Tesi defintiva10 - international ph.d. in management
Tesi defintiva10 - international ph.d. in management
Integrated assessment of renewable energies for decision making: A two-case analysis Thesis presented by: Matteo Borzoni to The class of social sciences for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Management, competitiveness and development Tutor: Prof. Marco Frey Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna A.Y. 2010-2011 La vida es una funcion derivada de las relaciones entre energia individual y cosmo. V = f( i, c). José De Letamendi Spanish doctor from the 19th century who distinguished himself not only for his gallant fight against the cholera epidemic in Barcelona but also for his essays on law, economics and philosophy. Contents Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................i INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1 References ...........................................................................................................................7 A THEORETICAL REVIEW OF SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT........................10 2.1 TRADITIONAL COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS AND COMMENSURABILITY ...........................10 2.2 COMPLEXITY AND COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS.......................................................15 2.3 THE WAY OUT ..............................................................................................................17 References .........................................................................................................................21 MULTI-SCALE INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT OF SOYBEAN BIODIESEL IN BRAZIL ............................................................................................................................25 3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................26 3.2 SCENARIOS, GENERAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY .........................................28 3.2.1 VARIABLES ........................................................................................................28 3.2.2 NET DELIVERY OF BIOFUELS..............................................................................30 3.2.3 SCENARIOS ........................................................................................................31 3.2.4 ENERGY BALANCE AND ENERGY ANALYSIS ......................................................33 3.2.5 INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS: DATA AND DIRECT COEFFICIENT MATRIX ...............37 3.2.6 INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS: IMPACT ASSESSMENT ..............................................41 3.3 DISCUSSION AND RESULTS...........................................................................................43 3.4 CONCLUSIONS ..............................................................................................................47 References .........................................................................................................................49 Appendix A3.1 – Additional results..................................................................................55 SOCIAL-MULTI CRITERIA EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE GEOTHERMAL POWER SCENARIOS: THE CASE OF MT. AMIATA IN ITALY...............................56 4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................57 4.2 METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................59 4.3 HISTORICAL-INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS ......................................................................62 4.3.1 HISTORICAL CONTEXT .......................................................................................62 4.3.2 THE SCIENTIFIC DEBATE ....................................................................................64 4.3.3 CURRENT STATUS ..............................................................................................66 4.3.4 SOCIAL ACTORS .................................................................................................67 4.4 THE MULTI-CRITERIA MATRIX .....................................................................................71 4.4.1 GENERATION OF ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................71 4.4.2 CHOICE AND ESTIMATION OF CRITERIA .............................................................72 4.5 RANKING ALTERNATIVES ............................................................................................83 4.6 CONCLUSIONS ..............................................................................................................90 References .........................................................................................................................92 Appendix A4.1 – Summary of the interviews ...................................................................99 Appendix A4.2 – Cost structure ......................................................................................100 Appendix A4.3 – Additional results: sensitivity analysis................................................105 CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................................108 References .......................................................................................................................113 Acknowledgments In order to increase the chances of getting our work published, as part of a seminar in the first year of my PhD course, we were advised to highlight what differentiates our research by using words and phrases such as “contrary to”, “innovative”, “surprisingly” etc. I do not think I have made much use of this wise advice in my dissertation and so I am daring to apply it here. Contrary to the most basic rules of logic, common sense and established conventions, I want to start my acknowledgments by blaming somebody instead of thanking them. At the beginning of my PhD I used to play squash with a great friend of mine, Sittáro. After our matches he used to dissimulate his profound happiness for having consistently won by talking on topics that at that time sounded like pure buzz words: MUSIASEM, MSIASM, SMCE, multi-criteria analysis, etc. Those buzz words stimulated my curiosity and became the main methods of my thesis. So Sittaro is the first person to be blamed for everything that I was unable to accomplish. By the same token, he is the first person to be thanked. In addition, he provided me with extremely useful suggestions while I was drafting the chapter applying multi-criteria analysis, and finally he commented on the first draft of the same chapter. This is why I want to thank him twice. By the way, I’m convinced that had I won a couple more squash matches, this thesis would have been completely different. I’m grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Marco Frey, because he always encouraged me to pursue my research interests including those that had little to do with his background. Plus his comments on the early draft of the dissertation were of great value. In a certain sense, the research I carried out shares many things in common with complex adaptive systems: there are legacy effects (from previous studies), time lags (in submitting the thesis), a recombination of previous of events and novelty. In 2007, a long before I decided to do a PhD program, I attended a conference in Iceland. After many presentations I was tired and I went to the conference cafeteria for a coffee, where, by chance, I met Prof. Decio Zylbersztajn. Two years later he invited me to join his research group in Sao Paulo. I’m grateful to him because he made it possible to collect the data I needed for the biodiesel chapter. But even more, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to him for having so clearly explained to me that whatever external development intervention always ends up breaking social equilibria, consequently, even the best intentioned actions can easily provoke disastrous effects. i I would like to thank Prof. Maria Sylvia Saes for her great support in obtaining the data I needed but also for letting me taste what Brazilians consider the best pizza in the world. On that occasion I had the first clear example of weak comparability, an underlying theme of this thesis. In fact, before deciding if that was actually the best pizza in the world, we needed to agree on the meaning of pizza. We clearly had two very different ideas. Thanks are due to all the PENSA group in Sao Paulo for their willingness to help me and for having made my stay there so pleasant. For this I am indebted to Kassinha, Andrei, Flavia, Raquel, Camila, Bruno, Nadia and Evandro. I gratefully acknowledge the influence Mario Giampietro from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona had on the entire work. I would also like to thank to Prof. Maurizio Grassini from the University of Florence for his clarifications on input-output analysis. The discussions with Simone Bertini and Stefano Rosignoli from IRPET were also of great help. I would like to express my gratitude to Franz. If he hadn’t introduced me to the geothermal research area, the multi-criteria chapter would not have seen the light. He also commented on the same chapter. The exchanges with Gonzalo Gamboa on the problems arising during the multi-criteria exercise were also very useful. Thanks are also due to all the CEGL staff for their technical clarifications on geothermal exploitation and their assistance in collecting data: Fausto, Isabella, Enrica and Giacomo. Many people gave me their time for the interviews on Mt. Amiata. I also need to thank Rolando for his willingness to help me with the estimations of the taxes of the geothermal power plants. And last, but not least, there is Cristina. I started this preface with the concept of blaming. Thus following the common sense practice of recalling the starting point of a piece of research in the conclusions, I would like to conclude again by blaming someone. But as much as I try, I cannot find any single reason to blame her. I simply have to thank her. She knows why. ii 1 Introduction The oil age began about 150 years ago and is still in place. According to many scholars, an easily available energy form supporting major advances in manufacturing, agriculture and transport has probably been the main enabler of economic growth throughout human history (Boulding, 1966; Bullard and Herendeen, 1975; Cleveland, 1991; Dung, 1992; Hall et al., , 1992; Hall et al., 2008; Jorgenson, 1984; Küummel, 1982; Rosenberg, 1976). Today oil is still the main source of energy providing about 30% of the world’s total primary energy supply, while the entire set of fossil energies makes up more than 80% (IEA, 2010a). The pro-capita primary energy consumption in OECD countries is 195 GJ with large differences between countries. The average American consumes 314 GJ while in Italy the average pro-capita consumption is 123 GJ (IEA, 2010a). The energy contained in one barrel of oil is more than 6 GJ. Such heat content would be generated by human muscles in about 2.5 years (Hagens and Mulder, 2008). In a certain sense we are like the emperors of our modern times and fossil fuels are our slaves. The history of biological evolution is also the history of energy use. The species that harvest and use high quality energy sources show higher survival strategies (MacArthur and Pianka, 1966). The difference between how much energy an organism receives for its efforts and how much it uses (i.e. net energy) is a key element not only in the evolution of present day organisms (Lotka, 1922; Odum et al., 1995), but also for the stabilization of structures and the functions of modern societies (Giampietro et al., 1997). The history of human societies is one of using the condensed energy of the sun. Since the beginning of sedentary farming and the domestication of draft animals, traditional societies secured their required mechanical energy by using human and animal muscles, and the thermal energy needed for cooking and comfort by burning biomass. Buried plant matter eventually decayed and became what we now call fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal). The average per-capita availability of all forms of energy remained low and stagnant for a very long period of time. The U.S. consumption of fossil fuel surpassed that of biomass only in the early 1880s. During the second half of the 1800s, the average per capita supply of all energy forms increased by only 25% with the rise in coal consumption (Smil, 2003). In contrast, human advances Charter 1 - Introduction during the twentieth century were strongly linked with an unprecedented rise in total energy consumption. This rise was characterized by a crucial change in the dominant energy base as coal deposits, crude oil and natural gas became the dominant form of energy (Hagens, 2010; Smil, 2000). The result is that today, the vast majority of our energy supply is spent in non-nutritive energy consumption (Price, 1995). In this regard, an important distinction was introduced by Lotka, and later taken up by Georgescu-Roegen (1971), between endosomatic and exosomatic energy. The former refers to energy consumed in the form of food by human bodies to perform biological activities. Consequently endosomatic instruments are the organs each individual is born with. Conversely, exosomatic energy is the energy consumed by humans outside their bodies. Today, exosomatic energy in developed and transitional countries consists mainly in fossil energy. Thus, if over the last thousand years, the evolution of human beings has been based on a slow adaptation of our endosomatic instruments (i.e. organs), in less than 200 years, human evolution has shifted to the rapid adaptation of exosomatic instruments. The massive use of fossil fuels that characterizes modern human societies cannot continue for long . Peak oil, the point in time when an oil field, a nation or the world oil reaches its maximum oil production and then declines, has now been acknowledged by an increasing number of scholars (Deffeyes, 2005; Duncan, 2000; Duncan and Youngquist, 1999; Hubbert, 1969; Ivanhoe, 1997; Strahan, 2007). Moreover, the continuous use of fossil fuels has dramatically increased anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Currently the debate on the oil peak is fundamentally about whether there are one, two or even 3.5 trillion barrels of economically extractable oil left. One critical aspect in this debate (yet often ignored) is the capital, operating and environmental costs, in terms of money and energy, to exploit any oil fields that remain to be discovered and to generate whatever alternatives we might decide to invest in (Hall et al., 2008). Natural gas and coal can provide us a few more decades of easy accessible energy but their peak will follow as long as the global demand for energy keeps increasing (Energy Watch Group, 2007). The famous “Hirsch report” commissioned by the US Department of Energy suggests that we need 10-20 years of lead time before a global peak oil to prepare alternative energy systems (Hirsch et al., 2005). However, the proposed solutions such as the exploitation of tar sands, oil shale and coal-to-liquid fuels present tremendous environmental impacts (Hagens, 2010; Jaramillo et al., 2008). Today energy policies face extremely difficult and contrasting challenges such as ensuring adequate amounts of energy to satisfy human needs and wants, reducing GHG emissions, minimizing the use of other natural resources, avoiding the detrimental effects on human health for current and future generations, and promoting technically feasible and economically viable alternatives. Basically we require energy policies to provide sustainable alternatives. 2 Charter 1 - Introduction At a global level, renewable energy makes up just 10% of the entire exosomatic energy consumption (IEA, 2010a). If renewable energies are to contribute to solve the current global energy and environmental problems, their contribution to the energy mix needs to increase dramatically. In this regard, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the delivery of energy from renewables will increase from 840 Mtoe to between 1,900 (more than twice the current level) and 3,250 Mtoe (almost four times the current level) in 2035 depending on the scenario considered (Current Policy scenario for the lower estimated renewable energy production, and more aggressive GHGs abatement policy scenario for the higher estimation). Specifically, IEA estimates that the share of renewables in the generation of global electricity will increase from 19% in 2008 to almost a third in 2035. Moreover, the share of renewables in heat is expected to increase from 10% to 16%, and the demand for biofuels will grow four-fold in the same period, thus meeting 8% of the global demand for road transport fuel (IEA, 2010b). These increases in production and use of renewables, can only be achieved through relevant policies. Thus the European Union has set binding targets of GHG reductions and renewable energy uses to be achieved by 2020 such as 20% of renewable energy use in the energy mix and a 20% reduction in GHG emissions in comparison to 1990. Additionally, more ambitious targets were recently suggested by the European Commission to achieve a 80-95% reduction in GHG emissions (compared to 1990 levels) in order to keep climate change below 2°C (EU, 2011). If alternatives to fossil fuels need to increase we must be able to properly evaluate the sustainability of the proposed alternatives in order to avoid a pointless and harmful waste of time and resources. Evaluating sustainability is certainly not an easy task. Indeed, the practical business of evaluating the sustainability of real decisions seems in many cases to be impaired by the polemics, ambiguities and expediencies associated with many mainstream commercial and political interests in “sustainable development”. The development of sustainable evaluation techniques and indicators is a crucial issue in the overall strategy for effective decision making for sustainable alternatives. However, in spite of the institutional enthusiasm, there may be a tendency to forget that the design of evaluation methodologies for sustainability is only a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. Indicators and evaluation techniques are only as good as the decisions they enable (Stirling, 1999). Over the last few decades there has been a proliferation of evaluation techniques both with descriptive and normative purposes: different forms of costbenefit, cost-effectiveness and multi-criteria analyses, life cycle assessments, material flow accounting, comparative risk analyses, among many others. Unfortunately, all this rapid reproduction of sustainability assessment techniques does not necessarily suggest any institutional enlightenment. In fact, a common problem is that sustainability, at least in terms of its most important aspect, is regarded as if it were an objective determinate quantity. If this were actually the 3 Charter 1 - Introduction case, the purpose of an evaluation would simply be to identify the best option from an array of alternatives (Stirling, 1999). But sustainable development is a multi-dimensional concept. This implies that policies promoting sustainable development must deal with conflicting points of views. In Norgaard’s words (1994, p.10 ) “Environmentalists want environmental systems and the diversity of species sustained, […] consumers want consumption sustained. Workers want jobs sustained. Capitalists and socialists have their “isms,” while aristocrats, autocrats, bureaucrats, and technocrats have their cracies”. When we discuss sustainability, we cannot escape questions such as: Sustainability of what? Sustainability for whom? Sustainability for how long? Sustainability at what cost (Allen et al., 2003)? Economic instruments are better suited to answer only the last question. Thus, they need to be complemented with other approaches if we want to deal with sustainability in a comprehensive way (Munda, 2008). In the current context of the demand for environmental health and economic stability, it is clear that energy and environmental policies will have to face more complex goals at global, regional and local levels. In this sense, assessing our energy and environmental policies across different scales and different dimensions becomes crucial for the evaluation of sustainable alternatives. The acknowledgement of the importance of scale for the analysis of sustainability has grown considerably over the last few decades. In this regard, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) clearly recognized the crucial role of multi-scale and multi-dimensional analyses to allow decision-making to identify policy options which take critical interactions between human beings and ecosystem services into account. The issue of scale is crucial because the scale at which an assessment is undertaken dramatically influences the structuring of the problem, the definition of relevant attributes, and consequently the results of the assessment. In addition, there are different social groups and stakeholders involved in the decision-making process according to the scale of analysis. Finally, once a given scale is chosen, several attributes and problems (those not relevant for the specific point of view reflected by the analyst) are automatically left outside the modeling exercise. Thus, if the different points of view reflected by the different possible scales are to be taken simultaneously into account, the advantages and disadvantages of the policy options which may be important for other points of view and for other sustainability aspects may be completely lost. Furthermore, also in terms of a single scale analysis, the multi-dimensional nature of sustainability assessments requires the comprehensive use of indicators related to different scientific dimensions and to different points of view. Of course, applying multi-scale approaches and multi-dimensional analyses poses serious methodological and practical challenges. The focus of this thesis is on integrated assessments for decision making. In the following chapter the reasons why an assessment of sustainable alternatives cannot be based on a measurement of a single determinate quantity will be 4 Charter 1 - Introduction explained further. After a thorough review of the traditional evaluation approaches and a brief introduction to the complexity theory applied to the analysis of coupled environmental and socio-economic systems, I will address to what extent specific energy alternatives can be considered sustainable in multi-criteria and multi-scale assessments. I will show how integrated assessments with specific desired characteristics can be applied. The definition and the relevance of these characteristics is then the subject of the subsequent chapter. There are two cases proposed for the application of the specific methods: biodiesel in Brazil and geothermal power in the south of Tuscany (Italy). The former is the case of a very large country with the enormous potential for agricultural and biomass based activities. The latter represents a case of a small area with abundant geothermal resources. These two cases are strongly contested and at the same time advocated by different stakeholders carrying different legitimate perspectives. In both cases, decision makers need to take difficult decisions and consequently need appropriate tools to assist the decision-making processes. I approach the biodiesel case using a Multi-Scale Integrated Assessment of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM), while the geothermal case is explored by means of a Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE). Both cases and both methodologies seem very significant in terms of capturing the multidimensional nature of energy policies. MuSIASEM builds on societal and industrial metabolism concepts (Ayres and Simonis, 1994; Fischer-Kowalski, 1998; Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl, 1993) thus capturing the biophysical aspects of the economy and facilitating an analysis of the interaction between human societies and their natural environment. In addition MuSIASEM explicitly addresses the issues of scale by providing a coherent framework for parallel assessments at different scales and related to different indicators originating from different disciplines. MuSIASEM makes it possible to simultaneously analyze how flows of energy, money and material are generated and exchanged among the different scales that make up a given societal organization which, in turn, is embedded in a larger ecosystem. Practical applications of MuSIASEM are mainly parallel economic and biophysical historical analyses of trajectories of development of specific regions or countries (Eisenmenger et al., 2007; Falconi-Benitez, 2001; Gasparatos et al., 2009; Iorgulescu and Polimeni, 2009; Kuskova et al., 2008; Ramos-Martín, 2001; Ramos-Martín et al., 2009; Ramos-Martín et al., 2007). I attempt a further step forward by applying MuSIASEM as a scenario feasibility tool and integrating MuSIASEM with an input-output analysis (IOA). This is because the application of IOA makes it possible to generate the economic flows implied by the given scenario. As will be explained in Chapter 3, MuSIASEM builds on the Georgescu-Roegen fund-flow model (1971). However, although the fund-flow model is a close cousin of input-output models (as Georgescu-Roegen has shown), 5 Charter 1 - Introduction to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that MuSIASEM has been coupled with IOA. SMCE is a robust methodological approach for the analysis of multidimensional attributes of alternatives and scenarios. It facilitates the identification of compromise solutions from contrasting objectives. Thus, while MuSIASEM can be classified as a descriptive tool, SMCE represents a normative approach. As Stirling (1999) stresses, in the field of multi-criteria evaluation, very often analyses attempt to express performances in terms of aggregated numerical values and unitary sets of ranking. However if an integrated assessment of energy alternatives cannot be reduced to a single discrete numerical result, one possible solution is to think of it as a pattern of sensitivities. In this way, an integrated assessment aims to map the sensitivity of results under different assumptions. It is curious that sensitivity analyses are so widespread in deterministic disciplines such as engineering, and yet so little used in integrated assessments of environmental and energy problems (which are probably less determinate). In this thesis, SMCE is applied as a form of “political sensitivity analysis” explicitly showing how the rankings of options change under different social perspectives. This thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 2 introduces the problem of assessing alternative options in energy and environmental problems. Traditional approaches are revised and their practical, ethical, and epistemological problems are explained. The chapter ends by describing the desired characteristics of methodological tools of integrated assessment for supporting decision making. Chapter 3 shows how MuSIASEM can be applied as a tool for the scenario feasibility analysis to evaluate biodiesel in Brazil. The specific case offers a significant insight since biofuels are promoted as clean and green energy sources, especially in developing and transitional countries. Brazil presents excellent conditions for the development of an energy matrix where a significant contribution comes from biomass and biofuel sources. Thus after having replaced more than 50% of gasoline with ethanol, Brazil has recently launched a new biodiesel program. It is hoped that the very particular characteristics of Brazil make it an enlightening case study. This chapter was also published in Ecological Economics (Vol. 70, pp. 2028 – 2038). Chapter 4 assesses the development of geothermal power by means of SMCE in the region where geothermal power originated: Tuscany (Italy). The case study describes a context characterized by strong uncertainty concerning key issues such as the effects of geothermal power on water conservation and its impact on human health. The scientific research addressing these issues has been highly contested. In these conditions, geothermal power is giving rise to strong opposition. SMCE is applied here to explore possible scenarios using a “political sensitivity analysis”. Chapter 5 draws some conclusions. 6 Charter 1 - Introduction References Allen, T.F.H. Tainter, J.A. and Hoekstra, T.W. (2003). Supply-Side Sustainability. Columbia Univerity Press, New York Ayres, R.U. and Simonis, U.E. (1994). Industrial Metabolism: Restructuring for Sustainable Development. United Nations University Press, Tokyo, New York, Paris Boulding, K.E. (1966). The economics of the coming spaceship earth. In Jarrett, H. (Ed.) Environmental quality in a growing economy. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore Bullard, C.W. and Herendeen, R.A. (1975). The energy cost of goods and services. Energy Policy, 3 (4), 268-278. Cleveland, C.J. (1991). Natural resource scarcity and economic growth revisited: economic and biophysical perspectives. 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The relevance of post-normal science problem-solving strategies for addressing sustainability problems is explained along with a presentation of the desired characteristics of assessment methodologies. Finally, two methodological approaches are introduced. Keywords: Sustainability assessment, incommensurability, post-normal science cost-benefit analysis, complexity, 2.1 Traditional cost-benefit analysis and commensurability A reduction in the use of fossil fuels and their replacement (at least partial) with renewable energy forms is expected and advocated by a wide array of international, national and local government institutions. This is because of environmental concerns, peak oil arguments and political reasons. The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy raises important questions regarding the supposed environmental sustainability of potential alternatives, their costs, their technical feasibility, and their socio-economic implications. Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment Environmental economics has traditionally relied on a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to evaluate environmental policies including energy alternatives. This rather simple decision-making procedure essentially consists in weighing up the gains and costs of a decision, project or policy. It generally includes the following phases (Bojö et al., 1990; Garrod and Willis, 1999; Pearce, 1971): i) a definition of the project, which means the identification of benefits and costs; ii) an evaluation (and quantification) of benefits and costs in terms of a common monetary unit; iii) the choice of a social discount rate; iv) the introduction of a time horizon; v) the construction of one dimensional indicators which put together benefits and costs (typically the net present value); and finally vi) the application of a decision rule. The underlying assumptions of this monetary evaluation are rationality and optimization. In order to extend the application of CBA from individual choices to social decisions, the assumptions of rationality and optimization are maintained. CBA has many advantages for deciding on economic alternatives related to individual choices and clearly defined economic costs and benefits. Environmental economists have developed a wide range of methodologies to deal with the technical limits of CBA, mainly the absence of a market for environmental goods. These techniques are mostly based on the creation of artificial markets and include contingent valuations (the willingness to pay and to accept), travel cost methods, hedonic prices, etc. Criticisms of such approaches are related to ethical reasons, theoretical foundations of CBA, epistemological arguments and empirical considerations contesting the validity of the results of the specific methods. Political philosophers stress that market boundaries should exist for specific goods and services (Anderson, 1993; Kuttner, 1999; Lukes, 1996; Miller and Walzer, 1995). For instance, trading in children, certain drugs, or "weapons of mass destruction," is morally wrong. The artificial surrogate markets of CBA are regarded as similarly unacceptable within these contexts. Thus many economists acknowledge that there are clear limits to the use of CBAs in policy making, however CBAs are considered still relevant whenever resource constraints are involved (Beckerman and Pasek, 2001). However as Aldred (2006) stresses, such a contention is unhelpful because almost all policies have important resource implications, for example, the death penalty (versus more prisons), abortion policies (clinics), and foreign affairs (armed forces). The mix of economics and moral in these policies is just what critics of CBA claim characterizes environmental policies (Holland, 1997; O'Neil, 1993; Vatn, 2004). In Aldred’s words “if CBA is inappropriate for political decisions concerning say, abortion policy, then it is argued to be inappropriate for much environmental policy too” (2006 p. 142). Another point often raised in the academic literature (a full treatment of this issue can be found in Aldred, 2006) is related to the reluctance of rational agents to attach a monetary value to some goods or services (including environmental 11 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment assets). In this case, the respondent behaviour is the so-called protest bid (zero or implausibly large bids). It is widely acknowledged that incommensurability problems are particularly evident and important in environmental evaluation endeavours. According to the utilitarian view intrinsic in CBA, different values attached to the environment can be traded off by resorting to one unique monetary value. Willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to accept (WTA) imply a tradeoff between environmental damage and monetary compensation or a payment to avoid the environmental damage. It is worth mentioning that the refusal to make a trade-off is found both among those scholars believing that monetary valuations can be useful and among those who are against the use of monetary valuations of environmental assets (Spash, 2000). Sustainability is an inherently multi-dimensional concept. Many of the disparate environmental, economic and social aspects involved in sustainability assessments are mutually incommensurable. Issues such as child mortality, occupational safety, future cancer risks, employment, biodiversity losses, regional and social development, gender and global equity cannot be adequately measured with the same yardstick. The different types of environmental and social impacts associated with sustainability can be classified according to dimensions such as: duration, familiarity or controllability, severity (the balance of mortality and morbidity), immediacy (disease versus injury), demographic and geographic distribution and gravity (spread over a number of relatively minor events versus concentrated in serious single episodes) (Fischhoff et al., 1981; Stirling, 1999). These dimensions are not commensurable in the sense that they cannot be aggregated into any single common measure. Of course, it is possible to take different - but equally reasonable - views of the relative importance of these dimensions. As one of the pioneers of environmental economics, David Perce, acknowledges “the issue of “incommensurables” grew to be the single most controversial issue in CBA, and it remains so today (Pearce, 2000 p.51). As Funtowicz and Ratvets stress, when the irreducible complexity of environmental issues is acknowledged “the issue is not whether it is only the marketplace that can determine value, for economists have long debated other means of valuation; our concern is with the assumption that in any dialogue, all valuations or “numeraires” should be reducible to a single one-dimension standard” (1994, p.199). These concerns from the academic arena have so far had a limited effect on the practice of sustainability evaluation (Stagl, 2009). Another strand of criticism of CBA is related to the behavioural assumptions which underlie neo-classical micro-economics and consequently CBA. According to this view, CBA is at odds with empirical evidence and modern psychology. The usual behavioural assumption of conventional policy and economic analysis is that the valuation of losses and gains are essentially equivalent. According to this view, the amount people would be willing to pay to avoid damage (such as the cleaning up a site) should be the same as the compensation they would be ready to accept to allow somebody to provoke the 12 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment damage, such as polluting the site (Coase, 1960; Willing, 1976; Zeckhauser and Phillips, 1989). Thus it does not make much difference if WTP or WTA is used because people would feel the same about these two options except for the limited effect of income constraints. As a result, the most conveniently measured willingness to pay has became the main means for estimating both gains and losses (Knetsch, 1995). However there is growing evidence that people value gains and losses asymmetrically. Specifically, the empirical evidence from many controlled tests (Kachelmeier and Shehata, 1992; Kahneman et al., 1991; Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; Knetsch and Sinden, 1984) and real life situations (Frey and Pommerehne, 1987) consistently indicates that losses matter much more than gains, and that reductions in losses are more valuable than foregone gains. Moreover, the reported differences between WTA and WTP have been demonstrated to be independent from the repetition of trade offers, transaction costs, wealth constraints and income effects (Kahneman et al., 1990). As a consequence, using payment measures to assess losses seriously underestimates their magnitude (Kahneman et al., 1991; Knetsch, 1995). One practical problem in the application CBA to sustainability problems is that a sustainability analysis requires suitable long-term tools. It is well known that extremely small increases in discount rates tend to exclude the long-term effects of available options. This is perfectly consistent with the utility theory which underlies CBA. In fact, the utility (or disutility) associated with today’s benefits (or costs) is assumed to be higher than that of tomorrow. However such an approach certainly raises serious issues regarding the burden of effects that today’s choices will have on tomorrow’s generations. This important aspect was also explicitly addressed by the Stern Review (2006), which suggests using a very low rate of 0.1%. The discount rate debate is one example of the distributional effects of CBA (e.g. on future generations). However there are other distributional effects of a more explicit nature. WTP, which underlies the different methods based on artificial markets, depends on the ability to pay. The consequence is that externalities have a much lower valuation when they are borne by poor people. The famous World Bank internal memo (The Economist, 1992) suggesting that dirty industries migrate more to less developed countries was exactly based on this kind of reasoning. Thus, choices made on CBA easily imply intragenerational inequality. Accepting low values for negative externalities is a political decision which is far from being ethically neutral (Munda, 2008). Also inter-generational equity is seriously compromised. In fact, those who are not yet born cannot bid in real or artificial markets. This is why, Martinez-Alier and O’Connor (1999) emphasize that externalities should be considered as an instance of cost-shifting success more than a case of market failure. The appeal of CBA depends on a cramped and misguided interpretation of the rationality concept, one that mistakenly identifies rational choices with those that can be arrived by optimizing principle and algorithmic procedures. In CBA 13 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment there is one unique measure of value (i.e. monetary) through which policy options can be ranked. Thus CBA assumes complete value commensurability. However, commensurability can take a strong or a weak form. When options are strongly commensurable, they are compared through a cardinal scale. Conversely, weak commensurability implies comparison on an ordinal scale (O'Neil, 1994). When options are weakly comparable, rational choices are still possible but “substantive rationality” must be replaced by “procedural rationality” (Martinez-Alier et al., 1998). According to Simon (1976), substantive rationality refers to the rationality of the results irrespectively of the decision-making process, while procedural rationality is about the decision process itself. Weak comparability implies incommensurability, that is, the absence of a common unit of measurement across different values. Munda (2004) further distinguishes between technical incommensurability and social incommensurability. Technical incommensurability refers to the use of indicators and models that cannot be reduced to each other. When different indicators related to different benefits and costs defined at different scales (e.g. improvement/worsening in my backyard versus improvement/worsening at global level) or defined in different scientific disciplines (e.g. economic losses measured in 1995 US$ versus biodiversity losses over a 100-year time frame), it is simply not possible to devise an accounting system to substantially reduce these different types of benefits and costs to a common numeraire. Social incommensurability refers to the plurality of values in society which cannot be reduced to each other. This implies that in a given social conflict a “freedom-fighter” on one side can be seen as a “terrorist” on the other side (Giampietro et al., 2006). When an integrated assessment of sustainability involves multi-dimensional and multi-scale analyses, technical and social incommensurability must be dealt with. If we accept that sustainable development is a multi-dimensional concept, we also have to accept that policies promoting sustainable development have to deal with conflicting values and points of views. In this regard, it is worth recalling the Impossibility Theorem of the Nobel Price winning economist Kenneth Arrow. Arrow (1963) showed that, given a set of minimal conditions, it is impossible to aggregate individual preferences in a plural society in a consistent and democratic way. Essentially any social preference order (or social welfare function) would violate al least one of the minimal set of axiomatic conditions1 1 Such conditions are: 1) the Free Triple Condition, i.e. the ordering of social preferences for each set of alternatives should be the same, irrespectively of the way sub-sets of these alternatives are grouped together 2) the Non-Negative Association, i.e. any alternative that is increasingly supported by all individuals should be increasingly supported in the expression of social ordering. 3) Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives, i.e. the introduction of a new alternative or the deletion of an existing option should not cause changes in the ordering of preferences in other alternatives. 4) Non Imposition, i.e. it must always be the case that a social ordering between two alternatives is possible if the individual members of a society are able to express their preferences over the two alternatives. 5) Non Dictatorship, i.e. the social preferences should not be determined by the preferences of any single individual no matter what other individual preferences are. 14 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment required to aggregate individual choices (a very sad conclusion of the theorem is that the only political system satisfying all conditions is dictatorship!). No matter how much information we have and how much consultation is involved, no analytical procedure can fulfill the role of a democratic political process. In other words, “in terms of the theoretical framework underlying the assessment methodologies themselves, there can be no uniquely 'rational' way to resolve contradictory perspectives or conflicts of interests in a plural society” (Stirling, 1998a p 103). 2.2 Complexity and complex adaptive systems Decision-making in environmental policies is extremely challenging. It can easily include masses of details related to many different issues thus requiring separate management and analysis. In these conditions there is a natural temptation to reduce the unavoidable complexity to simpler and more manageable elements. Simple systems which can be captured by deterministic and linear relations can be analyzed and managed by reductionist approaches. However the now global energy and environmental problems caused by human action on the ecosystems in which human societies are embedded, are not manifestations of simple systems. Rather, they are exceptionally complex. In order to introduce complex systems, Rosen’s definition comes into play. He defines a complex system as one “for which we have at our disposal a large number of subsets of measuring instruments, each of which gives rise to a different mode of description of the system. Another way of saying this is that a complex system is one which allows us to discern many subsystems…, depending entirely on how we choose to interact with the system” (1977, p.229). As Rosen himself stresses, this definition implies that complexity is not an intrinsic property of the system, rather it depends on the way the analyst decides to interact with a system. A complex system gives rise to different perspectives according to selected representations of the same system. The other key element of the above definition is that models can only capture one part of a complex system, the part the analyst is interested in (Giampietro, 2002). Inevitably, every observer of a complex system chooses to operate though certain selection criteria, with certain values at a certain scale-level (Funtowicz et al., 1999). Here, it is worth recalling the famous words of Schumpeter: “Analytical work begins with material provided by our vision of things, and this vision is ideological almost by definition” (1954, p.54). Just to give an example of how the unavoidable arbitrariness of a modeling endeavor can affect energy analyses, I would like to recall an amazing finding by Stirling (1998b). His work reviewed a large number of government and industry 15 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment sponsored studies aimed at assessing the external environmental costs of new coal power plants in industrialized countries. Reporting all values in 1995 US$ he found that the difference between the lowest and the highest value was about 50,000 times! This implies that looking for the right model that addresses all aspects of a complex systems is a pointless exercise. Conversely, complexity requires the ability to deal with an expanding set of perceptions and representations of unequal observers (Giampietro and Ramos-Martin, 2005). All natural systems of interest for sustainability (from socio-economic systems to ecological systems) are dissipative systems (Prigogine and Stengers, 1981). These dissipative systems are “self-organizing”, open systems far from the thermodynamic equilibrium, and that are “becoming in time” (Prigogine, 1978). As such, they invoke a certain complexity because they are organized into nested hierarchical levels, which operate in parallel. For instance, “the planet is composed of interacting ecosystems made up of interacting species and individual organisms. The organisms are composed of organs and the organs are composed of cells. Human societies share the same nested hierarchical structure: macroeconomic entities (e.g. the European Union) are made up of countries, which are made up of smaller local administrative units, that are composed by entities such as cities, communities and households. At the same time, they are part of a global economy, which is embedded in larger biophysical processes at the level of the planet” (Giampietro and Mayumi, 2000b, p.118). Such systems show different identities when looked and represented at different hierarchical levels: “the existence of different levels and scales at which a hierarchical system is operating implies the unavoidable existence of non-equivalent ways of describing it” (Giampietro, 2002, p.249). As Munda (2004) emphasizes, multiple identities of complex systems are a consequence not only of epistemological plurality (non equivalent observers) but also of ontological characteristics of the observed system (non equivalent observations). In social and natural sciences there is a growing awareness that socioeconomic and ecological systems share the same characteristics of complex adaptive systems (Arthur et al., 1997; Janssen, 1998; Rammel et al., 2007). These characteristics consist in co-evolutionary dynamics, self-organization and large macroscopic patterns emerging out of small-scale and local interactions. Crossscale interactions and feedback loops of complex adaptive systems between different hierarchical levels of nested hierarchies imply non-linear patterns and a high degree of complexity. In such circumstances, the predictive power of equilibrium models is a misleading myth (Ramos-Martín, 2003; Van den Bergh and Gowdy, 2003). Consequently we have to acknowledge that in complex adaptive systems and in dealing with future scenarios and evolutionary trends we always have to face not only simple stochastic risks, but also uncertainty and, more important, ignorance. Risk is a condition under which the possible outcomes are given and 16 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment their likelihood is defined by a probability density function. We face uncertainty when the possible results can be known but the probability of them happening is not known (Knight 1922). Finally, we have ignorance when it is possible neither to solve a set of probabilities nor to define a comprehensive set of outcomes (Stirling, 1998b). In this sense our capacity to predict the behaviour of a complex system is not only limited by the possible presence of specific statistical variability but also by genuine ignorance and the possible presence of novelty. As Georgescu-Roegen clearly explained “the strongest limitation of our power to predict comes from the entropic indeterminateness and, especially, from the emergency of novelty by combination.” (1971, p.15). This is especially relevant in complex adaptive systems, such as socio-economic systems, where large and increasing numbers of feedback mechanisms between elements organized at different levels of hierarchies can give rise to unexpected novel phenomena (Ramos-Martín, 2003). 2.3 The way out In spite of the above epistemological predicaments, reductionist approaches assume that uncertainty can be handled by appropriate statistical procedures, more sophisticated analyzes, better tests and improved expertise. In addition, reductionism assumes that what is good for society and citizens can be defined in a substantive way. The different typologies of costs and benefits defined in quantitative analyses can be reduced to one unique comparison rod, thus assuming that different indicators are commensurable (Giampietro et al., 2006). Typical reductionist analyses present one indicator (e.g. money), one scientific dimension (e.g. economic), one scale (e.g. a region), one objective (e.g. maximize) and one time horizon (Munda, 2004). The result is that the descriptive and normative sides of the decision-making process are fused together. On the descriptive side, what is calculated to be the optimum choice is supposed to be the best possible representation of the system. This implies an uncontested agreement among all actors on the pre-analytical choices required to describe the system. Considering the normative side, the calculated optimum solution is assumed to be the best possible solution to the given problem. This last assumption implies an uncontested agreement on the set of goals, the set of options, and on the reliability of the information from the descriptive side. All this explains why reductionist approaches are so popular in decision making. In fact, when it is difficult to have an agreement between all the actors representing legitimate contrasting views, it is easier to assume that such an agreement does exist without verifying its real existence (Giampietro et al., 2006). 17 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment However, tensions over the different dimensions of sustainability, and conflicts over the use of resources are becoming so important that science can no longer ignore them. The evident lack of agreement expressed by various stakeholders on the choices made in the process of decision making should be incorporated into an integrated assessment both in relation to the normative and the descriptive sides. In this sense, rather than individuating optimal solutions in contexts characterized by deep uncertainty, high interest and conflicting values, scientific investigation should enhance the social resolution of sustainability problems (Giampietro et al., 2006). Here we are in the realm of post-normal science. This is a term introduced by Funtowicz and Ravetz (1993) to indicate a different epistemological framework from Kuhnian normal science (Kuhn, 1962). Post-normal science can be characterized in relation to other complementary problem solving strategies as depicted in Fig. 2.1. Figure 2.1: Problem solving strategies Decision stakes Goal: issue-driven Post-normal science Goal: client-serving Professional consultancy Applied science Quality control: Extended peer-review Quality control: client Goal: mission-oriented Quality control: peer-review Systems uncertainty Source: Adapted from Funrowicz and Ravetz (1993) The characterization is based on two axes: system uncertainty and decision stakes. When both are small we are in the realm of applied science and standard routines can be safely applied for mission oriented research. Here quality control comes 18 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment from peer reviews. When uncertainty and stakes are in the medium range, that is, when uncertainty cannot be managed from a technical and routine perspective because more complex problems are relevant, we are in the domain of professional consultancy. Here personal judgments, skills and sometimes also courage are required. The readiness to grapple with new and unexpected situations is often involved. Examples could be a surgeon or an engineer facing a critical situation. In professional consultancy, clients are the main actors of quality control. The third area is called post-normal science and is characterized as the one where “facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and decisions urgent” (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993, p.744). In post-normal science traditional peer review is not enough for quality assurance. On the contrary an “extended peer community” is required to involve an ever-growing set of legitimate participants and lay persons. The establishment of competence and the legitimacy of participants can involve broader cultural and societal institutions. For instance, people directly affected by an environmental problem can often have a more pressing concern with the quality of official reassurances and a keener awareness of its symptoms than those in any other role. A housewife, an investigative journalist, or a patient can assess the quality of scientific results in the context of real-life situations (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993; 1999). Of course, new challenges do not make traditional science irrelevant. The point is to choose the appropriate problem-solving strategy for each particular challenge. In this sense, post-normal science is complementary to applied science and professional consultancy. It does not contest the findings of reliable knowledge and certified expertise. What is questioned is the quality of that findings in different contexts, especially with respect to environmental, societal and ethical aspects. This thesis regards integrated assessments for decision making. In line with post-normal science problem-solving strategies, the integrated assessment of sustainability problems is proposed here as a methodological approach with the following purposes: i) keep the descriptive side (characterization of the performance) of the decision making process separate from the normative side (definition of the best course of action) ii) take into account incommensurable dimensions coming from different scientific languages, different scales, different legitimate representations of the same system iii) handle social incommensurability and technical incommensurability consistently and transparently. Two integrated assessment methodologies with such properties are MultiScale Integrated Assessment of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) and Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE). MuSIASEM deals only with the descriptive side of decision making. It is suitable for the analysis of complex adaptive systems which show how changes in one level of a nested hierarchical system can affect other scales/levels. It enables 19 Charter 2 – A theoretical review of sustainability assessment us to assess the exchange of economic and biophysical flows between the different levels of systems and their impacts on the eco-system embedding the specific system of analysis. The MuSIASEM methodology entails the simultaneous use of indicators referring to different scales and dimensions of analysis, thus it explicitly addresses technical incommensurability problems. It is suitable for maintaining coherence among heterogeneous variables resulting from the use of different scales and scientific domains. As a tool for scenario analysis, MuSIASEM measures the feasibility space of a given option. A comprehensive description of MuSIASEM con be found in the works of Giampietro and his colleagues (Giampietro, 2004; Giampietro and Mayumi, 2000a; 2000b; Giampietro et al., 2001; Giampietro et al., 2009; Giampietro and Ramos-Martin, 2005). SMCE deals with the normative side of the decision-making process. The relevant qualities of the given problem are assessed in relation to the specific set of goals expressed by relevant social actors. Thus the given problem is structured in terms of options, criteria, measurement schemes and indicators that will be used to decide the action. SMCE addresses both social and technical incommensurability. Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem (mentioned above) reminds us that, even in principle, we cannot hope to find one particular sustainability strategy that is definitely superior to another. This raises the question of how an integrated assessment can be used to support decision making. In this regard, an integrated assessment can facilitate a transparent and systematic exploration of different points of view, thus contributing to informed decision making. In addition, if the classical opposition between public deliberation and technical analysis is abandoned, the acknowledgment of their interdependency can actually enhance more transparent and informed decision making. For instance, the definition and selection of technical criteria could reflect the different points of view emerging from public participation. Different importance weights attached to the different dimensions and criteria could be used to generate “political sensitivity maps”. 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A Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach is applied as a scenario analysis tool. A soybean biodiesel energy balance for the specific conditions of Brazil is included and the energy ratio turns out to be 1.09. This means that that the energy delivered is higher than the energy invested, however the net energy is very low. The economic impacts are analyzed through input-output analysis. The results show that soybean biodiesel increases energy consumption per hour of work without a corresponding increase in economic labour productivity. Consequently the already low energy efficiency of Brazilian production could get worse. Although Brazil has large expanses of land, the substitution of 20% fossil diesel (i.e. just 3.3% of the country's primary energy consumption) with fully renewable biodiesel might destroy protected areas and forests and increase the GHGs emitted. Keywords: Biofuels, MuSIASEM, Energy balance, Input–output analysis, Integrated analysis, Societal metabolism 2 Article published in Ecological Economics (2011), Vol 70 (11), pp 2028-2038 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel 3.1 Introduction The main aim of this paper is to provide a multi-scale integrated assessment of the introduction of soybean biodiesel in a developing country: Brazil. Energy security concerns and environmental considerations are raised by proponents of biofuels along with arguments regarding rural employment. However, in the policy documents of developed countries and international organizations, it is widely acknowledged that biofuels need to be produced above all in developing countries if they are meant to substitute significant amounts of fossil fuels. In this regard, developing countries3 are assumed to have considerable expanses of unexploited land and large fractions of the labor force that are unemployed. Consequently, land and labor would not be limiting factors. Having displaced more than 50% of gasoline with ethanol, in 2004 Brazil launched its biodiesel program. In only five years biodiesel substituted 5% of diesel consumption. The fast growth of the biodiesel production program is giving rise to an intensive debate about the possible expansion of the program, however, to the best of my knowledge, an integrated assessment of the implications and constraints of large-scale biodiesel production and use is still lacking. Studies aimed at assessing the benefits and feasibility of large-scale biofuels have generally focused on single scale analyses and individual problems (e.g. land availability, energy balances, GHG saving, and economic impacts) with their specific numeraires (e.g. hectares of land, joules of energy, CO2eq, US$). The individual problems may certainly be important but they only explain one part of the story. When several problems are addressed in the same study, it appears impossible to reconcile them into a comprehensive and consistent framework. This work integrates variables related to different disciplines and assesses the feasibility of large scale biodiesel production in Brazil through a multi-scale analysis. Consistency among the heterogeneous variables is achieved by applying the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach. MuSIASEM was conceived by Giampietro and Mayumi (1997; 2000a; 2000b) as a tool for the integrated analysis of complex adaptive systems. A full treatment can be found in Giampietro (2004). It draws on the concept of exosomatic metabolism and societal metabolism. The term “exosomatic energy” refers to the energy consumed outside human bodies to perform human activities4. Societal metabolism addresses the continuous flows of materials and energy that are absorbed by human societies from the ecosystem and transformed into goods, 3 However Asian countries are not resource extractors and depend on resource imports. The terms exosomatic and endosomatic instruments were introduced by Alfred Lotka and taken up by Georgescu-Roegen (1971). Endosomatic instruments are the organs which each individual is born with, so endosomatic energy is the energy in the form of food consumed to perform biological human activities. 4 26 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel services and waste (Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl, 1993). MuSIASEM characterizes human societies as being organized into nested hierarchical systems in the same way as ecological systems (Giampietro, 1994). These nested systems or compartments (e.g. economic sectors) exchange flows of energy and material. MuSIASEM draws on the Georgescu-Roegen fund-flow model (1971). “The funds are the agents …and the flows are the elements which are used or acted upon by the funds” (Ibid. p. 230), like a new product, energy, or a polluting element. The flows enter into the given representation without exiting, or disappear without entering (Ramos-Martín et al., 2007), while the funds are essentially the converter and controller of the flows. Typical fund coordinates of MuSIASEM are Ricardian land and human societies which act through labor time. Whilst labor time defines the compartments in which human societies are organized, the use of land as fund enables the analyst to characterize the ecosystem in which human societies are embedded. The stability of each compartment depends on the compatibility between the pressure of the flows that are imposed on its lower level compartments and on the capacity of the embedded compartments to deliver the required flows. In this way, changes in one level (e.g. human time invested in a given activity or the flow of used energy) always require adjustments in other levels and sectors. MuSIASEM makes it possible to verify the feasibility space of a given scenario by checking the compatibility of the whole with the parts (Giampietro et al., 2009). In this sense, the use of a given technology is sustainable if the pace of the flows of energy and material is compatible with the limits imposed by the funds (RamosMartín et al., 2007). In addition, MuSIASEM provides a representation of a system both in bio-physical and economic terms. This is because models measuring just bio-physical variables (e.g. joules, kilograms of a given material, quantity of land, etc.) cannot address the economic impacts resulting from societal preferences (Giampietro and Ramos-Martin, 2005). Studies based on MuSIASEM have been applied to China (Ramos-Martín et al., 2007), Ecuador (Falconi-Benitez, 2001), Spain (Ramos-Martín, 2001), Catalonia (Ramos-Martín et al., 2009), the UK, (Gasparatos et al., 2009), Chile, Brazil and Venezuela (Eisenmenger et al., 2007), and Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary (Iorgulescu and Polimeni, 2009). All these studies are historical analyses, while in this work MuSIASEM is used as an analysis tool for scenario feasibility. In order to account for the changes provoked in the economic flows by the introduction of biodiesel, input-output analysis (IOA) is applied. This does not mean that reported results forecast what happens once biodiesel has substituted a given amount of diesel. Rather, they are intended to support the discussion on the constraints that the substitution of fossil fuel with biofuels implies by shedding light on the direction of change of some key variables. Although MuSIASEM builds on the fund-flow model (which is a close cousin of the input-out model as Gerogescu-Roegen showed), to my knowledge this is the first time that IOA has been coupled with the MuSIASEM methodology. Using the results of the 27 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel economic IOA with those of the soybean energy balance, this article analyses the changes in energy flows and added value, together with the funds of human activity and land use which are caused by the substitution of fossil diesel with biodiesel. In this way, the implications and feasibility of such a substitution are made evident. 3.2 Scenarios, general framework and methodology 3.2.1 Variables In terms of the MuSIASEM methodology, human societies can be represented as a nested hierarchical system made up of different compartments operating at various levels. The size of each compartment is measured in hours of human activity. The highest level is the whole society (WS) and is indicated as level n, which amounts to the whole population multiplied by the number of hours in one year (i.e. 8,760). Scaling down at level n-1 means dividing the hours of the WS into two main compartments: the paid work sector (PW) and the household consumption sector (HH). The PW is composed of the number of hours invested by a population in working (and paid) activities. This sector is in charge of producing added value, and is estimated here as the number of working persons multiplied by an average flat value of 1,900 hours of work per year. The HH consumes the added value generated and is made up of the time of the WS that is not used by the PW: the dependant population, time not worked by the working population, and non paid work. Scaling further down at the level n-2, the PW is divided among the agricultural sector (AG), building, manufacturing, energy and mining, and service and government. For the purpose of this research, at the n-2 level, only the distinction between the AG and the rest of the PW sector is of interest, thus hereafter all the sectors which are not agricultural will be referred to as 'rest of PW' (RestPW). At the level n-3, AG is further split between the soybean sector (SOY) and the rest of the agricultural sector (RestAG). Given the scope of this work, no further distinction is made here between the sectors that are included in the RestAG 5 . Because of the absence of data on the hours worked in the different sectors, it was here assumed that the worked hours per person in one year was the same in all the sectors (i.e. 1,900). This is certainly a strong 5 The distinctions in compartments presented here are slightly different from other applications of MuSIASEM found in literature where RestPW is clearly split into its components. However, this is not a problem since the flexibility of MuSIASEM makes it adaptable for the purposes of the present analysis. This a why MuSIASEM is considered to be a meta model or multi-purpose grammar. 28 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel assumption but it is not assumed to have a major impacts on the final results. As previously specified, the aim of this study is not to forecast the exact values of given variables once biodiesel has substituted the target quantity of diesel. Rather, this work intends to shed light on the relative changes of some key variables. IOA makes it possible to calculate such changes through the coefficients obtained by dividing the number of hours worked in the different sectors by the output of the same sectors. The hours of human activity of the abovementioned compartments represent a fund variable. Such fund variables exchange flows. In this paper two flows are considered: added value for the economic reading and energy for the bio-physical reading. For instance, for the soybean sector level there is a flow of added value that is generated (AVsoy) and a flow of energy that is consumed (ETsoy). The same can be said for AG and PW. For level n, i.e. WS, the economic flow corresponds to the GDP (which is similar to the sum of the added value of all the sectors of the economy) and the energy flow is the total energy throughput (TET) which is given by the total primary energy supply consumed by the economy. The variables just described provide quantitative information on the size of the flows and funds and are called extensive variables. The ratio between the flows and funds provide indicators that can be used for comparisons. These ratios are called intensive variables. Examples are energy consumed per hour of work, named the exosomatic metabolic rate (EMR), and added value per hour of work, i.e. the economic labor productivity (ELP). Finally, the ratio between the EMR and ELP for the same level (that is, using homogeneous quantities) represents the energy efficiency, i.e. $ (or Brazilian Reais in this case) per joule of energy (see Table 3.1 for a summary of the definitions and acronyms). 29 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Acronyms AG AVag AVsoy ELPag ELPpw ELPsoy EMRag EMRpw EMRsa EMRsoy ETag ETpw ETsoy HH PW SOY TET THA WS Table 3.1: Variable definition Definitions Agricultural sector value added of the agricultural sector value added of the soybean production sector economic labor productivity in agriculture economic labor productivity of the paid work sector economic labor productivity of the soybean production sector exosomatic metabolic rate in agriculture exosomatic metabolic rate in of the paid work sector Exosomatic metabolic rate for the whole society exosomatic metabolic rate of the soybean production sector energy consumption of agricultural sector energy consumption of the paid work sector energy consumption of the soybean production sector Household consumption paid-work sector Soybean production sector Total energy throughput (i.e. total energy consumption) of the economy Total human activity, i.e. the hours available in the whole society whole society paid-work sector 3.2.2 Net delivery of biofuels In order to analyse the feasibility of one energy source with an alternative energy source the output/input energy ratio (ER) of the alternative energy source is required. This ratio measures the gross energy flow that can be yielded in a useful form for a society out of the direct and indirect energy investment in an energy system (Ulgiati et al., 2008). The energy investment (i.e. input) and the gross return (i.e. output) are measured in terms of energy carriers, which are used for the exploitation of primary energy sources (Giampietro and Mayumi, 2009). If biofuels are intended as a primary energy source that is fully renewable, the gross supply of biofuel (GSB) must substitute for the required energy to deliver the inputs for the biofuel production system. After subtracting such inputs from the GSB, a net supply of biofuel (NSB) remains available for society. The delivery of energy carriers just described gives rise to an internal loop (see Fig. 3.1) which amplifies the required production of biofuel according to Eq. 3.1 (Ibid.). GSB / NSB = ER x [1 /( ER − 1)]] (Eq. 3.1) 30 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Figure 3.1: Internal loop in biodiesel production Land & other natural inputs Biomass production conversion Gross supply (GSB) Net supply biofuel (NSB) Input: GSB - NSB Labour Source: Adapted from Giampietro and Ulgiati (2005) Failing to include this internal loop means that the biofuel production system could cannibalize the energy matrix by consuming other energy sources with a minimal (even zero) amount of net supply for societal use6. In spite of the critical importance that the abovementioned internal amplification loop has for sustainability, many well known articles and studies empathize that biofuels have significant petroleum displacement capacity, simply stressing that the ER is higher then one. Examples can be found in Farrel et al. (2006), Shapouri (2004), Graboski (2002), Wang et al. (1999), Groode and Heywood (2007), Sheehan (1998), Kim and Dale (2002; 2004), de Oliveira et al. (2005), Lorenz and Morris (1995), among many others. 3.2.3 Scenarios Although biodiesel in Brazil can be produced from a wide variety of available vegetable oils and animal tallow, the vast majority of feedstock has always been soybean oil. The official Brazilian body regulating oil, natural gas and biofuels industries, the Agencia Nacional do Petróleo, Gás natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP), releases a monthly bulletin on biodiesel, reporting amongst other things, the contribution of the various feedstocks to the overall biodiesel production. Since the first bulletin, the contribution of soybean has always been around (and generally above) 80%. In a recent study commissioned by the industrial association of biodiesel producers – Ubrabio- the role of soybean is not expected to significantly decrease even with the industry’s aim of 20% fossil diesel 6 “Energy cannibalism” refers to an effect where the fast growth of an energy delivery system provokes a need for energy that uses (or cannibalizes) the energy released by other energy sources (Kenny et al., 2010; Pearce, 2009) 31 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel substitution (FGV, 2010). Thus, this paper only considers the case of soybean biodiesel. The scenario in which MuSIASEM is applied here envisages a substitution of 20% fossil diesel with biodiesel (also called B20) which the Ministry of Mines and Energy envisaged when the national program of biodiesel production was launched. It is also considered as feasible and desirable by Ubrabio. It is worth noting that the energy content of 20% of diesel is equivalent to just 3.3% of the total consumption of primary energy of Brazil. The base year for the calculation is 2005 when biodiesel was introduced in the energy matrix. This is also the year of the most recent Brazilian input-output tables. Introducing biodiesel into the energy matrix at the levels envisaged here would require several years during which many other changes that could be included in the analysis could occur. However, rather than introducing macroeconomic and other variables (e.g. demographic trends, sector growth, changes in land availability caused by urban growth or deforestation) for the year in which biodiesel production would reach the target level, all figures were frozen at 2005 conditions. Thus final results should not be intended as forecasts, but as a “what if” approach with no specific time frame. Biodiesel is more expensive than diesel 7 , thus replacing diesel with biodiesel increases production costs for all the sectors that use diesel for their operations. Firms can reduce their profits if they bear the consequent rise in production costs, alternatively they can increase the prices of products and services. In addition, biodiesel can substitute imported diesel or domestically produced diesel. Consequently, four scenarios were considered: • • • Scenario A - Price changes & import substitution: biodiesel substitutes all imported diesel and part of the domestically produced diesel. The rise in production costs that the substitution of fossil diesel with more expensive biodiesel implies is reflected in an inflationary rise in production prices. Scenario B - Price changes & no import substitution: biodiesel substitutes only domestically produced diesel, thus the quantity of imported diesel remains unchanged. As above, inflationary effects are taken into account. Scenario C - No price changes & import substitution: biodiesel substitutes all imported diesel (and part of domestically produced diesel). The rise in production costs is supported by producers without increases in production prices. 7 The most part of biodiesel cost is represented by vegetable oil costs and this leaves small room for cost reduction. Additionally, the price of Brazilian fossil diesel is among the cheapest in the world as a result of specific policy aimed at subsidizing the diesel price to the detriment of the petrol price. This is because diesel is considered an important element of the whole industrial structure and its low cost facilitates import substitution industrialization (da Silva Dias, 2007). 32 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel • Scenario D - No price changes & no import substitution: biodiesel substitutes only domestically produced diesel. There are no inflationary effects because increases in production costs are absorbed by producers. Obviously, the distinction between the scenarios with price effects and those without such inflationary adjustments are relevant only for the economic analysis and not for the energy analysis. According to the National Energy Balance (MME, 2010), in 2005 Brazil consumed 33.95 million tons of diesel8, of which 32.25 million were domestically produced and 2.5 million were imported. In the same year 0.88 million tons of diesel were exported. Of the overall diesel consumption, 80% was used for transport. Twenty percent of the entire consumption of diesel is equivalent to 6,790,766 tons. Given the lower calorific value of biodiesel compared to diesel, this quantity is provided by 8.24 million tons of biodiesel (see the biodiesel energy balance section for details of the sources). This is the biodiesel level of production and consumption in the above four scenarios. 3.2.4 Energy balance and energy analysis Input-output analysis (IOA) can be used not only to assess economic impacts but also for energy analyses. Since IOA is used here to represent economic flows, one would consequently use it also to calculate energy flows. There are two main ways to use energy IOA: direct impact coefficients of energy intensity and hybrid models. The former method implies the construction of a matrix of direct energy coefficients which is obtained by dividing the energy consumed in each sector by the monetary output of the same sector. The direct and indirect consumption of energy would be estimated by multiplying the matrix so calculated by the Leontief’s Inverse. This method is pretty simple but it violates the energy conservation condition (primary energy equals secondary energy plus losses) when the energy prices are not equal across all consuming sectors, including final demand (Herendeen, 1974; Miller and Blair, 1985). This equal tariff condition for energy prices is certainly not verified in Brazil. Moreover, when final demand changes are significantly different from the base year final demand, the direct impact coefficient method introduces errors into the estimations (Bullard and Herendeen, 1975; Casler and Blair, 1997). Thus its results would be unreliable for this study. In the hybrid method the purchases and sales of energy of the inter-industry transactions are in their original unit of measurements (e.g. tons of coal, KWh of electricity, or joules of energy) and not in monetary terms. The hybrid method does not have the problems related to the direct impact coefficients method mentioned above. However, not only is a complete match required between the 8 Diesel density is assumed to be 0.84 (Coppens, 2003) . 33 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel energy sectors where the energy data are taken from and the same sectors of the input-output tables, but also information is required on purchases that the energy sectors make from all the other sectors. Through the use of official Brazilian statistics, the first of these two problems could be solved with a very high degree of approximation, but not the second problem. Therefore, in this paper process analysis is used for the energy balance of soybean biodiesel. In order to make the results of the energy analysis compatible with those of the IOA, it is assumed that all the inputs used in the biodiesel production and delivery are produced in Brazil. Similarly, all direct and indirect energy consumption is assumed to occur in the country. This approximation is not far from reality because Brazil has an industry which produces all the inputs used in biodiesel production, including equipment and machines (Ferreira and Cristo, 2006). To the best of my knowledge, the only energy balance calculated (and reported in a peer review journal) for the specific conditions of Brazilian soybean production is Cavalett and Orgeta's (2010). Energy balances for the same crop calculated in other countries are not really relevant. This is because Brazil presents very particular conditions, such as one of the highest soybean productivity per hectare in the world (FAO, 2011) and a very low use of fossil fuel in electricity production. This work presents a new energy balance for soybean biodiesel. It includes direct and embedded energy inputs for all the steps in the biodiesel production chain: soybean production, transport of soybeans, soybean crushing, transesterification and biodiesel transport. These are the same phases used in IOA. Data on input quantities for the agricultural phase are taken from Cavalett and Ortega since they reported real Brazilian cases. The data on the input quantities of the oil extraction and transesterification phase were collected from one Brazilian biodiesel producer (while for this phase Cavalett and Ortega used theoretical data found in the literature). Inferring national values from individual cases can be risky but no other information sources were available. Additionally, the producer in question is one the largest in Brazil9 and the technology is considered mature. Therefore large variations among producers are not expected. Input quantities for transport phases are again from Cavalett and Ortega. The soybean productivity was assumed to be 2,911 Kg/ha (Estimated by Conab for the 2009/10 cropping season and reported in March 2010 survey) and the oil yield was estimated to be 19% (calculated from Abiove, 2010). The main products of the soybean crushing phase are oil and cake. The energy cost of soybean crushing was attributed proportionally to the energy content of soybean oil. Using data from Domalsky et al. (1986)10 and assuming a cake yield of 77% 9 To accommodate the requested confidentiality the name cannot be revealed here Although this source may appear rather old the datum can still considered valid because the technology through which the energy content is measured has not changed. 10 34 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel (from Abiove), the energy content of soybean oil turns out to be 40.2% of the combustion value of oil and cake. The other main product of biodiesel production is glycerin. However, in this work it was assumed that glycerin was not a source of revenue and that it did not constitute an energy credit. In 2006, when biodiesel production was just beginning, the glycerin produced was just 14,000 tons (ABIQUIM, 2007). Considering that 9 m3 of biodiesel entails producing 1 m3 of glycerin, the current level of biodiesel consumption (which substitutes just 5% of fossil diesel) entails producing about 265,000 tons of glycerin per year: 7.5 times more than the domestic consumption (Fairbanks, 2009). This production has already caused a substantial decline in the price of glycerin from 4 R$ in 2007 to 1.8 R$ in June 2009. If biodiesel reaches the 20% target of fossil diesel substitution, the production of glycerin is going to become a cost rather than a revenue. Table 3.2 reports the input required for biodiesel production with the energy costs. The results are used in two ways: to calculate the amplification factor of Eq. 3.1, and to integrate the National Energy Balance data for the allocation of energy consumption among the different scales of analysis. 35 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Table 3.2: Soybean biodiesel process inventory Inputs Unit Q./ha/yr MJ/Unit Total Energy Agricultural production Machineries Kg 25 92.5 2,312.5 Diesel Lt 65 45.1 2,933.7 Phosphorus Kg 78.8 4.6 361.3 Potassium Kg 78.8 5.9 463.8 Lime Kg 375 1.3 489.3 Seeds Kg 69 4.8 331.0 Herbicides Kg 4.8 233.8 1,122.2 Insecticides Kg 3.2 242.7 776.7 Electricity KWh 34 5.7 193.5 Farm buildings M2 0.09 1.800 162 Soybean transport Machineries Kg 2 127.3 259.4 Diesel Lt 5.2 45.1 234.6 Crushing Buildings M2 0.0005 1800 0.9 Machineries Kg 0.3 70.5 20.5 Diesel Lt 62 45.1 2,799.7 Electricity KWh 202.8 5.7 1,153.7 Water Kg 234.5 0.0026 0.6 Hexane Kg 7 45.4 317.2 Biodiesel production Buildings M2 0.01 1,800 23.9 Machineries Kg 1.2 70.5 89.7 Methanol Kg 74.6 36.3 2,709.4 Catalyst (CH3ONa) Kg 8.8 39.1 345.5 Electricity KWh 24.1 5.7 137.4 Water Kg 261.2 0.003 0.7 Wood Kg 229.3 13.2 3,035.3 Fuel oil Kg 0.8 51.7 41.4 Biodiesel transport Machineries Kg 0.4 127.3 47.5 Diesel Lt 0.9 45.1 43.0 Total inputs MJ 17.836.0* Output Kg 533.1 36.95 19.699.5 Energy ref. 1 2 3 3 4 5 3 3 6 7 1 2 7 1 2 6 8 9 7 1 10 11 6 8 12 2 1 2 11 References for energy costs 1) Scholz et al. (1998); 2) Boustead & Hancock (1979); 3) West & Marland (2002) adjusted for the Brazilian electricity efficiency reported in Coltro et al.(2003) ; 4) Shapouri et al. (2004); 5) Following a common procedure. the energy cost of seed production was estimated to be 150% of the agricultural phase; 6) Coltro et al. (2003); 7) Macedo et al. (2008); 8) Haguiuda & Veneziani (2006); 9) Ahmed et al. (1994); 10) Kamahara et al. (2010); 11) Sheehan (1998); 12) MME (2010) for direct energy and wood density and de Oliveira & Seixas (2006) for indirect energy. *The inputs of the crushing phase are multiplied by 40.2% Data on the energy consumption of AG, PS, SG, HH and WS in 2005 (i.e. the baseline year) were taken from the national energy balance. ETsoy was estimated from the energy balance reported in Tab. 3.2 and is given by the direct energy consumption of the agricultural phase (i.e. electricity and diesel) multiplied by the numbers of hectares of soybean (reported by IBGE, 2005b). The energy 36 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel consumption of the PW is equal to the difference between the TET (of the WS which includes all primary energy sources) and the energy consumed by HH. Thus all energy losses are attributed to PW. In fact, PW includes the energy sector. The changes in energy flows caused by the introduction of biodiesel in the different levels are estimated by apportioning the energy data of the national energy balance and from Tab. 3.2 to the specific consumption compartments. Specifically, ETsoy was obtained by multiplying the energy consumption for soybean production per unit of area (the agricultural phase in Tab 3.2) by the new soybean production area after the introduction of biodiesel. The sum of ETsoy and RestAG yielded the energy consumption of AG (i.e. ETag). For the scenarios without substitutions of imported diesel (i.e. B and D), ETpw was calculated as follows ETpw = ETag + BD + ETpwbase − ETag base − Dd +ind (Eq. 3.2) where ETag is the energy consumption of AG after the introduction of biodiesel, BD is the additional direct and indirect energy consumption required by biodiesel production (data are from Tab. 3.2 multiplied by total biodiesel production) excluding the agricultural phase (which has already been included in ETag), ETpwbase and ETagbase are respectively the energy consumption of PW and the energy consumption of AG in the baseline case (i.e. before the introduction of biodiesel), and Dd+ind is direct and embedded diesel energy 11 substituted by biodiesel. For the scenarios that envisage the substitution of imported diesel, ETpw is calculated as above, the only difference being the last element in Eq. 3.2: the energy of the substituted fossil diesel is equal to the direct energy of diesel12 that is imported plus the total (i.e. direct and indirect) energy of domestically produced diesel that is substituted. TET in all the scenarios is calculated by summing the energy consumption of HH, (which is not affected by the introduction of biodiesel) with ETpw. The results section reports the outcomes of the energy analysis both disregarding the amplification factor of fully renewable biodiesel (see Eq. 3.1) and including this amplification. In this last case, the additional energy consumption provoked by biodiesel is multiplied by the amplification factor. 3.2.5 Input-output analysis: data and direct coefficient matrix IOA is used in this study to evaluate the changes in the flows of added value and in hours of human activity that would be caused by the introduction of biodiesel. 11 12 Unit value reported in Tab. 3 It is equal to 44.84 MJ/Kg (Boustead and Hancock, 1979) 37 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Through IOA it is possible to analyze the direct and indirect effects that a change in one sector has on the others. According to the simplified characterization of input-output tables, the economy is represented by a set of linear equations containing technical coefficients. These represent the relationship between the final production of each sector and its inputs. The assumptions of input-output representations are known: no substitution effects between inputs, no supply constraints, a fixed proportion between outputs and inputs, and constant returns to scale. The input-output tables used here are from IBGE (2005a) and present 55 sectors. This study considers biodiesel from soybean, consequently biodiesel production is expected to have a strong impact on soybean production. Leaving soybean production as part of the agricultural sector would lead to a loss of critical information and would underestimate the overall impact. This is because soybean has an high value added in comparison with the average of agricultural activities. Moreover, soybean production is one of the hierarchical scales (i.e. n-3 level) of the analysis adopted here. Soybean cultivation was thus included as a separate sector in the input-output tables. The values of this sector were taken from the IBGE make and use tables (2005c) and were levelled to basic prices by applying Guilhoto and Sesso Filho’s methodology (2005). The diesel sector was disaggregated from its original sector (i.e. oil refinery) in a pro-quota way, by multiplying all the purchases of the original sector by the ratio between the total value of diesel and the whole value of the sector. Unfortunately, no other information was available for a more precise calculation; however the estimated purchase structure of the calculated diesel sector should represent a good approximation. As mentioned, the most recent input-output tables available were from 2005 when there was basically no biodiesel production. Consequently, biodiesel was included as a separate sector in the tables. The sources of data on purchases entailed by biodiesel production and oil extraction is the same biodiesel producer whose data were used in the energy analysis. These data were collected in 2009 and adjusted to 2005 prices. The price of biodiesel was obtained through a weighted average of prices auctioned by ANP in 2009 (the most recent and complete year when this research was done) and was deflated to 2005 soybean oil prices reported by Abiove (2010). In fact, the price of feedstock represents the main cost and its high correlation with biodiesel prices can easily be shown. The total value of biodiesel thus calculated amounted to 14,987 million Reais13 (R$). Table 3.3 reports the technical coefficients of the biodiesel sector with all inputs organized according to the original industrial activities they affect. The biodiesel sector presented here integrates the crushing and transesterification phases (using methanol as alcohol) and its technical parameters are the same as reported in the 13 The average R$/US$ exchange rate in 2005 was 2.435. 38 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel energy balance section. In line with the energy analysis of this study (see Section 3.2.4), all inputs are assumed not to be imported. Table 3.3: Technical coefficients of biodiesel production Economic activities Direct coefficients Soybean cultivation 0.59566 Agricolture. forestry and logging 0.00333 Petroleum refinery and coke 0.03194 Diesel 0.03165 Chemicals 0.01858 Manufacture of machineries & equipments 0.01125 Vehicle spares and accessories 0.00045 Electricity. gas and water 0.02450 Construction 0.00048 Trade 0.03262 Transport. Storage and mail 0.03097 Information services 0.00370 Financial intermediation and insurance services 0.00348 Real estate and renting 0.00169 Maintenance and repair services 0.00044 Restaurants. cafes and hotels 0.00091 Business services 0.00280 According to the data, the biodiesel sector thus envisaged would employ around 38,450 people for the production of 8.24 millions tons required to substitute 20% of fossil diesel. The sale structure of biodiesel is assumed to be the same as diesel. The extra soybean cake that the introduction of biodiesel would cause is assumed to be completely exported at the price 428 R$/ton (reported in Abiove). Of course, this is a strong assumption in favour of biodiesel production because the cake price is assumed to be constant, so that biodiesel would not cause any reduction in the price of the cake. However, given the continuous increase in global demand for meat (cake is used as an animal feed), such an assumption may not be far from reality. For the reasons mentioned above no earnings are envisaged for the sale of glycerin. The final matrix presents 58 sectors (the 55 originally present in the IBGE inter-industry input-output table plus soybean cultivation, diesel and biodiesel). A different technical coefficient matrix table was used for each scenario. For scenarios C and D, the technical coefficients of all the sectors are the original ones with the exceptions just described due to the introduction of soybean and diesel sectors. The only difference is that coefficients reflecting the purchase of diesel from all sectors were in this work reduced to reflect the displacement caused by biodiesel. 39 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel In scenarios A and B it is envisaged that firms would charge their customers for the increase in production costs that the introduction of biodiesel causes. The price of biodiesel was compared with the price of diesel. It was calculated in this work that, on an energy equivalent basis, substituting 20% of fossil diesel with biodiesel would involve a direct expense increase of 18% for the purchase of the fuel for all the sectors of the economy if biodiesel only substituted domestically produced diesel (i.e. scenario B). The increase on the direct expense of diesel would amount to 26% if biodiesel also replaced imported diesel (i.e. scenario A). This is because imported diesel is cheaper than domestically produced diesel (average prices of imported and domestically produced diesel were calculated by dividing the values of diesel reported in the input-output tables by the quantities published in the Brazilian Energy Balance). The typical Leontief price model is: P = A′P + v + m (Eq. 3.3) where P is the column vector of the price indexes, A´ is the transpose of the technical coefficient matrix, v is the vector obtained by dividing the added value of each sector by its output, and m is the ratio of imports to output in the i-th sector. The price model presented here for estimating this effect is adapted from Valadkhani and Mitchell (2002) and is used to estimate the baseline conditions scenario A and B . This is because, in such scenarios it is assumed that the rise in production costs caused by the substitution of diesel with biodiesel is reflected in an increase in the values of the sales and not in a reduction of the value added of the sectors. The above-mentioned equation can be partitioned into exogenous and endogenous elements: ′ PX v X m X PX a XX AEX P = A′ A′ ⋅ P + v + m E XE EE E E E (Eq. 3.4) where PX represent the new price index of diesel if biodiesel were introduced and is equivalent to 1.26 in scenario A and 1.18 in scenario B. PE is the vector of prices in all other sectors, vX is the ratio of the added value in the diesel sector to its output, vE is the same ratio for all the other sectors, mX is the ratio between imports and output in the diesel sector, mE is the same ratio of imports to outputs in all sectors excluding diesel (i.e. endogenous sectors), A´XE is the vector representing the inputs of diesel to all other sectors, and AEE is the matrix of technical coefficients of all endogenous sectors. After some manipulation Eq. 3.4 becomes 40 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel PE = ( I − A' EE ) −1 AXE PX + ( I − A' EE ) −1 (v E + m E ) (Eq. 3.5) In this way the vector reporting the price effects of all the endogenous sectors is calculated. The inter-industry flow matrix Z was pre-multiplied by the diagonal matrix obtained from the P vector. Consequently, the new inflated values of the purchases of all the sectors ZINF were estimated. Equation 3.6 reports this operation where the first lines z1j represent the purchase of diesel from the j-th sector, all other zij elements of the matrix are the purchases from the j-th sector of the i-th sectors’ production, PX is the index of the price of diesel plus biodiesel. The elements from PEi to PEn are derived from Eq. 3.4 Z INF P X 0 0 z11 M z1n = 0 P2E 0 ⋅ z 21 M z 2 n 0 0 P E z M z nn n n1 (Eq. 3.6) Similarly, the final demand matrix F and the output vector x were premultiplied by the same diagonalized P vector reported in Eq. 3.5 in order to obtain the inflated expenses for the final demand FINF and the new inflated output xINF. The first line of ZINF and the first line of FINF were then split into fossil diesel and biodiesel. The new matrix of domestic direct coefficients A* for scenarios A and B was obtained by dividing each purchase of the new inter-industry inflated transaction matrix by the inflated value of its output. Consequently, A* reflects the fact that producers charge their customers for the increases in fuel prices that the introduction of biodiesel causes. The inflationary increases modeled in scenario A and B could cause a loss of competitiveness of the country along with a small reduction in the real incomes of families. However, including such effects goes beyond the scope of this study and consequently it is not modeled here. 3.2.6 Input-output analysis: impact assessment The IOA that is employed to evaluate the economic impacts of biodiesel builds on the model of Wicke et al. (2009). The technical coefficient matrix (with the inclusion of the biodiesel sector) was partitioned as follows: && = Adb Bdb A A B (Eq. 3.7) 41 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel where A is the matrix of direct coefficients for all endogenous sectors (estimated through the price model for scenarios A and B), B describes the inputs to diesel and biodiesel sectors from all other industries to produce a Real’s worth of output of the two sectors, Adb represents the direct coefficients of the sale structure from biodiesel and diesel sectors to all other sectors, and Bdb are the inputs from biodiesel and diesel to produce a Real’s worth of their own production. In terms of change, the classical Leontief (I-Ä)∆X=∆Y model would result in: − Adb ( I − Bdb ) ∆xdb ∆y db ⋅ = ( I − A) − B ∆x ∆y (Eq. 3.8) where ∆xdb is exogenously set and represents the contraction in the diesel sector’s output and the biodiesel sector’s output, ∆x is the change in output of all other sectors, ∆ydb represents the change in the final demand of the diesel and biodiesel sectors, whilst ∆y is the change in final demand for all other sectors. The typical Leontief model is demand driven, where exogenous changes are in final demand. In this work exogenous changes are in the output of two sectors: biodiesel and diesel14. With the exclusion of these two sectors, the final demand of all the sectors is assumed not to be affected by the introduction of biodiesel (∆y=0). The solution to Eq. 3.8 is: ∆xdb ∆X = −1 ~ ( I − A) B (Eq. 3.9) ~ ∆x − Adb ( I − A) −1 B − Bdb ∆xdb ∆Y = db 0 (Eq. 3.10) ~ where vector B is the input cost from the sectors with endogenous output ~ (i.e. non diesel and non biodiesel sectors) to produce ∆xdb, Adb(I − A)−1 B is the flow of sales from diesel and biodiesel sectors to all other sectors, and B∆xdb represents the purchases of diesel and biodiesel sectors for their own production. Using this method it is therefore possible to assess the direct and indirect economic impacts that the introduction of biodiesel would cause. IOA is used here to calculate the added value, the employment of each sector and the land use of the soybean and agricultural sectors. The results were calculated including the 14 A full treatment of these models can be found in Miller and Blair (1985) and Roberts (1994). 42 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel amplification factor (see Eq. 3.1) in terms of the required biodiesel output and also without such an amplification. 3.3 Discussion and results The energy ratio (ER) of soybean biodiesel turns out to be 1.10. It is higher than one, so the energy delivered is higher than the energy invested. However, the ER is very small. In fact, for each joule of gross energy delivered to society, 91% comes from other sources and only 9% constitutes the net delivery of energy from the biodiesel production system. Since energy sources that are employed in the delivery of gross biodiesel supply have a positive opportunity cost, this high level of energy input means that the biodiesel delivery could lead to energy cannibalization. This is why, in a fully renewable biodiesel system, the energy inputs required to deliver gross energy to society must come from the same biodiesel production system. However, the ER calculated here gives rise to an amplification factor of 10.6. This means that 10.6 liters of biodiesel are required to provide one net litre of biodiesel, and 9.6 liters are reinvested in the biodiesel production and delivery system. Thus, the biodiesel quantity required to substitute 20% of fossil diesel must be multiplied by 10.6. If this amplification factor is not taken into account, biodiesel would substitute just 0.3% of national primary energy consumption and not 3.3% (i.e. the energy contained in 20% of diesel), thus energy gains would essentially be nil. Table 3.4 reports the results of the extensive variables of the economic and energy analysis for the four levels, both for fully renewable biodiesel and non renewable biodiesel (i.e. when the amplification factor is not taken into account). The results reported in Tab. 3.4 refer only to scenario A, which presents the most favorable assumptions for biodiesel while the remaining three scenarios are reported in the appendix A3.1. The baseline conditions are included for comparison and report the inflationary effects estimated through the price model (as if substituted diesel were to cost the same as biodiesel). 43 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Soybean (n-3) Baseline conditions ETi (MJ) 7.33E+10 HAi (Hours) 6.74E+08 AVi (106 R$) 17,387 Table 3.4: Results - Extensive variables Agriculture Paid work (n-2) (n-1) Whole society (n) 3.50E+11 3.61E+10 105,110 7.38E+12 1.73E+11 1,841,619 9.15E+12 1.61E+12 1,841,619 Scenario A: non renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 1.24E+11 4.01E+11 HAi (Hours) 1.14E+09 3.66E+10 AVi (106 R$) 29,329 117,211 7.66E+12 1.74E+11 1,862,783 9.43E+12 1.61E+12 1,862,783 Scenario A: fully renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 6.08E+11 8.95E+11 HAi (Hours) 5.59E+09 4.23E+10 AVi (106 R$) 144,076 234,741 1.89E+13 1.84E+11 2,086,383 2.07E+13 1.61E+12 2.086.383 The introduction of non renewable biodiesel creates positive variations in the extensive variables characterizing the economic and energy flows. These changes are much higher at lower levels: AVsoy and ETsoy increase by almost 70%, AVag and ETag by almost 15%. At higher levels, variations in these variables become negligible. The reason for this must be found in a reduced contribution to the GDP of the sectors whose production is stimulated by biodiesel, mainly soybean production. Although soybean production has quite an important role for the overall production of the agricultural sector, as an agricultural activity its contribution to the total added value to all the sectors of the economy remains very small. Moreover, contraction in the output of domestic fossil diesel reduces the positive economic effects of biodiesel. Changes in the same variables are much more evident when fully renewable biodiesel is analyzed. The energy consumption of soybean (level n-3) and its added value increase by more then seven times. In addition, the introduction of fully renewable biodiesel implies such a high quantity of production of biodiesel that changes in the values of the flows are also evident at higher scales. In fact, for the whole society (level n), the increase in the total value added would be around 13%, but this would mean twice as much energy being consumed. This is because biodiesel is a product with low economic value but its fully renewable production implies enormous amounts of energy consumption. Additionally, the contribution to the total added value of the sectors that are directly and indirectly activated by biodiesel production is pretty small. The above-mentioned variables indicate quantity changes in the throughput of the flows. Changes in the pace of consumption and production of the same flows are given by the two intensive variables (reported in Table 3.5): the economic labor productivity (ELP) and the exosomatic metabolic rate (EMR). 44 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Table 3.5: Results – Intensive variables Soybean Agriculture Paid work (n-3) (n-2) (n-1) Baseline conditions EMRi (MJ/hr) ELPi (R$/hr) 108.8 25.8 Whole society (n) 9.7 2.9 42.7 10.7 5.7 1.1 Scenario A: non renewable biodiesel EMRi (MJ/hr) 108.8 ELPi (R$/hr) 25.8 11.0 3.2 44.0 10.7 5.09 1.2 Scenario A: fully renewable biodiesel EMRi (MJ/hr) 108.8 ELPi (R$/hr) 25.8 21.2 5.6 102.6 11.3 12.8 1.3 On the assumption of constant returns to scale of IOA, changes in ELP are simply the result of the different contributions of the value added of sectors to the value added of the higher level in which the same sectors are aggregated. As above, some changes can be detected for the non renewable biodiesel case as well, but the effects of the introduction of biodiesel are much stronger if biodiesel is intended to be fully renewable. In fact, the value added that is produced per hour of work in agriculture (i.e. ELPag) would increase by 90% as a result of the additional soybean production required to produce biodiesel. This is because soybean farming is generally highly mechanized and just one individual farmer can easily control 200 hectares (Roessing and Lazzarotto, 2004). However, in comparison with the scenario with no biodiesel in the energy matrix, the biophysical capitalization that the soybean production requires would raise the energy consumed per hour of work by 118% for the whole agricultural sector (level n-2). Scaling up to the paid work level (n-1), would imply an increase in ELP of just 6% and a rise in EMR of more than 140%. This result contrasts with the historical trend that ELP and EMR generally have. In fact, a high correlation between ELPpw and EMRpw has been found for countries such as Spain (Ramos-Martín, 2001), Ecuador (Falconi-Benitez, 2001) and the USA (Cleveland et al., 1984). Regarding Brazil, I found a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.85 between EMRpw and ELPpw using a time series from 1990 to 2007. An in-depth historical analysis on the reasons why these two variables result to be correlated for the case of Brazil would go beyond the scope of this scenario assessment study. However, a tentative explanation is that higher consumption of energy per hour of work in the PW sector means the use of bigger and more machineries and equipments, which, in turn, implies the consumption of more direct energy for running the same machines. The final result is an increase of the productivity of labor (Cleveland et al., 1984; Hall et al., 1986; RamosMartín et al., 2009). Contrary to these historical results, the substitution of fossil diesel with soybean biodiesel would strongly increase EMRpw with a much lower 45 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel increase in ELPpw. The consequence would be a worsening in the energy intensity (TET / total value added) of the country which would increase by 100%. The two funds of the MuSIASEM methodology are human time and land. Of these, land is certainly the most limiting factor. In 2005, the area dedicated to soybean amounted to 23.3 million hectares and with fully renewable biodiesel, this area would have to expand to cover 85% of the land that the last agricultural census (IBGE, 2006) reported as being used for agricultural purposes. Such an expansion of soybean cultivation would entail clearing forest land and using the area currently protected by law. If biofuels are intended to reduce GHG emissions the carbon generated on land by the bioenergy crops must be higher than the carbon captured by sequestration and storage on the cultivated field (Searchinger et al., 2008) . However, this is hardly the case if energy crops cause forest destruction. In this regard Fargione et al. (2008) calculate that the emissions per hectare caused by deforestation in the Amazon region would require 320 years to repay the carbon debt with soybean biodiesel and from 17 to 37 years if forest clearing occurs in the Cerrado biome. The “Soybean Moratorium”15 introduced in 2006 under the promotion of Greenpeace has proven to be an effective way for preventing forest substitution with soybean planting in the Amazon (Lapola et al., 2010). However, this initiative cannot prevent indirect land use changes. If soybean is planted on rangelands and if new pastures are consequently obtained by forest clearing, direct land use change is avoided but the overall GHG balance turns out be extremely negative. The land that can be purchased by ranchers in the agricultural frontier after having sold their pastures to soybean planters in the South can be 10 times as large the original farm because of the differentials in land prices (Sawyer, 2008). Nowadays the new agricultural expansion frontier is the Centre-West and the North region. However, the great part of soybean expansion is talking place in the Cerrado (Girardi, 2008; Sawyer, 2008). This is a large tropical savannah biome much more vulnerable then the Amazon because it has less protection (there is no Soybean Moratorium and forest clearing up to 80% of the farm is perfectly legal). The Cerrado has a vast range of animal and plant biodiversity (Klink and Machado, 2005; Ratter et al., 1997) and is considered one of the world “biodiversity hotspot” (Myers et al., 2000), i.e. “areas featuring exceptional concentrations of endemic species and experiencing exceptional loss of habitat” (Ibid. p.853). Due to the more famous deforestation process of the Amazon forest, the deforestation of the Cerrado is less acknowledged at world level (Janssen and Rutz, 2011; Mazzetto Silva, 2009). But the deforestation pace in the Cerrado is much higher than in the Amazon (Mazzetto Silva, 2009; Sawyer, 2008). Forest destruction in the Cerrado is considered as an alternative to the forest clearing in the Amazon (Sawyer, 2008). It is in the Cerrado where the typical single mono15 It implies that soybean cannot be traded based on private arrangements among trading companies if soybean was planted in recently deforested areas. 46 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel crop plantations take place mainly for soybean cultivation. This area is also experiencing pressure for sugarcane expansion in addition to its traditional use for cattle breading. Biodiesel production in Brazil started only in 2005 but some worrying signals can be detected. According to the Conab crop survey of May 2011, soybean areas has been expanding with an annual average rate of 3,95% from 2006/07 to 2010/1116. The results of the other scenarios (reported in Table A3.1 of the appendix) are not very different, especially for the case of fully renewable biodiesel. This is because the amplification factor is so high as to cancel any minor differences. 3.4 Conclusions It is often argued that developing countries have perfect conditions for developing biofuels, especially Brazil and more in general Latin America. This area is deemed to have a very high potential for biomass production (Smeets et al., 2007) due to its surplus agricultural land, favorable climate and soil conditions, a good infrastructure, and an abundance of labor force. It is becoming increasingly acknowledged that diversification away from oil is more and more urgent. This work has attempted to show how the use of a parallel biophysical and economic reading at different scales can shed light on the consequences and sustainability of alternative options to oil. Specifically, this paper has illustrated how MuSIASEM can be applied to enrich the discussion on the implications of fossil fuel substitution with biodiesel in Brazil. Of course, the development of a new industry has positive effects on the overall value added of a country, but merely looking at the GDP will not indicate if something is actually positive or negative. The energy delivered by soybean biodiesel is higher than the energy invested. However, the resulting net energy is not much compared with the energy source it is intended to substitute. Net energy has been essential for the evolution of present day organisms (Lotka, 1922; Odum et al., 1995). In the same way, the industrialization of human societies implies the use of high ER energy sources17. This all means that replacing fossil diesel with fully renewable biodiesel would lead to dramatic changes in the energy flows . The amount of energy per hour of work tends to increase without a corresponding growth in the ELP. This is because biodiesel mainly stimulates the production of sectors with low value added while upstream linkages with high value added sectors are rather limited. Biofuel proponents could argue that solutions should be searched for in order to 16 17 The soybean area in 2010/11 is estimated in the Conab survey. See Cleveland (2005) for an estimation of oil and gas ER (or EROI to use his words). 47 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel reduce the energy consumed. However, this would entail a reduction in ELP and consequently a loss of competitiveness for the whole economy. By the same token, if the ELP were increased through economies of scale this would end up increasing the level of mechanization, and thus the consumption of even more energy. Moreover, further mechanization would reduce rural employment, and this would go against one of the main purposes of the Brazilian National Program of Biodiesel Production. Eisenmenger et al. (2007) showed how Brazil has had a faster growth in the energy consumed than in the GDP. Compared with the other Latin America countries in their study, they highlighted that Brazil is very inefficient in the use of energy. The use of fully renewable biodiesel would aggravate this problem. In addition, the increase in energy consumption would occur without any direct growth in the energy consumed by households, but only of the producing sectors. The consequences of the introduction of non renewable biodiesel would be much less dramatic and the constraints much less stringent. However, gains in net energy would essentially be nil. In fact, the substitution of 20% of fossil diesel would be equivalent to just 0,3% of the country energy consumption. Brazil has a surface area of more than 850 million hectares. In purely theoretical terms (i.e. without distinguishing among land cover and land use classes) this area is so large that there would be enough land to reach the target of 20% of fossil diesel substitution even with fully renewable biodiesel. However, soybean would cover the vast majority of the land currently used for agricultural purposes, so direct and indirect land use shifts would be inevitable. Such a way to de-carbonize energy consumption does not seem to be very wise. Unlike developed countries, the majority of Brazilian GHG emissions do not come from fossil fuel use, but from deforestation and changes in land use, which accounted for 58% of CO2eq emissions in 2005 (MCT, 2009). So rather than contributing to GHG displacement, soybean biodiesel might actually increase CO2emissions. The upshot is that large-scale soybean biodiesel production and use in Brazil may be feasible. But its desirability is highly questionable. Further research could explore the implications of biofuel use and production obtained by using different feedstocks. 48 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel References Abiove. (2010). Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Óleos Vegetais: Dados do complexo soja. 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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (9), 2463–2473. 54 Chapter 3 – Multi-scale integrated analysis of soybean biodiesel Appendix A3.1 – Additional results Table A.3.1: Results Soybean Agriculture Paid work (n-3) (n-2) (n-1) Scenario B: Baseline conditions ETi (MJ) 7.33E+10 3.50E+11 7.38E+12 HAi (Hours) 6.74E+08 3.61E+10 1.73E+11 AVi (106 R$) 17,384 105,069 1,841,282 Scenario B: Non renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 1.24E+11 4.01E+11 7.66E+12 HAi (Hours) 1.14E+09 3.66E+10 1.74E+11 AVi (106 R$) 29,239 117,211 1,862,783 Scenario B: Fully renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 6.09E+11 8.95E+11 1.89E+13 HAi (Hours) 5.59E+09 4.22E+10 1.84E+11 AVi (106 R$) 144,051 234,646 2,084,187 Scenario C & D: Baseline conditions ETi (MJ) 7.33E+10 3.50E+11 7.38E+12 HAi (Hours) 6.74E+08 3.61E+10 1.73E+11 AVi (106 R$) 17,398 105,163 1,852,199 Scenario C: Non renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 1.24E+11 4.01E+11 7.66E+12 HAi (Hours) 1.14E+09 3.66E+10 1.74E+11 AVi (106 R$) 29,230 116,383 1,855,370 Scenario C: Fully renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 6.09E+11 8.95E+11 1.89E+13 HAi (Hours) 5.61E+09 4.23E+10 18.84E+11 AVi (106 R$) 143,857 233,712 2,079,291 Scenario D: Non renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 1.24E+11 4.01E+11 7.66E+12 HAi (Hours) 1.14E+09 3.66E+10 1.74E+11 AVi (106 R$) 29,226 116,331 1,853,678 Scenario D: Fully renewable biodiesel ETi (MJ) 6.09E+11 8.95E+11 1.89E+13 HAi (Hours) 5.61E+09 4.23E+10 1.84E+11 AVi (106 R$) 143,846 233,652 2,077,592 Whole society (n) 9.15E+12 1.61E+12 1,841,282 9.43E+12 1.61E+12 1,862,783 2.07E+13 1.61E+12 2,084,187 9.15E+12 1.61E+12 1,852,199 9.43E+12 1.61E+12 1,855,370 2.07E+13 1.61E+12 2,079,291 9.43E+12 1.61E+12 1,853,678 2.07E+13 1.61E+12 2,077,592 55 4 Social-Multi Criteria Evaluation of Alternative Geothermal Power Scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Abstract Italy was the first country in the world to exploit geothermal resources for the production of electricity. In Europe it is still the first country in terms of installed capacity. Currently, the only region in Italy with geothermal power plants is Tuscany. This study focuses on Mt. Amiata, one of the two geothermal areas in Tuscany, where there is strong opposition to the exploitation of geothermal resources. The context is characterized by contested scientific results regarding crucial issues such as the impact of geothermal exploitation, the conservation of water resources and human health. A social multi-criteria evaluation is proposed to explore the different legitimate perspectives of the actors involved. Scenarios are distinguished in terms of their installed capacity, technology and plant site. A Condorcet consistent aggregation algorithm is applied and results are analyzed using a sensitivity analysis. The alternative scenarios are evaluated in a multidimensional way by attaching different weights to the criteria reflecting divergent points of view. Keywords: geothermal power, multi-criteria analysis, integrated assessment, conflict analysis, sensitivity analysis, Italy Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy 4.1 Introduction This paper intends to show the potential use of a social multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) in managing problems related with conflicts arising around geothermal power. Specifically, it explores the case of Mt. Amiata, in the region where geothermal power originated: Tuscany. The first experiments to use geothermal energy to produce electricity took place in Tuscany in 1904 in Larderello. Since then Italy has remained the first producer of electricity from geothermal sources in Europe and is the fifth internationally after the USA, Philippines, Indonesia, and Mexico (Bertani and Fridleifsson, 2010). At the moment of writing all the geothermal power plants in Italy are located in Tuscany. Here geothermal power made up 24% in 2009 of electricity consumption (and 32% of net production), while nationally the contribution of geothermal power to electricity consumption is just 1.6% (Terna, 2010). Currently there are 35 power plants with 882,5 MW of installed capacity18 (ARPAT, 2010; ENEL, 2010). In Tuscany the geothermal power plants are located in two areas: the so-called traditional area around Larderello where 30 plants (and 794,5 MW of installed capacity) are located, and Mt. Amiata area (in the south of Tuscany) where five plants (with 88MW) have been installed (see Fig. 4.1). It is in the Mt. Amiata area where geothermal energy has been facing strong opposition during the last few years. Fig. 4.1: Geothermal power plants in Italy 18 Corresponding to 770 MW of net capacity. 57 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Opposition to renewable energies is not uncommon and it is often considered as a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude. The geothermal power industry therefore tends to classify such behavior as a social acceptability problem (Cataldi, 2001; De Jesus, 1997). However more than simple social acceptability, opposition should be considered as being part of a more general environmental management problem which presents elements of energy policy, economic considerations, local pollution, water conservation concerns, employment effects, quality of life and aesthetical aspects. This kind of environmental management problem reflects conflicts of interests and values. In the presence of plural values, incommensurability is the norm and not the exception. Incommensurability refers to the absence of a common unit of measurement to evaluate alternatives (Martinez-Alier et al., 1998). This is because simply deciding what to measure implies value conflicts. However incommensurability does not imply that rational comparability is impossible. On the contrary, with value-pluralism, alternatives can be “weakly comparable”, without resorting to a single value (and to a single unit of measurement). Simon (1976) distinguishes between substantial rationality and procedural rationality. The former refers to the rationality of the result irrespectively of the way in which decisions are taken, while the latter refers to the rationality of the decision-making process itself. In deciding between weakly comparable alternatives, procedural rationality must substitute for substantial rationality (Martinez-Alier et al., 1998). Where environmental management is characterized by conflicts in values and interests, it is very difficult to arrive at a straightforward and unambiguous solution. This implies that planning processes should be characterized by the search for acceptable compromise solutions through an adequate evaluation methodology (Munda et al., 1994). Multi-criteria decision aid has proven to be a powerful tool to deal with complex environmental and energy management problems. Several examples can be found in Gamboa and Munda (2007), Diakoulaki et al. (2005), Barda et al. (1990), Georgopoulou et al. (1997), Cavallaro and Ciraolo (2005), Afgan and Carvalho (2002), Goumas and Lygerou (2000), Beccali et al. (2003), Haralambopoulos and Polatidis (2003), Kowalski et al. (2009), Paruccini (1994), and Janssen (1992). The objective of multi-criteria aid is not to discover some particular truth or an optimizing solution, but rather the final result should be seen as a creation (and not a discovery) aimed at facilitating “an actor taking part in a decision process to shape, and/or argue and/or transform his preferences, or to make decision in conformity with his goals” (Roy, 1990 p. 328). From a practical point of view, one of the main advantages of multi-criteria decision aid is that it makes it possible to handle great amounts of data in a multidimensional way. It is a very transparent method because different valuations are not translated into a single numeraire (e.g. US$ or energy or exergy). Using data from scientific dimensions in their original units of measurement, it is also suitable for interdisciplinary approaches (Munda, 2008). 58 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Of course, multi-criteria analysis cannot solve all conflicts but it can help decision making by shedding light on the nature of the conflict and on the way to find compromises, thus increasing the transparency of the decision-making process (Martinez-Alier et al., 1998). The most common use of multi-criteria analysis is in providing a final ranking of alternatives based on different criteria. In order to address possible quality problems with data, a sensitivity analysis is often added. This work proposes a very different approach. A sensitivity analysis is included here mainly to give political weights to the different criteria reflecting diverging perspectives. The final rankings thus represent “politically sensitivity maps”, to use Stirling’s (1999) words. The next section describes the methodological framework. Section 4.3 provides a historical-institutional analysis of the context of this study and includes a brief summary of the main social actors involved. Section 4.4 introduces the chosen alternatives and explains which criteria were used and how they were estimated. The results are included in section 4.5. The last section presents some final remarks on the overall process and on the specific results. 4.2 Methodological framework A multi-criteria problem can typically be described by a finite set A of feasible alternatives a1, a2, … an (later called scenarios) and a family G of criteria g1, g2, ….gm (representing the different points of view), by which alternatives are evaluated. Alternative a1 is considered better than alternative a2 if, according to the gi criterion g( a1 ) > g( a2 ). Given the set A of alternatives and the set of criteria G, it is possible to build a n x m matrix whose elements report the performance of each alternative according to each criterion. Depending on the methodology used, the matrix can include quantitative, qualitative and also both types of evaluations (Munda, 1995; Munda et al., 1994). The multi-criteria exercise can be summarized as follows (adapted from Gamboa, 2006; Gamboa and Munda, 2007): • • • • • Problem structuring • Historical-institutional analysis • Identification of social actors • Definitions of preferences and aspirations Identification of alternatives Identification and estimation of criteria Selection and application of a ranking algorithm Analysis of results and sensitivity analysis 59 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy These phases are not intended to follow a chronological order. Rather, they influence each other dynamically. Once the results analysis has been performed, a new cycle can begin because the knowledge acquired may enable the social actors and analysts to change their perspectives and structure the initial problem in a different way. The historical-institutional analysis is mainly aimed at defining the given problem by identifying social actors and eliciting their preferences and aspirations. An analysis of the actors cannot be a simple enumeration of the agents involved. Important aspects to be included are the actors’ main interests and stakes, the perception of the problem, the degree of influence, and access to technical knowledge (Funtowicz et al., 1998). This phase of the research facilitates the generation of alternatives. The institutional analysis in this research involved a review of various documents such as laws, policy documents, press releases and newspapers. This phase made it possible to identify the main actors. Subsequently semi-structured interviews (SSI) were held with exponents and representatives of the identified social actors (Appendix A4.1 reports a list of the interviews held). A question guide was previously prepared based on the information collected during the secondary data review. The main objective of the interviews was to gain knowledge on the perceptions, needs and aspirations of the social actors identified. In addition, following a snowball methodology, the interviews made it possible to identify other social actors. As Roy (1985) specifies, the preference model used to evaluate the alternatives is not based on the alternatives themselves but on their consequences, which result from the alternatives and from the subjective evaluations of the social actors. The consequences are evaluated using certain criteria. The choice of criteria is a technical translation of the social actors’ desires and needs (Gamboa and Munda, 2007). Essentially, criteria represent the different points of view of the social actors, i.e. the axes along which the social actors argue, transform and justify their preferences. The comparisons obtained through these criteria should be considered as partial preferences because they are limited to the aspects taken into account by the point of view represented by the definition of each criterion (Bouyssou, 1990). According to the multi-criteria problem reported above, in order to state that j is preferred to k (with j and k belonging to the set of N feasible alternatives), it is sufficient that gi ( j ) > gi ( k ). This preference description represents a “true criterion”. In this case, any difference between gi ( j ) and gi ( k ) implies a strict preference relation. However, even when the decision maker is a real person, their preferences are seldom clearly stated. Among areas of firm conviction may lie nebulous zones of uncertainty. Moreover, the data used to evaluate the performance of each alternative may be imprecise (Roy, 1990). This is why the introduction of discrimination thresholds is advisable. Here an indifference threshold is used, as depicted in Eq. 4.1 and 4.2. 60 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy j P k ⇔ g m ( j ) > g m (k ) + q j I k ⇔ | g m ( j ) − g m (k ) | ≤ q (Eq. 4.1) (Eq. 4.2) where P represents a preference relation, I an indifference relation and q is the indifference threshold, i.e. the greatest value of the difference between the alternatives j and k which is not large enough to differentiate j from k on criterion gm (Roy et al., 1986). The type of model in Eq. 4.1 and 4.2 is called “quasicriterion”. From the chosen preference relations, a multi-criteria algorithm must be applied in order to derive the aggregate result. Given the context of this study, one important characteristic is that the result should not be an isolated alternative but a ranking 19 . Thus, if the first alternative cannot be chosen because of political reasons (e.g. it gives rise to a strong conflict), other alternatives can be considered in their ranked order. In addition, it is important that the algorithm be noncompensatory so that a very good performance in one criterion cannot compensate for a bad one in an environmental criterion or vice versa. It is also advisable that the intensity of the preference information is not accounted for in order to avoid compensability. Weights should reflect importance coefficients and not tradeoffs 20 (Munda, 2004; Vincke, 1992). Finally, it is essential that algorithm be simple and transparent. The Condorcet consistent rule developed by Munda (2005; 2009) has such properties. This is based on the maximum likelihood concept, that is, the maximum likelihood ranking supported by the maximum number of criteria for each pair-wise comparison, summed over pairs of alternatives. An N x N outranking matrix E can be built respecting the axioms of diversity (a complete order of alternatives can be obtained for each criterion), symmetry (only ordinal pair-wise information is accounted for, so intensity of preference is disregarded), and positive responsiveness (the degree of preference between alternative j and k is a strictly increasing function of the number of criteria and weights, which ranks j before k). Any element of E:ej,k (j ≠ k) is obtained by a pair-wise comparison between alternative j and k according to all M criteria. This pair-wise comparison is obtained by applying Eq. 4.3. 1 e jk = ∑ w m ( Pjk ) + wm ( I jk ) 2 m =1 M (Eq. 4.3) where wm is the weight for criterion m. 19 Also called γ problem (Roy, 1990) Weights as trade-offs indicate how much a good performance in one criterion can compensate for a bad one in another (the analogy in economic jargon is the marginal rate of substitution). Weights as importance coefficients indicate how important a criterion is, but no compensation is implied. 20 61 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Let T be the set of all N! possible complete rankings of alternatives, and τs each individual ranking belonging to T. The score φs of each τs is obtained by the N summation of ejk over all the pairs j, k of alternatives (i.e. ϕ s = ∑ e jk , 2 where j ≠ k, s = 1,2,…N! and ejk ∈ τs). The final ranking τ* is the one which maximizes φs (see Eq. 4.4): τ ∗ ⇔ ϕ * = max ∑ e jk (Eq. 4.4) where ejk ∈ T. 4.3 Historical-institutional analysis 4.3.1 Historical context Until the beginning of 1900 Mt. Amiata was a typical mountain area of volcanic origin where the main activities included agriculture, forestry and animal production, after which the mining for cinnabar radically changed the economic profile of the area. The mining sector grew so much that in 1965 it satisfied 35% of the world’s mercury demand. Subsequently, a fast decline took place until 1976 when mines were closed down with hundreds of redundancies (Serafini and Sani, 2007). Geothermal explorations started at the end of the 1950s with the installation of the first small plants in the municipality of Piancastagnaio to the east of the mountain and, in Bagnore (belonging to the municipality of Santa Fiora) in the west. Geothermal activity was soon perceived as an opportunity to counteract the economic depression caused by the end of the cinnabar mining. Government policies were set up to create new jobs. These included ornamental plant production in greenhouses benefiting from geothermal heat. These greenhouse areas were set up near Piancastagnaio, in an area named Casa del Corto. ENEL, the once state-owned company operating and installing geothermal plants, was privatized at the beginning of the 1990s. During the same period a new plan called “Geotermia 2000” was launched to install 200 additional MW of capacity in Mt. Amiata (Bertini et al., 1995). It was around this plan that opposition to geothermal exploitation originated. At that time, the visual impact of the new plants was the main concern. In any case, three new plants were installed in Piancastagnaio and one in Bagnore (20MW each). Compared to the plants previously installed these new plants entailed the decoupling of installed capacity from on-site employment. This is because all plants are remotely controlled at a 62 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy center a long distance away. As a consequence, the reduced employment effects of geothermal power plants became another reason for discontent. The municipality of Piancastagnaio asked various experts to contribute to the publication of a new book (1994) on the effects of geothermal exploitation. Some of the articles gave cause for concern among a small minority of the population. In the meantime the first reports on air quality released by the authority in charge of environmental control (called ARPAT) revealed that the emissions of the individual plants were much higher in Mt. Amiata than in the socalled traditional geothermal areas (further north, around Larderello). In September 2000 two explosions occurred near Piancastagnaio because of geothermal fluid escaping from the soil. The inhabitants were evacuated and all the farm animals in the area died. These events gave rise to a new surge of opposition which included local rallies. Another important element which caused concern among the population was the arsenic concentration in drinking water. In 2001 a decree set the limit of arsenic concentration at 10 µg/l. Since then, authorities have permitted expectation to the law regarding drinkable water. Given the high quantity of arsenic in the water, limits were often raised to 20 or 30 µg/l. The problem was solved in 2009-2010 with the installation of arsenic abatement plants for drinkable water. However opponents to geothermal exploitation suspect that the high arsenic concentration may in some way be linked to the presence of the power plants. At a regional level (i.e. within Tuscany in general), the growth of geothermal power plants was almost nil during the 2000s. In designing its new energy policy the regional government decided that the abundance of geothermal resources was an opportunity not to be wasted for the development of the renewable energies sector. In the energy plan approved in 2008 the installation of 200 MW21 were planned. The regional government of Tuscany spearheaded an important negotiation with ENEL to set up a new compensation fund for the geographical areas where the geothermal plants are located. This gave rise to the so-called “general agreement on the exploitation of geothermal resources” signed in 2007 by all the municipalities of geothermal areas in Tuscany apart from the one in Mt. Amiata (i.e. Abbadia San Salvatore). In addition to the final compensation, the general agreement included the acquisition of EMAS certification for all power plants, the commitment of ENEL to endorse new agreements with unions and industrial associations to enhance local employment and entrepreneurship, and the promotion of scientific studies and research on the impact of geothermal exploitation. 21 The plan was for the whole Tuscan area (and does not specify where 200 MW are to be installed). So the 200MW target is not a target just for the Mt. Amiata area. 63 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy 4.3.2 The scientific debate The scientific debate is mainly around two crucial issues: the effects of geothermal exploitation on water conservation and the effects on human health. The main question on water regards the effects of geothermal exploitation on the quantitative and qualitative conservation of the potable aquifer. In order to introduce the reader into the geological context of this case study it is necessary to briefly describe the geothermal field of the Amiata volcanic complex (Southern Tuscany). There are two distinct water-dominated reservoirs: a so called shallow reservoir and a deep reservoir. The shallow reservoir is sited in the Mesozoic carbonatic formations at 500-1000 m depth. The deep one is hosted in the Paleozoic metamorphic basement at 2500-4000 m depth. These two reservoirs are separated by a low permeable layer and are considered part of a unique geothermal system 22 (Barelli et al., 2010). The shallow geothermal reservoir is overlain by cap rocks namely “Liguridi”. Above them is located a layer of volcanic rocks or “Volcanites” which host the potable aquifer. The effect of the geothermal exploitation on the conservation of the potable aquifer depends on various elements which, due to their complexity, are highly debated among the scientific community. It is worth remembering that the springs in Mt. Amiata are characterized by water shortages. The first cartographic reconstruction of the potable aquifer can be found in a study by Calamai et al. (1970) who identified its piezometric level at 950 m.a.s.l. A geophysical survey carried out in 2003-2006 by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) identified an important depression in the phreatic aquifer 23 (Manzella, 2006). Finally the recent piezometer installed by the regional government revealed that the water table is at 780 m.a.s.l (thus suggesting a reduction of 170 m compared with the level identified in Calamai et al.). This debate basically has two main positions. One position claims that the potable aquifer and the geothermal system are not connected; water shortages are mainly due to a reduction in rainfall, to the continuous drawings of water for drinking purposes from wells (many of which are illegal) and tunnels connected to waterworks, to the general crumbling conditions of the local waterworks and to the presence of the tunnels of the old mine. According to this position, the original reconstruction of the piezometric level of the phreatic aquifer of Calamai et al. is probably subject to errors due to the techniques used, to the few measurements taken and to the interpretations of the results. The depressions identified by the CNR study are also subject to the approximation typical of the technique used. In 22 Other characteristics of the geothermal reservoirs are: the shallow reservoir presents temperature ranging from 150 (in Bagnore) to 200°C while the temperature of the deep reservoir are more homogeneous and generally greater than 300°C (Bertini et al., 1995). In the deep reservoir the non condensable gas content is between 4% and 15% (Bertini et al., 1995) while in the shallow one is much higher: around 40% in Piancastagnaio and 85% in Bagnore (Barelli et al., 2010). 23 The magnetotelluric method was applied for carrying out the geophysical survey. 64 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy addition, the presence of contaminants in the water could be due to the natural presence of the same substances in the area and to the now closed mining activity. Different aspects of this view can be found in the EIA reports submitted by ENEL (2005; 2008; 2009a; 2009b; 2009c), in scientific articles by ENEL personnel, and in the study commissioned at the University of Siena (2008) by the Tuscany regional government. These studies find confirmation of their arguments in the prior works of Focacci et al. (1993), Barazzuoli et al. (2004) and Papalini (1989), among others. The other position argues that the exploitation of geothermal power has provoked a depression in the geothermal reservoir and this depression has drawn water from the phreatic aquifer thus reducing the water table. The depression identified by the CNR study consequently indicates a recharge of the geothermal reservoir by the potable aquifer. Since the phreatic aquifer reduces its weight, the pressure that the water table causes on gasses coming from below also diminishes, consequently the ascent of contaminants from the geothermal reservoir is facilitated. In addition, the reduction in springs causes an increase in the concentration of poisoning contaminants. In summary geothermal exploitation can negatively impact the conservation of the potable aquifer. Different aspects of this view are held by Borgia (2007), by a study commissioned at EDRA by the regional government (EDRA, 2006a; 2006b), and by some geologists from the offices in charge of land protection and the prevention of hydraulic and hydrogeological risks of the regional government. The upholders of this position find confirmation of their arguments in older studies conducted by ENEL personnel with ENEL data (Burgassi et al., 1965; Calamai et al., 1970; Cataldi, 1965). Just to give an idea of how the scientific debate is polarized, Borgia (2007) found a clear correlation between the vapor extracted for geothermal use and a reduction in the Mt. Amiata spring flows. However this correlation is completely negated in the study by the University of Siena24. Moreover, the legitimacy of the University of Siena study is contested by residence committees opposing geothermal exploitation because the study was conducted by a research team which included a member who was appointed by ENEL as an expert in previous civil suits. The other main issue is the effect of geothermal exploitation on human health. A specific statistical-epidemiologic study (ARS, 2010) was conducted by comparing mortality and hospitalization statistics of the population in the geothermal areas with that of nearby and similar areas25. The results showed that considering the whole set of geothermal areas (i.e. including also the so-called traditional geothermal area), there was a small excess of mortality among males (+6%) with respect to the expected value and no excess of hospitalization. 24 The input data in the two studies was different. The analysis covered 2000-2006 for mortality statistics and 2002-2004 for hospitalization statistics. 25 65 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy However, considering only the Mt. Amiata area, among males there was a significant excess of mortality (+13%), an excess of cancer (+19%), and an excess of mortality for breathing apparatus illnesses. While females presented an excess of mortality for acute breathing illnesses. Regarding hospitalization there were some excesses due to stomach cancer, breathing illnesses (only for females) and kidney failure. However, the study concluded that in all likelihood the excess of mortality and hospitalization was not due to the presence of geothermal plants because the most worrying indicators referred only to males26 (and not to females who are exposed to the geothermal presence in the same way as males). According to the study, the excesses revealed were probably due to lifestyle and past employment, mainly mining. In spite of the reassuring conclusions, the results of the epidemiologic study remain a cause of concern and the regional government has recently agreed to finance further investigations. 4.3.3 Current status Two mining concessions have been awarded to ENEL: one is to the east of Mt. Amiata (where Piancastagnaio and Abbadia S. Salvatore are located) and one is to the west (where Santa Fiora and Arcidosso are located)27. Four plants are currently operating in the east, all in the Piancastagnaio area. The characteristics of each plant are reported below with their official name (data are from the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted by ENEL, 2008; 2009b; 2009c): • • PC2. This is the oldest plant and currently has 8 MW of installed capacity. It was installed in 1969 and it is fuelled only by the shallow reservoir (which presents a very high quantity of non condensable gases with all their harmful elements). It is a dry steam power plant with no re-injection of fluid and no filters for air emission. This plant is responsible for the vast majority of the geothermal emissions due to geothermal exploitation of the area. The plant provides heat to the nursery activities of a nearby area called Casa del Corto, where greenhouses are located. These nurseries employ around 250 people. PC3. It has 20MW of installed capacity and was set up in 1990. It is fuelled only by the deep reservoir. It has a flesh steam technology28, which 26 According to the study, the excess in breathing illnesses among females were consistent with regional trends. 27 The mining concession of the West known as Bagnore, has an extension of 45.87 Km2 and all the municipalities involved here belong to the Province of Grosseto. The mining concession of the east side is called Piancastagnaio, it extends over 47.91 Km2 and all the municipalities belong to the province of Siena. 28 A description of the technologies available for geothermal power plans can be found in Kagel et al. (2007), DiPippo (1991; 2005), and Bacci (1998) among others. 66 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy • partially re-injects the extracted geothermal fluid and is endowed with filters for the abatement of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and mercury (Hg) emissions (the filter is called AMIS). It is located in the south of Piancastagnaio. PC4 and PC5. These two plants are located near to each other in the north of Piancastagnaio. Each of the two plants has 20MW of installed capacity. PC4 was set up in 1991, and PC5 in 1996. The two plants are fuelled only by the deep reservoir. Their operation capacity is slightly lower than the theoretical capacity because of a lack of geothermal fluid. In order to operate at full capacity new wells need to be drilled. Without new wells the two plants reduce their power capacity every year. The two plants exploit flash steam technology with partial re-injection of the geothermal fluid and both are now equipped with the H2S and Hg abatement filters. A so-called “re-organization plan” for Piancasatgnaio mining license was submitted by ENEL and authorized by the regional government. This plan involves interventions only in Piancastagnaio. The main characteristics are: PC2 would be closed down, the heat that PC2 was providing to Casa del Corto would be provided by a new heat pipe connected to PC3, another heat pipe would be installed to provide the citizens of Piancastagnaio with heat, various wells would be drilled29 to increase the production of existing power plants, and more than 16.3 km of various steam pipelines would be installed in order to connect the new wells with the power plants and to make the three plants part of a single system of steam distribution (details are from ENEL, 2008). In the west of Mt. Amiata there is only one operating plant named Bagnore 3 (BG3 for short) from the name of the concession and the locality where the plant is located. It has 20MW of installed capacity with flash steam technology, partial re-injection of the extracted fluid and H2S and Hg abatement filters. As mentioned the plant is located within the municipality of Santa Fiora. A new project for the construction of a new 40 MW power plant (named BG4) in the west of Mt. Amiata was submitted by ENEL. Currently, the regional government has not yet authorized this new project. 4.3.4 Social actors There are many stakeholders involved in the policy arena of this case and deciding which ones to include inevitably presents some degree of arbitrariness. The total list could include research organizations (the University of Siena, the 29 Five new production wells would be drilled, two old wells would be reactivated, one old well would be deepened (all of them would be about 3,500 meters deep, thus reaching the deep reservoir). In addition, one new re-injection well of about 1,000 meters (up to the shallow reservoir) would be drilled (ENEL, 2005; 2009a). 67 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy University of Florence, a technical expert committee set up by the Regional government, and the National Research Council), the local association of hotels and the local association of service providers, environmental NGOs with a minor presence (e.g. Legambiente or Amici della Terra), a lawyers’ NGO which assisted the resident associations during various legal actions, and also a Buddhist organization which attracts several followers in the west of Mt. Amiata. However, the social actors believed to have been the most active in recent years and/or which present a clear stake in the geothermal exploitation of Mt. Amiata are reported in Table 4.1. 68 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Table 4.1: social actors Social actor Tuscany Regional government Type Regional government ENEL Private company Piancastagnaio municipality Local authority Abbadia S. Salvatore municipality Local authority Santa Fiora municipality Local authority Arcidosso municipality Local authority Description - Position The regional government has taken over the 20-20-20 EU objectives. According to the most recent energy plan, the Region should cover 39% of the electricity consumption (and 10% of thermal energy) with renewable energy sources by 2020 (Tuscany regional government, 2008). The additional amount of electricity that will have to be produced by all renewable energy sources is planned to be 3,542 GWh, of which 1,600 GWh by geothermal power. These objectives show the essential role that geothermal power is expected to have in order to achieve the desired targets. In addition, the regional government is in charge of authorizing the construction and operation of geothermal power plants. This is the sole company currently operating geothermal power plants in Italy (including on Mt. Amiata). Depending on the expected costs and revenues, it is interested in expanding the geothermal exploitation to produce more electricity and to be entitled to more green certificates (or to new incentive schemes). Four plants are located within its area with a total of 68MW of installed capacity. The municipality supports the re-organization proposed by ENEL in Piancastagnaio for several reasons: it involves the closing of PC2 which is a plant emitting high levels of air pollution; it entails the construction of a heat pipeline allowing inhabitants and companies to access low heat costs; it guarantees maximum capacity of electricity production and consequently the maximum level of royalties (which, to some extent, depend on the quantity of electricity produced). Part of the area is included in the mining concession awarded to ENEL for the exploitation to the east of Mt. Amiata. The municipality has never considered geothermal power as a driver of development and it opposes the construction of any new plants that would exploit high and medium enthalpy resources. Geothermal exploitation is perceived to be at odds with the development of the already important tourist sector. It is the only municipality in the geothermal area which did not sign the general agreement with ENEL and the Regional government, thus turning down the funds that this would have involved. In any case, it supports the re-organization plan because it means closing down PC2, so less air emissions would affect the municipality. This is the local authority is on the west side of Mt. Amiata. A 20MW plant (called BG3) is located in its district. The new 40MW plant (called BG4) would also be located in the area, if installation is finally authorized. The municipality supports the presence of BG3 and the new construction of BG4. The main perceived benefit for the new plant is the possible development of small companies that could access low cost sources of heat. Royalties are also considered important. In fact, the vast majority of royalties are allocated to the municipality where the new plant is physically located. Part of the district is included in the mining concession awarded to ENEL for the exploration of the west side of Mt. Amiata however no plant is located in its area. Nevertheless, given the prevalent wind direction, the majority of air emissions from the BG3 (and BG4 if it is finally constructed) are deposited in its district (and not in the Santa Fiora area where the plant is located). The municipality is worried that the construction of BG4 would imply further emissions. It would tolerate its presence if the technical authorities guaranteed that the emissions will be maintained within acceptable levels and that the new plant would not interfere with the aquifer conservation. 69 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Social actor Prospettiva Comune di Piancastagnaio Type Residents association with elected representatives in the city council WWF Environmental NGO Rete Comitati di Difesa del Territorio Regional network of associations Comitato per la Tutela dell’Ambiente Abbadia S.S Residents’ association with elected representatives in city council Rifondazione Comunista Santa Fiora Local branch of a left-wing party Description - Position They are worried that exploitation of high enthalpy resources may provoke a geothermal fluid discharge (as has already occurred) and interfere with the conservation of the aquifer. They oppose the reorganization plan because it involves new wells and new pipelines, thus more exploitation of high enthalpy resources and a negative visual impact. They do not consider the closing of PC2 to be a positive element of the re-organization plan because dismissing PC2 should have been agreed independently from the plan. They ask for a moratorium of additional exploitations of the high enthalpy resources. In the past they submitted a request for further integrations of the environmental impact assessment of BG4 regarding the effects of the planned plant on the ecological stability and on the food chains. They also submitted a formal claim to the European Union regarding the fact that the mining concession for BG3 was extended without an environmental impact assessment. They are worried about the additional emissions that BG4 would provoke and about the possible detrimental effects on the aquifer. This is an network of associations committed to the natural and preservation of the area. It operates on a regional scale. They are worried that geothermal exploitation may deplete the water table, contaminate water resources with heavy metals, provoke superficial discharges of geothermal fluids, and cause dangerous emissions. They oppose the exploitation of high enthalpy resources. They also oppose the re-organization plan and the construction of the new plant in Bagnore. This is a citizens association from the town of Abbadia San Salvatore. They fear that geothermal power plant emissions may affect human health. They are worried about the conservation of the aquifer and they believe the presence of geothermal power plants does not stimulate the economic development for the area. They oppose the exploitation of medium and high enthalpy resources. It is the local branch of a political leftist party. It represents the opposition to the development of geothermal power in the small town of Santa Fiora. Members are mainly worried about the environmental impact that the construction of the new plant in Bagnore (BG4) would involve. They oppose the construction of BG4 because it implies a three times larger capacity (in Santa Fiora area) with the same technology of BG3. 70 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy 4.4 The multi-criteria matrix The multi-criteria methodology entails identifying a set of alternatives and a set of criteria to compare such alternatives. 4.4.1 Generation of alternatives The scenarios taken into consideration are seven with four overall origins: 1) the preservation of the status quo 2) the projects planned by ENEL, 3) scenarios generated after in-depth discussions with technical experts and scientists from the geothermal sector in order to address (at least partially) the worries of some of the social actors 4) the formulation in “scenario terms” of the requests of the opponents to the ENEL projects. The scenarios considered are: A. BaU (Business as Usual). This scenario means maintaining the current conditions. All five plants remain operating as they are. At the same time, two plants in Piancastagnaio (PC4 and PC5) experience a reduction in their production capacity because of a lack of geothermal fluid. B. Reorg (reorganization). This plan is proposed by ENEL and has already been authorized. The details are reported in section 4.3.3. C. ClosingPC2. This scenario envisages that PC2 would be closed down and a new heat pipe would be installed from PC3 in order to provide the Casa del Corto area with heat (as in the previous case). No other interventions are envisaged, so the annual electricity production of PC4 and PC5 would decrease. D. Reorg+BG4. This scenario joins the two projects proposed by ENEL. In Piancastagnaio a re-organization is planned exactly as explained in B. To the west of the mountain a new plant of 40MW capacity (BG4 for short) would be installed with flash steam technology beside the existing plant (the total installed capacity in Mt. Amiata would be increased from the current 88MW to 120 MW). In addition to the installation of a power system (which in this case involves cooling towers with six cells and the H2S and Hg abatement filters), the construction of the new plant entails drilling new wells30 and the installation of about 12 km of steam pipelines. E. Reorg+40CC. As in the previous case this scenario involves the reorganization plan proposed by ENEL in Piancastagnaio. The new power plant to be constructed in Bagnore would have a closed cycle technology. 30 Six new wells would be drilled and two old wells would be re-activated (all of which would reach the deep reservoir and would be used for production purposes). In addition, two new wells reaching the shallow reservoir would be drilled for re-injection purposes. 71 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy This means that the fluid extracted from the geothermal reservoir would be totally re-injected (and not partially as normally happens with traditional flash steam technology). The only technology presenting this characteristic and already on the market is binary cycles 31, which is the technology envisaged here 32 . The construction of this new plant with 40MW of installed capacity would mean using a wider area and a higher cooling towers than in the traditional flash stem technology (because of the different cooling systems), along with a higher number of wells to be drilled in order to totally re-inject the extracted fluid. F. ClosingPC2+20CC. This scenario envisages that the PC2 plant would close down and that a new heat pipe would be installed to provide Casa del Corto area with heat. In Piancastagnaio no further interventions would be made. In addition, a new plant with 20MW of installed capacity and closed cycle would be built in Bagnore. As in the previous case the technology would be binary cycles. Obviously, the area occupied by this new plant would be smaller than in the previous case (but much larger than traditional plants based on flash steam technology). G. Reorg+20CC. In Piancastagnaio the re-organization plan would take place exactly as in B. In addition, a new 20MW plant with a binary cycle technology would be installed in Bagnore. Each scenario is assumed to have a 30-year duration period. 4.4.2 Choice and estimation of criteria Eleven criteria were taken into consideration representing the results of the institutional analysis described in Section 4.3: 1) electricity produced, 2) profitability of the plants, 3) municipality revenues, 4) direct heat use, 5) greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions avoided, 6) H2S emissions, 7) Hg emissions 8) ammonia (NH3) emissions, 9) arsenic (As) emissions, 10) possible impact on the phreatic aquifer 11) visual impact. Initially it was considered also direct employment among the set of criteria. However, it was excluded because the local 31 With binary cycles, the geothermal water heats another liquid. The two liquids are kept completely separate through the use of a heat exchanger used to transfer the heat energy from the geothermal water to the working fluid. The secondary fluid vaporizes into gaseous vapor and turns the turbines that power the generators. With air cooling the geothermal fluids never make contact with the atmosphere before they are pumped back into the underground geothermal reservoir (Kagel et al., 2007). ENEL itself installed two binary cycles plants in Nevada amounting to 65Mw of total capacity and has acquired rights to install 150 MW of additional capacity in different USA states (Roxborough, 2010) 32 Theoretically a closed cycle can also be obtained with total re-injection and flash steam technology. In Iceland there are plans to install this type of prototypal plant, but there are no operating and commercial cases at the moment of writing. Consequently, it was decided not to consider this possibility in this work. 72 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy actors never actually mentioned it in the interviews. The plants are controlled remotely at a control centre a long distance away. In Mt. Amiata there are few locals employed in maintenance. In addition, the number of local employees would not be significantly different in the considered scenarios. Of course, during a plant’s construction, the employment effect can be important. However, this effect would be limited just to a few years and the majority of employees and companies contracted for the construction of the plant would not be from Mt. Amiata. Moreover, the employment effect of the construction phase could only be estimated with a very high degree of approximation. The potential of new companies accessing low cost heat sources may have some positive employment effect. However, such an effect is already reflected in criterion 4. Some studies also include social acceptability among the criteria (Beccali et al., 2003; Cavallaro and Ciraolo, 2005; Chatzimouratidis and Pilavachi, 2008; Liposcak et al., 2006). However social acceptability is probably a consequence of the evaluation of other criteria. The criteria taken into consideration are reported below along with the way they were estimated. Criterion 1: Electricity produced This criterion reflects the point of view of the regional government. In fact, Tuscany is required to reach specific electricity targets produced from renewable resources. Of course, this criterion is also of interest for the plant operator because the electricity produced is sold on the market. The amount of electricity produced by each plant was extracted from the a regional government database (2011). In the scenarios that do not include the reorganization plan, the electricity production of PC4 and PC5 diminishes over time. This is clearly evident from the time series extracted from the abovementioned database. The average annual change rates of electricity production were calculated for each plant. These rates were used to estimate the annual amount of electricity produced by each plant for the duration of the scenarios. It was also assumed that once a power plant produces just 40% of its net capacity the plant is closed down (DiPippo, 2005). This is the case of PC4 in BaU, in Closing PC2 and in Closing PC2+20CC. It was also assumed that once PC4 closes down, all the geothermal fluid which was originally used by PC4 is directed towards PC5, which returns to full capacity (this is because the wells connected to PC4 and PC5 are part of the same pipeline system). As previously mentioned all the scenarios excluding BaU involve PC2 closing down, thus no electricity would be produced by this plant. 73 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy For the scenarios that include the re-organization plan and for all new plants, the annual electricity production is estimated by multiplying the net capacity of each plant by 8,000 hours33. The net capacity of a traditional flash steam power plant is 95% of the gross capacity. With binary cycle technology, the thermodynamic losses are much higher and on average the net capacity is 77% of the gross capacity34. As previously mentioned, in all scenarios where the reorganization plan is not included, some power plants would slightly reduce their electricity production. When a criterion varies over time (or in space) a “point-reduction” is needed to sum up a given distribution by a single value (Roy, 1985). In this work the median value of the annual electricity production was used. The results for each scenario are reported in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: Electricity production (MWh) BaU 531,670 Reorg 620,800 ClosingPC2 504,670 Reorg+BG4 924,800 Reorg+40CC 867,200 ClosingPC2+20CC 577,350 Reorg+20CC 744,000 Criterion 2: Company profitability This reflects the point of view of the company operating and installing the power plants. The profitability is measured by the net present value (NPV) of each scenario. The main sources of revenue are the electricity produced and the incentive scheme. The price of electricity was obtained by means of a weighted average of the price of electricity exchanged in the electricity market managed by the company in charge (GME, 2011) from 2005 to 2010. The current incentive scheme for geothermal power plants is the green certificate (GC), that is, a market-based mechanism. The GC market in Italy is characterized by an excess of supply (GSE, 2011) so the withdrawal price set by law was chosen as the reference price. During the period when this research was carried out, a new law was introduced, radically changing the incentive system. Basically, from 2011 to 2015 the GC system is maintained as is and the withdrawal price is set at 78% of the price at which the GCs are placed35 by the company in charge of allocating incentives for renewable energies (i.e. GSE). Thus the assumed prices are 72.32 33 This is the average yearly duration of working hours of each plant as indicated in the EIA report for BG4. 34 Personal communication from ENEL Ricerche 35 Such a price is set by law as the difference between 180 €/MWh and the reference price of the previous year for renewable energies set by the relevant government authority. In 2011 this price was 113.1 €/MWh. 74 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy €/MWh for the electricity and 88.22 €/MWh36 for the GCs until 2015. The price of the GCs is certainly not the price that would be revealed if the withdrawal mechanisms were not in place. In fact, the rationale for a withdrawal price system is to avoid a too low price because of the excess supply of GCs. Consequently, once the withdrawal system is not in place, the price of the GCs (or of their substitute) is expected to be much lower. The recently introduced law establishes that after 2015, the GC system will be substituted by an auction system. The price resulting from the auction system was assumed to be 45€/MWh. This is the price simulated by REF (2011) through the GreeCe model in the absence of a withdrawal price for the GCs. Of course such an estimation may easily be wrong. Therefore a robustness analysis is needed. Investment, maintenance and operational costs were taken from various sources (Bertani, 2009; Entingh and McVeigh, 2003; Hance, 2005; Petty, 2005; Sanyal, 2004), updated and adapted to the Italian case under the supervision of a geothermal plant expert. The cost structure of each scenario required for the estimation of the discounted cash flow is reported in Appendix A4.2. In order to take into account the entrepreneurial risk in choosing the discount rate, I decided to double the interest rate37 earned by the government bonds expiring in 30 years (i.e. the entire duration of each scenario). The resulting discount rate is 10%. Table 4.3 reports the NPV of the seven scenarios and includes the effects of different GCs values. Table 4.3: Profitability (NPV in thousands €) GC(€/MWh) 45.00 66.61 88.22 BaU 153,148 153,148 153,148 Reorg 196,155 202,793 209,432 ClosingPC2 148,517 148,517 148,517 Reorg+BG4 232,372 256,898 281,424 Reorg+40CC 184,249 205,260 226,271 ClosingPC2+20CC 130,164 137,682 145,201 Reorg+20CC 183,462 197,619 211,776 Criterion 3: Municipality revenues This reflects the point of view of the town councils. For each municipality the revenues generated by geothermal activities consist of the following: a. 0.13 cents per KWh produced. At least 60% of this sum is for the municipality where the plant is located and the remaining part is proportionally distributed to the municipalities according to the mining license area of each municipality. b. The compensation fund in the general agreement on the exploitation of geothermal resources (see Appendix A4.2). 36 This value must be multiplied by a given coefficient, which depends on the type of renewable source from which the electricity is produced. The coefficient for the electricity produced by geothermal energy is 0.9 37 Auction held on 14 February 2011 75 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy c. The real property tax. According to the interviews with the mayors, in Piancastagnaio this amounted to about €50,000 and in Santa Fiora to €3,000. Abbadia S. Salvatore is the only municipality which did not sign the general agreement on the exploitation of geothermal resources. Consequently this municipality benefits only from the revenues in point a. The annual flow of revenues is discounted though its NPV. Since this flow depends on the power plants and production, it was decided to use the same discount rate proposed for the NPV of the profitability criterion: 10%. The results are reported in Table 4.4. Table 4.4: NPV of the municipality revenues (NPV in thousands of Euros) Santa Fiora Arcidosso Piancastagnai Abbadia S.S Total BaU 5,762 3,403 9,748 1,143 20,056 Reorg 5,762 3,403 16,045 551 25,761 ClosingPC2 1,205 3,710 10,438 2,396 17,749 Reorg+BG4 21,179 11,083 16,062 3,481 51,806 Reorg+40CC 19,532 10,678 13,752 34,81 47,445 ClosingPC2+20CC 12,987 7,036 10,134 2,396 32,554 Reorg+20CC 12,994 7,043 13,724 3,481 37,242 Criterion 4: Direct heat uses The possibility to access a low cost heat source arose several times during the interviews. Direct heat use is considered important both for house heating and for small industrial activities. In Tuscany the main energy source for house heating is natural gas which is distributed though pipelines. However, one of the four villages - Piancastagnaio - is not connected to a natural gas network, so houses are heated using GPL and diesel boilers or through electric systems. Consequently heating is more expensive than in the rest of the region. In addition, even in the areas that are connected to a natural gas network, it is believed that access to low cost heating would make local companies more competitive and would encourage new companies to be set up. This is believed to be very important to limit the emigration flow due to the few employment opportunities available in the area. Geothermal power plants can provide a low cost source of heat by selling the excess heat which is not used in the plant (e.g. after the steam resulting from the geothermal fluid has fuelled the turbine). The availability of heat from geothermal power plants is evaluated in linguistic terms. Following the approach used by Roy and Silhol (1986), the qualitative evaluation was translated into a quantitative scale, which is reported below in Table 4.5. Since the scale reports increases for worse performances, the desired direction is decrease. 76 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Table 4.5: Qualitative evaluation of direct heat uses Evaluation Scale Perfect 1 Very good 2 Good 3 More or less good 4 Moderate 5 More or less bad 6 Bad 7 Very bad 8 Extremely bad 9 Heat availability essentially depends on the size of the new plants (the larger the size, the more excess heat is available), on the technology used (binary cycle plants are less efficient in producing electricity than flash steam power plants, so they present a higher quantity of excess heat) and on the specific arrangements offered by the plant operators. In this regard, the aforementioned reorganization plan involves the construction of a new heat pipeline to provide Piancastagnaio with heat. The small town of Santa Fiora is already provided with heat from BG4. Thus a direct heat use is already an option for a very small part of the whole Amiata area. The BaU and ClosingPC2 scenarios envisage that direct heat use is maintained at the current level (which benefits only Santa Fiora), so the Piancastagnaio area would still need the high cost heating systems that it is using now. The evaluation is considered “more or less bad”. Closing PC2+20CC means that more excess heat is available for the west side of the mountain (where heating from the geothermal plant is already available) in comparison with the current level. An evaluation of this scenario is therefore obtained by a one step increase in the scale to the level of “Moderate”. As already mentioned, Reorg entails the construction of a new pipeline for heating Piancastagnaio (which is not connected to the natural gas network), which means that this scenario is considered “more or less good”. In addition to the new pipeline in Piancastagnaio, Reorg+BG4 and Reorg+20CC envisage the construction of a new plant in the west, thus the evaluation for these two scenarios is a step further: “good”. As the above scenarios Reorg+40CC entails installing a pipeline in Piancastagnaio and also envisages the construction of the largest plant with the highest excess supply, the evaluation is “very good”. The evaluation of each scenario is reported in Table 4.6. Table 4.6: Direct heat use BaU More or less bad Reorg More or less good ClosingPC2 More or less bad Reorg+BG4 Good Reorg+40CC Very good ClosingPC2+20CC Moderate Reorg+20CC Good 77 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Criterion 5: GHG emissions avoided This criterion is of interest for the regional government. In fact the regional government took over the EU 20-20-20 target,38 and the production of electricity from renewable energy is part of the GHG abatement strategy. Geothermal power plants can emit a large amount of GHGs in the form of CO2 and CH4 and their exact value depends on the specific composition of geothermal fluid. However their emissions are not included in the quotas allocated to EU countries. Therefore the amount of GHGs emitted from geothermal power plants is not part of the amount of GHGs that Italy and Tuscany need to reduce 39 . Thus, the GHG emissions caused by geothermal power plants are not accounted for in this study. The amount of electricity produced in Tuscany from each fossil fuel source was derived from Terna (2010) and from the Tuscany regional government (2009). In 2008 the electricity production obtained from fuel oil was 13%, while the rest was obtained from natural gas. An amount of 557.1 Kg of CO2eq is avoided for geothermal MWh. This value was calculated using data from the regional government ’s database (providing data from individual power plants) which shows that the average emissions of CO2eq per MWh produced by fuel oil is 763.2 Kg and 526.2 Kg by natural gas. It was then assumed that the electricity obtained by the geothermal power plants replaces the electricity produced by burning fuel oil and natural gas in the same proportion as such plants contribute to the total quantity of electricity produced by fossil fuels. The median value of the annual GHG emissions avoided for each scenario is shown in Table 4.7. Table 4.7: Tons of CO2eq emissions avoided BaU 296,187 Reorg 345,840 ClosingPC2 281,145 Reorg+BG4 515,194 Reorg+40CC 483,106 ClosingPC2+20CC 281,145 Reorg+20CC 414,473 38 The 20-20-20 are two main targets to be achieved by the EU by 2020: at least 20% of GHGs reduction in comparison to the 1990 emissions and at least 20% of energy consumptions must be obtained by renewable energy. On 22 June 2011 the European commission also proposed a new directive to achieve an increase of at least 20% in energy saving compared to the PRIMES 2007 baseline. 39 This is because it is generally assumed that the GHG emissions from geothermal power plants would naturally occur in a diffused way, so geothermal power plants would be simply concentrating emissions they cannot be held responsible for. 78 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Criteria 6, 7, 8, 9: H2S, Hg, NH3 and As emissions The emissions can be a cause for concern for the various social actors involved in the study (municipalities, the regional government, ENEL, etc) however, they represent the greatest worry for residents. These criteria include the emissions that are discharged in the highest amounts, and which are considered most dangerous, namely H2S, Hg, NH3, and As40. H2S produces an unpleasant smell at low levels of concentration (but its perception diminishes with prolonged exposition), and beyond certain levels it represents a serious hazard for human health. Hg, NH3 and As can also represent a health problem beyond certain concentration levels41. The last ARPAT report on the emissions of geothermal power plants shows that although the concentration value of the WHO guidelines for health protection in the 1997-2009 measurement period was occasionally exceeded, the concentration of H2S and Hg in Mt. Amiata is much higher than in the traditional geothermal area. It is worth mentioning that H2S and NH3 contribute to the formation of inorganic secondary particulate matter (PM) whose effects are on a regional scale. In this regard the regional government has specific objectives for PM reduction. From a comparison of the geothermal areas in Tuscany, the total Hg emissions flow in Mt. Amiata is much higher than in other areas (Tuscany regional government, 2010). In addition, ARPAT (2010) reports a frequent overflow of the maximum Hg and NH3 flow allowed by law among plants (but the regulation is still respected because the maximum concentration limits are not exceeded)42. NH3 emissions from geothermal power plants are especially important in Tuscany because they represent the second source of NH3 emission after agriculture, amounting to 30-40% of the total emissions of this substance (Tuscany regional government, 2010). Many different variables should be taken into consideration to estimate the concentrations of emissions in the air (such as wind speed and direction, temperature and rainfall) and a specific model should be used. This is certainly very important but goes beyond the scope of this study. Consequently, only the annual quantities of air emissions are calculated and not air concentrations. 40 Others could have been included such as antimony, methane, and boric acid, however according to the literature consulted, given their emissions levels, they are not thought to represent a problem. 41 The maximum concentration of the polluting elements of the WHO guidelines and other authorities for health protection are reported in ARPAT (2010), Tuscany regional government (2010) and Bacci (1998). 42 The regulation on geothermal power emissions set a first maximum limit on the flow and a second limit on the maximum concentration of the polluting substance. Only when the first limit is not respected, does the second take place. Thus, when the maximum flow limit is exceeded, the regulation is still respected if pollutant concentration does not exceed the level indicated by the second limit. 79 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy The emission factors indicating the amount of emissions per MWh were calculated by averaging the individual ARPAT (2010)43 emission measurements. The ARPAT database reports the emissions both in the presence and absence of AMIS. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for BG4 specifies that on average the abatement filters for H2S and Hg (called AMIS) work 90% of the time. Consequently the emission factors were calculated as a weighted average emission in the presence and absence of AMIS. In order to calculate the annual emissions, the resulting emission factors were multiplied by 8,000, which is the number of hours a power plant normally works (ENEL, 2005). For the remaining 760 hours the plant is assumed not to work due to maintenance. When the power plant is not working, the flow of the wells is reduced to about 50% of its working flow, and wells discharge directly into open air, that is, without AMIS and without re-injection of the fluid (at plant level). Thus the emissions during the maintenance period were estimated as the emissions that would occur without AMIS, with 50% of flow and increased by the quantity normally re-injected. The quantity normally re-injected was assumed to be 25% of the flow that reaches the plant44 (ENEL, 2005). Tables 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11 report the median annual values of H2S, Hg, NH3 and As emissions for each scenario. BaU 1,825 Reorg 1,070 ClosingPC2 1,015 Table 4.8: H2S emissions (Tons/yr) Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC ClosingPC2+20CC 1,727 1,119 966 Reorg+20CC 1,021 BaU 605 Reorg 309 ClosingPC2 251 Table 4.9: Hg emissions (Kg/yr) Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC ClosingPC2+20CC 391 317 244 Reorg+20CC 302 BaU 3.088 Reorg 3.392 ClosingPC2 2.929 Table 4.10: NH3 emissions (Tons/yr) Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC ClosingPC2+20CC 7.827 3.530 2.792 Reorg+20CC 3.255 BaU 16 Reorg 19 ClosingPC2 15 Table 4.11: As emissions (kg/yr) Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC ClosingPC2+20CC 26 19 15 Reorg+20CC 18 43 In the PC4 plant the AMIS system was only installed recently and no measurements were available. The abatement efficiency was thus estimated by averaging the efficiency of the same filters on all the other plants in Mt. Amiata. 44 Even though the quantity to be re-injected was taken from an ENEL source, it should be noted that it represents an approximation and the actual level could change according to different levels of condensation. 80 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Criterion 10: Impact on the aquifer The evaluation of this criterion is unavoidably subject to strong uncertainty. The heated scientific debate mentioned in Section 4.3.2 is also a result of this uncertainty. Given the uncertainty underlying the effects of geothermal exploitation on the conservation of the water aquifer and the critical importance of this issue (the aquifer provides water to more than 700,000 people), a a precautionary principle is here proposed. Consequently it is assumed that geothermal exploitation may affect the conservation of the aquifer45. Therefore if the extraction of vapor from a geothermal reservoir can cause a depression, which draws water from the potable aquifer, the consequence is that the less vapor is extracted, the better it is for the conservation of the potable aquifer. The quantities of extracted vapor in the different scenarios was estimated from the EIA data (ENEL, 2005; 2009c) and are reported in Table 4.12. With binary cycle plants all extracted fluid is assumed to be re-injected. BaU 284 Reorg 194 Table 4.12: net quantity of extracted fluid (T/h) ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC ClosingPC2+20CC 164 280 194 164 Reorg+20CC 194 Criterion 11: Visual impact There are many tools for assessing the visual impact of a project, however given the scope of this study no sophisticated techniques were used. Similarly to the approach proposed in Munda et al. (2006), a matrix aimed at facilitating the evaluation of the visual impact was built with two axes: distance of the additional work from the main villages of the area (Piancastagnaio in the east and Santa Fiore in the west) and volume of the work (see Fig 4.2). Thus the higher the distance and the smaller the volume, the better the visual impact. The visual impact would naturally be evaluated though a qualitative judgment. As for criterion 4, the qualitative evaluation was translated into a quantitative scale, which is reported in Figure 4.2. The result is that the higher values of the scale mean a worse visual impact, so lower values are preferred to higher values. The visual impact of the BaU scenario is considered as being “moderate”. So the additional work of the other scenarios involves changes in the visual impact evaluation with respect to the “moderate” level of the BaU scenario. 45 A similar view is assumed in the advice on the re-organization plan of Piancastagnaio provided by the three watershed authorities (Tevere, Ombrone and Fiora), the office in charge of the water resources protection and management and by the office in charge of the prevention of hydraulic and hydro-geologic risks of the regional government. The document concludes that it is not possible to rule out that the vapor extraction cannot provoke an important impact on the phreatic aquifer. 81 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Volume of the works Figure 4.2: visual impact matrix evaluation Extremely Bad: 8 Very bad: 7 Very bad: 7 Bad: 6 Bad: 6 More or less bad: 5 More or less bad: 5 Moderate: 4 Moderate: 4 More or less good: 3 More or less good: 3 Good: 2 Good: 2 Very good: 1 Distance On the basis of the above considerations, the visual impact of the different scenarios is reported in Table 4.13. Table 4.13: visual impact BaU Moderate Reorg More or less bad ClosingPC2 Moderate Reorg+BG4 Bad Reorg+40CC Very bad ClosingPC2+20CC More or less bad Reorg+20CC Bad 82 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy 4.5 Ranking alternatives In this work the decision maker is not a real person whose preferences can be elicited in some way. Consequently the model only represents a system of preferences aimed at answering certain questions (Roy, 1991). A choice must be made about weights. These reflect the importance of a given criterion with respect to the others. Different techniques can be used46 but in the context of this work with no individual decision maker, it is impossible to establish a set of weights to satisfy all the social actors. Some models like ELECTRE IV (Roy and Hugonnard, 1982) and NAIADE (Munda, 1995) simply avoid assigning weights to criteria. However these models do assign weights in an implicit way. In fact, if no weights are assigned, the result is that all criteria have the same weight. As previously stated, one of the main advantages of a multicriteria analysis is its inherent transparency. If criteria are assumed to have the same importance, it is advisable that all criteria are assigned an equal weight in an explicit way. Another approach suggested by Munda (2008) consists in assigning each criterion to one of the three dimensions of the sustainability concept (economic, social and environmental). The weights are allocated to criteria proportionally so that each dimension has an equal weight. Such an approach is certainly defensible from a theoretical point of view. However, its main problem is that often criteria can be assigned to the three different dimensions only with a very high degree of arbitrariness. For instance, considering the criteria used in this study, the profitability of the plant would certainly be considered as being ‘economic’, but what about electricity production? Is it economic (because it is sold on the market), social (because it is used by humans), or environmental (because it comes from a renewable energy source)? The same would apply to direct heat use. And what about polluting substances? Are they environmental because they affect the environment, or social because they can also affect human health? This work does not claim to provide a complete answer to the conflict described, but rather to explore the problem from different points of view. A sensitivity analysis applied to relative weights is thus an extremely powerful technique. Here a final ranking is presented assuming equal weights of all the criteria, and further results are explored by changing the relative weights of criteria. Table 4.14 represents the multi-criteria impact matrix derived by joining the evaluation vectors of the previous section. Table 4.15 reports the outranking 46 See Edwards (1977) for SMART, Edwards and Barron (1994) for SMARTER, Jia et al (1998) for SWING, Simos (1990) and its amendments (Figueira and Roy, 2002) and Wang et al. (2008) for pair-wise comparison techniques 83 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy matrix by applying Eq. 4.3 with equal weights and the indifference threshold indicated in Table 4.14. The choice of threshold value is very often based on common sense. In addition, it nearly always contains a certain amount of arbitrariness (Roy et al., 1986). Yet, in many situations, any reasonable value of the indifference thresholds other than zero, leads to a model of preference that seems more convincing than equating the indifference threshold to zero (Bouyssou, 1990). In this research project, indifference thresholds were set using two common sense approaches. When an external benchmark was available, the indifference thresholds were set as a minimum percentage of achievement of the objectives reflected by the selected criteria. This was the case for electricity produced and GHGs avoided. These two criteria are mainly of interest to the regional government. In fact, the regional government has specific objectives for electricity production from geothermal power and GHG reduction. Thus, the threshold values reflect minimum percentages of achievements of the regional government’s stated objectives. When an external benchmark was not available, the thresholds were set as the minimum percentage of current levels. This is the case for all criteria except electricity produced and GHGs avoided. In any case, a robustness analysis is included to verify that arbitrariness does not significantly affect the final results. Table 4.14: multi-criteria impact matrix Criteria Electricity prod. Profitability Municipalities rev. Direct heat uses Avoided GHGs em, H2S emissions Hg emissions NH3 emissions As emissions Impact on aquifer Visual impact Dir. BaU Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg +BG4 Reorg +40CC ClosingPC2 +20CC Reorg +20CC Threshold value ↑ 531,670 620,800 504,670 924,800 867,200 577,350 744,000 100,000 ↑ 153,148 196,155 148,517 232,372 184,249 130,164 183,463 15,000 ↑ 20,056 25,761 17,749 51,806 47,445 32,554 37,242 5,000 ↓ 6 4 6 3 2 5 3 - ↑ 296,187 345,840 281,145 515,194 483,106 281,145 414,473 150,000 ↓ ↓ 1,825 605 1,070 309 1,015 251 1,727 391 1,119 317 966 244 1,021 302 250 50 ↓ 3,088 3,392 2,929 7,827 3,530 2,792 3,255 500 ↓ 16 19 15 26 19 15 18 3 ↓ 284 194 164 280 194 164 194 50 ↓ 4 5 4 6 7 5 6 - 84 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Table 4.15: outranking matrix BaU Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC ClosingPC2+20CC Reorg+20CC BaU Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+40CC 0 0.7273 0.7273 0.6364 0.8182 0.6364 0.7727 0.2727 0 0.4545 0.4545 0.5909 0.6364 0.5909 0.4545 0.5455 0 0.4545 0.5455 0.5000 0.5455 0.3636 0.5455 0.5455 0 0.6818 0.5455 0.6818 0.1818 0.4091 0.4545 0.3182 0 0.4545 0.4091 ClosingPC2 +20CC 0.3636 0.4545 0.5000 0.4545 0.5455 0 0.5000 Reorg+20CC 0.2273 0.4091 0.4545 0.5000 0.5909 0.5000 0 One disadvantage of the aggregation procedure applied here is that there can be more than one ranking with the same maximum likelihood ranking τ*. This is why the results presented in the following tables include more than one ranking. The rankings presenting the highest score when equal weights are applied are reported in Table 4.16. It is worth noting that equal weight methods are the most common approach in renewable energy analyses (Wang et al., 2009). 1° Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Table 4.16: ranking for equal weights among all criteria 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 7° BaU BaU Some interesting results can be observed. The current scenario is the worst. In this sense, the discontent that geothermal power has generated can be justified. Also, with equal weights, the scenario joining the two ENEL proposals (i.e. Reor+BG4) is the second worst. Scenarios including binary cycles technologies score between best positions. In fact, Reorg+Bin40 ranks first. However, as explained in the institutional analysis section, the reorganization plan (included in Reor+Bin40 and in Reorg+Bin20) would be strongly opposed by the Prospettiva Comune di Piancastagnaio and Comitati di Difesa del Territorio. Bin20 does not score as well as Reor+Bin40 but might receive less social opposition. A sensitivity analysis was applied to evaluate how rankings change by varying the relative weights of criteria. A robustness analysis was also applied to the indifference thresholds. Of course, an extremely high number of sensitivity analyses are possible by combining all possible weights of each criterion with the other weights of all the other criteria and with all possible values of the indifference thresholds. Limits need to be set. It was decided to limit the possible number of sensitivity analyses to the following possible combinations: an increase in the weight of each criterion by one and maintaining all other weights at their original value of one (all weights are normalized to make a total of one), increase the threshold value of the same criterion by 50%, reduce the threshold value of the 85 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy same criterion by 50%, and increase the weights of two criteria that reflect a specific point of view. The most significant changes that were observed by increasing or reducing the indifference thresholds are included in the tables. When the different values of the indifference thresholds do not cause significant changes in the rankings, the robustness analysis of the indifference threshold is not reported. Only the most interesting results obtained by the sensitivity analysis are reported here. The profitability criterion is mainly of concern for ENEL. The results obtained by changing the value of its weight are in Fig. 4.3 (for reasons of space, just the three best positions are included). N of times higher then other weights Fig. 4.3: Sensitivity analysis of Profitability 20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 6 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 5 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+Bin20 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Ranking Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° 1 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 1° 2° 3° Ranking - threshold reduced by 50% The position of Reorg+Bg4, i.e. the projects proposed by ENEL, improves by increasing the weight of the profitability criterion. However, Reog+Bin40 keeps scoring very well. When an indifference threshold is reduced and the profitability weight increased, Reorg reaches a very high position. Figure 4.3 does not report the tails of the ranking. These would show that if the profitability weight is five, Bin20 is in last position. This results suggest that with increasing importance for this criterion, Bin20 would probably be rejected by ENEL unless it is heavily subsidized. Figure 4.4 shows different rankings obtained by increasing the weight of the Electricity Production. Reorg+Bin40 remains in first position even with a high weight. Only if the indifference threshold is strongly reduced and a weight of five is applied, would 86 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Reorg+Bin40 be surpassed by Reorg+BG4. Again the tails are not included but they show that BaU would stay in last position. N of times higher then other weights Fig. 4.4: sensitivity analysis of Electricity Production 20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 5 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 1 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Ranking Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 1° 2° 3° Ranking - threshold reduced by 50% Figure 4.5 reports the same typology of analysis for the H2S Emission criterion. Changes can be detected only by reducing the indifference threshold. In so doing, Bin20 would be the first option if the weight were doubled. N of times higher then other weights Fig. 4.5: Sensitivity analysis of H2S emissions 20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 1 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 1° 2° Ranking 3° Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 1° 2° 3° Ranking - threshold reduced by 50% The sensitivity analysis for the Hg emission criterion is depicted in Fig. 4.6. By increasing the weight of this criterion by three, ClosingPC2 and Bin20 reach the first position. So, when the emissions of Hg are actually considered as a major concern (e.g. because of further investigations announced by the regional government following the results of the epidemiological study) these alternatives could be justified. If the threshold value is increased by 50%, Reorg+Bin40 rank first, Reorg+Bin20 second, and Bin20 third. 87 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy N of times higher then other weights Fig. 4.6: Sensitivity analysis of Hg emissions 20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Ranking Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 1 1° 2° 3° Ranking - threshold increased by 50% The sensitivity analysis for the impact on aquifer is reported in Fig. 4.7. The use of binary cycles improves the position of the scenario. However, if the threshold value is reduced, ClosingPC2 and Bin20 rank better than the alternatives which include the reorganization plan. N of times higher then other weights Fig. 4.7: sensitivity analysis of Impact on aquifer 20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 1° 2° Ranking 3° Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 1° 2° 3° Ranking - threshold reduced by 50% Figure 4.8 reports the sensitivity analysis obtained by changing the weights of the two criteria at the same time. The criteria are Electricity production and GHGs avoided. This type of analysis would reflect the importance of regional energy policies. 88 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy N of times higher then other weights Fig. 4.8: Sensitivity analysis of Electricity Production (E) and GHGs (G) E: 20 G: 20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 BaU E: 4 G: 4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 BaU E: 3 G: 4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU E: 3 G: 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU E: 3 G: 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU E: 2 G: 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 BaU E: 2 G: 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 BaU 1° 2° 3° Ranking 4° 5° 6° 7° The sensitivity analysis of the other criteria is included in Appendix A4.3. Results were also calculated for the considered values of green certificates but the changes observed are minimal and are related only to the tails of the rankings. 89 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy 4.6 Conclusions The context of this work is characterized by strong uncertainty concerning crucial issues such as the impact of a given economic activity on human health and the conservation of an extremely precious resource: water. It is my contention that the problem presented here is a typical post-normal science problem, where “facts are uncertain, values in disputes, takes high and decisions urgent” (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993: p744 ). In post-normal science, the classical dichotomies of facts and values, and ignorance and knowledge are transcended. Incomplete control and a plurality of legitimate perspectives should be openly acknowledged. The social actors included in this study do have different legitimate perspectives and conflicting values. This paper has attempted to show how a social-multi-criteria evaluation can be applied in such a post-normal science case. Decision making cannot accommodate all the legitimate claims from different social actors. Some people will benefit and others will be negatively be affected. If decision making is based on optimizing mono-disciplinary models, best alternatives could certainly (and easily) be identified. However, these optimizing models tend to make the problems that have not been captured by the selected variables, reappear in a stronger form in other models. For example, profit-maximizing models, which cause ecological stress, and models that optimize ecological conservation variables, which imply profit compression and the absence of employment opportunities. In addition, by boosting the expected benefits of the selected mono-disciplinary variables in conditions of diverging perspectives, social and environmental conflicts can easily be aggravated. In fact, the social actors whose interests are not reflected by the selected variables will be negatively affected. This is why decision support tools should facilitate decisionmaking processes based on an interdisciplinary selection of variables, aimed at identifying compromise solutions rather than providing optimizing results. The main objective of this work was not to indicate a definitive solution for the geothermal development scenarios in Mt. Amiata, but rather to explore possible alternatives in the light of different concerns and different points of view. The results do not intent do relieve policy makers of their responsibilities to take very difficult decisions but are aimed at shedding light on the consequences of specific options by assigning more or less importance to certain criteria and certain points of view. In this way, the paper contributes to the decision-making process by modeling preferences through weights and criteria. The ultimate hope is to have contributed to making the decision-making process more transparent. With this caveat, some tentative conclusions for this specific case study are reported. Current scenarios become the worst of all considered alternatives when 90 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy criteria have an equal weight. In addition, current scenarios never get beyond the penultimate position by changing relative weights. The two projects proposed by ENEL become the first option when the profitability criterion weighs at least five or six times more than all the others. Between these two extremes lie various alternatives, and their rank depends on the weights of the criteria. Therefore depending on the relative weights, this work provides some answers for the decision-making process. Binary cycles tend to move the given alternatives between the highest positions. Regarding social reactions, the alternatives which include the so-called reorganization plan would be vetoed by three social actors based in the east of the mountain. The scenarios reflecting the views of the residents committees (i.e. ClosingPC2) rank in first position when air emissions or impact on aquifer acquire more importance. Specifically, it is in the first or second position when the weight of NH3 emissions criterion is a least three times higher than the others, when Hg emissions are at least twice as high as the others, and when the weight of As emissions is two or three times more then the others. It would obtain a first or second position when the weight on the impact on aquifer criterion is doubled along with an halving of the indifference threshold. One social compromise alternative could be the installation of binary cycles on the west side. However, the position of the different social actors is not determined once and for all, and opposition may become stronger when the feasibility of a given project becomes a concrete option. In addition, the installation cost of a 20MW binary cycle plant should probably be subsidized in addition to the envisaged green certificate price. It is worth recalling that a specific criterion for employment effects was not included. The reasons for this were explained in Section 4.4.2 and include the lack of data and the fact that employment was never indicated as being important by the interviewees. This is because the number of permanent employees in the geothermal industry in Mt. Amiata is small and is not expected to grow significantly in the expansion scenarios. However, inclusion of employment effects for the limited period of the construction phase of the scenarios, comprising new investments would probably have provided different results. Moreover with a larger scale analysis, the effects on ancillary industries could also be included. These employment effects could be evaluated through inputoutput analyses along with other economic and environmental impacts. In fact, depending on the objectives of the analysis, multi-criteria techniques could easily be used with other impact assessment tools in order to evaluate the effects of the selected scenarios on different socio-economic and environmental variables. 91 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy References Afgan, N.H. and Carvalho, M.G. (2002). Multi-criteria assessment of new and renewable energy power plants. Energy, 27 (8), 739–755. ARPAT. (2010). Monitoraggio delle aree geotermiche: controllo delle emissioni qualità dell'aria. Tuscany Region - Agenzia Regionale di Protezione dell'Ambiente della Toscana. Regione Toscana. [Online] Available from: http://www.arpat.toscana.it/temi-ambientali/aria/areegeotermiche/ar_areegeotermiche.html [Accessed 22 February 2010] ARS. (2010). Progetto di ricerca epidemiologica sulle popolazioni residenti nell'intero bacino geotermico toscano - Progetto geotermia. 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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (9), 2263–2278. 98 Appendix A4.1 – Summary of the interviews Social actor Piancastagnaio municipality Santa Fiora branch Communist Party Arpat Prospettiva Comune Piancastagnaio WWF Comitato per la Tutela dell’Ambiente dell’Amiata Abbadia San Salvatore Arcidosso municipality Rete Comitati per la Difesa del Territorio Enel Green Power Ricerche Residents’ association of Arcidosso (no more active) Santa Fiora Municipality Abbadia San Salvatore Municipality Table A4.1: Interviews Participants Place Mayor Mountain authority office, Arcidosso 1 Santa Fiora Date 09/03/2011 09/03/2011 1 3 1 3 Arpat office, Siena Piancastagnaio Monte Labbro Abbadia San Salvatore 11/03/2011 17/03/2011 17/03/2011 18/03/2011 Mayor 1 Town hall, Arcidosso Abbadia San Salvatore 18/03/2011 18/03/2011 2 22/03/2011 1 Enel Green Power office, Pisa Arcidosso Mayor Mayor’s deputy Mayor Mountain authority office, Arcidosso Florence 26/03/2011 25/03/2011 05/04/2011 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Appendix A4.2 – Cost structure The operational and maintenance (O&M) costs are assumed to be 2.5% of the capital investment for a new plant. This means that the O&M costs of a 20MW plant amounts to €2M. The main taxes include a corporate tax, a regional business tax and a property tax. The first amounts to 27% of the annual profits, the second is equal to 3.9% of the annual gains (minus a €5,000 tax allowance per employee), and the third was asked to the mayors during the interviews (currently €50,000 in Piancastagnaio and €3,000 in Bagnore). In addition, the company has to pay a compensation fund (including the mining license) to the municipalities and to the regional government. This compensation consists of the following: i) 0.13 cents Euros per KWh produced (al least 60% of the sum is paid to the municipality where the plant is located and the rest is proportionally distributed according to the mining license area of each municipality), ii) 0.195 cents€ per KWh produced (to the regional government), iii) 650€ per Km2 of the mining concession (to the regional government), iv) 6.7M€ annually (to the regional government) for all the geothermal activity that ENEL is carrying out in Tuscany, v) 65,000€ for ten years for each new MW of installed capacity (to the Regional government’s fund) vi) 1,25M€ for each MW of newly installed capacity for research and innovation activities on renewable energies 47 and for other interventions specifically indicated in the general agreement on the exploitation of geothermal resources signed by ENEL, the regional government and the 15 municipalities with geothermal areas in Tuscany48. The 6.7M€ of point iv goes to the compensation fund without reference to the individual mining license or plant, so some means must be introduced to allocate its cost to the individual plant/area/enterprise. In this work it was decided to proportionally allocate the total sum in relation to the license areas of the 15 municipalities in Tuscany that benefit from this fund. For reasons of space, the complete cash flow has not been included but only the main cost components. The time schedule of the different works is derived from EIA reports submitted by ENEL. Below the investments costs for each scenario are reported. The decommission costs are assumed to be €3.6M for each plant. 47 This last component is not directly allocated to the municipalities. For points i, ii and iii the reference is article 16 of decree 22 of 11/2/2010 (substituting law 867/86), for the others the legal reference is the aforementioned general agreement on the exploitation of geothermal resources. 48 100 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy BaU No investments are included in this scenario Reorg Investments are reported in Table A4.2.1 (details are derived from the EIA reports) Table A4.2.1 Reorganization plant investments costs (Thousands €) Well Details Unit Wells drilling (3,500 m.) 5 Wells reactivation (3,500 m.) 3 Wells deepening (up to 3,500m) 1 Well drilling (1,000 m) – reinjection 1 Pipelines details49 Length (m.) North-South pipe 3,600 PC38-PC29 pipe 1,100 PC29-PC36/3 pipe 1,300 PC36-North/South pipe 500 PC35-PC3-PC25 pipe 2,400 PC25-PC3-C pipe 2,700 PC3-PC8 heat pipe 1,900 PC3- Casa del Corto area heat pipe 2,800 Unit cost 5,500 2,750 3,500 1,500 Cost/Km 300 250 300 300 250 200 200 250 ClosingPC2 In this scenario the only investment is the heat pipe to connect PC3 to the Casa del Corto area. Its value is taken from Table A4.2.1 and is estimated to be 700,000 €. Reorg+BG4 This scenario involves investments for the construction of a new 40MW plant in the west plus the same investments reported in Table A4.2.2 of the Reorg scenario. The details of the investments for the new 40MW plant are derived from the EIA reports submitted by ENEL. 49 Pipes have different unit costs because have different diameters 101 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Table A4.2.2 BG4 Investment costs (Thousands) Wells details Well drilling (4,000m) Well drilling (3,000m) Well reactivation (4000m) Well drilling (1000m) - reinjection Pipelines Two-phase steam pipe Other investment costs Permitting Acquisition well site Surface exploration for well field dev. Acquisition plant site Plant design Turboexpander & generator Power station Cooling towers Other civil works Amis Connection to grid Others Unit 5 1 2 2 Length (m) 6,200 Unit cost 6,000 5,000 3,000 1,500 Cost/Km 350 1,000 750 5,100 1,700 1,848 13,600 16,898 2,890 4,012 5,100 1,700 7,456 Reorg+40CC This scenario involves the same costs expected in Reorg plus the investment costs for the new binary cycle plant to be installed in Bagnore (reported in Table A4.2.3) 102 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Table A4.2.3 Investment costs for 40 Mw binary cycle plant (Thousands €) Wells details Unit Unit cost Production wells 6 5,000 Injection wells (1,000m) 5 1,500 Injection wells (3,000m) 3 5,000 Reactivation of production wells 2 2,500 Pipelines Length (m.) Cost/Km Pipes for production wells 6,000 350 Pipes for injection wells 9,000 350 Other investment costs Permitting 1,000 Surface exploration (exploratory drilling) 3,000 Acquisition well sites 1,250 Surface exploration (well field dev). 5,000 Acquisition plant site 1,700 Plant design 2,469 Turboexpander & generator 17,000 Power station 30,685 Cooling system 7,803 Other civil works 4,012 Connection to grid 1,700 Others 18,638 Closing PC2+20CC This scenario does not envisage the reorganization plan (whose costs are reported Table A4.2.1). In Piancastagnaio the only investment would be the heat pipe to connect PC3 to Casa del Corto. In Bagnore a new 20MW binary cycle power plant would be installed. Its investment costs are reported in Table A4.2.4 103 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Table A4.2.4 Investment costs for 20 Mw binary cycle plant (Thousands €) Wells details Unit Production wells 2 Reactivation of production wells 2 Re-injection wells (shallow reservoir) 3 Re-injection wells (deep reservoir) 1 Pipelines Length (m.) Pipes for production wells 4,150 Pipes for injection wells 6,000 Other investment costs Permitting Surface exploration (exploratory drilling) Acquisition wells site Surface exploration (well field dev.) Acquisition plant site Plant design Turboexpander & generator Power station Cooling system Other civil works Connection to grid Others Unit cost 5,000 2,500 1,500 5,000 Cost/Km 350 350 1,000 2,000 750 3,000 1,000 1,452 10,000 18,050 4,590 2,360 1,000 10,173 Reorg+20CC Investment costs of this scenario are the sum of the costs of the reorganization plan (Table A4.2.1) and of the 20MW binary cycle (Table A4.2.4). 104 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy Appendix A4.3 – Additional results: sensitivity analysis N of times higher then other weights Table A4.3.1: Sensitivity analysis of NH3 emissions 20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg BaU BaU Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 5 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg BaU BaU Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 4 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg Reorg+BG4 BaU Reorg+BG4 BaU Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU Reorg+BG4 BaU Reorg+BG4 BaU Reorg+BG4 3 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 BaU 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU BaU Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° Reorg Reorg 4° Ranking ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 5° Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 6° BaU BaU 1 7° N of times higher then other weights Table A4.3.2: Sensitivity analysis of As emissions 20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg BaU BaU Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 5 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg BaU BaU Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 4 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg Reorg BaU Reorg+BG4 BaU Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU Reorg+BG4 BaU 3 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU 2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg Reorg Reorg Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° Reorg Reorg 4° Ranking ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 5° Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 6° BaU BaU 1 7° Table A4.3.3: Sensitivity analysis of municipality revenues 105 N of times higher then other weights Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy 20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU 4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU BaU 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg+BG4 ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 Reorg Reorg+BG4 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+BG4 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 5° Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 6° BaU BaU 7° 1 Reorg Reorg 4° Ranking N of times higher then other weights Table A4.3.4: Sensitivity analysis of GHGs avoided 20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 3 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+BG4 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 1° Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 2° Ranking Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 3° Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Bin20 1 1° 2° Ranking - threshold reduced by 50% 3° 106 Chapter 4 – Social-multi criteria evaluation of alternative geothermal power scenarios: The case of Mt. Amiata in Italy N of times higher then other weights Table A4.3.5: Sensitivity analysis of H2S (s) and Hg (g) emissions H2S:20 Hg: 20 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU H2S: 2 Hg: 3 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg Reorg Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU H2S: 3 Hg: 2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 ClosingPC2 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg Reorg Reorg Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 Bin20 1° Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 Reorg+Bin40 2° Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Bin20 Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin40 ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 3° Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg+Bin20 Reorg ClosingPC2 4° Ranking Reorg Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg Reorg Reorg ClosingPC2 Reorg 5° Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 Reorg+BG4 6° BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU BaU 7° H2S: 2 Hg: 2 107 5 Conclusions When we analyze the replacement of fossil fuels with alternative energies, we necessarily face trade-offs and conflicting arguments with regard to energy quality, conservation of natural resources, environmental health and societal preferences. Assessments which comprehensively take into account the multi-dimensional aspects and multi-scale implications must be applied. This thesis has attempted to show how these integrated assessments can be applied in two cases. In Chapter 2 the inadequacy of the reductionist approaches for the assessment of sustainability in complex systems was illustrated along with the desired characteristics of proper sustainability assessment strategies. In the following chapters two cases were analyzed. The Brazilian biodiesel case was chosen because biodiesel production and use is a fairly recent enterprise in Brazil (while the Brazilian ethanol experience is much older). An intensive debate is ongoing on whether to expand biodiesel production and use. However, to the best of my knowledge, no integrated assessment of the constraints and implications of biodiesel expansion currently exists. Such an integrated assessment is the subject of Chapter 3. A Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) was applied to assess the feasibility space of a given scenario. The geothermal case was presented in Chapter 4 where a different kind of assessment – a social multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) – was proposed to explore the possible alternatives of geothermal development in a specific area. Both cases are characterized by the presence of contrasting values and interests, uncertainties on the effects of the given renewable energy expansion and by a real urgency of the concerned decisions. These are cases where post-normal science solving strategies should definitely be used. This thesis has shown how MuSIASEM can be used to shed light on the possible constraints affecting a given choice. A given policy option is analyzed using the parallel use of non equivalent descriptions related to different scales of analysis and different scientific readings. The definition of the feasibility and desirability is obtained by analyzing the reciprocals effects of the chosen indicators across hierarchical scales, and economic and biophysical constraints. The proposed methodology is thus used as a tool to support discussions on the (un)sustainability of the specific policy choice. Chapter 5 - Conclusions The second method, i.e. SMCE, was applied in a context where the legitimacy of scientific research was often contested by some of the parties involved. In this context, the applied method explores socially constructed solutions using a multi-criteria approach. SMCE is thus used as a tool to support decision-making between various alternatives. The proposed methods have shown how various relevant aspects can be simultaneously taken into account. Geothermal power and biodiesel were thus assessed with the following results: i) an analysis of the pros and cons of the specific alternatives was proposed with their implications and constraints ii) relevant indicators representing the performance of the alternative(s) were identified for different scales and different non reducible dimensions iii) different trade-offs between environmental, economic and social dimensions were pinpointed iv) the discussion regarding the present situation and the desirability and feasibility of specific future scenarios was contributed to. The scale issue results to be critical in both cases and methods. It is explicitly addressed in MuSIASEM and it implicitly affects the results of SMCE. In the geothermal case, the relevant scale was arbitrarily chosen as regional. However, other scales could have been considered. And if scales are changed, the social actors (whose preferences represent the main input for the definition of criteria) are also different. Consequently, the characterization of the chosen criteria would also be different. For instance, where a global scale was chosen, a life cycle analysis would be more appropriate for the characterization of the geothermal MWh emissions. Thus all emissions caused by the construction of the different equipment involved in a power plant could have been included along with all the materials consumed. A European or a national scale could also have been chosen. In fact, all the electricity that is not produced in Italy will have to be purchased in Europe. In any case, the social actors whose preferences are translated using relevant criteria would certainly have been different. In both cases one main issue is how the given problem is structured. This research phase helps the analyst to make Allen’s key questions on sustainability (mentioned in the introduction chapter) transparent: sustainability of what, sustainability for whom, sustainability for how long and sustainability at what cost? In any case, some methodological and epistemological concerns will always arise. Who decides what the relevant aspects are? Whose concerns should be considered? How important are they? How can they be quantified or described? The way these questions are answered, unavoidably involves some degree of subjectivism. However, this is not necessarily negative. In fact models that claim to represent an objective reality of a given complex system involve two crucial problems: epistemological cheating and practical rigidity. Concerning the first point, an objective representation of a complex system does not exist almost by definition because all modeling exercises are a focusing and narrowing device, whereby some variables, some scales, and a specific time frame are kept (the ones of interest for the specific point of view) and others are excluded (which may 109 Chapter 5 - Conclusions however be of interest for other points of view). Concerning the practical aspect, models devised to avoid any personal subjectivity are often so rigid that they barely adhere to the situation which the analyst intends to model. Most likely the way subjectivism affects the usefulness and reliability of a model depends on the ethical behavior and capacity of the analyst to structure the problem. In the Brazilian biodiesel case, the problem was structured in order to show the consequences of the given policy: i) at four different hierarchical scales ii), in economic terms iii), in energy consumption terms iv), and emphasizing land use implications. Other perspectives could also have been included. For instance, the effects at a farm level would have been of interest for the individual farmer. Alternatively, the analysis could have focused on specific geographical scales (e.g. a given Brazilian region), or on the effects on other natural resources, such as water. In the geothermal case the proposed criteria were chosen to reflect the points of view of specific stakeholders. Other variables could probably have been included if the number of stakeholders was increased or reduced. Or more simply, the translation of stakeholder preferences in the specific criteria used could have been done in a different way. These examples show how the analyst’s subjectivism could have provided other representations and other conclusions. This is not a proclamation for anarchy in research methodology. Rather, the examples highlight that: i) the way a decision is achieved is as important as the specific aspects of the chosen decision, ii) transparency should not simply be advocated but put into practice in every step of the research process, iii) the decision process should include negotiation and dialogue with those who have a stake in the specific problem. Socio-economic and ecological systems are complex. Our capacity to foresee their evolution is extremely limited, especially when ecological systems and socio-economic systems interact with each other. Their interaction creates reciprocal feedback, non-linear dynamics, legacy effects, time lags, heterogeneity, and surprise (Liu et al., 2007). Moreover, when facts are uncertain, values are in dispute, stakes are high and decisions urgent (to recall the post-normal science definition), decision making cannot be limited to a one-shot activity. Instead, it becomes a continuous learning (and adaptive) process with a cyclical nature: the problem is structured, a given policy option is characterized by relevant indicators and criteria, an evaluation is obtained. Based on the computed results the problem can again be structured differently, the alternative (or more than one alternative) is again characterized and evaluated, and so on. The alternatives considered, their perceived impact and the way the problem is structured may suddenly be judged in a completely different way. In this sense, the application of highly flexible evaluation procedures such as MuSIASEM and SMCE should be welcomed. The cases applied in this thesis demonstrate that MuSIASEM and SMCE can contribute to enhancing these cyclical endeavors by making how the given problem was characterized transparent, by contributing to the characterization of 110 Chapter 5 - Conclusions the given alternative(s), and by providing a consistent framework for evaluating heterogeneous variables. Given the underlying uncertainly in sustainability problems and the presence of unavoidable subjectivity in the analyst’s work, the only way to gain legitimacy in public decision making is through consistent stakeholder engagement and transparency. The geothermal case clearly shows that facts concerning crucial issues such as health impacts and water conservation remain contested in spite of the ever-growing scientific research on these topics. The apparent paradox of this case is that the more research is performed on the impacts of geothermal exploitation, the more doubts are raised. In a kind of infinite loop, policy makers keep promoting more research. The analysis included in this thesis does not provide a definite answer so that decision makers can avoid assuming responsibility for their choices. On the contrary, this thesis stresses that science cannot either legitimize policies in conditions of uncertainty and different values, nor can it relieve policy makers from taking very difficult decisions. In conditions of high uncertainty and conflicting interests, the question is how to base decision making on the best honest information regarding consequences, uncertainty and conflicting values. In this sense, the proposed approaches can contribute to fostering a shared knowledge regarding the specific sustainability of energy problems by keeping actors informed so that compromise solutions can hopefully be reached. The two alternative energies proposed need some protection if they are to be expanded. Both biodiesel in Brazil and geothermal power in Italy are incentivized through a quota system (a blending system in the former case and green certificates in the latter). In any case, the burden of such protection mechanisms is on consumers. Very often, alternative energies are not economically competitive with fossil fuels. If their use is to be expanded they need to be protected in some way. In this period of growing financial constraints, integrated assessments are of paramount importance in order to make the best use of direct and indirect subsidies. Areas of improvement could focus on how to make the applied methodological tools more stakeholder friendly. Graphic techniques could be used in order to make results easier to communicate. It is also important for further research to work on how MuSIASEM and SMCE can be integrated into a more unified framework and in individual case studies. Once alternatives are thus developed as in SMCE, their implications (and feasibility space) could be assessed by MuSIASEM. Some alternatives could be ruled out and the indicators generated through MuSIASEM could be plugged into the multi-criteria impact matrix. One innovative methodological approach introduced in this thesis is the coupled use of input-output analysis (IOA) and MuSIASEM. Using IOA, economic flows were generated to feed the MuSIASEM framework. It would also be interesting to explore the combined use of multi-criteria evaluation and IOA. 111 Chapter 5 - Conclusions The increasing availability of data sets for physical flows of energy, materials and emissions can be complemented with monetary transactions of input-output tables at regional and national levels. This kind of physical IOA was applied by Leontief (1970), Leontief and Ford (1972), Bullard and Herendeen (1975), Griffin (1976), Carter (1976), Polenkse and Lin (1993), Duchin and Steenge (1999), Nakamura and Kondo (2002), Gutmanis (1975), Schäffer and Stahmer (1989), Lenzen et al. (2004), among many others. Environmental adjusted forward and backward linkages could be developed (as done in Lenzen, 2003) for different environmental effects such as GHG emissions, emissions at regional and local levels (e.g. NOx or SO2), water and energy consumption, along with traditional forward and backward linkages measured in monetary terms. The impact of investing or stimulating final demands in different sectors could then be evaluated using a multi-criteria analysis. Economic sectors would therefore become the set of alternatives of multi-criteria analyses and the different economic and environmental adjusted backward and forward linkages would represent the elements of the impact matrix. MuSIASEM and SMCE are certainly not a panacea, but they can help in providing a multi-perspective assessment of the proposed alternatives. The two methods compete for a niche in the market place of sustainability appraisal along with many other methodological approaches (cost benefit analysis, life cycle analysis, material flow accounting, etc). No method can be considered the best in conditions of high uncertainty and conflicting stakes. Moreover, both in science and in decision making, value judgments cannot be avoided. In a world constrained by energy limitations, environmental problems and economic concerns, the implementation of more pluralistic and multi-criteria approaches should be essential when assessing alternatives. In this way, science can contribute to ensuring that decision-making is more informed and more transparent. As scientists, this is probably all we can hope for. 112 Chapter 5 - Conclusions References Bullard, C.W. and Herendeen, R.A. (1975). 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