Author`s response to reviews Title: A comparison between diuretics


Author`s response to reviews Title: A comparison between diuretics
Author's response to reviews
Title: A comparison between diuretics and angiotensin-receptor blocker agents
in patients with stage I hypertension (PREVER-treatment trial): study protocol for
a randomized double-blind controlled trial
Flávio D Fuchs ([email protected])
Sandra C Fuchs ([email protected])
Leila B Moreira ([email protected])
Miguel Gus ([email protected])
Antônio C Nóbrega ([email protected])
Carlos E Poli-de-Figueiredo ([email protected])
Décio Mion ([email protected])
Luiz Bortolotto ([email protected])
Fernanda Consolim-Colombo ([email protected])
Fernando Nobre ([email protected])
Eduardo B Coelho ([email protected])
José F Vilela-Martin ([email protected])
Heitor Moreno Jr ([email protected])
Evandro J Cesarino ([email protected])
Roberto Franco ([email protected])
Andréa A Brandão ([email protected])
Marcos R de Souza ([email protected])
Antônio Luiz P Ribeiro ([email protected])
Paulo C Jardim ([email protected])
Abrahão Afiune Neto ([email protected])
Luiz César N Scala ([email protected])
Marco Mota ([email protected])
Hilton Chaves ([email protected])
João Guilherme Alves ([email protected])
Dario C Sobral Filho ([email protected])
Ricardo P Silva ([email protected])
José A Figueiredo Neto ([email protected])
Maria Cláudia Irigoyen ([email protected])
Iran Castro ([email protected])
André A Steffens ([email protected])
Rosane Schlatter ([email protected])
Renato B Mello ([email protected])
Francisca Mosele ([email protected])
Flávia Ghizzoni ([email protected])
Otávio Berwanger ([email protected])
Version: 4 Date: 22 January 2011
Author's response to reviews:
January 22, 2011
To the Editor
Ref: MS: 1475662666493722 - A comparison between diuretics and
angiotensin-receptor blocker agents in patients with stage I hypertension
(PREVER-treatment trial): study protocol for a randomized double-blind
controlled trial
Dear Sir,
This is just for format adjustments and to complete the abstract. The
recommendations were all followed strictly. Please, let me know if anything else
is necessary, and thanks again for the assistance in the submission of our
Sincerely yours,
Flávio Danni Fuchs
Corresponding author

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