Institute for African American Research Graduate Student Brown Bag Series Spring 2015 “Brazilian Quilombos: Historical & Contemporary Struggles" Adam Bledsoe, UNC-CH Department of Geography 1/12/15 PRESENTATION RESOURCES On the history and significance of early quilombos Clóvis Moura: Quilombos: Resistência ao escravismo Rebeliões da Senzala On the role of the Black in the formation of Brazilian identity Gislene Aparacedia dos Santos. 2002. A invenção de “ser negro”: um percurso das idéias que naturalizaram a inferioridade dos negros” Celia Maria Marinho de Azevedo. 1987. Onda negra, medo branco: o negro no imaginário das elites, século XIX On the role of the Black Movement in bringing back the idea of the quilombo to national discussion Flavia Rios. 2012. “O Protesto Negro no Brasil Contemporâneo” Lua Nova 85, 41-79 On the idea of Quilombismo Abdias do Nascimento. 1980. “Quilombismo: An Afro-Brazilian Political Alternative.” Journal of Black Studies 11(2), 141-178 On the history of quilombo legislation and the constitution of 1988 “Between the Law and Their Land: Afro-Brazilian Quilombo Communities’ Struggle for Land Rights”—A report by the Rapoport Delegation on Afro-Brazilian Land Rights On the changing significance of words and ideas Gyorgy Markus. 1993. “Culture: The Making and Make-up of a Concept (An essay in historical semantics).” Dialectical Anthropology 18, 3-29 Erich Auerbach. 1984. “Figura” (chapter) from Scenes from the Drama of European Literature BOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE STONE CENTER LIBRARY Afolabi, Niyi. Afro-Brazilians: Cultural Production in a Racial Democracy. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2009. Beyond Slavery: The Multilayered Legacy of Africans in Latin America and the Caribbean. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. Conrad, Robert Edgar, 1928-. Children of God's Fire: A Documentary History of Black Slavery in Brazil. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994. BOOKS AVAILABLE AT OTHER UNC-CH LIBRARIES As Veias Negras do Brasil: Conexões Brasileiras Com a África. Eds. Lourdes Conde Feitosa, et al. Bauru, SP Brazil]: Editora da Universidade do Sagrado Coração, 2012. French, Jan Hoffman, 1953-. Legalizing Identities: Becoming Black Or Indian in Brazil's Northeast. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. Galhardo, Thales Antônio Rodrigues, author. Açúcar, Escravidão & Quilombo. Recife: Editora Coqueiro, 2012. Home and Exile: Abdias Nascimento, African Brazilian Thinker and Pan-African Visionary. Eds. Femi OjoAde and editor. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2014. New Approaches to Resistance in Brazil and Mexico. Eds. John Gledhill and. Durham N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2012. ARTICLES AVAILABLE AT UNC-CH LIBRARIES Florentino, Manolo, and Márcia Amantino. "A Morphology of 'Quilombos' in the Americas, SixteenthNineteenth Centuries." História, ciências, saúde--Manguinhos 19 Suppl 1.supp (2012): 259-97. Gabriela Buonfiglio Dowling, and Sara Melo. "O Coco De Roda no Quilombo." Amerika : Mémoires (2012). Kenny, Mary Lorena. "Making Heritage in Brazilian Quilombos." Antipoda 12.12 (2011): 93-111. Paoliello, Renat Medeiros. "Quilombo's Remnants: Social Networks and Political Processes." Perspectivas 32 (2007): 127-59. AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT UNC-CH LIBRARIES Quilombo Country Videorecording]. Quilombo Country Videorecording]Prod. Moving Eye Productions., et al. Perf. Anonymous Moving Eye Productions, 2006. <>. Quilombo Videocassette]. Quilombo Videocassette]Prod. Augusto Arraes, et al. Perf. Anonymous New York Video, 1991. <>. Quilombo Videorecording]. Quilombo Videorecording]Prod. Carlos Diegues, et al. Perf. Anonymous New Yorker Video, 2005. <>. Bibliography prepared by Stone Center Library staff and Adam Bledsoe
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