apostolic succession of - Igreja Anglicana do Brasil


apostolic succession of - Igreja Anglicana do Brasil
The Apostolic Succession Of:
(Archiepiscopus Brasilia)
Installed Archbishop Primate of The Anglican Chuch of Brazil and Archbishop of The Anglican
Independent Communion Worldwide for Brazil in 15th January 2006
Consecrated as Bishop in 15th January 2006
The Rt. Rev’d. Barry Frank Peachey CJ
Metropolitan Chanceler of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide
The Most Rev’d. Dr. Norman Sydney Dutton CJ – “in absentia”
Metropolitan Archbishop of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide
The Most Rev’d. Iranildo Macieira da Silva (Dom Lucas)
Metropolitan Primate Archbishop of The Latin Episcopal Church of Brazil
(Roman Catholic Succession)
(1) St. Peter, 38;
(2) St. Linus, 67;
(3) St. Ancletus {Cletus}, 76;
(4) St. Clement, 88;
(5) St. Evaristus, 97;
(6) St. Alexander I, 105;
(7) St. Sixtus I, 115;
(8) St. Telesphorus, 125;
(9) St. Hygimus, 136;
(10) St. Pius I, 140;
(11) St. Anicetus, 155;
(12) St. Soter, 166;
(13) St. Eleutherius, 175;
(14) St. Victor I, 189;
(15) St. Zephyrinus, 199;
(16) St. Callistus I, 217;
(17) St. Urban I, 222;
(18) St. Pontian, 230;
(19) St. Anterus, 235;
(20) St. Fabian, 236;
(21) St. Cornelius, 251;
(22) St. Lucius I, 253;
(23) St. Stephen I, 254;
(24) St. Sixtus II, 257;
(25) St. Dionysius, 259;
(26) St. Felix I, 269;
(27) St. Eutychian, 275;
(28) St. Caius, 283;
(29) St. Marcellinus, 296;
(30) St. Marcellus I, 308;
(31) St. Eucebius, 309;
(32) St. Melchiades {Miltiades}, 311;
(33) St. Sylvester I, 314;
(34) St. Marcus, 336;
(35) St. Julius I, 337;
(36) St. Liberius, 352
St. Liberius was expelled from Rome by the Arian Emperor Constantius, during his absence, the See of Rome was
held by Felix II, who resigned upon the return of St. Liberius from his two year exile.;
(37) St. Damasus I, 366;
(38) St. Siricius, 384;
(39) St. Anastasius I, 399;
(40) St. Innocent I, 401;
(41) St. Zosimus, 417;
(42) St. Boniface I, 418;
(43) St. Celestine I, 422;
(44) St. Sixtus III, 432;
(45) St. Leo I, 440;
(46) St. Hilary, 461;
(47) St. Simplicius, 468;
(48) St. Felix III, 483;
(49) St. Gelasius I, 492;
(50) Anastasius II, 496;
(51) St. Symmachus, 498;
(52) St. Hormisdus, 514;
(53) St. John I, 523;
(54) St. Felix IV, 526;
(55) Boniface II, 530;
(56) John II, 535;
(57) St. Agapitus, 535,
(58) St. Sylverius, 536;
(59) Vigilus, 537;
(60) Pelagius I, 556;
(61) John III, 561;
(62) Benedict I, 575;
(63) Pelagius II, 579;
(64) St. Gregory I, 590;
(65) Sabinianus, 604;
(66) Boniface III, 607;
(67) Boniface IV, 608;
(68) St. Deusdedit {St. Adeodatus I}, 615;
(69) Boniface V, 619;
(70) Honorius, 625;
(71) Severinus, 640;
(72) John IV, 640;
(73) Theodore I, 642;
(74) St. Martin I, 649;
(75) St. Eugene I, 654;
(76) St. Vitalian, 657;
(77) Adeodatus II, 672;
(78) Donus, 676;
(79) St. Agatho, 678;
(80) St. Leo II, 682;
(81) St. Benedict II, 684;
(82) John V, 685;
(83) Conon, 686;
(84) St. Sergius I, 687;
(85) John VI, 701;
(86) John VII, 705;
(87) Sisinnius, 708;
(88) Constantine, 708;
(89) St. Gregory II, 715
(90) St. Gregory III, 731;
(91) St. Zachary, 741;
(92) Stephen II, 752;
(93) St. Paul I, 757;
(94) Stephen III, 768;
(95) Adrian I, 772;
(96) St. Leo III, 795;
(97) St. Stephan IV, 816;
(98) St. Paschal I, 817;
(99) Eugene II, 824;
(100) Valentine, 827;
(101) Gregory IV, 827;
(102) Sergius II, 844;
(103) St. Leo IV, 847;
(104) Benedict III, 855;
(105) St. Nicholas I, 858;
(106) Adrian II, 867;
(107) John VIII, 872;
(108) Marinus I, 882;
(109) St. Adrian III, 884;
(110) Stephan V, 885;
(111) Formosus, 891;
(112) Boniface VI;
(113) Steven VI, 897;
(114) Romanus, 897;
(115)Theodore II, 897;
(116) John IX, 898;
(117) Benedict IV, 900;
(118) Leo V, 903;
(119) Sergius III, 904;
(120) Anastasius III, 911;
(121) Landus, 913;
(122) John X, 914;
(123) Leo VI, 938;
(124) Stephan VII, 928;
(125) John XI, 931;
(126) Leo VII, 936;
(127) Stephen VIII, 939;
(128) Maginus II, 942;
(129) Agapitus II, 946;
(130) John XIII, 955;
(131) Leo VII, 963;
(132) Benedict V, 964;
(133) John XIV, 965;
(134) Benedict VI, 973;
(135) Benedict VII, 974;
(136) John XIV, 983,
(137) John XV, 985;
(138) Gregory V, 996;
(139) Sylvester II, 999;
(140) John XVII, 1003;
(141) John XVIII, 1004;
(142) Sergius IV, 1009;
(143) Benedict VIII, 1012;
(144) John XIX, 1024;
(145) Benedict IX, 1032;
(146) Sylvester III, 1045;
(147) Benedict IX {Second time},1045;
(148) Gregory VI, 1045;
(149)Clement II, 1046;
(150) Benedict IX {Third time},1047;
(151) Damasus II, 1048;
(152) St. Leo IX, 1049;
(153) Victor II, 1055;
(154) Stephan IX, 1057;
(155) Nicholas II, 1059;
(156) Alexander II, 1061;
(157) St. Gregory VII, 1073;
(158) Bl. Victor III, 1087;
(159) Bl. Urban II, 1088;
(160) Paschal II, 1099;
(161) Gelasius II, 1118;
(162) Callistus II, 1119;
(163) Honorius II, 1124;
(164) Innocent II, 1130;
(165) Celestine II, 1143;
(166) Lucius II, 1144;
(167) Eugene III 1145;
(168) Anastasius IV, 1153;
(169) Adrian IV, 1154;
(170) Alexander III, 1159;
(171) Lucius III, 1181;
(172) Urban III, 1185;
(173) Gregory VIII, 1187;
(174) Clement III, 1187;
(175) Celestine III, 1191;
(176) Innocent III, 1198;
(177) Honorius III, 1216;
(178) Gregory IX, 1227;
(179) Celestine IV, 1241;
(180) Innocent IV, 1243;
(181) Alexander IV, 1254:
(182) Urban IV, 1261;
(183) Clement IV, 1265;
(184) Bl. Gregory X, 1271;
(185) Bl. Innocent V, 1276;
(186) Adrian V, 1276;
(187) John XXI, 1276;
(188) Nicholas III, 1277;
(189) Martin IV, 1281;
(190) Honorius IV, 1285;
(191) Nicholas IV 1288;
(192) St. Celestine V, 1294;
(193) Boniface VIII, 1294;
(194) Bl. Benedict XI, 1303;
(195) Clement V, 1305;
(196) John XXII, 1316;
(197) Benedict XII, 1334;
(198) Clement VI, 1342;
(199) Innocent VI, 1352;
(200) Bl. Urban V, 1362;
(201) Gregory XI, 1370;
(202) Urban VI, 1378;
(203) Boniface IX, 1389;
(204) Innocent VII, 1389;
(205) Gregory XII, 1406;
(206) Martin V, 1417;
(207) Eugene IV, 1431;
(208) Nicholas V, 1447;
(209) Callistus III, 1455;
(210) Pius II, 1458;
(211) Paul II, 1464;
(212) Sixtus IV, 1471;
(213) Innocent VIII, 1484;
(214) Alexander VI, 1492;
(215) Pius III, 1503;
(216) Julius II, 1503;
(217) Leo X, 1513;
(218) Adrian VI, 1522;
(219) Clement VII, 1523;
(220) Paul III, 1534;
(221) Julius III, 1550;
(222) Marcellus II, 1555;
(223) Gian Pietro Cardinal Carafa (Pope Paul IV), 1555;
(224) Scipione Cardinal Rebiba
(225) Giulio Antonio Cardinal Santorio, 1566;
(226) Girolamo Cardinal Bernerio,O.P, (1586;
(227) Archbishop Galeazzo Sanvitale , 1604;
(228) Ludovico Cardinal Ludovisi , 1621;
(229) Luigi Cardinal Caetani, 1622;
(230) Ulderico Cardinal Carpegna, 1630;
(231) Paluzzo Cardinal Paluzzi Altieri Degli Albertoni, 1666;
(232) Pope Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P. , 1675;
(233) Pope Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini “Pope Benedict XIV”, 1724;
(234) Pope Carlo della Torre Rezzonico “Pope Clement XIII” , 1743;
(235) Cardinal Bernadinus Giraud, 1767;
(236) Cardinal Alessandro Mattei, 1777;
(237) Cardinal Pietro Francesco Galeffi, 1819;
(238) Cardinal Giacomo Filippo Fransoni, 1822;
(239) Cardinal Carlo Sacconi, 1851;
(240) Cardinal Edward Henry Howard, 1872;
(241) Cardinal Mariano Rampolla el Tindaro, 1882;
(242) Cardinal Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, 1890;
(243) Cardinal Sebastião Leme da Silveira Cintra, Roman Catholic Titular Archbishop of Pharsalus, 1911;
(244) Carlos Duarte Costa (Roman Catholic Bishop of Botucatu, after Bishop of Maura), 1924
(First Bishop of The Brazilian Apostolic Catholic Church – 1945)
(245) Salomão Barbosa Ferraz, 1945;
(Received by the Pope John XXIII in the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, 1959)
(Appointed as Titular Bishop of Eleutherna, 10th May 1963)
(246) Manuel Ceja Laranjeira, 1951;
(247) Benedito Pereira Lima, 1965;
(248) Dom Jose M Machado, 1966;
(249) Dom Oscar Oswaldo Cairoli Fernandez, 1967;
(250) Michael Staffiero, 1973;
(251) Rainer Laufers, 1976;
(252) Charles R. McCarthy, 1977;
(253) C. David Luther, 1977;
(254) Richard Ingram, 1984;
(255) Donald St. Peters, 1988;
(256) Donald Wharton, 1989;
(257) Peter A. Compton-Caputo, 1993;
(Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion in the Americas)
(258) Norman Sydney Dutton, 1999;
(Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion in the British Isles & Europe - Archbishop
Metropolitan of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide (Archiepiscopus Grandis Britannia) 2003
(259) Barry Frank Peachey, 2005;
(Bishop in Anglia and Chanceler Metropolitan of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide)
(260) Ricardo Lorite de Lima, 2006.
(Archbishop Primate of the Anglican Chuch of Brazil)
Line of the Papacy from St Peter to Paul IV
St PETER the Apostle – to 64 A.D.
St. Linus – 67 to 76
St. Anacletus – 76 to 91
St. Clement I – 91 to 101
St. Evaristus – 100 to 109
St. Alexander I – 109 to 116
St. Sixtus I – 116 to 125
St. Telesphorus – 125 to 136
St. Hyginus – 138 to 140
St. Pius I – 140 to 155
St. Anicetus – 155 to 166
St. Soter – 166 to 174
St. Eleutherius – 174 to 189
St. Victor I – 189 to 198
St. Zephyrinus – 198 to 217
St. Callistus I – 217 to 222
St. Urban I – 222 to 230
St. Pontian – July 21, 230 to Sept. 28, 235
St. Anterus – Nov. 21, 235 to Jan. 20, 236
St. Fabian – Jan. 10, 236 to Jan. 20, 250
St. Cornelius – Mar. 251 to June 253
St. Lucius I – June 25, 253 to March 5, 254
St. Stephen I – May 12, 254 to Aug. 2, 257
St. Sixtus II – Aug. 30, 257 to Aug. 6, 258
St. Dionysius – July 22, 259 to Dec. 26, 268
St. Felix I – Jan. 5, 269 to Dec. 30, 274
St. Eutychian – Jan. 4, 275 to Dec. 7, 283
St. Caius – Dec. 17, 283 to Apr. 25, 296
St. Marcellinus – June 30, 296 to Oct. 25, 304
St. Marcellus I – May 27, 306 to Jan. 16, 308
St. Eusebius – Apr. 18, 310 to Aug. 17, 310
St. Miltiades – July 2, 311 to Jan. 11, 314
St. Silvester – Jan. 31, 314 to Dec. 31, 335
St. Mark – Jan. 18, 336 to Oct. 7, 336
St. Julius I – Feb. 6, 337 to Apr. 12, 352
St. Liberius – May 17, 352 to Sept. 24, 366
St. Damasus – Oct. 1, 366 to Dec. 11, 384
St. Siricius – Dec. 384 to Nov. 26, 399
St. Anastasius I – Nov. 27, 399 to Dec. 19, 401
St. Innocent I – Dec. 22, 401 to Mar. 12, 417
St. Zosimus – Mar. 18, 417 to Dec. 26, 418
St. Boniface I – Dec. 28, 418 to Sep. 4, 422
St. Celestine I – Sept. 10, 422 to July 27, 432
St. Sixtus III – July 31,432 to Aug. 19, 440
St. Leo I “The Great” – Sept. 29, 440 to Nov. 10, 461
St. Hilarus – Nov. 19, 461 to Feb. 29, 468
St. Simplicius – Mar. 3, 468 to Mar. 10, 483
St. Felix III – Mar. 13, 483 to Mar. 1, 492
St. Gelasius I – Mar. 1, 492 to Nov. 21, 496
Anastasius II – Nov. 24, 496 to Nov. 19, 498
St. Symmachus – Nov. 22, 498 to July 19, 514
St. Hormisdas – July 20, 514 to Aug. 6, 523
St. John I – Aug. 13, 523 to May 18, 526
St. Felix IV – July 12, 526 to Sept. 22, 530
Boniface II – Sept. 22, 530 to Oct. 17, 532
St. John II – Jan. 2, 533 to May 8, 535
St. Agapitus I – May 13, 535 to Apr. 22, 536
St. Silverius – June 1, 536 to Nov. 11, 537
Vigilius – Mar. 29, 537 to June 7, 555
Pelagius I – Apr. 16, 556 to Mar. 4, 561
John III – July 17, 561 to July 13, 574
Benedict I – June 2, 575 to July 30, 579
Pelagius II – Nov. 26, 579 to Feb. 7, 590
St. Gregory I “The Great” – Sept. 3, 590 to Mar. 12, 604
Sabinianus – Sept. 13, 604 to Feb. 22, 606
Boniface III – Feb. 19 to Nov. 12, 607
St. Boniface IV – Aug. 25, 608 to May 8, 615
St. Adeodatus I (Deusdedit) – Oct. 19, 615 to Nov. 8, 618
Boniface V – Dec. 23, 619 to Oct. 25, 625
Honorius I – Oct. 27, 625 to Oct. 12, 638
Severinus – May 28 to Aug. 2, 640
John IV – Dec. 24, 640 to Oct. 12, 642
Theodore I – Nov. 24, 642 to Sept. 16, 649
St. Martin I – July 649 to May 14, 653
St. Eugenius I – Aug. 10, 654 to June 2, 657
St. Vitalian – July 30, 657 to Jan. 27, 672
Adeodatus II – Apr. 11, 672 to June 17, 676
Donus – Nov. 2, 676 to Apr. 11, 678
St. Agatho – June 27, 678 to Jan. 10, 681
St. Leo II – Aug. 17, 682 to July 3, 683
St. Benedict II – June 26, 684 to May 8, 685
John V – July 23, 685 to Aug. 2, 686
Conon – Oct. 21, 686 to Sept. 21, 687
St. Sergius I – Dec. 15, 687 to Sept. 8, 701
John VI – Oct. 30, 701 to Jan. 11, 705
John VII – Mar. 1, 705 to Oct. 18, 707
Sissinius – Jan. 15 to Feb. 4, 708
Constantine – Mar. 25, 708 to Apr. 9, 715
St. Gregory II – May 19, 715 to Feb. 11, 731
St. Gregory III – Mar. 18, 731 to Nov. 741
St. Zacharias – Dec. 3, 741 to Mar. 15, 752
Stephen II – Mar. 26, 752 to Apr. 26, 757
St. Paul I – 29 May 757 to June 28, 767
Stephen III – Aug. 1, 768 to Jan. 24, 772
Adrian I – Feb. 1, 772 to Dec. 25, 795
St. Leo III – Dec. 26, 795 to June 12, 816
Stephen IV – June 22, 816 to Jan. 24, 817
St. Paschal I – Jan. 25, 817 to Feb. 11, 824
Eugenius II – Feb. 824 to Aug. 827
Valentine – Aug. 827 to Sept. 827
Gregory IV – 827 to Jan. 844
Sergius II – Jan. 844 to Jan. 27, 847
St. Leo IV –Jan. 847 to July 17, 855
Benedict III – July 855 to Apr. 17, 858
St. Nicholas I – Apr. 24, 858 to Nov. 13, 867
Adrian II – Dec. 14, 867 to Dec. 14, 872
John VIII – Dec. 14, 872 to Dec. 16, 882
Marinus I – Dec. 16, 882 to May 15, 884
St. Adrian III – May 17, 884 to Sept. 885
Stephen V – Sept. 885 to Sept. 14, 891
Formosus – Oct. 6, 891 to Apr. 4, 896
Boniface VI – Apr. 896 to Apr. 896
Stephen VI – May 896 to Aug. 897
Romanus – Aug. 897 to Nov. 897
Theodore II – Dec. 897
John IX – Jan. 898 to Jan. 900
Benedict IV – Jan. 900 to July 903
Leo V – July 903 to Sept. 903
Sergius III – Jan. 29, 904 to Apr. 14, 911
Anastasius III – Apr. 911 to June 913
Lando – July 913 to Feb. 914
John X – Mar. 914 to May 928
Leo VI – May 928 to Dec. 928
Stephen VII – Dec. 928 to Feb. 931
John XI – Feb. 931 to Dec. 935
Leo VII – Jan. 936 to July 13, 939
Stephen VIII – July 14, 939 to Oct. 942
Marinus II – Oct. 30, 942 to May 946
Agapetus II – May 10, 946 to Dec. 955
John XII – Dec. 16, 955 to May 14, 964
Leo VIII – Dec. 4, 963 to Mar. 1, 965
Benedict V – May 22, 964 to July 4, 966
John XIII – Oct. 1, 965 to Sept. 6, 972
Benedict VI – Jan. 19, 973 to June 974
Benedict VII – Oct. 974 to July 10, 983
John XIV – Dec. 983 to Aug. 20, 984
John XV – Aug. 985 to March 996
Gregory V – May 3, 996 to Feb. 18, 999
Sylvester II – Apr. 2, 999 to May 12, 1003
John XVII – June 1003 to Dec. 1003
John XVIII – Jan. 1004 to July 1009
Sergius IV – July 31, 1009 to May 12, 1012
Benedict VIII – May 18, 1012 to Apr. 9, 1024
John XIX – Apr. 1024 to 1032
Benedict IX – 1032 to 1044
Sylvester III – Jan. 20, 1045 to Feb. 10, 1045
Gregory VI – May 5, 1045 to Feb. 1046
Clement II – Dec. 24, 1046 to Oct. 9, 1047
Damasus II – July 17, 1048 to Aug. 9,1048
St. Leo IX – Feb. 12, 1049 to Apr. 19, 1054
Victor II – Apr. 16, 1055 to July 28, 1057
Stephen IX – Aug. 3, 1057 to Mar. 29, 1058
Nicholas II – Jan. 24, 1059 to July 27, 1061
Alexander II – Oct. 1, 1061 to Apr. 21, 1073
St. Gregory VII – Apr. 22, 1073 to May 25, 1085
Blessed Victor III – May 24, 1086 to Sept. 16, 1087
Blessed Urban II – Mar. 12, 1088 to July 29, 1099
Paschal II – Aug. 13, 1099 to Jan. 21, 1118
Gelasiur II – Jan. 24, 1118 to Jan. 28, 1119
Callistus II – Feb. 2, 1119 to Dec. 13, 1124
Honorius II – Dec. 21, 1124 to Feb. 13, 1130
Innocent II – Feb. 14, 1130 to Sept. 24, 1143
Celestine II – Sept. 26, 1143 to Mar. 8, 1144
Lucius II – Mar. 12, 1144 to Feb. 15, 1145
Blessed Eugenius III – Feb. 15, 1145 to July 8, 1153
Anastasius IV – July 12, 1153 to Dec. 3, 1154
Adrian IV – Dec. 4, 1154 to Sept. 1, 1159
Alexander III – Sept. 7, 1159 to Aug. 30, 1181
Lucius III – Sept. 1, 1181 to Sept. 25, 1185
Urban III – Nov. 25, 1185 to Oct. 20 1187
Gregory VIII – Oct. 21, 1187 to Dec. 17, 1187
Clement III – Dec. 19, 1187 to Mar. 1191
Celestine III – Mar. 30, 1191 to Jan. 8, 1198
Innocent III – Jan. 8, 1198 to July 16, 1216
Honorius III – July 18, 1216 to Mar. 18, 1227
Gregory IX – Mar. 19, 1227 to Aug. 22, 1241
Celestine IV – Oct. 25, 1241 to Nov. 10, 1251
Innocent IV – June 25, 1243 to Dec. 7, 1254
Alexander IV – Dec. 12, 1254 to May 25, 1261
Urban IV – Aug. 29, 1261 to Oct. 2, 1264
Clement IV – Feb. 5, 1265 to Nov. 29, 1268
Blessed Gregory X – Sept. 1, 1271 to Jan. 10, 1276
Blessed Innocent V – Jan. 21, 1276 to June 22, 1276
Adrian V – July 11, 1276 to Aug. 18, 1276
John XXI – Sept. 8, 1276 to May 20, 1277
Nicholas III – Nov. 25, 1277 to Aug. 22, 1280
Martin IV – Feb. 2, 1281 to Mar. 28, 1285
Honorius IV – Apr. 2, 1285 to Apr. 3, 1287
Nicholas IV – Feb. 22, 1288 to Apr. 4, 1292
St. Celestine V (resigned) – July 5, 1294 to Dec. 13, 1294
Boniface VIII – Dec. 24, 1294 to Oct. 11, 1303
Blessed Benedict XI – Oct. 22, 1303 to July 7, 1304
Clement V – June 5, 1305 to Apr. 20, 1314
John XXII – Aug. 7, 1305 to Dec. 4, 1334
Nicholas V – May 12, 1328 to Aug. 5, 1330
Benedict XII – Dec. 20, 1334 to Apr. 25, 1342
Clement VI – May 7, 1342 to Dec. 6, 1352
Innocent VI – Dec. 18, 1352 to Sept. 12, 1362
Blessed Urban V – Sept. 28,1362 to Dec. 19, 1370
Gregory XI –Dec. 30, 1370 to Mar. 26, 1378
Urban VI – Apr. 8, 1378 to Oct. 15, 1389
Boniface IX – Nov. 2, 1389 to Oct. 1, 1404
Innocent VII – Oct. 17, 1404 to Nov. 6, 1406
Gregory XII – Nov. 30, 1406 to July 4, 1415
Martin V – Nov. 11, 1417 to Feb. 20, 1431
Eugenius IV – Mar. 3, 1431 to Feb. 23, 1447
Nicholas V – Mar. 6, 1447 to Mar. 24, 1455
Callistus III – Apr. 8, 1455 to Aug. 6, 1458
Pius II – Aug.19, 1458 to Aug. 15, 1464
Paul II – Aug. 30, 1464 to July 26, 1471
Sixtus IV – Aug. 9, 1471 to Aug. 12, 1484
Innocent VIII – Aug. 29, 1484 to July 25, 1492
Alexander VI – Aug. 11, 1492 to Aug. 18, 1503
Pius III – Sept. 22, 1503 to Oct. 18, 1503
Julius II – Oct. 31, 1503 to Feb. 21, 1513
Leo X – Mar. 9, 1513 to Dec. 1, 1521
Adrian VI – Jan. 9, 1522 to Sept. 14, 1523
Clement VII – Nov. 19, 1523 to Sept. 25, 1534
Paul III – Oct. 13, 1534 to Nov. 10, 1549
Julius III – Feb. 7, 1550 to Mar. 23, 1555
Marcellus II – Apr. 9, 1555 to May 1, 1555
Paul IV – May 23, 1555 to Aug. 18, 1559
Antecedents of Paul IV
Leone de Simone, consecrated Bishop of Nola on 23rd March 1442; who on 29th December 1458 consecrated:
Oliviero Carafa, Archbishop of Napoli who on 18th September 1506 in Rome consecrated:
Gianpietro Carafa, Bishop of Chieti and future Pope Paul IV.
Line from Paul IV
Gianpietro Carafa, Bishop of Chieti and future Pope Paul IV; who on 16th March 1541 consecrated[1]:
Scipione Rebiba, Auxiliary Bishop of Chieti, Titular Patriarch of Constantinople, who was elected Titular
Bishop of Amicle and Auxiliary to Gian Pietro Cardinal Carafa, Archbishop of Chieti (who later became Pope
Paul IV), on March 12, 1566 consecrated:
Guilio Antonio Santoro, Archbishop of Santa Severina, who on September 7, 1586 consecrated:
Girolama Bernerio, O.P., Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, who on April 4, 1604 consecrated:
Galeazzo Sanvitale, Archbishop of Bari, who on May 2, 1621 consecrated:
Lodovico Ludovisi, Cardinal Archbishop of Bologna, who on June 12, 1622 consecrated:
Luigi Caetani, Titular Patriarch of Antioch, who on 6 October 1630 consecrated:
Giovanni-Battista Scanoroli, Titular Bishop of Tyre and Sidon; who on 24th October 1655 consecrated:
Cardinal Antonio Barberini (nephew of Pope Urban VIII); Archbishop of Rheims, who was nominated to the
Archiepiscopal See of Rheims by Louis XIV, King of France, and whose enthronement is recorded in
Fisquot’s La France Pontificale, who on 12th November 1668 consecrated:
Duc Charles Maurice le Tellier, as his Perpetual Coadjutor cum jure successionis; who on 21st September
1670 consecrated:
Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux; who on 16 April 1673 consecrated:
Jacques Goyon de Matignon, Bishop of Condom; who on 19th February 1719 consecrated:
Dominique Marie Varlet, Bishop of Ascalon (in partibus infidelium) (The See of Utrecht broke away from
papal jurisdiction in 1724); who on 18th October 1739 consecrated:
Peter Johann Meindaerts, Archbishop of Utrecht; who on 11 th July 1745 consecrated:
Johann van Stiphout, Bishop of Haarlem; who on 7th February 1768 consecrated:
Walter Michael van Niewenhuizen, Archbishop of Utrecht; who on 21 st June 1778 consecrated:
Adrian Johann Broekman, Bishop of Haarlem; who on 5th July 1797 consecrated:
Johann Jacob van Rhijn, Archbishop of Utrecht; who on 7 th November 1805 consecrated:
Gisbert de Jong, Bishop of Deventer; who on 24th April 1814 consecrated:
Willibrord van Os, Archbishop of Utrecht; who on 25 th April 1819 consecrated:
Johann Bon, Bishop of Haarlem; the first of his succession not to be excommunicated by Rome, who on 13 th
November 1825 consecrated:
Johann van Santem, Archbishop of Utrecht; who on 17 th July 1854 consecrated:
Hermen Heykamp, Bishop of Deventer; who on 11th August 1873 consecrated:
Gaspard Johann Rinkel, Bishop of Haarlem; who on 11 th May 1892 consecrated:
Gerardus Gul, Archbishop of Utrecht; who on 28th April 1908 assisted by Utrecht Union bishops Johannes
Jacobus van Thiel, Nicolas Bartholomäus Petrus Split and Johannes Demmel consecrated:
Arnold Harris Mathew (1852-1919), de jure 4th Earl of Landaff: Regionary Old Catholic Bishop for Great
Britain and Ireland (afterwards Archbishop of London); who on 28th October 1914 consecrated:
Rudolf E. de Landas Berghes consecrated:
Carmel Henry Carfora consecrated:
Hubert A. Rogers consecrated:
Peter A. Williamowich consecrated:
Peter A. Zurawetzky consecrated:
Uladslau Ryzh-Ryski consecrated:
Francis J. Ryan consecrated:
Charles R. McCarthy consecrated:
C. David Luther consecrated:
Richard Ingram consecrated:
Donald St. Peters consecrated:
Donald Wharton consecrated:
Peter A. Compton-Caputo, 1993; (Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion in the
Americas) consecrated:
Norman Sydney Dutton, 1999; (Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion in the British
Isles & Europe - Archbishop Metropolitan of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide
(Archiepiscopus Grandis Britannia) 2003 consecrated:
Barry Frank Peachey, 2005; (Bishop in Anglia and Chanceler Metropolitan of The Anglican Independent
Communion Worldwide) consecrated:
Ricardo Lorite de Lima, 2006; (Archbishop Primate of the Anglican Chuch of Brazil).
Evodius (c 38)
Ignatius I (c 44)
Aaron (c 107)
Cornelius (c 137)
Eodus (c 142)
Theophilius (c 157)
Maximin (c 171)
Seraphin (c 179)
Asclepiades (c 189)
Philippe (c 201)
Zebinus (c 219)
Banylas (c 237)
Fabius (c 250)
Demetrius (c 251)
Paul I (c 259)
Domnus I (c 270)
Timothee (c 281)
Cirylus (c 291)
Tyrantus (c 296)
Vitalius (c 301)
Philigonius (c 318)
Eustachius (c 323)
Paulinus (c 338)
Philabianus (c 383)
I Evagrius (c 386)
Phosphorius (c 416)
Alexandre (c 418)
Jean I (c 428)
Theodotus (c 431)
Domnus II (c 442)
Maximus (c 450)
Accacius (c 454)
Martyrius (c 457)
Peter II (c 464)
Philadius (c 500)
Serverius the Great (c 509)
I Sergius (c 544)
Domnus III (c 547)
Anastasius (c 560)
Gregory I (c 564)
Paul II (c 567)
Patra (c 571)
Domnus IV (c 586)
Julianus I (c 591)
Athanasius I (c 596)
Jean II (c 636)
Theodore I (c 649)
Serverus (c 668)
Athanasius II (c 684)
Julianus II (c 687)
Elias I (c 709)
Athanasius III (c 724)
Evanius I (c 740)
Gervasius I (c 759)
Joseph (c 790)
Ciracus (c 793)
Dionysius (c 818)
Jean III (c 847)
Ignatius II (c 877)
Theodosius (c 887)
Dionysius II (c 897)
Jean IV (c 910)
Basilius I (c 922)
Jean V (c 936)
Evanius II (c 954)
Dionysius III (c 958)
Abraham I (c 962)
Jean VI (c 965)
Athanasius IV (c 987)
Jean VII (c 1004)
Dionysius IV (c 1032)
Theodorus II (c 1042)
Athanasius V (c 1058)
Jean VIII (c 1064)
Basilius II (c 1074)
Abdoone (c 1076)
Dionysius V (c 1077)
Evanius II (c 1080)
Dionysius VI (c 1088)
Athanasius VI (c 1091)
Jean IX (c 1131)
Athanasius VII (c 1139)
Michael the Great (c 1167)
Athanasius VIII (c 1200)
Michael II (c 1207)
Jean X (c 1208)
Ignace III (c 1223)
Dionysius VII (c 1253)
Jean XI (c 1253)
Ignace IV (c 1264)
Philanus (c 1283)
Ignace Barubid (c 1293)
Ignace Ismael (c 1333)
Ignacetius Basilius (c 1366)
Ignace Abraham II (c 1382)
Ignace Basile (c 1412)
Ignace Bahanam I (c 1415)
Ignace Kalejib (c 1455)
Ignace Jean XII (c 1483)
Ignacetius Noah (c 1492)
Ignace Jesus I (c 1509)
Ignace Jacob I (c 1510)
Ignace David I (c 1519)
Ignace Abdullah (c 1520)
Ignace Na Anathalak (c 1557)
Ignace David II (c 1576)
Ignace Philatus (c 1591)
Ignace Abdullah II (c 1597)
Ignace Cadhai (c 1598)
Ignace Simeon (c 1640)
Ignace Jesus II (c 1653)
Ignace A Messiah I (c 1661)
Ignace Cabeod (c 1686)
Ignacetius Gervasius (c 1687)
Ignace Isaac (c 1708)
Ignace Siccarablak (c 1722)
Ignace Gervasius III (c 1746)
Ignace Gervasius IV (c 1768)
Ignacetius Mathius (c 1781)
Ignace Behanam II (c 1810)
Ignace Jonas (c 1817)
Ignace Gervasius V (c 1818)
Ignace Elias II (c 1839)
Ignace Jacob II (c 1847)
Ignace Peter III (c 1866)
Mar Julius (Julius Ferrette) (c 1872)
Mar Pelag (R. W. Morgan) (c 1874)
Mar Theophilius (C. I. Stevens) (c 1879)
Mar Leon (Leon Chechemien) (c 1890)
Mar Andries (Andrew Charles Albert McLaglan) (c 1897)
Mar Jacobus II (James Heard) (c 1922)
Mar Basilius Abdullah (William Bernard Crow) (c 1943)
Mar Gregorius (Hugh George de Wilmot Newman) (c 1945)
Bishop Wallace David de Ortega Maxey (c 1846)
Bishop C. David Luther (c 1977)
Bishop Richard Ingram (c 1984)
Bishop Donald St. Peters (c 1989)
Bishop Donald Wharton (c 1989)
Bishop Peter A. Compton-Caputo (c 1993)
Archbishop Norman Sydney Dutton (c 1999)
Bishop Barry Frank Peachey (c 2005)
Archbishop Ricardo Lorite de Lima (c 2006)
James the Less
(The Brother of Jesus, and recognised by the other Apostles as Bishop of Jerusalem)
Justus I
John I
Justus II
Joseph I
Maximus I
Julian I
Caius I
Caius II
Julian II
Maximus II
Maximus III
John II
John III of Jerusalem
St. David
(First Celtic Bishop of Mineva, St. David's Wales A.D.519)
Morgeneu I
Morgeneu II
Joseph II
D. Fitzgerald
P. de Leia
G. Camb
G. de Henelawe
de Carew
T. Hech
D. Martin
H. Gower
J. Thorsby
R. Brain
F. Fastolfe
H. Doughton
J. Gilbert
G. de Mona
Henry Chichele
(Bishop of the Celtic Church in Wales, St. David's in 1408, made Archbishop of Canterbury by Rome 1414)
J. Stalford
J. Kemp
Thomas Bourchier
John Morton
H Dean
William Wareham
Thomas Cranmer
(From a Celtic Line was made Archbishop of Canterbury)
R. Pole
Matthew Parker
Edmund Grindall
John Whitgift
Richard Bancroft
George Abbott
Bl. William Laud
(Bishop of St. David's 1621, Chancellor of Oxford University 1629,Archbishop of Canterbury 1633)
W. Juxon
G. Sheldon
William Sancroft
Thomas White
George Hickes
James Gadderar
Thomas Rattray
William Falconar
Robert Kilgour
Samuel Seabury
(First Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America)
T. J. Claggett
Edward Bass
Abraham Jarvis
A. V. Griswold
J. H. Hopkins
G. D. Commins
(First Bishop of The Reformed Episcopal Church)
Charles E. Cheney
W. R. Nicholson
A. S. Richardson
Leon Chechemian
Andrew Charles Albert McLagen
James Heard
William Bernard Crow
Hugh George de Wilmott-Newman
Wallace David de Ortega Maxey
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
(Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion)
Norman Sydney Dutton
(Bishop in Anglia, Presiding Bishop of The Anglican Independent Communion in the British Isles & Europe)
(Metropolitan Archbishop of the Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide 1. 11. 03)
(Titular Celtic Archbishop of Marr, Buchan & Ross)
Barry Frank Peachey
(Bishop in Anglia, Regionary Bishop for the the Midland Counties of England)
(Metropolitan Chanceler of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide)
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
(Archbishop Primate of the Anglican Church of Brazil)
(Archbishop in Brazil of The Anglican Independent Communion Worldwide – Archdiocese of Tromas Cranmer)
The Apostolic Succession of the Anglican Church was through the Roman Church from the arrival of St.Augustine
in A.D.597 until the Act of Supremacy in A.D.1534 when King Henry VIII asserted control over The English
Church, Thomas Cranmer was at that time Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of all England.
Pope St. Nicholas I (c.858)
Formosus (c.864)
St. Plegmund (c.891)
Althelm (c.909)
Wulfhelm (c.914)
Odo (c.927)
St. Dunstan (c.957)
St. Aelphege (c.984)
Elfric (c.990)
Wulfstan (c.1003)
Ethelnoth (c.1020)
Eadsige (c.1035)
Stigand (c.1043)
Siward (c.1058)
Bl Lanfranc (c.1070)
Thomas (c.1070)
St. Anselm (c.1094)
Richard de Belmeis (c.1108)
William of Corbeuil (c.1123)
Henry of Blois (c.1129)
St. Thomas Becket (c.1162)
Roger of Gloucester (c.1164)
Peter de Leia (c.1176)
Gilbert Glanville (c.1185)
William of St. Mere L’eglise (c.1199)
Walter de Gray (c.1214)
Walter Kirkham (c.1249)
Henry (c.1255)
Anthony Beck (c.1284)
John of Halton (c.1292)
Roger Northborough (c.1322)
William Wyvil (c.1330)
Ralph Stratford (c.1340)
William Edendon (c.1346)
Imon Sudbury (c.1362)
Thomas Brentingham (c.1370)
Robert Braybrooke (c.1382)
Roger Walden (c.1398)
Henry Beaufort (c.1398)
Thomas Bourchier (c.1435)
John Morton (c.1479)
Richard Fitzjames (c.1497)
William Warham (c.1502)
John Longlands (c.1521)
Thomas Cranmer (c.1533)
(Archbishop of Canterbury. Church of England)
William Barlow (c.1536)
Matthew Parker (c.1559)
Edmund Grindal (c.1559)
John Whitgift (c.1577)
Richard Bancroft (c.1597)
George Abbot (c.1609)
George Montaigne (c.1617)
Bl William Laud (c.1621)
Brian Duppa (c.1638)
Gilbert Sheldon (c.1660)
Henry Compton (c.1674)
William Sancroft (c.1678)
Thomas White (c.1685)
George Hickes (c.1693)
James Gadderar (c.1712)
Thomas Rattray (c.1727)
William Falconar (c.1741)
Robert Kilgour (c.1768)
(Bishop of Aberdeen)
Samuel Seabury (c.1784)
(First Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church of America)
T. J. Claggett (c.1792)
Edward Bass (c.1797)
Abraham Jarvis (c.1797)
V. Griswold (c.1811)
J. H. Hopkins (c.1832)
G. D. Cummins (c.1866)
(First Bishop of The Reformed Episcopal Church)
Charles E. Cheney (c.1873)
W. R. Nicholson (c.1876)
S. Richardson (c.1879)
Leon Chechemian (c.1890)
Andrew Charles Albert McLagen (c.1897)
James Heard (c.1922)
William Bernard Crow (c.1943)
Hugh George de Wilmott-Newman (c.1944)
Wallace David de Ortega Maxey (c.1946)
C. David Luther (c.1977)
Richard Ingram (c.1984)
Donald St. Peters (c.1988)
Donald Wharton (c.1989)
Peter A. Compton-Caputo (c.1993)
(Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion in the Americas)
Norman Sydney Dutton (c.1999)
(Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Independent Communion in the British Isles & Europe - Archbishop
Metropolitan (Archiepiscopus Grandis Britannia) 2003
Barry Frank Peachey (c. 2005)
(Bishop in Anglia and Chanceler Metropolitan – A.I.C.)
Ricardo Lorite de Lima (c.2006)
(Archbishop Primate of the Anglican Chuch of Brazil)
Mar Ignatius Peter II
126th Patriach of Antioch
Mar Paul Athanasius (c 1876)
Syrian Antioch Bishop of Kottayam & Metropolitan of Malabar
Antonio Francis Xavier Alvarez (c 1889)
Archbishop of The Independent Catholic Church of Goa & Ceylon
Joseph Rene Vilatte (c 1892)
Archbishop of The North American Independent Catholic Church
Paulo Miraglia Gulotti (c 1900)
Bishop of Piacenza, Italian National Episcopal Church
Carmel Henry Carfora (c 1912)
Archbishop of The North American Old Roman Catholic Church
Frederick Littler Pyman (c 1943)
Bishop, The Protestant Orthodox Western Church
Laurence Lee Shavars (c 1972)
Assistant Bishop of Greenville, The American Episcopal Church
Peter A. Compton-Caputo (c 1993)
Presiding Bishop of The Anglican Independent Communion
Norman Sydney Dutton (c 1999)
Bishop in Anglia, The Anglican Independent Communion in the British Isles & Europe
Metropolitan Archbishop (Archiepiscopus Grandis Britannia) 2003
Barry Frank Peachey (c. 2005)
(Bishop in Anglia and Chanceler Metropolitan – A.I.C.)
Ricardo Lorite de Lima (c.2006)
(Primate Archbishop of the Anglican Chuch of Brazil)
Cardinal Scipione Rebiba
Cardinal Guilio Santorio (c 1566)
Cardinal Girolamo Berneri (c 1568)
Galeazzo Sanvitale (c 1604)
Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi (c 1621)
Cardinal Luigi Caetani (c 1622)
Giovanni-Battista Scanaroli (c 1622)
Cardinal Antonio Barberini (c 1655)
Charles le Tellier (c 1668)
Jaques-Benigne Boussuet (c 1670)
Jaques Goyon de Matignon (c 1673)
Dominique Marie Varlet (c 1719)
Peter Meindaerts (c 1739)
Johaness van Stiphout (c 1745)
Adrianus Brockman (c 1768)
Johannes van Rhiju (c 1797)
Gijsbertus de Jong (c 1805)
Willibrord van Os (c 1814)
Johannes Bon (c 1825)
Johannes van Santen (c 1825)
Hermanus Heykamp (c 1853)
Gaspardus Johannes Rinkel (c 1873)
Gerardus Gull (c 1892)
Arnold Harris Mathew (c 1908)
Frederick Samuel Willoughby (c 1914)
James Bartholomew Banks (c 1922)
Sidney Ernest Page Needham (c 1940)
Hugh George de Wilmott Newman (c 1945)
Wallace David de Ortega Maxey (c 1946)
C. David Luther (c 1977)
Richard Ingram (c 1984)
Donald St. Peters (c 1989)
Donald Wharton (c 1989)
Peter A. Compton-Caputo (c 1993)
Norman Sydney Dutton (c 1999)
Barry Frank Peachey (c. 2005)
Ricardo Lorite de Lima (c.2006)
Joseph Klimovicz
Peter A. Zurawetzky
Uladslau Ryzy-Ryski
Francis Ryan
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Fan S. Noli
Arsenia Saltas
Joachim Sourise
Walter Propheta
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Hugh George de Wilmont-Newman
Howard Percival Nicholson
Joannes Maria Van Assenelft-D'atland
Christopher Stanley
Leo Christopher Skelton
Michael Itkin
Arnand C. Whitehead
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Gerardus Gul
Peter A. Kowalsky
Norverts Maass
Sgroi Marchese
Howard Percival Nicholson
Leo Christopher Skelton
Michael Itkin
Armand C. Whitehead
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
(Mathew-Carfora Succession)
Gerardus Gul (Archbishop of Utrecht)
Arnold Harris Mathew
Rudolfo E. de Landas Berghes
Carmel Henry Carfora
Hebert A. Rogers
Peter A. Williamowich
Peter A. Zurawetzky
Uladslau Ryzy-Ryski
Francis J. Ryan
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Joseph Zuk
Ignatius W. Nichols
George Plummer
Theodotus de Witow
Walter Propheta
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Peter A. Zurawetzky
Uladslau Ryzy-Rysky
Francis J. Ryan
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Walter Myron Propheta
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Macarius of Moscow
Aftimios Ofiesh
Ignatius W. A. Nichols
George Plummer
Theodotus de Witow
Walter Propheta
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Anthony Aneed
O. A. Barry
Hugh George de Wilmot-Newman
Joannesm Van Assenelf-D'Atland
Christopher Stanley
Michael Itkin
Armand C. Whitehead
Lawrence F. Pierre
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Vernon Herford
William MacBean Knight
Headley Coward Bartlett
Hugh George de Willmont-Newman
Howard Percival Nicholson
Philip Charles Stuart Singer
Charles E. Breably
Andrei Barbeau
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Metropolitan Joseph Zielonka
Peter A. Zurawetsky
Uladslau Ryzy-Ryski
Francis J. Ryan
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Patriarch Dominicus Agostino
Frederick G Lee, Thomas W Mossman, John T Seccombe
Henry Arther Stanton, Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare
Arnold Harris Mathew
Arther William Howarth
Friedrich Johann Heiler
George Plummer
Theodotus de Witow
Walter Myron Propheta
Francis J. Ryan
Charles R. McCarthy
C. David Luther
Richard Ingram
Donald St. Peters
Donald Wharton
Peter A. Compton-Caputo
Norman Sydney Dutton
Barry Frank Peachey
Ricardo Lorite de Lima
Iglesia Viejo Católica in América Sucession
Scipoin Cardeal Rebiba sagrou Cardeal Santinio 12, Março, 1566
Cardeal Santinio sagrou Cardeal Benninio 7, Setembro, 1586
Cardeal Benninio sagrou Cardeal San Vitale 4, Abril 1604
Cardeal San Vitale sagrou Cardeal Ludovisi 7, Maio 1621
Cardeal Ludovisi sagrou Cardeal Geatani 12, Junho 1622
Cardeal Geatani sagrou Cardeal Carpegna 7, Outubro 1630
Cardeal Carpegna sagrou Cardeal Altieri 2, Maio 1666
Cardeal Altieri sagrou Cardeal Orsini 3, Fevereiro 1675,
Bispo de Roma ( Papa ) as Benedict PP XIII (1724)
Cardeal Orsini sagrou Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini 16, Julho 1723,
Bispo de Roma ( Papa) as Benedict PP XVI (1740)
Papa Benedict XIV sagrou Carol della Torre Rezzoni 19, Março 1743,
Bispo de Roma ( Papa) as Clemente PP XIII (1758)
Papa Clement XIII, sagrou Bernadinus Giraud, 26, Abril 1767, Cardeal (1771)
Cardeal Giraud sagrou Alexander Matthaous 23, Fevereiro 1777, Cardeal (1779)
Cardeal Matthaous sagrou Petrus Franciscus Galetti 12, Setembro 1819, Cardeal (1803)
Cardeal Galetti sagrou Iacobus Phillipus Fransoni 8, Dezembro 1822, Cardeal (1826)
Cardeal Fransoni sagrou Carolus Sacconi 8, Junho 1851, Cardeal (1861)
Cardeal Sacconi sagrou Eduard Howard 30, Junho 1872, Cardeal (1877)
Cardeal Howard sagrou Mariano Rampolla Marchese del Tindaro 8, Dezembro 1882, Cardeal (1887)
Cardeal Rampolla del Tindaro sagrou Joaquin Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti 26, Outubro, 1890, Cardeal
Cardeal de Albuquerque Cavalcanti sagrou Sebastião Leme da Silveira Cintra 4, Junho 1911, Arcebispo (1921)
Arcebispo Silveira Cintra sagrou Carlos Duarte Costa 8, Dezembro 1924
Carlos Duarte Costa deixou a jurisdição da Igreja Católica Romana em 1945, fundando mais tarde a autocefálica
Igreja Católica Apostólica Brasileira.
Carlos Duarte Costa sagrou Antídio José Vargas em 8 de Dezembro de 1946
Bispo José Vargas sagrou Luigi Mascolo on April 25,1964
Bispo Luigi Mascolo sagrou Leonardo Morizio Dominguez em 06 de Junho de 1972, Primaz da Argentina.
Arcebispo Morizio Dominguez sagrou José Eugenio Tenca Rusconi em 22 de maio de 1980, Primaz da Argentina.
Arcebispo Tenca Rusconi sagrou José Ricardo Ferreira de Souza em 05 de maio de 2002, Primaz da Argentina.
Arcebispo José Ricardo Ferreira de Souza sagrou Iranildo Macieira da Silva (Dom Lucas Macieira da Silva) em 26 de
Setembro de 2004 - Arcebispo Primaz da Igreja Episcopal Latina do Brasil.
Dom Iranildo Macieira da Silva (Dom Lucas) foi co-sagrante de Dom Ricardo Lorite de Lima – Arcebispo Primaz da
Igreja Anglicana do Brasil.
Igreja Apostólica Episcopal Portuguesa Sucession
Scipoin Cardeal Rebiba sagrou Cardeal Santinio 12, Março, 1566
Cardeal Santinio sagrou Cardeal Benninio 7, Setembro, 1586
Cardeal Benninio sagrou Cardeal San Vitale 4, Abril 1604
Cardeal San Vitale sagrou Cardeal Ludovisi 7, Maio 1621
Cardeal Ludovisi sagrou Cardeal Geatani 12, Junho 1622
Cardeal Geatani sagrou Cardeal Carpegna 7, Outubro 1630
Cardeal Carpegna sagrou Cardeal Altieri 2, Maio 1666
Cardeal Altieri sagrou Cardeal Orsini 3, Fevereiro 1675,
Bispo de Roma ( Papa ) as Benedict PP XIII (1724)
Cardeal Orsini sagrou Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini 16, Julho 1723,
Bispo de Roma ( Papa) as Benedict PP XVI (1740)
Papa Benedict XIV sagrou Carol della Torre Rezzoni 19, Março 1743,
Bispo de Roma ( Papa) as Clemente PP XIII (1758)
Papa Clement XIII, sagrou Bernadinus Giraud, 26, Abril 1767, Cardeal (1771)
Cardeal Giraud sagrou Alexander Matthaous 23, Fevereiro 1777, Cardeal (1779)
Cardeal Matthaous sagrou Petrus Franciscus Galetti 12, Setembro 1819, Cardeal (1803)
Cardeal Galetti sagrou Iacobus Phillipus Fransoni 8, Dezembro 1822, Cardeal (1826)
Cardeal Fransoni sagrou Carolus Sacconi 8, Junho 1851, Cardeal (1861)
Cardeal Sacconi sagrou Eduard Howard 30, Junho 1872, Cardeal (1877)
Cardeal Howard sagrou Mariano Rampolla Marchese del Tindaro 8, Dezembro 1882, Cardeal (1887)
Cardeal Rampolla del Tindaro sagrou Joaquin Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti 26, Outubro, 1890, Cardeal
Cardeal de Albuquerque Cavalcanti sagrou Sebastião Leme da Silveira Cintra 4, Junho 1911, Arcebispo (1921)
Arcebispo Silveira Cintra sagrou Carlos Duarte Costa 8, Dezembro 1924
Dom Carlos Duarte Costa sagrou Dom Luis Cartilho-Mendez em 03 de Maio de 1948.
D.Luis Fernando Castillo-Mendez, D.Josivaldo Pereira de Oliveira, D.Bartolomeu Sebastião Vilela e D.Rainer
Laufers sagraram Dom António José da Costa Raposo a 22 de Novembro de 1982. D.Rainer Laufers foi sagrado por
bispos da Igreja Vétero Católica.
D.António José da Costa Raposo sagrou Dom Iranildo Macieira da Silva (Dom Lucas Macieira da Silva) em 25 de
Outubro de 2004 em Portugal.
Dom Iranildo Macieira da Silva (Dom Lucas) foi co-sagrante de Dom Ricardo Lorite de Lima.
A Sucessão Apostólica de Dom Ricardo Lorite de Lima é ininterrupta e segue várias Linhas de Sucessão aceitas como
válidas (p.ex: PETRINE LINE e OLD CATHOLIC LINE). Outras linhas não são reconhecidas como válidas por
algumas jurisdições (p.ex.: BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC LINE não é reconhecida nem pela Igreja Católica Apostólica
Romana nem pelas Igrejas Ortodoxas; ANGLICAN LINE não é reconhecida pela Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana,
porém tem o reconhecimento da Sé Patriarcal de Constantinopla desde 1922).
Em duas destas linhas de sucessão (PETRINE LINE e BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC LINE), temos Dom Carlos
Duarte Costa, Bispo Diocesano de Botucatu (até 1937) e posteriormente Bispo Titular de Maura na jurisdição católicaromana (até 05 Julho 1945, quando renunciou ao Título). Ele foi o fundador e organizador da Igreja Católica Apostólica
Brasileira após sair da Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana sendo, portanto, o elo de ligação entre a PETRINE LINE com a
BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC LINE. Esta ligação decorre das sagrações episcopais efetuadas pelo ex-Bispo de Maura no
momento e após a sua saída da Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana. A primeira, reconhecida pela Sé Apostólica de Roma,
está indicada na Linha Petrina (PETRINE LINE) e as demais, não reconhecidas como válidas pela Igreja Católica Romana,
estão indicadas na Linha Católica Brasileira (BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC LINE). Dom Carlos Duarte Costa sagrou oito (08)
pessoas como Bispos obedecendo ao Ritual então adotado, com a missão de perpetuar a nova jurisdição católica
independente de Roma. Três (03) destas pessoas estão nas linhas de sucessão de Dom Ricardo Lorite de Lima: Dom
Salomão Barbosa Ferraz (PETRINE LINE), Antídio José Vargas (BRAZILIAN CATHOLIC LINE) e Luis Fernando Castillo
Dom Salomão Barbosa Ferraz (Brasil): foi a primeira pessoa a quem Dom Carlos Duarte Costa
conferiu a Sagrada Ordem do Episcopado, em 15 de Agosto 1945. Na incipiente jurisdição católica
brasileira foi nomeado como 1º Bispo Diocesano de São Paulo. Mais tarde, Dom Salomão Barbosa
Ferraz abandonou as fileiras da Igreja Católica Apostólica Brasileira e foi recepcionado pelo Papa
João XXIII na Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana, com a dignidade de Bispo (sem receber nova
sagração, mesmo sob condição), em 08 de Dezembro de 1959. A sagração episcopal de Dom
Salomão Barbosa Ferraz foi reconhecida como válida pela Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana. Em 10
de maio de 1963 foi nomeado-Bispo Titular de Eleutherna. Dom Salomão Barbosa Ferraz morreu em
1969 como Bispo da Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana.
Antidio Jose Vargas (Brasil): Foi a terceira pessoa sagrada Bispo por Dom Carlos Duarte Costa,
em 08 de dezembro de 1946. Foi nomeado como 1º Bispo da Diocese católica brasileira de Lages- SC.
Luis Fernando Castillo Méndez (Venezuela): Foi a quarta pessoa sagrada Bispo por Dom
Carlos Duarte Costa, em Balboa, República do Panamá, a 03 de Maio 1948. Recebeu o titulo de
“Patriarca de Caracas” e Primaz da Venezuela, por ter sido o fundador da Igreja Católica Apostólica
Venezuelana. Mais tarde, em junho de 1950, após contendas com o governo da Venezuela, veio para o
Brasil. Posteriormente foi nomeado como Bispo Diocesano de Brasília, adquirindo em seguida a
nacionalidade brasileira.
Taboão da Serra, São Paulo, Brazil, in 15th January 2006.

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