4 - Hector Lima


4 - Hector Lima
Hector Lima
Writer, editor at Ficticia.org
[email protected]
I'm a copywriter, planner, translator, editor and proofreader. Content creation, planning, editing / organizing
text and visual storytelling are what I do - for the web, social media, print publications, video, events and
campaigns. Some of the skills that I offer: language analysis, contextualization, problem solving, creativity,
fact-checking and team management. Brands that I've created content for: Cartão Elo (debit card), Vivo
(telecom), TAM (airline), Ci Intercâmbio (student exchange), Oi (telecom), Heineken (brewery), Google,
Vinny Films (entertainment) and others. I've acted as content moderator for the local branch of Sulake
Entertainment Finland. I have also edited, curated content and freelanced for the following websites and blogs:
Goma de Mascar (founder, editor), Omelete, Comic Book Resources, Som Livre, MacMania and others.
Also wrote comic book scripts published by Mauricio de Sousa Produções, Zarabatana Books, Ronin Studios,
Night Office Press, and Via Lettera. I have been nominated twice for the HQ Mix Award. In November
2013 I've co-founded the Ficticia graphic narrative collective with six other writers and artists. Launched
at the 8th International Comicbook Festival: http://ficticia.org. My portfolio (updating regularly): http://
Co Founder, writer, editor, social media manager at Fictícia.org
November 2013 - Present (2 years 2 months)
Content creation / curation, script writing, editing and marketing strategy. Fictícia.org is an informal
collective of seven writers and artists grouped together for our love of graphic storytelling for print, web,
games and film companies.
Writer, Translator at HectorLima.com
March 2005 - Present (10 years 10 months)
writing and editing comic book publications like ZOMBINGO, NIGHT OFFICE [http://goo.gl/SHdN4],
INKSHOT; wrote scripts for the following published comics: THE MAJOR, British comic anthologies
VOL. 2, SABOR BRASILIS [Zarabatana Books, 2013 - http://saborbrasilis.net] and THE MENACE OF
MONKEY BARON [Zarabatana Books, 2015 - http://ficticia.org/produto/a-ameaca-do-barao-macaco]. List
of Published Comic Work as Writer at http://hectorlima.com/
Creative Copywriter at Grupo TV1
November 2014 - September 2015 (11 months)
Creating retail ad copy for GOL (airline), Move Brasil (fitness initiative) and Localiza (car rental). Cocreated the concept idea for Localiza's Valentines Day activation:
Copywriter at Wunderman
August 2012 - November 2014 (2 years 4 months)
Writing blog and social media content (Facebook, Twitter, blog) for Vivo, the largest telecommunications
company in Brazil. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivo_(telecommunications), TAM (airline), Elo (band card),
DJ at Self-employed
November 2002 - December 2012 (10 years 2 months)
Deejaying [freelance] and producing club nights in Santos and São Paulo. Sets and\or nights at several clubs:
Gloria, Vegas, Funhouse, Tapas, Belfiore, Carpe Diem etc. Produced Popscene night at Retrô Bar & Lounge
in Santos-SP for 6 years. Opened for a Sepultura concert.
Freelance Proofreader at Wunderman
July 2012 - July 2012 (1 month)
Proofreading for social media and blog content. Freelance temporary position, filling in for titular proofreader
on vacation.
Redator / Content Writer at Remix Social Ideas
January 2012 - March 2012 (3 months)
Writer, social media at colmeia
August 2011 - December 2011 (5 months)
Screenplay writer - "Orkut Ao Vivo" talk show.
Editor - Publisher at Goma de Mascar
December 2007 - December 2011 (4 years 1 month)
Founder, editor and writer of Pop Culture news and opinion website http://www.gomademascar.net
Social Media - filme "11-11-11" at Vinny Filmes
November 2011 - November 2011 (1 month)
Apoio de divulgação no Twitter para o lançamento do filme de terror "11-11-11", lançado pela Vinny Filmes
e distribuído pela Nossa.
Editor - Heroi.com.br at Tambor Digital
April 2011 - July 2011 (4 months)
Freelance Comic Journalist at Omelete
February 2011 - April 2011 (3 months)
News bits on all things Comics
Freelance Social Media Agent at DM9DDB
September 2010 - November 2010 (3 months)
Activation, content creation, moderation for BEP Roadie [Black Eyed Peas] social media campaign. http://
Tradutor Freelancer at Editora Moderna
June 2010 - September 2010 (4 months)
Moderator at Sulake
2006 - February 2010 (4 years)
Moderating context for online community
DJ / Event Producer at Popscene
November 2002 - December 2008 (6 years 2 months)
Co-produced club night at Retrô Bar & Lounge [Santos-SP] with Flávia Durante. For 6 years featured live
bands + DJs. Continued to work as a freelance DJ and club night producer until present date.
Movie Translator [Freelancer] at Shadow Multititle
October 2005 - September 2006 (1 year)
Subtitles Translation [English-Brazilian Portuguese] for movies released in DVD: MOODY BLUES LOVELY TO SEE YOU, BRENDA STARR, SABAKA, JOSÉ CARRERAS - ENERGIA, FORÇA
Editor - Publisher at Escritório Noturno
December 1999 - 2004 (5 years)
Founder of informal website dedicated to new prose and comic authors. Moderated related message board.
Book Proofreader [freelance] at Self Employed
September 2000 - October 2003 (3 years 2 months)
Proofread book manuscripts that turned into published books or research work. Authors: Manúcia Lima,
Antonio Tadeu Amado, Mônica de Barros Barboza & Carlos Eduardo de Lima, Instituto de Pesquisa,
Educação e Cultura, Elcio Rogério Secomandi.
News writer [freelance] at CyberComix
August 2001 - November 2002 (1 year 4 months)
Wrote short news pieces about Comics releases for CyberComix website.
Column Writer [freelance] at TV City
August 2001 - November 2002 (1 year 4 months)
Wrote column on TV series.
Review and Column Writer [freelance] at Conrad Editora
March 2002 - August 2002 (6 months)
Comic book reviews, articles and colum for PL4Y magazine.
Review Writer [freelance] for SomLivre.com at Som Livre
October 2001 - June 2002 (9 months)
Wrote book reviews, wrote articles and interviewed authors for online store. Countless reviews and
ten featured articles. Authors interviews: Marçal Aquino, Marcelo Mirisola, Julio Ludemir and José
Quiz Writer [freelance] at Super Trivia
September 2000 - April 2001 (8 months)
Wrote multiple choice questions for online prize-based quiz.
Manuscript Proofreader [freelancer] at Editora Iporanga
2000 - 2001 (1 year)
Proofread manuscript in the pre-publishing process and reviewed potential works for the editor. Company
later renamed as Editora Realejo.
Composition proofreader [freelance] at Colégio Objetivo Santos
March 1998 - March 2000 (2 years 1 month)
Proofread Colegial and Cursinho students' written compositions for grammar, creativity, argumentative skills.
Composition proofreader [freelance] at Colégio CoC Santos
March 1999 - December 1999 (10 months)
Proofread Colegial and Cursinho students' written compositions for grammar, creativity, argumentative skills.
(Professional working proficiency)
(Native or bilingual proficiency)
Freelance Translator for Hungry Man Productions - São Paulo
November 2013 to Present
Members:Hector Lima
Translation of film treatment scripts for Camaro, Mr. Muscle, Chevrolet, Burguer King, Claro, Itaú and
November 2002 to December 2008
Members:Hector Lima, Flávia Durante
Festa de rock e pop alternativo que produzi de 2002 a 2008 com Hector Lima no Retrô Bar & Lounge, em
Skills & Expertise
Visual Storytelling
Social Media
Creative Development
Creative Writing
Content Strategy
Creative Direction
curatorial projects
Cross-functional Team Leadership
Content Management
Branding & Identity
Social Networking
Social Media Marketing
New Media
Oficina de Escrita Criativa
Copyright, creator rights and Contracts, Law and rights, 2013 - 2013
Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado
technical, Film, TV, 2010 - 2010
Activities and Societies: Seminário de Roteiro e Produção - "Filmes que Colam" - 13.11.2010 Professores:
Marc Bechar [Roteirista] e Michael Ruman [Diretor e Produtor] http://www.ideiascinematicas.com.br/
Instituto Itaú Cultural
Seminário, Jornalismo, 2010 - 2010
Activities and Societies: journalism, culture, web, writing, reporting, technology, information
Universidade Católica de Santos
Bachelor, Letras - English, Portuguese, Languages, Literature, 1994 - 1998
Escola Panamericana de Arte (EPA)
Technical, Drawing, Painting and Fine Arts, 1993 - 1995
Cultura Inglesa
FCE [First Certificate In English], English, Grammar, Literature, 1987 - 1992
Honors and Awards
Indicações: 2009 - Melhor Webquadrinho [O Major - roteirista] - Troféu HQ Mix; 2012 - Melhor Roteirista
Revelação [MSP Novos 50 - Turma da Mônica] - Troféu HQ Mix;
Writing, Deejaying, Comics, Movies, Internet, Music, TV, Arts, Script Writing,
Hector Lima
Writer, editor at Ficticia.org
[email protected]
4 people have recommended Hector
"Competências diversas, conhecimento técnico além do exigido e seriedade no ambiente de trabalho. Essas
são 3 grandes características que distinguem o Hector, entra inúmeras outras que poderia citar. E por isso e
tão certamente, faço questão de recomendá-lo, tornando pública a sempre excelente qualidade em sua entrega.
Um profissional que respeito, admiro e sempre buscarei ter e manter em minha equipe."
— Luiz Jeronimo Stamboni, managed Hector at Wunderman
"Trabalhei com o Hector na Wunderman durante sete meses e posso dizer que foi uma das melhores pessoas
com quem já trabalhei. Além de cuidadoso e muito talentoso em seu trabalho, também entende muito de redes
sociais, cultura pop e é muito solidário e proativo com os colegas. A qualidade textual e a criatividade são
outros diferenciais a mais para um profissional que é ótimo para qualquer equipe."
— Gabriel Fuhrmann, worked directly with Hector at Wunderman
"O Hector é uma pessoa incrível que eu admiro muito e com quem tive a sorte de poder trabalhar! Ele é
responsável, proativo, criativo, detalhista e cuidadoso com tudo o que faz, além de sempre estar disposto a
ajudar e produzir textos impecáveis. É uma ótima companhia no trabalho e fora dele ;)"
— Laís Montagnana, worked directly with Hector at Wunderman
"Hard worker, great friend and colleague. Takes his ideas to a next level. Great writer, experienced person
in Internet media and 100% connected in what's happening in electronic media and entertainment. The
mastermind behind gomademascar.net"
— Andre Peniche, reported to Hector at Goma de Mascar
Contact Hector on LinkedIn