CV of Pierre GUIBENTIF - dinâmia`cet-iul - iscte-iul


CV of Pierre GUIBENTIF - dinâmia`cet-iul - iscte-iul
(June 2014)
Private Address:
Rua dos Remédios
nº 179, 2º-dto
P – 1100-447 LISBON
Phone: (351) 21 887 81 20
Professional Address:
(Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa
– Instituto Universitário de Lisboa / Lisbon University Institute)
Avenida das Forças Armadas
P – 1649-026 LISBON
Office D320
Phone: (351) 21 790 34 60
Fax: (351) 21 790 30 17
e-mail: [email protected]
Institutional filiation, formulated according to ISCTE-IUL norms:
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), DINÂMIA’CET-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal
I. Short CV .................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Full CV ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Exams and Academic Degrees ..........................................................................................5
Languages ...........................................................................................................................5
IT-Skills ................................................................................................................................5
Professional Experience ............................................................................................................6
Research and Consultancy ................................................................................................6
Teaching ..............................................................................................................................9
Academic Teaching (annual/semestral)...........................................................................9
Other Academic Teaching..............................................................................................11
Other Teaching Experiences..........................................................................................12
Tutorial Experiences and Examination Boards..............................................................14
Degree dissertations (ISCTE, Sociology).......................................................................14
Participation in examination boards ............................................................................................15
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 2
Postgraduate dissertations.............................................................................................15
Supervisor (ISCTE) .....................................................................................................................15
In progress ..................................................................................................................................17
Participation in examination boards (ISCTE and other institutions)............................................17
‘Tesinas’ of the International Master’s Programme in Sociology of Law, IISL – Oñati ..19
Supevisor ....................................................................................................................................19
Participation in examination boards ............................................................................................19
Doctoral Dissertations ....................................................................................................20
Supervisor (dissertation in progress) ..........................................................................................20
Supervisor (dissertation concluded)............................................................................................21
Examination boards ....................................................................................................................21
Meetings, Workshops, etc................................................................................................22
Participation ...................................................................................................................22
Publishing and Editorial Work .........................................................................................38
Peer Reviewing .................................................................................................................39
Main Organizational and Institutional Duties; Scientific Audits and Evaluation.........40
Publications and Other Papers................................................................................................43
Books .............................................................................................................................43
Articles ...........................................................................................................................44
Book Reviews.................................................................................................................49
Short Notes ....................................................................................................................49
Institutional Publication ..................................................................................................51
Papers of limited circulation or made available on line ................................................52
Unpublished Papers (dissertations; research reports; meeting papers): ...................53
Dissertations ..................................................................................................................53
Other unpublished material ............................................................................................54
4. Memberships.....................................................................................................................................58
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 3
Born 24 August 1954, in Montpellier, France.
Swiss and French citizen.
Married, three children.
Secondary school in Winterthur and Zürich (Maturität Typ A).
Degrees (University of Geneva): licence en droit (1977), licence en sociologie (1979), diplôme
d’études supérieures en droit (1982).
Lawyer training in Geneva (1986-1988); brevet d’avocat (1988).
Dr. jur. (University of Geneva, 1995); recognized in Portugal (ISCTE, 1998). Dissertation: La
pratique du droit international et communautaire de la sécurité sociale – Etude de sociologie du
droit de la coordination, à l’exemple du Portugal, Basileia / Frankfurt-am-Main, Helbing &
Lichtenhahn, 1997.
Agregação in Sociology, ISCTE, January 2006.
> April 1978-October 1981: assistant, CETEL (Centre d’études de technique et d’évaluation
législatives), University of Geneva; research and teaching in sociology of law and legal theory
under the supervision of Prof. Jean-François Perrin.
> December 1981-May 1983: research position, Núcleo de Estudos de Migrações (Head: Prof.
Maria Beatriz Rocha Trindade); responsible for a research funded by the Instituto de Apoio à
Emigração e às Comunidades Portuguesas (Lisbon) on the social security problems faced by
migrants returning to Portugal.
> October 1982-September 1986: assistente convidado, since May 1984 professor auxiliar
convidado, ISCTE (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa), Lisbon; main
duties: courses in Theory of Ideologies and (since October 1984) Sociology of Law, subjects
of the Sociology degree.
> October 1986-October 1988: training period as lawyer (stage) at Lalive, Budin & Associés
(law firm, Geneva) (activities at ISCTE suspended); during the same period: assistant, Centre
d’études juridiques européennes (University of Geneva); research on portuguese banking law
under the supervision of Prof. Gérard Hertig.
> January 1989-September 1998: professor auxiliar convidado, ISCTE; main duty: teaching and
research in Sociology of Law. In addition,
Within the doctoral programme of the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva, under
the supervision of Profs. Pierre-Yves Greber and Jean Kellerhals, research on the
Portuguese social security system and on the implementation, by the institutions of this
system, of international and European coordination rules. Dissertation defended 1995.
Related to this research, involvement in the setting up of a minimum income scheme in
Portugal (1997) and in the assessment of the implementation of European coordination
rules in Portugal (1998).
1990-1995: involvement in the International Master’s Programme in Sociology of Law of
the IISL (International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain), lecturing first
Sociology of Business Law, later Sociology of International Social Legislation.
March 1995-September 1997: Professor auxiliar, UAL (Universidade Autónoma de
Lisboa), Law department; teaching Philosophy and Sociology of Law, subject of the
Law degree; co-responsible for the Mestrado “Direito em Acção” (Master’s Degree in
“Law in Action”) under the supervision of Prof. António Manuel Hespanha.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 4
> October 1998-August 2000: Academic Director of the International Institute for the
Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain (founded 1989 by the International Sociological Association and
the Basque Government), with the status of Profesor Visitante at the University of the Basque
Country (activities at ISCTE suspended).
> September 2000 to present: ISCTE, main duties: teaching in Sociological Theories and
Comparative Social Protection Systems; June 2002, promoted to associate professor after
competitive examination; since October 2003, teaching again Sociology of Law. From October
2004 to September 2007, responsible, with Prof. Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, of the Master’s
Programme Novas Fronteiras do Direito (New Frontiers of Law). January 2006: after public
examination, Agregação em Sociologia (see below, point II.1.1.). Over these last years,
related to my duties at ISCTE:
Involvement in several international networks active in the sociology of law, in particular
as coordinator of the research committee for socio-legal studies of the AISLF
(Association internationale des sociologues de langue française), and as member of the
Board of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Association
of Sociology (2003-2006).
Involvement in several international projects, notably the European Observatory on
Social Security for Migrant Workers, and the Peer Review in the Field of Social Inclusion
procedure, both run on behalf of the European Commission;
2001-2003: Invited by the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva to teach Introduction
to the social sciences, mandatory course of the Law degree.
Since November 2003, member of the Conseil d’orientation scientifique du Réseau
des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme [ ], today
incorporated as Groupement d’intérêt scientifique according to French legislation, chair
of this board from October 2006 to November 2010.
Since 2004, after international call for application, hired by the Law Faculty of the
Universidade Nova de Lisboa to teach Sociology of Law, optional course of the Law
Degree, and to participate in the research actvities of that Faculty; since 2007,
responsible, with João Caupers and Marta Tavares de Almeida, for the course Ciência
da Legislação (Legislation).
2006-2007: Sabbatical leave. Working on a book on the Law in the social theories of
Foucault, Luhmann, Habermas and Bourdieu (book published 2010 [ref. 3.1.1.[10]);
related to this project: stays as visiting researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für
Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt-am-Main, January to March 2007) and at the
Institut des sciences sociales du politique (École normale supérieure de Cachan),
November 2006 and June 2007.
2011 (June-July, September), visiting professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure de
Cachan, hosted by ISP – Institut des sciences sociales du politique. Classes and
working sessions with students on different training levels.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 5
Exams and Academic Degrees
Secondary studies in Winterthur and Zürich (Maturität Typ A [including latin and ancient greek],
Licence en droit (University of Geneva, Law Faculty; July 1977; mark 5,3 out of 6); degree
dissertation (ref. 3.3.1.-1977) examined by Prof. Jean-François Perrin (Law Faculty) and Jean
Kellerhals (Sociology Department).
Licence en sociologie (University of Geneva, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences,
November 1979; mark 5,25 out of 6; recognized in Portugal by decision of the Scientific Board of
ISCTE, 14 February 1984; mark 17 out of 20); degree dissertation (ref. 3.3.1.) examined by Prof.
Jean Kellerhals, Prof. Christian Lalive d’Epinay, and Etienne Christe, assistant lecturer (all from
the Sociology Department, University of Geneva).
Diplôme d’études supérieures en droit (University of Geneva, Law Faculty; April 1982; mark
5,3 out of 6); dissertation (ref. 3.3.1.-1981) examined by Prof. Blaise Knapp and Prof. JeanFrançois Perrin (Law Faculty), and Prof. Jean Kellerhals (Sociology Department).
Training period at Lalive, Budin & Associés (Law firm, Geneva) (October 1986-October 1988);
Brevet d’avocat after state examination (December 1988; mark 5 out of 6).
Doctorat: La pratique du droit international et communautaire de la sécurité sociale –
Etude de sociologie du droit à l’exemple du Portugal: based on a research started under
the supervision of Prof. Guy Perrin (ILO; University of Geneva, Law Faculty); written under the
joint supervision of Prof. Pierre-Yves Greber (University of Geneva, Law Faculty) and Prof. Jean
Kellerhals (University of Geneva, Sociology Department); public examination: 13 July 1995; jury:
Prof. Martin Stettler (Dean, Law Faculty, University of Geneva), Prof. Jean-François Perrin
(University of Geneva, Law Faculty), Prof. Jean-Louis Duc (University of Lausanne, Law
Faculty), Prof. Sérvulo Correia (Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, Law Faculty), Profs. PierreYves Greber and Jean Kellerhals (supervisors) (ref.: 3.3.1.-1995 and 3.1.1.-1995). Mark 6 ou of
6 (dissertation); 6 out of 6 (public examination). Award: prix de Faculté of the Fondation Walther
Hug pour l’encouragement de la recherche dans le domaine da science juridique (Switzerland,
Rorschach/St. Gallen), February 1997. Doctoral Titel recognized in Portugal by decision of the
scientific board of ISCTE, 5 June 1998.
Agregação em Sociologia: in accordance with Portuguese university legislation, public
examination assessing the academic substance and coherence of the whole career and, on the
basis of a detailed report (ref. 3.3.1.-2004) the main teaching of a university professor. The
examination includes the discussion of a public “Synthesis Lecture” held at that occasion (ref.
3.3.1.(2006); 3.1.2.-[46]2007). Agregação confered unanimously by the examination board, after
public exmination organized on 19 and 20 January 2006. Members of the board: Profs. Luís
Antero Reto (president of ISCTE); António Teixeira Fernandes (University of Oporto; discussion
of the synthesis lecture), Nelson Manuel de Oliveira Lourenço (Universidade Nova de Lisboa),
Francisco Martins Ramos (University of Évora; discussion of the teaching report)), Maria
Jesuína Carrilho Bernardo (ISCTE), Isabel Maria Pimentel de Carvalho Guerra (ISCTE), Maria
Eduarda Barroso Gonçalves (ISCTE; discussion of the curriculum vitae).
French, German, Portuguese, English, Spanish.
Usual Microsoft Office programmes.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 6
SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences : used for the processing of data produced by
questionnaires in several research projects, as well as within the framework of institutional
assessment procedures (see researches 2.1.[11][13][18][20]; and réfs. 3.2.[10][11]2011,
3.3.2.[22]2004, [21][23]2004 ; 3.1.1.[7]2002).
HTML / Frontpage: design and management of websites created as support of my teaching
duties, as well as of learned societies to which I belong: at ISCTE-IUL: websites of the courses
of Sociology of law ( and Sociological Theories – Major
Schools of Thought ( ) ; Comité de recherches “Études
socio-juridiques - Sociologie du droit” of the Association internationale des sociologues de
langue française ( ) ; Research Committee on Sociology
of Law of the International Sociological Association (
Databases – Access: setting-up, with the support of the IT-Department of the Law Faculty of the
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and coordination of the updating of a database of the Portuguese
legislation (see 2.1.[18]).
Professional Experience
Research and Consultancy
Since November 2012, participation in the publication project Confiança na Justiça (Trust
in the Legal Sytstem), carried out in cooperation between Instituto de Ciências Sociais
and Centro de Estudos Judiciários; coordination: Jorge Vala (ICS), Pedro Barbas Homem
(CEJ) and Pierre Guibentif (Dinâmia’Cet-IUL).
October-December 2013 : based on a contract signed by the International Labour
Organization and Dinâmia’CET-IUL, systematic analysis of the quantitative and qualitative
data gathered within the framework of the Diagnostic processes on Freedom of
Association and Collective Bargaining carried out in Indonesia, Jordan and Malawi.
Research team : Pierre Guibentif (coord.), António Velez, Sónia Costa, Teresa Amor,
(Budget: US$18.000.-). Linked to the same ILO Activity, participation in the Technical
Working Group Meeting on Methodology for the diagnostic process of freedom of
association and collective bargaining, organized at the ILO, Geneva, 4-5 June 2013
(other members of the expert panel: Leela Visaria, Lena Näre and Carlos Oya).
Since June 2013, Politics in complex societies, based on observations gathered in the
course of different former research projects, as well as on new specific research
operations, on my participation in several institutional procedures and political initiatives,
and as a development of my former work on recent theories of society.
Since 2011, researcher in the project Les représentations politiques et juridiques de
l’opinion publique et le choix des sanctions en droit criminel, comparative research
project Canada-Portugal, coordinated by Professor Richard Dubé, University of Ottawa,
financed by the Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada ; project
approved within the framework of the 2011 call for project ; research team : Richard
Dubé, Margarida Garcia, Pierre Guibentif ; research operations started September 2012
(Budget: CAN$ 127.000.-).
Since July 2011, Feitura das Leis – Portugal e a Europa / Legislation – Portugal and
Europe, project funded by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos; initially designed
by Marta Tavares de Almeida; team of senior researchers: Marta Tavares de Almeida,
João Caupers, Pierre Guibentif; comparison of the legislative procedures in the
Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (Budget: 92.000 euros).
January 2008-January 2011, Monitorização e avaliação da mediação em processo
penal, funded by the Gabinete para a Resolução Alternativa de Litígios do Ministério da
Justiça and carried out by the Laboratório de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios (RAL) of
the Law Faculty of Universidade Nova de Lisboa: coordinator, together with Teresa
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 7
Beleza, of the Law Faculty of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
September 2007-2011: Responsible for the socio-legal part of the research project
Domestic Work and Domestic Workers. Interdisciplinary and Comparative
Approaches, project initially coordinated by Lisa Tortell, DINAMIA – ISCTE, funded by
PTDC/JUR/65622/2006; budget: 89.171 euros). Comparative assessment of the legal
protection of domestic workers and its effectiveness (Portugal, United Kingdom, Brasil,
India, New Zealand); development of legal education material aiming at empowering
domestic workers. Since July 2010 coordinator of the project (Budget: 89.200 euros)
2005 to 2006: Practices of the Pre-trial conference in the Portuguese Civil Courts,
CEDIS (R&D Unit of the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, funded by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). Project supervised by Mariana França Gouveia
and Pierre Guibentif; assistant researchers: Vanessa Franco Malheiro and Carolina
January 2005 to present: Permanent Observatory of Portuguese Legislation: project
supervised by João Caupers, Pierre Guibentif, Nuno Garoupa and Marta Tavares de
Almeida, CEDIS (Centro de Investigação & Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade,
R&D Unit of the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, funded by FCT - Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia); in this project, responsible for coordinating the survey of
Portuguese legislation, and for designing the data base (ACCESS) required for managing
the information gathered. Research assistants team: Inês Ramirez, Jorge Costa and
Lisete Martins (ref. 3.3.2. 2005).
2005: The foundational principles of the National Network of the Maisons des
Sciences de l’Homme: analysis carried out within the framework of the Conseil
d’orientation scientifique du Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme (ref.
2004: Reception and Integration Platforms. A French Policy in the context of the
european policies of social inclusion. Analysis carried out within the framework of the
Peer Review in The Field of Social Inclusion Policies procedure managed by INBAS
GmbH (Offenbach / Brussels) under the auspices of the European Commission (DG
Employment and Social Affairs) (ref. 3.2.-2004 e 3.1.1.-2005). On this procedure, see , last visited February 2012.
2002-2004: Health Systems in the Enlarged European Union: research in
collaboration with Teodoras Medaiskis (Vilnius), on the basis of national reports produced
by the members of the network SPECIAL - Social Protection in Europe. Convergence?
Integration, Accession and the Free Movement of Labour, created 2001 under Key-Action
“Stengthening the foundation of socio-economic knowledge”, 5 EU Framework
Programme in R&D, co-ordinated by the University of Ghent (ref. 3.3.2.-2005; – last accessed June 2005).
2002: La repression du travail clandestin: Coordination of the research team including
Ana Roberto and João Vasconcelos, in charge with the field work in Portugal for a
research project run by the Forum suisse des migrations, within the framework of a
cooperatin agreement between ISCTE and FSM. Results published in Milena Chimienti,
Denise Efionayi-Mäder, with collaboration of Romaine Farquet, La répression du travail
clandestin à Genève. Application des sanctions et conséquences pour les personnes
concernées, Neuchâtel, Forum suisse des migrations, 2003. 142 p. (available in June
2003 on
2001-2002: The new Portuguese Justice of the Peace; the six first months. Research
funded by the Direcção-Geral da Administração Extra-Judicial, run within the framework
of a cooperation agreement signed by ISCTE and DGAE. Responsible for the project;
head of the research team, including Miguel Cabrita, Vanda Gorjão and Alexandra
Leandro (Budget: esc. 5.500.000.- = 55.000 euros) (ref.: 3.3.2.-2002).
1996-1997: Minimum Income Policies in the European Union. Comparative research
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 8
on the minimum income schemes of the EU Member States, carried out in collaboration
with Prof. Denis Bouget (Nantes) on behalf of the União das Mutualidades Portuguesas,
the European Commission (DGV), and the Portuguese Ministry for Solidarity and Social
Security (ref. 3.1.1.-1997).
1995-1998: The impact of the media on representations and attitudes toward crime
and social reaction. Research funded by the CEJ - Centro de Estudos Judiciários
(Lisbon), carried out by the Sociology Department of the ISCTE, under Profs. José
Manuel Paquete Oliveira and Pierre Guibentif (ref. 3.1.1.-2002).
1995-1997: The infrastructures of cross-border legal interaction. Research funded by
the Volkswagen-Stiftung and led by Prof. Volkmar Gessner (ZERP, University of
Bremen); responsible for the module Portugal, focusing on international social security
law and international rules on child custody and maintenance (ref. 3.1.2.-1998).
1993-1995: The impact of the new Portuguese Code for Administrative Procedures.
Evaluation research funded by the INA Instituto Nacional de Administração, coordinated
by Marta Tavares de Almeida (Portugal, Oeiras) (ref.: 3.1.2.-1995).
1991-1993: Production the Portuguese filiation law. Project of the “Réseau européen
de recherche sur les fondements normatifs de la régulation des personnes et de la
famille” led by Profs. Jacques Commaille and Louis Assier-Andrieu. Coordination of the
Portuguese team, including Maria Cristina Machado, Paula Sobral and Maria Cristina
Machado (ref.: 3.1.2.-1995).
Since 1985: German social theory and the law. Research related to the teaching of
Sociology of Law; also developed as a module of the project “Archives of socio-legal
scholarship”, started by Prof. André-Jean Arnaud, within the framework first of the
Association Droit et Société (France), then of the Réseau européen Droit et Société
(GDR 1036, CNRS) (refs.: 2.6.-1987; 3.1.2.-1989, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 3.1.1.-1993);
later developed in relation to lectures in Introduction to Social Sciences and Sociological
Theories (see below, 2.2.1, nr. 2 and 13; refs. 3.1.1.-2010; 3.3.1.-2006 ; 3.3.2.-20022003; 3.1.2.-2005).
1986-1989: Portuguese banking law. Research carried out for the Centre d’études
juridiques européenne, under Prof. Gérard Hertig (ref.: 3.3.2.-1986).
Since 1984: Portuguese legal culture. Research related to the teaching of Sociology of
Law and to the research on the effectiveness, in Portugal, of international social security
rules, as well as to training sessions organized for magistrates at the Centro de Estudos
Judiciários (se below, 2.2.3.[1]) and, later on, my participation as keynote speaker in the
Congresso da Justiça, Lisbon, December 2003 (ref.: 3.1.2.-1989; 3.2.-2003; see also
nr. 18 and 19 below).
1982-1984: Mass media, ideologies and production of reality: Comparative research
on “Dominant Reference Papers and The Production of Reality”, Research Committee on
Communication, Knowledge and Culture, ISA, headed by Prof. José-Vidal Beneyto (Paris
/ Madrid); member of the Portuguese research team led by José Manuel Paquete Oliveira
(Lisbon, ISCTE, CIES; ref.: 3.3.2.-1984).
Since 1982: Historical development and sociological background of social security in
Portugal. Research related to the teaching at ISCTE and to the research on the
effectiveness, in Portugal, of international social security rules (refs.: 3.1.2.-1985, 1993,
1997, 2000). Research continued within the framework of the network SPECIAL - Social
Protection in Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the Free Movement of
Labour, created under Key-Action “Stengthening the foundation of socio-economic
knowledge”, 5 Framework Programme in R&D of the EU, co-ordinated by the University
of Ghent (Global budget: 813.500 euros; budget of the Portuguese part: 45.400 euros)
(see also below, nr. 15). In relation to this this research, consultant of the project Plano
Estratégico de Acção Social carried out by the CET (Centro de Estudos territoriais,
Lisbon) under Prof. Isabel Guerra.
1981-2004: The practice of the international social security legislation, the
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 9
Portuguese example. Research started at the Núcleo de Estudos de Migrações (Lisbon,
Instituto de Apoio à Emigração e às Comunidades Portuguesas) led by Prof. Maria
Beatriz Rocha Trindade; later continued as doctoral research; first focusing on the
effectiveness of social security rights of returning migrants, later on the way local
agencies put international rules into practice (refs.: infra 3.3.1.-1995, 3.3.2.-1984 and
3.1.1.-1997). In connection with this research: – responsible for the setting up of a
Portugal (see infra 2.4.2. 1998; ref. 3.3.2.-1998); – participation
(1998-1999) in the
project “A Globalização do Risco Social”, Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of
Coimbra, under Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ref. 3.3.2.-1999); – from 2000 to
2004, National Expert for Portugal, European Observatory on Social Security for Migrant
Workers, created under the auspices of DG V of the European Commission, headed by
Profs Yves Jorens and Bernd Schulte, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und
2003; , last accessed January
1980-1981: As research assistant at CETEL (University of Geneva), and associated to
the activities of the GIRD (Groupe international de recherche sur le divorce), participation
in the research Divorce in Western Europe. Research carried out with Patrick Festy
(Paris, INED) under the supervision of Jacques Commaille, Jean Kellerhals, JeanFrançois Perrin and Louis Roussel (refs.: 3.3.2.-1981, 3.1.2.-1983 and 3.1.1.-1983).
Academic Teaching (annual/semestral)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2010-2010, responsible for the course Sociologia
Judiciária (Judicial Sociology), within the framework both of the Master’s degree in
Law of the Law Faculty and of the Mestrado em Comunicação, Media e Justiça of the
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas.
ISCTE-IUL, since February 2009, responsible for the course unit Modernidade e
Questão Social (Modernity and Social Question), part of the “Public Policies” teaching
programme designed for students in sociology and political science, as well as of the
Social Service degree launched at ISCTE-IUL in 2010.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2008-2009, responsible, with João Caupers and
Marta Tavares de Almeia, for the course Ciência da Legislação (Legislation), within the
framework of the Master’s degree in Law of the Law Faculty of that university.
ISCTE, 2007-2008, responsible for the Seminário de dissertação (Dissertation
Seminar) within the framework of the Sociology and Planning Degree.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since spring 2005: lecturing Sociology of Law (in
Portuguese, semestral, optional; part of the Law degree of that university; materials
related to this course, in particular programme and summaries of the classes available on ; last visited December 2011)
ISCTE, 2004-2007: responsible, with Prof. Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, for the Research
Seminar, organized as part of the Mestrado–postgraduate diploma–New Boundaries of
the Law.
ISCTE, 2004-2007: Law and Society (in Portuguese, semestral, mandatory), subject
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 10
part of the Mestrado–postgraduate diploma–New Boundaries of the Law launched 2004
at ISCTE, coordinated by Prof. Maria Eduarda Gonçalves. Programme discontinued 2007
according to an ISCTE-IUL guideline requiring a minimum of 15 students for the
fonctionning of a Master’s programme. The average of registrations for NFD was around
10 students.
University of Geneva, 2000-2003: invited by the Law Faculty to lecture Introduction to
the Social Sciences (in French, mandatory course, semestral, third or fourth year of the
Law degree; ref. 3.3.2.[14][15][16][17][20]2002-2003).
ISCTE, since 2000: member of the team lecturing Sociological Theories II (mandatory,
annual, second year of the Sociology degrees offered by ISCTE); 2000-2001, responsible
for the course delivered to students of the Sociology and Planning degree (contents,
organization, teaching methods; see ref. 3.3.2.[13]2001).; since 2001, member of the
team lecturing this subject to students of the Sociology degree, coordinated by Prof.
Teresa Sousa Fernandes. Annual course splitted 2004 into two semestral courses
Sociological Theories 3 and 4. Responsible for the web pages of these courses
(, and ., which include in particular programmes, bibliographies and summaries of the
classes). Since 2006, substance of these courses condensed in one semester, under the
label Sociological Theories 2, from 2011 on: Sociological Theories – Major Schools
of Thought. Since 2008, coordinator of this course unit. Since 2011, bilingual teaching
Portuguese / English (see the corresponding summaries: ).
ISCTE, 1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2005-2006; since 2007 yearly:
Compared Policies of Social Protection, later named Comparative Social Protection
Systems, (in Portuguese, optional, semestral, part of the Mestrado–postgraduate
diploma–in Labour Sciences, coordinated by Prof. Alan Stoleroff; 2002 and 2004, course
lectured in cooperation with Sebastião Pizarro, Lisbon, at that time director of the DRISSDepartamento de Relações internacionais de segurança social, Lisbon).
IISJ (Oñati, Spain), 1998-2000: as Academic Director, responsible for the International
Master’s Programme in the Sociology of Law organized by that Institute, under the
auspices of the International Sociological Association and the Basque Government; 19981999, under the headline Sociology of Law in a Multicultural World (introduction of the
invited lecturers, tutorship of the students, notably within the framework of the “Thesis
Seminar”; in English, mandatory, semestral); 1999-2000, under the headline Law in
World Society, States and Communities (definition of the general topic; design of the
programme; introduction of the invited lecturers, tutorship of the students, notably within
the framework of the “Thesis Seminar”; ref. 3.1.4.[25]1999).
ISCTE, 1996-1998, 2001-2004: with Prof. Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, New Rights and
Information (in Portuguese, optional, semestral, part of the Mestrado–postgraduate
diploma–in Communication, Culture and Information Technology, coordinated by Prof.
José Manuel Paquete de Oliveira).
UAL (Lisbon), winter semester 1995-1996: tutorials in Methodology in Socio-Legal
Research (in Portuguese, mandatory; mestrado–postgraduate diploma–Direito em Acção
/ Law in Action).
UAL (Lisbon), winter semester 1995-1996: Rationality of Legal Practices (in
Portuguese, mandatory; mestrado–postgraduate diploma–Direito em Acção / Law in
Action); May 1996-September 1997, co-responsible, with António Manuel Hespanha, for
the coordination of this mestrado.
UAL (Lisbon), 1995-1997: lecturing Philosophy and Sociology of Law (in Portuguese,
mandatory, annual, 5 year of the Law degree).
ISCTE (Lisbon), since 1994-1995: General Sociology (in Portuguese, mandatory,
annual, 1 year of the Social Anthropology Degree).
ISCTE (Lisbon), winter semester 1992-1993: Sociology of Family Law (in Portuguese,
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 11
optional, semestral, part of the mestrado–postgraduate diploma–in Sociology of the
Family, coordinated by Prof. Karin Wall).
ISCTE (Lisbon), since 1984: Sociology of Law (in Portuguese, optional, annual, 3 and
4 year of the Sociology degree) (suspended 86-87, 87-88, 94-95, 1998-2003);
programme, bibliography, summaries of the classes, etc. see ; detailed contents, organization, teaching methods, see ref. 3.3.1.[5]2004.
Since 2006, semestral; since 2011, bilingual Portuguese-English (see the corresponding
summaries: ).
ISCTE (Lisbon), 1983-1984: member of the team lecturing Introduction to the Social
Sciences (in Portuguese, mandatory, annual, 1 year of the Management degree).
ISCTE (Lisbon), 1982-1986: Theory of Ideologies (in Portuguese, optional, semestral,
later annual, 3 and 4 year of the Sociology degree).
University of Geneva, 1979-1981: assistant of Prof. Jean-François Perrin and Prof. Jean
Kellerhals in teaching Sociology of Law (in French, optional, semestral, 3 year of the
Law degree).
Other Academic Teaching
9 May 2014: “Esboço muito preliminar de uma teoria sistémica do pensamento
moderno” (“Outline of of systemic theory of individual thought in modern society”), Class
delivered by videoconference to the students of the Master’s Programme in Law and
Society of Unilasalle - Centro Universitário La Salle, Canoas RS, Brazil, on invitation of
Germano Schwartz (based on paper 3.1.2. [57])
31 January 2014: Coimbra, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra: within the
framework of the Doctoral Programme, seminar on “Privacidade e Subjectividade
Relatos de uma investigação jurissociológica” (based on paper 3.3.2.[51] 2013).
21 November 2011: Beja, Instituto Politécnico de Beja – Escola superior de Tecnologia e
Gestão – Curso de Licenciatura em Solicitadoria: Seminário de Sociologia do Direito.
13 September 2011: Cachan (France), ENS Cachan, Social Sciences Department,
Conference for L3 level students: Foucault, Luhmann, Habermas – Une génération
repense le droit (slides available).
12 November 2010: Recife, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco, Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito, Minicurso (short teaching
module): Transformations of the Sociology of Law: from the Classics to to current
times / Positivization of the Law and Legal Pluralism (in Portuguese: As
transformações da sociologia do direito: dos clássicos à actualidade / Positivização do
direito e pluralismo normativo).
October 2008, UNISINOS, São Leopoldo (Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul), within the frame
work of the Master’s Programme in Law, seminar on Finalidades e Métodos das
Teorias Comparadas. Pensar a realidade social depois de Bourdieu, Foucault,
Habermas e Luhmann.
5 July2008, ISCTE / Centro de Direito da Família da Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de Coimbra, 2007-2008: contribution to the post-graduate programme
Família, Direito e Sociedade, coordinated by Prof. Doutor Guilherme de Oliveira and
Prof.ª Doutora Anália Torres; responsible for the topic Pluralismo Normativo no Âmbito
da Família.
November 2006: École normale supérieure de Cachan (Paris-Cachan): invited by Prof.
Jacques Commaille, within the framework of a course of introduction to the sociology of
law (for students in the first year of a master’s programme), to deliver a lecture on The
Contribution of Jürgen Habermas and Niklas Luhmann.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 12
November 2006: École normale supérieure de Cachan (Paris-Cachan): invited by Prof.
Jacques Commaille, in a research seminar for students of the 2 year of of a master’s
programme, to introduce the students to the project Observatory of the Portuguese
Legislation. Methodological Issues (supra, 2.1.[18]).
Center of Family Law, Law Faculty of the Coimbra University / ISCTE, May 2006: lectures
in the modules Normative Pluralism within the Family, with Miguel Cabrita (ISCTE),
and Social Security and the Family, with Maria João Tomé (Universidade Católica,
Oporto), in the postgraduate programme Family, Law and Society, coordinated by Profs.
Guilherme de Oliveira and Anália Torres.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Law Faculty, May 2006: lecture on International Social
Security Law (in Portuguese) in the postgraduate programme in Labour and Social
Security Law, coordinated by Prof. José João Abrantes.
ISCTE, May 2006, with João Caupers, Marta Tavares de Almeida, Inês Ramirez, Jorge
Costa, Lisete Martins, presentation of the first results of the project Permanent
Observatory of Portuguese Legislation (in Portuguese), in the “Thematic Seminar” of
the Mestrado–postgraduate diploma–New Boundaries of Law.
ISCTE, May 2006: Panel discussion on Immigration, Ethnic Minorities and
Multiculturalism: The Future of Immigration Policies, with Rui Marques, High
Commissioner for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities in Portugal (in Portuguese), in the
Mestrado–postgraduate diploma–Economy and Public Policies, coordinated by Prof. José
Manuel Henriques;
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Law Faculty, March 2005: seminar on Legal System and
Social System (in Portuguese) in the doctoral programme “Discourses on Law”,
coordinated by Prof. António Manuel Hespanha.
ISCTE, 2001-2004: Law of the Public Administration, Legal Regulation and Society,
with Profs. Rui Machete and Vital Moreira, subject part of the Mestrado–postgraduate
diploma–Administration and Public Policies coordinated by Prof. Juan Mozzicafreddo.
UPV / EHU (San Sebastián), 1999-2000: Social Protection in the European Union
(optional, part of the doctoral programme Business and the Law: National and European
Dimensions, coordinated by Prof. Juan Pablo Landa Zapirain (20 hours).
ISCTE, 1991-1998, annual conferences on Law and Communication, as part of the
course in Sociology of Communication (first on undergraduate level; since 1994 on
postgraduate level; in Portuguese) (coord. Prof. José Manuel Paquete de Oliveira).
Participation in the International Master’s Programme in Sociology of Law, International
Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL – Oñati, Spain); responsible for the following
modules: Sociología del derecho de los negócios (21 February-4 March 1991; in
Spanish); Sociology of Business Law and the New Challenges with the Arrival of
the Single European Market (4-9 November 1991 and 7-10 January 1992; 15-25
February 1993; in English); Social Policy in the context of Cross-Border Legal
Relations (14-25 February 1994; 9-19 January 1995; in English).
Other Teaching Experiences
27 June 2014: Centro de Estudos Judiciários de Lisboa, paper “40 Anos de Observação
da Justiça”, presented as part of a training session in History of Justice, under the
generlal title: 40 Anos sobre o 25 de Abril, 38 anos sobre a Constituição de 1976: As
transformações da Justiça. (organization and chair: Professor António Pedro Barbas
Homen; other participants: Conceição Gomes, José Adelino Maltez, Luís Eloy Azevedo).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 13
24 January 2014: Centro de Estudos Judiciários de Lisboa, paper “Justiça, Confiança,
Legitimidade – Introdução conceptual às apresentações por Jorge Vala e Alice Ramos
dos resultados do European Social Survey e outros indicadores sobre a Confiança na
Justiça”, presented as part of a training session for judges heading Tribunais de
Comarca, on the topic Confiança na Justiça.
April 1st 2011: Invited to the Segundo Colóquio de Doutorandos organized at the Centro
de Estudos Sociais of the Coimbra University; discussant, with João Pedroso, of the
dissertation projects of Bruno Diniz Fernandes, Criziany Machado Felix, Débora da
Cunha Piacesi, Fátima Maria de Lima and Maria João Guia.
April 2008: as part of a training programme for Portuguese judges on “Justiça e
Comunicação Social” organized by the Centro de Estudos Judiciários (CEJ), paper on As
Relações entre Justiça e Comunicação Social vistas pela Ciências Sociais (other
members of the panel: Helena Bolieiro, judge, and Eduardo Dâmaso, journalist).
June 2005: paper on Justice and Public Opinion (in Portuguese)as part of the training
programme Justice and the Media, organized by the Centro de Estudos Judiciários (CEJLisbon).
April 2004: paper on Justice and Public Opinion (in Portuguese), as part of the training
programme Justice and the Media, organized by the Centro de Estudos Judiciários (CEJLisbon).
July 2003: paper on Regional Trends in Global Contexts; the Example of the
‘European Social Model’ (in Spanish; partly included in “Direitos sociais”, ref., Summer Course of the IISL-International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Oñati),
organized by Prof. Manuel Calvo García, at that time Academic Director of the Institute,
under the headline Citizenship and Social Rights.
Decembre 2002: involvement in the programme Justice and Judicial Journalism;
participation in a debate with Profs. Germano Marques da Silva and Rodrigues da Silva
on “Rethinking Justice: efficiency and quality”, debate chaired by Prof. Rui Rangel (in
Portuguese; paper based on A Comunicação Social e as Representações do Crime,
2002; see ref. 3.1.1.).
November 2002: lectures on Contributions of the Sociology of Law: (1) Sociological
Analysis of the Production of Law; (2) Aspects of the Development of the Legal
Langage and of the Modes of Circulation of Legal Contents (in Portuguese), in the
course on Law Making, organized by the Instituto Nacional de Administração (INAOeiras).
July 2002: lecture on Justice and Safety in Portugal Today, International Summer
Courses of Cascais (contents included in ref. 3.3.1.-2004, pp. 71-86).
July 1998: paper on Sociology and Government, an Ambiguous Friendship,
Observed From the Viewpoint of the Sociology of Law (in Spanish), Summer Course
of the IISL-International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Oñati), organized by Prof.
Jacek Kurczewski, at that time Academic Director of the Institute, under the headline El
Buen Gobierno Como Problema de la Sociología del Derecho / The Good Government as
Subject for the Sociology of Law.
1991-1994: participation in the admission examinations to the CEJ (written and oral
examination on social, economical and cultural issues, under the coordination of Eliana
Gersão, at that time head of the Gabinete de Estudos Jurídico-Sociais of the CEJ).
1990-1997, training sessions for students of the Portuguese magistrates’ training
institute, CEJ (Centro de Estudos Judiciários, Lisbon), on Justice and Society (with
contributions of Profs. José Manuel Paquete de Oliveira and José Rebelo, ISCTE).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 14
Tutorial Experiences and Examination Boards
Degree dissertations (ISCTE, Sociology)
Teresa de Oliveira, Vidas interrompidas: Integração de Refugiados na Bélgica, Lisbon,
September 2007 (Examination Board: Fernando Luís Machado, PG)
Paulo Jorge Paiva Gameiro, As representações da justiça na imprensa escrita
portuguesa, Lisbon, July 2006 (Examination Board: José Rebelo, PG)
Paulo Jorge de Almeida Aguiar e Matos, A lei das uniões de facto – Dinâmicas políticas
para o reconhecimento da conjugalidade homosexual, Lisbon, June 2006 (Examination
Board: Pedro Vasconcelos, PG)
Leontina Pinhal Marques, Os fundos de pensões e as sociadades gestoras – Dimensão
social do seu desempenho, Lisbon, ISCTE, November 2005 (Examination board: Paulo
Pedroso, PG).
Emília Silva, A adopção como concretização de um projecto de vida (estudo de caso
numa instituição de acolhimento), Lisbon, ISCTE, September 2005 (Examination board:
Ana Nunes de Almeida, PG)
Vanessa Franco Malheiro, Dados viciados, Lisbon, ISCTE, July 2005 (Examination
board: Pedro Vasconcelos, PG).
Catarina Frade Moreira, O “verão indiano”. Uma abordagem sociológica da menopausa,
Lisbon, ISCTE, November 2004 (Examination board: Pedro Vasconcelos, PG)
Silvia Barros, As representações sociais do sistema de justiça criminal nos agentes
estagiários da Polícia Judiciária, Lisbon, ISCTE, September 2003 (Examination board:
António Pedro Dores, PG)
Lénia Maria dos Santos Viegas das Neves, Rendimento mínimo – Um instrumento para a
cidadania, Lisbon, ISCTE, September 1998 (Examination board: Isabel Guerra, PG).
José Constantino Costa, Poder Judicial: Independência e protagonismo no pós 25 de
Abril, Lisbon, ISCTE, September 1997 (Examination board: Fernando Farelo Lopes, PG).
Maria das Neves Leitão, O papel das instituições particulares de solidariedade social em
Setúbal, Lisbon, ISCTE, December 1996 (Examination board: Isabel Guerra, PG).
Fernanda Duarte, Segurança social e planos de poupança reforma, Lisbon, ISCTE,
December 1996 (Examination board: Juan Mozzicafreddo, PG).
Marta Alexandra Peixoto de Sousa, A construção social do ambiente ao nível do poder
local – Um estudo comparado das políticas em ambiente de duas câmaras municipais da
área metropolitana de Lisboa, Lisbon, ISCTE, November 1996 (Examination board: Aida
Valadas Lima, PG).
Paula Marisa Gonçalves de Carvalho Pott, A avaliação do impacte ambiental – Análise
de um processo de produção do direito, Lisbon, ISCTE, September 1996 (Examination
board: Aida Valadas Lima, PG).
Rodrigo Brito, A representação social do sistema judicial e penal e a percepção dos
episódios violentos, Lisbon, ISCTE, September 1995 (Examination board: Jorge Vala,
Albertino Mendes Semedo, O divórcio no 25 de Abril e a Igreja, Lisbon, ISCTE, June
1995 (Examination board: Anália Torres, PG).
Ângela Morgado, Direito e Toxicodependência – As representações dos
toxicodependentes face ao direito, face à justiça e face à droga, Lisbon, ISCTE, June
1995 (Examination board: Paulo Pedroso, PG)
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 15
Participation in examination boards
Rafaela Gameiro, Trabalho Temporário: Relações entre a empresa de trabalho
temporário, a empresa utilizadora e o trabalhador, Lisbon, ISCTE, 2006 (tutor: Alan
Stoleroff; Examination Board: Alan Stoleroff, Pierre Guibentif)
Helena Galrito, Cuidados de Saúde Primários / Cuidados de Saúde Diferenciados – Uma
prática de articulação, Lisbon, December 2002 (tutor: Graça Carapinheiro; examination
board: GC, PG).
Eduardo Alexandre Garcia Parreira, Nós que escolhemos as armas – Movimento social,
violência política e terrorismo, Lisbon, July 2001 (tutor: António Pedro Dores; examination
board: APP, PG).
Ivan Nunes, Globalização e Princípio de Soberania, Lisbon, ISCTE, January 1998 (tutor:
Rui Pedro Pena Pires; examination board: RPP,PG).
Pedro Adão and Silva Cardoso Pereira, Transformações do Estado Previdência e a
Prática Local do Rendimento Mínimo, Lisbon, ISCTE, September 1997 (tutor: Paulo
Pedroso; Examination board: PP, PG)
Lina Maria de Jesus Antunes, A doença oncológica na criança: vivê-la para a saber
representar, Lisbon, ISCTE, 1995 (tutor: Graça Carapinheiro; examination board: GC,
Postgraduate dissertations
Supervisor (ISCTE)
Emanuel Fábio dos Santos Lopes Balsa, Atitudes de Trabalhadores do Serviço
Doméstico face à Segurança Social (dissertation for the Master’s Programme “Ciências
do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, September 2012; defended
13 December 2012; examination board: Tiago Correia (discussant), Alan Stoleroff (chair),
Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: 14 out of 20.
José Carvalho Rossano, Trabalho sazonal: Experiências e Estratégias de Reacção dos
trabalhadores de uma empresa turística do Algarve (dissertation for the Master’s
Programme “Ciências do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL,
September 2012; defended 7 December 2012; examination board: Raquel Silva
(discussant), Alan Stoleroff (chair), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: 15 out of 20.
Liudmila Oliveira do Espírito Trigueiros, A gestão dos conflitos de trabalho em Angola –
Uma abordagem preliminar: o caso Wapo (dissertation for the Master’s Programme
“Ciências do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, July 2011; defended
21 September 2011; examination board: Maria da Paz Campos Lima (discussant), Alan
Stoleroff (chair), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: 15 out of 20.
Carlos Manuel Matos Neves Pessoa, Do Desamparo à Cidadania – Percurso de
trabalhadores de empresas em Falência/Insolvência em dois quadros legais distintos O
papel do Fundo de Garantia Salarial (dissertation for the Master’s Programme “Ciência
do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, September 2010; defended
17 January 2011; examination board: Alan Stoleroff (chair), António Monteiro Fernandes
(discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: 14 out of 20 (majority decision).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 16
Patrícia Andrea Rodrigues André, O discurso da justiça constitucional. A apreciação da
admissibilidade dos recursos de constitucionalidade (dissertation for the Master’s
Programme “Novas Fronteiras do Direito”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, December 2009;
defended 2 December 2010; examination board: Maria Eduarda Gonçalves (chair),
António Manuel Hespanha (discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: muito bom
(best mark).
António Artur Malhado de Castro, As Redes de apoio social em Portugal (dissertation for
the Master’s Programme “Ciência do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTEIUL, September 2010; defended 26 November 2010; examination board: Alan Stoleroff
(chair), Walter Rodrigues (discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: 16 out of 20.
Maria João Tomás, Vias de execução – Entre o público e o privado. “Reconheceram-me
o direito, mas quem o faz cumprir?”, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, December 2009; defended 22
November 2010; examination board: Manuel Pitta (chair), João Pedroso (discussant),
Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: bom com distinção (second best mark).
Paulo Matos, Critérios de Parentalidade. Tensões na lei da procriação medicalmente
assistida , Lisbon, June 2009; defended 20 October 2010; examination board: Anália
Torres (chair), Paula Lobato Faria (discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: bom
com distinção por unanimidade (second best mark).
Cláudia Dias Pinto, O vínculo contratual como factor para a satisfação no trabalho:
estudo de caso num call center (dissertation for the Master’s Programme in Sociology
and Planning), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, June 2010; defended 14 September 2010;
examination board: José Manuel Leite Viegas (chair), António Monteiro Fernandes
(discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: 13 out of 20.
Sónia Isabel Teixeira Costa, Mediação penal e justiça restaurativa. O debate em Portugal
(dissertation for the Master’s Programme “Família, Educação e Políticas Sociais”),
Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, September 2009: defended 11 de Janeiro de 2010; examination
board: António Firmino da Costa (chair), António Pedro Dores (discussant), Pierre
Guibentif (supervisor); result: 16 (dezasseis).
Maria Amélia Ribeiro, Pessoas Idosas e Dependentes: contributo para o Estudo das
Respostas do Regime Jurídico dos Cuidados Domiciliários, Lisbon, June 2009; defended
21 December 2009; examination board: Graça Carapinheiro (chair), Maria João Tomé
(discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: muito bom por unanimidade (best
possible mark).
Nuno Miguel Pereira Ribeiro Coelho, A organização do sistema judicial enquanto
condicionante da realização do direito, Lisbon, ISCTE, July 2008 ; defended: 5 January
2009; examination board: Maria Eduarda Gonçalves (chair), António Manuel Hespanha
(discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: muito bom por unanimidade (best
possible mark).
António João Pinheiro Basílio, Dispositivos De Controlo Das Dependências, Lisbon,
ISCTE, September 2007; defended: 4 June 2008; examination board: Maria Eduarda
Gonçalves (chair), Carlos Poiares (discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result:
muito bom por unanimidade (best possible mark).
Susana Alexandra Lopes da Costa Santos, Avanços e recuos na formação de um
sistema.: os debates parlamentares sobre a lei da rádio (1983-1988), Lisbon, ISCTE,
September 2006; defended : 10 April 2007; examination board: José Manuel Paquete de
Oliveira (replaced by António Firmino da Costa; chair), João Pissarra Esteves
(discussant), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor).
Ana Sofia Pinheiro Peixoto de Almeida, Entre o Estado and as IPSS – Papéis and
Estratégias da CNIS, Lisbon, ISCTE, December 2005; defended: 20 September 2006;
examination board: Isabel Guerra (president), Pedro Hespanha (discussant–arguente),
Pierre Guibentif (supervisor).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 17
Isabel Lucinda Franco Gomes, A Modernização das Administrações Públicas Regionais
nas suas Relações com os Cidadãos, Lisbon, ISCTE, December 2005; defended: 19 de
June 2006; examination board: Juan Mozzicafreddo (presidente), João Bilhim
(discussant–arguente), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor); result: bom com distinção (second
best mark).
João Paulo da Cunha Rendeiro Chumbinho, A cultura judicial clássica e a cultura judicial
dos julgados de paz à luz do princípio da democraticidade, Lisbon, ISCTE, July 2005;
defended: 7 de June 2006; examination board: Fernando Farelo Lopes (presidente),
João Pedroso (discussant–arguente), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor).
Ildebrando Ferreira Valente REI, A segurança social portuguesa face às políticas
internacionais e comunitárias de harmonização e convergência, Lisbon, ISCTE, June
1996; defended 11 de November 1997, examination board: José Manuel Viegas
(presidente), Pedro Hespanha (discussant–arguente), Pierre Guibentif (supervisor).
In progress
1. Ana Rita Silva, O lugar da Federação portuguesa de Futebol na sociedade portuguesa
(started 2007).
2. Cláudia Maria Serpa Garcia, O Papel do Poder Local na Intervenção social (started 2007)
3. Daniel David Soares, Governação da Justiça em Cabo Verde (FD-UNL, started 2011)
4. Sónia Comenda, A organização dos tempos de trabalho” em Portugal: regulação,
negociação e flexibilização das práticas. Um estudo exploratório nos sectores da indústria e da
grande distribuição (ISCTE-IUL, Started 2011)
5. Luís Poeiras, Serviços domésticos efectuados por imigrantes em Portugal. Percepções de
uma profissão não reconhecida de pleno direito (joint tutorship with Nuno Dias; ISCTE-IUL,
Started 2011)
6. Maria João Sargaço, A importância do trabalho e as preocupações nos desempregados.
Caso dos Ex-trabalhadores da Indústria Plásticos do Sector Automóvel, (ISCTE-IUL, Started
7. Pedro Miguel Pontes Lopes, O contrato a termo na perspectiva dos trabalhadores (ISCTEIUL, Started 2011)
Participation in examination boards (ISCTE and other institutions)
Joana Raquel Portal Carreira, Guarda Nacional Republicana: Trajectórias e Identidades
Profissionais dos Militares do Grupo de Intervenção Cinotécnico (dissertation for the
Master’s Programme “Ciência do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL,
October 2013; defended at ISCTE-IUL, 12 December 2013; examination board: Pierre
Guibentif (chair); Alan Stoleroff (supervisor), Fernando José da Conceição Bessa
(discussant); result: 17 (out of 20).
Susana Isabel Ribeiro Rodrigues, A re-regulação do emprego e das relações laborais
dos médicos do Serviço Nacional de Saúde face às reformas do setor: o processo de
contratação coletiva (dissertation for the Master’s Programme “Ciência do trabalho e
Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, October 2013; defended at ISCTE-IUL, 12
December 2013; examination board: Pierre Guibentif (chair); Alan Stoleroff (supervisor),
Tiago Correia (discussant); result: 17 (out of 20).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 18
Ana Marisa da Fonseca Carvalho, A Regulação da Carreira Docente do Ensino Superior
Politécnico: Produção de um Conflito Profissional Singular (dissertation for the Master’s
Programme “Ciência do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, June
2013; defended at ISCTE-IUL, 31 October 2013; examination board: Pierre Guibentif
(chair); Alan Stoleroff (supervisor), Paulo Alves (discussant); result: 15 (out of 20).
Ana Isabel Machado de Freitas Figueiredo, A forma de organização do trabalho num
contact center e os constrangimentos do “trabalho emocional”: estudo de caso
(dissertation for the Master’s Programme “Ciência do trabalho e Relações profissionais”),
Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, September 2011; defended at ISCTE-IUL, 21 December 2011;
examination board: Pierre Guibentif (chair); Alan Stoleroff (supervisor), Alexandra
Fernandes (discussant); result: 19 (out of 20).
Cátia Vale, A protecção social no desemprego em Portugal: reconfiguração das políticas
na última década (dissertation for the Master’s Programme in Sociology), Lisbon, ISCTEIUL, October 2011; defended at ISCTE-IUL, 14 December 2011; examination board:
José Luís Casanova (chair); Maria da Paz Campos Lima (supervisor), Pierre Guibentif
(discussant); result: 15 (out of 20).
Cátia Andreia Vera Veríssimo de Sousa, A precariedade e as atitudes face ao trabalho e
Emprego. O Efeito dos vínculos contratuais (dissertation for the Master’s Programme
“Ciência do trabalho e Relações profissionais”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, October 2010;
defended at ISCTE-IUL, 14 December 2010; examination board: Pierre Guibentif (chair);
Alan Stoleroff (supervisor), Maria da Paz Campos Lima (discussant); result: 17 (out of
Rute Barros, Contributo de mulheres sem-abrigo para a construção de respostas
habitacionais/serviços de apoio (dissertation for the Master’s Programme in Social
Service), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, October 2010; defended at ISCTE-IUL, 10 December 2010;
examination board: Jorge Ferreira (chair); Maria do Rosário Serafim and Filipa Lourenço
Menezes (supervisors), Pierre Guibentif (discussant); result: 18 (out of 20).
Henrique Carvalho, Decisão jurídica e assessoramento tecnológico – Observações sobre
mecanismos de participação em decisões do STF a partir de Luhmann, Recif,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de PósGraduação em Direito, Recife, 2010; defended in Recife 11 November 2010; examination
board: Alexandre Ronaldo Da Maia de Farias (chair), Bruno César Machado Torres
Galindo (discussant), Pierre Guibentif (discussant), Artur Stamford da Silva (supervisor);
result: dissertation accepted (the programme does not use grades).
Susana Isabel Alves da Silva Pereira, Contribuições para a avaliação do modelo de
parcerias público privadas entre o Estado e as IPSS, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, September
2009; provas de mestrado: ISCTE-IUL, 12 November 2009; examination board: Luís
Martins (chair); António Pedro Dores (supervisor), Pierre Guibentif (discussant).
Maria Sara Folhadela Figueiredo PINA, Media e Direito. Os media como fontes informais
de direito penal e direito processual penal, Lisbon, December 2007; defended:
Universidade Nova de Lisbon, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 11 April 2008;
examination board: Hermenegildo Borges (chair), João Pissarra Esteves (turor), Pierre
Guibentif (discussant).
Mariana Leite BRAGA, As relações de emprego e a gestão dos recursos humanos nas
maiores empresas em Portugal, Lisbon, March 2006; provas de mestrado: ISCTE,
October 2006; Examination Board: Pierre Guibentif (chair), Alan Stoleroff (tutor), Sara
Falcão Casaca (discussant).
Lúcia de Fátima Barreira Dias VARGAS, Julgados de Paz e Mediação. Uma nova face da
justiça, Aveiro, University of Aveiro, 2006; defended: University of Aveiro, 6 April 2006;
Profs. Doutores Rui Santiago (chair), Mariana França Gouveia and José Manuel Moreira
(tutores), Pierre Guibentif (discussant–discussant).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 19
Nazaré da Costa CABRAL, O Financiamento da Segurança Social e o seu impacte
redistributivo – Perspectivas de evolução na União Europeia, Lisbon, September 1997;
defended: at the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon; examination board: Profs.
Sérvulo Correia (president, tutor), Eduardo Paz Ferreira and Pierre Guibentif
Paula Cristina Roque Sobral, A questão da “droga” na imprensa escrita portuguesa,
Lisbon, ISCTE, 1996; defended: December 1997; Pierre Guibentif (chair), Augusto
Santos Silva (discussant–discussant), José Manuel Paquete Oliveira (tutor).
Alfredo Manuel Conde Moreno, Visão clara e Contravisão – Televisão e públicos em
Portugal, Lisbon, April 1997; defended at ISCTE, 26 November 1997; examination board:
Pierre Guibentif (chair), Rua Cádima (discussant–discussant), José Manuel Paquete de
Oliveira (tutor).
Cheryl Marie Webster, O dever de trabalho do recluso e a sua ressocialização. Uma
coexistência impossível ?, Lisbon, May 1997; defended at ISCTE, 22 September 1997;
examination board: Jorge Vala (chair), José Figueiredo Dias (tutor), Pierre Guibentif
Armando Rui Torres Baptista, O impacto local das políticas de emprego: o caso dos
subsídios de desemprego, Coimbra, September 1996; defended at the Economics
Faculty of Coimbra University, 13 January 1997; examination board: José Reis (chair),
Pedro Hespanha (tutor), Pierre Guibentif (discussant–discussant).
‘Tesinas’ of the International Master’s Programme in Sociology of Law,
IISL – Oñati
Stefania SABATINELLI, Lagun Ago – An Example of No-Statal Welfare in a Cooperative
Context, Oñati, IISL, 1998 (public examination: January 1999; examination board: Manuel
Calvo García, Mavis Maclean, Pierre Guibentif [tutor]).
Gabor GRESSAI, The Development of the Budapest Stock Exchange in Respect of the
Political and Economic Changes, Oñati, IISL, 1993, 52 p. (tutor, public examination July
Jaime MAYORAL GOMEZ, Neoliberalismo y Movimiento Obrero en Mexico, Mexico, July
1993, 57 p. (tutor; public examination July 1993).
Dominik ROTERS, Güterverkehrsaufkommen und die Standorte wirtschaftlicher
Produktion. Ein Beitrag zu ökologischer Verkehrspolitik in Europa unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung von Agglomerationsbildungsprozessen und deren Steuerung, Cochem
(D), 1992 (tutor; public examination following the meeting of the Sektion Rechtssoziologie
held at Düsseldorf, October 1992).
Participation in examination boards
Dafne BORDONE, Information Technology and Changes in Law Practice. A Pilot Study in
Milan (Public examination: July 2003; examination board: Manuel Calvo García, Christian
Courtis, Pierre Guibentif).
Gustavo Pereira FARAH, Rumbo a la erradicación del trabajo infantil en Brasil (Public
examination: October 2000; examination board: Manuel Calvo García, Hector Fix Fierro,
Pierre Guibentif).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 20
Fabrizio PAPPALARDO, The Relationship between Law and Psychiatry: Psychiatry and
Social Control in the History and Development of the Insanity Defense in the USA, Oñati,
IISL, 1997 (public examination: March 1997; examination board: Jacek Kurczewski,
Mavis Maclean, Pierre Guibentif).
Gonzalo TORQUEMADA, Expediente L.O.G.S.E.: Una ambiciosa teoría afectada por la
influencia política, para la tradicional práctica educativa, Oñati, IISL, 1996 (public
examination: December 1996; examination board: Johannes Feest, José Ramón
Recalde, Pierre Guibentif).
Claudia della ROCCA, Allucinogene: Rapporti tra uso and legalità. Analisi sul controllo
sociale, Oñati, IISL, 1996 (public examination: February 1996; examination board: Luis
María Díez-Picazo, Johannes Feest, Pierre Guibentif).
Harm SCHEPEL, Cooperatives in the Market. Economic Law Between Competition and
Cooperation, Oñati, IISL, June 1993, 40 p. (public examination July 1993).
Arritxu OLIDEN, The Decision Making Process in Mondragon Cooperatives, Oñati, June
1993, 66 p. (public examination July 1993).
Julianna KOVACS, Cruelty to Animals, Oñati, IISL, July 1993, 78 p. (public examination
July 1993).
Husam HOURANI, Legality and the Transformation of Rights in the Treaty Making Process:
The case of Palestine, Oñati, IISL, July 1993, 80 p.+annexes (public examination July
Francisco Javier DELGADO ROSALES, Modernización y democratización de la
administracion de justícia en Venezuela. Presupuestos Sociojurídicos, Oñati, IISL, 1993,
80 p.+ annexes (public examination July 1993).
Monika HAHN, Angelika SCHADE, The Participation ot the Spanish Autonomous Regions
and the German Länder in the integration Process of the European Community, Oñati,
IISL, June 1991, 81 p.+annexes (Public examination during the Post-Congress, July
Fátima El FAKIH RODRIGUEZ, La “criminologia” latinoamericana y su relación con el
pensamiento criminológico crítico, Oñati, 1991, 73 p. (Public examination during the PostCongress, July 1991).
Laura Luis BONACHERA, Procedimientos extra-judiciales en el contexto familiar en el Pais
Vasco, Oñati, IISL, 1991, 65 p. (Public examination during the Post-Congress, July 1991).
(As Academic Director of IISL, president of all examination boards of the “Tesinas” handed in as
final dissertations of the International Master in Sociology of Law over the academic years 19981999 and 1999-2000.)
Doctoral Dissertations
Supervisor (dissertation in progress)
1. Vanessa Franco Malheiro Blétière, Fadas do Lar. O reconhecimento social do trabalho
doméstico (started 2008; handed in for examination in July 2014).
2. Sónia Costa, A lei cigana. Compreensão da matriz normativa da população portuguesa
cigana (started 2011, doctoral programme of the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade
de Lisboa, main supervisor Ana Nunes de Almeida, ICS (started 2012).
3. António Velez, Os movimentos sociais à volta da plataforma 15 de Outubro (Provisional
Title; started 2012)
4. Gabriela Farinha, Legal pluralism and legal accomodation in Portugal: interactions between
official and unofficial laws. the case study of “bairro da Mouraria”, doctoral project accepted by
the Renato Treves International Research Doctorate in Law and Society of the Università degli
Studi in Milan, supervision shared with Håkan Hydén, Lund. Started 2013.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 21
Supervisor (dissertation concluded)
Susana Alexandra Lopes da Costa Santos, O movimento das rádios livres em Portugal:
formação de um novo espaço social, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, February 2012, defended September
Examination boards
Eliana Patrícia Carvalho Branco, Os Tribunais como espaços de reconhecimento, de
funcionalidade e de acesso à justiça – O estudo de caso dos Tribunais de Família e
Menores em Portugal, Doutoramento em Sociologia do Direito, no âmbito do programa
«Direito, Justiça e Cidadania no séc. XXI», Coimbra, 2013; public examination: 19
December 2013; examination board: Nuno Rodrigo Martins Portas, Pierre Guibentif,
António Manuel Botelho Hespanha, António Manuel Carvalho Casimiro Ferreira (tutor),
Maria Alexandra Sousa Aragão, José Reis (chair).
Antoine Pelicand, Des juges profanes. Juges de paix et juges de proximité au défi de
l’intégration judiciaire, Nantes, Université de Nantes, 2013 ; public examination : Nantes,
14 October 2013 ; examination board : Jean-Noël Retière (chair), Benoît Bastard, Laurent
Willemez, Charles Suaud (supervisor 1), Jacques Commaille (supervisor 2), Pierre
Guibentif (written comment available).
João Paulo dos Santos Dias, O Ministério Público e o Acesso ao Direito e à Justiça: entre
as competências legais e as práticas informais, Dissertação de doutoramento em
sociologia do Estado, do Direito e da Administração, Coimbra, August 2012; public
examination: 11 April 2013; examination board: António Cluny, Profs Pierre Guibentif,
Pedro Baçelar Vasconcelos, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Boaventura de Sousa Santos
(tutor), José Reis (chair).
João António Fernandes Pedroso, Acesso ao Direito e À Justiça: Um direito fundamental
em (des)construção. O caso do acesso ao direito e à justiça da família e das crianças,
Dissertação de doutoramento em sociologia do Estado, do Direito e da Administração,
Coimbra, 2011; public examination: 5 February 2013; examination board: Profs Teresa
Teresa Picontó Novales, Pierre Guibentif, Jorge Alberto Caras Altas Duarte Pinheiro,
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (tutor), António Casimiro Ferreira, José Reis (chair).
Antônio César Bochenek, A interação entre tribunais e democracia por meio do acesso
aos direitos e à justiça – Análise de experiências dos juizados especiais federais cíveis
brasileiros, Coimbra, December 2011; public examination: Coimbra, 10 December 2012;
examination board: Profs Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, Pierre Guibentif, António Manuel
Hespanha, Maria Alexandra Sousa Aragão, Boaventura de Sousa Santos (tutor), José
Reis (chair).
Maria João Ribeiro Curado Barata, Identidade, Autodeterminação e Relações
internacionais: O Caso do Saara Ocidental, Coimbra, March 2012; public examination:
Coimbra, 29 October 2012; examination board: Profs Luís Moita, José Alberto Azeredo
Ferreira Lopes, Raquel Freire, Pierre Guibentif, José Manuel Pureza (tutor), José Reis
Susana Alexandra Lopes da Costa Santos, O movimento das rádios livres em Portugal:
formação de um novo espaço social, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, February 2012; public
examination 20 September 2012: Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, Gustavo Cardoso (chair), Alberto
Arons de Carvalho, João Pissarra Esteves, João Teixeira Lopes, Maria Eduarda
Gonçalves, Pierre Guibentif (supervisor).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 22
Maria de Lurdes Teixeira, Do Centro de Saúde à USF: percursos, discursos e práticas,
Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, January 2011; public examination: Lisbon, 4 April 2011; examination
board: Profs Cipriano Justo, Felismina Mendes, Graça Carapinheiro (tutor), Juan
Mozzicafreddo (chair), Pierre Guibentif.
José Fernando Pinheiro NEVES, A individuação técnica na actualidade, Braga, University
of the Minho, January 2005; public examination: Braga, 13 de April 2005; examination
board: Profs Manuel da Silva and Costa, Moisés de Lemos Martins (tutor), Maria
Engrácia Leandro, José Bragança de Miranda (discussant–arguente), Marcelino Lyra
Passos, Ivo Manuel Pontes Domingues, Pierre Guibentif.
João Baptista Moreira PINTO, Epistémologie et (non)ontologie dans la systémique de
Niklas Luhmann: Une perspective critique de la pensée juridique Luhmannienne, Paris,
thèse de doctorat en philosophie du droit, 1999; public examination: 3 December 1999,
University of Paris X; examination board: Profs. Michel Troper (tutor), Christophe
Grzegorczyk, Jean-François Kervegan, Eugène Enriquez, Pierre Guibentif.
Meetings, Workshops, etc.
157. 21-23 May 2014, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law: 25 Anniversary
Conference – Global-Regional-Local, Institutions, Relations, Networks. Past and Future
of the Sociology of Law; chair of the first panel “Theory of Law and Society” (Thursday 22
May, 11.30-13.00); presentation, at the second panel “Theory of Law and Society”, of the
paper “Studying the Emergence of the Right to Privacy. A Suggestion for the
Future Agenda of Sociology of Law” (derived from ref. 3.3.2.[51]2013).
27-29 March 2014, CIRCEM, University of Ottawa : International Seminar on the Work of
156. Niklas Luhmann / Colloque international sur l’oeuvre de Niklas Luhmann ; presentation of
paper :
Un essai d’application de la théorie des systèmes” (derived from ref. 3.3.2.[51]2013).
155. 14-15 November 2013, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, participation in the interdisciplinary
conference The intimate, the private and the public: bridges and ambiguities organized by
Joaquim Negreiros (CIES); presentation of the paper “Changes in Privacy and
Subjectivity” (ref. 3.3.2.[51]2013).
154. 3 September 2013: at the workshop of the Comité de Recherche Études socio-juridiques
/ Sociologie du droit “Law and The Social Construction of Uncertainty”, organized within
the framework of the RCSL Meeting 2013 in Toulouse, on Law and political Action,
La structuration de l’expérience individuelle entre risque, création et sécurité”
153. 14 June 2013, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University; at the workshop Self-Constitution of
Europe: Symbols, Politics and Law, organized by Jiří Přibáň, presentation of the paper:
“Constitutions at the Semi-Periphery: The Case of Portugal”
152. 4-5 June 2013, the ILO, Geneva, participation in the Technical Working Group Meeting
on Methodology for the diagnostic process of freedom of association and
collective bargaining, organized at ILO (closed meeting; other members of the expert
panel: Leela Visaria, Lena Näre and Carlos Oya).
151. 6 May 2013: with Marta Tavares de Almeida and João Caupers, introduction to the report
Feitura das Leis – Portugal e a Europa at the panel discussion organized by the
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
150. 3 May 2013: In the seminar Liberdades e direitos em tempos de insegurança, an initiative
of Dinâmia – CET, organized at ISCTE-IUL by Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, moderator of
the panel “Direitos e sociedade e tempos inseguros”
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 23
149. 13 April 2013, Coimbra: participation in the panel discussion “Estado social e Estado de
Direito” together with Jorge Leite and João Rodrigues (moderator), as part of the meeting
on the topic “O Estado social no Estado de direito democrático” organized by the Núcleo
de Coimbra da Comissão Organizadora do Congresso Democrático das Alternativas.
148. 14 February 2013: participation in the XIII Seminário European Social Survey Apresentação de resultados – Confiança na Justiça – Trabalho, Família e Bem-Estar;
comment on the paper of Jorge Vala, “Confiança na Justiça” (Trust in Justice) (Slides
147. 9 November 2012: participation in the seminar organized by the Centro de Estudos
Judiciários (CEJ) on Confiança na Justiça (Trust in Justice), an initiative of Professor
Pedro Barbas Homem, director of CEJ. Discussant of the paper of Jorge Vala, Alice
Ramos and Pedro Silva, Confiança na Justiça (Trust in Justice) (Slides available).
146. 21 October 2012: participation in the annual congress of the Research Committee on
Sociology of Law, held in Warsaw 19-21 October 2012 (ISA-RCSL Jubilee Ceremonial
Conference); presentation, at the panel “Sociology of Law in Progress”, of the paper
Sociology of Law and the challenge of the current financial crisis (published 2013).
145. 4 July 2012: participation in the 19th congress of the Association internationale des
sociologues de langue française, Rabat, 2-6 juillet 2012; presentation, within the
framework of the sessions organized by the Comité de Recherche « Études sociojuridiques / Sociologie du droit » (CR03), consacrés au thème « Droit et construction
sociale de l’incertain » (Law and the Social Construction of Uncertainty), topic inspired by
the general topic of the congress, Penser l’incertain (Rethinking Uncertainty), of a paper
on : Les limites de l’incertain – La structuration de l’expérience individuelle entre
risque et sécurité (The limits to uncertainty: the structuration of individual
experience between risk and security) (réf. 3.3.2.[46] 2012)
144. 22 June 2012: « Síntese provisória dos trabalhos » ; paper concluding the sessions of the
thematic area « Direito, Crime, Dependências » organized within the framework of the
7th Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Oporto, 19-22 June 2012 (general heading of the
Congress: « Sociedade, Crise e Reconfigurações ».
143. 21 June 2012, at the 7th Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Oporto, 19-22 June 2012,
presentation of the book Direito, Justiça e Média. Tópicos de Sociologia, Porto,
Afrontamento, 2012, by Helena Machado and Filipe Santos.
142. 30 March 2012, contribution to the workshop Luhmann et la philosophie politique et
sociale, organized at Paris 1 University Panthéon-Sorbonne, within the framework of the
workshops cycle « Niklas Luhmann et la tradition sociologique et philosophique », an
initiative of the Unité de recherche Philosophies contemporaines/équipe Nosophi,
Laboratoire Sophiapol, and of the Département de philosophie de l’Université du
Luxembourg; paper : « La critique comme thème chez Niklas Luhmann ; la théorie
des systèmes comme outil critique » (on invitation ; other invited participants : Gunther
Teubner, Frankfurt University / International University College, Turin ; Lucas Sosoe,
Luxembourg University) (réf. 3.3.2.[44] 2012)
141. 19 November 2011, Luxembourg, University of Luxembourg : participation in the meeting
Niklas Luhmann et la théorie du droit; organized by Lukas K. Sosoe; paper on « La
théorie des droits subjectifs chez Niklas Luhmann: une contribution à l’approche
de l’individualité par les Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société / The Theory of
Subjective Rights in Niklas Luhmann – A Contribution to the approach of
Individuality by Humanities and Social Sciences » (developed version of ref.
140. 7 October 2011, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL : participation in the meeting Trabalho Digno:
Género, Migrações e Trabalho Doméstico; paper on « Os Efeitos Sociais
do Reconhecimento Jurídico do Trabalho Doméstico » (slides available)
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 24
139. 27 September 2011, Toulouse, Institut d’Études Politiques, by invitation, paper on
« Individus et organisations dans la troisième modernité » (slides available)
22 September 2011, Bonn, Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur”: by invitation, paper
« Subjectivity beyond the State – Recent Theoretical Proposals on the Social
Reality of Law » (based on ref. 3.1.1.[10]2010).
137. 1-3 September 2011, Viena: participation in the 2 Joint Meeting Congress of the
German Speaking Associations of Sociology of Law, under the heading Der Kampf ums
Recht; paper: « Kann die Rechtssoziologie zu einer wirksamen Rechtsinformation
beitragen? Überlegungen am Beispiel der Hausangestellten » (slides available)
136. 8 July 2011, Grenoble : participation in the 4 Congress of the Association Française de
Sociologie; chair of the panel “Socialisation par le / au droit”; paper on « La
reconnaissance juridique du travail domestique » (ref. 3.2. [12] 2011 ; available on
line at )
135. 6 July 2011, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati : Participation in the
International Conference Social Economy - Corporate Responsibility, Private
Property & Partnerships. Workers' Rights and Cooperatives; chair of Stream 5
“Social Economy and Workers”; paper on The role of associations in law, society and
134. 22 June 2011, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan: Participation in the seminar
organized on my book Foucault, Luhmann, Habermas, Bourdieu - Une génération
repense le droit at ISP-Institut des sciences sociales du Politique, answering discussion
papers of François Chazel (Bordeaux) and Thierry Delpeuch (Berlin).
133. 12 May 2011, Lisbon, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, moderator of the international
conference “Work and Industrial Relations in Times of Crisis / Emprego e Relações
Laborais no Contexto de Crise” organized within the framework of the Master’s
Programme Mestrado em Ciência do Trabalho e Relações Laborais and of the European
Network of Labour Studies.
132. 15 March 2011, Lisbon, University of Lisbon, ICS, chair of the panel “Percepções e
culturas do Estado de Direito”, part of the meeting A Qualidade do Estado de Direito
em Portugal, organized by ICS-UL and TIAC-Transperência e Integridade, Associação
cívica, and coordinated by Luís de Sousa (ICS-IUL).
131. 10 March 2011, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL – Dinâmia-CET, intervention, with Mário Murteira and
António Monteiro Fernandes, in the seminar A Carta Dos Direitos Fundamentais da
União Europeia – Justiça Social e Cidadania, organized within the framework of the
Ciclo de seminários on Direitos humanos, Mercados e Desafios da Governação
organized by Maria Eduarda Gonçalves (Dinâmia-CET).
130. 28 February 2011, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL – Library, participation in the event “Conversa na
Biblioteca” A Força das Teorias, panel-discussion based on the book Foucault,
Luhmann, Habermas,Bourdieu; une Genération repense le droit (ref. 3.1.1. [10]), with
Sandra Ortigosa Pons and Pedro Vasconcelos (ISCTE-IUL).
129. 15 December 2010, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL – Dinâmia-CET, participation in the seminar Da
Cidade ao Território – À Procura do Espaço Perdido – 10 anos da revista Cidades,
Comunidades e Territórios, contribution to the panel “Reconquistar a Cidade” title; “A
cidade como espaço político”.
128. 16-17 November 2010, Rio de Janeiro, participation in the 1st congress of the
Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Sociologia do Direito; paper on A
Sociologia do direito na Europa e os caminhos da reflexão sociológica continental
sobre o direito (Sociology of law in Europe; paths of the continental socio-legal
reflection) (by invitation).
127. 11 November 2010, Recife, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco, speech on O direito na actualidade: entre indivíduos e organizações
(Contemporary Law Between Individuals And Organizations) (by invitation).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 25
126. 20 October 2010, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, Introduction to the speaker, at the occasion of the
Aula de Despedida of Mário Leston Bandeira, “A demografia portuguesa entre
Repúblicas: continuidade, acidentes e rupturas”.
125. 14-15 October 2010 invited by Prof. Álvaro Pires and Richard Dubé to the annual meeting
of the CIRCEM (Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur la citoyenneté et les minorités),
University of Ottawa, Du chemin parcouru aux voies de l’avenir, to act as a discussant at
the panel Redondances, paradoxes et innovation: est-il possible de penser le droit
criminel autrement? (papers of Álvaro Pires, Margarida Garcia and Richard Dubé).
124. 8 October 2010, invited by the Direcção-Geral da Política de Justiça of the Ministério da
Justiça to discuss the volume Guia de Avaliação de Impacto Normativo (Ministério da
Justiça, Direcção-Geral da Política de Justiça), Coimbra, Almedina, 2010, at the occasion
of its public presentation, Auditório da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa,
(Invitation issued by Ana Vargas, head of DGPJ).
123. 25 June 2010: “Effectiveness of Legislative Communication”, Paper presented at the
9 Congress of the International Association of Legislation, Lisbon, 24-25 June 2010.
122. 2 June 2010, participation in the workshop “Flexicurity and Decent Work”, organized at
ISCTE-IUL by the Research Center Dinâmia-CET; presentation of o paper on
“Individuals as Organizations. A Sociological Interpretation of Flexicurity”.
121. 15 April 2010: presentation of the paper Proposal for a general theoretical and
methodological framework (summary available: ref 3.3.2. [35] 2010) at the IISLWorkshop « Domestic Work and Domestic Workers. Interdisciplinary and
comparative perspective » (Oñati, 15-16 April 2010; first draft of ref. 3.2.[12]2011).
120. 17 March 2010, presentation, within the framework of the 9th congress of CAIS,
organized by CAIS at the Fundação Luso-Americana in Lisbon, on the topic Justiça e
Direito – O papel dos Juristas e do Direito no combate à pobreza, of a paper on
A perpétua vontade de justiça (later published; see ref. 3.1.4.[37]2011).
119. 24-27 November 2009, participation in the international congress Sociedade, Direito e
Decisão em Niklas Luhmann (a tribute to Cláudio Souto) organized in Recife by the
research unit “Moinho Jurídico” under the coordination of Artur Stamford da Silva; within
this framework, responsible for the workshop O direito na teoria da sociedade de Niklas
Luhmann, including three sessions: (1) O direito na evolução do pensamento de
Niklas Luhmann: da positivização à autopoiese; (2) O direito na sociedade de
Niklas Luhmann: entre sistemas funcionais, organizações e pessoas; (3) Niklas
Luhmann numa perspectiva comparada: uma geração pensa o direito da
sociedade-mundo. (video available on line).
1 October 2009, within the framework of the “Ciclo de tertúlias” on “Os novos horizontes
do direito” organized in Lisbon by the Conselho Distrital de Lisboa da Ordem dos
Advogados, paper on Uma razão para além do Estado – contextos futuros da prática
do Direito, da Ciência e da Arte. (later published; see ref. 3.1.2 [55]).
117. 2-5 September 2009, participation in the 9th congress of the European Sociological
Association, European Society or European Societies?, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL. With
Vanessa Blétière, presentation of the paper: The ‘Invisible Army’ of Domestic
Workers: Women’s Work in A Global Recession.
116. 9 July 2009, participation in the congress Complexity, Conflicts, Justice – 20 years of
Sociology of Law, jointly organized in Oñati by the Research Committee on Sociology of
Law of ISA and by the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at the occasion of
the 20 anniversary of the IISL. Participation in the workshop “Comparative Studies of
Legal Consciousness”, presenting a comment on the paper “Tracking the Rule of
Law: A Cross-National Study of Legal Consciousness”, by Marc Hertogh, Jérôme
Pélisse and Susan Silbey.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 26
115. 26 May 2009, within the framework of the seminar A qualidade da legislação organized at
the Portuguese Parliament, presentation of the Observatório da Legislação
Portuguesa (ref. 3.1.2. [52]).
114. 27 April 2009, with Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, contributions to the event “Conversa na
Biblioteca” organized by the library of ISCTE on the topic Que futuro para o Estado e
para o Direito num mundo globalizado? (based on Os novos territórios do direito. ref.
3.1. [9] 2008).
113. 17 April 2009, paper on Droit et violence. Des rapports ambivalents, at a workshop
organized by the Réseau thématique “Sociologie du droit et de la justice” within the
framework of the 3rd Congress of the Association française de sociologie (Violences et
société), Paris, 14-17 April 2009 (paper presented and discussed by Rachel Vanneuville ;
written draft available ; ref. 3.3.2.[32] 2009).
112. 25 February 2009, by invitation of Professor Denis Bouget, University of Nantes / Maison
des sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin, participation in the Cross-strand Workshop
“Tensions Between Work and Welfare”, organized at the Maison des sciences de
l’Homme Ange-Guépin, Nantes, by the network Recwowe: Reconciling Work and Welfare
in Europe (, visited March 2009 ); comment on the
paper of Denis Bouget, “Structural tensions between employment and social welfare
states in Europe: an overview”.
111. 18 December 2008, by invitation of Prof. Doutora Sílvia Silva, president of the Conselho
Pedagógico do ISCTE, evocação de António da Silva Leal, within the framework of the
Anniversary of ISCTE.
110. 10 December 2008, chair of the panel “Novas fronteiras dos direitos humanos” organized
by Dinâmia at ISCTE, with the participation of José Maria Castro Caldas, Maria Eduarda
Gonçalves and Lisa Tortell.
109. 28-29 October 2008, participation, by invitation of the International Institute for the
Sociology of Law, and of UNISINOS, university in São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brasil, in the workshop Luhmann e os Direitos Fundamentais organized within the
Framework of the master’s programme in Law; paper presented: Os Direitos Subjetivos
na Teoria dos Sistemas de Niklas Luhmann.
108. 4-6 September 2008: participation in the congress “Wie wirkt Recht? Interdisziplinäre
Rechtsforschung zwischen Rechtswirklichkeit, Rechtsanalyse und Rechtsgestaltung”,
First congress of German speaking associations in sociology of law, Luzern University;
presentation of the paper Beobachtung der Rechtsproduktion in Portugal. Nutzen für
Evaluation und Gesetzgebung, at the session “Evaluation und Gesetzgebung”
organized by Luzius Mader and Werner Bussmann, Office fédéral de Justice of
Switzerland (paper based on ref. 3.1.2.[47]).
107. 9 July 2008: partipation in the XVIIIe Congrès international de l’AISLF, held in Istanbul 7
11 ~July 2008, under the general theme Être en société. Le lien social à l’épreuve des
cultures ; at the session organized by the Comité de Recherche Études socio-juridiques /
Sociologie du droit CR03, on the topic “Droits culturels et lien social”, presentation of
the paper Les droits culturels dans le système juridique et dans le système des
106. 2 July 2008, paper on: Beobachtung der Rechtsproduktion. Interdisziplinäre
Forschung zwischen EDV, Legistik und Rechtssoziologie, presented at the Sociology
Faculty of Bielefeld, by invitation of Prof. Dr. Alfons Bora (based on 3.1.2.[47] 2007).
105. 30 June 2008, paper on: Zweck und Methodik des Theorienvergleichs. Die
soziologische Beobachtung des Rechts bei Bourdieu, Foucault, Habermas und
Luhmann, presented at the Sociology Faculty of Bielefeld, by invitation of Prof. Dr. Alfons
Bora (based on 3.3.2[29] 2007).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 27
104. 26 June 2008: participation in the VI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Mundos
Sociais: Saberes e Práticas, Lisboa, 25-28 de Junho de 2008; opening paper to the
session “Direito, Crime e Dependências” : O estado actual da sociologia do direito em
103. 11 June 2008: MSH Nancy, presentation on « Le conseil scientifique du Réseau des
Maisons des sciences de l’Homme », as part of a Training seminar organized by the GIS
Réseau national des Maisons des sciences de l’Homme for general secretaries of
Maisons des sciences de l’Homme.
102. 24-25 April 2008: participation in the Workshop Normative and Sociological Approaches
to Legality and Legitimacy organized by Samantha Ashenden (Birkbeck College,
University of London) and Chris Thornhill (University of Glasgow) at the International
Institute for the Sociology of Law; paper presented: Sociology Among the Third-Order
Observers in Legitimation Processes (ref. infra 3.3.2.[31]).
101. 25-28 July 2007, International conference “Law and Society in the 21 Century.
Transformations, Resistances, Futures”, Berlin, organized by the Law & Society
Association (EUA) and by the RCLS (Research Committee on the Sociology of LawInternational Sociological Association); chair of sessions nr. 2332, “Re-assessing
Constitutional Standards: the Quest for Methodogical Approaches” and nr. 4313 “Cultural
Rights: A Challenge to Law and Society” (see below 2.4.2.[21]); presentation, at session
nr. 2135, “Social Theory and the Law: Niklas Luhmann’s Socio-Legal Thinking”, of the
paper Evolution Of Theory: The Production Of Luhmann’s Work In A Comparative
Approach (ref. 3.2.[8]2007).
100. July 2007. Participation at a panel on the reform of the Portuguese University, Lisbon,
Sociedade de Geografia.
7 June 2007, at the Institut des sciences sociales du politique, Cachan-Paris,
presentation of the paper Agir et instances. Esquisse d’un canevas conceptuel aux
confins de la comparaison théorique et de la recherche empirique (ref. 3.3.2.[29]2007).
26-27 March 2007, participation at the meeting “Socio-Legal Studies in the Globalized
World” organized by the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, as a
representative of the french Association Droit et Société and of the Comité de recherches
“études socio-juridiques” / sociologie du droit da AISLF.
2-3 March 2007, participation at the workshop “À propos Latenz”, organized by MarieTeres Fögen at the Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt.
February 2007, as part of the “Montagskolloquium” of the Max-Planck-Institut für
europäische Rechtsgeschichte, presentation of the paper “Wirken / Instanzen” (ref.
November 2006, as part of the seminar “Axe 3” of the Institut des sciences sociales du
politique (École normale supérieure de Cachan / Université Paris X Nanterre),
presentation of the paper “La légitimité des mouvements sociaux” and reply to critics
(réf. 3.1.2.[39]).
September 2006, international seminar on Desigualdades, Desregulação e Riscos nas
Sociedades Contemporâneas organized by the Sociology Department of the University of
Oporto; paper on Estado de Direito e Estado Penal (ref. 3.3.2.[30]2007).
September 2006: Bordeaux, 2 Congress of the French Association of Sociology, “Dire le
monde social. Les sociologues face aux discours politiques, économiques et
médiatiques” (4-8 September), at the workshop organized by the network on sociology of
law of that association, discussant, with Laurence Dumoulin, on the panel « Justice(s) en
évolution » (list of the papers summarized and discussed available on, last visited February 2012) .
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 28
September 2006: Bordeaux, 2 Congress of the French Association of Sociology, “Dire le
monde social. Les sociologues face aux discours politiques, économiques et
médiatiques” (4-8 September), at the workshop organized by the network on sociology of
law of that association, presentation of the paper Observer la production législative au
portugal. Questions de méthode et premières données (ref. 3.1.2.[47]2007).
June 2006: 40 anniversary of the Centro Nacional de Pensões, by invitation of the
director of the CNP, José Barrias, conference: A caminho de uma sociedade europeia
– 20 anos de prática dos Regulamentos Europeus de Segurança Social em
April 2006: Workshop “Em torno do espaço público”, Oporto, within the framework of
the Project Em Torno, designed by André Guedes, choreographer; paper on “Partilhar,
estruturar, percorrer, imaginar – Experiências sociais and individuais do espaço”.
March 2006: International workshop Audiência Preliminar em Processo Civil,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa; paper, with Mariana França Gouveia and Vanessa Franco
Malheiro, on A avaliação jurídica e sociológica da aplicação prática da audiência
preliminar enquanto tradução de um dos princípios estruturantes da reforma do processo
civil de 1995/6 – o princípio de cooperação (presentation of the first results of the
research project [2.1. – 19]).
December 2005: Conference Espaço Público, Poder e Comunicação, R&D Unit LIF Linguagem, Interpretação and Filosofia; University of Coimbra, paper on “A legitimidade
dos movimentos sociais. Contributos para um debate necessário” (on invitation, based on
ref. 3.1.2.[39]2005).
November 2005: Workshop A aplicação da regulamentação comunitária de
segurança social, Lisbon, network training and Reporting on European Social
Security (trESS) (resp.: Dr. Artur Soares, Departamento de Relações Internacionais de
Segurança Social, Lisbon).
September 2005: Meeting ‘Liquid Society and Its Law’, Law Faculty, University of
Cardiff, organized by Prof. Jiri Priban; paper on “Organizations Dealing With Individuals:
sociological reflections based on the example of recent immigrants integration policies in
the European Union” (on invitation, ref. 3.3.2.[26]2006).
July 2005: Annual Meeting of the Research Committee of Sociology of Law, “Law
and Justice Beyond Borders”, Paris, paper on “Les Julgados de Paz – Une nouvelle
justice de proximité au Portugal” (based on Guibentif, Cabrita, Gorjão and Leandro, ref.
July 2005: First European Socio-Legal Conference, IISL - International Institute for the
Sociology, Law of Oñati, contribution to the Featured Session “Classical European
Sociology of Law” organized by Reza Banakar (Oxford), introducing the contribution of
Jürgen Habermas of the sociology of law (based on doc. ref. 3.3.2.-2002/2003;
summary on;
visited: January 2005; ).
May 2005: Joint meeting of the conseil des directeurs des Maisons des Sciences de
l’Homme and of the Conseil d’Orientation Scientifique du Réseau National des
Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme (RNMSH), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
d’Aquitaine, Toulouse; presentation of the report L’Application des principes fondateurs
du RNMSH (ref. 3.1.2.[42]2006).
November 2004: Peer Review Meeting on Reception and Integration of New
Migrants, Paris, INBAS, under the auspices of the European Commission; presentation
of the Discussion Paper (ref. 3.2.[6]2004); opening of the session “Transferability”;
presentation of the final synthesis (available in .pdf format on: [last accessed: January 2006]).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 29
October 2004: Conference “Direitos Fundamentais: desafios para o séc. XXI”, Évora,
Research Centre ACTAE, University of Évora, organized by Prof. Silvério da Rocha
Cunha; paper on Os Efeitos dos Direitos Fundamentais Hoje. Elementos de uma
Apreciação Sociológica.
June 2004: contribution to the topic Estratégias para a Justiça Social, Hoje, with
Augusto Santos Silva and Fernando Ribeiro Mendes, at the occasion of the launching of
the book of Wolfgang Merkel, Justiça Social and Capitalismo de Bem Estar, organized
em Lisbon by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
May 2004: Meeting “Social Europe After Enlargement – Convergence-ComparisonChallenges”, Network “SPECIAL - Social Protection in Europe. Convergence?
Integration, Accession and the Free Movement of Labour” (network’s coordinator:
Prof. Yves Jorens, University of Ghent) ; paper: Toward a new typology of health care
systems in Europe ? (final version: ref. 3.3.2.[24]2005)
March 2004: First social and human sciences conference on Health, “Olhares sobre
as Pessoas, a Saúde and a Doença”, participation, with José Resende and Victor
Sérgio Ferreira, in the round table “Olhares sobre o(s) corpo(s)”, chaired by David
December 2003: Congresso da Justiça, Lisbon; keynote to the panel O Cidadão face à
Justiça (ref. 3.2. - 2003; programme of the event and papers available on [last accessed:
January 2006])
December 2003: Meeting of the European Observatory on Social Security for Migrant
Workers; Brussels, as national expert, presentation of the Portugal Report (ref.
November 2003: 2 Congress of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicogerontologia,
contribution to the panel Trabalho, Participation and Desenvolvimento (entre os 50 and
os 64 anos).
October 2003, Meeting O pensamento de Niklas Luhmann, Instituto de Filosofia
Prática, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã (on invitation; paper: ref. 3.1.2.[40]2005).
May 2003: Second plenary meeting of the network “SPECIAL - Social Protection in
Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the Free Movement of Labour”
(network’s coordinator: Prof. Yves Jorens, University of Ghent), Bucharest; presentation
of a synthesis report on Health (final version: ref. 3.3.2.[24]2005).
April 2003: Meeting La légitimité de l’État et du droit. Autour de Max Weber, CRDPCentre de recherche en droit public, University of Montreal (on invitation; paper: ref.
December 2002: 11 Congresso de Mutualismo 2002, Consagrar o Mutualismo –
Dignificar a Cidadania, opening keynote on the topic Protecção Social em prospectiva Cenários and Modelos.
November 2002: within the framework of the Séminaires du lundi, INED (Institut
national d’études démographiques), Paris, conference on « L’analyse sociologique du
droit dans les comparaisons internationales » (on invitation).
September 2002: First Plenary Meeting of the network “SPECIAL - Social Protection in
Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the Free Movement of Labour”
(network’s coordinator: Prof. Yves Jorens, University of Ghent), Prague; presentation of a
synthesis of the national reports on the issue “Health”.
November 2001: Meeting Social Security of Frontier Workers, organized by the
European Commission and by the Gesellschaft für Versicherungs-wissenschaft und gestaltung e.V. in Aachen.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 30
November 2001: Meeting of the European Observatory on Social Security for Migrant
Workers; Brussels, as national expert, presentation of the Portugal Report (ref.
July 2001: Session on “Justiça e Comunicação Social”, part of the 18 ordinary
training programme for future magistrates organized by the Centro de Estudos
Judiciários; presentation of the final results of the research “Comunicação Social e
Representações do Crime” (synthesis de ref. 3.1.1.-2001).
April 2001: International Workshop “Poder Judicial, Formação de Magistrados and
Cidadania”, contribution to the panel “A Formação de Magistrados em Portugal –
November 2000: Contribution to the conference on Meios Alternativos de Resolução
de Litígios, Lisbon, Portuguese Justice Ministry (ref. 3.1.4.[31]2001).
November 2000: Workshop História and Ciências Sociais celebrating the 25
anniversary of the Centro de Estudos de História Contemporânea Portuguesa, ISCTE,
contribution to the panel “História e sociologia do trabalho”, chaired by Prof. Miriam
Halpern Pereira: “Transformações recentes na historiografia da segurança social – Entre
mudanças políticas and transições académicas”.
Octobre 2000: Meeting of the European Observatory on Social Security for Migrant
Workers; Brussels, as national expert, presentation of the Portugal Report (ref.
From October 1998 to July 2000, as Academic Director of the IISL (Oñati, Espanha),
welcome adress delivered at the opening session of all workshops held at the Institute,
introducing to the Institute’s history and activities, and suggesting bridges between the
workshop’s topic and the Institute’s general calling.
July 2000: Joint meetings of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the
ISA and the Asociación de Análisis sobre Derecho y Sociedad Social, IISL (Oñati,
Spain; ver infra 2.4.2.), paper: “Exclusion in the EU: A socio-legal approach to concepts
and realities” (based on ref. 3.1.1.-1997 and 3.1.2.-2001).
July 2000: 14 congress of the Association internationale des sociologues de
langue française (“Vers une société-monde ?”); paper: “Peut-on former des citoyens
de la société-monde? Le pari d’Oñati”.
May 2000: Meeting Sociological Insights into Multiculturalism, ISA – International
Sociological Association, the Centro nazionale di prevenzione and difesa sociale (Milano)
and the Fondation Courmayeur, in Courmayeur; participation in the panel discussion on
March 2000: Meeting on the work of Niklas Luhmann, Rieux-minervois (France),
Association droit et société (France), organized by Prof. André-Jean Arnaud with a view
to the special issue on Niklas Luhmann of the journal Droit et Société (nº 47; 2001; ref.
February 2000: Meeting “Políticas and instrumentos de combate à pobreza na UE”,
Almancil (Portugal), Portuguese EU Presidency; panel discussion with Prof. Philippe Van
Parijs, Université catholique de Louvain, secretary of the BIEN – Basic Income European
Network (on invitation; ref. 3.1.2.-2001).
December 1999: “Workshop on Social and Legal Theory”, Oxford pelo Oxford Center
for Socio-Legal Studies. Paper: “The Sociology of Law as a Subdiscipline of Sociology”
(on invitation; ref. 3.1.2.-2003).
September 1999: meeting “Politiques publiques et droit dans un contexte de
globalisation: les dynamiques du global et du local”, University of Geneva (org.
Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales et Département de sciences politiques /
Réseau européen Droit et Société). Paper: « Le droit de la sécurité sociale entre débats
globaux et pratiques » locales (based on ref. 3.1.1.-1997).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 31
July 1999: World Congress of Sociology of Law (RCSL ISA), Warsaw and Cracow;
paper on “Observing Systems Empirically. Niklas Luhmann’s Theory and Socio-Legal
Research” at the plenary panel in memory of Niklas Luhmann (contents later included in
ref. 3.1.2.[30]2001).
July 1999: 3 Summer course Las Profesiones Jurídicas, Vocación e Ejercício,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in cooperation with the IISL, coordinated by Prof. José
Juan Toharia; opening address.
May 1999: Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Training programme on human rights;
opening address on La sociología jurídica hacia los derechos humanos.
May 1999: Law Faculty of the Universidad del País Vasco, ceremony closing the
graduation programme in Law, lecture on Nuevos problemas de justicia – Nuevos
papeles para los juristas.
March 1999: Law Faculty of the Universidad del País Vasco, lecture on Las
aportaciones de la sociología del derecho a la enseñanza y a la práctica del
February 1999: First Congress of the Asociación para el Análisis sobre Derecho y
Sociedad, Bilbao; member of the opening panel, as Academic Director of the IISL.
December 1998: Universidad del País Vasco (San Sebastián), lecture on La
coordenación de los sistemas de seguridad social en la Unión Europea: prácticas
y políticas, as part of the training programme on European Law 1998, organized by the
Area de Derecho Público “Acción Jean Monnet”, campus de Guipúzkoa.
December 1998: Universidad Oberta de Catalunya: lecture on Frente a los nuevos
problemas de normatividad social: Cual és el papel de la sociología del derecho?
(substance later included in ref. 3.1.2.-2003 “The Sociology of Law ...)
November 1997: Meeting Segurança Social: do almoço grátis ao desenho das
soluções, Lisbon, JSD-Junventude Social-Democrata; organized by Prof. Mário Patinha
Antão; with Manuel Villaverde Cabral, panel discussion on “A perspectiva histórica e
November 1997: meeting Novos Desafios ao Serviço Social - Rendimento Mínimo &
Inserção - Experiências Europeias; with Yasna Romon and Mario Gaviria, panel
discussion on “Rendimento mínimo na Europa: Diversidade e Convergência de
Dispositivos e Experiências”.
June 1997: Jornada sobre o Desenvolvimento do Interior, Seia / Gouveia / Idanha a
Nova; organized by the Portuguese State Presidency; discussant of the report of the
Comissão Local do Projecto de Rendimento Mínimo Garantido de Gouveia, and
participation in the debate on “Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento do Interior” (ref.: 3.1.4.).
September 1996: Seminário Europeu sobre o Rendimento Mínimo – Uma
Comparação Europeia Lisbon by the União das Mutualidades Portuguesas, the
European Commission (DGV), and the Portuguese Ministry for Solidarity and Social
Security; keynote presented at the plenary session “Avaliação do conjunto de programas
de rendimento mínimo na união Europeia” (ref. 3.1.1.).
July 1996: XVe Congrès international de l’AISLF “L’invention de la societé. De
l’élucidation à l’action”, Évora, Portugal; keynote speaker, with Jacques Commaille and
Jean Rémy, at the plenary session “Procéduralisation et transaction sociale”; chair of the
workshop of the comité de recherche “Sociologie du droit” / “Etudes socio-juridiques”.
March 1996: Workshop on: “The Infrastructure of Cross-Border Legal Interaction”,
organized by Volkmar Gessner at the IISL (Oñati) (on invitation; paper ref.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 32
February 1996: Meeting “Comparing Social Welfare Systems in Southern Europe”,
MIRE (Mission de recherche et expérimentation), European University Institute of
Florence (on invitation; paper ref. 3.1.2.[22]1997).
February 1996: III Congresso Portugês de Sociologia; presentation on “O quotidiano
da complexidade – Reflexões a partir de um estudo empírico sobre a aplicação do direito
comunitário” (based on 3.3.1.-1995).
November 1995: Meeting of the Cercle de sociologie et nomologie juridique, StRaphaël; introducing the discussion of André-Jean ARNAUD, Simona ANDRINI, Jean
Carbonnier, Renato Treves et la sociologie du droit, Paris, LGDJ, 1995.
November 1994: Workshop “Immigration in Southern Europe”, Faculty of Economics,
University of Coimbra, in the Framework of the EC-Programme COST A2. Contribution
on “The social security of the Migrants – National Practices of international Rules” (on
invitation; based on ref. 3.3.1.-1995).
September 1994: Séminaire international “Qui doit nourrir l’enfant ? Recherche sur
les fondements des politiques familiales (France, Italie, Portugal, Angleterre)”,
Ecole nationale de santé publique, Rennes, organized by Nadine Lefaucheur (CNRS) and
Claude Martin (ENSP). Contributions: “Portugal: la politique familiale dans les
changements de régime et la constitution” and “L’importance démographique,
économique et symbolique de l’illégitimité au Portugal” (on invitation).
March 1994: “Workshop sobre as políticas sociais e a luta contra a exclusão social
– A situação específica das comunidades de imigrantes em Portugal”, organized by
the Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social in Lisbon; presentation on the topic “A
situação específica das comunidades imigrantes em Portugal em matéria de protecção
November 1993: 1 plenary meeting of the Réseau européen Droit et Société,
organized by Prof. André-Jean Arnaud, Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
June 1993: meeting of the Cercle de sociologie et nomologie juridique, RieuxMinervois (France). Contribution to the panel discussion “Droit et société: enjeux
scientifiques, politiques, académiques”, on the topic “Réflexions comparatives à partir des
expériences allemandes et portugaises”.
February 1993: 2 plenary meeting of the Réseau européen de recherche sur les
fondements normatifs de la régulation des personnes et de la famille coordinated by
Profs. Jacques Commaille and Louis Assier-Andrieu, Brussels; presentation of the results
of the field work carried out in Portugal (on invitation; ref.: 3.1.2.-1995).
September-October 1992: 26. Deutscher Soziologentag, Düsseldorf, on
“Lebensverhältnisse und soziale Konflikte im neuen Europa”; paper presented at the
panel of the Sektion Rechtssoziologie (ref.: 3.1.4.[17]1993; participation funded by the
Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal).
May 1992: Annual Meeting of the Law & Society Association, Philadelphia; paper
presented at the panel “Law, Reason and Society: Discussions on Jürgen
Habermas’s Contribution to Socio-Legal Studies” (ref. 3.1.2.[18]1994); participation
funded by the Goethe Institut, Lisbon).
May 1992: Panel discussion on “Novos movimentos sociais: o adeus às lutas”, “II
Noites de Sociologia” (on invitation; ref.: 3.1.4.-1992).
February 1992: II Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia. Elaboração
de notas de síntese de alguns paineis para a revista Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas
(ref.: 3.1.4.-1992).
December 1991: Symposium “Portugal, País de imigração”, Lisbon, Instituto de
Estudos para o Desenvolvimento. Contribution on “A implementação dos direitos dos
migrantes entre o local e o global”, based on Esteves et al., 1991 (on invitation; refs.
3.1.2.[10]1991; 3.1.1.-1991).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 33
September 1991: Meeting on “Der Europäische Sozialstaat und seine Institutionen”,
Speyer, Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, organized by Profs. Rainer Pitschas
and Detlef Mertens (on invitation; paper ref.: 3.1.2.).
July 1991: Post-Congress, IISL, Oñati; chair of the session on teaching of sociology of
law, presenting the Sociology of Law course lectured at ISCTE.
June 1991: Joint meetings of the Law & Society Association and the Research
Committee on Sociology of Law of the ISA “Law and Society in the Global Village”,
Amsterdam; attendance related to the sociology of law teaching (ref.: 3.1.4.);
participation, representing the journal Droit et Société, in the Law and Social Science
Journal Editors Forum (panel nr. 169) chaired by Frank Munger.
May 1991: Meeting of the Cercle of Sociologie and Nomologie Juridique, at StRaphaël, on “Les catégories de la pratique déterminent-elles ou non celles de la
connaissance, en sociologie juridique et en théorie du droit ?”; contribution on “Pour une
Ideologiekritik de la sociologie du droit. L’exemple des concepts de production et d’effet
du droit”.
March 1991: 3 High Level Seminar in Sociology of Law, IISL (Oñati); paper on the
impact of the law in the field of the economy (on invitation; ref. 3.1.2.).
October 1990: participation in the meeting of the Arbeitsgruppe für
Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung über Spanien und Portugal (ASFSP) – Portugal
Sektion, Bad-Homburg; presentation on: “Herausforderungen an die portugiesische
Rechtskultur. Das portugiesische Rechtssystem zwischen Revolution und EG-Beitritt”.
October 1990: 25. Deutscher Soziologentag, Frankfurt am Main (“Die
Modernisierung moderner Gesellschaften”); participation in the workshop of the
Sektion Rechtssoziologie, dedicated to the topic “Recht als Symbol”.
July 1990: I Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Coimbra by the
Centro de Estudos Sociais of Coimbra; contribution on “As Mutações nos Mercados
Financeiros: Elementos para uma interpretação sociológica”.
April 1990: 2
March 1990: participation in the panel discussion Confiança na democracia ou
retracção perante o Estado ?, Lisbon, Livraria Barata, as part of the “Noites de
Sociologia” (on invitation; ref.: 3.1.4.-1990).
November 1989: annual meeting of the Sektion Rechtssoziologie, under the headline
Von der Klassenjustiz zur Kulturjustiz, Düsseldorf; contribution on “Rechtsproduktion
und Rechtsanwendung unter dem Salazaristischen Regime”.
May 1989: Inauguration Ceremony of the International Institute for the Sociology of
Law; Oñati (Spain); attendance related to my teaching activities in sociology of law in
Portugal (ref.: 3.1.4.-1990)
October 1988: Joint Meetings of the German-Speaking Sociology Associations,
Zürich paper presented at the workshop of the Sektion Rechtssoziologie, Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Soziologie (refs. 3.1.2.-1989 and 3.1.4.-1989).
April 1988: Meeting “Impulsos para a mudança socio-cultural”, Bad Homburg,
Arbeitskreis für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung über Spanien und Portugal (on
invitation ; paper ref. 3.3.2.-1988).
September 1985: Meeting “Die neue Ausländerpolitk in Europa”, Bonn, Friedrich
Ebert Stiftung (on invitation; presentation of the Portuguese contribution ; paper ref.
April 1985: Meeting of the French Association pour l’histoire de la sécurité sociale,
Montpellier (paper ref. 3.1.2.).
High Level Seminar in Sociology of Law held at the IISL (Oñati; on
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 34
March 1985: Symposium on “Mudanças Sociais no Portugal de Hoje”, ICS (Instituto
de Ciências Sociais), Lisbon (on invitation; paper ref. 3.1.2.).
December 1984: Paper presented at CETEL (Geneva): “Culture juridique et
production du droit” (on invitation; about this working session, see Notice CETEL 24,
June 1985; contents included in ref. 3.1.2.[10]1989).
November/december 1984: International Meeting “Press and Public Opinion”,
Bologna, UNESCO and Research Committee on Communication, Knowledge and
Culture of the ISA; on invitation; presentation of the results of the portuguese research on
“Dominant Reference Papers and The Production of Reality” (ref. 3.3.2.[6]1984).
November 1984: 4
(ref.: 3.3.2[7]1984)
1984: Meeting of the Research Committee Communication, Knowledge and Culture
(CKC) da AIS, “Cultural Identity and Communicative Action”, Madrid (on invitation;
participation representing CIES/ISCTE, Lisbon).
November 1980: 7 Meeting of the GIRD – groupe international de recherche sur le
divorce, Madrid (on invitation, presentation of the results of a research project comparing
divorce legislations in Europe; complete report of the legal comparison, see ref.
March 1980: 4 Meeting of the Swiss Sociological Association, Bern; paper
presented at the workshop of the research committee on sociology of the family and
gender roles (ref. 3.3.).
June 1979: 3 Meeting of the International Association of Family Law (Family Living
in a Changing Society), Upsala (participation related to the research on divorce in
Western Europe).
April 1978: 3 Meeting of the Swiss Sociological Association, Neuchâtel; paper
presented at the panel on “Recent sociological researches on the family in
Switzerland” (ref. 3.3.1.-1978).
Meeting on Media Sociology, CIES/ISCTE, Lisbon; paper
14-16 April 2014, at the VIII Congresso da APS "40 anos de democracia(s): progressos,
contradições e prospetivas" organization of the Workshop ot the thematic area "Direito,
Crime, Dependências".
October 2013: organization, at ISCTE-IUL, as an initiative of Dinâmia-CET, of the
conference of Prof. Alfons Bora (Universtät Bielefeld, Germany) “Rethinking regulation.
What governance is all about” (ISCTE-IUL, 9 October 2013); as well as of contributions of
this visitor to the following courses: Sociologia Jurídica (FD-UNL) and Sociologia do
Direito (ISCTE-IUL).
9-10 September 2013, Institut des sciences sociales du politique of the École normale
supérieur de Cachan: Sociologie politique du droit – Quels acquis? Quelles
perspectives? Journées en l’honneur de Jacques Commaille : member of the
scientific committee ; with Pierre Noreau, Montréal, organization and chair of the panel
« Réseau, politique de la recherche », with contributions of Jean-François Perrin, Georges
Garioud, Martine Bentaboulet, Olivier Boin, Werner Gephart and Françoise Thibault.
5 September 2013: at the RCSL Meeting 2013 in Toulouse, on Sociology of Law and
political Action, organization, introduction and chair of the plenary session “Politics of
Science – Politics of Law”, with the participation of António Casimiro Ferreira (University
of Coimbra), Martin Shapiro (Berkeley University) and Susan Silbey (MIT).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 35
3-4 September 2013: organization of a workshop of the Comité de Recherche Études
socio-juridiques / Sociologie du droit at the RCSL Meeting 2013 in Toulouse, on
Sociology of Law and political Action; topic of the workshop: “Law and The Social
Construction of Uncertainty” (call for papers in french: see; in english: )
3-6 September 2013: member of the Scientific Committee of the RCSL Meeting 2013 in
Toulouse, on Sociology of Law and political Action, coordinated by Wanda Capeller
and Philippe Raimbault. Within this framework, organization of the plenary session
“Politics of science – Politics of Law”.
November 2012: organization, at ISCTE-IUL, as an initiative of Dinâmia-CET, of the
conference of Prof. Artur Stamford da Silva (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
Recife): “Atores da inovação e o Sistema da Propriedade Intelectual no Brasil” (ISCTEIUL, 21 November 2012); as well as of contributions of this visitor to the following courses:
Sociologia Jurídica (FD-UNL), Sociologia do Direito (ISCTE-IUL), Globalization, Social
Justice and Human Rights (ISCTE-IUL).
2-6 July 2012: organization of the working sessions of the Comité de Recherche Études
socio-juridiques / Sociologie du droit at the XIXe Congrès international de l’AISLF, Rabat,
2-6 July 2012; general theme: « Penser l’incertain »; topic of the sessions of the CR03,
« Droit et construction sociale de l’incertain »; see the “appel à communication” and
on ; last accessed February 2012).
20-23 June 2012: with Helena Machado and Maria João Leote de Carvalho, coordination
of the “thematic area” Law, Crime, Dependency at the 7 Congress of the Portuguese
Association of Sociology, Sociedade, Crise e Reconfigurações.
7 October 2011: with Maria da Paz Campos Lima, organization of the workshop Trabalho
Digno. Género, Migrações e Trabalho Doméstico, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, Dinâmia-CET.
24-25 June 2010: with Marta Tavares de Almeida, organization of the 9 Congress of the
International Association of Legislation, Lisbon, Faculty of Law of the Universidade Nova
de Lisboa, on the topic Quality of Legislation.
15-16 April 2010 : organization, with the support of the staff of the International Institute for
the Sociology of Law (Malen Gordoa), of the IISL-Workshop « Domestic Work and
Domestic Workers. Interdisciplinary and comparative perspective » (workshop
initially prepared with Lisa Tortell, at that time researcher at Dinâmia-ISCTE).
26 February 2009, with Serge Wolikow, president of the GIS-Réseau national des
Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme (RNMSH), organization of a joint meeting of the
scientific booard and of the governing board of the RNMSH on the topic « Le Réseau
national des Maisons des sciences de l’homme dans l’actuel processus de réforme
de la recherche » (the meeting took place at the Maison des sciences de l’Homme Ange
Guépin, Nantes).
July 2008: with Michel Coutu (Montréal) and Simona Andrini (Roma), organization of the
working sessions of the Comité de Recherche Études socio-juridiques / Sociologie du droit
at the XVIIIe Congrès international de l’AISLF, Istanbul 7-11 July 2008; general theme:
Être en société. Le lien social à l’épreuve des cultures ; topic of the sessions of the
CR03, “Droits culturels et lien social”; see the “appel à communication” and other
materials related to this event on ; last
accessed November 2008).
June 2008: Member of the scientific board of the Congresso Feminista 2008 held in
Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 26-27 June 2008 / Faculdade de Belas Artes, 28
June 2008.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 36
July 2007: organization, with Michel Coutu (Montréal), of the session of the Comité de
Recherche Études socio-juridiques / Sociologie du droit Cultural Rights. A Challenge to
Law and Society, held at the International Conference Law and Society in the 21
Century: Transformations, Resistances, Futures, Berlin, 28 July, sobre o tema (more
on this event, see , last visited
September 2007; see also ref 3.1.4[35]2007).
October 2005: organization, together with Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, of the conference
“Novos Territórios do Direito”, linked to the Mestrado–postgraduate diploma– “New
on:; last visited January 2006) (see
2004-2005, member of the Scientific Committee of the annual meeting of the Research
Committee on Sociology of Law da Associação Internacional de Sociologia, on the topic
“Law and Justice Beyond Borders”, organized em Paris, 11-13 July 2005; chair of the
sessions “Droit et immigration / Immigration and Law” and “Le droit entre
l’individuel et l’organisationnel” (organized with the Comité de recherche ‘études sociojuridiques’ da AISLF’).
July 2004: coordination, with Michel Coutu (Montréal), of the workshop of the Comité de
Recherche Études socio-juridiques / Sociologie du droit held at the 17
international de l’AISLF, Tours (France), under the headline L’individu social. Setting up
of the debate on the topic Entre l’individuel et l’organisationnel, quel droit, quelle
sociologie du droit ?, where I presented the opening paper “Réarticuler l’individuel et
l’organisationnel ?” (see; “appel à
communication” with the justification of the topic, also published in Droit et société, 2003,
nr. 55, pp. 549-550; ref.: 3.2.[5]2004).
January 2003: organization, at ISCTE, within the framework of the UNICS and in
partnership with the French Embassy in Portugal, of the conference of Prof. Alain Supiot
(Nantes, Maison des sciences de l’homme Ange Guépin), “Rapports entre droit et
technique. Le cas des nouvelles technologie de l’information et de la communication”.
May 2002: organization, at ISCTE, with Ann Wardenier, Assistant Coordinator of the
network, of the sub-coordinators meeting of the network “SPECIAL - Social Protection in
Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the Free Movement of Labour”
(coordinator of the network: Prof. Yves Jorens, University of Ghent).
July 2000: coordination, with Michel Coutu (Montréal) of the workshops of the Comité de
Recherche Études socio-juridiques / Sociologie du droit held within the framework of 14
Congrès international de l’AISLF, Québec, under the headline Une société monde ?
July 2000: organization, at IISL (Oñati, Spain), with Begoña Alvarez (Bilbao), Johannes
Feest (Bremen), Consol Martí (Barcelona) and Rogelio Pérez Perdomo (Carácas), of the
joint meetings of the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law (annual meeting 2000)
and of the Asociación de Análisis sobre Derecho y Sociedad, on the topic Law Reform
and Sociology of Law – Reforma del Derecho y Sociología Jurídica.
February 2000: organization, in San Sebastián, within the framework of the activities of the
IISL, with Virginia Tamayo, of the Universidad del País Vasco, of the conference Justicia
y Autogobierno / Justice and Self-Government; in this event, responsible in particular
for the comparative panel, gathering Hans-Ernst Böttcher (Lübeck), Jacques Commaille
(Paris-Cachan), Andrée Lajoie (Québec), Pascal Mahon (Neuchâtel), Gerald Rosenberg
(Chicago) (Proceedings published by IISL).
July 1999: Organization, as Academic Director of the IISL, of the Summer Course of that
Institute, under the headline: Communicating About Law, today (ref.: 3.1.4.[25]1999);
participation of Danièle Bourcier (Paris), Ramón Casas (Barcelona), Richard V. Ericson
(Toronto), Terence Halliday (Chicago), Gurutz Jauregi (San Sebastián), Demétrio
Loperena (San Sebastián), Alan Norrie (Londres) and Peter Sack (Canberra).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 37
June 1998: Appointed by the President of the ISCTE for coordinating the seminar
Segurança Social e Livre Circulação de Pessoas na União Europeia – A Aplicação
em Potugal do Regulamento (CE) nº 1408/71, organized on behalf of the European
Commission (DGV; ref. 3.3.2.[12]1998).
May 1996: Organization at ISCTE of the conference of Prof. François Ost, Facultés
Universitaires Saint Louis, Brussels, on « Elargir la communauté politique ? Réflexions sur
les enjeux de la crise écologique ».
February 1996: Organization at ISCTE of the conference of Prof. André-Jean Arnaud,
CNRS, Paris, on « Complexité et globalisation – Nouveaux défis pour l’approche
sociologique du droit ».
March-May 1996: Organization, with Prof. António Manuel Hespanha, of the conferences,
held at the UAL, of Profs. André-Jean Arnaud (March), Francis Snyder (March), Albie
Sachs (April), François Ost (May) and Gunther Teubner (May).
December 1995: Organization at ISCTE of the conference of Prof. Csaba Varga, Catholic
University Péter Pázmány of Budapest, on Rule of Law in Democratic Transition.
May 1992: organization at ISCTE of an “open seminar” on “Juries and Public Opinion in
the USA – Tribunais de Jurados e Opinião Pública nos EUA”, including a keynote of
Prof. Edward Bronson (Department of Political Sciences, California State University) and
comments of Teresa Beleza (FD-UL-Lisbon) and Elisabeth S. Sousa (ISPA-Lisbon).
April 1991: organization of the conference of Prof. Jean Kellerhals at ISCTE, on “Les
images du juste – relations interpersonnelles et normes de justice”.
July 1990: involved in the organization of the conference of Prof. Niklas Luhmann at IISL
(Oñati): “Operational closure and structural coupling”.
March 1987: organization of the conference of Prof. Jürgen Habermas, “Law and
Morality”, held at ISCTE, with the support of the Goethe Institut of Lisbon.
May 1986: organisation, with Profs. Mário Pinto and António da Silva Leal, of the
I Jornadas Pedagógicas of ISCTE (ver. ref. 3.3.2.[8]1986).
December 1985: V Jornas de Comunicação “O impacte dos discursos na produção
da sociedade”, Lisbon, ISCTE/CIES; in this context, organization and moderation of the
debate “O sistema jurídico hoje: um espaço de comunicação ?”, with Profs. António da
Silva Leal (ISCTE), Laborinho Lúcio (CEJ, Lisbon), Jorge Miranda (Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade Clássica de Lisboa) and Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES-Coimbra).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 38
Publishing and Editorial Work
Since November 2012, member of the Editorial Council of the journal Campo jurídico
Brazil; ) (invited by Ricardo Menna
From January 2011 to February 2012, as part of the research project “Domestic Work
and Domestic Workers” (see 2.1.[20]), participation, with Catarina Moureira, Aurora
Doana (Solidariedade Imigrante / Grupo de Apoio à Mulher Imigrante –GAMI), António
Monteiro Fernandes and António Velez (Dinâmia-CET - ISCTE-IUL) in the drafting of a
booklet on rights and duties in the domain of domestic work (see ref. 3.1.5.[2]).
Since 2011, member of the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Sociology of Law Magazine,
published by the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Sociologia do Direito.
Since 2011, member of the Editorial Board of the journal Themis (Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
From 2009 to February 2012, member of the Editorial Board of the journal Cidades –
Comunidades e Territórios (CET- ISCTE).
Since 2008 : Member of the coordinating board of the Boletim do Observatório da
Legislação Portuguesa (Faculdade de direito da Universidade de Lisboa, CEDIS-Centro
de I&D sobre Direito e Sociedade).
2005-2006: with Benoît Bastard (Paris, Centre de sociologie des organisations), guest
editor of the special issue on Neighbourhood Justice published by the journal Droit et
Société (forthcoming)
2005-2008: SociologieS, journal published on-line by the AISLF – Association
internationale des sociologues de langues françaises, to be launched 2006, member of
the Comité de Rédaction.
2002-2010: Trajectos. Revista de Comunicação, Cultura and Educação (Lisbon, ISCTE),
member of the Editorial Board; coordination of the thematic issue Tecnologias da
Informação no Trabalho. Que limites? (October 2004, nr. 5, pp. 105-143), based on the
paper of Alain Supiot, “O direito, uma técnica diferente das outras”.
Since 2000: Anuário do GEDIM – Globalização Económica e Direitos no Mercosul (Rio
de Janeiro, Editora Lumen Juris), member of the Comité Científico.
Since 2000: Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie (Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart; formerly
Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen), member of the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat; since 2010
1999-2001: Cadernos de Política Social (Lisbon, journal of the Associação Portuguesa de
Segurança Social), General Editor.
1998-2000, as Academic Director of the IISL, edition of the annual booklet presenting the
International Master’s Programme in the Sociology of Law, as well as of the IISL
Newsletter, issued twice a year; coordination of the IISL Webpage (
Since 1997: Finisterra (Lisbon, Fundação José Fontana), member of the editorial board.
1996-2000: General Editor, series “Oñati Papers” issued by the IISL (Oñati).
Since november 1991: journal Droit et Société (Paris, L.G.D.J./C.R.I.V.), member of the
Comité éditorial.
1986-1992: Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas (Lisbon, journal of the CIES/ISCTE, two
issues a year, since 1986), Member of the Editorial Board; editor of the thematic issues
nr. 9 (“Corpo, Saúde, Sociedade”) and nr. 12 (“Direito, Justiça, Estado”).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 39
Peer Reviewing
Review of manuscripts and projects submitted to the following entities:
Análise social (Instituto de Ciências sociais, Lisbon)
Opinion on “O direito moderno sob a ótica dos clássicos da Sociologia: análises e
questionamentos”, April 2012
ANR (Agence nationale de la Recherche, France, Paris)
Les Cahiers de Droit (Université Laval, Québec)
Droit et Société (Book Series ; Lextenso, Paris)
Opinion on « Le Modèle de pluralisme juridique appliqué », janvier 2012
Droit et Société (Journal)
Fernand-Braudel IFER Fellowships (run by the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme,
Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT – Portugal)
FWF – Der Wissenschaftsfonds (Áustria)
Hart Publishing (Oñati Series in Sociology of Law)
Instituto de Ciências Sociais (Lisbon)
Oñati Socio-Legal Series
Revue internationale de sécurité sociale
SociologieS (AISLF)
Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie
(transl. with Alexander Zalojnov) CHAZEL, François, “Max Webers ‘Rechtssoziologie’ im
Lichte der Max Weber Gesamtausgabe“ Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie, 33 (2012/2013),
1, 2013, pp. 151-173; original publication: „La ‚sociologie du droit’ de Max Weber à la
lumière de l’édition critique de la Max Weber Gesamtausgabe”, Droit et Société 81, 2012,
pp. 475-497.
(with Manuela Reis, and contribution of Renato Carmo) MERTON, Robert K., “Discussão”
(do texto de Talcott Parsons, “O lugar da teoria sociológica”), Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, 2013;
Portuguese translation of “Discussion”, American Sociological Review 13, 1948, pp. 164168 [translation produced for the course “Sociological theory – Major Schools of
Thought”, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, May 2012.]
PARSONS, Talcott, "O lugar da teoria sociológica” Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, 2013; Portuguese
translation of (1948), “The Position of Sociological Theory”, American Sociological
Review 13, 1948, pp. 156-164 [translation produced for the course “Sociological theory
– Major Schools of Thought”, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, May 2012.]
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 40
MEAD, George H., "A contribuição de Cooley para o pensamento sociológico americano",
Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, 2012, 10 p.; Portuguese translation of “Cooley’s Contribution to
American Sociological Thought”, American Journal of Sociology, XXXV, 1930 [translation
produced for the course “Sociological theory – Major Schools of Thought”, Lisbon,
ISCTE-IUL, May 2012.]
DAHRENDORF, Ralf, "Sair da Utopia", Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, 2012, 10 p.; Portuguese
translation of "Out of Utópia", in Essays in the Theory of Society, Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1968 (publ. orig. 1958) [translation produced for the course
“Sociological theory – Major Schools of Thought”, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, May 2012.]
SUPIOT, Alain, “O direito, uma técnica diferente das outras (A propósito das novas
tecnologias da informação and comunicação)”, Trajectos nº 5, October 2004, pp. 109124 (original French).
As Academic Director of the IISL, translation and supervision of translation of several
documents issued by the Institute (see in particular ref. 3.1.5.-2000).
Parallel production in English, French, German and Portuguese of Pierre GUIBENTIF /
Denis BOUGET, Minimum Income Policies in the European Union, Lisbon, União das
Mutualidades Portuguesas / Commission européenne DG V / Ministério da Solidariedade
and Segurança Social, 1997 (partly translation, partly scientific supervision of translation).
“Itinéraire d’un auteur. Itinéraire d’une discipline (Entretien avec Niklas Luhmann, 1991)”,
in: Niklas Luhmann observateur du droit, Paris, L.G.D.J., 1993, pp. 189-229; translation of
the German original, comments).
GESSNER, Volkmar, HÖLAND, Armin, “Orientations théoriques de la sociologie du droit
empirique en République fédérale”, Droit et Société nr. 11/12, Paris (L.G.D.J./C.R.I.V.),
1989, pp. 133-156 (original German).
HABERMAS, Jürgen, “Tendências da Juridicização”, Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas nr.
2, Lisbon (Publicações Europa-América), May 1987, pp. 185-204 (translation of the
chapter “Tendenzen der Verrechtlichung” in Jürgen HABERMAS, Theorie des
kommunikativen Handelns, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1981, vol. 2, pp. 522-547).
KORTE, Hermann, “Le retour et la réintégration des travailleurs en Europe. Questions
centrales et principaux résultats de la recherche en sciences sociales. Etat de la question
en automne 1983”, in PAIVA, Amadeu (org.), Portugal e a Europa. O fim de um ciclo
migratório, Lisbon, IED/ISE-CEDEP, 1985, pp. 133-144 (original German).
MONICA, Filomena, “Mort d’une aristocratie ouvrière: Les ouvriers chapeliers portugais
(1870-1914), Le Mouvement social, nr. 123, april-june 1983, pp. 69-97 (original
Main Organizational and Institutional Duties; Scientific Audits and Evaluation
Since April 2014, member of the Jury du prix Jean Carbonnier run by the Mission de
Recherche Droit et Justice (GIP, Paris)
First semester 2014: member of the experts panel designated by AERES - Agence
d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (France) in charge with the
evaluation of the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines; the visit of the
evaluated institution took place on 8-10 April 2014.
September 2013: member of the Commissão Eleitoral in charge with the procedure for
the election of the new rector of ISCTE-IUL.
June 2013: elected member of the Conselho Geral (Governing Board) of ISCTE-IUL.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 41
March 2012, member of the experts panel designated by AERES - Agence d’évaluation
de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (France) in charge with the evaluation of
the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Lorraine (Nancy / Metz) ; the visit of the
evaluated institution took place on 5 and 6 March 2012.
July 2010: invited, as an international expert on the organization of social sciences
research, to join the “groupe de réflexion” created for the scientific follow up of the
organization of the social sciences component of the planned new “Campus Paris Saclay”
(participation in the first meeting of this group: 4 November 2010).
30-31 March 2010: participation in the pool of experts invited by the University of Tours
(France) for the discussion of the University’s research programme 2012-2015.
June 2009: elected member of the Conselho Geral (Governing Board) of ISCTE-IUL.
May 2006, coordinator of the panel “Ciências Jurídicas” in the evaluation procedure of the
applications for post-graduation, doctoral and post-doctoral grants to be funded by the
FCT-Fundação para a Ciência and a Tecnologia (Portugal).
From November 2003 to May 2005, member of the Conseil d’orientation scientifique du
Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme (administrative address: École
nationale supérieure de Cachan, GAPP – Groupe d’analyse des politiques publiques).
From May 2006 on, member of the newly created Conseil scientifique du Réseau national
des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme (France) ; president of this board from October
2006 to . In connection to this mandate, representative (correspondant) of the Conseil
scientifique du Réseau national des MSH at the MSH Alpes (Grenoble) and at the MSH –
Méditerrannée (Montpellier).
2004 to present, president of the Board of the Prémio António da Silva Leal, a price
funded by the Portuguese Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security that distinguishes
outstanding dissertations defended at ISCTE in the field of social security and social
2004 to 2007: ISCTE: member of the Board of the Mestrado–postgraduate diploma–New
Boundaries of Law, run by the Secção Autónoma de Direito; responsible for the web page
of this programme (
June 2002 to present: member of the Scientific Board of the Secção Autónoma de Direito
Since end of 2001 until January 2004, at the Sociology Department, coordinator of the
team responsible for the self-evaluation of the graduation programmes in Sociology and
Sociology and Planning at ISCTE (ref. 3.3.2.[21][22]2004).
February 2001: president of the commission supervising the elections at the Sociology
Department, in the course of the implementation process of the revised Statute of ISCTE.
2000-2001, ISCTE: member of the Board of the Prémio António da Silva Leal.
2000-2001, ISCTE: appointed by Prof. Isabel Guerra, President of the Sociology
Department, for producing a draft statute for the Sociology Department, within the
framework of the implmentation process of the revised Statute of ISCTE.
1998-2000: Academic Director of the IISL; details on the missions carried out are to be
found in the semestral reports submitted to the Board of the Institute. Copies available;
originals handed over to José Antonio Goyenaga Yurebaso, Administrative Director of
IISL and Secretary of the Board (see also ref. 3.1.5.-2000).
February 1998: president of the commission supervising the elections at the Sociology
1996-1997, UAL (Lisbon): member of the coordination board of the mestrado Direito em
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 42
April-October 1997: member of the working group of the School Assembly in charge with
drafting of a project for a new Statute of ISCTE.
1991-1993, coordinator of the pedagogical board of the Sociology degrees.
1991-1993; 1997-1998: member of the School Assembly of ISCTE.
1990-1998, ISCTE: coordinator of the secção comunicação, cultura e educação of the
Sociology Department, one of the five divisions of the department.
1989, ISCTE: appointed by Prof. João Ferreira de Almeida, President of the Sociology
Department, for producing a draft statute for the Sociology Department, within the
framework of the implementation process of the new Statute of ISCTE.
1985-1986, 1990-1992, ISCTE (Lisbon): member of the Conselho Pedagógico of ISCTE.
From April 1979 to April 1981: president of the Union des associations du corps
intermédiaire (UACI) of the University of Geneva.
1978-1981, University of Geneva: member of the Conseil de l’Université, representing the
“corps intermédiaire” (assistants, lecturers) (1978-1980); president of the Union des
associations du corps intermédiaire of this university (1979-1981).
Publications and Other Papers
ALMEIDA, Marta Tavares de, CAUPERS, João, GUIBENTIF, Pierre, Feitura das Leis.
Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, Foucault, Luhmann, Habermas, Bourdieu. Une génération
repense le droit, Paris, Lextenso-Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence
(Collection Droit et société [série sociologie] nº 53), 2010, 504 p. (ISBN 978-2275-03567-3) (reviewed by Guy Rocher, Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 36-1,
2011, pp. 110-113 ; Mauricio García-Villegas, Droit et Société 78, 2011, pp. 521523).
GONÇALVES, Maria Eduarda, GUIBENTIF, Pierre (eds.), Novos Territórios do Direito.
Europeização, Globalização e Transformação da Regulação Jurídica, Estoril,
Princípia, 2008, 156 p.
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, Reception and Integration of New Migrants – Synthesis Report
(Peer Review in the Field of Social Inclusion Policies), Brussels, INBAS /
European Center / NIZW, on behalf of the European Commission, DG
Employment and Social Affairs, 2005, 51 p. (also available in French and
German). . (available on line in .pdf format:
September 2007]).
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, with the collaboration of Vanda GORJÃO and Rita CHETA,
Comunicação social e representações do crime, Lisbon, CEJ (Cadernos do CEJ
nº 20), 2002, 388 p.
GUIBENTIF, Pierre, La pratique du droit international et communautaire de la
sécurité sociale – Etude de sociologie du droit de la coordination, à l’exemple du
Portugal, Basileia / Frankfurt-am-Main, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1997, XXX+394 p.
(preface by Pierre-Yves Greber and Jean Kellerhals).
GUIBENTIF, Pierre and Denis BOUGET, Minimum Income Policies in the European
Union, Lisbon, União das Mutualidades Portuguesas / European Commission DG
V / Ministério da Solidariedade e Segurança Social, 1997 (edited also in french,
german and portuguese), 120 p.
ARNAUD, André-Jean, GUIBENTIF, Pierre (Eds.), Niklas Luhmann observateur du
droit, Paris, Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence (Collection Droit et
Société) 1993, 251 p.
ESTEVES, Maria do Céu (Ed.), CARLOS, Leonor Palma, FRANCO, Vasco, GOMES,
Teresa Ferreira, GUIBENTIF, Pierre, PIRES, Rui Pena, SAINT-MAURICE, Ana,
Portugal, País de Imigração, Lisbon, Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento
(Cadernos nr. 22), 1991, 177 p.
PERRIN, Jean-François, ROUSSEL, Louis, Le divorce en Europe occidentale. La Loi
et le nombre, Paris/Geneva, GIRD/CETEL/INED, 1983, 242 p., preface by Jean
With Dominique MANAI and Robert ROTH, collaboration in: PERRIN, Jean-François,
Pour une théorie de la connaissance juridique, Geneva, Droz, 1979.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 44
“Law in the Semi-Periphery – Revisiting an Ambitious Theory in the Light of
Recent Portuguese Socio-Legal Research”, International Journal of Law in
Context (Cambridge University Press)
“The Force of Science and the Force of Organizations – Some Eploratory
Thoughts Applied to the Example of the Oñati Institute”, Sortuz – Oñati Journal
of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies.
“Les droits subjectifs dans la theorie des systèmes de Niklas Luhmann”
(submitted as a chapter of the book to be published after the workshop Niklas
Luhmann et la théorie du droit, held at the Luxembourg University 17-19
November 2012 (under review)
“Sociology of Law and the Challenge of the Current Financial Crisis”, Societas /
Communitas (Journal of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of
line, accessed 12 April 2014 )
“Rights in Niklas Luhmann’s Systems Theory” (based on “Os direitos subjectivos
...”, 2011) in: Alberto Febbrajo and Gorm Harste (eds), Law and Intersystemic
Communication – Understanding ‘Structural Coupling’, London, Ashgate (ISBN:
978-1-4094-2110-8; 378 p.), pp. 255-288.
« Nouveau pluralisme juridique et transformations de l’individu », Revue
canadienne Droit et Société / Canadian Journal on Law and Society, 2011, vol.
26-2 (special issue on Jean-Guy Belley), pp. 277-299.
« Reconnaissance et complexité sociale – Deux approches de la réalité
juridique », Droit et Société (special issue on Axel Honneth), nr. 78, 2011,
pp. 293-324 (ISBN 978-2-275-02852-1)
“Os direitos subjectivos na teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann”, in:
Germano Schwartz (org.), Juridicização das esferas sociais e fragmentação do
direito na sociedade contemporânea, Porto Alegre, Livraria do Advogado
Editora, 2011, pp. 171-198.
« Uma Razão para além dos Estados : Contextos futuros da prática do direito,
da Ciência e da Arte », in: João BASÍLIO (ed.), Tertúlias com ... Os Novos
Horizontes do Direito, Lisbon, Conselho Distrital da Ordem dos Advogados,
2011, pp. 11-31.
(Collaboration in) Lisa TORTELL, Ramapriya GOPALAKRISHNAN, Vanessa DE LA
BLÉTIÈRE, “(Dis)empowerment and domestic work: Between the public and
private spheres”, in: Salomé Coelho et al. (coords.), Quem tem Medo dos
Feminismos? Actas do Congresso Feminista 2008, Funchal, Nova Delphi, Vol. I,
pp. 295-308 (also published as CD-ROM: Lisboa, UMAR, 2009, 18 p.).
with the collaboration of Diane ROMAN, “Droits sociaux”, in: André-Jean Arnaud
et al., Dictionnaire de la globalisation, Paris, Lextenso, 2010 (updated and
expanded version of ref. 41), pp. 179-187.
“Sociology Among the Third-Order Observers in Legitimation Processes”, in:
Samantha ASHENDEN and Chris THORNHILL (eds.), Legality and Legitimacy –
Normative and Sociological Approaches, Baden-Baden, Nomos (Studien zur
Politischen Soziologie), 2010, pp. 79-101.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 45
“A recepção da matéria legal como tema da ciência da legislação”, Legislação
(Oeiras, Instituto Nacional de Administração), nr. 50, October-December 2009,
pp. 169-179.
“Apresentação do Observatório da Legislação Portuguesa”, Legislação (Oeiras,
Instituto Nacional de Administração), nr.. 49 (special issue: A Qualidade da
Legislação), April-June 2009, pp. 39-54.
“Espaço e diferenciação funcional”, Cidades – Comunidades e Territórios,
Lisboa, CET – Centro de Estudos Territoriais (ISCTE) 2008, nr. 17, pp. 15-32.
(com Maria Eduarda Gonçalves), “Introdução. Novos territórios, modos de
regulação e desafios para uma agenda de investigação sobre o direito”, in:
Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, Pierre Guibentif (eds.), Novos Territórios do Direito.
Europeização, Globalização e Transformação da Regulação Jurídica, Estoril,
Princípia, 2008, pp. 7-22.
“Estado de direito e Estado penal – Vicissitudes de um relacionamento”, in: José
Madureira Pinto e Virgílio Borges (eds.), Desigualdades, Desregulação e
Riscos nas Sociedades Contemporâneas, Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2008,
pp. 81-102.
”Observar a produção legislativa em Portugal. Estratégia de investigação,
questões de teoria e método, primeiros resultados”, Legislação (Oeiras, Instituto
Nacional de Administração), nr. 46, Abril-Junho de 2007, pp. 5-43 (updated
translation of 3.3.2.[26]2006).
“Teorias sociológicas comparadas e aplicadas. Bourdieu, Foucault, Habermas e
Luhmann face ao direito”, Cidades – Comunidades e Territórios, nr. 14, Lisboa,
CET – Centro de Estudos Territoriais (ISCTE), 2007, pp. 89-104 (“Lição síntese”
held in the course of the Agregação exams). Also published in Brazil in the
journal Novatio Juris, Porto Alegre, ESADE, II, Nr. 3, July 2009, pp. 9-33
(available on line, last
visited October 2011)
“Les julgados de paz, une nouvelle justice de proximité au Portugal”, Droit et
Société nr. 66/2007, pp. 331-359.
“The Liquidity and Solidity of Contemporary Social Reality: the Example of Social
Inclusion Policies”, in: Přibáň, Jiří (org.), Liquid Society and its Law, Aldershot,
Ashgate, 2007, pp. 173-197.
“La légitimité des mouvements sociaux. Contribution à l’analyse de notre
expérience de l’espace public”, in: Edmundo Balsemão Pires org.), Espaço
Público, Poder and Comunicação (proceedings of the meeting of December
2005), Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 2007, pp. 307-343 (updated version, with a
new introduction, of “La légitimité des mouvements sociaux” (supra ref. 39).
“Les principes fondateurs du Réseau National des Maisons des Sciences de
l’Homme”, in: Jacques COMMAILLE (dir.), Avenir de la recherche et maisons des
sciences de l’homme, Paris, La Documentation française, 2006, pp. 29-69.
“Direitos sociais”, in: André-Jean ARNAUD, Eliane Botelho JUNQUEIRA (orgs),
Dicionário da Globalização. Direito, Ciência Política, Rio de Janeiro, Editora
Lumen Juris, 2006, pp. 175-182.
“Avaliação e Reflexividade – A Prática da Sociologia na ‘terceira modernidade’”,
Cidades – Comunidades and Territórios, nr. 10, Lisbon, CET – Centro de
Estudos Territoriais (ISCTE), 2005, pp. 94-115.
“O direito na obra de Niklas Luhmann. Etapas de uma evolução teórica”, in:
SANTOS, José Manuel (org.), O pensamento de Niklas Luhmann, Covilhã,
University da Beira Interior (Ta Pragmata), 2005, pp. 185-252.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 46
“La légitimité des mouvements sociaux. Un exercice conceptuel dans le
prolongement de Habermas et Luhmann”, in: Michel COUTU, Guy ROCHER (dir.),
La légitimité de l’État et du droit. Autour de Max Weber, Québec, Presses de
l’Université Laval (in partnership with L.G.D.J., Paris), 2005, pp. 259-298
“Brèves réflexions critiques sur le ‘droit post-moderne’”, in: Anne HERITIER
LACHAT, Laurent HIRSCH (org.), De Lege Ferenda. Reflexions sur le droit
désirable, en l’honneur du professeur Alain Hirsch, Geneva, Slatkine, 2004, pp.
“Avenirs sociaux et avenir de la sociologie”, in: Stefano CAVALLI, Jean-Pierre
FRAGNIERE (éds.), L’avenir. Attentes, projets, (dés)illusions, ouvertures –
Hommages à Christian Lalive d’Épinay, Lausanne, Réalités sociales, 2003
(included in the CD-ROM attached to the book, text nr. 132, 12 p.).
“The sociology of Law as a sub-discipline of Sociology”, Portuguese Journal of
Social Sciences vol. 1, 2003, nr. 3, pp. 175-184.
“Questions de méthode en sociologie du droit. À propos de l’entretien en
profondeur”, in: Jean KELLERHALS, Dominique MANAÏ, Robert ROTH (éds.), Pour
un droit pluriel. Études offertes au professeur Jean-François Perrin, Geneva /
Basel / München, Helbing & Lichtenhahn (Collection genevoise), 2002, pp. 311337.
“Internacionalização do direito da segurança social ou Globalização do risco
social ? Reflexões a partir do caso de Portugal”, in: Pedro HESPANHA, Graça
CARAPINHEIRO (orgs.), Risco Social and Incerteza. Pode o Estado Social Recuar
Mais? (vol. 3 of A Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da Globalização;
dir.: Boaventura de Sousa Santos), Oporto, Afrontamento, 2002, pp. 227-263.
“A comunicação jurídica no quotidiano lisboeta. Proposta de abordagem
empírica à diferenciação funcional”, Forum Sociológico nr. 5/6 (II série), 2001,
pp. 129-161 (updaited version of “Le chameau dans le laboratoire ...”); also
published in: André-Jean ARNAUD AND Dalmir LOPES JR. (EDS.), Niklas Luhmann:
do sistema social à sociologia jurídica, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Lumen Juris,
2004, pp. 175-217.
“Minimum Income and Basic Income – Meeting the Challenge of Social
Exclusion”, in: (Col.), Policies and Instruments to Fight Poverty in the European
Union: The Guarantee of A Minimum Income, Lisbon, Instituto para o
Desenvolvimento Social, 2001, pp. 257-271.
“Le chameau dans le laboratoire. La théorie des systèmes et l’étude de la
communication juridique quotidienne”, Droit et Société, nr. 47, 2001, pp. 123153.
“Niklas Luhmann und die Rechtssoziologie: Gespräch mit Niklas Luhmann,
Bielefeld, den 7. Januar 1991”, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 21/1, 2000, pp.
217-245 (original version of the interview formerly published in French translation
in Niklas Luhmann observateur du droit, Paris, LGDJ, 1993 (ref. 3.1.1.-1993); as
part of a special issue on Niklas Luhmann also published as a book: Gunther
TEUBNER (Hg.), Die Rückgabe des 12. Kamels.– Niklas Luhmann in der
Diskussion über Gerechtigkeit, Stuttgart, Luzius & Luzius, 2000.
“Segurança social” in: BARRETO, António, MÓNICA, Filomena (Eds.), Dicionário
de História de Portugal – Suplemento, Oporto, Livraria Figueirinhas, 2000, pp.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 47
“Les échanges franco-allemands dans le développement de la sociologie du
droit”, in: BEAUD, Olivier, HEYEN, Erk Volkmar (Hrsg./dir.), Eine deutschfranzösische Rechtswissenschaft ? Une science juridique franco-allemande ? --Kritische Bilanz und Perspektiven eines kulturellen Dialogs. Bilan critique et
perspective d’un dialogue culturel, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft,
1999, pp. 139-162.
“Après Niklas Luhmann”, Archives de Philosophie du droit, Tome 43, 1999,
pp. 379-388.
“Cross-Border Legal Issues Arising from International Migrations: The Case of
Portugal”, in: GESSNER, Volkmar, CEM BUDAK, Ali (eds.), Emerging Legal
Certainty. Empirical Studies on the Globalization of Law, Aldershot, Dartmouth,
1998, pp. 241-282.
“A cidadania contra a fragmentação – Contextos da solidariedade no mundo
pós-industrial”, Finisterra, 1997, pp. 93-97.
“The Transformation of the Portuguese Social Security System”, South
European Society & Politics, Vol. 1, n° 3, 1996, pp. 219-239 (also published as
single book: RHODES, Martin (dir.), Southern European Welfare States –
Between Crisis and Reform, London, Frank Cass, 1997) (updated version of
“Changes ..., 1997).
“Changes in the Portuguese Social Security System”, in: ASCOLI, Ugo, BOUGET,
Denis, FERRERA, Maurizio, MARAVALL, José Maria, MÉNY, Yves, RHODES, Martin
(Eds.), Comparing Social Welfare Systems in Southern Europe – Volume 3 –
Florence Conference, Paris, MIRE, 1997, pp. 47-66 (also available in French).
“Le Portugal face à l’immigration”, Revue Européenne des Migrations
Internationales (Poitiers), 12/1, 1996, pp. 121-138.
With Marta Tavares de ALMEIDA and João CAUPERS, “Efeitos de algumas
normas do código do procedimento administrativo – Estudo de caso em
avaliação legislativa”, Legislação (INA-Oeiras) nr. 12, 1995, pp. 5-49.
With the collaboration of Maria Cristina BARBOSA, Maria Cristina MACHADO and
Paula SOBRAL, “Portugal: le droit de la filiation entre changement social et
mutations politiques”, in ASSIER-ANDRIEU, Louis, COMMAILLE, Jacques (Eds.),
Politique des lois en Europe – La filiation comme modèle de comparaison, Paris,
L.G.D.J. (Coll. “Droit & Société”, vol. 11), 1995, pp. 227-281.
“Approaching the Production of Law through Habermas’s Concept of
Communicative Action”, Philosophy and Social Criticism (Sage; London,
Thousand Oaks, New Dehli), 1994, Vol. 20, nr. 4, pp. 45-70.
“A produção do direito. Crítica de um conceito na fronteira entre sociologia do
direito e ciência da legislação”, Legislação (INA-Oeiras), nr. 7, Abril-Junho 1993,
pp. 31-72.
“Die europäische Integration und das System der sozialen Sicherheit in Portugal
– Versuch einer Wirkungsanalyse”, in: MEULEMANN, Heiner et al. (Hg.), 26.
Soziologentag. Lebensverhältnisse und soziale Konflikte im neuen Europa,
Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1993, pp. 270-273.
“Réflexions sur les effets du droit dans le domaine économique”, in: ARNAUD,
André-Jean, OLGIATI, Vittorio (ed.), On Complexity and Socio-Legal Studies:
Some European Examples, Oñati, IISL (Oñati Proceedings 14), 1993, pp. 107133.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 48
“Imaginaire social”, in: ARNAUD, André-Jean et al. (dirs.), Dictionnaire
encyclopédique de théorie et de sociologie du droit (2ème édition), Paris,
Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1993, pp. 286-289.
“Die Entwicklung der sozialen Sicherheit in Portugal und der Beitritt zur EG –
Verlauf und institutionelle Perspektiven”, in: MERTEN, Detlef, PITSCHAS, Rainer
(Hg.), Der Europäische Sozialstaat und seine Institutionen, Berlin, Duncker &
Humblot (Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Speyer, Band 109), 1993, pp. 31-58.
“A aplicação do direito redescoberta pela sociologia jurídica”, Sociologia –
Problemas e Práticas, nr. 12, 1992, pp. 19-39
(available on ; last accessed January 2012)
“Tentativa para uma abordagem sociológica do corpo”, Sociologia – Problemas
on ; last accessed January 2012)
“A opinião pública face aos estrangeiros” ; “Normas de Direito Internacional”, in
ESTEVES, Maria do Céu (org.), CARLOS, Leonor Palma, FRANCO, Vasco, GOMES,
Teresa Ferreira, GUIBENTIF, Pierre, PIRES, Rui Pena, SAINT-MAURICE, Ana,
Portugal, País de Imigração, Lisboa, Instituto de Estudos para o
Desenvolvimento (Cadernos n° 22), 1991, pp. 63-74 ; pp. 145-160.
“Rechtskultur und Rechtsproduktion. Das Beispiel Portugal”, Zeitschrift für
Rechtssoziologie (Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag) Vol. X/2, 1989, pp. 148-169.
“Et Habermas ? Le droit dans l’oeuvre de Jürgen Habermas. Eléments
d’orientation”, Droit et Société (Paris, L.G.D.J./C.R.I.V.) nr. 11-12, 1989, pp. 159189.
With Guy CLAUSSE, “Der Kreis schliesst sich: Remigration nach Portugal”, in
KÖRNER, Heiko, MEHRLÄNDER, Ursula (org.), Die “neue” Ausländerpolitik in
Europa. Erfahrungen in den Aufnahme- und Entsendeländern, Bonn, Neue
Gesellschaft, 1986, pp. 211-229.
“Avatars et dépassement du corporatisme. Le développement de la sécurité
sociale au Portugal”, in AA. VV., Actes du 110e Congrès national des Sociétés
savantes, Montpellier 1985 – Colloque sur l’histoire de la sécurité sociale, Paris,
Association pour l’étude de l’histoire de la sécurité sociale, 1986, pp. 207-233.
“Discursos e Aparelhos nas Transformações Políticas. O caso da segurança
social”, Análise Social nr. 87/88/89 (Mudanças Sociais no Portugal de Hoje),
Lisbon, 1986, pp. 945-959.
(available on ;
last accessed January 2012)
“Génese da Previdência Social. Elementos sobre as origens da segurança
social portuguesa e as suas ligações com o corporativismo”, Ler História nr. 5,
Lisbon, 1985, pp. 27-58.
“L’évolution du divorce – 1960 - 1981. Essai d’analyse des discours législatifs”,
in (coll.), Le divorce en Europe occidentale. La Loi et le nombre, Paris/Geneva,
GIRD/CETEL/INED, 1983, pp. 183-205.
“Retour à la peine – Contexte et orientations des recherches récentes en
prévention générale”, Déviance et Société, Geneva (Médecine et Hygiène),
1981, pp. 293-311.
“Politique sanitaire et droit des vaccinations – L’exemple genevois”, Cahiers
médicaux-sociaux, Geneva (Médecine et Hygiène), 1979, pp. 213-223.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 49
Book Reviews
Vincent Simoulin, Sociologie d’un grand équipement scientifique. Le premier
synchrotron de troisième génération, Lyon : ENS Éditions, coll. « Sociétés,
espaces, temps », 2012, 302 p.: Droit et société [Forthcoming]
Nicolas Carrier, La politique de la stupéfaction. Pérennité de la prohibition des
drogues, coll. « Le sens social », Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,
2008 : Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, Vol. 35,
Nr. 4, 2010, pp. 670-672.
François Terré (org.), Autour du droit: la sociologie de Jean Carbonnier –
L’Année sociologique (Paris, PUF, volume 57, 2007, numéro 2, pp. 257-569) :
Droit et Société nº 74, 2010, pp. 244-249.
Robert Cotterrell, Law, Culture and Society, Alderhot, Ashgate, 2006: Journal of
Law and Society 34 (4), 2007, pp. 633-638.
Jean Clam, Droit et société dans la sociologie de Niklas Luhmann – Fondés en
contingence, Paris, PUF, 1997: “Du bon usage d’un auteur de référence”, Droit et
Société nº 47, 2001, pp. 279-284.
Vincenzo Ferrari (org.), Developing Sociology of Law. A World-Wide
Documentary Enquiry, Milano, Giuffré, 1990: “Mappemonde de la discipline”,
Droit et Société nr. 25, 1993, pp. 555-562.
Jürgen Habermas, Faktizität und Geltung, Frankfurt /M., Suhrkamp, 1992:
Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas, nr. 12, 1992, pp. 233-241.
Manuel Braga da Cruz, O partido e o Estado no Salazarismo, Lisbon, Editorial
Presença, 1988: Ler História nr. 18, Lisbon, 1990, pág. 168-172.
Manuel de Lucena, Revolução e Instituições. A extinção dos grémios da lavoura
alentejanos, Lisbon, Publicações Europa-América, 1985: Sociologia Ruralis
(Assen, Netherlands), 1986, (XXVI-1), pp. 100-101.
Jordi Nadal / Carles Sudrià, História de la Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona,
Edicions 62, 1981: Ler História nr. 6 (Lisbon), 1985, pp. 137-139.
“A propos d’analyse de contenu de la loi: les leçons d’un classique”, Notice
d’information (CETEL, Geneva), n° 13, March 1980, pp. 31-33.
Short Notes
with Michel Coutu, « Introduction: Le désenchantement de la pensée juridique
critique? » / « Introduction: The Disenchantment of Critical Legal Thought? »,
Revue canadienne Droit et Société / Canadian Journal on Law and Society, vol.
26-2 (special issue on Jean-Guy Belley), pp. 215-236.
“A perpétua vontade de justiça”, in: AA. VV., Fraternidade – Justiça, bem comum,
economia e felicidade, Lisbon, Padrões Culturais Editora (Series “Ensaios CAIS
– Tempo Social nr. 20), 2011, pp. 43-55.
“Direitos culturais, um desafio ao direito e à sociedade”, Revista filosófica de
Coimbra, Vol. 16, nº 32, October 2007, pp. 387-391 (Introduction to a set of
papers based on the meeting presented under [2.4.2. (21)].
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 50
with Benoît Bastard (Paris, Centre de sociologie des organisations), « Justice de
proximité: La bonne distance, enjeu de politique judiciaire », Introduction to the
special issue on « Justice de Proximité » in : Droit et Société 66/2007, pp.267274.
“Apresentação” of the special issue “Tecnologias da Informação no Trabalho:
que limites ?” (discussion of Alain Supiot, “O direito, uma técnica diferente das
outras (A propósito das novas tecnologias da informação and comunicação)”,
Trajectos (Lisbon, Editorial Notícias), nº 5, October 2004, pp. 105-108.
“Obituary: Jean Carbonnier died on October 28 2003, aged 95”, RCSL
Newsletter, Winter 2004, p. 2 (French version, with additions, published on the
site of the Comité de Recherche “Études socio-juridiques - Sociologie du droit”
(untitled, contribuiton to) Direcção Geral da Administração Extrajudicial /
Ministério da Justiça, Conferência: Meios Alternativos de Resolução de Litígios,
Lisbon, DGAE / MJ, 2001, pp. 63-70.
“Editorial”, Cadernos de Política Social, nº 2-3, 2001, p. 5-6.
(with José Manuel Paquete de Oliveira and Vanda Gorjão), “Representações
sociais do crime and comunicação social”, in: Moises de Lemos MARTINS
(coord.), Crime and Castigo – Práticas and discursos, Braga, Instituto de
Ciências Sociais, University of the Minho, 2000, pp. 53-64.
Interview given at the end of my term as Academic Director do IISL, à revista
Eleria – Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria (Law Journal of the Basque
Country, San Sebastián, Eusko Ikaskuntza), nº 6, 2000, pp. 41-47.
“Director’s Message”, Oñati – IISL Newsletter, nº 10, hiver 2000, p. 1.
“Préface”, in: Michel COUTU, Pierre BOSSET, Caroline GENDREAU, Daniel
VILLENEUVE (dirs.), Droits fondamentaux et citoyenneté – Une citoyenneté
fragmentée, limitée, illusoire?, Montréal / Oñati, Les éditions Thémis / IISL /
Université de Montréal, 1999, p. IX-X.
“Communicating about Law, Today – IISL Summer School, 5-9 July 1999”, Oñati
– IISL Newsletter, nº 9, été 1999, p. 7.
“Law in World Society, States and Communities”, in: XI. International Master’s
Programme in the Sociology of Law 1999-2000, Oñati, IISL, April 1999, pp. 1718.
“Director’s Message”, Oñati – IISL Newsletter, nº 9, été 1999, p. 1.
“Editorial”, Cadernos de Política Social, nº 1, 1999, p. 9-10
“Director’s Message”, Oñati – IISL Newsletter, nº 8, hiver 1998-99, p. 1.
Information socio-juridique nº 1, juillet 1998 (newsletter of the CR 3, AISLF –
sociologie du droit / études socio-juridiques).
“António da Silva Leal, autor, amigo”, Correio Mutualista, 1998, n° 6, mai 1998,
pp. 41-43.
“Uma questão a manter em aberto: Qual o contributo do RMG para a inserção
social ?”, Boletim mensal do Gabinete técnico de apoio à Comissão Nacional do
Rendimento Mínimo, Lisbon, 2 year, January 1998, n° 10, p. 4.
“Convocar os agentes do desenvolvimento regional ?”, in: (Coll.), Perspectivas
de Desenvolvimento do Interior – Colóquio Promovido pelo Presidente da
República durante a Jornada da Interioridade 13 de June 1997, Idanha-a-Nova,
Lisbon, IN-CM, Colecçäo Debates – Presidência da República, 1998, pp. 163169.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 51
“Die europäische Integration und das System der sozialen Sicherheit in Portugal
– Versuch einer Wirkungsanalyse”, in: MEULEMANN, Heiner et al. (Hg.), 26.
Soziologentag. Lebensverhältnisse und soziale Konflikte im neuen Europa,
Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1993, pp. 270-273.
(s.t.) Contribution to the topic “Novos Movimentos Sociais: O Adeus às Lutas ?”
(within the framework of the II Noites de Sociologia do Porto), Sociologia 2
(Oporto University, Faculdade de Letras), 1992, pp. 206-208.
(author not mentioned) “Editorial”, Sociologia – Problemas and Práticas, n° 12,
1992, pp. 5-6 (special issue “Direito, Justiça, Estado”).
(author not mentioned), “Angola. Mise en oeuvre d’un système de sécurité
sociale”, Tendances en sécurité sociale (AISS), n° 2, October 1992, p. 2 (by
invitation of Roland Sigg, AISS, Geneva).
Report on the plenary session “Sociology and Modernities” – Participation to the
report “II Congresso Português de Sociologia”, Sociologia – Problemas and
Práticas, n° 11, March 1992, pp. 191-220.
“Colóquio do IED sobre a imigração em Portugal”, Sociologia – Problemas and
Práticas, n° 11, March 1992, pp. 243-245.
“La sociologie du droit à l’ISCTE”, Bulletin de Liaison - Droit et Société (REDS,
France), nr. 2, Hiver 91/92, pp. 5-6.
“Law and Society in the Global Village – Congrès mondial de sociologie du droit,
Amsterdam, du 26 au 29 juin 1991”, Droit et société nr. 20/21, 1992, pp. 284-287.
“Oñati, un an après. Note sur la création de l’Institut international de sociologie
juridique”, Notice d’information, nr. 29, Geneva, CETEL, December 1990, pp. 2328 (short version: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique,
(s.t.) Intervenção sobre o tema “Confiança na Democracia ou Retracção Perante
o Estado” (no âmbito das I Noites de Sociologia), Sociologia – Problemas e
Práticas, n° 8, 1990, pp. 161-163.
“Repensar as fronteiras, urgentemente”, Diário de Lisboa, 3 avril 1990 (p. 8).
“Nós, entre as Europas e o dia-a-dia”, Diário de Lisboa, 9 février 1990 (p. 4).
“Rechtskulturelle Aspekte der Effektivität des Rechts der Europäischen
Gemeinschaft” in: HOFFMANN-NOWOTNY, Hans-Joachim (Hg.), Kultur und
Gesellschaft. Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen, der Österreichischen und
der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Zürich 1988. Beiträge der
Forschungskomitees, Sektionen und Ad Hoc-Gruppen, Zürich, Seismo Verlag,
1989, 910 p., pp. 297-299.
“A sociologia do direito no congresso das associações germanófonas de
Sociologia – Zurique, Outubro de 1988”, Direito e Sociedade nr. 4, Coimbra
(CES), March 1989, pp. 17-20.
“La sociologie des représentations sociales: son objet et ses objectifs”, Notice
d’information (CETEL, Genebra), n° 14, Julho de 1980, pp. 13-18.
“Au retour d’Uppsala”, Notice d’information (CETEL, Genebra), n° 11, Julho de
1979, pp. 6-8.
Institutional Publication
Direitos e Deveres no Trabalho Doméstico, Lisbonne, Associação
Solidariedade Imigrante (see research project 2.1.[20] and editorial work 2.5.[16];
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 52
not signed; questions formulated by members ofi Solidariedade Imigrante;
answers written by António Monteiro Fernandes and Pierre Guibentif) (ISBN 978989-97768-0-7)
Pierre Guibentif (ed.), Oñati IISL-IISJ 1989-2000 – Introduction to the Institute
and Report about its Activities / Erakundearen Aurkezpena eta Ekintzen Txostena
/ Présentation de l’Institut et rapport d’activité / Presentación del Instituto and
Informe de Actividades, Oñati, IISL, 2000, 348 p.
Papers of limited circulation or made available on line
(Papers which have later been published are not mentionned here.)
(with André Barata (ed.), António Hespanha, António Passos Leite, Domingos
Lopes, Eduardo Maia Costa, Henrique de Sousa, Isabel Moreira, Jorge Leite and
Maria Eduarda Gonçalves, Estado Social, Direitos e Democracia, Lisbon, May
2013, 14 p. (written for the Congresso das Alternativas, Lisbon, May 2013.
(with João Caupers and Marta Tavares de Almeida), Feitura das Leis. Portugal e
a Europa, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, April 2013 (Versão de
trabalho), 253 p.
La reconnaissance juridique du travail domestique, Paris (ENS-Cachan), July
2011, 12 p. + annexes (paper presented at the 4th congress of the Association
on ; last visited February 2012)
Rights perceived and practiced (2 Part). Results of a survey carried out in Brazil,
India, Mozambique and the United Kingdom, as part of the project “Domestic Work
and Domestic Workers – Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives”, Lisbon,
Dinâmia-CET, Working Paper 2011/02, 2011 (16 p.+Tables).
Rights perceived and practiced. Results of a survey carried out in Portugal as part
of the project “Domestic Work and Domestic Workers – Interdisciplinary and
Comparative Perspectives”, Lisbon, Dinâmia-CET, Working Paper 2011/01, 2011
(60 p.+Tables).
Abordagens sociológicas ao direito, Lisbon, ISCTE, 2010 (selection of articles
listed under 3.1.2. and 3.3.2., for the students of ISCTE, yearly updated).
Evolution Of Theory: The Production Of Luhmann’s Work In A Comparative
Approach, comunicação apresentada no congresso Law and Society in the 21
Century. Transformations, Resistances, Futures, Lisbon / Berlin, July-September
2007, 21 p. (avaliable for some years on
on ).
Integration of immigrants and ethnic minorities (July 2005), published on-line end
of 2005 by the consortium INBAS / European Center / NIZW, within the framework
of the programme Peer Review in the Field of Social Inclusion (; last accessed January
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 53
Reception and Integration of New Migrants (Discussion Paper for the Peer Review
in the Field of Social Inclusion Policies), Brussels, INBAS / European Center /
NIZW, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment and Social
Affairs, 2004, 37 p. / Accueil et intégration des nouveaux migrants (Rapport
thématique rendu dans le cadre de l’évaluation par les pairs des politiques
d’inclusion sociale)), Brussels, INBAS / European Center / NIZW, sous l’égide de
la Commission euroepéenne, DG Emploi et affaires sociales, 2004, 38 p.
format: [last accessed: January 2006]).
Réaction à l’article de Jean-Guy Belley, “Le pluralisme juridique comme doctrine
de la science du droit” (2002), Lisbon, June 2004, 13 p. (background material for
the workshop of the CR3-AILSF, held at Tours, July 2004; available on line )
O cidadão face à justiça, report for the Congresso da Justiça, Lisbon, December
accessed: January 2009]).
European Observatory on Social Security for Migrant Workers – National Report
Portugal, Munique, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales
Sozialrecht, November 2000, 57 p. (updated 2001 and 2003). 2003 edition for
line: (last accessed: April 2005.
Le divorce en Europe occidentale, 1960 - 1980. Analyse comparée des
législations, Geneva (Travaux du Centre d’études de technique et d’évaluation
395 p.
( ;
last accessed January 2012)
Les effets du droit comme objet de la sociologie juridique, Geneva (Travaux du
Centre d’études de technique et d’évaluation législatives, nr. 8), January 1979,
76 p.
Unpublished Papers (dissertations; research reports; meeting papers):
Teorias sociológicas comparadas e aplicadas. Bourdieu, Foucault, Habermas e
Luhmann face ao direito, ‘Synthesis Lecture’ delivered in the course of the
‘aggregation’ examination, Lisbon, ISCTE, January 2006 (26 p. + annexes; french
translation available) (later published : ref. 3.1.2.[46]).
Relatório da cadeira de Sociologia do Direito, Lisboa, ISCTE, 2004 (Report for
the ‘aggregation’ examination), 208 p. + annexes (commercial edition planned;
current version made available to my students ) .
La pratique du droit international et communautaire de la sécurité sociale – Etude
de sociologie du droit à l’exemple du Portugal (doctoral dissertation),
Geneva/Lisbon, 1995, LXV+512 p.+annexes. (shorter version published :
ref. 3.1.1.[6])
La production du droit redécouverte – Squelette pour une sociologie du droit
systématique et opérationnelle, disertation for the diplôme d’études supérieures
en droit (University of Geneva, Law Faculty), October 1981, 166 p.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 54
With Verena HOLSTENSON and Muriel PECORINI, La presse face à la vieillesse –
Les discours sur le “Troisième âge” dans l’”Illustré” de 1960 à 1978 – Contribution
à l’étude des représentations sociales de la vieillesse, dissertation for the
Sociology degree (University of Geneva, Sociology Department), November
1979, 472 p.
Rapports entre normes juridiques et non-juridiques à l’exemple de la capacité
contractuelle dans le code civil suisse – Du jeu des valeurs sociales dans la
définition du sujet de droit, dissertation for the Law degree (University of Geneva,
Law Faculty), June 1977, 30 p.
Other unpublished material
(Some of the papers which have later been published are not mentionned here.)
with António Velez and Teresa Amor (Teresa Paula Romão Amor Couto
Cardoso), Diagnostic process on Freedom of Association and Collective
Bargaining – Data Analysis – Malawi – Tobacco Sector, Lisbon, Dinâmia’CET –
ISCTE-IUL, December 2013, xix+101 p.
with António Velez and Teresa Amor, Diagnostic process on Freedom of
Association and Collective Bargaining – Data Analysis – Jordan – Chemical
Products Sector, Lisbon, Dinâmia’CET – ISCTE-IUL, December 2013, xx+115 p.
with António Velez and Sónia Costa, Diagnostic process on Freedom of
Association and Collective Bargaining – Data Analysis – Indonesia – Export
processing sector: textile, garment and footwear sub-sectors, Lisbon,
Dinâmia’CET – ISCTE-IUL, December 2013, xv+83 p.
Changes in Privacy and Subjectivity, Paper presented at the interdisciplinary
conference “The intimate, the private and the public: bridges and ambiguities”,
Lisbon, November 2013, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL – Dinâmia’CET, 35 p.
Politics of Science – Politics of Law, A Case for Responsible Specific Citizenships
Background Background paper for the plenary session of September 5th, at the
RCSL Congress organized in Toulouse, September 2013, Lisbon-Môtiers, July
2013, 14 p. + French version (Politique de la science – Politique du droit. Pour des
citoyennetés spécifiques responsables, 14 p.), + bibl (6 p.).
(together with André Barata [coord.], António Manuel Hespanha, Isabel Moreira
and Maria Eduarda Gonçalves; authors not mentioned on the document), Estado
social, Direito e Democracia, 12 p., Working paper prepared for the Congresso
Democrático das Alternativas, Lisbon, May 2013.
Sociology of Law and the challenge of the current financial crisis, Lisbon, ISCTEIUL, December 2012, 19 p. (paper submitted to Societas/Communitas, a biannual
journal run by the Institute of Applied Social Sciences in Warsaw.
Acessibilidade da Lei, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL – Dinâmia-CET, 2012, 16 pages
(contribution to the report organized by Marta Tavares de Almeida, João Caupers
and Pierre Guibentif, A Feitura das Leis – Portugal e a Europa, report to be
delivered January 2013 to the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos).
A qualidade na investigação e no ensino, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, October 2012, 20 p.
(report drafted for the Conselho Geral – Governing Board – of ISCTE-IUL).
Switzerland Report, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL – Dinâmia-CET, 2012, 8 pages
(contribution to the report organized by Marta Tavares de Almeida, João Caupers
and Pierre Guibentif, A Feitura das Leis – Portugal e a Europa, report to be
delivered January 2013 to the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos).
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 55
Les limites de l’incertain – La structuration de l’expérience individuelle entre
risque, création et sécurité, Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL, July 2012, 15 p. (revised version
presented at the Toulouse RCSL meeting, 2013).
Projet de note concernant la MSH-M (Maison des sciences de l’Homme –
Montpellier), Lisbon, June 2012, 8 pages (report drafted for the Conseil
scientifique du Réseau national des Maisons des sciences de l’Homme).
Politics of Science – Politics of Law – Plenary session to be held on September 5th
at the 2013 RCSL Congress, Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL, April 2012, 2 p. (Introduction to
the topic of the plenary session to be held within the framework of the Toulouse
RCSL Congress, September 2013.
La critique comme theme chez Niklas Luhmann ; la theorie des systemes comme
outil critique, Lisbon, March 2012, 14 pages
La reconnaissance juridique du travail domestique, Paris (ENS-Cachan), July
2011, 28 p. + annexes (developed version of ref. 3.2. [12] 2011)
with Vanessa Blétière, António Velez and Valdemar Ferreira, Trabalho doméstico
e trabalhadores domésticos: Perspectivas interdisciplinares e comparadas.
Projecto concluído após prorrogação em 31 de Janeiro de 2011, Lisbon, DinâmiaCET, 2011, 44 p. + annex
with Maria Teresa Beleza, Helena Pereira de Melo and Sónia Costa,
Monitorização da mediação penal. Relatório final, Lisbon, Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, March 2011, 238 p. + annexes (total: 318 p.)
Synthèse annuelle 2010 des activités du Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)
Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme, année de référence
2008, with contributions of Marie Besse, Laurence Broze, Alain Chauvot, Nicole
Commerçon, Bernard Gazier and Linda Hantrais, Lisbon / Paris, November 2010,
57 p.
(with the collaboration of Vanessa Blétière and António Velez), Domestic Work
and Domestic Workers. Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives (prov.
title) – Book proposal submitted to the International Institute for the Sociology of
Law for the “Oñati Socio-Legal Series”, Lisbon, september 2010, 23 p.
Proposal for a general theoretical and methodological framework – Summary,
Oñati, April 2010, 2 p.
Synthèse annuelle 2009 des activités du Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)
Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme, année de référence
2007, with contributions of Linda Hantrais, Nicole Commerçon, Maurice Garden,
Bernard Gazier, Anna Krasteva, Gaëtan Tremblay, Lisbon / Paris, June 2009, 41
com Maria Teresa Beleza, Helena Pereira de Melo e Sónia Costa, Monitorização
da mediação penal. Primeiro relatório intercalar, Lisbon, Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, May 2009, 195 p. + annexes.
Droit et violence. Des rapports ambivalents, comunicação apresentada no III
Congresso da Association française de sociologie (Violences et société), Paris, 14
a 17 de Abril de 2009, Lisbon, April 2009, 14 p.
Synthèse annuelle des activités du Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)
Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme, année de référence
2006, with contributions of Natalia Avtonomova, Michel Fayol, Bernard Gazier,
Anna Krasteva and Linda Hantrais, Lisbon / Paris, April 2008, 41 p. + annexes.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 56
Sociology Among the Third-Order Observers in Legitimation Processes, paper
presented at the Workshop Normative and Sociological Approaches to Legality
and Legitimacy organized by Samantha Ashenden (Birkbeck College, University of
London) and Chris Thornhill (University of Glasgow) at the International Institute
for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, 24-25 April 2008, 14 p. (final expanded version :
réf. 3.1.2.[53]2010).
Agir et instances. Esquisse d’un canevas conceptuel aux confins de la
comparaison théorique et de la recherche empirique, working paper presented at
the Institut des sciences sociales du politique, École normale supérieure de
Cachan, Paris, June 2007, 27 p. (updated translation of Wirken und Instanzen, ref.
Wirken / Instanzen. Entwurf eines Begriffsrasters zur Vermittlung zwischen
Theorienvergleich und Theorieanwendung, working paper presented at the MaxPlanck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, February 2007, 32 p.
Observer la production législative au portugal. Questions de méthode et
premières données, paper presented at the 2 Conference of the French
Association of Sociology, September 2006, 21 p.
Marta Tavares de Almeida and Pierre Guibentif (coords.), Inês Ramirez, Jorge
Costa, Lisete Martins, Base de dados do observatório legislativo do CEDIS (Law
Faculty of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Primeira etapa de tratamento
exploratório dos dados, Relatório entregue aos coordenadores do projecto,
Lisbon, November 2005, 262 p.
“The law in Habermas’ theory of society”, summary of the paper presented at the
First European Socio-Legal Conference, the International Institute for the
Law de Oñati, 6 – 8 July 2005;
published on (restricted area;
last accessed January 2005).
(with Arunas Liubsys and Teodoras Medaiskis), “Toward a new typology of health
care systems in Europe ?“, in: Yves JORENS (ed.), Social Protection in Europe.
Convergence? Integration, Accession and Labour. Final Report
Research, contract number HPSE-CT2001-50004, Ghent University, Department
of Social Law, 2005, 254 pp.; pp. 69-100.
Análise dos inquéritos realizados no âmbito do curso de Sociologia e
Planeamento, Lisbon, ISCTE, January 2004 (report for the Comissão executiva of
the Sociology Department), 108 p. + annexes.
Análise dos inquéritos realizados no âmbito do curso de Sociologia, Lisbon,
January 2004, ISCTE ( (report for the Comissão executiva of the Sociology
Department), 115 p. + annexes.
Michel Foucault (Document d’appui nº 2: background material for the students in
“Introduction to Social Sciences”, Law degree of the University of Geneva,
academic year 2001-2002), Geneva, Law Faculty, June 2003, 25 p.
Pierre Guibentif (coord.), Miguel Cabrita, Vanda Gorjão, Alexandra Leandro,
Julgados de Paz em Acção – Estudo sociológico da fase dos projectos
experimentais (Report for the Direcção-Geral da Administração Extra-Judicial –
DGAE), Lisbon, ISCTE, Sociology Department, October 2002, 218 p.
with Artur Soares, Country Report Portugal, report for the network “SPECIAL Social Protection in Europe. Convergence? Integration, Accession and the Free
Movement of Labour” (coordinator of the network: Prof. Yves Jorens, University of
Ghent), Lisbon, August 2002, 34 p.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 57
Niklas Luhmann (Document d’appui nº 4: background material for the students in
“Introduction to Social Sciences”, Law degree of the University of Geneva,
academic year 2001-2002), Geneva, Law Faculty, May 2002, 41 p. (also available:
updated version 2003).
Jürgen Habermas (Document d’appui nº 3: background material for the students
in “Introduction to Social Sciences”, Law degree of the University of Geneva,
academic year 2001-2002), Geneva, Law Faculty, June 2002, 35 p. (also
available: updated version 2003).
Pierre Bourdieu (Document d’appui nº 2: background material for the students in
“Introduction to Social Sciences”, Law degree of the University of Geneva,
academic year 2001-2002), Geneva, Law Faculty, April 2002, 37 p. (also
available: updated version 2003).
Les sciences sociales: Leurs origines, leur pratique actuelle, leurs rapports aux
disciplines juridiques (Document d’appui nº 1: background material for the
students in “Introduction to Social Sciences”, Law degree of the University of
Geneva, academic year 2001-2002), Geneva, Law Faculty, March 2002, 48 p.
(also available: updated version 2003).
Réponse du CR 03 à l’appel du Bureau de l’AISLF aux responsables des comités
de recherche et des groupes de travail en vue du congrès de Tours, 5 au 9 juillet
2004 (La place de l’individu dans la sociologie du droit), January 2002, 6 p.
Relatório da Cadeira de Teorias Sociológicas II (report submitted within the
framework of the competitive examination for the position of associate professor
in sociology, ISCTE), Lisbon, ISCTE, November 2001, 48 p. + annexes.
(Org.), Segurança Social e Livre Circulação de Pessoas na União Europeia – A
Aplicação em Portugal do Regulamento (CE) nº 1408/71 – Actas do seminário
organizado sob a coordenação da Comissão Europeia (DG V) no ISCTE, em 26
de Junho de 1998, report for the European Commission, Lisbon, ISCTE,
December 1998, 223 p.
Kurzbericht zur Rezeption der Luhmannschen Theorie in Portugal (report
prepared for Prof. Toru HIJIKATA, Tokyo, as an imput to the discussions of the ad
hoc working group “Rezeption der Luhmannschen Theorie”, at the World
Congress of the International Sociological Association in Bielefeld, July 1994),
Lisbon, June 1994, 5 p. (updated 1997, later published in Brasilian translation).
Aspectos sociais da reintegração (paper presented at the meeting “Impulsos para
sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung über Spanien und Portugal, Bad Homburg,
April 1988), 9 p.
Recherche sur le droit bancaire portugais (report for the Centre d’études
juridiques européennes), Geneva/Lisbon, July 1986, 59 p.
O processo pedagógico na Universidade. Elementos sobre o seu contexto e
funcionamento, Lisbon (ISCTE), March 1986, 58 p.
O discurso da comunicação social e a produção da realidade – Notas sobre a
imprensa ‘de referência dominante’ e as suas manifestações em Portugal, Lisbon,
Setember 1985, 20 p.
(With António COSTA, Madalena MATOS, José Manuel Paquete de OLIVEIRA),
“Diário de Notícias” et “Expresso” – Le cas portugais – compte-rendu d’une
analyse préliminaire – Deuxième partie: Styles et idéologies (research report for
the Research Committee on Communication, Knowledge and Opinion, of the ISA),
Lisbon, August/September 1984, 126 p.
CV of Pierre Guibentif (last updated: 9 September 2014) – page 58
O emigrante de regresso a Portugal face à segurança social, (research report for
the Instituto de Apoio à Emigração e às Comunidades Portugesas), Lisbon, June
1982-January 1984 (5 parts), 114 p.
Les effets du droit du divorce sur la divorcialité: description synthétique des
tendances législatives et hypothèses quant à l’incidence démographique des
différentes réformes, Geneva, CETEL, February 1981, 29 p.
Prévention des infractions administratives – L’approche criminologique, Geneva,
September 1980, 62 p.; paper produced for a research seminar in administrative
penal law, co-oriented by Profs. Philippe Graven and Charles-André Junod, Law
Faculty, University of Geneva.
Pour une sociologie juridique du divorce – Représentations sociales et stratégies
individuelles aux prises avec un droit en évolution, paper presented at the meeting
of the Swiss Sociological Association, Bern, March 1980 (14 p.).
La famille et l’Etat autour de l’enfant – A propos du nouveau droit de la filiation,
quelques considérations de sociologie juridique sur les mesures de protection de
l’enfant, paper presented at the meeting of the Swiss Sociological Association,
Neuchâtel, April 1978 (15 p.).
4. Memberships
Since 2011, member of the coordination team of the thematic area “Direito, Crime,
Dependência” (“Law, Crime, Dependency”) of the Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia.
Since January 2009, International Association of Legislation ( ) ;
since that moment, member of the Advisory Council of this association.
Since 2006, Association française de sociologie (RTF13: sociologie du droit et de la
Since 2005, CET – Centro de Estudos Territoriais (based at ISCTE).
Since 1996, AISLF (Association internationale des sociologues de langue française);
coordinator of its comité de recherche “Sociologie du droit” / “Etudes socio-juridiques”.
Since 1994, European Institute of Social Security (Swiss Section).
Since its foundation, December 1992, participation in the Réseau européen Droit et
Société (GDR 1036, CNRS).
April 1992-1998, Law & Society Association.
Since its foundation, May 1991, Association Droit et Société (France, association Loi
1901, co-chair).
Since 1989, Research Committee on Sociology of Law, International Sociological
Association (2003-2006: elected member of the Board; 2014-2018: coopted member of
the Board and member of its Executive Committee; responsible for the website of that
Since October 1988, Sektion Rechtssoziologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
Founding member of the Associação Portuguesa de Segurança Social (founded 1985).
Since 1980, Association pour l’histoire de la sécurité sociale (France).
Since 1976, Swiss Sociological Association.