february 2014 - Dookie Primary School
february 2014 - Dookie Primary School
DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL Baldock Street, Dookie VIC 3646 Ph 5828 6585 Bus 0407 054 389 (Kate) [email protected] www.dookieps.vic.edu.au DID YOU KNOW?? Did you know that Australia is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world? 20/02/2014 Issue 03 Congratulations to our school leaders for Semester 1 this year: Paige Johnston & Daniel Ludeman Page 2 DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL FEBRUARY 2014 Mon 10 Music Tue Wed 11 Kitchen Lessons Book CLub orders due back today. 17 24 Music Music 18 Kitchen Lessons 25 Kitchen Lessons Victorian State Orchestra visit to DPS Thu Fri 12 NO SCHOOL FOR FOUNDATION STUDENTS 6.30pm School Council Meeting 13 14 Garden Lessons Friday Lunches 19 NO SCHOOL FOR FOUNDATION STUDENTS AASC - Hockey 20 21 Garden Lessons Friday Lunches 26 NO SCHOOL FOR FOUNDATION STUDENTS AASC - Hockey 27 AASC - Hockey 28 Garden Lessons Friday Lunches AASC - Hockey Welcome Picnic at DPS MARCH 2014 Mon 3 Music Tue 4 Kitchen Lessons PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS 10 LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY NO SCHOOL FOR 11 Kitchen Lessons STUDNETS OR STAFF 17 24 Music Music 18 NO Kitchen Lessons 25 Kitchen Lessons Wed 5 6 AASC - Hockey AASC - Hockey 12 AASC - Hockey 6.30pm School Council Meeting & AGM 13 19 20 AASC - Hockey AASC - Hockey 26 27 11,30am Bravehearts visit to DPS AASC - Hockey AASC - Hockey 31 Music Thu Fri 7 NO Garden Lessons 14 Cluster Day at Aquamoves AASC - Hockey 21 Garden Lessons 28 Garden Lessons Page 3 DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL 20/02/2014 STUDENT AWARDS P/1 Group - Mrs Comer 2/3 Group - Mrs Fleming Kaelen Hall 4/5/6 Group - Mr Minogue Eliza Harmer for excellent counting Sophie Cave for being a caring class member who offers to help her peers whenever they need support and for being a responsible worker. for fantastic work in all areas and a great attitude toward her learning. KITCHEN - Ms Christophersen GARDEN - Mr Ramsey Isaac Hall Zac Tobias for great team work and listening for showing a lot of initiative and working independently during garden lessons. TEA TOWEL & APRON ROSTER TERM 1, 2014 Tuesday 4th February Tuesday 11th February Tuesday 18th February Tuesday 25th February Tuesday 4th March Tuesday 11th March Tuesday 25th March Tuesday 1st April - Harmer Family - Gabutan Family - Guy Family - Hall Family - Hamilton Family - Johnson Family - Kellett Family - Ladgrove Family Tea towels & aprons are to be collected after school Tuesday, or they can be sent home with your child. They need to be returned to school by Friday of the same week. Thank for your help with our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. Page 4 - From our Principal We are already into Week 4 of Term 1. Time does certainly fly when there are plenty of learning and activities happening at school. Congratulations to our school leaders for Semester 1 this year: Paige Johnston and Daniel Ludeman. Well done to all students who wrote an application explaining why they would make a suitable school captain and for their responses during a short interview. The students who applied really embraced this process and wrote some excellent letters with very good arguments. We wish Paige and Daniel all the best in their role for the next two terms. Please take note of the parent teacher interviews forms that are attached with the newsletter this week. These interviews will be held after school on Monday 3rd and 4th March. Interviews in Term 1 are a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher if you have not already done so, have a general chat about how your child has settled in for the year and find out what they have been learning so far. If you cannot make the dates selected please let the teacher know on the form and another time can be scheduled. The interviews are with the teachers for each of the three grades, junior, middle and senior. Also attached with the newsletter this week is a Kidsmatter parent survey which we will use to help plan the Kidsmatter and social and emotional learning programs at school. I sent this out last year but if you could have another go at it and send it back to school by the 10th March that would be much appreciated. This year the school and students are focussing on social and emotional learning with Kidsmatter. Social and emotional learning is about giving children skills and strategies to care for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, and handle challenging situations. Much of this we teach during buddy bonding time but also throughout the school day by reminding and reinforcing the school values to students. Trivia night preparations are continuing in earnest and I hope families are putting together a table or DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL two for the night to support the event. It will be on Saturday 22nd March. Thanks again to the members of the Parents Forum who are still busy collecting sponsorships and donations for the night. AASC has started this week and I’d like to thank the school community again for their support of the program. Hockey will continue till the end of the term on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. We could not secure our normal Monday afternoon time so please remember the changed days for the program during this term. Amanda Sutherland and Suzie Hall will continue as the AASC supervisors this term. Thank you to the community as well for abiding by the new no dogs on school grounds policy. Your co-operation is appreciated. Don’t forget the “Welcome Back Picnic” will be held next Friday night (28th February) here at school kicking off at 6pm. You are welcome to come along with your family and please bring a picnic tea, drinks and chairs. Cameron Shields will be running a disco for the children in the multi-purpose room during the evening. We hope to see you all there. Please take some time to read the Every Day Counts flyer at the back of the newsletter this week. As the flyer states, every day counts at school. A day off here or there can quickly add up to a number of weeks per year. If a pattern of absences like that continues for a child throughout their schooling it can add up to half a year absent by Year 6. That is a lot of schooling missed! FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2nd - Isaac Hall 6th - Aydan Carey 8th - Madeleine Montgomery 9th - Robert Shields 11th - Zac Ezzey 15th - Ellee Pleming 26th - Jordan Sutherland 28th - Zac Pietsch Page 5 DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL Junior Class with Mrs Comer Blue Reader Bags: A new stock of the blue take home reader bags have arrived and are now available for purchase at the office for $11. Reading: The Foundation students have continued to focus on pointing to the words as they read and looking at the pictures. The two reading strategies the Grade One students have been focusing on are looking for little words in big words and sounding out words. Writing: This week the major focus has been the presentation of our work – beginning at the left hand side, writing within the lines and leaving a two finger space between words. Spelling: The Foundation students are revising the s, a, t and p and are now learning the n and I letters and sounds. Grade One students are learning to spell their red high frequency words as well as focusing on the short vowel sounds. Maths: This week the class has continued to focus on counting to 100 by 1s, 10s and 5s. The major focus this week is place value. The Foundation students are learning to read all the numbers to 10 and put them in order. The Grade One students are using MAB blocks to make larger numbers. Investigations: The focus in Investigations this week has been ON what their hobbies and interests are as well as their appearance. Homework: It was great to have everyone complete and return their homework by Friday last week. The Grade One and Two students completed their first spelling test with very pleasing results. Middle Class with Mrs Fleming This week in Literacy we have continued our focus on narratives and how they are structured. In the book “Oliver’s Party,” we have looked at the characters, the setting of the story, when the story happened, what unfolded in the middle and how any problems were solved at the end. We have also compared different illustrators and discussed how illustrations add to the mood of the story. We have compiled a class retell, as well as an individual retell. The students have been encouraged to reread and edit their writing; checking their spelling and punctuation, especially the use of capital letters and full stops. The children have also been working on a collage of the above book. In Reading, the children have been working on a variety of activities to help develop strategies for them to gain meaning from the text they read. In Writing we have been focussing on setting out our work neatly with ruled pages, titles and the date; as well as writing each letter correctly on dotted thirds paper. We have particularly focussed on the formation of “r”, “n”, and “m”. In Numeracy our focus has been on Financial Maths [Money]. We have been counting and ordering coins and notes according to value, discussing the characteristics of each [size, date minted, animal/person depicted etc], representing money in multiple ways [eg. 50c = 20c + 20c + 10c] and doing simple change transactions. Another hardworking week in the Middle Class!! Page 6 DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL Senior Class with Mr Minogue Literacy: During Literacy this week the students have been working on the reading strategy of inference. The class has also looked at verbs that describe speaking and feelings. Students have constructed an advertisement selling a vehicle of their own design. Numeracy: This week in Numeracy the students have focused on adding using place value and ordering decimals and fractions. Homework: Students are encouraged to continue to complete homework tasks and hand them in on Friday. Investigations: During Investigations time the students have constructed an advertisement about a form of transport they have improved. The creativity has been fantastic with items ranging from rocket powered horseshoes to high powered carts for older people. Kitchen Class with Janie Last week the senior class made their own Chinese egg noodles. I was so impressed by the students’ skill on the pasta machines as they stretched the finest pasta dough across the room and worked so well in their groups to produce delicious egg noodles. We discussed food transport and food miles and the benefits of growing our own and buying locally grown produce. A topical subject. We compared noodles imported from China with those made by us from Australian grown wheat and our own eggs. The Chinese noodles had travelled around 9000km to get to us! I encourage the students to compare some local and imported products using the simple calculator on the website foodmiles.com, it is very interesting. From our abundant sweetcorn we have we made delicious fritters with sage and yoghurt. The juniors made fried green tomatoes and a salade nicoise with tuna and lots of our yummy eggs. We made crunchy salads with sweet cherry tomatoes and basil. This week the chicken and sweetcorn soup was divine. The senior students’ excellent knife skills really shone through. The passionfruit tart was scrumptious, zucchini slice delish and the crostata and cherry tomato tarts were a work of art. The senior group made a sweet and crunchy chicken and wombok salad and a junior group showed great initiative when they designed the apple pancakes with passionfruit cream. Mmmm. A special thanks to Norma Sutherland and Lynda Spencely for their generous donations of kitchen equipment, and also a big thank you to Col Moylan for all the things she quietly does to help out with the kitchen…and, of course, all our wonderful volunteers. Page 7 DOOKIE PRIMARY SCHOOL