FLEURY S.A. Public Company NIRE 35.300.197.534 CNPJ/MF nº
FLEURY S.A. Public Company NIRE 35.300.197.534 CNPJ/MF nº
FLEURY S.A. Public Company NIRE 35.300.197.534 CNPJ/MF nº 60.840.055/0001-31 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 14 2010 1. Date, time and place: Held at 18:30 p.m. on December 14 2010, at the Company’s headquarters located at Av. General Valdomiro de Lima, 508, Jabaquara, in the city of São Paulo, in the state of São Paulo. 2. Attendance: all the members of the Company’s Board of Directors: (1) Mr. Aparecido B. Pereira; (2) Mr. Ewaldo M. K. Russo; (3) Mr. Márcio Serôa de Araújo Coriolano; (4) Mr. José Paschoal Rossetti; (5) Mr. José Gilberto H. Vieira; (6) Mr. Luiz Carlos Vaini; (7) Mr. Marcelo P.M. Araújo; (8) Mr. Mauro S. Figueiredo and (9) Mr. Milton Almicar S. Vargas. 3. Chair: The meeting was chaired by Mr. Aparecido Bernardo Pereira. Mr. José Gilberto H. Vieira was the secretarysso. 4. Order of the day: Approval of the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding, which establishes the main terms and conditions agreed to a possible acquisition of the diagnostic medicine assets of Labs D’Or (“MoU”). 5. Resolutions: The members of the Company’s Board of Directors resolved, unanimously, (a) to approve the signature of the MoU, which establishes the main terms and conditions agreed between the parties, to be signed by the Company, Core Participações Ltda., Integritas Participações S.A., FMG Empreendimentos Hospitalares S.A., Labs Cardiolab Exames Complementares S.A., Alice Junqueira Moll and Jorge Neval Moll Filho, and also BRADSEG Participações Ltda. as a intervening consenting party, in order to form the basis for the other contracts and documents necessary to the formalization of the acquisition transaction by the Company of the ambulatory and hospital diagnostic medicine assets of Labs D’Or (“Deal”); and (b) to authorize the Company’s Directors to sign the MoU, as well as to take other necessary actions in order to formalize the Deal. 6. Closing: With no further matters on the agenda and the absence of any other expression, this meeting was closed. These minutes were draft, having been read and approved, and signed by all. AA. Members: (1) Mr. Aparecido B. Pereira; (2) Mr. Ewaldo M. K. Russo; (3) Mr. Márcio Serôa de Araújo Coriolano; (4) Mr. José Paschoal Rossetti; (5) Mr. José Gilberto H. Vieira; (6) Mr. Luiz Carlos Vaini; (7) Mr. Marcelo P.M. Araújo; (8) Mr. Mauro S. Figueiredo and (9) Mr. Milton Almicar S. Varga. São Paulo, December 14 2010. ____________________________ Text_SP 3371685v1 8748/4 Mr. Ewaldo Mário Kuhlmann Russo Secretary Text_SP 3371685v1 8748/4