From the Editor - Central Baptist Oakville


From the Editor - Central Baptist Oakville
E d i t o r – E r r o l A n d e r s o n / G r a p h i c D e s i g n – B i l l G o o d b ra n d
340 Rebecca Street, Oakville, Ontario
L6K 1K3
• December / Dezembro 2013 — Volume 2 Issue 9
From the Editor
This is our God The Servant King
He calls us now to follow Him
To bring our lives as a daily offering
‘Tis the Season !
The last several weeks have been active weeks in the life of our
church, the highlight being the celebration of our 60th anniversary as a
congregation. There is so much to report on, but we will have to defer
that until our next issue. The Christmas season preempts all else.
I have reflected deeply on what Christmas means to us. As
Christians the answer is obvious, but to our society as a whole, and
particularly to younger people, the answer is less certain. It is with
this in mind that I asked several members of our congregation to
contribute a Christmas message for this issue. I thank Jack Anderson,
Joáo Garcia, Linda Beeson, Warren McBurney and Dorothy Barnard
for their contributions. Joáo’s sadness resonated with me, as for
at least the last twenty years I have had similar observations with
similar sentiments.
As I write the comments I am in another country, where I
attended the official lighting of the Christmas tree. I was pleased
that ceremony commenced with prayer and thanks for the gift of
our Lord Jesus Christ. What was more gratifying was that the
peoples assembled locals and visitors alike, embraced the prayer and
participated with a vociferous and reverential Amen! Through half
opened eyes I got the impression that all found this refreshing and
welcome. The meaning of Christmas is not lost!
On behalf of my friend Bill and Myself, Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year!
Yours in Christ,
Errol Anderson
December 2013
From heaven you came helpless babe,
Entered our world, your glory veiled.
Not to be served, but to serve
And give Your life that we might live
Of worship to The Servant King
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
December 15, 2013
10:00 a.m. – Advent III – The Babe John
(Luke 1:17-66)
- Rev. Dr. Michel R. Belzile
9 22, 2013
10 11 12
10:00 a.m. – Advent IV
Sunday School Christmas Service
15 16 17 18 19
December 24, 2013
7:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Service
December 29, 2013
10:00 a.m. – Christmas 1
The Babe Jesus (Luke 2:1-21)
For complete listing please visit
To our visitors. Welcome
to the joy of worship and the
warmth of our congregation!
If you are searching for a local
church home, we invite you to
make your home with us. If you are
a newcomer, please include your
name, address, e-mail address and
telephone number on the Contact
Cards. We’re glad you’re here!
We encourage you to feel free to
participate in any church activities
you read about in this bulletin.
If you have any questions, please
speak with an usher.
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
Christmas Hallelujah
Lyrics by Michel R. Belzile (2009); Tune: Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”
Halle-lujah, Halle-lujah
Halle-lujah, Halle- lu-u-u-u-u-u-jah
At our
Evening Carol
Service on the
First Sunday of
Advent, Suzanne
Gerson (guitar),
Jocelyn, Larisse,
Diné and I had
the privilege
of performing
to the tune of
Leonard Cohen’s
The Christmas
lyrics are found
below. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!
Feliz Natal!
Joyeux Noël.
Pastor Michel
November 2013 — Page 2
In Nazareth, God’s angel spoke
as Mary from her dream awoke.
“Be not afraid for God has favoured you”
A child you’ll bear, “Je-sus” you’ll name
the Son of God whose kingdom reigns.
The world will sing the Glory Halle-lujah
In Bethlehem this child was birthed
The promised one to re-deem the earth
to save the world, from sin and self-des-truction
Yet as shepherd’s praised and angels sang
the world was deaf to the hymn that sprang
from angel’s who pro-claimed the Halle-lujah
To Jerusalem the Magi came
to worship this King of Jews, proclaimed
in prophecies and guiding star a-bove.
But it wasn’t long, til they re-a-lized
that Herod feared this Mes-si-ah child
and that he only feigned his Halle-lujahs
To the Land of Egypt Mary fled
for Herod longed to see Jesus dead
The Magi had warned them to be wary
Yet once Herod died the threat was gone
God’s Son returned to right all wrong
to save the world through life and death and rising
5. Two thousand years have since gone by
yet Jesus Christ remains alive
in resurrected presence with his people
Thus we sing out with common voice
Messiah’s come, let us rejoice
Together we sing Glory Hallelujah [Ending]
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
“Glória a Deus nas maiores
alturas e paz na terra aos
homens a quem ele ama.”
(Lucas 1:14)
“Glory to God in the
highest and peace on earth
to those whom he loves.”
(Luke 1:14)
Como família, juntamos nossas vozes
As a family, we join our voices
às vozes dos anjos para glorificarmos
to the angels´s voices to glorify
a Deus neste Natal.
Desejamos que o Senhor abençoe
você e toda a sua família com alegria,
saúde e muita paz.
God this Christmas.
We hope that the Lord bless
you and your whole family with joy,
health and peace.
Dezembro 2013 — Página 3
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
The Message of Christmas
Mary and Joseph made a difficult journey to Bethlehem, where
Mary gave birth to her first born child; in a barn away from family
and friends. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, came to a world filled
with conflict and cruelty and conquering armies; to bring harmony
and joy and hope. Peace, Shalom, means not only the absence of
war but also the presence of all good things that produce well-being
and wholeness.
Christmas is for all people – the exhausted travelers like Mary
and Joseph; those on call at all hours like the shepherds; those
who arrive after a long search like the wise men. The message of
Christmas is for everyone – for you and for me. The message of
Christmas is “Glory to God in highest heaven”, which the angels
announced to the shepherds.
But where can we see the “Glory of God”? The shepherds saw
the “Glory of God” in the baby Jesus, and they returned to their
flocks “Glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.”
We can see the “Glory of God” in Jesus as a baby in the care of a
young mother.
We see the “Glory of God” in the face of a 12 year old Jesus in the
temple, talking with the teachers about his Father God. We see the
“Glory of God” in the simple stories Jesus told of flowers and birds,
of grain and yeast, of seeds and soils. We see the “Glory of God” in
the honest answers Jesus gives to searching questions like, “which is
the greatest commandment”?
In the down to earth relationships Jesus had with rough and ready
men like Peter, James and John and the other disciples we see the
same glory. Showing his compassionate concern for those who were
hurting from social separation, double standards, ritual emptiness
and religious red tape! In all Jesus’ relationships, with all sorts of
people the “Glory of God” can be seen in the face of Jesus.
“Glory to God” in highest heaven, was the message the angels
proclaimed to the shepherds. And who would tell of the hillside
chorus and the manger scene, if not the shepherds? And who will tell
of God’s glory, God’s blessings and grace in your life if you keep it
to yourself?
You and I have the same mission as the nameless shepherds,
to show the “Glory of God” in our daily routines because of our
encounters with Jesus; teacher, healer, friend and Saviour.
Rev. Jack Anderson
Christmas …..A Poem
It is that special time of year
When Christmas bells ring loud and clear,
Children laughing in the snow
Their rosy cheeks and eyes a-glow
Friendly people everywhere
Window-shopping, stop to stare
At all the goodies on display,
For anyone who wants to pay.
The dolls are beautiful to see
The lights and angel on the tree.
The trains are running ‘round the track
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack.
Mother, father, children too,
Uncle Fred and cousin Sue
Go to Church on Christmas Day
To thank God, for His Son’s bithday.
Now Christmas time has come and gone
But, still some magic lingers on,
Of Christmas gifts and mistletoe,
Of coloured lights all a-glow.
Children laughing, choirs singing
Can’t you hear the Church bells ringing?
And in your book of memories,
Don’t forget the reason, please,
Why we celebrate this Day
for the Christ-Child
Who in a manger lay.
By Isabelle Beeson
November 2013 — Page 4
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
I was walking in a shopping center, looking for some
Christmas gifts. At a short distance a school’s choir was
singing carols of the season. As I listen, although the
melodies were familiar carols that we sing at the Church this
time of the year, when I came closer to the children’s choir
I noticed that the words were quite different. At the Church
we sing celebrating the coming of Jesus Christ, our saviour
and Lord, who was born on Christmas day. At the shopping
center they were singing celebrating the coming of Santa
Claus to the mall. The words had been changed to suit the
occasion, the spirit of age in which we live. The picture of the
portly man, dressed in red, white beard, friends of children,
became the most important person in a shopping center.
I became deeply saddened to listen to those beautiful
melodies, very dear to us Christians, which speak about
Jesus born in Bethlehem, the revelation of God on earth,
changed and excluded from the real celebration of
Christmas. What is then the meaning of Christmas? For us
Christians we have no doubt whatsoever that on Christmas
day God came to the world, in Jesus Christ, to give hope and
salvation to those who answer to Him in faith. As Paul said
in his letter to his friend and disciple Timothy: “Christ Jesus,
is our hope” (I Timothy 1.1). In the Greek language of the
New Testament the word hope has a different connotation
than in the English language, in which it always is inserted
the element of doubt. Saying that we hope to realize a
project we are not sure this will be realized. However, the
word hope in the New Testament is a reality without any
probability of doubt.
Paul also wrote to Titus (1.1-3), his companion, to make him
understand that hope is a sure reality that brings salvation
and eternal life, and it is not a lie because it a fundamental
teaching of Scriptures. The Christian hope is essentially
spiritual, and has no link with material things, food and
drinks, onions and garlic from Egypt (Ex 16.3) or even to the
man in red at the shopping mall. These have relative values
in the festivities celebrations of the end of the year. The true
hope is the one that dominates the life of those who believe
in Jesus Christi as our only saviour. Our future is ensured
in the hope, real and concrete, which was manifested when
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas,
Estava caminhando num shopping center procurando alguns
presentes, para oferecer no dia de Natal. À distância um côro
de crianças, de uma escola local, cantava cânticos natalinos.
Chamou a minha atenção que, embora as melodias me
eram familiares, hinos cantados nas Igreja para comemorar
a vinda do Senhor Jesus ao mundo, as letras tinham sido
mudadas para dar ênfase a papai noel. Neste espirito da
epoca, em que tudo deve ser policamente correto, aquele
côro expressava o pensameto de muitos que não se deve
falar apenas de Jesus no Natal. E, então, o personagem
gordinho, de vestes vermelhas e barbas brancas, tornou-se a
figura central.
Confesso que me senti profundamente triste ao ouvir aqueles
cânticos lindos, que falam de Jesus que nasceu em Belem da
Judeia, a revelação de Deus na terra, tenham sido mudados
e Jesus excluido em muitas celebrações do Natal. Qual é
então o significado do Natal? Para nós cristãos não há duvida
nenhuma que no dia de Natal Deus veio a mundo para nos
dar esperança de salvação, vida eterna no céu para todos
aqueles que creem. Como Paulo escreveu ao seu amigo
e discipulo Timoteo: “Cristo Jesus, a nossa esperança”
(ITim 1.1). Na lingua grega do Novo testamento, a palavra
esperança tem um significado diferente da mesma palavra
na lingua portugusa, na qual há sempre embutido aquele
elemento de dúvida. Ao dizermos que esperamos realizar
um projeto queremos também dizer que pode ser que ele
não se realize. Na linguagem biblica, entretanto, esperança
é uma realidade, que não tem nenhuma probabilidade de
dúvida. Paulo também esceveu a Tito, seu companheiro, para
faze-lo entender que esperança é a realidade real e concreta
que traz salvação e vida eterna, e não é mentira porque é o
ensino fundamental das Escrituras (Tito 1.1-3). A esperança
biblica é tão sòmente espiritual. Ela não está ligada a comidas
e bebidas, cebolas e alhos do Egito (EX 16.3), presentes e
muito menos ao velhinho de barbas brancas no shopping
center. Essas coisas tem o seu valor relativo nas celebraçõe do
fim do ano. A verdadeira esperança é aquela que domina nos
corações daqueles que creem em Jesus Cristo, nosso Salvador.
O nosso futuro está assegurado na esperança, real e concreta,
manifestada quando Jesus Cristo nasceu no dia de Natal.
Feliz Natal,
Pastor João Garcia
Pastor João Garcia
Dezembro 2013 — Página 5
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
We Have Seen His Star In
The East And Have Come To
Worship Him! (Matthew 2:2)
“Vimos A Sua Estrela
No Oriente E Viemos Para
Adorá-Lo” Mateus 2:2
Have we ever stopped to think how the Wise men of the
East came to know about this coming King? Remember the
story of Daniel captive in Babylon who was made head over
all the wise men of that time. No doubt Daniel’s life and
testimony influenced a number of these other wise men to
believe in the True God. Those truly converted carried on
this message through generations until the time was ready
for God to send “His only begotten”, and as Numbers 24/17
tells us “A Star shall come out of Jacob; a Scepter shall arise
out of Israel”.
Já tomou o tempo para imaginar como foi que os Magos
sabiam deste Rei que vinha? Lembre-se da historia de
Daniel, cativo em Babilonia, que foi feito chefe supremo
de todos os Sabios da Babilonia. Sem duvida, a vida
e testimonia de Daniel influenciou um numero destes
Sabios (Magos) para crer no Deus Verdadeiro. Aqueles
verdadeiramente convertidos continuaram levar essa
mensagem atraves das gerações até a hora que Deus
estava pronto para mandar “Seu Filho Unigenito”. Como
em Numeros 24:17 nos diz:”....uma estrela procederá de
Jacó, de Israel subirá um cetro...” Estes Magos estavam
procurando Aquele que havia de vir, e viram o sinal que
Deus deu – a Sua estrela. Assim ajuntaram e vieram, não
chegando com os pastores, mas algum tempo mais tarde
para achar este bebe, agora um menino numa casa. Mas
chegando em Jerusalem, foram logo ao Palacio, em qual
outro lugar ia nascer um rei? Quando descobriram que foi
em Belém. Sairam, e a Palavra diz: “eis que a estrela que
viram no Oriente os precedia, até chegando parou sobre
onde estava o menino. Depois de entrar na casa, como foi
a reação deles? “Prostrando-se O adoraram! O que foi que
viram? Deus vindo na carne – Maravilhoso, Conselheiro,
Deus Forte, Pai da Eternidade, Principe da Paz, Isa. 9:6 e
em Mateus 1:21,23 – Jesus, porque Ele salvará o seu povo
dos pecados deles; será chamado Emanuel, que quer dizer
Deus Conosco.” O que é Adoração? – Verdadeiramente
reconhecendo quem é Deus, Sua Majestade, com os outros
Atributos, e reconhecendo que Ele veio para nos salvar. Seus
corações explodindo com amor e gratidão, prostraram-se e
O adoraram. As ofertas, ouro, representando-O como Rei,
Incenso, as orações subindo a Deus, e Mirra, um balsamo
usado em preparar o corpo do morto. Representando a morte
dEle por nos. Então diz : ”Regressaram por outro caminho”
Quando verdadeiramente conhecemos o Senhor, Ele nos
transforma, que nao mais continuamos como antes, mas
andamos num novo caminho para glorificar e honrar a Ele.
These Wise Men were looking for this One who was to
come, and they saw the sign God gave. His Star, Sign, and
so they gathered together and came, not arriving with the
Shepherds, but sometime later to find this Babe, now a child
in a house. But in looking for Him, they first went to the
Palace, where else would a king be born? When they found
out that it was in Bethlehem, they left and the Word says
“and the Star which they say in the East came before them
and led them till it came and stood over the place where the
young Child was.
After coming into the house, what was their reaction?
They fell down and worshipped Him! What did they see?
They saw that He was God come in the flesh, Wonderful,
Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Emmanuel,
God with us! What is worship? – truly recognizing who
God is, His Majesty, along with all the other attributes and
realizing that He came to save us. Their hearts bursting
with love and gratitude they fall down and worship Him.
Gifts given, gold, representing Kingship, Frankincense –,
incense, prayers rising up to God, and Myrrh representing
His death on our behalf. Then it says: “….they went back
another way”. When we have truly met the Lord Jesus; He
so transforms our lives; that we don’t carry on in our lives as
before. We walk on a new path to glorify and honour Him.
Wishing each of you a JOYOUS AND
Dorothy Barnard
November 2013 — Page 6
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Nativities — miniature figurines of Christ in the
manger, with Mary and Joseph watching Him – have always been
of interest to me. Our first Christmas as a couple we made one of
papier mache, and painted it in pastel colours, following instructions
from Chatelaine magazine. Years later, our three daughters donated
a thin celluloid doll for His manger. While we were visiting my
uncle in Arizona, he took us across the border to Nogales, Mexico,
where we bought this large white and gilt scene in the picture,
complete with sheep and cow, mirrored in the brass tray. My
collection had begun, giving me another aim in travel from then on.
“Wishing our
Central family and
friends a Merry
Christmas. May
this new year be
filled with the
true meaning of
Christmas with
Jesus as the center
South America, with
its predominantly Roman
Catholic society, was an
easy continent in which to
see and buy nativities. On
a special trip to Dominican
Republic with Jenifer, I
purchased the intriguing
Dominican scene of people
with their long elbowless
arms. Bolivia, on our trip
with Alison, is represented on the left by typical native ingenuity
– llamas instead of cows and a player of reed pipes instead of an
angel. The Venezuelan family is brightly painted and mounted on
a ceramic base. At the rear, right, an Argentinan mother and father
look lovingly at their sleeping Son, protected by an almost faux
leather structure, with a decorative design worked into the roof for
interest. Just in front the trio in ceramic, handmade and coloured,
was one of many given to each Sunday School pupil in our friend’s
church in St. Louis. Can you make out the tiny cluster of everybody,
standing and kneeling on a small mirror, giving a third dimension
and a feeling of the closeness of their feelings on that holy night,
that I found in Mexico. A special single carving of the Holy Family,
that I purchased in Bethlehem on our church trip in 1999, has a
place of honour in our living room all year round.
Trips to Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean
brought home wooden, straw, paper and even metal representations
of our Saviour’s birth. These and others were on display at the
Women’s Mission Fellowship party, on 10 December.
June McBurney
of our lives.”
- Central Children and
Youth Ministries
Dezembro 2013 — Página 7
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
staff. It was wonderful to see so many of our past leaders
in attendance during the evening. We certainly saw the
many ways we’ve been blessed by God with great
leadership over the years.
After the refreshments and greetings were
done we gathered in the main sanctuary to be blessed by
a variety of talented acts. We had everything from a very
funny drama monologue, to some lively Irish and lyrical
dance numbers, to the beautiful sounds of the Japanese
Koto. We heard a musical solo, and our Portuguese worship
team closed off the night with some toe tapping and
worshipful songs, in both English and Portuguese. Thanks
to Warren and June McBurney who paid tribute to our
church history, and recognized former pastors, and current
November 2013 — Page 8
Sunday brought us a time of worship
together, both English and Portuguese
coming together, as we were challenged and
inspired by our guest speaker Rev. Richard
Root. Richard brought us his message of being
a sent people, with his sermon “Diamond
Dreams.” One of the highlights of the
service on Sunday was having Pastor Michel
dedicate the beautiful new pulpit, so lovingly
constructed by Wayne Houser. It was a great weekend of
both worship and social gathering, times of connection
and reflection. Let us both look back to those who laid the
foundations of this faith community, and look forward to
what God has in store for us in the years ahead.
After months of prayer and planning, our 60th
Anniversary Weekend celebrations kicked off
on Saturday, Nov 16th. At 7:00 pm almost
200 current and former CBC members and
friends gathered in Snyder Hall for food and
fellowship. It was a great time of reconnecting
with old friends and remembering some of
Central’s 60 years in Ministry. We were able
to share the many ways God has connected us
as a faith family. Many thanks to those who
made the beautiful and informative poster
boards showcasing our church history.
Sixtieth Anniversary Celebrations
Marcy Scott, Chair, 60th Anniversary Committee
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Scott Mission
On Sept 27, 22 youth, 5 leaders and our Youth and
Children’s Pastor Jacklyn Caveden, gathered with great
excitement at Scott Mission Camp in Caledon, Ontario
for our Fall Youth Retreat. Amidst the beautiful 100
acre property we settled into the lodge for the weekend.
It was a time of fun, friendship and a time to explore
all that God had to say to each one of us through our
musical worship, games, food and sports. We were
blessed to have great talks from our new Youth and
Children’s Pastor Jacklyn Caveden, and special guest
Francisco Braz. Francisco came all the way to Caledon
on Sunday morning to challenge us, and to share the
message God had placed on his heart for our youth.
Our worship band led us in great music all weekend
long. Tony, John and Carolyn shared their talents on the
guitar. We had a pajama contest on Saturday night so
people could strut their best pj look. Congratulations
to Jenn and Enzo who won movie passes! A time of
great friendship was had around a roaring campfire on
Saturday night, as we sat out under the stars and sang,
shared, worshipped and roasted marshmellows. How
amazing to see the stars without the interference of
city lights. God’s beauty on display! It was a weekend
of great memories and a time of bonding amongst the
youth and leaders. We look forward to the next retreat
and pray for God’s Spirit to continue to move amongst
our young people as they grow in Christ. Thank you to
Jacklyn who organized the whole weekend, and to the
leaders who gave up their time and energy to help make
the weekend such a success.
Marcy Scott
Dezembro 2013 — Página 9
Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ
I tell you,
whatever you
ask for in prayer,
believe that you
have received
it, and it will be
Mark 11:24
Tuna Towers
What does a very high tower of 190 tins of tuna look like?
For one thing, it would be very difficult to photograph; hence
our smaller towers whose total height is 5.4 m. These tins
– along with the two bags of flour – were the gifts that you
generously brought to our Sports and Fishes evening on 20
November with Joyce Hancock. Her presentation, narrated
in Portuguese and English, showed us the sports court that is
being built and enjoyed at Free Flight in Aguas Lindas, Brazil.
The children and adults playing on it would have said a big
“obrigado” for our support if they could have.
In her November newsletter, Joyce mentions the short term
mission group from Orilia, ON to Free Flight. They worked
with the children, youth and women “especially finishing up
the concrete floor for the new covered multi-sports court. With
the group, we inaugurated the court, asking the Lord to help
us use it boh for sports and for evangelism, and then some of
our older chidren played the first game. All of our students are
thrilled with this new addition to the Free Flight facility. They
are thankful for many Canadians who helped to make this
possible, and are using it every day.
We had an equally big “thank you” from Jerry at Kerr Street
Ministries when we took the tuna to him for their food bank
He was particularly appreciative with Christmas coming so
So please remember as the year closes, your pennies (and
other money) for Sports in Brazil, your own conbributions to
Kerr Street, and your prayers for both mission opportunities.
Warren & June McBurney
November 2013 — Page 10
Let us remember our brothers & sisters
in our prayers especially:
• Please pray for Kayla, a young friend
of Murray and Joan Wilson
• Please pray for the people in the
Philippines as they try to find Gods
comfort and peace among the
deveastation of the loss of loved ones
and their belongings.
• Please pray for Sara Rebelo as she is
home recovering.
• Please pray that Betty Connelly will
get along well at home now that she
is out of hospital.
• Please pray that Grace Collett will be
able to regain any facilities lost due
her recent stroke.
Primary Source –
The Gospel of Mark
The First and Third Wednesda
ys of each
month 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Led by Pastor Michel, this semi-m
evening English language Bible
Study and
Discussion group is currently stud
ying the
Gospel of Mark. We meet in the
Room at Central
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
Tribute to Jerry Roskaft
There are several words that come to mind
when I think of Jerry. The first is “friend”. Jerry was
the epitome of friendship. He was not content to
know your name but he wanted to know you as
a person – trials and triumphs.
The second is “faithful”. He was faithful to his family.
He married his high school sweet heart, Glenda, on
July 16, 1960. Until his dying days he affectionately
referred to her as “My Bride”. To his 3 children and
8 grandchildren he was an awesome father and
grandfather who loved each one of them. Jerry was also
faithful to his God and Jesus Christ.
The third word is “gentleman”. In the fullest sense of
that word, Jerry moved through life whether it was his
workplace, playing baseball or golfing with a gracious
spirit of accepting others and at the same time holding
them accountable. His sense of humour was legendary.
You will be missed, Jerry, but we find comfort in
knowing that you are safe in the arms of Jesus until we
meet again for coffee at the “Heavenly Tim’s”.
By Rev. Dr. George Scott
From our Treasurer
Coming Soon!
Starting in January 2014, we will be launching a Pre-Authorized Offering
Program (POP) for donations to the Church, made possible through
FaithLife Financial. For anyone who chooses to enroll, offerings
will be made by a monthly pre-authorized debit from your bank
account. Regular withdrawals will aid you in your own budgeting
and eliminate the need for cash or cheques on Sunday mornings. All
information is completely confidential, and all contributions will
continue to be eligible for charitable tax receipts from the Church. You can subscribe or unsubscribe,
adjust your monthly amount, or change banking information at any time. Enrollment forms will be
available at our Annual Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 24th. If you are unable to attend
the meeting but would like an enrollment form, or if you have any questions or would like further
information, please contact Suzanne Houser, Treasurer.
Suzanne Houser, Treasurer.
Dezembro 2013 — Página 11
Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo
CBM Partner Update
on Typhoon Relief
CBM’s partner in the Philippines, Greenhills Christian
Fellowship (GCF) South Metro, has shared how they have
been handling the recent relief efforts, providing us with
the most up-to-date information with
photo footage. Two staff members
from GCF South Metro have
been deployed to Cebu,
Philippines, and are buying
goods locally that they are
distributing, while getting
other material in Manila and
having it transported by land.
The fact that they can transport
materials in this way is making the
relief effort in Cebu much
quicker, as the main roads
have been cleared and the
ferry is still operational.
Pastor Lito of GCF South
Metro shares:
“We truly appreciate your
help and love for the Philippines. For the past couple of
weeks GCF South Metro received over P1M in donations
including those from our church family, friends, and
ministry partners in Singapore, US and Canada. These
donations have been used the past weeks to distribute relief
goods in Northern Cebu and Iloilo.”
Typhoon Yolanda. Yes, we welcome all support. The
destruction is so massive and our resources are limited.
We are mobilizing the churches in the areas as delivery
mechanism… immediate needs now are food and water and
a cover over their heads; thousands of families are staying
in their place of residence although it is nothing but rubble.
Later on we will help in rebuilding the communities.”
Joyce Hancock
As Joyce Hancock visits churches in Ontario to tell the
story of Free Flight and its many ministries, pray that the
staff remaining in Brazil will not have to face too many
problems while she is away. Pray too for travelling mercies
for Joyce as she completes her circuit of Southern Ontario
next week and moves further north to cover her own home
ground in and around Thunder Bay. At the same time, take
the future needs of Free Flight to the Lord, and ask Him to
continue to prepare the person He has chosen to take the
reins towards the end of 2014 when Joyce is scheduled to
Joyce Hancock (Copied from Canadian
Baptist Ministries’ website)
Today we celebrate Joyce Hancock, for her work with
CBM over the past 35 years! What remarkable service.
We’ve commemorated the occasion with her name on a
plaque for our office. Thank you for all your work along
with the staff at Associacao Voo Livre, or Free Flight in
CBM Releases $10,000 for
Typhoon Haiyan Relief
CBM has decided to release $10,000 immediately to our
partner in the Philippines, Greenhills Christian Fellowship
South Metro, for emergency assistance. We received this
note from the Chief Administrator of the church, Kaka:
“I am here now in Cebu City, my staging area for
reaching out to the suffering people brought about by
CBM Executive Director Sam Chaise with Joyce Hancock.
And Finally…
Thank you to all who have contributed to this issue. We would love to have more participation,
especially from the Portuguese congregation. Do let the church office know if you have any items,
family news, ministry interests etc. Also, if you would like to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please
also let the church office know.
Dezembro 2013 — Página 12