An Introductory Guide to the Safe Handling of
An Introductory Guide to the Safe Handling of
Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Emergency Information...................................................................................................2 Dow Corning Chlorosilane Handling and Delivery Standard ......................................3 Introduction ......................................................................................................................4 Health and Safety............................................................................................................. 6 Health considerations ............................................................................................................ 6 Acute toxicity ............................................................................................................... 6 Chronic toxicity ............................................................................................................ 6 Educating employees for job safety ..................................................................................... 7 Protective clothing and equipment....................................................................................... 7 Eye and face protection ............................................................................................... 7 Respiratory protection ................................................................................................. 8 Body and foot protection.............................................................................................. 9 Cleaning and repairing equipment............................................................................... 9 Fires ................................................................................................................................... 10 Fire hazards and protection ....................................................................................... 10 Burning characteristics .............................................................................................. 10 Fire prevention........................................................................................................... 10 Fire extinguishing ...................................................................................................... 10 Firefighting techniques ...............................................................................................11 Fixed fire protection ................................................................................................... 12 Instability and reactive hazards ................................................................................. 13 Waste disposal and spill containment ............................................................................... 17 Disposal methods ...................................................................................................... 17 Special handling procedures for Si-H-containing chlorosilanes ............................... 18 Containing spills ........................................................................................................ 18 5. Engineering .................................................................................................................... 14 Building design..................................................................................................................... 14 Equipment design ................................................................................................................ 14 Ventilation ............................................................................................................................. 16 Electrical equipment ............................................................................................................ 16 Static electricity .................................................................................................................... 17 Preparing new equipment.................................................................................................... 17 6. Containers ...................................................................................................................... 20 General handling .................................................................................................................. 20 Shipping, marking, labeling and placarding ............................................................... 20 Container handling .................................................................................................... 20 Container selection .............................................................................................................. 21 Tank car .................................................................................................................... 22 Domestic tank truck ................................................................................................... 22 Portable tank (large) .................................................................................................. 23 Portable tank (small).................................................................................................. 23 For more information ........................................................................................................... 24 2 Emergency Information 1. Emergency Information Begin first aid immediately in all cases of contact with chlorosilanes. See the Health and Safety section of this guide. For emergencies in specific geographic areas, call one of the following numbers: In the U.S. For assistance with any U.S. area emergency involving Dow Corning chemicals in transport, call Dow Corning Emergency Response: In Asia For emergencies in Japan and other Asian countries, call Dow Corning’s plant in Chiba, Japan at 81-436-213101 or dial either of the numbers listed below under other areas. Other areas For emergencies outside the areas listed above, call CHEMTREC at 202-483-7616 or Dow Corning at 989-496-5900. 989-496-5900 or CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 In the District of Columbia, call 483-7616. In Canada For emergencies in Canada, call the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre (CANUTEC): 613-996-6666. In Mexico For emergencies in Mexico, call SETIZ at 91-800-00-214 in the Mexican Republic. For calls originating in Mexico City and the metropolitan area, call 575-0838. For calls originating in other areas, call 52-5-575-0838. In Brazil For emergencies in Brazil, call Abiquim/Pro-quimica: 55-11-800-8270. In Europe For emergencies in Europe, call Dow Corning in Barry, Wales at 44-1446-732350. 3 Standard 2. Dow Corning Chlorosilane Handling and Delivery Standard Dow Corning subscribes to the Principles of Responsible Care®. As part of our implementation of the Product Stewardship and Distribution Codes, Dow Corning has established the following standard in regards to our sale and delivery of chlorsilanes. Dow Corning will ship chlorosilanes in containers that meet or exceed industry standards using carriers who have been adequately trained in the hazards of these materials. We will maintain an emergency response system which will allow Dow Corning to respond upon request to an incident. Dow Corning will offer existing and potential customers assistance in developing safe handling procedures and system design for the site consistent with ASTM Standard Chlorosilane Emergency Response Guidelines. Other references include Dow Corning's The Introductory Guide to the Safe Handling of Chlorosilanes and associated container guides as appropriate. By assisting chlorosilanes customers it is not the intent of this standard for Dow Corning to assume the responsibility for customer's safe handling. That responsibility remains with the customer. As a condition of sale, Dow Corning will assess the capabilities and procedures of potential customers to determine their abillity to safely unload and store chlorosilanes. We will not ship chlorosilanes to facilities who do not meet our minimum requirements for safe handling and storage. 4 Policy Introduction Introduction 3. Introduction This guide is not meant to stand alone as an exhaustive reference or a field manual. It was developed to: • Serve as an introduction to the safe handling of chlorosilanes. • Be used as a tool in developing individualized training or review programs, on-site field references or placards, and other educational and safety tools. • Provide background on safety and environmental issues. • Serve as a starting point for customers to prepare their own literature The information in this guide is organized and presented to help engineers, chemists, managers, trainers and safety representatives determine the required scope of adequate training programs for their own needs. Beginning with the information in Dow Corning Prod. No. Chemical Name Z-1212 this guide and referencing the detailed supporting documents cited for specific handling activities, customers can tailor specific procedures and materials for their own sites. Training programs in the safe handling of chlorosilanes—both for new and experienced users—are vital in protecting people and the environment. Dow Corning welcomes comments and suggestions from customers regarding this guide and related documents. For additional product information, or if you have questions or suggestions, call Dow Corning Customer Service at (989) 496-6000. This guide presents necessary precautionary information for those who use, handle or are otherwise exposed to chlorosilanes. Although a large number of chlorosilanes can be manufactured, relatively few are supplied by Dow Corning in commercial quantity. Some of the most common are listed in the following table. Other Name Formula CAS No. Ethyltrichlorosilane C2H5SiCl3 000115-21-9 Z-1213 Proyltrichlorosilane C3H7SiCl3 000141-57-1 Z-1216 Phenyltrichlorosilane (C6H5)SiCl3 000098-13-5 Z-1223 Diphenyldichlorosilane (C6H5)2SiCl2 000080-10-4 Z-1218 Methyldichlorosilane Methyl hydrogen dichlorosilane CH3HSiCl2 000075-54-7 Z-1219 Dimethyldichlorosilane --- (CH3)2SiCl2 000075-78-5 Trichlorosilane Silicon chloroform HSiCl3 010025-78-5 Z-1211 Methyltrichlorosilane Monomethyl trichlorosilane CH3SiCl3 000075-79-6 Z-1229 Silicon tetrachloride Silicon chloride tetrachlorosilane SiCl4 010026-04-7 Z-1224 Trimethylchlorosilane Trimethyl monochlorosilane (CH3)3SiCl 000075-77-4 5 Introduction Introduction Chlorosilanes are clear liquids that readily react with water to form corrosive hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid. Many evolve hydrogen gas during exposure to water. All—except silicon tetrachloride— are either flammable or combustible. Because chlorosilanes and their vapors are corrosive to the skin, eyes, nose and throat, it is important to wear goggles, face shields, chemical protective clothing and chemical resistant gloves when handling them. (See Protective clothing and equipment for more information.) Consult this guide for information on the hazards of chlorosilanes and suggestions for their safe handling and use. In addition, be certain to obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from Dow Corning for each product you use. The MSDS may provide more specific detail related to your individual application. For detailed properties of the materials described in this guide, refer to the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet or contact the appropriate Dow Corning Steward through Customer Service at (989) 496-6000. 4. Health and Safety It is important to obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet for each chlorosilane product you use. 6 Health and Safety Health considerations Acute toxicity Inhalation Chlorosilane vapors react readily with moist air to produce significant amounts of hydrochloric acid (HCl) vapor, as well as some silanol, hydrogen gas (in the case of SiH) and small amounts of polymer. Although federal standards for exposure to chlorosilane vapor have not been set, Dow Corning recommends that workers be protected by maintaining chlorosilane vapors below the level that produces an irritating concentration of HCl. The current exposure limit value for HCl is 5.0 ppm as a ceiling limit.1 Progressively higher chlorinated silanes (e.g., dichloro- and trichlorosilanes) may generate greater amounts of HCl on a molar basis than monochlorosilanes. Like HCl, chlorosilanes are easy to detect by odor or irritation at extremely low concentrations. Chlorosilane inhalation primarily affects the upper respiratory tract, causing inflammation, edema and corrosive burns of the oral, nasal and pharyngeal mucosa and the upper airways. Potentially fatal complications could include laryngospasm and laryngeal edema. Reversible bronchitis also has been observed after inhalation of chlorosilane vapors. Aspiration of liquid chlorosilane could cause chemical pneuomonitis. As a result of industrial exposure, it is possible that chlorosilane vapors could penetrate into the lower airways and cause acute or delayed noncardiogenic pulmonary edema or adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Although this response has never been observed, it should always be clinically considered in the evaluation of patients with inhalation exposures. The penetration of chlorosilane into the lower airways is a theoretical possibility with lower vapor concentrations or involuntary exposures in confined areas. Emergency response • Remove any person overcome by chlorosilane vapor or hydrochloric acid fumes from the contaminated atmosphere at once. • Symptomatic or severe inhalation exposures should be promptly medically evaluated. Skin contact May cause first to third degree burns, depending 1 Health and Safety on concentration and length of exposure. Severe chlorosilane burns resulting from contact with liquid may require skin grafting. Emergency response In case of skin contact or clothing contamination: • Begin an emergency shower immediately. Remove all clothes and shoes while under the shower. Continue washing for at least 15 minutes. Washing in an enclosed area may result in the generation of HCl fumes and subsequent exposure. • Using gloves, bag and clean removed clothing. Do not wash with other clothing. It may be necessary to dispose of clothing. Eye contact May cause corrosive damage or significant irritation that may result in total loss of sight. Corrosive cornea burns are a possibility. Emergency response • Contact lenses MUST be removed. • Irrigate eyes immediately with water for 15 minutes. • All individuals with eye exposure should be medically evaluated. Ingestion May cause severe corrosive burns of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, potentially resulting in perforated viscus with subsequent chemical pleuritis, mediastinitis and peronitis. Emergency response • Do not induce vomiting. • All individuals ingesting liquid chlorosilane must be medically evaluated and treated immediately on an emergency basis. Chronic toxicity Repeated skin contact with dilute solutions of chlorosilane or HCl mists may cause irritant dermatitis. After cessation of exposure and symptomatic therapy, these manifestations disappear with no permanent demonstrable residual pathology. Although chronic irritant bronchitis or erosion of tooth enamel have been observed with chronic excessive hydrochloric acid mist or vapor exposures, these responses have not been observed in industrial 29 CFR 1910.1000 and American Conference of Industrial Governmental Hygienists, 1997. 7 Health and Safety Health and Safety populations using chlorosilanes. Educating employees for job safety Safe handling of chlorosilanes depends to a great extent on effective employee education, on proper training in safe practices and use of equipment, and on knowledgeable supervision. • Seek supplementary information and assistance (see supplementary reading list). • Consult with industrial hygiene and safety specialists before finalizing a safety review of operations involving chlorosilanes. As part of employee training for those engaged in handling or processing chlorosilanes, supervisors should: • Review each procedure in a step-by-step manner with workers directly involved in the use and handling of these materials. All danger points associated with the work should be identified and precautionary measures determined. • Assess the need for personal protective equipment; discuss proper use and limitations. • Establish procedures for all foreseeable emergencies, including the location and operation of safety showers, fire extinguishers, alarms and other safety equipment. • Emphasize the importance of water washing in the safety shower/eyewash for a minimum of 15 minutes after contact with chlorosilanes. • Stress the removal of contaminated shoes and clothes. Another person may be needed to help remove clothing or hold the eyes open in the eyewash. • Teach employees the chemistry and chemical reactions of the process as well as any potential cross contamination in the existing equipment or common shared equipment. This safety review should be made at least once a year for all chemical processing operations, and it should always be done before any change in process. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to periodi- 8 AV11392 Before beginning employee training for those engaged in handling or processing chlorosilanes, supervisors should: • Be thoroughly familiar with the contents of the Material Safety Data Sheets. Employee education is vital to the safe handling of chlorosilanes. cally check that the employees are following instructions and precautions as directed. When training new workers, it is also important to review complete operating procedures and safety information. Protective clothing and equipment In emergency situations and in certain operations involving chlorosilanes, full protective equipment is essential. Training in the correct use of personal protective equipment also is essential. However, personal protective equipment is not an appropriate substitute for safe working conditions, adequate ventilation and intelligent conduct on the part of employees working with chlorosilanes. When taking samples, opening equipment or performing similar operations where chlorosilane vapor or liquid may be present, it is important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing. Eye and face protection Because eye and skin contact with chlorosilanes can result in permanent effects, the need for protective wear cannot be overstated. • Chemical splash goggles should be worn whenever there is danger of chlorosilane coming in contact with the eyes. Goggles should be properly fitted. • Safety glasses with unperforated side shields should be used where continuous eye protection is desirable, as in laboratories, manufacturing areas, shipping and receiving, and storage areas; however, these glasses offer limited protection. Safety glasses are Health and Safety Health and Safety AV11395 Respiratory protection It is critical that employees be trained in the proper use of protective clothing and equipment. Severe exposure to hydrochloric acid vapor may occur during chlorosilane equipment cleaning and repairs, or in cases of failure of piping or equipment. Employees who might be subject to such exposure should be provided with proper respiratory protective equipment and trained in its use and care.2 The following types of respiratory apparatus may be used: • Self-contained breathing apparatus. Both the self-contained breathing apparatus, permitting the wearer to carry a supply of breathing air in a cylinder, and the self-generating type, which produces oxygen chemically, allow considerable mobility. However, the length of time for which either apparatus provides protection varies according to the amount of air, oxygen or regenerating material carried. In all cases, the apparatus should be equipped with a face piece that maintains positive pressure at all times. This feature prevents any flow of contaminated atmosphere into the face piece. • Air line full-face masks. Positive pressure (continuous flow or pressure demand) air line masks, supplied with clean, compressed certified breathing air, are suitable for nonemergency use, such as routine maintenance tasks. When masks are supplied with air piped to the area from a compressor, it is extremely important that the air supply be taken from a safe source and also that it is not contaminated by oil or carbon monoxide from the compressor. Dow Corning recommends the use of a separate breathing air compressor of the type not requiring internal lubrication. It is critical to positively identify breathing air lines. Pressure reducing and relief valves, as well as suitable traps and filters, should be installed at all mask stations. An alternative method is high-pressure breathing air from standard size cylinders, with a pressure-demand type valve and face piece. A small cylinder of compressed air may be worn as an additional precaution with the pressure-demand mask for use as an emergency escape from the area. Consult a reliable safety equipment dealer for details on the proper use of NIOSH-approved equipment. • Cartridge/disposable respirators. NIOSHcertified cartridge respirators have limitations that make them appropriate only in restricted inadequate and should not be used when complete eye protection is needed, such as when handling bulk quantities, where there is a danger of splashing, or if the material may be under pressure. • Plastic face shields should be full length, measuring a minimum of 20 cm (8 in) with forehead and ear protection, and they should be worn in addition to chemical splash goggles where face protection is desired. Chemical splash goggles should always be worn as added protection where there is danger of material striking the eyes from under or around the sides of the face shield. Face shields and goggles are not required if a full-face respirator is used. • Contact lenses are not recommended for wear where there is risk of exposure to chlorosilanes. Contact lenses may trap material between the lens and eye, inhibiting the satisfactory removal of the material by an eye wash, and possibly causing serious eye damage. Respiratory protective equipment should be certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). It should be carefully maintained, inspected, cleaned and sanitized at regular intervals, and always before use by another person. 2 9 Health and Safety Health and Safety applications. These respirators may provide inhalation protection when working with chlorosilanes if the proper cartridge for absorbing hydrochloric acid and organic vapor (OVAG type) is used. They are not suitable for conditions where there is a lack of oxygen. They should be used only for short exposure periods and are considered adequate only for concentrations up to 10 times the exposure limit for half masks, and 100 times the exposure limit for full-face masks.3 Cartridge respirators should never be used for emergency ingress or in areas of unknown vapor concentrations or oxygen content. The wearer must be warned to leave the contaminated area immediately upon detecting any odors through the respirator. The odor may indicate that the mask is not functioning properly, that the vapor concentration is too high, or that the mask is not properly fitted. Body and foot protection Protective clothing offers protection only for a limited time, but it should allow the exposed person sufficient time to leave the contaminated area and reach a safety shower. • PVC or neoprene protective work clothes give limited protection. Protective clothing, suit and glove materials that provide skin protection against HCl do not always provide the same level of protection against chlorosilanes. Recommended suit materials are CPF II, CPF IV and Responder (Kappler); Chemrel (Chemron); and Saranex 23P coated Tyvek and Tychem 7500 (DuPont). If the chemical in use is flammable, consider using flameretardant protective clothing. • • • Cleaning and repairing equipment Cleaning, repair and entry of chlorosilane equipment should be under the direction of fully trained personnel who are familiar with all hazards. All precautions related to protective equipment and health and fire hazards should be reviewed and understood by all personnel working on the equipment. The hazardous nature of tank entry inspection, cleaning and repair requires that the foreman and crew be carefully selected and trained. Preparing a checklist work procedure for the entire process (which recognizes all possible hazards as they might occur) is a particularly effective way to maintain worker safety. If for any reason you cannot follow all the steps outlined below, discontinue the process immediately and contact Dow Corning for further instructions. • The tank or equipment to be cleaned must first be emptied of all liquids. • Close pipelines into or out of the tank or other apparatus, and disconnect them by installing a blank flange on the open end to protect against human error and unsuspected leaks. (Use OSHA lockout/tagout procedures.) Do not rely on valves and previously installed blank flanges in the pipeline unless they have been checked. • Tanks and equipment used for the first time for chlorosilane service must be cleaned of any contaminants, including rust. Hand and arm protection can also be provided on a limited basis through the use of longsleeved PVC, neoprene or butyl rubber gloves or gauntlets that cover the forearms and are properly sealed under coat sleeves. Recommended glove materials are Safety First (4H), North (Silvershield) or any Viton® type glove. • Purge the tank or equipment through the vent system with an inert gas. Check to be certain that the oxygen content is less than 4% in the tank or equipment. • After purging, open all top openings and fill the vessel rapidly with water; then, while vented, drain the water to a safe location as rapidly as possible. Rubber boots or rubber-coated, high-top safety-toed shoes with shoe tops tucked under pants or coveralls provide limited protection to the feet and lower legs. • Measure the pH of the remaining liquid. If it is acidic, neutralize with sodium bicarbonate. • Continue to flush with water until all solids are removed. Inserting a steam hose to boil the water helps loosen solids. “Hard” hats or caps as described in Safety 3 10 Requirements for Industrial Head Protection, American National Standards Institute, Z89.1, should be worn whenever there is a possible head hazard. Their use also is recommended in processing, loading or unloading operations. American National Standard for Respiratory Protection, Z88.2. 1992 Edition. Health and Safety • Continue to observe the pH; if it becomes acidic, immediately discontinue heating, but continue to flush with water. • When the tank is completely free of visible solids, steam it to vaporize any minute residue. • Drain the tank and allow it to dry. Fires Fire hazards and protection With the exception of silicon tetrachloride, the chlorosilanes covered in this guide are classified as flammable or combustible liquids, as defined by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard No. 30, “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.” Silicon tetrachloride is classed as noncombustible. It poses no known fire or explosion hazards. • Chlorosilane vapors are heavier than air, and, except for trimethylchlorosilane, the liquids themselves are heavier than water. All react vigorously with water to produce hydrogen chloride. SiH-containing chlorosilanes such as trichlorosilane (HSiCl3) and methyldichlorosilane (CH3HSiCl2) react with water and base or water and acid to release hydrogen gas. Trimethylchlorosilane and dimethyldichlorosilane also produce a siloxane that is a flammable liquid. • Chlorosilanes are nonconductors and therefore can accumulate static electrical charges when processed, handled or dispensed. Burning characteristics Most chlorosilanes burn freely, giving off a grayishblack smoke. In addition to normal products of combustion, the smoke contains hydrogen chloride and fumed silica (silicon dioxide). However, trichlorosilane smoke is a dense, light gray or white color. As the carbon content in the burning material increases, the smoke becomes darker gray in color. Trichlorosilane burns much cooler than other chlorosilanes and hydrocarbons. It ignites with a rapid flash-over at the liquid surface and generates very little noticeable flame. Fire prevention As with all flammable liquids, fire prevention is extremely important when using or storing chlorosi- Health and Safety lanes. A preventive approach includes measures to minimize ignition potential, as well as the design of equipment and facilities to prevent release of chlorosilanes. No special fire prevention measures other than those typically recommended for flammable liquids are necessary. These include, but are not limited to, the following: • Provision of mechanical exhaust ventilation to remove flammable vapors. • Provision of adequate drainage and collection facilities to isolate any spilled liquids. • Provision of classified electrical equipment according to Article 500 of the National Electric Code (NEC). • Purging and inerting of equipment and containers with an inert gas. • Control of static electricity. • Control of cutting, welding and other “hot work”. • Control of smoking and other potential ignition sources. Specific details on fire prevention measures can be found in other sections of this guide, as well as in various NFPA standards. Fire extinguishing All chlorosilanes react with moisture in the air to form hydrogen chloride. The primary objective of a response to a chlorosilane spill or fire should be to limit the chlorosilane/ hydrogen chloride vapor release, which will be done by minimizing the amount of water contacting the chlorosilane liquid. Fighting the fire should be considered secondary to this primary objective. When wind patterns are expected to remain stable and calm (i.e., little or no wind as determined by observation of a vertical smoke plume from the fire), it may be preferable to let a chlorosilane fire burn rather than attempt to extinguish it. Rising air currents will carry the hydrogen chloride vapor cloud to higher elevations where the cloud will disperse, reducing the risk of overexposure to personnel at ground level. Since this method depends on stable and calm conditions, it must be monitored closely. If conditions change, consider another means of mitigating the emergency, as suggested below. 11 Health and Safety Health and Safety Caution: Prevent extinguishing agents from entering a container that contains chlorosilane. The resulting release of hydrogen chloride vapors may overpressurize the container, resulting in sudden rupture. Experience with fighting chlorosilanes on a large scale has been extremely limited. Much experience has been either in a controlled test environment or on a relatively small scale. Actual fire conditions could present unique and challenging firefighting situations and, in some cases, fire extinguishment could be extremely difficult. For this reason, the specific situation must be thoroughly analyzed before attempting to fight a chlorosilane fire, and extreme caution must be exercised during firefighting operations. In some cases, the best alternative may be to protect personnel and important facilities and to allow the fire to burn itself out. Firefighting techniques Chlorosilane fires are not easily extinguished by conventional firefighting techniques. Water: • Do not use water as an extinguishing agent. • Water increases the production of hydrogen chloride, which can cause injury to personnel downwind, and it will not readily extinguish the fire. • Water should never be allowed to enter a vessel containing chlorosilanes. The reaction could easily overpressurize the vessel. • Water can be used to keep the vessels cool. • Water can be used to protect personnel and exposures from radiant heat as long as it does not contact the fire. • Water can be used to disperse, dilute and scrub HCl given off by the fire. Dry chemical based fire extinguishers: • Applying dry chemical to a trichlorosilane or methyldichlorosilane fire results in a rapid release of hydrogen, which substantially accelerates the fire. Aqueous foam: • Aqueous foam is the best extinguishing agent for a chlorosilane fire. • Aqueous foam can also be used to reduce the amount of vapor release from a spill or fire. The best foam for this use is an AFFF alcoholcompatible foam applied at a medium expansion ratio (30:1 to 70:1). A low expansion ratio (less than 30:1), whether alcohol-compatible or not, may be effective on some chlorosilane fires. Tests have shown that nonalcohol-compatible foam is not effective on trichlorosilane or methyldichlorosilane fires, and that it does not provide good vapor suppression for any chlorosilane. Medium-expansion foam gives the best results on chlorosilanes. It minimizes the amount of water present in the system, while providing a relatively thick foam blanket to react with the chlorosilane vapors, thus reducing the amount of hydrogen chloride vapor that reaches the surrounding environment. When using foam: • Match the foam concentrate with the foam eductor line (proportioning system) and the foam nozzle. • Maintain correct pressure drop across the eductor and pressure at the foam nozzle. This helps ensure a foam of the right expansion with slow water drainage and the correct dilution of foam concentrate. Carbon dioxide based fire extinguishers: Although carbon dioxide has limited effectiveness on chlorosilanes fire, it can be used. • Two to three times as much carbon dioxide is required to fight a chlorosilane fire as would be required for a hydrocarbon fire of the same size. AV11393 • The most effective material for extinguishing chlorosilane fires is aqueous foam. 12 Health and Safety • On a trichlorosilane or methyldichlorosilane spill or fire, hydrogen could be trapped beneath the foam blanket. Use caution with the foam blanket. • On a fire involving chlorosilanes, a significant amount of corrosive vapors will be released. Foam helps hold these vapors down, but foam will be consumed; continued application will be necessary as the foam blanket breaks down. • Apply foam as gently as possible. Do not “plunge” or aim foam streams directly into the chlorosilane; this technique results in a severe reaction between the chlorosilane and the water contained in the foam solution. • Whenever possible, aim foam streams in front of the chlorosilane or bounce the stream off fixed objects (such as tanks or dike walls) to allow the foam to flow gently onto the liquid surface. It may occasionally be necessary to “lob” foam to deliver it to the center of a fire. • Except in the case of very small fires, use at least two nozzles whenever possible to enhance distribution of the foam over the surface of the chlorosilane. • Establish a relatively thick blanket of foam (12” to 18” minimum) over the entire liquid surface. Once this blanket has been laid, temporarily suspend foam application to allow extinguishment to occur.4 Reapply foam when the intensity of the fire or the evolution of smoke or vapors appears to stabilize or even increase. Repeat this process as often as necessary until extinguishment occurs or until other emergency measures can be initiated. • Use extreme caution when applying foam and when approaching the fire area. The hydrolysis layer formed in the extinguishment process can trap flammable vapors. If this layer is disturbed (by impinging foam stream, for example) subsurface ignitions and rapid flashovers may occur. For more information on chlorosilane firefighting techniques, see Manual on Chlorosilane Emergency Response Guidelines, ASTM5 manual series: MNL 33. Health and Safety Fixed fire protection Despite the reactivity of chlorosilanes with water, water sprinkler systems are the most effective means of protecting buildings, equipment and building contents from chlorosilane fires. Foam-water sprinkler systems using alcohol-compatible foam can also be used to provide additional extinguishing capabilities. In tank farms and other areas where spilled chlorosilane would be relatively confined, a permanently installed, medium-expansion foam system can be provided to extinguish chlorosilane fires. An adequate number of hydrants and, where appropriate, monitor nozzles, should be provided wherever chlorosilanes are stored, handled or processed. Adequate spill facilities are critical to safely drain burning chlorosilanes and prevent other important areas and property from exposure to a fire. Diking, curbs, sloped surfaces, drainage trenches and remote impounding areas may be used. Spill control facilities should be designed to accommodate the largest anticipated release of chlorosilane as well as the quantity of water expected from firefighting operations (including sprinkler systems, hoses, monitor nozzles, etc.). Additional fire protection features that may be warranted include (but are not limited to) the following: • Water supplies of sufficient capability and duration. • Fire proofing of structural steel and steel supporting vessels and equipment. • Explosion-relief panels and explosion-resistant construction. • Fire walls with fire doors and dampers. • Vapor detection systems. • Fire detection and alarm systems. Specific details can be found elsewhere in this guide, as well as in various NFPA standards such as NFPA 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 58, 72, 80, etc.) Users should become familiar with these fire protection features and standards. It is theorized that the fire is extinguished as a result of the gradual hydrolysis of the chlorosilane by the water draining from the foam. This hydrolysis reaction forms a layer of siloxane (fluid or gel) on the surface of the chlorosilane, which inhibits vapor production and excludes oxygen, thereby extinguishing the fire. 4 This manual is available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Phone: (610) 832-9500. 5 13 Health and Safety Health and Safety All fire protection should be designed and installed in accordance with government requirements and according to NFPA or other recognized standards. Instability and reactive hazards Chlorosilanes are stable in the absence of air, moisture and catalytic agents. They do not decompose appreciably when heated to 300˚C (572˚F) for short periods. Catalysts that may cause decomposition and rearrangement include bases, Lewis acids (such as aluminum chloride and iron chloride) and anhydrous bases (such as Grignard reagents, organoalkali compounds and metal hydrides). When it is necessary to mix hydrochlorosilanes with such reagents, allow for the formation of hydrogen and other gases. Chlorosilanes react with air (if moist or humid), water and a number of other compounds. Air Chlorosilanes, except for silicon tetrachloride, are flammable or combustible and can form explosive mixtures with air. Moisture in air causes hydrolysis and the generation of hydrogen chloride fumes. Water Water reacts vigorously with chlorosilane, forming large volumes of hydrogen chloride. SiH-containing chlorosilanes such as trichlorosilane and methyldichlorosilane can also produce hydrogen when reacted with water. Hydrogen can further be generated when hydrogen chloride reacts with some metals. Alcohols Primary alcohols react with chlorosilanes almost as rapidly as does water, forming hydrogen chloride. Secondary and tertiary alcohols react less rapidly. Ammonia and amines Ammonia and aliphatic amines react rapidly with chlorosilanes to generate heat, but NH4Cl typically forms without the evolution of hydrogen chloride. 14 Bases Bases react violently with chlorosilanes, generating heat and potentially generating hydrogen (if SiH is present) and carbon dioxide. Chlorine Chlorine reacts violently with any hydrogen-containing chlorosilane. Engineering Health and Safety Waste disposal and spill containment AV11394 Disposal of chlorosilanes is regulated by the RCRA (Resource Conservation Recovery Act). Chlorosilanes with a flash point below 140˚F are classified as D001 (ignitable) for disposal purposes. Several chlorosilanes may also be classified as D002 (corrosive) and D003 (reactive) when discarded; refer to 40 CFR Part 261 for additional detail. It is important to review the MSDS to determine all applicable federal hazardous waste codes when considering disposal of chlorosilanes. State and local regulations may impose additional requirements for disposal. A spill containment basin is used to hold spilled product and treat it prior to disposal. (basic) solution such as lime, soda ash, or caustic. (See the following section, Special Handling Procedures for SiH-Containing Chlorosilanes.) To prevent the evolution of acidic vapor, the quantity of water or alkaline solution must be sufficient to absorb all the hydrogen chloride that will be formed. The ratio of water to chlorosilane should be more than 5 to 1 by volume, and the materials should be mixed by an agitator or pump loop during the addition step. Disposal methods • • • The recommended disposal practice for chlorosilanes is incineration. A facility must hold an RCRA permit to treat or incinerate hazardous wastes. Facilities of this type are equipped with emission controls capable of handling silicon dioxide particulates and hydrogen chloride. Because routine treatments and disposal require permits or specific exemptions under the RCRA, customer treatment and disposal should be limited to emergencies or nonroutine situations. Specialized equipment is also necessary to conduct treatment of chlorosilanes. Chlorosilanes react with water. The reaction is exothermic and vigorous and will result in the evolution of corrosive hydrogen chloride vapors as well as some silanol, hydrogen gas (in the case of SiH) and small amounts of polymer. Chlorosilanes must never be discharged directly to surface water or sewer systems. Treatment to dispose of most chlorosilanes can be accomplished by controlled introduction into water (hydrolysis) or neutralization with an aqueous alkaline • The exothermic and corrosive nature of the reactions should be considered in selecting materials for the equipment used in this procedure. • Adequate ventilation also should be provided to handle any vapor evolution in a safe manner. • The rate of chlorosilane addition should be controlled to permit instantaneous absorption or neutralization of the resulting acid without evolving acidic vapor to the atmosphere. If acidic vapor is evolved, the addition of chlorosilane should be halted to permit absorption of the corrosive vapor into an aqueous form. • The final reaction products are either an aqueous acidic or neutralized silicone residue mixture, depending on whether an alkaline agent was used in the hydrolysis reaction. The acidic water requires neutralization prior to discharge to a private or municipal sewer 15 Health and Safety system. (Review WWTP requirements prior to discharge.) Residual acid and chlorosilane may be entrained in the residue, which may require additional treatment prior to disposal. • packaged and disposed of in compliance with applicable regulations. • Hydrogen chloride vapors resulting from a large spill can be reduced by means of a water spray into the acid plume, being careful not to spray water directly into the spilled liquid chlorosilane pool. The resulting acidic wastewater requires neutralization prior to discharge to a municipal sewer system, subject to applicable regulations. • For a large spill, contain the spill using dry materials to prevent further runoff; then cover with foam as described in the section of this guide entitled Fire Hazards and Protection. • For silicon tetrachloride, foam is the preferred fume-suppression agent. If foam is not available, number 2 diesel fuel may be used over the silicon tetrachloride spill. Repeated application of the material should be used to maintain the “blanket.” Reapplication will be required until the chlorosilane can be removed from the spill area. • In the event of an accidental spill of chlorosilane to surface waters or to a municipal sewer system, promptly notify the appropriate pollution control agencies. Any release of chlorosilane to the environment may require reporting under Superfund regulations, because these materials are listed under the legislation as extremely hazardous substances. Residue should be washed or neutralized to remove residual acid. Neutralized silicone residue should be disposed of by incineration or fuel blending. Dow Corning does not recommend landfilling of residual materials. Special Handling Procedures for SiH Containing Chlorosilanes The disposal of reactive SiH-containing chlorosilanes (RCRA Waste Code D003) should be conducted with particular care due to the potential generation of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable and can cause a rapid pressure build-up unless properly vented. SiH-containing chlorosilanes should be first hydrolyzed with water only. This minimizes the potential for hydrogen generation. The resultant reaction mixture can then be further treated to safely neutralize it. Containing spills An accidental spill or release of chlorosilane results in a hydrogen chloride vapor fog, which should be minimized or controlled as quickly as possible. Proper personal protective equipment offering skin, eye and respiratory system protection is required. Fully encapsulating vapor-protective clothing (level A) is required for individuals who must work in a chlorosilane vapor cloud. Dow Corning does not recommend entering the vapor cloud generated by dichlorosilane. When choosing protective clothing, consider the fire hazard that may be associated with the vapor cloud. Use of a flash suit over the level A suit is recommended if a fire is possible. • In the case of a small spill of up to 4 liters (one gallon), absorb the spill with sodium bicarbonate, slaked lime or soda ash. • Scoop the mixture into a pail or open pan, add a small amount of water, gently agitate the mixture and let stand until the reaction is complete. Continue to add small amounts of water and mix until no reaction occurs. The resulting material should then be properly 10 16 For more information on containing chlorosilane spills, see Manual on Chlorosilane Emergency Response Guidelines, ASTM manual series: MNL 33.10 This manual is available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Phone: (610) 832-9500. Engineering 5. Engineering Building design Process installations should ideally be built outdoors. Chlorosilanes are best processed in open structures that provide good access for mobile firefighting equipment. • The structure of the building should have a permanent reliable bonding and grounding system that meets appropriate codes. • The surfaces of equipment and building structures should be covered with a protective coating that will withstand accidental chlorosilane exposure. • Eyewashes and safety showers should be located in appropriate locations. Dow Corning recommends placement of one eyewash/ safety shower within 50 ft of a location where exposure to chlorosilane is possible. In storage areas, this distance is increased to 100 ft. Where possible, two accessible safety showers are recommended in case a vapor cloud renders one unusable. • Personnel evacuation routes or means of egress should be planned and practiced. It may be desirable to place emergency air packs or other escape equipment designed for short term use in the building. Storage vessels should also be located outdoors, remote from buildings and other facilities such as overhead utilities and process piping. All spills should be contained in a safe location and diverted from municipal sewer systems and natural waterways. Firewalls may be necessary for the isolation of larger volumes of chlorosilane when outdoor storage is not possible. When it is necessary to handle chlorosilanes within buildings: • All rooms should be provided with exhaust ventilation at floor level, because chlorosilane vapors are denser than air. • • Sprinkler protection of adequate hydraulic design and other means of fire protection should be incorporated in the building or open structure. Equipment design The design of piping and equipment for chlorosilanes is highly specialized because of the flammable and corrosive properties of these materials. Special concerns are mentioned in this and following sections. However, equipment design, adequate ventilation, and formulation of operating procedures for ensure maximum security and economy are best handled by experienced engineers and safety and fire protection specialists. The structure containing flammable chlorosilanes should be made of noncombustible materials. Exterior walls of enclosed buildings may warrant explosion relief panels. AV11402 Process Vents The proper design of buildings in which chlorosilanes are handled and used is critical. • Before introducing a chlorosilane, it is important to use totally enclosed systems. Atmospheric openings or vents allow moisture to enter the system, causing the generation of hydrogen chloride, which will attack the equipment. • Use only dry, inert gas, such as nitrogen, for any of the following tasks: pressurizing vessels, priming pumps, blanketing tanks, and filling or withdrawing tank contents. Verify drying and inerting before adding chlorosilane. • Operational vents from inert gas blanketing systems should be directed to a vent recovery system, a vent scrubber, or both. 17 AV11330 Engineering • All vessels must have emergency vents and should otherwise satisfy the requirements stated in “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,” NFPA No. 30, latest edition. • Vessels should be equipped with pressurerelief valves to relieve excess internal pressure related to fire or other causes. • A nonfragmenting-type rupture disk should be used ahead of the relief valve on chlorosilane storage vessels; otherwise, the valve can be clogged with hydrolysis products resulting from chlorosilane contact with moisture in air. • “Rain hats” should be used over the ends of vent pipe outlets. The publication Recommended Practice for the Design and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Systems in Refineries, Part II, Installation,6 should be used as a guide for emergency vent installations. • Vessel supports should be made of reinforced concrete or structural steel protected by fireprotective coatings. All chlorosilane vessels must satisfy the requirements stated in "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code," NFPA No. 30, latest edition. Construction materials • In the absence of water, carbon steel is satisfactory for piping and other equipment used to contain chlorosilanes. • Never use nonferrous metals and alloys such as aluminum, bronze, copper, zinc or magnesium. These materials are more readily corroded, and many have low melting points, which could be hazardous in case of fire. • Due to its brittleness, cast iron must not be used to contain chlorosilanes; however cast steel and forged steel can be used. • Stainless steel can be used for purity reasons or for low temperature service. • All equipment and piping, including stainless steel, must be painted to avoid external corrosion. Piping • All piping should be made of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) grade materials suitable for the pressure and temperature limitations given in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) publication ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code. • Seamless carbon steel piping, such as ASTM A-106 (Grade B) or A-53 (Grade B) is recommended. • Welded and flanged piping connections are preferable for maintaining a leak-tight system. Socket-weld or butt-weld fittings in conjunction with raised-face flange connections are satisfactory. Threaded piping up to 0.75” diameter may be used; use flanged connections for larger sizes. • Where it is necessary to use threaded connections, heavier wall pipe should be used to allow for pipe wall thickness reductions. Teflon™7 tape or paste and graphoil tape have been found to be good thread seal materials. Always select Teflon tape, never paste, when purchasing an electronic or fiber-optic grade material. Paste may contribute electronic impurities to the product. Vessels • • 18 Storage vessels should be designed and fabricated in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code, Section VIII, for a minimum of 345 kPa gauge (50 psig) internal pressure and for full vacuum. For storage of trichlorosilane, or when designing a pump transfer out of the tank truck for any chlorosilane product, the recommended maximum allowable working pressure of the storage tank should be a minimum of 75 psig with full vacuum capability. 6 American Petroleum Institute, latest edition. 7 Trademark of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. Engineering • Fire shut-off valves are recommended for bottom connections on vessels. These valves should be remotely controlled or fail closed in case of fire exposure. • The interconnection of portable containers or permanent piping can be made with swing-arm rotary joints or seamless, braided flexible metal hose. Flanged or union connections should be used; do not use quick disconnect couplings. • Modulating control valves with stainless steel bellow seals are recommended to prevent leakage to the atmosphere. • Stainless steel diaphragm pressure switches and pressure and differential pressure transmitters are recommended. • A high-level alarm is recommended for level indication on all vessels. In addition, processactivated high-level alarms are recommended. These alarms should be interlocked to a process shutdown switch. • Flange connections are recommended to minimize possible leak paths. • The use of braided flexible hose must be properly managed in specific areas of size, length, materials of construction, pressure rating and compatibility. • Installed hose should be inspected and pressure checked prior to each use. Hose should be replaced at a specified time and protected when not in use. • The typical hose in chlorosilane service at Dow Corning USA for flexible connections to tank trucks or railcars is a braided flex hose, which consists of a 400 Monel, single-braid exterior reinforcement over a Monel 400, heavy-wall, inner-corrugated seamless hose (Senior Flexonics). • Remote shut off valving should be incorporated at each end of the hose. • End connections are 316 SS stub ends with ANSI 150 pound class, carbon steel, raisedface flanges or welded male 316 SS NPT hex collar on the other end. Flanged ends are recommended for hose 2 inches in diameter and larger. Pumps • Pump selection should be based on the best features against leakage to the atmosphere. • Canned pumps and AVS chemical standard pumps with mechanical seals are recommended. However, only canned pumps should be used for trichlorosilane and methyldichlorosilane. Instrumentation • Instrument Society of America (ISA) standards and practices for instrumentation are recommended. AV11347 Hoses Enclosed process buildings should be well ventilated Ventilation Enclosed processing buildings should be ventilated at a rate of not less than 5 liters/sec for each square meter (1 ft3/min for each square foot) of solid floor area for the first floor and all upper floors. Threshold limit values for HCl and O2 should be satisfied. If mechanical ventilation is used, the electrical equipment should meet NEC requirements. Electrical equipment All electrical equipment should conform to the NEC as set forth in Subpart S of the OSHA Regulations 29 CFR, Section 1910.309. In addition, the following instructions should be met: • Area classifications should be established for all areas in which chlorosilanes or other flammable materials are handled or stored. Dow Corning recommends that NFPA 497A be used as a basis for establishing these classifications. 19 Engineering Engineering To drain static charges and avoid spark discharges, a continuous path from the point of generation to ground should be provided. This is best accomplished by electrically interconnecting (bonding) all vessels and piping and grounding all vessels and piping. • Bonds or grounds for static protection may be of any conductor size. A ground size for power or lightning protection is typically more than adequate for grounding static electricity. However, ground wiring should be of sufficient size to provide reasonable protection against physical wear. Periodic checks of continuity to ground should be made. All fixed and all portable containers should be effectively grounded and bonded. AV11331 • Vapor-tight or corrosion-resistant electrical equipment is recommended for areas in which chlorosilanes are stored or handled. Caution: Tanks and reactors may be coated on the interior with a nonconductive coating. This coating reduces the effectiveness of any external connection to ground. Therefore, in addition to bonding and grounding, containers or equipment should be purged with dry nitrogen before filling with a flammable chlorosilane. In general, chlorosilanes are Group C or D materials, depending on the characteristics of the specific chlorosilane. Electrical equipment should comply with the requirements of Article 500 of the NEC for the classifications established. • In areas where silicon tetrachloride is the only chlorosilane present and no other flammable materials are present, the area may be considered “nonhazardous” as defined by Article 500 of the NEC. • Dow Corning recommends that vapor-tight or corrosion-resistant electrical equipment be used due to the corrosive nature of areas in which chlorosilanes are stored or handled. Static electricity Static electricity discharges can ignite flammable chlorosilane vapor. The API Bulletin Protection Against Ignition Arising Out of Static Lightning and Stray Currents8 and the NFPA publication Recommended Practice on Static Electricity9 are useful guides for solving static electricity problems. • Static electricity may be generated when any of these compounds flow through or are discharged from a pipe or fall freely through space. Splash filling is particularly hazardous and should be avoided. • 20 • Fill lines should be conductively bonded to provide a path to ground outside the container. Dow Corning recommends that the connection between the filing vessel and the unloading line be checked for continuity prior to beginning the unloading procedure. • Tanks filled through top connections should have dip lines extending to within 15 cm (6 in) of the bottom of the container. Such pipes should include a siphon break. • Static conductive V-belts should be used whenever a belt drive is used. Preparing new equipment Filling velocities of tanks should be kept below 1 m/sec (3 ft/sec) in the fill pipe until the end of the pipe is covered by liquid. • Thoroughly dry equipment such as lines, pumps, valves, and vessels. There should be no remaining traces of water. • Test the system for leaks at or above operating pressure with helium or a dry, inert gas. Paint each joint with soap solution and check for bubbles. If you can use helium as the inert gas, you can use a helium detector to check for leaks. 8 American Petroleum Institute Bulletin, RP 2003, 1974 9 NFPA No. 77 Containers Containers 6. ContainersGeneral handling Shipping, marking, labeling and placarding Chlorosilanes are classified as hazardous materials by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, and they are regulated in all modes of transportation. Shippers should refer to 49 CFR and/or IMDG Code for classification, containers and shipping information. The burden of assigning proper hazard classification, container selection, marking, labeling, placarding and shipping documentation falls on the shipper. AV11381 Some chlorosilanes are not currently classified as Dangerous When Wet (DWW) in 49 CFR. Hydrogen chloride is a toxic gas and is evolved when chlorosilanes come into contact with water. Under some conditions, the rate of evolution of HCl from these chlorosilanes is sufficient for them to fall into the DWW classification. This issue was presented to the Department of Transportation by the Silicones Environmental Health and Safety Council (SEHSC). The DOT has approved the following procedure for classifying chlorosilanes. Note special DWW Placard/Label as shown. All chlorosilanes not already classified as DWW (due to SiH content) are to be given a subsidiary DWW classification for domestic shipment, and the DWW placard/label is to be displayed on all packages. In addition, the wording “emits toxic gas when wet” is to be displayed adjacent to the DWW placard/label. Also, at the request of the SEHSC, the DOT has issued a letter of “Competent Authority Approval” that changes the Primary Hazard Classification for silicon tetrachloride and n-propyltrichlorosilane from “Corrosive” (Class 8) to “Toxic” (Class 6, Division 6.1). For shipments within the U.S., Canada and Mexico, silicon tetrachloride and n-propyltrichlorosilane will be placarded/labeled with a Primary Hazard of 6.1. It is anticipated that this change may impact a limited number of additional chlorosilanes in the near future. AV11363 Empty containers (tank trucks, tank cars and portable tanks that previously contained chloro-silanes and have not been cleaned) must be shipped in compliance with applicable regulations as found in 49 CFR and/or the IMDG Code. The shipper is responsible for proper hazard classification, container selection, shipping documentation and proper marking, labeling and placarding. Just as they are regulated for shipping, chlorosilanes are also subject to marking, labeling and placarding requirements according to 49 CFR and/or the IMDG Code. Containers of hazardous chemicals, including each member of the chlorosilane family, must carry a label 21 Containers Containers SiH-containing chlorosilanes such as trichlorosilane and methyldichlorosilane. In this case, oxygen content should be less than 2 percent. Note: These concentrations provide a safety margin at least 50 percent below the minimum oxygen concentration necessary for ignition to occur. Only qualified, fully trained and experienced employees should sample, connect, load, unload or disconnect any container of chlorosilanes. AV11396 It is crucial to wear proper protective clothing and use protective equipment during connecting, loading, unloading and disconnecting operations. An emergency shower and eyewash station should be provided within 8 to 15 meters (25 to 50 feet) of the loading or unloading area. Test the shower fountain before loading or unloading. Easy access to an emergency shower is a critical safety feature of loading and unloading areas. or suitable marking that meets OSHA requirements according to 29 CFR 1910. This label or marking serves as a precautionary warning to workers. Container handling In this section, a container refers to portable tanks, tank trucks or tank cars. The use of these containers must be authorized by the DOT. To determine authorized containers for a specific chlorosilane, refer to 49 CFR. For transportation by ocean, the container must also be authorized by the International Maritime Organization’s IMDG Code. Federal, state and local rules, regulations and ordinances governing loading must be observed. No container should be completely filled; adequate outage or vapor space for product expansion must be determined and provided. The oxygen content of containers to be filled should be less than 4 percent for all chlorosilanes except 22 All tools and equipment (e.g., fittings, pumps and hoses) should be suited for use with chlorosilanes. This equipment should be used only for chlorosilanes, kept free of moisture or other contaminants, and properly protected against mechanical damage. At all times, valves and the interior and exterior of the protective valve housings should be kept clean and free of contaminants, gels or gel-like material caused by the reaction of these materials with water. Container selection This section was designed to help Dow Corning customers select the best container for their current or future business. Information most often requested by customers is included here. State and local requirements for handling these hazardous materials must be considered. Dow Corning frequently finds such requirements to be an issue when reviewing customers’ understanding of chlorosilane handling. The following container options are available from Dow Corning. Not all chlorosilanes are available in all containers. Before making a selection, customers should check with Dow Corning to determine available options for specific materials. Containers Containers DOT/AAR classification: 105 S 500W tank car (pressure car). • DOT classification: MC-331 tank truck (pressure vessel). • Owner/lessor: Dow Corning Corporation • Owner/lessor: Dow Corning Corporation • Capacity, full: 17,300 gal (assume 10% outage loaded). • Capacity, full: 4,800 gal (assume 10% outage loaded). • Average tare weight: 82,300 lb. • • Maximum weight on rails: 263,000 lb. Average tare weight: 34,000 lb (tractor and tank truck). • Product transfer: top load/unloading only. • Maximum weight on road: 80,000 lb (tractor, tank and product). • Average transit time: 7 - 10 days. • • Typical operation: product transferred into customer-specified storage tank. Product transfer: ground access, rear load/unloading. • Average transit time: 1 - 3 days, depending on destination. • Typical operation: product transferred into customer-specified storage tank. AV11398 AV11400 AV11397 • AV# 11399 Domestic tank truck (USA) Tank car (USA) Employees responsible for loading or unloading tank cars must be fully trained regarding the features and operation of these containers, and they must carefully observe all safety precautions. 23 Containers Containers Portable tank (large)-Domestic and International • IMO/DOT classification: IMO-1/DOT51 portable tank (pressure vessel). • Owner/lessor: Dow Corning Corporation • Capacity, full: 4,200 or 4,600 gal (assume 10% min & 20% max outage loaded). • Average tare weight: 38,000 lb (tank, chassis and tractor). • Maximum weight on road: 80,000 lb (USA; tank, chassis, tractor and product). • Product transfer: top load/unloading only. • Average transit time: USA to overseas: 20 days. • Typical operation: product transferred into customer-specified storage tank. • IMO/DOT classifications IMO-1/DOT51 portable tank • If built after 2003, now a UN portable tank • Owner: customer purchase through Dow Corning program. • Capacity, full: 120 gal, fill capacity approximately 100 gal (15% outage). • Average tare weight: 450 lb. • Maximum weight: designed for products up to 1.5 specific gravity. • Product transfer: top load/unloading only. • Average transit time: domestic 7 - 10 days, international approximately 20 days. • Typical operation: product transferred into customer-specified storage tank or as feed tank process (pending state approval). Portable tank (small) -Domestic and International DOT classification: DOT51 portable tank (pressure vessel). 24 AV11389 AV11360 Portable tanks range in size from small (120 gallons) to large (4,600 gallons). AV11381 Note: for international use, tank must receive country approval prior to any intended shipment, arranged with Dow Corning site or customer. AV11356 • Containers For more information We hope the preceding container information has helped narrow the options for your specific needs. We recognize this is a first step; a more detailed brochure and video are available for each container type. The brochure includes valve and pipe sizes, generic layout and many more container-specific details. To obtain this information, please contact Dow Corning’s Customer Service Group at 1-800-248-2481 and request it by container name. Containers Dow Corning is committed to serving your product needs, and we look forward to a safe and long business relationship. The information and data contained herein are based on information we believe reliable. You should thoroughly test any application and independently conclude satisfactory performance before commercialization. Suggestions of uses should not be taken as inducements to infringe any particular patent. Appendix International regulations Regulation IATA - International Air Transport Association IMO - International Maritime Organisation IMDG – International Maritime Dangerous Goods ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers National regulations Health & Safety / Distribution & Transportation Area Regulation USA National Electric Code (NEC) NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Department of Transport (DOT) Europe ATEX (Explosive Atmosphere) ADR Regulations: European Agreement Concerning the International carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road RID Regulations: European Agreement Concerning the International carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Department for Transport (DfT) Mexico Brazil China India Japan 25 LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that Dow Corning’s products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that the product will meet the Dow Corning sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. DOW CORNING is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. WE HELP YOU INVENT THE FUTURE is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. ©2008 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. Cover Photo: AV11403 Printed in USA VIS2558 Form No. 01-4012-01
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