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AOVIVO EMMACAU - Noites 23.00 deFado 23.40_ OTEATRO OERAY BFADEUHY - BoaNoite 00.10 FECHO 17.15 Dink, The - Japanese LitlleDinosaur 12.40 Screen 17.40 Marine Boy Topics -Aben!fa - Sunday 18.30 18.05 Barbie and 12.50 Sporl - Sr.lnday 1833- Genle Nova: TheRockStars 14.00 Malinee - ALF BOBOBOPS 18.30 THEFATHER - EaryNews 1900 TVJoveml 19.00 CLEMENTSSTOBY CRONICAS DE 19.05 CNNToday 15.35 Slperstars - Newsline NARNIA 19.30 16.00- Teenage Muant Ninja - TVJovemi 13.30 20.00 MainNews T!rlles - Spartakus A GRANDE 0700 Breaklast Seleclions20.30 Slye 16.25 andth-a MENTiRA 0800-TheWoddof Learning 21.00 TodaysJapan SunBenealhlheSea - Cosedown - Prmelme 2000- Gfande Anlmaqao:09.40 21.30 World 16.50-GummlBeals - SLrnday os srMPSoNS tl 13.00 Malfee DARK SHADOWS 17.15-Chip'n'Dale Hescue - Teejo.na - Thidysorn 20.30 BUONASERA. MFS 22.30 elhing Rangers - StopWalch 21.00 Variedadesl CAI',lPBEtL 23.30 I7.45- Seezwacks - Mallock OSAPANHADOS14.50 23.45 LaleNews 1810 Today n France 15.35 Aerobicise 0z Slyle 00.00 Race Card 1820 Enleainmenl 16.00 OntheBox 00.55 CNNLive Tonight 1g10- Pead Walch 1915 News l9 40 llalafSoccer 07.30 CBSEvening News 2035 60Minules Pus 08.30 News Feview 2130 News 2145- Cnerna Bilngual 19.20 PoceAcademy CANNONBALLRUN - Muslc 09.45- TVBJob Market23.45 Motion - Compass CassledAd. 23.50 - LaleLaleShow 09.55 Today lnFran.e 00.45 - Japanese 10 HoLir 00 I WASA TEENAGE - Concerlo: 22.00 1630- Popeye 1055 TheMag calWorldoi VAMPIRE .TUBABOES,, 1 6 5 0 - K s s y i u r Dlsney 02.10 Cosedown .emMacau,, (TDl'I, as22horas) Vc c,ocantoriLmrdodoArquiI)(rlago O pulsarJcCafX) -na.. .lal. I a, cft,aaad'. Arljnli 1 . o l.Jl!r\o JJ..,a, 1 jlfcrc.crnh:I\JJcrc.r:o\'l Ll.r'dc( t, -\.',,11n...1. lli rarocsparaumaFcslrdc Africa.Agora,maisdo quenunca, o Contincrlc alricrnocsl{pr6ximodc n6s c rcrcditaquchil motivosprra comcqara sorrir.E h, cmolocsqucmcrcccm umalastr.Eocasodamdsica quccsrcprogritmaprctcndcaprcscntar. do\'I uban)cs, Os lubar6cslcvafumao rubro a assisltnciaquc os prcscnciou no Forumdc N{ilcau.cmbalando-a comos scu\ritrnos hipcrdanccalcis, c a TDM orgulha,sc fDr rcf clptadoc\sc\moJncnros macicos numprognma i|r)dr inadjlocnlrc n6s,pfoduridoc rcalizado por IcsLor Ribclro.Os Tubaracsitctulm com a scguinlc lonnaqior Ildo Lobo (vor)i Isrlcl Silva (guilana); :/xcr (tcclas)i]-otnrbo(SaxalLoc tcnor);JorgcLima (l)rrcussSo) c Vilof BctlcncoLr 11Oalcriir). 16Tribuna Magazine 14.3.92
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