Few free fruit flies fly from flames.


Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Pronunciation | Tongue Twister 09
Tongue Twister 09:
“Few free fruit flies fly from flames.”
Hi! How are you today?
Today’s lesson is about “”fr” and “fl”.”
Let’s make learning English fun!
A aula de hoje é sobre “”fr” e “fl”.”
Exercise 1 | Listening(Escutando)
Directions: Listen carefully to your teacher.
(Instruções: Escute o seu professor com atenção.)
Tongue Twister
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
/fjuː/ /friː/ /fruːt/ /flaɪz/ /flaɪ/ /frɒm/ /fleɪmz/
Pay attention to the difference of the pronunciation between “fr” and “fl”. Repeat after your teacher.
(Preste atenção nas diferenças entre a pronúncia do “fr” e “fl”. Repita com o seu professor.)
free [fri](livre)
fruit fly [frúit flaɪ](mosca-das-frutas)
fly [flaɪ](voar)
flames [fleɪms](chamas)
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Pronunciation | Tongue Twister 09
Exercise 2 | Pronunciation Practice(Praticando Pronunciação 1)
Directions: Practice pronunciation with your teacher.
(Instruções: Pratique as pronúncias com o seu professor.)
Read the sentence slowly.
(Leia as frases lentamente.)
Few free / fruit / flies / fly / from / flames.
Read it three times fast.
(Leia três vezes rapidamente.)
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Read it five times, faster.
(Leia cinco vezes, mais rápido.)
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved.
Pronunciation | Tongue Twister 09
Exercise 3 | Pronunciation Practice 2(Praticando Pronunciação2)
Directions: Practice pronunciation with your teacher.
(Instruções: Pratique pronunciação com o seu professor.)
1. Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
2. From flames do fly few free fruit flies.
3. If few free fruit flies fly, how can we fry free fruit flies with flames?
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