faculty course - ERA-EDTA


faculty course - ERA-EDTA
29-30 September, Wroclaw, Poland
Course Faculty & Instructors
Ana Carina Ferreira, MD
Department of Nephrology,
Hospital de Curry Cabral – CHLC & Nova Medical School
Rua da Beneficência, nº8 1069-166 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351 21 7924229 Fax: +351 21 7924319
[email protected]
Maurizio Gallieni, MD, Professor
Nephrology and Dialysis Unit
Ospedale San Carlo Borromeo
University of Milano, Via Pio II, 3 - 20153 Milano, Italy
Tel: + 390240222445
[email protected]
Tomasz Gołębiowski, MD
Department of Nephrology and Transplantation Medicine,
Wroclaw Medical University, Borowska 213,
50-556 Wrocław, Poland
Tel: +48 717332546
[email protected]
Maria Guedes-Marques, MD
Vascular Access Center of Nephrocare Coimbra
CHUC, Hospital dos Covões
Quinta dos Vales, S. Martinho do Bispo
3041-801 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel: +351 239 800 198
[email protected]
Bernd Hohenstein, MD, Professor
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine III,
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus at the Technische Universität
Dresden, Germany
Tel. +49 351 458 3075
[email protected]
José Ibeas, MD
Department of Nephrology
Hospital Parc Tauli, C/Parc Tauli 1,Sabadell,
Barcelona – Spain
Tel. +34 937458422
[email protected]
Mariusz Kusztal, MD
Department of Nephrology and Transplantation Medicine,
Wroclaw Medical University,
Borowska 213, 50-556 Wrocław, Poland
Tel: +48 717332543
[email protected]
Krzysztof Letachowicz, MD
Department of Nephrology and Transplantation Medicine,
Wroclaw Medical University,Borowska 213,
50-556 Wrocław, Poland
Tel: +48 717332546
[email protected]
Jarosław Leś, MD
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy,
Military Institute of Medicine,
Szaserów 128, 00-404 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 261 816 895
[email protected]
Jan Malik, MD, Professor
3rd Department of Internal Medicine
Charles University and General University Hospital
U nemocnice 1 CZ–128 08 Prague, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 962 765
[email protected]
Jan H.M. Tordoir, MD
Department of Surgery
Maastricht University Medical Center
P Debijelaan 25, 6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tel:+31 43 3877478
[email protected]
Kultigin Turkmen, MD
Department of Nephrology,
Meram School of Medicine, Necmettin Erbakan University,
Meram, Konya, 42090, Turkey,
Tel +90 538 492 7877
[email protected]
Luc A. Turmel-Rodrigues, MD
Department of Vascular Radiology
Department of Cardiovascular Radiology, Clinique St-Gatien, 8 place de la
Cathédrale, 37000 Tours, France
Tel +33 0247 605103
[email protected]
Tomasz Porażko, MD
Department of Nephrology
Multidisciplinary Hospital
Wojewódzkie Centrum Medyczne
Al. W. Witosa 26, Opole, Poland
Tel +48 608 585 804
[email protected]

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