Brazilian Certificate
Brazilian Certificate
ANAC AG~NCIA NACIONAL DE AVIACAo CIVIL (BRAZILIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY) ESPECIFICAC;:OES OPERATIVAS DA ORGANIZAC;:AO DE MANUTENC;:AO (MA INTENANCE ORGANIZATION OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS) COM N'1411-411ANAC (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE No. 1411-411ANAC) AAR AIRCRAFT SERVICES INC. - INDIANAPOLIS REPAIR STATION 825 WEST PERIMETER ROAD INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 46241 AERONAVES (AIRCRAFT) THE BOEING AIRCRAFT CORPORATION - ModeIos (Models) 727-100, 727-100C, 727200, 727C, 737-200, 737-200C, 737-300 Series, 737-400 Series, 737-500 Series, 737-600 Series, 737700 Series, 737-800 Series, 757-200 Series, 767-200 Series, 767-300 Series, 767-300F Series, MD-Il. THE BOEING AIRCRAFT CORPORATION - ModeIo (Mode!) 747-200, 747-200B Series, 747-300 Series, 747-400 Series Iimitado a Manutenc;ao de linha (limited to line maintenance). AIRBUS INDUSTRIE - Modelos (Models) A318 -1 11 , A3 18-11 2, A318- 121, A3 18-122, A319III, A319-112, A319-113, A3 19-11 4, A3 19-115, A319-13 1, A319-132, A319-133, A320-111, A320211, A320-212, A320-21 4, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321211, A321 -212, A321 -213, A321 -231, A321 -232. EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE AERONAVES S/A - Modelos (Models) EMB-135ER, EMB135KE, EMB-135KL, EMB-13SLR, EMB -14S, EMB-145EP, EMB-145ER, EMB- 14SEU, EMBI 45LR, EMB-145LU, EMB-1 4SMK, EMB-145MP, EMB-1 45MR, EMB-14SXR. COMPONENTES DE CELULA (AIRFRAME PARTS AND COMPONENTS) - de acordo com a lista de capacidade, revisao original, aceita peJa ANAC em 5 de dezembro de 2014 (Limited in accordance with the original revision of the capacbility list as accepted by ANA C in December 5th, 20U). MOTORES (ENGINES) CFM - Modelos (Models) CFM56-3, CFMS6-3B, CFMS6-3C, CFM56-5, CFMS6-S-A I/F, CFMS6-SA3, CFM56-SA4, CFMS6-SA41F, CFMS6-SA5, CFMS6-5AS/F, CFM56-5BI, CFMS65B1 /2, CFM56-SBI /2P, CFM56-5BI /3, CFMS6-SBI !P, CFMS6-SB2, CFMS6-S B2/2, CFM565B2!2P, CF MS6-5 B2/3, CFM56-SB2!P, CFM56-5B3/2P, CFM56-5B3/3, CFMS6-SB3!P, CFMS65B4, CFMS6-SB4!2, CFM56-5B4!2P, CFMS6-5B4!3, CFM56-5B4!P, CFM56-5B5, CFMS6-5BS!3, CFMS6-SB5!P, CFMS6-5B6, CFMS6-SB6!2, CFMS6-SB6!2P, CFMS6-SB6/3, CFM56-5B6!P, CFMS6-S B7, CFMS6-SB7!3, CFMS6-5B7!P, CFMS6-SB8!3, CFM56-SB8!P, CFM56-5 B9!2P, CFM56-5B9/3, CFMS6-SB9/P, CFM56-5C2, CFM56-7B20, CFM56-7B20!2, CFMS6-7B20!3, CFM56-7B20E, CFMS6-7B22, CFM56-7B22!2, CFM56-7B22!3, CFM56-7B22!3B I, CFMS67B22IB I, CFMS6-7B22E, CFMS6-7B22EIB I, CFM56-7B24, CFMS6-7B24!2, CFMS6-7B24!3, CFM56-7B24/3BI, CFM56-7B24/B I , CFMS6-7B24E, CFMS6-7B24E1B I, CFMS6-7B26, CFM567B26/2, CFMS6-7B26/3, CFMS6-7B26/3B I , CFMS6-7B26/3B2 , CFM56-7B26/3B2F, CFM567B26/3F, CFMS6-7B26IB I, CFMS6-7B26!B2, CFM56-7B26E, CFM56-7B26EIB I, CFM5 7B26E1B2, CFMS6-7B26EIB2F, CFMS6-7B26EIF, CFM56-7B27, CFMS6-7B27/2, CFM56-7B2 3, CFM56-7B27/3BI, CFM56-7B27!3BIF, CFM56-7B27/3B3, CFMS6-7B27!3F, CFMS6-7B27!BI , CFMS6-7B27IB3, CFMS6-7B27E, CFMS6-7B27EIB I, CFMS6-7B27EIB I F, CFM56-7B27E1B3, F-9QO.72A (03.13) Pagma/Page 1 e of 4 ANAC AG~NCIA NACIONAL DE AVIACAo CIVIL (BRAZILIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITy) ESPECIFICAcOES OPERATIVAS DA ORGANIZACA.O DE MANUTENCA.O (MAINTENACE ORGANIZATION OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS) COM N' 1411 -41 / ANAC (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE No. 1411-411ANAC) CFM56-7B27EIF, limitado a inspe~ao, remo,!i'io e/ou instala'fao de acess6rios e componentes, ajustes, pequenos reparos, borosc6pica e modifica,(oes, excluindo revisao gerai, desmontagem ou separa9iio das partes do bioeD do motor ou da turbina, bern como Inspeyoes na seyao quente que incluem em seu escopo a desmontagem Oll separayao do modulo de turbina do motor (limited to impection, removal and/or installation of accessories and components, adjustments, minor repairs, borescope and alterations, but excludes overhaul, disassembly or separation of the engine case or turbine engine module, and excludes hot section inspections where disassembly or separation of the turbine engine module is concerned). ROLLS ROYCE CORPORATION - Modelos (Models) AE3007A, AE3007AI, AE3007AIIl, AE3007A1I2, AE3007AI/3, AE3007AIE, AE3007AIP, AE3007A3, AE3007C, AE3007CI,RB211 Trent 553-61, RB211 Trent 553A2-6I, RB211 Trent 556-61, RB211 Trent 556A2-61, RB211 Trent 556B2-61, RB211 Trent 556B-61, RB211 Trent 560-61, RB211 Trent 560A2-61, RB211 Trent 76860, RB211 Trent 772-60, RB21 1 Trent 772B-60, RB211 -524B, RB211 -524B2, RB21 1-524C2, RB211 -524D4, RB211 -535E4-37, RB211 -535E4-B-37, RB211 -535E4-C-37, limitado a inspe,ao, remo~ao e/ou instala~ao de aeessorios e eomponentes, ajustes, pequenos reparos, borose6piea e modifiea~oes, excluindo revisao geral, desmontagem ou separa~ao das partes do bloeo do motor ou da turbina, bern como Inspe~oes na se~ao quente que incluem em seu escopo a desmontagem ou separa~ao do modulo de turbina do motor (limited to inspection, removal and/or installation of accessories and components, adjustments, minor repairs, borescope and alterations, but excludes overhaul, disassembly or separation of the engine case or turbine engine module, and excludes hot section inspections where disassembly or separation of the turbine engine module is concerned). - PRATT & WHITNEY USA - Modelos (Models) JT8D- I Turbo Wasp, JT8D- I I Turbo Wasp, JT8D15 Turbo Wasp, JT8D-15A Turbo Wasp, JT8D-17 Turbo Wasp, JT8D-17A Turbo Wasp, JT8D17AR Turbo Wasp, JT8D-17R Turbo Wasp, JT8D- IA Turbo Wasp, JT8D- IB Turbo Wasp, JT8D209, JT8D-217, JT8D-217A, JT8D-217C, JT8D-219, JT8D-7 Turbo Wasp, JT8D-7A Turbo Wasp, JT8D-7B Turbo Wasp, JT8D-9 Turbo Wasp, JT8D-9A Turbo Wasp, JT9D-7R4D, JT9D-7R4DI, JT9D-7R4EI, PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4060A, PW4060C, PW4062, PW4062A, PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090-3, PW4090D, PW4098, PW4152, PW4156, PW4 156A, PW4 158, PW4160, PW4164, PW4168, PW4168A, PW4460. PW4462, limitado a inspe~ao, remoyao e/ou instala~ao de acessorios e componentes, ajustes, pequenos reparos, boroseopiea e modifica~oes, excluindo revisao geral, desmontagem ou separa~ao das partes do bloeo do motor ou da turbina, bern como lnspeyoes na se~ao quente que incluem em seu escopo a desmontagem ou separa~ao do modulo de turbina do motor (limited to inspection, removal and/or installation of accessories and components, adjustments, minor repairs, borescope and alterations, but excludes overhaul, disassembly or separation of the engine case or turbine engine module, and excludes hot section inspections where disassembly or separation of the turbine engine I module is concerned). ~ INTERNATIONAL AERO ENGINES - Modelo (Mode!) V2500-AI, limitado a inspe,ao, rerno~ao e/ou instala~ao de acessorios e componentes, ajustes, pequenos reparos, boroscopica e modificayoes, excluindo revisao geral, desmontagern ou separa~ao das partes do bloco do motor ou da F-900-72A (03.13) PagmaiPage 2 elo/4 ANAC AG~NCIA NACIONAL DE AVIACAo CIVIL (BRAZILIAN CIVIL A VIATION AUTHORITY) ESPECIFICAI;OES OPERATIVAS DA ORGANIZAI;AO DE MANUTENI;AO (MAINTENACE ORGANIZA TION OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS) COM N'1411 -41 / ANAC (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZAnON CERTIFICATE No. 1411 -4I1ANAC) turbina, bern como Inspe~oes na se~ao quente que incluem em seu escopo a desmontagem Oll separa~ao do modulo de turbina do motor (limited to inspection, removal andlor installation of accessories and components, adjustments, minor repairs, borescope and alterations, but excludes overhaul, disassembly or separation of the engine case or turbine engine module, and excludes hot section inspections where disassembly or separation of the turbine engine module is concerned). COMPONENTES DE MOTORES (POWERPLANT PARTS AND COMPONENTS) - Limitado de acordo com a lista de capacidade, revisao original, aceita pela ANAC em 5 de dezembro de 2014 (Limited in accordance with the original revision of the capacbi/ity list as accepted by ANAC in December 5th, 2014). SERVICOS ESPECIALIZADOS (SPECIALIZED SERVICES) Testes do Sistema de Altimetro, em confonnidade com 0 Apendice "E" do RBAC 43, somente para as aeronaves listadas nestas Especificac;oes Operativas. (Altimeter System Test, according to RBAC 43 - Appendix "E", only to the aircraft listed on these Operations Specifications.) Testes do Sistema de Transponder, em conformidade com 0 Apendice "F" do RBAC 43, somente para as aeronaves listadas nestas Especificac;oes Operativas. (Transponder System Tesl, according to RBAC 43 - Appendix uF': only to the aircraft listed on these Operations Specifications.) - Ensaios Nao Oestrutivos: (Non Destructive Impections:) • Inspec;oes por Correntes Parasitas de acordo com os metodos e procedimentos especificos previstos no Manual de Manutenryao do fabricante e/ou Instruc;oes de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (lCA) e de acordo com 0 Manual AAR NOT conforme revisado. (Eddy Current testing in accordance with the methods, techniques and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer's maintenance manuals and/or Instructions for Continued Airworthiness as well as the AAR NDT Manual as reVised); • Insperyoes por Liquido Penetrante de acordo com os metodos e procedimentos especificos previstos no Manual de Manutenry30 do fabricante e/ou Instruc;oes de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (lCA) e de acordo com 0 Manual AAR NOT conforme revisado. (Liquid Penetrant testing in accordance with the methods, techniques and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer's maintenance manuals and/or Instructions for Continued Airworthiness as well as the AAR NDT Manual as revised); • Insperyoes por Particulas Magneticas de acordo com os metodos e procedimentos especificos previstos no Manual de Manuten,ao do fabricante e/ou Instru,oes de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (lCA) e de acordo com 0 Manual AAR NDT conforme revisado. (Magnetic Particle testing in accordance with the methods, techniques and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer's maintenance manuals and/or Instructions for Continued Airworthine;Jf as well as the AAR NDT Manual as revised); ( Q F-900-72A{03.13) Pagin Page 3 e oj 4 ANAC AG~NCIA NACIONAL DE AVIACAO CIVIL (BRAZILIAN CIVIL AVIATION A UTHORlTYj ESPECIFlCA<;OES OPERAT1V AS DA ORGANIZA<;AO DE MANUTEN<;AO (MAINTENACE ORGANIZATION OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS) COM N"1411-4 1/ ANAC (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZA TION CERTIFICATE No. 1411 -411 ANAC) • Inspe~5es por Ultrassom de acordo com os metodos e procedimentos especificos previstos no Manual de Manuten~ao do fabricante c/cu Instrur;oes de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (leA) e de acordo com 0 Manual AAR NDT conforme revisado. (Ultrasonic Jesting in accordance with Ihe methods, techniques and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer 's maintenance manuals andlor Instructions/or Continued Airworthiness as well as the AAR NDT Manual as revised); • - 0 pessoaJ requerido para a execw;:ao dos ensaios nao destrutivos deve atender aos requisitos de qualificar;ao e certificar;ao contidos na IS 43.13-003. (Non-destructive testing personnel must meet the qualification and certification requirements contained in IS 43.13-003; or for foreign organizations: NAS 410, ASNT-TC- IA andlor ATA105 as revised). Soldagem - de acordo com os metodos e procedirnentos especificos previstos no Manual de Manuten~ao do fabricante e/ou lnstru~oes de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (ICA) e de acordo corn a especifica~ao do processo AAR 9908, conforme revisada (Welding - In accordance with the methods, techniques and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer 's maintenance manuals andlor Instructions for Continued Airworthiness as well as the process specification AAR 9908 as revised); Tratamento tennico de ligas de aluminio e a~ resistente a corrosao 15-5, 17-4, 17-7 - de acordo corn os metodos e procedimentos especificos previstos no Manual de Manuten~ao do fabricante e/ou lnstru~oes de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (leA), excluindo tempera a 61eo e a glicol, e de acordo com as especifica~oes de processo seguintes, conforme revisadas: AMS2770, AMS2750, BAC5602, BAC5619, BAC5621, BAC5650, BAC5651, BAC5748, e BAC5750. (The solution and precipitation heat treatment ofaluminum alloys and 15-5. 17-4, 17- 7 corrosion resistant steels using the methods, techniques, and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer 's maintenance manual or instructions for Continued Airworthiness, or other methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the Administrator, to exclude oil and glycol quenching. In accordance with the following specifications as revised: A MS2770, AMS2750, BAC5602, BAC5619, BAC5621, BAC5650, BA C5651, BAC5748, and BAC5750.) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DATA DA EMISsAo: Silo Paulo, 5 de dezembro de 2014., (Date is b::~7'-/ '1---- TOS NASClME TO SILVA nte Teenieo de Aeronavegabilidad (GTAR-SP) (Airworthiness Manager). F-900-72A (03.13) Pagm Page 4 e of 4 ANAC AGI::NCIA NACIONAL DE AVIACAo CIVIL (BRAZILIAN CI VIL A VIATION A UTHORlTY) CERTIFICADO DE ORGANlZAI;AO DE MANUTENI;AO (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE) COM N'1411-4I1ANAC (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CERTlFlCA TE No. 14I1-41IANAC) BASE DE CERTIFICAI;AO (CERTIFICATION BASIS) RBAC 145 Este Certificado, emitido ern favor de AAR AIRCRAFT SERVICES INC., cujas insta1a~oes estiio localizadas na 2825 WEST PERIMETER ROAD - INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 46241 enos demais endereyos constantes nas Especificacroes Operativas emitidas para cada base de manutencrao. atesta que essa organizacrao, tendo cumprido os requisitos estabelecidos nos Regulamentos Brasileiros de Homologayao Aeromiutica (RBHA) e Regulamentos Brasileiros da Aviayao Civil (RBAC), relacionados com 0 estabelecimento de uma Organizayao de Manutenyao Aeromlutica, esta autorizada a executar: (This Certificate is issued to AAR AIRCRAFT SERVICES lNG., whose business address is 282; WEST PERIMETER ROAD - INDIANAPOLIS, INDIA NA, ESTADOS UN/DOS, 4624/ and (he additional addresses in Operations Specifications issued/or each maintenance base, upon finding that this organization complies with the requirements established in the Brazilian Aeronautical Certification Regulations (RBHA) and Brazilian Civil Aviation Regulations (RBAC) relating to the establishment 0/ an Aeronautical Maintenance Organization, is authorized 10 perform:) • Categoria Celula Classe 2 - Manuten~ao, manuten~ao preventiva e altera~ao de aeronaves fabricadas com material composto. com peso maximo de decolagem aprovado acima de 12500 Ibf (5670 kg!) no caso de avioes ou 6018 Ibf (2730 kg!) no caso de helic6pteros, confonne as Especifica~oes Operativas da Organizayao de Manuten~ao. (Airframe rating Class 2 - maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration of aircraft made with composite material, with maximum takeoff weight of more than 12500 Ihl (5670 kg/) in case of aircraft, or 60181bj (2730 kg/) in case olrotorcraft, according to the Maintenance Organization Operations Specifications) • Categoria Celula Classe 4 - Manuten~a.o , manuten~ao preventiva e altera~oes de aeronaves fabricadas de estrutura metaJica com peso maximo de decolagem aprovado acima de 12500 Ibf (5670 kgf) no caso de avioes au 6018 Ibf (2730 kg!) no caso de helic6pteros, confonne as Especifica~oes Operativas da Organiza~ao de Manuten~ao. (A irframe rating Class 4 - maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration oj mewl structure's aircraft with maximum takeoff weight oj more than 12500 Ihl (5670 kg/) in case 01 aircraft, or 60181bj (1730 kg/) in case ofrolOrcraft, according to the Maintenance Organization Operations Specifications) • Categoria Motor Classe 3 - Manuten~ao , manutenyao preventiva e altera~ao de motores a turbina, confonne as Es pecifica~Oes Operativas da Organiza~a.o de Manutenya.o. (Powerplant rating Class 3 - maintenance, preventive mai11lenance and a/teration of turbine engines, according to the Maimenance Organization Operations Specifications) • Categoria Servi~os Espeeializados Classe Uniea - Atividades especificas de execu~ao de manuten~ao , confonne Especifica~oes Operativas da Organiza~ao de Manuten~ao. (Spe ialized service rating Class Unique - specific activities of maintenance execution, acco . g to the Maintenance Organization Operations Specifications) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11I1I1I1II7!l1I11II1I11111II1I11I1 F-900-71A (03. 13) ANAC AG~NCIA NACIONAL DE AVIACAO CIVIL (BRAZILIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY) CERTIFICADO DE ORGANIZACAO DE MANUTENCAO (MAINTENACE ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE) COM N'1411-41 / ANAC (MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE No. 1411-4I1ANAC) BASE DE CERTIFICACAO (CERTIFICATION BASIS) RBAC 145 Este Certificado, cujos dados sao cornplementados peJas Especificayoes Operativas da Organizacyao de Manutencrao e respectiva Usta de Capacidade, confonne aplicavel, e intransferivel. e qualquer grande mudanya de locaiizacyao, adiyao, alteracrao ou diminuicrao de capacidade, ou mudancra da TazaO social ou denominacrao social, devera ser comunicada a Agencia Nacional de Aviacrao Civil - ANAC conforme as prazos estabelecidos no RBAC 145. (This Certificate. whose complementary dala are in the Maintenance Organization Operations Specifications and its attachment Capability List, if applicable, is not transferable and any major change in the [aeolion, add, amend or reduction of capability, or change of corporate name, shall be reported to the Brazilian Civil Avialion Authority ANAC according the terms defined in RBAC 145). DURAe,;Ao: Este Certificado e valido ate 05 de dezembro de 2016 a menos que seja devolvido por seu detentor, ou que seja suspenso ou cassado pela ANAC. (Expiration date: This Certificate shall continue in effect until December 05th, 2016 , unless ;t is returned by the holder, canceled or suspended by ANAC) DATA DA EMISSAO: Sao Pa.uJe,~k< issued.·Sao Paulo, December 5 1h , 20/4). NTO SILVA Gerente Tecnico Aeronavegabir ade (GTAR-SP) (Airworthiness Man ger) F-900-71A (03.13) 0/2 Pagelofl ANAC:: :'E ..:.., "-GENe;" '.A: C:'-.":'_ ":':'::'. 8 C '/_ Of. Letter 2252/20 14/GTAR-SP/GAE MIGGAC/SAR Sao Paulo, December 5 th , 2014. To Mr. Benjamin Krebs Quality Manager AAR AICRAFT SERVICES INC. 2825 West Perimeter Road Indianapolis, IN - 46241 - U.S.A. Subject: Issuance of COM 1411-4I1ANAC and Operations Specifications. Subject: I. Fonnal application Letter dated March 12'", 2014 [00066.021402/2014-97] Attachments: I. COM 1411-41 /ANAC issued December 5'" , 2014; 2. Operations Specification for COM 1411 -411ANAC issued Dece~ber 5th , 2014; 3. Copy of Capability List Revision ORIGINAL dated March 4'" , 2014. Dear Sir, 1. Please find enclosed the Brazilian Certificate COM 1411-41 /ANAC issued to AAR Aircraft Services Inc. valid until December 5th , 2016, as well as the Repair Station Operation Specifications and the Capability List Revision ORIGINAL dated August 6th, 2014. 2. Please be also informed that ANAC Supplement to RSM/QCM Revision Orjginal, dated March 4th, 2014, was accepted by ANAC. A copy of this acceptance letter shall be kept for inspection purposes. Sincerely, \ 17{'l cqra; . 0 $_ PeelS lis S·\.P8ge C fie t ernR arOlle ~ ShntOsasclmento Sli va C~O C'vil/scao ~) Es :::::::> .."- . ~ Fabmn5"'dOS Airworthiness Technical Manager FSNS/ajr C6pias: Via OJ - anexar ao processo 00066.01 9649/20 14-43 fl cn jam in.krcbsriiJaarcQw _cQm AG!NClA NAClONAL DE AVIA~O ClVIL Supe.rinten dem<:ia de Aergn"ve gabjlidade Unidade Region~1 Silo Paulo ANAC PROTOCOL 00066.057233/2014-23 Rua Renasceo~a,112 Vila Coogonhas· Silo Paulo· 51' eEl' 04.612 ·010>c OAAR Aircraft Services Indianapolis AAR-ASI ANAC Capability List December 5,2014 ANAC I SAR-U RSP t..=..~--- - -- I • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz f 000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 _ 00000000000 0 g , i ~~~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~~~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~ a ~ ,0000000000000:::'-00000000000000000 0000000000000000 ~ I, I Ik i \ ~I ~ AAR AI.-.;raft Serv ices , tnc, . Indl anapolisANAC Accepted Capability List Cap List Cap Li st Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap list Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List CapUsl Cap List Cap List CapUsl Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap liS! Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List C~p List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List CapUst Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap list Cap List Cap List Cap List Cap List Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boe<ng I MCDonnall Douglas Boeing I McDooneM Douglas Boeing I McDonne. Douglas Boei ng I MCDonnei Douglas Boeing I McDannel Douglas Boeing I MeDonnei Douglas Boei ng I McOonnei Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDannell Douglas Boeing Boeing I McDonnell Douglas HSViker Beechaaft I Raytheon HSViker Beechaaft I Raytheon Boeing Boeing Boeing Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Boeing Boeing Boeing I McDonneH Douglas Airbus Boeing Airbus Boeing I McDonnell Douglas Hawker Beecheraft I Raytheon Boeing / McDonnell Dougla$ Boeing / McDonnell Douglas Boeing GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE AM Form R146Rev, 09126114 MD-ll MD-ll MD-l l MD-ll Mo.ll Mo.ll MD-ll Mo.11 MD-l1 MD_l1 MD-l1 MD-l1 MD-l1 MD-l1 Mo.l! 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Introduction 4 2. Annual Maintenance Inspection (IAM) 4 3. Approval to Return to Service (APRS) 4 4. Record Keeping 5 5. Major Repair and Alterations 5 6. Malfunction and Defect Report 5 7. Technical Documentation 5 8. Manual Procedures and Regulations Training 6 9. Periodical Reports 6 10. Off-Site Maintenance 6 11. Equipment and Materials 6 12. Subcontracted work 7 13. Maintenance Organization Requirements for ANAC 7 14. ANAC Forms 8 UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED Revision Level Original Date Issued Page 03/04/2014 4 CRS I6XR049Y of 8 Brazilian Supplement 1. Introduction 1.1. This supplement provides guidance and clarification of certain issues regarding the maintenance, preventative maintenance, and alteration of aeronautical products certified and operated under Brazilian registry. This guidance is supplemental to the Repair Station & Quality Manual (RSQM) maintained by AAR Aircraft Services, Inc. – Indianapolis (AAR-ASI) as a requirement of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulation 14 CFR part 145. When conflicting issues result between the FAA Regulations and the RBHA/RBAC, this supplement and the RBHA/RBAC will take precedence over the FAA Regulations. Revisions on this supplement that falls into the situations described in IS 145-003, before their incorporation, will be submitted for acceptance by the ANAC and will be sent to the following address: Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil - ANAC Superintendência de Aeronavegabilidade - SAR Avenida Presidente Vargas, 850 - 16° Andar Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ CEP 20071-001 Brasil Additionally, copies may be forwarded to: [email protected]. 1.2. In efforts to maintain a paperless documentation system, the AAR-ASI Brazilian Supplement will be maintained electronically. Only the signed List of Effective Pages (LEP) will be kept in paper form. The V.P. of Quality controls the electronic files and LEP. 2. Annual Maintenance Inspection (IAM) 2.1. In the event a customer request is submitted for an Annual Maintenance Inspection – IAM (RBHA 91.409) on an aircraft, reference shall be made to RBHA 91.403. The Director of Quality Control will assign a Quality Control Inspector to review the aircraft logbooks from previous IAM and list any overdue inspections, AD, and life limited components and inform the operator. The operator will then approve or disapprove the maintenance required. If the operator “Does Not Approve” the Inspector will fill out the DIAM Form with the “REPROVADA” box checked off and send to the ANAC. 2.2. All airworthiness directives issued by the state of design for the aeronautical product IAM audit shall be complied with, in addition to any Brazilian issued airworthiness directives. 3. Approval to Return to Service (APRS) 3.1. AAR-ASI inspection personnel who are authorized to return Brazilian aeronautical products to service must be certificated under FAA 14 CFR part 65. The Director of Quality Control is responsible to maintain this ANAC Roster. All technical personnel assigned to return to service a Brazilian aeronautical product must be familiarized with the RBHA/RBAC and IAC/IS, as applicable, and the procedures of this Supplement. 3.2. Prior to return to service, the Quality Control Inspector will perform an audit of the Work Order package for the aircraft to determine that all work was performed in accordance with this inspection system required by FAA 14 CFR section 145.59(a) and RBHA 145.59(a). In compliance with the requirements of RBAC 39 and IS 39-001, this inspection will also include any applicable Brazilian Airworthiness Directives (see and State of Design Airworthiness Directives relative to the work performed. 3.3. The return to service process shall be in compliance with FAA 14 CFR part 43 and RBHA 43, as appropriate to the work accomplished and any special requirements of the Operator. UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED Revision Level Original Date Issued Page 03/04/2014 5 CRS I6XR049Y of 8 Brazilian Supplement 3.4. The component return to service procedure will include the issue of form F-100-01 (SEGVOO 003) (similar to FAA Form 8130-3) for any component overhaul or repair when AAR-ASI is capable of performing according to Brazilian Operations Specifications (Adendo ao CHE). A Form F-100-01 (SEGVOO 003) will be executed and supplied according to IS 43.9-002, required only when the component can be installed in Brazilian aeronautical products. 3.5. The maintenance record entry shall include the following documentation: 3.5.1. A copy of the Work Order including the signature of the Technician who performed the work, as well as the Inspector’s stamp who was responsible for the inspection of the maintenance accomplished. 3.5.2. A signed maintenance release statement with the Certified Repair Station number along with the ANAC Certification number. In case of APRS of aircraft, the maintenance release must include the following statement: “The aircraft described was repaired and inspected in accordance with the current RBHA/RBAC and is approved for return to service.” 4. Record Keeping A copy of each Work Order with all attached supplementary forms and Part Certifications shall be maintained in AAR-ASI’s records section for a period of 5 (five) years in accordance with the applicable regulations of the ANAC. 5. Major Repair and Alterations 5.1. Major repairs performed by AAR-ASI to any Brazilian registered aircraft (or related aeronautical product) shall be accomplished in accordance with the manufacture’s approved data or in accordance with any data approved by the state of design civil aviation authority or ANAC (RBHA 145.51(d)). This documentation shall be referenced on ANAC Form F-400-04 (SEGVOO 001) (similar to FAA Form 337). 5.2. Major Alterations performed by AAR-ASI to any Brazilian registered aircraft (or related aeronautical product) shall be accomplished in accordance with data previously approved in Brazil. This documentation shall be referenced on ANAC Form F-400-04 (SEGVOO 001). 5.3. For an STC that is not approved by Brazilian Authority, before the installation on a Brazilian aircraft, the STC holder must apply for a Brazilian STC issued by ANAC.(See following the procedures state in the IS 21-010 (Or FAA AC 21-2) and IS 21-004 or their latest revisions. 6. Malfunction and Defect Report If a defect or malfunction is detected during the maintenance and inspection process that could result in an imminent hazard to the safety of flight for the aircraft involved, the ANAC shall be notified within 72 (seventy- two) hours after the discovery of the defect (RBHA 145.79(c)), using the internet address The Director of Quality Control is responsible for preparing and submitting this report. 7. Technical Documentation AAR-ASI shall receive from the customer copies of the applicable technical data to include: manuals, bulletins, and directives. The customer will maintain these documents in a current status at all times. AAR-ASI will not perform any maintenance on the customer’s aircraft until the technical data is available. The website will be checked by AAR-ASI monthly to validate the provided technical data has current information. UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED Revision Level Original Date Issued Page CRS I6XR049Y 03/04/2014 6 of 8 Brazilian Supplement 8. Manual Procedures and Regulations Training 8.1. In order to maintain compliance with Brazilian Certification Regulations, properly qualified individuals shall conduct recurrent training. Training on the Brazilian Supplement, RSQM, RBHA/RBACs, and IAC/IS’s shall be conducted on a continuous basis throughout each calendar year. 8.2. A completed copy of the Technician Experience Record shall be maintained on file in the employees’ electronic training record by the Manager of Training. A completed copy of these records will be made available to the ANAC upon request. 9. Periodical Reports 9.1. AAR-ASI shall report to the ANAC on a quarterly basis, all maintenance performed on Brazilian registered aircraft. This report shall include the name of the customer, aircraft model and serial number and the scope of the work performed (RBHA 145.65(a)). 9.2. AAR-ASI shall supply the ANAC on a quarterly basis a List of the Technical Personnel assigned to return to service a Brazilian aeronautical product. This shall be accomplished regardless of any personnel changes (RBHA 145.65(b)). The Vice President of Quality will be responsible to ensure these reports are filed. 10. Off-Site Maintenance 10.1. If it is necessary, to perform work away from the Repair Station, such work shall not exceed the scope of the ANAC Rating. It is the responsibility of the Vice President of Operations to assure that the work performed outside of the AAR-ASI facility is performed to the same rules and standards as work performed at the main base. It shall be assured, by the Vice President of Operations that this work away from the main base is the exception and will not be used to permanently perform work at other places than the main base. 10.2. To ensure the same Standards for work performed away from the main base, the Vice President of Operations or designee has to assure, that: 10.2.1. The acceptable technical data are available at the location where the work is performed, to the extent necessary, to perform this work and that this data is current. 10.2.2. The necessary tooling, test equipment and facilities are available at the site of the work. He/She has to ensure that precision tooling and test equipment is calibrated. 10.2.3. The documentation for the performed work is kept in the same way like for work performed at the Repair Station. He/She is responsible, that the work records are prepared, as far as possible, before the work is started. 10.2.4. A person is appointed as inspector to inspect the work and assure that all required work and forms are completed as necessary before he/she will return the engine or article to service. This person must be included in the ANAC Roster as an employee authorized to make maintenance release of Brazilian aeronautical products. 11. Equipment and Materials AAR-ASI is equipped to meet the requirements of RBHA 145.47 (a), (b)(1)(2)(3) and (c). All inspection and test equipment will be calibrated at regular intervals, specified by equipment manufacturer or not exceeding 12 (twelve) months, with standards traceable to the Brazilian INMETRO or other approved International Calibration Standards set forth by the manufacturer. UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED Revision Level Original Date Issued Page CRS I6XR049Y 03/04/2014 7 of 8 Brazilian Supplement 12. Subcontracted Work All subcontracted work for Brazilian registered aircraft shall be accomplished by FAA/EASA or ANAC Certified Maintenance Organizations (Refer to AAR-ASI Contracted Maintenance Functions List). The following job functions will be provided by a subcontracted agency that has the necessary equipment and material: 12.1. Abrasive Blasting, Etching, Peening 12.2. Metal Plating, Alodizing, Anodizing, Passivation 12.3. Brazing, Welding 12.4. Composite Repair 12.5. Heat Treating 12.6. Machining 12.7. Metal/Flame Spray 12.8. NDT 12.9. Stripping, Priming, Painting 13. Maintenance Organization Requirements for ANAC 13.1. The ANAC AAR Aircraft Services, Inc. - Indianapolis Approval Certificate shall be prominently displayed in an area accessible to the general public. This certificate shall be made available for prompt presentation whenever requested by the ANAC. 13.2. AAR-ASI shall submit for acceptance by the ANAC the changes to the Supplement that might affect Brazilian requirements. These shall be sent to ANAC for acceptance prior to work performed. 13.3. Records for all personnel with release to service authority of Brazilian aeronautical products shall be maintained by Quality Control Department. Records shall show the training and experience required to perform such duties. 13.4. In the event of a Management or Supervisory personnel change, AAR-ASI shall notify in writing the ANAC informing of the change. 13.5. AAR-ASI shall notify the ANAC upon any change to the existing facility floor plan (RBHA 145.21). 13.6. AAR-ASI shall apply to the ANAC the renewal certification at least 1 (one) month prior to the Certification expiration date. This will be accomplished in order to complete any requirements prior to the Certification expiration date. This process shall ensure that all applicable arrangements can be made prior to the arrival of the Brazilian ANAC Inspectors (RBHA 145.17). 13.7. AAR-ASI, upon receipt of a written request, shall grant access to this facility by the ANAC for inspection purposes (RBHA 145.23). 13.8. AAR-ASI shall have on staff, an employee who shall be able to read and have basic comprehension of the Portuguese language (RBHA 145.75). This person must be available for immediate consultation whenever maintenance, preventative maintenance, or alterations are performed (especially when it’s certifying Annual Maintenance Inspection – IAM). This person is Mr. Plinio Porto (Lead Electrical & Avionics Engineering), FAA A&P license 2350815, Brazilian DAC CAT-I Inspector License 127 & CAT-II Mechanic License 11645. This person also will be charged to review previous entries on the aeronautical products log book as needed. 13.9. Any material released by AAR-ASI for Brazilian public domain as far as and including any maintenance release documents, advertisements and other company literature, shall display the Brazilian CHE Maintenance Organization Number. UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED Revision Level Original Date Issued Page CRS I6XR049Y 03/04/2014 8 of 8 Brazilian Supplement 14. ANAC Forms 14.1. Form F-400-04 (SEGVOO 001) –Major Alteration/Repair Record 14.2. Form F-100-01 (SEGVOO 003) – Authorized Release Certificate / Airworthiness Approval Tag UNCONTROLLED COPY IF PRINTED