Special Trading Procedures For an asset which has presented high price volatility (equivalent to four times the Ibovespa standard volatility of one month on an annualized basis), the Exchange may adopt the procedure of thirty minutes auction for the first transaction with the asset (opening price) and new 15-minute auctions during the regular trading session if the price proposed during trading presents an oscillation that is equal or superior to 3% in relation to the last executed price. If the asset has any type of publicly traded stock with high price volatility, all of the company’s stocks of every type will be subject to special trading procedures. These special trading procedures are not adopted for assets which are included in any theoretical portfolio of the Exchange indexes. If market conditions so demand, BM&FBOVESPA’s Operations Officer can establish an auction of differentiated duration for one or more assets. This procedure is in accordance with article 8 of CVM Instruction 168, which establishes that special procedures are “those that seek to offer conditions appropriate for the balanced participation of investors in Stock Exchange trading.” Last update: 10/03/2016 COMPANY/TYPE AFLUENTE T ON BAUMER ON BAUMER PN MERC BRASIL ON MERC BRASIL PN ALFA CONSORCPNE ALFA CONSORCPNF ALFA CONSORCON ALFA CONSORCPNA ALFA CONSORCPNB ALFA CONSORCPNC ALFA CONSORCPND ALFA INVEST ON ALFA INVEST PN CEDRO ON N1 CEDRO PN N1 CELPA ON CODE AFLT3 BALM3 BALM4 BMEB3 BMEB4 BRGE11 BRGE12 BRGE3 BRGE5 BRGE6 BRGE7 BRGE8 BRIV3 BRIV4 CEDO3 CEDO4 CELP3 1 CELPA PNA CELPA PNB CELPA PNC CRISTAL ON CRISTAL PNA CRISTAL PNB DTCOM-DIRECTON DTCOM-DIRECTPN ELEKEIROZ ON ELEKEIROZ PN ESTRELA ON ESTRELA PN CELGPAR ON GPC PART ON HERCULES ON HERCULES PN DOC IMBITUBAON DOC IMBITUBAPN INEPAR ON INEPAR PN J B DUARTE ON J B DUARTE PN LIX DA CUNHAON LIX DA CUNHAPN WETZEL S/A ON WETZEL S/A PN OI ON N1 OI PN N1 PLASCAR PARTON REDE ENERGIAON ES REDE ENERGIAPN ES ALFA HOLDINGON ALFA HOLDINGPNA ALFA HOLDINGPNB SANSUY ON SANSUY PNA SANSUY PNB SPRINGER ON SPRINGER PNA SPRINGER PNB CELP5 CELP6 CELP7 CRPG3 CRPG5 CRPG6 DTCY3 DTCY4 ELEK3 ELEK4 ESTR3 ESTR4 GPAR3 GPCP3 HETA3 HETA4 IMBI3 IMBI4 INEP3 INEP4 JBDU3 JBDU4 LIXC3 LIXC4 MWET3 MWET4 OIBR3 OIBR4 PLAS3 REDE3 REDE4 RPAD3 RPAD5 RPAD6 SNSY3 SNSY5 SNSY6 SPRI3 SPRI5 SPRI6 2 TEKA ON TEKA PN TECTOY BNS TECTOY ON TECTOY PN TEX RENAUX ON TEX RENAUX PN VIVER ON NM TEKA3 TEKA4 TOYB13 TOYB3 TOYB4 TXRX3 TXRX4 VIVR3 3