brazilian
Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES´08).
Member of the International Program Committee of ICAART-2009 (the
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence), January 19-21,
2009, Porto, Portugal. It is organized by INSTICC, with technical co-sponsorship
by the WfMC and in cooperation with AAAI (Association for the Advancement of
Artificial Intelligence) and APPIA (Portuguese Association of Artificial
Intelligence). (
Member of Program Committee of the SBSC 2008, October 26 -29, Viva Velha,
ES, Brazil, 2008. (
PC Member of Program Committee of the AOSDM 2008 Workshop, Glasgow,
UK, July 22-24, 2008.
Member of Program Committee of the proposed AOSE 2008 Workshop (the
ninth AOSE workshop), 12th or 13th May 2008, Estoril, Portugal.
Invited Speaker of the Seminar “Engenharia de Software dos Sistemas
Multiagentes”, II Encontro UERJ De Geomática, UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
December 05, 2007.
Member of Technical Program Committee for WTES - SBES 2007, October 15 –
19, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, 2007.
Program committee member for the 1st Latin-American Workshop on AspectOriented Software Development (LA-WASP.07), to be held in Joao Pessoa,
Brazil, on October 15-16th, 2007, co-located with the 21st Brazilian Symposium
on Software Engineering (SBES.07).
Member of Program Committee of Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes,
Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software (SBCARS 2007), Campinas, São Paulo,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), August 29-31, 2007.
Member of Program Committee for the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on
High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE). HASE 2007 will be held in Dallas,
Texas, USA, on November 14-16, 2007.
Member of Program Committee of 17th International Workshop on AgentOriented Information Systems (AOIS'07), that will take place as part of the 19th
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems engineering
(CAiSE'07) in Trondheim, in Norway, in June 07.
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
General chair of IVNET.06, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Views of
.NET Technologies. Florianopolis (Brazil), October 21, 2006. Supported by the
Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and collocated with the XX Brazilian
Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES) and XXI Brazilian Symposium on
Databases (SBBD), both symposiums sponsored by SBC.
Co-editor of IVNET Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Innovative
Views of .NET Technologies. Florianopolis (Brazil), October 21, 2006.
Member of Program Committee of Workshop on Ontologies and Metamodeling
for Software and Data Engineering (WOMSDE), XX Simpósio Brasileiro em
Engenharia de Software (SBES)/XXI Simpósio Brasileiro em Banco de Dados
(SBBD), Florianópolis, SC – Brasil, October 16 – 20, 2006
(, sponsored by SBC.
Member of Program Committee of Agent-Oriented Software Development
Methodology (AOSDM06) at SEKE 2006, Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, USA,
5-7July, 2006 (AOSDM 2006:,
SEKE 2006:, sponsored by Knowledge
Systems Institute.
Member of the AOIS@ CAiSE PC Organissing Committee, at AAMAS2006
conference, Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006, sponsored by ACM.
Member of Program Committee of SELMAS’06 , in association with the ICSE,
Shanghai, China, May 21-22, 2006, sponsored by ACM.
Member of Program Committee of the Seminário de Perspectivas e Grandes
Desafios da Computação no Brasil, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, May 8-9, 2006,
sponsored by CAPES, SBC.
Member of Program Committee of the First International Workshop on AgentOriented Software Development Methodology, SEKE 2005, Taipei, 14th-16th July
Participation at AOIS @ ER 05, Seventh International Bi-Conference Workshop
on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2005) (; In
Conjunction with ER2005, October 24-28, Klagenfurt, Austria (
Member of Program Committee of the SBES’2005, Uberlândia, Brazil, 14th of
February, 2005.
Member of AOIS 2005 (Agent-Oriented Information Systems) Programme
Committee, in conjunction with the AAMAS conference (Utrecht, Netherlands,
July) and with ER2005 conference (Klagenfurt, Austria, October), 2005.
Member of Program Committee of the International Workshop on Agent-Oriented
Software Development Methodologies (AOSDM'05) at the 3rd International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Taipei,
Taiwan, China (, July 14-16, 2005.
Keynote Speaker of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
(SBES 2004), October 18-22, 2004, Brasília, DF, Brazil.
Program Committee Member of the Fifth Argentine Symposium on Software
Engineering (ASSE 2004), 33rd Argentine Conference on Computer Science and
Operational Research (33 JAIIO), Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Córdoba,
Argentina. September 20-22, 2004.
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Program Committee Member of the Workshop on Architectures and
Methodologies for Building Agent-Based Learning Environments, XVII Brazilian
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA'04), Instituto de Informática da
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –UFRGS, September 29 - October
1, 2004, São Luís, Maranhão – Brazil.
Program Committee Member of the Workshop Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented
Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design, ACM SIGPLAN Conference
on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications
(OOPSLA), Vancouver, Canada, October 2004.
Program Committee Member of the 4th Workshop based on Components
(WDBC 2004), September 15 – 17, 2004 - João Pessoa, Paraíba – Brazil.
Program Committee Member of the First Brazilian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented
Software Development (WASP'04), October 18, 2004, Brasília, Brazil.
Program Committee Member of the Brazilian Symposium on Informatics in
Education (SBIE 2004), Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus,
Amazonas, Brasil, November 9 – 12, 2004. URL:
Program Committee Member of the First Brazilian Symposium of Information
Systems, (I SBSI), October 13 – 14, 2004, PUCRS, Partenon, Porto Alegre, RS,
Brazil. URL:
Organizing Committee and Program Committee Member of the Third
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent
Systems (SELMAS 2004), May 24-25, 2004, in association with the ICSE,
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Participation in Portuguese Academic Days, Hotel Padre Pedro Golf, Vilamoura,
May 18 and 21, 2004.
Chairman of the ACM Middleware, 2003.
Organizing Committee of Eclipse Rio, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2003.
Organizing Committee of Workshop Software Engineering for Large-Scale MultiAgent Systems, SELMAS' 2003, in association with the ICSE, Portland, 2003.
Organizing Committee of Workshop Software Engineering for Large-Scale MultiAgent Systems, SELMAS’ 2002, in association with the ICSE, Orlando, May 19,
Co-Chairman of the First Seminar on Advanced Research in Electronic Business,
EBR 2002, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 2002.
Chairman of the ACM Software System Award, 2002.
Program Committee Member of XV Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering, IME, Praia de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, October 2001.
Committee Member of the ACM Software System Award, 2001.
Program Committee Member of the SEMISH do XXI Congresso Nacional da
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2001.
Invited Speaker of the MediTech’2001 – Feira e Congresso Internacionais de
Atualização Tecnológica da Medicina, São Paulo, Brazil, March 2001.
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Member of the Selection Committee for the Prêmio Almirante Álvaro Alberto para
a Ciência e Tecnologia (Alvaro Alberto Award to Science and Technology),
computer science area, Brasília, Brazil, May 2001.
Invited Speaker of the Seminar “Business in Brazil” ; cooperation with University
of Florida, IAG - PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2001.
Keynote Speaker of the “The Fifth Romanian Internet Learning Workshop”,
Romania, August 2001.
Keynote Speaker of the Third International Conference “A Comunidade das
nações ibero-americanas e a Sociedade da Informação’, São Paulo, Brazil,
September 2001.
Invited Speaker of the National Science Conference, “Tecnologia e Inovação do
Symposium Sociedade da Informação”, Brasília, Brazil, September 2001.
Panel Member of the Symposium V – Sociedade da Informação, Brasília, Brazil,
Invited Tutorial of the Workshop “Formação de Recursos Humanos em
Tecnologia da Informação para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro”, promoted by
FAPERJ e RNP no Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada – IMPA, September
Keynote Speaker of the Second International Conference “La Comunidad de Las
Naciones IberoAmericanas Y La Sociedade de La Información”, Santiago de
Compostela, Galicia, Spain, February 2000.
Chairman of the Program Committee of the “XIX Congresso Nacional da
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação”, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
“Web Based Education” da International Conference on Engineering Education
(ICEE’98) – Rio de Janeiro, 1998.
Workshop – International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE’98) – Rio
de Janeiro “Web Based Education”
Keynote Speaker for the Conference “The Community of Ibero-American
Countries and the Information Society” Porto/Portugal, 1998
1998 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group
“Knowledge for Development Risks and Opportunities in the Information
Revolution” Washington D.C., USA
Program Committee Member: SEMISH- Seminário Integrado de Hardware e
Software (SBC), 1998
Program Committee Member: SBIE - Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática e
Educação (SBC), 1998
Workshop: “Creating Web-based Courses with the AulaNet Environment”,
SBIE’98 – Brazilian Symposium on Education and Computing, Fortaleza, Brazil,
1998 (in Portuguese).(with S. Crespo, M. F. Fontoura)
Program Committee Member for the Third World Academy of Sciences
Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 1997
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering, 1997
Program Committee Member of The Conference “Formal Methods Europe”,
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Chairman of Program Committee for CLEI95, XXI Latin American Computer
Conference; Canela, Brazil 1995 held together with the Brazilian National
Computer Conference, Brazilian Computing Society (SBC).
Program Committee Member, IEEE Third International Conference on Software
Reuse, USA, December 1995
Program Committee Member, IEEE Third International Conference on Software
Reuse, Rio de Janeiro, December 1994.
Program Committee Member SBES 94, VIII Brazilian Symposium on Software
Engineering, October 1994
Program Committee Member CLEI94, XX Latin American Computer Conference;
Mexico, September 1994
Program Committee Member; Software Engineering Education Workshop
associated with ICSE-16, May 1994
Academic Coordinator, COMDEX-Rio'94, March 1994.
Coordinator of the Internacional Workshop on “Information Technology:
Cooperative Research with Industrial Partners Between Germany and Brazil”;
Rio de Janeiro, December 1993.
Program Committee Member of the III Brazilian Symposium on Computers and
Education, 1993
Program Committee Member VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering,
Lecturer at the GMD Software Technology Institutes (Berlin and Karlsruhe): “A
Research Agenda on Software Design”, September 1992.
Program Committee Member (also panel member and speaker) -IFIP World
Congress”, 1992 (Madrid).
Program Committee Member -International Conference on Software
Engineering”, 1992 (Australia).
“Key Note Speaker” in the United Nations University Symposium on Advanced
Software Technology, Macau, 1991.
Lecturer in the “Seminar on Formal Methods in Software Engineering for
Industry”, IBM Brazil, 1991.
Co-Chairman - “First URSS-Brazil Symposium on Applied Mathematics and
Scientific Computing”, Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, July l990.
Program Committee Member of the -International Conference on Knowledge
Based Computer Systems”, Bombay, India, l989.
Program Committee Member; State of the Art Seminar on Formal Descriptions of
Programming Concepts, TC2 WG2.2, International Federation for Information
Processing (IFIP), April 1989
Panel Member : “Technology Transfer in Software Engineering”, llth International
Conference on Software Engineering”, Singapore, 1988.
Invited Tutorial: “Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence”, Brazilian
National Computer Conference, August 1986.
Invited Speaker: “Interdisciplinary and Multi-Institutional Research”, Congress of
the Brazilian Society for Applied Mathematics, Brasilia, August 1986.
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Chairman of the Symposium “A Software Policy for Brazil”, PUC - Rio, sponsored
by the Brazilian Special Secretariat for Informatics, 1986.
Chairman of the seminar “The Automation of the Software Development
Process”; Escuela Superior Latino-Americana de Informatica (ESLAI), Buenos
Aires, April 1986.
Chairman of the Area of Programming Theory in the 1st Brazil-Argentina Meeting
on Advanced Research in Computing (PABI), Campinas, February 1986.
Invited Speaker: “Trends in the Automation of the Software Development
Process”, 2nd Brazilian National Congress in Industrial Automation, Sao Paulo,
November 1985.
Invited Speaker: “Fifth Generation Computing”, National Congress of the
Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), Belo Horizonte, July
Invited Speaker: “Human Resources for Research”, Conference of the Brazilian
Computing Society, Porto Alegre, July 1985.
Invited Speaker: “Knowledge Engineering”, Seminar on Computers and
Education, Faculty of Education, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, April 1985.
Chairman and rapporteur of the working group on “Research and Development
Directions”, 1st Workshop on the Brazilian Software Plant Project, Special
Secretariat for Informatics, Rio de Janeiro, March 1985.
Invited Speaker: “Advanced Course on Software Engineering” based on a
original monograph, in the in the “Escuela Internacional de Verano en Ciencias
de la Computacion y Teoria General de Sistemas” , Universidad Nacional del
Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, March l985.
Invited Speaker: “The Formation of Human Resources for Research: An
Emergency Plan”, Brazilian National Computer Conference, November 1984.
Invited Speaker: “Information Technology and the Human Being”, Seminario
sobre os Desafios Socio-Culturais de Uma Sociedade que se Informatiza”,
Centro Joao XXIII - PUC - Rio, Teresopolis, August 1984.
Invited Speaker: “Computing and Physics”, l5th Coloquio Filosofico Internacional,
Rio de Janeiro, July 1984.
“Next Generation Software”, Control Data Corporation Seminar, La Napoule,
France, July 1984.
Program Committee Member for the 8th International Conference on Software
Engineering, London, 84/85.
Member and rapporteur of the Working Group on “Informatics Education”,
Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics, Rome, February 1982.
Program Committee Member for the 6th International Conference on Software
Engineering, Japan, 81/82.
Invited Speaker on the XIV, XV and XVI Brazilian National Computer
Conferences, Sao Paulo/Rio, 81/82/83.
Chairman of the Evaluation Committee for the “1st Contest of Monographs in
Informatics”, SEI/CNPq, Oct. 1981.
Chairman of the Program Committee for the “Primeira Conferencia Internacional
en Ciencia de la Computacion”, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Chile, July
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Panel Member: “Informatics Education”; 3rd World Conference on Computer
Education, Lausanne, July 1981.
Program Committee Member for the “Internacional Conference on CAD/CAM as
a Basis for the Development of Technology in Developing Nations”, Sao Paulo,
Program Committee Member; “11as. Jornadas Argentinas de Informatica e
Investigacion Operativa”, 1979.
Invited Speaker: “Trends in Software Engineering”, IFIP World Conference on
Information Processing, August 1977, Toronto, Canada.
Invited Speaker in the following meetings in Brazil: -VII SECOMU -(Santa
Catarina, sponsored by CAPRE-DAU-UFSC); “Encontro Nacional de Professores
de Informatica “ (Paraiba); sponsored by CAPRE-DAU-UFPb); “Seminario sobre
Ensino de Informatica” (Pernambuco; sponsored by CIDA-DAU), 1977.
Invited Speaker at the Conference: “Methods and Facilities for Data Definition” in
the workshop “Formale Methoden und Mathematische Hilfsmitted fur die
Softwarekonstruktion” in the Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
Germany, Nov. 1976.
Chairman of the Program Committee of the “International Symposium on the
Development of Software and Hardware Systems”, sponsored by CNPq, PUC Rio, Rio de Janeiro, June 1976.
Invited Speaker in the following meetings in Brazil: “V SECOMU”(Campinas;
sponsored by CAPRE-DAU-UNICAMP); -Encontro Nacional de Professores de
Informatica” (Sao Paulo); sponsored by (CAPRE-DAU), 1975.
Speaker and Panel Member on the Symposium on “Computer Science
Research” of the IFIP World Conference on Computer Education, Marseille,
Sept. 1975.
Session Chairman: “Formal Definitions of Data Structures”, IEEE-ACM
Conference on Computer Graphics, Pattern-Matching and Data Structures, May
Panel Member in the panel entitled “Programming Methodologies” in the
Symposium on Software Engineering Education, Ottawa, Canada, May 1975.
Program Committee Member of the “International Conference on Software
Reliability”, April 1975.
Participant in the IEEE-ACM Workshop on the Attainment of Reliable Software,
University of Toronto, June 1974.
Position paper: “On the Power and Limitations of Automatic Program Testing”,
IEEE Workshop on the Design of Reliable Digital Systems, Pasadena, California,
December 1973.
Participant in the Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers,
November 1973.
Participant in the “Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence”,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, August 1973.
Participant in the “Arrowhead Computer Conference”, Computer Science
Department, University of California, Los Angeles, California, February 1973.
Program Committee Member of COINS 72 (Conference on Information
Systems), Florida, USA, 1972.
Participation in Conferences and Scientific Meetings
Vice-Chairman of the Program Committee of the “Rio Symposium on Computer
Education for Developing Countries”; paper published in the Proceedings:
“National Strategies for Implementing Computer Education in Developing
Countries”, Rio de Janeiro, 1972.
Invited Speaker in Conferences at the Universities of Karlsruhe and Hamburg
and at the DESY (Deustsches Elektronen-Synchroton), Germany, May 1972.
Chairman of the Program Committee of the “Symposium on Computing
Techniques for Physicists”, Centro Latino-Americano de Fisica (CLAF) and PUC
- Rio, 1972.
Organizer and Speaker in the Third Seminar on the Use of Computers in
Universities, Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities and CNPq, Campina
Grande, 1972.
Brazilian Delegate in charge of the area of Computer Science of the “IV BrasilU.S. Workshop on Science and Technology for Development”, report published
in the proceedings: “The Development of Computer Science in Brazil”,
Washington D.C., 1971.
Chairman for the scientific area of the IV Brazilian National Computer
Conference, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1971.
Invited Speaker in the Symposium entitled “Computing for Developing Countries”
during the IFIP World Conference, Yugoslavia, 1971.
Panel Member: “Interaction Between Computer Technology and Scientific
Education in Latin America'', Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology,
Speaker and Organizer of the first and second seminars on “Computer Use at
the University Level”, Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities, Porto Alegre
and Sao Carlos, 1971.
Panel Member and speaker on the First IFIP World Conference on Computer
Education, Amsterdam, 1970.
Chairman of the Program Committee of the “Computer Science Seminar”,
University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, 1970.
Program Committee Member on the first and second Brazilian National
Computer Conferences, 1968 and 1969.
22 Scholarships
Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq)
National Research Council of Canada
CAPES (Brazilian Ministry of Education)
Fellow of Guggenheim Foundation (USA)
Research Contracts
23 Research Contracts
Sponsoring agencies since 1973:
US Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA)
Financial Agency for Studies and Projects(FINEP/Brazil)
National Bank for Economic Development (FUNTEC/Brazil)
Brazilian National Research Council(CNPq)
IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose (USA)
National Research Council of Canada
SUBIN (Ministry of Planning/Brazil)
Foundation for the Advancement of Science (State of Rio de Janeiro)
Recent Grants
PRONEX (Nucleus of Excellence for the Ministry of Science and Technology):
four year contract starting January 1998 with the Title: Frameworks para
Métodos de Tecnologia de Software, Ferramentas e Aplicações de Domínio
Específico - Frameworks for Software Technology: Methods, Tools and Domain
Specific Applications.
Research Productivity Scholar (level 1A) – CNPq – on going
ESSMA – FAPERJ – on going
ESSMA / Engenharia de Software de Sistemas Multi-Agentes – CNPq e FINEP –
on going
Eclipse Inovation Grant – IBM – on going
International Cooperation
24 International Cooperation
GMD / German Government
National Academy of Sciences (USA)
Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq)
CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency
United Nations (UN)
Foundation for the Advancement of Science (State of Rio de Janeiro)
UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
Brazilian Argentine Program of Computer Science (coordinator)
Professional Societies
25 Professional Societies
The Scientific Research Society of North America
Brazilian Mathematics Society (SBM)
Brazilian Society for Applied Mathematics (SBMAC)
Brazilian Computing Society (SBC)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE)
Data for Development
Technical Reports
26 Editorial Boards
'Member at large’ of the Editorial Board of Communications of ACM (CACM), Latin
America, 2008.
Member of the Editorial Committee of the Proceedings of the Brazilian Academy of
Sciences, since August, 2007.
Associate Editor of International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
(IJAOSE), since 2004 (to be published by Inderscience commencing first quarter 2006).
Member of Editorial Board of Formal Aspects of Computing: The International Journal of
Formal Methods; Springer International, since 1989.
Technical Reports
27 Technical Reports
(PUC-Rio, University of Waterloo e UCLA)
1. COELHO, R.S.; KULESZA, U.; STAA, A.v.; LUCENA, C.J.P.L.; Unit Testing in Multi-Agent
Systems us-ing Mock Agents and Aspects; MCC 08/06; 14 p., 2006.
2. FELICISSIMO, Carolina H.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; BRIOT, J.-P.; BREITMAN, K.K.;
CHOREN, R.N; Automating Regulations in Open Multi-Agent Systems. MCC01/06,
Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil, 18 p., 2006. ISSN 0103-9741.
3. CACHO, Nélio F.; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo M. L.; SANT’ANNA, Cláudio N. GARCIA,
Alessandro F.; BATISTA, Thais V.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P. Aspect-Oriented Composition of
Design Patterns: A Quantitative Assessment. Technical Report MCC 34/05, 29 pages.
Computer Science Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio),
Brazil, 2005.
4. FELICISSIMO, Carolina H.; SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.;
Sweetening Regulated Open Multi-Agent Systems with Support for Agents to Reason
about Laws. Technical Report 32/05, 18p., Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio,
Brazil. ISSN 0103-9741.
5. SARDINHA, José Alberto R. P.; CHOREN, Ricardo; TORRES, Viviane; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.;
LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; A Combined Specification Language and Development Framework
for Agent-based Application Engineering. Technical Report, Computer Science
Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC05/05, 20p., February 2005.
6. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; PARANHOS,
Patrick M.; CUNHA, Pedro; An Agent Based Architecture for Highly Competitive Electronic
Markets. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-Rio,
Inf.MCC37/04, 13p., October 2004.
7. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; MILIDIÚ, Ruy L.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; PARANHOS,
Patrick M.; A Methodology for Building Trading Agents in Electronic Markets. Technical
Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil. PUC-RioInf.MCC36/04, 11p.,
October 2004.
8. SILVA, V.; LUCENA, C.; An Object-Oriented Framework for Implementing Agent Societies,
MCC32/04. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio. Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 2004.
9. CHOREN, R.; GARCIA, A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Software Engineering for Large-Scale
Multi-Agent Systems - SELMAS 2004: Workshop Report. Technical Report nº 29/04,
Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18
p., 2004.
10. BRANDÃO, A. R.; ALENCAR, P.S.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Extending object-Z for multi-agent
systems specification. Technical Report nº 21/04, Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 p., 2004.
11. SANT’ANNA, C.N.; KULESZA, U.; LUCENA, C.J.; STAA, A.v.; Design patterns as aspects:
a quantitative assessment. Technical Report nº 17/04, Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18 p., 2004.
Technical Reports
12. SANTOS, A.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; RIBEIRO, C.C.C.; Solving diameter constrained
minimum spanning tree problems in dense graphs. Technical Report nº 13/04, Computer
Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12 p., 2004.
13. SARDINHA, J.A.; CHOREN, R.; MILIDIÚ, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Engineering Machine
Learning Techniques into Multi-Agent Systems. Technical Report nº12/04, Computer
Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28 p., 2004.
14. PAES, R.B.; ALMEIDA, H.O.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P.S.C.; Enforcing interaction
protocols in multi-agent systems. Technical Report nº 09/04, Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 p., 2004.
15. SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Extending UML to model multi-agent systems. Technical
Report nº 08/04, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 12 p., 2004.
16. SARDINHA, Jose Alberto R. P.; GARCIA, Alessandro F.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; MILIDIÚ,
Ruy L.; On the Incorporation of Learning in Open Multi-Agent Systems: A Systematic
Approach. Technical Report nº 07/04, Computer Science, Department of Computer
Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17 p., 2004.
17. SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Modeling multi-agent systems. Technical Report nº 06/04,
Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11
p., 2004.
18. GEROSA, M.A.; RAPOSO, A.B.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Applying the 3C Model to
Groupware Engineering. Technical Report nº 01/04, Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 33 p., 2004.
19. SANT'ANNA, C. N.; GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Evolução de um sistema multiagentes: implementando mobilidade em agentes de informação. Technical Report nº
55/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 12 p., 2003.
20. GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Analysis and design of awareness elements
in collaborative digital environments: a case study in the AulaNet learning environment,
Technical Report nº 54/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18 p., 2003.
21. CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Setting
Groups of Learners using Matchmaking Agents. Technical Report nº 53/03, Computer
Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6 p., 2003.
22. CUNHA, Leonardo Magela; FUKS, Hugo; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Supporting
Groups and Group Formation through Software Agents in a Web based Learning
Environment. Technical Report nº 52/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer
Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23 p., 2003.
23. SILVA, V.T.; CHOREN, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A UML based approach for modeling and
implementing multi-agent systems. Technical Report nº 51/03, Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10 p., 2003.
Technical Reports
24. BRAUNER, Daniela Francisco; BRANDÃO, Anarosa Alves Franco; CUNHA, Leonardo
Magela; LUCENA, Carlos José Pereira de; Um Estudo de Caso para Avaliação do
Knowledge Unified Process para o Desenvolvimento de Ontologias. Technical Report nº
50/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 72 p., 2003.
25. CORTÉS, M.I. ; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A rule-based approach to framework
evolution. Technical Report nº 44/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer
Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22 p., 2003.
26. PIMENTEL, M. G.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Embutindo mecanismos de coordenação
em ferramentas de bate-papo, Technical Report nº 46/03, Computer Science, Department
of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 p., 2003.
27. MELO, F.C.L.; CHOREN, R.; CERQUEIRA, R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; BLOIS, M.; An agent
deployment model based on components. Technical Report nº 37/03, Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14 p., 2003.
LUCENA, C.J.P.; Following Up a Case Study for the Semantic Web. Technical Report nº
32/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 7 p., 2003.
ROMANOVSKI, A.; GRISS, M.; LEMOS, R.; PERRIN, A.; Software engineering for largescale multi-agent systems - SELMAS 2003: workshop report. Technical Report nº 31/03,
Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24
p., 2003.
30. SANT'ANNA, C. N.; GARCIA, A. F.; FLACH, C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v.; On the
reuse and maintenance of aspect-oriented software: an assessment framework. Technical
Report nº 26/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 16 p., 2003.
31. HAENDCHEN FILHO, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.v.; A framework-based approach for
building reliable multi-agent systems. Technical Report nº 22/03, Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 p., 2003.
32. MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MELLO, C.G.; Introducing security into prefix-free
encoding schemes. Technical Report nº 19/03, Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10 p., 2003.
33. PAULA, M.G.; BARBOSA, S.D.J.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Relating human-computer interaction
and software engineering concerns: towards extending UML through an interaction
modeling language. Technical Report nº18/03, Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 9 p., 2003.
34. SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Extending the UML sequence diagram to model the dynamic
aspects of multi-agent systems. Technical Report nº 15/03, Computer Science, Department
of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 38 p., 2003.
STAA, A.v.; Agents and Objects: an Empirical Study on Software Engineering. Technical
Report nº 06/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 44 p., 2003.
Technical Reports
36. FERREIRA, F.; LUCENA, J.C.P.; SCHWABE, D.; Peer-To-Peer architectures using
Asynchronous Web services. Technical Report nº 02/03, Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14 p., 2003.
37. PIMENTEL, M.G.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Perdas de co-texto em sistemas de bate
papo textual. Technical Report nº 01/03, Computer Science, Department of Computer
Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12 p., 2003.
38. SILVA, V. T.; LUCENA, C., ALENCAR, P; COWAN, D.; A Roadmap to a Modeling
Language for Multi-Agent Systems Engineering, Technical Report CS2003-04, School of
Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2003.
39. SILVA, V. T.; LUCENA, C.; From a Conceptual Framework for Agents and Objects to a
Multi-Agent System Modeling Language, Technical Report CS2003-03, School of
Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada, 145-189pp, 2003.
40. MAGALHÃES, João Alfredo Pinto de; LUCENA, C.; Um Framework Multi-Agentes para
Busca e Flexibilização de Algoritmos de Classificação de Documentos; Monografias em
Ciência da Computação, Departamento de Informática; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio
de Janeiro FAPERJ, 2002.
41. SILVA, V. T.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Multi-Level Role Modeling in Multi-Agent Systems; PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ISSN 0103-9741, 2002.
42. FUKS, H.; RAPOSO, A.B.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; O Modelo de Colaboração
3C e a Engenharia de Groupware, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ISSN 0103-9741,
43. LUCENA, C.J.P.; FUKS, H.; Tecnologias de Informação Aplicadas à Educação (TIAE):
Manual do Aprendiz, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ISSN 0103-9741, 2002.
44. SILVA, V.T.; GARCIA, A. F.; FLACH, C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; Theoretical
foundations for agents and objects in software engineering, MCC30_02, Technical Report
in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science , PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
45. SILVA, O.R.; GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; The Reflexive Blackboard Architectural
Pattern, Technical Report in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
46. CUNHA, L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; PRONEX MOBILE 2002 - Frameworks em Tecnologia de
Software: Métodos, Ferramentas e Soluções de Domínio Específico, Technical Report in
Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Dezembro de 2002.
47. LEITE, M.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Introducing Object Circuits, Technical Report in Computer
Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
48. MILIDIU, R.L.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; SARDINHA, J.A.R.P.; CLARK, P.; An Object Oriented
Framework for Building Software Agents, Technical Report in Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
49. GONI, J.L.; FERNANDES, M.C.P; LUCENA, C.J.P.; e-Learning e a Web Semântica,
Technical Report in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
Technical Reports
50. GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Omicini, A.; CASTRO, J.F.B.; ZAMBONELLI, F.;
Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems SELMAS 2002 - workshop
report, Technical Report in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, PUC-Rio,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
51. BRANDÃO, A.A.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Uma Introdução à Engenharia de Ontologias no
Contexto da Web Semântica, Technical Report in Computer Science, Department of
Computer Science, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2002.
52. GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Achieving system-level and agent-level dependability in
multi-agent systems, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
53. GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Uso da categorização e estruturação de
mensagens para dinamizar a discussão e reduzir a sobrecarga de informação em cursos
via Internet, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
54. FUKS, H.; GEROSA, M.A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; The development and application of distance
learning courses on the Internet, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
55. GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Desenvolvimento e aplicação de cursos
totalmente a distância na Internet - um estudo de caso, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
56. CORTES, S.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Um framework de regras ativas para sistemas de
gerência de banco de dados distribuído, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
57. OLIVEIRA, T.C.; MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A framework based approach to
workflow software development, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
58. MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Uma proposta de incorporação do modelo de
features à linguagem UML, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
59. MATHIAS FILHO, I.; OLIVEIRA, T.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Domain oriented software
construction, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
60. OLIVEIRA, T.C.; MATHIAS FILHO, I.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Using XML and frameworks to
develop information systems, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
61. FLACH, C.; GARCIA, A. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; From AOP to MDSOC: an experience report,
PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
62. GARCIA, A. F.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; MILIDIU, R.L.; An aspect-oriented design
approach for multi-agent systems, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
63. SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Um modelo orientado a objetos para sistemas multiagentes, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
64. CORTÉS, M.I. ; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Using refactoring and unification
rules to assist framework evolution, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
65. CRUZ, S.O.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; RANGEL NETTO, J.L.M.; Identificando objetos através de
pronomes, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
Technical Reports
66. GARCIA, A. F.; FLACH, C.; SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Developing Multi-agent
Software: An Aspect-Based Approach and a Pattern-Based Approach, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
acompanhamento da participação e avaliação no ambiente AulaNet, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
68. CORTES, S.C.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Um framework para construção de sistemas de banco de
dados móvel com regras ativas, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001.
69. ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D.; OLIVEIRA, T. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Process-Based
Representation and Analysis of Framework Instantiation, Department of Computer Science,
Universidade de Waterloo, Canada, 2001.
70. FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D.; On
Expressiveness: Representing Frameworks at the Design Level, Department of Computer
Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Canada, 2001.
71. FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D.; An
Environment to Support Framework Development, Department of Computer Science,
Universidade de Waterloo, Canada, 2001.
72. FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D.; Reasoning
about Frameworks at the Design Level, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de
Waterloo, Canadá, 2001.
73. GARCIA, A. F.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Agents in Object-Oriented Software
Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Canada, 2001.
74. ALENCAR, P. S. C.; COWAN, D. D.; DONG, J.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; An Evolutionary
Approach to Structural Design Composition, Department of Computer Science,
Universidade de Waterloo, Canada, 2001.
Tecnologia de informação aplicada à educação: um (meta) curso no ambiente AulaNet,
PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
76. BARBOSA, A.C.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Integração de framework software, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
77. MAIA NETO, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; CommercePipe: a framework for the creation of
commerce channels on the Internet, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
78. MOURA. L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; A modular implementation of action
notation, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
79. MOURA. L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; Automating the generation of program
analysis and verification tools., PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
80. MOURA. L.M.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; Analysis of parallel programs, PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
81. BLOIS, M. ; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; The e-society groupware approach, PUC-Rio, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
Technical Reports
82. OLIVEIRA, T.C.; CARVALHO, S.E.R.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; DSSFrame - a decision support
system framework with agents, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
83. SILVEIRA, M.S.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Framework para as interfaces de buscas e catalogação
de conteúdo do ContentNet, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
84. CHOREN, R.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Using a group support system to meet
educational objectives., PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
85. GEROSA, M.A.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Categorização de mensagens nos serviços
grupo de discussão e grupo de interesse do ambiente AulaNet, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 2000.
86. MARKIEWICZ, M.E.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Understanding object-oriented framework
engineering, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
87. MARKIEWICZ, M.E.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; COWAN, D.D.; Taming access control security:
extending capabilities using the views relationship, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
88. MARKIEWICZ, M.E.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; COWAN, D.D.; Abstract design views and design
patterns, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000.
89. FIORINI, S.T.; LEITE, J.C.S.P.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Describing process patterns, PUC-Rio,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
90. SILVA, V.T.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; ContentNet: um framework para interoperabilidade de
conteúdos educacionais utilizando a plataforma EDUCAUSE-IMS, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
91. RIPPER, P.S.; FONTOURA, M.F.; MAIA NETO, A.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; V-Market: a
framework for agent mediated e-commerce systems based on virtual marketplaces., PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
92. FONTOURA, M.F.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A systematic approach for
framework development, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, 1999.
C.C.C.; Using UML-FW to enhance framework development: a case study in the local
search heuristics domain, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
94. FUKS, H.; LAUFER, C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Rio Internet TV-AulaNet: Videoconference in
Web-Based Learning; PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14 p., 1998.
95. FONTOURA, M. F.; CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Framework Development Method
Using Viewpoints and the Views-a Relationship in OO Design, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 10 p., 1998.
96. FONTOURA, M. F.; CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; AulaNet: An Object-Oriented
Environment for Web-based Education, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16 p, 1998.
OwlNet: An Object-Oriented Environment for WBE, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11p.,
Technical Reports
Viewpoints to Derive a Conceptual Model for Web-Based Education Environments, PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22p, 1998.
99. LABER, E.; MILIDIU, R. L.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Improving the Complexity of the Warm-Up
Algorithm, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17p., 1998.
100. MOURA, L.; FONTOURA, M. F.; BRAGA, C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Using Domain Specific
Languages to Instantiate OO Frameworks, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
101. FONTOURA, M.F.; CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Some Environments for Web-based
Education and the EDUCOM/IMS Model, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
102. STAA, A.; FRANCA, L. P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Medições para Pequenas Empresas: Uma
Solução Baseada na Web, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24 p., 1998.
103. FONTOURA, M. F.; HAEUSLER, E. H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Hot-Spot Relationship in
OO Framework Design, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
architecture for learningware design and instantiation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
105. FONTOURA, M.F.; HAEUSLER, E.H.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; A framework design and
instantiation method based on viewpoints, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
106. CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.V.; Um meta-ambiente para a construção
sistemática de "frameworks", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
107. CRESPO, S.; FONTOURA, M.F.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; Ambientes para educação baseada
na Web e o modelo IMS/EDUCOM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
108. CRESPO, S.; LUCENA, C.J.P.; STAA, A.V.; FrameConstructor: uma ferramenta para
suporte à construção sistemática de "frameworks", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
SILVA, V.T.; DAFLON, L.R.; AulaNet: ajundando professores a fazer seu dever de casa,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
COLCHER, S.; 1o. Workshop PRONEX sobre "Frameworks', Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998.
111. NOVA, L.; COWAN, D. D.; ALENCAR, P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Views Relationship in
Object-Oriented Design, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo,
Canada, 1997.
112. DONG, J.; COWAN, D. D.; ALENCAR, P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Transformational
Process-Based Approach to Object Oriented Design, Universidade de Waterloo, Waterloo,
Canada, 1997.
113. ALENCAR, P.; COWAN, D. D.; FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Framework
Development Approach Based on Viewpoints, Universidade de Waterloo, Waterloo,
Canada, 1997.
Technical Reports
114. ALENCAR, P.; COWAN, D. D.; NELSON, T.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Viewpoints as an
Evolutionary Approach to Software System Maintenance, Universidade de Waterloo,
Waterloo, Canada, 1997.
115. ALENCAR, P.; COWAN, D. D.; NELSON, T.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Towards an ObjectOriented Framework to Build Hypermap-Based Applications, Universidade de Waterloo,
Waterloo, Canada, 1997.
116. BARBOSA, S. D. J; DE SOUZA, C. S.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Supporting metaphorical
mappings to facilitate end-user programming, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1997.
117. MOURA, L. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Ambiente visual spider para desenvolvimento de
aplicações para a Internet, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1997.
F.; NEVES, P.; CRESPO, S.; CARDIA, E.; TORRES, V.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; AulaNet- Um
ambiente para desenvolvimento e manutenção de cursos na WWW, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 1997.
119. FIORINI, S. T.; LEITE, J. C. S. P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Descrição de padrões de processo
em um ambiente automatizado para a modelagem de processos., PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 1997.
120. MOURA, L.M.; STAA, A. v.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Spider Environment, PUC-Rio, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, 1997.
121. FONTOURA, M. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Um ambiente para modelagem e Execução de
Processos, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1997.
122. CAFEZEIRO, I.; HAUESLER, E. H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Paradigmas de linguagens de
programação: uma Abordagem Geométrica, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996.
123. MAIA, A. C.; HAUESLER, E. H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A model for cooperative software
design, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996.
124. ALENCAR, P. S. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Logical Framework for Evolving Software
Systems, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
125. IORGULESCU, R.; ATLEE, J. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Modeling Qualitative and
Quantitative Timing Properties of Real-Time Systems in the Z Notation, Department of
Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1994
Design and Implementation with Abstract Data Views, Department of Computer Science,
Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1993.
127. COWAN, D. D.; VEITCH, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Towards CAA: Computer Assisted
Application Integration, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada, 1993.
128. COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Abstract Data Views: A Module Interconnection
Concept to Enhance Design for Reusability, Department of Computer Science,
Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1993.
Technical Reports
129. CARNEIRO, L.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Semantics of Nesting in ObjectOriented Design;, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1993.
130. POTENGY, A. B.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Programming Approach for
Parallel Rendering Applications, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1993.
131. LUCENA, C. J. P.; Software Technology Transfer: A Problem Analysis and Evaluation
Based on Case Studies, DESI/PNUD, April 1993.
132. JANICHEN, S.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Information Technology: Cooperative Research with
Industrial Partners - The Coordinators View; Proceedings do “Workshop on Cooperative
Research with Industrial Partners between Germany and Brasil”, Berlin, July 1993.
133. CARNEIRO, L.; COFFIN, M.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; User Interface HighOrder Architectural Models, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada, 1993.
134. LUCENA, C. J. P.; Software Technology: Research, Education and Technology Transfer,
Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1993.
P.; Program Design Using Abstract Data Views: An llustrative Example, PUC-Rio, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 1992.
136. DUARTE, C. H. C.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; On The Modularization of
Formal Specifications: the NDB Example Revisited, PUC-Rio., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992.
137. STAA, A. v.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C.J. P.; Talisman - A Process-Model Driven
Software Engineering Environment, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1992.
138. COWAN, D. D.; IERUSALIMSCHY, R.; STEPIEN, T. M.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Abstract
Data Views, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, 1992.
139. ALENCAR, P. S. C.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Formal Description of Evolving Software
Systems Architectures, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada, 1992.
140. STAA, A. v.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Establishing a Precise Relationship
Between a Software Development Environment and Software Process Models, PUC-Rio,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992.
141. DUARTE, R. C.; FUKS, H.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Projeto de Software Cooperativo: Um
Estudo de Caso, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992.
142. BARBOSA, L. F.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Prototipação e Geração de Interfaces Gráficas por
Manipulação Direta: Um Modelo Baseado em Eventos, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
143. TAKAHASHI, T.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Anatomia de Um Ambiente de Desenvolvimento
de Software, PUC-Rio., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1991 (Quinto Prêmio Nacional em
Informática na área de Engenharia de Software 1991).
Technical Reports
JSD/PUC: Um Ambiente de Software Experimental para o Estudo da Automação do
Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1991.
145. GUARANYS, P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A New Approach to User Modelling Based on
Double Stereotypes, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1990.
146. CABRAL, R. H. B.; CAMPOS, I. M.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Interfaces as
Specifications in the Midas User Interface Development System, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro,
147. LEITE, J. C. S. P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Rio Workshop on the Software Process, PUCRio., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1989.
148. SILVA, J. R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Um Novo Paradigma para o Problema da Reutilização
de Software, PUC-Rio., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1988.
AIPUSP –Um Ambiente Inteligente Para o Projeto de Unidades de Sistemas de Produção,
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, 1988
150. MARTINS, R.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Data-Driven Prototyping and
Implementation of File Processing Programs Using the Data Transform Method,
Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1984.
151. MARTINS, R.; VELOSO, P. A.; COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; The Data Transform
Programming Method and File Processing Problems, PUC-Rio., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
152. CUNHA, P. R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Message Oriented Programming: A Resource Based
Methodology, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, 1980.
153. CUNHA, P. R.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; On The Design and Specification of Message Oriented
Programs, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
154. COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Data-Directed Approach to Program Construction,
Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1978.
155. PEQUENO, T.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A View of Program Derivation Process Based on
Incompletely Defined Data Types: a Case Study, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1977.
156. MAIBAUM, T. E.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Higher Order Data Types, Department of Computer
Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
157. LUCENA, C. J. P.; Towards a Systems Environment for Computer-Assisted
Programming, Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada, 1976.
158. COWAN, D. D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; On the Concept of Modules in Programming Systems,
Department of Computer Science, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1976.
159. CARVALHO, S.; SCHWABE, D.; ROSA, P.; PEP: A Language for Provability, Efficency
and Portability, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1975.
Technical Reports
160. SCHWABE, D.; BERRY, D.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Issues in Data Type Construction
Facilities, PUC-Rio., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1975.
161. LUCENA, C. J. P.; On the Synthesis of Reliable Programs, School of Engineering and
Applied Sciences, University of California at Los Angeles, March 1975 (PhD Thesis), USA.
162. ESTRIN, G.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Modularity and Data Representation in Reliable Software
Engineering, Internal Memorandum no 137, Department of Computer Science, UCLA,
USA, 1975.
163. LAUTERBACH, C.; MOSKOWISKI, B.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; On the Development of
Reliable Programs in MADCAP, Internal Memorandum no 132, Department of Computer
Science, UCLA, USA, 1974.
Structured Go-to-less Programming Language, Internal Memorandum no 134, Department
of Computer Science, UCLA, USA, 1974.
165. BERRY, D.; ERLICH, Z.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Structured Data Representation: A Proposed
Modification to the Concept of Cluster, Modelling & Measurement Note, no 27, Department
of Computer Science, UCLA, USA, 1974.
166. ESTRIN, G.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Multi-level Model for the Synthesis of Reliable
Programs, Workshop on the Attainment of Reliable Software, University of Toronto,
Canada, 1974.
167. LUCENA, C. J. P.; On the Semantics of Programs and Programming Languages,
Department of Computer Science, UCLA, USA, 1974.
168. LUCENA, C. J. P.; DPTD - An Approach to the Design of a Programming Systems
Environment for Program Development, Symposium on the High Cost of Software, Naval
Postgraduate School, Monterey, Califórnia, USA, 1973.
169. LUCENA, C. J. P.; Modelling, Measurement and Software Reliability, Technical Report,
Department of Computer Science, UCLA, USA, 1973.
170. FURTADO, A. L.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; Topics in Non-Numeric Programming, Instituto de
Matemática, Estatística e Ciência da Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
Brazil, 1970.
171. LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Software Writing System, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1969.
172. LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Study on Numerical Methods for Interpolation and Function
Approximation, (Master of Mathematics Dissertation), Departamento de Ciência da
Computação e Análise Aplicada, Universidade de Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1969.
173. LUCENA, C. J. P.; A Computer System for Queuing Theory Problems, Tecnical Report,
Instituto de Pesquisas Rodoviárias, Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa do Brasil, Brazil, 1965.
Scientific Societies
28 Participation in Scientific Societies
International Association, Member
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society of North America, Member
Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Member
Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), Member
Institute of Electrical and Eletronic Engineering, Member
Association for Computing Machinery, Member
Brazilian Society of Mathematics, Member
Refereed Publications in Magazine
29 Refereed Publications in Magazine
1. COSTA, Andrew D.; LUCENA, Carlos J. P.; STAA, Arndt Von; Ferramentas de
Integração Contínua tornando o Trabalho de Equipes mais Organizado, Engenharia de
Software Magazine – edição 7, pp. 20–27, ISSN 1983127-7, November, 2008