BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA The conference is limited to 45 participants. Please submit your registration via e-mail to: [email protected] ORGANISATION: COMENIUS PROJECT GEH-MIT http://ea.gr/geh-mit CO-ORGANISATION: ICT AND NEW APPROACHES TO LEARNING BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA Universidade Católica Portuguesa Estrada de Circunvalação - 3504-505 Viseu www.crb.ucp.pt 24 - 3 - 2003 BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA PORTUGUESA - VISEU BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA 9.30 Sessão de Abertura: Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação e novas abordagens do ensino Ana Margarida Abrantes, GEH-MIT-Project, Viseu 9.45 GEH-MIT is a training programme for the application of ICT in German learning environments. Ana Margarida Abrantes is the local coordinator of the project team O Projecto GEH-MIT Ana Margarida Abrantes, GEH-MIT-Project, Viseu 10.30 Coffee break 10.45 Hypertext: a practical tool for the application of cognitive flexibility Paula Rebelo is developing research in hypertext as a cognitive-based learning tool Paula Rebelo, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 11.15 Serviços digitais na Biblioteca D. José Pedro da Silva Peter Hanenberg, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 12.00 Discussion 12.30 Lunch break 14.30 Towards a New Architectural Education: Integration of Beaux-Arts, Bauhaus and New Technologies Peter Hanenberg is the head of the German Studies Department, Library Professor and a member of the Geh-Mit local team www.katarxis-publications.com Lucien Steil is the editor of the webzine Katarxis on new traditional architecture and urbanism Lucien Steil, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu 15.00 ICT in Clinical Dentistry and Dental Education Veronika Wagner, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu 15.30 Panel discussion: “Different experiences, common goals: What is changing in learning?” Coordination: Sebastião J. Formosinho, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu Veronika Wagner is head of the International Institute of Applied Informatics and Flexible Learning Sebastião J. Formosinho is Chemistry Professor at Coimbra University and President of the Regional Centre of Beiras of the UCP BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA - BJPS - BIBLIOTECA D. JOSÉ PEDRO DA SILVA
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