The VOICE of Immanuel - Immanuel Baptist Church


The VOICE of Immanuel - Immanuel Baptist Church
of Immanuel
September 2012
‘Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for
the upright to praise him…Sing to him a new song; play
skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the LORD is
right and true, he is faithful in all he does’ Psalm
As we begin the new school year, and our new church
calendar year, it is fitting that we do as David writes and,
“sing joyfully to the LORD.” We have had such a
wonderful summer and have seen God do so many great
things that we have cause to sing joyfully. We have
reason to sing a new song because His word is right and
true; and as we enter the Fall we are beginning a host of
new studies of this right and true Word.
On Sunday mornings we are beginning new Life Way
material called the ‘Gospel Project’ which will be
guiding our children chronologically through the Bible
and leading our youth and adults to focus upon the
systematic theology found therein. We are also kicking
off our Wednesday evening meals and discipleship
program that will give us further opportunity to study the
Word of the Lord as we focus upon becoming more like
Christ, understanding other religions and involving our
family in evangelism.
I hope that you will join us and make the study of God’s
Word the focus of your family this Fall because I
guarantee that if you do, you will have cause to sing
joyfully to the LORD as you experience His faithfulness.
Pastor Andrew Morgan
Here is a list of all Deacons with their phone numbers.
Please feel free to contact your Deacon should a need
Bob Blankenship (410-860-9553)
Paul Braungart (410-896-2592)
Ed Dohr (410-334-2193)
Joe Dykes (443-859-3153)
Jeff Lang (410-546-3018)
Walt Scarborough (410-742-9115)
George Webster (410-546-0936)
Jose Lisjuan (410-651-2935)
The officers of the Deacon body for 2012-2013 are:
Chairman – Walt Scarborough
Vice Chairman – Jeff Lang
Secretary – Bob Blankenship
All men are invited to a prayer meeting every Tuesday
morning at 7:00 a.m. in Bob Shores’ SS classroom.
Prayer changes things!
A committee met to re-evaluate the mission statement of
our church. It was decided to condense it into a single
sentence – We exalt God above all by evangelizing,
equipping and embracing all nations. It was approved
unanimously at the August 22 business meeting.
We are excited to announce that a local photographer,
Jim Ritch, will be taking photographs of our church
members and friends and producing our church directory
this year. Mark your calendar for Sunday, September
9, through Wednesday, September 12. Call the church
office to schedule your appointment (410-742-7768).
2 The VOICE of Immanuel
The GA’s will resume meetings on Wednesday,
September 5th at 6:45 p.m. All girls in first through sixth
grade are invited to join us for Bible study, crafts, and
mission activities. Our theme this year is “Meet Me In
The City” and we will learn about missionaries who
work in cities around the world. Pack your suitcase and
join the trip.
Sylvia Scarborough, GA Leader
September 2012
The Family God Uses: Becoming a
Home of Influence
By: Tom and Kim Blackaby
The world is trying to influence your children. Why not
turn that around? This study shows parents how to get
and keep their family God-centered and teach children
their role in His kingdom. Also serves as a practical field
manual for families looking to pray, grow, and serve
together. Discover where God is at work around you and
learn how to join Him in that work. (7 sessions) Each
member book is $14.95.
The RA’s will also resume meetings on Wednesday,
September 5th at 6:45 p.m. All boys in first through sixth
grade are invited to join.
Anthony Palmer, RA Leader
Beginning September 5, join us for dinner every
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m., followed by activities for all
ages, from nursery to adults. We will have a time of
praise and prayer at 6:15, followed by the six-week
sessions listed below.
Christianity, Cults & Religions
It is imperative that Christians know what they believe
and why they believe it. This six-session DVD-based
curriculum is for small groups hoping to study the
differences between Christianity and various religions.
They’ll learn what the Bible says about God, Jesus,
salvation, life after death, and more. They’ll also learn
about what Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Buddhists,
Hinds, and Muslims believe – and how to best witness to
followers of each of those religions. Each Participant
Guide is $8.99.
also begin on September 5, at 6:30 p.m.
September 5 – Beef stroganoff over noodles and green
September 12 – Ham, mac & cheese,
and vegetable
September 19 – Pork tenderloin,
Augratin potatoes and peas
September 26 – Chicken with basil
cream sauce over pasta and broccoli
CLASSES will begin on September 5, at
6:30 p.m.
MasterLife 3
This study by Avery T. Willis, Jr. is a classic
discipleship Bible study that guides both new and
experienced believers in Jesus Christ to develop a
lifelong, obedient relationship with Him using a
systematic approach. Participants will learn to master
prayer, personal purity, witnessing and other key
Christian disciplines. The study titles are: The Disciple’s
Cross, The Disciple’s Personality, The Disciple’s
Victory, and The Disciple’s Mission. Each session is 6
weeks long.
MasterLife 1 (Student Edition)
This study by Avery T. Willis, Jr. is a student edition of
MasterLife and guides both new and experienced
believers to develop a lifelong, obedient relationship
with Jesus Christ. Interactive workbook helps teens live
a life directed by God. Designed to be studied daily and
then discussed weekly in a group meeting. (12 sessions).
Each member book is $11.95.
In an effort to promote Sunday School attendance and
fellowship among all Sunday School classes, we have a
social breakfast before Sunday School once a month at
9:30 a.m. Our next social will be on September 2 in the
Educational Building lobby area, hosted by the BASIC
FAITH class.
We have coffee in the lobby area
before Sunday school every Sunday
Come join us for
3 The VOICE of Immanuel
September 2012
those who provided financial support. May God richly
bless the message of hope in Jesus imparted to the ends
of the earth through these visiting students.
Dear Church Family,
We are so excited about our
new curriculum beginning the
first week in September! It is
going to be an exciting trip
this year as the preschoolers
and children begin to travel
through the Bible chronologically!
Kids, be ready to buckle up for an amazing journey. All
school-aged children (Kindergarten through sixth grade)
will be together in the old youth room. We will have
time with our individual Sunday School classes and join
together for a large group time as well. Together we will
discover how Christ is found in every story we learn
about this year.
Parents and grandparents, you will be receiving some
more information on our newest procedures and
schedules, so be on the look-out! As Sunday School
Teachers and Worship Care Volunteers we desire to
partner with you in your children’s spiritual
development. We are here to support you and help you
as you seek to lead your families to know God more
May God bless your last weeks of summer and may He
fully prepare us for a new school year. Let us all partner
in making Christ our top priority in all areas of our lives.
Children’s Committee
Mary Lou Sileo
By profession of faith and baptism
WMU Announcements and
Ocean City International Dinner held
on August 13th. Lynn Davis reported
that 241 Students and 3 local persons
who, as helpers and homeless folk, enjoyed the dinner
provided by Immanuel. Our thanks to Joanne Nibblett,
Wanda Shores, and their helpers for the preparation of
the meal at Immanuel. Our thanks for all who provided
transportation, volunteers to tote and serve the meal, the
youth and greeters who visited with the students and to
MD/DE State Missions Offering Week of Prayer –
September 9-16. Sunday September 9th is the “kick-off”
emphasis for the Offering. Our goal at Immanuel is
$2500.00. “WE CAN’T STOP” is the theme for the
offering. So many needs are apparent in our MD/DE
areas and we will be especially studying and praying for
following mission outreaches:
evangelism, International Student Ministries, Poverty
Initiatives, Disaster Relief, and embracing Silver Springs
Area an urban area near our Nation’s Capital where 93
percent of the population do not know Christ. As
Christ’s followers – we cannot stop working, supporting
and praying for the souls of those of our MD/DE
neighborhoods and fellow countrymen. May God richly
bless the emphasis with bringing Jesus Christ to those
we come in contact with through these ministries.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box
Ministry: The Shoe Boxes for the children of the World
will be collected in early November. This is a “heads up”
reminder of this most crucial ministry. The WMU ladies
have covered several boxes to be filled and the green
boxes provided by Samaritan’s Purse Organization are
on their way to Immanuel. If you are out shopping –
remember the items used to fill the boxes- and maybe
pick up items for the boxes. In October, we will be
collecting different need items each week. The
categories : Hygiene (soap, washcloths, tooth brushes
and paste) School items (crayons, wood #2 pencils with
no plastic coating, pens, pencil sharpeners, small tablets,
coloring books, reading books); toys (balls, jump-ropes,
stuffed animals ,etc.); hard candies, lolly-pops; clothing
(socks, t-shirts, etc.) Remember: nothing in bottles, no
medicines, no chocolate, no war toys or clothing
depicting war or mayhem.
Bread Banks for World Hunger- July’s collection of the
banks totaled $474.00. We have one more collection
date in October for the years donations to World Hunger.
Many thanks to all who collected coins and made
monetary gifts to this most worthy mission. Fresh water,
food and instruction on raising food is the intent of this
mission. Our missionaries are there – they know the
needs of the people and with God’s watchcare – we can
alleviate the pangs of hunger and hopelessness that beset
many of our fellow humans.
WMU Meetings: With the new church year coming
soon, the ladies of the WMU wish to invite members and
friends of Immanuel to join with us to meet the Mission
needs here at Immanuel, our neighborhood, our state,
4 The VOICE of Immanuel
September 2012
our Nations and the World. Watch for meeting times and
places along with all the mission activities you can help
us with.
Wanda Ferrier, WMU Director, Jill Braungart, WMU
The JOY Club will be meeting in the
September 21st at 11:00 a.m. This will be an important
meeting to determine how the JOY Club goes forward
from here. We ask you to write down your thoughts on
4 points of your view of our club.
1. What is your mission statement for our club?
2. What do you expect to receive from your
participation in our JOY Club?
3. Do you believe in and want to fully support with your
time, talent, and resources the Faith Based Initiative with
East Salisbury Middle School?
4. List at least 3 areas where you are willing to support
this Club.
The JOY Club is providing 150 composition books for
the East Salisbury School as requested by Principal
Glenden Jones. We will provide the Chicken and you
bring your favorite dish to share. Our invitation is to all
church members and their friends. Please come.
Glory to GOD in the highest,
6:00-9:30 PM
BYOC (Bring Your Own Craft or
Coffee Mug)
Open to all women of Immanuel: English, Hispanic,
Korean, and any friend you want to bring along. Join us
in multipurpose room to work on your own craft or drink
coffee and chat. Bring your favorite snack food and
drink and a friend. At this time, there will not be
childcare provided. If you have questions, call Jenny
Blankenship (410-860-9553) or Lisa Lang.
If you can use Glucometers to test
your blood, Pat Edwards has a few
that she would like to donate to
anyone who needs them. Call Pat at 443-359-2280 and
leave a message if there is no answer.
We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Grace
Carlson, who passed away on Tuesday, July 31, and the
funeral was on Saturday, August 4. She was one of our
homebound members. Our thoughts and prayers are
with the family.
Peter and John were brought before the authorities and
told to stop preaching their message of hope in Jesus.
(Acts 4:20). Their response, “We Can’t Stop …..” The
theme for the MD/DE Mission Week of Prayer and
Offering is just that statement, “We Can’t Stop telling
about everything we have seen and heard.” The
following are some areas we need to study, be in prayer
for, and support with our MD/DE offering:
Embrace Greater Silver Spring areas
churches to reach the 93 percent of the
unreached urban areas our Nation’s Capital.
Collegiate Evangelism ministers work hard
to reach students in Annapolis and other
student ministries during the most critical
decision-making time of their lives.
In 2011, over 500 student from 49 different
countries registered for free dinners and
nearly 2,000 attended the church’s Sacred
Grounds Coffeehouse, which opened the
door wide for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We can’t Stop!!!
Poverty ministry is more than feeding
empty bellies and helping folks find jobs. It
is forming relationships with them and
telling them about the hope and the
restoration that only Jesus can give.
God is at work through disaster relief: So
far this year Southern Baptist Disaster Relief
has provided 42,700 meals, participated in
485 chainsaw jobs, and washed 300 loads of
laundry and participated in repair/rebuild
The state missions offering funds many ministries in MD
and DE in partnership with churches and associations.
Thank you for working with us to reach MD/DE and
beyond! WE CAN’T STOP!
Wanda Ferrier, WMU Director
5 The VOICE of Immanuel
Do we have your correct email
address? We would like to send
church-wide messages to everyone
who has an email address in our data
base; for example, prayer requests,
VBS registration, upcoming meetings
or special announcements. Contact the office if you’re
not sure that we have your correct address.
Thank you for supporting the
World Hunger fund through the Bread
Bank ministry. The total collected for 2012
to date is $1,123.82. Thank you for your generous
support. The next collection will be in October.
Set aside a day each month to continue
to pray for God’s direction for
Immanuel. It is not necessary to come
to church; you can pray at work, home,
or anywhere. Our next Day of Prayer
is September 19.
Pastor Wilfredo Rodríguez,
Hispanic Ministries
We continue analyzing the qualities
of a leader.
This month of
September we are going to speak
about the seventh quality.
Be dare and with courage
One of the qualities of a good leader is boldness,
boldness and daring to fight against the problems and
adverse circumstances. The opposite of boldness is fear.
Boldness comes to a person as a consequence of their
communion with God.
"With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated
the covenant, but the people who know their God will
firmly resist him" Daniel 11:32
Here the word to know signifies: "To have intimacy
with". The other important word is to act, that signifies
to do powerful and daring facts. If we interpret this
correctly, we can say it like this: Those that have an
intimate relationship with their God will do powerful
and daring facts.
September 2012
What is boldness? This word is translated in the Bible
as bravery. In the book of Acts, is the Greek word
"parrhesia", that signifies: boldness, confidence, value to
speak and to act. Confidence and boldness come to a
person as a consequence of their intimate communion
with God, and not as a human quality.
"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting,
was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and spoke the word of God boldly" Acts 4:31
Each leader should have the boldness, the confidence,
the self-assurance to believe in big things, to believe in
others and to trust in God; we should have boldness to
throw away demons, boldness to protect what belongs to
us, value to testify about Christ, bravery to begin large
business, boldness to believe big projects, boldness to
face problems. True leaders are those that face the
problems of their families, businesses, departments,
nations, they have the value to face the problems and to
give them solutions, inclusive many are willing to give
their own life.
What is courage? Dr. J. Oswald Sanders defines courage
as, "the mental capacity that permits the people to face
danger with firmness, without fear and without
History relates that Martin Luther is among the most
audacious and intrepid men that have ever existed.
When he left on a trip to face the questions and
controversies that his teachings stirred up, he said: "You
will be able to expect of me all things, except fear or
retraction. I will not flee: Although many demons as
tiles in the ceiling, I will go to Worms". All leaders
should be audacious, daredevils, brave and not to fear
danger. People expect that leaders can be strong and
brave during a crisis. While others lose their head, the
leaders stand firm before danger. Leaders fortify their
followers in the middle of discouragement and problems.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or
discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast
army with him, for there is a greater power with us than
with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us
is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.
And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah
the king of Judah said ". 2 Chronicles 32:7-8
We can conclude that boldness and courage should be
essential qualities in a leader. These are the virtues that
we need to try big things; and besides, to face danger
without fear neither cowardice in the heart.
Do not forget beloved brother that we can do all in
Christ that is our fortress and the faith that we have in
Him is large and will make us do big exploits.
6 The VOICE of Immanuel
Wilfredo Rodríguez-Jiménez
Ministerio Hispano
analizando las
cualidades de un líder. Este mes de
Septiembre vamos a hablar de la
séptima cualidad.
Atrevido y con coraje
Una de las cualidades de un buen líder, es el
atrevimiento, la audacia y la intrepidez para pelear
contra los problemas y las circunstancias adversas. Lo
opuesto al atrevimiento es el miedo. El atrevimiento
viene a una persona como resultado de su intima
comunión con Dios.
“con lisonjas seducirá a los violadores del pacto; pero
el pueblo que conocer a su Dios se esforzará y actuará”
Daniel 11:32
Aquí la palabra conocer significa: “Tener intimidad
con”. La otra palabra importante es actuará, que significa
hacer hechos atrevidos y poderosos. Si lo interpretamos
correctamente. Podemos decir entonces así: Aquellos
que tienen una relación intima con su Dios harán hechos
atrevidos y poderosos.
¿Qué es atrevimiento? Esta palabra se traduce en la
Biblia como denuedo. En el libro de los Hechos de los
Apóstoles, es la palabra griega “parrhesia”, que
significa: osadía, audacia, valor para hablar y actuar.
La osadía y la audacia vienen a una persona como
resultado de su comunión íntima con Dios, y no como
una cualidad humana.
“cuando terminaron de orar, el lugar en que estaban
congregados tembló: y todos fueron llenos del Espíritu
Santo y hablaban con valentía la palabra de Dios”
Hechos 4:31
Cada líder debe tener el atrevimiento, la osadía, la
audacia para creer en cosas grandes, para creer en otros y
para confiar en Dios; debemos tener osadía para echar
fuera demonios, audacia para proteger lo que nos
pertenece, valor para testificar de Cristo, denuedo para
empezar negocios grandes, osadía para creer por
proyectos grandes, audacia para enfrentar los problemas.
Los verdaderos líderes, son aquellos que enfrentan los
problemas de sus familias, empresas, ministerios,
naciones, tienen el valor para enfrentar los problemas y
September 2012
darles soluciones, inclusive muchos están dispuestos a
dar su propia vida.
¿Que es coraje? El doctor J. Oswald Sanders define
coraje como, “la capacidad mental que permite que las
personas enfrenten el peligro con firmeza, sin temor y
sin desaliento”. La historia narra que Martin Lutero esta
entre los hombres mas audaces e intrépidos que hayan
existido. Cuando partió en su viaje hacia Worms para
enfrentar las preguntas y controversias que sus
enseñanzas habían suscitado, dijo: “Podréis esperar de
mi todas las cosas, excepto temor o retracción. No huiré.
Aunque hallan muchos demonios como tejas en el techo,
iré a Worms”. Todos los lideres debemos ser audaces,
atrevidos, valientes y no tener miedo al peligro. Las
personas esperan que los lideres seamos fuertes y
valientes durante una crisis. Mientras otros pierden la
cabeza, los líderes se mantienen firmes ante el peligro.
Los líderes fortalecen a sus seguidores en medio del
desánimo y los problemas.
“esforzaos y animaos; no temáis ni tengáis miedo del
rey de Asiria, ni de toda la multitud que con el viene;
porque mas hay con nosotros que con él. Con él esta el
brazo de carne, pero con nosotros esta Jehová, nuestro
Dios, para ayudarnos y pelear nuestras batallas. Y el
pueblo tuvo confianza en las palabras de Ezequías, rey
de Judá”.
2 crónicas 32:7-8
Podemos concluir que, el atrevimiento y el coraje deben
ser cualidades esenciales en un líder. Estas son las
virtudes que necesitamos para intentar cosas grandes; y
además, para enfrentar el peligro sin miedo ni cobardía
en el corazón.
No olvides amado hermano que todo lo podemos en
Cristo que es nuestra fortaleza y la fe que tenemos en él
es grande y nos hará hacer grandes proezas.
7 The VOICE of Immanuel
September 2012
Oración por el viaje
31 de Agosto al 15 de
Septiembre del 2012
Nuestro pastor, su hijo Wilfredo Alexander, la
hermana Beverly Bohre y el hermano Jeff Lang
estarán de viaje por el país de Moldova, con el fin
de evangelizar a las personas y hablarles del amor
de Cristo,
así que tengámoslos en nuestras
oraciones diarias.
Gracias por tu apoyo este importante viaje.
Cumpleañeros Mes de
Septiembre 2012
Compartimiento de mujeres
Viernes 21 de septiembre de las 6:00 p.m. a las
9:30 p.m.
Todas las damas de la Iglesia Immanuel de las
congregaciones que hablamos en español, en ingles
y coreano estamos invitadas a un tiempo de
comunión en donde vamos a traer galletitas o algo
para compartir y tomaremos café, comeremos,
platicaremos y a las que les gusta hacer
manualidades con sus manos las traerá para hacerlo
mientras compartimos.
No faltes será divertido
Compañerismo mensual
Domingo 30 de Septiembre del
Al terminar nuestro culto de la
No olvides que todos los últimos
domingos del mes tenemos nuestro tiempo de
comunión en que nos unimos para compartir los
alimentos, celebraciones, tiempo de pláticas, juegos
y diversión.
¡No dejes de venir y traer tu comida favorita!
03 José Ramos
06 Henry Guerra
08 Dery Hernández
10 Trinity Lisjuan
15 Abdías Amos López
16 Trinity Montiel
18 Sandra Rodríguez
21 Hernán Veizaga
23 Miriam Guzmán
26 Luís Júnior Calixto
27 José Lisjuan
28 Francisco Cux
Isaías Ariel López
30 Walter Dionisio Marroquín
Felicidades Hermanos
Les desea la Iglesia Bautista
8 The VOICE of Immanuel
September 2012
9 The VOICE of Immanuel
September 2012
The VOICE of Immanuel
Published for the members and friends of
Immanuel Baptist Church
1514 Old Ocean City Road
Salisbury, Maryland 21804
Phone: 410-742-7768; fax: 410-742-3847
email: [email protected] website:
BaptistLIFE available at
Church Staff
Andrew Morgan
Wilfredo Rodriguez
Alan & Sarah Burton
Robin Smith
Erma Sheats
Minister to Hispanics
Ministers of Music
Ministry Assistant
Worship and Activities
11:00 AM
Bible Study (Spanish & English)
9:45 AM
KinderChoir (during SS hour)
9:45 AM
Spanish Worship
11:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Worship Care (Nursery “Red” -- birth–2 years) 11:00 AM
Worship Care (3 Year Olds “Orange”)
11:00 AM
Children’s Worship (4 Year Olds – 3rd Grade) 11:00 AM
Preschool & K
K-6th Grade Music Makers
Prayer Time
Discipleship Classes
GA’s & RA’s
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Spanish Prayer Meeting
5:30 PM
6:15 PM
6:15 PM
6:15 PM
6:15 PM
6:30 PM
6:45 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM