Forest Research Centre (CEF) | Instituto Superior de Agronomia


Forest Research Centre (CEF) | Instituto Superior de Agronomia


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Potential seed dispersal by Didelphis albiventris

Potential seed dispersal by Didelphis albiventris species and fragmentation of native vegetation (Shafer 1990). The results of this rough process are small and isolated areas which are often in high level of disturbance. Small reserves continue to...

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Full text PDF - Botanica Serbica

Full text PDF - Botanica Serbica stems according to light exposure and/or presence/absence of another aerial developing stem (Menezes et al. 1979). Anyway, it should be considered that Vernonia spp. are dicotyledons with a very pe...

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The MERMEX Group

The MERMEX Group Mediterranean. Thanks to Maurice Libes of UMS/COM for creating the MERMEX website ( The authors are very grateful to the three anonymous reviewers who helped conside...

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