Boom Festival 2016 - Programa - Line Up
Boom Festival 2016 - Programa - Line Up
DANCE TEMPLE ALCHEMY CIRCLE SACRED FIRE LIMINAL VILLAGE ● LIVE ACT ● DJ SET ● CONCERT ● LIVE ACT ● DJ SET ● LIVE ACT ● DJ SET ● CONCERT ● LECTURE ● PERFORMANCE ● JOURNEY IN SESSION ● WORKSHOP ● DISCUSSION PANEL ● MOVIE ● RITUAL 12 AUGUST FRI 18:00 ‣ 00:00 18:00 ‣ 19:30 19:30 ‣ 21:00 21:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 01:00 01:00 ‣ 04:00 04:00 ‣ 05:00 05:00 ‣ 06:00 06:00 ‣ 08:30 08:30 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 11:30 11:30 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 15:00 15:00 ‣ 16:00 16:00 ‣ 17:00 17:00 ‣ 18:00 13 AUGUST SAT 23:00 ‣ 00:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 02:30 02:30 ‣ 04:00 04:00 ‣ 05:00 05:00 ‣ 06:30 06:30 ‣ 08:00 08:00 ‣ 09:30 09:30 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 15:00 15:00 ‣ 16:00 16:00 ‣ 17:00 14 AUGUST SUN 23:00 ‣ 00:00 21:30 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 02:00 02:00 ‣ 03:00 03:00 ‣ 04:00 04:00 ‣ 05:00 05:00 ‣ 06:30 06:30 ‣ 08:00 08:00 ‣ 09:00 09:00 ‣ 10:15 10:15 ‣ 11:30 11:30 ‣ 13:00 13:00 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 15:30 15:00 ‣ 17:00 15 AUGUST MON 23:00 ‣ 00:00 22:00 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 01:30 01:30 ‣ 03:00 03:00 ‣ 04:00 04:00 ‣ 06:30 06:30 ‣ 08:00 08:00 ‣ 09:30 09:30 ‣ 11:30 11:30 ‣ 13:00 13:00 ‣ 18:00 17 AUGUST WEN 00:00 ‣ 00:00 22:00 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 03:00 03:00 ‣ 04:30 04:30 ‣ 07:00 07:00 ‣ 09:30 09:30 ‣ 10:30 10:30 ‣ 13:30 13:30 ‣ 15:00 15:00 ‣ 16:00 16:00 ‣ 17:30 17:30 ‣ 19:00 19:00 ‣ 20:00 20:00 ‣ 21:30 21:30 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 01:00 DAY 1 13 AUGUST SAT 12 AUGUST FRI 00:00 ‣ 17:00 2 21:00 ‣ 22:30 22:30 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 01:00 01:00 ‣ 02:30 02:30 ‣ 05:30 05:30 ‣ 07:30 07:30 ‣ 09:30 09:30 ‣ 12:30 12:30 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 15:30 3 22:00 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 02:00 02:00 ‣ 04:00 04:00 ‣ 06:00 06:00 ‣ 07:30 07:30 ‣ 09:00 09:00 ‣ 10:30 10:30 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 16:00 00:00 ‣ 17:00 4 22:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 02:30 02:30 ‣ 05:30 05:30 ‣ 07:30 07:30 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 15:00 15 AUGUST MON 00:00 ‣ 17:00 5 DAY 3 14 AUGUST SUN 00:00 ‣ 16:00 DAY 1 13 AUGUST SAT 11 AUGUST THU 00:00 ‣ 03:00 20:00 ‣ 00:00 Damballah ● Tó Trips e João Doce ● Ayala ● Fandango ● White Selecta ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 20:00 ‣ 21:00 21:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 03:00 13 AUGUST SAT 14 AUGUST SUN DAY 2 19:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 03:00 Bate & Bala ● Lucky ● Umeme Afro Rave ● Lady G Brown ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 20:00 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 03:00 14 AUGUST SUN 19:00 ‣ 00:00 15 AUGUST MON DAY 3 00:00 ‣ 03:00 HHY& The Macumbas ● Dj Lynce ● GNOD ● Dj Lynce ● Jibóia ● Raja Delhik ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 20:00 ‣ 21:00 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 03:00 15 AUGUST MON 00:00 ‣ 15:00 15 AUGUST MON 19:00 ‣ 00:00 4 22:00 ‣ 00:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 01:00 01:00 ‣ 03:00 03:00 ‣ 05:00 05:00 ‣ 07:00 07:00 ‣ 09:00 09:00 ‣ 11:00 11:00 ‣ 13:00 13:00 ‣ 15:00 00:00 ‣ 17:00 DAY 4 16 AUGUST TUE 16 AUGUST TUE 00:00 ‣ 15:00 19:00 ‣ 00:00 Griff ● Electrocado ● Naasko ● Whitebear ● Moarice ● Aliji ● Ben Rama ● Flembaz ● Jossie Telch ● 16 AUGUST TUE DAY 5 19:00 ‣ 00:00 17 AUGUST WEN 00:00 ‣ 21:00 DAY 17 AUGUST WEN 12:30 ‣ 13:30 14:00 ‣ 15:00 15:30 ‣ 17:00 17:00 ‣ 20:00 20:00 ‣ 21:30 22:00 ‣ 23:00 23:30 ‣ 00:30 18:00 ‣ 00:00 03:00 ‣ 04:00 04:30 ‣ 06:00 DAY 09:00 ‣ 00:00 05:00 ‣ 08:00 08:00 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 16:00 16:00 ‣ 18:00 18:00 ‣ 21:00 18 AUGUST THU 00:00 ‣ 17:00 Eat Static ● Iboga 20 Years: Rocky, Emok, MVMB, Freq, Liquid Soul, Captain Hook ●● Alex Tolstey ● Kaesar ● Rui Vargas ● Thugfucker ● Tripswitch ● Atmos ● ● WORKSHOP ● PERFORMANCE SHOW ● TALKS ● 3D SOUND ● LIVE SET ● DJ SET ● CONCERT 11 AUGUST THU 21:00 ‣ 00:00 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 03:30 03:30 ‣ 07:15 07:15 ‣ 11:00 11:00 ‣ 13:00 13:00 ‣ 17:00 W W W . B O O M F E S T I VA L . O RG YOUTUBE • BOOMWEBTV 12 AUGUST FRI 21:00 ‣ 00:00 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 02:00 02:00 ‣ 06:00 06:00 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 18:00 13 AUGUST SAT 21:00 ‣ 00:00 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 04:30 04:30 ‣ 08:30 08:30 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 18:00 14 AUGUST SUN 21:00 ‣ 00:00 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 01:30 01:30 ‣ 06:00 06:00 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 18:00 15 AUGUST MON 21:00 ‣ 00:00 O N E N ES S | M U S I C | A RTS | E N V I RO N M E N T | C U LT U R E | LOV E 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 02:00 02:00 ‣ 06:00 06:00 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 18:00 16 AUGUST TUE 21:00 ‣ 00:00 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 02:00 02:00 ‣ 06:00 06:00 ‣ 10:00 10:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 14:00 14:00 ‣ 18:00 17 AUGUST WEN 21:00 ‣ 00:00 DAY 1 12 AUGUST FRI 2 13 AUGUST SAT 00:00 ‣ 18:00 Irina Mikhailova & Star Sound Kontinuum ●● Avaris ●● Dezoncondor ●● Shamanic Mind State ● Kals Ometeotl ● Daheen ● Balancé ● Ishq ●● DAY 3 14 AUGUST SUN 00:00 ‣ 18:00 4 15 AUGUST MON 5 16 AUGUST TUE 00:00 ‣ 18:00 Michael Garfield ●● Clearlight ●● IDMT ●● Claxon ● RyomA ● Jovishnu ●● Globular ●● Lucas ● DAY 6 17 AUGUST WEN 00:00 ‣ 18:00 Oxala ●● Kukangherita Sound System ●● Too-Faar ●● Luca & Jazzmine ● Liminal Roots ● Floating Machine ● Kliment ●● Opale ● DAY 7 18 AUGUST THU 00:00 ‣ 06:00 1 East 16:30 ‣ 17:30 Ecstatic Dance Justin Aubuchon & Sofia Bouçadas ● Bharatanatyam Carla Gairifo ● Indian Temple Dance Chantelle Gomez ● Sufiaana Chantelle Gomez ● Opening Ceremony Indian Sacred Dance Carla Gairifo, Goura Prema Riggin, Chantelle Gomez ● Butoh Sven Wu Wei ● Sufiaana Chantelle Gomez and Baltazar Molina● 18:00 ‣ 19:00 13 AUGUST SAT 09:00 ‣ 00:00 09:00 ‣ 10:00 11:00 ‣ 12:30 12:30 ‣ 13:30 21:00 ‣ 21:30 22:30 ‣ 23:30 08:00 ‣ 23:30 08:00 ‣ 09:30 10:30 ‣ 11:30 11:30 ‣ 13:00 16:00 ‣ 17:00 17:00 ‣ 18:00 09:30 ‣ 23:45 10:30 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 13:30 21:30 ‣ 23:45 2 3 09:00 ‣ 10:30 10:30 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 13:30 21:30 ‣ 22:30 22:45 ‣ 23:15 23:30 ‣ 23:45 08:00 ‣ 09:30 09:30 ‣ 11:00 11:00 ‣ 12:30 21:00 ‣ 21:30 DAY 1 2 4 The Sitar Experience ●● Dr. Chill ●● Dj High ● Mirror System ●● Rainbow Dome Musik ●● CHILL OUT GarDEns HUBs DAILY INDIVIDUAL THERAPIES ‣ FIRST INDIVIDUAL SESSION START AT 08:00 ‣ LAST INDIVIDUAL SESSION START AT 00:00 00:30 ‣ 01:30 14 AUGUST SUN 09:00 ‣ 00:00 13:00 ‣ 14:00 14:30 ‣ 16:00 20:00 ‣ 21:00 21:30 ‣ 22:30 23:00 ‣ 00:00 00:30 ‣ 01:30 02:00 ‣ 03:00 DAY 5 03:30 ‣ 06:00 Father DAY 3 13:30 ‣ 14:30 15:00 ‣ 16:00 16:30 ‣ 17:30 18:00 ‣ 19:00 19:30 ‣ 21:00 21:30 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 01:00 01:30 ‣ 02:30 03:00 ‣ 06:00 09:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 06:00 DAY 5 17 AUGUST WEN 00:00 ‣ 06:00 FATHER SKY - HUMANIST TECHNOLOGY, HACKING & AI 09:00 ‣ 10:30 11:00 ‣ 12:00 12:00 ‣ 13:30 14:00 ‣ 15:00 15:30 ‣ 16:30 17:00 ‣ 18:00 18:30 ‣ 19:30 20:00 ‣ 21:00 21:30 ‣ 22:30 23:00 ‣ 00:30 01:00 ‣ 02:00 02:30 ‣ 06:00 Divine WiFi Meditation Atom ● Autonomous community based Wireless Networks in Latin America and Europe - Altermundi Gui, Isa ● Deploy an emergency LibreMesh network with local services Altermundi ● Biohacking - From the Maker Movement to DIY Labs Worldwide Potentials and Practicalities Keenan Pinto ● Neurotechnology and Neurofeedback: Human Enhancement and Transhumanism Francisco Marques Teixeira ● AI: Ethics, Opportunities and the Singularity Institute of Exponential Studies, Demian Zivkovic, Laurens M. Wes & Toon Alfrink ● How To Live In The Future Michael Garfield ● Share the Coin! How to bring the Boom Spirit Home Luuk Verhoeven ● Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man Angaangaq Angakkorsvaq ● Fireside Chat with Android Jones ● Collective Healing Activation Bioregenesis Christof Melchizedek ● Paradigm Films ● The Sunshine Makers / Chai, Changa and Charas – Self Shamanising Rituals in Psytrance Gatherings / Icaros 17 AUGUST WEN 09:00 ‣ 00:00 18 AUGUST THU DAY 6 00:00 ‣ 06:00 MOTHER EARTH - ECOLOGY AND PERMACULTURE 09:00 ‣ 10:30 11:00 ‣ 13:00 13:30 ‣ 15:00 15 AUGUST MON 17:00 ‣ 18:00 18:30 ‣ 19:30 20:00 ‣ 21:00 Sleeping Awake Concert Alberto Giorni ● Psytrance Independent Media Mushroom Magazine, Chaishop (Mike), Isratrance and Trancentral, Psymedia, Roberdo Raval, Artur Mendes & Roger Liggenstorter Moderator: Chai Sam ● Kaleidoscopic DNA Diogo Ruivo, Dj Stefano, Simão Miguez ● Psytrance Festivals and Around the World: Boom Festival, Origin Festival, Doof Festival, Hadra, Universo Paralello, Symbiosis, Momento Demento, Ozora Festival (2004-2011), Sun Festival ● Masterclass: Production of Psytrance Atmos, Avalon, Braincell & Martian Arts ● How to create a psytrance label Flying Rhino, Suntrip Records, IONO, Blue Hour Sound Master Class: Mastering Psytrance Onkel Dunkel ● Master Class: The World of Visuals Mark Calvert, Oskar & Gaspar, David Vigh ● Agencies, A Bridge between Artists, Promoters and Trancers Nano Bookings, FM Bookings, DM7 ● Liminality and Communitas: Rupert Till The Second Life of Psychedelic Gatherings Emilia Simão ● Psychedelic Shamanic Storytelling DMT Papaya Faery ● Paradigm Films Last Hippie Standing / Welcome to Wonderland ● 16 AUGUST TUE Shamanic Work – Animal Power Journey Samantha Tuzio ● The Way of the Galactic Shaman Christof Melchizedek ● Visionary Art Shamanic Cartography Andrew Jones, Chris Dyer, Jonathan Solter, Luke Brown; Luis Tamani Moderator: Carey Thompson ● Cosmovision, Ritual and Community Shamanism in Traditional Culture Moderator - Ben Christie, Oscar Ruiz de la Tierra, Txana and Vinicius, Marie Claire & Eshua Bolton ● The Indigenous Traditions of Britain and Europe Piecing Together the Fragments Eric Maddern, Angharad Wynne ● Shamanism belongs to all of us Satya ● Contemporary Shamanism and Sacred Ritual - Satya, Rebekah, Apurva, Christopher Melchizedek. Moderator: Vicky Sinclair ● Shamanism 2.0 - Psychedelic Profiteers and the Recuperation of the Transcendent David Nickles DMT Nexus ● Technoshamanism followed by Despacho Ceremony Vicky Sinclair ● From Beyond to Beyond Guilherme da Luz and crew ● Paradigm Films Bridgewalkers / Experience Bwiti - Renascence of the Healed / Tengrism - The Cult of Father Sky ● 16 AUGUST TUE 00:00 ‣ 06:00 00:00 ‣ 06:00 4 21:30 ‣ 23:00 23:30 ‣ 01:00 01:30 ‣ 06:00 Land Meditation with Ashik ● Three Hands On 1. Cob building IPEC crew 2. Secrets of the soil (Gardening and beyond) Lucy Legan ● Energy Resources, What is Next? Howard Johns, Sara Van der Kellen - PALP, Dan Schreiber; Moderator: João Camargo ● Local food renaissance through technology and communities Marc David Choukroun ● A Guide to Rewilding Lessons from a Forest Dweller Erica Wohldmann ● The Dharma of Permaculture Scott Pittman ● Boom Sustainability - Designing to Create Culture André Soares ● WALKING THE TALK Earth and Spirit Scott Pittman, Angaangaq, Alfredo Cunhal, Elizabeth Kruger, Samuel Infante. Moderator: André Soares ● Storytelling From Faeries to Shamans Susan Florries + Daniel Allison ● Paradigm Films Liquid Crystal Vision / Planetary / Permaculture through the Mind of the Body ● ECO TECH HUB Just outside the Liminal Village, the Eco Tech Hub is a new forum for individuals and small, independent companies. Some of them present their eco technology, others are still in the developing phase and share with us their ideas for a life in harmony with Mother Nature. CBD - Elixinol / CoolFarm / Dias nas Árvores / Eat the Garden / Firefly Clean Energy / Herdade do Freixo do Meio / Noocity / Paissano / Sementes Vivas NGO DJANGO The NGO Django is a space close to the Liminal Village where you can meet various crews and individuals who make sure that our mission continues when we return to everyday life. Be inspired, become an activist, make change happen! Cinema du Desert / CERAS - Centro De Estudos Recuperação De Animais Selvagens / ICEERS International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service / Love Specs / On Wheels / PALP - Plataforma Algarve Livre de Petróleo / Plataforma Transgénicos Fora / Projecto 270 / TEJO International Project / QUERCUS / Refugee Community Kitchen / SEED / Sunseed Group / SAcred Fire workshops 12 AUGUST FRI 10:00 ‣ 23:00 DAY 1 EAST UNDER THE WISDOM TREE 12:30 ‣ 14:30 DIY Autonomous Photovoltaic Systems Zé Paulo Ramalho 16:00 ‣ 18:00 Eco-Design Thinking Claudia Sequeira and Teresa Almeida FOREST OF SHARING 10:30 ‣ 13:30 Sand Casting Jewellery Issi Bulloch BOOMERS COUNCIL 20:00 ‣ 23:00 Culture, Rites, Rituals and Ceremonies Towards a higher Connection José Soutelinho 13 AUGUST SAT 10:00 ‣ 23:00 DAY 2 SOUTH UNDER THE WISDOM TREE 10:00 ‣ 12:00 DIY Sustainable Clothes Ana Carolina Lahr 12:30 ‣ 14:00 Mediterranean herbal preparations Cat Raíz de Carvalho 16:00 ‣ 18:00 Fungal & mushroom applications for a better, cleaner and healthier World Mariana & Pedro Oliveira FOREST OF SHARING 10:30 ‣ 13:30 Frame drums and rhythms of the Orient Xenia Uranova 15:30 ‣ 18:30 “Encalhados” - Sustainable art Sérgio Branco & Rossana Ribeiro BOOMERS COUNCIL 20:00 ‣ 23:00 Bridging worlds - Doors through the Material & the Divine, in my absolute experience José Soutelinho MUD XPERIENCE DANCEFLOOR 11:00 ‣ 14:00 Mud Xperience Catarina Pinto & Terra Palha Crew 14 AUGUST SUN 10:00 ‣ 23:00 DAY 3 EARTH UNDER THE WISDOM TREE 10:00 ‣ 12:00 Clay on the Hands Ana Cardoso Magic Oak Trees Carla Gairifo Santos 12:30 ‣ 14:00 16:00 ‣ 18:00 Soil is Sexy Lucy Legan FOREST OF SHARING 10:30 ‣ 13:30 Beading art - the shamanic experience Seciu Florin Catalin and Ivnus Andra DIY Drums and Didgeridoos made with 15:30 ‣ 18:30 Agave Wood Juan Carlos Elvira Martin BOOMERS COUNCIL 20:00 ‣ 23:00 The Day After: Serving Wisdom in our World José Soutelinho MUD XPERIENCE DANCEFLOOR 11:00 ‣ 14:00 Mud Xperience Catarina Pinto & Terra Palha Crew 15 AUGUST MON 10:00 ‣ 23:00 DAY 4 AIR UNDER THE WISDOM TREE 10:00 ‣ 12:00 Respectful beehive culture André Escarigo 12:30 ‣ 14:00 A Tree Shepherd explains Five principles of Agroecology Peter Zin Draw-on-film animation 16:00 ‣ 18:00 Leonel Vieira Coelho FOREST OF SHARING 10:30 ‣ 13:30 Silent drumming Davor 15:30 ‣ 18:30 Weave your Amulet Mayan Backstrap Loom / Selva Bhairavi BOOMERS COUNCIL 20:00 ‣ 23:00 The inner Shaman: Towards the Self, Others and The Whole José Soutelinho MUD XPERIENCE DANCEFLOOR Mud Xperience 11:00 ‣ 14:00 Catarina Pinto & Terra Palha Crew 16 AUGUST TUE 10:00 ‣ 23:00 DAY 5 MOTHER UNDER THE WISDOM TREE 10:00 ‣ 12:00 Tzolkin B-A-BA, get TUN'ed Joakin DAY(a.k.a. KINguru) How to make Raw Organic Moisturisers 12:30 ‣ 14:00 and Toothpaste Nina Pulford Raw wild kitchen Filipa Costa Leite 16:00 ‣ 18:00 FOREST OF SHARING 10:30 ‣ 13:30 Didgeridoo Master Class Tiago Francisquinho 15:30 ‣ 18:30 DIY Hang Drum Nije BOOMERS COUNCIL 20:00 ‣ 23:00 Seeing in the Dark, seeing the Collective Unconscious José Soutelinho MUD XPERIENCE DANCEFLOOR Mud Xperience 11:00 ‣ 14:00 Catarina Pinto & Terra Palha Crew 17 AUGUST WEN 10:00 ‣ 23:00 DAY 6 SKY UNDER THE WISDOM TREE 10:00 ‣ 12:00 Seed Saving Frederica Teixeira and Maria Bernardes 12:30 ‣ 14:00 Vibrational Flower and Tree Elixirs SofiaYonah 16:00 ‣ 18:00 Introduction to Biodynamic Agriculture Leah Joseph FOREST OF SHARING 10:30 ‣ 13:30 Over and Under: an experiment in the collective rhythm of weaving Marta Romani and Karl Logge BOOMERS COUNCIL 20:00 ‣ 23:00 Sound, Movement and Ecstasy as a way of celebrating Communion and Life José Soutelinho yo u ng D ragons ● MOVEMENTS ● WORKSHOP ● DRAGON TALKS (FOR PARENTS) ● CINEMA (FOR PARENTS) ● THEATRE DAY 6 Mother 12 AUGUST FRI Ecstatic Dance Justin Aubuchon & Sofia Bouçadas ● Primitive Greek Dances Sara Toscano ● Sacred Temple Dance Diana Rego ● Afro Indian Dance Collaboration & Closing Ceremony of Nataraj Dance Stage Ana Costa, Chantelle Gomes, Iris Lican and Goura Prema Riggin ● DAY 09:00 ‣ 11:30 15:30 ‣ 16:30 18:30 ‣ 19:30 North DAY DAY 10:00 ‣ 00:00 DAY 1 EAST SACRED CIRCLE 11:00 ‣ 13:30 Ritual of Life ● 15:00 ‣ 16:00 Magical Sound Journey (+7) ● 18:00 ‣ 20:00 Sacred Clay Bowl ● FIREFLIES WOODLAND 18:00 ‣ 19:00 Water Mothers Project ● 22:00 ‣ 00:00 The Beginning of Life ● DRAGONS AVENUE 10:00 ‣ 11:00 Ancient for the future ● 14:00 ‣ 15:00 Krazy Koala Puppet Show ● 16:00 ‣ 17:30 Recicl’Arte ● 20:00 ‣ 21:00 Let’s Play Capoeira ● DAY 3 4 5 6 11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18 AUG TUE/WED/THU/FRI/SAT/SUN 00:00 ‣ 23:59 21:00 ‣ 22:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 23:30 ‣ 03:00 03:00 ‣ 05:00 05:00 ‣ 06:00 23:00 ‣ 00:00 16:30 ‣ 18:00 PERFoRMaNcEs DAY 2 14 AUGUST SUN Tribal Fusion Bellydance Judite Dilshad ● Urban Fusion Bellydance Piny Orchidaceae ● Indian Fusion Bellydance Chantelle Gomez ● Contemporary Dance Yemadas ● Primitive Greek Dances Sara Toscano ● Contemporary Dance Orchidaceae Dance Company ● 17 AUGUST WEN 08:00 ‣ 21:30 21:00 ‣ 22:30 09:00 ‣ 10:30 11:00 ‣ 12:30 West DAY 09:00 ‣ 23:45 DAY DAY NORTH - SHAMANISM 00:00 ‣ 06:00 WEST - PSYTRANCE CONVENTION DAY Ecstatic Dance Justin Aubuchon & Sofia Bouçadas ● African Contemporary Dance Yemadas ● Contemporary Dance Piny Orchidaceae ● Tribal Fusion Bellydance Gala Show Judite Dilshad, Chantelle Gomez, Horus Mozarabe, Piny Orchidaceae, Orchidaceae Dance Company ● 16 AUGUST TUE 19:30 ‣ 20:30 02:00 ‣ 06:00 South Ecstatic Dance Justin Aubuchon & Sofia Bouçadas ● Ancestral Ritual Trance Dances Iris Lican ● Butoh Sven Wu Wei ● Dance of trance and ecstasy Iris Lican ● Decoding Indian Sacred Dance Chantelle Gomez ● Flamenco Quadro Flamenco ● 15 AUGUST MON 08:00 ‣ 09:30 DAY Butoh Sven Wu Wei ● African Tribal Dance Yemadas ● Ancestral Ritual Trance Dances Iris Lican ● African Tribal Dance Yemadas ● The Jewelled Inner life Iris Lican, Baltazar Molina, Goncalo Saramento ● 14 AUGUST SUN 00:00 ‣ 18:00 Chilled C.Quence ●● Grouch ●● Bwoy De Bhajan ●● Alex Descroix ● Plurgrim ● Ryanosaurus ● Kukan Dub Lagan ●● Gaudi in Dub ●●● DAY 22:15 ‣ 22:45 22:45 ‣ 23:00 22:00 ‣ 23:30 Kabeção ●● Dirty Hippy ●● Rui Gato ●● Liquid Shape ● Dubuddha ● Pangani ● Unkown Reality ●● Bumble Music ●● Naasko ● DAY 11:30 ‣ 12:30 21:30 ‣ 21:45 21:45 ‣ 22:15 00:00 ‣ 17:00 Ricardo Passos ●● Ethnic Voyager ●● AES Dana’s Space Music Explorations ●●● Dj M&Ms ● Yumi ● Zen Baboon ●● Bayawaka ● DAY 09:30 ‣ 10:30 10:30 ‣ 11:30 14:30 ‣ 16:00 DAY 08:00 ‣ 23:00 08:00 ‣ 09:30 CHILL OUT GarDEns 13:00 ‣ 14:00 NatARAj 12 AUGUST FRI 13 AUGUST SAT Zen Meditation: Going Online with the Universe Mirko Betz ● Networking the Transformational Ecosystem - David Casey ● Children are the future keepers of the planet. How to educate for a better future? Lucy Legan, Tomás Mello Breyner and Boomers ● Gift and Responsibilities, the Need for a Commons Transition Stacco Troncoso - P2P Foundation and Democratization of Finance, Ana Fradique – Robin Hood Coop ● Beautiful Trouble Creative Resistance to a Commodified World Noel Douglas ● Altered Global States & Public Consciousness Expansion: 21TH Century Journalism as a Psychedelic Mission Bruno Torturra ● How to Disrupt the Financial Order with Humor, Creativity and a dose of Mischief Enmedio - Oriana Eliçabe ● Tyringham Convention On Indigenous Land Rights - Rory Spowers, Michael Hill, Txana Ikakuru, Eshua Bolton ● Environmentalists - Activist Shamans of the Modern Age Mayra Vivo-Torres & Carl Mayhew ● Aquafono Micronecta “8 Trigrams” Patxi Valera ● Paradigm Films How to Change the World / Disobedience / Que Estranha Forma de Vida ● 09:00 ‣ 10:30 11:00 ‣ 12:30 19:00 ‣ 21:00 21:00 ‣ 05:00 09:00 ‣ 00:00 SOUTH - RESETING THE SOCIAL WORLD Rico Loops ●● Terrakota ● Prisma ● Tjak ● 18:00 ‣ 19:00 19:00 ‣ 20:30 20:30 ‣ 23:00 23:00 ‣ 00:00 1 13 AUGUST SAT 6 15 AUGUST MON 00:00 ‣ 02:00 Dream Work Orpheus B ● The Inner Search for a Better World - Consciousness Expanding Plants in the 21ST Century Benjamin de Loenen (ICEERS) ● The 2ND Psychedelic Revolution: Reflections on the Re-emergence of the Psychedelic Culture James Oroc ● Boom Festival Team Q&A Interdisciplinary view of madness & altered states - Dr. Joan Obiols Llandrich - ICEERS/Kosmicare; Adam Aronovich - Kosmicare facilitator ● PROGRAM STOPS FOR OPENING CEREMONY From the Psychologist Couch to the Festival: Consciousness Expansion in “Recreational” Settings. Maria Carmo Carvalho ICEERS/Kosmicare; , Sara Gael (Zendo) Moderator - Marc Aixalá ● Surfing the uncertain: Integration of the Personal Experience as key to Social transformation Marc Aixalà (ICEERS/Kosmicare) ● Risk & Harm reduction in the Deep Web Dr. X (Fernando Caudevilla) ● The Psychoactive Scapegoat: Towards a Global Human Rights and Science Based Approach to the Use of Consciousness Altering Substances Carl Hart - Kasia Malinowska - Benjamin Mudge Moderator - Benjamin De Loenen ● Our World of Noises Sebastian Frisch ● Paradigm Films You Are Everything ● 09:00 ‣ 10:30 11:00 ‣ 12:00 00:00 ‣ 03:00 Solar Fields ● Inês Lamim ● Wolf Tech ● Mike Stellar ● 19:00 ‣ 21:00 21:00 ‣ 22:30 22:30 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 03:00 12 AUGUST FRI EAST - PSYCHEDELIC SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY 17 AUGUST WEN 5 DAY 09:00 ‣ 00:00 00:00 ‣ 03:00 Fogo-Fogo ● Inês Inlectra ● Chancha Via Circuito ● Branko ● Selecta Alice ● 19:00 ‣ 20:30 20:30 ‣ 21:30 21:30 ‣ 22:30 22:30 ‣ 00:30 00:30 ‣ 03:00 0 12:00 ‣ 13:00 12 AUGUST FRI 16 AUGUST TUE DAY DAY Boom 2004 Movie Boom 2006 Movie The Alchemy Spirit (2012) Boom 2016 Webisodes 20:00 ‣ 21:30 21:45 ‣ 23:00 23:15 ‣ 00:30 00:45 ‣ 02:00 01:00 ‣ 02:30 16 AUGUST TUE P RO G R A M / m A P 00:00 ‣ 15:30 19:00 ‣ 00:00 Manu ● Anyer Quantum ● Perfect Stranger aka Yuli Fershat ● Felix da Cat ● Pena ● Eitan Reiter ● Uone ● 15 AUGUST MON Wild Marmelade ● Avalon ● Nuky ● Chris Rich ● Janux ● Govinda ● Earthling ● Lucas ● X-Dream ● Bumbling Loons ● Tristan ● Ajja ● Parasense ● Dickster ● Thatha ● Surprise FB - BOOMFESTIVALOFFICIALPAGE 12 AUGUST FRI Quantic Devices ● Millivolt ● Hellquist ● Onion Brain ● Val Vashar ● Nangijala ● Evil Oil Man ● Ryanosaurus ● Dirty Hippy ● James Monro ● 22:00 ‣ 00:00 Psy-O-chestra ● Onkel Dunkel ● Arjuna ● Orestis ● Terratech ● Sven Looping ● Procs ● Scorb ● Rinkadink ● Altruism ● Ace Ventura ● DAY 2 14 AUGUST SUN Baba Zula ● Sounds Familiar ● Nargun ● Derango ● Archaic ● Hutti Heita ● Evocatone ● Purist ● Martian Arts ● Kim ● Waio ● Egorythmia ● Zen Mechanics ● Loud Band ● DAY DAY 22:00 ‣ 00:00 14 AUGUST SUN 13 AUGUST SAT Kalya Scintilla & Eveolution ● Grub ● Krumelur ● Florian MSK ● Expander ● Luis M ● Sininho ● Fábio Leal ● Grouch ● Merkaba ● 13 AUGUST SAT Kaya Project Band ● Luca & Jazzmine ● Fagin's Reject ● Dust ● Drip Drop ● Via Axis ● Magick ● Anoebis ● Tsuyoshi Suzuki ● Crossing Mind ● Filteria ● DAY 1 21:00 ‣ 00:00 Olive Tree Dance ● Burn in Noise ● Swarup ● Electric Universe ● Pogo ● Tweakers ● Module Virus ● Ital ● Pragmatix ● Braincell ● Shane Gobi ● Animato ● Yestermorrow ● Symbolic ● Vini Vici ● DAY DAY Amazing live art performances are ready to take you by surprise all over the Boom Land! Here is a list of the artists who will perform across many stages and social areas: Alektrik / Ali Luminescent / Amanitas Fire Theatre / Arson Malabares / Artmosphere Performers / Asacocirco, Bamboo Element / Bubbles Masters / Company of the distracted Arts, Discipulos de la hoja verde / Dreamworkx, ellebannA – QUANTUM, Gustavo Ollitta / Gyula Cserepes / In Love with Fire / Jessyfish, Joana Teatro / Krazy Koala Puppet Show / KOI-SHAMANARA / L.S.D. Living Statues Djs / Lela Perez / Lights in Motion / Lital Natanzon / Manos de Fuego / Mitra Hoop / Mr Pink, Mystika Circus / Oersprong / Compañia Pablo Mendez / Petit Prance, Pyrodanza / Rezm Orah / Rico Loops / Secret Sunrise / SPIRITU, Stacy Barbie / Star Children / Sunfire / Svetamusica / The FaeDaLites Dance Troupe / Uma Vera / VILIJA. 13 AUGUST SAT 10:00 ‣ 22:00 DAY 2 SOUTH SACRED CIRCLE 11:00 ‣ 12:30 Recicl’Arte ● 14:00 ‣ 16:00 Sacred clay bowl ● 17:00 ‣ 19:00 Spiral Straw Creation ● FIREFLIES WOODLAND 18:00 ‣ 19:00 Meditation and Children ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 Little Buddha Meditation ● 21:00 ‣ 22:00 The dance of the Fireflies ● DRAGONS AVENUE 10:00 ‣ 11:00 Ancient for the future ● 12:00 ‣ 13:30 Acro-Family ● 16:00 ‣ 18:00 Creation Music Circle ● Creative Movement (6 to 9) ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 14 AUGUST SUN 10:00 ‣ 21:00 DAY 3 EARTH SACRED CIRCLE 11:00 ‣ 13:30 Ritual of Life ● 16:00 ‣ 19:00 Fairy Circus Tribe (6 to 12) ● FIREFLIES WOODLAND 18:00 ‣ 19:00 Developmental Movements ● 20:00 ‣ 21:00 Little Buddha Meditation ● DRAGONS AVENUE Ancient for the future ● 10:00 ‣ 11:00 Build your own... (7 to 12) ● 12:00 ‣ 13:30 15:00 ‣ 16:00 Magical Sound Journey (3 to 6) ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 Creative Movement (3 to 5) ● 15 AUGUST MON 10:00 ‣ 22:00 16 AUGUST TUE 10:00 ‣ 00:00 DAY 5 SKY SACRED CIRCLE 11:00 ‣ 13:30 Ritual of Life ● 14:00 ‣ 16:00 Willow Craft ● 17:00 ‣ 20:00 Woodland Dens ● FIREFLIES WOODLAND 18:00 ‣ 19:00 Natural Cosmetics for Children ● 22:00 ‣ 00:00 Drops of Joy ● DRAGONS AVENUE 10:00 ‣ 11:00 Ancient for the future ● 12:00 ‣ 14:00 Circus Movements ● 15:00 ‣ 17:00 Creation Music Circle ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 Creative Movement (6 to 9) ● DAY 4 AIR SACRED CIRCLE 11:00 ‣ 13:00 Creation Music Circle ● 14:00 ‣ 15:30 Recicl’Arte ● 17:00 ‣ 20:00 Little People’s Banquet ● FIREFLIES WOODLAND 18:00 ‣ 19:00 Conscious Fertility ● 21:00 ‣ 22:00 The Dance of the Fireflies ● DRAGONS AVENUE 10:00 ‣ 11:00 Ancient for the future ● 12:00 ‣ 14:00 Circus Movements ● 19:00 ‣ 20:00 Creative Movement (+10) ● 17 AUGUST WEN 10:00 ‣ 00:00 DAY 6 MOTHER SACRED CIRCLE 11:00 ‣ 13:00 Sacred Bowl ● 14:00 ‣ 15:00 Magical Sound Journey (+7) ● Fairy Circus Tribe (6 to 12) ● 16:00 ‣ 19:00 FIREFLIES WOODLAND 18:00 ‣ 19:00 Sacred Sexuality for Children ● 22:00 ‣ 00:00 The Territory of Play ● DRAGONS AVENUE 10:00 ‣ 11:00 Ancient for the future ● 12:00 ‣ 14:00 Acro-Family ● 15:00 ‣ 16:00 Krazy Koala Puppet Show 19:00 ‣ 21:00 Dynamic Ecstatic Dance ●
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