Novo Mercado (NSF)
Novo Mercado (NSF)
LIGHT S.A. Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF) no. 03.378.521/0001-75 Corporate Registry ID (NIRE) no. 33.300.263.16-1 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY EXCERPT OF THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF LIGHT S.A., HELD ON MARCH 28, 2008, AT 3:00 P.M., DRAWN UP IN THE SUMMARY FORMAT, AS ALLOWED BY PARAGRAPH 1, OF ARTICLE 130, OF LAW 6,404/76. 1. Date, time and place: March 28, 2008, at 3:00 P.M., held at Av. Marechal Floriano, nº 168, parte, 2º andar, Corredor A, Centro, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro. 2. Attendees: Sitting members Aldo Floris, Carlos Augusto Leone Piani, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Eduardo Borges de Andrade, Elvio Lima Gaspar, Firmino Ferreira Sampaio Neto, Ricardo Coutinho de Sena, Ricardo Simonsen, Ruy Flaks Schneider, and Wilson Nélio Brumer, chairman of the meeting, as well as deputy member in office Carmen Lúcia Claussen Kanter. The following deputy members also attended the meeting, without, however, taking part in the voting: Almir José dos Santos, Carlos Roberto Teixeira Junger, João Batista Zolini Carneiro, João Pedro Amado Andrade, Joaquim Dias de Castro, Lauro Alberto De Luca, Luiz Fernando Rolla, Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes. Attorney Patricia Veiga Borges was invited to be the secretary of the meeting. Officers José Luiz Alquéres and Ronnie Vaz Moreira also attended the meeting. 3. Matters Discussed – Resolutions: 3.1. 2008 Tariff Review. The Board of Executive Officers made a presentation about the matter. 3.2. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Light S.A. and Light S.E.S.A. The Board, by unanimous vote, approved and recommended the board members appointed by Light S.A. in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the appointment of Mr. Wilson Nélio Brumer for the positions of Chairman and of Mr. Eduardo Borges de Andrade for the positions of Vice-Chairman of the Boards of Directors of Light S.A. and of Light S.E.S.A., both with a one (1)-year term of office.. 3.3. 2008 Budget Review. The Board, by unanimous vote, approved and recommended the board members appointed by Light S.A. in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers under the terms presented. 3.4. EBL – Companhia de Eficiência Energética S/A: Bylaws, Shareholders’ Agreement, Appointment of Board Member and Officer. The Board, by unanimous vote, approved the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers, pursuant to ACD No. C-008/2008, to authorize the execution of the Bylaws and Shareholders’ Agreement of EBL, and the appointment of Messrs. José Hilário Farina Portes for Sitting Member, Leonardo Augusto Silva de Morais for Deputy Member and Marco Antônio Donatelli for Officer of EBL. 3.5. Sale of Land at Rua Real Grandeza 410, Botafogo. The Board, by unanimous vote, approved and recommended the board members appointed by Light S.A. in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers, pursuant to ACD No. G-006/2008, for the sale of the real estate located at Rua Real Grandeza 410, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, to the proponent buyer Kreimer Engenharia Ltda. 3.6. Capital Reduction of LIR. The Board, by unanimous vote, approved and recommended the board members appointed by Light S.A. in the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the proposal of the Board of Executive Officers, pursuant to ACD No. F-004/2008, as follows: Allocation of Funds: Light - Serviços de Eletricidade S/A Company whose capital will be reduced: LIR Energy Ltd. Bank: To be defined. Amount: Up to US$45 million Date: Up to April 22, 2008 Justification for the capital reduction: Availability of funds in LIR Energy Ltd., with no utilization perspective, in addition to Light’s cash needs. This is a free English translation of the excerpt of the minutes of the Company’s Board of Directors’ meeting, held on this date. Rio de Janeiro, March 28, 2008. Patricia Veiga Borges Secretary of the meeting
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