Português Cicatrizador English Healing Abutment - Neodent
Documentos relacionados
ST.330.120 - ifu
environment, it is recommended to take a look at
the current legislation and adhere to it.
precautions, hygiene and prescription of drugs.
These guidelines are the responsibility of the
professional in charge.
ST.330.108 - ifu
precautions, hygiene and prescription of drugs.
These guidelines are the responsibility of the
professional in charge.
ST.330.230 - ifu
environment, it is recommended to take a look at
the current legislation and adhere to it.
ST.330.031 - ifu
enzymatic detergent (diluted according to the
manufacturer). 2nd step: Wash in ultrasonic
cleaner for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. 3rd
step: Rinse with distilled water in abundance,
until comple...
Implante Facility Facility Implant Implante Facility Impianto Facility
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