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Vocalic lengthening in /R/ and in /S/ medial coda acquisition: Data from a phonological acquisition study of Brazilian Portuguese Profa. Dra. Irani Rodrigues Maldonade (STATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS – FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MARIA) BRAZIL [email protected] INTRODUCTION: In normal language acquisition, the phonological system is spontaneously acquired by children until 4/5 years old. The syllabic structure (C)VC has later appearance, after V and CV, not only in Brazilian Portuguese as well as in other Languages. The omission of consonants (fricative, /S/ and/or nonlateral liquid, /R/) in medial coda position is high frequent in (C)VC syllabic structure, in portuguese phonological acquisition, as well as in children with phonological disorders. According to percentual analysis, there is no intermediate stage from the omission to their appearance. However, quite a different picture was delineated after the acoustic analysis results. The vocalic lengthening is an increase in the duration of the nuclear vowel, which preserves the temporal unity of the closed syllable by the fulfillment of the coda's time. The vocalic lengthening is not distintive in portuguese. So, it’s not easy to detect it spontaneously in normal conversation. HYPOTHESIS: Children that present the vowel lengthening demonstrate to know the (C)VC structure and, for this reason, can be closer to the target-phonemes emergence than those who omit. OBJECTIVE: 1) to investigate the vowel lengthening occurrence in typical portuguese phonological development, or in other words, in children that doesn't have the /R/ and /S/ medial codas yet. 2- characterise the vowel lengthening in both types of coda in portuguese phonological acquisition. METHOD: The speech of 80 children (40 boys and 40 girls) was recorded and splitt in 5 different ranges of age from 13 to 41 months. The records were carried out at Federal University of Santa Maria’s (UFSM) Kindergarten and then transcribed. From the sample, it was selected pairs of words that contrast (C)VC X CV syllables, which were submitted to the acoustic analysis using PRAAT’s software (version 4.4.16), in order to measure the vowels duration. The duration's time of each vowel in milliseconds (ms) was obtained by measuring the wave sound from the beginning to the end of the formants. According to the criterion of the research, a vowel was considered lengthened when the duration value of the vowel in (C)VC was up to 40 ms compared to the value of the vowel in CV. RESULTS: 1) Percentage of vocalic lengthening: 58,75% (Yes) x 41,25% (No) 2) Types of lengthening: 3) Vowel lengthening in /R/ coda Lengthening and not-lengthening is statistically significant. In relation to the precedent consonantal phoneme to the vowel lengthening, it was verified that /p/ occurred 21, 80%, followed by /v/(17,29%), /k/(16,54%). The most frequent lengthened vowels were: /a/(33,08%), /e/ (22,56%, /o/ (18,05%), /כ/ (15,04%), /i/(6,77%) and /u/(4,51%) ranges of age: 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= from from from from from 13 18 24 30 36 to to to to to 17 23 29 35 41 months months months months months 4) Vowel lengthening in /S/ coda Lengthening and not-lengthening is not statistically significant. In relation to the precedent consonantal phoneme to the vowel lengthening, it was verified that /p/and /g/ occurred in 36,84%, followed by the case that there is no phoneme (10,53%), and /k/, /d/, /r/ (5,26%). The most frequent lengthened vowels were: /o/ (42,11%), /כ/ (36,81%), /e/ (10,53%), /a/ and /i/ (5,26%). It was not registred the lengthening with /ε/ and /u/. CONCLUSIONS: The acoustic analysis showed that children distinguish (C)VC from CV by the vowel lengthening. The vowel lengthening occurred more in /R/coda than /S/. The vocalic lengthening did not occur until 17 months. It was observed between 18 and 23 months for the two types of codas, and it was also the range age of higher concentration to /S/ coda. Now it’s possible to know when to expect the vowel lengthening in /R/ and /S/ medial coda acquisition or even it may indicate a retard in the development. REFERENCES Brasil, Brunah de Castro; Melo, Roberta Michelon; Mota, Helena Bolli; Dias, Roberta Freitas; Mezzomo, Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo; Giacchini, Vanessa, 2010. O uso da estratégia de alongamento compensatório em diferentes gravidades do desvio fonológico, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 15(2):231-237. Carrilo, Luciane; Ortiz, Karin, 2007. Análise vocal (auditiva e acústica) nas disartrias. Pró-Fono Revista de Atualização Científica, 19(4): 381:386. Ferrante, Carla; Van Borsel, John; Pereira, Pereira, Mônica Medeiros de Britto, 2008. Aquisição fonológia de crianças de classe sócio econômica alta. Revista CEFAC, 10(4): 452:460. 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