curriculum vitæ - CISUC - Universidade de Coimbra


curriculum vitæ - CISUC - Universidade de Coimbra
Rui Pedro Pinto de Carvalho e Paiva
Coimbra, February 2013
Short Bio
Rui Pedro Paiva (born 1973) is Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the
University of Coimbra.
He concluded his PhD, MSc and BSc (Licenciatura - 5 years), all in Informatics
Engineering at the University of Coimbra, in 2007, 1999 and 1996, respectively.
Rui Pedro is a member of the Cognitive and Media Systems and Adaptive Computation research
groups at the the Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC). His
main research interests are in the areas of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Medical
Informatics. The common research "hat" is the study of signal processing, pattern recognition and
machine learning techniques applied to bio and musical signals. He has coordinated and
participated in several projects in the above fields. Rui Pedro publishes actively in the main
conferences and journals in his areas of research, with a research record of over 50 papers and 320
citations in refereed international journals and conferences.
In 2004, his algorithm for melody detection in polyphonic audio won the
ISMIR'2004 Audio Description Contest - melody extraction track, the 1st worldwide contest
devoted to MIR methods.
More recently, in October 2012, Rui Pedro and his PhD student Renato Panda developed
an algorithm that performed best in the MIREX 2012 Audio Train/Test: Mood Classification
1. Personal Data
Surnames / First Names
Pinto de Carvalho e Paiva / Rui Pedro
Birth Year and Place
1973, Luanda, Angola
Professor Auxiliar (Assistant Professor) at the
Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI), Faculty of
Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra,
Official Address
Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI)
Universidade de Coimbra
Pólo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030 - 290 COIMBRA
Phone Number
+351 - 239 790 000
+351 - 239 701 266
E-mail Address
[email protected]
Official Website
2. Education
PhD in Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra.
Thesis title: “Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio”.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Maria Teresa Soares Mendes and
Prof. Dr. Fernando Amílcar Bandeira Cardoso
Grade: Aprovado com Distinção e Louvor por Unanimidade (suma cum laude)
Master in Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra.
Thesis title: “Identificação Neuro-Difusa: Aspectos de Interpretabilidade”
(Neuro-Fuzzy Identification: Interpretability Issues). In Portuguese.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. António Dourado Pereira Correia
Grade: Very Good
Graduation in Informatics Engineering (Licenciatura, 5 years),
University of Coimbra.
Thesis title: “Modelling and Control of an Electric Arc Furnace”.
Place: Department of Automatic Control, University of Lund, Sweden.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Karl-Erik Årzén and Prof. Dr. Mikael Johansson.
Thesis grade: 18 (on a 0-20 scale).
Average graduation grade: 18.
High School (10th to 12th grade), Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero, Coimbra.
Average 12th year grade: 19 (on a 0-20 scale).
Average 10th-11th years grade: 17.
3. Research
Brief Summary
Member of CISUC (Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra) since 1997.
Current Research
1. Music Technology: Emotion-Based Audio Analysis, Automatic Music
Classification, Melody
Detection in Polyphonic Audio, Music
Information Retrieval
2. Clinical Informatics: Analysis of Heart Sound Signals, Heart Sound
Classification, Clinical Informatics Signal Processing
3. Machine learning, data mining and applications to music technology
and clinical informatics
Past Research
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, System Modelling and Identification
(until 2000)
3.1. Publications
Paiva R. P. (2007). “Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio”. PhD Thesis, Department of
Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal, February 2007.
Paiva R. P. (1999). “Identificação Neuro-Difusa: Aspectos de Interpretabilidade” (Neuro-Fuzzy
Identification: Interpretability Issues). MSc Thesis, Department of Informatics
Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal (in Portuguese), November 1999.
Paiva R. P. (1996). “Modelling and Control of an Electric Arc Furnace”. MSc Thesis,
Department of Automatic Control, University of Lund, Sweden, June 1996.
Paiva R. P. (2009). “Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio: From Pitch Extraction to Note
Identification”. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3838319704.
International Journal Papers
1. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2013). “Music Emotion Recognition: A Categorical Study”,
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (submitted).
2. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2013). “Dimensional-based Music Emotion Recognition: a
Methotodology and a Tool”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools
3. Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Henriques J., Muehlsteff J., Quintal I. & Antunes M. (2012).
“Bias reduction in impedance cardiogram characteristic points identification with respect to
echocardiography”. Physiological Measurement (submitted), IOP Science.
1. Paiva R. P., Carvalho P., Couceiro R., Henriques J., Antunes M., Quintal I. & Muehlsteff
J. (2012). “Beat-to-Beat Systolic Time-Interval Measurement from Heart Sounds and ECG”.
Physiological Measurement , Vol. 33, pp. 177-194, IOP Science.
2. Kumar D., Carvalho P., Antunes M., Paiva R. P. & Henriques J. (2011). “Noise Detection
during Heart Sound Recording using Periodicity Signatures”. Physiological Measurement, Vol.
32, pp. 599-618, IOP Science.
3. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2008). “From Pitches to Notes: Creation and
Segmentation of Pitch Tracks for Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio”. Journal of New Music
Research, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp 185-205, Taylor and Francis.
4. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2006). “Melody Detection in Polyphonic Musical
Signals: Exploiting Perceptual Rules, Note Salience and Melodic Smoothness”. Computer Music
Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 80-98, MIT Press.
5. Paiva R. P., Dourado A. & Duarte B. (2004). “Quality Prediction in Industrial Processes:
Application of a Neuro-Fuzzy System”. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 12 (5), pp. 587594, Elsevier.
6. Paiva R. P. & Dourado A. (2004). “Interpretability and Learning in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems”.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 147 (1), pp. 17-38, Elsevier.
7. Paiva R. P. & Dourado A. (2001). “Structure and Parameter Learning of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems:
A Methodology and a Comparative Study”. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 11
(3,4), pp. 147-161, IOS Press.
National Journal Papers
1. Malheiro R., Paiva R. P., Mendes A. J., Mendes T. e Cardoso A. (2004). “Sistemas de
Classificação Musical com Redes Neuronais”. Gestão e Desenvolvimento, Vol. 12, pp. 167195, Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
International Conference Papers
1. Couceiro R., Carvalho P, Paiva R. P., Muehlsteff J., Henriques J., Schulze V., Ritz A., Kelm
M. & Meyer C. (2012). “Characterization of Surrogate Parameters for Blood Pressure
Regulation in Neurally-Mediated Syncope”. 35th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society – EMBC’2013, Osaka, Japan (submitted).
1. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2013). “Emotion Tracking in Audio Music: Dataset Acquisition
and Classification Study”. 3rd International Conference on Music and Emotion –
ICME’2012, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 11-15, 2013 (accepted for presentation).
2. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2012). “Music Emotion Classification: Dataset Acquisition and
Comparative Analysis”. 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects – DAFx’12,
York, UK.
3. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2012). “Music Emotion Classification: Analysis of a Classifier Ensemble
Approach”. 5th International Workshop on Music and Machine Learning – MML’2012 –
in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Machine Learning –
ICML’2012, Edinburgh, UK.
4. Couceiro R., Carvalho P, Paiva R. P., Henriques J. & Muehlsteff J. (2012). “Detection of
motion artifacts in photoplethysmographic signals based on time and period domain
analysis”. 34th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society –
EMBC’2012, San Diego, USA.
5. Couceiro R., Carvalho P, Paiva R. P., Henriques J., Antunes M., Quintal I. & Muehlsteff J.
(2012). “Multi-Gaussian fitting for the assessment of left ventricular ejection time from the
Photoplethysmogram”. 34th Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society – EMBC’2012, San Diego, USA.
6. Couceiro R., Carvalho P, Paiva R. P., Henriques J., Antunes M., Quintal I. & Muehlsteff J.
(2011). “Beat-to-beat Cardiac Output inference using heart sounds”. Int. Conf. of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society – EMBC’2011, Boston, USA.
7. Ramos J. P., Carvalho P, Paiva R. P. & Henriques J. (2011). “Modulation Filtering for Noise
Detection in Heart Sound Signals”. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society – EMBC’2011, Boston, USA.
8. Muehlsteff J., Carvalho P, Paiva R. P. & Reiter H. (2011). “Cardiac Status Assessment with a
multi-signal sensing device for improved Home-based Congestive Heart Failure Management”. Int.
Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society – EMBC’2011, Boston,
9. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2011). “Automatic Creation of Mood Playlists in the Thayer Plane: a
Methodology and a Comparative Study”. 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference –
SMC’2011, Padova, Italy.
10. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2011). “Using Support Vector Machines for Automatic Mood Tracking
in Audio Music”. Proceedings of the 130th Audio Engineering Society Convention – AES
130, London, UK.
11. Kumar D., Carvalho P., Antunes M., Paiva R. P. & Henriques J. (2011). “An Adaptive
Approach to Abnormal Heart Sound Segmentation”. Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing – ICASSP’2011, Prague, Czech
12. Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Henriques J., Antunes M., Quintal I. & Muehlsteff J. (2011).
“Robust Characteristic Points for ICG: Definition and Comparative Analysis”. Proceedings of the
International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies –
BIOSTEC’2011, Rome, Italy.
13. Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Kumar D., Ramos J., Santos S. & Henriques J. (2011). “A
Framework for Acoustic Cardiac Signal Analysis”. Proceedings of the International Joint
Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies – BIOSTEC’2011,
Rome, Italy.
14. Ramos J. P., Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Vale L. & Henriques J. (2011). “Intelligent
Phonocardiogram Analysis and Representation Tool”. Proceedings of the International Joint
Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies – BIOSTEC’2011,
Rome, Italy.
15. Santos S., Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Henriques J. (2011). “Detection of the S2 split using the
Hilbert and Wavelet transforms”. Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia – CMNE
2011, Coimbra, Portugal (Iberic congress).
16. Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Couceiro R., Henriques J., M. Antunes, Quintal I. & Muehlsteff
J., (2010). “Comparison of Systolic Time Interval Measurement Modalities for Portable
Devices”. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society –EMBC’2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
17. Kumar D., Carvalho P., Couceiro R., Antunes M., Paiva R. P. & Henriques J. (2010).
“Heart Murmur Classification with Feature Selection”. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society – EMBC’2010, Buenos Aires,
18. Kumar D., Carvalho P., Couceiro R., Antunes M., Paiva R. P. & Henriques J. (2010).
“Heart Murmur Classification using Complexity Signatures”. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Pattern Recognition – ICPR’2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
19. Paiva R. P., Carvalho P., Henriques J., Antunes M., Muehlsteff J. & Aubert X. (2009).
“Assessing PEP and LVET from Heart Sounds: Algorithms and Evaluation”. Proceedings of the
Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society – EMBC’2009,
Minneapolis, USA.
20. Carvalho P., Paiva R. P., Couceiro R., Henriques J., Quintal I., Muehlsteff J., Aubert X.,
and Antunes M. (2009). “Assessing Systolic Time-Intervals from Heart Sound: a Feasibility Study”.
Proceedings of the Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society –
EMBC’2009, Minneapolis, USA.
21. Paiva R. P. (2007). “An Approach for Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Audio: Using Perceptual
Principles and Melodic Smoothness”. Proceedings of the 154th Meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America, New Orleans, USA, November 2007.
22. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2005). “On the Detection of Melody Notes in Polyphonic
Audio”. Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval
Conference – ISMIR’2005, London, UK.
23. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2005). “Exploiting Melodic Smoothness for Melody
Detection in Polyphonic Audio”. Proceedings of the International Computer Music
Conference – ICMC’2005, Barcelona, Spain.
24. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2005). “On the Definition of Musical Notes from Pitch
Tracks for Melody Detection in Polyphonic Recordings”. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Digital Audio Effects – DAFx’05, Madrid, Spain.
25. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2005). “Segmentation of Pitch Tracks for Melody
Detection in Polyphonic Audio”. Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference –
EUSIPCO’2005, Antalya, Turkey.
26. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2005). “An Auditory Model Based Approach for Melody
Detection in Polyphonic Musical Recordings”. U. K. Wiil (ed.) Computer Music Modeling and
Retrieval – CMMR 2004, Esbjerg, Denmark, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
3310, pp. 21-40.
27. Malheiro R., Paiva R. P., Mendes A. J., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2004). “A Prototype for
Classification of Classical Music using Neural Networks”. Proceedings of the 8th IASTED
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - ASC’2004, pp.
294-299, Marbella, Spain.
28. Malheiro R., Paiva R. P., Mendes A. J., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2004). “Classification of
Recorded Classical Music: A Methodology and a Comparative Study”. Proceedings of the 1st
International Symposium on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems - BICS’2004, Stirling,
Scotland, UK.
29. Paiva R. P., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2004). “A Methodology for Detection of Melody in
Polyphonic Musical Signals”. Proceedings of the 116th Audio Engineering Society Convention
– AES 116, Berlim, Germany.
30. Malheiro R., Paiva R. P., Mendes A. J., Mendes T. & Cardoso A. (2004). “Classification of
Recorded Classical Music Using Neural Networks”. Proceedings of the 4th International
Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems - EIS’2004, Funchal, Portugal.
31. Paiva R. P. & Dourado A. (2001). “Merging and Constrained Learning for Interpretability in
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems”. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Hybrid Methods
for Adaptive Systems, Tenerife, Spain.
32. Paiva R. P. & Dourado A. (2000). “Comparison of Neuro-Fuzzy Structures For System
Identification”. Proceedings of the UKACC International Conference on Control CONTROL’2000, Cambridge, UK.
33. Paiva R. P., Dourado A. & Duarte B. (2000). “Quality Prediction in Industrial Processes:
Application of a Neuro-Fuzzy System”. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Management
and Control of Production and Logistics - MCPL’2000, Grenoble, France.
34. Paiva R. P. & Dourado A. (2000). “Development of Interpretable Models through Neuro-Fuzzy
Networks”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent
Systems - EIS’2000, Paisley, Scotland, UK.
35. Paiva R. P., Dourado A. & Duarte B. (1999). “Applying Subtractive Clustering for Neuro-Fuzzy
Modelling of a Bleaching Plant”. Proceedings of the 5th European Control Conference ECC’99, Karlsruhe, Germany.
36. Dourado A., Cardoso A., Gil P., Henriques J., Paiva R., Pereira C., Santos A. & Victor J.
(1999). “Intelligent Control and Supervision at Centro de Informática e Sistemas da Universidade
de Coimbra”. Actas de las XX Jornadas de Automática, pp. 423-426, Salamanca, Spain
(Iberic congress).
37. Paiva R. P., Dourado A. & Duarte, B. (1998). “A Neuro-Fuzzy System for Modelling of a
Bleaching Plant”. Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent
Techniques - EUFIT’98, Vol. 3, pp 1539-1543, Aachen, Germany.
National Conference Papers
1. Cardoso L., Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2011). “MOODetector: A Prototype Software Tool for
Mood-based Playlist Generation”. Simpósio de Informática – INForum 2011, Coimbra,
2. Paiva R. P., Dourado A. & Duarte B. (1998). “Abordagem Neuro-Difusa para a Modelização
de um Sistema de Branqueamento de Pasta de Papel”. Actas do XVI Encontro Nacional da
Tecnicelpa – Tecnicelpa’98, pp. 92-100, Covilhã, Portugal.
3. Paiva R. P. & Dourado A. (1999). “Comparação de Estruturas Neuro-Difusas para
Identificação de Sistemas”. Actas do 2º Encontro de Engenharia Informática - EEI’99
(Colégio de Informática da Ordem dos Engenheiros), pp. 162-165, Braga, Portugal.
Other Papers (without peer-reviewing)
1. Panda R. & Paiva R. P. (2012). “MIREX 2012: Mood Classifcation Task Submission”.
Proceedings of the Music Information Retrieval Exchange – MIREX’2012, URL:
2. Paiva R. P. (2005). “An Algorithm for Melody Detection in Polyphonic Recordings”. Proceedings
of the Music Information Retrieval Exchange – MIREX’2005, URL:
Technical Reports
1. Gómez E., Streich S., Ong B., Paiva R. P., Tappert S., Batke J.-M., Poliner G., Ellis D. &
Bello J. P. (2006). “A Quantitative Comparison of Different Approaches for Melody Extraction
from Polyphonic Audio Recordings”. Technical Report, Music Technology Group, Pompeu
Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
2. Paiva R. P. (2002). “Content-based Classification and Retrieval of Music: Overview and Research
Trends”. Technical Report, Centre of Informatics and Systems of the University of
Coimbra, Portugal.
Scientific Tutorials
1. Paiva R. P. (2013). “How to Write Good Scientific Papers: A Comprehensive Guide”. Tutorial,
University of Coimbra (Portugal) /Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador).
2. Paiva R. P. (2013). “How to Write Good Scientific Project Proposals: A Comprehensive Guide”.
Tutorial, University of Coimbra (Portugal) /Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador).
3.2. Citations
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The above publications are cited in 328 known publications (books, thesis, journal and conference
papers, technical reports, etc.). Self-citation publications are not included.
3.3. Invited Talks
1. “MOODetector: A System for Mood-based Classification and Retrieval of Audio Music” (2010).
1as. Jornadas de la Sociedad Ibérica de Tecnología Musical, Madrid, Spain, Diciembre de
2. “An Approach for Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Audio: Using Perceptual Principles and
Melodic Smoothness” (2007). 154th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New
Orleans, USA, November 28, 2007.
1. “Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio” (2007). 9th Meeting of APEA - Associação
Portuguesa de Engenharia Áudio (national branch of the Audio Engineering Society),
Leiria, Portugal, October 20, 2007.
“Music Information Retrieval: Overview and Current Trends” (2008). DEI Undercover,
Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal, December 10,
3.4. Patents
1. Carvalho P., Muehlsteff J., Henriques J. & Paiva R. P. (2011). “System and method for
accurate monitoring of cardiac output in clinical settings and at home”. (submitted to
Philips Intellectual Property & Standards).
3.5. Awards
1. 1st place in the Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange – MIREX’2012 – Mood
Classification Task.
2. 3rd place in the Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange – MIREX’2005 –
Melody Extraction Track.
3. 1st place in the Audio Description Contest, International Society for Music Information
Retrieval Conference – ISMIR’2004 – Melody Extraction Track (main international
conference in the area). 1st worldwide evaluation exchange.
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4. 1991: Qualified to the Finals of the Portuguese National Olympiads of Mathematics.
3.6. Coordination/Participation in Scientific Projects
International Projects
“Proyecto Prometeo”. Consulter (government intelligence) and Researcher (Science
management). November 2012 – November 2013.
Prometeo "Viejos Sabios" Program is an initiative of the Ecuadorian government
that seeks to build the research capacities of institutions in the country that are
engaged in science, by linking them with foreign and Ecuadorian researchers
residing abroad.
“HeartCycle: Compliance and effectiveness in HF and CHD closed-loop management”.
FP7 – 216695. January 2008 – December 2011. Local co-coordinator. Funded by the
European Union – 14,000,000 EUR.
Strong international collaboration with 18 partners from 12 countries, including
Philips Research (institution coordinating the project)
“WELCOME: Wearable Sensing and Smart Cloud Computing for Integrated Care to
COPD Patients with Comorbidities” (submitted for funding to the European Union –
requested 6,173,231 EUR). Local Coordinator.
“SCREENS: Shaping Creativity for Entertainment Systems” (submitted for funding to the
European Union – requested 1,443,000 EUR). Local Co-coordinator.
“PRISMA: Prediction of Events with Remote and Intelligent Systems for Multiparametric
Analysis” (submitted for funding to the European Union – requested 4,697,484 EUR).
Local Co-coordinator.
“MEDEA: MultiplE Sclerosis: DiseasE Assessment at the point of need” (submitted for
funding to the European Union – requested 3,548,029 EUR). Local Co-coordinator.
National Projects
1. “iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services”. April 2013 – October 2015.
Senior Researcher. Funded by QREN (Quadro de Referência Estratégica Nacional) – 1.2
Million EUR
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2. “HeartSafe: Assessing Heart Function for Unsupervised Homecare Applications through
Multi-Channel Auscultation”. FCT PTDC/EEI-PRO/2857/2012. April 2013 – March
2016. Project Co-coordinator. Funded by the Portuguese government – 200,000 EUR.
3. “RECARDI: Rede Nacional de Cultura e Arte Digitais”. SI & IDT-Co-Promoção - Projecto
nº22997. January 2012 – June 2014. Project Co-coordinator. Funded by QREN (Quadro
de Referência Estratégica Nacional) – 1,282,400 EUR (global) – 104,943 EUR (local).
4. “MOODetector: A System for Mood-based Classification and Retrieval of Audio Music”.
FCT PTDC/EIA-EIA/102185/2008. May 2010 – May 2013. Project Coordinator. Funded
by the Portuguese government – 77,304 EUR..
5. “SoundForLife: A framework for early diagnosis and follow-up of CVD through heart
sound”. FCT PTDC/EIA/68620/2006. January 2008 – June 2011. Project Cocoordinator. Funded by the Portuguese government – 112,500 EUR.
6. “Mellodee: Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio”. September 2002 – September 2006.
Researcher. Funded by CISUC (conference travels and laboratories visits).
7. “Experiência Piloto que Inclui o Desenvolvimento do Núcleo Base do Sistema de
Formação Multimédia do Serviço de Apoio a Clientes da Telecel”, 2001. Project Cooordinator. Funded by Vodafone Portugal.
8. “ALCINE/OLLICON – On-Line Learning for Intelligent CONtrol” – funded by the
Ministry of Science and Technology, under the program PRAXIS XXI, 1998-2000.
Researcher. Funded by the Portuguese government.
3.7. Member of Conference Committees
International Conferences
1. Sound and Music Computing Conference - SMC’2010-2012: Program Committee
2. International Conference on Health Informatics - HEALTHINF’2012-2013: Program
3. European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design
- EvoMUSART’2010: Program Committee
4. Sound and Music Computing Conference - SMC’2009: Scientific Committee
5. Audio Mostly 2012: Program Committee
Iberic Conferences
1. Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia - CMNE’2011: Scientific Committee
3.8. Organization of Scientific Events
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1. Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia - CMNE’2011: organization of
thematic session on “Audio and Multimedia Signal Processing”, jointly with Dr. Emilia
Gómez, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
1. INForum’2011 – Simpósio de Informática: member of the Marketing and Image
2. INForum’2011 – Simpósio de Informática: co-organization of the thematic session on
“Sound and Music Computing”, coordinated by Dr. Fabien Gouyon, INESC, Porto,
3. Organization of invited talks:
a. Dr. Fabien Gouyon, October 15, 2008: “Recent Works in Music Content
Processing at INESC Porto”
3.9. Conference Session Moderator
1. International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies –
BIOSTEC’2011, Rome, Italy. Moderated one session.
3.10. Member of Reviewers’ Panels
International Journals
1. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
a. 2011 – review of 1 paper
b. 2007 – review of 1 paper
c. 2006 – review of 1 paper
2. Journal of New Music Research
a. 2012 – review of 1 paper
b. 2009 – review of 1 paper
International Conferences
1. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference– ISMIR’2004-2011.
a. 2011 – review of 4 papers
b. 2010 – review of 1 paper
c. 2009 – review of 4 papers
d. 2008 – review of 3 papers
e. 2007 – review of 3 papers
f. 2004 – review of 1 paper
2. Sound and Music Computing Conference – SMC’2009-2011.
a. 2012 – review of 3 papers
b. 2011 – review of 3 papers
c. 2010 – review of 3 papers
d. 2009 – review of 4 papers
3. International Conference on Health Informatics – HEALTHINF’2012-2013
a. 2013 – review of 2 papers
b. 2012 – review of 2 papers
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4. Audio Mostly 2011-2012
a. 2011 – review of 2 papers
b. 2011 – review of 3 papers
5. European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design
– EvoMUSART (2010).
a. review of 3 papers
6. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence – IJCAI’2005.
a. review of 1 paper
7. European Conference on Machine Learning – ECML’2005.
a. review of 1 paper
National Conferences
1. Simpósio de Informática – INForum 2011.
a. review of 3 papers
3.11. Other International Collaboration
1. Member of the Iberic Society of Music Technology (Sociedad(e) Ibérica de Tecnologia
Musical (since its creation, in 2010).
2. Visiting scientist to IPEM (Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music), University
of Ghent, Belgium, under the supervision of Professor Marc Leman (2004).
3.12. Computational Prototypes
“MOODetector: – A System for Mood-based Classification and Retrieval of Audio Music”
(2010). A prototype for the analysis of mood in audio music developed in C/C++.
Contribution: project coordination and implementation of proof of concept.
HeartCycle prototype. A prototype developed under the scope of the HeartCycle project,
including the acquisition and analysis of several biomedical signals (sound, ECG, PPG
and ICG), which will be subject of an international clinical study in two hospitals: Hull
(UK) and Madrid (Spain). Contribution: implementation of the modules for the
estimation of systolic time intervals; project co-management.
“Intelligent Phonocardiogram Analysis and Representation Tool” (2010). A prototype for
heart sound analysis developed in Matlab. Contribution: implementation of the modules
for the estimation of systolic time intervals; project co-management.
“Mellodee: Melody Detection in Polyphonic Audio” (2006). A prototype for melody
detection in polyphonic audio developed in Matlab. Contribution: project totally
developed by the author during his PhD thesis.
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NFId: Neuro-Fuzzy Identification (1999). A prototype for neuro-fuzzy system
identification, developed in C++. Contribution: project totally developed by the author
during his MSc thesis.
3.13. Press Releases and Interviews in the Social Media
More info at: http://
1. MOODetector project
a. 2012.12.26: República do Saber (RTP2)
Participation in a TV program. Video download (in Portuguese): go to 9:23
b. 2012.11.08: Event Point
A música e as emoções
A música, se for adequada, pode ser um dos elementos chave de um evento na medida em que
contribui para criar um "contexto emocional". Mas qual é a música adequada? Um conjunto de
investigadores da Universidade de Coimbra trabalha num projecto de classificação de músicas
com base nas emoções que elas transmitem. Estivemos à conversa com Rui Pedro Paiva,
coordenador do MOODetector.
2012.11.20: Correio Braziliense
Humor musical
Pesquisadores portugueses criam software que organiza as músicas de uma playlist de acordo com
a emoção que transmitem. Assim, o usuário pode escolher, por exemplo, uma seleção só de
canções felizes, ou, se preferir, que causem medo e tensão,334483/humor-musical.shtml
2. MOODetector project: MIREX 2012
a. 2012.11.10-12: Press release published in several sources (all in Portuguese)
Renato Panda e Rui Pedro Paiva venceram a edição deste ano do do MIREX (Music
Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange), um concurso internacional organizado pela
comunidade científica de Music Information Retrieval (MIR). Os dois investigadores da
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra(FCTUC) desenvolveram um
algoritmo que permite classificar emoções em música.
i. Computer World
ii. Exame Informática
iii. Portugal Global
iv. Ciência Hoje
v. Tek Sapo
vi. CienciaPT
vii. Diário de Notícias
viii. Jornal de Notícias
ix. Diário As Beiras
2012.11.12: A more detailed version of the previous press release
Diário de Coimbra
2012.11.20: My PhD student Renato Panda, as "Figure of the Future"
Correio da Manhã
3. HeartCycle Project
a. 2012.09.10: Press release published in several sources (all in Portuguese)
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Está a ser testada com sucesso, "em pacientes reais", uma nova tecnologia para monitorização
remota de doenças cardiovasculares, desenvolvida por uma equipa de investigadores
da Universidade de Coimbra, que promete ter "um impacto significativo" na gestão deste tipo de
problemas em doentes crónicos. Chama-se HeartCycle e foi criada no âmbito de um projeto
europeu coordenado pela Philips e orçado em 22 milhões de euros - que além da Faculdade de
Ciências e Tecnologia da UC, conta com a participação de 17 parceiros, entre empresas na área
das comunicações, hospitais e universidades.
i. All:
ii. 2012.09.10:
iii. 2012.09.10:
iv. 2012.09.11:
v. 2012.09.11:
vi. 2012.09.11:
vii. 2012.09.11:
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4. Academic Activities
4.1 Summary of Academic Positions and Taught Courses
Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering, University of
PhD courses:
2006/2007: Art, Music, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence (co-lecturer
with Prof. Dr. Amílcar Cardoso, Penousal Machado and Francisco C.
2011-2012: Advanced Topic of Cognitive Modeling (co-lecturer with
Prof. Dr. Amílcar Cardoso, Luís Macedo, Alexandre Pinto and Daniel
MSc courses:
2008-2012: Multimedia (main lecturer)
2010-2011: Design Workshop (lecturer)
BSc courses:
2007-2012: Multimedia (main lecturer)
2012: Principles of Procedural Programming
2007-2011: Information Theory (lecturer, main lecturer in 2010)
2007: Data Analysis and Transformation (lecturer)
Invited Professor at ISCTEM – Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de
Moçambique, Maputo
Licenciatura courses (4 years program):
2007-2008, 2012: Multimedia (main lecturer)
Supervisor and evaluator of over 30 MSc Theses (per school year: 3 cosupervisions and 10 juris, on average).
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Informatics Engineering, University of
BSc courses:
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2006/2007: Information Theory (teaching assistant)
Licenciatura courses (pre-Bologna: 5 years program):
2005/2006: Multimedia
Advanced Multimedia
2001/2002: Multimedia Systems
Programming and Algorithms I
2000/2001: Multimedia Systems
Programming and Algorithms I
Programming and Algorithms II
1999/2000: Programming and Algorithms I
Programming and Algorithms II
1998/1999: Signals and Systems
Digital Instrumentation
1997/1998: Signals and Systems
Digital Instrumentation
Digital Control II
Supervisor and evaluator of several dozens of graduation theses (Bologna and preBologna).
Teaching Assistant at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Division of Informatics.
BSc courses:
Programming and Computers
4.2. Supervision of Theses and Scholarships
PhD Students
1. Renato Panda. “Emotion-based Analysis and Classification of Audio Music”. Doctoral
Program in Information Science and Technology. University of Coimbra. Supervisor.
Ongoing research: started in September 2011.
2. Ricardo Malheiro. “Emotion-based Analysis and Classification of Music Lyrics”.
Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology. University of Coimbra. Cosupervisor. Ongoing research: started in September 2011.
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3. Ricardo Couceiro. “Beat-to-Beat Cardiovascular performance assessment for p-health
applications”. Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology. University of
Coimbra. Co-supervisor. Ongoing research: started in September 2010.
MSc Students
1. MSc: over 30 thesis at de Department of Informatics Engineering (typically 3 per school
year), in co-supervision. Particular relevance is given to the scientific theses below,
supervised by the author:
1. Renato Panda. “Automatic Mood Tracking in Audio Music”. University of
Coimbra. July 2010. Classification: 19 (on a 0-20 scale). Scholarship assigned
under the project MOODetector.
2. João Fernandes. “Automatic Playlist Generation via Music Mood Analysis”.
University of Coimbra. Classification: 12 (on a 0-20 scale).
Supervised students under project or PhD scholarships
1. Bruno Rocha. “Research work under the MOODetector project”. Bolsa de
Investigação Científica (BIC), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). February
– May 2013. Scholarship assigned under the project MOODetector.
2. António Pedro Oliveira. “Research work under the MOODetector project”. Bolsa de
Investigação Científica (BIC), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). February
– May 2013. Scholarship assigned under the project MOODetector.
3. Renato Panda. “Emotion-based Analysis and Classification of Audio Music”. PhD
Scholarship, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). February 2012 – ?
4. Renato Panda. “Emotion-based Analysis and Classification of Audio Music”. Bolsa de
Investigação Científica (BIC), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). August
2010 – December 2012. Scholarship assigned under the project MOODetector for
PhD research funding.
5. Luís Cardoso. “Computational tool for the analysis of emotional content in audio
musical signals”. Bolsa de Investigação Científica (BIC), Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia (FCT). March – May 2011. Scholarship assigned under the project
6. Luís Cardoso. “Automatic Playlist Generation via Music Mood Analysis”. Bolsa de
Integração na Investigação (BII), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
October 2009 – October 2010.
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7. Renato Panda. “Automatic Mood Tracking in Audio Music”. Bolsa de Investigação
Científica (BIC), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). May – July 2010.
Scholarship assigned under the project MOODetector.
4.3. Participation in Juries of Theses
International PhD
Main Examiner
1. Cornelia Kreutzer (2009). “A Reduced Parameter Model for Spectral
Synthesis of Musical Sounds”. PhD Thesis, University of Limerick, Ireland
2. Adrián Carballal Mato (2011). “Utilización de Métricas de Complejidad para
la Clasificación Estética de Fotografías”. PhD Thesis, University of La
Coruña, Spain.
Reviewer (prior to defense)
1. A. D. Jeyarani (2013). “Nonlinear Signal Processing for Phonocardiogram
Based Heart Murmur Sound Classification”. PhD Thesis, SATHYABAMA
National PhD Theses Proposals
1. Roger Immich. “Mechanisms for Resilient Video Transmission”. Doctoral Program in
Information Science and Technology. University of Coimbra. September 2012.
2. Renato Panda. “Emotion-based Analysis and Classification of Audio Music”. Doctoral
Program in Information Science and Technology. University of Coimbra. July 2012.
3. Ricardo Couceiro. “Beat-to-Beat Cardiovascular performance assessment for p-health
applications”. Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology. University of
Coimbra. September 2011. Co-supervisor.
National MSc (Pre-Bologna, i.e., 5+2 years)
1. Mário de Andrade Pereira de Brito (2007). “Compressão de ECGs: Uma Abordagem
baseada na Regularidade do Sinal”. MSc Thesis (pré-Bologna), Department of
Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
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National MSc (Bologna, i.e., 3+2 years)
Main examiner outside DEI of UC
1. Mário João Teixeira Carneiro (2011). “Towards the discovery of temporal
patterns in music listening using profiles”, Faculdade de Engenharia
da Universidade do Porto.
2. José Manuel Pinheiro Aguiar (2011). “Tweets4Tags - On the Use of Twitter
for Automatic Music Tagging”, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do
3. Luís Filipe Marques Barreira (2010). “Unsupervised Automatic Music Genre
Classification”, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova
de Lisboa.
4. José Manuel dos Santos Lopes (2008). “Ambiente de Análise Robusta dos
Principais Parâmetros Qualitativos da Voz”, Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto.
5. Pedro Luis Cameira Sollari Allegro (2008). “Singing Voice Detection in
Polyphonic Music Signals”, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do
Main/secondary examiner at DEI of UC
1. Participation in over 70 MSc thesis (Bologna format) and graduation thesis
(pre-Bologna format – 5 years) at the Department of Informatics
Engineering, University of Coimbra, both as main or second examiner
(around 10 each year).
4.4. Coordination of Other Education and Training Activities
1. Workshop on “Multimedia Programming with Flash CS5 and ActionScript 3.0”, March
2011. Place: Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Coimbra.
2. Workshop on “Audio Processing in Matlab”, September 2009. Place: University of
Coimbra. Organization: jEknowledge, Coimbra.
3. Introdução à Internet - programa FOCO, Fundo Social Europeu - Departamento de
Engenharia Informática - 1998, 1999, 2000.
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4. Tópicos Avançados de Ambientes Integrados de Produtividade Pessoal: Módulo de
Internet - programa FOCO, Fundo Social Europeu - Departamento de Engenharia
Informática - 1998.
5. Frequent collaboration on extra-curricular education and training activities organized by
students at the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) (invited research talks,
programming workshops, jury of music contests, …)
4.5. Other Administrative Tasks at DEI & CISUC
1. 2012: Member of the committee for reflection on teaching models.
2. 2011-…: Member of the Scientific Committee of DEI.
3. 2010: Responsible for the validation of MSc Theses proposals (Multimedia track)
4. 2007: Member of the committee for the creation of the new “Design & Multimedia”
BSc and MSc programs at the University of Coimbra.
5. 2007: Member of the MSc ranking committee.
6. 2007-2009: Member of the Scientific Committee of DEI.
7. 2007- to present: Member of the Scientific Committee of CISUC.
8. 2006-2007: Member of the committee for DEI’s web page renovation.
9. 2006: Assistant Coach of the DEI Programming Club.
10. 2002-2005: Member of the Scientific Committee of CISUC.
11. 2003-2005: Member of the Counsel of DEI.
12. 2000-2002: Member of the Timetable Commission at DEI.
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5. Other
Other Professional Experience
1. 1997: Part-time system administrator (Unix environment) and web designer.
2. 1995: Trainee at the Center for Computer Graphics (CCG/ZGDV) of Coimbra, supervised by
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Gouveia Teixeira.
Music Education
1. 1981-1998: Choral activity.
2. 1981-1989: Soprano and alto recorder flute lessons; mid-level music theory.
3. 1992-1996: Guitar (self-learning).
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