versión1 pdf - ABMTENC - PUC-Rio
versión1 pdf - ABMTENC - PUC-Rio
Tenth International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies - NOCMAT 2008 Materials Valorization for Sustainability Cali, Colombia, 12th - 14th November 2008 Associação Brasileira de Materiais e Tecnologias Não Convencionais Facultad de Ingeniería Grupo de Investigación Materiales Compuestos Proyecto VALORES Centro de Excelencia en Nuevos Materiales Con el apoyo de: COLCIENCIAS C O L O M B I A Scope and Objective This Conference is the 10th on the science of “Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies” series and a follow-up of the previous one, which was held in Maceió, Alagoas - Brazil (November 2007). It is intended to be a forum for the presentation of recent scientific and technological developments in the broad field of non-conventional materials and technologies. The conference provides an opportunity to follow the scientific advances made in a variety of topics related to nonconventional materials and technologies around the world. The conferences create an opportunity for the direct examination of new research findings and their consequences for a variety of materials ranging from products made with local materials such as bamboo and vegetable fibers, agricultural, mining and industrial wastes to soil composite and non-conventional-based polymer materials without referring to the benefits to our environment. Great emphasis is given to the application of findings in practice. Since the last conference, valuable work has been carried out either to use good quality low cost and energy saving materials and products, such as bamboo, vegetable fibers, or mountains of wastes. Now is the time to show what has been achieved during the recent years. What are other applications? What are the environmental, economical, social and cultural impacts? Do we need to go to the space to save the earth or can we do it while living on it? The 10th conference of NOCMAT, will take place from 12th - 14th November 2008 in Cali, Colombia, where there is increased public concern about the application of non-conventional building materials. The theme of this year's conference is Materials Valorization for Sustainability. A task of the NOCMAT conferences is to foster interdisciplinary activities and synergy among professional, scientific, and educational organizations, and through public education. Scientific knowledge is basic for sustainability of ecosystems. It is urgent for science to include a holistic approach to develop eco-friendly materials and technologies to limit the consumption of non-renewable materials and energy resources. NOCMAT 2008 will coincide with the VALORES CYTED project Meeting (Acción de coordinación de proyectos de investigación 307AC0307 Residuos Agro-Industriales: Fuente Sostenible de Materiales de Construcción (VALORES)). The main objective of this CYTED project is the coordination of projects which their common objective is the valorization of particles and fibrous materials obtained from mining, industrial, domestic or agro-industrial residues applied as particulatedfilled (additions) and fiber-reinforced composites using inorganic cementitious or polymeric matrices. Chairmen Silvio Delvasto, Universidad del Valle, Colombia Main Topics Khosrow Ghavami, ABMTENC & PUC-Rio, Brazil MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES: Alkali- activated slags and their composites, Geopolymers and their composites, Natural cements, gypsum and lime in construction, Mortars and special concretes, Pozzolans and portland cement additions, Natural based admixtures for cement based materials, Fillers in building materials, Natural fibers and their treatments, Non-traditional fibrous matrix reinforcements, Inorganic matrix composites with non-conventional reinforcements, Polymer matrix composites with nonconventional reinforcements, Tailored materials for housing and civil infrastructure, Alternative cementitious matrices, Ferrocement, Bamboo and Guadua as construction materials, Earth based materials and soil construction, Waste materials in building construction, Valorization and recycling of industrial, minning, agricultural and urban residues as engineering materials, Environmentally friendly and energy efficient materials and construction, Materials and technology for low cost housing and sheltering. Organizing Committee Silvio Delvasto, Univalle, Colombia, [email protected] Ruby Mejía de Gutiérrez, Univalle, Colombia, [email protected] Khosrow Ghavami, PUC-Rio, Brazil, [email protected] APPLICATIONS: Civil Engineering, Rehabilitation of Construction, Durability aspects of nonconventional materials, Process of production, Rural Construction, Urban Construction, Community Centers, Restoration, Road Construction, Slope Stabilization, Structural Elements, Theoretical Analysis, Case Studies and other new topics. Vicente Amigó, UPV, Spain, [email protected] Holmer Savastano, USP Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil, [email protected] Alejandro Manzano Ramírez (CINVESTAV, Mexico) [email protected] International Scientific Committee Conference Secretariat Abmtenc, Brazil, Universidad del Valle, Oficina de Extensión en Ingeniería E-mail: [email protected] . [email protected] Correspondance and inquiries Ahmad Varvani (Ryerson University,Toronto,Canadá) [email protected] Alejandro Manzano Ramírez (CINVESTAV, Mexico) [email protected] Andrés Simbaña (PUCEI, Ecuador) [email protected] Ángel Tomás Pérez Rodríguez (U. de Holguín, Cuba) [email protected] Angela Costa Sales (UFSE, Brazil) [email protected] Antônio Ludovico Beraldo (Unicamp, Brazil) [email protected] Caori Patricia Takeuchi (Universidad Nacional, Colombia) [email protected] Conrado de Sousa Rodrigues (CEFET-MG, Brazil) [email protected] Daniel Bedoya (Universidad de Medellín, Colombia) [email protected] Ernesto Villar Cociña (UCLV, Cuba) [email protected] Ferran Martí Ferrer (AIMPLAS, Spain) [email protected] Khosrow Ghavami (PUC-Rio, Brazil) [email protected] Holmer Savastano Jr. (USP/Pirassununga, Brazil) [email protected] Idalberto Águila (UCV, Venezuela) [email protected] Joana Sousa Coutinho (Universidade do Porto, Portugal) [email protected] Jorge Bernardo Acevedo Catá (CECAT, Cuba) [email protected] José Monzó (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain) [email protected] Luis Eustáquio Moreira (UFMG, Brazil) [email protected] Luis Roberto Cerna (CUPROFOR, Honduras) [email protected] Mariana Gatani (UNC, Argentina) [email protected] Marie-Ange Arsène (Université des Antilles, France) [email protected] Michel Gohnert (WIT University, South Africa) [email protected] Milena Sosa (UCV, Venezuela) [email protected] Normando Perazzo Barbosa (UFPB, Brazil) [email protected] Patricia Guerrero Zúñiga (Universidad del Valle, Colombia) [email protected] Pierre Ohayon (FACC/UFRJ, Brazil) [email protected] R. Narayan Swamy (University of Sheffield, UK) [email protected] Rafael Talero (IETcc, CSIC, Spain) [email protected] Romildo Dias Toledo Filho (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil) [email protected] Ruby Mejía de Gutiérrez (Universidad del Valle, Colombia) [email protected] Said Kenai (Blida University, Algeria) [email protected] Sérgio Henrique Pezzin (UDESC, Brazil) [email protected] Silvio Delvasto Arjona (Universidad del Valle, Colombia) [email protected] Vicente Amigó (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain) [email protected] Wolé Soboyejo (Princeton University, USA) [email protected] Yunus Ballim (WIT University, South Africa) Universidad del Valle, Oficina de Extensión en Ingeniería Bertha Bolaños e- mail: [email protected] [email protected] Phone: (57) (2) 333 4898 - 333 4904 Fax: (57) (2) 330 2479 Invitation for Technical Papers Abstracts should be submitted within 250 to 400 words with title, author's name, address and send by e-mail to Silvio Delvasto ([email protected], [email protected]) before 30th of May 2008. Deadlines Receipt of abstracts not later than: Notification of acceptance: Receipt of full paper: Notification of final acceptance: 15th of June 30th of June 30th of August 30th of September 2008 2008 2008 2008 Language and proceedings The Conference's working languages will be Spanish and English. Papers written in Spanish, English and Portuguese will be accepted. Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt) presentations must be prepared in English.The referred papers presented during the conference will be published in the proceedings to be distributed during the conference. Registration Fee The registration fee will be: Participants non - authors: 500.000 Colombian pesos (or US Dollars or Euros equivalent value) Authors: 250.000 Colombian pesos Students: 100.000 Colombian pesos This fee includes three days attending at the conference, lunches in november 12 and 13, coffee breaks and a CD copy of the conference proceedings. All delegates can purchase separately tickets for the banquet dinner. Registration fee must be paid before October 15, 2008. An additional fee of 50.000 Colombian pesos will be charged for payment received after this date. Social Program Post conference tours and an accompanying persons program will be arranged based on the requests from participants. Conference location The conference will be held at Hotel Plaza las Américas Cali, Colombia Calle 21 Norte Nº 3N - 34 PBX: (57 2) 680 1010 Fax: (57 2) 661 1140 Toll Free: 01 8000 52 77 77 Contacts Silvio Delvasto Arjona ([email protected] [email protected]) Ruby Mejía de Gutiérrez ([email protected]) Escuela de Ingeniería de Materiales Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad del Valle Calle 13 No.100-00 • Cali Colombia (57 2) 3302436 • (57 2) 3212187 0149 • (57 2) 3212270