annual report 2011 - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
annual report 2011 - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
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C E N T RO D E IN VE S T I GA Ç ÃO M ARI N H A E A MB I EN T A L UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGA RVE A N N UA L RE P O RT 2 0 1 1 0 INDEX G E N E R A L I N F OR M A T I ON HO ST IN S TI TU TI ON S , 4 OB JE CT I VE S & A C HI EV E M EN TS , 4 Unit Description, 4 General Objectives, 5 Main Achievements during the year 2011, 6 ACT I V IT I ES, 7 Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year 2011, 8 Outreach activities during the year 2011, 8 FUN D IN G, 9 G EN E RAL I N D IC ATOR S, 9 RE S E ARCH E RS H IR ED, 9 T EC HN IC AL P E RS ON N EL H IR E D, 9 RE S E ARC H GROUP S STRATEGIC PROJECT AD JUSTMENTS, 10 G RO U P D ES C RI PT IO N: R E S E A RC H OB J E C T I V E I - M A R I N E P RO C E S S E S , 11 RE S E ARCH T E A M, 12 FUN D IN G, SO URC E, DAT ES, 13 Funding, source, dates, 13 OBJ EC T I V ES & AC H I E V E M EN TS, 14 Objectives, 13 Main Achievements, 14 GRO UP P RO D UC T I VI T Y, 15 Publications in peer reviewed journals, 15 Other international publications, 16 International Congress Abstract, 16 Organization of Conferences, 17 Industry contact research, 17 Internationalization, 17 Other national publications, 18 Government/Organization contract research, 18 1 G RO U P D E S C R I P T I O N : R E S E A RC H OB J E C T I V E I I - M A R I N E M O R P H O S E D I M E N TA RY P R O C E S S E S RE S E ARCH T E A M, 20 FUN D IN G, SO URC E, DAT ES, 20 Funding, source, dates, 20 OBJ EC T I V ES & AC H I E V E M EN TS, 21 Objectives, 21 Main Achievements, 22 GRO UP P RO DUC T I VI T Y, Publications in peer reviewed journals, 23 Other international publications, 25 Ph.D. theses completed, 26 Internationalization, 26 Other national publications, 27 G RO U P D E S C R I P T I O N : R E S E A RC H OB J E C T I V E I I I - L A R G E S C A L E GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES RE S E ARCH T E A M, 29 FUN D IN G, SO URC E, DAT ES, 30 Funding, source, dates, 30 OBJ EC T I V ES & AC H I E V E M EN TS, 30 Objectives, 30 Main Achievements, 31 GRO UP P RO DUC T I VI T Y, 33 Publications in peer reviewed journals, 33 Other international publications, 33 Internationalization, 35 Other national publications, 36 G RO U P D E S C R I P T I O N : R E S E A RC H OB J E C T I V E I V - I M PA C T O F E N V I RO N M E N TA L P R O C E S S E S RE S E ARCH T E A M, 39 FUN D IN G, SO URC E, DAT ES, 40 Funding, source, dates, 40 OBJ EC T I V ES & AC H I E V E M EN TS, 40 Objectives, 40 Main Achievements, 39 GRO UP P RO DUC T I VI T Y, 42 Publications in peer reviewed journals, 43 Other international publications, 43 2 Organization of conferences, 45 Industry contract research, 45 Internationalization, 45 Government/Organization contract research, 45 3 G E N E R A L I N F OR M A T I ON Name of Research Unit: (MAR-Algarve-350), Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA) Coordinator: Tomasz Boski Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar H O S T I N S T I T U T I ON S Leading Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENTS Unit Description CIMA continues to be hosted and legally represented by the Universidade do Algarve and operates mostly within the structure of the Faculty of Science and Technology. CIMA can be seen as a long-term multidisciplinary initiative embracing several aspects of the Marine and Environmental science, financed by the Portuguese Science Foundation within the framework of the 2-year strategic project OE/MAR/UI0350/2011. The management of the Centre's current affairs is handled by the general coordinator and the secretary who work in close collaboration with the Coordination Commission, which meets once a month. Coordination involved a multitasking approach, whose most important aspects were: financial administration, laboratory space and common equipment administration, competitions for projects and grants, design of a new web page, organization of scientific and open audience events and the relations of CIMA with the media and society in general . For broader discussions of strategic planning, admission of new members and evaluation of research productivity, 4 quarterly meetings of the Scientific Commission, involving all PhD members, were organized. Internal scientific discussion and information exchange were promoted during 17 CIMA Advanced Seminars that were organized throughout the past year. The CIMA Coordinator represented the Centre in regular meetings of the University Research Council (UAIC), which was created to set the institutional strategy for R&D activities. CIMA’s facilities consist of ca 1100 m2 of laboratory space at the Universidade do Algarve Campus de Gambelas. The facilities of the centre include: toxicology, geochemistry, sedimentology, mineralogy, microbiology, environmental technology and computer laboratories and storage facilities situated in the main Campus in Faro – Gambelas. CIMA owns a remotely operated multisensor buoy in Guadiana Estuary, providing real time physico-chemical characterization of estuarine water which is available through the open web service. A wide range of equipment for field and on-board acquisition of samples and data is available and readily deployable. 4 General Objectives CIMA general objectives are typically set for a 5-6 year period and include 4 key areas : I research , II – advanced training , III - production of digital applications, and IV - expert services. I. RESEARCH Research associated with academic training and capacity building is our principal aim. It is organized around 4 broad Research Objectives (RO’s) briefly described below: 1) MARINE PROCESSES Physical description of the dynamics of coastal waters off Southern Iberia, combined with their chemical characterization, is fundamental to the accurate assessment of primary productivity and transfer phenomena in this study area. CIMA’s approach to these phenomena is based on modelling, analyses and observations, both in situ and remote. 2) MARINE MORPHOSEDIMENTARY PROCESSES The study of Marine Morphosedimentary Processes focuses on identification and quantitative analyses of the processes shaping the forms and/or position of continental shelves and coasts along the S. Iberian margin. For the purpose of ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management), data from various disciplines are brought together in an integrative, model-based approach. As of the next year of activity, this Integrative Research area will be constitute the 5th RO of the Centre 3) INTERPRETATION OF LARGE SCALE GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND THEIR LOCAL RECORD This thematic objective embraces geophysical, geochemical and geological approach to the processes acting within the lithosphere, climatic system and marine sedimentary environment. Our approach is based on modelling and the interpretation of sedimentary records/proxies. The time-scale of the modelled/interpreted processes is very broad. 4) IMPACTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Physical and chemical drivers of natural and anthropogenically induced change have profound effects on the quality of human life. Measurement of the extent of different pressures, their indexation, their effects and remediation are pivotal for assessing these effects. II. ADVANCED TRAINING A hands-on policy in academic training is actively implemented by CIMA. Consequently a substantial part of our research was carried out by young researchers enrolled in several 2nd- and 3rd-level academic level programs, both international and local. The post-doctoral fellow hosting programme at CIMA completes our educational offer, providing assistance to already independent researchers whose interests coincide with CIMA's research objectives. 5 III. PRODUCTION OF DIGITAL APPLICATIONS AND BOOKS AVAILABLE AT NO COST TO A GENERAL AUDIENCE CIMA is committed to delivering the results of published research to a general audience in several forms, including educational applications, decision support tools and web services IV. EXPERT SERVICES It is our policy to offer survey experience, methodological development and quality analyses in the form of expert services, model predictions, field surveys and analytical services to the public and private sectors. This is done via service exchange or on fully financial terms. Main Achievements during the year of 2011 The year 2011 brought further improvement in terms of overall of scientific productivity, with 66 SCI-listed papers and start-up of 8 newly approved R&D projects. Our research was carried out at the European level through the FP7 MICORE project, while the FP6 SPICOSA project was very successfully concluded with the delivery of web-based Storm Early Warning System (EWS) and GUADEX digital decision-support tool. FP7 MARINA project continued and European Space Agency (ESA) Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Sites” was extended. In terms of internationally published articles, CIMA Objective IV (Impacts of Environmental Change) and Objective II (Marine Morphosedimentary Processes) had the highest productivity. More specific achievements are described with the reports of the 4 Research Objectives. Academic research collaboration on an international level was strengthened by launching the International Campus of Excellence in Marine Science (CEIMAR) with the Spanish universities and led by Cadiz University. The collaboration with other Andalusian universities yielded very promising results in ecotoxicology, sea-level change, coastal dynamics and geochemistry. The intensive collaboration with Brazilian universities in Santa Catarina (UFSC), Paraná (UFPR) São Paulo (USP), Ceará (UFC) and Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) was continued. Dr. Alice Newton continued as chairperson of the LOICZ initiative. The ERASMUS MUNDUS, PhD MACOMA program, in which CIMA participates as a core member, recruited the first group of 10 individuals of which 2-3 will carry out their research at CIMA. A new ERASMUS MUNDUS, MSc program, WACOMA – Water and Coastal Management – was approved for the next 4-year period. CIMA’s young researchers performed very well on the international scene. Rita Branco Domingues won the Fluviário de Mora award for young researcher of the year for her publication "Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth in the freshwater tidal zone of a turbid, Mediterranean estuary", published Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Helena Guimarães was distinguished for the best presentation relating a systemic approach to ICZM (Guadiana Estuary) during the International Symposium on ICZM in Arendal, Norway. Collaboration with other R&D centres within the University of the Algarve – CIEO and CIAC – was extended and the 2nd joint research colloquium "Portuguese Southern Margin - Processes and Equilibria" was organized in November 2011 and attended by the majority of CIMA’s members and associates. These 3 Centres launched jointly an independent NGO - "only4search" with the aim of facilitating financial administration of events, consultancy contracts and other activities, which cannot be efficiently handled by the University administration. 6 CIMA acquired an independent server and designed, with its own means, a new CIMA-net, which is now hosting a completely new website and project databases accessible through the ftp channel. Due to the size and complexity these services, designed for the research community and the general public, the system is undergoing re-design and improvements after its launch in December 2011. ACTIVITIES Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of 2011 The year 2011 brought continuation to the successful initiatives which, contributed in previous years to raising the public and scientific profile of the Centre. The following are our research and development highlights in Marine and Coastal Sciences: a) It was realized that in order to be a genuine process and not only a promotional/declarative exercise, the integration of scientific domains must be implemented through a common language for describing the studied objects and processes that is understood by the intervening research groups and stakeholders. High-level system description, through conceptual modelling based on observation, followed by completely formalized process-oriented and behavioural-object oriented modelling, was the approach pursued. This sequential approach was followed explicitly in several of our research projects. The most emblematic examples were EU FP6 "SPICOSA", FP7 "MICORE" and FCT "EVEDUS" projects. b) Fostering a multidisciplinary approach was carried out, as in previous years, through the CIMA Advanced Seminars programme. The seminars were instigated by the Post-doc fellows of CIMA and included presentations by CIMA staff members and visiting scientists. During 2011, 17 sessions were organized, attracting audiences of 20-30 persons and frequently provoking a lively debate. c) CIMA has been active in opening pathways for effective collaboration, by encouraging the interchange of technical know-how and sharing the Centre’s resources, laboratories, library, equipment and secretarial support. CIMA’s successful project proposals all integrate researchers and technicians from at least two of the ROs, promoting interdisciplinary communication. Researchers from various groups make regular use of CIMA’s X-Ray Diffractometer, SIMPATICO multisensory buoy, freeze-drying facility, microscopes, GPS and instruments available through the external consortia agreement, e.g. Ground Penetrating Radar (Oporto University), Lidar Scanner (UFRN – Brasil) and Electron Scanning Microscope (UHU – Spain). d) Three research centres of the Universidade do Algarve – CIMA, CIAC (Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicações) and CIEO (Centro de Investigação Sobre o Espaço e as Organizações) organized, for the second time, in November 2011, a colloquium "Portuguese Southern Margin - Processes and Equilibria", which focused on interdisciplinary approaches to common territorial targets. The colloquium was attended by more than 100 participants and widely publicised in the media. e) Several of CIMA’s projects which started effectively in 2011 actively involve archaeologists and historians, namely researchers from the Nucleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia (UALG) and CEPESE (Centre for the Study of Population, Economy and Society) in Oporto. These initiatives demonstrate that CIMA is keeping pace with current scientific recognition that human activities had a significant environment impact on a much longer time-scale that was previously thought, i.e. throughout millennia before the present. f) The study and application of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) was approached in many ways by the 4 Research Objectives. It has progressively become an activity that best shows the capacity of CIMA’s members to collaborate on a common ground. ICZM found its best 7 expression in the final deliverables 2 EU projects which concluded in 2011: MICORE and SPICOSA. Outreach activities during the year 2011 Our policy of maintaining close links with society and with the educational sector in particular was reinforced during 2011. We made CIMA’s achievements, know how and facilities accessible to a wider audience through several major initiatives: a) CIMA laboratories received, on a regular basis, students from secondary schools for a handson initiation to research. Several fieldwork sessions/open-air classes in the Ria Formosa and around the Miocene cliffs of the Central Algarve were organized in spring and autumn in close collaboration with the teachers. Students from Loulé Secondary School developed a number of experiments and observations within “Sands for Students” and “Biomorfologia” – joint projects with CIMA led by Dr. Delminda Moura. The centre promoted another, V Meeting of Geoscience Teachers in Albufeira. 3 keynote speeches were delivered during this 2-day conference. b) For the sake of better perception of the context and aims of the research activities carried out in the framework of CIMA’s four RO’s – Research Objectives, all groups declared their scientific challenges in form of “emblems”. Each emblem consists of a challenging question, the answers obtained through research and questions that remain to be answered. The 15 emblems were presented in form of posters for the first time, during the Portuguese Sea Symposium in December 2011 at the Universidade do Algarve. Subsequently they were displayed at the Life Science Centre in Tavira and also incorporated into the new CIMA website. The latter was completely re-designed with the new functionalities enabling a fast retrieval of information about four types of CIMA activities and more importantly, about the territorial targets which are studied within our projects. c) Participation in regional events promoting marine and environmental activities. Every year CIMA has a stand at annual fairs like EXPOMAR (Olhão). Leading researchers presented their speeches on a number of topics like Algarve Offshore Hydrocarbon Potential, Regional Coastal Risks, etc. Once more CIMA’s displays were very successful and attracted wide public interest, esspecially the miniature models of physical phenomena and geological features like internal waves, coastal aquifers, luminescent sands, coastal barriers and live microscope identification of microfauna and minerals in marine sediments. d) New versions of multimedia applications for education. GUADID 2.0, CIMA’s educational Macromedia-Flash application designed to support natural science teaching at secondary-school level and ecology teaching at undergraduate level, was expanded by the inclusion of the GUADEX module. Thus, besides its educational function, GUADID became an important support tool for decision-making in the coastal zone of the Guadiana Estuary. The application, which was officially launched during the public Guadiana Forum in June 2010, was further improved in 2011 and includes a new sedimentary dynamics module. 8 FUNDING Units FCT Projects FCT Other (National) Other (International) National Industry International Industry 2007 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2008 209.361,07 191.158,51 16.467,00 431.686,53 2009 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2010 101.818,24 354.151,50 238.363,09 193.341,28 2011 40.259,68 269.954,84 47.054,25 42.570,00 Total 311.179,31 545.310,01 254.830,09 625.027,81 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 87.800,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 87.800,00 0,00 0,00 848.673,11 0,00 975.474,11 0,00 1.824.147,22 G E N E R A L I N D I C A TO R S No. of Researchers Hired (Ciência Programme) No. of Researchers integrated with PhD Training PhDs (PhD thesis completed) 2011 3 33 5 R E S E A RC H E R S H I R E D Name Maria Angela Pereira Serafim Natasa Atanasova Simon Edward Connor Start Date End Date 01-10-2011 01-10-2011 01-11-2011 30-09-2012 30-09-2012 31-10-2012 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL HIRED Name Margarida da Conceição Pereira Ramires Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho 9 Start Date End Date 31-12-2011 31-12-2011 31-12-2012 31-12-2012 R E S E A RC H G RO U P S Reference Title / Principal Investigator RG-Algarve-350-2320 Research Objective I - Marine Processes Alexandra Maria Francisco Cravo RG-Algarve-350-2321 Research Objective II - Marine Morphosedimentary Processes Oscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira RG-Algarve-350-2324 Research objective III - Large Scale Geological Processes Paulo Manuel Carvalho Fernandes RG-Algarve-350-2325 Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes Maria Joao Anunciação Franco Bebianno ST R AT EG I C PROJ E C T A D JU ST M ENT S The scientific productivity of the Centre was superior to that foreseen in the 2011 plan in terms of the principal indicator, which is the number of peer-reviewed international articles. CIMA actually produced 66 papers instead of the 40 that were planned. Several PhD theses were slightly delayed, so, instead of being presented in 2011 (2), they will be presented in 2012. Therefore at the present moment there is no need to change/adapt the execution details of the project. However, delays in the transfer of funds oblige us to adjust the original proposal during 2012. 10 G ROU P D E S C R I P T I ON Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2320) Principal Investigator: Alexandra Maria Francisco Cravo Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve Research Objective I - Marine Processes 11 R E S E A RC H T E A M Equipa de Investigação (Membros Integrados) - Ana Maria Branco Barbosa - Anna Zacharioudaki - Cátia Carina de Almeida Guerra - Cátia Sofa da Conceição Luís - Flavio Augusto Bastos da Cruz Martins - Helena Maria Leitão Demigné Galvão - João Miguel Leitão Janeiro - Joao Vicente Madeira Lopes - John David Icely - José Inácio Jesus Rodrigues - José Luís Almaguer Argaín - José Manuel Quintela de Brito Jacob - Lilian Anne Krug - Luis Manuel Zambujal Chicharo - Maria Filomena Pedragosa Simoes Rita - Mauro Jorge Guerreiro Figueiredo - Miguel Jorge Nascimento de Almeida Fernandes Madureira - Mónica Sofia Soares Rosa - Natasa Atanasova - Rita Isabel de Oliveira Soares Branco Domingues - Sara Isabel Fernandes Cardeira - Sergei Danchenko - Tânia Sofia Coelho Andrade Dias Damião - Telma Cristina Teixeira Valente - Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho Equipa de Investigação (Membros Colaboradores) - Manuel Seixas Afonso Dias - Paulo José Relvas Almeida 12 F U N D I N G , S OU RC E , DA T E S Funding, source, dates (ECOTOX). FCT Ref. PTDC/AAC-AMB/103547/2008. Duration: 3 years, starting date 1 June 2010. Total amount: 199.000,00. PHYTOCLIMA. FCT Ref. PTDC/AAC-CLI/114512/2009. Duration: 3 years, starting date 1 April 2011. Total amount : 134.800,00 PHYTORIA. FCT Ref.: PTDC/MAR/114380/2009. Duration: 3 years, starting date 1 March 2011. Total amount: 136.336 €. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a coastal lagoon. FCT Ref. PTDC/AACCLI/103348/2008. Duration: 3 years, starting date 1 March 2010. Total amount: 199.256 €/ CIMA: 48.644 €. COALA . F.C.T., Ref. PTDC/MAR/114217/2009. (2011-2014) Budget (Total/UALG-CIMA): 103.868€/89.029€ EU FP7-2008-RTD-1 ARGOMARINE) Start date: 01/09/2009. End date: 31/08/2012 (Total/UALG-CIMA): 217.720,00 €. EDWARD - FCT Ref. PTDC/CTE-ATM/122501/2010. Start data March 2012. Total funding of the project: 14000 Eur OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENTS Objectives Within the 3 currently implemented tasks, RO I objectives may be defined as follows: a) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the ocean and atmosphere • To develop different techniques in operational modeling of the ocean and the coastal zone and to integrate those techniques into a completely functional system. • To develop a new method for estimating of friction velocity in the convective boundary layer (CBL) • To explore in detail a drag enhancement mechanism in which the mountain waves are amplified by the presence of an atmospheric Scorer parameter that oscillates with height • To develop techniques that improve the physical modeling of estuaries and coastal lagoons. b) Chemical dynamics in the ocean • To reach the quantitative balance in mass exchanges of nutrients, chlorophyll a and suspended solids across the main inlets of the Ria Formosa 13 • To characterise oceanographic processes in upwelling zones and in particular seatruthing of ocean colour remote-sensing data c) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs • To analyse the effects of climatic and local anthropogenic alterations in planktonic microbial communities, ecosystem functioning and connectivity (Ria Formosa Lagoon and Algarve coast). • To assess phytoplankton variability patterns off South-Western Iberia during a 15-year period (1998-2012) using satellite imagery, to identify relevant environmental drivers underlying phytoplankton variability at different time scales (event-scale, seasonal, and interannual), and biogeochemical sub-regions, and to investigate if phytoplankton variability patterns can be used to predict climate change in the study area. This area shows a high level of mesoscale variability, including open ocean areas, submarine seamounts, and coastal areas influenced by estuarine and coastal lagoon outflow, by the Canary Current upwelling system, and by local weaker upwelling. This spatial heterogeneity will allow the investigation of phytoplankton regulation under different environmental forcings. • To assess the impact of the construction of the Alqueva dam and freshwater water flow on phytoplankton and bacterial dynamics (standing stock, productivity and diversity), in the Guadiana estuary based on long-term data series (1997-2010). • To determine changes in trophic state and eutrophication trends in the Guadiana River using microbial processes (e.g. primary and secondary production, bacterial respiration) as well as other ecological indicators (e.g. chlorophyll, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate material). • To assess the risk of toxic cyanobacterial blooms and associated cyanotoxins (microcystins) in the upper Guadiana estuary within the perspective of freshwater flow management and biodegradation pathways. • To define physical and chemical optima for the reproduction and life of diatoms in estuaries in order to produce sea-level transfer functions. Main Achievements a) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the ocean and atmosphere • A new operational modeling system was developed integrating the simulation of ocean currents, waves and the fate of oil spills, with successive downscales to allow its application in coastal regions. In 2011 the several components of the system were merged and are working together for the first time. Also user friendly tools have been developed to allow the use of the system by accident managers and by the general public. • A new method for the estimation of friction velocity (u*) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) has been developed, based on the Monin Obukhov similarity theory and on the concept of minimum friction velocity in the free convection limit. Comparisons between the theoretical, the numerical and experimental results show a considerable improvement in the behaviour of the theoretical model when friction velocity is calculated using the method proposed. This work was presented at “XIV Congreso Latino-Americano e Ibérico de Meteorologia” and very soon will be submitted to the Bound. Layer Met. Journal. 14 b) Chemical dynamics in the ocean • Multiparametric measurements during full tidal cycles were achieved in Summer 2011 at Faro bridge in Ancão channel and at Faro West and in Autumn at the 3 most import inlets of the Ria Formosa. Several parameters, along with current velocity, were measured every hour. The inlets proved to be very dynamic pathways supplying the coastal area with nutrients. • Validation of the MERIS sensor on the ESA ENVISAT satellite at sites off Sagres: this project has now been extended until the end of 2012. c) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs • During 2011, the marine microbiology group published three papers in international peer-reviewed journals, a book chapter, and presented one oral and three poster communications in international conferences. Additionally, Rita Domingues received the Young Scientist Award by Fluviário de Mora. • A series of new diatom species were discovered in the surfacial sediments of Guadiana Estuary and are currently being described in phylogenetic and molecular terms. G ROU P P ROD U C T I V I T Y Publications in peer review Journals Domingues RB, AB Barbosa, U Sommer, HM Galvão (2011) Ammonium, nitrate and phytoplankton interactions in a freshwater tidal estuarine zone: potential effects of cultural eutrophication. Aquatic Sciences 73: 331-343 (doi: 10.1007/s00027-011-0180-0). Domingues RB, TP Anselmo, AB Barbosa, U Sommer, HM Galvão (2011) Light as a driver of phytoplankton growth and production in the freshwater tidal zone of a turbid estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 91: 526-535 (doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.008). Domingues RB, TP Anselmo, AB Barbosa, U Sommer, HM Galvão (2011) Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in the freshwater tidal zone of a turbid, Mediterranean estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 91: 282-297 (doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.10.033). Weissbach, A., Rudström, A.M., Olofsson, M., Béchemin, C., Icely,J., Newton,A., Tillmann, U., Legrand,C. 2011. Microbial food web interactions in the presence of allelochemicals from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Limnology and Oceanography 56, 899-909. doi: 10.4319/lo.56.3-0899 Brito,A.C., Brotas,W., Caetano,M., Coutinho,T.P., Bordalo,A.A., Icely,J., Neto, J.M., Serôdio,J., Moita,T. 2011. Defining phytoplankton class boundaries in Portuguese transitional waters: An evalutation of the ecological quality status according to the water Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.07.025 Newton, A., Carruthers, T., Icely, J. 2011. The coastal syndromes and hotspots on the coast. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.07.012 Volf, G., Atanasova, N., Kompare, B., Precali, R., and Ožanic, N. 2011. Descriptive and prediction models of phytoplankton in the northern Adriatic, Ecological Modelling, Volume 222, Issue 14, 24 July 2011, Pages 2502-2511. 15 Other international publications Book chapters Galvão, H, M Reis, R Domingues, S Caetano, A Barbosa, S Mesquita, C Costa, C Vilchez, M Ribau-Teixeira, 2011. Ecological tools for the management of cyanobacteria blooms in the Guadiana River watershed, Southwest Iberia. In: Studies on Water Management Issues, Eds.: M. Kumarasamy, InTech Publishers, 159-192 pp. (ISBN 978-953-307-961-5) International congress abstracts Barbosa AB, RB Domingues, CC Guerra, HM Galvão. “Seasonal and interannual dynamics of phytoplankton in a mesotidal coastal lagoon: unravelling the effects of climate change and localhuman influences”, 12th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Rostock, Germany, 28 August – 2 September 2011 (poster). Domingues RB, AB Barbosa, U Sommer, HM Galvão. “Environmental drivers of phytoplankton in a turbid estuary: nutrient vs. light limitation”, 5th European Phycological Congress, Rhodes, Greece, 4-9 September 2011 (poster). Galvão HM, RB Domingues, AB Barbosa, CC Guerra. Ecological tools for the management of cyanobacteria blooms in the Guadiana River watershed, Southwest Iberia. 12th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Rostock–Warnemünde, Germany, 28th August – 2nd September 2011 (oral communication). Guerra CC, RB Domingues, AB Barbosa, HM Galvão. “Effects of temperature, light and nutrients on phytoplankton composition and growth in a mesotidal coastal lagoon”. 12th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Rostock, Germany, 28 August – 2 September 2011 (poster). Janeiro, J., Martins, F., Zacharioudaki, A., 2011, Oil Spill forecasting tools integrated in an early detection and monitoring system for the Tuscany Archipelago. Poster Session presented at European Geosciences Union 2011 Assembly, Vienna 4 - 8 April 2011. Škerjanec, M. and Atanasova N., 2011. Development of knowledge library for integrated watershed modelling. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 03 – 08 April 2011. Vienna, Austria. Geophys. res. abstr. (Online), 2011. 13, Volf, G. Atanasova, N., Kompare, B., Ožanić, N. Modelling Nutrient Loads to Northern Adriatic Sea. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 03 – 08 April 2011. Vienna, Austria. Geophys. res. abstr. (Online), 2011. 13. Čerepnalkoski, D., Taškova, K., Todorovski, L., Atanasova, N., Džeroski, S. Influence of parameter fitting methods on model structure selection in automated modeling of aquatic ecosystems. V: JORDÁN, Ferenc (ur.), SCOTTI, Marco (ur.), LENCIONI, Valeria (ur.). ECEM 2011, 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, 30 May - 2 June 2011, Trento, Italy. Ecological hierarchy from the genes to the biosphere : book of abstracts. Taškova, K., Šilc, J., Atanasova, N., Džeroski, S. Parameter identification in a nonlinear dynamic model of an aquatic ecosystem with a metaheuristic optimization approach. In: JORDÁN, Ferenc (ur.), SCOTTI, Marco (ur.), LENCIONI, Valeria (ur.). ECEM 2011, 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, 30 May - 2 June 2011, Trento, Italy. Ecological hierarchy from the genes to the biosphere : book of abstracts. 16 Skerjanec, M., Gal, G., and Atanasova, N. Studying physical forcing of food web interactions using WEKA software. In: JORDÁN, Ferenc (ur.), SCOTTI, Marco (ur.), LENCIONI, Valeria (ur.). ECEM 2011, 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, 30 May - 2 June 2011, Trento, Italy. Ecological hierarchy from the genes to the biosphere : book of abstracts. Ben-Hamadou, R., Skerjanec, M., Cerepnalkoski, D., Atanasova, N., Leitão, F., Chicharo, M. A., Morales, J., Sempere, F., Kompare, B., Dzeroski, S., Chicharo, L. Spatial integrated modelling for assessing EQS of transitional ecosystems. In: JORDÁN, Ferenc (ur.), SCOTTI, Marco (ur.), LENCIONI, Valeria (ur.). ECEM 2011, 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, 30 May - 2 June 2011, Trento, Italy. Ecological hierarchy from the genes to the biosphere : book of abstracts. Organization of conferences KnowSeas Workshop, IMAR, Sagres, Portugal, 16th-22nd June 2011 (Organised by Icely,J. & Newton,A.) “Final design of methodology and tools for scaling marine ecosystems, assessing past and current trends, and estimating future trends.” University of Ulster, Northern ireland, Marine Science Field School at Sagres, 8th-9th April 2011 (Organized by J. Icely) Industry contract research 2009-onging: European Space Agency (ESA) for Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS- Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Sites” John Icely 2008-Ongoing: Consultant and partner with Finistera Lda on “long-line” aquaculture for bivalves at Sagres. 10 long-lines currently installed with initial production expected in 2012 . 2011 Collaboration with Longline Ltd for development of a model for bivalve aquaculture off Sagres. Internationalization Collaboration with different international partners in the framework of EU funded project “Marine Renewable Integrated Application Platform” (MARINA). Collaboration with Prof Ulli Sommer (Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the ChristianAlbrechts Universität zu Kiel, Germany) in the framework of FCT (Portugal) funded project “Environmental regulation of phytoplankton in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon” (PHYTORIA). Collaboration with Profs Trevor Platt and Shubha Sathyendranath (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdon) in the framework of FCT (Portugal) funded project “Remote sensing of phytoplankton variability patterns off South-Western Iberia: a sentinel for climate change?” (PHYTOCLIMA). Collaborative publication with international partners (Domingues et al 2011a, b, c). 17 Participation in international thematic networks: ICES Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME). Other National Publications Alves, M. , Cravo, A., Jacob, J. (2011). Variabilidade temporal de parâmetros físico-químicos medidos no estuário do Guadiana por uma bóia instrumentada. Conferência sobre Morfologia Estuarina e Costeira, LNEC, Lisboa, 3 e 4 de Fevereiro de 2011 Government/Organization contract research John Icely 2006-Ongoing: Consultant on the management of the stalk barnacle fishery along the Cape Saint Vincent to the Junta de Freguesia de Vila do Bispo and the Associação de Marisqueiros de Vila do Bispo, Algarve, Portugal. 2010 Ongoing: Consultant to Administração de Região Hidrográfico (ARH) on the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive. 18 G RO U P D E S C R I P T I O N Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2321) Principal Investigator: Oscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve Research Objective II - Marine Morphosedimentary Processes 19 R E S E A RC H T E A M Equipa de Investigação (Membros Integrados) - Ana Margarida de Almeida Matias Ana Rita Zarcos Carrasco Anabela Rodrigues Oliveira da Costa André Miguel Duarte Pacheco Carlos Manuel Silva Loureiro Alves Ferreira Erwan GAREL Francisca Manuel Prudêncio Rosa Isabel Maria de Paiva Pinto Mendes João Manuel Alveirinho Dias João Pedro Salvé-Rainha Horta Mara Lúcia Duarte Nunes Margarida da Conceição Pereira Ramires Maria Margarida Tarrio Agreiro Bezerra Oscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira Selma Maria Henriques Gabriel Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho Equipa de Investigação (Membros Colaboradores) Maria Sofia Júdice Gamito Pires F U N D I N G , S OU RC E , DA T E S Funding, source, dates FCT Grants Ana M. A. Matias: Post-doc Carlos M. S. L.A. Ferreira: PhD Francisca M. P. Rosa: PhD Isabel Mendes: Post-doc Mara L. D. Nunes: PhD Selma Gabriel: PhD Funded Projects BARDEX II: 7th FP I (RII3-CT-2006-022441); Start: Nov. 2011; End: July 2013; Budget 345.000 €; 20 OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENT S Objectives a) Shelf sedimentary dynamics Understand the relationship between living benthic foraminiferal species distribution and their related environmental parameters (e.g. water depth, sediment type, river outflow) on the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf. To access the regional impact of climate change, sea-level oscillations and the more recent anthropogenic activities in the Guadiana River basin by determining the Holocene evolution of the Guadiana middle-shelf mud-body in relation to river flow and sediment supply variations. b) Coastal dynamics Develop early-warning systems for storm-induced coastal hazards and to define thresholds for coastal hazards (e.g., overwash, shoreline retreat). To accurately predict overwash occurrence and in-depth knowledge of overwash hydraulics and sediment transport on gravel and sandy barriers. Understand the short- to long-term consequences of engineering works on the behaviour of tidal inlet systems. To understand the morphodynamic evolution of fetch-limited coastal backbarriers and its relationship with the main forcing mechanisms. Quantify the role of shore platforms and sandy beaches on coastal cliff protection and to understand the relationships between beaches and cliffs and the erosive-constructive processes involved. Identify and characterize morphodynamic processes that drive spatial and temporally nonhomogenous morphological response of embayed beaches. To define the tide propagation, energy dissipation, the main circulation and sediment transport patterns in coastal lagoons and estuaries. Understand the role of Spartina maritima and Sarcocornia fruticosa on trace metals retention, and characterize the bacteriobenthos diversity in the surface of different sediment environments in coastal lagoon systems. c) Science and policy integration for ICZM Develop standardized protocols for environmental monitoring at Marine Renewable Energy projects. Determine storminess changes and storm impacts at European level and to contribute to future coastal management improvement by establishing new methodological approaches on coastal management related with storm impacts. Establish a formal framework for systematic description and simulation of coastal natural landscape units in order to create decision-support tools. 21 Main Achievements a) Shelf sedimentary dynamics The distribution of living benthic foraminifera and their relationship with physical and chemical parameters was defined for the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf. The Holocene distribution and evolution of benthic foraminifera assemblages, and of oxygen and carbon isotopes, was determined along the Guadiana middle shelf mud body. b) Coastal dynamics Storminess changes have been analysed at European level and no general tendency for storminess change was found for the last 50 years, based on more than 50 different indicators in 12 different countries. Along the Portuguese southern coast, although a 7-8 year cyclicity was found (alternation of higher and lower energy winters), there was no evidence of storminess change for the last six decades. Storm thresholds for coastal erosion and overwash have been defined for Praia de Faro as well as a generic approach that can be applied elsewhere. The X-Beach model was intensively tested and used to reproduce storm erosion at Praia de Faro. An Early Warning System for storm erosion and overwash was developed, tested and demonstrated at Praia de Faro. A methodological framework to access the long-term stability of single- and multiple-inlet systems was created and successfully applied to the Ria Formosa case study. Factors that can contribute to the equilibrium and stability of multiple inlet systems were defined based on both historical and present-day hydrodynamic data. In order to define overwash threshold condition, Overwash Potential was defined as the difference between the wave run-up and the barrier crest elevation. Following laboratory tests using 12 run-up equations, the best predictor of run-up was identified, based in quantified criteria of accuracy and precision. Wave-energy propagation (increasing or decreasing) along the intertidal shore platform was observed and characterised for different wave conditions. The complex behavior of wave travelling along a shore platform was described as a function of wave energy, direction and tide. The impact of extreme events in the erosion of cliffed coastlines was analysed for both magnitude and frequency, and the enhancement by coastal development was demonstrated, based on high-frequency field monitoring. The morphodynamic evolution of very fetch-limited coastal environments was set for different timescales, ranging from days to decades. A generic framework was developed for flood hazard assessment and management of fetch-limited coastal environments. Numerical models (e.g. SWAN) and statistical techniques (e.g. EOF) were implemented to characterize and explore nearshore wave forcing and morphological response of embayed beaches under energetic and moderate conditions. The conditions for development and enhanced action of megarips in high-energy embayed beaches were defined. The exchanges of sediment (as bed and suspended loads) between the Guadiana Estuary and the ocean were evaluated at tidal to annual time-scales. Hydrodynamic and tidal data from several places within the Ria Formosa have been acquired and analysed to improve knowledge of water circulation in these systems. 22 Spartina maritima and Sarcocornia fruticosa trace-metal retention was studied and characterized, both in space and time. The bacteriobenthic biodiversity in the surface of different sediment environments in Ria Formosa was characterised. c) Science and policy integration for ICZM An inventory of the potential environmental impacts produced by marine renewable energy platforms (wave converters, wind farms, tidal turbines) was produced. Guidelines have been prepared in order to use surface floating-based stations for environmental long-term continuous monitoring of current and water quality in estuaries. Policies to minimize storm impacts on European coastlines have been established as a consequence of the results of the MICORE project. The early-warning system developed includes Coastal Storm Indicators, action measures and monitoring that help in the prevention of coastal damage. Civil protection measurements have also been developed for storm action. The methodology of systemic analysis developed within the SPICOSA project was successfully applied in a new location, Terceira Island in the Azores G ROU P P ROD U C T I V I T Y Publications in peer review Journals Almeida L. P.; Ferreira O.; Pacheco A., 2011. Thresholds for morphological changes on an exposed sandy beach as a function of wave height, EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 36 (4), 523-532. Almeida, L.P., Ferreira, Ó., Taborda, R., 2011. Geoprocessing tool to model beach erosion due to storms: application to Faro beach (Portugal). JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 1830-1834. Almeida L. P.; Ferreira O.; Vousdoukas M. I.; Dodet, G., 2011. Historical variation and trends in storminess along the Portuguese South Coast, NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 11 (9), 2407Baptista P.; Cunha T.; Bernardes C.; Gama, C., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A., 2011. A Precise and Efficient Methodology to Analyse the Shoreline Displacement Rate, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 27 (2), 223-232 Baptista Paulo; Cunha Telmo R.; Matias Ana; Gama Cristina; Bernardes Cristina; Ferreira Óscar, 2011. New land-based method for surveying sandy shores and extracting DEMs: the INSHORE system, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 182 (1-4), 243-257 Bezerra, M., Ferreira, Ó., Pacheco, A., Freitas. M.C., Pires, R., Andrade, C., Taborda, R., 2011. Stages in the evolution of an ephemeral tidal inlet immediately after artificial opening. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 1453-1456. Bezerra Maria M.; Moura Delminda; Ferreira Oscar, Taborda Rui, 2011. Influence of Wave Action and Lithology on Sea Cliff Mass Movements in Central Algarve Coast, Portugal. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 27 (6A), 162-171 23 Carrasco, A.R., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Freire, P., Dias, J.A., 2011. Backbarrier evolution at a medium-term scale. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 175-179. Carrasco A. R.; Ferreira O.; Matias A.; Pacheco, A., Freire, P., 2011. Short-Term Sediment Transport at a Backbarrier Beach, JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 27 (6), 1076-1084 Ciavola Paolo; Ferreira Oscar; Haerens Piet; Van Koningsveld, Mark, 2011. Storm impacts along European coastlines. Part 1: The joint effort of the MICORE and ConHaz Projects, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 14 (7), 912-923 Ciavola Paolo; Ferreira Oscar; Haerens Piet; Van Koningsveld, Mark; Armaroli, Clara, 2011. Storm impacts along European coastlines. Part 2: lessons learned from the MICORE project, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 14 (7), 924-933 Garel, E., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Monitoring estuaries using non-permanent stations: practical aspects and data examples, OCEAN DYNAMICS, 61 (7), 891-902. Garel, E., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Effects of the Alqueva Dam on Sediment Fluxes at the Mouth of the Guadiana Estuary. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI 64, 1505-1509. Gómez-Pujol, L., Jackson, D.W.T., Cooper, J.A.G., Malvarez, G., Navas, F., Loureiro, C., Smyth, T.A., 2011. Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment activation depth on a high-energy mesotidal beach. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI 64, 85-89. Guimarães, M., Sousa C. , Garcia T. , Dentinho T., Boski T., 2011. The value of improved water quality in Guadiana estuary—a transborder application of contingent valuation methodology. LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES, 4, 31-48. Matias, A., Masselink, G., Turner, I.L., Williams, J.J., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Detailed analysis of overwash on a gravel barrier. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 10-14. Moura, D., Gabriel, S., Jacob, J., 2011. Coastal Morphology along the Central Algarve rocky Coast: Driver Mechanisms. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 790-794. Moura D.; Gabriel S.; Ramos-Pereira A.; Neves, M; Trindade, J; Viegas, J; Veiga-Pires, C, Ferreira, O; Matias, A; Jacob, J; Boski, T; Santana, P., 2011. Downwearing rates on shore platforms of different calcareous lithotypes, MARINE GEOLOGY, 286 (1-4), 112-116. Nunes M.; Ferreira O.; Loureiro C.; Baily B., 2011. Beach and cliff retreat induced by storm groups at Forte Novo, Algarve (Portugal). JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 795799. Pacheco A.; Ferreira O.; Williams J. J., 2011. Long-term morphological impacts of the opening of a new inlet on a multiple inlet system, EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, 36 (13), 1726-1735 Pacheco A.; Williams J. J.; Ferreira O.; Garel, E, Reynolds, S., 2011. Applicability of sediment transport models to evaluate medium term evolution of tidal inlet systems. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 95 (1), 119-134 Pires, A.R., Freitas, M.C., Andrade, C., Taborda, R., Ramos, R., Pacheco, A., Ferreira, Ó., Bezerra, M., Cruces, A., 2011. Morphodynamics of an ephemeral tidal inlet during a life cycle (Santo André Lagoon, SW Portugal). JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 1565-1569. 24 Rosa, F.; Dias J. A.; Mendes I.; Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Mid to late Holocene constraints for continental shelf mud deposition in association with river input: the Guadiana Mud Patch (SW Iberia), GEO-MARINE LETTERS , 31 (2), 109-121 Vousdoukas, M.I., Almeida, L.P., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Modelling storm-induced beach morphological change in a meso-tidal, reflective beach using Xbeach. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, SI64, 1916-1920. Vousdoukas M.; Ferreira P.; Almeida L.; Dodet, G; Psaros, F; Andriolo, U; Taborda, R; Silva, AN; Ruano, A; Ferreira, O., 2011. Performance of intertidal topography video monitoring of a meso-tidal reflective beach in South Portugal, OCEAN DYNAMICS, 61 (10), 1521-1540. Zacarias, D. A.; Williams, A. T.; Newton, A.(2011). Recreation carrying capacity estimations to support beach management at Praia de Faro, Portugal. Applied Geography 3, 1075-1081. Other international publications Books and book chapters João Pais, Pedro Cunha, Diamantino Pereira, Paulo Legoinha, Rúben Dias, Delminda Moura, José Carlos Kullberg, António Brum da Silveira, J. A. González-Delgado (2011). The Paleogene and Neogene in Western Iberia (Portugal). A relevant Cenozoic record of the eastern north Atlantic margin, In: J. Pais (Ed.), Springer-Verlag (Publs), 164 p. Gil, F.S. and Guimarães, H. M., 2011. Avaliação de atitudes e valores de agentes de desenvolvimento regional. Metodologia Q. Compêndio de Economia Regional, vol II: Métodos e técnicas de análise regional. . D. T. Silva Costa J, Nijkamp P (Eds.) Coimbra, Principia, II: 643662. Papers in conference proceedings Achab, M., Dias, J.A., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Impact des opérations de rechargement en sables marins sur la dynamique des côtes sableuses du système lagunaire de Ria Formosa (Sud – Portugal). In Bayed A. (ed.). Sandy beaches and coastal zone management – Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Sandy Beaches, Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, série générale, 2011, n°6, 99-100. Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Morphodynamic impact of inlet relocation to The updrift coast: Ancão peninsula (Ria Formosa, Portugal). Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2011. J.D. Rosati, P. Wang, T.M. Roberts (Eds.). World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, vol. 1, 497-504. Fontán, A., Alcántara-Carrió, J., Barranco Ojeda, A., Rey Díaz de Rada, J., Pacheco, A., Montoya, I., Rey Salgado, J. and Peña, M. A. Análisis Morfológico Integrado de las Dunas, Playas y Plataforma Submarina (Maspalomas, Gran Canaria). Actas de las VI Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral, Tarragona 2011. Infantini, L., Moura, D., Bicho, N., 2011. SIG tools on the submerged landscapes study, Baía de Armação de Pêra (Algarve). Conference. Environmental Change and Human Interaction in the Western Atlantic Facade. Coimbra, 28-29. Loureiro, C., Ferreira, Ó., Cooper, J.A.G., Morphological change and morphodynamics at highenergy embayed beaches in southwestern Portugal. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2011. J.D. Rosati, P. Wang, T.M. Roberts (Eds.). World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. Vol. 2, 1375-1389. 25 Moura, D., Gabriel, S., Gomes, A., 2011. Mean sea level vs. coastline. IV Jornadas do Quaternário-1st International Conference. Environmental Change and Human Interaction in the Western Atlantic Facade. Coimbra, 31. Paula, D.,Dias, J.A., Ferreira, Ó., Morais, J.O., Guerra, R., 2011. Impacto de ressacas do mar ao longo do litoral de Fortaleza-Ceará (Brasil). Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia. Paula, D., Dias, J.A., Ferreira, Ó., Almeida, L., Morais, J., 2011. Determinação dos limiares para impactos socioambientais em função das ressacas do mar em Fortaleza-CE, Brasil. COLACMAR. Moreira da Silva, P.N., Duarte, D.N.R., Caetano, M., Vasconcelos, M.T. (2011) Metals Distribution and Availability at Ria Formosa Lagoon. The Role of Halophytes.5thEurolag – European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. Coastal Lagoons in a Changing Environment: Understanding, Evaluating and Responding. University of Aveiro, p152. Moreira da Silva, M., Carvalho, P.N., Chícharo, L., Duarte, D.N.R., Caetano, M., Vasconcelos, M.T. (2011) Priority substances in a SW European coastal lagoon - Ria Formosa, Portugal. Twenty years of temporal evolution of metals and butyltins.5thEurolag – European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. Coastal Lagoons in a Changing Environment: Understanding, Evaluating and Responding. University of Aveiro, p156. Duarte, D.N.R.; Blanton, J.O.; Moreira da Silva, M.; Ferreira, Ó.; Reis, M.P.; Leitão, F.; Neves, P.A.; Fernandes, F.; Santana, P. and Metelo, N.R. (2011) MaréFormosa Project - Tidal propagation and energy dissipation in the Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon system (Portugal).5thEurolag – European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. Coastal Lagoons in a Changing Environment: Understanding, Evaluating and Responding. University of Aveiro, p95. Jose Jacob, A Cravo, J. Luis, DNR Duarte, M. Madureira, F. Rita, M. Rodrigues, A. Fortunato, A. Oliveira, S. Cardeira, M. Rosa. (2011) The COALA Project: nutrients and particulate matter exchanges between Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon and the ocean through a multiple inlet system. 5thEurolag – European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. Coastal Lagoons in a Changing Environment: Understanding, Evaluating and Responding. University of Aveiro, p99. Ph.D. thesis completed André Duarte Pacheco. " Hydrodynamic and Sediment Fluxes through the Inlets of the Ria Formosa", PhD in Marine Sciences (Physical Oceanography), University of Algarve, January 2011. Internationalization The team is closely working with several other European teams, namely trough FP7 research projects, such as MARINA (19 teams from Europe) and MICORE (16 teams from Europe) on the analysis of coastal storm impacts and development of early warning systems. Formal networking : Red CYTED: Desarrollo de metodologías, indicadores ambientales y programas para la evaluación ambiental integral y la restauración de ecosistemas degradados (2010-2013); SPLASHCOS- COST Action TD0902- Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf. European Science Foundation (2009-2012). PhD theses are prepared with increased mobility and inter-university exchange, e.g. with the University of Szczecin (Poland), Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) and Ulster (N. Ireland) for the study of cliff stability and sediment dynamics in pocket beaches. 26 The above links are reflected in the scientific production - one third of the papers in peer review journals being jointly produced with researchers from international institutions. Collaboration with Northern Arizona University, for the purpose of dating by amino acid racemisation. Collaboration was established with the project Barcoding Molecular database of Foraminifera coordinated by University of Geneva, Collaboration with the Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (Spain), in the project Sediment Dynamics of Maspalomas Beach and El Inglés Beach, Gran Canaria (Spain) Collaboration with the University of Plymouth (U.K.), the University of New South Wales (Australia), the University of Ferrara (Italy) in the analysis of overwash data. Collaboration with the Centre for Coastal and Marine Research of the University of Ulster (UK), focused on beach morphodynamics, and extended to detailed field studies on depth of disturbance and 3D airflow over dune blowouts. Collaboration with the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and University of Fortaleza (Brazil) on the analysis of coastal and marine processes and management approaches. Other National Publications Didier, E., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Neves, M.G., Reis, M.T., Pacheco, A. (2011). Desenvolvimento e validação de um modelo smoothed particle hydrodinamics para aplicação a estruturas costeiras. 7as Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, Porto, Portugal. Fortes, C.J., Ferreira, Ó., Silva, P., Sancho, F.,Neves, D., Rocha, M., Moura, T., Pinheiro, L., Capitão, R., Didier, E., Neves, M.G., Okamoto, T., Bezerra, M., Abreu, T. (2011). Rebentação das ondas e o transporte de sedimentos. O projecto BRISA. 7as Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, Porto, Portugal. Loureiro, C., Ferreira, Ó., Cooper, J.A.G., 2011. Variation in morphodynamic behaviour modes of embayed beaches.Abstractsof Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Costeira e Estuarina. LNEC, Lisboa, 3p. (in CD-ROM) 27 G RO U P D E S C R I P T I O N Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2324) Principal Investigator: Paulo Manuel Carvalho Fernandes Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve Research objective III - Large Scale Geological Processes 28 R E S E A RC H T E A M Equipa de Investigação (Membros Integrados) - Ana Isabel de Sousa Horta Dias Gomes Anabela Rodrigues Oliveira da Costa Bruno Miguel Gregório Rodrigues Carlos Alexandre Mendes da Silva de Sousa Cristina Carvalho Veiga-Pires Delminda Maria Jesus Moura Deonilde Sarita Graça Camacho Encarnação Duarte Nuno Ramos Duarte Gilda Maria Rodrigues Lopes Hélder Filipe Trindade Madeira Hélder José Rodrigues Pereira Inês Burnay Alves do Rio Isabel Maria de Paiva Pinto Mendes Jaime Miguel Costa Aníbal João Manuel Alveirinho Dias João Pedro Guerreiro Araújo João Pedro Salvé-Rainha Horta José Inácio Jesus Rodrigues Laura de Fátima da Cruz Pereira Liliana Faia Carvalho Manuela Maria Cavaco Viegas Maria Helena Marques Enes Guimarães Marisa Eugénia Nogueira Borges Nuno André Ramos Simões Patricio Serendero Paulo Jorge Gonçalves Santana Paulo Manuel Carvalho Fernandes Pedro Miguel Gonçalves Lima Cascada Renato Filipe Vidal Santos Ruwan Sampath Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Sandra Domingues Gomes Selma Maria Henriques Gabriel Simon Edward Connor Tomasz Boski Vasco Gonçalo Alves Esteves de Matos Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho Equipa de Investigação (Membros Colaboradores) - Ana Alexandra Guerreiro dos Santos - Cristina Maria Almeida Bernardes - Fung Dia Kin - João Eduardo Brandão de Azevedo Pereira Pinto - Joaquim Manuel Freire Luis - Lopo António Ferreira Trigoso de Sousa e Vasconcelos - Maria da Conceicao Lopes Videira Louro Neves - Pawel Terefenko 29 F U N D I N G , S OU RC E , DA T E S Funding, source, dates PhD Grants Gilda Lopes: FCT Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/48534/2008, Marisa Eugénia Nogueira Borges: FCT Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/40428/2007 Bruno Rodrigues: FCT Ph.D grant SFRH/BD/62213/2009 Ana Isabel de Sousa Horta Dias Gomes, FCT Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/62405/2009 Ruwan Sampath Dissanayake: FCT Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD / 70747 / 2010 Post-Doc grants Isabel Maria de Paiva Mendes: FCT Post-Doc grant SFRH/BPD/72869/2010 Reserch projects Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of the Algarve Basin; PTDC/CTE-GEX/72694/2006, from January 2009 to December 2011t: 75.000,00 €. CIRCO: FCT PTDC/CLI/66393/2006; From June 2008 to November 2011; 155.225,00 €. “NITROLINKS – FCT PTDC/MAR/70247/2006, 2009–2012. 193 099 € "SIPCLIP FCT(PTDC/AAC-CLI/100916/2008), 2010-2013 ~183804 € EU POCTEP – RISE- “GUADHOL2008-2010 110,000 € FCT (PTDC/AAC-CLI/108518/2008) project SWIRL 15-02-2010 – 14-02-2013. 93,494€ FCT PTDC/CLI/68488/2006 project “EVEDUS” - 2008-2011; 154,000 € FCT PTDC/CTE-GIX/112236/2009 project "SIHER" - 2011 -2013: 100,000 € CAPES (Brasil) – FCT bilateral project “AMEFEL” _2010 – 2011. 15,000 € OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENTS Objectives The principal aims of RO III can be divided into 3 associated tasks: a) Sea-level and climate change - Reconstruction of the post-glacial evolution of SW Iberia regional climate, including the forest fire history from the analysis of pollen records in lagoonal/wetland sediments - Reconstruction of the South Western Iberia regional palaeoclimatic conditions from the last 20 to 120 kyrs based on speleothem records from the region’s karst caves - Quantification of pollen production in Mediterranean ecosystems of Southern Portugal. - Comparison of interglacial deposits with modern analogues using palynological techniques. - Definition of a curve for sea-level rise for the S. Iberian continental margin encompassing the last 14000 yrs, as recorded in estuarine sedimentary records, and modelling of the process of sealevel rise. 30 -Definition of a curve for sea-level rise for the Brazilian continental margin, prior to Holocene stabilization, as recorded in estuarine sedimentary records -Development of paleoecological interpretations of the Late Quaternary transitional land-sea sedimentary environments through the parallel study of diatom and foraminifera assemblages - Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental changes in the northern Gulf of Cadiz and northern Alboran Sea, at different temporal scales, resulting from climatic changes, sea-level variations, and anthropogenic impact in the context of the North Atlantic - Investigation of Early Paleozoic global climate changes indicated by the carbon isotope record and palynomorphs - its causes and mechanisms. b) Origins and long-term transformation of organic matter in sedimentary basins - Dinoflagellate cyst studies and palynofacies analysis to characterize palynomorph types present in non-oxidized palynological residues, in order to characterise the palaeoenvironments of both the sedimentary realms and the provenance areas of sedimentary organic matter. - Carbon and oxygen isotope stratigraphy (high resolution δ13C and δ18O values) of undolomitized micrites - Improvement of the Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Iberian Massif in the surroundings of Gondwana by means of acritarchs and other fossil groups - Reconstruction of the burial and exhumation history of the South Portuguese Zone and the Algarve Basin using vitrinite reflectance and low temperature thermochronometers such as Apatite fission tracks and U-Th/He. c) Biogeochemical processes in sediment water exchange and the fate of organic matter - Characterisation of continental groundwater discharge through the coastal sea-bed and their contribution to nutrient fluxes into the Ria Formosa, based on the use of actinides, namely Radium and Radon. Main Achievements a) Sea-level and climate change - Pollen analysis of interglacial deposits in the Santo André area, Alentejo region, showing the presence of deciduous and evergreen woodlands of probable Eemian age (120,000 years). - Production of the first global database of pollen-based palaeoclimate estimates for use in climate modelling. - First quantitative analysis of fossilized microscopic charcoal in Holocene sediments from Portugal, indicating a strong link between fire and vegetation changes. - Enrichment of the University of the Algarve’s pollen reference collection to more than 200 species. 31 - Development of a Holocene vegetation history for the Santo André area, Alentejo region, highlighting the role of sea-level change on coastal vegetation development. - Collection of a full year of pollen monitoring data at monthly resolution from 13 sites in the Algarve and Alentejo regions. - Retrieval of sediment cores from lakes in the Serra da Estrela, Beira Littoral and Setubal Peninsula for use in developing quantitative pollen-climate transfer functions - Conclusion of microfaunal and geochronological description of the deepest borehole (CM6) drilled in the Guadiana Estuary sediments, which places spatial and temporal constraints on the sea-level rise model for the area - First public presentation of sea level reconstruction in NE Brazilian Margin based on Potengo Estuary drillings and multiproxy interpretation of the sediment cores - Quantitative determination of coastal progradation rates in Santa Catarina, S. Brazil, based on dating of podzol sequences developed in coastal barriers. - A regional sea-level curve for the last 14 kyr in Gulf of Cadiz, together with Holocene reconstruction of the Guadiana Shelf and model-based reconstruction of infilling of Guadiana Estuary, were accomplished - Natural and human-induced Holocene paleoenvironmental changes, on the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf were defined and benthic foraminifera were validated as Holocene paleoenvironmental indicators in the continental shelf off the Guadiana River - Several new species of diatoms were discovered in the sediments of the Guadiana Estuary (see also RO I) and will further improve the robustness of sea-level change reconstructions b) Origins and long-term transformation of organic matter in sedimentary basins - First chemostratigraphic curve of δ13Corg from the Silurian rocks of the Ossa Morena Zone in the Barrancos region, showing three main isotopic excursions related to Silurian climatic events (Lau, Mulde and Ireviken), of which one, indicate by δ13Corg, matches the Lundgreni event of graptolites extinction; - The Formation Ribeira located in the Buçaco Syncline was dated by acritarchs as Hirnancian, Upper Ordovician; - Identification of well preserved, reworked palynomorphs, ranging in age from Upper Cambrian to Upper Devonian, in the Mississippian marine sediments of the Toca da Moura Complex in the Ossa Morena Zone. - Assessment of the palaeogeography and palaeooceanography of the Algarve Basin during Middle Jurassic times by dinoflagellate cysts. c) Biogeochemical processes in sediment water exchange and the fate of organic matter - The third year of field campaigns of NITROLINKS project allowed the contribution of submarine groundwater to Ria Formosa’s nutrient fluxes to be substantiated, linking the passage of inorganic nutrients to the food web. 32 G ROU P P ROD U C T I V I T Y Publications in peer review Journals Bartlein, P.J., Harrison, S.P., Brewer, S., Connor, S., Gajewski, K., Harrison-Prentice, T.I., Henderson, A., Peyron, O., Prentice, I.C., Seppa, H., Scholze, M., Shuman, B., Sugita, S., Thompson, R.S., Viau, A., Williams, J., Wu, H. 2011. Pollen-based continental climate reconstructions at 6 and 21 ka: a global synthesis. Climate Dynamics 37: 775-802. Borges, Marisa E. N., Riding, J. B., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z., (2011). The Jurassic (Pliensbachian to Oxfordian) palynology of the Algarve Basin and the Carrapateira outlier, southern Portugal. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 163 (3-4): 190-204. Delgado, J., Barba-Brioso C., Nieto J., M., Boski T., (2011). Speciation and ecological risk of toxic elements in estuarine sediments affected by multiple anthropogenic contributions (Guadiana saltmarshes, SW Iberian Peninsula): I. Surficial sediments. Science of the Total Environment 409, 3666-3679. Dissanayake, Sampath, Boski, Tomasz., Flavio Martins, Carlos Sousa, Francisco Pinheiro Lima Filho, Francisco H. Bezerra, 2011. Forecasting and hindcasting long-term morphological evolution of the estuaries and lagoons in response to the sea-level rise, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 691-695 Gomes, S.D. 2011. Contributions to the European Pollen Database 13: Lake Saloio (Nazaré, western Portugal). Grana, 50: 228-231. Rosa, F., Dias, J.A., Mendes, I., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Continental shelf evolution in association with river inputs: Tracing Holocene environmental changes offshore Guadiana River (SW Iberia). Geo-Marine Letters 31, 109-121. Sampath, D.M.R., Boski , T., Silva P.L., Martins F.A., 2011. Morphological evolution of the lower Guadiana estuary and its intertidal zone in response to the projected sea level rise and sediment supply reduction scenarios. Journal of Quaternary Science 26(2), 156-170. . DOI: 10.1002/jqs.1434. Other international publications Araújo, J., Gomes, S. and Connor, S. 2011. Pollen trapping in thermo-Mediterranean vegetation: preliminary results from Southern Portugal. In: A. Poska, I. Pidek and K. Kihno (eds.) Pollen Monitoring Programme 8th International Meeting (20-22 May 2011) Volume of Abstracts, Tartu University, Tartu, p. 8. Araújo, J., Gomes, S. and Connor, S. 2011. Pollen–vegetation relationships in SW Iberia: preliminary results and implications for Quaternary research. Abstract 3356, Session 42, International Quaternary Association Congress, University of Bern, Switzerland, 21-27 July 2011. Borges, M.; Goodhue, R.; Fernandes, P.; Pereira, Z.; Matos, V.; Rodrigues, B., (2011). δ13Ccarbonate chemostratigraphy of the Carrapateira Outlier (Lower Kimmeridgian), Southern Portugal. Abstracts of Goldschmidt Conference – Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75 (3), p. 554. 33 Borges, M.; Riding, J. B.; Fernandes, P.; Pereira, Z., (2011). Jurassic palynostratigraphy of the Algarve Basin and the Carrapateira Outlier, Southern Portugal. Abstracts of the 44th AASP Meeting, Southampton. Borges, M.; Riding, J. B.; Fernandes, P.; Pereira, Z.; Matos, V., (2011). New palynological data from the Ruivo-1 and Corvina wells, offshore Algarve Basin, Portugal – implications for future hydrocarbon exploration. Abstracts of the 44th AASP Meeting, Southampton. Boski T, Delgado J., Nieto J.M , Perreira, L. Moura, D., Santana, P. (2011). SW Iberia Sea-level Rise and Anthropogenic activities inferred from the postglacial sedimentary infill of Guadiana Estuary. Book of Abstracts The second joint IGCP 588/INQUA 1001 meeting in Bangkok 28th November 2011 3rd December 2011 , p1. Boski T, Angulo, R.., Souza, M.C., , Knicker H.,. Gonzalez Vila, F., J.. (2011). Holocene Progradation rates along the N. Santa Catarina Coast. Book of Abstracts The second joint IGCP 588/INQUA 1001 meeting in Bangkok 28th November 2011 3rd December 2011 , p1. Connor, S., Ross, S., Sobotkova, A. and Iliev, I. 2011. Vegetation of the Thracian Plain before, during and after the adoption of agriculture. Abstract 2780, Session 101, International Quaternary Association Congress, University of Bern, Switzerland, 21-27 July 2011. Connor, S., Sjögren, P. and van der Knaap, W.O. 2011. How can absolute pollen productivity estimates help reconstruct past vegetation? In: A. Poska, I. Pidek and K. Kihno (eds.) Pollen Monitoring Programme 8th International Meeting (20-22 May 2011) Volume of Abstracts, Tartu University, Tartu, p. 10. Connor, S.E. 2011. A Promethean Legacy: Late Quaternary Vegetation History of Southern Georgia, the Caucasus. Peeters Publishers, Louvain. ISBN: 978-90-429-2350-8 Kvavadze, E., Connor, S., van der Knaap, W.O., Chichinadze, M., Martkoplishvili, I. and Mchedlishvili, N. 2011. The big drought of 2010 reflected in pollen-trap material from Lagodekhi, Georgia. In: A. Poska, I. Pidek and K. Kihno (eds.) Pollen Monitoring Programme 8th International Meeting (20-22 May 2011) Volume of Abstracts, Tartu University, Tartu, pp. 36-39. Lopes, G., Fernandes, P., Goodhue, R., Pereira, Z., Piçarra, J. (2011). Preliminary account of the Silurian carbon isotope record (δ13C ) from the Barrancos region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal. Goldschmidt Abstract Book, Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), p. 1355. Lopes, G., Pereira, Z., Fernandes, P., Matos, J., Rosa, D., Oliveira, T. (2011). The geodynamic importance of the Late Cambrian to Late Devonian reworked palynomorphs from the borehole SDJ1, Santa Susana region, Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ), Portugal. Abstracts book do 44th Annual Meeting 2011 of the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. p.22. Lopes, G., Vaz, N., Sequeira, A.J.D., Piçarra, J., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z. (2011). New insights on the palynostratigraphy of the Hirantian of the Rio Ceira section, Buçaco, Portugal. In: Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. & García-Bellido, D. (Eds.), Ordovician of the World, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14, pp.313-319. Mendes, I., Dias, J.A., Schönfeld, J., Ferreira, Ó., Rosa, F., Gonzalez, R., Lobo, F. J., 2011. Holocene paleoenvironmental changes from contrasting depositional systems on the continental shelf off the Guadiana River. XVIII INQUA Congress, Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains, 21-27 July, Bern, Switzerland (Digital). 34 Mentzingen, L., Laut, L., Clemente, I., Silva, F., Laut, V., Boski, T., Gomes, A., Rodrigues, M., (2011). Ostracodes do estuário do rio Guadiana, Sul da Península Ibérica. Edt: Carvalho, I., Srivastava, N., Strohschoen Jr., O., Lana, C., Paleontologia: Cenários de vida, Volume 3, , pp. 325 - 331 Moura, D. Veiga-Pires, C. & Gabriel, S. (2011). Shore platforms as a proxy for sea level changes. EGU 2011 Copernicus Meetings, Bern, Switzerland, ID: 2860. Pereira, Z., Lopes, G., Fernandes, P., Matos, J., Rosa, D., Oliveira, T. (2011). Carboniferous palynostratigraphy of the borehole SDJ1 from the Santa Susana region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal. Abstracts book do 44th Annual Meeting 2011 of the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. p.32. Rocha, C.; Veiga-Pires, C.; Wilson, J.; Aníbal, J.; Monteiro, J-P. & J. Scholten (2011). Ecosystemlevel impact signals of groundwater borne continental nitrate transfer to the Ria Formosa lagoon by Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) traced along the mixing gradient by a multiindicator approach. Goldschmidt 2011 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Mineralogical Magazine 75(3): 1738 p. Rodrigues, B., Chew, D., Fernandes, P. & Jorge, R. C. G. S, 2010. Integrated thermochronology and organic maturation studies in lhe South Portuguese Zone and Algarve Basin (South Portugal). Thermo2010, 10 Intemational Conference on Thermochronology, Glasgow. Rodrigues, B., Dias, P., Jorge, R.C.G.S., Fernandes, P. (2011) Geochemical Signatures in Detrital Tourmalines as Indicators for Sediment Provenance: The Baixo Alentejo Flysch Group, South Portuguese Zone.Goldschmidt2011, Praga, p. 1740. Rosa, F., Dias, J.A., Mendes, I., Ferreira, Ó., 2011. Postglacial palaeoenvironmental evolution and sedimentation in the continental shelf off the Guadiana River (SW Iberia). XVIII INQUA Congress, Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains, 21-27 July, Bern, Switzerland (Digital). Sampath Dissanayake, Boski, Tomasz., Flavio Martins, Carlos Sousa, Francisco Pinheiro Lima Filho, Francisco H. Bezerra, 2011. Forecasting and hindcasting long-term morphological evolution of the estuaries and lagoons in response to the sea-level rise, 11th International Coastal Symposium, Szczecin, Poland, 9-14 May 2011. Veiga-Pires, C., Ghaleb, B., Hélie, J-F, Moura, D., Luis, J. & Hillaire-Marcel, C. (2011). A first Last Glacial Maximum to Younger Dryas stalagmite record from southern Portugal. EGU 2011 Copernicus Meetings, Vienna, Austria, EGU2011-3905. Veiga-Pires, C., Ghaleb, B., Hélie, J-F, Moura, D., Luis, J. & Hillaire-Marcel, C. (2011). A first Last Glacial Maximum stalagmite record from southern Portugal. INQUA 2011, Bern, Switzerland, ID: 2965. Veiga-Pires, Moura, D. & Luis, J. (2011). Detection of speleothem growth bands with an open source geophysical software, 6Th Karst Record Congress, Birmingham, United Kingdom, ID: 75. Internationalization Trinity College Dublin: stable isotope laboratory (Gilda Lopes and Marisa Borges) and the fission track laboratory (Bruno Rodrigues). 35 Bruno Rodrigues: Short-term training at "Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre" (SUERC) with the objective of learning U-Th/He dating techniques in minerals of apatite and zircons. Isabel Mendes established a collaboration protocol with the Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga from the Instituto Español de Oceanografia, to analyze samples from sediment cores collected in north Alboran Sea, with Grant Institute - University of Edinburgh for molecular analyzes of benthic foraminifera from the northern Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf and contributed with Francisca Rosa to the Word Register of Marine Species -World Modern Foraminifera Database. Cristina Veiga-Pires: GEOTOP research center (Canada) and Université du Québec à Rismouski (Canada) through the stalagmite project. Crisrina Veiga-Pires: Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) through the Project on Submarine groudwater discharges. S. Connor and J. Araújo participated in the Tundzha Regional Archaeology Project – TRAP, Bulgaria (directors: Dr Shawn Ross, University of New South Wales, and Prof. Ilia Iliev, Yambol Museum), supported by the Australian Research Council, America for Bulgaria Foundation and the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering. S. Connor collaborated with scientists from the University of Bern, Switzerland, Utah State University, USA, and Lund University, Sweden, on the palaeoecology of the Azores archipelago S. Connor acted as proof reader for the book The History of the Flora and Vegetation of Georgia (South Caucasus) by I. Shatilova, N. Mchedlishvili, L. Rukhadze and E. Kvavadze, Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, 2011. ISBN 978-9941-9105-3-1 S. Connor was appointed to the editorial board of Cave Research, a new journal of speleology T.Boski - collaboration on sea level change with Brazilian Universities of Parana, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte T. Boski - collaboration with a group of Spanish universities in Salamanca, Seville, Huelva and MuseoNacional de Historia Natural on sea level change and geochemistry of coastal sediments. From that collaboration resulted the European PhD Thesis by Joaquín Delgado Rodríguez, ESTUDIO DE LA CONTAMINACIÓN POR METALES PESADOS EN LA CUENCA BAJA DEL RÍO GUADIANA" which was submitted at University of Huelva in 2011 and will be presented in 2012. Other national publications Borges, M.; Goodhue, R.; Fernandes, P.; Pereira, Z.; Matos, V.; Rodrigues, B., (2011). Variação isotópicas δ13Ccarbonatos na sucessão da baía de Três Angras - Afloramento Mesozóico da Carrapateira (Kimeridgiano inferior). Abstracts of the VIII Congresso Ibérico de Geoquímica/ XVII Semana de Geoquímica, Castelo Branco. Araújo, J. and Connor, S. 2011. Holocene fire and vegetation interactions in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). 1st International Conference, Portuguese Association for Quaternary Studies (APEQ), Book of Abstracts, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 9-10 December 2011, p. 23. Lopes, G., Fernandes, P., Goodhue, R., Piçarra, J.M., Pereira, Z. (2011). Resultados preliminares do registo isotópico de carbono orgânico (δ13Corg) do Silúrico da região de Barrancos, Zona de 36 Ossa Morena, Portugal. In: Antunes, I.M.H.R., Almeida, J.P.F., Albuquerque, M.T.D. (Eds.) Livro de Actas VIII Congresso Ibérico de Geoquímica / XVII Semana de Geoquímica. Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Vol. 2, pp. 475-479. Sampath, D.M.R., Boski, T., Silva P.L., Martins F.A., 2011. Decadal time-scale morphological evolution of the Guadiana estuary in response to the updated A1FI sea-level rise projection for the 21st century, Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira - MEC2011, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal, 3-4 February 2011. Gomes, S., Connor, S., Freitas, M.C., Andrade, C., Naughton, F. and Cruces, A. 2011. A análise polínica do Poço do Pinheirinho: um registo interglacial ou interestadial na costa alentejana? 1st International Conference, Portuguese Association for Quaternary Studies (APEQ), Book of Abstracts, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 9-10 December 2011, pp. 21-22. Gomes, A., Boski, T., Moura, D., 2011. Diatomáceas como potencial ferramenta para reconstituições paleoecológicas. Edt: Almeida, A., Bettencourt, A., Rodrigues, S., Alves, M., Moura, D., Alterações Ambientais e Interacção Humana na Fachada Atlântica Ocidental, IV Jornadas do Quaternário, Universidade de Coimbra, p. 32. Moura, D., Gabriel, S., Gomes, A., 2011. Nível médio relativo do mar vs linha de costa. Edt: Almeida, A., Bettencourt, A., Rodrigues, S., Alves, M., Moura, D., Alterações Ambientais e Interacção Humana na Fachada Atlântica Ocidental, IV Jornadas do Quaternário, Universidade de Coimbra, p. 30. 37 GROUP DESCRIPTION Title of Research Group: (RG-Algarve-350-2325) Principal Investigator: Maria João Anunciação Franco Bebianno Main Scientific Domain: Ciências do Mar Group Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes 38 RESEARCH TEAM Equipa de Investigação (Membros Integrados) - Alexandra Maria Francisco Cravo - Alice Newton - Ana Flor Torres Vidal - André Jerónimo Guerra - António Manuel Coelho Oliveira e Sousa - Belisandra Maria Martins Lopes - Brígida Gonçalves Rodrigues - Carla Leocádia de Sousa Sacramento de Freitas - Carla Maria Batista dos Ramos Graça - Catarina Alexandra Guerreiro Pereira - Denise Robina Teixeira Fernandes - Filipa Alexandra Oleiros Esteves Ribeiros - Filomena Maria Coelho Guerra da Fonseca - Luis Miguel Ventura de Almeida Marques - Maria Angela Pereira Serafim - Maria Antónia Afonso Rodrigues - Maria Cristina Pires Costa - Maria Emilia Lima Costa - Maria João Anunciação Franco Bebianno - Maria Margarida dos Prazeres Reis - Maria Margarida Ramos Gonzalez Rey - Natasa Atanasova - Patrícia Alexandra Dias Brito Palma - Paulo Miguel da Costa Zaragoza de Oliveira Pedro - Priscila Raquel Fernandes Costa Goela - Rui Miguel Saraiva Company - Sandra Maria da Cruz Caetano - Sara Isabel Cacheira Raposo - Sónia Cláudia Vitorino Cristina - Tânia Cristina Martins Gomes - Telma Cristina Teixeira Valente - Vera Lúcia de Almeida Maria - Zélia Maria Rodrigues Coelho Equipa de Investigação (Membros Colaboradores) - Inês do Carmo Alves Martins - João Miguel Sequeira Silva Dias F U N D I N G , S OU RC E , DA T E S Funding, source, dates RISE INTEREG – (2009-2011) - 11000€ GENERA FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES – 247559 MARIE CURIE ACTIONS (2010-2012)– 54000€. PORTO NOVO: - Atlantic Area Programme (2010-2012) – 142188€. DEEPFUN – (PTDC/MAR/111749/2009). Total budget: 199.992.00€. NF-NANOPARTICLE – (PTDC/ECM/102244/2008) - 136351€. 39 FISHEST - PTDC/MAR/64982/2006 - FCL (2008-2010), FCT, 185.950€. PORTONOVO - - Atlantic Area (2010-2012) – 142188€. ALFAETÍLICO (Nº 2009/3379 QREN - 2009 – 2012) - 664.491,00 € VIRVITIS PTDC/AGR-ALI/109859/2009): 132.277,00€ LAGOA 52 (2009-2012) –. Private contracts for a total funding of 87800 Euros. CIANOTOOLS (2009 -2011). 5554 euros. ECOCRITERIO, 2007-2013, started in 2011. funding for Portugal was 7.300,00 euros.. ECOTOXTOOLS (2010-2013)-. Funding for CIMA of 102 610euros . (LOICZ) , IGBP-IHDP Programmes (ICSU). Member of LOICZ - ~ 450 000 2006- 2011: SPICOSA6FP/ (F6-2005-GLOBAL-0369922. ~200 000 EUR 2008- ongoing. ESAGRES. ESA-European Space Agency.Partner in the project. ~ 200 000€ 2008- ongoing: 7th FP. WISER -. ~ 3 500 000€. 2009- ongoing: 7th Framework Programme KnowSeas.Partner in the project. ~ 6 500 000€. 2010-ongoing OSPAR-CAMP 20 000€ per annum. 2011- ongoing COMET LA 7th FP. ~3 000 000€ OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENTS Objectives The following tasks are identified in RO IV: a) Evaluation of contaminants in human health Understand the degree of individual prenatal exposures to environmental polluting agents and assess the internal doses of these polluting agents during gestation to birth, in both mothers and newborn babies. This aims to study the effects of metals and organic contaminants in newborn children, whose mothers live in areas with distinct environmental susceptibilities in the Algarve. b) Evaluation of pharmaceutical toxicity Assessment of active pharmaceutical ingredients (ibuprofen, fluoxetine and diclofenac) single and mixture exposures effects in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. Biomarker analyses were performed in mussel tissues to appraise potential oxidative stress, endocrine disruption and induction of neurotoxic effects. c) Effect of nanoparticles Understand the bioavailability, uptake mechanisms, transport and potential toxic effects of copper and silver nanoparticles (NPs) in mussels’ tissues using as end-point biomarkers of oxidative stress, metal exposure and neurotoxicity. Additionally, a proteomic approach was applied to detect new biomarkers for NPs exposure. d) Development of new bioassays for environment monitoring Following the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), two different methodological approaches to the development and use of new bioassays (in vitro systems – fish cell lines) and biomarkers (action mechanisms of AhR and PPARs/RXR agonists) were considered to understand the biological effects of different types of effluents and sources of contamination in aquatic fauna, in order to assess the environmental health of freshwater and estuarine systems. e) Management of water quality in port areas. 40 The explicit recognition of the importance of port activities justifies the definition of a specific approach to fulfil high ecological potential in the port areas of the Atlantic, generating a transnational and multidisciplinary cooperation. Portimão Port in the Arade River was selected as case study and pollutant sources were identified together with the river-borne discharges. f) Multi-biomarker approach to study environmental contamination Environmental quality assessment requires the evaluation of integrated biological effects particularly in environments where complex mixtures of contaminants are present. A multibiomarker approach allows assessing the impact of several environmental stressors and aims to apply a large range of biomarkers to understand the temporal and spatial contamination trends within the local lagoons and estuaries and its potential adverse effects on worms and bivalve species (mussels and clams). g) Resistance of organisms to extreme environments Investigate the genes involved in the resistance of mussels in extreme environments, including the mussels Bathymodillus azoricus from hydrothermal vents and Bathymodiolus boomerang from cold seeps. Moreover, it was aimed to identify and characterize the protein expression and metalloproteins in different tissues of long term experimental acclimatized mussels and investigate the cellular defense mechanisms of the vent mussel and the effect of metal exposure in their innate immune system. h) Environmental biotechnology and engineering The goal is to develop renewable biofuels from and agro-industrial and marine wastes, using engineering tools for optimizing and modelling bioprocesses. For this purpose a pilot plant reactor to scale-up bioethanol production and microalgae biomass accumulation for biodiesel industry have been extensively used and the operational conditions are being designed. Advanced bioreactor technology is in use for mass transfer and rheological studies to improve ethanol, lipid and biomass accumulation. i) Harmful algal blooms and ecological water quality assessment This area includes two types of approaches to the aim of understanding and controlling harmful algal blooms, namely (i) the development of rehabilitation strategies and technologies for artificial coastal lakes and (ii) the use of standard assessment of ecological water quality of freshwater reservoirs in southern Portugal including the assessment of the risks of pesticides and trace metals. j) Eutrophication and Rehabilitation Techniques Effects of climatic and local anthropogenic alterations in planktonic microbial communities, ecosystem functioning and connectivity to socioeconomics are under scrutiny in confined coastal areas. Moreover, we evaluate submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient fluxes into the Ria Formosa, based on the use of Radium and Radon, as well as of stable H and O isotopes. To establish a link between Food Engineering and Marine Sciences through the study of climate influence on seafood quality. 41 Main Achievements The above described tasks produced the following achievements: a) The levels of important non-essential metals with recognized toxicity (Cd and Pb) and essential metals (Cu, Ni, Cr and Zn) were assessed in the umbilical cord blood, maternal blood and placenta of mothers living in southern Portugal. Biomarkers MT and LPO were positively correlated to metal levels, while with ALAD the opposite occurred, showing the selected battery of biomarkers are suitable to study the effects in mothers and newborns, and the transference of metals via the placenta. b) A dozen pharmaceuticals were detected in Arade River water, including NSAIDs and antidepressants. The toxicity of pharmaceuticals in mussels was established, through the antioxidant system breakdown and lipid peroxidation. Pharmaceuticals selectively induce impairments/alterations of mussels’ reproductive fitness. The cDNA microarray (1.7K) was applied for the first time in M. galloprovincialis exposed to a relevant concentration of ibuprofen. Differently expressed genes were identified, mostly for immunoglobulin, myosin, glycoproteins, peptidases, transcription factors and antibacterial enzymes c) Exposure of mussels to nanocopper and nanosilver resulted in oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the gills and digestive gland and DNA damage in haemolymph cells. These findings reinforce the idea that nanoparticles have adverse effects in filter-feeding species. The Protein Expression Signatures can be used in the future as specific biomarkers of copper and silver exposure, after identification and validation. d) Optimization of different in-vitro bioassay protocols by assessing the environmental health of the studied estuarine sediments. About 50% of the sediment extracts indicated cytotoxicity at 60mgEQSed/ml (maximum concentration achieved with extraction procedures). The harbour/marina areas indicated significant induction of CYP1A (biomarker for dioxins). e) Sediments in the Portimão harbour revealed high metal and organic contaminant levels. Index of biological responses in organisms (such as IBR) confirmed this. Upstream of the harbour a significant impact of nutrients, phaeopigments and some abiotic parameters, reflected sewage discharge and oxidative stress. About 20 compounds characteristic of pesticides, including antifoulants, were detected in water. About a dozen pharmaceuticals were also detected. f) DNA damage as a biomarker of genotoxic contamination and ALP as a biomarker of endocrine disruption was successfully assessed in M. galloprovincialis, clams R. decussatus and Scrobicularia plana and the worm Nereis diversicolor. Mebalomic approach was developed to identify metal binding in the clam, S. plana g) Preliminary tests on B. azoricus and B. boomerang show that expression of antioxidant genes are significantly different among the different hydrothermal vent sites or cold seep sites. Electrophoresis and zymography techniques were tested and adapted for the hemolymph serum of hydrothermal mussels. The hemolymph was proven to have proteolytic activity, and samples of this tissue were prepared for proteomic studies. h) High ethanol yields, from carob wastes was achieved in batch and fed-batch modes, using a robust autochthonous yeast strain isolated by our group. A favourable economical setting for ethanol biorefinery has been designed in terms of carbon, nitrogen raw-materials and energy consumption for sugar extraction mild process. Oleaginous yeasts and microalgae culture conditions were set for biodiesel synthesis. The finding relating oxygen mass transfer to broth rheological characteristics led to improved efficiency and production. 42 i) The ecological indicators adopted by EU for classification of the ecological status of freshwater reservoirs in Southern Europe was critically reviewed in Studies on Water Management. It was proved that regional freshwater reservoirs are dominated by cyanobacteria, in spite of evident oligotrophy. New water management strategies are being tested as a result of this project. Assessment of the Alqueva Reservoir’s water quality, based on chemical and ecological parameters, as well as ecotoxicological acute and chronic endpoints. j) A novel LC/MS-based protocol was implemented to identify and quantify specific microcystins in cyanobacteria cultures. Specific antibodies were developed for identification of two grapevine viruses under mandatory quarantine in the EU. Host plants were identified for genomic analysis. k) Assessment of seasonality on the nutritional quality of bivalves for human consumption, and evaluation of temperature changes and packaging on fish spoilage was successfully accomplished. G ROU P P ROD U C T I V I T Y Publications in peer review Journals Almeida, C., Pereira, C., Gomes, T., Bebianno, M.J., Cravo, A. 2011. DNA Damage as a biomarker of genotoxic contamination in Mytilus galloprovincialis from the South coast of Portugal. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 2559-2567 Aníbal, J.; Esteves, E. & C. Rocha (2011). Seasonal variations in gross biochemical composition, percentage edibility, and condition index of the clam Ruditapes decussatus cultivated in Ria Formosa (South Portugal). Journal of Shellfish Research 30(1): 17-23 Brito, A.C.; Newton, A.; Fernandes, T.F., Tett, P.The role of microphytobenthos on shallow coastal lagoons: A modeling approach. Biogeochemistry. OI information: 10.1007/s10533-0109539-x Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Farres, R.; Rieradevall, M.; Newton, A. Characterization of four Mediterranean coastal lagoons subjected to intense human activity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2 Colaço, A., Bettencourt, R., Costa, V., Lino, S., Lopes, H., Martins, I., Pires, L., Prieto, P., Serrão Santos, R. 2011.LabHorta: A controlled aquarium system for monitoring physiological characteristics of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. ICES Journal of Marine Science Company, R., Antúnez, O., Bebianno, M.J., Cajaraville, M.P., Torreblanca, A. 2011. 2-D difference gel electrophoresis approach to assess protein expression profiles in Bathymodiolus azoricus from Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. Journal of Proteomics, 74(12): 2909-2919. Company, R., Serafim, A., Lopes, B., Cravo, A., Kalman, J., Riba, I., DelValls, T.A., Blasco, J., Delgado, J., Sarmiento, A.M., Nieto, J.M., Shepherd, T.J., Nowell, M.J. &Bebianno, M.J. 2011. Source and impact of lead contamination on δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in several marine bivalve species along the Gulf of Cadiz.Aquatic Toxicology, 101(1): 146-154. Cravo, A., Pereira, C, Gomes, T., Cardoso, C., Serafim, A., Almeida, T., Rocha, B., Lopes, B., Company, R., Medeiros, R., Norberto, R., Pereira, R., Araújo, O., Bebianno, M.J. A 43 multibiomarker approach in the clam Ruditapes decussatus to assess the impact of pollution in the Ria Formosa lagoon, South Coast of Portugal. Marine Environmental Research. (In press) Fernandes, D., Loi, B., Porte, C. 2011. Biosynthesis and metabolism of steroids in molluscs.Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 127, 189-195. Fernandes, D., Schnell, S., Porte, C. 2011.Can pharmaceuticals interfere with the synthesis of active androgens in male fish? An in-vitro study. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62, 2250-2253. Fonseca, V.F., França, S., Serafim, A., Company, R., Lopes, B., Bebianno, M.J. & Cabral., H.N. 2011. Multi-biomarker responses to estuarine habitat contamination in three fish species: Dicentrarchus labrax, Solea senegalensis and Pomatos chistusmicrops. AquaticToxicology, 102(34): 216-227. (doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2011.01.018) (Impact Factor: 3.333; Citations: 2). Fonseca, V.F., França, S., Vasconcelos, R.P., Serafim, A., Lopes, B., Company, R., Bebianno, M.J., Cabral, H.N. 2011. Short-term variability of multiple biomarker response in fish from estuaries: Influence of environmental dynamics. Marine Environmental Research, 72(4): 172-178. Gomes, T., Pinheiro, J.P., Cancio, I., Pereira, C.G., Cardoso, C., Bebianno, M.J. 2011. Effects of copper nanoparticles exposure in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Environmental Science and Technology. 45, 9356–9362. Gonzalez-Rey, M., Bebianno, M.J. 2011. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen distresses antioxidant defense system in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis gills. Aquatic toxicology Gonzalez-Rey, M., Bebianno, M.J. 2011. Does non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) ibuprofen induce antioxidant stress and endocrine disruption in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis? Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (in Press) (doi:10.1016/j.etap.2011.12.017) (Impact Factor: 1.378; Citations: 0). Gonzalez-Rey, M., Lau, T. C., Gomes, T., Maria, V. L., Bebianno, M. J., Wu, R. 2011. Comparison of metal accumulation between 'artificial mussel' and natural mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in marine environments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5-12), 149-153. Lima-Costa, M.E., Tavares, C., Raposo, S., Rodrigues, B., Peinado, J. (2011). Kinetics of sugars consumption and ethanol inhibition in carob pulp fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in batch and fed-batch cultures. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology Lopes, B., Ferreira, A.M., Bebianno, M.J. 2011. Responses of CYP450 dependent system to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons body burden in transplanted mussels from South coast of Portugal. Ecotoxicology, 1-20. Maria, V. L., Bebianno, M. J. 2011. Antioxidant and lipid peroxidation responses in Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to mixtures of benzo(a)pyrene and copper. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology, 154(1), 56-63. Martins, I., Bettencourt, R., Colaço, A., Sarradin, P.-M., Santos, R.S., Cosson, R. 2011.The influence of nutritional conditions on metal uptake by the mixotrophic dual symbiosis harboring vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus .Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology Martins, I., Cosson, R.P., Riou, V., Sarradin, P.M., Sarrazin, J., Santos, R.S., Colaço, A. 2011 Relationship between metal levels in the vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus and local microhabitat chemical characteristics of Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike). Deep-Sea Research, 58, 306315. 44 Palma, P., Barbosa, I.R. (2011). Embryo-toxic effects of atrazine environmental concentrations on the crustacean Daphnia magna. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 1:12. Sekovski, I.; Newton, A.; Dennison, W.C. Megacities in the coastal zone: Using a driver-pressurestate-impact-response framework to address complex environmental problems. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.07.011. Serafim, A., Company, R., Lopes, B., Fonseca, V.F., França, S., Vasconcelos, R.P., Bebianno, M.J., Cabral, H.N., 2011. Application of an integrated biomarker response index (IBR) to assess seasonal variations of environmental quality in two aquatic systems. Ecological Indicators.(In press) (doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.08.009) Serafim, M.A., Lopes, B., Company, R., Cravo, A., Gomes, T., Sousa, V., Bebianno, M.J. 2011. A multi-biomarker approach in cross-transplanted mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ecotoxicology, 20(8): 1959-1974. Other international publications Books and book chapters Aníbal, J. & R. Cruz (2011). Enzymes (Part I: Fruits and Vegetables). In: Cruz, R. (ed.) Practical Food and Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 51-65. Aníbal, J. & R. Cruz (2011). Enzymes (Part II: Meat and Fish). In: Cruz, R. (ed.) Practical Food and Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp. 181-193. Atanasova N., Kompare B. 2011. Data Mining and EDSS. In: Environmental Decision Support Systems: A Tool for Wastewater Management in the XXI Century, Editors: M. Garrido and M. Poch. ISBN: 978-84-8458-360-8. Ben-Hamadou, R., Atanasova, N., Wolanski, E. 2012. Ecohydrology Modelling: Tools for Management. Vol. 10: Ecohydrology and restoration, Ed. Chicharo, L. and Zalewski, M. In: Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Editors: Wolanski, E., McLusky, D. Roose, P; Albaiges, J; Bebianno, M. J.; Camphuysen, K.; Cronin, M.; de Leeuw, J.; Gabrielsen, G. W.;Huchinson, T.; Hylland, K.; Jansson, B.; Jenssen, M. B.; Schulz-Bull, D.; Szefer, P.; Webster, L.;Bakke, T.; Janssen, C. Chemical Pollution in Europe s Seas: Programmes, Practices and Priorities for Research Marine Board Position Paper. 16. ed. Ostend, Belgium: Calewaert, J.B. and McDonough N. (Eds.). Marine Board, ESF, 2011.108 p. St-Onge, G., Veiga-Pires, C, Solignac S. Ocean and climate changes in polar and sub-polar environments: proceedings from the 2010 IODP-Canada/ECORD summer school (2011) IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 14 011001. Organization of conferences Sixteenth International Symposium Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 16). Universidade da California. Long Beach. M. J. Bebianno (Scientific Committee). 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Arendal, Norway, 2011. A Newton (Science Steering Committee) 45 5th EuroLag – European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 25-30th July 2011. A Newton (Science Steering Committee, ) LOICZ - Land-Ocean Interactions the Coastal Zone Open Science Conference Yantai, China, 2011. A Newton (Chairperson of the conference, Session co-convener: B5 Eutrophication, Hypoxia and Algal Blooms) Industry contract research Project ALFAETÌLICO 3397 -“Technical and economical evaluation of bioethanol production, using agri-food residuals as carbon source”. Project developed for implementation of an Industrial Bioethanol Biorefinery in a partnership with Carob Industries from Algarve (AGRUPA Association) Financial support Program QREN. (M.E. Costa, Sara Raposo) Cooperation with Nestlé (Portugal) through the supervision of a Master Thesis that optimized their wastewater treatment plant in the Azores Islands, and created a management job for the student. Cooperation with golf managers in assessing remediation measures for eutrophication problems in lakes Team leader of lake reconstruction and rehabilitation project in Lagos, already screened and approved by local and central government entities such as Câmara Municipal de Lagos, Instituto Portuário e dos Transportes Marítimos (IPTM) Refer, Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Algarve (ARH Algarve), as well as by the private contractors SDTL and Rockbuilding. Collaboration with 3 SME’s, Sagremarisco, Finnisterra and Longline (A. Newton) Internationalization Bebianno M.J. was invited lecturer in the PRIMO’s Next – Advanced Student’s Workshop on the Fundamentals of Science, Environment and Health 20th to 30th October, Búzios, Brazil Bebianno, was invited lecturer in the 5th International Post- graduate Course entitled "Research in M. J. Marine Environment and Resources (RiMER11) (4.5 ECTS) - Master of Science in Marine Environment and Resources organized by MER Consortium Universities of Bordeaux, Southampton and Basque Country Fonseca F. and Reis, M.P. has an ongoing collaboration with Dr. Carlos Vilchez (International Centre for Environmental Research (CIECEM), University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain), on the physiological characterization of photosynthetic eukaryotes isolated from AMD extreme acidic environments, and biochemical identification of metabolites of biotechnological interest. Fonseca F. has an ongoing collaboration with Dr. Navas-Castillo (Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterránea La Mayora (IHSM-UMA-CSIC), Málaga, Spain) member of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) and consultant to the PDC/AGRALI/109859/2009 research project. A. Newton is the current chairperson of LOICZ, working with projects and networks such as the IGBP and IHDP. 46 A. Newton was awarded 3 fellowships in 2011, an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to China, a SCOR (Science Council for Ocean Research) scholarship and the prestigious Advanced Studies Institute Fellowship from the University of Bologna. A. Newton coordinated a LOICZ conference in China, the funding of the WACOMA Erasmus Mundus Masters Course, the COMET LA research project and several other smaller projects. M. E. Lima-Costa collaborates also with Dr Rosa León-Bañares of the Laboratory of Microalgal Biotechnology (LMB) of University of Huelva (UHU) and Laboratory of Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology for studies on biodiesel production from marine resources. M E. Lima-Costa has intensive collaboration with Prof José Peinado from the Microbiology Department, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. An 8-month long-term project was developed together for modeling kinetic bioethanol production. M.P. Reis has an ongoing strong cooperation with Prof. Rachel Noble of the Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of North Carolina (USA) in the isolation and characterization of cyanophages from environmental samples and their characterization. Government/Organization contract research KLIF- Norwegian Environment Agency consultant for the North Sea management plan. (A. Newton) OSPAR commission Principal Investigator for the Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme (A. Newton) Chemical Pollution in Europe’s Seas: Programmes, Practices and Priorities for Research. Marine Board Position Paper by Roose, P; Albaiges, J; Bebianno, M. J.; Camphuysen, K.; Cronin, M.; de Leeuw, J.; Gabrielsen, G. W.;Huchinson, T.; Hylland, K.; Jansson, B.; Jenssen, M. B.; SchulzBull, D.; Szefer, P.; Webster, L.;Bakke, T.; Janssen, C. . 16. ed. Ostend, Belgium: Calewaert, J.B. and McDonough N. (Eds.). Marine Board-ESF, 2011. 108 pp. 47 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental / Centre for Marine and Environmental Research - CIMA FCT, Edifício 7, Piso 1, UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE, Campus Universitário de Gambelas, 8005-139 FARO Tel. 351 289 800 900, ext. 7766, Fax: 351 289 800 069,;, [email protected]; 48
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