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rádio latina 104,5 san diego
1 AMOS NASCIMENTO, Dr. Phil. Curriculum Vitae A - PERSONAL DATA 1. Personal Information Affiliations: Address: Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Jackson School of International Studies, Germanics WCG 217 - Box 348536 University of Washington, Tacoma 1900 Commerce Street Tacoma, WA 98405 Phone: (253) 692-4555 E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Areas of Specialization and Competence Philosophy: Theoretical Critical Discourse Theory (J. Habermas and K.-O. Apel) Theories of Rationality, Science, and Language Practical Ethics and International Affairs/Global Environmental Issues (Discourse Ethics, Liberation Ethics, and Environmental Ethics) Latin American Studies: Argentina, Brazil, and MERCOSUR Cultural Studies: Aesthetics and Multiculturalism Current research focus: International Affairs and Environmental Philosophy (focus on Human Rights and Environmental Ethics) 3. Formal Education 1993-1997 1987-1991 1984-1986 Degree: Dr. Phil. in Philosophy J.W. Goethe Universität-Frankfurt, Germany. Dissertation title: Rationalität, Ästhetik und Gemeinschaft: Die Herausforderung des Postmodernen Poststrukturalismus für die Diskursphilosophie [Rationality, Aesthetics, and Community: The challenges of postmodern poststructuralism to discourse philosophy] (343 p.) Adviser: Karl-Otto Apel Degree: M.A. in Social Sciences, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), Brazil. Thesis: Crítica do discurso neo-conservador e sua apropriação ideológica da música e da religião [Critique of the neoconservative discourse and its appropriation of music and religion] (363 p.) Adviser: Jaci Maraschin Degree: Lic. in Music, Escuela de Música Eduardo Carámbula (ISEDET), Argentina. Thesis: El uso racional de la música [The rational use of music] (220 p.) Advisers: Omero Perera, Arturo Blatezky 4. Complementary Education (without degree) 1992-1993 1991-1992 1988-1990 1986 Graduate Studies in Philosophy, Phillips Universität-Marburg, Germany. Graduate Studies in Ethics and Political Theory, Philosophy Institute, Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Graduate Studies in Aesthetics, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Undergraduate studies in Music, Arizona State University, United States. Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 2 5. Other Studies 1998 Research Colloquium on ‘Critical Theory’, Prof. Dr. Bruno Pucci (Piracicaba University). 1996-1997 ‘Research Colloquium’, Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (Frankfurt Universität). 1996-1997 ‘Research Colloquium’, Prof. Dr. Axel Honneth (Frankfurt Universität). 6/1996 ‘Navigating on Ethics’, Prof. Dr. Hilary Putnam (Harvard University). 3-7/1995 ‘Problems in Democratic Theory’, Prof. Dr. Iris M. Young (University of Chicago) 7//1995 ‘Postcolonial Theory’, Prof. Dr. Gayatri Spivak (Columbia University, New York). 1993-1994 ‘Diskurstheorie – Seminar’, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Habermas (Frankfurt Universität) 11/1992-2/1993 ‘Liberation Ethics’, Prof. Dr. Enrique Dussel (Universidad Autónoma, Mexico). 9-10/1990 ‘Ethics and Transcendental Semiotics’, Prof. Dr. Karl-Otto Apel (Frankfurt Universität). 3/1990 ‘Postmodern Culture’, Prof. Dr. Michel Maffesoli (Université R. Descartes-Paris). 8-11/1989 ‘Ethnomusicology’, Prof. Dr. Max Peter Baumann, (Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, Berlin). B – ACADEMIC CAREER 2011-present 2010-present 2006-2010 1999-2006 1998-2006 1997 1995-1996 1991-1992 Associate Professor of Philosophy Affiliated to programs on Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Germanics, and International Studies University of Washington, United States Assistant Director of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences University of Washington, Tacoma, United States Assistant Professor of Philosophy/Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences University of Washington, Tacoma, United States Head of the Office for International Affairs Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba – UNIMEP, Brazil Faculty Member, School of Education, Graduate Center – UNIMEP, Piracicaba, Brazil. Visiting Lecturer, Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Maracaju, Brazil. Philosophy Instructor, Fachbereich Philosophie, Universität-Frankfurt, Germany. Assistant to the Office of the Provost, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, USA. C - RESEARCH 1. Publications Monographs 2013 2009 Building Cosmopolitan Communities (New York, Palgrave/McMillan, 262 p.). Im Zwielicht der Aufklärung (Frankfurt: P. Lang Verlag, Germany, 269 p.). Edited Books 2013 2005 2002 1998 1997 (Editor, with M. Lutz-Bachmann), Human Dignity, Human rights, and Cosmopolitan Ideals (forthcoming). (Editor), Immanuel Kant (special issue of journal Impulso). (Editor), Brasil: Perspectivas Internacionais (Piracicaba: Editora UNIMEP, 221 p.). (Editor), A Matter of Discourse. Community and Communication in Contemporary Philosophies (Aldershot: Ashgate/Avebury Series in Philosophy, 248 p.). (Editor, with K. Witte), Grenzen der Moderne. Europa & Lateinamerika (Frankfurt: IKO Verlag, 223 p.). Translated academic books 2006 2001 (Co-translator), Bird, F. & Griesse, M. (Eds.) Responsabilidades Sociais, Piracicaba, Editora UNIMEP, 2002 (translation of selected English papers from a series of books published by Palgrave-MacMillan into a new publication in Portuguese) (Co-Translator/Ed.) Sullivan, A. et alli (Eds.) Key Concepts in Communication and Cultural Studies, London, Routledge, 1996 (English-Portuguese) Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 3 2000 1998 (Reviewer of Translation) Apel, K.-O. Transformation der Philosophie, Frankfurt, Surhkamp, 1973, 2 volumes (technical review of German-Portuguese translation by Paulo Soethe) (Translator/Ed.) UNESCO, World Declaration on Higher Education, Piracicaba, Editora UNIMEP, 1998 (English-Portuguese) Book Chapters 2013b ‘Syncretism as a form of multicultural politics?’ in Olaf Kaltmeier (Ed.) Multiculturalism and Beyond (In preparation). 2013a ‘Varieties of Cosmopolitanism’ in M. Lutz-Bachmann & Nascimento, A., Human Rights, Human Dignity, and the Cosmopolitan Ideal (Surrey: Ashgate). 2012c ‘Derechos Humanos y el énfasis en la dimensión humana’ in Lima Torrado, J. & Quinteiro, E. (Eds.). Derechos Humanos en Europa y América Latina , Universidad de Salamanca (Salamanca: Ed. USAL) 2012b ‘Condições para uma hermenêutica crítica do discurso litúrgico’ in Carvalhaes, C. (Ed.) Entre o Altar e o Mundo: Aportes Interdisciplinares (São Paulo: Fonte Editorial). 2012a ‘Human Rights in Transition’ in Terminsky, B. (Ed) Human Rights in Transition (Geneva: University Press, in print). 2011 ‘Filosofia e Direitos Humanos’ in Gutiérrez, J. (Ed.) Educação em Direitos Humanos , Brasília, Ministério da Educação (Brasília: MEC) 2008 ‘Derechos Humanos y el MERCOSUR’ in Lima Torrado, J. (Ed) Derecho, stado, Mercado: Europa y Latinoamérica (Madrid: DILEX/Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 595-612). 2007 ‘Teoría Crítica, Globalización y Derechos Humanos: Un contrapunto entre Kant y Habermas’ in Lima Torrado, J. (Ed) Globalización y Pensamiento Crítico (Madrid: DILEX/Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 427-453). 2006 ‘Karl-Otto Apel’s Philosophy of Communication’ in MacIwain, Charlton (Ed) Global communication and culture (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 61-74). 2003 ‘Colonialism, Modernism and Postmodernism in Brazil’ in Mendieta (Ed.) Latin American Philosophy: Currents, Issues, Debates (Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press, pp.124-149). 1999 ‘Kierkegaard e a Dialética da Comunicação’ in Bruno Pucci [Ed.] Adorno, o Ético e o Estético (Piracicaba: Editora UNIMEP, 93-121. 1998 ‘The Fact of Pluralism and the Multicultural Quest for Community’ in Nascimento (Ed.), A Matter of Discourse: Community and Communication in Contemporary Philosophies (Aldershot: Avebury, pp. 3-26). 1997b ‘Die vielfältigen Dimensionen der Rationalität’ in Nascimento/Witte (Eds.), Grenzen der Moderne. Europa & Lateinamerika (Frankfurt: IKO Verlag, pp. 21-33). 1997a (with J. Sathler) ‘Black Masks on White Faces: Liberation Theology and the Quest for Syncretism in the Brazilian Context’ in E. Mendieta, L. Lorentzen , D. Batstone & Hopkins, D. (Eds.) Liberation Theology and Postmodernity in the Americas (New York: Routledge, pp. 95-124). Articles in professional (peer-reviewed) journals 2012c ‘Filosofía Ambiental en Brasil’ in Environmental Ethics (Edición Especial en Español), pp. 45-64. 2012b ‘Environmental Philosophy in Brazil’ Environmental Ethics, Vol. 34 (Winter 2012), pp. 377-397. 2012a ‘Syncretism as a form of multicultural politics?’ in Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Vol. 7, Number 2, pp. 115-136. 2009 ‘Environmental ethics in Brazil? Theoretical and practical reflections on a South American question’ in Newsletter of the International Society for Environmental Ethics (Occasional Papers 8: South American Section) [* translated in Spanish as “¿Filosofía ambiental en Brasil? Reflexiones teóricas y practicas sobre una cuestión sudamericana” in Newsletter of the International Society for Environmental Ethics] [electronic version in www.cep.unt.edu/iseepapers/nascimento-span.pdf] 2008 ‘Ethics and Social Responsibility: An Agenda for Interdisciplinary and International Research on Borderless Net Business’ in Revista de Educação, Ano 17, Número 32-33, São Paulo, Brazil, pp. 235-244 [* published in Portuguese as ‘Ética e Responsabilidade Social: Agenda para uma pesquisa interdisciplinar e internacional’ in Revista de Educação, Ano 17, Número 32-33, pp. 113-124, and in Japan in Proceedings of iBiZ2008, Tokyo: Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan pp. 55-61] Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 4 2006 2003c 2003b 2003a 2002 2001 1999 1997 1995b 1995a ‘Placing Brasilia on the map: On the global inter-location of a postcolonial city’ in City, 10/2, July 2006, pp. 149-166. ‘Introdução a um Debate Filosófico’ (Guerra, terrorismo e as relações internacionais) in Impulso 35 Vol. 15, 2003, pp 109-111. ‘Reflexões Preliminares sobre Educação e Confessionalidade’ in Revista da ABIEE, Núm. 1, 2003, pp. 37-49. ‘John Wesley, Iluminismo e Educação Metodista na Inglaterra’ in Revista de Educação, N. 22, 2003, pp.89-104. ‘Phenomenology and Hermeneutics of Communication in Karl-Otto Apel’s Philosophy’ in Inter/Sections: the journal of global communication and culture (December 2002), pp.115-124. ‘‘Modernismo’ e Discursos Pós-Modernos no Brazil’ in Impulso 29(12), pp. 169-183. ‘Educação como forma de Inclusão e a Dialética do Iluminismo’ in Impulso 25, pp. 119-145. ‘African (Latin) American Identities in Conflict’ in Peace Review (December 1997), pp. 489-495. ‘De Volta para a Comunidade: Considerando a Moral da Ética Comunitarista’ in Simpósio 38, pp. 131-144. ‘Genealogía de la Postmodernidad en el contexto latinoamericano’ in Dissens - Revista internacional de Pensamiento Latinoamericano, 1, pp. 63-69. Proceedings and Annals of Congresses ‘Two conflicting interpretations of Immanuel Kant’s views on community: Kommunikationsgemeinschaft or communauté de sentiments?’ in Kant Gesellschaft (Ed.) Law and Peace in Kant’s Philosophy: Akten des X Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Berlin, De Gruyter, pp. 709-720. 2002 ‘Conceptual Framework for sustainable water management. The Case of the Piracicaba River Basin’ (in Mutz, K. (ed) Allocating Water Resources (Proceedings of Conference – CD) 2000 ‘Crítica à ideologia do sincretismo’ in Actas del Congreso Luso-Brasileiro ‘Memórias e Imaginários’, Vol. 2, Lisboa, Fundação Kalouste Gulbenkian, Portugal, Vol. 2. 1996b ‘The Mind-Body Dualism and the Tension between Ethics and Economics in Adam Smith’ (Online) in Annals of the International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (http://www.nd.edu/`ISBEE). 1996a ‘Vom ‘Leibapriori’ zur Dialektik der realen und idealen ‘Kommunikationsgemeinschaft’ Die Antwort Apels an Descartes und Leibniz’ in Akten des deutschen Kongresses für Philosophie, Leipzig, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie, pp. 870-878. 1990 ‘O Uso Racional da Música: Relações com a Crítica Musical’ in Anais do I Congresso Brasileiro de Musicologia [Área VI], SP/Bonn, Sociedade Brasileira de Musicologia [1986]. 2006 Book Reviews 2012 2003 2000 1996 1991 1990 ‘Putting Kant’s Geography on the Map’: Review of Elden, S. & Mendieta, E. (Eds.) Reading Kant’s Geography (Albany: SUNY Press, 2011), in Radical Philosophy Review, Vol. 15/2 (2012), pp. 397-401. Review of several authors, ‘Novas publicações sobre religião na Alemanha: Da Teologia Intercultural à Sociedade Pós-Secular em Habermas’ in Impulso 34 Vol. 15, 2003, pp. 171-178. Review of Gracia, J. Latin/Hispanic Identity (Blackwell) in Manuscrito, Vol. XXIII, Num. 1, pp. 205-217. Review of Bingemer, M.C. Alteridade e Vulnerabilidade (São Paulo, Loyola, 1993), in Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 4, pp, 66-70. Review of Sosa, P. (Ed.) Todas las Voces (S. José, CEBILA, 1987), in Estudos de Religião 7, pp. 192-202. Review of Lyotard, J. O Pós-Moderno (Olympio, Rio de Janeiro, 1987) in Simpósio 32, pp. 401-404. Encyclopedia entries 2010 2005 1991 1989 ‘Brasilia’ in Ray Hutchinson (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Urban Studies (SAGE Press, England), forthcoming. Entries on ‘Argentina (Right/Left)’, ‘Brazil (Right/Left)’, ‘South America (Right/Left)’, ‘Germany (Right/Left)’, ‘Fundamentalism’, ‘New Right’, ‘Religion’, ‘Church-State Relations’, ‘Ideology’, ‘Conservatism’, ‘Communitarianism’ and ‘Postmodernism’ for The Encyclopaedia of Politics: Right & Left (Edited by R. Carlisle, Rutgers University) Sage Publications. Bibliografia Bíblica Latino-Americana. [collective publication] Vol. 2 (Petrópolis: Vozes, Brazil, 289 p.) Bibliografia Bíblica Latino-Americana. [collective publication] Vol. 1 (Petrópolis: Vozes, Brazil, 310 p.) Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 5 Translations of Academic Articles 1987-present Several translations of papers by Jürgen Habermas, K.-O. Apel, Iris Young, I. Maus, M. LutzBachmann, R. Forst, Peter Singer, E. Mendieta, Enrique Dussel, Walter Mignolo and others. Work in Progress Monograph on the European Union and the Mercosur (for Palgrave-MacMillan) Monograph on cosmopolitanism (for the Kosmopolis Series) Monograph on Immanuel Kant’s Aesthetics (manuscript) Article on “Cosmopolitanism and the Anthropocene” (for Sabine Wilke [Ed.] Culture and the Anthropocene) Article on “Habermas on Cosmopolitanism” (for Eduardo Mendieta [Ed.] Habermas Now) Other articles on human rights and environmental ethics 5. Invited Talks 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008b 2008a 2007 2006d 2006c 2006b 2006a 2005 2004d 2001a Colloquium on book Building Cosmopolitan Communities at the University of Frankfurt, [on 07/04] Invited Talk: “Environmental Ethics in South America” at the 5th Inter-American Environmental Philosophy Conference, Puerto Natales, Chile [to be presented on 03/17] Invited Talk: “Ethical Implications of Environmental Sustainability” at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [06/17] Invited Talk: “Environmental Ethics and Environmental Responsibility” at the Joint Conference of the International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC [to be presented on 07/26] Invited Talk: “Las Casas e os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas” at the VII Seminario Internacional de Direitos Humanos at the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande [09/02] Brazil Invited Talk: “Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies” at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas, Campinas [06/30], Brazil Invited Talk: “New developments in Critical Theory” at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Instituto the Estudos da Linguagem, Campinas [06/29], Brazil Paper and discussion: ‘Changing practices of community change: Obama and FDR’ – Part I Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, [06/24-26], New York, NY, US. Lecture: ‘The application of discourse ethics to business practices’ in the IAMSCU Conference, at the Universidad del Centro Latinoamericano, Rosario, Argentina. Keynote Lecture: ‘Ethical sustainability: An educational imperative’ in Institute on Higher Education, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Santa Fe, NM, USA Lecture series (4 lectures): ‘Environmental Philosophy’ in the Philosophy Department of the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande, Brazil. Invited Lecture: ‘Global Education and the Curriculum to form a Global Citizen’ in Hiroshima Jogakuin University, Hiroshima, Japan. Talk: ‘Ethical Values and Social Responsibility: On the Civic Role of Higher Education’ in Meeting of the WMC Education Committee, Seoul, Korea. Lecture: ‘Teoría Critica, Globalización y Derechos Humanos’ in Jornada sobre Globalización y Pensamiento Crítico, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Talk: ‘The cooperation between Europe and Latin America for Education on Human Rights’ in VIII Congreso Internacional de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. ‘Discourse and Sustainability: In search of principles for global environmental ethics’ in IAMSCU Congress, Adelaide, Australia Lecture Series: ‘Bioethics, Justice and Power’ in UNESCO Series on Ethics, UNICAMP and UNIMEP, Piracicaba, Brazil ‘Race in Brazil’, Latin American Philosophy Series, San Francisco University, San Francisco (CA), USA Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 6 6. Paper Presentations in Academic Events 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2009f 2009e 2009d 2009c 2009b 2009a 2008e 2008d 2008c 2008b 2008a “Human Rights and the Crisis of Foundations: The tension between universal norms and the recognition of plurality and difference” at the international conference on Human Rights, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul [08/24] “From plural worldviews to global human rights discourses” at the Congress of the International Society of Legal and Social Philosophy, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte [07/21] “Global Collective Responsibility as a Communicative Ability to Respond to Global Issues” at the international conference on ‘Cosmopolitan Rights and Responsibilities’, University of Roehampton [07/10] “Cosmopolitanism and the Anthropocene: A casse for environmental ethics and environmental justice in a global scale” at the international conference on ‘Cosmopolitan Rights and Responsibilities’, University of Muenchen [06/14] “From religious worldviews to global human rights discourses” at the international conference on ‘Cosmopolitanism and Postsecular Society,’ University of Frankfurt [06/01] “Global Collective Responsibility as a Communicative Ability to Respond to Global Issues” at the international conference on ‘Cosmopolitan Rights and Responsibilities’, University of Washington, WA, US [5/11] “Cosmopolitanism and Postmodernism” at the Western Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, New York, UY, US [12/27]. “Cosmopolitanism from below” at the congress of the Internationales Verein für Rechts-philosophie (IVR), University of Frankfurt, Germany [to be presented on 8/18] “Frankfurt as a cosmopolitan city” at the 6th International Conference of Critical Geography “Crises – Causes, Dimensions, Reactions” University of Frankfurt, Germany [to be presented on 08/17] “Cosmopolitanism beneath the surface: The normative roots of modern human rights in the interaction with indigenous peoples” at the Conference “Human Dignity, Human Rights, and the Cosmopolitan Idea” organized by the cluster Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen at the University of Frankfurt, Germany [06/07] “Cosmopolitanismo desde abajo: Derechos humanos y derechos de los pueblos indígenas” at the meeting at the Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain [06/04] “Normativity in Enrique Dussel’s Politica de la Liberación” at the Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego [04/22] “City life: Feminist contributions to critical political geography at the Political Geography and Sexuality and Space Specialty Groups Pre-Conference at the University of Washington, Tacoma [04/11] ‘Collective Responsibility as a communicative ability to respond to global issues,’ Delft Institute of Technology [08/24-27], Delft, Holland. ‘Syncretism as a form of multicultural politics?’ Bielefeld Universität [07/18-21], Bielefeld, Germany. ‘Global frameworks for environmental justice,’ Oxford University, Mansfield College [07/10-12], Oxford, UK. ‘Changing practices of community change in the US’ Freie Universität Berlin [07/09-10], Berlin, Germany. ‘Beyond Sustainability: The case for environmental responsibility’ Portland State University [05/14-17], Portland, OR, US. ‘From Sustainability to Responsibility: Global answers to global problems’ Villanova University [04/23-26], US. ‘The application of discourse ethics to business practices’ in the IAMSCU Conference, at the Universidad del Centro Latinoamericano, Rosario, Argentina. ‘Changing Concepts of Community’ in Campaign for Community Values, Gallagher University, Washington, DC, USA. ‘Global answers to global questions: The case for an ethics of responsibility’ in Energy and Responsiblity: A Conference on Ethics and the Environment, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. ‘Liberation movements in the Third World: A comparison of P. Freire and E. Dussel’ in Virgina Humanities Conference [Voices & Visions: Humanities in the Third World], Radford University, Radford, USA. ‘Ethics and Responsibility: An agenda for Interdisciplinary and International Research on Borderless Net Business Ethics’ in iBiZ2008 Workshop, Honolulu, USA. Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 7 2007b ‘O MERCOSUL e os Direitos Humanos na América Latina’ in the V Congresso Internacional de de Direitos Humanos, at the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande, Brazil. 2007a ‘El MERCOSUR y los Derechos Humanos en Latinoamerica’ in X Congreso Internacional de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. 2006c ‘Derechos Humanos e Inmigración: Sobre la actualidad del Iluminismo Europeo’ in IX Congreso Internacional de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. 2006b ‘Teoría Critica, Globalización y Derechos Humanos’ in Jornada sobre Globalización y Pensamiento Crítico, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 2006a ‘Across the divide: Going beyond old dichotomies in International Relations’ in International Studies Association (ISA) Conference, San Diego, USA 2005c ‘Alternative Views on the Global Community: Beyond the dichotomy between the US and Europe in International Relations’ in Conference on Culture and International History, Zentrum für Nordamerika Forschung (ZENAF), Frankfurt, Germany 2005b ‘On the Ideal of a Global Community: A Latin-American communitarian approach to a global civil society’ in Conference “A World for All”, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 2005a ‘Two conflicting interpretations of Immanuel Kant’s views on community: Kommunikationsgemeinschaft or communauté de sentiments?’ in X Congress of the International Kant Society, USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2004c ‘A New Role for Philosophy in Brazil: The case for philosophical reflection and action on environmental issues’ in I Joint Meeting of the International Association of Environmental Philosophy and the International Society for Environmental Ethics, Boulder (CO), USA 2004b ‘Environmentalism in Brazil’ in Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, (CO) USA 2004a ‘Two conflicting interpretations of Immanuel Kant’s views on community: Kommunikationsgemeinschaft or communauté de sentiments? in Panel “Kant on Community”, USF, San Francisco (CA), USA 2003c ‘Habermas, Lyotard & the Project of Modernity in 18th Century Philosophy’. NEASECS, Boston, USA 2003b ‘Adam Smith on Sport and Corporeality’ [read] in IAPS, Cheltenham, UK 2003a ‘A Conceptual Framework for Discourses on Sustainability’. Discourse Conf., Hamburg, Germany 2002c ‘Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Water Management’ in Allocating Water Resources, Boulder (CO), USA 2002a ‘Kant and Herder on Language and Communication’ in International Herder Society, Houston (TX), USA 2000b ‘On the Application of Discourse Ethics’, Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil 2000a ‘Adorno’s reading of Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetics’ in Adorno Conference, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 1998b ‘Ethics and Aesthetics in Adorno’, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 1998a ‘Habermas and International Law’, III International IBCCRIM Congress, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 1997b ‘African Americans in Brazil: Some Themes’, Hispanics: Cultural Locations, San Francisco (CA), USA. 1997a ‘Plurality of Communities and Ecology of Religions’, Ass. for the Sociology of Religion, Toronto, Canada. 1996g ‘The Enlightenment as Inheritance of Latin American Philosophy’, APA, Eastern Div., Atlanta (GA), USA 1996f ‘The Ideology of Syncretism in Brazil’, American Academy of Religion (AAR), New Orleans (LA) USA. 1996e ‘Syncretism and Nation-Building in Brazil’, Association for the Sociology of Religion, New York NY), USA 1996d ‘Die Antwort Apels an Descartes und Leibniz’, Deutscher Kongreß für Philosophie, Leipzig, Germany. 1996c ‘Community, Politics and Communication’, Intern. Soc. for the Study of European Ideas, Utrecht, Holland 1996b ‘The Concept of “City” in Augustine and Wittgenstein’, DePaul University, Chicago (IL), USA. 1996a ‘Which Liberalism?’ American Philosophical Association (APA), Pacific Div., Seattle (WA), USA. 1995b ‘Community and Communication in Contemporary Critical Theory’, Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh (PA), USA 1995a ‘Rationalität und die vielfältigen Dimensionen der Moderne’, Dessauer Haus, Frankfurt a.M., Germany. 1992 ‘Religion and Neoconservatism in (Unified) Germany’, XII Congress, Internl. Society for the Study of Religion, University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary. 1991 ‘The Brightest Star of Adorno’s Constellation’, Intervals. Music & Society, University of Calgary, Canada. 1990b ‘Social Changes in Brazil in the Perspective of a Sociology of Religion’, XII World Congress of Sociology (ISA), Madrid, Spain. 1990a ‘Música como Ciência na Idade Média’, VI Interl. Colloquium on History of Science, Campinas, Brazil. 1986 ‘O Uso Racional da Música’, I Brazilian Congress of Musicology (SBM), São Paulo, Brazil. Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 8 7. Participation as Chair or Discussant in Academic Events 2009f Chair of Workshop on ‘Education in Latin America,’ Colegio Americano [09/20-25], Santiago, Chile. 2009e Co-organizatin and Participation: Colloquium ‘Human Rights in the EU and Latin America,’ Universidad de Salamanca [06/27-28], Salamanca, Spain. 2009d Co-Chair of panel ‘Leadership Development in Latin America,’ Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, [06/15-17], São Paulo, Brazil. 2009c Chair of Panel on ‘Environmental Ethics’ [Undergraduate Research Symposium], University of Washington [05/15], Seattle, WA, US. 2009b Chair of panel ‘Higher Education and Leadership Development in Latin America,’ Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, [04/21-24], São Paulo, Brazil. 2009a Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) [no paper presentation] University of British Columbia/Westin Hotel [04/8-12], Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2008c Participation in roundtable on ‘Latin American Studies’ at the Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. 2008b Co-Organizer and Chair of Panel on ‘Borderless Net Business Ethics’ at the iBiZ2008 Workshop, Honolulu, USA. 2008a Participation in Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) [no paper presentation] Hilton Hotel, Pasadena, CA, USA. 2007c Participation in roundtable discussion on ‘Global Poverty’ in event organized by the GBHEM and Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA. 2007b Participation in roundtable on ‘Science and Religion’ in the Oxford Institute of Theological Studies [organized by Duke University], Oxford University [Christ Church], Oxford, England. 2007a Participation in Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) [no paper presentation] Marriott Hotel, Boston, MA, USA. 2006b Participation in the roundtable discussion on the ‘Frankfurter Philosophiekolloquium’ in the Seminar “Cosmopolitan Politics” at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. 2006a Chair of Panel on ‘Derechos Humanos e Inmigración’ in IX Congreso Internacional de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. 2006d Participation in roundtable discussion on ‘Civic engagement in Higher Education’ in Meeting of the Taillores Network at Tufts University European Center, Taillores, France. 2003b ‘Comments on a Paper by Johannes Goudsblom’ in Seminar on Norbert Elias, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 2003a ‘Opening’ in III International Workshop on Water and Wastewater Treatment, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 2002 ‘Introduction’ in II International Workshop on Water and Wastewater Treatment, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 2001 ‘Opening Remarks’ in I Workshop on Water and Wastewater Treatment, Piracicaba (SP), Brazil 1995 Chair/Organization of Lecture Series ‘Grenzen der Moderne’, Dessauer Haus, Frankfurt a.M., Germany. 1992 Discussant in panel ‘Religions sans frontières’, Meeting of the Research Committee 22 of the International Sociological Association, Université Roma la Sapienza, Rome, Italy. 8. Radio, Newspaper or Magazine Interviews 2010 2009 2007b 2007a 2005 2004 2003c 2003b Interview on “environmental ethics” with Amalia Safatle. Pagina 22, Vol. 41 – (April 13, 2010), Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil [Also in Blog da Redação: www.fgv.br/ces/pagina22] Interview with Kersten Knipp on multiculturalism. Deutschlandfunk – Studiozeit (July 25, 2009) Bielfeld, Germany. Report on Human Rights Conference in University Publication, Jornal da UCDB, (October 26, 2007) Campo Grande, Brazil. Interview to The Ledger, (Student Paper) University of Washington, Tacoma (January 2007) Interview (with Dr. Iris Trick and Dr. Werner Sternad) ‘Tratamento de Água e Esgoto na Bacia do Rio Piracicaba’ (October 20, 2005) in Gazeta de Piracicaba, Piracicaba, Brazil. Interview ‘A indústria sucro-alcooleira em perspectiva internacional’ (August 1, 2004) Gazeta de Piracicaba, Piracicaba, Brazil. Interview ‘A cobertura internacional da Guerra no Oriente Médio’ (March 14, 2003) Radio Educativa, 105.9 FM, Piracicaba, Brazil. Interview, ‘Relações Internacionais e o Impacto de uma Guerra Mundial’ (March 13, 2003) Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 9 2003a 2002 1997 E-Jornal Site Sejabixo, São Paulo, Brazil Interview, ‘Relações Internacionais e o Risco de uma Guerra Mundial’ (January 14, 2003) Jornal de Piracicaba, Piracicaba, Brazil Interview, ‘Um ano depois de 11 de Setembro’ (September 11, 2002) E-jornal Site Sejabixo, São Paulo, Brazil Interview ‘New World Africans in Brazil: Some Themes’ Pacifica Radio KPFK, 90.7 FM, Los Angeles, USA. 9. Scholarships, Honors, Grants, and Awards 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2007-2008 2006-2008 2003-2007 Prior to 2003 Grant for Research Cluster on “Normative Innovation” Funded by the Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, US ($ 5,000) Grant for Research Cluster and funds for international conference on “Normative Innovation” Funded by the Simpson Center and other departments, University of Washington, US ($ 22,000) Funding for joint conference of the Research Cluster on “Normative Innovation” in Germany Funds by the University of Frankfurt and other academic units at UW ($ 8,000) Grant for Research Cluster on “Normative Innovation” ($ 5,440) Funded by the Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle (United States) Grant for Faculty Exchange with the University of Frankfurt ($ 3,500) Funded by the Office of Gloabl Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle (United States) Grant for Project “The Philosophy Roundtable: A Community of Scholars at UWT” ($ 2,000) Funded by the Funders Endowment, University of Washington, Tacoma (United States) Grant for International Lectures on Philosophy with Prof. Lutz-Bachmann ($ 1,260) Funded by the Arts & Lectures Committee, University of Washington, Tacoma (United States) Grant for Organization of International Workshop on Ethics ($ 20,000) Funded by the Japanese Government and Aoyama University, Tokyo (Japan) Grant for Participation in the Writing Fellows Institute ($ 2,000) Funded by the University of Washington, Tacoma (United States) Research Grant [Research Quarter] for Project on Cosmopolitanism (quarter leave) Funded by the University of Washington, Tacoma (United States) Grant for Project on Water and Wasterwater management Germany/Brazil ($ 300,000) Funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Germany) [Co-PI] Grant for projects on environmental issues (British Council – BC); Doctoral Scholarship (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq); Language Studies Scholarship (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD); Honorable Mention for Young Sociologists Competition (International Sociological Association – ISA); Master’s Scholarship (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq); Scholarship for undergraduate studies (Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba –UNIMEP); Numerous Travel Grants. D – TEACHING 1. Teaching activities Courses: Graduate: ‘Evidence & Action,’ Values & Culture,’ ‘Immanuel Kant’ (TIAS 501, 502/503), ‘Latin America Seminar’ (SIS590), Upper Level: ‘History of Philosophy’ (TPHIL358, TPHIL359, TPHIL360), Aesthetics (TPHIL362), ‘Environmental Philosophy’ (TPHIL363, TPHIL456), ‘Pragmatism,’ ‘Discourse Theory,’ and ‘Liberation Politics.’ Lower Level: ‘Science and Humanities’ (TCORE113A, TCORE124D), Introduction to German Studies (TGERST130), ‘Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Rights’ (TPHIL200), ‘Introduction to Politics and Values’ (TPOLS201). UNIMEP: ‘Community & Society’, ‘Liberation Ethics’, ‘Bioethics, Justice and Power’, ‘International Affairs’ FRANKFURT: ‘Latin American Philosophy’, and ‘Discourse Theory’ UWT: Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 10 Advising: Advising of undergraduate and graduate students on ‘Linguistic Theory’ and ‘Discourse Theory’ (Apel/Habermas), ‘Pragmatism’ (James and Peirce), ‘Global Affairs’ (Global Ethics/Human Rights/Environmental Issues)’. Presentations on pedagogical issues Chair of Panel: ‘How to put a ‘W’ on your course’ [discussion about teaching writing courses at UWT], IAS Faculty Presentation, [04/02], Tacoma, WA, US. 2009b Presentation: ‘Environmental Ethics Curriculum’ [Curriculum for the Bioregion] Washington Center/Cascadia Community College [05/08], Bothell, WA, US. 2009a Talk: ‘Beyond Sand, Samba and Soccer: The emerging potential of Brazil’ [with Margaret Griesse] World Affairs Council Tacoma/Bates College [05/12], Tacoma, WA, US. 2010 E - SERVICE 1. Service and Appointments to Academic Committees and Boards 2008-2009 2006-present 2006-present 2006-present 2006-present Prior to 2006 Co-Chair of Improvement Committee, Foundations of Excellence (FoE) (UWT). University of Washington, Tacoma Member of Faculty Senate (Elected) University of Washington Member of MAIS Steering Committee/Admissions (IAS). Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Washington, Tacoma Member of Structure/Interdisciplinary Committee (IAS). University of Washington, Tacoma Member of several committees (UW): Library Research Award, JSIS Task Force, Center of Brazilian Studies, Fritz Scholarships, UW Research Symposium, and search committees. Representative for Latin America: Research Committee on Sociology of Religion (Elected); Member of several Committees and Councils (Universities and Institutions in Brazil and Germany) 2. Active Membership in Academic and Professional Societies Since 2005 Since 2003 Since 1998 Since 1995 Prior to 2005 International Studies Association (ISA) International Association of Environmental Philosophy (IAEP) Alumni – Verein von Ehemaligen Stipendiaten (DAAD) American Philosophical Association (APA) International Herder Society; American Society for the Sociology of Religion; American Academy of Religion, International Sociological Association; Brazilian Society for Musicology; Brazilian Society for the History of Science and Technology; American Society of Musicology. 3. Current Editorial Activities 2008-present 2006-2011 2000-present 1987-2004 Prior to 2007 Editorial Consultant: Editora Vozes (Petrópolis, Brazil). Member of Editorial Board: Enviroment & Planning D, Durham, England. Reviewer for international journals: City, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Environment & Planning, Impulso, Manuscrito, Revista de Comunicações, book series in philosophy “Pensamento Humano” [Human Thinking] from Editora Vozes (Brazil), Translator for several editorial projects and publishing houses. Editor of book series in international affairs “Perspectivas Internacionais” [International Perspectives] from UNIMEP University Press (Brazil), Editor and chair of editorial board (20032007) Impulso – Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Brazil); Member of editorial board of Revista de Educação (Brazil), Reviewer for Revista Síntese. Nova Fase (Brazil), Manuscrito. Revista Internacional de Filosofia (Brazil) and Impulso – Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Brazil); Consultant for Loyola Press (Brazil) and Ashgate Pub. Co (England). Amos Nascimento – CV 2013 11 F – PROFICIENCY IN LANGUAGES English (fluent reading, writing and speaking) Spanish (fluent reading, writing and speaking) German (fluent reading, writing and speaking) Portuguese (fluent reading, writing and speaking) French (good command in reading, intermediate writing and speaking) Italian (good command in reading, and basic speaking) Latin (intermediate reading) Last update: October 15, 2013 Amos Nascimento – CV 2013